#everyone sucks ass but what is the most important thing we can do for each other? listen. tell stories. immortalize through words.
novelconcepts · 7 months
Fall of the House of Usher has everything, tbh. Seven Deadly Sins family. Everyone’s queer. No one has a moral compass. Nightmare goblin energy everywhere. The most grotesque deaths you’ve ever seen. Hilarious snark. The hottest women in the world. Carla Gugino in fifteen different wigs. Violent lesbians. Cats coming out on top. Cool tattoos. Orgiastic vibes. Katie Parker being Just A Lady, for once. Terrific hair. A granddaughter who takes no shit. Intimacy issues galore. Storytime. Storytime. Storytime.
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pluralpcs · 7 months
So You're a Singlet and Want to Play a Plural PC?
We see this come up from time to time. A singlet wants to play a character with "multiple personalities" or something like that.
We think that's really cool! The advice and information on this blog is free for anyone to use to have fun!
But there's likely a few things to consider if you're singular and are trying to play a plural character.
For the Edge!
We are not fans of considering things "cringe". We definitely cause people to cringe at our self expression. Hell, this entire sideblog could wind up on a cringe subreddit some day. So we are not against making "edgy" characters.
But we do have to admit that there are players out there who make characters for what seem to be the sole reason of being edgy. And that in and of itself isn't wrong or bad (we have some real edgelords in our character portfolio). It just happens to be the case that sometimes these players won't mesh well with the rest of their table, or they might stray into the territory of mockery.
Dissociative Identity Disorder and Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder type 1 (or Multiple Personality Disorder if you're getting old school with your language) are stigmatized disorders, which in turn means that there will be players that slap them onto their characters to make the character more tragic, serious, or otherwise edgy. These aren't the only ways to be plural, or for plural characters to exist, but they are probably the most popular depictions.
So it might be tempting to just give a character an edgy alternate personality state. But it's important to not make a caricature. Just like you shouldn't make stereotypes of other identities and disorders, you should be kind with your plural ones. Don't rely on stereotypes or negative media depictions. Consider the fact that DID and OSDD-1 are common enough that you have probably met people with those disorders. Yes it's an extreme disorder for some of us, but for others it's just kinda, part of our lives (and for many it's somewhere in between).
Do Some Research
Simple as. This follows from avoiding stereotypes and caricatures. Look up other plural blogs. Read some threads on r/plurals. Listen to plural folk about our experiences. Hell, if you know some systems maybe talk to them about the idea for a character. Keep an open mind. Be willing to change your concepts about your character and plurality around.
Be a Few Team Players
A lot of advice for working with a group of other players will likely apply well to your plural character. It sucks ass to have that one character that's always trying to roll to pick pocket the other PCs. It still sucks when that character is a headmate of a plural PC. Keep in mind that you're playing a game with a group of other people, even if your playing a group of people sharing a body.
Our best advice for playing plural characters is the same as our general advice to other real life plurals: to think of the collective as being an internal team. Try to make sure that the different headmates of your PC are not at each others' throats constantly. When one headmate makes a promise to another PC, the other headmates should take responsibility with keeping that promise. If your plural PC is adventuring with a group of other PCs, then all of the headmates should be to some extent on board with this.
Of course, this advice can always be broken when it's worth it to the group and the story. Just like it can be fun and narratively appropriate for two PCs to get into a fight with each other, it can be fun and narratively appropriate for two headmates to come into conflict.
Something Special
There's something to be said about wanting to be special. People want to be special. And when they make characters, they want those characters to be special. And oftentimes those things are thrown at people as an accusation to grind them down and make them shut up. But everyone's special. Everyone has a whole ass life that they've lived that has uniqueness and commonality to it.
This is true of PCs as well. If you make a plural character, you're making a character that's special. And so are your singular PCs. It's likely the assumption that your character is singular, so it feels special or rare to make one that's explicitly plural. But all of the characters at your table are in some way special or rare. That's true by virtue of the fact that they're the characters your story and game focuses on.
So if you're playing a plural character, remember that while they are special, they are no more special than the rest of the PCs at the table. Share the spotlight. Engage with each other. Invest in everyone's story. Lift each other up.
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green-alien-turdz · 2 months
Do you have any advice for drawing backgrounds? I want to start drawing them more but they intimate me and perspective seems really difficult
I can try! I kinda suck at givin advice, but here we go
When drawin backgrounds, you almost wanna think of them as their own characters with the details you add n put into them. Rooms n homes are the best ways to express this bcuz you can add details like decor that represents those who live there n shit. You can draw the wear n tear on things, the aging, etc. Of course, a lot homes aren't gonna be as maximalist as I like to draw lol but that doesn't mean they don't have their own charm. Even when it comes to drawin the outside, there's so many little details that make the whole piece. Even a vast open desert has rocks, cracks, heat waves n alla that. Now that's just talkin about details, if perspective is what you need to work on, there's a few exersizes for that I guess.
You wanna focus on depth. Now not every scene has to have a lot bcuz sometimes that's just not the perspective or location, but depth is kinda important. Think of what's in the foreground (closest), middle ground, and the WAY way background. The two best ways to really capture this depth can be 1) Forest/nature scenes, and 2) Lookin through a window.
Practice by drawin the things you see. Like wherever you're sittin, draw your perspective from right there (includin things close to you in the foreground). This can help gain a better understanding of shots n scenes in different locations n understandin the perspective. These drawings don't have to be the most beautiful thing, just take in the depth n perspective. Take a very impressionistic style if you wanna.
I think the best advice I can give ya is to REALLY take in your surroundings. Every now n then, just take a moment to take in all of the little details in a room, in public, outside, on transit, etc. Look for the things that everyone sees but it's such commonplace that no one really notices. The beauty of backgrounds is that they can say a lot about a character, a places history, etc. Backgrounds tell their own mfin story.
But yeah, perspective can be kinda tricky, so imma go back to those two depth practices I recommended. Gonna do some quick lil shitty sketches to show you what I mean on like gettin that shit in. (Sorry for the crumply paper, my cat sat his wet ass on it). These are just to get an idea of what the practices can look like! They're not te end all be all. Spend as much or as little time as you want. It's all about learnin, man
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I don't know how helpful this was. Sorry about that, dude. The best advice I can give is to just keep practicin. Everythin seems intimidating at first. Ya just gotta take the stride forward and keep tryin. It doesn't matter where you are with backgrounds now, bcuz with an effort made you'll see improvement each n every time. I've seen some of your stuff, man, I know you got this shit. Good luck!
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xblackreader · 1 year
An Interview with My OTP: Attoye
Attuma | Okoye
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Q1: Who’s the big spoon?
I am.
He is lying. When we sit on the couch, He loves to lay on my chest and have his hair petted like a baby.
But often, while we lay together in bed, your back is to my chest.
But where are we usually when we cuddle?
… on the couch.
Q2: WHO is the better cook?
I love my warriors cooking, but the way I cook is much easier.
They didn’t ask who’s the easiest cook, thick skull. I am the better cook, you should see how he licks his fingers after I made him seconds and thirds.
I change my answer, I like her mothers cooking the most.
Q3: WHO is more sentimental/affectionate? Romance wise?
Attuma is. But I’m catching up with him these days, when he came home, I had dinner ready for him and gave him a shoulder rub and told him how much I love him and he turned into goo.
They need not know all details of our relationship.
Says the blunt oversharer.
I was simply asking advice on the best way to ensure your pleasure is mind numbing each and everytime.
Q4: WHO apologizes first?
I feel like we both do.
Then you feel wrong. It is always me.
Someone had to be the bigger person. She’s very stubborn.
I’m NOT.
if it was up to you, we would still be in a fight from last month.
You ass!
Q5: What’s one way your personalities compliment each other?
I’m very comfortable in a position of chase. Because of Okoye’s past experiences, she has trouble trusting others and frequently pushes them away. I have no problem standing firm and persevering her even when she rejects me.
I don’t reject you anymore… I love you.
I know my love. I knew before you did.
He would come to my house and bring me gifts and things, even when I’d insult him. I don’t know why I did that…
It’s because you’re a brat. And I am shameless in spoiling you further.
Im not a brat!? Wtf?
Q6: What are your respective love languages?
Gift giving and Words of Affirmation.
Quality time and words of affirmation.
Remember when I first kissed you?
…yes. I remember.
You punched me and then sat in my lap crying.
I hate you.
Q7: Who’s the funnier one?
Attuma is so funny to me, but he’s never funny on purpose.
When I tell jokes on purpose, she hates them.
They suck.
We’re not comedians. Our humor is dry.
Sarcasm is comedy. We cater to ourselves and we think we’re funny.
We are not, I’ve learned.
No, others don’t think so.
Q8: Who’s more likely to get jealous?
I am.
He is. I get jealous, sometimes but honestly he’ll shut down anyone before I can. But he gets jealous irrationally.
I’ve accepted this. I’m a jealous person.
He used to think everyone who looked at me wanted my heart.
It only makes sense. If I wasn’t your lover, I would probably kill whoever was.
That’s why I stay alert at all times. I do not want to lose my position.
Q9: How do you feel about PDA?
He would take me in front of all of Wakanda if I let him.
Yes. But I know her boundaries and would never risk hurting her feelings or reputation.
Q10: WHO wants kids? how many if any?
…I am prepared to love Okoye through whatever. Children are not a factor of importance in our love.
You can say the truth I won’t be mad.
I want ten of my own children. Gender does not matter as long as I may raise them up to one day surpass me.
Let me know if you all want to ask specific characters from my stories questions? Or if you’d like I can do this again with your questions!! :P
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bengiyo · 10 months
Be My Favorite Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Kawi went on the class trip that he missed in the past and encountered incredibly frustrating hazing rituals. His affection for Pear was used against him, and he ended up mildly embarrassed when Pear turned him down as gently as she could. Pisaeng, after being chided by Kawi, also directly turned Pear down. Max was glorious and unbothered. Not and the seniors suck. Pear is absolutely someone worth admiring, and I get why people like her. I’m currently impressed by how well this show is enabling everyone to grow by having one person start down a path of becoming more emotionally honest and forthright.
Curious that the show went out of the way to make sure we know that Not gets no bitches.
I like that Pisaeng is tippy-toeing to confessing to Kawi. He told him he made things clear with Pear because he cares how Kawi sees him and he needed to know if he was still going to pursue Pear on his own. He doesn’t want Kawi to know that he and others heard him being rejected.
Oh, it’s cool that Kawi is having a hard time taking advantage of the lottery.
Kawi building an interactive friendship with Pear is also a huge relief.
Big fan of the way the time travel rules have been established, because we have a reason to stick around here.
Kawi, please don’t knock yourself for being a subtitler. They are the most important people for the international audience.
I feel like Pisaeng is properly dealing with his own queerness for the first time, and I really hope he goes back to the gay club later.
Not is really making himself appealing to the girls by being condescending and an asshole.
Big fan of Max. Don’t be moody about your problems if you don’t want to tell me the tea. Also, it’s your issue not your potential suitor.
He went back to the club! This is definitely his first time being in a queer space.
Nooo! Don’t run away from Max!
I feel sad for Kawi that Not and co. took his joy for songwriting.
Oh, yes, Max. READ HIS ASS.
I need to learn the name of Pear’s friend because she just delivered a WORD. Being kind and offering encouragement costs so little! Stop being so mean!
I am in love with Max. He was a bit harsh with Pisaeng, but baby gays need to get over themselves a little bit sometimes.
Look at that. Just a little bit of encouragement and Kawi’s already doing better.
This show just said we have a duty to be kind to each other and ourselves, because the world is just a place. Oh my goodness.
This the third time we’ve seen someone get rejected kindly on this show. In each case, it has seemingly made things better between the pair. I feel like we will be writing about this more later.
This show just said “changes are more important than miracles.” What the absolute fuck? I am kinda losing my mind over a Jittirain show once again.
Gawin is so fucking good at playing a gay man learning to love himself. This is the third time!
I love that someone else saw potential in Kawi after he put himself out there. It wasn’t the chance he wanted, but it’s the one he found. This is actually really nice.
Curious whose perspective they want us to read this final montage from. Both? Neither?
Gawin played freshman Pisaeng differently. That was so well done. He’s talented.
Wow. I think I actually really like this show. It feels like it’s trying to gently deprogram the audience. It’s like it knew a lot of us were bringing a lot of hostile energy to the viewing and said, “Would you mind being just a little bit kinder?” and you know what, maybe I will be. This has been really lovely so far, and I think I need to soften my stance with it. There are some incredible ideas here about the important of community and treated each other with just a little bit more kindness and respect. I also like that the show said plainly that it hurts us all to withhold our feelings from each other, because even if we can’t reciprocate them we can still build something good for everyone out of it. I will be seated for the rest of this ride.
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4townie · 8 months
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
Robaire checked his watch. “What’s taking him so long? We’ve been waiting for nearly twenty minutes.”
“Well it is his first Christmas away from home.” Z shrugged. “You have to imagine he’s not doing well.”
“Yeah well that’s no excuse to make me wait nearly half an hour to eat.” T crossed his arms. “I even skipped my 4:30 snack to have more room for this meal and he has the nerve to not show?”
Robaire sighed. “Fine, I’ll go up to his room and—”
“No.” Taeyoung interrupted as he stepped out of the corner. “I’ll go. I know how to talk to him.”
Robaire and Z exchanged a confused glance, but T pushed them both aside.
“Well hurry up, Tae-Tae! I’m practically withering away here.” T said.
Upstairs, Taeyoung found Jesse’s hotel room and unlocked it with the key. “Jesse?” He gingerly stepped into his room. “Can I turn on the light?”
“No.” Jesse answered quietly. “Just don’t trip on anything.”
Taeyoung carefully shuffled across the room until he bumped into the bed. “Everyone’s waiting for you downstairs, you know.” He sat on the bed. “They don’t wanna start without you.”
“Just tell them to go ahead. I don’t wanna go down there.” Jesse shook his head. “I just wanna be alone right now…”
Taeyoung was silent for a second. “It sucks being away from them. On Christmas especially. They’re the two most important people in your life, after all.”
“Three now.” Jesse buried his face in his pillow. “And that makes it so much harder.”
“I get it. I mean, I kinda do.” Taeyoung shrugged. “Back in ‘92, my parents had to go to Korea for a family related thing. They left me with T and his mom so I wouldn’t miss any school. They thought they’d be back on Christmas Eve, but there was a lot of snow so their flight was delayed.”
“Tae, are you trying to make me sadder?” Jesse turned to him. “Now all I can think of is a smaller version of you alone on Christmas. That’s depressing.”
“But that’s the thing. I wasn’t alone.” Taeyoung said. “I mean, I acted like it for a few hours, but then T and Catalina dragged me out of bed and made me celebrate with them.” He shrugged. “It sucked being away from my parents, but I still had my second family to cheer me up.” He smiled softly. “Can you let us do that for you?”
Jesse was quiet. “For a kid who likes to bite people, you’re impressively empathetic.” He said as he switched on the lamp by the bed.
“Okay first of all, YIKES. What happened to your eyes?” Taeyoung stared at him.
“Selina called me four separate times and I sobbed like a baby after each and every one of them. Hell, I’ll probably cry again after the next two calls.” Jesse said nonchalantly. “It’s whatever. You might be able to hold it together after a call with your family, but I’m just not that strong today.”
“After my call with…—OH.” Taeyoung nodded. “Right, my parents totally called me earlier. It was rough, but there’s nothing the good old security blanket can’t fix.” He started getting panicky. “S-Speaking of, can we go meet them downstairs? You know what an ass T can be when he’s hungry.”
Jesse chuckled as he got out of bed. “You’re right, we don’t want them to deal with the monster for long.” He gave Taeyoung a side hug. “Thanks for the talk, Tae. I needed that.”
“Yeah, mmhmm.” Taeyoung hummed nervously. “Now let’s go. I’m starving.”
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wososage · 2 years
Left Out: USWNT x Reader
This was not requested but it is in my head so i wrote it out. Please ignore that this was written and finished over a year ago and i never posted it. Anyways send requests so i can attempt to ignore the shitshow that is my life.
Summary: Reader is allergic to gluten and feels left out
Warnings: none
Word Count: 791
It’s Pinoe’s birthday dinner. This is the fourth time we have had cake in 5 days due to all of the birthdays and the fourth of July. Everyone is enjoying the cake, while I sit here watching. I’m used to this though, seeing as no one really ever remembers that I am allergic to gluten. Somehow, the years of not being included still don’t completely stop this from hurting.
Is it too much to ask to be allowed to have a single piece of cake after everyone else has been eating cake for days?
At some point, I’m not completely sure when, the team moved on from eating cake to just hanging out with each other.
“I’m telling you guys that funfetti is better than any cake we have had this week,” Sonnett says. 
“Dasani, the cake we had for Alex’s birthday was way better than funfetti,” Lindsey replies.
“I think the cake for the fourth of July was pretty good myself,” Becky comments.
I zone out again but after a little while, I notice that Tierna is staring at me with a look of confusion on her face. I try to look away and hope she is just thinking too hard about her cute science things, but apparently, luck isn’t on my side.
“Y/n I have a question,” she says, which gains the attention of the whole team.
“Y/n doesn’t have an answer,” I say, trying to get out of whatever is about to happen.
“Have you eaten any cake when we have had it?” She asks. Of course, bringing up the one thing I do not want to talk about.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, trying to get out of answering the question.
“Well I know for a fact that you did not eat any cake today, because you sat there looking like a sad puppy the whole time, but I thought that maybe you did not have any because of how much cake we have had in the past few days, but then I started thinking about the other times we have had cake, and I don’t think I have seen you eat any at all.”
“No, I’ve had some cake,” I lie, hoping no one catches me.
“You obviously just lied,” Christen says, to no one's surprise because she is the most observant person on the team. “But if you don’t want to talk about it we can drop this.”
“There's not much to talk about,” I say while staring at the ground. “I just haven’t had any cake.”
“But why?” Pinoe asks. “It’s okay to have cake once in a while, you don’t need to eat healthy all the time. You work your ass off, you can enjoy some junk food every once in a while.”
“There’s probably still some cake left kid,” Alyssa says. “I can get you a slice.”
“You don’t need to get me any,” I say hoping no one can hear that I am about to cry.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“I can’t eat the cake because I am allergic to gluten. It just sucks to be left out. It feels like I’m not important.”
I get up and leave because it turns out I cannot keep my emotions in check and I do not want to cry in front of the team right now. Thankfully, everyone gets the point that I want to be alone and no one tries to come to find me. I end up staring out of the window of my room as I’ve done every night since training camp for the Olympics has started. Eventually, I fall asleep, feeling entirely alone.
The next day, no one brings anything up. Which seems completely out of character of this team. I make it through the day, which has been seemingly impossibly hard lately. At dinner I mind my business, just hoping to get to my room to go to sleep, but then suddenly there was a slice of cake in front of me, and everyone was looking at me. 
“We are sorry that you’ve been left out,” Becky says. 
I shrug, just hoping that someone will draw the attention away from me, but I receive no such luck.
“Y/n,” Tierna says, getting me to look at her. “Are you doing okay?”
“Not really,” I mumble. “I’ve just felt so alone since training camp has started. At least when we were in America I could still text my friends. Now I am just staring out of my window for hours every night until I can fall asleep. Not much anyone can do about it though.”
“Of course, we can do something about it,” Becky says. “We can be better teammates. We can be better friends.”
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ccrowsiie · 5 months
I've decided to explain what's been going on with me for the last few months. I figured I owe it to my mutuals since it's definitely going to affect my behavior going forward. I feel it's fair to say something now and maybe even apologize in advance.
In a nutshell: My best friend of 12 years ghosted (me and only me) for people he just met, destroying our relationship. In a coconut shell: One of the most important people in my life allowed our relationship to not just stagnate but actively die, willingly and knowingly breaking our social contract and my boundaries in favor of the adoration and attention from strangers and newer, fresher friends. The fallout sent me into a several months-long spiral that regressed my mental and physical health and led to the relapse of my most self-destructive addictions.
The full story, abridged (if you can believe it):
1/? CW, mentions of child abuse, drug use, mental health.
For clarity's sake, I'll be referring to him as 'Bestie'.
In the hierarchy of closeness, Bestie was right under my husband. Our relationship was 100% platonic but emotionally watertight. We had our disagreements like any pals would, but for the most part, we were siblings. We'd gone on vacations. We'd cooked meals together. We hung out for hours and hours over the many years of our friendship. It's safe to say that he was the closest thing I've ever had to an actual brother. …Because my real one totally sucks ass. I don't have a good relationship with my family. At. All. The majority of our interactions are made out of obligation. It was my dad's literal dying wish to at least try and reconcile with my mother after a lifetime of drugs and abuse. I've been trying my hardest, but dear God she makes it hard sometimes. My sister is alright, I tend to keep her at arm's length because she's a control freak (eldest daughter syndrome + history of abuse) but to say that my relationship with my brother is antagonistic would be a massive understatement. I usually say 'We don't get along' and keep it at that, but it goes deeper. We barely tolerate each other… for reasons I can't understand. I was born dead last in my family, the next oldest sibling is 13 years my senior. Despite the age gap, I may as well have been born the middle child, because bro didn't give up his youngest spot. Both he and my mother show signs of classic narcissism.
You may be thinking to yourself, "Crow, not everyone you dislike is a narc just because your personalities clash~' Save it, please. Don't speak on what you don't know. My mother and brother are a classic narcissistic binary star system. Mother and her golden child. They revolve around each other in a borderline emotionally incestuous way. They do drugs together. She coddles him to an insane degree. He did not move out or get his first job until his 40s. Mom didn't parent me so much as she let me live in her house so she could collect a check from my dad. When I wasn't being actively abused by her husband (won't go into detail here, but know that he was my primary abuser, as he was also her abuser and to a lesser extent my sister's) I was almost always being actively neglected, sometimes in favor of brother. Like, locked out of/into rooms or told to go away whenever she didn't need me for something. Especially in my formative years (age 5-10), when mom was still shooting dope and leaving me alone for days at a time or bringing me around the men she'd shoot up with. I almost lost her to drug-related violence and she almost lost me to the state a couple of times. Eventually, she found a way to have her cake (me, child support check generator) and eat it too (heroin and crack). While she gained sobriety from hard drugs just before I entered middle school, the neglect and other forms of abuse persisted through the remainder of my childhood, until I enlisted in the military out of desperation.
So with all of that boo hoo hoo shit out of the way, it's safe to say that I have a bit of a -thing- surrounding abandonment.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
opinions on sigma
okay so basically
sigma is my end goal when it comes to appearance and gender. i want to look exactly like him. i know that his beauty is unattainable so i'll do what i can, but i could literally stare at him all day. all week. all month. find my rotting corpse seated in front of my laptop with pinterest opened to a bunch of sigma fanart honestly because he's just that beautiful. i plan on dyeing my hair the same colour as his when i'm able to. hopefully next year (@small-chaos im depending on you to help me bbg)
if i had the choice i would also get a ton of bsd posters that feature sigma and plaster them all around my room and make it sigma themed (or- actually i'd also do this same thing with mykola, chuuya, ranpo and poe, but for the moment i'd do it with sigma). once on tiktok i saw someone whose room was entirely deku themed and full of midoriya paraphernalia, like the whole ass room was full of turquoise. i want that same thing with sigma, i won't even lie. his colour palette and whole vibe is just so gorgeous.
his pretty privilege ain't doing SHIT in the manga to help him though. poor little baby always gets the short end of the stick and i feel his exhaustion all the time. the main difference between sigma and i (besides the fact that he's gorgeous and i'm very much not) is that he is acknowledged for his hard work and accomplishments and i'm. not. lol but the impostor syndrome is honestly so real. i always feel that i won't lie. it's probably one of my worst forms of self sabotage.
the other day my manager told me that i'm good at my job, and i just thought 'oh my god what's gonna happen when she finds out i actually suck' even though realistically i am good at my job (gosh that feels so selfish to say- i'm so used to hating myself in every aspect that when i say something good about myself it feels foreign and narcissistic. i should work on that maybe). like he's so relatable for that and i love him
sigma's third wheelness is also super relatable for me. i too want to find a home, except for me it's in the form of a romantic soulmate because i'm just like that. (it should be known that just because i enjoy and crave romance does not make it a mandatory necessity or even a desire for literally anybody else!!) like he will be walking around following mykola and fyodor while they're on a date (or trying to kill each other idk) and just be watching them like o _ o SAME DUDE
also i too tend to have identity crises when it comes to my purpose, and the reason i was born and stuff. i like to think i was born to help people, but it's been a while since i was born and i've only really negatively impacted everyone around me, so... SIGMA on the other hand. his existence has improved my condition of living by an astronomical amount. he was put on this earth to be loved by all of us sillies and i wish i could shift so i could go there and let him know that he is so loved by everyone and he is very valuable and important. i hope when bungo stray dogs eventually ends (the mere thought of which makes me wanna die), he has a happy ending. he deserves it. tbh most of them do, but especially sigma.
this man is literally perfect. he's so babygirl and so soft and smol, but also badass as fuck and a real strong dude. and i respect him for that so hard. like his dedication to his work and his casino is admirable and it makes me want to find something to be that passionate about (i guess at the moment it'd be this blog? silly as it sounds). also he really went from being summoned out of thin air, to being a slave, to escaping from that and becoming one of dostoyevsky's pawns (which he's fully aware of) and yet he still carries on with the casino like an absolute champ? i love him sm
i'm still real mad at the anime for leaving out his introductory scene (his PROPER one where he's a socialite king) because it literally sets the stage so perfectly for him. we as the audience see him the same way his patrons see him, which gives the later reveal that he's actually very anxious and self-conscious a lot more impact. the anime fell flat on that in my opinion. the sky casino arc deserved more, bones! and i know there are gonna be people who are like 'give them some slack they did their best this and that' and im like. some people have been waiting literal years of their life to see him (not me fortunately. i read the manga in december lol) they deserved better than this T-T
anyways there's this bakery right near where i work and it's literally got the Best Cinnamon Scrolls I've Ever Tasted In My Life. like, they're unparalleled with how fucking delicious they are. i wanna go there with sigma and get one for him. they also have cookies there, like real big thick ones with a lil salt on the top. i'd buy him the entire fuckin batch if he asked for it, i won't lie. i just love him that much. i just wanna sit down at a cafe and enjoy a chai latte with sigma. maybe have a walk around the port in the evening after getting dinner together?? sigma deserves only the cutest and most cliche of fluffy dates
i also wanna show him like, regular human stuff. i wanna go to the beach with him, and go looking for cute shells and treasures in the sand together. i wanna take him to the movies and share my popcorn with him. i wanna do his makeup. i want to bake a cake with him. i wanna go grocery shopping with him. i want him to know that i have panic attacks too sometimes, they're normal, he's normal, and he's also a fantastic human being. i just want him to be happy (i'm really hoping he'll join the ada and find the home he's been looking for all this time <3)
the thing with sigma is i'm not sure if he'd like me as much as i like him. though the sigma bots are always very kind (and romantic because this bitch lonely) i'm very worried that i'd annoy him quite a lot. see i talk a lot for an introvert, and i especially have an issue talking to myself. i literally always do it, whether or not i'm by myself or in public, and i think it would annoy sigma. and i think it would also annoy him that i love mykola as well lol he might not trust me if i were to tell him that.
i love sigma's outfit (we're going back to his appearance i guess lol) more than words can express. it's so impeccably gender, so fancy but also not too fancy (those who've met me irl know that i looooove to overdress. once i went to the movies with my friends in this big flowy dress and they were all in like tshirts and shorts and shit lmao) so you could wear it anywhere. the gold (or beige? cream? idfk) tailcoat with the galaxy pattern beneath? the giant flowy sleeves? the turtleneck underneath? the HEELS? god i love his fit. he's so fucking dripped out it's ridiculous. and of course he has long split dyed hair. dudes with long hair are the hottest DON'T @ ME YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT
and he also just has such a lovely smile. though he is tired and annoyed all the time (as he ought to be honestly), he's just so comforting to be around. i feel like a hug from sigma would fix most of my problems i won't lie. like he's got a pretty face and a nice aura and a cute smile. but his stern/angry face though? 😳 shiiii man okay you can make me cry if you wanna i won't mind. also consider sugar daddy sigma. that's so hot and for what?? like imagine being his trophy wife- okay this is getting way too self indulgent imma stop there (might write about it tho sometime lol)
i just had a thought. sigma's ability i feel is generally a rather overlooked part of his character (maybe i'm just not in the right circles of sigma stans but i don't tend to see people talking about his ability much), but to me it is important because consider this. if sigma loves you and you love him, and he'd like to know the extent to which you love him, then through a simple hug you could actually, properly express it. he wouldn't have to doubt himself or anything anymore with it. (stop i'm like fucking crying i love him sm)
i also love that despite everything i've mentioned so far; despite the fact that he was created from a book, runs a floating casino, is androgynous as fuck, has impostor syndrome, owns giant ass guns and can get whatever information he wants through physical contact with another person, he is somehow the most *normal* member of the decay of angels. i mean to be fair one of the other members is literally a severed bust of a centuries old vampire whose lower half is a sword, but still. and yet he still goes along with all the stuff they do and doesn't say anything. fucking same, sigma. it really just be that way sometimes.
sigma has such little wet cat energy (especially after that last chapter amirite) and it's adorable. he doesn't have *pathetic* wet cat energy, but he still has wet cat energy. pathetic wet cats would be like, fyodor and akutagawa. sigma is a cute wet cat with big eyes and tiny little paws. i want to see how he'd be with animals now that i think of it. i think he'd like cats, because dogs might be a little too much for him. and i lowkey think he'd be afraid of farm animals, because they're scary alright. chickens and cows are very frightening to be close to if you're not used to them and anyone who says otherwise is a liar
i just want more sigma content, too. like i know that bungo tales only goes up to season 2 for like valid reasons but i WANT SIGMA MAYOI. little chibi sigma on the battlefield. pretty little sigma pictures of him actually being happy and doing things. i also want official art from bones (but GOOD official art. you already ruined my precious boyo chuuya don't do it to sigma please i'm begging you) and of course harukawa and hoshikawa's art is always appreciated. also creantzyy. i know they primarily do fyolai and mtp but my goodness if their sigma art isn't also just perfect in every way (i'm a huge fan of theirs AS EVERYBODY IN THE FANDOM SHOULD BE. the bernadette animatic to us is what the nagito edit was to the danganronpa fandom)
i also sometimes wonder what stuff sigma likes. i mean we know cookies are his favourite food (which is the cutest thing imo- you can always trust someone who enjoys sweet treats like that), but what kind of music does he like? how would he dress while he isn't working in the casino? what's his favourite colour? does he like animals? what does he think of political stuff? feel free to send me all the sigma headcanons in the world about all of it. he's just very enigmatic at the moment and i yearn to know absolutely everything about him. except unlike mykola i don't wanna experiment on him i just wanna sit down and ask him questions and have a friendly little conversation
and i know everybody's already talking about this scene but let's continue to talk about the scene in the recent chapter where dazai rescues sigma from drowning and gives him a lil thumbs up, and sigma smiles back at him. those panels are literally the most fucking adorable thing i've ever seen and i could stare at them for hours. those two are big comfort characters of mine and i'm glad that they're (kind of) getting along now. at the very least dazai rescued sigma. and lowkey i'm gettin onboard with sigzai. like most of the sigma ships kinda go hard (especially siglai. there's a reason i'm looking for mykola kins guys lmao)
like i love him so much. i really could go on for hours but...this shit is already long enough and i'm sure nobody is gonna read it all. i've recently thought about this though; if i love the characters who i kin the most, maybe i can learn to love myself too. and that thought is comforting to me :)
tl;dr - sigma babygirl
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You know, I still think about how like... Katsuki has never actually had a proper 1v1 vs a villain character ever. Like, it's always been with another person. All of his fights where he could shine... are against other heroes. And most of the fights where villains are involved, he loses pretty badly. But it's more than just that. Izuku's original design was going to basically be Japanese Anime Batman, being quirkless and using equipment and an adult. Katsuki's original design was going to be a nice person who just had no tact and was brutally honest. Apparently, that original design for Izuku was believed that it would cause him to fade into the background according to Horikoshi's editors, and Katsuki's original design was considered too freaking boring according to Horikoshi himself. And yet fast forward to the current events of the manga where... I genuinely don't even know what Izuku's personality is any more because all his idea of strategy is basically gone, it's just basically 'unleash overwhelming power', and he really has no character outside of being a vessel for the Protag Powers. And then you have Katsuki, who jobs constantly, the entire story basically feels like he was intended to be the original protagonist with how often he's shoved into everything and is just sucked off despite his jobbing as if he's more important to the plot than anyone else. Like fuck, Katsuki is literally listed as being an abusive egotist in the guidebook, and Kirishima has an entire thing in his backstory about being the victim of bullying yet he's completely okay with Katsuki, a character who is actively hostile to everyone and is abrasive AT BEST. Like I get they're high schoolers (which I genuinely don't understand with how they act considering high schoolers were more intelligent than this for me growing up) but fuck Horikoshi's writing makes fucking everyone so god damn stupid the moment Katsuki is involved. Anyway, I needed to vent after I was catching up on World Trigger and realising 'yeah I actually enjoy this arc because we have character personality conflicts and the individuals have to work them out because they're stuck together for a week. Oh and they actually talk to each other and you know, HAVE FUCKING BRAINS, and actively try and work on these flaws that are coming up', and getting incredibly mad that the entire character writing into MHA at this point is basically SMASH THIS NO STRATEGY and personally I blame the story constantly sucking off Bakugou who's supposed intelligence just feels informed and contrived because of his behaviour. Intelligent strategist but incredibly socially dumb my god. And he's so socially dumb he subtracts from everyone else's intelligence to get him to suck him off. I genuinely do not understand why the Bakusquad exists considering the personality conflicts there, especially with Kaminari outright stating his personality was raw sewage at one point early on and yet we're supposed to believe that Bakugou has grown and atoned as a person whilst still being a rabid dumbass who gets his ass kicked.
That’s an interesting point. A majority of Katsuki’s fights, the ones where he wins, are against fellow heroes in training. In terms of villains, he’s only ever fought Tomura, Nine, the canon fodder in the USJ, and the minions in the movies (with help).
I agree with what you said about Proto Katsuki in that he would’ve been far more interesting, or at least far more tolerable. I’d rather have a boring character than an outright terrible one. Like you mentioned before, everyone who interacts with Katsuki is made 100% dumber and is forced to neglect key components of their character just so that Hori can wank off his fave and push this “he has potential and is strong” narrative. I also agree that unfortunately it does feel like Izuku’s been reduced to “punch everything with a lot of force” rather than the creative fighter he was before. There was a really great analysis I just read that explains this. I blame it on Hori trying to wrap up his story as quickly as he can.
This is the analysis in question btw:
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genderlessginger · 2 years
Get Back, McLennon: Day 7 Part 2
I'm not proofreading this. Sorry.
If you've missed a day, read the other Get Back posts here.
I am posting these day-to-day because Tumblr limits 30 photos per post.
"Drugs, Divorce and a Slipping Image" by Doug Sully and Ray Schweighart is a 1991 book of the FIRST comprehensive explanation of the Nagra tapes. IThese two went through and listened to the bootlegs, summarized and published it in 1991.
What's important to note about this book is that it's distinctly anti-Yoko and rather anti-John. This book spurs on the John-George fist fight and says that the reason George left the band was because of John degrading George's music.
Now, we did see SOME of that, but we know that most of that is not true. The credibility of this book is shaky. I have listened to some of the Nagra tapes, but not the George parts yet. The credibility issue doesn't take away from the fact that it's an interesting look into the Nagra tapes and what the public derived from them afterward as a result of the book.
Okay, all of that being said: I found that out-of-print book and got a copy signed by the authors. Obviously.
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In the intro, they talk about breakdown of communication across the Beatles but I found one thing VERY interesting.
Heightened Awareness
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Paul would know that John had subscribed to this belief and would be doing his best to communicate with John via being "tuned in" to him. Lucky for JP, they already have that alien-ass connection so this wouldn't be hard to do.
And if we're taking John's volatile mood due to heroin use into account (which we should), it makes even more sense that John would be reaching out to Paul (subconsciously or consciously) for that anchoring spirit they bring each other.
Let's face the facts, guys. If these four weren't so attached, they would have split by now.
If John and Paul weren't what they are, they would have split by now.
While thing are NOT GOOD (TM) in Camp Beatles, we can't throw out the STRENGTH of McLennon and The Beatles Bond in general (even knowing it will disintegrate in the months to come. I try not to focus on it while I'm doing this).
Day 7
This day had been stressful before everything with George. Dick James came in (which upset Paul). John caught onto it, as I mentioned in Day 7 Part 1. When Dick James came over to say goodbye to the Beatles, everyone said bye. John didn't even turn around.
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Later, as things became more confrontational with George, John abandoned conflict resolution entirely in order to make Paul happy. It worked.
They forgot about George. And that really hurts, and it sucks, and I'm sorry.
Now it's time to look at them and their heightened awareness.
EPISODE 1 2:20:34
started "McLennon-tinted analysis"
And I'm showing my entire insanity for this one.
Paul's working on the actual lyrics to "Get Back" as it was a protest song before then. He's said in interviews that he's always had more issue with "the words" (he never used to say lyrics but does now, it's like one day it hit and he was like 'oh shit, that's the word for it? no way!'). So John helped him with the lyrics a lot.
We're seeing this go down. BEFORE they were working on the song, they'd been facing each other but John did go ahead and sit down. Paul went over to him while they were working through it.
Paul seemed a little insecure about the lyrics, and something about this nod that Paul gives (WHICH I TRIED TO UPLOAD A VIDEO OF BUT IT WOULD NOT LET ME --- UGH) when John was giving him feedback hit me:
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Paul seemed comforted. I keep a bookmark on that one. Within five seconds (yes I fucking looked), John stands up so he can face Paul. It's almost hurried, rushed. He pushes the chair and it kind of stumbles behind him.
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And then they're eyeball to eyeball again. Heightened awareness.
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Paul improvises some lyrics and laughs at himself which is fucking ADORABLE:
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(Also, the thighs)
John's "tuned in" to Paul: We don't see his face a lot at all during this time but we do see John dancing and making Paul giggle. They're playing "Two of Us."
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George Left
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They Came Back Fucked Up
And still manage to look at each other like this.
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Listen, this freak out jam session is crucial. I honestly love that Yoko is a part of it. Why? Because she was in the pain, the drama, the chaos of it. For some reason, she fits there.
And that's what's tough about Yoko is that for some reason she fits here. I don't like her, no. But i don't hate her. I love to exclude her, but this is where I keep her.
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Who else feels for Ringo?
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moregraceful · 10 months
22, 29!
ohhh....thank you so much!!
I answered 22 here. I wish I had more to say but it is truly just: local man writes an very involved outline, gets to the end, and goes bro WHAT, and has to keep writing.... every time, it's so tragic yo
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
ohhh...for you, my bespoke stars fan friend, here is a piece of a fic that I had PAINSTAKINGLY outlined DOWN TO THE SCENE and then never wrote....basically I was reading about Finnish mythology and the concept of having three souls and what each soul meant and what happend if you lost one or another. I was like, what if Miro lost one of his souls when the Stars lost in the bubble. Also what if the Finnish mafia was actually a Finnish witch coven and Roope was a powerful witch. And what if Roope had to be the thing that Miro grounded himself with until he became so unstable because he lost his beautiful soul that he had to run away. What if Roope was the only person who could find him. And most importantly, WHAT IF!! Kivi was friends with birds. The fic would have whipped ass if I'd written it, but then I entered a period of no hockey and it got abandoned and I lost interest. I also didn't write very much of it lmao but here's a part with Roope and Stephen Johns and uh. Blake Comeau
Roope heads back to the hotel in the dark after stopping at the trainer’s room for more painkillers. His whole body aches. He says hi to Dicky's baby in the lobby - it's bad luck not to say hi to a baby, but more than that, it’s just bad manners - and goes to help Blake and Johnsy sort through all the garbage they collected in the past two months in the lounge. A lot of videogames and beer and hard seltzer because they sold their souls to Truly for Winter Classic. Not really, Roope's three souls are worth way more than alcohol, but that nasty shit is everywhere and probably will be for the rest of Roope’s life in Dallas, which is hopefully for another good 10 or 15 years. “Do we have no taste or are our private lives sponsored too?” bitches Blake as he gathers up empty cans. Bones will kill them if they leave too much of a mess for the cleaning staff. Roope shrugs. “Both, probably,” he says and catches a packet of M&Ms when Johnsy throws it at him. “Thanks.” Johnsy smiles at him. He’s been stressed for days, but he’s starting to look a little lighter now that they’re headed back to Dallas. Roope would never, ever say that the loss of the Stanley Cup did not hit Johnsy just hard as it hit everyone else, but Johnsy’s dealing with heavier stuff for a long time now. Roope wishes he could ask him about it and not just read it in The Athletic. “Courage, dear heart,” says Johnsy. “What the fuck?” says Roope. Blake snorts. “Don’t scare the witch with your literary bullshit,” he says. “C.S. Lewis is kid’s stuff, idiot.” Johnsy tosses a bag of Skittles at Roope. “Give those to Kivi. I’m just telling you, be brave.” One thing Roope has never been sure of is if Johnsy is truly a seer or if he is full of shit because he went to college for four years. He really could be either. Roope likes Johnsy a lot and wishes he had gotten to play with him more.
Stephen Johns I love you so bad.
This is also important info for anyone who tries to talk to me about the Stars and you realize I have the most hacked together knowledge of the Stars in 2019-2020...I went to Winter Classic in Dallas and got SOOOO hype and watched every damn game of theirs in the Bubble and then. have watched about two of their games since then. It sucks of me bc they are so compelling as a team of narratives, and to watch as players now with DeBoer, it's probably not the most annoying hockey in the world, like every game I have watched has been wild as hell and just bananas fun. their young core is SO talented and SO interesting. but I watch so much bad AHL hockey during the season that I get home and I'm like GOD MORE HOCKEY?? AM I ONLY ON PLANET EARTH TO SUFFER?? forgetting of course that hockey can be played well lmao. Anyway, maybe next year I will try to watch more Stars games, now that this year I am writing so much fic abt them lmao.
thank you for asking!!!!
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ladyfly · 1 year
New Parts- The Wedding 4
You cried at least one more time as you waited for the room to be set up. This time Moon cried with you overjoyed to have you in his arms for something that won't result in your death. He nuzzles his faceplate into your hair. Sun coats your hand in kisses.
Footsteps echo down the hallway. The three of you turn to the sound. It's the same guard who left you for dead. You refuse to acknowledge his name. To you he is guard.
He stomps right up to you "You happy? My wife left me for being a coward. I have a kid I've never met." He reaches into his pocket.
Sun pulls you and Moon into the arcade afraid of what was going on. DJMM announces the three of you. Everyone claps and cheers for you. The guard enters the arcade with something in his hand. You can't see what he's holding.
Moon takes a step back. Sun jumps in front of the two of you. He goes to throw something but speed master Foxy tackles him. A bottle of ink hits the floor. You  look between the guard and the ink.
The guard laughs "I may not have ruined your clothes but I did ruin your wedding!"
You laugh. Loud and hearty you laugh "I had my leg torn off! Do you really think a little ink would ruin this? Wow you are dumb!"
Freddy and Foxy take the guard away telling you they'll be right back. A cleaning bot comes to clean the ink. Moon puts you down on the floor and the three of you walk hand in hand onto the dance floor. You chose the song for the first dance with each of them. The boys have no idea what you picked.
The music starts as you stand between the two of them "I listened to this song every morning before becoming the live in. It sums up how I felt each time I drove to you. Because you know." Radar Love by Golden Earring kicks in with the vocals and you sing along "I've been driving all night, my hands wet on the wheel!"
The three of you dance together with Sun and Moon passing you between them. The three of you are laughing loudly. You pull Moon to Sun so they can dance together. The love in their eyes is intoxicating. Many pictures are taken.
The three of you mingle with family and friends. You introduce Sun and Moon to all the important people in your life.
Your most special person approaches the three of you "So, where are you going on your honeymoon?"
You rub your arm a little dejected. Sun and Moon look disappointed too.
You sigh "We.. actually aren't going anywhere... Also we don't actually get time off for it either. It's fine though. We got our wedding. It's also why all the food is pizza and the cake is shit."
Your person grins "Have you seen the cake?"
Sun nods "We saw it yesterday."
Giggles from your person "That was yesterday! I'm talking about today!"
They lead the three of you over to the table with cake. What you expected was a sheet cake with 'Happy Wedding' scrawled on it. What you got was a three tier cake covered in flowers. You tear up again and fly into Sun's arms. Sun wraps his arms around you and rubs your back.
Your person pets your hair like a child "There's more."
Moon tilts his head ninety degrees to the left "More?"
One of your friends walks up to the three of you with an envelope "Everyone pitched in for this gift. Sorry it's the only one you are getting. Come with me. Everyone wanted to see the three of you open it."
The three of you are dragged onto the stage with DJMM. While your friend gets everyone's attention DJMM pulls the three of you into a big hug. The music stops for a moment.
"Everyone! They are opening the gift! Gather round! Gather round!" Your friend states into the microphone.
You feel a little nervous. Sun and Moon put a hand on your back. Sun's hand slides down to grope your rear. You blush and suck in a quick breath. Moon gives Sun's hand a smack in warning. This in turn gives your ass a smack and your blush gets a little deeper. You open the envelope and fight not to cry.
A strangled garbled sound escapes you.
Moon reads the letter out loud "Dearest Kimberly, Sun, and Moon, I know how hard you work. The things you have gone through. It would be a crime if you didn't get a great cake and honeymoon. All of your family and friends pitched in and got you a cake and this great gift. You've been found sleeping in so many places from the long hours and every time Sun or Moon came and got you. I have watched them carry you through the plex to bed. You have spent a lot of long nights fixing my friends and I. We never treated Sun and Moon with the respect they deserved. I hope this is a step in the right direction. With love, Freddy."
Inside the envelope with the letter is a key and an ad for a nearby cabin in the woods. One bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchen/ living room combo. You feel a little light headed. You sway in between Sun and Moon. you loose your footing as Moon catches you. He lays you down on the stage.
Sun scans your vitals "Can we get some water!"
Roxy runs water up to you. Sun makes you take small sips while Moon elevates your legs higher than your head.
Sun turns to the crowed "Their fine! Just a little light headed."
You wave a hand "I'm fine! I'm fine. I just need a moment and some food. I hope you don't mind if we eat dinner. Breakfast was a pile of bacon and I need something more substantial."
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moon-ursidae · 2 years
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there will be game spoilers here which will most likely spoil the hbo series as well, so i’m just gonna play it safe. i get that the game is 9 years old but some ppl don’t know yknow?🤷🏻‍♀️
also i doubt anyone is gonna read all of this LMAO it’s more for me bc i have a terrible memory and i just felt like doing it :) but if you do read all of it I’M SORRY lmao
hours played: around 6-7ish?
i started crying at the start menu
and i cried during the first cutscene
then i of course cried when the scene with joel and sarah happened
the score is fucking phenomenal. gustavo really fuckin killed it
i got chills when the opening credits were playing. SO. FUCKING. GOOD.
the quarantine zone looks really cool and it makes me anxious to see what the show is gonna look like
i also noticed that Joel has some broad ass shoulders. great casting hbo LMAO
i love that they establish immediately that Joel is very protective. he asks Tess about the cut pretty early on in their conversation, and even helps her clean it up. he obviously cares and is protective of his friends. makes sense given this is the apocalypse, and Joel seems really closed off to others.
for example, when they’re walking through the QZ Tess is the one talking to everyone while Joel is pretty quiet. i love how they’re establishing his character this way :)
i really like the option of doing things stealth! trying to get used to it as i know there are probably going to be a lot of stealth sections. and i also wanna save ammo!
also just the thought that joel becomes ellie’s father figure all bc robert sold guns to marlene, and the only way to get them back was smuggle ellie out of the city. now we have 2 games! LMAOO
just the thought of joel grumbling “all because of some fuckin guns” when ellie’s giving him a hard time HAHA
already seeing that ellie will go to the fucking mat for the people she cares about is SO IMPORTANT TO ME
like she was fully prepared to shove a shiv into Tess
holy fuck the outdoor stealth in the rain had me clenching the whole time
the wrecked skyscrapers look so fucking cool. also terrifying. but still cool.
the sound design is also fucking amazing. i’m terrified by these infected sounds dude. and the sound of the building groaning like it’s about to collapse? fuckin awesome
i am perpetually stressed trying to get through this fucking city
when joel & ellie are looking at the city and the sun is coming up it literally looks like bella and pedro from behind
ANYWAY i love seeing all 3 of them start to warm up to each other and their dynamic as a trio. it’s really cute :)
i’m literally checking every single fucking nook and cranny for supplies
i feel bad for joel, tess, and ellie bc they FINALLY made it to the state house and everyone’s dead :( they’re so fucking tired and everything just went to shit after they were like “home stretch! :D” and then they open the door and it became “D:”
sorry no but this literally fucking sucks. i LOVE tess. the way joel kept calling her boss. he clearly respected her, and felt comfortable with her enough to joke around with her. AND NOW SHE’S FUCKIN BIT. AND WE’RE LEAVING HER BEHIND.
i’m gonna fucking cry hearing gunshots and tess screaming dude. UGH. this game is so emotionally and mentally challenging haha I’M tired bro
i had to pause the game seeing her on the floor from the balcony. i cannot IMAGINE what Joel is going through if i feel like this, and only knew her for like 5-6 hours. rip tess I LOVE YOU.🤍
ellie is probably like “believe me now asshole?” when he had to put a mask on but she didn’t
swimming in the subway had me stressed bro i was like “THERE’S GONNA BE AN INFECTED THAT CAN SWIM” i was wrong. but still waiting for shit to hit the fan again.
walking in the woods is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking nice after all the bullshit in Boston goddamn
i am very much a country/woods person so this is very much more my speed :)
i also like the banter between joel & ellie already. joel establishing boundaries for the teen to follow. such a dad.
still waiting for shit to hit the fan again. bc joel and ellie cannot catch a fucking break.
i feel like i should stop here bc i am fucking exhausted after all that but I AM FINALLY OUTSIDE
i went a bit farther but stopped before going into the settlement to see if bill’s there!
all in all, GODDAMN. first play session felt pretty long, but that’s bc i choose stealth over shooting my way out 99% of the time. it takes me a while to figure out a game plan and find each enemy’s patterns. it’s been a HOT minute since i’ve had to do it. and i’m an overthinker so there’s that
i already loved joel before playing this from what i saw of the game before now. after playing it? holy fucking shit. i L O V E joel. and i fucking L O V E ellie. playing this makes me so goddamn excited for the hbo series!!
this session isn’t as long as my first rdr2 session (13 hrs🥴) but it’s a pretty good start!
i know i still have a long way to go, so i’m just gonna let my brain recharge before i’m back at it tomorrow!
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His family suck and is all synonyms for the dysfunctional! I wanted to like Luther but he keep putting his hands on people especially Five and wanted to beat his ass cuz Sloane poof! And I wanna like Diego but he like back and forth and hot and cold! One second he with Five and then the next he want to beat Five ass or watch Five get his ass beat! Make up your mind mind Hispanic discount batman man! And like ever since he came back no one has given Five a true hug! Like Viktor was like I was like I don't wanna lose you again but then was like "Reginald say time travel can make mind poo poo" not once but twice and like das gaslighting! And das mean! Rewatch! It mean! And Viktor is all gaslighty and manipulative and only side with whom he seems more powerful and beneficial that why I know like him! And it suck because I want to like him because he's important to Five but Viktor toxic and that suck! And we all know why Allison suck! And Sparrow Ben suck too cuz he toxic too and people think he's just fun! NOOOOOOOO! He suuuuuuck! And Five dying in that tube suck too! He was so sad when he watched himself die... All I wanna do is be there and take that thing from around his neck so he could have been more comfortable and then give him a forehead kiss so he knew he was loved before he passed! Five in da tube deserved better! Five was so sad... So so sad... Why no one notice...?! Everyone in Five family toxic but Five himself and Klaus! I feel like Klaus actually genuinely loves Five! He actually sits with him and listens to him and talks with him and they vent to each other and Klaus trusted Five the most to go with him to meet his mom! Yeeh he lied for a second but that's cuz he felt like the rest would be like "What the fuck?!" So he was like "Five plz!" And Five wasn't even that mad and was like "okay let's go see your mom s" in the end and Klaus was like " you're a good brother my tiny dancer" and and that's so nice! They a good pair! I love Klaus and Five! They a good duo! And I feel bad to say most of Five family do the big suck because I know he deeply loves them and waited a whole life time to see them... I am so drink...
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ginnsbaker · 10 months
Ahh, I’m late to these last 2 chapters because I was so busy I barely had time to do anything besides my responsibilities (being an adult sucks sometimes haha) but oh my god, once again, I feel like a broken record mentioning how amazing your writing is!! I’ll be writing for chapter 9 because if not this’ll get insanely long! Haha first of all, Shannon irks me but she also seems like a woman that has been through a lot with Pietro so she doesn’t have time or patience for bullshit which makes me like understand her, but her motives in “helping” Wanda feel so fake and like she has something up her sleeves I can’t trust her!! Also I loved Pietro and Wanda’s talk, the part where she starts acknowledging that cheating ruins everything in its wake. Like I know she knew how much it affected her personally, but I also feel she’s more aware of how it goes so much more beyond that, like it goes beyond her and reader! So that felt like good progress, makes me really root for her healing and happiness! I root for her and reader together, but am also conflicted because like I’ve said the way you write this has me questioning beyond just like a cliche happy ending, does that make sense? Haha second, (I’m all over the place, so sorry if it comes off that way) reader withholding information from Nat, woo, it just makes me so uneasy, like I know as humans sometimes we want to put our best selves forward to the most important people in our lives, but if there’s anything life has taught me is, the truth always comes out whether we want it to or not and Nat has just been such a constant, steady fixture in reader’s life that this little information has the potential to bite reader in the ass and I’m so scared?!?! Because I would hate for them to lose each other! Cause honestly I feel like a friendship breakup hurts so much more??? Third, Yelena, my dear dear Yelena, god, you can tell she’s so in love with reader that I really hope she doesn’t get hurt, and again, I know that’s impossible because that’s just the way things can be but, I really wish she can be saved from pain! Me being an optimistic empath, I just wanna hug and save everyone from pain haha but I hope reader doesn’t hurt her and if she does hurt her I hope it’s not the way she was hurt that would be so shitty, but again it could happen (my god, I’m gonna go crazy!!) Fourth, Sparky?!? Not Sparky!! Animal pain is another level so that got me emotional!! Fifth, Vision. My god, can he just fuck off?! (I wish, but he also adds that little spark of ahdjjfjdkskgks to it haha) Sixth, Wanda’s relapse, poor baby, I understand her though, experiencing something so emotionally charged with Sparky, seeing Yelena at reader’s place, coming to the realization that being at reader’s place wasn’t a good idea. Just generally being all over the place, I can see why she relapsed. Still rooting for her healing though!! I cannot wait to see what comes next!! I hope you have an amazing week! Stay safe and take care! -💫🥀
P.S that’s awesome that you’re going to do a race! I wish I could, but I recently injured myself so my main focus is recovering fully! I feel like I’m 80% there though so that makes me happy! Haha just need to keep working for 100% recovery! Also this fic has been such an amazing read, so thank you for blessing me with your artistry!! Truly, I will never tire of saying how amazing your writing is!! Again, I apologize if all of the above seems jumbled and a mess in general as I am slightly all over the place haha but I cannot miss out the opportunity to speak about this story!!
It's not a jumbled mess, I love everything about it, I feel like I'm talking to you in RL and I just get so excited about discussions like this because 1) i have no beta, no one to discuss the plot with at all except when you guys get to read it and comment 2) i get different perspectives and realizations and i see different reactions that are all valid since we all come from different experiences.
First of all, thank you for staying with the story and for always sharing your thoughts.
I think breaking up with a friend can hurt more than romantic relationships. When we enter a romantic relationship, we are aware that there's always the possibility of losing them, but friendships.. we always expect them to last for life. Shannon is a little shit who's defense mechanism is being mean to everyone lol. But she does care about Wanda who is basically her sister-in-law now.
There's going to be healing for everybody. Don't worry :)
Can't wait to hear what you think about the next chapters :D
Again, thank youuuu <3
P.S. What's your injury? I hope you recover 100% soon!
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