#excited for more mermay stories!!!
indigowallbreaker · 1 year
Number 40 on Kiss prompts! Ferdinand and Flayn, Hoping not to get caught kiss 💕
Made this my first MerMay fic for the month! :D I don't think I've written this pair before; thanks for the opportunity!
(Taking MerMay Rarepair prompts until the end of May!)
Just before sunset, Flayn pulled herself onto the sandbar, twisting around to check that she hadn't been followed. Apart from a few startled zebrafish, she seemed to be alone. She lay back against the sand with a groan of relief. So far their plan was working perfectly-- all that was left was to signal the docks.
Flayn flipped her seafoam green tail this way and so her scales caught the dying sunlight. It didn't take long for her to spot a certain rowboat making its way out, a certain redhead holding the oars.
Beaming, Ferdinand guided the boat alongside the sandbar before stepping out and scooping an excited Flayn into his arms. He held her tight and peppered kisses to her cheek. "I am glad you signaled when you did! I was ready to swim the harbor looking for you."
Flayn laughed against his neck. "I came as soon as I could. I've missed you dearly." Supported by his familiar freckled arms, Flayn cupped Ferdinand's face and drew him into a deep kiss. She couldn't stop her tail from curling possessively around his waist. He sighed into her, one hand coming up to hold the back of her head, calloused fingers becoming damp in her dark green hair.
Ferdinand pulled just far enough to say, "Would that we could meet more easily."
"I wish the same," Flayn said before trying to urge him back into another kiss. She had missed him, more than words could convey. She would rather kiss Ferdinand until she forgot what it felt like to not have him near.
But Ferdinand apparently wasn't finished. "Would it be so bad if your father knew about us?" He asked.
Talk of Seteth always spoiled the mood. Flayn's hands moved to Ferdinand's shoulders so she could look at him better, resigned to talking instead of kissing for now. "It would be worse than bad. My father dislikes when I speak to mermen. I can't imagine he would take kindly to my being with a human man."
"Surely he cannot have total control over your life? You told me yourself how long you have lived. Does that not earn you some autonomy?"
"He... has let up restrictions on the past, it's true. But this is a different matter altogether." Flayn shook her head. "He simply worries, Ferdinand. Given enough time, we can do away with the sneaking around. It will be a slow process but..."
Ferdinand kissed her forehead, catching a droplet of water there. "I will be patient. However long it takes."
Flayn chuckled halfheartedly. "Given our lifespans that could be a long while."
"I will wait. You are worth waiting for, dear Flayn."
Heartened, Flayn smiled into another kiss. Never before had she met a human like Ferdinand-- not in all the seas. As he broke the kiss to settle on the sandbar, holding her secure in his lap, Flayn resolved to speak to her father soon.
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septnautical · 1 month
Achievement Unlocked: Below Zero
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Congrats! You’ve all gained access to Below Zero with Marvin as your guide! You all can ask him questions or tell him places to go or even suggest creatures to encounter and let’s see what he can find out! :)
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*in feral mermaid mode* Araghafjk-!
Other Worldly
Part 1
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Alastor X Shy Reader
(Oneshot turned short story)
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, signing-ASL, shaking head = no, italics = thoughts ⚠
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Alastor curiosity grew after that encounter with the shy demon in the library.
So much so that he went to the Princess for more information.
"Oh uh..what would you like to know?", Charlie asked, turning away from activity plans.
"Nothing too important!", he said with a closed eyed smile. "Just wondering why they don't speak, such a quiet thing they are."
"I-", the blonde stuttered. "It's not my place to say, you'd have to ask them yourself.", she said firmly.
Oh? So the Princess knows exactly why..
"Hm..", he hummed and turned away to face the door. "Fair enough! I'll leave you to go back to your planning.", he said before walking out of the office.
Now all I have to do is find the interesting demon. He thought.
With a pep in his step, the deer demon used the shadows to travel around the hotel in search of them.
You were anxious.
Fiddling with the collar of your top as you walked down the stone path of the hotel's garden.
It was an accident. You thought, glancing at the red rose bush. Still, I should have at least checked to see if anyone was in the room.
Sighing, you made your way over to the pond. Watching the odd glowing fish swim around in the water.
Maybe I should check to see if he's ok? You shake your head soon after. No, Vaggie said to be careful around that demon.
The lingering feeling of guilt still sat in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to make sure he was alright but the previous warnings told you to stay away, now you were at war with your choices.
Being too distracted by your thoughts, you didn't notice the figure conjuring up behind you from the shadows.
"AH!", you jumped in shock and turned to see the demon, but your foot hit the edge of a rock and you lost balance.
Now Alastor did enjoy giving them a good scare but he didn't try to do that this time.
Perhaps they were too occupied with their thoughts.
He saw a flicker of fear in their eyes as they fell back into the water. Now there was some slight concern on his end but it was just water, he knew there was nothing in the pond that could harm them in any way.
Then there was an odd bright green glow coming from the water, causing him to lift his hand to block some of the light.
Once it stopped, he heard a splash of water.
Lowering his hand, he saw them clawing their way out of the pond.
"Apologies, I did not mean to frighten you so-", the deer demon started, kneeling down to help them out but he paused once noticing something red peeking out of the water.
Red fins and scales, a fish tail where their legs once were, then when he looked down at their hands. Seeing that it also changed, now having webbing between their fingers. The scales were vibrant. Red, scarlet, and speckles of candy apple red littered here and there.
It was quite the sight to behold.
Then he noticed them shaking. In fear or of cold, he was not sure but the Radio Demon lifted them out of the water and carried them back to the hotel.
"As I was saying dear, I apologize. I didn't know you were swimming in your thoughts.", he glanced at the mer and grinned when finding them peek up at him. "You had quite the splash."
They pouted and looked away from him.
Moving their hands, the left palm flat and facing up, while the right was similar to the left, it was vertical as it went down on their open palm like a knife on a cutting board. (Stop)
"You'll have to communicate with me another way dear.", he replied.
They let out a click of annoyance and remained quiet.
Maybe I could keep them.. Alastor thought as he entered the hotel. I wouldn't mind a pretty fish in my room.
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I am excited for MerMay. More mer fics for me to read! 🪼
~Seline, the person.
Part 2
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @+?
ML I Alastor🎙 | ChL OW🦀
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loremaster · 6 days
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happy belated mermay! i drew that final pic after i went with my family to the new england aquarium recently, and picked out something they had there for each of the nocturnal detectives - plus kurumi! more description (spoilers) under the cut:
kurumi - piranha! it fits her color scheme, and her little freckles… and well, you know *bites you*
yuma - emperor tetra. actually i lied this one wasn’t at the aquarium i had to look it up
yakou - anemone man. ouughhh so sillyyyy
desuhiko - tried to ID the guy I took a picture of and it looked closest to the crosshatch butterflyfish. could be wrong though.
halara, fubuki - i could not find the labels for either of these fish unfortunately
vivia - electric eel (yeah he’s there, look again)
the mermaids were kinda based off these species, except fubuki changed to a betta fish. bred for glamour, not for function. she is out there living her best life tho!!! nothin gets this mermaid princess down!!!!
obviously squid shinigami (squidigami) is based off ursula. but also i liked her having squid tentacle hair. woomy!
i imagine it would actually be kind of a reverse ursula situation though (reversula?). poor unfortunate amnesiac yuma would go up to sea witch shinigami asking her for his memories back, but she reveals she was the one who took his memories in the first place, and they’ve actually already made a deal. which she’s not going back on, sorrynotsorry lol!!! of course he’s actually not a mermaid at all but a human under a spell to go investigate…. something underwater. idk. maybe the mystery labyrinths are still a thing in this universe?
vivia, i’m sorry to say, would be a hundred times more miserable than we ever see him in canon, because guess what. no books. he’d still have some sort of coping mechanisms like watching other fish, watching stuff above the surface of the water, wanting nothing more to join them and fly someday. (the dragonflies, of course, are a reference to the famous water bugs and dragonflies story.) he’d still find something to get distracted by… although if he had his forte he probably would ghost up to the surface and read whatever the humans are reading up above. i guess this would make him the real ariel of the story.
kurumi of course is still based on a piranha, because it’s cute. of course these fish shouldn’t all live together but whatever. it’s mermaids. she probably is still some kind of informant, and probably hangs out near yakou’s place a bunch.
i could see yakou running some sort of shop. or if he’s still into detective work, he’d probably need kurumi as an assistant since he’s uh. not much of a swimmer. (he claims he can too swim, but it’s really silly looking. google swimming anemone. you’ll thank me.) he considers those little teeny fish to be pests (or at least claims they are. they’re probably helping him hide some sort of secret in there.)
desuhiko is a wandering trader with a keen sense of fashion. he’s great at repurposing sunken sails into mer-clothing, not so great at making sales. also the fact that his hair is gelled is way more obvious when everything is underwater. he’s basically got a helmet.
halara of course puts up an intimidating front, but has a secret soft spot for cute sea creatures. i asked my irl friend what she’d consider ‘the cat of the sea’ and she said pufferfish. i do think they are very cute and make a lot of sense as an allergen. but i don’t think halara’s taste is limited to pufferfish only, no no no. they like anything cute.
fubuki has got to have been kept captive before the story - by humans? or other mermaids? but either way, now she’s free and having a blast exploring the deep blue ocean. she really wants to know what kind of exciting creatures live in the deep!!!
and that’s it. hopefully all this description makes up for being 2 days late to mermay LMAO. i guess now it’s merGAY
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05/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi;Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; Kristian Nairn; SaveOFMD Event Calendar; Fuckery Reminder; Adopt Our Crew/Articles; Watch Party Reminders; Voting; Emmy4RhysDarby; In Person Events: PA: Calypso's Birthday Part Two; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/ Tonight's Taika
= David Jenkins =
Just a lovely artsy photo with David's lovely girlfriend Kinga.
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika is still out and about in Japan! He got several pictures while he's been there! (PS: Where is our Taika In Japan Series)
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Source: Chimichangus Instagram / JensenDiedrich's Instagram
Apple TV has officially announced the date for the TV adaptation of Time Bandits (Which is Taika and Jemaine's new baby!)
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Custard TV Article
Entertainment Weekly Article
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's excited for this upcoming weekend at Phoenix Fan Fusion! May 24-25-2024. For more info visit phoenixfanfusion.com!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
== Rachel House ==
Rachel posted lots of family and friends pics with the title: "Legend portrait series…"
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
More photos of Kristian's performance at Basingstoke Comic Con! Courtesy of Dan_Clarke_Photography!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Save OFMD Crew Calendar ==
Reminder! Tomorrow is time for a Fuckery! Join the SaveOFMD Crew for some polite menacing with the hashtags #WelcomeToMax #DontGetAttached! Instagram / Tumblr Info
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== Adopt Our Crew / Articles ==
Our dear friends over at Adopt Our Crew shared an article from Laist about scripted TV! Please visit their twitter if you have access! You can check out the article below:
Less Scripted Content A Common Theme As Networks, Streamers Pitch Advertisers At The Upfronts
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Our crewmate @ meowzawowza_ on twitter was kind enough to share more articles regarding scripted TV going on right now.
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ICYMI: Scripted TV's Vanishing; YouTube Stars Snub Showbiz; Rushfield's Hope
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Dates: May 20 - 26, 2024 Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST The #RhysDarbyFaction will be hosting OFMD Season 1 on the RDF Discord Server. Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
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== Voting ==
More of our dear crewmates have found another voting opportunity for folks to weigh in on. If you visit the link below, you can choose to Stream it, or Skip it! We think you know which one to choose! Buzzfeed - Underrated TV Shows
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Thank you to @ norakitty9 on Twitter for the link!
== Emmy 4 Rhys Darby ==
As you've seen floating around, various crew members are trying to help get Rhys Darby nominated for an emmy! Attached below are several graphics you are welcome to use! You don't need to credit anyone, just use them liberally with the hashtag #Emmy4RhysDarby! Graphics Google Drive
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== In Person Events: PA : Calypso's Birthday Part Two ==
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Hey crew! Are you in the area of Millvale, PA (greater Pittsburgh area)? Well if so, please consider stopping by Harold's Haunt this Saturday May 25th from 6pm-12am! They'll be hosting Calypso's Birthday Part 2!
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They were kind enough to give me lots of info on previous birthdays as well as the upcoming one with more info! Thank you @ringasunn for all your help with this!
Please visit the repo event document for more information!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is the Red Flag Crew's foreperson! Thank you @melvisik for spotlighting Ma'aola Faasavala!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
Oooo tonight we have the iconic first raid of Stede Bonnet! Thank you @patchworkpiratebear!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast =
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This week is "The Ed Teach Episode"! Wanna give it a listen? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
= MerMay =
= Blueberreads =
More pixel art from our talented crewmate @blueberreads! I love that we get Chaos Dad rowing back with a bunch of mannequins! I can just hear the yelling!
Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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= Snejpowa =
More lovely submissions by the super fantastic @snejpowa! Some "Could have beens" in the rowboat to China! Also loving all the versions of flags we're getting! Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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== Spencer Does Art ==
More Mermay submissions from our delightful crewmate @spencerdoesartt on Instagram! I'm digging their sweet style and vivid colors! Check them out below!
== Love Notes ==
Wow! Today was a busy day in the fandom! I feel like Mondays always are, but today feels particularly busy! There's so much going on, and everyone seems to be having such a great time with the new press release photos that were found yesterday!
It's so lovely to see this kind of energy and love being injected back into the fandom. I was mentioning this to a friend recently... that it feels almost like OFMD itself is a giant puzzle that we all have access to, and every time we think we're nearing completion of it, some cool new footage, bts, stills, information, interviews, anything-- shows up and suddenly we have all these new pieces to fit into place.
The puzzle is never really finished, but it gets bigger and more intricate with every discovery, and I absolutely love spinning the pieces around and seeing where they fit with all of you.
Whether you are brand new to the fandom, somewhat seasoned, or an ofmd fandom elder, I hope you know that you bring so much joy to this place! I know sometimes we have our spats between fans, but what family doesn't have those? We have so many talented, brilliant members on this crew, and I love coming back online every day and getting to fit another piece into the puzzle with you.
I hope you all are having fun crew, because that's what fandoms are all about. Remember to take a break if you need to, and scream loudly all your love if you feel up for it. We love hearing it <3 Happy Murray Monday lovelies!
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Happy Murray Monday all! Tonight's theme is Flight of the Conchords (with Murray Hewitt and Larry Pritchard)!
Gifs courtesy of the fantabulous @ fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ semisweetshadow!
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emry-stars-art · 1 month
EDIT: PENCIL HAS BEEN REPLACED AND IT SEEMS TO BE WORKING AGAIN!! Thank you to those who donated, you have my ENTIRE heart for now and always
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Hiii I’m back to bother you all again with technical difficulties. Long story short, if I have diagnosed the problem properly, I need a new Apple Pencil! And if I’m wrong I’ll need to replace both my pencil and the iPad itself!! But (and I am sure this will surprise no one that’s read this far) - I have no money 🥲
This isn’t quite a 100% necessary expense. I still have a handful of job applications sent out that are still waiting on replies, and hopefully I’ll have some more income sooner rather than later - but since comms and art have been one of my main sources of income this year, this is gonna be a decent problem for a little bit 😅 in the meantime I’m going to reach into the void and boost some stuff and offer additional ways that maybe I can earn some money for the month!
So if you do happen to have extra cash, some ways that would help a ton: my patreon (this month’s star tier sticker is going to be an aftg mermay design of some sort or another), my etsy, my kofi shop, or plain old kofi donations. But I also wanna be able to sweeten the pot a little, so there’s more!
I’m selling a couple original pieces over on kofi as well, including Raven Kevin, the Jean & Jeremy piece, and the og mermay comic from last year 👀
I’m taking low-stakes sketch commissions, also on kofi! For 15usd you can drop an aftg/tsc sketch request, and if you want to be tagged when I post it, leave your url as well! Additional characters for a little extra, and you can drop specific reqs - give me thoughts, ideas, meme redraws, outfits, or ask for a specific scene or specific au of mine (sure is a good month for mermaids 👀). I’d also take requests of my own ocs, but unfortunately for these kinds of sketch requests I won’t be taking others ocs.
All that being said, of course I understand if donating isn’t possible for you rn, so I’m not trying to make you feel guilty about scrolling past lol. If you’d like something free to do you can also just leave a nice comment or tag on something I’ve drawn to get my mind off the issues 😅 thank you so much to all you lovely people who support me in every way, it’s literally my livelihood and makes me so happy every day to make you happy, so! I hope you all have a wonderful time zone, and I hope you’re as excited for more merms as I am 😌💕
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mi-i-zori · 10 days
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From the Seas to the Skies
CoD - Nikto
SYNOPSIS : When his mind becomes overwhelmed with daylight, Nikto finds comfort in the night.
WARNINGS : Dark thoughts (Nikto is thinking about death). Could be read as angst with comfort ? Please read at your own risk.
Author’s Note : I wanted to write something for Mermay, but didn’t really have anything that came to mind. So I mixed my own love for both the sea and the sky, and took a few hours to write this. Not exactly something related to mermaids, but it is inspired by the sea, so. I really like exploring a character’s thoughts, so I gave Nikto a little backstory here. Hope you like it !
I do not give anyone permission to re-publish, re-use and/or translate my work, be it here or on another platform.
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Nikto has always been a dreamer.
When night falls, coating both sky and Earth in a dark, velvety cloak, the world falls silent. Its expectations, weighing heavy on his mind during the day, seem to vanish without a trace for a few hours. No one is there to watch him with barely-concealed suspicion, to judge him simply for the way he carries himself - condemning the walls he keeps building around himself in a desperate attempt to protect his mind.
Only when the moon rises in the sky, full of beauty and peace, can he allow himself to breathe. To lay down under its light, feeling it place a gentle caress on his scars despite the too many layers he constantly wears. His heart finally finds a steady pace to follow. Bad-dum, it sighs as he closes his eyes, ba-dum, ba-dum - an echo he easily thinks to be gone the second the sun lightens the horizon. It’s living, soothing, hoping.
Nikto learned a long time ago to never take this feeling for granted.
He wonders if the moon taught him what it is like to love, and be loved. And yet, he can’t help but favour the nights it marks through its absence, giving way to a mesmerising sight.
A void. A celestial abyss, so similar to what lies within his soul. When his missions send him to the most remote areas of the world, a simple glance allows him to take in the beauty hiding behind such a terrifying darkness ; the thousands and thousands of diamonds sewed onto the never-ending fabric, blinking at him like his own eyes blink at them. Sometimes, he can see colours through their light, the faintest blues and reds - and he remembers a moment lost in the blur of his childhood, when a now faceless man told him about the meaning of these peculiar hues.
« When a star is blue, » the vision says, « it means it’s still young ; due to live a long life among its kin. »
« A red star, however, is seeing its fire getting weaker, colder. On the scale of the universe, it won’t be long before it swells and swells, swallowing many others in its wake, before either spreading destruction through a long-awaited explosion, or slowly reduce itself to nothingness by letting its fire consume it entirely. »
« It’s a scary thing to know, » the man says as the memory keeps playing in Nikto’s mind, the distant echo of his voice seemingly full of longing. « Our sun is a star. It’s very likely that it will end up swallowing us too, while on its way to its death. It’s up to Fate to decide whether our whole Solar System goes down with it, or follows a more peaceful path. »
Like one of those many stars, Nikto’s eyes are blue. He wonders if it is a sign that he will get to live a long life ; if that would be a blessing, or a curse. If he will face his end with rage, resignation, or peace.
After a few seconds of pondering, he finally remembers that man - though his memory of such times is still uncertain in many places. He was the only person in his childhood who showed any kind of enthusiasm when learning about his fascination for the skies. Who shared countless stories about how he himself came to love astronomy, the notes he took during his life ; tales of how the stars came to be, and the meaning behind the constellations. Nikto remembers how excited he always was to meet with the one he considered to be his only friend.
Once, the elder showed him a few of his favourite tattoos - witnesses of his love for the stars. Constellations, approximate attempts at recreating the likeness of a nebula, a rainfall of comets… The child he once was looked at them all with awe before stating how much he wanted to have one like this. One of the Bears, like the stuffed animal he spent his nights with for so many years. The old man had offered him a hearty laugh, as well as a ruffle of his once dark hair, claiming that when he would become an adult, he could have the freedom to do everything he wanted.
Words that now seem to hold both a form of truth, and a sickening irony.
Despite being long gone, that friend is the reason why, from time to time, he finds himself admiring the colourful photographs shared on the NASA website. Scrolling from article to article, from picture to picture, wishing he could see such sights from his tiny spot on the surface of the Earth. Nebulae, supernovas, syzygies. Galaxies, comets, asteroids. Suns, planets, black holes. Should he find himself lost in the infinite, would he be able to see his favourite constellations ? Create his own ?
Would he even have the time to do so ?
Or would his breath stay caught in his throat, unable to flow in or out of his mouth ? Would he slowly suffocate, clawing at his throat, the feeling of it all burning him down to the bone ? Maybe the stars would be the ones to lay him to rest, freezing his heart with a single touch while reaching for his soul ; keeping it inside of their never-ending, peaceful chaos for the rest of eternity. At this point in his life, he can’t help but think the universe would be much more merciful than anything he could find on Earth.
But you don’t know for sure, is what the whispers tell him in the dead of the night, and he can’t even find a way to reply through his exhaustion.
Instead, he opens one of his many playlists, and closes his eyes to the songs of the whales. Usually, Nikto despises the very idea of noise. It assaults his mind during every waking hour though cries and laughs, rumbles and clicks ; it’s sudden, sharp, loud, loud and loud, refuses to let him breathe. Yet he holds a certain control over the sounds he wears directly in his ears, the natural melodies he chooses creating a peculiar harmony with the inner turmoil that flows in his guts.
Sometimes, the more violent musics he plays help fuel his mind, stripping him down to his most mechanical instincts before setting foot on the battlefield. The whales, however, lost somewhere in the depths of the seas, always know how to appease his fire. How to reflect his moon into the ocean.
During his most vulnerable moments, when the Lady of the Night stays cloaked in darkness to bless him with the sight of the Milky Way, Nikto always ends up creating a bridge between the seas and the skies.
And then, he dreams.
He sees the silhouettes of the singing whales among the stars, leaping and twirling over clusters of rainbows. Watches the cosmic fish swimming up the nebulous currents, the burning sharks devouring asteroid after asteroid as they roam the infinite. Sirens lure him into unknown galaxies, circling around him over and over as he abandons all thought in the shine of their scales ; and he quickly loses count of the marvels they allow him to witness through the window of his mind, mesmerised by it all like he used to be when he was still a child.
When he wakes, the disappointment tears his guts apart. Reality settles in once more as he sets his feet on the cold floor, swallowing the lump forming in his throat. It doesn’t take him long to throw his usual attire on, concealing his face - and thoughts - once more. His iron walls progressively settle around him, steeling his gaze right on time for him to step out into the world.
The expectations are back on his shoulders, and so are the suspicious looks. The obvious sneers bounce off his armour as he makes his way down to the training grounds, heavy steps echoing down the grey corridors. The past night’s reverie is gone, buried in the back of his mind where the light of day never shines. But it will be back ; that is for certain.
For the night will never cease to fall, and the moon to rise. And under the scars littering his mutilated flesh, peeking out slightly from the underside of his arm, the Ursa Major stays the only remaining witness of a bottomless passion, and memories of a past he would give his life to protect.
A light in his never-ending darkness.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
Before reading: R18+, Mature Content Warning, Violence/Gore Warning, Yandere Warning
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Oh, my, look what the wave swept in!
Yet another misplaced human in these wondrous waters, a… poor unfortunate soul, as my sister would say. It hasn’t been that long since another tribe—who was it? The sharks?—had been… blessed with an unusual mate. And now there’s you! How exciting! The orcas are a little temperamental, but I’m sure they’ll treat you lovingly– 
Oh… so you want to leave? Already?
Ambitious, are we? Escape the creatures and get back to land. Well, don’t you look determined? Think you can handle these three strong orcas all by yourself? I’d love to see it. I delight in everything happening around these depths of the ocean, as they are so dark and deep, with barely anything transpiring all day. But as of late, love, freedom, and misery swim hand in hand down here. Intelligence and instincts fight battles that are beyond your little human comprehension. I could not be more pleased with the beautiful bonds that are being woven under the sea.
But I will cheer you on, I promise! I might even have some tips for you, seeing how I’ve been around these sandy lands and great reefs longer than you have!
I don’t think you can trust anyone besides me, really, but you’ll need an ally if you want to get back home. But be careful choosing who you trust. Sometimes you have to take drastic actions to get out of a situation, but there are also times when you need to sit back, stay calm, and let someone else handle it for you. And as badly as I know you want to get out… don’t do anything rash.
These orcas have a fickle disposition, and you wouldn’t want them to decide you’re no fun or tastier than they initially thought. In fact, you don’t want them to think about you at all! Otherwise —ey w—t l— —u ——!
You wake up before the voice can finish. Open your eyes?
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Welcome, welcome to Mermay ( & Merjune) 2023!
I think most of you have already understood what will happen, but I thought I'd give a small heads-up about the how, so we're all on the same page:
This will be an interactive story, which means you guys will have to work together to figure out how to continue onwards by choosing the right poll option. Every chapter comes with a decision at the end, and three possible choices. But only one will continue the story while the other two lead to 'Bad Ends' aka not continue the story. Your goal is to escape the three orcas because they won't always like your decision, unfortunately.
I can already tell you that if the majority votes for a Bad End, you'll be able to choose again at the end of it, hopefully picking the right option this time. The story will not stop just because the right option wasn't picked. But who knows? Maybe choosing wrong is actually the better option sometimes (;
To clarify, there are 5 main chapters (the right choices) in total, 10 possible Bad Ends and 1 True End. This is not a video game so there are no secret routes. Nothing will change if you choose certain options after another. Your goal ultimately is to finish this story. But... some interactions and information may or may not be hidden in Bad Ends that could be enjoyable to you as well. (After finishing the main story I'll let you guys pick some other options you would have liked to see if you're interested in that ^-^)
One more exciting thing! I was able to commission a good friend of mine to actually do references for the orcas! We're still working on them but I hope you guys will enjoy some visuals of the new bois ♥
And for good measure: Please read the warnings on the individual posts, as some of the stories contain disturbing content not suited for everyone. Don't read what you don't like.
Thank you for participating and I hope you guys will be able to enjoy the story as much as I do ♥ (If you have questions, please ask away any time! ♥)
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ghostlspirit · 1 year
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(Male!Yan x gn! Mermaid/Siren Reader)
(part 1)
tw: Yandere, Imprisonment, mentions of cutting you open, Blood, idk I still try to keep things tame
note: Still trying to get comfortable lmao. I know mermay is over but I just had to write this. Exams are over and I can work on stuff now wohoo!! Hope this isn't too long. Happy Pride and I hope you enjoy~
You were a never-before-seen species. A mythical creature, a mermaid, a siren. Gifted with beautiful scales, a luscious tail, and captivating eyes. Every one is mesmerized.
Especially Krish, a researcher and part of the team of caretakers for you. He was also there when they found you, and boy, was that a day to remember. He remembers your open mouth full of sharp teeth trying to bite through the nets, and your voice, oh your voice, letting out screams and hisses as they dragged you up on boat.
He couldn't wait to research you! Who would have thought that a mermaid exists? Who knows how many more are out there, waiting to be discovered. He was beyond curious on your behavior and diet, how intelligent you are and if you understand humans. You must be curious too, Krish know it, you must be curious too, he says, while you look at him with those mesmerizing eyes. You never let him out of your sight, always watching him, hissing when he gets too close. You must be able to remember faces, he notes down in his notebook.
He watches you swim in your aquarium. Because of your size, and the lack of preparation, they opted to letting you stay in a Zoo aquarium for the meantime. Of course, no visitors are allowed here, and all the animals were moved, so you're alone in this...fake ocean, held up inside these glass walls.
You hated it. You hated everything, even yourself. Your mother always told you not to be stupid, not to be foolish and swim too high. Yet you just had to fight with her, argue and rebel, swimming in hopes of a new life, outside of your home. You wanted adventure, taste other seas and swim through different coral reefs. She was always against it, always so cautious and protective. You felt suffocated. What irony you find yourself in. Here you are, fake coral reefs surrounding you in a closed off space, swimming in water that tastes off, and some dammed creature watching you. You feel more suffocated than ever. This isn't what you wanted.
You're scared, terrified even. No tales, stories or warnings could have prepared you for this situation. What are you going to do? How are you going to get out? Will you ever see your mother again? Where even are you? What will they do to you? Are they going to eat you? Do they want your scales, or maybe eyes? You anxiously search for a corner to hide in to collect yourself, away from their gaze, away from his gaze.
Krish notes ever flicker of your tail, ever movement of your arms, everything you observe. You're probably struggling to get comfortable in your environment, is it too bright maybe? Or do you just need time? He has so many questions rushing through his mind, eyes practically shining like a kid opening presents.
The other researchers are just as excited as him, your very existence opening so many doors of possibilities. They have so much planned for you, from taking your measurements to opening you up to explore your insides. Not that Krish is unaware of their plans, he just suggests it would be more beneficial to observe and get to know you before putting you under the mercy of a scalpel. Thank God he has some authority, otherwise he doesn't get to experience your curiosity. Plus, who wouldn’t be more fitted for the task of getting to know you other than him?
Because of your sharp teeth he opts to getting you different kind of fishes, shells, and algae, to guess your preferences. Though for the first few days you seem to refuse to eat. After five days of having to fish out the remains of uneaten food, Krish comes personally to deliver the food at the opening at the top of the tank, in hopes of figuring you out. No, he isn't worried. You’ve been hiding, he is thinking of removing those hiding spots so he can have a better view. But that might make you more stressed, he can’t have that.
Krish has his blond hair in a bun, rain boots on, as he dangles a fish above the waters, occasionally dipping it in to create commotion. “Come one now, I know you’re hungry,” another dip, “It’s alright, you can come out,” he tries to keep his voice soft, as if he’s speaking to a puppy, “I know you want it.” Another few dips and now he’s keeping the fish in the water and swirling it around. Still no response. “You have to eat.” Still nothing. With a sigh he turns around and asks the assistant to dim the lights. He doesn’t notice the hand is still holding the fish under the water. He also doesn’t notice your predatory eyes, glowing in the depths, fixating on the fish.
A second passes, it’s as if time stopped, as you dart out of your spot. Krish turns around in time, and unaware, he meets your captivating eyes, right in front of him in the waters. He doesn’t even register anything else as everything happened so fast, he doesn’t even notice he has let go of the fish. With a quick bite you turn around, your tail splashing water in Krish’s face, as you dart back into your hiding place, fish between your teeth. The fish is leaving a trail of blood, and slowly Krish registers what happened. He blinks, dumbfounded, as your eyes and the sudden rush of adrenalin ignite a flame in him.
Drenched, he lets the voices of the worried assistance become a buzz in his mind. The trail of blood looking like a red string, connecting you both. It’s the proof that grounds his mind, knowing this interaction just happened, as short it might’ve been.
“The lights should stay dimmed”, he frantically scribbles in his notebook, “And order more of that fish.”
We wouldn’t want you to starve now.
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monstersandmaw · 19 days
Hello lovely friends and supporters! Thank you for your patience while I finish off this absolute behemoth of a story for you! You voted in the poll for a deep sea merman and a gn reader, so that is what I wrote for you.
All 13k words of it!
It's a new corner of my fantasy realms, with new characters I'm excited to introduce to you!
Content: gender neutral human reader becomes a part of a bandit gang made up of non-humans and struggles a little to find their place. On a new venture for the gang, the human becomes essential to the plan to smuggle a product from the Absolute Deep all the way to the capital, and in the process, they forge an unlikely relationship with a certain Deepfolk merman. Featuring some minor violence and threat to life, a near drowning, and mention of biting and very mild blood during nsfw, messy hand jobs and some oral, as well as some self-worth and self-deprecating humor on the human's part.
Wordcount: 13,324
The storm had mostly blown itself into quiescence overnight, though the air was still thick with salt and the wind carried gusts of seawater thinned with errant raindrops that spattered onto your cheeks and dribbled down your collar until you shivered with almost every step.
There wasn’t another soul out on the main Cliff Road that stretched the length of the Saraghin Coast and then dipped inland to become other roads that headed towards the capital. After close to three miles of walking in the pre-dawn gloom, you'd begun to think this ‘Arnak’ wasn’t going to show. You’d also completely forgotten about Nil trailing you until you saw the faintest flicker of a shape out of the corner of your eye and your hand went to the blade snugged in against your hip on reflex.
A lanky figure emerged from behind a gnarled rowan tree on your right and stood regarding you, motionless, for three pounding heartbeats before sliding back behind it, and you exhaled shakily. 
“Bloody hell,” you hissed, not sure if they could hear you or not, but you suspected they weren’t human and probably had really good hearing. “You scared the shit out of me, Nil.”
Something like shards of glass scraping together sounded on the wind, and you shuddered again.
Another half a mile or so down the road had you certain the selkie was going to be a no-show, but just when you’d begun to entertain the idea of turning around and heading for a warming drink, and maybe a tumble in the sheets with that minotaur barkeep to warm you up even more, you caught sight of a figure sitting hunched on a rock ahead of you, with the spotted sealskin of a leopard seal selkie shimmering in the grey light of the waxing dawn.
“Took your fuckin’ time,” the huge man growled as he got to his feet at your approach. “Avis said ‘before dawn’.”
“You didn’t give her a point to meet me. I’ve been on the road since well before dawn, friend. Shall we go?” you said with a firm but not unfriendly smile.
He just rolled his dark eyes and turned away without a word.
The man was massive, and built like the boulder he’d been sitting on, with colossal shoulders and a soft middle that belied the strength underneath. His iron grey hair was tied back in a low bun, and sections of it drifted across his eyes in the wind. He could have been anywhere from his late twenties to his early sixties for all you knew. 
Your companion said nothing whatsoever to you until you reached a tiny, switchback path in the cliff a couple of miles later, where he abruptly stopped, gestured with one salt-tanned hand, and said, “Good luck, human. If you survive this and I ever see you again, I might buy you a drink at the Three Eyed Rat myself,” and walked off in the direction of Saltwater Bite without another word.
For a long moment, you stared after him with your heart thudding in your throat, but with a deep breath for courage, and the knowledge that there was probably a shadow-less creature within earshot to help out if you got into trouble, you turned your attention to the cove below.
The slate grey sea still churned with the remnants of the storm, waves shouldering their way up the beach and raking their foaming wake down the gritty shingle shore in a relentless rhythm, but there was no sign of anyone down there. The whole thing felt horribly like a setup, but you tried to tell yourself that Avis and her crew liked you by now, and you had your uses too. You filled a niche in the group that no one else could. She wouldn’t give you up to the authorities or to a spy or even a rival crew so easily.
You hoped.
The switchback path took a while to navigate safely, and by the time you had made it to the bottom, the sun had just started to rise above the horizon, way out to sea. It cast a weak, silvered-bronze look to the water and to the wet, dark rocks, and made each of the pebbles beneath your boots glint like lost diamonds from a shipwreck. You picked one up and turned the ordinary stone over in your hand before lobbing it as far as you could out into the water.
The flat, bottom half of an empty oyster shell caught the light and you stooped to pick that up next, fitting it into the curve of your index finger and flicking your wrist so that it skimmed the waves. Well, it skipped twice, and then chopped into the waves and flipped over, disappearing out of sight beneath the water.
“Are you Avis’ human?”
The grinding, scraping voice came from the rocks somewhere to your left and you all but screeched in surprise. Your whole body jolted and you whipped your head around to stare at the rocks, but there was no one there.
“I’m not anyone’s human,” you fired back, defensive mostly out of surprise rather than any real outrage. “Where are you?”
A coarse, slightly wheezy laugh was your only reply for a moment, then, making a small bow-wave ahead of them in the water, a hand appeared around the rock.
The skin was grey and speckled, but it looked almost chitinous, and it reminded you of the kind of fancy gauntlets the armoured knights wore at jousting tourneys. As more of it appeared, you followed the line of that muscular arm, up its body to a shoulder that was equally armoured, with spiked protrusions like a fantastical pauldron, until the figure pulled itself around the boulder in the water and regarded you from pale, almost blind-looking eyes. 
The creature before you was like nothing you’d ever seen. If a sea dragon had mated with a shark, its offspring might have come close to this, but there was something of the monstrous merrow in their clearly bipedal body, and behind them in the water, like the spined tail of a sahaugin, floated a thick tail.
Your jaw must have been hanging open because the creature laughed that shattered glass laugh again and you blinked yourself back to the moment.
They had no real lips, only a slightly pinkish mouth that showed a double row of teeth, again like a shark’s, and they cocked their wedge-shaped head curiously at you. “Shark got your tongue, little human?” the creature snickered. “You weren’t expecting one of the Deepfolk in person then, eh?”
“I…” you faltered. “Forgive me,” you croaked, forcing yourself to speak. “It’s not often I find myself completely lost for words. And you’re right. I thought perhaps another selkie, or one of the shallower-dwelling merfolk would be here to deliver Avis’ shipment.”
“I’ve brought it personally for you,” the Deepfolk grinned, showing off all those teeth. It shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was to have a predator leer at you like that from the water, but it was what it was, and you hid it as best you could. “Are you going to come in and get it?”
Read all 13k words of it over on Patreon right now!
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Below the surface
Yandere! Merman x Fem! Reader
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AN: Hey all! Sorry for doing so many different things at once, but I'm just so excited for Mermay and I really missed writing yandere content! I really hope you like Cove, because this is just a sneak peak at a larger story I'm going to try and commit to! (Past may dw)
TW: mentions of purposeful drowning, slight degradation, deception, yandere behavior
You admired the pin, turning it so the shell's iridescent patterns caught the sun and made it look as though it was a light patch of silk.
"Oh, Cove, it's beautiful, thank you so much!"
The merman smiled up at you, toned arms resting on the old dock.
"No problem, it couldn'tve gone to anyone else."
You looked at it for a few more minutes in quiet awe before you noticed a strange sound seeming to come from your friend.
"Are you purring?" You laughed lightly, making the sound grow louder in the back of his throat.
"It looks good on you, my flower." He tilted his head, reaching up to cup your face.
"Oh! Thank you." You flushed at his focussed attention as his larger, scarred hand dipped lower, leaving a trail of dampness until it stopped over your heart.
His purr intensified greatly at the contact; God you drove him wild.
So sweet, so patient and kind, so beautiful and so, so clueless. The maker had truly led you right into his arms, right to where you belonged.
It was all he could do to not yank you in by your little wrist and hold you under until you stopped struggling with your weak human lungs, really making you his for eternity. But no, that would come later. For now he would be content with these visits, as sparse as they were. Fine with waiting, watching patiently for the right moment.
He looked back up at you, a handsome grin set back upon his features, "Yes?"
He was snapped from his thoughts by your pretty voice wringing out softly over the lap of the waves.
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bakawitch · 1 month
Mermay time >:3
Casteshipping au where Bakura was an infamous pirate captain who went down with his ship. Due to a cursed artefact present on his ship when he died, sometime after his death, he woke up on his ship as an aquatic humanoid. He never really leaves the ship or its general area and stays extremely territorial of it.
Enter a runaway (swimaway?) siren prince from Atlantis who has a Little Mermaid fascination with humans syndrome going on for him. He sneaks onto Bakura's ship, hoping to find some sort of exciting human regalia, only to be confronted by a very angry creature, pointing a sword at his neck. Bakura chases him around the ship, but unfortunately, due to the lack of a tail, he's considerably slower than the intruder.
Eventually, the siren starts taunting him and asking questions, which Bakura is very surprised to be able to understand (an effect of the curse). They end up talking, and the siren introduces himself as Atem. Bakura tells his story, which Atem finds really exciting, and he instantly develops a new special interest in piracy. They hang out for a while, and even after leaving, Atem stops by a lot to listen to more of the ex pirate captain's tales, given that he's not in one of his famous 'let's stab the pretty merguy' moods.
One day, Bakura ends up showing Atem the mysterious artefact that trapped him in the ocean, and Atem instantly recognises it as a lost divine treasure with mystical powers that is said to be from Poseidon himself. Atem tells him that supposedly it gives the wearer some sort of authority over the ocean and urges Bakura to put it on out of curiosity. Bakura does so with hesitation, and initially, nothing happens. After a few seconds of silence, though, the old ship suddenly starts shaking and moving. Atem and Bakura make it out on the deck, and they realise that the ship somehow started sailing underwater. Bakura wants to see how much control he can really exert over the ship, and he uses the currents to push it up to the surface.
Atem obviously falls on the floor because tail, but otherwise, he's extatic because he's technically never been this close to the sun. Bakura is also very appreciative of the sun, but now he doesn't really know what to do. Atem suggest that they just sail around for a while and see where the wind takes them. Bakura agrees and away they sail.
They end up rebuilding Bakura's old crew with other supernatural outcasts, and Atem discovers that he can make legs for himself. They go on fun vengeance adventures and treasure hunts, and they become the au's equivalent of the Flying Dutchman (I will come up with a name for their ship, I swear). Atem gets to live out his pirate fantasy away from the court, and Bakura gets over the betrayal of his old crew. They do an impromptu mid-fight marriage Pirates of Caribbean style, and they live happily ever after. The end :)
(Unless Atem's abandonment of his role as crown prince eventually comes to bite them back in the butt in the inevitable sequel.)
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septnautical · 1 month
"I heard you shout. Nightmares again?"
I think this could fit schneep and Marvin?
(Used this as an opportunity for a big reveal of some new stuff for Marvin! Happy Mermay!!)
Another night- another horrible nightmare plagues Marvin’s mind. They always feel so real…
This one is… different though. He’s staring at… a version of himself. Himself stuck in his warper state- those bright pink alien eyes staring straight through him. He watches his other self get stiffer- become more robotic- and he feels himself following after. He panics- wanting to fight the sensation but his body is locking up. The warper him just barely tilts his head towards Marvin before speaking.
“Why are you denying what we are?”
“W-What?!” Marvin stammers in fear.
There’s no emotion on the other him’s face, “We are not like the other hybrids. We are not organic, we are not human. We are machines, made to serve a purpose. Why do you keep denying what we are?”
“Because I’m more than that!” Marvin shouts back, “Warpers may be machines but I… I'm me! I’m Marvin!”
“Your feeble attempts to cling to your humanity are making you weak,” The warper him says, “A human mind has so much potential. So much to unlock. You could be more powerful than any warper ever made. Maybe even on par with the architects. Yet you turn away from what you could be. Why?”
It suddenly warps so it and Marvin are face to face, pink eyes meeting teary blue.
“Are you afraid, WH-005?”
And for a moment… the voice sounded just like Zeke’s.
Marvin shoots awake and gasps, pushing himself up in the sand to shakily try to breathe. Fresh water over his gills seems to calm him down as he grips over his heart. His… heart that he can see through his chest- beating and pumping blood. But, he feels so disconnected from it. Like his body was turning into metal. And it scared him to his very core.
He yelps in surprise and fear as he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. Then, he sees a goggled face and relaxes some. It’s just Henrik…
“I heard you shout…” The stalker hybrid says quietly, “More nightmares?”
Marvin is quiet but then slowly nods. His voice cracks a bit as he mumbles, “…t-they just keep getting worse, Hen… I-I…!”
Henrik is quick to wrap up the younger brother in a hug and shushes him gently. “It is only a dream, Marvin… they cannot hurt you.”
The warper mer is quiet in his arms for a few beats, trying to find comfort in his embrace. But the dream still lingered like poison in his mind. He pushes himself out and swims upward. “T-That’s just it, Hen! It’s… it’s not just a dream… I-it’s things I’ve been worried about- worried that I’m… I’m too different f-from…!” He cuts himself off as he bites his lip, trying not to let tears linger in his eyes.
“M-Marvin what are you-?” Schneep tries to say. But Marvin hurriedly swims past him, towards the mouth of the cove.
“I- I need to look for answers…!” Marvin says quickly then warps away before Henrik can even get up to chase after him.
Marvin appears in the lost river and he blinks in confusion. “…why… am I here?” He asks, his voice echoing slightly in the dark cavern. He shudders, holding his arms tight around him. He hates it down here… here is where Zeke-
You want to find answers, right? A thought echoes through his head. And with the thought comes a feeling. Pulling him forward. Like an instinct. A need.
Marvin trembles, his tails juddering in place. But, maybe there were answers here somewhere. He shakes his head and swims after the feeling, going towards the strange alien-like arches that lead to his destination.
Though, whatever this feeling is… it’s not leading him to where Zeke had him. That was a small white suit wreck- a crude Alteran attempt at making warpers themselves… at least from what he can remember. It was all really fuzzy. But now… this is leading him to a really scary looking building. One that it seems even the white suits don’t touch. Probably because it looked like it was destroyed by… something. Something big. And the entire thing was submerged underwater. Which served Marvin just fine.
Still- looking at the strange glowing green structure hidden amongst the darkest parts of the Lost River sent shivers down the warper’s spine. But, he swallowed his fear and swam inside.
Inside was a confusing labyrinth of architecture he had rarely seen. Strangely glowing and… there were so many things locked behind glass structures. Marvin swam into an open room and gasped as he saw fuana specimens tacked onto displays. He felt sick as he saw a rabbit ray… and a huge egg that kinda reminded him of Anti.
He quickly swam out of that place- seeing massive claw marks scratched into the walls and dents of damage. But soon enough he entered a place that felt way too familiar… yet like nothing he had ever seen before.
It was horrifying… an expansive room filled with- warper parts. Several parts just left in construction- an inactive warper discarded and thrown on the floor, leaving that horrid green cage open. Just like the one that Zeke kept him for weeks, back in that wrecked Alterra copy. Clearly it had been a poorer copy of this. This… this is where the original warpers must have been made.
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Seeing this all has Marcin’s heart pounding wildly, his skin raked with goosebumps. Still… this place had to have the answers he was looking for, right? The answer to what he was… was he human? Was he a machine? Was he too different from his brothers? …looking around this place though, he’s not sure this has the answer he wants to hear.
As he swims forward into the lab he tries to look around for something… he’s not exactly sure what. Surely there must be information in here… like a PDA or something?
When suddenly, his tail brushes against some kind of dark cube with glowing green lines- and lights and machines start to glow and whirl around him. Marvin freezes and whips around to look- only for some of those green metal bars and wires to crash into him and hold him in place. Marvin instantly starts to panic and fights against the cage, “no no!! Not again! L-Let me go!!”
He tries to warp but whatever this stuff is made of is suppressing his powers! He feels panicked tears welling up in his eyes and tries to struggle out more, using his claws to try to get out but the cage grabs his arms and pulls them taunt to the side. Ringing is starting up in his ears, he left his mask at the cove! He can’t lose himself here! But he feels his second pair of eyes trying to open, feels his warper instincts trying to claw their way to the surface through his panic.
One of the 4 pronged fabricators creaks loudly across the ancient ceiling as it comes to rest in front of Marvin. A blue light washes across his body, scanning him. Then, a robotic voice garbles out, almost too glitched and corrupted to understand:
‘Warper agent active but incomplete. Processing power not at full capacity.’
“What?! W-What does that mean?? P-Please just let me go! I’m not just a warper I-I’m-!” Marvin sobs. But the machines don’t listen. The fabricator arm zooms around Marvin- then latches onto his neck, inserting sharp tips under his armor.
‘Detecting damage in miniaturized phase chip. Warper agent’s self-repairing technology impaired. Reactiviating-‘
A sharp shock goes through Marvin’s nerves as his back arches and he lets out a strangled gasp of pain. Something in his blood seems to pump faster, feels… different. The… the ringing… is it getting… quieter?
‘Self repairing technology back online.’
Then, the fabricator whirls and then soars over his head, latching attachments against his skull and digging in. He screams bloody murder and tries to thrash against the pain but the cage tightens around him- holding him still.
‘Expanding processing power of Agent’s brain. Please stand by.’
The computerized voice says- now clearer as if talking directly into Marvin’s mind.
Then, there’s nothing but bright blinding pain as something pushes into his skull and electricity fills up Marvin’s whole body. He’s not sure if he’s screaming or not- he feels completely detached from his body. All he can feel is the pain as something is pushed into his mind.
When he next wakes up he’s laying down on his back on one of the tables inside the warper facility. He doesn’t even remember passing out… he groans and holds his head. It’s aching and pounding. But then as he looks out- something in his vision has changed.
He sees- words. Human words. But he can fully read and understand them now. Everywhere he looks he sees things start to get highlighted in blue, like they’re being scanned before information pops up to explain it. Just like a white suit machine. Marvin screams and tries to scramble away but- he can’t escape it! It’s all he can see!
He curls up and holds hands over his eyes, sobbing hysterically in fear. “W-What is this?! W-What’s happening to me?!”
Then, he stiffens slightly and pink blooms in his eyes as words start to fill his mind. It hurts- it hurts and he tries to fight it but there’s just urge to just- repeat the words! Say them outloud- he needs to he’s programmed to-
“Warper agents' brains and central nervous systems been digitally augmented with advanced processing power and remote communications.” Marvin says in a robotic drone, eyes glazing over slightly as the information slips from his lips.
Once he’s done, the pink fades from his eyes and the pressure lightens as he gasps. His limbs begin to tremble again, no longer stiff and robotic. He claps his hands over his mouth and chokes on a sob. That fabricator- it did something to him! Did it make him even more like a warper? More like a machine?!
Marvin rockets off the platform and back out into the rest of the facility- the rest of its freaky secrets blurring around him in his panic. The second he feels like he can warp again he does- crashing into the wall of the cove with a loud thud.
Soon enough Jackie comes into view and tries to help Marvin up, “Marvin?! Marv what’s wrong? Are you okay?!”
The touch is electric, it’s too much- it feels like Marvin’s nerves are on fire! He pushes Jackie away from him and curls up, “D-Don’t touch me!”
Jackie looks hurt, “What? Marvin-!”
More bodies start to swim closer, Marvin can feel Jamie’s tentacles and hear Schneep’s panicking. Another hand tries to touch him and he shoves it off. “Stop please just- stop…!”
“Marvin, I need to see what is wrong…!” Henrik tries to say, “Is your head hurting? Do you need your mask?”
“M-Maybe we should call for Danan?” Chase suggests shakily.
Marvin tries to look out at his brothers- and he gasps as he sees his vision start to scan them. Messages pop up, showing their designations. No no- Marvin didn’t want to see those! He whimpers and the others tense as they see flickers of pink in his eyes.
“Anti, get Marvin’s mask, quickly!” Henrik shouts. The sea dragon hesitates then grabs the mask and hurries over to hand it to Marvin. “Here,” Anti whispers, looking slightly worried.
But all Marvin can see is Anti’s designation- SE-004. And the notes of ‘return to HQ at all costs.’ Marvin chokes on a sob and curls up as much as he can, digging claws into his head as he shouts out, “no no! G-Get- GET AWAY FROM ME!!”
As he shouts this- suddenly, his mask and any lingering tech around the cave start to glow with blue light. Then, they start to float in the water despite their weight. The boys all watch this in awe. Until- the objects all shoot off in different directions, causing even more crashing sounds.
Marvin dares to look up, his eyes glowing blue now instead of pink. The others stare at him with confusion and a bit of fear.
“M-Marvin…” Schneep whispers, “…what did you do?”
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blinddreams24 · 9 days
A Mermay Prompt
(Note: kind of a short chapter, sorry)
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The next few weeks were full of pleas and complaints to get out of the meeting with Dream. Nightmare reminded each of them that they didn’t have to come which sent them grumbling about danger and not leaving the Boss to deal with Dream by himself.
Of course, everyone came.
Wherever Nightmare went, everyone followed. It was cute, you thought. Like a bunch of ducklings following the first adult they see. Ducklings with teeth. To be fair, you were one of those ducklings now.
Heh, ducklings with teeth.
. . .
Maybe that image wasn’t as cute as it sounded…
Today was the day. The meeting was set up, the time was picked, and everyone was anxious.
“Killer, for the hundred twenty-seventh time, no. We’re going to the meeting, discussing peace, and not stabbing anyone.” Nightmare glared. “For today, no shenanigans. I don’t care how much you want to. If you so much as bare your teeth unprovoked, I will send you home. Understood?”
Killer pouted. “Yes, Boss…”
“If you must talk to anyone, be courteous and respectful. No dark jokes or gruesome stories. Polite conversations only.”
“Yes, sir.”
“That goes for all of you.” Nightmare glanced around at the others. “Y/n, feel free to roam how you wish. You and Blue are our neutral party. So get comfortable, we’re going to be there a while. As for the rest of you, if you leave my sight, you’re going home. If you start to go into a frenzy, you’re going home. If you taunt or threaten anyone, you’re going home. This is a professional setting and I need to trust that you will act like it.”
“Yes, sir.” Everyone echoed.
Nightmare nodded. “Good. Let’s depart now. We’ll be late if we don’t.”
The trench and currents shook as Nightmare lifted himself out into the open waters. Thick black tentacles curled and struck out to heave him into the open and out of the magical darkness in the trench.
He was…
Smaller than you imagined.
The darkness had definitely done him a few favors but now that he was in the open, he wasn’t quite as intimidating. Sure, if it was your first time meeting him, you’d be scared. But the darkness of the trench added to his intimidating appearance and twisted his form to look more mysterious and vague. Which was terrifying to the untrained eye.
While everyone swam out of the trench, Horror struggled to pull himself over the edge fast enough to keep up, his tentacles flailing. Nightmare turned, scooped Horror into his hands, and continued, Horror hugging his fingers.
You smiled.
He might look terrifying, but he was still just a big softy. If people saw how he treated the guys, they’d think he was a father. He might as well be.
Blue, Ink, and Dream were already waiting. Dream was not in his leviathan form that he apparently had. He’d showed it to you the other day. It was weird seeing a kraken-sized seahorse. He hadn’t moved much either, scared of accidentally smacking you with his tail while his head was too far away to see you properly against the grey rocks, and quickly shrank again when he got anxious.
He spotted you coming and waved. You smiled and waved back.
Blue was entertaining Ink whose body was a rippling grey with streaks of yellows, greens, and blues. You recognized those as his happy colors. Dream had obviously talked to him because when he looked up and saw Nightmare coming, he grinned and waved happily. Cross and Killer sheepishly waved back. Ink was very excited and hurried over to chat with Cross.
Blue seemed a little tired and very relieved when you arrived. When Ink shot away, he drifted over to Dream to properly greet you.
Nightmare stopped right in front of Dream, towering over him. “Dream.” He greeted.
“Nightmare.” Dream nodded.
The water was tense. Well, except for Ink, who was darting between each of the boys and chatting. He eventually ended up following Killer around as the shark desperately tried to avoid him.
Nightmare hummed. “It was self defense, Dream.” He started. “And I did not touch her. She was already dead when I ate the first apple. I would have told you this if you’d asked. But you never did. Dream, you came at me in a frenzy. We were both in a frenzy. What did you think would happen?” He scolded.
Dream nodded again. “I wasn’t thinking…” He gave Nightmare space to continue.
“They attacked me. I very nearly died. Dream, the people you trusted were vile from the beginning. Why do you think I stayed away from them? I could feel their intent. They wanted the fruit. They wanted her dead. And we were just obstacles. They even hated Life. Why did you leave me with them? They beat me, Dream. They broke my skull and dashed me against the rocks I had so foolishly beached myself on. Where were you? Why weren’t you there? What was so important that you left me to die?” Nightmare accused. The boys grew agitated but a stern look from their Boss shut them up.
Dream bowed his head. “…I was but a foolish child, Nightmare. I was looking for flowers. I had been for weeks. One of the land dwellers, a young woman, told me that she’d given her sister a flower when she was upset…”
Nightmare’s scowl slipped. “…so you were looking for a flower… for me?”
“Yes. But turns out the ocean doesn’t really have flowers so I was kinda grabbing at the horizon for stars. I did not mean to leave you in danger. I did not believe you were in danger.” Dream’s tail curled and fidgeted. “I am sorry for my foolishness.”
“Hm. It seems we both lack the ability to communicate. Let us discuss in private before continuing negotiations. Boys.” He addressed his group. “Give us a moment, stay in sight.”
Multiple ‘yessir’s were given, no matter how grumpy, and you all moved a distance away so the brothers could talk, including Blue and Ink at a nod from Dream.
“Why does your soul stick out of your chest?” Ink interrogated Killer.
“Why does your tongue stick out of your mouth?” He grumbled.
“There’s stuff leaking out of your eyes. Are you crying?”
“Am I what?”
As Ink went on to explain and loose his train of thought again, Blue approached you.
“So, How Are You Doing, Y/n?” He asked politely.
You smiled. “I’m doing great, thank you. How are you? You look exhausted.”
He sighed. “I Am. Ink Has Been Very Excited All Day. So Excited The Stretch Kicked Him Out Of The Den. Stretch! My Lazy Brother! He Doesn’t Get Up To Clean Anything And Ink Managed To Make Him Move.” He sighed again. “I’ve Been Distracting Him All Day, Trying To Keep Him Off Dream, Because Lord Knows He Doesn’t Need More Problems Today.”
“Sounds like it sucks.” Came Dust’s voice beside you. He glanced over, as if noticing you for the first time, and nodded. “Hey, Blueray.”
You burst into laughter even as Blue sputtered.
“I’m Not A Ray, Dust! I’m A Dolphin!” Blue puffed his chest up.
Dust gave you a knowing grin and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Do you even know what a blueray is, Dust?” You questioned.
He smirked. “S’a type of DVD.” He answered easily, as if it was common knowledge to him.
You stopped laughing. “How do you know that?”
His grin widened. “Do you really wanna know?”
“Yes?!? How did you know that??!?”
He just laughed and swam away.
“Wait!! Dust!!! What do you mean?!?” You called after him.
Killer swam between you and Dust, startling you. His usual grin was pressed into a thin line as Ink chased him.
“Why does it wiggle so much?” Ink was asking. “Does it hurt? Why doesn’t it look like a heart? Can I touch it?” And on and on.
Killer swam faster.
Blue sighed. “Poor Killer. Though, I Wouldn’t Switch Places With Him. I’m Done For Today. He’s Stuck With That.”
You also sighed. “I should help him.”
“Nah, leave him. That’s the quietest I’ve ever seen Killer. He’ll be fine. How you doin’, Blue?” Cross drifted into the conversation.
“Mweh! I’m Doing Well, Cross! Thank You For Asking!” Blue puffed up proudly. “And How Are You, Friend? It Feels Like Forever Since We’ve Been Able To Talk On Good Terms.”
“It has been a while, hasn’t it? Sorry about that, by the way.” Cross smiled nervously.
Blue waved it off. “Don’t Apologize, Cross! You Did A Good Thing Following Nightmare! Dream Never Did Have Time To Listen.”
The orca looked confused. “What do you mean?”
Blue gave a knowing smirk. “Dream Had To Learn That You Couldn’t Be Hauled Around Everywhere. He Would Not Listen To Me. Always Moving Around And Working. Busy, Busy, Busy. You Woke Him Up To Reality. It Was Only After You Left That He Listened To Me. Also, Why Do You Think Nightmare Offered In The First Place?” He grinned and looked over at the twins.
Cross stared in shock. “…You didn’t.”
“Don’t touch me!!” Killer finally snapped, yanking his tail away from Ink.
“Ah, Looks Like My Help Is Needed Elsewhere.” Blue nodded to you and Cross. “It Was Nice Talking To You Again. Now If You’ll Excuse Me. INK!!!”
You both stared after Blue. Each in a different state of shock.
“. . .”
“You okay, Cross?”
“…I don’t know anymore…”
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Teaching Evasive Maneuvers
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Author's note: More of Symith in mermay.
Summary: Symith and his younger brothers and cousins are patrolling, he spots a new arrival coming in. Realizes it's a Custodes and teaches rapid evasive maneuvers and gets them all back to base before the Custodes makes a splash.
Warnings: ... Let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Symith is with the same mixed squad of Ultramarines and Space Wolves, all of them younger than him by decades, how they got here, was usually due to battle- and the strange twist of circumstances that had them from one breath to another There to Here. He's not one to ponder who gets chosen or why, and from what he's heard, even Custodes have been dropped onto Ancient Terra, not many, Thank the All-father, for they are far more dangerous than even the worst of Rampaging Khornate Space Marines.
He's heard the stories of whole pods of Space Marines being torn asunder, Loyalist, Renegade, and Chaos, because the Custodes deemed them unfit for Life, or because they wouldn't listen to the words of the Loyalists, explaining when and where they are. He suspects that they are trying to seek out the much younger version of The Emperor. Which, well- he wonders if they'll find him or not. He wonders if them being here will effect the time line, or if they are now in a new timeline, or if this will just be a temporary thing and won't actually affect things at all. Or- one of the younger space marines swims over to him with a concerned frown.
"You're bleeding from the nose," The young Apothecary with them says in concern, "Did you hit your head or something?"
"Ah- just got a wicked headache," He says waving the youngster off.
He had been... thinking about- oh, bad nope, not going to try going to think or poke at what is for Witches and Rune Priests to deal with. He's good at teaching and protecting and fighting, among other things. Such navel gazing and thoughts of philosophy and causality and other fancy-smancy nerd shit is for those of a higher intelligence than him. He allows the young Apothecary fuss over him as the Warp wipes away his thoughts on things that he should really not try to think too hard about. It just is.
"You didn't have to fuss so much," He says with a mild grumble
As they continue to patrol this area of the seas, on Ancient Terra, there had been some Excitement, some Idiot Chaos Psyker had tried to do some Great Working and it had twisted and gone wrong, and potentially really cursed an underwater cave system nearby.
Exactly where, he's not been told, mostly so he doesn't go poke at it with his bolter and get bitten by something Nasty. Also, another thing, there was some rumblings about a Nurglite Infestation that had nearly destroyed a Coral Reef ecosystem, that too, was being handled by those who are qualified to handle it. He had his squad are to try and see if they can find other Strange Things that might be happening, or Chaos Bastards who aren't where they are supposed to be.
Also, he's unsurprised that the Chaos Marines are Up To Shit, and Causing Problems On Purpose for everyone else. It's what they do, they are, after all, Chaos Marines. He has Opinions on this 'armistice' between the two sides, especially since he knows that certain factions within the Chaos Marine pods and shoals aren't doing their part of the deal as well as they should. The larger Chaos Marine Pods would claim that it was smaller shoals that aren't a part of the Alliance that lies at fault, but he's got his doubts on that. Even odds on whether it's true or not. He swims to the surface and looks up- he'd spotted something glittering and sparkling above him and then swum fast down to where the Scouts are.
"Boys!" He calls sharply.
Gratifyingly they all turn towards him swiftly. "We need to move out of the area- a new Custodes is landing in these waters."
They all seems startled and start to whirl, "Move it lads! I don't want to become shark chum from a raging Custodes having a fit from their arrival. We also need to let the Chapter Masters in the area know so they can decide on the approach. Now- get moving!"
They are all loyalists, but depending on when the Custodes is from, what they were doing, and where they were before coming to Ancient Terra... being Reasonable is Not something that was designed by the Emperor within his Golden Host. So- they are swimming, fast and in the deep and in a circuitous pattern- he's barking out orders to them to help them with evasion and hopefully, staying unnoticed by one of those Stuffy, Uppity bastards who were more likely to kill, than listen to anything anyone said, or pull their weight and bully any and everyone who knows exactly what they are to their advantage, taking more in supplies and resources, and knowledge faster than they usually allowed new arrivals to have.
But such was the Custodes- catering to those bastards whims.  New Custodes, are very likely to be Unbonded. Trying to risk sending a message to one of the Bonded Custodes about their newly arrived brother, usually they would deign to speak with their brother and explain things. Which was a better way, in his opinion, let the Bonded Custodes deal with unbonded Custodes and leave them out of it.
He thinks it had worked, none of them are dead without realizing it, and he's not heard the whale song- and booming crooning calls of a Custodes on a hunt, when they decided to be noisy. Informing the Captain in deck of what was going on had been fun, but since he's done his job, and now that problem is so far above his paygrade it isn't funny. He grabs his squad of Scouts and tucks them into one of the shared nests to make sure they are all safe, alright, and most importantly, do not be stupid and try to catch a glimpse of a Custodes. His boys are safest where he can see them, scruffing the Apothecary and tucking him into the middle of the group.
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aftgficrec · 1 year
Do you have anything for settings outside of cannon?? Like au's or completely different universes
(Preferably neil centered but not exactly a necessity)
Ahhh there are many amazing AUs in our fandom, and of course a high percentage star Neil Josten. Generally, canon themes are still woven throughout the stories. Also check out AUs on our tags page where you can explore by theme. -A
a small sampling of AU themes:
single parent aus here
more band aus here
sitcom/romcom vibes here
long no exy aus here
new Hogwarts aus here
staff recs Mermay here
florist/tattoo artist andreil here
andreil enemies to lovers here
some Neil-centric AUs:
famous Neil (no exy) here
Neil as barista/waiter/bartender here
Neil with wings and lots of magic here
Oblivious ace-disaster Neil here
quirky Neil like ‘WUTBF’/‘Quicksand’ here
fics like ‘A Different Matter’ here
‘Neil’s Guide to Stalking Your Neighbor’ here
‘Dear Advice Guy’ here (complete)
‘The bittersweet between my teeth’ here
‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ here
‘Point Nemo’ here
‘still’ here
‘12 Ways to Woo a Minyard’ and ‘Deadly Affections’ here
Perennial by notyouranswer [Rated T, 11373 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil downloaded a dating app (at Matt's insistence) to make some friends, but accidentally rejected a stranger right in front of him. Mild chaos ensues leading to conversations over coffee and a walk in the park.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: bullying
Into The Deep by Fortheloveofexy [Rated E, 21435 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2023]
Neil Josten stares at the large building in front of him, his mouth twisted into a small frown. Yesterday, Browning had handed him a manila folder containing his new name, his new life. Included in that file had been a note, the same slightly crumpled note he’s holding in his hand now, with the name of his new employer. Foxhole Aquarium. Ask for David Wymack.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: animal abuse, tw: implied/referenced character death, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks
NB: fic art of merAndrew by @fortheloveofexy
Only Fools Fall. by Random2002 [Rated T, 19789 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2023]
Neil tests how faithful his clients partners are. Roland is a client; he's worried about his boyfriend. It isn't long until Neil notices some serious rifts in the relationship he is meant to test.
tw: child abuse
White Hands by doodlingstuff [Rated T, 23308 Words, Complete, May 2023]
Neil's life isn't exactly a life except for Stuart, trying to cheer him up, and his paintings, whenever he's inspired. Andrew's life isn't exactly a life except for his family and his volunteering work, keeping him afloat as the time goes by. When Andrew stumbles into Neil's life unwillingly, both will learn one day at a time that they still have reasons to fight and dreams to fulfill. --- Another take on Artist!Neil and Bartender!Andrew full of soft and fluff.
tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: heavily referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm 
If Neil, Then Fox by AlrightDarlin (WhoopsOK) [Rated T, 12838 Words, Complete, 2023, Locked]
Neil Josten’s machine warns him Aaron Minyard needs his help, but Neil isn’t prepared for the way Andrew Minyard is about to turn his life upside down.
tw: murder, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied character death, tw: drug use, tw: violence
Professor Neil series by HalfpintPeach [Rated G/T, Collection with 2 complete works, updated Feb 2023]
Part 1: Necessary Losses [T, 9783 Words, Complete, 2023] Neil's grad students invite their Exy-obsessed professor out to one of the most anticipated matches of the Exy Season, the Dallas Palms vs the Denver Yellowjackets. Neil is excited to join to watch his husband and one of his best friends battle it out on the Exy court.
Part 2: Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day [G, 3640 Words, Complete, 2022] Neil has one of the worst days and Andrew is able to make it a little bit better. Welcome to my Professor Neil and Professional Exy Player Andrew world! 
I'll be a Brand New Day by especiallythezefronposter [Rated T, 15519 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil meets a man who looks a lot like his least favorite teammate, Aaron Minyard, and it ends up changing his life. (A Winter Soldier AU, because this fandom deserves a Winter Soldier AU)
tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: gun violence, tw: blood, tw: murder, tw: nightmares
Unlucky Lies by Winterlynne_Norvic [Not Rated, 26365 Words. Complete, 2019]
Neil hates being a demon. Andrew hates Neil. Their lives are hell, but maybe with each other it doesn't have to be.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: temporary major character death, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: demonic possession, tw: bullying, tw: assault, tw: attempted rape, tw: blood, tw: murder, tw: car accident, tw: canonical character death, tw: eating disorders
Neighbours series by transjorts [Collection, Rated T, Complete, 2021]
Part 1: Cat Burglar [6393 Words, AFTG Exchange Spring 2021] Neil has settled into his quiet life in Palmetto with a job at Barnes and Noble and a friend called Matt. But someone was breaking into his apartment and stealing his stuffed animals. What kind of fuckery is this?
tw: implied/referenced child abuse 
Part 2: Foxes and Fruitcake [12819 Words] Neil dives deep into Minyard-Hemmick family drama, plays exy and eats fruitcake.
tw: involuntary outing 
You're different than the others by Kml19 [Rated M, 21024 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil works for the Moriyamas from inside the prisons as a guard, he doesn't think much about his own life, he is just glad that he is alive. That is until he meets a new prisoner that may change how he sees things.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: assault
NB: inspired by @requiemofkings’ artwork of prison guard Neil and inmate Andrew
Allurement by sundowne [Rated E, 20323 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2023]
"You think I would use my allurement on you?" "You're not?" - A vampire AU in which Neil needs a new goalie and Andrew needs someone to feed from, so they strike a deal.
tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
Remember! Proplifting is Shoplifting! by Mystrana [Rated T, 3697 Words, Complete, AFTG Summer Exchange 2022]
Neil works at the garden center. He hates his job. Andrew is an amateur gardener who enjoys tormenting garden center employees. Somehow, he makes Neil's job better.
If You Knew What I Know by interstellarflowers [Rated G, 12361 Words, Complete, 2021]
Neil runs a relationship advice column, and Andrew is a skeptic.
Whiskey Sour by maqicien [Not Rated, 6,870 Words, Complete, 2022]
In which Neil is a bartender and Andrew is the crime lord that owns the bar.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: assault, tw: blood/gore, tw: murder
jellyroot and many other causes of catastrophy series by jeanmorexu (papencuts), papencuts [Rated M, Collection with 2 complete works, AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2019]
Part 1: (a comprehensive guide to princes and knights and how not to acquire jellyroot) [10959 Words] Neil is a young prince of Palmetta. When he was just a boy, he was saved by a mysterious kid from a thug. Neil isn't sure who he is, or why he did what he did. That is, until he sees him again and this time, he's going to get some answers.
tw: homophobia, tw: assault
Part 2: united under kingdom, and unto each other [​​2099 Words]
“Can you imagine what this would do the crown? Backwater boxing matches, associating with drunkards, and criminals… These bruises, Andrew, gods… People are going to think I beat you.” “No one is going to think that. It’s almost assumed that you like me to beat you.”
NB: knight and prince art prompt by @requiemofkings
CVS by anxietycorner [Rated G, 38689 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2023]
Neil had always worked the night shift alone. A co-worker couldn't hurt, right?
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: abuse, tw: child abuse, tw: torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: ptsd, tw: flashbacks, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: vomit, tw: alcohol, tw: bullying 
Dirtyhands Neil art by @prince-peachie
spiderman au art by @rainbowd00dles
tattoo artist!neil comic by @jordanshenessy here and here 
the little siren au art by @allfortheslay25, wip 1, pre render
jellyfish Neil au comic by @emry-stars-art, also here
pirate Neil art by @heymrstargazer
winged Neil art by @mistykaru here, here, here, here and here
escaped single father Jean with baby Neil art by @estavs
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