#extremely relevant to his interests fr
winesharksea · 30 days
ty really is winning the in-laws lottery, his father in law is a classical musician with a special connection to cats, his mother in law is an avid reader of 150+ years, and they live on an expansive property with chickens and probably a lot of other wildlife in the area
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meowdarame · 2 years
hi! do u have any book recommendations like illicit flirtations? loveddd your fic and the inspiration behind it!!
if not do you have any other book recommendations? ur taste is so *muah* big brained i want to study it under a microscope
anyways can't wait for the next chapter :)
AHHH hello anon!! thank you so much for your kind words :,) it really means a whole lot to me that you 1) are enjoying the fic and 2) are interested in learning more about gender and race based issues!!
i’d highly, highly recommend reproducing race by khiara bridges! it doesn’t talk about the exact same topics as illicit flirtations, but it does cover themes of intersectionality (via race, class, and gender.) it’s also extremely relevant right now, considering the recent roe v wade overturning. (fuck SCOTUS fr!)
but yes once again THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!! i appreciate it so, so much <3
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
Nirvana Initiative open discussion post
I want to start a convo here on tumblr with all you AI enjoyers because so few people are talking about all the interesting content we’ve gotten and are still getting. I’m encouraging you all to rb, comment, whatever and go over this stuff with me! I wanna talk about AI!
Below I’ll rant about some things that caught my eye (pun not intended).
When the first AINI trailer came out I wanted to make an analysis and theory post but then I thought about it and was like. Wtf do I even say. I don’t have Twitter so I had to read up on Hidden Bats here and I watched Ryan Geever on YouTube’s videos about the ARG which I highly recommend because his explanation is very thorough and his theories are really onto something.
He talks about a lot of good stuff like the Philadelphia Experiment, the plot of an old, similar series this writing team worked on, and the relevance of the Lemniscate ARG, which I would not have connected on my own. I won’t retype everything he said, but I’d love to discuss some of the extremely solid connections he made.
Through his videos, I also found out the achievement list has been leaked. I took a look at it myself, but I won’t say anything about it because of potential spoilers. There’s some stuff that interests me on there, though.
I’ll make a bulleted list of questions I have:
Obv question: what’s the timeline here in relation to the events of AITSF?
What happened to Saito? And Yagyu’s body?
Why’d Date give up PSYNCing? What is he up to now, still ABIS or something else? Is he taking oxytocin without Aiba’s administration?
Did Iris recover from her brain tumor or not?
Is Komeji’s head a futuristic mascot suit that can emote where his forehead dot is the eye hole or is he just Shovelforge George irl? Is there a secret guy in there or is that his actual body?
Are the VLR spacesuits a cameo or do they have significance?
The game is made by “Team Zero Escape” and has more ZE references than usual. The ARG also has references to SHIFTing. Will the ZE universe be relevant to the story?
I’m behind on Hidden Bats, but is the current arc kind of like the ambidex game where the girls have to trust each other to get the best result, and Lumi trusts Mari, but Mari doesn’t trust her back?
Whereas the choice between Aine and Binato was between two second degree murderers, maybe this choice will be that Lumi did something in the past to hurt Mari, but Mari is holding a grudge in the present and is willing to endanger her as revenge, and we have to decide which is worse (like obv tAI the vote but y’know)
Okayyy nvm *edit* I caught up and it looks like as of now Lumina is just a normal nice girl and Mariha is a fuckin ass. I guess the voting this time won’t be trying to decide the lesser of two evils or neither, but to decide whether to treat a good and bad person equally or to deem Mariha unworthy of saving as some sort of extreme “justice”.
The last two characters’ names and pics were dug up by tech whizes from the website code and I like their designs. Wonder what their whole thing is gonna be.
Tokiko and Naix being real is very interesting. Dk what to say, but Iris was clearly right that they exist and are shady. Perhaps it’s true that her tumor-induced psychosis made her construe some stuff as it applied to the last case, but they’re very much involved in this one. How did Iris even find out about it?
Another obv one but why does Ryuki look so similar to Yagyu and why do they have similar naming conventions?
I’m curious about Gen, Shoma, and Kizuna because they’re new, but we don’t know a ton about them. Also Chikara sus.
Edit: forgot the locksmith guy even existed for a sec wow
What’s very curious is how Amame is getting such a major upgrade from being a background character like the driver or receptionist to being an actual major player. I love when stories elevate minor characters to the major cast for new arcs, but hmm…
Why isn’t Pewter in jail? This could point to NI being in a whole different timeline from TSF if he never did anything illegal in the first place.
The six years ago/six years later thing they have going on is confusing when you’re trying to analyze trailers. The leaked achievements tell us which protag’s story has which somnium, but which characters are associated with which time period?
Interested in how Sunaiku and the Hidden Bats victims will play into the game and to what extent. The last ARG was kind of unrelated to the plot of TSF, but everything there was included, albeit with a twist. Also, the last ARG feels somehow more relevant to this game than to the last? If there’s an AI3 will Hidden Bats be relevant to that as well?
Timelines aside, please let Ota keep his TSF character development. Also, Mayumi hasn’t appeared in any trailers and that’s making me sad because y’know,,,
I hope they talk more about the Wadjet system. Can Aiba and Tama use it to communicate with each other? Can they intentionally simulate ESP across time using it?
Do all PSYNCers have AI balls or is it just the two? Did Ryuki exist as one of the unnamed other PSYNCers in TSF and we just didn’t meet him yet?
Oh here’s one: in the character trailer, they list the VAs of the four PCs, Mizuki, Aiba, Ryuki, and Tama. They don’t list anyone else’s name. Maybe I’ve got my tinfoil hat on, but what if knowing someone’s VA would be a spoiler, 13 sentinels style? Maybe someone “new” is actually someone else who has the same VA as before?
Ik Mizuki was playing 999 in the very first trailer, which implies that ZE is a video game in the AI world, but could they exist in the same reality through worldline SHIFTing bs? Digimon vibes
Ooo, edit, but I noticed they told us Binato was “removed from reality”, not killed, which I just found out Uchi tweeted about too. Did they teleport him to the backrooms? Are they experimenting on him? I’d suggest my beloved sci fi horror trope that they erased all evidence of his life, but his disappearance is still listed on the Sunaiku news page, so that’s not it. It’d be cool if the post updated to just be about Aine after the vote was over, though, and his twitters were deleted as well as all mention of him on Aine’s. Is he stuck in some place between realities or in a different one?
Sunaiku and Aine both have Ai in their names *puts red thread on my detective photo wall*
I’ll add more stuff if I think of more, but I want to talk about this, so let’s treat this post like a discussion board! Let’s include spoilers for the first game as well as Zero Escape, but not leaks from this one. So excited for AINI.
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feliciamontagues · 4 years
My Ranking of Every Hercule Flambeau Episode (S01-S08)
There are some spoilers for S7 and S8, but they are fairly vague and pretty much the sort of thing that you might see on the official press release. So not true spoilers as such. Also this is totally subjective and the result of my own personal biases. It’s also behind the cut because it’s looooonnng. 
8. The Two Deaths of Hercule Flambeau (s06e10)--
So, this episode is *fine*. It’s hardly the worst episode of the show, but it’s easily the weakest of the Flamby eps, despite their being a few isolated moments I enjoy. (Hercule getting a long overdue bedroom scene for one :P)
My main gripe is with this episode is the uneven way Lisandra Flambeau is written. The script seems to flip-flop over whether we are supposed to find her sympathetic or not.  On one hand,  many scenes imply that she genuinely loves Hercule despite them having a shotgun marriage after only a few days of knowing each other. On the other hand, she does not hesitate for a minute before poisoning an innocent (Fr. B) for no other reason than to hurt Flamby, which makes her lose a lot of sympathy points.
And as a result, it seems to make Flambeau seem like more of arse than normal for betraying her, while somehow also absolving him of responsibility for doing so, because she turns around and does *THAT.*
And ngl, it does make me a little uncomfortable that while the character of Lisandra (as an Italian) is possibly not meant to be interpreted as a POC, the actress portraying her definitely is. (Sara Martins is of Afro-Portuguese descent).  Which makes the uneven characterization (and underwritten-ness) seem even more glaring, especially  when compared to that of the other (white) women in Flambeau’s life (his first love Rebecca and his daughter Marianne, arguably Lady Felicia as well). It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth even if  in all likelihood, the part wasn’t written with Sara Martins in mind.
I think a much more interesting approach to Lisandra would be to have intending to betray Flambeau all along. Maybe she had her own agenda for seducing Flamby, meanwhile he thinks he’s the one using her for his plan. Maybe she does develop some feelings for him along the way, but it only makes her hesitate for a moment before going ahead with her original plan. That way, she keeps her agency and isn’t reduced to the “woman scorned” stereotype while also leaving the writers free to ship Flamby with others in the future without seemingly endorsing guilt-free adultery .
Other random note: I can’t take  parts of this episode seriously because the “Crown of Lombardy” is very obviously Guinevere’s crown from BBC Merlin with no attempt to alter or disguise it. 
7. The Daughter of Autolycus (s04e05)--
Not gonna lie, I am not really a fan of “character has long lost relative that we’ve never heard of until now” plots. And that goes double when said long-lost relative is a child or sibling. As such my low ranking of this episode is partly due to unconscious personal biases against that trope.
That being said, if we had to get a long-lost relative that we’ve never heard of until now plot, I’m so glad we got Marianne--even if it takes her another episode to really live up to her potential. 
I have to knock off a few more points for Nero Hound as a villain. For one thing, he was played by Nancy Carroll’s real-life hubby, but they didn’t let let him interact with Lady F at all. Such a *waste.*  Also Nero Hound is far too similar a name to Nero Wolfe, and I’ve definitely confused them on more than one occasion). He’s also rather generic in my opinion, even compared to some of Flambeau’s other “generic mobster” rivals/associates like the ones in S8.
However, there are some moments in this episode I genuinely like--particularly the theft “imagine spot” and Flambeau’s bishop disguise in general. Plus, the scenes where Flambeau and Marianne appear together are excellent, as are the hints that Marianne will become a redemptive trigger in Flambeau’s life.
6. The Judgement of Man (s03e10)--
Again, the low ranking of this one may be due to personal biases.  In this case, I’m still low-key bitter--five years later-- at the BBC marketing department for baiting me with the idea of Flambeau actually interacting with the rest of the squad (esp romantic tiems with Lady F)  and then giving me the absolute minimum of Felicia/Flambeau flirting and no Flambeau/Sid and Flambeau/Mrs. M interaction.
But there are other reasons why this is in my bottom 3 Flambeau episodes. 
Honestly, I feel like an equally compelling episode about the Vatican’s complicity in Nazi art theft could’ve been made without having to insert Flambeau in it. I mean I suppose it does make sense to have the art thief character  in the art episode, but still I feel like both Flambeau backstory and important historical lesson about Nazis, the Church, and Jewish art suffer from being crammed into the same episode. 
That being said, Mrs. McCarthy’s duchess disguise in this episode cleared my skin, watered my crops, etc, which is why I’ve ranked it higher than the previous two. 
5. The Folly of Jephthah (s08e05)
It loses a few points because I got very exited about the idea of Marianne becoming Bunty’s thief gf cool new friend, and yet in the episode itself, they only shared one scene and didn’t really interact much in it. That being said, I did like like that Bunty and Mrs. M had a bigger role in this episode than the squad usually gets in Flambeau episodes. 
Overall, I feel this episode works a lot better than most of the other “backstory-heavy” Flambeau episodes, because we’ve already gotten the Marianne-related exposition out of the way and can focus more on allowing her character, Flambeau’s and their relationship with each other to develop.
I’m also a bit smug in that I predicted (or at least hoped for) this exact character arc for Marianne within a few weeks of “The Daughter of Autocylus” airing and that my hopes came to fruition so beautifully.
It doesn’t particularly impact the ranking too much, but I do feel like this episode deserves a special shout out, because it has established a (hopefully-continuing!) pattern of Father Brown calling Flamby  almost exclusively by his first name, which is a major significant step in their bromance and deserves recognition as such. 
4. The Blue Cross (s01e10)--
As someone who was first exposed to Father Brown through reading the stories for a college course, I always find it especially interesting to look at the episodes that were adapted from Chesterton. 
This episode is neither the most faithful book-to-show adaptation (which is probably “The Three Tools of Death”) nor is it the best (imo “The Sign of the Broken Sword’) , but it is arguably the most significant. “The Blue Cross” was the first ever Fr. Brown story and is probably the most well-known. It’s also the first real look we get at the character of Flambeau, who (in the stories and arguably the show as well) is probably the closest thing we get to a clear character arc.
The show keeps some of the important elements of the short  story: Flambeau’s clergyman disguise, the switching of the packages. But it also has the challenging task of upping the relatively low stakes of the story, as well as introducing a major recurring character that resembles his book counterpart but remains distinct enough to justify the fairly different direction show canon is taking him. 
The show does this reasonably well--if not particularly imaginatively. I do enjoy some of the touches (I’ve written an entire meta before about Flamby’s reading material on the train and how it relates to his character)--particularly the show’s choice to have Flambeau fixated on religious art specifically (RIP for Flambeau’s Dairy Company though. It will always live in my heart).
Unfortunately in the adaptation, loses a few points for not really using the show-original characters particularly effectively. It loses still more for Flambeau’s characterization in this episode . He comes across as much more  serious and menacing in this episode than in all the others. It works okay when we consider this as a standalone episode but provides some glaring Early Installment Weirdness when we compare it to other episodes. 
3. The Penitent Man (s05e15)--
So as the rest of this list  will testify, I have strong preference for the “fun” Flambeau episodes over the more series ones. This is the exception that proves the rule--the  serious, cerebral, melancholy episode that simply “works” for me in the way that some of the others have not.
A lot of it is due to the more-intense-than-usual Flambeau character focus that goes into this. Sure, we’ve met his (presumably ex-by-now) wife, his daughter, and his first love by this point, but all of those episodes focused primarily on Flambeau as an extension of the relationships with others. (”The Judgement of Man”  in particular is far more Rebecca’s story than Hercule’s.)
Whereas this episode is very definitively focused on Flambeau himself and allows more nuanced exploration of two of the most defining facets of Flambeau’s character:  (1) his fascination with religion--and spiritual salvation in particular--  as  something he seems to resist and crave in near equal measure  (2) his almost masochistic streak of recklessness.
Even though Flambeau’s supposed “piety” is revealed to be all part of his heist plan, there are strong hints that his desire for redemption and atonement are at least somewhat genuine, even if he is not  ready to pursue them just yet. 
Off topic, but a few random things of note in this episode: this episode all-but-confirms bi!Flambeau, wet!Flambeau at the end is extremely relevant to my interests, Father Brown attempts to smuggle Flamby a lock pick from the beginning and has the audacity to say “ I only use it when I get locked out of the presbytery.”
Also, it has this iconic exchange:
Goodfellow: What is that awful smell?
Father Brown (covered in sewage): It’s me
2. The Honorable Thief (S07e10)-- So nearly all of the Flambeau-centered episodes from S3 on  have been a little preoccupied with filling in some of the gaps in Flambeau’s backstory, which is *fine*, but honestly, I feel like in doing so, they’ve really lost sight of why we fell in love with the character in the first place. 
 He’s vibrant and clever and funny and over-the-top. But most importantly, Flambeau is a lot of fun. Therefore, it follows that episodes that feature him should be a lot of fun too. 
And well... they are all fun in some way,  but they aren’t as fun as they really could be. John Light is insanely charismatic, but charisma can only go so far when the episode in question is a downer.
Fortunately, this episode is the furthest thing from a downer imaginable. It’s absolutely delightful from start to finish. The plot is serious enough to keep things engaging, but also light enough to keep us from getting too distracted by angst. 
I’m also incredibly biased in favor of this episode, because it finally gave me the Felicia/Flambeau ship tease I’d been passionately hoping for (if not really expecting to get after “The Judgement of Man” disappointed me). But it was so much and so good, and I wasn’t ready for it.
In a broader sense though, this episode really delivered with Flambeau/squad interaction in general--which was a key component that has been missing from most of the other episodes. And the Father Brown & Flambeau interactions were also has heartwarming and funny as they always are.
If I have one tiny little gripe with the episode, it’s that Daniel is not Sid. He has enough broad similarities with Sid that I can’t help but wonder if the episode was originally written with Sid and then hastily re-written when Alex Price couldn’t return. That being said, he was a likable enough guest character in his own right, and I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.
1.  The Mysteries of the Rosary (S02e05)-- Perfection. Not only is this THE definitive Flambeau episode, but is also one of the best episodes of the show overall. It has everything: the birth of bearded Flamby, bromantic road trips, a treasure hunt, great guest turns from Anton Lesser and Sylvestra Le Touzel.
I think part of the reason this episode resonates so strongly with me is that it’s really the first proper sense that we get of Show!Flambeau as a character. Sure we officially met him in “The Blue Cross,” but considering he didn’t show up until halfway through the episode and was in disguise for most of it, we didn’t really get much of a sense of who he is.
This episode changes all that and sets Flambeau up as the character we will know and love for the rest of the series--charming, urbane, funny, passionate, a carefree carpe diem exterior masking (or overcompensating for?) a sense of uncertainty and conflictedness.
Somewhat off topic, but as great an episode as this is for Flambeau’s character, it is nearly as wonderful for both Sid and Father Brown’s characters. We get to see Sid’s  ease with Father Brown, the casual camraderie that the two of them have--as well as Sid’s protectiveness (and jealousy) when Flambeau decides to gatecrash their bromantic road trip. 
Honestly, there are so many things that are great about this episode that I don’t think I could possibly list them--but one little detail that really struck my the last time I watched was that the first proper glimpse we see of Flambeau in this episode (we see him in shadow in a flashback before) involves him  saving Father Brown’s life.  Whereas the last proper glimpse we see of Flambeau is after Father Brown has saved Flambeau’s life.  Thematic reversals. Cinematic parallels. We love to see it. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 15
death awaits!
oh god the cover. I aint ready 
the cover of overlords open mouth w/rodimus floating inside or w/e,,,,the overlord mouth fixation continues i see
and of COURSE its by nick roche. of course
oh god the tension and dread in the first page, as we get overlords sinister promise to murder everyone, starting with rewind, and then seeing chromedome rush over to open the door, and knowing that 30 minutes have passed already...
that full page spread of everyone vs overlord is amazing
also I always thought that ambulon was trying to kick overlord but now that I look closer he’s actually jumping away from overlord, having just crashed one of those hover...thingys....into him...which is honestly cool as hell. also I'm never over the fact that ambulon kinda looks like he’s smiling here, just having a grand ole time as overlord tries his best to murder everyone
and chromedome just seeing this and saying ‘rewind?’ is fucking killing me thanks
PIPES NO DONT DO THIS. YOURE JUST RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUND. PLEASE don't talk about how much fun you're having on your wacky space adventure oh god, that’s just asking to be murdered,
his messed up goodbye thoughts are brutal...plus the final shot of him laying all busted up....god :( 
that guy seriously had some awful luck this trip. rip lil guy
BUT he sounded the alarm!!! so good for him!! that's a pretty amazing final act right there
oh my god I forgot abt this scene where rewind is like ‘so brainstorm why is my husband saying your name in his sleep :))))’ and brainstorm is like ‘haha idk its certainly not because we’re working on a secret project together, so jot that down!’ lmao brainstorm....
also dw rewind brainstorm is not fucking ur husband, just look at his evidentially extensive collection of perceptor-style microscopes...my man is microscopesexual 
I forgot abt the metabomb omfg
‘some of my favorite words are monosyllabic’ rodimus ily, himbo of my heart,
fort max :( rung :( 
oughhghghg I forgot abt the scene of tailgate making cyclonus a new horn ;_; and then cyclonus materializes menacingly bc tg dared to volunteer their room for movie night hvbfshdjkfbaskj cyclonus anti-social icon
what the fuck, is drift a flying car??? hello??? what the hell????
seriously he’s got like, rockets and shit, what the fuck
anyways, the entire exchange b/w ratchet and drift here kills me, for multiple reasons.... ‘my faith and my sword’ lmao love it. and then ratchet refusing to leave drift and calling him his friend ;_; aughhh
rodimus w/the squad like ‘lets go gays!!!’ 
also I guess cosmos WAS on the lost light lol, totally didn't remember that, I'm guessing he left at some point to go be in the other series lmao 
I'm sorry but ‘amazing. you speak entirely in name’ is so fucking funny, but also like stfu overlord you're not allowed to be funny
now I'm confusing myself lmao, rodimus DID know abt overlord, didn't he??? wasn't that the whole thing???? I don't remember if he was involved w/the whole mnemosurgery plan but he at least knew that overlord was there...but we haven't been told that in-story yet so now I'm questioning that lmao
oh god I forgot that overlord almost kills magnus, jeeeeesus. good thing he’s a russian nesting doll otherwise he probably would've died fr 
also damn that's gotta be scary for everyone else, bc magnus is The Big Guy, and a renown fighter...plus drift got all fucked up...yall are in for a bad time 
tailgate gettin his panic on I see
swerve w/the meta narration lmao 
cyclonus ily sm.......
rodimus charging at overlord....ohhh my boy not your best idea
cd and rewind both saying ‘I thought you were dead!’ HHHHHHHH I'm destroyed fuck it all
rodimus (inadvertently) saving the day by saying ‘til all are one’...iconic!!
drift just casually chillin w/no legs
chromedome going into extreme detail about all the mnemosurgery he’s been doing on overlord for WEEKS while rewind is Right There....my dude.
this issue has a LOT of completely white backgrounds but I cant even rlly blame milne bc this seems like more drawing work than usual
oh god cd don't say ‘we’ll finish this conversation later’ at a time like this, that’s never a good idea,
rewind no don't do it :( :( :( 
that panel of cd’s arm getting cut off...AUGHHH
so incredibly fucked that cd does what’s best for rewind by blowing the pod up....hhhhh god 
and then that last panel of cd laying on the ground....fucking destroy me!!!!!!!!
also I love that at the beginning of the issue we see whirl with the missile launcher thing, and that’s what cd uses at the end here....good bookends. jro is really great about putting stuff in the story that just seems like innocuous filler/fun character building but turns out to ALSO be plot relevant later
HOLY SHIT I forgot about the cast page with the big red X’s thru the dead people’s profiles....jesus christ 
AUGH this issue was a rollercoaster, phew...and the emotionally devastating conclusion to this arc is still yet to come! 
I will say that it’s super interesting looking back on this, in the sense that rewind & chromedome are introduced as the first ever gay tf couple, and a few issues after we get told this explicitly, rewind is killed. this doesn't really end up being an issue representation-wise bc literally everyone is gay and there are a bunch of other significant gay characters/relationships later on, AND rewind comes back later 
but still! it’s interesting to think about how, at the time this came out, the phrase/concept ‘bury your gays’ wasn't really something that was talked about a lot (or like, it was, but not as often as nowadays, and not really under the term ‘bury your gays’ iirc), but at the time of publication this would have fallen under that trope (though rewind coming back later negates it imo). I think it would've been tough for this story to come out nowadays due to the backlash that would've occurred from rewind’s initial death (it also makes me wonder if there was any backlash when this DID come out) 
to be clear, this isn't a writing criticism - in fact, the reason this is able to work at all is because of the crazy amount of representation mtmte has. it’s like, youre able to kill off gay characters without it being ‘bury your gays’ if literally all your characters are gay by default, and there are a bunch of significant gay relationships happening - technically speaking, any death in mtmte is bury your gays lmao 
this is a completely disjointed rant but my point is like, if this issue came out in 2020 people would probably be pretty put off by rewind dying (understandably), but in the context of the series as a whole I don't consider this to be bad writing/bad representation/bury your gays 
and like, WERE people really mad about this in 2013? I am curious now, bc I would definitely feel kinda betrayed if I didn't know all the stuff that happens later 
but its pretty nice, because now I'm free to enjoy the writing and be emotionally devastated by rewinds death in a normal way, and not a ‘I'm angry at the writers for killing off one of the only gay characters’ kinda way
anyways I'm tired as hell so I'm going to bed, ill continue the emotional devastation later, phew
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johannesviii · 4 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2016
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I think everyone will agree that 2016 had “Impending Doom” written all over it, and as a result a lot of pop music became very depressed very quickly, and as such, I’m less enthusiastic about this list than some of the previous ones.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
For a year that was so cataclysmic worldwide, 2016 was pretty mundane for me, so let’s just skip to the albums that came out that year and which I consider relevant to my tastes. Obviously (and unfortunately) there was David Bowie with Black Star. We should have known we had jumped right into the Worst Timeline when the year started with the death of Bowie. Nine Inch Nails also released Not The Actual Events, which was pretty good, and as I said previously I consider Coldplay’s A Head Full of Dreams to be more of a 2016 than a 2015 album. And then there was the biggest surprise of all, the return of Enigma after eight years of silence, with the very good Fall Of A Rebel Angel (even if A Posteriori is still my favorite “modern” Enigma album). EDIT: I forgot Ghostlights by Avantasia. Took me YEARS to listen to it & realise how good it was.
But no. Surprisingly enough, my favorite album of the year wasn’t any of those. It was... oh god, that title. Here we go. It was I Like It When You Sleep for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It by The 1975 - which I like to call “The 1975′s second album” instead, because what the hell, guys. Anyway. It had been a while since I had found a new band I’d consider to be one of my favorite bands. I really liked Chocolate from their previous album but that was it. But this one? What a breath of fresh air. A Change of Heart, She’s American, Please Be Naked, The Ballad Of Me And My Brain, Somebody Else, The Sound, This Must Be My Dream? That’s only the songs I listened to on a loop and that’s already nearly half of the album. Great music, love the vocals, but I especially love the writing, full of strange and awkward details and lines that make everything feel so alive. The first time I listened to some of these songs, some lines actually got a chuckle out of me, like the American girl wanting the narrator to fix his teeth, or him hopping on a bus to ask the passengers if someone found his brain, or his girlfriend complaining about his shoes and his songs then immediately adding “I thought that you were straight, now I’m wondering”.
As someone who’s constantly puzzled by human relationships and tends to act super awkwardly, all of this is extremely relatable. So yeah. Album of the year, love this band - impatiently waiting for that fourth album!
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As far as unelligible songs go, as you can guess I’m furious The Sound (The 1975) wasn’t a hit because I was and I’m still listening to it on a loop. And that’s about it. Wait there’s also Kids by One Republic. It was super good. Apart from that, there’s also one (1) elligible song that I’m gonna put on the 2017 list instead because I really struggled to find enough songs I liked for that list, and that particular one is elligible for 2016 thanks to the French year-end list and 2017 thanks to the US year-end list, so eh.
Time for some honorable mentions.
This Girl (Kungs vs Cookin’ on Three Burners) - Number one of the year here. Every time I heard it (and I heard it a lot) I enjoyed it until that wretched drop.
Fast Car (Jonas Blue ft Dakota) - Not a good cover, but I love the original so much I’d be lying if I said I hated this completely.
Sucker for Pain (Lil Wayne & Imagine Dragons) - No, that slow, heavy, tortured beat that all recent Imagine Dragons songs have doesn’t work on topics like being a natural at something, being a believer, or describing thunder. It does work, however, with a chorus saying “I'm just a sucker for pain”.
Cheap Thrills (Sia ft Sean Paul) - Sean Paul, and a song about having fun without any money. Everything I want from an average hit song on the radio.
In the Night (The Weeknd) - This would be much higher if I didn’t find The Weeknd’s upper register slightly painful to listen to.
J’ai Cherché (Amir) - Hey look, the guy France sent to Eurovision that year. He’s still around, too. He’s pretty good, and that song is super cute.
Ride (21 Pilots) - Not the last time they will appear on this list.
Je Suis Chez Moi (Black M) - Pretty good song about racism, and the singer explicitly calls out a far right political figure who said some pretty terrible shit about him, and it’s a good answer.
Perfect (One Direction) - This is just Style by Taylor Swift all over again except slightly less good. But as I said before, copying good songs isn’t always a bad thing.
Human (Rag’n’bone Man) - Would definitely be on the list if listening to it didn’t feel like working.
Into You (Ariana Grande) - The last cut. The ending is wonderful and explosive, it’s just a shame that the entire song doesn’t sound like that.
And now... the list.
10 - Stressed Out (21 Pilots)
US: #5 / FR: #9
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Defining song of the entire year, whether you liked it or not.
Fortunately, as you can see, I liked it a lot, even if I don’t have anything interesting to say about it.
9 - Don’t Be So Shy (Imany, Filatov & Karas remix)
US: Not on the list / FR: #2
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I often joked that the melody sounded weirdly similar to Goldman’s “Envole-moi” by singing the lyrics of the verses over the Don’t Be So Shy verses, and it fits nearly perfectly. But apart from that, great song, great remix, very overplayed but never to the point of being annoying.
8 - I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Mike Posner)
US: #15 / FR: #29
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There’s nothing I could say about this song that Todd hasn’t said before in what I consider to be one of his best reviews, if not the best, so here it is.
7 - Heathens (21 Pilots)
US: #21 / FR: #23
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Super ominous and tense. It’s rare when a mostly grey song looks interesting, and this one definitely does. I also like the ending a lot. Don’t hang out with too many toxic people, guys, they will influence you over time.
I had no idea this was made for the Suicide Squad movie until very recently and frankly I wish it hadn’t because it’s way better on its own, especially the hand grenade line which works a lot better as a metaphor for self-destructive tendencies.
6 - Starboy (The Weeknd)
US: #58 / FR: #16
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As I said before it took me ages to like The Weeknd. His voice is great but I found most of his songs fairly boring or disliked their lyrics. And then he teamed up with Daft Punk and to be honest, I didn’t even care if the lyrics of this one included weird lines about drugs on furniture, the beat was completely worth it and the singing was great. Not enough to put it on my mp3 playlist, but a delight every time it was on the radio.
5 - Faded (Alan Walker)
US: Not on the list / FR: #11
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I adore this post-apocalyptic, contemplative music video. The music itself has this weariness and this quiet despair that felt super relevant, and even the drop is a bit slow instead of energetic. I usually don’t like this kind of song but this one found the perfect balance. If we really need to have more sad, exhausted hit songs, more like this, please.
4 - Closer (The Chainsmokers)
US: #10 / FR: Not on the list
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I usually don’t like love songs if they are just that, random love songs without a good melody or good colors or good stories. If the melody isn’t particularly great and the colors boring, it needs to paint an interesting picture, and the more details the better, even if they are super awkward, like, as I said previously, in some of The 1975′s best songs mentioning bad shoes, or people’s jobs, or how a car smells like.
So yeah, what I’m trying to say is that my favorite thing about this song is the over-abundance of weird and kind of off-putting details that most people consider to be its main flaw. To each their own, I guess.
3 - Never Forget You (Zara Larsson & MNEK)
US: #46 / FR: Not on the list
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See, this is one of the reasons why I decided to make these lists: to find great stuff I missed over the years. I discovered this song while making the 1.0 version of the lists on a google sheet in early December, and now this has a spot on my mp3 player. And it’s so weird because this song shouldn’t work. The drop is ridiculously lifeless compared to the soaring quality of the chorus and it actively works against the rest of the song. It takes a while to get used to it and I’m still not entirely sure it does work, at all.
But what can I say, framing is, once again, everything, and songs about imaginary friends are super rare, and that music video made me cry and catapulted this song from “that’s pretty good” right into the “holy shit that’s fantastic” category. And it made me rewatch Where The Wild Things Are, so yeah.
2 - Perfect Strangers (Jonas Blue)
US: Not on the list / FR: #70
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This, on the other hand, stayed on my mp3 player for about two years, and the music fits the lyrics perfectly. It’s not a groundbreaking song, it’s not even that original, but in such an average year for pop music, “happy energetic song with beautiful colors and nice lyrics” meant the world to me. It’s kind of telling that it was enough to put it as high as #2, though.
1 - Hymn For the Weekend (Coldplay ft Beyoncé)
US: #73 / FR: Not on the list
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And with this, Coldplay has officially topped as many of my lists as Linkin Park. If, back when The Scientist dropped, you had told me how much I would love this band in the future, I would have laughed pretty hard, but here we are.
But yeah, it’s one of my favorite songs on the album and it’s a super weird combo of heavy and aerial sounds, soft and super colorful notes, and I love the lyrics that completely mirror that feeling, feeling “drunk and high", “poured on a symphony when I’m low, low, low”. A great party song that’s also strangely melancholic. Exactly what I needed.
And then the Seeb remix happened and added a truely fantastic drop on top of an already great song, like turning the saturation up and adding little pulsing lights and transparency effects and shit. It’s sincerely hypnotic and visually so complex and fragile I’m afraid I won’t be able to draw it if I ever attempt to turn it into a synesthesia drawing. Just like A Sky Full of Stars, I was driving the first time I heard that remix on the radio, and I wasn’t expecting that drop at all, and I was gawking.
Godspeed, Coldplay, I’m so glad you’re still a positive force in my life, especially in these trying times.
Next up: Oh my god are you telling me that after 15 years I can finally put a song from that other band at the top of one of my lists
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cjrae · 5 years
How Do You Know It’s Finished? Or: Does God actually have a plan?
A Priest Walks Into A Bar is one of my favorite episodes of Lucifer. Full stop. Season 1 gets a decent amount of flack for some tonal issues as they were finding their feet, but if you’re looking for episodes that deal with the Big Questions, Season 1 really sinks it’s teeth into them. 1x09 deals with a larger question within the context of a more intimate one. Does God have a plan? More specifically, does he have a plan for Lucifer?
What we’re essentially asking is the question of pre-destination versus free will. Given that free will is one of the standard responses to the problem of evil, let’s take a (brief!) look at the Problem of Evil.
The Problem of Evil
The Problem of Evil is the logical contradiction that arises from the following axioms. If God is all of the following:
1.) omniscient - all-knowing
2.) omnipotent - all-powerful
3.) omni-benevolent - good
Then why does evil exist? If God is any of the two, but not the third, then the state of the world is perfectly explainable. An omniscient and omni-benevolent God knows everything and is good, but lacks the power to resolve the problem of evil. An omnipotent and omni-benevolent God is all powerful and good, but lacks the knowledge of all evil in the world - evil is capable of hiding. And an omniscient and omnipotent God that is NOT omni-benevolent means that God has deliberately created evil for Reasons.
(It is worth noting that the idea of God embodying all three of these axioms is a very Christian concept of God, but given that the character of Lucifer originated from John Milton’s famous Bible fanfic, Paradise Lost, it may be fair. Of course, Gaiman himself is Jewish and some Jewish thought tends to drop omniscience from the equation. We’ll come back to this, because if you have a God that can change, then God becomes much more interesting in a narrative structure.)
This is, as you can imagine, a logical contradiction that has fascinated theologians and philosophers for centuries, but the most popular resolution within popular culture is the concept of free will. In other words, evil is our fault, not God’s. The ability to choose gives the very concepts of good and evil relevance, in fact.
Free will has plenty of problems, but its issues are irrelevant in terms of this discussion because we are dealing with a fictional universe, where free will and the axiom of choice work very well within drama. And within the universe of Lucifer, free will exists. Choice is a central theme because everyone in the universe self-actualizes to an extent.
Humanity chooses their final destination based on their own subconscious judgment (God is completely uninvolved). Angels literally control their own appearances and abilities subconsciously. Lucifer’s devil face (and later his entire transformation) are manifestations of his own self-hatred while Amenadiel’s fall and the restoration of his wings (but not his ability to slow time) are based on his judgment of his own virtue and his connection to humanity.
So, let’s wrap this back around to the big question - is the universe predestined or not? Do our choices actually matter or does God have a plan and your choices are an illusion?
One of the things that makes 1x09 work so well as an episode is watching patterns come together. 
A parent without a child tries to reconnect with and guide the child of his lost friends, who has gotten himself into trouble. That leads him into Lucifer’s bar - where Lucifer just happens to have recently gotten involved with investigating homicides. Once Lucifer’s involved, Chloe gets involved when they find the head of the program murdered, leading them to Conor and the Spider’s operation. Which leads to Conor being literally put in the middle of two men fighting over him and being forced to choose between their very different visions of his life. Father Frank then chooses to put himself between Conor and the Spider, getting himself shot, which leads to him dying in Lucifer’s arms.
We know that at one point God had a plan - Lucifer confirms that. In fact, it’s the central tenant of Father Frank’s faith. The idea that all of his pain and loss had a purpose behind it is how he deals with grief and finds meaning in a loss that can and has broken people before him.
It’s Lucifer who points out the obvious - that killing a young girl and two loving parents in service of the Plan is cruel. It leaves two people behind who are broken in the exact same way, but who deal with it very differently. Frank finds faith and turns to helping others where Conor becomes extremely vulnerable and prey to the predators of the world like the Spider in his own search for a place to belong.
Perhaps that does a good job of illustrating the different choices available to people, but how much of a choice did Conor actually have? He was a child without the coping processes of an adult, grew up in foster care, clearly bounced around the system and so desperate for love and affection while also mistrusting healthier expressions of those emotions due to being (unwillingly) abandoned by his dead parents that he was drawn into a criminal drug operation in an attempt to find his place.
if we believe that this was all a plan, then both Frank and Conor’s choices were illusions. Yes, they made choices, but their circumstances and environments shaped those choices.
In a system like this, think of the choices people make in terms of a physics problem. If you’re looking at a single atom, it is chaotic - able to go in any direction. But, put that atom in a sea of other atoms, in various environments and you can start to predict with reasonable accuracy how the group is going to behave - which other atoms it might bond to, how it’ll react under pressure or with the introduction of other elements. Patterns begin to emerge. 
Lucifer had just put out a fragile tendril of friendship before watching it be cut away with Frank’s tragic fate, his friend’s last words suggesting that all of this was to simply put Frank in Lucifer’s path for…what reason? To remind Lucifer that his Father has a plan? That his Father isn’t done with him, to imply that all of Lucifer’s suffering up to this point has a Purpose? A role he is being shaped for?
Lucifer already knows this. Lucifer has already rebelled against this. Frank’s fate is just more evidence to Lucifer that his Father’s plans are needlessly cruel and manipulative.
And, honestly, Lucifer has a point.
Can God Change?
Earlier, we talked about the Problem of Evil. However, the role of God changes dramatically if we drop one of the axioms - and I would argue that Gaiman, as well as the Lucifer show runners have done just that.
God is, frankly, far more interesting if He is capable of change, just like our main characters. The biggest issue with the traditional Christian interpretation of God is His very perfection, which makes Him utterly static. A perfect deity is, well...boring. Especially within the context of a narrative.
At it’s heart, Lucifer is a show about family - the families we come from that shape us and the families that we create around us - and how the two can and do merge.
Imagine the frustration of a God who loves His son, has all the power in the world to effect change - but doesn’t know how best to employ it? Who didn’t see Lucifer’s rebellion coming and reacted out of anger or frustration or even sorrow, possibly understanding how things went so wrong in retrospect, but unsure how to reach out to a child who was holding that much anger and self hatred? How would that parent try to help their child? Do you give them space? Do you actively punish them so that they understand the consequences of their actions? Do you passively stand back and let the consequences of their actions play out so that they learn and grow?
Given how subtle divine intervention is within the show, it’s reasonable to assume that God is mostly trying to stay out of things - after all, why bother with free will if you don’t let people exercise it?
Free Will
We know that choice is important within the universe of Lucifer. So, if God is looking at humanity like a social physics problem, then He probably has a pretty decent idea of how general patterns will pan out and the divine intervention, as such, is much more subtle. Father Frank, after all, has a number of different ways he can attempt to help Conor, but he chooses to go to Lucifer Morningstar, a club owner known to grant favors.
Father Frank is a priest - presumably he believes in the Devil. He may not believe, when he first steps foot in LUX, that the man in front of him is the actual, literal Devil, but the absurdity is enough to rope Lucifer in. So, where did Father Frank get the idea to go to the Devil for help?
Well, we’ve got the luxury of having an episode told with God narrating it, so let’s briefly poke the bear that is 3x26 - Once Upon A Time.
Aside from arranging for Chloe to be born, God is very specific that He is NOT controlling the situation. In fact, in order to run this little experiment, He only makes one, tiny change. He moves a bullet a few inches to the left and John Decker survives the assassination disguised as a robbery.
The central question of 3x26 is, “Did God’s plan of putting Chloe in Lucifer’s path actually change anything?” And the answer at the end of the episode is a fairly clear ‘no.’
“And some, no matter how you shake things up, are drawn to the same people, the same passions. So all seems to have ended well, does that mean I never should have manipulated things to begin with? I have a better question: wouldn’t you, in my shoes? After all - a parent just wants what’s best for their child.”
Who knows whether God planted the idea or not, but a priest walks into a bar to ask the Devil for help.
Once that happens, the patterns continue to play out, but there is room for each individual choice to matter. Conor could have chosen to shoot Father Frank and prove his loyalty. Father Frank could have chosen to try to pull Conor out of the way of the bullet instead of stepping in front of it.
But they make the choices they make and in the end, Father Frank again lies dying in Lucifer’s arms, insisting that his choice was worth it because Lucifer’s Father has a plan - but the subtext has changed. Father Frank dies believing his death will serve the Purpose of showing two lost sons that they are loved.
The Messenger
The parallels here are not subtle. Conor and Father Frank are very much a reflection of Lucifer and his Father. Except that, in Lucifer’s eyes, Father Frank is fighting for Conor whereas he was abandoned. This episode is the first time that Lucifer is asked to question that basic assumption about his life.
Father Frank: “God has faith in him. In all of us. Even in our darkest moments.”
Lucifer: “You really believe that, don’t you?”
Father Frank: “I do. Why don’t you?”
Lucifer: (looking visibly uncomfortable) “Because he didn’t have faith in me.”
Father Frank: “I felt that way once too. But now I know, deep in my heart. God has a plan for me.”
Lucifer: (scoffing) “Oh his plan for me was quite clear.”
Father Frank. “How do you know it’s finished?”
From Lucifer’s perspective, that question should be terrifying. His Father’s plan has already gotten him sent to Hell to rule over the damned for all eternity. What more could God want from Lucifer?
I would argue that what God wants is quite simply what’s best for his son - his child who believes so throughly that he is damned that he’s manifested a completely different, horrific face to punish himself with. Lucifer doesn’t believe in second chances. So He shows him one.
Conor chooses not to kill Father Frank, twice. He chooses to stand against the Spider. Those choices cost him, but the cost of his actions doesn’t negate their importance. In the wake of losing Father Frank, Conor again chooses to help the police, taking down a drug operation that was preying on vulnerable children inside that foster center, which will presumably make L.A. a slightly safer place for those kids.
Chloe sees the potential for good in the consequences of this night, and she speculates about that to Lucifer. But Lucifer’s in no state of mind to hear it. What he does do, however, is significant. He allows himself to feel pain and, rather than numbing it, as we see him fail to light the cigarette, he yells at his Father.
The dialogue is one sided and angry, but it’s implied that this may be the first time Lucifer has spoken to his Father since he became the Lord of Hell. This is a relationship that had been depicted as broken beyond all hope of repair, both sides having shut down communication with the other.
Father Frank’s sacrifice changes all of that. Yes, the priest gets to fulfill his desire of helping Conor make a different choice, a better choice. But he’s also a messenger. The subtext becomes less, “you are being shaped for a role” and more “your Father still loves you and has never given up on you.”
What if what God’s initial goal was to simply get his son to talk to him?  
The next episode, Pops, is very revealing when it comes to Lucifer’s internalized guilt that he won’t be able to begin voicing until the end of season three. The things he says about Junior’s relationship to his father again parallel his own estrangement from his Father.
Anne: “That ungrateful kid was given everything and he threw it all away. But it didn’t matter. He was still the favorite.” (emphasis mine)
Lucifer: “Because he was worthy of his father’s love! And he had a chance at redemption until you ruined it!”
This exchange indicates that God’s desire for reconciliation is mutual. That doesn’t mean that either party wants to go back to the way things were - Lucifer doesn’t want to change who he is or what he’s done, whether he regrets it or not. That’s impossible and he knows it. But there is a desire to move forward, and for Lucifer putting the past behind him is very much about leaving Hell and it’s throne firmly behind.
But getting to that point of reconciliation is already going to be hard enough without Lucifer trapped in the same spiral of anger, guilt and pride.
So God reaches out, using a priest who has a shocking amount in common with Lucifer, to try to begin mending the breach. The consequences play out far beyond the end of 1x09. In the climax of Season 1, as Lucifer lies on the hangar floor, bleeding out, we see him open a dialogue again with his Father. Yes, he’s desperate, but would he have believed that asking his Father might do anything if it hadn’t been for Father Frank?
And this time, we see God answer. When Lucifer is desperate for help, his Father doesn’t abandon him. Instead, he gives him an opportunity. Moreover, he gives him an opportunity on Lucifer’s terms. The only way his son knows to ask for help is to offer a deal - sacrificing Lucifer’s own agency in exchange for Chloe’s life.
Yes, it’s a sign of Lucifer’s growth over the season, but it’s made clear that Lucifer going back to Hell was always a much more likely possibility than Lucifer himself ever wanted to accept. Lucifer came to earth with multiple backup options to get back to Hell - first Amenadiel, who will happily drag Lucifer back. Then the wings, which he burns and finally the Pentecostal coin that we see Lucifer playing with over and over again. Lucifer has planted the seeds of his own escape from Hell.
God’s intervention is subtle. Again, all He does is make a slight change - He moves the Pentecostal coin from Malcom’s possession back to Lucifer’s. The biggest difference is that He lets Lucifer know that he’s involved at all.
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herotheshiro · 4 years
whew ok i like stayed up until like 5am last night re-reading and then catching up on behind the desks ... a pretty cute story w the typical BL amt of smut (aka a lot more than what the situation(s) calls for lmao) although there are 3 things i didn’t quite agree with
taesung’s best friend actually having unrequited feelings for him. literally i did not  like that at all even though technically in the context of the scene it made sense bc it drove the scene. i honestly always only saw them as friends and i was like nice this is refreshing to just have two queer guys (ppl of the same gender) just be friends and nothing more but no they had to go that route. i mean it could’ve been worse as they could’ve gone the route of the best friend actually actively going for taesung and so we have a 2nd love triangle but thankfully they didn’t push it that hard and just had the best friend be a good friend who just wants the best for his bro. which is literally all it could’ve been !! sometimes platonic friends just want the best for each other, they don’t need to have ulterior romantic motives !! although i mean technically the best friend didn’t have an ulterior motive bc he was like “taesung would never look at me like that but thanks a lot for bringing up old shit i wanted to forget ASSHOLE”. then this kind of leads up to the next point
them potentially pairing up the best friend w asshole sunny’s ex ?? i mean this one is prob an incorrect assumption bc i was reading the korean raws for this scene so idk what they were saying but i swear to motherfucking god ... ik they’re the 2 leftovers but if you GOTTA pair up the asshole ex which you don’t have to just pair him up w that dude who was interested in him fr !! like i mean that’s bad bc the ex is toxic and also doesn’t like the dude supposedly so that’d be mean for the dude but at least throw the dude a bone i guess, the dude is also kind of a jerk. let taesung’s best friend have a healthy relationship
this one is more of a smaller issue but the ex just letting sunny go that easy? i mean i’m not saying i WANT more angst and pain for sunny but like for a dude who we know is very obsessed and possessive of sunny to just let sunny leave without any further complaint after sunny finally stands up to him ... maybe it was the shock of him seeing his “property” finally up and out after having enough of him but i was surprised nothing really happened and the ex seemed pretty chill w sunny leaving. i’m not asking for violence obvi but like idk, i just thought there would be more to it even though yeah at that point in time sunny had been going through a FUCKTON and he deserved this easy conclusion. i mean all the korean raws haven’t been posted yet and i know the ex shows up again so maybe he’s just like ‘well i’ll let him wander around but ik he’ll come back one day’ in delusion idk
OH WAIT NO I DON’T THINK THE LAST POINT WAS MY REAL THIRD POINT as i just remembered the shit w jooyeon and sunny !! aka the  bomb sunny dropped during his final breakup w his ex that jooyeon actually physically looked like taesung ??? which like how the fuck would we have known that bc the entire time jooyeon’s face is never revealed ?? i feel like it would’ve had more impact if we the readers were able to make that connection ourselves (revelation of jooyeon’s face at least ONCE, we realize it looks extremely familiar ...) and then the later overt statement from sunny.
anyway other than that it’s a nice read ! it’s a pretty typical BL story i feel of two guys who fall for each other but a shitty ex and miscommunication gets in the way of their easy happiness. and also i like stories of ppl falling in love w each other again (sort of in this story i guess? you know what i mean). smut is p typical i feel, the scenes aren’t too drawn out but also sometimes longer than it needs to be prob (idk why i’m adding this statement on the smut when i usually don’t, just for kicks and future me i guess. making this review as complete as possible lol. but also that one panel of them in the supply closet was hot ngl ROFL IN EMBARRASSMENT AT HAVING WRITTEN THAT). i had read a large chunk of the eng translation before but for whatever reason i decided to catch up on it again last night. it made me kind of sad at points bc sometimes taesung would say stuff that was (or could be) very similar to what the ex would tell sunny and i’m like yeah the sentiment behind the statement is different but like for sunny who prob can’t tell the difference ... now that i think abt it i think they def glossed over a lot re: sunny and the ex’s history like their childhood and early relationship and stuff but i guess it’s not really important other than the ex weirdly is obsessed w sunny and was trying to do whatever to make sunny his. usually these kind of stories really dive into the ex-relationship through flashbacks and stuff but this one didn’t which made me feel like something was lacking even though they already told you everything you really needed to know. i’m the kind of person who always feels like every behavior needs a reason but sometimes i just have to accept that ppl are jerks just because. anyway sunny’s self-deprecation reminded me a lot of recent stuff i’ve read from tsumugi from a3 w his low self-confidence and i’m always like *clutches chest* at ppl who shit on themselves like that.
i also finally found the game it’s based off of this time around and i think it’s hilarious ... since i knew abt it originally being a game before i thought the game’s protag was taesung or sunny and they had the option to romance either the other teacher or any of the student council students (bc you know those BL games and their student-teacher relationship options) but nah i think the game is just student-student romance options w a side story of the teachers. i’m still not sure if the student protag has the option to romance sunny but i didn’t see any videos on it on the channel of the one youtuber i could find who posted a playthrough of it so i’ll assume you can kind like sort of flirt w him but you can’t get together. anyway i love how they kind of shove the students in there to reference the original game but the students are like not relevant at all to the entire manhwa story as a whole
anyway supposedly the entire story is finished w some side stories which is like good bc what else is there to talk abt now that the shit w the ex is finished (there are def manhwas out there i feel that just keep adding drama just to keep the story going). toonkor still doesn’t have all the raws up yet and idt they’ve updated it recently either so i’ll have to keep checking back from time to time or wait until the eng translations forge ahead and finish the story. anyway looking forward to the ending !
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The film mirrors Franklin Schaffner 1968 original in that it tries to offer a dark social commentary on the state of race relations, but its focus is so broad, that comment, however relevant it remains, is lost amid the confusion. “Ramsay took Lord Hornwood’s lands by forcibly wedding his widow, then locked her in a tower and forgot her. Aside from imposing 6 foot 7 and 6 foot 5 frames, respectively, the defencemen haven't picked their spots in throwing crunching body checks. And strong turnarounds in urban centers beyond Boston have played a substantial role in the state's overall increase. His clean-shaved face was leathery too, with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. The second was the setting of a daily profit target. I make time for other things. The building has an air of secret rites; students must study as probationers for a few years before gaining access to the round hall, hidden from outside eyes by marblesque windowpanes in opalescent green and blue. Our first and foremost responsibility lies towards the people and their right to accurate information. Wolves were harder. He returned to Fleet Street, London's newspaper row, and was drafted duci alkalmi ruha by the Royal Air Force just before war broke out in 1939.. To Werbach, a few consumers will benefit, but most will lose out if TV bundles disappear. If you thought the showdown between Apple and Adobe was over, think again. Hence we see the reason of the passionate attachment which often exists in a faithful slave to a good master. Max Robinson was part of a team that helmed "ABC World News Tonight" from 1978 to 1983, and Bernard Shaw was the principal anchor for years on cable network CNN.. “He was irritated when he said he was ‘in too great a hurry.’ You will see tomorrow, in a day or two, he’ll think better of it; and if he’s so angry that he really won’t have our marriage I swear I won’t obey him. ED. On his personal website he says he's been climbing all his life."At first, it was fences, cupboards, ladders and trees." ''Climbing was always a very natural thing for me to do, so when I found rock bokacsizma bakancs climbing, it felt perfect. It was not as if his brother had never done the same. Payment at the time of registration using Event Brite is preferred, but you may also send a check or money order payable to A AMS to the address below: Jill Buckley Cheswick Station PO Box 65 Cheswick, PA 15024 Please note that we are no longer accepting payment at the door. And now, of course, being completely detached from that, there no connection. These steps once rang to the sound of lovers’ footsteps, and beneath that broken dome marriages beyond count were sealed with a kiss. Started to walk up, casquette ny kaki mère Grace said. The group relies on volunteers to lead the session and take pictures for social media. Bob holds a meteorology degree from Mississippi State University and has received advanced certification for his studies of Doppler radar. “When we arrived we were a long while looking for grandfather,” answered Nellie; “but we couldn’t find him anyhow. The three Dornishmen had been at the feast, as befit Prince Quentyn’s rank, though Reznak had taken care to seat them as far as possible from her husband. What had that oaf Axell Florent said of Val? “A nubile girl, not hard to look upon. L'ai offusqu avec mes propos ce lundi dans l' de Roger. Your nephew Jaime gave them to Connington. He doesn’t understand what he’s doing. But I have limitations on my pocketbook. Upon successfully completing the Cadet Training Program, cadets may be offered employment as members of the RCMP and given peace officer status. Two slavers dragged Jorah Mormont onto the block to take her place. He abandoned the north evro kalkulator to the cruel mercies of the ironmen to carve out a fairer kingdom for himself along the Trident. It was still used right up into the 1950s.. Such extreme cases of bodily abuse from the despotic power of slavery are comparatively rare. Sly gave a growl and bared her teeth, her ruff bristling. They were all around him, half a dozen of them, white-faced children with dark eyes, boys and girls together.. You’d best pray adidas mariposas that it’s a wildling blade that kills me, though. Muchlove appreciation tigers.". From 2006 to 2011, I held an adjunct position at polo raflorene College of Engineering Computer Science, Australian National University. Tailor made cutouts in the diffuser provide the perfect backdrop for the dual designer tailpipe tips of the BRABUS sports exhaust system. Women who ordinarily would have been sent to prison were given an alternative lodging place. According dolce gabanna adidași bărbații to a recent WHO study, the cost of disease and the premature deaths caused in Europe every year by air pollution was more than US$1.6 trillion ($2.47 trillion) in 2010, nearly 10 per cent of the gross domestic product of the EU in 2013. Masloboev that he knew you. But because our finances are real tight these days, we decided to cancel our travel plans for this year. If you have made up your mind to ditch this job and look for another one, then you can best utilize the time at your disposal. I will not have a headteacher chastise my child for a perfectly good uniform.'I'd like to think a lot of people will do the same and withdraw their children, and that this will force a review on him and his behaviour.'Mr Hopper wrote a defiant letter to Mr Tate yesterday, saying: 'Kim will return tomorrow wearing the very same outfit as it fully complies with your clothing policy, should she be sent home again we will require a full written detailed explanation listing the exact reasons for her refusal of entry,' reportsKent Online.'Kimberley has now attended the school since 2014 and we along with many of the parents included in today's fiasco know all too well how some of the parents do not have the desire to conform, we however do and purchase a new shiny uniform every year without fail to set the year off on a great note only to be met with this.'Mr Tate replied saying:'I attach a copy of the uniform guidelines and confirm that if your daughter is not in correct uniform she will be sent home to correct it.
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
Clover, I'd love to hear more about FRS 118 Life on Mars - or Maybe Not! It's supposed to be available again this spring and is by far my favorite FRS topic of all the interesting options
Response from Clover:
Ayyy cool! Yeah so firstly the title of this seminar “Life on Mars” can be a bit deceiving because the seminar is only very briefly about Mars. In truth, the course focuses more generally on scientific journalism. You’ll be taught by two awesome professors— Michael Lemonick and Ed Turner. Mike is a science journalist who has written for many big name publications, and Ed is a professor of astrophysics who also has had experience with the media side of science. It’s a really interesting combination, as they both have different yet extremely interesting backgrounds, have lots to share and teach, they don’t always agree with one another coming from the science vs. media sides, etc.
You come to learn through this seminar that there’s a lot that goes into science writing. You’ve got the pressure to make readers interested in your writing, but you also run the risk of exaggerating to the point of lying; you want to get news of novel cancer treatments out to the world, but don’t want to spark false hope... This honestly is only a tiny part of the complexities we talk about, but the general idea is there is so much that goes into science journalism that doesn’t always meet the eye— unless you know to look for it! Also, it covers science journalism about climate change, AI, space (where Mars ties in!), medicine, etc., divided into 4 big chunks over the semester— so it touches on all kinds of scientific topics!
Cool features of the course include really neat visitors coming to the class (we had journalists from Science, the head ‘storyteller’ from JPL, etc.) and snacks for every class. Workload is relatively low to medium level, depending on how much you want out of the course. There are tri-weekly topics, and each week you get sent 1) a list of article links to read and 2) a weekly science journal. Each week someone from the class will have to lead a discussion on #2– one week that’ll be you. The articles from #1 are not necessarily all discussed, but they follow a sub-topic of the tri-weekly theme and you spend a good chunk (~half) of class talking about them.
As for other assignments, we got 6 writing assignments throughout the semester. They ranged from 1 page journal articles (write something from a provided press release) to a fast turn-around article (we turned in our stories by midnight that class day) and even a feature story (longer article, I think 1000 words). For all but the fast-turn around, you get 1-2 weeks to work on the assignment. Definitely mangaeable. Mike grades the papers, and he can be blunt with his comments. But if you take the time to read through them (they are very detailed haha), you’ll find that you can improve on those parts of your writing and genuinely get better with time.
Final part of the course is the research paper, which is more of an academic, writing-sem-type paper comparing different journal coverage just like you do in class. Longer than other assignments, but for sure manageable.
The overall grade breakdown I believe comes out to be mostly participation in seminar (which is easy enough to do if you even just read half of the articles assigned and the weekly news one), ~6% each for your writing assignments, and then the rest is final project stuff and your grade for the weekly discussion you lead. They are nice graders for all of the participation stuff in my opinion, and even if you don’t talk all the time it doesn’t matter so long as when you do contribute, it’s valuable.
I have to say that the class is only as engaging as you make it, as it’s so heavy on discussion. Some weeks I didn’t read all the articles, which made it easier for my workload, but I didn’t gain as much from that class and it was more stressful worrying about discussing an article I hadn’t looked at. Additionally, Mike and Ed spend a good bit of time talking to you all and sharing stories from their experiences. I thought they were all really cool, relevant, real-world stories, but I guess that could be subjective. Does make for a less strenuous class even if stories aren’t your favorite thing.
I know this was probably more than you were looking for, so I’m sorry if it’s annoying to sift through for the parts you actually wanted to know about. I just thought I’d put all my info on the class down in one post for anyone else looking into taking FRS 118. If you have any more questions about it, feel free to ask.
TLDR: highly recommend! Low stress, great professors, interesting material! I have become a better consumer of science news because of this seminar! :)
0 notes
para || Westrose: Spaghetti-O’s, 12/10/2016
Tagging: @wmhs-marleyrose and @squaredancing-weston
Time: Saturday evening, 10 December 2016
Setting: Treble Titans Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, Lima, OH
Summary:  Brody invites Marley to join him for Spaghetti, Marley records Hairspray! Live for them to watch afterwards
Part 4 (End)
“You know, some of it looked really cool, like the extreme sports and stuff,” Brody couldn’t help but continue.  “Like climbing a ladder on a helicopter or the jet ski jump.  But yeah-- I would not want to do that second challenge stuff.”  He shuddered, grinning that Marley remembered it.  “Glad I’m not that old, then.”  The older teacher flashed a smile at her reply, and then shook his head in amusement at her addition.  “Nice,” he laughed.
The women all tittered happily at Marley’s enthusiasm, although Brody could see that they weren’t especially sold on the idea of them not coming together as a date.  Not surprising-- Brody tended to be encouraged to date anyone he brought to these things unless they were married or otherwise attached.  Even men, funnily enough.  It was one reason he liked the Hens-- they knew about his lifestyle, and would encourage him with anyone that they thought was cute.  They seemed to think besides his inability to settle down, he was just a good teacher that was good for his kids, and that was really all Brody wanted from any parent.  
Brody bit back a laugh at Marley’s reaction.  It wasn’t fair, after all, to be amused that she’d been taken so off guard by the offer-- he probably should have warned her.  But...well, it was cute, the way she sputtered, trying to remain polite.  “Really, it’s no problem,” the older woman insisted.  “I mean, we all know how hard it can be to find that special someone.  In fact…” she reached into her purse and Brody couldn’t believe she was actually pulling out a business card-- how long has she been holding on to that? “Here.  If you change your mind, that’s Scott’s cell right there-- I’ll let him know you have it.  He’s such a  nice man.”  The other women nodded in agreement, and Brody spared a sympathetic glance at Marley.  Whoops.
Cheryl’s face brightened at Marley’s recommendation, and Brody and the other women paused to listen.  “Oh really!  Why that’s wonderful.  You see Diane, I told you, it’s not the curriculum, it’s the students.”  To which the other woman huffed.  “Well, maybe.  But I still think it’s a lot to ask of students these days to be able to do so much.  Crystal is devoting so much time to the Trebles, it’s just ridiculous that she has no time for anything else except schoolwork, and even then, she can barely pull a B in some of her classes.”  Brody didn’t mention he himself had had the sophomore for Algebra, and it had been like pulling teeth trying to get any work from her.  He imagined the only reason she’d passed with a B is because he’d been constantly hounding her, and not a lot of teachers had the same patience for their students’ success.  Instead, he offered up, “Well, you know, Marley’s actually taking some effort to incorporate some new stuff into the curriculum.  She had the kids reading The Hunger Games awhile back, didn’t you Marls?”  
“I mean I guess that stuff is okay, I am just not that fond of bugs, thats all.” She shuddered at the thought of them crawling all over her, and made a face. She didn’t like thinking about that at all. He was such a bad influence. “Oh, but you kind of are.” She teased, giggling. “Yeah.”
Still, the idea of being set up by these women was not something Marley considered. Not that she didn’t like their idea of men, she didn’t know him, but it seemed so.. Forward? Personal? She didn’t expect it at all. “It’s fine, really..” But soon enough, she had a card shoved in her hand, and she looked up at the woman, and nodded her head slowly. “Um.. Thank you?” She asked slowly, glancing over at Brody, and back at them.
They began talking amongst themselves, and Marley was kind of confused, since her answer was so vague, still she followed along as much as she could. “I mean you have to decide on what is more important to you, I mean personally I think classes are more important, but Crystal is very talented.” Marley offered up, even though she barely remembered the girl. Smiling at Brody, Marley nodded. “My younger students really enjoy the course load with Hunger Games. I tried incorporating some activities, since it has to do with what they are into now, but we can’t skim on the classics, they’re reading Pride and Prejudice right now.”
“I’d rather be in bugs than eating some of that stuff,” Brody added; not that the idea of bugs all over sounded any good either.   “Although maybe we should call the conversation there before one of us gags.”  He scoffed, “Kind of.”
Brody sat back and watched the scene unfold.  He wasn’t really happy with the idea of Marley taking the card, but it wasn’t his place to say anything-- God knew what the Hens would think if argued against Marley dating.  Although it wasn’t like he had a problem with her dating-- he just thought she could do better than Scott, that’s all.  But she took the card, so Brody bit his lip, his face composed as he quirked a shoulder up when her eyes met his.  
The older man, smirked, leaning over to clarify, “Some of the girls have been having issues with academic eligibility in the last year,” he whispered quickly.  “Did you have Crystal Martinez?  She’s a sophomore now.”  He figured if she recognized the name she’d be able to catch the gist of the conversation.  Sure enough, Marley managed to speak up in encouragement about the girl, although Brody wasn’t sure if she was telling the truth or just being kind to her mother.   Either way, it might not have been an unwise move, depending on how long Marley wanted to hang around and debate academic standards.  “Well, of course no one’s saying school’s not important,” came the rationalization, “But with all of the extra requirements for passing each grade and testing and then some, I don’t know how any college expects her to have any time to do anything else.  And these schools are so competitive, if Ms. Berry keeps holding my poor girl back, she’ll be stuck going to some state school and her talent will be wasted.”  Some of the other women looked over with interest at Marley’s explanation, and Brody grinned, “Yeah, I mean, I suggested having a class-wide reenactment, but you didn’t seem to think that would be the best idea.  I’m still kind of hurt over that.”  Michelle added, “Oh, Pride and Prejudice-- I love that story.  It’s so romantic.  It’s so good our kids are getting some decent books in.  I remember back in my day, reading things like Of Mice and Men and Animal Farm.  Awful things.  This seems much better for them.  More relatable.”  Brody himself scoffed quietly-- he hardly saw how those books in particular had become anything less that relevant in today’s climate, but maybe teens couldn’t extrapolate anymore.  Besides, he taught math, so it wasn’t like he had much insight into English requirements.
“I don’t know.. I mean maybe? Since they are full of protein or whatever.. Still gross.” Marley nodded her head. “Sounds like a plan. I appreciate that one.” Because the last thing she needed to think of was her spaghetti is worms or something.
Marley knew better than to take the card. That is why she just held it in her hand, thinking. “I really can’t though.” Marley said finally, handing her back the card. “I am sure your nephew is wonderful, and I appreciate it, but I…” What? She isn’t seeing anyone. She really has no excuse in that area. “It isn’t professional. Thank you though.”
“I figured that much.” She whispered back, and nodded her head. She had Crystal in her class, but still, she probably should have bit her tongue. “Well, most universities do hold their students to high standards. They have to be the best, if they want to achieve the best.” Marley commented. “I think Ms. Berry is doing the best she can, considering all that is on her plate, and there is nothing wrong with State schools. They are getting to be just as competitive as other schools.” She should have kept quiet. Grinning over at Brody, Marley rolled her eyes. “He wanted to use real weapons and everything.” She teased, and grinned over at Michelle. “It is a fantastic book, and I try to include most of them in my curriculum, however Of Mice and Men, and Animal Farm are more for the upper years, Freshmen have more fun.”
Brody watched as Marley fingered the card in her hand, before handing it back to the Hen.  He kept his features carefully schooled, but he had to admit he was proud of Marley for not giving in to his girls-- for his own part, he usually took the cards just to placate them, although he rarely called any of the numbers.  The older woman, for her part, seemed a tad disappointed, but nodded her head in acceptance, tucking the phone number back in her bag.  “Well, just let me know if you change your mind.”
Brody nodded along as Marley commented on academic demands.  Personally he could understand some of the Hens’ arguments-- while state schools could be fine, if you wanted to perform it was unlikely that you wanted to remain in Ohio.  And the arts were a very competitive field-- he knew himself from past experience.  Getting into Sonoma State had been like falling out of bed compared to the rigors of getting a place in Tisch.  But it was also worth noting that some of these girls just weren’t as brilliant as their parents seemed to believe, and so Marley wasn’t necessarily wrong either.  “I suppose,” Cheryl conceded, “Although I admit I was much happier with the last director.”  “You mean the one who was removed for having marijuana on campus,” Michelle scoffed, and they were off tittering again, to which Brody had to cough to stifle a laugh.  “Excuse me-- I never said real weapons.  I said weapons-- like nerf guns or foam swords or something.  And bloody aesthetics, and prosthetic limbs,” he added with a smirk.  Brody glanced over curiously.  “They don’t read of Mice and Men for Freshman English anymore?” he asked curiously.  Or more suprised, he supposed, because he wondered what the upper classes had dropped in order to push those two books up into the higher levels.  But he hadn’t been in a high school English class in quite a while, he admitted, so he was still surprised that contemporary literature was incorporated into the classes, to be fair.  In his mind, Freshman year had been the least fun of the classes, filled with vocabulary and grammar and the like.  It was definitely not high on his list of things he would love to do again, despite how he spoke of enjoying the books.
The auction was wrapping up, and Brody leaned over in his chair.  “Hey, it’s just going to be idle chatter for the rest of the night,” he told her.  “You want to get out of here?  I mean unless you want to bid on something.”  He glanced over at the tables where items were stacked up and quirked his lips up at the girl next to him.
Marley almost felt bad for giving back the card. The woman seemed pretty excited over the idea of her dating her nephew, but Marley didn’t think it was professional at all, so it was best to give it back, and not make her think they may be related one day. “I will. Thank you for thinking of me though.”
Marley knew they were defending their children, and since she wasn’t a parent, she didn’t understand that aspect of it. She didn’t attend a state school, she went to a private college, but Marley worked her ass off to get there. While she knew arts could get one into a good college, she also knew that without the grades backing the talent, there was no chance. The last one was a hot mess. “I mean if anything, Ms. Berry will make your children better at what they do. Isn’t that the purpose?” She asked, shrugging her shoulders. “Still, I don’t need to lose my job, Brody!” She grinned over at him. “No, Figgins thinks it’s too ‘violent’ for Freshmen. He wanted to take it off the reading list, but I talked him into Juniors.” She shrugged. She thought it was stupid, but what could she do?
Marley ran her hand through her hair, and peered over at Brody. “Yeah, we can head out.” She said quietly, looking over at the items. Nothing she’d want to own. “Ready?”
Brody nodded, proud of Marley for her mediating abilities, as well as arguably defending her coworker.  “That’s a good point, Cheryl.  I mean, you can hardly argue that Rachel doesn’t devote all of the time she’s got to these kids.”  The woman was hardly pleased, but she conceded grudgingly to the point, and they moved on.  “Eh, the principal likes you-- he’s not going to fire you,” he argued with a laugh.  “I’m sure I’ve done far worse and look how I’m still hanging around.  Kids need visual aids-- it helps stick associations in their heads.”  Brody quirked an eyebrow: the admin thought killing a mouse and a woman was more violent than a bloody killing spree young adult novel?  Man he was glad he didn’t have to navigate those waters.  “Well, so long as they don’t miss out on the brilliance that is Steinbeck and California writing,” he replied with a smirk.
Brody nodded, and straightened up, “Well, ladies,” he announced, stacking the dishes in front of him.  “It was lovely to see you, but I do need to get Ms Rose here home before she turns into a pumpkin, and I have my own obligations as well.  I’m looking forward to seeing all of you next week for the Winter Spectacular.”  He stood up, and held out his hand to Marley, carefully navigating her away from her chair as she was quickly surrounded by the Hens all eager to say goodbye and how happy they were to have met her, and she should definitely come by again soon.
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pcgamesdaily-blog1 · 6 years
The Two-Way Radio Decision You Didnt Know You Had
Deneen SteinerThe Two-Way Radio settlement You Didnt Know You HadCommunication thing | active 20, 2010Does your house need a two-way radio? There are few clan that wouldnot benefit from, or boast an relevant use for a two-way radio. 12.00 Normal 0 false untrue false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* tone Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}Two-way radio communication get been usable to thepublic for what seems like forever. the one in question hasnt witnessed of CB radios, butwho knew there are definite other two-way radio options? How countless people haveheard about Family Radio duty (FRS), generic Mobile telegraphy Service (GMRS), orthe acute Radio Service (eXRS )? Have you ever express using themarine VHF hoop for terrain to rain communications? maximum of the above-mentioned arereadily available and isolated one transmission requires an easy to obtain FCC free movies online .Does your family commitment a two-way radio? responsible are scanty families that wouldnot help from, or find an important value for a two-way radio. Have youever been hiking or camping with your family and you and your youth becomeseparated from each other? This is not the time to discover that yourcell contact does not have a signal. How do you call and check on your kidsto make confident they are safe? How do they call you when they need you?Having a set of rich weight, compact two-way Walkman isnt analogous a atrocious idea.In fact, at second like this, its a necessity to insure the safety of yourfamily.Before we explore the different transmission and service options available, letsfirst consider some basics that practice to two-way radios and radioservices. First, more power means boss distances. Therefore, a1/2 watt radio wont transmit as far or as sound as a 5 watt radio.Second, the flatter the terrain or more straightforward the streak of appearance communicationyou have, the better the space and work of the radio. a few radioscan transfer 30 to 35 statute or other if the terrain is flat.With the above-mentioned basics in mind, authorize consider the capabilities of the followingservices and receiver to watch what fits your needs:(1) The CB (citizens band) radio is an right with both mobile and handheldstyles that provide 40-channels and have an yield of 4 watts. They aregenerally gone as an individual telegraphy and you would use to steal one for eachperson. The CB wireless tends to be a little better and bulkier than theother radio options.(2) It is common to find that a two-way radio housing the people RadioService (FRS) channels will cover the General portable Radio supply (GMRS)channels as well. FRS radios have a top power of 1/2 watt, so youdont want to roam too far from each more and belief to communicate. Ifyou booty a wireless with the two FRS and GMRS capability, you bottle operate on theFRS channels without a license, however, to do on the GMRS means youwill need to retrieve an FCC license, but not masses in the family use one.The FCC license is issued to facilitate the activities of an developed individualAND his or her immediate group members. Family members receive a spouse,children, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, andin-laws. One license bucket cover the whole family, but the licensee isresponsible for anybody operating down their exemption and will need to insureall customer follow the rules. GMRS radios run in the UHF ring so the radiosare pressed and rich weight. breathtaking power of these transmission is largely from1 to 5 watts, and they are highest often taken in two for back the figure of onehandheld CB radio.(3) One of the immediately prior and scant known late services is the extreme radioservice (eXRS) that practice new mechanics referred to as "Frequency HoppingSpread Spectrum" technology and operates in the 900 MHz band. TheeXRS two-way radio self-satisfaction of subsistence able to provide first-rate communications overa greater length when compared, under the same conditions, to the FRS and GMRSradios, enlarged they wish no charter like the GMRS does. When disposed of inpairs they are around the like price length as the FRS/GMRS two-way radios.(4) Finally, the aquatic VHF ring radios are another option. The FCCeliminated the respective licensing stipulation for spontaneous ships operatingdomestically which are not prescribed by requirement to move a radio. So yourpersonal, non-commercial, watercraft is favored from a licensingrequirement. Portable, handheld versions are mostly found in the powerrange of 1 to 5 watts. They are depleted as individual radios like the CBhandhelds. The outlay of the above-mentioned radios is higher thaw the others, but if youare a fisherman, there is a price you are prepared to salary for your safetythrough communication. Not individual are the particular radios capable of home to watercommunications, but terrain to land as well. This is often an overlookedcapability of "marine" radios.When making your final decision, one benefit that is well rate insisting uponthat is usable on all of these types of radios is a climate Information or Weather wise channel. even if you are at the soccer fields on theweekend, camping, hiking, or on the lake, it doesnt cost any more to have aradio that can warn you of a weather emergency. Regardless of which radioyou might be interested in, there are numerous privilege that one by one of theseradios offer. You are convinced to bonanza one that will fair all your familys needs.Deneen Steiner is a Walkman enthusiast who believes thatcommunication is a key to safety although participating in outdoor play likehiking, camping, hunting, fishing, or blameless out for the bright at neighborhood sportingevents. Two-way radios are an idealsolution for this need and you bucket find that safety at: Shortwave telegraphy Gear. Find more Walkman options at: http://www.ShortwaveRadioGear.com
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I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
Will a ticket for driving without a license (underage) affect my insurance rates?
Hi, I'm 15, about to get my license, but I NEED to go somewhere tonight. My parents' only reason for not letting me drive is because they are misinformed as far as what the penalties would be if I got stopped. The likelihood of me even getting stopped by a police officer is incredibly low becuase I don't speed, I have all proper licenses, inspection passed, no modifications on my truck).., but they are convinced that if I do get stopped, the officer will unrelentingly give me a ticket, which they claim is a $500 fine (when I KNOW for a fact that here in Texas, the first violation is only $20-100).....But either way, I would pay for it... They are simply concerned about insurance, the one thing they do pay for. They believe that my liability (I don't have collision and comprehensive, just liability) insurance rates will immediately spike, when I get my license, as a result of a single moving violation for not having a license. I have USAA insurance, and I'm in Texas. Please, anybody who knows about this sort of thing please help me, I haven't been able to find any info anywhere else. Please provide proof as well. Thanks!""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I have full coverage insurance on my 2005 Honda civic and I am paying a little over $850 every six months. Every quote I get isn't much better. Why is it so expensive? My insurance lady says that it's because I am a young driver with a newer car. But my YOUNGER sister has a car 2 years newer than mine and she pays about $350 less every six months. I have no tickets on my record. I did have my license suspended about 5 years ago. Why is it so expensive and how can I get it down? I can't afford this sh* t. Thank you!
Insurance for 16 year old?
I turn 16 and get my license in June(I'm a guy). I'm getting a 2003 Toyota Rav4, and going through Travelers on my dad's plan which has 5 cars on it already. How much will liability and collision cost for me?""
What car can i get as a 18 year old which wont kill me on insurance?
please help all the quotes i been getting are well above 5 grand , also if you got any tips or ideas on how to lower my insurance quotes that would be greatful""
My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs?
Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help
""My husband is retiring next year and I am unemployed and only 55, how do I get affordable health insurance?""
I have alot of health issues and I need to make sure I have coverage. I have been looking for a job with benefits, but so far no luck. I am 55 and my husband will be 63 when he retires. I need an insurance with no prior health exceptions.""
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
""Does the Pass Plus, bring your car insurance down, if so how much?""
my daughter has just passed her driving test and is now looking to buy her 1st car, so will the pass plus bring the insurance down""
""What would car insurance cost for a 21 year old female in Tampa, FL?""
I'm planning on buying a Scion FRS and I'm just trying to make an estimate of what my car insurance is going to cost. I plan on getting full coverage. I'd like an estimate of what I'm going to be paying, also it would be nice if I knew what the best car insurance companies to go with are. It's difficult for me to get a quote online because the FRS isn't registered with any insurance companies yet.""
Car insurance from abroad?
It might be a simple question, but I can't figure it out. Is it possible to have and drive a car in the UK and have a car insurance from a foreign insurance company (e.g. German or French) on a permanent basis? If not, what is the reason? If yes, do you know any foreign insurers who do it?""
How much would insurance on my motorcycle cost?
I'm 19, it's my first bike, I have no history of tickets or getting pulled over, the bike is an 04' black and red Kawasaki Ninja 600. I live in Florida, near the Gulf Coast by the way. I want to know how much the insurance would cost on my bike monthly/yearly.""
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Car insurance question ONTARIO?
I am 18, live in Toronto, Ontario and dreaming of having a car, but I can't afford to pay $400 a month or more, so, could I get my dad to buy the car with my money, register it as if it his, get cheap insurance for it as if it was his, and then just drive it all the time having the proper car documents on me. How much of a legal issue would that be if a cop pulled me over and I showed him that the car is family owned and insured and I just happen to be driving it today. My family already has a truck and a Toyota, I don't know if that is relevant or not, but Im just throwing it out there. And just to make sure, what would happen if (god forbid) I was to get in an accident and wasn't at fault? how about if it was my fault(talk about sticky situations).""
Buying a Toyota - price and insurance advice please?!?
I am going to pick up my new car today IF this is a good deal. Its a black 2008 Toyota Corolla S. I am buying it, its a 72 month pay schedule of $387 a month. Insurance for it and our 2002 Santa Fe (both full coverage) is $157 a month. Do these prices sound about right? I want to know if I'm getting a good deal. Also, do new cars need to be maintinenced every 5,000 miles? Someone said that on another question of mine and I was wondering if thats true. I want to know anything that is vital to purchasing a new car. We dont have great credit... both our scores are around 600. We are paying for the gap insurance and all that other good stuff. Oh and we're not trading a car - this is just straight up - no money down - our interest rate is 14%..... Thanks to answers""
Is it a good idea to get earthquake insurance?
I live in San Francisco, California and I wonder if it's worthwhile to buy earthquake insurance? DOes anyone has any experience what to consider, and why they made the decision they did?""
I have a question about auto insurance?????
The other day someone was giving me a ride. We stopped by a store and when i opened the door i scratched a ladies car. The lady was pretty mad and she took the license plate number and the name of the insurance. Today the guy that gave me a ride says that she called the his insurance and now i have to pay the cost of the damage. Is this guy pulling my leg or can this be true?
My car no longer runs. Should I cancel my insurance on it?
My friend suggestted that it might not be wise, because when I get another car in 5 months they will charge me more for insurance if I was not insured for a long period of time. His logic was that it's a red flag to insurance co. They think you were driving without insurance or totaled your car. Even though my car just died on it's own.""
Which health insurance plans do you like in California?
For individuals which health insurance plans are good for people in good health? Are the Anthem plans a good choice for a family?
Getting into a car accident with a 16-year-old uninsured driver?
I live in San Diego, California. I recently got into a car accident with a 16-year-old uninsured driver, who was using his mother's car at the time and had two underaged passengers. I was in a business area (25 MPH) and I was switching lanes into the right lane. I had my right hand blinker on and was in the process of switching lanes. The 16-year-old driver was speeding and quickly hit my front right end. I had a witness - who reported two things - with the police, he reported that the 16-year-old tried to avoid me by getting into the bike lane, but then reported with my insurance company that the 16-year-old ran straight into my car at 50 MPH. They are currently finding me 80% at fault because of the police report. The police report was obviously misrepresented. What steps can I take to fix this?""
I put the wrong dettails on car insurance quote!:(?
hi everyone.A year ago i bought a car insurance and when i done the quote i ve put by mistake that i have my licence for 5 years and i only got it for 3 months at the time!now my insurance is due to renewal and as i was looking thru the details on my insurance i noticed that there is a mistake about the years for how long i got my licence.now i found a differente insurance company that is giveng me cheaper quote,i got my licence now for 1 year and 4 months.whats gone happen now with that mistake? PLEASSE HELP! EXCUSSE MY ENGLISH!""
""Im 19 with a permit, can I register my car and insure it? Price Estimation?""
First I have a 1999 Acura Integra...I believe over 100,000 miles...no driver side airbag, no alarm system YET...and its fast...BUT I drive safe...I dont believe in street racing because It claims to many lives, especially innocent ones such as families that are not even involved with the idiots racing... Im 19 with a learners permit, have wayyyy over 4 yrs driving experience, I plan to get my license this month [or this week], as I just got my permit today, can I register my car and insure it? What would an estimated price be for... 1. My Registration and Tag [whats better temporary or permanent for now? 2. Insurance [Who should I go to for insurance?!] Thanks""
Junction Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76849
Junction Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76849
""RX8 or BMW Z4, who has the highest insurance?
Does the 2004 RX8 (lol used for racing) have higher insurance than the 2004 BMW Z4?
Teenager's auto insurance?
i'm 17 and will soon be recieving a car from my aunt. it's a '92 poniac bonneville se. i want to figure out some insurance rates but some of the information they are asking for i'm not comfortable putting on the internet (like my soc. number). are there any teen drivers or parents of teen drivers would would be willing to share their rates and companies with me?
Do (UK) car insurance companies need to know the car's registered address?
I am a student and thus spend most of my time away from home - I receive correspondence to my university address and my car is kept there most of the time. Essentially all the details ...show more
Do you hav to hav insurance to drive a car?
well i might buy a cheap old car (one that i dont have to worry about scratching or dinting) but do i HAVE to get insurance? and what other stuff do i HAVE to get like tax and what not and how much does all that cost?
How to lower my auto insurance?
Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?""
I have a car insurance question?
Soo my son got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault he forgot to yield. There is no insurance on my sons car but since it is the other drivers fault does his insurance pay for my sons car?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I barley got my license and im wondering how much the insurance would cost for me Free 20 points!
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
Good used sports car that won't jack up my insurance?
I am 17 and getting my license in november and I want to buy sports car (ex:mustang) that won't jack up my insurance, and won't break down all the time, my budget is about 12,000. Any recommendations?""
How to buy the Health insurance for out of state?
I just moved from CA to WA. I have the health insurance in the Blue Shield of California. I am out of state now , so I wonder if I need to cancel the insurance and buy a new one in WA. I don't have a driver's licence in WA now. Can I apply for a new health insurance in WA? If yes, please help me how to do that! Thanks!""
What is the best affordable device to locate my vehicle asap if it was stolen?
Don't tell me cops or AAA it doesn't work
Where can i find cheap renters insurance in nj?
Where can i find cheap renters insurance in nj?
What is the formula for calculating the monthly payment for an Auto Loan?
The bank is financing my wife for 9606.00 at an interest rate of 7.5%. The Term is for 5 yrs (60 months) What should the monthly payments be? I used to be able to do this, but I think I'm missing something. Here is how I did my math: I took $9606.00 and multiplied it times 7.5% and came up with $720.45. Then I added that $720.45 to the $9606.00 and came up with a total of $10,326.45. I then divided the $10,326.45 by 60 (months) and came up with a total of $172.10. Meaning that $172.10 would be my monthly payment. I went to bankrate.com and used their auto loan calculator and they came up with $192.48 The bank came up with $205.00 (I think they added credit, life, and disability) So what the HECK am I missing......Please help!""
What would happen if a car insurance policy gets canceled to nonpayment?
Okay so my car insurance is with geico and my monthly is 157.90 per month liability. & I'm in college and I had a issue with my financial aid and my mother doesn't have any money as well. They gave me up until tomorrow (September 22) before they drop me. I really like them because they said my rates would go down quicker by using them. So I was wondering what would happen when I get the money and able to pay them. Would my rates go up? Would I have to do a new 6 month policy? Would I even be eligible to reopen a policy with them?
Is it legal to keep a check from my health insurance company that they expect me to pay the doctor with?
We are having a really difficult time financially. My husband gets a very large bonus in December and we will be back on track and then some. So here's my question. I recently ...show more
Why wouldn't you call your auto insurance company when you have collision and comprehensive coverage?
My impression is that they're worried about their policy rates going up, or maybe they don't have auto insurance? But why not take advantage of your auto insurance whether you end up pursuing the claim or not?""
Cheapest car to tax or insure?
what car is the cheapest to tax and insure ive been told its the vauxhall corsa
Where can I get cheap car insurance? (UK)?
I'm a 17 year old guy, about to turn 18 and my mum bought me a car! I have yet to pass my driving test but have booked one for June. I have been looking on the internet for car insurance and the best I had found was about 715. That was a couple of days ago. Now the cheapest is 798. Is there somewhere you found cheap car insurance? I am hoping I might be able to phone up and try to convince them to drop their 798 a little because of the sudden change. What else can I do? I've looked on every car insurance website i can think of. If you dont know how to answer this question can you name as many car insurance companies as possible in case i missed one. thanks""
Progressive auto quote confirmation?
I had to ask a bunch of questions regarding insurance for a certain car for my driver education project and I got an email saying that I quoted with Progressive. What does this mean?
Will I lose my life insurance with AIG?
I have a life insurance policy with AIG. With the recent news about the AIG financial troubles, what happens if this company folds or goes bankrupt? Will I lose my life insurance policy with them?""
Insurance company is denying me insurance.. can anyone help out?
well i was driving alone on a learners permit, got into an accident where i was not at fault. the insurance company denied the car claim and now they called and said they refuse to cover me unless my ticket is found not guilty. The problem is my court date is in 3 months. Is there any other way i can get insurance coverage?""
Can i swap my car insurance when i still have a claim going through?
i need to change my insurance because of outgoings, but i have aclaim for compensation still going on because a man hit the back of my car. Can i still cancel my insurance and go with a better quote.""
What's the best site for cheap bike insurance ?
need to insurance my moped but want to make sure I get a good deal and cheap, any ideas ? thanks 
Insurance for my mom & me?
so say if my mom goes to get her permit could she get a insurance policy then list me as the main driver on it ? i have my licenses but i am only 17 and i can take out my own policy so could this happen ? i live in ny and since i am not 18 could this work for my mom to get her permit & get car insurance policy since she is old ?
""CAR QUESTION: If a car is registered in my name, will it be costly for my INSURANCE?""
I am 21 years old and I am planning to buy a used on so that it will not be expensive for my insurance. WHICH OF THESE IS BETTER: -Register the car with my name and pay like 3 thousand dollars for the insurance or. - Register it with the name of my Dad. If it is registered with my Dad's name in it, will that be cheaper to my insurance?""
Junction Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76849
Junction Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76849
Can we also get free car insurance? Obamacare?
we are very poor,,, and quality for free health care with this new plan that tax payers are so nice to pay for,,, can tax payers also pay for my car insurance?""
Would it be a good economic decision to lower my limits of liability on my car insurance?
I'm looking at my bills, and trying to cut costs, would it be wise to lower the limits of liability on our older (2004) car. I currently do not have comprehensive coverage on it... we only have that on the newer one. Here's what I have now: Bodily Injury - 25,000 / 50,000 Property Damage - 50,000 Personal Injury - 10,000 Uninsured Motor Vehicle - 25,000 Bodily Injury (non-stacked) - 50,000 Really, my husband only uses this car to go to work and back. We use the newer car for everything else. What would you recommend lowering our limits to, or would you recommend lowering them at all? Thanks!!! I know nothing about this... I just have what the insurance agent told me to get.""
What is the best car insurance for teenagers?
Hey all, My Dad wants me to sell my brand new dodge charger srt8 because the insurance agency is asking for an extra $1000 dollars. I have never had a speeding ticket and my record is spotless. But they're still charging that much extra. I live in an area where the teenagers get into a lot of car accidents when they have sports cars. could this be a reason? Also I'm 17 if that could help you in any way. If I really have to return or sell it, I'll do that and get another car but for those of you who are teenagers or have teenagers, what is your insurance cost? What is the best insurance to insure your teens car? Thanks in advance *CheerZ*""
""If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
What is the average monthly rate for restaurant liabilty insurance in tampa?
And which insurance company in tampa do the restaurant insurance..Mind is in the plaza not free stand..
Reason for sudden increase in price on car insurance?
When I bought my car I started paying 1,400 a year on insurance, and the other day I got a letter through the post from my insurance company saying that I need to renew my car insurance since it was close expiring. They said that if I want to continue with the same company I need to now pay 2,000 a year for the same car. I can't seem to understand why there's such a vast increase from my last quote. I haven't had to make a claim and I can't think of anything that may have happened that could result in the price increase. Do insurance companies do this or could there have been something I may have done which has put the price up? Thanks in advance.""
Car insurance - What's the car worth?
In the past when ever i've been asked by insurance companies what my car is worth i've always told them the amount that i think i could realisticly sell it for (what its worth? or so i thought) If i was to sell my car i would be able to get around 1200-1300, which is what i would say 'it's worth', HOWEVER, recently after putting my reg number into a price comparison website it automatically came up with a value of just 700. (My car has low milege, fsh and is in v good condition so is worth more than average) So my question is, if i tell them it's worth say 1250, take out their policy and then i write it off, what will they pay? The amount i told them or 'their' valuation. Also, am i paying a higher premium than i should because i'm telling them it's true value instead of their lower valuation? and if so, how many other people are doing this?""
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
This is going to sound crazy but try to stay with me here. I'm 17 about to be 18 and I live in Michigan. I'm going to be going to college in Lima, Ohio and will be driving back to michigan every couple of weeks. I have a truck that sucks gas so I am going to buy a bike. Either an 98'-05' Yamaha YZF R6 or R1 I haven't decided yet. I was wondering who has the cheapest insurance for what I'm doing with the bike. Basically driving it long distance and to class every so often. It will be stored in my apartment down there whenever I'm not driving it. Can anyone help me out. I know I'm a little young for any kind of cheap insurance but maybe there is a company out there that gives breaks to college students? Well anyway the main question is : From your experiences which company has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?""
Insurance adjusters?
I'm looking for a school in southern california that offers training in insurance adjusting. i'm trying to obtain my license in california and want to take a course
Do I need a license/registration for Motorized bicycle or 50cc gas moped scooter in CA?
Do i need to register or obtain a license for the above 2 vehicles in California. I tried to call DMV but it really takes forever. I can't seem to find that info on the website either. Thanks
""Car rental insurance, please help!?""
Hello everyone, I am really confused and need your help, please. I rented a car from Avis in Calgary, Alberta and drove to Vancouver, BC. I got involved in an accident that although my car was not damaged, but I think I am considered cause of the accident (two cars were badly damaged). I did not ask for any insurance of the rental car. My understanding was that the third party liability is covered by my own car insurance. However, someone called me earlier from my car insurance company(state farm) saying that they are not responsible. Today the rental car company has called and left me a message asking me to call them. I do not know what should I prepare myself for? Am I going to be charged to pay for all the damage? That'd be terrible. Please provide me with any information you have. I don't know what to do.""
Im a 20 yr old female- much would it cost to insure a 1.4 2007 astra sxi?
JUST PASSED TEST. Its insurance group 6 Tanks
What is best in LIfe Insurance?
How to choose the best insurance conpany.. This website says many which one can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/
Renting an Apartment: Is this cost per month affordable for my budget?
The apartment's rent is $750 a month...I'm living with 2 other roommates, so we are dividing that cost three ways. We'll each owe $250 a month...plus electric ($35 - $50 a month), plus cable t.v. ($30 - $40 a month), plus WiFi internet ($30 - $40 a month). So all together, each of us will owe around $275 a month, roughly. I make $32,000 a year before taxes and health insurance...I make a $250 car payment per month, and car insurance is $1000 (+ or -) for 6 months. This is my first time renting (I'm 20), so I want to be sure that I can afford this apartment.""
Would my insurance policy rate go up?
If I report a hit and run to my insurance company would my policy rate go up?
Will the insurance company cover my accident on a rental car?
What happen if i rent a car in my friends name and take it out of state but use my dad's insurance card? I am only 19 and live with him. I am not adding my name as the secondary driver at the rental place. If i get in a accident in a different state will my dad's insurance cover the accident. And i can't rent in my dad's name. So that's out of the option. I am renting in Georgia and going to Florida. Thank you
""Mortgage, HOMEOWNER INSURANCE, lost jobs advice.?""
I need some advice! (Please, please keep your advice to constructive criticism, please) We are coming out of a messy situation where we both lost our jobs. But now we have acquired ...show more""
Insurance cost on Audi TT 16yr?
I currently drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee (2002) to and from school but im in need of something that gets better gas mileage... I am currently very interested in an Audi TT because it is an inexpensive fun looking car and gets approx 28mpg. I am looking for around a 2000-2002 model Hard Top. How much would insurance cost for a 16yr Male Good Student while driving an Audi TT? Is there a huge difference between that and driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee? Thank You
Cheapest car insurance?
I understand that car insurance rates will vary from person to person, but I really need to know the names of at least one or two companies that, in general, have cheaper auto insurance. I mean, who had the cheapest auto insurance for you?""
Modified Car Insurance ??
hiya i have just bought a modified fiat punto - the only modifications it has on it is a body kit - do you no of and cheap car insurance companys in the uk that will insure me thanxs xx
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
Where can i find cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Can i put my car under my dads car insurance?
Okay so im 17 and getting a 1.1 litre care soon, my dad has no cars listed under his insurance but is a named driver on my mums car. Can i put my car under his insurance and sign the car as his in the log book and be a 2nd driver? how much extra will that cost a month ? hes been driving 27 year , thank you.""
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
Car insurance company question?
State farm gave me a car insurance quote 6 months ago. I agreed to it and they set up an account. They told me that we would have automatic payments made to them every month and that my coverage would stay the same. My husband and I never checked to make sure they were still automatically withdrawing the payments until today, 6 months later. I tried to call my insurance agent and she quit! I have not been covered since after the first month, and no one ever called to let me know I was no longer insured. HAD SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME AND SOME OTHER DRIVER WOULD'VE BEEN SCREWED. Who do I talk to about this? BTW I switched insurance companies since then and am now covered. I just was wondering who I can complain to about this.""
Junction Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76849
Junction Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76849
Is it legal for our group insurance company to mandate life insurance?
Our group health insurance provider is now saying we have to buy life insurance through one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. Is this legal in the State of Ohio?
Temporary Car Insurance Mercedes E Class 18 Year Old Male?
There is a meet at Goodwood Race Course at the end of the month, I was planning on taking the e class as the weather looks good and its good place to take it, however I'm really struggling to find temporary car insurance to cover me for the day, I can find annual car insurance relatively easily insuring my dad with his no claims and me as a named driver (comes to approx 1100 per annum) but I wont drive the car enough to make use of this insurance. I have looked high and low but none of the companies will insure me until I am 21 for temporary insurance. Any suggestions?""
Cheap car insurance for a 21 year old?
Okay, i am 21 and in August it will be 3 years since i got my New York State drivers license, Will insurance be chaper for me after the i have been licnesed for 3 years?""
""Young car insurance, where and how?""
Just passed me test and looked at insurance and wwwwoooowwww!!!! 3000 around the value of the car any way, so insurance quotes expect young people to write there car off twice at 8000 crazy i mean i understand that there are some bad young overconfident drivers basicly this is for and auto 1.2 nisan micra fully comp on my mums insurance. Im a guy and 18 in may so what is the way around this. I don't really want a car but for me i feel its necessary because i'm not a confident driver so need to keep it going. so do i buy a bangger(If so whats a good model) or go on my mums car. UK thanks guys any help appreciated""
How much is teenage car insurance?
I am 15 years old and going to have my permit. I want use my dad's car who already has insurance. But, based on certain websites they say i need to include licensed drivers on my dad's car insurance. I think we do not have me listed. Is it possible to include me as a licensed driver. I am currently under Nationwide. Will it cost me to be included? If, so how much or what is the average and how do I do it?""
Best individual insurance health plans???
I'm 19, I'm healthy, healthy weight, all that. I want a basic cheap health insurance plan that covers regular check ups and vision would be nice too, but thats not necessary. Anybody have any suggestions???""
""17 yr old new driver, buying car, wants mum and dad to be named drivers on insurance to get price down?""
just passed, saved up hard for car, checked car via a good garage, now wants to sort out car insurance. Have been told if mum and dad are named drivers on the car it will cut the cost of new drivers insurance, from around 2,000. to 700. But as a mum i want to know will it effect our own insurance? and effect our no-claims we have built up and our renewal costs? with or without a claim. or just which is the best way for the new driver to get insured, the new driver had no claims on a moped insurance. And is not a boy racer!""
""I am 16 years old, and someone hit me from the back, will my insurance go up?""
It was clearly his fault, but will my insurance premium go up since I am a new driver? I live in California.""
Why do we need auto insurance?
Why do we need auto insurance?
Where do i get health insurance in texas. im 18?
18 year old male. Parents dropped me. Sad day:(. Haha so where would I find cheap good health insurance :)
""How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice?
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice driving I will have a licensed person in the passenger seat, but i need a car just for one hour, to practice my skills and prepare for the exam this is very simple, i need a car to practice driving, i have about 15hrs, need mroe any local car rentals in Brooklyn NY? I do not care so much for the cost, as much as just simplifying the process of renting a car for a measly hour. Thanks""
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Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
Car insurance deductible question?
OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha! I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow). I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500). Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in? Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone. Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it? What should I do? thanks!""
Car accident and insurance/how much in repairs?
I got into a minor car accident yesterday afternoon while I was parallel parking on Walnut Street in Philadelphia. I was backing up and I hit the curb. The front end of my vehicle was still sticking our quite a bit, so I pulled out a little bit so I could pull in the rest of the way. The person behind me thought that I was done parking so pulled around me and I ended up hitting her. Her fender and her door skin need to be replaced. Does anyone know around how much this would cost to repair? She had the police come so I am assuming that she wants the insurance company to cover the damage, however I would rather pay for it out of pocket. Obviously, my insurance company is going to find out about the accident, but after the insurance companies decide the breakdown of the fault, would I be able to pay for my part of the damages without my rates going up? Or at that point would it not matter, my rates are going up anyways? I ask this because I'm 19 years old and would prefer to not have my rates go up.""
""What is the cheapest car insurance in Toronto, Canada for a female student w/out any prior auto insurance?
I am 22 years old and have never had auto insurance b4. I do have the driver's certificate and currently have a G2. The basic coverage is fine as I will not be getting a new car. I'll be getting a 1998-2001 car not sure of the modell yet.
""No pink slip yet, Can I insure my car in California. Also needs tags?
Ok so I bought a used G35 from a private seller but he has one more payment to pay until he gets his pink slip. We made a contract I still owe him some money until we switch it over to my name. My question is there any way to insure the car so I can drive it or should I just wait until its under my name and not drive it. Also it needs tag how should I go about that? I know the easiest way to do this is wait but I want to drive it already so if there is a possible way I'm willing to go out of my way.
Insurance settlement following motorcycle accident - GA?
The accident was ruled the other driver's fault. I had three pelvic fractures, dislocated tailbone, and fractured elbow. My health ins isn't paying, but the med bills have been reduced to the negotiated rate that my ins would normally pay. So my TOTAL OWED is about 2/3's of the initial total. Since pain & suffering is based on med bills times a multiplier, which amount will the ins co use? The larger total or the negotiated total? An attorney told me that this hospital is notorious for requesting the rest of the owed amount after the settlement has been reached, so obviously, I want the most money that I can get (and 13 weeks missed work!) Thanks""
Teen car insurance??
Im a 16 year old male looking for insurance. My gpa is 3.2 and play 2 sports. I was wondering how much it would run me to have insurance in California for a 67 mustang coupe?? And in comparison to a 2002 audi a4?
GAP insurance on finance car?
I paid 400 for GAP insurance on my new car around 6months ago when taking it out on finance I have just been made redundant does GAP cover this?
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Are there deals in car insurance if someone parents are divorced?
and he/she technically only lives with one parent?
Car insurance questions PLEASE help?
my mom is insured with a car insurance company already, and i just got my licence. do i have to have the same insurance to drive her car or can i use a different company for myself on her vehicle.""
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If someone kicked car and left a lage dent will my insurance company pay for the repair?
some jackass kicked my car so now i have a huge dent just wanna know if insurance will cover the cost of fixing the dent and if my insurance will go up? thanks for your time.
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0 notes
julietstrope12-blog · 7 years
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In 2010, the FCC asserted Segment 706 as an independent grant of authorization to manage any type of interactions" certainly not directly prevented due to the Action, delivered simply that the Payment insist that guideline would somehow ensure broadband. In the case of St. Luke's, the court calculated the defendants' efficiencies would certainly strengthen the high quality of healthcare" in Nampa, Idaho, yet were actually certainly not merger-specific. Every one of Guthrie's training and pastoral knowledge were actually put in to The Religious's Terrific Interest - his only manual. Most lately, in 2012, the Payment refused to provide Qwest forbearance also in the extremely very competitive telephony market, disregarding competition coming from cordless carriers, and confirming that a cable-telco duopoly" is actually poor to shield consumers. The Scion FR-S - light-weight, budget friendly sports car that the globe was actually purportedly waiting for - is actually supposedly arrested behing its purchases targets across the globe, creating that complicated for Toyota to warrant improving the motor or carrying a modifiable to market. Final month, FTC Josh Wright began a much-needed discussion on the issue through releasing a proposed policy statement to seek to give some relevant limitations to the FTC's UMC authorization. If interior smoking cigarettes restrictions in work environments were applied throughout the country, 725,000 existing tobacco smokers would stop, inning accordance with one research study. As someone who performs all the service his very own cars ('95 E320 wagon & '02 Rav4, thank you) I dislike the thought from having that design year Audi just about anything! Because of unpredictabilities concerning financial protection as well as affordability, commonly wed few may delay possessing children or become unsure regarding possessing yet another little one. About the second rationale-that an efficiencies screen would focus the FTC's sources on conduct more than likely to injure consumers-I question the ground that anticompetitive conduct along with some effectiveness is actually always less damaging than conduct with no performances. In numerous techniques, this acceptance from the tale is pretty intriguing considering that that is about the nonreligious authorization's supreme rejection to defend compensation.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
TC: h=owdy fr=om several h=ours in the future
MD: What are you doing se:veral hours in the future?
MD: This is Cyrrus, by the way. I'm uh MD: Tallow's friend. MD: My palmhusk came in.
SA: im dead and I'm back at my hotel. starving.
AH: what, really, Prisma?
AH: did you not buy food?
VV: ♚ ~ Room service, Honeycomb. Room service...It'd be rather upsetting if you simply wasted away, yes?
AH: lmao I don't think he's _that_ stupid.
AH: Only someone who deserves to be culled anyway just sits there and lets themselves die.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh my! Such a strong opinion. But I guess one so well suited for this world like a blueblood would have the most reasonable views on the matter anyway. Survival of the fittest and all that!
TT: hah The fu(\/)king nerd forgoT To eaT
AH: He was a little fucking busy.
AH: Also where the fuck have you been, it's been forever.
VV: ♚ ~ So many royal hues tonight oh my. hehe I'd say it's an honor but I think we all know where the honors lie. With all of us. Naturally.
TT: iTs been a few days (\/)hill The fu(\/)k Tf ouT TT: why did you miss me so mu(\/)h
TT: lol whaT
VV: ♚ ~ hm?
VV: ♚ ~ I know you're wonderfully educated. I feel reiterating myself would simply be offensive.....What is your name? I don't particularly enjoy just typing 'TT' to someone of such standing.
TT: whaT is even ^ wiTh you like wiTh The (\/)rown and The royalTy Talk like whaT TT: i donT parTi(\/)ularly enjoy jusT Typing To you eiTher so i mean
VV: ♚ ~ It's called an aesthetic and image which I'm shocked you don't care about.
AH: what, really? I must've missed you then. And I didn't but I wondered if your dumb ass crawled off and died or something.
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
AH: why are you het up about the poncy rust, TT
AH: this chatroom has way worse dickbags
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic's my name. I appreciate the observation but my name is much more delightful I think.
AH: Read that as Purrdia for five seconds. You're a meowbeast in my head now.
VV: ♚ ~ oh how cute I'm rather okay with this :3c A lovely one I hope, one of those long haired cuties.
AH: uhhh I was just thinking like, a generic cat, I'm not that great with animals.
AH: what kind are you talking about. because I don't know fuck shit about cats, honestly. They eat squeakbeasts and roll around in catnip. That's it.
VV: ♚ ~ A long haired, cutey one it is. I got one for my dearest, Dolora recently here they look like this.
_VV has sent meowmeow .jpg_
SA: cats are much more precious than that.
RS: | Dolora has a Meowbeast | ? | How Charming |
SA: No, Sipara's comment about emerel and pheres banging and Hadean's kink 101 lessons quite did me in.
AH: Oh that's kinda cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! I'm glad the darling honeycomb didn't expire.
SA: I don't want to eat anymore.
SA: ever, actually.
AH: ...their WHAT now
RS: | I didn't Think He wa the Ty
AH: never mind
RS: | What |
AH: I don't wanna know
VV: ♚ ~ And yes my dearest Dolora has a meow-beast. A lovely troll named Steamy said I should get it for him. So he is less lonely when I can't be around.
AH: lol, STEAMY?
VV: ♚ ~ Also....Prisma excuse me but what
AH: What kind of name is that.
RS: | Yes | I think | I am Going to Ignore That as Well |
RS: | Because I also Do Nott WAnt to Know | Frankly |
RS: | Tell Us about Your Cat | =:B | ! |
AH: also lmao at Hadean. I bet he's a total virgin.
AH: It'd explain his bad mood.
VV: ♚ ~ I think the blue blood here is much more interested in intimate details of others than a purrbeast. 0:
VV: ♚ ~ I haven't a clue as to what sort of name that is for a Madam but it was the one I was given so Steamy it is. Is your name any better for that matter though? I'd truly love to know it, as it's only polite seeing as I've given my own~
AH: what, mine?
VV: ♚ ~ I'd say no the other AH initial having blue blood, but I really do admire your boldness! So yes you deary.
AH: Idk, maybe you were talking to Pheres, I don't know your life.
AH: I'm Gliese.
WC: ~(Hello hello ^_^)
AH: well somebody's cheerful.
WC: ~(Wait did someone say my name?)
AH: cull an enemy or something?
WC: ~(I still regret giving you the idea for that poor cat) WC: ~(Is it at least getting fed?)
WC: ~(Haha, no. I'm just like this, I guess!)
AH: oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ Please to meet you Gliese-- VV: ♚ ~ No no it's a great cat!! It's being extremely well taken care of. I LOVE Prince Player Slayer.
AH: Your lusus actually named you _Steamy._
AH: ahahaha oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ And I'm sure Dolora does as well
WC: ~(Prince what)
AH: You named it fucking _Player Slayer_.
AH: That's the stupidest thing ever, I'm laughing my face off.
VV: ♚ ~ PRINCESS Player Slayer.
WC: ~(Well isn't that a bowl and a half of sugargrubs)
AH: bowl and a half of idiot crazy, lmao.
SA: what does being a "total virgin" have to do with someone's ... mood..
SA: I too am a "total virgin" and it doesn't change the fact i've been lobotomized.
WC: ~(Oh, it's just a silly insult!) WC: ~(There's really no problem with being the not pailing type!)
SA: I ordered sushi.
AH: I was joking, Prisma
SA: again.
AH: jeez
SA: I don't believe you.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes, Prisma, has the right idea. Being judgmental of my darling Princess is not a thing to do.
VV: ♚ ~ Who apparently has many things also going on . Enlightening.
AH: oh come on I _know_ Hadean's grumpiness just comes from his inherent trash fire of a personality, not a lack of being laid
SA: He isn't a trash fire. I rather like him.
AH: Oh I think he's great
SA: You on the other hand are another story.
AH: but he's a total trash fire
SA: My little princess, I'm sorry I kept disappearing on you,
WC: ~(Who's Hadean again?)
SA: I'm happy to have finally seen you.
SA: You are very cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh~? A trash...fire...sounds interesting.
WC: ~(I can barely keep up with all these names!)
AH: he's ID on here, redblood dude, professional food moocher and picker of stupid fights.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you ❤ I thought so as well. You're just as handsome as your picture was. A pleasant surprise with how many simply lie.
VV: ♚ ~ Define a stupid fight. I want to know more now!
SA: a fight not unlike the one I was in with...
SA: I've forgotten their name 😦
WC: ~(ID? What?)
WC: ~(Wait that's right)
WC: ~(Different ID)
Sa: and of course. I have nothing to gain by lying to you about my looks 😃
SA: did you have fun at the fair?
AH: What, didn't you hear? He fought a jadeblood dude. a.k.a MN. a.k.a Emerel
AH: They both fucked each other up.
WC: ~(Oh my god) WC: ~(Are they okay?)
AH: Idk, haven't seen Em yet, but Hadean's fine...ish.
AH: ...I want to see Em, but I don't think they'd want me around.
AH: Which fair I guess.
RS: | That is About Right |
SA: Emerel is signifiantly less fucked up, but they still look like trash.
RS: | You had Plenty of Opportunity to Visit After the Fight |
SA: but I only saw them briefly
RS: | But He is Recuperating |
RS: | So | No | No Visitors | =:) |
VV: ♚ ~ A jade blood, oh my.
VV: ♚ ~ Sorry Honeycomb, I did have loads of fun but I'm rather intrigued by this supposed blood lust that has happened oh my!
AH: Oh please, Pheres, like you weren't freaking the hell out. And you wouldn't have let me in anyway. You don't have to pretend.
AH: I get it.
SA: it was exciting until it turned into a fight to the death.
SA: then it was less exciting.
RS: | Am I Pretending | ? | I thought I Said Outright | You are Not Wanted as a Visitor | =:? |
WC: ~(How awful) WC: ~(I certainly hope he recovers soon!)
AH: You said I could have visited after the fight, but I know full well that wouldn't have gone well.
AH: But it's fine. I'll see him later.
AH: I'm just glad he's recovering.
VV: ♚ ~If It was as deadly as is being told I truly wonder if a speedy recovery is possible?
RS: | Oh | Please | RS: | We have No Idea How that Would've Gone | Given You were Busy Fussing over Hadean |
SA: :3c
AH: Uh, yeah, considering he was in trouble.
RS: | But | Let's not Drag Out a Fight Into Public Like This |
WC: ~(Is this really what you want to fight about?)
RS: | It's Unbecoming |
VV: ♚ ~ No, no. It gives some good unbiased opinions on the matter!
VV: ♚ ~ There's two sides to every story and all that of course
WC: ~(Perdia. I don't feel like unbiased is the word you're looking for)
VV: ♚ ~ Oh but it is I promise!
RS: | Hahaha | Do You Constitute as Unbiased | ? | =:P |
WC: ~(Somehow I don't feel like unbiased is in your vocabulary)
AH: Sure there is, but your eagerness makes me kinda uncomfortable.
VV: ♚ ~ I have no idea who anyone or anything is. I have no bias. Negative.
VV: ♚ ~ Pure minded as they come!
WC: ~(Uh uh)
AH: So whatever, I guess.
WC: ~(Speaking of, why ARE you fake dating your matesprit?)
AH: wow.
WC: ~(What do you get out of that in terms of benefits?)
RS: | Perhaps I will Give You the Details in Private | Then |
RS: | In the Name of Gaining Relevant Second-ha | RS: | Hahaha | Heavens |
AH: one door closes another opens I guess.
VV: ♚ ~ I must admit the eagerness is in partial that I haven't had a particularly interesting--- VV:♚ ~ Excuse me
VV: ♚ ~ He is NOT fake
RS: | Who is Your Matesprit | Again | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ You can ask Dolora himself of our status!
SA: but little princess, that just means we can sabotage all of it.
WC: ~(You weren't exactly...good at hiding the fact that you don't care much about him)
RS: | Oh | ! | Dolora | ! |
AH: hahah wow
RS: | How Charming |
AH: who the heck is Dolora
VV: ♚ ~ I purchased him a meowbeast, to make up for my absence. I care a LOT about him
SA: Oh, perdia you have a matesprit?
RS: | She Does | ! | Evidently |
VV: ♚ ~ I do.
WC: ~(No, you got it to torture him)
WC: ~(I was there, remember?)
VV: ♚ ~ I did nothing of the sort.
WC: ~(Uh huh)
SA: Oh, that's exicitng news.
SA: I didn't know that.
WC: ~(If you say so >-> )
SA: 😢 now you will never truly be my little princess 💎
VV: ♚ ~ It's incredibly exciting and romantic and pleasurable. Being accused of anything less of my dedication to him it's rather upsetting--
SA: I'm teasing.
WC: ~(If you say so, dear.)
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! You almost had me Honeycomb
SA: If she says it';s romantic and pleasurable and exciting and she says she's faithful
SA: then she's faithful.
SA: why antagonize her furhter.
RS: | Oh | Don't Worry | Prisma |
RS: | Teasing or Not |
SA: Why so, Pheres?
RS: | Young Love is Rarely a Lasting Thing | =:B | Give It Five Sweeps |
RS: | I am Sure She will be There | To be Swept Off of Her Feet |
VV: ♚ ~ Hmph
SA: then what's your current relationship?
RS: | | I am Teasing | By the Way |
AH: lmao I side with Pheres on this one.
TT: i swear To fu(\/)king god if anoTher shiTTy ass supporT main ruins anoTher one of my games i am going To piss on everyThing everyone loves and break someone's fooT.
AH: young quads are - LOL HI
TT: also whaT did i miss
AH: not much
AH: sounds like you've been having a hell of a time though lmao
VV: ♚ ~ Is there a plan to be sweeping me off my feet? VV: ♚ ~ Ah, the crabby one has returned
WC: ~(Why don't you tell us how you really feel)
RS: | Hahaha | Unlikely to Last Past Ascension | Given Our Castes | RS: | But You Know That | So It's a rather Unkind Thing to Bring Up | Prisma |
VV: ♚ ~ You sound the sort to piss on anything regardless of being angered enough to do so
RS: | Did I Upset You | ? | =:( |
SA: It was unkind of you to bring it up to perdia as a joke or not.
SA: feelings are very real, no matter how short they are.
SA: or how idealistic and naive.
TT: all i feel is anger and vinager running Through my veins
AH: you are not the dude I expected a defense of young love from, Prisma, so I admit this kinda throws me
WC: ~(Would you like a chocolate bar)
AH: what're you gonna do
AH: beam it to them through the internet?
SA: i find feelings to be very important, seeing as I cannot feel them myself
TT: my lusus Tells me To never Take (\/)andy from sTrangers when he was alive
TT: buT The biT(\/)h is dead so whaT flavor
RS: | Heavens | I did Upset You | RS: | My Apologies | ! | It was a Joke | One that She Herself did Not Appear to Take Remiss |
WC: ~(That wasn't literal, Gliese)
AH: Then how can you find them important if you don't feel anything.
SA: It's fine.
WC: ~(I don't even have any chocolate anyway!)
SA: I am calm.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm not, dearest Honeycomb. HAHA!
SA: like always 😒
TT: i haTe This (\/)haT everyone lies
WC: ~(I'm sorry you had a bad day) WC: ~(I hope it gets better!)
SA: You're not what--
RS: | Calm | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ Calm. but I also kid. I'm fine. It's fine.
SA: oh. Good.
VV: ♚ ~ Everyone's just so incredibly colorful here.
SA: this is good.
VV: ♚ ~ what isn't there to be calm about.
SA: I'm always calm Pheres, that was the joke.
SA: Hah. I have gotten you.
SA: like you have gotten me.
RS: | | | | Haha | =:? |
WC: ~(Sorry! >=<)
VV: ♚ ~ Chocolate, rage and vinegar. You're going to keel over and have a pusher attack at this rate my god.
WC: ~(My matesprit brought me some earlier but I kind of....ate it...all of it.......)
TT: i am like eighT i (\/)anT die so TT: anyway ThaT is unforTunaTe if They really loved you They wouldve given you more (\/)ho(\/)olaTe
SA: food is the ultimate display of love.
AH: booooring
WC: ~(I think he was also being chased by angry bluebloods or something at the time) WC: ~(So I didn't see him for long)
AH: why not having cool adventures together as the ultimate display of love.
WC: ~(Oh, we do!)
AH: That wasn't at you but okay cool.
WC: ~(Whoops, sorry)
AH: good to know you're not totally boring
SA: Pheres, you called emerel habibi
SA: are you from that area?
SA: I speak that language.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Haha | Ah | Yes |
TT: The only boring one here is The one Talking abouT languages To be Tbqh
SA: and I don't care what you think since you're pissing on things that make you angry like a spoiled grub 😃
AH: Languages aren't bad.
WC: ~(I wish I had a crunchy chocolate bar to offer you)
SA: I didn't spend very long there, but I remember the ocean.
AH: Man, get the stick out of your bum, it's not even funny anymore.
SA: I wish I could go back.
RS: | Well | Why don't You | ? | It's hardly Moved | Haha |
TT: you wish you goT The sTi(\/)k in your bum ba(\/)k????
WC: ~(Scandalous!)
SA: i feel like if I did it would ruin the illusion. You know, like rosetinted classes.
SA: perhaps I'm only fond of it because I don't completely grasp it.
WC: ~((. ◕ o ◕.))
SA: Do you visit it, very often?
RS: | The Ocean is Nice | Ah | My Hivestem was Farther In-land than That | But | RS: | I Saw It as an Adolescent | It | - | RS: | Hahaha | Glasses | =:B |
SA: Oh.
SA: yes, glasses.
MD: Hello.
SA: 😊
RS: | Mm | ! | Meukit Lives in Hanhai | Which | is One of the Northern Regions | of the Southern Hemisphere | RS: | So I Visit It Frequently |
RS: | I Suspect Yours may be Farther South | We've only Got a Touch of Coast |
MD: Coast where?
RS: | ? |
RS: | Oh | Ocean Coast | !|
MD: What does that look like?
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, nice, travel talk. I come back to more pleasant things. I'm so delighted~ VV: ♚ ~ Yes, do describe it in great detail. Make a slide show even, a full presentation.
SA: Meukit?
SA: Oh, it most likely was... I just remember a very large, gleaming city. It was like marble.
DD: A busy ᵰight full of oceaᵰ talk. Color ᵯe surprised.
SA: that was it, though. That and the ocean.
MD: Hello, Servitor.
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds incredibly lovely~ VV: ♚ ~ Servitor....?
RS: | Meukit | ! | cerebral Cottontail | He is on Here | Sometimes | He's got a Lovely Fashion Blog | RS: | And | Oh | That sounds Lovely | Yes | It was not Hanhai | Then | Haha | RS: | Our Cities are | Mm | | | Sooty | or Else | They're Temasek | =:B |
SA: Oh, is he perhaps the blue one?
AH: Frickin' clown-filled Temasek.
RS: | You should Visit Us | Then | RS: | It can Hardly Destroy Your Nostalgia |
DD: Ah. Hello agaiᵰ.
SA: perhaps I will. I want to travel.
RS: | But | Perhaps You will Find It Charming |
RS: | Mm | He is the Blue One |
SA: I've met him, briefly. I think...
SA: they were interesting to talk to.
MD: How is your lusus?
VV: ♚ ~ Allow me to join you if you do Prisma! I'm rather interested myself...and am in need of some proverbial leg stretching. Dense cities get to be too much often.
SA: Do you live in Provenence, Perdia?
SA: Pheres, do the cities there have the early markets? I've heard about them while reading about other cities.
DD: Sated for the ᵰight. Aᵰd how are you? Have you beeᵰ reflectiᵰg oᵰ what I told you before?
MD: Yes sir. MD: I think I':ve been doing well.
RS: | Yes | ! | We Do | Haha |
MD: Thank you for teaching me, sir.
RS: | All of the Cities Do |
DD: Well it's the least I caᵰ do. Are you acquaiᵰtaᵰces with the other trolls iᵰ this chatrooᵯ?
MD: I know Pheres.
MD: Hi Pheres.
RS: | | But | Oh | Hold On | RS: | I'm Sorry to Cut This Short | But | RS: | There is Something I Need to Deal Wit | ? | ? |
SA: do they? That's amazing... I need to acquire fresh dates. We had dates, I think. Perdia, we could go to the market and get dates.
SA: Oh, yes.
SA: take care, Pheres.
MD: Oh MD: Bye.
RS: | Hello | ! | RS: | Ah | Forgive Me | I'm not Placing a Name to Your Handle |
MD: It's Cyrrus.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Cyrrus | ! |
RS: | Hello | =:B | How are You | ? |
MD: Pretty good! Tallow isn't hurt today.
DD: Ah. The ᵯarooᵰ is Pheres. I see.
MD: So it's a good day.
DD: Well. Oᵰe of the ᵯarooᵰs.
RS: | | Wait | No | RS: | Ahh | Let Me Message You Later Tonight | ! | And We will Talk | I Promise | RS: | I need to Check on Emerel | =:( | My Sincere Apologies |
MD: What happened to Emerel?
MD: Is he okay?
VV: ♚ ~ I do not reside there but further inland actually Prisma!! VV: ♚ ~ Oh more guests~
RS: | Later | ! | I will Tell You Later | Haha |
MD: Okay
MD: See ya
VV: ♚ ~ Tah,tah~
SA: Further inland... That would be easy for me to reach. We could tour provenance if you would like.
DD: I hope I didᵰ't frighteᵰ hiᵯ off. ᵯarooᵰs caᵰ be so delicate.
MD: No MD: Emerel is his matesprit.
SA: I think Pheres is stronger than that.
MD: Did something happen? Does anyone know?
VV: ♚ ~ !! I'd adore that. Ballet is having some off time anyway, I should take hold of the opportunity. VV:♚ ~ I'm rather unsure actually if anything happened....Citrus was it?
MD: Cyrrus.
DD: Aᵰd Eᵯerel is...?
MD: His..matesprit. He's green.
MD: I don't know much else.
MD: He mostly talks to my friend more than he does me.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh that makes much more sense then. I'd have thought you wouldn't match such a fruit name after all.
DD: Ah. Hᵯ. Well good for the ᵯarooᵰ. Pheres. I'ᵯ sure greeᵰ is a good step for hiᵯ.
DD: Is the other ᵯarooᵰ botheriᵰg you ᵯD? Or. Cyrrus I suppose.
MD: I'm not : very fruity, no. MD: Whoops.
MD: Ah MD: It's okay. I don't mind.
VV: ♚ ~ Other maroon...
DD: Hᵯ. Well, if you say so. Yes, you. You're the other ᵯarooᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Excuse me, my higher hued companions, but I'd truly appreciate my name. Here! Let's start this over with proper introductions. VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintance~
VV: ♚ ~ There~ Now I'm not just 'another maroon' I'm _a particular maroon_.
MD: Uh MD: Nice to meet you.
DD: Hᵯ. You ᵯay call ᵯe Servitor. Particular ᵯarooᵰ Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Charmed I'm sure, Cyrrus and Serpintine.
VV: ♚ ~ Oop! I meant Servitor.
MD: Now you're just doing this on purpose.
VV: ♚ ~ Had my nails done today it makes typing tricky at times haha
VV: ♚ ~ I truly apologize from the bottom of my pusher.
DD: Lowblood two-facedᵰess is ᵰot welcoᵯe. Try to keep your ᵯaᵰᵰers.
VV: ♚ ~ Not two faced at all I assure you! A singular face truly trying their best at the moment dearest seadweller. VV: ♚ ~ I take great pride in my appearance so really, I do mean that my nails can make it...rather difficult to type. VV: ♚ ~ You'd be astonished just how untrustworthy talk-to-text programs can be.
MD: That's how you actually talk???
DD: ᵯᵯᵯ. I suppose you ᵯust treasure your looks while they reᵯaiᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you mean my speaking pattern or something else darling?
VV: ♚ ~ If it's the speaking then why shouldn't I put on my best voice for such high company?
MD: You uh MD: Uh.... MD: Not to be rude, but you sound like the overmade villianess in a story.
DD: Cyrrus. Have you ᵰot experieᵰced a lowblood tryiᵰg to please?
D: I ᵯust adᵯit. Soᵯe do a lot better thaᵰ others. But the poor thiᵰg is tryiᵰg.
MD: Of course I ha:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ My apologies if it comes across as such! -- I am no poor thing however I assure you.
MD: I just ha:ven't run into anyone this bad at it.
VV: ♚ ~ Mmmm I do have eyes I can read just as well as you can.
DD: Of course you areᵰ't, Predie.
MD: Perdia, this isn't a good place for you. MD: You should lea:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ I'll admit you both may be a tad correct however in it not being the right approach! It's enough for cooler hues but not ones of such a cooled hue such as yourselves. VV: ♚ ~ I'm staying.
AH: oh my god
AH: fucking fishfaces
AH: lol yeah fight the power
D: ᵰow Cyrrus, doᵰ't be rude.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia. Perdia. Not Predie, however close to pretty that name is.
VV: ♚ ~ I know for a fact you can read and write, despite what you're showing me right now.
AH: idk Perdia maybe they're just really good at faking
MD: Sorry sir. MD: Sorry Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ I've seen better faking from a wriggler pretending to rest.
AH: lmao wow
VV: ♚ ~ Am i wrong in my statement?
AH: probably not lol
DD: Ah. The little ᵯarooᵰ has teeth wheᵰ it coᵯes to a keyboard. How quaiᵰt.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia.
AH: you do know you sound like a huge tool right.
MD: I...don't actually know why you keep talking about your reading abilities? MD: You just said you were on chat to text!
AH: Not saying her name doesn't make you look powerful or cool, pinky.
AH: You just look like a dick.
DD: I suppose that ᵯakes you. Brave by calliᵰg ᵯe Piᵰky theᵰ?
AH: If you get off on intentionally being an ass because society lets you then you're just pathetic lmao.
AH: It's not brave if I'm just calling it like I see it lol.
MD: Can we stop fighting please?
AH: what, haven't got the stomach for it
VV: ♚ ~ I am on chat to text but I DO read the screen. It's a program where i push ONE button instead of the many on my keyboard then SPEAK so it may type for me.
VV: ♚ ~ Fighting looks much worse dearest I assure you. A little harmless disagreement is all that seems to be. Any of this really.
AH: lmao yeah
DD: Really Cyrrus, this isᵰ't a fight. You're a tiᵯid thiᵰg, areᵰ't you?
MD: No sir. MD: It just seems like a wasted effort to argue in a public chat.
VV: ♚ ~ I think we're bonding!
DD: Yes. Boᵰdiᵰg.
AH: lmao, Cyrrus, the point of the internet is for public arguing
AH: duh
DD: Pretty ᵯuch. Though it's a bit less fuᵰ wheᵰ you just drag it out aᵰd shiᵰe a spotlight oᵰ it.
VV: ♚ ~ See! All normal. Nothing to fluff your gills over. Or what have you that seadwellers do!
MD: I don't fluff my gills.
MD: They don't even ha:ve fluff.
VV: ♚ ~ Fluff doesn't pertain only to fur or actual fluff, honey.
MD: Tell me about seadweller gills, please, Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Simply to create volume etcetera
AH: lol I guess if fish know anything they probably know their own shit
DD: Soᵯe seadwellers have filaᵯeᵰts that are rather flashy.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you actually want me to talk about seadweller gills? I'd feel like a professor of some sort if I lecture.
MD: I didn't get that one. Just normal gills.
VV: ♚ ~ I know they're a weak spot for some and an EXCITING spot for others.
DD: Geᵰerally the surface seadwellers ᵯoreso thaᵰ the deeper oᵰes.
VV: ♚ ~ And that's my knowledge on that.
MD: Gross
VV: ♚ ~ I won't correct you on that.
AH: oh my god wow
AH: boy am I being _educated_ tonight
VV: ♚ ~ That was my exact reaction learning such a thing too!
AH: Lmao
AH: I'm sure it was
DD: I would chaᵰge it to a weak spot for all really though.
VV: ♚ ~ Not even from hearsay at that! You try having a nice meal with a seadweller and learning such a thing.
VV: ♚ ~ How can gills be a weakspot for all if we lower hues don't even have gills.
DD: All those with gills, ᵰaturally.
VV: ♚ ~ If you attack hard enough anything and anywhere can be a weakspot I'm sure. Which is easy for anyone brutish enough!
MD: How about we just make it a nothing spot and lea:ve it at that
DD: I'ᵯ sure you could teach us all about brutishᵰess Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ A primeballerina wouldn't know anything of the sort beyond brutal practices.
AH: lmao yeah pull the other leg
AH: dancing can be deadly as hell
AH: comballet never stopped being a thing
DD: Hᵯ. You are the secoᵰd lowblood I have spokeᵰ to iᵰ here that practices ballet.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh don't go and give all the secrets away shhh~ ❤
SA: i apologize I fell asleep.
SA: what have i missed.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm being bullied by seadwellers. It was truly awful.
AH: yeah they were dicks
AH: well mostly the fuchsia
AH: violet here seems more confused than anything
MD: Hey
MD: What did I e:ven do to you?
SA: Oh.
AH: nothing that's why you get 'confused' instead of 'douchebag'
SA: 🤺 i will fight.
DD: Bullied ᵰow. Hᵯᵯ. Truly I aᵯ sure you are cryiᵰg your eyes out.
VV: ♚~ Fight for my honor, my honeycomb prince :"(
AH: lmao
DD: ...What's wroᵰg with this yellowblood?
AH: Prisma? He's a little weird, otherwise nothing
VV: ♚ ~ I am. But at least my makeup is all waterproof so nothing is ruined from it I simply look amazing as usual.
SA: What would you think is wrong with me?
SA: It's the least I could do, dear little princess.
AH: lmao he's a fish probably thinks we're all wrong for not kissing his feet
VV: ♚ ~ ✨
SA: I still have plenty leftover from my last duel for your honor.
DD: ...AH. Is this... Roleplayiᵰg...?
AH: no, we'd have to have
AH: what's his face
SA: No, we are simply being silly.
AH: Tallow?
AH: We'd have to have him in here, that's when roleplay hour happens
DD: I see.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm never silly, simply....mmm...less than genuine for the sake of fun. There that makes it sound classier.
MD: He's sleeping.
SA: I don't kiss anyone's feet, also.
SA: Hyperbolic?
AH: lol yeah
VV: ♚ ~ Yes!
AH: who would _actually_ kiss someone's feet
AH: that's totally stupid
VV: ♚ ~ Oh you'd be surprised.
DD: I would rather you didᵰ't. Seeiᵰg as how I aᵯ at least 500 feet uᵰderwater. I thiᵰk it would be hard for you.
AH: oh god don't fucking tell me if people do
AH: I don't want to know
AH: god you're worse than Prisma, at least he has a sense of humor
VV: ♚ ~ I'll not tell you then!
AH: I've been saved
AH: praise be to mother grub
SA: in Hadean's world that may be part of Kink 101
SA: I will not let this go, I am so very upset.
DD: ...I... Hᵯ.
VV: ♚ ~ Kink 101...
AH: I'm gonna get him just for saying that. I'll buy him a hamburger and then _throw it away in front of him_
SA: cover your ears, princess.
AH: just to get revenge
VV: ♚ ~ I'm well ahead of you I'd truly rather not know oh my
DD: I do ᵰot. Thiᵰk I waᵰt to kᵰow about laᵰddweller kiᵰks.
AH: why are seadweller ones better
AH: and don't you dare fucking answer
AH: because I've never wanted to know anything less in my life
AH: but since you seem allergic to jokes
AH: I figure I'd better fucking clarify
MD: Why are we talking about peoples' kinks?!
D: Well. Siᵰce you said ᵰot to.
MD: How is that not pri:vate?!
AH: oh my god, what are you, 6?
DD: I could reveal soᵯe of the ᵯysteries.
AH: _No_
MD: Does it matter?!
DD: (c:)
AH: lmao you're being a weenie so yes but no seriously I am so gone if pinky starts revealing his true nature as a pervert
MD: Why are you obesessed with public kinks? MD: Are YOU going to go and trigger peoples' kinks?!
AH: oh my GOD I was KIDDING
VV: ♚ ~ Aw a 6 sweep old!! Hello darling aren't you precious. Oh I simply must turn the other cheek here, adorable. Really. Grubby I'm sure but adorable.
MD: No, I'm not 6.
DD: I aᵯ ᵰot goiᵰg to reveal aᵰythiᵰg. But it is fuᵰ. Kiddiᵰg.
SA: 😂
MD: I didn't e:ven say I was.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh boo. So you're just childish? Ahhh how utterly dissapointing.
SA: i love being facetious it went over 50% of the heads in this chat.
SA: i can rest well tonight.
DD: I'ᵯ coᵰcerᵰed there's soᵯethiᵰg wroᵰg with that yellowblood.
SA: I'm concerned that you find me concerning. I'm quite well, thank you.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm gravely concerned there's much more wrong with you and your friend .
SA: I do not need your concern nor do I want it.
SA: I agree with Perdia.
DD: Well we ᵯust agree to disagree oᵰ which side is coᵰcerᵰiᵰg I suppose.
AH: spoilers it's you
D: Agree to disagree. (c:)
VV: ♚ ~Being stubborn isn't very royal like you know~
TC: evenin all
MD: Hi.
TC: h=owdy
SA: i still wish to know what you find so concerning about me.
DD: ...Stubborᵰᵰess keeps throᵰes, soᵯe would say.
SA: most people think I'm a fucking delight.
DD: You appear to fall asleep at. Raᵰdoᵯ? Aᵰd scrolliᵰg up I saw ᵯeᵰtioᵰ of a lobotoᵯy?
VV: ♚ ~ Evening~
SA: Oh.
SA: Hah.
SA: I get tired very easily.
MD: Um, please excuse the concerned chat. MD: It's :very...concerning.
SA: Hadean isn't here to stop me from dumping my life story.
AH: yeah he just passes out but he's fine
SA: So I will exercise caution.
SA: and do it myself.
SA: 😃
VV: ♚ ~ Oh jolly, story time~
AH: lmao
DD: As far as I'ᵯ aware, ᵯost lowbloods do ᵰot get parts of their thiᵰkpaᵰs reᵯoved is all.
AH: it better be good, Prisma
AH: yeah well as far as I'm aware most fish don't start with thinkpans to begin with because they think money works instead
MD: !!!
MD: Why would you take out part of someone's thinkpan?!
AH: so what are we gonna do here
MD: I get it in a comic book but real life???
VV: ♚ ~ AH what was your name again? I need to take note not to forget. I really do enjoy your quips~
DD: I ᵯeaᵰ I would thiᵰk ᵯy fists work better thaᵰ ᵯy ᵯoᵰey. But I suppose you kᵰow best AH.
VV: ♚ ~ Kudos
AH: Gliese
AH: lmao that was weak but whatever
VV: ♚ ~ Maybe they lost their money....
SA: Oh, no.
MD: I'd rather talk it out.
VV: ♚ ~ And they only have fists to survive on...tragic.
SA: I'm not saying anything.
SA: for once.
SA; If you want to see it you can read the lowblood chat or scroll up.
SA; It's been there three or four times now.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm weeping once again from how depressing that thought is.
SA: I'm getting wiser.
DD: Oh. ᵰo. I have pleᵰty of wealth?
AH: lol, maybe I'll just ask Hadean
SA: Hadean better not tell you.
SA: or my little heart will be broken 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Are you never going to stop getting wiser, Prisma~?
AH: he'll probably tell me to fuck off
AH: let's be real
SA: I can be rather wise sometimes but usually I am rather mediocre.
SA: I am sorry, little princess.
SA: Maybe when I'm not very tired I will share.
SA: again..
AH: but then I can tell _him_ to fuck off and we can continue our beautiful bonding
TC: chats real busy this evenin
AH: lmao yeah thanks for the news captain obvious
TC: n=ot sure iffin i can keep up with all this chatter
VV: ♚ ~ No need to apologize my prince we can chat about lives and the like while traveling~
VV: ♚ ~ Do your best or just peruse, both are equally entertaining I assure you
MD: How are you tonight?
TC: if tha lowblood chat tweren't so empty all tha time I'd just linger there
TC: im d=oin just fine
SA: but then how would we get these lovely seadwellers here.
TC:fergetin my =own quirk is all
VV: ♚ ~ You seem unique enough with out it. Don't worry
MD: I'd talk to you in the lowblood chat if I could but MD: Well I could log into Tallow's account MD: He's not :very good at passwords
TC: i just pulled in ta the faire actually TC: im a bit late
MD: We were there earlier! MD: In fact, we're not far away still. MD: We ha:ven't made it home yet.
MD: It was really fun, though.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh look at you! You do have a friendly bone in that gelatinous body of yours! I'm absolutely stunned and delighted. VV: ♚ ~ Is it a one a day sort of use or were you simply grumpy?
VV: ♚ ~ It obviously had nothing to do with my own hue.
MD: Please lea:ve me alone, Perdia.
AH: lol wait
AH: you're at the ren fair?
AH: are you doing anything cool
AH: or are you just some lame kitschy souvenir merchant
VV: ♚ ~ I shant because you were rude to me earlier. I deserve and will take my revenge.
MD: And this is me hitting the block button that I just disco:vered.
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm
VV: ♚ ~ I truly do despise when one is so hypocratic.
TC: i came ta d=o my usual TC: play a pleasant tune =or tw=o an maybe sell s=ome=one a quality hand made musical instrument
MD: Maybe we'll come back to hear you since we aren't far. MD: I'd ha:ve to wake up Tallow, though. He gorged himself on macarons and went to sleep.
TC: =ooh macar=ons
TC: well i'd be mighty flatterd if yall came back just ta hear me TC: id have ta play ya s=omethin real special
AH: lolwot, you're here too?
AH: figures
SA: I am...
SA: most likely going back to Provenence soon.
AH: what, not even gonna stay for Hadean?
AH: cold, Prisma
AH ...I'm kidding
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
SA: I would stay for Hadean and Sipara, or even Perdia, but I am also very tired and
AH: but at least say goodbye to the dude before you go
SA: I do not wish to be here if something else happens between Emerel and Hadean.
SA: I don't want to intervene.
ID: woowwwww what.
MD: Can someone please tell me what happened to Emerel?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I'm no longer there, a costume is tedious to upkeep when it's so long .
SA: Of course I will tell Hadean goodbye. He is my friend.
AH: I'm not gonna let anything else happen between those two.
AH: God fucking help them if they try.
MD: Pheres didn't say he was okay and he normally would if he was, so what happened?
MD: Is he alright?
ID: damn right i'm the fucking devil.
ID: you chatty lil bitches. D:<=
AH: looooool
VV: ♚ ~ Ohohoooo
SA: 🎊
AH: yeah okay, this from the guy who runs his mouth 24/7 and has enough opinions to fill an entire gossip rag
SA: Emerel
SA: beat the shit out of Hadean.
SA: It was very bad.
ID: first things first- Emerel is fucking fine-ish. Because he's a fucking cheater.
AH: they kind of beat the shit out of each _other_ but yeah that's true
SA: But it is okay, because Hadean bea thte shit out of him too.
SA: and it was good.
ID: two, wow what the fuck prisma I beat the shit out of him too!
MD: Oh.... MD: Is Pheres okay?
AH: lmao he's fine
ID: it was very good.
SA: I just said that Hadean beat the shit out of him!
AH: prickly as ever
AH: so he's fine
AH: I know, I know, chill
MD: I'm glad. Pheres is our friend.
ID: damn right i did.
AH: It was just funny because I got there before you
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds like an eventful time has been had. Oho
SA: that was my single exclaimation point for the entire day now I have to wait to grow another.
ID: i shanked the fuck out of him. accidentally.
AH: oh _shit_
SA: you are ruining my fuck farm, Gliese.
AH: you used up your only one
AH: well damn, I guess I have to pay reparations now
ID: wait who taught prisma to swear.
AH: woe is me
ID: who is taking my darling boy's precious firsts from me.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes I'm wondering that too ID.
AH: probably the highbloods he grew up with we all have foul mouths
SA: ...
SA: What.
SA: Oh I've always known how to swear it is just usually polite to avoid it
AD: oO this chat is moving fast tonight~! Oo
SA: Why do you have unique swears to teach me, Hadean/
AD: oO that's new! Oo
SA: I am all ears, professor,
SA: Language 105.
AD: oO who's arguing tonight OuO Oo
ID: later pris.
VV: ♚ ~ You actually want to LEARN such a thing Prisma?
SA: No, I am being silly.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, pity. There's some interestingly written on walls otherwise I could've shown you.
ID: uh. third. gliese i saw you being a shady twit and hauling my carcass off does not absolve you of that!
ID: so fite me you nubby bunny. =:P
SA: Perhaps next time, Perdia.
ID: ...also fourth what are you doing with the crown wench.
ID: pris is she taking advantage of you.
SA: who?
SA: Oh.
SA: little princess?
ID: yeah her.
SA: how so...
SA: She has been very polite and accomodating.
ID: has she asked you for anything?
SA: she even called me honeycomb prince because I didn't like mustard.
SA: ...I don't believe so?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I hadn't realized you'd meant me I'm not a wench. Perdia. I prefer Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ And I like it I think that's enough reasoning.
ID: hm. perdia i got my eye on you. don't mess with pris.
VV: ♚ ~ mess? How mess?
VV: ♚ ~ Me? Never.
ID: you know what i mean. so don't do it.
VV: ♚ ~ I adore him and his charms. I could never.
VV: ♚ ~ Would having your own crown make you happier?
ID: i don't need a crown to be a king.
VV: ♚ ~ I like that attitude.
SA: An entire royal court.
AD: oO crowns are so fun though! Oo
VV: ♚ ~ A good thought, unfortunatley I like the decorum of having one.
AH: lol come fight me at the banjo player's spot, Hadean, I'm listening to SICK TUNES.
AD: oO especially when they sparkle~ Oo
AH: oh hey Canela
AD: oO GLIESE!!! <333333 Oo
AH: what's up
ID: crowns are gaudy and only weaklings who need the power that an object can bring wear them.
SA: what about a tiara, Hadean.
AD: oO i just got done watching the joust thing! Oo AD: oO the one where people poke each other with pointy sticks! Oo AD: oO it was so fun! Oo
SA: much more secure and minimal.
VV: ♚ ~ Only Gaudy if you pick the wrong one!
ID: tiaras are just flimsier crowns.
SA: I'm buying one at the faire.
AD: oO tiaras are marks of pride Oo
SA: I will be pretty.
SA: since laedy refuses to acknowledge me as handsome.
VV: ♚ ~ Prisma get one yes! Let's match.
SA: I will pick the next best thing.
ID: ...pris you called lal ugly first i'm pretty sure.
AD: oO and even better, you can wear a tiara like a headband Oo
SA: Oh you're entirely right.
AD: oO which makes them infinitely better than crowns Oo
AH: you mean gouging chunks out of each other with lances, Canela?
AH: lmao
SA: Maybe I will get him a tiara too.
AD: oO yep! that one! Oo
AH: did anyone fall off their hoofbeast?
SA: do you think that will make him happy?
AD: oO i wanna try jousting someone! Oo
AD: oO sure did ~uO lots of people did! Oo
SA: I want it to have rubies on it.
ID: i think you buying him anything and telling him he's not ugly will make him happy.
AD: oO some guy got stabbed right through the shield too Oo
SA: Oh.
AH: Canela do you even know how to ride a hoofbeast
SA; that's much simpler.
AH: that's kind of important
ID: though i am firm in my belief that tiaras suck.
AD: oO i can learn! Oo
AH: okay fair
AD: oO you don't hatch knowing how! Oo
AH: do you have _time_ to learn though
AD: oO well.... Oo
VV: ♚ ~ So between tiaras and crowns which is better hm?
AD: oO probably not i guess...... Oo
AD: oO oh well Oo AD: oO maybe some other time Oo
AH: fuck 'em both, wear a flower crown
ID: neither. flower crowns are fine if you want to be palebait gliese.
AD: oO i saw some nice flower crowns at a stall back there Oo
VV: ♚ ~ It is getting warmer isn't it? A flower crown does sound rather fitting.
AH: fuck you flower crowns can be fucking intense
ID: intensely palebait-y.
VV: ♚ ~ Give me an example Gliese I want an intense one.
AD: oO gliese we should get flower crowns! Oo
AH: oh my god are you ever going to shut up about that
AD: oO and match! Oo
ID: yeah gliese. get a matching flower crown.
SA: Hadean is mad because I did not make him a flowercrown with the buoquet I got him.
SA: ...
AH: okay well if you have a crown with thorny roses, belladona, nightshade, and stinging nettles, _obviously_ that is a badass crown
AD: oO and she will look very intense in it Oo
AH: it could fucking kill someone
SA: ... What did I do with the buoquet did I leave it on the patio?!
ID: like the person wearing it.
AD: oO maybe someone made a flower crown out of it Oo
AH: he wishes he was as stylish as me - lmao yeah
SA: no it was for Hadean!
SA: and i just left it there on Pheres's doorstep...
VV: ♚ ~ I shall get myself a belladonna flower crown for the season then it's settled. VV: ♚ ~ And oh my Prisma....
ID: i'm sure pheres won't fuck with it pris.
AH: yeah he probably just took it inside or whatever
AH: it's you, he doesn't have anything against you I think
SA: please don't poison yourself Perdia...
ID: yeah. he saw that you brought it. it'll be fine.
SA: I feel very silly... I never forget things.
SA: I'll come and get it tomorrow.
SA: where are you staying, Hadean?
ID: uhh a hotel. i don't remember the name.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I won't. Others may have to worry but I'll be fine enough. But really that's all that matters I think! I'm fine.
VV: ♚ ~ A name of your place of staying is rather important.
AD: oO who's still at the faire? Oo
AD: oO i don't really want to leave until i have to myself Oo AD: oO it's so fun! Oo
ID: it's beneath me to remember.
ID: uh i'm at the fair.
SA: professor Hadean has much better things to do than remember his own address.
VV: ♚ ~ Is that so?
AD: oO what are you doing there? is it fun? Oo
SA: I will be at the faire for one more day, but that's it.
ID: i foguth a jadeblood and it ended in a tie i think.
SA: I am unsure who you are, AD.
VV: ♚ ~ I left but do hope the rest of you have a decent time.
ID: which was kinda fun if you like ties.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you like ties?
ID: fuck no am i a fucking wriggler ties are for two losers.
ID: but it is what it fucking is.
SA: If it helps any you still have honor 😦
AH: I'm still here lol
ID: honor and a whole lot of fucking pain. =:I it's no longer the floating too-much pain, it's the fucking everything hurts and i'm angry pain.
AD: oO oh i'm canela Oo AD: oO hi sa~ Oo
SA: do you need medicine?
SA: hello, Canela. I am prisma.
VV: ♚ ~ Let the anger fuel and heal you? I believe I've heard someone say that at sometime or another. Ah well you seem the strong type.
AD: oO hehe good to meet you~ Oo
ID: pris, drugs do nothing for me, remember?
SA: Oh. Yes.
AD: oO was that the fight where gliese's friend got hurt D: Oo
SA: I have some of my drugs if you would like to try those.
VV: ♚ ~ Are you TOO strong?
AD: oO both of her friends, actually! Oo
ID: if by too strong you mean too fucked up, yes.
ID: and yeah that was me.
ID: i was the rustblood if you didn't figure it out.
VV: ♚ ~ I didn't mean that but that answered that I suppose!
AD: oO ouch Oo AD: oO you stabbed the other guy too! i saw it! Oo
AD: oO that was kind of a scary fight Oo
ID: yeah. and i bashed him in the face with a brick. =>:D
VV: ♚ ~ A dirty fighter with resourcefulness.
VV: ♚ ~ That's interesting.
SA: 🏆
AH: I was gonna answer but I found Emerel's signmate and Hadean got there before me
SA: I still take offense to your tent threats.
AD: oO is emerel doing well now Oo
SA: emerel is fine. as disappointing as that is.
AH: He's recovering I'm told - hey
AH: Em is my friend
ID: oh yeah, emerel is doing fucking cheery.
AH: Badmouth him somewhere else
ID: nu-uh gliese, he pulled some shit tonight, he gets some nastiness.
AH: ugh whatever
AH: you're both dorks, I'm talking to Canela instead
AH: Canela, what else have you been doing
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm. Sweet Honeycomb, Gliese,....Canela I believe and....well I think that's all. It's been grand but I've business to attend to. Have a delightful night all ❤
SA: sleep well, little princess.
ID: woowwwww fuck you too.
AH: lol was that to me or Perdia
VV: ♚ ~ ❤ hehe
AH: because honestly could be both
ID: ms. artificial sweetener.
ID: but also maybe both.
AH: oh shit, the suspense will keep me awake at day
AH: how will I live.
ID: y'know. fake sweet that'll probably give you tumours.
ID: that's vv.
AH: I mean, I've met worse
AH: but lmao not gonna fight you there
SA: the likes of splenda and aspertame.
ID: damn right you ain't.
ID: yeah. your buddy there is like splenda pris.
SA: What makes you think so?
ID: because we're both maroons.
ID: she's using one of the maroon tricks.
AD: oO hey don't make fun of gliese's friends Oo AD: oO SO not cool!!! Oo
ID: gliese was splenda your friend.
ID: because if so, i'm gonna be hella disappointed.
AD: oO mostly i've just been walking around the cute little shops everywhere! Oo AD: oO i even got some new clothes out of it hehe~ Oo
AH: lmao, let me put it this way
AH: I'd take her over the fish
AH: and she wasn't that bad I guess
ID: ...the fish is. ad?
AH: but she's not like
AD: oO oh Oo
AD: oO okay Oo
AH: okay wait no
AH: not you Canela
AH: there was this fuchsia dickhead in here earlier
AD: oO i thought i did something wrong there! Oo
ID: oh. okay. so this fish is okay?
AH: and they were being a total prick - nah sorry
AH: Canela's cool
AH: like, the only cool violet I know
AD: oO <3333 Oo
ID: /oh/.
ID: well. good on you for aiming high there gliese.
SA: oh, you mean the one that kept saying I was concerning and strange?
AH: yeah that asshole
AD: oO you seem quite lovely to me! Oo
PR: Hey everyone
SA: do maroons usually try to trick people into giving them things?
ID: well don't worry pris, you're strange but we're all pretty fucking strange here.
SA: oh, thank you both.
SA: it warms my heart.
ID: maroons that are flatscans will try and latch on to a sparker for protection, yeah.
ID: oldest trick in the book, get someone to fight your battles for you.
SA: does she know my psionics though or just that I have them. I do not remember.
SA: has someone done it to you, Hadean?
SA: hello, PR
ID: i mean, they've tried before. but when you know what to look out for, it's pretty easy to avoid.
PR: If someone's 𝞃rying 𝞃o use you for psi, jus𝞃 give em a li𝞃𝞃le zap PR: Or wha𝞃ever you can do
ID: i'm backreading and you're going to travel with her pris?
AH: lmao, seriously?
AH: that's fucking sad, I know a flatscan rust but she never did that
ID: pris doesn't do much zapping. uh. pr.
AH: because even though she's a total ass she's not a weakling like that
SA: I may, I don't know. I would like to travel, but not alone.
SA: I do much more throwing. But it makes me tired and hurt
ID: hey, some rusts can only get by off of mooching off those with power. that or they get taken advantage of.
SA: what did you do when you found out?
PR: 𝞃ha𝞃's why I added "or wha𝞃ever"
ID: uhhh let's not talk about the past too much pris.
SA: oh. Alright
AD: oO ahhhh this dress is adorabubble~ Oo AD: oO i think i love the faire clothes! Oo
ID: but yeah. some maroons act meek and mild. roll over and hope they're not worth bothering to cull. and some just try to round up some poor suckers to take punches in their place.
ID: the bottom is a sucky cut-throat place sometimes.
SA: 😦 I wish I could protect more people
ID: ...pris that was not the lesson to take away from this.
SA: was the actual lesson to be wary and concerned about the people I meet who are overtly nice to me for seemingly no reason?
ID: /yes/.
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's a good lesson 𝞃o learn!
SA: what if I do both. Could I protect you and Sipara and Perdia?
SA: and be worried about taken advantage of by everyone else
SA: it is a formidable lesson
ID: me and sip take care of ourselves.
ID: perdia is one of the ones who you need to be wary of!
SA: but I want to believe she is genuine.
SA: I almost used a fruit emoji
SA: I am not used to knowing people who readily turn down my helping.
ID: i mean of course you do, you're like a freshly pupated wriggler in your hopes of everyone being wonderful and having your best interests at heart, but...
ID: buddy. most people suck.
PR: Aww
ID: and most of them will stab you in the back if it means they get something out of it.
SA: I can take them
PR: 𝞃ruuuueeeeeee
SA: but I will be more careful
SA: 😄
AH: I _guess_ but mooching off another lowblood seems dickish.
AH: mooching off highbloods, fine, we can handle it
AH: but trying to mooch off another rust just because they have powers seems assy unless you're also contributing somehow
ID: =:/ some of them make you want to stab yourself in the back just to make them smile too pris. and you're a good target for that.
SA: ...
SA: but you wouldn't do that, right
SA: 😖
ID: what. /no/.
AH: Hadean is not that particular kind of dick
ID: if i was gonna stab you i would've done it while you were napping.
AH: also sup Dahlia LMAO
SA: I would have woken up please do not that take as an invitation strangers in the chat.
AH: see?? he's good. in that department
PR: No𝞃 much, was dying of boredom!!!
SA: and irnwoild ahve veeb vad
ID: sorry to break your pumper btw gliese, but scamming highbloods isn't always an option.
AH: lol, you have nothing to fear from me, I don't care. hell I'd probably shiv someone who _did_ disturb you, Hadean would skewer me if I let you die
ID: like look at fucking. port port.
ID: damn right i would gliese, you both have to get along.
AH: and then I'd have to put up with his bitching
AH: which is horrible
AH: see???
SA: hello gliese.
AH: sup
SA: port port?
AH: Port Mina
AH: my ass end of nowhere desert town
ID: where gliese is like. one of three highbloods.
SA: I am glad you wouldn't take advantage of me, Hadean. 😃 I am also glad gliese would not attempt to kill me in my sleep
AH: yyyyup
ID: tons of lowbloods screwing over lowbloods there.
AH: four if you count the banker
AH: but who cares about the banker
SA: Eugh
AH: though even Lapyen's questionable, she's my friend and all but she works here way less now
ID: i'm here to make sure no one takes advantage of you pris. it's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
SA: perhaps one day if we all believe very hard I will be able to detect it myself
SA: actually that is a lie
SA: my clairvoyance allows me to detect immediate intention.
SA: but it does not work unless the person is actively trying to lie to me
SA: thank you, Hadean.
ID: i mean, anytime. and if the fake sugar bitch hurts you, i'll light her hive on fire.
AH: huh
SA: port Mina sounds like it may require help of some kind, Gliese.
AH: that's a weird kind of psi
AH: does sound handy in some cases though
AH: lmao Port Mina needs more help than anyone can give
PR: Wai𝞃, how far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from wai𝞃 shi𝞃
SA: please do not light her on fire. I think a slap on the wrist will be fine.
AH: don't waste your time worrying
PR: I can'𝞃 remember 𝞃he righ𝞃 name
ID: i'm lighting her hive on fire, not her.
ID: not my fault if she stays in the hive.
AH: _lmao_
SA: that isn't my only psionic, Gliese. I would have been a catastrophic failure if it were.
AH: ...why
AH: oh wait
SA: we'll ensure she's out of it please
AH: you don't wanna talk about it
SA: I am tired of talking about it. Yes.
AH: sure whatever
SA: but if I must I will
AH: nah I don't care
ID: man look at you go pris, not talking about- well.
AH: not like I enjoy _my_ psi
AH: do whatever lmao
SA: even better then.
ID: i will sit on my throne of best psi ever and throw beetles to you poor peasants. it's fine.
PR: La𝞃e, bu𝞃 I remembered how 𝞃o spell i𝞃
AH: Dahlia has best psi here
AH: plants forever
PR: How far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from Derevnya?
SA: when you are better. We should have a psionics fight.
SA: I bet I will win 💗
ID: uh pris i saw you need a nap after throwing some knives.
SA: but if Sipara gets worms maybe I will be better
ID: ...man pris don't talk about the worms.
AH: why, the worms are just worms
SA: oh. Okay
AH: what are you a weenie
ID: hush up gliese. it's just not info he needs to be talking about.
PR: Well aaaanyways, you guys know any good places for cake?
PR: Or like, swee𝞃breads
SA: I think someone in this chat is a baker
ID: there's a place in the greenblood circle that had good sweetrolls.
PR: Omg
AH: hope it's not the greenblood I just ran into because he looks sad as _fuck_
AH: and also just like Emerel
SA: clones?
PR: Well I live in 𝞃he middle of nowhere so i𝞃'd 𝞃ake a minu𝞃e 𝞃o go anywhere
ID: oh. yeah.
PR: Bu𝞃 a girl needs a swee𝞃bread, you feel me?
SA: I don't know what the prevalence of surviving identical twins is on alternia. I imagine it is low
AH: no lmao Prisma don't you know what signmates are?
SA: sweets are amazing ❤️
invertedDissident has sent glieselikemyshirt.png!
SA: no, my sign only exists for me.
ID: magic.
SA: 😂
ID: carefully.
ID: sips got it for me.
SA: he believed very hard
AH: lmao of course she did
ID: pheres owed me a shirt.
AH: fuckin Sipara
ID: but he had to fucking emerel wrangle.
AH: I guess that's true
ID: so sips grabbed what would fit.
AH: LMAO yeah none of Pheres's shit would fit you he's no taller than I am
ID: and it's too much fucking effort to take it off so i'm wearing it until it rots off me or my wounds heal. whichever comes first.
PR: Bru𝞃al!
ID: i mean we cut it up to get it on me so i doubt he'll want it back.
SA: why did you say that, now I have to get you clean shirts or at least something you can slip on
ID: i left my old shirt as payment.
AH: _lmao_ I'm sure he has more
AH: I bet he'll love it
SA: I'm sure 🙄
ID: i mean i think it got plenty of his blood and mine on it.
SA: he was loving it on the patio.
SA: I am swiftly becoming. Unpersonable. I will rest
ID: yeah well i hope you ate your sushi first.
SA: Hadean, I will bring you your flowers and shirts tomorrow.
SA: oh, yes.
SA: it was Jurassic park roll.
ID: alright- i have no idea what that means but okay.
SA: and salmon sashimi
ID: i will see you tomorrow, explain it then.
SA: I'll bring some
PR: Damn, you're ge𝞃𝞃ing spoiled!
ID: sure, i'll try anything once.
SA: goodnight, friend. Goodnight, Gliese
SA: goodnight PR
PR: Nigh𝞃!
ID: night pris.
ID: so pr, got a name.
PR: Dahlia
AH: Dahlia's cool
PR: 0;
AH: her psiionics are rad
ID: gliese your definition of cool is sometimes questionable.
ID: just saying.
ID: but nice to chat at you dahlia.
PR: Cool mee𝞃ing you 𝞃oo PR: Wha𝞃's your name, ID
ID: hadean.
PR: I'll remember i𝞃
PR: Bu𝞃 also my psi IS rad
ID: something to do with plants i think i saw earlier?
AH: my definition of cool is perfect fuck you
PR: Yep! PR: S𝞃andard florikinesis and more
AH: I know EXACTLY what is cool at all times
ID: uh-huuuuh gliese.
ID: huh. neat.
ID: i never remember the fancy word for my psi.
PR: Wha𝞃 can you do?
AH: Supreme Dork Powers
AH: that's its name
ID: Ergo...kinesis...?
PR: No clue lmao
ID: fuck off gliese, i'm the coolest.
ID: i make constructs out of energy.
AH: LOL yeah whatever helps you sleep at day
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's freakin swee𝞃
AH: look, it's better than my psi, but a rusty nail to the foot is better than MY psi
AH: yeah but he collapses like a wriggler afterwards
ID: let me get out the tiny violin.
AH: fuck you, I will steal your tiny violin and sell it
ID: fuck off.
AH: truth is pain
ID: let's see what you do when you overextend your psi.
ID: get to it. hop hop.
AH: oh my god
AH: was that a hopbeast joke
ID: probably turn in to a vegetable if you did though.
AH: Hadean that's uncreative as fuck
ID: i mean it wasn't.
AH: good
ID: but now it is.
AH: I hate you
PR: Burnou𝞃 could happen
ID: =:P
AH: are you _actually_ sticking your tongue out
AH: I wanna see that happen
AH: just to see how dumb you'd look
AH: if you looked dumber than usual I'd fucking clap
AH: what an achievement
ID: ....girl you wear the ugliest poncho known to trollkind.
ID: you cannot judge dumbness.
AH: I'm actually gonna ditch that I think.
AH: not because it's ugly, fuck you
ID: praise be to whatever wretched god is listening.
AH: but because it has my old quad colors on it
AH: Kiiind of outdated - oh my god eat a bulge
ID: \o/
ID: that's me praising right there.
ID: i'd fight with the strength of a thousand seadwellers to escape that fate.
AH: except you don't _have_ that dumbass
AH: you have the strength of one half-starved lunatic
ID: your poncho will inspire it in me.
AH: oh my god
ID: dahlia, back me up. it's an ugly poncho right?
AH: I will shove it down your throat - dahlia's never even seen me
ID: well trust me dahlia, gliese is a dork with an ugly poncho.
AH: trust me Dahlia Hadean is an idiot with dumb tattoos
ID: my tats are the coolest, your poncho looks like twelve generations of fleas live in it.
AH: your tats look like SHITTY CLOWN PAINT you fucking loser
AH: my poncho has never been anything but fucking pristine
AH: except for sand but I can't avoid that in the fucking desert now can I
ID: pristine garbage.
AH: is that your internet forum name
ID: left to rot in the desert for a perigee.
AH: you goddamn thin skinned pansy
ID: then pressed in to the form of a poncho.
AH: oh my GOD it's just A FUCKING PONCHO
ID: says the pansy defending her shitty poncho.
ID: worse fashion sense than pheres i'd almost say.
AH: you did NOT just say that
AH: this means WAR
ID: 0=:)
ID: when i win the war can i burn the poncho.
AH: when you lose the war I will shove the poncho up your ass
ID: man you're just obsessed with shoving.
AH: you infected me because you shove so much shit into the world
ID: first down my throat, then up my ass.
AH: from both ends
ID: don't blame your depravity on me gliese.
ID: it's alllll you.
AH: I will blame _all_ depravity on you Hadean
AH: you are the source of it
ID: ms. 'hadean hasn't gotten laid'.
AH: oh my god it was a joke
ID: nope. i'm now pure as the fucking freshly fallen snow.
ID: you're a depraved monster.
SA: kink 101
ID: kink 101 was not putting things in a chute that didn't belong.
ID: like a poncho.
AH: _wow_ rhfvolkmjnfhgvuio
AH: god I hate everything right now
SA: 👌
AH: mostly you
AH: but also everything
ID: mostly yourself you mean.
ID: i'm innocent.
AH: fuck you, I'm not a goddamn angsty shithead
AH: that's for losers and wrigglers
AH: LMAO you're as innocent as a full grown subjug
ID: /wow/.
ID: stop bringing clowns in to this.
ID: i'm sorry i'm not indigo enough for you. =:(
ID: further depravity, gliese has a clown kink.
AH: oh my GOD NO
SA: 😩😴 what kink class is that
AH: god no I hate purples.
ID: uh-huh.
AH: they all fucking suck.
SA: at least a 300 course
AH: I don't even KNOW any purples.
ID: I saw the clown horn gliese.
AH: _Prisma_
AH: Prisma why
SA: I work for a number of them sometimes...
AH: lmao you have my sympathy
SA: because I just now put on my jammies and laid back down.
SA: and thus I am barely awake still to antagonize you
SA: they pay eell
ID: gliese is the head professor of clown kink university.
SA: my handler was an indigo. As well
Sa: but I dislike clowns
AH: I have never read a worse sentence in my life
AH: and I don't think I ever will
AH: wow
SA: clown kink university
SA: alma Mater
ID: she got her phD in juggalonomics.
AH: too busy dying to squash this garbage like it deserves.
AH: why
ID: secretly has a 'down with the clowns' tramp stamp.
SA: a minor in face paint interpretation. She secretly knows exactly what your tattoos mean and it's her favorite
SA: does it have a squeaky horn under the text
ID: of course. pointing down.
SA: 😳
SA: 😴
ID: ...did we break her.
SA: gliese come back
SA: we love you
ID: speak for yourself there pris.
SA: do you islike plaronic loce--
AH: I need to drink to forget
ID: drinking is how you got the tramp stamp to begin with gliese.
SA: whiskeyyy
AH: _god I hate you so much_
AH: you know what Prisma.
AH: that's a great fucking idea.
SA: tequila is what you drink to make mistakes
ID: man she's gonna wake up covered in face paint and smelling of faygo again.
SA: sticky with a cheap red wig
SA: 🎉🎉🎉
ID: ....y'know what, that's the perfect ending to this chat to make everyone curious enough to scroll up and read. gj pris.
SA: ❤️
SA: I can't keep my eyes open
SA: feel better Hadean
SA: 😴
ID: getting there. thanks pris.
ID: go sleep.
OA: :o)
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