#everyone manifest please
folklorefairyy · 1 year
🕯️i will get tickets for the eras tour🕯️
🕯️i will get tickets for the eras tour🕯️
🕯️i will get tickets for the eras tour🕯️
🕯️i will get tickets for the eras tour🕯️
🕯️i will get tickets for the eras tour🕯️
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orpheuslament · 2 months
yall better buy my book when it comes out next month cus a bitch is struggling
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louistomlinsoncouk · 1 year
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Hail at Louis' show in Morrison, CO - 21/6 (x|x|x)
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navnae · 1 year
I just want Eddie to be the one to tell Steve that he shouldn’t feel anymore guilt about how he behaved at school when he’s grown from that, he doesn’t need to apologize anymore because as long as he can realize his mistakes there’s no need for him to blame himself for the past. I person think it’s stupid to keep throwing the past in Steve’s face when he’s clearly changed but for some reason something is always written the script to add more guilt and sadness onto his shoulders. STOP THIS NONSENSE!
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jackshiccup · 2 months
the joy of having a physical copy of otnwas is quadrupled when it means getting to annotate the fuck out of it w silly sticky notes that say 'i'm gonna krill myself' every time jack and hiccup have a Moment that i can refer to at random times when i especially feel like reliving it like,, my day be so bad then boom 'everyday with you is a moment to celebrate, jackson overland'
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sircarolyn · 3 months
pls wish me the confidence of douglas 'i can rely on luck' for my faa general later
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titsthedamnseason · 1 year
okay my darlings, you know what time it is…..SURPRISE SONG GAME TIME!!! except this time it’s extra super duper special because this post is actually queued because today is MY SHOW 🤭🫶 aka it’s atlanta n3 therefore i am BEGGING you to manifest the absolute best of your best picks and leave them in the tags or replies for me to see later and then give you an internet smooch if you win 💗 HAPPY GUESSING
i’m going to guess my absolute dream combo of hey stephen and dorothea
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lugosis · 6 months
here's the track mike recorded for the 1975 film threshold: the blue angels experience
composed by fred myrow and lyrics by peter ivers
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
reasons to be pissed i lost my phone this morning
notesapp with my thoughts on the audiobook i read the other day
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wildbluesorbit · 11 months
jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue jake monologue
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hanrinz · 5 months
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number 9 is now my favorite number
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symbiotic-slime · 2 months
would you guys be interested in venom/the magnus archives crossover fan art
#I wanna draw the guys as avatars#also I think it would be a fun challenge to try to make Venom visibly an avatar of the hunt#because they already look like that#but I have ideas for the others :3#venom#venom comics#venom movies#the magnus archives#I’m going to elaborate in the tags because I can#so Eddie is 100% an avatar of the corruption#and is also the type of guy who willingly became an avatar#he’s so deranged he would be enthralled by the wasp nest in his attic#he would be a victim of the lonely though#like especially comics!Eddie#because his bond with the symbiote is so deep that like. being singular sends him into a depressive spiral#flash is an avatar of the slaughter#but he’s not deranged like Eddie his was more of a result of his situation#like being a bully and then joining the military#very slaughter coded#and yes he’s made up for the bullying so I’m not sure how that would play in?? but he still does have some anger issues#he’s a victim of the web#like one the alcoholism is classic web#and two being manipulated. like the whole agent venom arc where he was essentially being blackmailed by jack olantern#venom is a manifestation of the corruption#an avatar of the hunt#and probably also a victim of the lonely#like I think the idea of being alone as a being who’s whole purpose is to bond and connect with a host would be devastating#recently I think they could probably also be a victim of the desolation given that everyone important to them keeps fucking dying lmao#I’m kinda second guessing myself with flash because he’s just so damn normal like he doesn’t revel in war but I also want to give him one#do any of my followers know both of these. if so please help me out I’m struggling with flash 😭
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daughterofsarenrae · 5 months
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Trying to find housing with ferrets is a challenge. But like look at them. How can u say no they are just little babies
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rosekasa · 2 months
everyday i pray to god that my best friend will one day cosplay alya
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jazmeanb · 9 months
Man. This site is the best place to be when u got a hyper fixation <3 im still insane and delulu over Call of duty men. ****Tearing up the carpet, scratching under the door and bouncing off walls
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shifterglitter · 2 months
My Main DRs (ACTIVE)
I was debating posting this for a while, but, I think it will help if I write it down in multiple places.
So I should start off by saying that my current understanding fallows The LOA explanation of shifting. I have deep dived in to many theories but this is my favorite.
Of course I admit that I don't have all the answers, and if you believe something else that is totally cool. DO what works for YOU! It's your reality. I am not here to judge anyone or tell you how to shift. The only thing I plan on doing here is logging my adventures.
To that effect, I believe in quantum immortality, that the 3d is the least real physical plane, and that I AM everything in my multiverse. (Which honestly equates to a "God Complex" , so no hard feelings if you don't want to interact with me. I'd appreciate you blocking me over sending nasty anons though. TY in advance.)
My Main DR is actually an amalgamation of DRs.
I call my Multiverse "Kiss Me Again".
It all started with a love for both various fictional characters, and wanting the emotional commitment of monogamy. Then I thought: Well what if I can love the same soul in every DR I go to?
We could spend eternity together like this.
But I didn't want them to have the memories of being with them previously when we meet in the DR. I adore the idea of getting to fall in love over and over again.
That way I can set up any number of my favorite tropes, backgrounds, settings, and appearances in the future and still have it be the same person. In the infinity of the wider universe there is no reason this could not be possible if I assume it is plausible.
IDK if I want them to remember all of there memories after I kiss them, or after I tell them I'm a shifter, or even at all. What I do know is that in my WRs they will have the collective memories of us together.
I plan of exploring this concept for the foreseeable future. So there will be many more DRs added to this list later. For now, there are only two.
My MV Lifetime starts off by mashing my CRDR "Masked Man" and my ACOTAR DR "ACO Storms and Sanctuary".
Masked Man This DR is based off my OR. In fact, I'm already living it. That's right. You heard me. I am IN my first DR right now. This is my CRDR. The Physical Reality (3D) around me has already started to reflect my script, so I know everything is going just as planned. By LOA, I am here. I am who my consciousness was born as and will remain that person until my natural passing.
In A Court of Storms and Sanctuary I am Azriel's mate and one of Eris' spies. My name is Lakely there, and I'm a storm conjuror that can talk to a select group of animals. The first "Shift" into this DR will be far more obvious to pick up on, thankfully. I'll be there for a long while before reaching my first milestone with Azriel in our slow burn. When I do eventually get there I'll shift back here for a while.
As far my my scripted timeline of events go, here is a "short" list of highlights:
- In April I will being manifesting by LOA and Reya's Re-programing method that I have shifted completely into my Masked Man DR. - I'll go through the next few months exactly as I would before I discovered shifting. I overnight at the airport, walk my dog and cat in the morning once I'm home. Take my Zoloft, and go to bed ready to do it all again the next day. --EDIT: I quit my toxic job. May get a part time job in the mean time and start visiting the paint shop more. - I have planes to move after that and receive my lasting love into my life. - At some point during the above I'll make my first shift to meet Azriel. I don't know how long I'll spend in ACOSAS, but I'll know it's time to shift back to my CRDR. There is a significant mile stone in our slow burn I'm waiting for. -Occasionally during my aging life here in my CRDR I will shift ACOSAS. It won't be too long before - I have several WRs that I will visit as well, but for now, the above is my main focus.
I can't wait to fall in love with my eternal mate over and over again.
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