#faery dance webcomic
sebleemart · 2 years
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• Faery Dance doodles •
Princess Prika of Spetsiya AND a random oc doodle
For Prika’s design, I wanted to combine elements from Celtic and sari designs
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readingrobin · 6 years
Glass Scientist OC
Okay, I very rarely create OCs for already established worlds, like for a particular book, comic or movie series, but this one is too delicious to pass up.
Her name is Louisa Carpenter and she is my The Glass Scientists OC. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s a webcomic by @arythusa that involves Jekyll and Hyde and is currently my obsession of choice.
Louisa is a cryptobiologist, though her specialty is the study of the fae. Naturally, this is a very dangerous line of study, so she takes all precautions: St John’s Wort, a good amount of cold iron, branches of rowan, shiny objects. She’s also a very quick and resourceful thinker, having to protect herself from their tricks.
Originally, she is from America, but traveled to London as there are a higher number of them there. Of course, she has to leave London often for the countryside, as very few fae would ever take up residence in the city.
When it comes to the fae, she studies the different sorts, as there are many different subspecies. She tries to see if there is any scientific basis for their glamour, the functions of faery rings, the effects of their nightly dances on nature.
I think my favorite part of coming up with this character would be her reaction to Hyde. She has a hypothesis that he may be some sort of wicked sprite or hobgoblin. Her notes include a penchant for mischief, curious background, a fondness for the color green, frequent disappearances, though she still has to conduct more research.
Right now this character is just occupying brain space and I have no idea what to do with her.
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catnippackets · 6 years
Is the scene from the animatic a scene that actually happens in the webcomic? (Also, I still can't get over that one frame in the second verse where Cathy is holding her hand out to Keira and her skirt is all swooshy it's just so beautiful ahh)
yes actually!! idk how well I’m gonna be able to do it in actual comic form but yeah there’s gonna be some dancing...can’t do a story about faeries without at least one dance hehe. and thank you!!
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zoematherswrites · 5 years
Happy Saturday!
Today is the first day of my Saturday blog posts and I am very excited to begin it with a music and book-related post. I know there is a book tag called the “Playlist Book Tag” which may be exactly what this is, but I was just too lazy to search up what the questions were so I will only be matching books to some of the songs on my playlist. Which is still going to be a lot of fun!
My music taste mostly revolves around classic rock from the 70s and 80s and of course, some pop bands like The Beatles. My favourite band in the ENTIRE world though is Queen. However, I only included two of their songs on here because, for some of their songs, I had a hard time coming up with books that matched them.
Anyways, here are 10 songs from my playlist matched with 10 books!
Summer Song by Himesh Patel
& Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson
This song is from the movie, Yesterday, which I saw and adored so I had to include some of its soundtrack on here. Summer Song reminds me of Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson because it is a summery contemporary book. Most importantly though, I feel as if the entire book is summarized in the first verse of Summer Song:
Sun’s in the sky And nothing can go wrong Kiss winter goodbye And sing this summer song
This first verse is basically what the main character’s best friend, Sloane, is saying to her in the letter she leaves behind after mysteriously disappearing. She is encouraging Emily to forget about her and live her life to achieve the best summer ever.
Across the Universe by The Beatles
& The Light Between Worlds by Laura E. Weymouth
The Light Between Worlds is a YA urban fantasy that is extremely atmospherical and whimsical which I think already, pairs well with this beautiful song by The Beatles. The book is all about two sisters struggling to settle back into their world after living in a magical forest for several years, and how one of the sister’s struggles more than the other.
Images of broken light Which dance before me like a million eyes They call me on and on across the universe Thoughts meander like a Restless wind inside a letter box They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe
I feel that this is such an accurate description of how Evelyn feels throughout the story. She is living in the real world, yet feels a call from her true home which might as well be across the universe. Even when surrounded by loved ones and things that make her happy, a piece of her is missing and is lost back in The Woodlands.
My Fairy King by Queen
& The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
I think this is a pretty obvious choice, but the dark and strange lyrics and tone of My Fairy King by Queen really reminds me of The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. The Cruel Prince is about the dark side of faeries that is often not portrayed in literature and this is exhibited well in the song. Also, the beauty of the Fairyland is shown through Queen’s lyrics and relates to how I picture the world in The Cruel Prince.
They turn the milk into sour Like the blue in the blood of my veins (Why can’t you see it?) Fire burnin’ in hell with the cry of screaming pain (Son of heaven set me free and let me go) Sea turns dry no salt from sand Seasons fly no helping hand Teeth don’t shine like pearls for poor men’s eyes (No more)
These words just really remind me of how I think our main character, Jude, sometimes views the Fairy world. Even if she loves it and wishes to be apart of it, she knows that she needs to be terrified of all it can do.
Chances by Five for Fighting
& Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
Considering the name, I feel like this is fitting for what our main character is going through in Everything, Everything. Maddy has a disease where she is allergic to almost everything, and therefore, cannot leave the house. When a boy named Ollie comes along though, she starts realizing she needs to take chances in her already chanced life in order to feel like she is truly living.
Chances are we’ll find a new equation Chances roll away from me Chances are all they hope to be
These words reflect what I think Maddy felt before she met Ollie, but also after. Chances are chances, it is our choice if we want to take them.
I Want to Break Free by Queen
& When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
Our main character, Dimple, in When Dimple Met Rishi has always struggled with her parents understanding her desire for education over finding a boyfriend/husband. When she finally convinces her parents to let her go to a summer camp for aspiring web developers, she doesn’t realize it’s still to do just that: set her up with the son of their friends. Because of this, I feel like I Want to Break Free is a fitting song.
I want to break free I want to break free I want to break free from your lies You’re so self satisfied I don’t need you I’ve got to break free God knows, God knows I want to break free
This is basically what Dimple feels towards her parents. She is mad when she learns the truth and feels that they aren’t listening to what she wants, but instead, what they want.
Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
& The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
It has been a while since I read this book, but I do vividly remember the main character, Belly, being absolutely in love with her older, family-friend, Conrad. Kiss Me is basically what Belly is constantly thinking when she thinks of him.
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance Silvermoon’s sparkling So kiss me
Again, I would NOT be surprised if these lyrics were something Belly said in the book. Not at all.
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
& The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The reason why I associated these two things together is that in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie struggles to make friends as he starts his first year at high school. This is hard, but even before that, Charlie has had a difficult life. I feel like Dog Days Are Over perfectly symbolizes how he feels once he meets Sam, Patrick, and their friends, and finally, becomes a part of their group.
The dog days are over The dog days are done
It’s simple, but once Charlie finds his group in school, he finally feels like he belongs. Truly, his dog days ARE over.
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield 
& To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han
Unwritten is the MOST 2000s song I have heard, but at the same time, I love it for that. It reminds me of To All the Boys because Lara Jean writes love letters to all the boys she has loved before and for the most part, lives in a fantasy world when it comes to love and relationships. Her life is definitely not unwritten, but as she becomes close with certain characters in the book, she learns to live her life as more of a “go with the flow” and “take chances” than she did at the beginning.
I am unwritten, can’t read my mind, I’m undefined I’m just beginning, the pen’s in my hand, ending unplanned
These lyrics are a great reminder on how we should all live our lives, unwritten and unplanned. Well, okay, maybe plan a little bit because otherwise, you might just be wandering around, but don’t pass up on opportunities just because they aren’t written into your 5-year life plan!
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
& Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare
I know, I am surprised it took me THIS long to include a Cassandra Clare book but finally, we made it. Not only do I feel like ALL of the characters in QoAaD get hit by a landslide, whether that is in their relationships or just overall life, but the BOOK is a landslide too. Gut-wrenching plot point after heartbreaking plot point…I definitely feel as if I get swept away by the rubble of my heart afterwards.
Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?
I really hear a lot of Julian and Emma in these lyrics if you know what I mean…just because they are definitely struggling with some things…I also think a common theme throughout this book is that a lot of the characters are realizing they aren’t children anymore and have to learn to understand everything they are feeling almost constantly.
Let It Be by The Beatles
& Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
Eliza Mirk is a quiet and very introverted main character that I think a lot of us relate to. I know I do. Not only is she a creative person, being the creator of the webcomic Monstrous Sea, but she also deals with anxiety, which is something I can definitely relate to. However, she lets her anxiety for a majority of the book, get the best of her. When people try to help her and tell her the way she lives her life isn’t that healthy, she basically says “let it be”. It takes her a while to realize things need to change and that “letting it be” isn’t always the best answer.
And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me Shine on ’til tomorrow, let it be I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
So many people in Eliza’s life try to help her and get her out of her chair, and I think these lyrics reflect that conflict she has with them.
  Wow! That was a long one, but there it is, me matching books with my playlist…anwyays, I hope you enjoyed it because I had so much fun creating this blog post! Don’t forget to comment below some of your favourite songs on your playlist, and also make sure you check out my last blog post which will be linked down below. Thanks for reading 🙂
Last Blog Post: How to: Get Out of a Reading Slump 2.0
Matching Books to My Playlist Happy Saturday! Today is the first day of my Saturday blog posts and I am very excited to begin it with a music and book-related post.
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sebleemart · 2 years
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Faery Dance Character Sketches
• Marie Mynthos - Sugar Plum Maiden of Sladosti
• Ora Talos - Snow Maiden of Morozny
• Prika Kismi - Sun Maiden of Spetsiya
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sebleemart · 2 years
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Faery Dance doodle-bop
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sebleemart · 3 years
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first daily sketch of 2021
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sebleemart · 4 years
2019 Concept Art
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Childhood- Nicholas, Prince Mikhail and Marie
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Audience with the Prince
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Judgement’s Dance
*environment and color practice with backgrounds for Faery Dance webcomic*
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sebleemart · 3 years
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sebleemart · 4 years
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• Patrol •
The North Watch
Ceasar: “I smell a rat.”
Ceasar, a northern-born Springan, occupies as a Recon Specialist for Commander Richter’s Intelligence Squad. Although, on paper he serves the Kingdom of Sladosti, Ceasar holds great contempt towards the citizens who brought down his homeland.
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sebleemart · 4 years
The biggest relationship I want to highlight from my story, is the bond between Nicholas and Adam.
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• (L->R) Adam and Nicholas •
🔸Nicholas, an orphan of war, found himself in the streets after his mentor in the lower districts of Sladosti Kingdom. One day, Nicholas finds food in a captain’s tent, where he meets Commander Richter. Richter takes in Nicholas as an apprentice in knighthood to later serve King Hans’ First Battalion.
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•2019 sketches: Childhood ; Adam•
🔸One day, Nicholas is running an errand when he stumbles upon a sickly boy working himself to death in the metal worshops. With no memories of his life before living in the streets, Richter decides to take in the boy as his second student, giving the boy his name, Adam.
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(L->R) Adam and Nicholas
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🔸Nicholas sees Adam as an older brother figure. Adam, a few years older than Nicholas, learns to become an analyst rather than a swordsman, since he has a weak constitution.
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🔸Over the years, Nicholas grows stronger and faster, to the point he’s outmatched his mentor and superiors. Nicholas’ dream is to one day live peacefully outside of Sladosti, as a farmer like his parents.
🔸Events leading up to the story’s main timeline, Nicholas’ goal is to find a cure for Adam’s illness. Adam’s health is gradually detiorating by a chronic lung illness that said to be incurable.
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🔸Adam is a mature, calm, warm and understanding character within the group. With Nicholas being a stern-looking captain, w a bit of a yelling-streak, Adam keeps him from causing trouble. Although, it can be difficult for Adam to deal with Nicholas and Mikhail’s disagreements, even if both are childhood friends.
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🔸Nicholas, although scary-looking, has earned great respect from his squad, as he makes sure all his soldiers are healthy and well-trained. But, Nicholas has a habit of leaving his paperwork
🌷You will find Adam in Chapter 1 of Faery Dance soon! Stay tuned!🌷
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sebleemart · 4 years
Main Cast
Here’s a sketch that show’s a bit of the the cast’s main dynamic
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Yeah... (l->r) Mikhail and Nicholas have alot of loud conversations. I feel bad writing Adam (middle) as the peacekeeper between the two idiots, but someone’s gotta keep them in line.
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sebleemart · 4 years
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🌷Lady Marie-
Sugar Plum Maiden and Ward of Sladosti
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❄️Ora Talos-
Snow Maiden and Third Princess of Morozny
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sebleemart · 4 years
My webcomic started in development in 2019, but the idea has been in my head since middle school.
I’m both the artist and writer of Faery Dance so expect some poor writing in my part.
I’m still learning as I go so there will definitly be some trail and errors during this comic’s run. I appreciate the support and patience that I’ve recieved thus far and hope to grow during this journey.
2019 Initial Sketches
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Marie’s first design!
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⬇️Characters: Nicholas and Adam, seconday protagonists ⬇️
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2019- Finalizing Character Designs
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The LineUp
Before I knew it, my webcomic had come to life!
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Panel Warm-Up (when i was trying to come up with a style)
Very much appreciate ya’ll checking it out! 💛
I’ll post more of my process in a future posts! 🌷✨
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sebleemart · 4 years
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sebleemart · 4 years
Hey Ya’ll! It’s been a LOOONG time!
Many years in fact, very busy moving from home to university.
Am currently a SR @SHSU working on my BFA in Computer Animation.
Am taking the time to really hone back into tumblr.
So much has happened, I got an instagram and artstation to showcase my portfolio. Am not going to delete my old art from this blog since that would be like throwing out the hard work past-me has done.
Thank you you all for the support, even during my absence.
ANDDDD I started a webcomic titled, “Faery Dance,” A loose retelling of the Nutcracker, set years later after the war with the Mouse King.
What happens after the Legend of the Nutcracker?
Its been 20 years since the fall of Drosselmeyer’s Rebellion, King Hans and Queen Clara lead the kingdom towards peaceful times.
Clara must pass on the title of the Sugar Plum Maiden to her successor, Marie.
The truth behind the legend will shake the balance between fae ad humans.
Sugar Plum Maiden and Queen Clara’s successor; Childhood friend of Mikhail and Nicholas
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(2019 Concept Art)
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2020, Marie
Son of King Hans and Queen Clara;Heir to the Kindgom of Sladosti; Childhood friend of Marie and Nicholas.
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‪Captain of the Sladosti Vanguard;Orphaned young after the displacement of Springs Kingdom; Childhood friend of Marie and Prince Mikhail. ‬ 

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‪Second Lieutenant of the Sladosti Vanguard;Has no memory prior to the fall of Springs Kingdom, was a wandering child refugee until he met Nicholas and Ambassador Rurik;Nicholas’ best friend.
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And here’s the world I’ve been cooking up lately!!!
2019-2020 Concept Art
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It’s definitly alot that’s happened, but am just so excited to share with ya’ll my life’s update!💛
If ya’ll have an questions, feel free to ask! ⭐️
Great to be back!
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