#except for Janeway but that's Janeway's Thing and it gets rights
[takes deep breath] Ahsoka’s formal address in TCW S1-5 is “Commander Tano” or “Sir.” It is not “Commander Ahsoka.” It is not “ma’am.”
vagueblog about canon not a vagueblog about fic; fic gets it right
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whatdostarsdo · 1 year
The thing about Star Trek Voyager is that even though it’s a bad show, you can very clearly see the bones of a good show. All the ingredients that are needed to make the show good are there except for good and consistent writing. Which is why it’s so infuriating and also so compelling.
The voyager cast incudes some of my favorite characters in all of trek. Captain Janeway? Tuvok? Chakotay? B’elanna? The Doctor? Seven of Nine? Harry Kim? They are all such compelling characters!!! The actors all put their heart and souls into the performances! It is so easy to make up good stories about these characters!
And then a lot of the plots are actually good and compelling they just tend to lose the thread halfway through the episodes! The premise of the show is FASCINATING and they underutilize it immensely! A lot of the things that Do get written end up serving as incredible commentary on the time and NONE of it is self aware at all!!! It drives me nuts!
Like. It is so easy to keep watching voyager to feed the good version of voyager that lives in your brain. It is an excellent exercise in critical thinking and seeing what works about storytelling. The sets, the make up, the sound design, is all Incredible and it’s so visually fun to immerse yourself in.
And like. It’s fun! It’s a fun show! They boldly go! They get into situations! They have really compelling character arcs! They pose interesting questions! Do they think any of this through or resolve anything? Hell no! But part of Star Trek is making you think anyway! And it is SO fun to think about voyager. It is so fun to be like ok this is what I would have done to make this episode work, or, what do you think they were actually going for here, or, this was accidentally a really good commentary on what it’s like to be biracial or traumatized entirely by accident how wild, right?
And like that’s why every voyager fan is so deranged yes (I include myself in this god bless) because it takes a certain kind of person to see this show and care about it and think about it. And it also just hits that perfect spot in the curve where there is so much potential and also so much content that was not delivered on to make it absolutely Perfect for fan interpretation and fan content.
Anyway reblog if you too look at voyager and go “I can fix him” lmao
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myfaveisfuckable · 4 months
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- will literally martyr herself at the drop of a hat
- will kill you if she thinks it's what she needs to do for her crew
- will not kill you if she thinks you've got residue humanity after decades as a borg drone even though realistically she really should've (tho ofc we're all glad she didn't)
- will violate your personal rights if she thinks you're not "human" enough and also compare you to a replicator (yes I'm still salty about that. wait what was the question? right, i'll get back on track)
- will say absolutely deranged shit like "then be a good rat and find us the cheese" in the a tone that makes me lose my mind and basically give everyone a crush on her (and also mommy issues) if they spend too long in her vicinity, leading to a very loyal crew
- her solution to having a crush on a fictional character was to delete his wife (very relatable but also very not normal)
- she wanted to watch hot Q on Q sex (possibly for scientific reasons) and looked very disappointed when it was severely underwhelming
- WHO brings a bathtub on a spaceship???
- there's more but y'know
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1. Introduced as a bland everyman only made exceptional by circumstance, slowly revealed to be the most batshit, suicidally depressed, bisexual maniac in existence. Uses self-sacrifice like a tool and is completely unaware of how beloved he is by the people he keeps pulling into his fold because he is so deeply and utterly convinced that he is fundamentally unlovable. He's like sixty foundational traumas stacked in a trench coat and he's always sixty steps ahead of everyone else and he loves the people he chooses so so dearly and people keep calling him ugly even though he's canonically pretty average and holy shit dude get some therapy please
2. do NOT let the pretty official art fool u. this is the most average 28 year old salaryman going through the absolute most in the apocalypse. ORV is a story about the most average man on earth with the most mundane, depressing life. and one story that he read to cope with it all. he's just some guy, but he is also the most beloved specialest guy. not because he had some hidden talent. just because he loved a story ferociously and also he likes getting in trouble on purpose. he is the most unreliable narrator you will ever find. every piece of the universe loves him for his average stupid self. you will understand when you read 👍
3. GHBJNKML i am praying someone has sent him in but. unreliable narrator the most ever and also i just. love him so much. orv in itself is such a goo dnovel but like. kim dokja is the definition of love and the most caring person but also he's suffered so much and while. yknow we're introduced to him as a kind of nerd but like. listen he's so fucked up juts LISTEN
4.He looks like a neet-pulled office worker. Spoilers:
turns out to be one of the oldest things in the world and the only being keeping it going and alive. He needs to be there to keep the world going. Also, he got like kind of adopted by Persephone and hades. Like his blorbo is real and in love with him. But this man looks so average that people call him ugly to his face just because he’s surrounded by absolute gorgeous people.
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remholder · 8 days
J7 fic rec list
FINALLY sitting my ass down and getting one of these written up! wanted to make a list that had fics ive never seen rec'd before and as someone who has dug pretty deep in some mucky trenches (ff.net and passion and perfection specifically), i thought itd be cool to hand over some of my favs ive read over the years while these are in no particular order, there is one fic i really want to highlight: 16 Hours by Bailey B. (explicit) Captain Janeway interrupts Seven of Nine's regeneration cycle to invite her to dinner in the captain's quarters. Things progress from there, but not everything is as it seems. now, this fic right here - it was the very first j7 fanfic i had EVER read. all the way back in (roughly) 2007. no big deal, really, youd think? except i was 14 and i had no real business reading this fic (its explicit and i was underage). another thing - i had NEVER seen anything of Star Trek: Voyager. i knew the very, VERY basics of it, but i was the needle in the haystack here. because of this fic, and how kind it was with explaining the basics of Kathryn Janeway and Seven of Nine - ive been a fan ever since. --- Can't Take My Eyes Off You (orphaned account) While on an alien planet, a few of Voyager's crew get distracted by a former Borg. But let's be honest, who wouldn't get distracted by a Borg that looked like THAT? a fic where everyone (and i mean like...everyone) realizes how attractive Seven of Nine is - however our favorite exBorg only has eyes for Voyagers Captain. --- Past Tense by Patrica L. Givens (daxilla) (explicit) A threat from the past returns to threaten the very existence of Voyager and her crew. Can Seven save them, and deal with the realization of her changing feelings for the Captain at the same time? TIME TRAVEL SHENANIGANS!!!! also Seven bonding with Gretchen will always hold a very special place in my heart. --- The Adventure of a Lizard Captain by Captain Thrace A teleport accident transforms the Captain of Voyager and forever changes her relationship with the resident Borg Drone, Seven of Nine. After both spend years orbiting each other, will this event finally bring them together? i had taken a long break from j7 content, and when i got back into the fandom (around early/mid 2020), this was one of the first fics i read. it's silly, it's a angsty when it needs to be, it's an all around good time. i love it so much i make art based off it like every year! --- Antarra IV by JanewayorNoWay (explicit) The Captain has fallen in love with a certain tall, blond ex-Borg, but the sentiment hasn't been reciprocated. Furious with herself for getting herself in too deep, and upset with Seven for not returning her feelings, she does something hasty and stupid. I've noticed that a lot of fics have Kathryn putting her foot down in regards to a relationship (a possible one or one already in effect) with Seven - so when I came across this one, where's SEVEN being the one to do so, it immediately became a favorite. Angst, hurt/comfort, and some good ol FUCKING! what more could you ask for? --- a special shoutout to The Golden One, a very beautifully written fic that was a rewrite of Scorpion pt. 2 that was deleted last year that i have a .txt file of and will forever hold dear
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
You want Tuvok asks?? Okay, I'll send some from time to time now lol
Can I have some uhhh Tuvok & Kes mentoring relationship analysis and maybe hcs?
Personally, I think... we all know Kes sees parts of her father in Tuvok etc right but hc that Tuvok also sees parts of Asil in Kes? Anyway, your turn. Don't worry about writing "too much", no such thing when it comes to you!!
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YEAAAH TUVOK ASK!!! I hide it well so few people know this but I actually like Tuvok quite a bit so this ask was very much welcome, thank you!! <3
KES!!!! Tuvok's one true daughter (other than Asil, his actual one true daughter) in my mind!!!! I wish more of the show actually showed their mentorship. Like him and Kes on an away mission or there being a 'student becomes the teacher' moment as her powers grow. I imagine a scene where Kes teaches a patient who's in pain a breathing technique to calm him down as she bandages him up and revealing that Tuvok taught her that technique! I also like the thought of aliens mistaking them for being the same species due to their pointed ears and telepathic abilities. The Kes-Tuvok dynamic also provides more opportunities to learn about their families and upbringings and values since they both seem like fairly introspective people. I can imagine Kes earnestly wanting to learn about and engage with Vulcan culture. That's a similarity between her and Neelix, a fascination with others, but Kes is calmer and Tuvok would be more open to talking with her about it because he knows she's not gonna make a big fuss, hehehe~ I would put a scene in the Elogium episode where she talked to Tuvok about it and he mentioned (obliquely) the pon farr and tried to comfort her. (She promises to keep this a secret - it's not to be spoken about!) There'd also be some little tidbits about his kids...hate that the only thing we really know about them is that there are four, Sek studies music and they were "well behaved" as children. And that last bit might be an exaggeration on Tuvok's part. I wish Kes was just in general more part of the crew. She's really only ever seen in sickbay even though she was introduced as very adventurous and curious and wanting to "peer into every crack in the universe". I can imagine a scene where Kes is doing something dangerous and Tuvok's watching her and Janeway's like "haha it's nervewracking, sitting back and doing nothing isn't it?" and Tuvok's like "I have no nerves to 'wrack', captain but this experience is....familiar." <- Sometimes you have to watch your kids fuck around so they can find out Episode where Kes & Tuvok are able to telepathically communicate despite being in completely different areas of the ship and so are able to coordinate and fight back against some invading aliens. I'd add a continuing subplot between Harry & Kes where they are like the unofficial/official proteges of Janeway and Tuvok respectively and playfully tease each other or argue about it. Secretly competitive A+ students though they're motivated by different things. Kes by her curiosity and Harry by a desire to prove himself.
I can imagine them having a moment where they talk about the weirdness of aging differently from everyone else. <- Episode where Kes is frustrated with everyone treating her like a kid. Tuvok doesn't experience this of course but I do wonder about a Vulcan's view on aging while surrounded by people who are both significantly younger than you but also your peers? This conversation veers quickly into death and loss. Kes who will die naturally long before anyone else and Tuvok who will die naturally long after everyone else. Scene where Kes tries to get the doctor to meditate (comedy) Scene where Kes learns how to telepathically shift the air so that she can hover above the ground. (comedy, it's not very useful except if they need to scout something she can slowly 'fly' high enough to see it but it takes SO much energy.) I can imagine Tuvok seeing a lot of his own children in Kes. I imagine having to teach your children how to use their telepathic powers is a near lifelong process for a Vulcan which he relives in his formal mentorship with Kes. Kes tells Janeway that Tuvok is "devoted to" T'Pel which makes me imagine him talking to Kes about her...showing how close they are, that he trusts her with that information and feels comfortable talking about his family to her...or that Kes is observant enough to pick up on the devotion he feels even though he doesn't divulge much. Waaa. Headcanon that Tuvok keeps a candle burning for Kes even several years after her departure and thinks about her often, the same way he thinks of his family. Headcanon that very occasionally Tuvok will be able to 'feel' Kes' presence. (Usually when he's alone) He attempts at times to communicate with her if she is 'around' long enough but whatever he gets in return he is not able to parse. He wonders if he ever will be. He's grateful that she tries regardless. One time he feels it when with Neelix is able to perform a sort of double telepathic telephone where Neelix can receive the message as well: He is similarly unable to parse it but he cries tears of joy anyway. Tuvok doesn't understand why but Neelix says it's ok so fine. Tuvok is the only person besides the doctor who Kes can talk about her weird medical dead people surgery stuff with!! (He isn't particularly eager but he's not gonna turn her away). There's awkwardness between them after the Tuvix situation (Because Tuvix was attracted to her) but they clear it up (Tuvok is not attracted to her) and everything's fine again. Kes teaches Tuvok how to sew. Tuvok later uses this to mend Naomi's flotter doll and also create a parachute during some sort of death defying stunt he has to pull along with the rest of the crew. Kes has medical papers published in Voyager's database which are widely circulated upon reaching the alpha quadrant and are used frequently by Tom when he has to do a medical thing because Kes created 'Tom Notes' which are just simplifying a bunch of the medical jargon in many of Voyager's papers. She called them 'Tom Notes' bc he's the only nurse and definitely not to poke fun <3 <- She's mischievous as she is helpful! Tuvok has seen her snacking on bugs multiple times as they tend to the plants in the airponics bay and he does think it's weird but he doesn't comment on it so she thinks he hasn't seen v_v
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clementine-kesh · 10 months
thinking again about the differences in disciplinary action from voyager’s command trio towards tom and harry (and narrative justification for their actions) because it’s one of those things that’s there in the background but i don’t think the writers were even aware they were doing. obviously there’s the mutiny in resolutions that harry never experienced consequences for despite how big a deal it should be, but another good example is in favourite son when he co-opts control of voyager’s weapons to fire at a seemingly friendly ship based on a hunch. of course janeway’s mad at him for it and briefly suspends him from duty but she also states that she trusts his intentions and is willing to spend resources on proving his intuition correct. see this conversation:
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there’s a trust placed in harry by the characters around him and further validated by the narrative that even his transgressions have a greater justification for them. which makes sense when you consider that his role in the story is to be the bright-eyed upstanding young starfleet officer and this is a star trek show, so of course his actions are always ultimately in the right no matter how questionable they actually are. see also: timeless vs. year of hell.
janeway doesn’t extend of the grace she extends to harry in favorite son to tom in thirty days. there’s no question that his actions were those of a rogue agent and he needs to be punished. because he’s still got the stink of starfleet dropout ex-con on him, which gives him an element of unpredictability in the eyes of both his commanding officers and the narrative that can’t be trusted. despite his character development and the fact that his reasons for becoming a fuckup are tens of thousands of light years away he still needs to be kept on a shorter leash than harry.
so like, i get why people think tom is the “bad boy” (for lack of a better term) out of him and harry, because that’s how the narrative their transgressions. tom’s are punished, harry’s are either swept under the rug or narratively justified*. which i think is demonstrative of how the writers conceptualize these characters and, perhaps unsurprisingly, falls in line with how people like them would be treated in an organization like starfleet in real life. you can get away with a lot more if the people around you think of you as inherently “good”.
*with the exception of the disease, but i have other thoughts about why that is, ex. our perfect starfleet ensign is allowed to break rules for The Good Of The Crew but not for sex
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itsmyfandomandilikeit · 5 months
A Minor-to-Medium Prediction for Prodigy Season 2
All right so I'll admit, I haven't gotten to the TOS episodes about Organians yet, so I'm kinda making a lot of assumptions.
(season one spoilers under the cut)
So I've been thinking about Dal's Augment abilities, and I think it's really important to the story that they remain fairly minor. The series is about Dal's growth as a person, and him getting a bunch of random superpowers does not help that. I find the story of someone who starts from nothing and fights to become somebody very inspiring, so I do truly hope his character remains more important than his DNA, and I also think it would be a mess if we had to sit through an episode about each of the minor traits he gets from each of his component species. He's his own person, that's like the point of the series.
But I do think he'll still have some variation in ability. He's got his neck-tail thing, he seems to be pretty acrobatic, and telepathic abilities seem to be a recurring motif.
I think he might not be able to really rely on his ability to swap bodies, at least not to the degree that he can cheese it like a Quirk or anything, but I do think he'll be able to use it and skills like it again. I think it will be interesting to see how the minor telepathic abilities of his component species can interact, especially since the way they work seems to be so... undefined. He can swap bodies with a person he knows, so long as there's SOME form of physical contact, like a phaser beam across starships. It's transitive. But we don't know what all this can interact with, and how else it can be used.
Next season will take place, it seems, largely on Solum. A planet that exists in two separate timelines, one in which it is almost entirely devoid of life and one in which its future remains uncertain. It sort of reminds me of Dal, whose past is pretty dark and empty but whose future could be better, we'll have to wait and see.
Anyway I'm kinda rambling but I think next season he's going to swap bodies with Gwyn. I don't know when and how this will impact things, but I think it's where the story is going. Honestly he'll probably go to a place where she is in the other timeline and think about how he misses her, and they'll swap places and have to deal with each other's situations. That's my theory. I don't think this will be the ending to the season or anything but I think it'll happen in the middle somewhere so they can provide some insight to the other's situation that helps but doesn't entirely solve some problem. It also, as in Mindwalk, really doesn't allow them to talk.
I think it's going to turn out that the reason Solum was so conflicted about joining the Federation is that they would have to give up genetic engineering. We've seen they have advanced technology in other fields, but I think we saw in Kobayashi that Gwyn was genetically engineered. I think the reason the word "progeny" was emphasized so much is because it has to do with how Vau Nakat reproduce. Gwyn isn't an exact clone of her dad- they don't have the same facial markings.
Overall I've almost convinced myself that Dal will learn and grow under Janeway, but ultimately leave Starfleet to forge his own path. It's unfair but I think neither he nor Gwyn can join Starfleet and for the same reason- and we're less than a year out from the events of Picard S1. But I think, if things are going the way I think they are, it'll be a powerful story nonetheless. I think Dal as an independent actor who attains far more success and influence than the likes of Okona could be a very satisfying ending. Not to mention the fact that I don't think I'd like watching him be treated like garbage by Starfleet and still decide to dedicate his life to it.
At the very end of season 1, Janeway walks off and asks the children if they're coming with her on their new ship. They all chase after her, except for Dal, who stops and watches Gwyn’s shuttle leave. I think that was foreshadowing. I think he'll grow under Janeway's guidance but ultimately become his own person.
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isagrimorie · 3 days
for the reverse unpopular opinion – 12 Monkeys and Star Trek Enterprise? (thought i'd give you one easy one and one hard one)
for this ask game: Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme
Let's start with something hard:
Star Trek Enterprise:
This is... going to be interesting. I'm not a fan of this show and it has alienated me from the first time I've watched it.
But I will give this the good old College Try.
Things I like about Enterprise: I appreciate that as a show, it was trying a new thing and that it was experimental. They tried to distance itself from the Star Trek franchise by not using 'Star Trek' at first, but they returned to it.
I appreciate NX-01's sparse interiors that gave it a more submarine look showing it's one of the first ships out in space. It reminded me a bit of SeaQuest but for space.
I appreciate seeing an Asian woman in space! I wish there was more of Hoshi just like I wish there was more of Toshi Sato on Torchwood. But also there are more Japanese surnames than Sato.
T'Pol was really interesting and I appreciate T'Pol and Trip's love story and how hard it is for them as the first Vulcan/Human pairing. Jolene Blalock is also a good actress.
Braga and Berman handed-off the show to Manny Coto who did a really good job for season 4. Only good things can come from that except for the finale.
Phlox is a fun character.
Now for the easy one!
12 Monkeys
"Death Can be Undone. But Love cannot."
I wish 12 Monkeys was more popular than it is.
It's so damned good. 12 Monkeys has a really great cast of characters, I love the awesome women.
I love how everyone is so complicated and messy. The first season, admittedly, is slow because it was building blocks for what will happen but also if you watched the last season and the first season -- it legit blew my mind because it contextualized a lot of moments in season 1.
Season 2 is when 12 Monkeys becomes the show it wanted to be from the start. (SyFy forced Terry Matalas and Travis Fickett to rebrand their show idea from something original to 12 Monkeys).
IMO, 12 Monkeys is the best Time Travel show I've ever watched. It also had such a great soundtrack!
It is also such a romantic show, in every sense of the word. The whole beating heart of why the characters do what they do. Right or wrong and right and wrong. Because of love.
Cassandra Railly
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Goes through a journey from the beginning to the end -- she starts thrown into the middle of a time travel story. She cares so much for people but ends up hardened and cynical.
She always, always is about owning her own agency. (Season 3 starting episodes are rough because of that). Right or wrong, she owns her decisions and she doesn't want anyone to take that from her.
Jennifer Goines
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The Artist Currently Known As Primary! Jennifer started out very lost in season 1 and first half of season 2, she's had a tragic childhood but when she finally knows who she is in this 'verse and what she can do, she slowly gains power.
And, essentially, Jennifer is the most Important Person on this 'verse
Dr. Katarina Jones
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She's the leader of the Splinter program. Katarina Jones is like Kathryn Janeway except a lot more morally gray and more willing to be ruthless. She will do whatever it takes to fulfill her goal.
And she starts off unlikable (but I actually liked her from the jump). She is complicated and thorny. And she has hubris for days.
And, of course just like Janeway -- she has a moment when Jones meets her past self and it's just as fun when Past and Present/Future Janeway meet!
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In the beginning, Team Splinter didn't even like each other much but by the end of the series they are a family.
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It's a serious show but 12 Monkeys also has time for levity and fun, a fun time travel heist in the 80s is one that comes to mind. Or when some team member gets stuck in the past and has to find a way to earn some money.
Or when the team realized they had to steal from their past selves.
Anyway, I highly recommend this show:
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"Splinter Sequence."
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Caretaker Part 3
Scene 18 Voyager have you no shame?
Nooooo not Neelix in the bathtub! No, Voyager, no!  Notice how often Tuvok ends up with Neelix.  Maybe Janeway has it out for him.  And here I thought only the captain had a bathtub, huh. Do the others take baths? I can see Harry with a rubber duck.
Tuvok says "No uniform for you, Neelix, just the criminals get that.  Find an ugly couch."
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I decided to spare us all and not show Neelix bathing. This is the array thingy, I forgot to show it before.
Scene 19 The Bad Hair Aliens
Away team lands on a lovely desert planet and meets the Kazon.  The Kazon found out how to use technology like spaceships but are stumped on the whole water thing.  Like could you maybe find water on another planet that is fit to live on?  You think?
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Kazon: The bad hair villains
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As you can see, Neelix is popular with all.
Kes shows up beaten up.  Neelix shoots a phaser.  He’s competent with firing except oh he nearly got the away team (including the captain) killed by lying to them, but no matter. The Kazon are overcome in minutes when one of their big jugs of water is shot at, and go dashing off like cartoon chickens.
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I always hear "Yakety Sax" during this scene.
Scene 20 Love to stay but . . .
(Ocampaville) Harry and B"Elanna are shown escape tunnels by Ocampa tired of not having HBO.
Scene 21 He who shall one day take over Voyager
(Sickbay)Tuvok: Gee, Neelix if you’d told us you wanted to rescue Kes that might have helped us.  Neelix: Don’t be stupid Tuvok!  Then the holographic new Doc says:
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He gets some of the best lines cause his actor adlibs a lot.
Scene 22 Pixie leaves shade
(in Ocampaville): Go, Kes, give that boss man hell!  I did not remember her being so feisty.  Why did she put up with jealous controlling Neelix?
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Get 'em, girfriend!
Scene 23 Poor Harry
Harry and B"Elanna still trying to escape. They have nicknames for each other ("Starfleet" and "Maquis") that they still occasionally use later. (Continuity?) 
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Many, many times, Harry.
Scene 24 Movin' on up, to the top
Janeway, Tuvox, and Chakotay are in Ocampaville and - are they riding an escalator? 
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Janeway: Okay boys, remember we are buying you pants today!
The array is acting wonky, Tuvok’s like "Oh, hey I think the Caretaker dude is dying." and Janeway’s like "How do we get home then?"  Ah don’t worry about it.
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It's definitely an escalator. When did they get to Sears?
Scene 25 OSHA compliant tunnels
(Underground Ocampaville) It's nice that the tunnels have stairs with handrails. For safety. Tom says Harry is his only friend and Harry’s like I am? Their friendship will become one of most endearing relationships on the show. No sarcasm for once.
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Harry's response: I'm you're friend? That's right Harry, Tom said so.
Scene 26 Command Team goes shopping
Back at the mall, Janeway and others figure out the transporter isn’t working again because psychobabble.
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You can't convince me this wasn't filmed at a mall. Janeway: I said, no stopping for snacks, Tuvok! Keep up!
Scene 27 Tom to the Rescue
(Under Ocampaville)  In case of Earthquake, take stairs.  Tom has a really big flashlight.  Starting a landslide gets you out this time.  Tom reaches the top - yay I made it up to hell.  Big boom.  Janeway and the others are still in the tunnels (they got out of the mall) so they are in trouble so Tom’s like "I might as well rescue them. Maybe I’ll get to fly the ship!"
Scene 28 Really, Really Sorry Native Americans
(Under Ocampavile).  Chakotay’s leg is broken, but Tom rescues him from the stairs. Tom says Chakotay’s an Indian so he owes him a life debt for saving him and then asks Chakotay if he can do Indian tricks and turn into a bird fly and them out of there and I am not making this up. I am just SO SORRY Native Americans, wtf?
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Remember back when Tom was really, really racist?
Scene 29 Meanwhile back on the heavily torn up ship . . .
(Back on Voyager)
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Oh, hey, the ship cleaned up nice really fast! Must be the space fairies.
Red alert! They need to go back to array thingy - wait, where am I?  Jabin of bad hair says array thingy his.  Chakotay goes to hold off the Kazon on his tiny ship.  Janeway tells Tom to take the helm cause he’s been good for a day or two so you know.
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Even Tom is like "Wait, seriously?"
Scene 30 No More Banjos
(On array) Janeway hears a banjo and is like "Jam it!"  Caretaker says he’s been bringing entire ships to the delta quadrant to find a compatible mate (not making this up) and the people get sick because they are not compatible maters. 
Question for the Caretaker: Like ever think of just finding them a better planet away from the Kazon and stocking it up and stuff?  Wouldn’t that be easier?
Caretaker feels guilty because oops he messed up the Ocampan's atmosphere with his tech so he decides to take care of every need the Ocampans have because they are “like children” (ick?) and according to him have the brains of goldfish.
Scene 31 Always think ahead, Chakotay
(Voyager) - The Kazon are dumb but they do know how to make the weapons on their ship work.  A Starfleet guy falls and takes a bite of railing with his teeth.  Ow.  They don’t have enough firepower so Chakotay says "Eh I’ll ram my ship into them and think about where to live later."  And Tom reminds him he still owes him.  Again. Chakotay beams out before boom.
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I guess Chakotay was counting on Janeway keeping them on Voyager cause otherwise this would have been a very dumb idea.
Scene 32 Anyone up for Jello?
Tuvok says" Hey Cap, we can get back to Federation space." and he just knows Janeway is not going to listen.  I bet Tuvok would have taken everyone back.  The Kazon will kill all of the Ocampa if they leave more tech for them to screw up but won't the Ocampans have to come out sometime and who will protect them then and you know, nevermind.  The Caretaker becomes a jello mold, and then a rock. 
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Maybe the Caretaker should have concentrated on jello mold like creatures for mates.
Scene 33 Wouldn't you like to see this out your window?
Janeway decides to destroy the array.  The only one with enough energy to protest is B'Elanna.  Chakotay is like "Whatevs" because he blew up his own ship and wants a place to live.
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I’m just thinking the guys on the lower decks have to be wondering, "Huh, what’s that array and why’d it explode?  Wonder when we’re getting home.  Wait, what?"
Scene 34 I Miss Molly
(Janeway’s ready room.) There is a pic of Mark and Molly the dog and her on her computer.  Heck with Mark, she’s abandoned her DOG people!  She tells Tuvok she’ll get them home because she’s starting to wonder about that decision to strand everyone without their knowledge.  That won’t cause her any guilt later.
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New canon from my daughter - Mark is a secret agent hence his basic name. Someone needs to run with this on a fanfic.
Scene 35 You know how you quit Starfleet for a cause? Too bad.
Janeway tells Tom she asked the Maquis to join them instead of trying to fit them into their cells for 75 years.  How did that many Maquis get on one tiny ship? 
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Chakotay's ship compared to Voyager. And there were like thirty of them on there at least? I think?
Janeway makes Tom a Lt. and ship pilot which is totally fair even though she’s just promoted him over Harry and wtf doesn’t Tom have a record? Should there be a trial run maybe? 
They mention Chakotay’s life belongs to Tom again.  Also Chakotay is now first officer in order to promote the Brady bunch theme of togetherness.  Chakotay is a good fit because he has experience and he didn't get kicked out of Starfleet. He just chose to leave because he hates them all. Chakotay and Janeway will totally be the parents of this ship.
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This HAS to be a major theme in upcoming episodes.
Scene 36 Can we come too?
Neelix and Kes want to be part of crew.  Neelix is lucky he’s got his handler Kes or this would never work.
Scene 37 Janeway gives speech - Ayala!
Janeway gives a speech about how it might look like they're screwed, but they've totally got this. 
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Ayala spotting!  There he is by Harry! 
Also they are a Starfleet crew cause Janeway says so. And wow, she’s somehow gotten every Maquis into Starfleet uniform ALREADY because conformity solves everything.  No need for them to ease into this or something. 
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Chakotay "Yay I am so happy weeee."
And we have a pilot!
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tea-earl-grey · 2 days
maybe i'll write out some more coherent thoughts later but i really really loved it. if i rewatched, i could probably find some nitpicks in the episode itself but as a last episode of Discovery, it was really perfect. i was a bit worried that it wouldn't really feel final because it wasn't designed to be the finale and i was worried the reshot ending would have been oddly stitched on but everything about it was just right. it was so sappy and sentimental in the best way possible. truly with all of the Star Trek finales (with the exception of TATV because that is not the Enterprise finale), the last scene/shot is always a perfect representation of the show from tng's poker scene to ds9's shot on Kira and Jake as the camera leaves the station to Voyager's shot of Janeway looking out as Voyager finally reaches Earth and now Michael walking onto Discovery's bridge one last time in the future and seeing all of her family before it's just her because as much as i love the other Disco characters, it truly is Michael's show and she's earned it.
i also love that our concrete ending is in the far future and we get a little hint of the rest of Discovery's adventures (TEMPORAL COLD WAR???? YES PLEASE) without boxing them in too much, especially as i think it's likely we'll see at least some of the characters in Starfleet Academy/other projects.
other things – the Burnham/Book chemistry, especially them as an old couple was outrageously good. i'm glad they got their happy ending. Saru and T'Rina's wedding was adorable. and i did quite like the resolution to the season plot!! the idea of an ouroboros loop of creation is really compelling to me along with a pointed refusal of answers but encouraging more questions (very Star Trek V coded). i love that all of the main cast seemed to get at least one scene or two to really shine which is a rarity in Discovery so i'm happy to see it!
also the season overall was really great. there were two episodes that kind of lost me a bit (not bad, they were just a bit boring for me) but all the rest were excellent and it's my favorite Disco season by far and probably my favorite last season of a Trek show.
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thegeminisage · 18 days
star trek update time! last night* we watched "parallax" and "time and again" which um. seems like a weird combination!
*as usual this is getting typed at fuck o clock and going up later without me. so technically for me it was tonight.
i liked this one. b'elanna is cool and i support her right to break peoples noses. i also like that she gets an honest chance to do better than breaking peoples noses and it actually makes her LESS ragey. like people will rise to meet your expectations sometimes if you let them!!!
i also like that carey or whoever shook on it even though he was being a bitch to her earlier. people CAN learn to respect women! looking at you tng and also quark.
chakotay in this reminded me sooo much of sisko. he's trying to protect his people, and make sure they have positions of equal authority, and AT THE SAME TIME when they start suggest mutiny he is like if you say that shit in front of me ever again i will PERSONALLY throw your ass in jail. he's got such a balancing act to do between respecting janeway's authority and to a lesser extent the federation's authority, while also not betraying his own values or his own crew. his question at the end "would you have served under me" was REALLY good.
i liked the balance between the scifi plot and the character development stuff here. it felt much better tuned than tng, though of course it's still no ds9.
also, jesus christ, one shot with a 50/50 chance of picking the right ship is TERRIFYING. that was so tense. i did like that it was double voyagers, though. i figured it out like a split second before the reveal, which was v exciting.
i liked kes trying to give the hologram doctor a name and treat him with personhood. it's equally funny that he is BAFFLED by this gesture. he just wants people to turn off the program when they leave!!
speaking of the doc, the b plot of him shrinking had me HOWLING. he looks so absolutely silly when he's small i fucking loved it. PLEASE will someone fix him
LOTS of shaky cam in voyager and it's way shakier than it is in the other shows lol
time and again:
so, this one was a dud.
we open with tom paris trying to...get harry to cheat on his girl? by lying about harry to other girls? and then we had to listen to him do it AGAIN later. "we're the only humans people are gonna start pairing off" hurl.
i did not love the time travel paradox concept of this ep. normally i really like time travel stuff, but there was a LOT of techno babble in this. i thought the previous episode did SUCH a good job of explaining the temporal reflection in laymans terms, but in this episode these guys were just saying stuff. so the plot twist about them having caused the accident themselves did not really hit because we had no leading evidence
i like kes alright, but this episode was not the best place to show off her abilities. because they're still really vague and i don't even know if what she did was helpful at all beyond finding janeway, but the resuce attempt itself is what caused the accident, so...maybe it wasn't?
also, one thing i forgot to add to my list - i know janeway hates time travel. so it's too bad that with TWO time travel eps in a row we got no jokes about it. also, WHY DID THEY DO TWO OF THESE IN A ROW. i know the first one doesn't count on a technicality, but it does in spirit
AND what was the point of this ep if they (except kes) just forgot it all! like come on
that said, RARE paris w when he told that kid he ate babies. i will give him credit. that was actually pretty fucking funny
also, i didn't like the ep, but i DID like their outfits. i like that they put the fellas in those skirtlike things. equality. and they were all wearing corsets?? i love space.
overall i remain optimistic but CAUTIOUSLY optimistic. letswatchstartrek, my least favorite site in the world that i can't live without, gives a lot of the season 1 eps a pass. so far aside from the pilot we had one good one and one dud. but if i gave tng a fair chance i can do no less for voyager.
TONIGHT: "phage" and "the cloud" ...i happen to know one of them is about coffee :)
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this is quite random i'll admit, but your latest post got me thinking: if there would have been a proper crossover between ds9 and voy (not just a cameo like in the pilot), what would you have wanted it to be plotwise?
oh that's a very very good question! Honestly I'm not even sure if I'd want a proper, non-permanent (like, no one from DS9 gets stuck on Voyager) crossover episode, because imho it's hard to make them work well. But I can still see several options here:
it's a pre-Caretaker situation: we see the (OG) Voyager crew get the help of several officers and the Defiant in order to sneak up on the Maquis (Chakotay, B'Elanna and Tuvok), which we also follow as they try to outmaneuver Starfleet. I would love to see where Sisko and (a just promoted) Janeway agree and disagree on how to be in command, and I would love to also learn what kind of history Chakotay and B'Elanna (and Seska!) had with DS9 (did they know about Eddington? were they already receiving help from Kasidy Yates?). In any case at some point the Defiant leaves the Badlands and the events of Caretaker take place anyway
a random wormhole/space irregularity/whatever brings Voyager to the Gamma Quadrant and they immediately almost end up destroyed by the Dominion (which they only vaguely know about), has to hide in a nebula/land on a planet but ta-dahh! it's the Defiant who responds to the distress signal! Except they also almost get destroyed, and the two crews have to help one another to get back on their feet. The specifics depend on when this happens of course—if it's before "Message in a Bottle" the crew would have to learn about the war from the DS9 people and I can't imagine that going over well, especially with the former Maquis. In any case I can see a lot of tension between crews (in a "we were trying to get home and now you are in a war that killed our friends!" vs "you guys disappeared without a trace so you don't have a right to tell us that we made mistakes"). The kicker is that this would be a good opportunity for Voyager to finally get to the AQ but they realize there's no way they could sneak Voyager past Dominion forces towards the Bajoran wormhole, and they can't duplicate the cloak for such a big ship, so in the end the Defiant can only help Voyager go back to DQ (honestly heartwrenching just thinking about this lol)
This is not exactly a crossover, but: DS9 is a hub of research for wormholes for obvious reasons so what if we shelve the whole thing with Barclay and have Voyager contact the station instead? there could just be fun occasional interactions between the officers from the two shows I think.
Now what interactions would I like to see the most? Sisko and Janeway as I've said, Chakotay and B'Elanna reacting to pretty much all the DS9 Starfleet officers on one hand and to Kira and Odo on the other. I really, really would like to see Benjamin's reaction to Seven of Nine too, although I'm afraid it would be rather painful for him still. But I think he'd also be interested in hearing about a former drone that managed to escape. On a lighter note I would love to see Jadzia grinning her way into challenging Tom at a game of dares (and winning every one). Tuvok and Worf would HATE the madness of having two crews of strong personalities interact so much, and I kinda want to see them both and Julian work together on something. Perhaps Harry and Miles (and B'Elanna too, unless she is refusing to speak with the people from DS9) can have a nice chat about how hard it is to keep a ship/station running in such difficult conditions. If you want to hear people yelling I think you should probably pair Kira and Seven because they would NOT get along at all imho. There is just. SO much stuff that can be said and I haven't even touched upon!! A crossover like this is such an ambitious concept and I'm sure I forgot half the stuff that I wanted to say
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels + Star Trek: Voyager AU Part 2
So just some random things for this AU:
Kallus only leaves the aeroponics bay for the purposes of betting on relationships. Biggest J/C shipper on the ship, just beating Chakotay himself. He absolutely uses Zeb’s replicator rations for his bets, which Zeb allows because he’s a) not using them and b) glad that something is getting his boyfriend away from the fertilizer fumes for a few hours. Plus Zeb ships it too, it kinda reminds him of his first few weeks on the Ghost when Hera and Kanan tried to hide their relationship.
When Resolutions happens Kallus is absolutely insufferable. Imagine being a J/C shipper and only knowing that the Captain and Commander spent several days alone on a planet and came back with even more romantic tension. What happened on the planet Captain? Commander? I’m not saying that if Kallus found out about the bathtub that he’d have a stroke, but I’m also not not saying it.
Kallus also spends his time trying to get various crew members together. The Delaney sisters and their forays into the dating world are always entertaining. Tom and B'Elanna have that will they won't they tension that is just so delicious. Ensigns Bennet and Macormak though, they're his second favorite. He loves those oblivious idiots so much. Especially after Macormak keeps Zeb from running off ahead during a fight with the Kazon. So when Bennet dies, well, it shatters Kallus a little.
Hera and Samantha Wildman occasionally have girls nights. Those nights either Kanan takes all parenting duties (like Hera does when Kanan wants to hang out with his dad friends) or Zeb or Neelix watch both Jacen and Naomi Wildman so Kanan can also get some time away. Less often Ezra and Sabine watch the youngest Spectre, because they’re helpless in the face of Jacen’s lothpuppy eyes. One time Captain Janeway watched both kids and long story short both children came back with tiny command uniforms and breathe that smelled suspiciously like coffee.
Sabine and Ezra are both younger than the rest of the Voyager crew (Harry’s only older than Sabine by about a year but he’s clinging to that like a child clutching their safety blanket) excluding the literal infants. They’re basically the babies of the Voyager family, and the crew talks about them accordingly. More than once they've gotten separated from their fellow crew on shore leave causing Tom to run up to the local authorities and put out a missing child alert. No one (openly) finds this amusing except Tom.
Sabine figures out how to replicate beskar right before they encounter the Borg. Sabine hates the Borg. She hates them as a concept, hates them as a reality, just hates them. There's just something about an enemy that's able to so completely strip you of your personality, your individuality, that activates the primal fear part of her brain. Her brief mental debate if she should use her knowledge of beskar replication for the crew (it's sacred and not meant for outsiders) ends the first time she sees a crew member breakdown remembering Wolf 359 (I am making one of the background crew a Wolf 359 survivor, sue me). Voyager's crew has become family and what is beskar for if not to protect family?
Voyager gets beskar hull plates and bulkheads.
Tuvok, Ayala, and Joe Carey give Kanan advice on how to be a good dad. Naturally, it's all correct, yet they also all contradict each other. Tuvok's advice (based on what to do with telepathic Vulcan babies) actually works really well, which strengthens the friend part of his and Kanan's frenemies dynamic.
Ezra and Kanan (and to a lesser extent baby Jacen) set Q’s teeth on edge whenever he shows up. Unfortunately, this just seems to make Q show up more often. The Q Continuum has a love-hate relationship with Force sensitives because they’re living reminders of three Q who ran off to a Galaxy Far Far Away, decided to live as a creepy family, and gave some mortals phenomenal powers. No one wants to be reminded of their weird relatives.
I just want to say that at one point thanks to Q Hondo Ohnaka and Lwaxana Troi are on the ship at the same time. There is a considerable amount of chaos, fire, and firey chaos.
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arkon-z · 4 months
actually i'm not done talking about the String Theory Trilogy. Basically, it's a set of Star Trek Voyager tie-in novels set between seasons 4 and 5 that I think were trying to fill in some of the discrepancies that popped up in Season 5. But, fuck, what a way to do it. I read them about 13 years ago, and I can't just reread them willy-nilly because my genius ass had to buy the DRM protected ebooks so they're trapped on a laptop that I lost years ago.
So for funsies, I'll try and describe the books based on the plot points I remember! Spoilers, I guess.
the crew have to rescue a colony ship trying to outrun a supernova that's going to destroy their home planet
that home planet is in a weird sublayer of reality or something because when Voyager enters it, weird shit starts happening, including one of the crew members turning into something like maple syrup and melting
B'Elanna and Seven are injured in an accident and the only way to complete their away mission is for Seven to assimilate B'Elanna and create a collective of two. This leads to telepathy and eventually, the two of them switch personalities because of course they do
the colony ship rescue mission literally falls apart when they try to tractor the ship out of that sublayer of space and the alien ship and all the occupants dissolve
Voyager gets trapped in the sublayer too, and the only way out is to blow up the white dwarf star that is somehow connecting the sublayer to normal space. So guess what the crew does next.
when the dust settles and Voyager is back in normal space having reunited with the away team, Harry takes one look at Seven and B'Elanna, who have switched personalities and B'Elanna is now sporting cybernetic implants, and just says, "We didn't get back to the right reality," in the most matter-of-fact tone possible, because nothing surprises this crew anymore.
And that's just the first book.
in the second book, they come across a space station orbiting a black hole. this space station refills all the resources on Voyager, because this was the author's best explanation for why the ship didn't run out of power or torpedoes or shuttles.
Janeway's order to blow up the white dwarf star has, somehow, started a chain reaction that will eventually unravel reality, so now she has to prove that the crew didn't do it on purpose or something
Susperia (the Caretaker's mate), or some other Nacene entity, sneaks onto the ship to take revenge on the crew for fucking up reality, so she poses as Janeway's sister and alters the memories of the crew to think she had always been there.
except there are two people on the ship who aren't affected by her rewrites - Harry Kim and Naomi Wildman - because they are quantum duplicates of their original selves with a slightly different phase signature and she didn't account for them
also the reason they had to go to the space station was because Tuvok stole a shuttle and ran away to it, because something told him to do it
shit happens, tom and harry are kidnapped, tuvok is gone, the doctor is gone, no one knows what's happening anymore and that's the end of book two
Turns out each book has a different author (i looked them up) and it's starting to feel like they're trying do outdo each other.
tom and harry have been pulled into the Q continuum where Q needs their help to catch a rouge Q
catching the guy involves tom winning a race as a microbe inside a cat's digestive system (i'm not kidding), then beat the guy at gambling in a casino, because only in games of chance do the Q feel the thrill of not being in total control
meanwhile, the Doc is thousands of years in the past on the Ocampa homeworld, having possessed a man who was killed in a war, so now he has a living, breathing body
they fight this war with flame swords and psychic powers, in case you were worried things were going to get subtle
janeway is being tried for destabilizing reality and is currently braindead in sickbay while her consciousness is in ghost court or wherever that's happening
tom and harry lose betting game played by the Q and the loss blows up the planet they were trying to rescue those aliens from back in the first book and somehow they learn that it and the sublayer of space were the leftovers of some kind of temporal fuck-up eons ago and weren't actually meant to exist.
the sublayer comes apart, the space station is ruined and sucked into the black hole, but it's all okay because either the rouge Q learned the error of his ways or the judge of ghost court decided this mess wasn't janeway's fault and all those aliens are saved and sent to space heaven
the Doc altered the course of time on Ocampa, and it means that in the modern day, it started raining again
i forget the actual resolution, but everyone ends up back on Voyager safe and sound, more or less. janeway apparently suffered some brain damage that will make her act angry and out of character sometimes, but they can't tell her why because who the fuck would believe it? (i forget the actual reason why they couldn't tell her)
also, the sublayer collapsing into the black where the space station used to be also sucked up all the light within nine light years, creating the Void, from the episode 'Night'
which means this book/WHOLE TRILOGY was the explanation for why there was no light in that spot in space and why janeway had depression for that episode and why she seemed so angry in subsequent episodes
yeah, those books were a trip. I should read them again.
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nebulouscoffee · 5 months
10, 15, 35, 43 for the Trek ask game?
Thank youuuu and sorry for the late answer! Love these questions <3
10. Which alien pet would you most want for your own?
Honestly I have always been very charmed by Worf's childhood pet domesticated targ (portrayed by Russian wild boar Emmy-Lou😂) - but I would happily adopt a Bajoran hara cat, Cardassian vole, or that cute lizard who climbs over Jadzia on the jungle planet
Anyway look at this lil guy!!!
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15. Top 3 favorite alien crewmembers?
Oooh, this is tough. Am I choosing my favs overall, or based on how much I like their alien-ness specifically? If it's the former, then Kira, B'Elanna, and Dax - if it's the latter, then Odo, Worf, and Saru (Discovery). (Deanna and Kes leaving you out Hurt Me but they didn't write you alien enough for the latter list!! Still top 5 favs though <3)
35. A minor character you wish had become a main character?
Okay let's talk about the long-form arc potential both Seska and Suder had. Literally my favourite thing about the Suder episodes is the questions about restorative justice they raise- is there any point in locking a man up after he's sincerely reformed and no longer dangerous? Is it possible to be? Is it fair to the victim's loved ones to give him the right to roam around like nothing happened? What sort of thing could count as "reparations" in Voyager's situation? What if they really had been stranded with him for 75 years? Would he ever have been able to move on from what he did? What sort of hobbies might he take up in his new life? What would it take to win Janeway's trust? Would the victim's friends ever forgive him? Would he rather disembark the ship and start anew somewhere, or remain with his own people? Would he have been able to make new friends? Are you reading this string of questions in Jonathan Frakes's voice too? Would our main characters all have been able to get past his actions? Would it cause disagreements? How would his relationship with Tuvok have progressed? What issues would their getting back to Earth early raise for him? ... Aaaaand then the show decided to give us none of that😂 (well. except for Jonathan Frakes in a brief cameo that is :D) As for Seska I really don't know what they were thinking with her lol. She starts off as such a promising villain- literally the "reveal" in 'State of Flux' gives me chills! And you can actually understand her actions, her unexpected attachments to Chakotay and the crew. Instead of the whole pregnancy subplot (which made no sense) I would've loved to have seen her grow increasingly afraid she'd made a mistake in teaming up with the Kazon, and try to defect back to Voyager - the questions that would raise would be similar to Suder's, though in this case a bit more personal for characters like Chakotay and B'Elanna. Is she for real? Is she just doing this to trick them again? How do the Bajoran crew members feel about this? What would it take for her to win back people's trust? Say she does something messed up again, does she get a third chance? Would she make friends with Seven of Nine; someone she never personally betrayed who is also seeking redemption for past actions? Society if we'd gotten her as a regular character all the way till S7 - like an actually great redemption arc, where she ends up on good terms with a lot of them by the end (sort of like what they did with Garak on DS9) - ahhh the possibilities!!!
43. Order of shows from most to least favorite?
This is hard😅 okay I'm going to tier rank them that's easier!
Fav tier: DS9 (It's the best <3) Second tier: TNG (I can't not put it here this show literally changed my life) & VOY (has wonderful characters and has also become very important to me) Third tier: TOS movies (love them), Discovery (I have developed a nostalgia for it by now. Plus Michael is blorbo!) Fourth tier: TOS, SNW, Enterprise, Lower Decks (shows I've enjoyed but only really seen once so far) and I guess the AOS movies lol (imo 'Beyond' is the best one) Fifth tier: Picard (if it was just the first season it would've been higher! I actually liked that one) & the TNG movies (ugh) (I am yet to see TAS and Prodigy)
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clementine-kesh · 2 years
for real though i know i say it all the time but janeway and harry’s relationship is so fascinating. out of everyone in the main cast they’re by far the most starfleet (with the exception of tuvok but being a vulcan he’s kinda got his own thing going on) and it’s clear from very early on there’s a strong sense of solidarity between them because of that. in a lot of ways they’re each other’s connections to home, to something familiar out amongst the unknown, and their relationship very quickly grows into something much more than just a captain and her officer.
it’s shown over and over that harry sees janeway as a parental figure (see the thaw, favourite son) and similarly it’s easy to tell that janeway feels harry’s the son she never had. in disease she even states outright that she feels differently about him than the rest of the crew, more protective and caring of him in a very maternal way. i think it’s very telling that the “bad things happen to harry” episodes often end on him and janeway having a conversation about what just happened. he goes to her seeking guidance, wisdom, and comfort and she’s always there to provide it.
this dynamic is great and very sweet of course but there’s also an element of tragedy to it which lies mainly in two places. first of all, they’re both very similar people, empathetic and ambitious and loyal to an often destructive end. i think that’s part of why they clicked so well, janeway sees a younger version of herself in harry she feels the need to protect. unfortunately, that also means she holds him to a higher standard than the rest of the crew. in a way it’s like she’s looking to him to be an example of a model starfleet officer because that’s something she feels like she’s lost. which means when he does mess up she reacts more strongly than when other members of her crew mess up.
again, disease is a bad episode but it’s very telling of the nature of their relationship. like, tom also has a tryst with a random alien women that causes a diplomatic incident in season one and janeway does not care. meanwhile when harry does it she’s angry at him in a way we rarely see from her! and poor harry’s there trying to get her to see beyond this image of him as the model officer she’s built up in her mind to the person underneath. like yes he messed up but he’s only human and he’s still young. the weight of the expectations janeway’s imposing on him must be absolutely crushing!
the second tragic thing about their relationship is that harry looks up to her for an example of the kind of captain he wants to be someday. which is all good and reasonable except that janeway has the biggest martyr complex in the galaxy and loves taking huge risks, so of course harry’s gonna do the same at every single opportunity in order to prove himself. from almost staging a mutiny to erasing 15 years of history to deploying the janeway maneuver (threatening to blow up his ship) the moment he gets his own command. and poor janeway has to watch the person she feels especially protective of get himself into these dangerous situations because he’s imitating her own self-destructive behaviours, which only contributes to her guilt over the whole situation. it’s a vicious cycle that neither of them can quite find a way to end.
i think the fact that they’re both trying so hard to do right by each other only to have it lead to destructive consequences is what really makes their relationship so compelling. they clearly love each other and have a very deep familial bond but unfortunately they’re in a terrible situation and neither of them are in a healthy place mentally to be able to be rational or normal about their feelings. ultimately, there’s more good than bad in their relationship but it’s the nuance and imperfection that makes it interesting.
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