#everything feels kinda out of place and outdated but that's what happens when you try to pace posts instead of posting everything right away
juustozzi · 28 days
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soccer club shenanigans! also, don't mind the alt uniforms, these were drawn while I was writing and while they're not exactly fic art they share the vibe
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
so happy to see asks are open!! May I please request dating headcannons with Overhaul and a quirkless reader being by his side at the shei hassaikai base. What do the other members think of her? Obviously they can’t talk or even be near her unless they wanna be meat on the floor. Poor girl just wants to make friends but her hubby makes it so hard 😔😔😔
(I would've thought I did a quirkless reader for him before but I'm admittedly too lazy to check my HIGHLY OUTDATED masterlist so fuck it. Let's do it anyway! Also, I hope it's fine I'm leaving the reader kinda open ended as usual so everyone can kinda insert themselves into this better. Thank you for the request and the chance at writing more Kai content!)
(sidenote: I really need to update that masterlist but every time I try it's nearly impossible. I let it get too far behind, send help ahhhhhhh)
~Kai's Quirkless Reader & the Hassaikai~
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-Quirkless? Not that much of a shocker he'd fall for you. The boss being in a relationship? THAT is the shocker everyone hasn't managed to let go of just yet. In fact, most of his inner circle thinks he's holding you hostage while the other half wonders how you could've ever fallen for someone as rough as Overhaul in the first place. Did he even know how to date someone? Overhaul doing gentleman shit? Overhaul possibly kissing you one day or holding hands? Overhaul being in the same vicinity as someone else for longer than a few hours? There was a slew of gossiping he couldn't really shut down (or intimidate out of the men) for a very long time. He was trying to at least get it out of control before bringing you around to meet everyone for the first time.
-He took the time you introduce you considering he would have some of the members of the Hassaikai be your personal bodyguards or escorts when he couldn't join you out. Aside from this, he didn't really want you interacting with anyone else than himself. You were headstrong (or stubborn as he'd put it) and wanted on your own to develop meaningful relationships with his main group. Where he saw workers, you saw his friends despite him never calling them that. You wanted to be as important to them as he was. None of the men really complained since you were a breath of fresh air compared to Kai. With the help of Pops preventing Kai from killing the guys, you were able to try and get to know each of them.
-Hojo thought of you as a little sibling almost, no matter what your age is. You could literally be older than him and he'd still try to treat you like a little sister/brother/sibling. It was odd, but you didn't seem to mind how careful he was or protective nonetheless. Setsuno was a lot more careful with you since he didn't want to end up like mince meat. Had you not pushed hard for him to come out of his shell, you never would've learned all the wonderful parts of his personality aside from being a legitimate gang member. Tabe was more or less clingy to your kindness. This is especially true if you end up trying to greet him with something to eat. He adores you now.
-Rappa was actually pretty taken with you from the moment he met you. Someone brave enough to go against Overjerk's rules and do what they wanted regardless of the outcome? Oh yeah, he thinks that's fucking awesome of you. Tengai is more careful about guarding your feelings and still doesn't greet you by your first name even to this day. He also spends a lot of time scolding Rappa when he's around you since he's worried the big lug will offend you somehow.
-Nemoto has been and always will be the absolute most respectful with you. He greets you with the utmost proper manners and tries to make sure you have everything you might ever need whenever he's on duty for you. You've been trying for a long time to break down his walls and get him to chill out more but I doubt that'll happen anytime soon. Deidoro fucking loves you and loves even more the fact that he can be as crazy around you as he wants to be...well, as long as Nemoto isn't there to stop him from having that fun. You don't mind it. The man is a hoot!
-Chrono has become somewhat of a close friend to you. He knows when to let his guard down and relax ever now and then. Don't get me wrong, he still respects Overhaul very much as both a friend and a leader! It's just that when he's out with you, he's not gonna say no to putting a dollar in a prize machine and trying to win an IPAD with you. If you could chose anyone to hang out with for a day, it usually ends up being Chrono. It makes sense that Kai has gotten jealous a time or two of you relationship together. Mimic on the other hand...he doesn't worry as much with you two being together. In fact, your first impression of Mimic was that someone must've been pulling a prank on you. There's no way this beanie baby can turn into a full grown man on command. Mimic thought you weren't real when he met you too either. "How much did the boss pay for you to pretend to be his partner?"
-Katsukame was...a lot upon first meeting. He let a few inappropriate comments slip and you nervously laughed it off until Kai came out and killed the guy in front of you. Since then, Katsukame learned his place around you. Oh and Pops? That old man adored you since the very first moment. How could he not? You're giving his misguided boy a chance to experience real love for the first time! To him, you were considered family from the very first day you took Kai's heart.
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cherrytree-irl · 1 month
ooc post: considering a reboot
so. a while back i realized that this blog would probably be more interesting if it took place a few years earlier, when sylvan was still... well... a wanderer. going where he wants and doing what he wants and trying to find his place in the world. also he was immensely, terribly lonely. that's probably why he would start the rotomblr blog! but hey, what's the deal with that guy he just met?! he's super weird, but also kinda cute?! sorry, that's corny.
this change would render the blog anistar-amarena non canon and obsolete, but that blog has 2 followers so who cares. the blog rover-on-rotomblr would probably stay mostly the same, any lore changes probably would only be known by me. which is good, because people like rover.
a lot of "probably"s and "likely"s and "maybe"s because like. idfk.
below the cut are some possible pros and cons of me rebooting this blog. probably would not be deleting any posts but considering them no longer canon. if i do this, it probably will not be soon unless my poor impulse control acts up. it'll probably be in september, for reasons.
pros and cons list:
sylvan will no longer be in a state where "most of the interesting things have already happened to him." there will be drama! romance! bloodshed?! maybe not that last one. maybe a little?
he'll match his url better. he's not exactly doing any wandering right now.
sylvan and i will be around the same age. that's mostly just a pro for me as the writer. but maybe it would make syl seem more... authentic? i do sometimes worry that he doesn't act his age. but also i don't think i act my age?? anyway.
i won't have to stick to the schedules i made up for my characters in my head that no one but me is forcing me to stick to.
it's a great time for me to do retcons and rewrites and rethink all sortsa lore. technically i can do retcons whenever i want but i kinda don't like just. randomly changing shit.
possible unique designs for sylvan's pokemon? cuz like i've kinda wanted to do that but it would make all the art i've done for the blog outdated. but if everything i've done so far is non-canon anyway, then...
possibly more opportunities for audience participation
possibly more angst which people seem to consider enjoyable generally.
linnet and her brother would be retconned out of existence. i have no strong feelings on this, but maybe you do? i doubt it!
less N probably. at least for a while. and there's already not very much N. well- less of N himself directly talking. sylvan would talk about N plenty.
i'd kinda feel sucky about throwing away all the stuff i've written so far without finishing this sylvan's story :(
despite some aspects making writing easier, writing the rebooted blog in general will probably be harder. i'll have to think of interesting things to make happen!
idele would be retconned out of existence :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
it would be setting the timeline further back, from just after X/Y to just after Black/White which could probably be mildly annoying sometimes.
man, i just realized that by the time september rolls around, i'll hopefully have a damn job! so it might be harder for me to keep up with the silly rp blogs and it might, like, slow down the action of this reboot. but that's a hypothetical.
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linkbetweenlinksau · 1 year
What are each of the links relationships to their respective Zelda’s? Friends? Lovers? Strangers? Enemies? Family?
I hope you’re ready for an essay cuz that’s what you’re gonna get!
Sky: his Zelda is his lover! Idk how I’m gonna do their relationship… cuz the Sky arc that I’ve been working on is outdated and doesn’t match the new story of lbl so that’s super complicated lol. But he worries over her constantly and gets nervous when they’re apart. Separation anxiety am I right?? Groose is his best friend and they mean the world to me guys. They’re both himbos but groose is at least a smart himbo so he keeps Sky safe from doing super stupid things. He’s also really good friends with everyone in skyloft! Tho he had some rough patches with some of them after the events of skord for reasons, he’s doing fine now! And Sky is kinda awkward around strangers. He’s friendly and curious around them but compared to skyloft he’s never met them before so he says and does weird stuff, but he’s also chill so it doesn’t matter all that much. And Sky doesn’t have a family. Gaepora is an honorary father figure but overall his family is dead. So rip. His enemies are dead now but they were the only people he hated.
Minish: he and his Zelda are very very close! Best friends! Minish cares a lot about her and her well-being. Minish is good friends with all the Minish and with his Malon! Now… I’m kinda stuck on the lovers thing… cuz idk if it’s right to have Minish with someone? He’s the same size as an 8 year old and I’ve been trying to at least make his face look more 17ish, but I might make him a little bit more muscular since he’s a blacksmith and is very strong, but idk if I’d even be comfortable having him be a couple with someone else. Idk. I’ll see how you guys feel about it tho. Minish struggles with strangers, they think he’s kinda strange cuz he’s built like an 8 year old but is actually 17. He’s nice enough to them and he tries to be friendly but overall he keeps to himself. The major enemy that has affected him terribly was Vaati. He was 8 when he faced Vaati and he almost died (Hylia was the reason why he lived), and then he faced Vaati again during Four Swords (he was the first four swords guy, the one that takes place after MC). So Vaati is a bad subject for him.and then the only family that’s alive is his grandfather and while he is strict and scary, Minish loves his grandpa and they’re very close.
Time: his relationship with Zelda is complicated, cuz the Zelda in the adult timeline was someone he was super close with and was also in love with, however the Zelda in the child timeline is not the same person he loved. They barely know each other, and while the Zelda is nice, Time doesn’t know how to talk to her, plus when he told her about Ganondorf, he was more focused on finding Navi, so he didn’t stick around for that long. But he does care a lot about her, after all her influence helped him in Majoras Mask. Time doesn’t really have any friends, he never had the motivation to rekindle the friendships he had after what had happened. The only reason why he’s with Talon and Malon is cuz Talon was nice enough to take care of him when he was sick and alone. Aaaand cuz of that he fell in love with Malon and was able to accept that the timeline he is in is one he’s gonna be in for the rest of his life. He loves Malon a lot and he tells her everything, Talon doesn’t believe everything he says (but he will with my dumb crack au lol). Time is pretty intimidating around strangers but really he’s just as intimidated as they are. With enemies… the major one he’s looking out for is the FD, everyone else is either dead or suffering the consequences of their actions.
Legend: his relationship with Zelda is also pretty complicated. They are very close and have a lot in common, however, Tulip really loves Legend, but he doesn’t know how he feels since he hasn’t moved on from Marin. He’s confused around Tulip to say the least. I haven’t played enough of Legend’s games to think of anything for friends lol. Every enemy he has is dead, but he’s still upset about Ganondorf and Aghahim (idk how to spell his name bruh) since they killed his uncle. And last but not least, he has no family left, his uncle was murdered right in front of him
Hyrule: I’m taking a lot of creative liberties with him lol. He and Peony are super close and Peony has a HUGE crush on him. Hyrule respects Rose, and she is a lot older than him but she’s still a good friend to him. Hyrule is good friends with that secret Moblin, and he overall is a lovable himbo so a lot of people like him. The biggest enemies are the monsters trying to sacrifice him to Ganondorf, but luckily Ganon is dead so he doesn’t worry about him (or does he???) and he does have a living family! He just doesn’t know them or remember them! And he hasn’t met them in this au so he doesn’t know that exist! This is just a personal headcanon of mine so you can ask about his fam like… later or on my main blog.
Twilight: he and Zelda have a rooough relationship. They’re both so different from each other and Nebula comes off as cold and blunt which drives Twi crazy. They only really got along when they needed to and because Midna was a mutual friend, but overall they don’t like each other all that much. I’d say twilight has some good friendships, except he’s been isolating himself from everyone, but the resistance still talk to him and he’s still best buds with Fado, and Illia is still his best friend. For lovers, he still loves Midna and hasn’t really thought about anyone else. He kinda felt pressured to get with Illia so he doesn’t end up with her since she deserves someone who loves her the same way she loves him. Twi is pretty kind to strangers, all I can say. All his enemies are dead and the biggest enemy he’s facing rn is heartbreak. And family. Ah. I love his family more than life itself. His biological family is not alive but he was adopted by Rusl and Uli and they are such doting parents who try to help him feel better about what happened and stuff. And Colin adores him still and Rela (his new baby sister) is a baby and doesn’t know what’s going on but yeah. I love his family and Twi loves his family too. He’s just struggling with life rn so he hasn’t been with them a whole lot.
Four: ok, all the colors care a lot for Lily, Green has a crush on her however the others just see her as a really good friend. They grew up together since Four’s mom died when he was 3 months old, and the king was kind enough to let him be raised with Lily while his father was working, so they’re super close. Red has a BIG crush on Erune (from the manga), Blue is too focused on his teenage angst rn and Vio just does not care about love atm so it’s really only Green and Red with crushes lol. I suppose after lbl they’ll have their own friends except for Blue (who again is going through teenage angst rn) but ye. Green is polite and kind to strangers, Red is happy and joyful around strangers, Vio is rude but respectful enough towards strangers, and Blue is just pissed off all the time so strangers are scared of him. Their main enemy is gone now so they’re just kinda dealing with the affects of the four sword rn. And lastly family, their father. My absolute beloved. Their father is a very strict and serious man but he’s very worrisome and doting over his children (and Lily too. He kinda looked after her when he father died). They look up to him and want his approval, mostly Blue is struggling with the relationship tho (I just have a lotta thoughts on Blue ok??)
Windy: he wants to get maaaaaarrieeeeeddddd to tetra cuz he loves her so much and is such a loveable ray of sun shine around her while she looks pissed off all the time and I ADORE them. Telink is TOP tier. Windy is good friends with everyone since he’s just so sweet and mature but also very goofy and fun and strangers adore him cuz he’s polite around them. The biggest enemies rn are just dumb pirates and stuff, but Ganondorf really affected him negatively, so that’s a guy he hates. And family! I’m kinda basing his relationship with Aryll on my relationship with my older brother. Aryll looks up to him and Windy just looks out for her. His relationship with grandma is good and he adores her very much. Now for my favorite character friggin LINEBECK. He BASICALLY adopted Windy and Aryll, and Windy loves him very much cuz he’s a father figure who was able to stay, since his other father figures kept dying, but Linebeck is here to stay so he loves being around him. He’s also pretty anxious about his well-being cuz you know, father figures are always dying. Actually Windy is very happy on the surface but he’s EXTREMELY anxious about everyone’s wellbeing and feels responsible for them constantly. So oof
Spirit: he and phantom have such middle school crushes on each other and they’re very close and are best friends and they mean the world to me cuz they are so frigging cute and chaotic and yeah. I don’t think Spirit has too many friends except for Phantom, Niko and Alfonzo but they’re more like mentor figures than anything and Phantom is his Zelda but yeah. He’s kind and respectable around strangers except with his mutism it’s hard for him and others to communicate with him, and some rude people don’t have the patience for him to write everything down. He doesn’t have any major enemies and he doesn’t have any family so there’s that.
Age: he and Rune are good friends, tho they had an awkward moment since Rune had a one sided love for him, but now they’re close friends. Age is close with the champions and they’re all just vibing together, plus we can’t forget his friendship with Impa! They’re bffs! His lover is Mipha and they are engaaaaged and he loves her very much and it’s cute. Age is very proper and polite so strangers respect him enough. And then enemies are just random monsters or rogue yiga clan members and he’s mostly annoyed by them at this point. And he might have a living family, but Nintendo won’t explore him or his life so we’ll see when totk comes out with his family. If they still refuse to explore his life then I’ll just go with some headcanons. I do know that he def has a grandfather and a little sister, but it’s unknown if his father is alive, but I like to think he is.
Wild: Wild cares a lot for Poppy, it’s mostly just an instinct in him to care about and protect her even tho he doesn’t remember her all that well. Wild is kinda doing his own thing and vibing and he’s good friends with a lot people, like Beedle, Teba, Riju, Sidon, and Yunobo, so he’s not entirely friendless minus the champions that… you know… died. He doesn’t have any lovers, he would love Poppy but he can tell that there’s something there that’s keeping it from happening, that being him not being the same person he was 100 years ago, that guy being the person Poppy did Love, so he doesn’t dwell on it too much. He just vibes. Wild is fun with strangers cuz he’s sarcastic, punny, and weird and people like that fhdkdbjdbdkdb. Wild’s major enemies are yiga who are still trying to kill him and stuff, and tho they’re annoying they are still a threat to him. I’m not gonna go too much into it since totk needs to come out but yeah. And the family situation? Yeah they’re def dead by now. Kass is kind enough to invite him over for dinner from time to time tho so he greatly appreciates that.
Warriors: he and Queen Zelda are always pining after each other but they don’t actually do anything about it so they’re just super awkward and flirty and it drives everyone crazy like just KISS already. But Queen is really the only person he can comfortably open up to, and same thing with her. Around each other, they aren’t tied to any status or anything, they’re just people, friends hanging out, so they care deeply for each other. Warriors has a lot of good friends but he’s not super close with them, but he wants to be, he just doesn’t know how to. He actually used to have a stutter but with Proxi there to speak for him and with other help he’s able to talk normally, but he’s still very anxious around people. My warriors isn’t very smooth or confident he just looks pissed all the time but is socially anxious lol. He’s just like Time fr. He is good friends with Impa and Lana tho and he misses the people from different eras. His biggest enemies are dead however one major enemy that is still alive is Cia, who is really the only person he despises, but Cia doesn’t at all remember the details of what she did, so his hatred towards her is confusing for him cuz is it ok for him to hate her so much? She doesn’t remember anything and she’s good now so should he just move on? But yeaaah it’s a rough situation. And the only living family member is Linkle! His twin sister who he did not remember existing. They’re close enough, he gets annoyed with her sometimes but he still cares about her
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highpoly · 3 months
■ Model: hanan ■ Design: KEI, Rella ■ Effect: less (AlternativeFull) ■ Motion: P.I.P ■ Choreography: まりやん ■ Song: 夏代孝明
ignore how her twintails don't have physics. also looking at this makes me want to redo flower viewing sakura miku
kinda did this because her side hair would constantly glitch, last night i knew i messed up because there was an error that happened when i was trying to mirror the rigid bodies and joints so i completely restarted from a clean file but even then... it was still glitchy... maybe it's just an mmd bullet engine physics moment HJRHGFJG
so you know what i did... i cheated by making the first 3 bones as static physics, 4th bone as phys + static, and 5th as normal physics... idgaf if that's not proper idk why her hair was constantly sticking out and glitching out like that (yes it's rigged properly, yes it's parented correctly, i also increased the rigid body size... and yet...)
its also frustrating that if you delete a rigid body then it fucks up everything even if you do update and correctly place it, it won't reflect that automatically but oh well that's what happens when you use outdated software i guess. also i guess a tip for any modelers... just make sure to have a file with the basic head, body, arms, lower body rigid bodies in case you have to restart
still that other thing that i learned the other day about the rigid body + joint creation from bones feature... truly a life saver and saves you so many clicks when you have so many bones.
tbh i still dont know how to do physics well. the skirt physics are from a preset that come from here and i look at other artists models and idk i think i'd feel better if i had more knowledge on it. there's this write up on it from this blog and i wonder if i should look at any japanese sites and then just google translate them for more info hrjghfjg
aside from having a lot of bones, you need to smooth it out, you can't just leave it at 1 for mass and 0.5 for movement and rotation. because of this, i learned how to use sheets/excel to give me a range between two numbers so that way it moves naturally. for both of these models, when i worked on their twintails, i referenced off of YYB's default miku model. starts heavy on the top but slowly the mass decreases. the movement and rotation gradually increase to 1. and then you have that very nice smooth look
i think they did an excellent job on that, but for my models, i'd also like for certain parts of my twintails to keep shape but still move smoothly. i don't know how i should go about that though tbh
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otterbagel · 3 years
The Offer- Daniel x Reader
Reader has been tutoring Emma, but has also gotten close to the household android, Daniel. On one of their last days, something unexpected occurs.
(Notes: ...hiiiiiii guys LOL. Been a long time since I wrote anything like this, so please forgive the weird ending. Wasn't 100% sure how to end it but I just wanted to get it done. Have some more stuff that should be published later that's written a little bit better, hopefully? Also if you follow me and don't like dbh or this kinda stuff anymore it's cool to unfollow, I'm not keeping track so don't worry about it lol.)
(BIGGER NOTE!: Consider this kind of an AU to "I Wouldn't"! Really want to write more about Daniel but I'm never really sure how to, haha.)
   Frustrated scribbling filled the air as Emma let out an annoyed groan. "I just can't get it," she whined. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong."
   You motioned your hand, grasping in the air for the pencil she was holding. "Here, here— let me see." She handed the pencil over, seemingly glad to hand over the responsibility for a moment. "Okay, so the problem here is that you're forgetting to flip the fraction afterwards. I sometimes…"
   Your statement fizzled out into a humored giggle as you noticed Daniel on the other side of the desk, watching you with a smile. His head was propped up on one of his arms as he watched silently.
   "...sometimes… I… uh—" you coughed away your embarrassment, tapping the pencil's lead onto the paper as you gathered your thoughts.
   Emma looked to Daniel. "Stop being so distracting! Gosh!" She complained, much to the humor of Daniel.
   "I didn't mean to," he qwelled, raising up his hands in defense. "My apologies."
   "Yeah, yeah. You better." Emma retorted before turning back to you. "You were saying?"
   You tried forcing the smile off your face, returning to the math. You quickly scribbled down the solution to the problem, giving a stutter-filled explanation. 
   Emma made a noise of realization. "Yeah, okay, I get it now!" With a sniff she snatched her headphones from the desk and jumped to her feet, making you flinch. "Alright, I'll let you know if I need anything."
   You shook your head at Daniel, who seemed amused. Typical Emma behavior.
   "She's always been like that," he whispered. "Very blunt."
   You laid your head down on your arms with a sigh. "Yeah, I can see it." 
   Emma was sitting on her bed, headphones blaring so loud you could nearly make out the lyrics in the song. She always listened to her music at that ear-splitting level; you were honestly a bit worried for her hearing.
   At the same time, it made Daniel feel more comfortable talking, which was a huge plus. You hadn't seen him make small talk to anybody else; it seemed he was only comfortable speaking up when it was just you and him. 
   He sat up, hands loosely interlocked as they rested on his legs. "How much longer will you be working here?" He questioned, shifting his gaze back to you with hesitance.
   You exhaled, eyes wandering around to the different items in Emma's room. "Uh… well, Emma's summer school is almost over, so she'll be pretty busy with her normal classes. I don't know if they will want me to come over for after school stuff or not."
   Daniel's LED blinked blue as he nodded. "Yeah… that's what I thought."
   You returned the nod through the now-heavy atmosphere.
   You had begun working here just four months ago, but it had felt like you had been here for much longer. Coming over here nearly every weekday would do that. 
   Daniel let out a small flurry of blinks as he appeared nervous. "If you… aren't… hired back," he asked cautiously. "...will… will we ever see you again?"
   A small scrap of used eraser was on the desk. You brushed it off as you looked away from Daniel. "I… I don't know, actually." You let out an anxious laugh, clasping your hands together. "I don't know how I—"
   There was a knock at the door.
   You flipped around in your chair, grasping the back support with one of your hands to hold you in place. Daniel quickly slid into a more formal position.
   John, Emma's father and your employer, poked his head into the room with a child-like grin. "Emma, Emma!"
   She didn't take notice, his voice undoubtedly inaudible through the music in her headphones.
   He pressed the door open a little more as he rested his arm on the doorknob, shaking his head before looking at you. "She can't hear me at all, can she?"
   You exhaled a laugh, looking to a silent Daniel as if an inside joke had occurred. "Guess not."
   John flicked on the lights, Emma quickly sliding the headphones down to free one of her ears. "Oh, hey dad! What is it?"
   Her father stifled a laugh, motioning her to join him. "I have a surprise. Thought you'd be excited to see it." He looked to you. "You'd probably like to see too."
   Aa Emma and John left the room, you stood up slowly, filled with confusion and tension. "Do you know what it is?" You asked in a near inaudible whisper.
   Daniel matched your movements, albeit with much more precision. He shook his head, mouthing the word no.
   You exited the room with Daniel in tow before stopping abruptly, causing Daniel to lightly bump into you unexpectedly.
   There was another android in the living room.
   She was standing very still, as if she were brand new and without any prior experience in being activated.
   John smiled as he turned a page in a small instruction booklet he was holding. "Surprise! New android!"
   With a heavy swallow you took slow steps towards the others, before turning to Daniel behind you.
   His mouth was agape as his eyes scanned over the new android. More concerningly, his LED was red.
   Emma crossed her arms, looking with a scowl from the new android to Daniel. "But what's gonna happen to Daniel?"
   John, for the first time since this whole debacle started, appeared conflicted. "He's pretty outdated, but he might sell for something," he pondered. "If nothing else we could always put him in storage."
   All eyes went to Daniel, who was clearly panicking. His eyes were wide, his professional stance broken in favor of a more natural and fearful one.
   John's eyebrows furrowed, the paper book making a small cracking noise as it bent in his hands. 
   You licked your lips before stepping in the line of sight between the two men. "I'll buy him," you muttered. "I have six hundred right now, I'll give you more later if I need to."
   Luckily, John had stopped paying attention to the panicked android behind you and had been taken aback by your sudden offer. "Six hundred? Really?" He looked astonished. "I mean… that's a lot for such an old android. I'm sure you could get a newer PL600 for about—"
   "Nope!" You shook your head, pointing over your shoulder with your thumb. "I want this one. It's already set up and everything."
   "Oh… okay…" John shrugged.
   You had kept a close eye on Daniel's LED on the way home. It had slowly calmed down to blue with the occasional flash of yellow, no doubt spurred by intrusive thoughts. 
   You licked your lips, trying to keep your voice soft. "Hey… you okay?"
   He looked to you briefly before he started wandering his vision once more. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
   You nodded, unsure how to address the situation. At least you were almost home.
   "It was just so sudden…" he muttered. "...I wasn't broken, or damaged, or anything... at least I don't think I am..."
   "No, no—" you shook your head. "—they just want the exciting new thing. There's nothing wrong with you. At all."
   "How can you be sure of that?" He responded with a bit more force in his voice.
   You stuck one of your hands in your pocket. "Well, I know you, Daniel. And that's what makes you better than any other android out there." You went to poke his cheek before he jerked away with a flurry of laughs.
   "Oh— stop it," he reprimanded, turning his face away from you in a failed attempt to hide a smile. 
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1-800-hellraiser · 3 years
The Other Side Of Paradise
Requested by: No one
Words: 1,841
Aged up: Nope 
Song: The Other Side Of Paradise- Glass Animals
Genre: Angst with a happy ending 
Pairing: David x Counselor!Reader
!TWS!: A small bit of swearing and mentions of suicide and manslaughter at the end. 
(A/n: This chapter is kind of an alternate ending to The Order Of The Sparrow (s1ep12). Essentially what I think would happen if another counselor (aka Y/n) was there with David and Max. Also sorry if Max is a bit ooc, I can't write him well.)
"I know you don't but I, I know you don't but I still try. My thunder shook him down. My thunder came and shook him down."
      When things couldn't get any worse, it started down pouring. "David, just let it go." Gwen says, standing beside you. "No no no! I can still light it, You'll see!" David says, as he goes back to trying to light the bonfire. The kids just stare at David with bewilderment. You hear Neil say "I can't belive I frenched a platypus for this!" Gwen sighs and starts herding the kids into the mess hall. "Come on kids...you coming, Y/n?" She asked, you shook your head. "I'll call for you if anything happens." You say as Gwen nods. 
    "Y/n! You understand, right?" David asks you with a desperate tone. "I do David, but-" you cut yourself off with a sigh, not knowing how to word the next sentence. You crouch down next to David, as he still tries to light the fire. You're about to speak but a certain jaded ten-year-old cuts you off. "Well David, you were right! This is amazing." You glare at Max, standing across from where David is crouching. "Max, you should be in the mess hall with Gwen," you say to the child. "If I could just, show you." David says, with a hurt look on his face. 
      "Do you really think a big fire and an outdated and honestly racist tradition is going to make anyone care about anything?" Max questions sarcastically. "Max..." you warn the small Indian boy. You stand up from your crouching position and kneel in front of Max. "If you don't go to the mess hall this instant, you will have double chores for a week and no pudding cups for the rest of the month. Got it?" You explain in a stern, yet calm voice. Max rolls his eyes and makes his way to the mess hall. You sigh and go back to David.
     "I just wish people understood." David mumbles after an extended period of silence. "I may not understand what you're going though, but I understand what you're doing for the kids. It's admiring that you put in one hundred percent every day for these kids." You say, putting your s/t hand on David's shoulder. You feel his shoulders sag under your touch, your heart sinks to your feet. "It's just...times have changed. Whether I like it or not. The campers don't care, Gwen doesn't care, even the founder of this place has better things to do. That's why I'll never stop trying. Because somebody fucking has to." David says, you stare at him in disbelief.
         "Davey, please...why don't we do this tomorrow? The wood won't be wet and you need a break from the kids." David sighs and nods his head. You two both get up and you walk David to the cabin. It wasn't exactly the end of the day just yet so Gwen was still in the mess hall with the kids. After you drop David off at the counselors cabin, you tell him you'll be right back. You open the doors to the mess hall and walk over to Gwen. Gwen was ranting to the kids about how they should respect David and everything he does to keep them safe and happy. 
       "Hey Gwen, just wanted to let you know David is at the counselor's cabin and he's taking a break from the camp tomorrow." You say, Gwen nods in agreement and continues to talk to the kids. You duck out of the mess hall and make your way back to the cabin. You open the cabin and notice that David is sitting in his bed, running a lanky hand through his hair. You gently close the door and sit next to him. Putting your hand on his back, you rub comforting circles into his back. David lets out a shakey sigh, "I just wanted to show them something cool, and they don't even care...what's the point anymore?" You almost stopped rubbing David's back when he says that.
     "I mean, the kids don't care, Gwen doesn't care, Mr. Campbell doesn't care, you don't care, what's the point?" David sighs out, tears welling in his eyes. "David look at me." You say, putting a finger under his chin and gently moving his head to make eye contact with you. "I couldn't care more about you and everything you do for this god forsaken camp and these kids." You say, wiping a tear from David's eye. Without warning, David envelops you in a hug, sobbing uncontrollably into your shoulder. You continue to rub his back with one hand and you start to run tour hands through his hair with the other. You whisper sweet nothings into his ear, trying to get him to calm down. 
    After an hour of consoling him, David falls asleep in your arms. You gently move him onto his bed and pull his blanket over him. Gwen came into the counselor's cabin about a half hour ago. You tell her you'll be right back, as you forgot something in the mess hall. You exit the cabin and see Max, leaning on the right side of the door. "Max, what are you doing up past eight? You've been here long enough to know no-one can roam around past eight pm." You question, Max sighs.
     "Yeah I know the stupid rules, I just wanted to talk real quick." You cross your arms and raise a brow at him. "Okay, walk and talk with me, I forgot something at the mess hall." You say as you proceed towards the mess hall. "I know how hypocritical this sounds coming from me, but I feel...bad. Bad about what I said to David earlier. And I want to make it up to him." Max says hesitantly. "Go on..." you say, pushing him to continue. "I want to do the dumb 'Order Of The Sparrow' thing." You smile, and ruffle Max's hair. He grumbles and sho's your hand away from his hair. 
        "Wait, Max, how are we going to do this if the other campers don't know?" You ask, looking down at the ten year old boy. "After Gwen left, I talked them into doing it. We'll wake up at the ass-crack of dawn and Preston will make the outfits and I already taped the staff back together. You just have to let Gwen know about the plan and wake David up at around five thirty am. Got it?" Max finishes, you nod. "Yes I got it, now get to bed kiddo, we have a big day tomorrow." You say, walking into the mess hall.  You return back to the cabin, Gwen is awake and writing in her journal, and David is still passed out. Perfect. You let Gwen know about the suprise and ask her if she'd be willing to do it. She agrees and you both head to bed. 
        "Wake up Davey." You whisper, gently shaking his shoulder. His eyes flutter open "wh- Y/n? Why are you up? It's five thirty, we don't get up until six. " You blush at how deep David's morning voice is "I know today's you're day off, but I have a suprise for you!" You whisper excitedly. David rolls out of bed and you take a black piece of fabric put it across Davids eyes. "Y-y/n?" "It's a pretty big suprise, don't worry, I'll guide you there." You say as you take Davids hand and lead him out of the counselors cabin and back to the bonfire pit from last night. 
    As you and David make it too the spot, you quietly motion for everyone to get into position. Nikki shoots and arrow past David as you're taking his blindfold off. "Nikki! No. More. Arrows!" Gwen yells, "You can't control me, white devil!" Nikki yells before running off. David looks around at the campers and Gwen stunned. "...you're all dressed up as-" "Indians, like you said!" Neil cut David off. "We designed zie outfits ourselves!" Dolf added. "Do you love them?! I love them!" Preston interjects. "But, why..?" David asks.
     "Alright I fixed it, everybody hurry up and...oh shit he's awake." Max says, holding the taped up staff. "Y/n, Max, did you-" "DO NOT LOOK TO DEEPLY INTO THIS!" Max says, pointing the staff at David. "You suck, this world sucks, and one day, we're all going to die and none of it will matter. But if we didn't do this, I'm pretty sure you'd kill yourself or something." Max finishes, David sniffs and wipes away a tear. "Oh you two..." "Or shoot up the camp, I don't know it was a possibility." Max says, shrugging. "Max!" You scold the boy.
      "Thank you." David says looking at you and Max. "Whatever, just take your stupid stick." Max scoff as he tries to hand David the staff. The staff breaks in half for the third time. David pushes the staff back to Max with a heart-melting smile on his face. "Awww....lucky." Space kid says next to Max. Max smacks Space kid in the face with the staff, making him fall backwards. You stifle a laugh. You and David walk over to the raging bonfire. "Y'know, this is kinda nice." Neil says, staring at the fire. You hear the strum of a guitar and look over to Quartermaster and Gwen. 
      "There's a place I know that's tucked away, where we can go to laugh an play."
 You look around at the smiling campers and they all crowd next to the bonfire. You and David glance back at Max. He rolls his eyes and smiles as we walks over to the fire as well.
"And have adventures everyday. I know it sounds hard to believe, but guys and gals it's true..."
      "Hey Max, how'd you start a fire with wet wood anyway." You ask, looking down at the boy. "I'm not an idiot Y/n, I used gasoline." He says, your and David's face drops. "Wait what?" you both say in unison as the campfire literally fucking explodes. "WHOOO! DO IT AGAIN, DO IT AGAIN!" Nikki cheers, you chuckle and wrap your arm around David's shoulders. "So, do you like it?" You ask. "Like it? I love it. Thank you, Y/n." He says, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Camp Campbell is the place for me and you."
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kookiepredictions · 3 years
Jungkook Energy Reading
Jungkook is at a major crossroad of his life. Here, he has a choice to make between 2 roads that will potentially lead him to 2 completely different lives. The choices are to either stay the course that he has been following until now, or to level up to a new, challenging but highly rewarding stage. This is a very fun and interesting topic to discuss so I will take my time with this.
To give you a context, Jungkook is a very highly intuitive person since, like, forever. Ever wondered why (or how) out of... (was it 7?)... so many company offers he chose to be with a small company for a reason that might seem like a whim? Ever wondered why his social media posts gain so much traction? Why he trends so often? If you’ve felt like Jungkook is one of those people who just “gets it” that’s because of his natural intuitive abilities. At the cost of being hated on, I’ll say this: he’s not the best singer in the world. Yet, he makes magic with his voice every time. He is an average dancer. Yet, he commands the stage and holds attention like nobody’s business. That’s because Jungkook has always worked with energy without knowing that he did. That’s why a lot of his achievements seem almost effortless. Yes, he works really hard for everything, but so do a lot of other people. Jungkook has this innate quality of (almost) always making the right choices, being at the right place at the right time that, combined with his ability to work hard, creates these massive outcomes. He’s a super powerful clairsentient and although I’m not sure if he consciously he uses his gifts, subconsciously it has often rewarded him, and so far he hasn’t had to really think about it too much, because it’s a naturally-occurring habit for him. But now he has reached a threshold where he has to contemplate things. Needless to say, it’s outside his comfort zone and is making him VERY stressed. He’s at a juncture where he feels this strong pull towards a direction but is afraid to go there because it’s out of his comfort zone and as is the case with that, he is plagued with doubts, confusion, opposing logics, etc— all of which is keeping him stuck and stagnant like a deer caught in headlights.
What is the problem with staying in his comfort zone, you might ask, I mean it has worked for him so far. Generally speaking, there’s no problem. There is never a problem in this world nor is there any good or bad. It all depends on how we see things. That’s why one person’s curse turns out to be another’s blessing, and one’s trash another’s treasure. The problem here is that, Jungkook has done the unthinkable— he has started to have dreams and desires (lol sorry not sorry I like to be dramatic). For a while (maybe a year or so?) Jungkook has been in this place (mentally and emotionally) where he has been rethinking and reinventing his goals, plans etc for his future. He has lived quite a while with a certain idea of how his life is going to go and worked with that vision. But it was getting tiring and draining in a way he didn’t quite understand why, followed by something impactful that happened in his life— has made him question everything. He has been proverbially studying himself in the mirror and rediscovering his true self. This is literally changing everything about his life. His wants are changing, the things that make him happy (or sad) are changing, and he has been think A LOT about how he wants his life to look like from here on. He’s trying to manifest a life that he thinks will not just give him the usual, practical material comforts of life, but also make him happy and fulfilled from a soul-deep space. And as is the case with manifestations, the first thing you gotta do is make sure your mindset is aligned with what you’re desiring. This is where Jungkook is at right now. He knows what he wants, he is willing to put in the work that it takes, and has also been making plans and taking action... but wait a second. Just when he thought that it is time for him to reap the rewards of his actions, things seem to be going south for him. He is facing problems and obstacles in nearly all areas of his life, and this has him utterly confused because he thinks he has done everything right and yet, why is he not seeing results materialize yet? He’s growing tired of this journey and it’s even more confusing because on the one hand, he still feels like he has hope and that there’s a high possibility that things will go his way, yet on the other hand, what IS happening in reality is quite the opposite. He feels like he’s being pulled in 2 opposite directions and both have equally strong reasons to go towards. This is what is known as “the crossroads”.
The reason he is not seeing results is like I said, manifestations are ALL about the mindset. Point blank period. If you hold a pendulum suspending by the string, and just THINK about moving it without moving your hand at all, it starts moving. This is how pendulum readings work. This is a small yet telling exercise to show how our mindset literally controls all our actions. So without the right mindset, actions mean nothing because those actions are coming from a mindset that is not aligned with what you want to manifest. This is what is happening with Jungkook. He is making his plans and taking action, like he has been trying to have a healthy routine, eat clean, exercise, practice his skills, etc but he is doing all of this from an outdated mindset. It’s like building a house of cards over a slanted surface. No matter how carefully you stack the cards, they come crashing down because the foundation is not right. His plans are great, his efforts are sincere, but are based on a very limited mindset. He thinks, well I’ll do this and this and then I’ll do that and that and then... but something goes wrong, some plans backfire, some work related problems come up, financial setbacks happen, and he is back to square one again. Then he feels unmotivated and goes into depressive episodes and eventually picks himself up and tries again but the whole thing happens again. He is now tired and feels he has no fights left and also feels it’s all useless because the Universe seems to be working against him. But that’s not the case. The Universe is simply telling him that no matter how hard he tries (because that’s kinda Jungkook’s mindset right now: if it didn’t work, try harder and harder next time), nothing will come to fruition if the mindset at the base of it all changes. And the same cycle will continue.
This crossroad is an opportunity for him to level up, not at the action point, but at the mindset point. He has to switch from the “work hard, struggle, chase” mindset to the “attract effortlessly” mindset. Now, this is not something new for Jungkook. Like I said, he is a natural intuitive and has actually attracted most of the things in his life quite effortlessly if you consider the fact that he has achieved more at 23 than most people have in their entire lives. The “struggle” is showing up because it is a crossroad. So no matter how competent, accomplished, or karmically good or bad you consider yourself to be, everyone struggles at some point or the other, when it is time to level up. I mentioned earlier that he is a Clairsentient and his comfort zone is to live his life according to his feelings without giving much thought to them and for a very long time, it’s worked out just fine. But now it is time for him to step into the role of a Claircognizant and to give a voice to his feelings. The Universe has been pushing this role at him for a while now, which has manifested in his life into a lot of overthinking, which is the shadow side of claircognizance. It entails a very active mind so at the beginning stages of honing this skill, you tend to struggle with overthinking and your mind sort of being all over the place. Think of your mind as an out-of-control river which floods everything around, but when you train your mind, and make it follow a course, it becomes life-saving. Because in the raw form, any spiritual gift comes with a lot of sharp ends, Jungkook is resisting this gift. He is stressed from all the overthinking and feels lost and out of control. So he tends to go back to his comfort zone and work from his old mindset and keeps facing obstacles. Now you might think, wow, being a Clairsentient is no joke either, so why bother about being a Claircognizant? Like leave the boy alone jeez. But like I always say, the Universe gives us all free will. There is no forcing him. He has made this choice when he started asking for this new, improved, happier life. This is something he is trying to manifest and to do that, he needs to have the right resources. At this point in his life, even being a Clairsentient (which is still awesome) is a limiting existence for him. Jungkook is an old soul. It might be interesting for you to know that he is the oldest soul in all of BTS and he is an older soul than his parents and brother as well! However, his old soul combined with a young mind and the fact that he is the youngest person in both his family and his BTS family, wreaks havoc within him. He often finds himself in situations where he feels deeply and profoundly but cannot express the depth of his feelings externally. This manifests as a throat chakra blockage even though he has a very strong and developed throat chakra (the reason why he is so expressive when he sings and is very facially expressive when dancing and just generally very expressive when he creates social media content from a fun, good mood space). Like I said, it’s a limit. So far it wasn’t as necessary to address this. But as he ages and his life progresses, he misses this skill set. He thinks it’s about his vocabulary, but it really is just about putting a voice to his inner feelings. He could feel it strongly inside when something is right or wrong, but he can rarely tell you why. He’s a good judge but he’s a terrible lawyer lol. And it’s not even telling or convincing others, it’s about telling yourself— KNOWING what you feel and why. Now, in this whole period of dilemma, he is starting to doubt his old gifts as well. He is starting to doubt his feelings and the ability to tell the right from wrong through his feelings— because that’s what energetic stagnation feels like; it feels like degeneration of everything that is, unless you decide to build something new upon the decaying old.
This jump from Clairsentience to Claircognizance can also be likened to the jump from the 3rd eye chakra to the Crown Chakra. And I don’t mean chakras in the sense that exist and govern various activities in our bodies. I mean it in the sense of the journey of consciousness of the various aspects of our existence, from the Root to the Crown. A renowned spiritual teacher had once said that the journey from the Root to the 3rd Eye Chakra has paths and procedures, but the journey from the 3rd Eye to the Crown Chakra has no path, no process, no formula. It is based on faith and faith alone. It’s a blind jump off the cliff, “knowing” that you are safe. Up until the 3rd Eye, you might be connected, but you are still operating within limits, all of which are of course self-imposed. Jungkook is at this point where he is asked by the Universe to step into his limitlessness. I have discussed in his career reading that he is meant to do some really huge things in his lifetime, which is crazy considering he already has done pretty epic things. The phrase “chosen one” always comes to mind when I talk about Jungkook, but I’d like to clarify this phrase first. We generally tend to see this term as something that sets one apart from others, as if they are special and privileged. But know that the Divine never differentiates. Each and every human has been created exactly the same in terms of capabilities. So it all comes down to free will and personal choice of which path each of us chooses. The thing to know about Jungkook is that he is one of the most sincere people on earth— actually as far as I’ve observed THE most sincere. And before Armys comes for me, yes, all of BTS are sincere. But spiritually speaking, Jungkook is still more sincere not just compared to the rest of the members but the general collective as well. He is, at his core, a very purpose-driven person. He is the least matrix-controlled, for those who know these concepts. He can’t do things just for the sake of it. It’s important for him to have meaning and purpose behind everything he does. Sadly though, he has spent the past few years doing exactly the opposite. He has been stuck in a cycle of activities that don’t bring joy to his soul and this has been sucking the life force out of him and he has been feeling more and more drained and has developed escapist tendencies. But it’s not that he has been externally forced to do these things, at least not always. It’s more so a result of lack of consciousness on his part. He didn’t know he was doing these things. He did what he did believing that he was doing the right thing— earning money, paying bills, securing a materially comfortable life— you know, all of the matrix stuff. But like I said, he does not easily fit into the matrix. While a lot of people spend their entire lifetimes plugged into the matrix, Jungkook is the type to sense discomfort very quickly and want to escape. The reason being, as I said earlier, he is an old soul and has lived many lifetimes developing awareness and his spiritual growth. This is why in this lifetime, he is naturally a lot more evolved than most (or all) of the collective. But since we do not remember our past lives and only carry that “growth” in our DNA, it’s something that is inherent to him without him actually knowing about it— until recently. Jungkook has been undergoing his spiritual awakening, and has been developing consciousness bit by bit— breaking out of the matrix so to speak. It’s this reason that he is “chosen” to do what he is about to do. Not because he has been unfairly selected out of many others, but because he has made this choice for himself and been working sincerely over many lifetimes. For this reason, Jungkook tends to have very pure emotions, and by pure I don’t mean non-sexual (because there’s nothing impure about sexual feelings). By pure I mean raw, unadulterated. He has very heightened sensibilities and feels every emotion to their purest essence, gifting him with high Emotional Intelligence. Unfortunately, this is not always a good thing because uncontrolled, he often tends to overwhelm himself with his mixed bag of feelings and this also causes the aforementioned escapism tendencies. And this is one more reason why he should level up. Regulating and organizing his myriad emotions and giving them a shape, a course will help him channel these gifts into fulfilling his dreams and creating big things in life. There are many things he can do, like journaling, writing down his dreams, goals, plans and procedure on paper, create routines based on his goals, etc but I feel like he is past this stage and is probably stuck in the part where he is doing everything and sometimes he has his wins but these wins are not becoming stable, and he is still getting his tower moments from time to time. This should mean one thing— he has reached the last stage of this journey, which like I said, is the journey to the Crown Chakra— the state of complete faith.
When discussing the concept of complete faith, we often use terms like blind faith, unquestioning faith, etc and while these terms are not exactly wrong per se, they can create misunderstandings. The Divine has blessed us with the ability to think, question and judge, not for nothing. Is it possible to have blind faith? Of course, lots of people do. But it’s also POTENTIALLY harmful to have faith in anything without actually having a knowhow of it. It’s not necessary of course, but for those who reach that level of consciousness, it is not just important, but absolutely essential to know the ins and outs and still have faith. I say it is more difficult to have complete faith with your eyes open than to have blind faith. Claircognizance at its best, is just that. While so far, your gut feeling has served you well and led you this close to the Divine, it is now time to employ your mind to catch up with your gut feeling and make sense of it all. While you learnt to open your eyes to the truth up until now, it is time to learn to keep your eyes open without blinking again and defend and embody the truth with your whole existence. This is literally the riskiest gamble. Like I said, jumping off the cliff. And that’s what Jungkook is being asked to do. So far he has been getting clarity about himself, his life and his path forward and treading cautiously with his small efforts and small wins, it is time for him to take the big leap forward. But the question of course is, how? And to where? While the details of this answer are with Jungkook, it has to start with releasing his limiting mindset. Have you ever noticed that whenever we have limited beliefs about something, either money or love or peace, the underlying belief is always that “I am limited”, “I have limited abilities”, “I have limited resources” etc. Meaning, any limits that we place on our external lives are actually limits that we think WE have. Money exists in this world, but I think I am limited in my potential to earn money. Love exists in this world, but I think I am limited in my potential to find love. You get the point. We actually do not think resources are limited, we think they are limited for us. Sometimes “us” means me as an individual, sometimes it means us as the entire population (cue: global warming, world peace, etc). Jungkook right now, is in the prime position to step out of this limited mindset into his unlimited potential. He has been operating from his limited mindset which is why his plans, no matter how well made, are failing. He has these big, beautiful dreams and has created this beautiful, peaceful life in his mind, but his old mindset is not aligned with this abundant life. The Universe has been nudging him in the direction of the mindset that he needs to adopt to align with his manifestations. I have written earlier somewhere that Jungkook thinks quite poorly of himself as a person and has self worth issues. In reality, he is the most sincere person Mother Earth has right now who has been working so hard for so long to reach this level of consciousness, it is safe to say no one else is as worthy as him to get everything that we wants. But by having these beliefs about himself, he is blocking the rewards that are meant to come to him. It’s like he has paid the price in advance, but is not accepting the delivery. Both because of being BTS’ golden youngest, Korea’s national pride, all the sweeping predictions about his future, and also his inner voice speaking to him, he is almost too aware of the great big things he is supposed to achieve, and although he does want them, a part of him is also scared and wants to run and hide and settle for something far less aka stay put in his comfort zone— all because of his limited mindset where he thinks he is not worthy of such things. And if you think you’re not worthy, obviously you’re going to think that it’s going to be an impossible task, which eventually either makes you take all the wrong actions, or not take action at all. This is why, no matter what his goals and plans, and no matter what actions he thinks of taking, he has to start with his mindset first. In fact, while manifesting, if I can tell you to do just one thing, it is to address the limits in your mindset. We’ve heard this many times and it sounds so simple but it really is the most, if not only, important step that matters. If the mindset is aligned with your goal, all actions will effortlessly flow towards that goal.
I feel like Jungkook has reached a level of self awareness and inner self dialogue where he is able to identify where his thoughts and emotions are going. He has definitely gotten a far better grip on his emotions than when I started this page, and contrary to what he thinks, his growth has been swift. It’s just that, we always expect a linear growth but that doesn’t happen with spirituality. And so every time he has a down time, he feels like he is back to square one. More so because Jungkook has such a perfectionistic and high achiever mentality. The reason why he seems to be going in a loop right now is because he has learnt and achieved everything that he has to with his current “limited” mindset. Hi future goals require him to grow out of that, not because his goals are something huge and difficult to achieve (because literally small and big are subjective both to humans and to the Universe) but because having a limitless mindset simply means to believe that I am worthy of achieving anything and everything I desire— without conditions. This is the mindset that Jungkook needs to work on adopting right now and everything else will smoothly flow from there. He needs to utilize the power of his mind— awareness, reasoning and self dialogue— to identify wherever he limits himself from believing his worthiness to achieve what he wants to have, and continue this practice until this new “I can f***ing have anything that I want” mindset is his default. Does it worry you that Jungkook will become an egotistical prick after that? Don’t worry, his soul has done enough work in the past to be grounded and humble through it all. This mindset is different from the ego-driven power-hungry mindset. Why? Because this power is the Source power. When we settle into our Crown Chakra consciousness aka Divine consciousness, we plug ourselves into the Source’s limitless creative power. The difference between ego-driven power and Source power is that while the former separates the individual from others, Source power recognizes the individual’s power as connected to and drawing from the Cosmos and therefore one we must give back to. It’s this constant cycle of giving and receiving in the Universe that makes Source power limitless, while the ego’s idea of power is one-sided and therefore finite.
Jungkook is kind of stuck in a place where, because he sees himself as limited, he looks to others to guide him, assure him, and provide him with the knowledge and direction that he needs. And that is because he has been disconnected from Source— not literally, but consciousness-wise. So far it wasn’t too bad, but now it is time for him to let go of the need for mediators and plug himself directly to the Source, i.e. work on his Crown Chakra. And as I mentioned earlier, it is as simple as just using your conscious mind to tell yourself, or more accurately, remind yourself, of your worth and your limitlessness. Jungkook feels like he needs someone to guide him, but he has forgotten that he has been prepared for the exact same task that he looks to another to do. Now this has a connection to his Twin Flame journey because his twin is at the same threshold, ready to level up to the same stage. The only slight difference is that she has already made her choice to level up to the new stage of limitless consciousness. And now it is up to Jungkook to make his. Do you what that means? It means a Union is on the horizon! After a long period of back and forth— one of them goes through a stage first then the other follows, and vice versa— they are finally going to be on the same page energetically, if Jungkook makes the choice. This is significant because Jungkook has been thinking that Union was something that was out of his control and he had nothing to do but to sit and wait, but all the while, it was a choice he had to make. Now, of course, this choice is not as simple as saying Yes or No. It’s a choice of consciousness— a consistent way of life that will, over time, upgrade and align their mindsets so they are both at the exact same stage. As twinflames, Jungkook and his DF are like the same person living in 2 different, alternate universes, with completely different lifestyles, work situations and challenges and the way they process these situations and challenges are similar, but not on the same page at the same time. They are soully same, yet because of their mortal forms being born and being raised in different environments, their ego-bodies have retained conditioning that make them different from each other in many ways, but as they shed their ego programming and connect more and more with their soul and with Source, they will be on the exact same page. This is when Union will occur. When they truly become one person in heart and mind. But this stage right now (i.e. before Union) is also the most challenging because this is where Separation truly happens. Physical separation is the least important aspect of the TF separation. This is where they are both on their own. They must individually find their faith aka go back to the Source, because without their connection to the Source, there is no TF connection; it becomes just another earthly connection riddled with alternating bouts of joy and sorrow, peace and pain. Usually in this journey, one twin is a more advanced journeyer than the other, who first “activates” the other i.e. leads them to their consciousness and guides them, usually energetically where when one twin crosses a stage, the other is literally pulled into that stage for them to cross. It’s like only one twin gets to make the choice and the other has no choice but to follow suit. This is also the reason why one twin feels more helpless and out of control. They are literally being yanked around by their twin’s energetic choices lol. But at this juncture, the guide twin has to leave the other twin’s hand, not because they don’t want to hold on, but because they can’t— they have nothing more to offer. This is where both twins get to make their choices individually. This stage is new for both of them and therefore they must individually cross this stage and meet at the other side. This is the period of ultimate spiritual growth, the after effect of which is blissful togetherness. But possible only if both twins make their choice to move forward.
 I’ll end this post with a message from Jungkook’s DF:
I hope you’re holding up okay, partner, cuz I know I’m getting my ass kicked. Did you absolutely hate this journey? Because I didn’t. Just like you, I didn’t know what I signed up for either. I made a simple wish and this road has been bumpy but it has also had the most incredible views along the way. The way I have grown over these recent times compared to my whole entire life is crazy! I love who I have become and who I continue to become. And I believe you had a part to play in this. I know you don’t believe that so much. I know you battle with your own doubts, fears and insecurities, just like I battle with mine. You still measure your importance with how much you do for others. But maybe someday I can tell you how much you have done for me simply my existing as who you are. Because who you are will determine what you will always do, not just once or twice. And you have grown so much too! I have sensed that often. But unless we learn to recognize our growth, we don’t see it. But since I had VIP seating lol I got to watch you grow. Sometimes you resisted, sometimes you fought, sometimes you hoped, sometimes you held on to the faith when I was ready to give up, sometimes you were hurtful and challenged me to find within myself new depths of love and understanding. You made me cry, you made me laugh, you made me angry, you made me blush. But you never left. And I didn’t leave either. We tried though. Both of us. And failed. Repeatedly. It’s been frustrating and funny. How we thought we could get away and the Divine kept guiding us back to each other. You know, I think the problem is that we’re both helplessly curious idiots. Always wanting to know more, always wanting to move ahead. Obstacles never had a chance with us. We were always the introspective types, you and I, always looking to solve our problems, hungry for growth. As they say, careful what you wish for.
I am aware of your expectations of me, always was. But I had to hold back. I couldn’t do anything that I wasn’t fully ready to do. Right or wrong, I had to do as I felt guided to do— it’s my sovereign right. I guess because deep down I knew that you would understand. Of all people, you would understand. And I was right, you did. You threw hands and made a mess often lol but you still did understand and patiently stuck around each time. I know it seems like I’ve been running further and further away from you, but I have actually been getting closer to you. Spiritually. I guess soon it’s going to be visible as well. Now there is this stage. It feels like a strange place to be in right now. Good strange. I know you are scared and doubtful and expect me to assure you that everything will be alright. How can I? I am scared and doubtful too. Every day, I am in these juxtaposed energies of faith and doubt, sorting through them like... one moment I am super believing, another moment I’m all nope can’t do.
I know you want me to say that I love you and that I always will, and to promise that if we take this journey, I will be there waiting for you. And I want to. I really REALLY want to make these promises to you. But in the past I have been in situations where these promises were made and then conveniently forgotten later. I’m trying not to let my past control my present or future but I have also learnt that words can be forgotten, but intentions are forever. And that is what I want to say to you: I have the intention. I intend to make this work. When the time is right, I intend to give this my best shot. Tbh, I feel like I have been giving this my best shot for a while now, but maybe we don’t agree on that lol. And I also want to tell you that I’ve never felt about anyone else what I feel about you and I don’t think anyone else can ever take your place in my life. What that means exactly I don’t know yet.
The reason why I tell you neither what to do nor what not to do is because I don’t want to control your life. I know you me to show some ownership on you, and you on me, but believe me, you’ll hate it there. I’ve been there suffocating and it’s the most beautiful feeling to make your own mistakes, learn your own lessons, and watch yourself become your own artwork masterpiece and I don’t want to take away that experience from you. This is not my apathy. This is my gift to you. Also, yes I’m a pretty generous and just generally amazing person lol but do you really think I write pages after pages for just anyone and for no reason? Put two and two together silly.
You doubt your worth so much and since I do that too, I know how that works and won’t hold that against you, but it seems like now you have no choice but to see your worth. You must know, that I’m leaving you alone only because I’m confident you’ll find your own way. I’ll admit, I haven’t always been confident in you. Maybe I will falter again. But don’t you see, that’s the point? I will never be fully confident in you until you are confident in yourself. The more you doubt, the more I doubt too. But I’ve been observing you for a long time now and it’s just so hard to not trust you. Even with all the doubts and apprehensions constantly attacking me from all directions, I keep going back to you. I really hope my gut feeling about you is right or I’ve just made a big booboo lol. The funny thing is, I don’t care as much now. It’s almost like, fine, if anything, this will go down in my history as a wonderful, fun mistake and I don’t think I will ever regret it because in this moment I’m doing what I want to do— either it leads to a reward or a lesson, both are welcome. I have never been THIS vulnerable in my life like I hear myself say these things and I sound so crazy and stupid lol I’m so not my sassy and smartassy self right now.
As I was saying, I really do believe you’ll find your way. I don’t even know what that way is, or what your problems are, but I know you will solve them all. I’ll just be here, solving mine. How do I know for sure we can solve all problems? Because each one of the 7 billion people can. The only reason they don’t is that they don’t have a strong enough reason to push themselves to do that. Do we have a strong enough reason? How much do our dreams mean to us? For me, I have had this picture painted of this perfect life for a while. And yes, it has you in it. Very prominently. In my mind, it’s this beautifully balanced, harmonious, vibrant relationship with a forever after. And I don’t want to ruin that picture for short term hedonism. So I really believe, if our reason is strong enough, if this means that much to us, no obstacle can limit us from getting what we want. You’re not the only one who goes after what he wants and never gives up. I’m somewhat of that breed too. It’s just that this has clearly been a journey and it has brought some wild surprises along the way. I’ve struggled but now I’m learning to accept anything that comes with it. If the road leads me to my destination I don’t care how bumpy it is. It’s literally up to you right now. And I promise, it’s not even that difficult when you let go of resistance. All you have to do is consistently believe that you have limitless power to achieve anything you want and to create your reality the way you want it. I know it’s been a struggle and it feels like just the opposite, but it’s been that way because believe it or not, YOU have had these limiting beliefs about yourself and what you can create. I also know it’s been a long road and you’re tired, but it’s safe to drop the defences now. You might feel like certain situations or certain people are out of your control and how could you ever have things work your way, but it’s all in the mindset. The moment you reset your mindset and stick with it, you will see your reality change. In any situation, do not focus on the external events— they are simply the results of your previous mindset. Rather, ask yourself, what limiting thoughts and beliefs you have in your mindset right now and proceed to change them. I promise to you, people and situations will change to suit your needs, without ever having to deal with anyone. All this WILL happen, so don’t give up until they do. Twinflame, soulmate, karmic, friends, partners, colleagues— everyone will adjust according to your needs when YOU step into your limitlessness. Remember, it’s not just you who are tied to your karmics, they are tied to you too. An attachment exists from both sides. You don’t have to worry over the other person severing the tie, it’s enough if you let go of your end. Ask yourself, what are the common energies I share with my karmic? Identify these energies, heal the underlying trauma and ascend from them. This automatically ends your karmic contract and your karmic is free from you as well, no matter what their status is. The reason your karmics exist is because deep in your mindset you still believe that that’s your place and that’s what you’re worthy of— it’s part of the comfort zone you’re still stuck in.
I wish you well, my favorite human, I really hope I find you at the end of this journey. I want everything that you want. There are so many shared dreams and goals that we have— I will tell you all about my dreams one day. Until then I need to live some of these on my own, go on a little solo adventure, while I let you go on yours. And when it’s over and we’re ready (and no we’re not ready right now no matter how much you try to convince me lol) I promise I will see you again. When and how, I have no idea, but I’m happy to leave that to however the Divine guides us. I promise I’ll never forget you because I literally can’t. Love you!
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amateurasstrologer · 4 years
Sweet Mercury. Our baby celestial, dying to be understood. There’s more to little Mercury than meets the eye, so listen up.
If you take only one thing away from this shit, let it be this: Mercury represents an internal process - where Mercury falls points towards where you’re using your brain. Bullshit Astrology will try to convince you that Mercury shows how you communicate and how you express yourself. Yes, but also no. Don’t succumb to this basic ass understanding, people!! Mercury is deeper than this - literally. Mercury gathers up the goods and sets up shop inside your mf brain. Yes, communication and your ability to small talk stem from your thought process, but all that shit is secondary. Stick to the primary source you little history babies.
The best way to think about Mercury is to think about Venus. These two are peas in a damn pod. Why? They’re both judgemental. But. While Venus is your typical mean girl, Mercury just sticks to the fucking facts.
For example, take this given: the sky is blue. Mercury looks at the situation and says: okay, the sky is blue, the sky is not green. Venus looks at the sky and says: I love the color blue, green is fucking ugly good thing the sky isn’t green. They’re both making a judgement call, but Mercury’s call is a purely objective understanding, and Venus’s is based on a personal preference. Mercury sits in your brain and helps you differentiate between this and that; Venus sits wherever tf she sits and helps you respond emotionally to shit that you value.
Put another way: why does Mercury rule Gemini and Virgo? Judgement calls. Gemini is all about you discovering yourself. The Mercury influence there helps you differentiate between “you” and “not you” - Gemini goes out and does all these things to figure out who it even is and Mercury is behind the curtain going, “yes, you hit on something real there,” and “no, that wasn’t really you bitch, drop the act.” Same shit is happening with Virgo. Virgo is all about self-improvement - we need Mercury behind the scenes, making the “yes, this will move us forward” or “no, this will set us back” decision or else we aren’t improving shit. A Mercury judgement is objective - it takes in all the facts and makes a call. It’s not personal, it’s all business.
Mercury represents how we understand the world, mentally. Mercury is the sweet little computer in our brain that’s taking stock and running metrics and not giving a fuck because there are no feelings involved in Mercury’s process. Mercury is black and white, yes and no, this and that. No in-between. The only time Mercury goes from “right on” to “completely wrong,” is when it trades in objective analysis for personal taste. Stop. Leave the feelings to Venus. Mercury works best when it’s calm, cool and collected.
As always, particulars for the party people:
MERCURY IN THE FIRST (1) YES: these sweet freaks are unleashing the beast on their inner life - every thing that has ever happened to them getting analyzed to the point of no return; they believe they’re different than everyone else and they are gonna prove it. NO: one day decided all facts were irrelevant and took up permanent residence inside their own mind, made it their job to feel intellectually superior to everyone else.
MERCURY IN THE SECOND (2) YES: these sweet freaks are testing out every belief system and mental approach ever used to solve a problem, choosing the most effective ones, and thinking their way through every challenge they come into contact with without even breaking a sweat. NO: fucking rude, totally intolerant of everyone around them, deep-throating Traditional Thinking & Outdated Values’ dick for no reason - get over it.
MERCURY IN THE THIRD (3) YES: these sweet freaks are seeing straight though your shit, because they can find patterns in everything. When they’re not fixing every problem in their vicinity with practical solutions they’re adjusting to their environment like a damn chameleon good Lord where are they are they even still here? NO: using their mega-rationality to justify gross behavior, taking zero responsibility for their actions, denial level 10000.
MERCURY IN THE FOURTH (4) YES: these sweet freaks are getting in touch with their values, and once they do look out because they will not deviate from what they feel is Right. These deep, creative minds are hot-wired to find connections between all people, places and things. NO: too scared to figure it out, falling back on thinking that’s culturally/ socially/ religiously narrow-minded, RIP to their sense of self.
MERCURY IN THE FIFTH (5) YES: these sweet freaks are getting their fucking feelings out and everyone is loving it. Their sweet little brains are made to create and they are ready to relate, no one can express themselves like these bitches. It’s just the truth. NO: can’t just have a regular fucking experience because they’re too busy thinking about how they’re gonna sell that shit later, overly self-conscious, stop it you’re doing way too much.
MERCURY IN THE SIXTH (6) YES: these sweet freaks are a whole new kinda leader - their brains are totally focused on dealing with personal changes and social issues, crystal clear thinking let’s these babies soar through emotional shit with clarity and an organized plan. NO: True Life: Living Without A Backbone, self-sabotage level 10000, lacking the inner-strength to look at their shit objectively - get it together dammit you should be fixing the world.
MERCURY IN THE SEVENTH (7) YES: these sweet freaks just have a really strong mental approach to life, they’re lookin at all kinds of shit without getting in their feelings about it, they’re out here chatting it up, down to participate in life and always open to learning from other people’s experiences. NO: took it way too far, fucked around and isolated themselves in a sweet mind prison, one day decided different viewpoints were useless and totally lost sight of reality.
MERCURY IN THE EIGHTH (8) YES: these sweet freaks fucking love relationships (of any kind, don’t have to be human-to-human) - their brains are locked in on seeing past surface level shit and into the core of their connections, working through relationship issues is their favorite pastime. NO: one day decided you weren’t trying to cooperate with them and got fucking ruthless on your ass and/or completely lack the sense of self to apply their resolution abilities, let everything go to shit, then blamed you for it.
MERCURY IN THE NINTH (9) YES: these sweet freaks worship clear thinking and objectivity, they’re fucking ready to plan and discuss their goals, your goals - all the goals all of the plans all of the values - these bitches are going to write about them, sing about them, whatever. It’s going to be real and it’s going to be good. NO: the most closed-minded to ever live, picked the wrong hill to die on, bleeding out over some shit they don’t even understand, lost in the sauce.
MERCURY IN THE TENTH (10) YES: these sweet freaks can focus (I mean, for real, they will not be deterred) and focus they will on solving complex social problems and adjusting to meet the intellectual needs of their crew. These babies are quick as a whip and got serious intellectual versatility. NO: second-guessing every decision they’ve ever made, zero accountability for their social position, completely emotionally repressed mess. 
MERCURY IN THE ELEVENTH (11) YES: these sweet freaks got intellect and they are not afraid to use it (to work through all kinds of cultural issues), on the look out for other smarties to check out all those beautiful, imaginary-but-hopefully-not-for-long horizons and ponder progressive ideals with. NO: never focused a day in their life, acting clever laughing everything off but actually dying inside and refusing to do anything about it.
MERCURY IN THE TWELFTH (12) YES: these sweet freaks are flipping the script and revamping every outdated collective ideal that crosses their mind - a healthy level of seclusion let’s these babies speculate way out into the future, so that they can formulate fresh social attitudes and actions. NO: Academy Award for Victim of Their Own Self-Created Loneliness, "what’s the use” oh my God shut up already and just try to change. Just try it.
Happy Charting, bitches. Unleash your brains.
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fanfic-she-wrote · 3 years
The Resurrection of Dracula: Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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It was early morning when Charlie dropped off the truck where Ben used to live. That way they couldn't trace the truck back to him when the cops eventually went looking.
He sat for a moment staring into the rear-view mirror. He felt exhausted, practically on the brink of collapse. The past few days he had so little sleep and it had begun to show. He noticed that dark circles had begun to form around his eyes giving them a sunken appearance.
He leaned his head back against the seat and let out a forelorn sigh. Only a few hours ago, Ben had been alive sitting in the very seat beside him. Now he was gone. Ben wasn't his best friend, in fact he didn't like how much he drank or how he relentlessly made a pass at anything that moved, but did he really deserve such a fate?
Why then was he so determined to help you and Dracula? He was so confused. He could very well have been under your control, but was he really? What he was doing now certainly didn't seem like it. Deep down, he found that it wasn't even about you. It had always bothered him about how secretive his family was. Why he never knew till now, but as he fell deeper into the rabbit hole, he found still more secrets waiting to be uncovered.
"I'm sorry Ben." He whispered to the air as he hid the keys on top of the sun visor and climbed out of the truck. Somewhere he hoped Ben heard him and understood. It wasn't his fault...
He then got on his bike, revved up the engine, and took off toward home. As he stopped at a light, he checked his watch. By the time, he got home his mother would be at work. Which was just fine. It gave him enough time to do what he needed to without her interference.
He pulled up into the driveway and ran up the stairs. The lights were off, which meant she wasn't home as he expected. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. How quiet it was, Charlie noticed as he made his way to the library.
He had to find out what Lorrimer was working on before he died. Surely, he had to have something written down somewhere.
He went over to the desk and began carefully searching through the doors for anything that had the name Carmilla written on it. When he didn't find anything on the desk he searched through the bookshelf, pulling out each book as he went. Still nothing. He stood in the middle of the room feeling frustrated. Somehow he had a feeling his great grandfather had found out about Carmilla and had planned to destroy her. If she was anything like you had described she was certainly a force to be reckoned with and even as experienced as Lorrimer was, he didn't stand a chance.
Annoyed, he kicked the side of the desk making a loud thud noise as the wood collided with the side of his shoe.
"Charlie? What are you doing?" A voice said from behind him. He turned around and saw his mother standing there, wearing a very concerned expression on her face.
"Mum? I thought you were at work." He said sounding surprised. Had she been there the whole time?
"It's my day off." She told him, stepping into the room. "Charlie, I don't know what's going on with you lately, but you're worrying me."
"I'm fine, mum." He quickly lied with a shrug.
"Charlie, I won't get mad if you'll just tell me what's going on." She assured him.
"Nothing is going on." He lied again, looking away, unable to stare her in the eye.
"I know something is wrong that you're not telling me. You can trust me. What did you do?" She questioned further, hoping he would give in.
"Nothing! Will you leave me alone?!" He finally snapped, pushing past her, but she grabbed him by the wrist stopping him in his tracks.
"It's Dracula isn't it?! You've brought him back." She accused, becoming angry.
"So what if I have?!" Charlie yelled back, pulling his arm away.
"Why? Didn't you understand anything you read about him?" Jessica asked, her heart sinking.
"I did." He answered, annoyed that she thought him incompetent.
"Then why did you bring him back?"
"I found something...or rather someone. I found his wife." Charlie revealed.
"His wife?!" She exclaimed, shocked.
"Yes, it was in Lawrence Van Helsing's journal. I found the map that lead to the spot where he cruelly hid her away for the past 128 years!" He explained. She fell silent, unsure what to answer.
"Why would he do that?" She asked.
"Lawrence Van Helsing thought she was committing murders when it was actually a woman named Carmilla. I had hoped to find some information on her. I think that's why your grandfather went missing. He must have found out about her." Charlie went on. Jessica's head began to swirl. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Did he tell you anything or write anything down somewhere?" He asked her, but she quickly changed the subject.
"Charlie, why are you helping them? They are evil. Our family has spent centuries fighting them." She said trying to reason with him, placing her hands on his shoulders.
"They didn't deserve what happened to them. They're innocent. You didn't see what I saw tonight. They love each other."
"Dracula wasn't so innocent when he tried to make me like him and when he tried to bring about an apocalypse!" She hollered angrily at him, the memories flooding back of that terrible night. The flames...lying on the sacrificial slab, Dracula standing over her...
"What?!" Charlie gasped, taken aback.
"Yes, it was the 70s. Your great grandfather and I just managed to escape and kill him." She finally blurted out, a tear trickling down her face.
Charlie shook his head. He just couldn't believe that. Why should he believe her after everything? All the lies...all the secrets.
"Charlie you have to stop before it's too late!" She begged him.
"No I won't! This family has had too many secrets for too long. I will fix this...for everyone, whether you will help me or not." He vowed, pulling away from her and starting towards the door.
"Charlie! Wait!" She called out. He stopped and turned to face her. "You're right. I'm sorry. I thought that by keeping things from you, you would be safe." She let out a sigh. He was so much like Lorrimer, it was almost like they were the same person.
"Then please, help me. I want to make things right." Charlie pleaded.
Finally, she gave in and said, "I remember him saying something about a Carmilla just before he died." Jessica looked up at the ceiling trying to remember what it was. "Something about a nightclub...Renfield's I think it was called. I didn't think it was important at the time so I just forgot about it." She remembered. "I don't know how the two are connected though." She added with a shrug.
"Thanks!" Charlie exclaimed, an excited gleam in his eye at this new piece of information.
"Charlie, I know you think the Draculas are innocent, but they could just as easily kill you without a second thought. They're not ones to cross." Jessica warned him.
"I know. I'll be careful." He promised with a reassuring smile. She walked over to him, pulling a chain off her neck as she went.
"Take this. Just in case." She said, handing him a silver cross.
"Thank you." He put it on and tucked it underneath the collar of his shirt, giving it a quick tap.
"I'll let you know if I find anything else about Carmilla." She told him. Even though she was worried, at least she knew what he was doing, and maybe he was actually on to something...
Later that night, Charlie returned to the manor. He found you and Dracula in the parlor attempting to clean up some of the disrepair.
"I think I've found something." Charlie abruptly told them upon entering the room.
"What?" You asked, intrigued. Grateful to take a break, feeling overwhelmed by all the mess.
"Before my great grandfather, Lorrimer, died," he began. "He told my mum something about Carmilla and a place called Renfield's."
"Renfield's?" Dracula asked, tilting his head curiously.
"It's a nightclub in London." Charlie answered.
"It's not much, but it's a start. I think it's time we finally pay her a little visit." Dracula said turning to you.
"That's what I thought you'd say." Charlie remarked, pulling his backpack from over his shoulder and opening it. "I bought you guys these. I guessed at the sizes. Hope they fit." He handed you and Dracula each a small pile of  clothes.
"I think our clothes are just fine." Dracula refused, handing them back.
Charlie let out a small frustrated sigh, pushing them back. "No offense, but they're a bit outdated, especially for the place we're going." He explained. You exchanged a worried look with your husband before reluctantly changing into your new clothes. You hadn't liked the clothes you had seen so far and were nervous.
"I look absurd!" Dracula exclaimed folding his arms, shooting a displeased look at Charlie.
"I don't know, dear. I kinda like it!" You told him as you looked him up and down, your brow raised. Charlie snorted realizing where your eyes were looking.
He wore a black leather jacket, a black button up shirt which was slightly left upon at the top, form fitting black jeans, and boots.
"As long as you like it..." He mumbled squirming uncomfortably in his tight jeans.
As for you, you wore a small jacket and a black low cut long sleeve shirt with the sleeves cut at the shoulders, a choker, tight black leggings, and black knee high boots.
"You don't look so bad yourself. Although I would much rather you not wear that around...others." Dracula admitted. 
"Jealous, my dear?" You teased with a smirk.
"Yes." He replied in a husky voice, grabbing you by the waist, pressing your body against his. "Don't forget you're mine." As if he had to remind you.
"Don't worry. I won't." You reassured him as you stroked his hair through your fingers. He leaned down to kiss you, but Charlie interrupted.
"Sorry, but we only have so much time." He awkwardly reminded you. Dracula let out a groan and released you.
"We'll do this later." You quietly told him, feeling slightly disappointed as you followed Charlie out the door.
"I took my mum's car." He said, unlocking it. Dracula opened the door for you. You excitedly got inside and looked around.
"Look Vlad! There's no horses." You exclaimed. Dracula chuckled. How cute you were.
"I know. Wonderful isn't it?" You nodded your head in agreement.
"You guys ready?" Charlie asked, starting up the car.
"As ready as I'll ever be." You replied.
"To Renfield's then."
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jeogiyall · 3 years
Tim McGraw; Y.JI
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GFX by @dreamystuffers​
Word Count; 3.3k
Genre; Jeongin x Reader, Fluff, Summer Love AU
Warnings; None:)
Find the rest of my Stray Kids Folklore series here!
A/N: This is a part of the @kpopscape ‘Walkin On Sunshine’ summer event! Look out for the other two parts coming in the near future! 
He said the way my eyes shine put those Summer stars to shame. 
When your parents told you that you’d be spending the Summer at your grandparents farm you were less than excited. It’s not that you don't love your grandparents or anything like that. You adore them. No, your reluctance was more about how you don’t love the farm. It’s hot there, and there’s nothing to really do. You have to drive twenty minutes just to get groceries. 
But your parents insisted, so you ended up here. In a room at the very top of the house with slanted ceilings and a floral duvet. The scent of the flowers your grandmother planted is wafting in through your window so you move to open it more after dropping your bags. When you get there, however, there’s already a figure sitting on your windowsill. A boy that looks to be your age with shocking white hair and a smile that makes your heart flutter so hard that you forget to be scared. 
“Hello!” His voice is sweet, chirping like the birds outside, “I’m Jeongin, I work with your grandfather on the farm sometimes. And in the garden. I planted the tomatoes. That’s my truck in the driveway.” You're not quite sure what to say. No ones ever broke into your room and started talking about tomatoes before. No ones ever done anything close to this. You’re sure that if they did they wouldn’t be as cute and childlike as Jeongin.
“Um, hi. I’m (Y/n.)” Your words are quiet and unrehearsed. He seems to take this as a challenge. 
“Hi (Y/n,) I already knew your name. Your grandmas been talking about you coming for your months, it’s kinda cute honestly. I thought that ambushing you in your room would be a bad idea but she insisted that we should spend as much time together as possible. Something about how you used to get bored as a kid.” He props himself up onto his elbows and swings a leg into your room. It’s in such a position that the exposed skin on your leg is brushing against his. 
“I did get bored. It's lonely around here, but you seem like good company.” He finally plants his feet onto the wooden boards of your bedroom floor. This is all getting stranger to you, especially the fact that there’s a boy who you met mere seconds ago inside of your bedroom. You’ve never had a boy in your room before.
“Thank you! I think we’ll have fun, and uh… Not just because your grandmother said so.” He looks around the room for a moment, though you’re not quite sure as to why. It’s not like anything here will give him insight into who you are. It’s not like it’s really your room. He walks through the room, but you can’t make yourself look at him. Something about the way that he’s so comfortable. Or the way that you’re slowly becoming more excited to be at your grandparents house for the summer. Whatever’s happening, it makes it so that you can’t pry your eyes up from the creaky floorboards until Jeongin is standing in your doorway. The distance looks so much farther when there’s another person to measure it.
“Leaving so quickly?” He turns around at the sound of your question, and you notice that he’s still smiling. People don’t usually smile for this long. You try to imagine a smile that lasts this long on any of the people that you know back home, but it looks frightening in your head. It’s not frightening on Jeongin, not in the slightest. He looks endearing.
“I’m afraid I have to. Your grandfather needed help replacing a tractor engine, but I’ll be back tomorrow. The next day, too. And even the day after that.” With that he was gone, his feet thumping down the wooden staircase so quickly that it sounded like a stampede. The remainder of your arrival day was spent unpacking your suitcases. You would’ve sworn that your interactions with Jeongin were some sort of fever dream that was conjured up by the long hours you spent travelling to get here, but even still as the summer sun is eager to set you can hear him and your grandfather banging around in the garage. The sounds creep into your room from the still opened window which you hadn’t bothered to close since Jeongin made his entrance, and don't stop until the sun has secured itself below the horizon and your grandmother is calling you down for dinner. You shout from your open doorway that you’ll be down in a second before gently closing the window.
The entry level of your grandparents farm is quaint, all of the living spaces are relatively squished so as to prevent having to go upstairs each time you want a meal or to sit down. You like it though, it makes it so that each time you come down you can see the entirety of what’s happening. Right now your grandmother is doting over her vegetables that just came out of the oven while your grandfather washes the grease from his hands. The TV is playing an old show with faded color and outdated hairstyles with the volume up ridiculously loud, probably so that your grandmother could hear it as she cooked. You turn it down before taking your spot behind your grandfather at the sink.
Dinner is wonderful, which you expected. Your grandmother has always been a good cook. She carries most of the conversation, your grandfather responding in tired grunts as he scarfs down all of the food on his plate. He always eats like a dog, and your grandmother always chastises him for it, and you always find yourself in the middle giggling at your glimpse of their domestic nature. You can’t help it, they’re too sweet.
Once the table is cleared and the dishes are put away your grandfather offers to turn on a movie for the three of you, most likely to make up for his unresponsiveness during the meal. You agree happily, curling up into the corner of their couch with cushions that are far too fluffy. It almost feels like they could swallow you whole. 
You’re not quite sure of what happens after that, because the very next thing that you remember is waking up to the sound of a lawnmower and the scent of bacon being cooked. It appears that you had fallen asleep on the couch, which was inevitable due to the ‘too fluffy’ cushions. Someone had carefully thrown a blanket over you, then propped your head up with a pillow. You’re almost surprised that they didn’t go ahead and put you in your pajamas, too.
“Good morning, Princess!” Your grandmother chimes from where she’s working in the kitchen. The radio that rests on the windowsill is letting out a crackly tune that she occasionally hums along to, but you can barely even hear it over the machine cranking right outside, “That garbage is so loud in the mornings, but don’t worry he’ll be done in one second. Then we’ll all have breakfast. How does that sound?” In most other circumstances you’d be quite upset to be awake so early. Especially since you’re on summer vacation. But today you don’t mind as much.
“That sounds great, should I help set the table?” She dismisses you with a simple wave of her hand, which you’re barely able to see since you’re still laying down, but you feel bad for not helping. She cooked breakfast, your grandfather has probably been outside working since before the sun rose, the very least that you could do is bring something to the table. When you get up to check everything is already set into place, but you put out a crystal pitcher of orange juice and fill each of the cups with ice.
“Now you didn’t have to do all of that!” Your grandmother chides while sneaking up behind you with the plate of bacon. She puts a hand on your shoulder and squeezes gently before taking her seat at the table.
“I know, I just wanted to.” Your voice is still groggy with sleep and just barely even there, but she smiles gratefully at your answer nonetheless. You take your seat, and just as soon as you do the sound of the lawnmower dies completely. It makes you giggle to yourself a little bit, because in all of the years that you’ve been coming here your grandfather has never been this punctual regarding farmwork and meal times. You once waited thirty minutes for him to finish up ‘one last thing!’ before you could eat, “Someone’s hungry today!” Your grandmother laughs a little and rolls her eyes in a ‘what are we going to do with him’ kind of way.
“He always is, you know what they say about growing boys and all of that.” Her statement confuses you, seeing as your grandfather is well past the age to be considered growing or a boy. You just laugh along and let her continue, though, “I really do think that the two of you could be good friends over this summer, he’s a wonderful boy. He’s not exactly hard on the eyes either.” She casts you a wink, but you are so terribly confused that you don’t even know how to respond. You’d never thought of it that way, but surely you were good friends with your own grandfather! And why on earth did she keep referring to him as a boy? He’s three years older than her for pete’s sake!
You’re about to ask what on earth she means when a person enters through the doorway and answers all of your puzzling questions. The person is not your grandfather, to say the least. No, this person is much shorter than your grandfather. His skin is far less weathered, his hair is only dyed to be white, his eyes bear fewer wrinkles when he smiles. He always smiles.
“Is it time to eat, Miss?” The sunlight coming in from the windows catches perfectly onto the gold of his skin, shimmering ever so slightly against the bits that are sweaty. Now that you know what your grandmother was talking about, you can agree wholeheartedly. He is not hard on the eyes at all. 
“Yes it is, now get your tail over here so that we can bless this food and eat.” You want to ask where grandfather is, when he’ll be back, if Jeongin will be joining you for every breakfast, but your voice is lodged so deep into your throat that you can’t even try. You’re still just stuck on him. He came in from doing yard work and looks like the object of dreams, meanwhile you’re sitting directly next to him and look like you’ve been hit with the front end of the ‘I just woke up’ stick. How is any of that fair?
You all join hands for prayer, which is a long one since it’s your grandmother. You never mind it though, and you especially don’t mind it today. Focusing on your grandmothers untimely prayer means that you aren’t focusing on Jeongins delicate hand in yours. The lines of his fingers are petite, yet his palms are ridden with callouses. You find yourself wishing that you could trace them. When the prayer finally concludes you pull your hand out of his naturally so as to not raise suspicions, but in your brain it feels as though you’re pulling your hand off of a hot stove. 
Breakfast passes in idle conversation, Jeongins speech already slurred with tiredness. He’s apparently been working for four hours already, which he tells you while covering the ice in his glass with orange juice. You glance quickly at the clock on your grandmothers oven to read that it’s currently nine in the morning.
“Do you always start work at five?” He nods in response while drinking from his glass. One of his hands is pulling through his hair, which is still sweaty from the sun outside. Once he put his glass down your grandma makes him get up to wash his hands. Not much else is said, other than leisurely talk about the weather. Jeongin talks a bit about wanting to take a nap when he gets home, and you jokingly agree. He’s on his way to leave when your grandmother stops him and tells you to walk him out. 
“It’s alright mam, she doesn’t have to.” His hands are folded cutely in front of him, thumbs twiddling with one another. It makes your heart flutter. Everything about him does.
“I don’t mind.” Your voice is barely there, wavering as it leaves your mouth and enters the space around you. Jeongin finds himself in that moment with a fluttering heart too, and with heat rising to his cheeks the same way that it is to yours. Both of you blame it on the open windows or the summer heat.
“Alright then.” You walk him out, as promised. The air beyond your grandparents front door is stifling to the point where it feels like you’re breathing in soup. You suppose that’s why he looked so sweaty when he came in. You would be too after five hours in this weather. Thankfully the walk to his truck is short. Awkward, but short nonetheless, “I was wondering if I could show you something tonight. You know, so that you can have someone to spend time with.” He says while opening the door of his truck. You find yourself wishing at this moment that you could be confident. That you could flip your hair, or smile flirtatiously, or do anything other than stare at him with wide and terrified eyes. But you can’t. You don’t even know what to say.
“Th-that sounds nice! What time?” He’s climbing into his front seat as you’re asking, which creates a considerable height difference for the two of you. It’d be a bit intimidating if he weren’t smiling down at you as though he expected a rejection. 
“Nine, it’ll be better if it’s dark.” Before you can think of anything to say in response he’s in the drivers seat with the engine revved and ready to drive off. You mumble something about how you’ll see him then before hurrying back into the house. There are butterflies running rampant in your stomach, wings beating so quickly that you’re sure it will cause a tornado. Your grandmother asks what the two of you talked about, to which you respond that he’s taking you out later. She thinks that you don’t catch her mischievous grin, but you most definitely do. You’re not sure if you can handle the butterflies beating much faster so you excuse yourself and run quickly up to your room.
The hours pass quickly for some reason, perhaps because you’re excited. You accomplish a good amount of nothing throughout the day, aside from painting your fingernails and reorganizing the layouts of your clothes. At seven, while picking out an outfit, you find yourself wishing that in your dumbstruck state you had remembered to ask Jeongin what on earth you two were doing. Normally it wouldn’t matter that much and you’d just wear whatever you wanted, but being in the middle of farmland made you a bit more nervous. What if he wanted you to go and help in your grandfathers stables? You couldn’t wear anything nice to do that. But there’s also the chance that he could want to go into town, then you’d be in work clothes. 
You settled on an outfit at a quarter till’ nine, something that was halfway nice and halfway work clothes. Right as you were lacing up the already dirty pair of sneakers that you brought along there was a soft knocking at your window. You opened it to reveal none other than Jeongin, with his stark white hair and ever present smile.
“Hi. Sorry I’m early, I got excited.” He swings his legs so that they’re in your room and then sits on the windowsill. There’s a light breeze outside, which tussles his hair every so slightly. He looks far less tired than when you last saw him this morning, and much less sweaty.
“It’s okay, we can go now.” The two of you walk through the house, thankfully avoiding your grandparents who would be full of questions, and then to his truck. You don’t ask what you’re doing, it’s not like it matters all that much now. He simply drives into the setting sun and you think of a million conversations to start. All of them fade to nothing the moment that you look at his face. 
He parks his truck on the side of a dirt road then gets out, and you think to yourself that he’s probably just checking on the tires or something like that. Until he opens your door and tells you to hurry up. He leads you into the trees that line the road, taking your hand quickly into his own.
“The ground’s a little hard to navigate here.” He explains sheepishly. If you didn’t know any better you’d swear that you saw a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
He guides you through the woods for a short while. It’s not very dense so you don’t mind it all that much, but you do find yourself wondering where on earth this boy is taking you. For the first time all day you worry that he’s going to murder you. You’re just about to ask when suddenly all of the trees have melted away and you’re greeted with the light of the moon reflecting off of an enormous pond. He directs you to the grassy hills that dip into the water and then sits down. His hand is still in yours, you try not to think about it.
“So this is what you wanted to show me?” You ask while running your free hand through the soft grass. The action plucks up a dandelion, which you proceed to twirl absentmindedly in your fingers.
“Yea, I think it’s real pretty at night. You can see all of the stars and stuff.” You look up at the same time he does, eyes immediately being captured by the millions of twinkling lights. It feels like you’ve never seen stars before.
“It is pretty. They shine so much brighter than back at home.” 
Yang Jeongin has only known you for one day, but he also knows that you shine brighter than any star in the night sky.
Within two weeks you were spending every evening by the lake with Jeongin. He once taught you how to skip rocks, you showed him how to make daisy chains. The two of you would piece together constellations from the thousands of stars overhead. One night the moon was moving across the water in a way that reminded you of dancing. When you mentioned it to him he sprang up from his spot immediately, offering his hand down to you the way that a gentleman would in a movie. You got up and he asked what your favorite song was, when you told him that you could never pick one he proceeded to make one up. The two of you sang stupid lyrics that didn’t fit with the ones before and danced until you could barely stand. You found yourself thinking that your favorite song wasn’t a song at all, rather a moment where the sounds fit so beautifully that it created a symphony. It was the cicadas chirping, the wind blowing, and Jeongin singing nonsense that was made up so quickly that it couldn’t even be off key. It was the sound of a boy who carted you to a lake after you’d known him for a day. It was the sound of Jeongins hands resting on your hips and your bodies swaying to a song that has no beat. It was the sound of your heart drumming as his gaze covered you.
It was the sound of you falling for him.
tag list: @dreamyyang​  @charm-art @straytannies​
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schleierkauz · 3 years
Q&A Highlights
Ok so bad news first: My questions were ignored. Cornelia did not clarify any of our death-related theories. Maybe next time.
There was A Lot of other stuff, though so... Enjoy!
- The stream starts with everyone wishing us a happy women’s day! Usually women in Erfurt (where the bookstore people are) get flowers but not today because... you know. Cornelia says America is starting to go back to normal, meanwhile Germany... :| Anyway. Don’t look over here.
- Cornelia says she probably won’t get the vaccine anytime soon because she’s just chilling on her farm anyway and people who have to be out in public/are vulnerable should get it first
- Question: When will Cornelia visit Germany again? In response to this, she gives us some exclusive news, not official yet, heard it here first: She’s gonna move to Italy! Apparently she bought an olive farm there which is cheaper, better for the environment (her current farm will be sold to some people who want to turn it into an organic farm) and obviously closer to Germany so she’ll be here more often. :)
- The 4th Reckless book will be released in English at some point this autumn
- There’s no definite release date for TCoR because she’s busy with Dragonrider but she hopes she’ll have finished writing it by the end of this year
- If she’s still alive after all that to work on Reckless 5, it’ll be the last book of the series... probably. She’s also working on a bunch of smaller projects with her artists in residence
- Question: What are Cornelia’s favorite stories by Jane Austen, the Brontë sister and Shakespeare? She’s not a huge fan of Austen or Brontë because she finds all those repressed emotions too exhausting to read about. With Shakespeare on the other hand she struggles to name a favorite because there’s so much greatness to choose from (she does name MacBeth and Romeo and Juliet though)
- The Black Prince’s legacy in the Reckless timeline may play a role in the next Reckless book or it might evolve into a whole other story. Either way, she’s thinking about it  👀
- Someone asks about Reckless characters and Cornelia says that Kami’en and the Dark Fairy felt very familiar to her from the start in that she always knew who they were as people. She’s not sure why that is. She thinks the Dark Fairy represents many aspects of womanhood, like the ancient forgotten Goddess. Same with Fox, who embodies different sides of that.
- If Cornelia had to date a man from the Mirrorworld, Kami’en would interest her
- Rainer Strecker randomly joins the chat to say hi and everyone is delighted
- Cornelia’s favorite book series is still Lord of the Rings
- Question: Why has the Black Prince never found his true love? Cornelia says she’s not sure that’s true - maybe he did found true love at some point and then lost it again? ‘...and they lived happily ever after’ isn’t a guaranteed outcome after all. Since he’s such a passionate man, she’s pretty sure he’s had at least one big lovestory at this point. She hasn’t asked him about that yet but hopes she’ll find out when she continues writing his story.
- Jumping off that question, Cornelia says she respects her characters’ privacy and lets them keep their secrets until the time comes to ask about them, just as she would with real people.
- Someone asks if Cornelia has ever written herself into a story and she says a part of her is in all her characters. Except the villains because she hates them. She feels closest to Fox because she also always wished she could shapeshift
- The bookstore lady jumps in and asks about Meggie, is she similar to how Cornelia was as a child? Cornelia says yes, especially because she also had a very close relationship with her father and they would bond over books. However, she always envisioned Meggie with dark hair and as a different kind of girl than she was. (Ok sidenote from me on that, I wonder what she means by ‘dark hair’? Because Meggie is explicitly blond, so like... dark blond? Or did we just unlock brunette Meggie in 2021? Cornelia-)
- Continuing the conversation, Cornelia says she doesn’t consider herself the creator of any of the characters in her stories, she feels like she met them and wrote about him but she would never say something like ‘I invented Dustfinger’ because that’s absurd. How would that even work. That’s disrespectful. No.
- Some characters pretty much demand to be written about and are very impatient (like Jacob), others are more shy and elusive and take effort to understand (like Will or Dustfinger)
- There probably won’t be another book like The Labyrinth of the Faun because it was created under such unbelievable circumstances. Cornelia does enjoy writing film scripts, though, like she did for the Wild Chicks recently
- Question: How does Cornelia come up with character names? She has a bunch of encyclopedias and when she knows where a story takes place she checks if there are any artists from there whose names she can steal. She always wants names to have meaning and to paint a picture of whatever character it belongs to. However, she says that sometimes the vibe of a name is a tricky thing: When she wrote The Thief Lord (which takes place in Italy), she thought ‘Mosca’ was the perfect name for a big strong boy. However when the time came to translate the story into Italian, the Italians told her that ‘Mosca’ sounds like the name of a tiny little fly. Oh well.
- Cornelia says a lot of readers have written to her about The Thief Lord because at one point Victor (the detective) calls Mosca (who is black) a “Mohrenkopf”. Context: ‘Mohrenkopf’ is a German slur towards black people and also an outdated name for this goddamn marshmallow cookie:
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Fuck this cookie.
- Cornelia says yeah, Victor is being racist in that moment but that doesn’t mean that she, the author, is racist. Similarly, she used the term ‘Indians’ in Reckless and a lot of readers were upset which she did not anticipate. To her it’s a positive word since she admires ‘Indians’ so deeply and finds terms like ‘Native/Indigenous Americans’ very complicated. She wonders how much longer she’ll be allowed to say ‘Black Prince’
- She thinks it’s right to be vigilant about bigotry but simply searching for problematic words is dangerous because context matters
- Bookstore lady brings up Pippi Longstocking and how the N-word has been removed from modern copies (think Pippi’s father). She think’s it’s wrong because the original text is part of the cultural heritage and shouldn’t be hidden from children but instead explained. 
- Cornelia says that in America she sees the hurt that’s connected to that word but she doesn’t think it’s right to simply remove the slur and expect everything to be fine. After all, the text in which it was used is still the same so any harmful ideas would still be in there and that needs to be discussed. Simply whitewashing things doesn’t make them any less racist.
- Cornelia brings up a visual example: The Asterix comics. She always liked them but the fact that the only black character is drawn as a racist caricature is harmful and wrong. It’s time to listen when black people express how hurtful depictions like that can be. Many white people never noticed racism growing up because it never affected them and that’s why it’s important to learn
- The ‘from rags to riches’ American dream was usually reserved for white people and Cornelia thinks a lot of (white) people are waking up to that fact. The way black people are still being criminalized and the way prisons use inmates for cheap labor is horrible and like a modern kind of slavery
- The bookstore people try to say something but Cornelia is not done: We Europeans are not off the hook either because the sins and wounds of colonialism are still felt around the world, not to mention the way other countries are still exploited today. Our wealth rests on the shoulders of poorer nations. Many doors are opening and it’s difficult to step through but we have to do it and admit to the things we may have been blind to due to privilege.
- The three of them agree on that and go back to reading questions
- Question: What are Cornelia’s tips for young authors? She advises to never start writing a story on a computer, always get a notebook and collect ideas & pictures for your story. Don’t rush things. If you have more than one story, give each story its own book and feed whichever one is hungry. It’s important to follow the idea where it leads, if you use cliches your readers will recognize them. And then it just takes time and passion. And trust in your own unique voice. She paraphrases a quote by Robert Louis Stevenson who once said no one cares about stories or characters or whatever, people read books to see the world through the goggles the author puts on them. I’m sure he said it prettier, I’m paraphrasing the paraphrase.
- That said, Cornelia thinks authors who say things like “I’m writing to express my innermost turbulences” are kinda dumb. She thinks it’s important to write about the things that happen everywhere else and around yourself and to try to find voices for others, not just yourself. Just like how carpenters build furniture for everyone else, a writer should use words to build things for others, whether it’s a window or door or a hiding place.
- Speaking of notebooks, as most of us probably know Cornelia has a lot of those and occasionally publishes them on her website. She says she’d love to let people look through them in person, maybe at the new farm in Germany (Cornelia sure does love farms)
- Speaking of writing things on paper, all three of them stress that everyone should write more letters because one day they’ll be old letters and curious people will want to read them, just as we like to read old documents now.
- Last question: How come both the Inkworld and the Mirrorworld feature a character called Bastard? Cornelia thinks that’s a good question and she should probably think about that. (Am I stupid? Are they talking about Basta? I’m confused)
...And with that, the livestream ends. They’ll get back together to do this again two months from now, until then: I’m going tf to sleep
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Play with Fire
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pairing: Kerry Eurodyne x Male!V , Johnny Silverhand x Female!V word count: 6333 (measly and weak but just u wait) summary: V has everything under control. He's not dying. He and Kerry are still going strong. He's now the King of the Afterlife. And Johnny Silverhand is alive and in his own body. He's not forgetting anything...or is he?  notes: Anyone ever want both a male and female V in game? Surprise motherfuckers! Post-Canon The Sun ending fix-it fic coming RIGHT UP! Enjoy two V’s!
Play with Fire — . . | 02 |
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4307 hours, 258420 minutes and 15505200.1 seconds. 5.9 months. That’s how long it took to get Johnny back. Not just in V’s head, but actually back . Not only did V focus on getting his own body to stop slowly dying from the lack of Johnny’s biochip in his head, he also focused on how he would get Johnny back. The fucker grew on him...or in him, for better use of the terms. Johnny was a parasite that not only slowly killed V by means not of his own volition, but also slithered his way into V’s heart. Hell, the only reason V came back to his body instead of giving the thing to Johnny was because he gave control to Johnny at Arasaka Tower. V looked over at the man now...in the flesh and not just a fucked up construct in his head that only he could see and hear. Johnny was leaning on the railing to V’s penthouse apartment. The sun was slowly setting on Night City, and despite V being almost next door (or next skyscraper) to her old apartment, there was something so surreal about the scene. Johnny had an unlit cigarette in his mouth and was just leaning on the guardrail, looking at the city with a silent awe. His sunglasses were on top of his head and there was a sort of peace about it all. V blinked as a message came into view. V let out a soft sigh, turning back around and walking into the house.
V was going through his clients and fixers. After everything that happened at Arasaka, V was suddenly thrown back into his body. A living legend. Something V had wanted for a long time...and it felt strange. V was still learning how to live with being a legend. Taking over Afterlife and Rogue’s legacy was a lot more difficult than V had imagined. V hadn’t even imagined becoming a fixer himself...and now there he was. Every other fixer didn’t want Rogue’s position, and most of them now came to V for things. It was all just so...much more than what he expected. V kind of expected to die and become a legend, not live to tell the tale of his escapades. He was alive and now people whispered and tried to fuck him over far more often than he wanted to be fucked. V grumbled once more, throwing himself onto the couch. Kerry was on tour with the Us Cracks for another day and V desperately wanted to actually be fucked instead of having to deal with others who were trying to fuck him in a non-sexy way. “Bein’ a fixer a lot more difficult than you expect?” Johnny asked, pulling V’s attention to the door where Johnny leaned against. V let out a small grunt, looking back up at the ceiling. “I doubt Rogue ever took a fuckin’ break, but you aren’t Rogue. You can make new rules.” Johnny muttered, walking over and leaning over the couch, looking down at V. V looked up at him, suddenly mesmerized by how he actually cast a shadow...how he didn’t glitch when he talked. How he couldn’t just materialize his sunglasses and how stupid he looked with them on the top of his head. “Take a break before you burn yourself out. Didn’t go through all that trouble to clone a new body just to fuck it up by working too hard.” Johnny muttered. V stared at him for a moment longer and sighed. “There’s still a lot of shit I gotta deal with.” V grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Ya know, I didn’t just get a fuckin’ manual of how to be a fixer and how to run shit smoothly.” V said, looking back up at Johnny. Johnny didn’t say anything, his mind obviously going back to what happened at Arasaka tower...the reason why V was a fixer now and not just a merc. Rogue was dead. Silence filled the air. V sat up and touched Johnny’s hand. Johnny didn’t say a word at the action. Didn’t move his hand either. It was weird being able to physically touch Johnny. Even weirder not to hear his stupid voice rattling around his head, but to actually hear it. Even without the fucker being in his head, he just knew shit with Johnny. That’s what happens when you share a brain and see into the other’s head and soul’s.The two had been through enough shit for a lifetime...and here they both were...living and alive. Clones of what they once were, but both alive. About 5 months into looking at ways for V not to just kick the bucket in the coming month, V decided to take up street fighting. The first place V fought was a little rooftop in Kabuki. There, he fought these two twins that were the same but different. They had split their personalities into two different bodies so that they were two different people but still 1 person. It made V feel hopeful. Sure, they were twins to begin with, but seeing how identical they looked, V got the idea of clones. V called up Hanako who didn’t answer, but V left a voicemail, explaining his reasoning for the call. Then he called Takemura who also didn’t answer. Arasaka fuckers were hard to track down, especially since what V was asking was a lot. V wanted a new body and he wanted Johnny’s engram back, Johnny on the chip...and then a clone of Johnny. It was a big request, especially wanting to bring a literal terrorist against Arasaka back to life...So, like a rational person, V broke back into Arasaka Tower, took Johnny’s engram back and booked it the fuck back to Vik’s. Then V had to go into Cyberspace to find the fucker, so he had to get some help from the Voodoo Boys to get back to the blackwall. Then he had to find him in Cyberspace and throw his ass back into an engram. Alt luckily let him leave willingly, even telling V to make sure when switching out his own engram into a clone to be quick, otherwise he would flatline. The next thing V had to do was find someone to copy Johnny’s DNA and then find out about clones. In less than 2 weeks...while trying to run the Afterlife...and dying. Kerry was a real lifesaver when it came to those 5+ months. Always helpful. Helping buy the best people to make identical clones of both V and Johnny. Fuck he missed the stupid rockstar. “Mind if I use that little Arasaka AV to get the fuck off this little penthouse oasis?” Johnny asked, pulling V from his own thoughts. “Got a hot date er somethin’?” V asked back with a smirk. Johnny returned the smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Johnny teased back. V let himself chuckle, waving his hand towards the front door. “All yours, Silverhand. There’s a key by the door...you know, so your old ass is able to get in it.” V snarked, standing up and grabbing a bottle of Centzon off the end table in front of him. Johnny didn’t have any modifications, minus his new cybernetic arm. His old one was a few decades outdated and despite V’s own cloned body being perfect, something in Johnny’s DNA left him without his left arm...Johnny didn’t seem to mind the new arm. Didn’t seem to mind the new body either. Apparently his cock was still impressive and that was all he really cared about. “Don’t go nukin’ any Arasaka towers.” V teased as Johnny started walking over to the front door. V looked over and saw his middle finger up in the air as he grabbed the key from the door. V sighed, hearing the doors slide shut behind Johnny and the AV starting up and flying off. V sat back on the couch and closed his eyes. +++
“Open the fucking door you fucking gonk!” Johnny shot up from his spot on the couch at the sudden pounding and screaming at the door. V got a new penthouse and lovingly gave Johnny his shithole of an apartment. Another louder pounding of the door followed as Johnny got up from the couch which he had fallen asleep on after eating far too much Chinese food. “I swear to fuckin’ GOD VINCENT FLOWERS!” The pounding of the door was somehow even louder as the woman’s voice continued to scream against it. Vincent Flowers ? Ooh V would not like to know some lady was saying his full name. Johnny was sure V only swung one way, but with the way this chick was banging on the door, it sounded like V had wronged her. Bad . Johnny opened the door mid-pounding, forcing the woman behind it to stumble forward into the apartment. “Take it easy, princess.” Johnny smirked as the woman let out a sharp huff, glaring up at him. She had red hair, a red and black trenchcoat. At least she matched. “What do I owe the pleasure of-” Johnny started before the woman kicked his feet out from under him, straddling his chest once on the ground and holding a gun against his forehead. He could have sworn he heard someone mutter something outside the door, but it slid shut before he could even process anything that was going on. “Vincent Flowers. Vince. V. Whatever the fuck he goes by. Where the fuck is he?” The woman snarled lowly back down at him. Johnny stared back up at her, his hands going up in defense as his breath came back from being knocked out of him. Still not used to that feeling either. “Who’s askin’?” The words came out far more growled than Johnny had meant. He had only had his body for about a week and now he was gonna lose it to some redheaded woman for being protective over V? Yeah that seemed about right. Kinda figured he’s flatline under a woman. “His sister .” The woman said through clenched teeth, glaring back down at him. Johnny’s brows furrowed as he stared up at her. V was around Johnny’s height, maybe a centimetre shorter than him, but this woman had to only be about 5’4”. Her hair looked long with how big her stupid space buns looked. V had dark black hair, while this woman had dark red hair. V didn’t have any tints of red in his hair. The only thing the two had in common were freckles across their nose, though this woman’s freckles were far darker than V’s and...her eyes. Their eyes. Purple. Johnny blinked. “I don’t remember you.” Johnny muttered aloud, more to himself than to the woman. Johnny had been in the prick’s fucking head for over a month, seeing his memories, feeling his feelings, and not once did he remember this little redheaded bitch in the fucker’s memories. Johnny stared at her for a moment longer before she punched him in the nose.  “ Fuck .” Johnny grumbled at the sudden pain. “ Tell me! ” The woman snapped pushing the gun now fully against his forehead. It felt warm. Like she had used it recently, but not so recent that it burned. “Where the fuck is V?” The woman said with a low growl, getting closer to Johnny’s face. “Where is my brother?” The woman asked, sounding a little less hostile at her own words. Johnny watched as her guard went down for a minute before slamming his head into hers. The woman let out a sharp hiss from the pain as Johnny took the opportunity to shove her off of him and quickly rush over to where he kept his gun. Gunfire filled the little apartment as Johnny dove over the couches and grabbed his own gun from the coffee table, staying low to keep from the gunfire. “Why are you lookin’ for him?” Johnny asked loudly, as the gunfire stopped for a moment. Johnny glimpsed over the couch before ducking and falling below where the couch ended and the step was to keep himself from being shot as she fired a few more shots. “I’m worried about the fucker.” The woman snapped back. “He went fucking dark about 8 months ago. Not a fucking word. Dropped off the face of the planet.” The woman explained. Johnny made sure his gun was loaded before quickly rushing over to the bed and jumping on it, to keep himself from being shot, firing a few warning shots back at the woman. “Is he alive?” The woman asked, her tone softening at the question. A moment of weakness. Johnny tossed a pillow towards the couch, watching it get blown to bits from gunfire, helping him figure out where she was by the way the fluff blew out of the pillow. Johnny’s ears perked up at the sound of clicking near the bathroom, knowing she had emptied her clip. Now or never. Johnny quickly rushed around the bed wall and the bathroom wall, grabbing onto the woman’s wrist, hitting the gun from her hand before flipping her over his shoulder and onto the ground, aiming his gun down at her now. The woman glared back up at him as Johnny kicked the gun towards the couches, away from this little hellfire. “He’s alive.” Johnny said, watching her glare subside for a moment as a wave of relief washed over her. “Good.” The woman sighed, staring back up at Johnny before reaching and pulling out another gun from just under her chest from a gun holster and aimed it back at him. Fuck. “Valley.” The woman said, staring back up at Johnny, expecting an introduction. Johnny found himself chuckling. “Johnny.” Johnny introduced himself. Maybe she really was V’s brother. Valley. Valley. This name didn’t sound familiar, but when he thought back of his time in V’s brain, he felt it was familiar. “V doesn’t live here anymore.” Johnny explained, keeping his gun trained on the woman. The woman let out an annoyed huff, setting her gun down to her side, staring up at the ceiling. “You know where he is?” The woman, Valley, asked, looking defeated as she lay on her back on the ground. Johnny slowly lowered his gun. “I just want to see how he is...not just hear it.” Valley muttered, looking back up at Johnny. “I’ve heard a lot of shit about him...It took me about a month to get to Night City and even outside of the fuckin’ city, I’d heard things about V...kinda why I didn’t just come and see what had happened when he went radio silent.” Valley muttered, more annoyed than anything. Johnny stared at her for a long moment before she sat up. “I only knew one number of his, and it was a client that got him into Night City...Jackie Welles. Do you know him?” Valley asked and Johnny felt his heart drop at the name. ‘Course he knew him. Knew that V never truly mourned. Felt the ache in his own damn chest from the grief. “Yeah…” Johnny muttered aloud, staring back at the woman. His heart clenched uncomfortably tight. Valley simply looked back up at him and nodded. “I mean, hell, I know it was about 2 years ago when V first left, but that was the only contact I had that could even potentially lead me to him…” Valley muttered, sitting up on her elbows. “Then he got kicked out of that stupid fuckin’ Arasaka job, so I couldn’t just ring them up askin’ for V.” Valley continued sitting up fully, leaning her arms against her knees. “Last thing I heard was he got this big gig with some big fixer. Thought it’d make him a legend.” V shrugged, looking back up at Johnny. “Then...nothin’.” Valley shook her head, looking confused by the silent act. “Don’t get me wrong, he would go off the map for a while, sure, but after about 2 months, a girl gets worried, ya know?” Valley asked as Johnny stood silent, watching as she explained herself. Johnny felt himself sigh, glancing back at the clock that sat on the ground beside the bed as it blared an obnoxious red reading 3 am. “Why don’t I take you to see him yourself?” Johnny asked, placing his gun on the bathroom sink. “If you really are his sister, then you have a lot to catch up on.” Johnny muttered, reaching out his cybernetic hand to help her up off his floor. Valley grabbed his hand, shoving her gun into her holster, looking at the arm for just a moment. “Where’s he live now?” Valley asked, walking over and grabbing her other gun off of the ground. Johnny, despite himself, watched her bend over. The more he looked at her, the less he could see them as biological brother and sister. For one, V had no ass at all, and despite the long and dramatic trench coat (that hugged this woman’s figure e xquisitely ) Johnny could tell this woman had an ass. And a nice rack on her. “And to think you were someone V would bone.” The woman muttered aloud, forcing Johnny to stop his gawking, only then noticing her staring back at him. “Sorry princess, but you did come banging on my door like an ex-lover at 3 in the fuckin’ mornin’.” Johnny snarked back with a smirk. The woman scoffed, walking past him towards the door, but Johnny caught the slight color change in her cheeks when she passed. Johnny chuckled lowly as he grabbed the key to V’s AV from from the desk beside the bathroom, shoving his gun into his holster. “Everythin’ alright in here?” Johnny heard as he popped his head around the corner, seeing that Valley had opened the door and a police officer was standing on the other side. “Got some complaints about gunshots and screamin’.” The officer muttered, looking around Valley into the apartment. Johnny walked up behind her and shook his head. “Nothing to concern yourself with, officer .” The words were spit out with venom as Johnny leaned against the door, nearly nudging Valley out of the way. “You know the area.” Johnny said with a shrug, glaring back at the man. Looked like the same cop that nearly got that ex-cop down the hall killed for not giving a shit. “We were just headed out.” Johnny stated sharply, grabbing hold of Valley’s arm and hitting his shoulder with the officer’s shoulder as he got out the door, pulling Valley along. The officer chuckled behind him as the door to V’s-er Johnny’s , he guessed, apartment slid shut and locked loudly. Johnny felt his blood boil from the sound. “Easier just to let people know you were bringin’ a joytoy back to get aggressive with. No need to be called out for a domestic with a cumslut.” The officer muttered aloud. Johnny stopped, just a moment after Valley did. Valley turned a lot quicker around than he did. “So if you knew that the noise complaints were involving a joytoy or doll, you’d ignore it?” Valley snapped quickly, her fists already in balls as she walked back up to the officer. The officer’s hand went to his hip and Johnny reached for his own gun at his hip. “Oh, I’m sorry, is being a slut a hard job?” The officer chuckled back down at her. “Is being a cum guzzling whore dangerous?” The officer asked, bending down with a smirk that Johnny suddenly grabbed hold of Valley’s arm and pulled her a step back. “Try being a cop.” The officer continued. “Not much of a difference.” Valley spit back. “Both get fucked by Corpos all the time. Only difference is that pigs don’t need to be paid extra to swallow.” Valley snapped. Johnny couldn’t help the snort that left his body as he watched the officer’s face drop. The small moment quickly died as the officer pulled his gun from his holster. Johnny quickly pulled Valley from the situation, vaguely hearing the police scream and curse as the two sprinted away from the scene, down the stairs, past the gym and into the elevator, quickly shutting the thing and going up to the roof. Even as they rode upwards, Johnny could hear the officer swearing and screaming. A few shots of gunfire followed. Johnny now laughed as he leaned against the side of the elevator. “Had my doubts ‘bout you bein’ V’s sister, but after that little show? No doubt.” Johnny chuckled, nodding back down to where they had been. Through the glass, Johnny could see the officer having a tantrum, now across the apartments to better see their elevator going up, looking for another way up to the roof. Johnny turned his attention back to the woman. She had her arms folded, obviously in her own head, glaring at the elevator doors. Johnny could have sworn he felt heat coming off of her. “V never mentioned he had a sister.” Johnny said, changing the subject, leaning against the elevator’s wall. Valley blinked, pulling herself back to where she was before looking over at him. “Should have just put a bullet to his head.” Valley muttered, looking past Johnny, out to the apartment buildings as they continued climbing higher. “Get rid of at least 1 corrupted fuckin’ cop.” Valley growled, her jaw clenching as she spoke. “Police station isn’t too far from here if you want to go burn the place to the ground.” Johnny shrugged, folding his own arms. Johnny watched as Valley’s glare slowly faded as she let out a small chuckle. “Know anyone with explosives?” Valley asked and Johnny nearly doubled over from laughter, but easily kept that in his chest, instead just chuckling. Maybe 50 years ago, but now, he was still new to being alive, let alone knowin’ where to get some more nukes. “Didn’t bring mine with me into the city. Hard enough as is to get into the fuckin’ place without havin’ explosives in the trunk.” Valley chuckled. Johnny stared at her for a moment before chuckling. The elevator doors opened. “I remember V had to smuggle in some kinda lizard into the City to get in.” Johnny chuckled, walking out the elevator doors. The sound of police sirens weren’t as loud the higher they were. Johnny suspected that one or two might be for the little commotion that Valley caused with the cop down in the apartments, but they wouldn’t even be in the same building when they got to the roof. Only way to get to the roof was by the elevator. Pretty shitty design, but Johnny didn’t give a shit. Place was meant to be torn down anyway, but enough people kept living there that they kept bringing in money into the Corpo’s pockets. Johnny pressed the key to the AV and the AV opened up. Valley followed behind, lookin at the AV and raising an eyebrow. “What? Don’t look like the kinda guy that owns an AV?” Johnny sassed as and got into the AV. “No, you don’t.” Valley stated as she hesitantly got into the AV. Johnny chuckled as she sat down beside him, flinching as the doors closed. “Please provide your destination.” The fancy British voice of the AV said. “V’s place.” Johnny stated, reaching over and grabbing two champagne flutes with clear liquid in them. Johnny knew V filled the fuckers up with vodka instead of the champagne that they were supposed to have in them. “Noted. En route.” The voice said again. “Here.” Johnny said, reaching to hand Valley the drink. Valley didn’t move her hand from the arms of her chair. Didn’t even look towards him. Her eyes were fixated on the floor. Johnny looked at her knuckles and saw them going white. “Don’t like flyin’?” Johnny asked with a chuckle in his voice. Valley shook her head. “Rather drive.” Valley muttered, shutting her eyes tightly as the AV got into the air. Johnny rolled his eyes, drinking the Centzon down. “Willin’ to stand up to a cop about joytoys than to fly in an AV?” Johnny snarked aloud. Valley glared over at him, snatching the drink from his hand before drinking it all before coughing violently. “Fuck!” Valley hissed, looking for a place to put the glass down. Johnny moved his own back to its original placement before grabbing the empty one from Valley’s hands. “Jesus!” Valley snapped, glaring over at the vodka flutes. “Couldn’t just be water er somethin’?” Valley snapped, more mad at the two other filled flutes than she was at him. Johnny chuckled, leaning back into his seat, spreading out as he usually did. “Can’t handle your liquor, princess?” Johnny asked with a smirk, reaching for his sunglasses and finding nothing. Johnny let out a small, displeased grunt at the fact that he couldn’t just materialize the fuckin’ things. Wasn’t expecting to leave the apartment till morning. Wasn’t expecting to be woken the fuck up by V’s long lost sister at 3 in the fuckin’ morning. “Initiating landing sequence.” The British voice announced. Valley looked both relieved and extremely stressed. Even if she was V’s sister, he could think of one way that she could relax. Johnny found himself adjusting his pants slightly. Fuck he needed a good lay. Shouldn’t be hard. Didn’t have any trouble back in the day... “We have arrived at your destination.” The AV announced. The door opened automatically and Valley quickly got out of the AV. Johnny rolled his eyes as he followed behind. Valley looked up at the penthouse building. “V lives here ?” Valley asked, gesturing towards the house. Johnny chuckled and nodded. “Oh, I’m going to fucking kill him.” Valley growled lowly, already grabbing one of her pistols. “Watch the guns, princess, there’s security drones around here.” Johnny chastised, catching up to her as she walked towards the front door. “Pretty sure if they nearly shoot my head off, they’ll take yours off without hesitation. ‘Specially with a gun in your hand.” Johnny muttered as he walked up to the front door. “Put the gun away.” Johnny snapped, nodding at her gun. Valley let out a sharp sigh before doing so. “Now. Stay here.” Johnny stated, taking the few steps up to the building, putting a code into the door. Valley rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “I’m not a fucking dog.” Valley hissed as Johnny entered the house. Johnny rolled his own eyes as he heard her following behind. Johnny hesitated for a moment as he heard noises in the house. Valley walked in beside him before Johnny grabbed her arm and forced her to stop. Valley glared back up at him before he tapped his ear, indicating her to listen. Valley stopped and listened, as Johnny slowly pulled his gun out. Valley followed suit with the action. Johnny and Valley slowly headed towards the gun stash. Fuck. Johnny wasn’t prepared. He was just in a tanktop and his leather pants. No bullet proof vest or nothing. Should’ve known he’d find himself in some shit sooner or later. Just expected it to be later and when he actually figured out what he was going to do in regards to money. May have tried out that rockstar life he sorta missed out on when Samurai broke up. After Alt died, he had kind of spiraled out of control...well, not ‘kind of’. He couldn’t remember much from 2013 to 2023. It all seemed like a blur of drugs and alcohol and deals that got him a nuke or two. It was a blur, and as much as V insisted that he needed to go to therapy for it, Johnny honestly felt at ease after coming back. New body and all kinda helped. Well he did feel at ease...did before he had a gun in his hand in V’s house. Johnny looked over at Valley and counted down from 3. Gave her a second or 2 to process, but that’s all she needed as she nodded back. Johnny counted silently aloud before hitting the door’s button that made it open. “Oh my God!” Valley screamed, quickly averting her eyes from the scene. Johnny let out a good laugh. The source of the noise? V fucking Kerry...or rather he had been for about a second before Johnny got to fully witness what V looked like while blowing his load. Had the pleasure of having an up close and personal experience when V and Kerry trashed and burned that shitty record guys’ yacht. “Johnny get the fuck out!” Kerry snapped as V quickly pulled out and looked mortified at the whole thing. Johnny laughed, leaning against the doorframe, much to both Kerry and V’s discomfort as the both grabbed something to hide themselves. Kerry going for a more modest plant while V grabbed a machine gun. “Forget that I’ve been in your head when you did this the first time?” Johnny asked V as he ushered Johnny out of his little armoury and shoved past him, rushing up the stairs. “You forget when we -” Johnny got out before Kerry punched him in the stomach, making him bite his tongue and fall to a knee from the force and cough. “T-Touchy subject?” Johnny coughed as Kerry quickly ran up the stairs after V. Johnny laughed with a hiss as he stood up, holding his stomach for a moment longer, trying to subside the pain by sure willpower. Didn’t miss that. Didn’t miss the raw pain of bein’ alive. When he was with V, he got a small snippet of emotions and feelings. None ever compared to the real thing. The only one that came close was whenever V thought about Jackie; gave him a call and left a voicemails whenever anything of importance happened. That was something that always hit Johnny with full force. Johnny walked back into the living room, noticing a slight breeze to his right. His eyes turned towards the source and saw Valley leaning up against the guard rail. Johnny walked out onto the terrace and leaned beside her, pulling a cigarette from his case in his pocket and putting it in his mouth. The lack of nicotine that V took in when Johnny was in his head really changed him. V really changed him. It was just a habit now. He didn’t light the thing. Just needed a little familiarity, but the taste didn’t do as much as it once did...even with a new and not-fucked-up clone body. “Was...was that Kerry Eurodyne?” Valley asked after a moment of silence. Johnny looked back over at her. Even in the neon lights, he could see that her face was flushed still. Johnny chuckled, feeling it go through his whole body. That was something he also wasn’t used to. Feeling so...so light . Sure, corpos were still shit, Arasaka was still around and doing shady shit and hell, the world was in a worse state than when he flatlined and got trapped in an Arasaka mind prison, but...he was alive . And Adam Smasher was dead...and so was Rogue. The lightness was quickly replaced with guilt. Johnny nodded his head, not letting guilt take over as he spoke. “And you’re some Johnny Silverhand impersonator, right?” Valley asked, leaning on one arm to turn and look at him. Johnny raised an eyebrow back at her. “You’re all in this poly relationship, but you forgot it was Kerry’s night with V.” Valley stated, looking serious as she spoke. “V and I really liked Samurai growing up so it makes a little sense that he’d fuck anyone in the band he could get his hands on.” Valley shrugged. Johnny stared back at her before laughing. “Disappointed you didn’t cash in on that option?” Johnny asked playfully. Valley raised an eyebrow back at him. “You know, Johnny was known as a player.” Johnny chuckled with a wink of his eye and a wiggle of his eyebrows. Valley snorted and shook her head. Johnny should have saved that for later. Her face was still a light pink from earlier and he couldn’t tell if she was even remotely affected by his words. “That your final guess on what he’s been up to?” Johnny asked, raising his eyebrow while leaning now to look at her. “That your brother ditched you to get kabobed by the leading men in Samurai?” Johnny asked playfully. Valley let out a snort through her nose before laughing. “Oh God ew!” Valley said through her laughter. “I don’t want to think about that !” Valley snapped through her laughter, punching Johnny in the arm before reeling back as she hit his metal arm. “Fuck!” Valley hissed, looking at her hand and then his arm. Johnny chuckled at the action, as she shook her hand and walked away from the rail. “Even went as far as choppin’ your arm off?” Valley asked, looking back up at Johnny. Johnny opened and closed his left hand, looking at the metal arm. “You could say I wasn’t made with one.” Johnny said, leaning backwards against the railing now. A cool breeze blew against his back, sending a shiver up his spine. Despite global warming and all the shit they were doing to keep the little piece of ice in Antarctica frozen still, it meant that summers were hot and winters were cold . Johnny couldn’t even imagine the weather after 50 years. It was in the middle of October, and that was the first cold breeze Johnny had felt. Didn’t help that Night City was beside the ocean. “Alright, what the fuck is so fuckin’ important that you need to show up here at nearly 4 in the fuckin’ mornin’?” V asked angrily as he walked out of his house and onto the terrace. Couldn’t really take him seriously as he was wearing a frilly little robe. Johnny didn’t say a word, only nodded towards Valley. Johnny watched as V turned and the anger in his face suddenly disappeared. Valley’s face was slow to respond. The two looked shocked to see the other. “V-Valley?” V asked hesitantly. Johnny watched as the anger V once had on his face was transferred to Valley’s. “What are you doi-” V got out before Valley walked up to him and punched him in the face. And then continued to punch him and tackle him to the ground and beat the shit out of him. “Hey hey hey! Knock it off!” Kerry snapped as he came running out in a similar skimpy little bathrobe that V was wearing, grabbing hold of Valley and trying to pull the girl off V. Valley was so caught up in beating the shit out of her brother that she didn’t even realize that she elbowed Kerry in the nose. Kerry let out a sharp hiss as blood came rushing out of his nose. “Little help Johnny.” Kerry snapped back at Johnny who had just stood and watched it all happen. Johnny rolled his eyes as he went and grabbed Valley and tore her off of V, his cigarette dropping in the process. Despite her desperate attempts to continue beating the shit out of V, Johnny pulled her off of him. “You promised me, Vincent!” Valley screamed as Johnny physically picked her up and held her from V as he lay on the ground. Valley kicked and screamed, trying to get Johnny to let her go, but luckily, the new cybernetic arm was helping keeping her restrained. “You promised, Vince, you promised me !” Valley continued to scream, but now Johnny had the unpleasant feeling of tears drip onto his arms. His cybernetic one was advanced, so he could feel the gentle droplets, but his non-cyber arm felt like they were heavier. Kerry was now kneeling beside V as he sat up. V’s nose was bleeding, he had a cut on his cheek and his head and would have a hell of a bruise under his eye. Johnny didn’t have to be in V’s body to know that hurt...but it wasn’t the physical hurt that V was worried about. He looked as if his heart was breaking and Johnny could almost feel the phantom feelings as if they were his own. Valley soon slowed down her kicking and screaming that it stopped all together. Johnny slowly put Valley onto the ground where she seemed to crumple up. A heart wrenching sob left her mouth as she sat on her knees, her hands on the ground to steady herself, but even they didn’t look sturdy. “Valerie, Valley, please, Val fuck , I’m-I’m so-I’m so sorry.” Johnny took a step back from the scene as he watched V crawl over to Valley, grabbing onto her hand tightly. That only made Valley sob even harder. V pulled Valley into his arms and let out his own sob. “Val I’m sorry, please, Valley, please I’m so fucking sorry.” V sobbed as the two held each other. Johnny walked around them and grabbed Kerry’s arm as he looked at the scene, confused and obviously distraught at it all. “Come on, Ker, let’s give them some privacy.” Johnny muttered as he pulled Kerry into the house with a little force. “What the fuck is going on?” Kerry asked, blood from his nose still running down his face. Johnny led him into the kitchen and turned on the faucet before grabbing a towel and running it under the cool water. “Johnny, who the fuck is that?” Kerry asked as Johnny handed him the wet towel as Kerry continued to stare out where they both knew V and Valley were. Johnny knew Kerry was concerned, but he also felt the hint of jealousy in his tone. “That’s his sister.” Johnny stated seriously. Shock and disbelief crossed Kerry’s face. Johnny only sighed, grabbing a fresh cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up.
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cosmicallytiki · 4 years
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The ‘Cursed’ Witch of the Woods and the Golden Dragon.
More about this au under the cut. As well as a little snippet of them truly meeting for the first time. (Grammar errors and swapping tenses are bound to be littered throughout. I am not a writer)
Akira grows up with a reputation of being a cursed witch. Sure in a world of magic, mystical creatures/fae, etc. not all of it is bad, but some is. He always believed in in giving creatures a chance even those with bad reputations or commonly hunt. Does he actually curse anyone? Probably has the ability too but would never do it without good reason.  Still doesn’t help his case. A few bad spells and being seen by the wrong people his fate was sealed. His looming reputation for having “dark” magic and being caught helping the creatures of the forest he eventually gets outcasted and ends up living deep in the thick of the forest.
He builds/finds a home there and spends his time studying. Being out in the wilderness with access to flora and herbs, he excels in making potions, teas, salves, etc with various properties. He also continues helping fae when he can if they’re not hostile. Through his kindness he’s actually able to study some more thoroughly than others ever before since most creatures are usually chased out of their habitats or hunted so data on them is inaccurate and outdated.
No one actively seeks him out and he is able to go back into town for trade and supplies but he’s still not the most welcomed individual even after being outcasted for some time.   As for where Ryuji comes in there was a hunting party that went out after rumors of a golden dragon had been seen around the area. Dragons are commonly hundred for sport and their scales, bones, and organs are worth a lot of money because of their various uses. A golden dragon just happens to be a jackpot due to the rarity of the coloring in their scales. Obviously the fighting goes south. The hunting party is badly hurt and has to retreat as the dragon managed to escape. It shouldn’t be too hard to find anyways. Even though it didn’t appear full grown, the beast was badly hurt. It wouldn’t be too hard to find where it scurried off too even if they took some time to regroup.
While this is happening Akira is out collecting some herbs and notices the destruction of the area. His curiosity getting the best of him he investigates where the damage leads... And finds a boy piled in a heap..
Little did anyone really know is that dragons can take on humanoid forms. While not all their features can be hidden, it’s not obvious they’re a dragon. Why would Ryuji even change when he’s hurt so badly? The smaller you are the easier it is to hide.
Akira’s not blind, he can tell Ryuji is some sort of magic but can't put his finger on it. (Not like he's really ever interacted with dragons before) But for right now it doesn’t matter. He sees a half dead fae in front of him and he sure as hell not going to sit around doing nothing. With a bit of a struggle he manages to haul the other back to his place, great his wounds, and give him his bed to sleep. ———— Ryuji wakes up with a start. The strong smell of herbs and spices fills his nostrils. It's honestly not something he's used to and it adds onto his building panic and stress. Akira is just off to the side reading. Hearing him rouse, he’s not particularly alarmed since most people would be tense waking up after something like that.Ryuji whips his head and can't help but follow his instincts seeing a human, lunging at him while transforming back into a dragon. Terrible idea really because pain courses through his body.
Oh shit I just let a dragon into my house....Akira pales as he's pinned. The beast above him growling I in both pain and anger. "H-Hey... Its okay! I'm not going to hurt you!" He wished his voice came out more calm but  the combination of getting the wind knocked out of you and having something with very sharp teeth that could rip through your throat looming over you is a bit panic inducing..
The quick bit of adrenaline Ryuji felt is sapped from his body. His grip loosening with a wince. Still trying to keep up the facade a low growl continues coming out from him.
The raven frowns seeing this. One moment he sees his life flash before his eyes and the next he still finds himself feeling sympathy for the creature attacking him. "You're still hurt. As much as understand you don't want to see a human right now you need to rest. Going outside in your condition is a death sentence..." He finds it easy to push back against the claws that holds him down. It helps the beast seems to be backing off a bit more. "Now back to bed with you. Big lizard or not you need sleep. What ever form your more comfortable in." Akira says with a huff, gaining some confidence back. "This is the safest place in the woods. No other human is going to venture out here. At least without me knowing about it. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. Whether you stay or not is also your choice. By all mean the bed is yours until you need it."
Ryuji blinks. The gall of this human ordering him around. Well, he doesn’t seem like a threat for now so he slinks back off to the bed. It creaks at the weight of his dragon form and he can see the human wince as it bows under him. He smirks to himself for a moment seeing the displeasure, but he figures he should give them a reason to take back his hospitality and changes back.
Akira clicks his tongue in frustration once the dragon is settled back in bed. Some of the bandages starting to turn crimson.  “Wait here.” He leaves the room and rummages around for some jars and bandages.
Ryuji can help but sit up and bare his teeth a little as he approaches again. What the fuck does this human want? He just said to rest, why is he coming over now?
Akira puts up his hands defensively. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise! I just want to fix your bandages and put some more salve on them.” He places everything out on the edge of the bed so the dragon can see. He even opens up the jars and offers one up for the dragon to smell.
It doesn’t smell good, but it doesn’t smell bad either.. just kind of earthy.. maybe a little minty?
“You obviously don’t like me or trust me that much, I get it. Just let me know if anything hurts and I’ll stop.” Akira says calmly trying to keep the peace between them. His movements are slow and careful, his eyes flicking back up to the dragons face to see signs of displeasure.
The salve burns a little which earns a hiss of pain but quickly turns into a numb, tingling sensation that Ryuji isn’t opposed to. He’s honestly surprised with how much this stranger is doing for him. Big gashes seem to have been sewn up and everything except bruising seems to be taken care of. Humanoid skin allows for wounds to be more easily sutured together, though it is still tougher than a normal humans. Small faint patches of scales also litter which can cause bigger road blocks for non-dragons tools. He’s honestly surprised at the determination to help..
“I knew you weren’t human... but I didn’t really expect a dragon either. I honestly didn’t know dragons even had a human form.” Akira rambles as he works. “I mean sure I saw the scales, the claws, and your horns... but honestly you could’ve been a number of things? I don’t know. I’ve been in the forest for years now and I still keep finding new things and creatures.” He runs a hand through his bangs to push them out of the way unintentionally getting some salve on his forehead.
“I just found you while looking for some herbs in the woods. There was this big trail of blood and signs of stuff getting dragged around. Then there was you collapsed in a pile, bruised and bleeding. I couldn’t just let you sit there. I didn’t know if you were attacked by something and left for dead, running away, or anything really. I just kinda acted without thinking.” He flushes slightly and scratches his cheek. “I kind of do that a lot. I help a lot of fae around here and sometimes it really bites me in the butt. But I can just sit by and do nothing if someone needs help.” He tightens the last bandage. “But enough about me. What about you? Do you have a name? I’d like to be able to call you something if you’re going to be here for a bit. You can call me Akira.”
Ryuji thinks for a minute, more of processing everything that happening/being said than anything else.
“Oh I’m sorry! You seemed to understand common. Do no not speak it?” Akira says sounding a bit embarrassed, misunderstanding the moment of silence between them.
“Ryuji.” The blonde responds. “My name is Ryuji.”
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-Rating and gushing about every Wizard101 “World”/Arc-  
Imma just gush about my month of Wizard101 and how I finally got to a close “end” of the game.
24/12 Edit: Fixed some typos here and there and added some stuff.
07/09 Edit: KI decided to fully revamp Wiz city also changing some lore so the rating on that is outdated. Might also put my thought of the new Wiz City there once I’m through all the new content.
Arc 1 - Malistaire - 10/10
Prob my favourite.
The writing really ties in every world, even when you speedquest through it.
Contains a lot of my favourite worlds.
I’m still crying over Mali to this day...
(Old) Wizard City - 10/10
Literally the introduction to the game and the place I spent most of my time in when I was a crownless and membershipless young wizard.
Do you want to farm Nightshade or Kraken?
That graphic revamp really punched.
Fave Places To chill: Nightside, Commons, Ravenwood, Cyclops Lane
Krokotopia - 11/10
This world made me fall in love with Wizard101
Egyptian aesthetic o-o
I was once a balance wizard you know?
Cries over the plot in the tomb of storms
Fave Places To chill: Krokosphinx, School Of Balance
Marleybone - 10/10
I liked the Wizard version, but the Pirate version is more my jam.
Everyone is lookin dapper.
Home of the Doc- I mean Professor!
The whole worlds feels like Cats, but with dogs and the plot is Sherlock Holmes.
Barkingham Palace Gear o-o
Fave Places To chill: The Museum. 
Mooshu 7/10
Japan and China vibes
Your usual warlord chaos
Everything is BRIGHT GREEN
It felt  S H O R T
Has pretty nice wand drops
Fave Places To chill: Jade Palace
Dragonspyre 12/10  
This is what you get when you throw Roman aesthetic, Prussian History and a pinch of Russia into a pot.
The amount of subtle history references is making me listen to every line of dialogue I can get from this world.
Milos Bookwyrm is kinda a darlin
We kill Mali here :’)
Fave Places To chill: The Atheneum, wherever my battle drake chills
Arc 2 - Morganthe - 9/10
Has nice spots here and there.
Writing is still good, but a little less engaging.
Morganthe was so over the top “bad bitch” that it got annoying
Grandpappy spider was the saving grace of the arc
Celestia - 8/10
Solid world, story was kinda meh
Is this Skull Island??? Why are there water moles??? I thought they only exist in Skull Island????
Basically Atlantis
Fave Places To chill: Watermole Village
Zafaria - 8/10
Jambo Wizard!
The plot is Belloq and crazy tse-tse zebra ruining everyones day.
All they wanted was a nice zafari, all they got was misery and running into Morganthe worshippers.
Flameingo can’t take it anymore...
“Son I’m disappointed”
Fave Places To chill: Baobab Crown
Avalon - 9/10
Love it, but something is missing?
King Arthur, but you’re Arthur.
How to become a knight 101
The source of Morganthes saltiness
Everyone is prob scared of me because I rode a battle badger during my stay...
Fave Places To chill: Caliburn
Azteca - 9.5/10
Hello and Bye...
I will never be able to do casual side questing here anymore...
The plot was nice, but you know, IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE WAS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED
Do not speedquest through this if you are a plot person, DO NOT
Cries over birb and dinosaur friends...
The music was the best part of it.
Fave Places To chill: N o w h e r e  a f t e r  t h a t  d a r n  m e t h e o r i t e, almost everywhere before that
Khrysalis - 9.8/10
It was to be expected though
Mouse Guard vibes
The furniture sets for this suck and there is no proper furniture to obtain otherwise...
One Wizard Army (with the help of some deer friends) pls do not kill me for my bad word puns
I’d feel bad about how Morganthe ended, but after Azteca I really don’t have anything left for that whiny bitch...
A lot of people want my head...
Hello there hand- I mean hello there Spider.
Captain Colridge, if you had a pegleg I’d be 100% sure you’re ratbeard gone out of shape.
I love the dynamic changes to the Bastion once you progress
SHADOW MAGIC no one uses though because it’s not worth the pips and time 
Fave Places To chill: Last Woods 
Arc 3 - Spider And Raven - 6/10
Had solid concepts, kinda threw them out of the window
I do not like the writing in a majority of the arc
I think I was so disappointed, because I hyped these worlds up so much, the expectations did not meet reality
The ending was a no no
Plot was barely engaging
I only pushed through this for the concepts of Mirage and Polaris and wanted to see where Grandpappy Spider went
Polaris - 7/10
You spent half of the time in the arcanum anyway
I don’t like Mellori, but that is just me
I don’t like that we had to throw a ship worth of fish into the sea, although they apparently still live? Somehow?
Everyone was at full right to overthrow the Empress though, she was horrible.
Where is Napoleguin???
RA RA RATSPUTIN, LOVER OF- wait  w h a t ? ? ?
I don’t like the Arcanum, but I guess I’ll be a part of it.
Fave Places To chill: Walruskberg, Captain Colridges Tavern 
Mirage - 6.5/10
The more you hype, the more you’ll be disappointed...
Again the Spider part of the plot was good, the other was  e h
If I’m going to have to talk to another snobby over the top whiny cat I’m going to lose it.
Boochbeard, where is Mr. Gandry?
Bara Snakes.
Istar stop whining about bugs.
Ozzy you’re my best bud in this.
House themed GEAR, APARTMENTS and MOUNTS, but you gotta defeat a 100 enemies before that...
Love the world design though
Fave Places To chill: Caravan, anywhere you can wander through endless sand
Empyrea 4/10
This is what happens when you throw too many things together
S t a r  T r e k 
Medulla shut up
The idea to have an isle in the eye of a storm is cool though
Zanadu was kinda meh (prob because I remember most of it just happening in a sewer)
That dance session though, Khan rocks
The dwarfes were also kinda meh, just didn’t fit with the concepts of the previous areas 
Cthulu island was also kinda meh
Ending of the first half was literally Batman and although I know “The Bat” and “The cabal” it kinda came out of nowhere...
And then I pretty much lost interest in the world
The Reverie got me again, nice and fresh mechanics.
I will make a seperate rant on the ending, but no... I don’t like it at all and I don’t see Spider forgiving Raven as a good ending
Felt really forced
Hit some bad spots with me...
I thought we could fight Raven??? >:O
Fave Places To chill: Reverie
Arc 4 - idk what is going on
Karamelle ?/10
Ja moin, guten Tag allerseits.
Haven’t gotten there yet, but man, I’m not up for dictator Nana... :T
Spells look pathetic o k
If you try denglish one more time I’m going to lose it
At this point it’s obvious that KI has a thing for german speaking countries related stuff
Sentinel Marshmallows, do I have to say more? 
Other Worlds
Grizzleheim - 8/10
Forshadowing of Raven
It’s ok
Wintertusk - 8/10
Even more Vikings
Grizzleheim 2.0, but everyone is op and crits
You need the spells, but you don’t want to do it
It’s been too long since I’ve last been there
Wysteria - 9/10
The original snob
At least these weren’t a pain to listen to...
Incompetent teachers make incompetent students.
That hall of fame though.
Actually a nice world to quest through
The aesthetic is nice and they kinda got the cooler library compared to Ravenwood, unless I’m missing out on something.
Fave Places To chill: The library
Aquila - 10/10
Was a pain in Pirate, is wonderful in Wiz
Secret bosses you seldom find people to fight with
Everyone is salty that you’ve beated them and they don’t even try to hide.
Hades got the best estate.
Cerberus was cute until he became a set of floating heads.
Fave Places To chill: Tartarus
Darkmoor - 9.5/10
“Who hits?” - “Everyone” - *person who asked decides to leave the dungeon*
This happened to me 7 times in a row an U G H
People need to calm down their hitter ego
The dungeons are fun the first times, then they are just an annoyance to farm.
Plot is the Ballad Lenore
Hit in 5 rounds or say bye bye to your blades
No Feints
Catacombs 11/10
D r a g o n s p y r e  L o r e
Valencia, what are you doin there?
Basically KI’s punch in the face of Pirate101 players
“Oh you want an update? Guess you gotta watch how we recycle Valencia in Wiz”
Dragoon gear - Just like Darkmoor, but this time your suffering has a certain end
Also no exp on your quests?
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pilferingapples · 3 years
Brick Club, 1.4 entire (retro)
Cosette's story often has such a fairy-tale feel, and it starts with this  section (what should I be calling these chunks of text? the X.X sections as a whole, not the X.X.X ones? Volumes?) .
And yet I'm not at all sure why I get that feeling quite so strongly, in terms of narrative technique.  The initial namelessness of the cast, with Two Mothers echoing the way people in fairy tales are Mothers and Millers and Eldest Daughters?  But if Fantine is presented as if she was s stranger to us again, it's not different than what happens with JVJ, and his story never feels this way.  The  Three Sisters made by Cosette, Eponine , and Azelma maybe? That's a very fairy-tale motif indeed.   Something about the way the inn itself is described..?
Augh, I absolutely cannot put my finger on it.   Still,  something about this passage feels as ominous and certain and doomed  as if the inn was a gingerbread cottage and Fantine was vowing to keep silent for seven years while making shirts out of nettles.
Notes on Various Things under the cut:
-  love that the inn sign is really badly made. I've seen several attempts at it in various adaptations and they're always a disaster and it's excellent, I want a collection.
-  the cart is covered with "the same ugly yellow mud sometimes used to decorate cathedrals".  The cart that is A Metaphor for outdated social institutions.  I see you, Hugo. 
- I will FIGHT Hugo about peasant/working class women's clothing in this era, this outfit would be super charming!  But it's definitely more about utility and practical wear than Fantine's old outfits.   There are roughly a billion dissertations to be written about the way that things working class people do and use are , through history, treated as inherently ugly/undesirable, regardless of how much art and beauty might actually have gone into it; I feel like the classism kinda speaks for itself on that.  And then,since Hugo's already drawn a huge Romantic Aesthetic defining line between the Useful and the Beautiful  in this book, I think  I can fairly just quote Gautier's explanation of the issue -- "Nothing is really beautiful but that which cannot be made use of; everything that is useful is ugly, for it is the expression of some need, and the needs of man are vile and disgusting, like his poor, weak nature" -- and leave this for now.  I suspect it will come up again. 
- Fantine has been "marked by irony" --that is, scarred by her time with Tholomyes.  I do like the way  this new line on her face sounds almost like a dueling scar. Fantine's a fighter in her own way!
- ...Tholomyes is gonna make it to at least 1828, meaning he'll outlive everyone we love in this story except Cosette and Marius.    And he'll do it while being  "always a man of pleasure"--I feel like there's an implicit suggestion that Cosette has a lot of half-siblings in the world, all of them with a story as important as hers, if only people would take them seriously. 
- ...as a Somewhat Taller Than Average woman myself, I am rather delighted by Hugo's obvious terror of women who are Not Tiny.   ( And I realize I'm probably Reaching to think that Mme T might have been much happier and more well-adjusted if she weren't trying to cram her giant self into a tiny box of Ideal Femininity?  Maybe she'd have been much more ok if she'd  been able to go into showbiz and get famous as  a weightlifter or something. )
But I do think there's a real sort of sadness to her introductory chapters.  She had an ideal dream for her own life , and it wasn't even a particularly ambitious one--just a love story, really-- and it's fallen through as much as anyone else's hoped-for Ideal in the novel. She's still trying to hang onto it at this point, but we're already given a glimpse of the future  when she'll not only have given up on that ideal, but come to despise herself for it.  This is no way absolves her of her cruelty towards others, but I think she's a more complex villain (and she is  a villain) than she's sometimes treated as. 
- Fantine does try to lie about having been married, here! ...but she also comes right out and tells people she's making a financial Deal with exactly how much money she has, and how much she's able to give over, before it's all settled.  It's  painful how ill-prepared she is to deal with this kind of economic manipulation (and I think "prepared" is really relevant; she's had no one more naturally skilled or experienced to teach her how to handle these things, and business negotiations, which this is, are incredibly complicated) . 
Seeing how much money Mme T gets for Cosette's fine clothes makes me strongly suspect that Fantine was severely underpaid for pawning her own fancy things--unless, and I guess this is possible, her "putting all her finery" on Cosette  is meant to be literal, and Cosette's current clothes are directly made of Fantine's old fancy outfits. 
- Fantine tries to lie about having been married , and the neighbors *see* her crying as she leaves Cosette, and Cosette must have been well dressed and all for that first months or so...but still, everyone believes the Thenardiers when they start telling the town that Cosette is an abandoned, illegitimate child.  They believe it because Cosette looks the part, and Cosette looks the part because the Thenardiers force her into it.  In so many ways, Fantine is never in control of  the narrative about her child, and What People Say about them does indeed matter more than anything she does--no amount of effort, no show of love, can save her and Cosette when everyone else  has decided they're socially damned. 
...but on the less thematic and more practical side,how on earth are the Thenardiers learning about her marital status? Seriously, was this freely avaialable info?  This  issue is something that comes up several times in the novel and I really have no idea what access to people's family records was like? 
- we get our first negative association with a cat , hm 
- ...workers have "generous impulses", huh?  (also I am not at all sure if the corresponding Bourgeois Respectability is meant to be entirely a good thing, but I'm not sure it's NOT , like I would be with Some Writers? Agh) 
- The Thenardiers' animal souls are : 
French: écrevisses 
Hapgood: crab-like FMA: crabs Rose: crayfish  Donougher: lobsters
Google Translate agrees with Rose, but I wonder if this isn't one of those words that was colloquially used to mean a general category of creatures in its day --Things Like a Crayfish/lobster/crab-- and has come to mean something very specific now?
-  ..y'know, what really kills me about Cosette in this every time is how everyone , *everyone*  in this town really either believes she deserves her abuse, or thinks it's BETTER than she deserves.  This is not happening in secret, behind closed doors, in a private house; it's at the public inn and very blatant. Everyone knows she's out in the cold , first up every morning, starving and beaten, in a home where the other kids somehow have more than enough (because their parents steal it from Cosette, directly).  And not one person in this discount Omelas even thinks it's bad , much less intervenes. It's a point in the Thenardiers'  favor, socially.   This isn't just the gamins of Paris being brushed aside,this is a whole town actively citing horrible child abuse as the Moral and Good Option that elevates the people doing it.  
And in this, I suppose, Cosette shares a history with Valjean-- they're  both put through absolutely horrific abuse , which is not just societally ignored, or accepted with jaded apathy ,  but openly lauded as morally correct.   I hate Montfermeil so much-- but Montfermeil is not really different from Arras, or Digne, or any other place where people think that abuse of the "deserving" is a Good Thing. 
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