#everybody in this game has issues tbh
fablexdreams · 6 months
I personally feel like it is not talked/written about enough how traumatizing and terrifying it must have been for John to learn about Abigail's pregnancy and see her in labor when his own mother died giving birth to him. I have no doubt his father probably held it over his head as well, considering the little we know about him. I've seen it brought up on occasion, but never fully delved into. I just love trying to dissect John as a character, and I feel this is a super important part of him and his story as a whole. (I am not saying that this in any way excuses the way he treats Abigail and Jack at the start of the second game, it doesn't, but I do think that it explains it.)
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blackpilljesus · 7 months
I've not dated or had close relations with moids in years. I've been on the path to spending the rest of my days as a single childfree woman & committing to it as an osawoman. During this time here's what I've learnt, shorter version here:
This lifestyle is a privilege - being able to exist without having to directly depend on a moid romantically/sexually is a luxury. Know the privilege you have and how you can take full advantage of it and keep yourself set. We arent living this way solely bc we're smarter, we were just momentarily luckier. Most women are a political/natural disaster away from losing everything. Bear this in mind; along the way think of "what if" to best start preparing yourself.
Dont bother justifying your ways to people - Most wont and dont want to get it. Save your breath. By getting into back and forth arguments over not marrying moids & not having children you are digging a deeper hole for yourself by giving them more fodder to counter. They wont change their minds. End the conversation short & move on.
You cant save everybody - Ditch the saviour complex. We all get dealt bad hands in life; some worse than others. Other peoples lives arent your responsibility, there's only so much you can do because you've got your own issues too. Besides some are too far gone, you'll only end up drowning or being burned trying to save others especially if they dont want saving.
Recruitment is a waste of time - I often see extensive discourse around this topic w/ some women trying so hard to recruit others into this lifestyle or being separatists, wgtow, etc. All this does is waste time that can be spent on building instead. If some women dont get it oh well it's not the end of the world (although every woman does get it, they're just doing what they can t survive) it doesn't matter long term TO YOU because if you're serious you dont need other womens understanding/stamp of approval to build a network/resources for women; you can get started without them; heck some may join once they see the value like how so many women broke up with their partners after watching the barbie movie. Some women are more focused on recruitment than living the single childfree life they claim to be about and it consumes them - dont let recruitment consume you. Besides other women willingly engaging with moids buys you some time; those who know - know.
Most activism is a waste of time. Things only change when it benefits those in power but they will never relinquish their power entirely. It's great to put knowledge out there for others to learn but getting into discourse having to justify yourself & being swallowed by your activism will do more harm than good. Most activism is a stepping stone at most for the next chapter of your life. Learn to game the system instead of changing the system.
Focus on yourself. Everything as we know it is rooted in the system that has been perfected over the millenias. The problems of misogyny, racism, ableism, etc have existed before we were born and will exist after we die (part of why im not birthing into this mess). Trying to change it is a losing battle. This doesnt mean dont advocate or care about anything but look out for yourself first & be comfortable learning to existing between the cracks. It'll be quite the exercise tho as we've been socialised to prioritise others.
This is not a lifestyle one simply chooses it's something that chooses you. This isn't for everyone, those who know; know. If you require a lot of convincing or handholding then it isn't for you.
It gets lonely. Not because of not having a moidfriend; even when partnered with them many women still feel lonely. It's because most women are moid centric / obsessed and would want to be partnered with an xy someday or already are. Very few women truly commit to or understand this lifestyle irl tbh. Even my moots who are separatists or just single & childfree are halfway across the world. However that said, many women in the community can also be toxic; holding each other to high standards and there being constant bickering. You can befriend moid partnered women but be careful with them. We're surrounded by the system, existing out of core elements of it will come with a degree of isolation but on the bright side there's also peace if it all goes well.
Less is more. The less you say to others the less ammunition they have to hit you with. Bragging about this lifestyle to our predators will only make things harder because they've already got a huge upperhand. Too many of us moving in one go will bring unprecedented waves we're not ready to deal with. See 2, 3, and 4.
Ignorance is not bliss. Completely cutting off from xys including knowledge of their evil will make you unprepared should a threat strike. Not understanding moids nature is how some women think things are as easy as getting up and walking away without considering security & other factors then get suprised when moids strike. I'm not saying drown in true crime & xy evil but dont stray too far you lose touch of reality. Side note this is why women are gaslit about moids nature so that they dont have the chance to effectively prepare. Stay informed. I constantly learn from the women around me. Pay attention to xy motives & tactics. The power they hold, possible moves they may play etc. You wont be able to know/guess everything but stay in the loop nonetheless.
You will make mistakes be prepared to learn
It gets easier to control your attraction to moids overtime (if you're osa) as your focus is elsewhere as you realise there is a more fulfilling world out there beyond marriage & kids. Also life is just so much better. I know most women want the fairytale prince charming or an angel nigel but it's just not happening. Especially in a world like this. The freedom to be able to exist as a person & not a slave/punching bag for a rape ape is BLISS. You get so comfortable with it you wont wanna be with moids anyway especially when you see what other women go through. (Side note this is why women are pushed to being with moids as early as possible so this level of enlightenment is never reached & instead all women know + become accustomed to is suffering at the hands of moids).
As time passes and you mature into this lifestyle you can tell who's new and who's got skin in the game. I wont elaborate here as it'll digress and this note is long as is but those who know; know.
There's so much work to be done it'll last a lifetime. This lifestyle ain't easy. It strays from the norm so the typical guardrails that come with traditional options are out of the picture. The good news is that you can spend time crafting your own blueprint to follow or share with others who are willing. There's such little in terms of infrastructure & resources for single childfree women and yeah xys will likely try to destroy these things but at the same time if it can be done go for it and bear xy threat in mind we gotta start somewhere.
A purpose/guide is important. It's something that's going to guide your life through the ups and downs because it wont be a smooth ride but it'll be something that can make you in situations that break you. This isn't a "fuck you" to moids directly, it's about ourselves. Seeing this lifestyle as some type of "gotcha" against moids will only make things harder and lowkey misses the point of decentering them. I have my reasons for never getting married or having children that are solid (if you need inspiration checkout r/breakingmom on reddit). True comes from seeing something as bigger than yourself; find a purpose in this line of life to keep you going.
Invest in yourself. Personally, financially, etc. Pretty obvious but especially now that you're going to be more alone you need to be able to count on yourself more. With enough investment it can help other women too.
Invest in female network. No gyn is an island. Even though I'm not much of a social person the friends I have make my life better; they've been supportive but also honest. Also support female centric spaces online & offline; they're all that we have lest we be banished to the silo prison of the "nuclear family" or exploitative misogynistic communities.
Get comfortable disassociating/cutting people off. If you want to survive some things/people will simply just have to go.
You arent owed anything from other women, but you dont owe them anything either. The operating word here is owed, I aint saying women shouldn't help each other - I'm saying dont feel entitled. The feminist "girls support girls" schtick is bullshit. We're in a cold world full of ruthless oppression where everyone is just trying to survive however they can; in many cases it helps women survive when they turn on other women instead of on moids. Solidarity works because those who have solidarity politically speaking are people with power, it works in their interest to stand & work together as to keep + maintain their privileges in society so there wont be much female solidarity as in many cases it's not worth it to women long run. It aint right but that's how they perceive it so watch your back.
Everything is political. Always remember this. Many (privileged) people try to downplay politics & its effect but it runs our world which is why they want you blind to it. Pay attention.
There's merit to being around like-minded women even if it's just online. Like I said before it gets lonely. Very few women are willing to face & accept the truth about maIes. Being around like-minded women can be depressing sometimes as they drop blackpills bitter than you can initially handle but at least you dont feel so isolated/crazy.
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I really like digging into details, and I was thinking that maybe you can make a list of hcs of Simon in a fight? Don’t spare your words I really think it’s interest your view of him 🥰
CW: Mentions of abuse, sa, addiction, canon typical violence So I wasn’t 100% what you were looking for so I decided to go for both him fighting in a professional setting (ie. training/sparring), and also in public(ie. bar fights). Also, this got way longer than I intended so sorry about that. I hope you like it :)) Also sorry for how aggressive this starts out lol And, as always, this is not edited so please let me know if there are any mistakes :3
First off, I do not agree with the whole oH he’S iN tHe miLiTarY, he HaS tO kEeP hIs CoOl sentiment. This is not a true statement, for anyone in the military.(I am willing to explain this if anyone has questions) Ghost isn’t going to get kicked out because he has anger issues. Not to mention that he is a part of a highly specialized group, the rules are much more lax. However he doesn’t really need to worry about it, because he doesn't go around picking fights. 
Like I said in my previous post, he spent his childhood being abused, he does not take pleasure in physically hurting those weaker than him. He would not hurt new recruits, civilians, or his squadmates. In fact, the only times he will physically fight people outside of work is if they start it. (ie. people threatening him and his, men who won’t leave women alone at bars, and one time a guy he saw kicking a dog) 
Now don’t get me wrong, he has major anger issues, but he has a handle on them, for the most part. He is not going to fight a recruit because they are mouthing off. He might pit them against Gaz to humble them a bit, but again, he does not take pleasure in hurting those weaker than him. 
In a fight, he is ruthless and efficient. It's rare for him to draw out a fight, and only when he is trying to make the target suffer.
He uses his height and muscle mass against his opponents, 9/10 being able to overpower them with sheer force.
He loves knives, collects them actually. The action of slamming a blade up to the hilt in someone's neck is muscle memory for him.
He taunts his opponents, throwing them off their game by lashing out at their insecurities. (Or telling really bad jokes if he's sparring with Soap)
He doesn't like fighting, but he knows he can never stop. Since the moment he was born he's been fighting. It's in his blood and he knows it. The euphoria he feels when he leaves the battlefield or the ring scares him. He's worried that one day he is going to take his bloodlust home.
Okay now onto professional/work-endorsed fight hc’s
This man is not afraid to throw hands. He is 6’2 and 220 pounds of pure muscle. In hand-to-hand combat, he could take pretty much anyone on and win, and everybody knows it.(Think Prison Break. Ghost went out with a knife and a pistol and took out a buttload of Shadows with just Soap guiding him from the cameras.) Any mission that is Close Quarters Combat, Ghost is sent in. 
He has fought a recruit once. It took him about 10 seconds to pin the kid, and another 10 seconds for him to tell Price he was never training a recruit like that again. (tbh I don’t think that the 141 trains new recruits, but for the sake of getting my point across I am going to hc it.)
Soap and Price are the only ones he is willing to spar with. While Soap is much shorter, he has muscle that rivals Ghost’s and can hold his own pretty well. Gaz asked to spar once but Ghost refused. Although Gaz is close to him in height, he is far too skinny for Ghost to feel okay with fighting. 
Soap is agile and intelligent, landing heavy and precise blows before darting out of reach, but is too hot-headed and doesn’t think through his movements half-the time. Ghost is good at reading people, and he knows when to bait Soap and tire him out, and when he needs to take control of the situation. 
Ghost studies Soap’s (or any of his opponents really) body with a warrior's mind. In training, when they are clad in gym shorts and a T-shirt, he can tell which way the Scotsman is going to lunge just based on the way his muscles tense. In the field it is a bit harder, his targets usually clad from head to toe, hiding and protecting their bodies, but there are still signs. Just a twitch of the eye or a shift in weight are enough to give him the upper hand. As any child that is a product of a dysfunctional home can attest, he grew up watching these signs in his father, it wasn't too hard to translate those survival skills from childhood to military life. 
If they end up training recruits, Price will have them line up and watch as Soap and Ghost go at it. Ghost enjoys that fear in their eyes when he grabs Johnny's wrist and yanks down, uses his free hand to push the opposite shoulder back, and sweeps his legs out from under him all in one swift move. The collective oooooh from the greenies, and the sight of Soap gasping for breath makes him almost smile. He actually does smile when he watches Soap pull it on Gaz a week later. (It takes Soap exactly 3 tries to figure out how to avoid Ghost when he tries to pull it, and another 3 for him to try it on Gaz and get it right). 
Price, and eventually Soap, can always tell when Ghost needs an outlet for his pent-up anger. When he gets mouthy one of them will take him to the mats and spar until they’re both exhausted and soaked in sweat. 
In the field it is a lot less fun and games. There is no subduing or tap outs, it is kill or be killed. Gaz understands why Ghost refuses to spar with him after he’s sent on a mission with him and watches in almost awe as the man lives up to his legend and comes out victorious in a 4v1. Banged up and in need of medical care, but victorious. 
Now onto the public
Honestly I don’t think adult Ghost gets into too many fights outside of work. Teen Ghost got into fights all the time, but adult Ghost has a better handle. However when he does get into a fight, it’s usually his fault, because he provoked the person into swinging. He has a way with words, a terrifying ability to pick out a person's insecurities and use them against them. He rips into people's emotions, and when most of the public places he frequents are bars, his targets are easily riled up. He doesn’t necessarily go looking for fights, he just enjoys pissing people off. 
Like I’ve said before, Ghost is not a heavy drinker. He was surrounded by addicts his whole life, he knows what alcohol and drugs can do to a person. He would never drink himself to the point of oblivion. He may have a drink or two when he and Johnny go out to the bar, might even let himself get a little tipsy if the squad is celebrating something huge, but he never gets drunk to the point where he can’t function. Because of this, any fight he gets into in a bar is resolved within seconds. One solid punch to the jaw, and the drunken asshole pawing at some young girl drops to the floor. A person who can’t even stand up straight has no chance against a member of Special Forces. 
He doesn’t take cheap shots. He’s not gonna kick a guy when they’re down. Once his opponent hits the ground, he stops. He very rarely loses control and just keeps going. 
He has been in a couple of bar fights, one time he took a bottle of alcohol to the head and had a hard time trying to explain to Price why he was given 15 stitches and a week's medical leave.(Not that he took it)
Sorry there's not a lot for this one. I just don’t see adult Simon getting into that many unwarranted fights. He will fuck a guy up if he’s harassing you, or any woman for that matter, he’ll step in if someone gets too rowdy at the bar, if they swing he’ll swing back, and he does not respond to threats against him and his very well,  but things like that really don’t happen to often in his way of life. 
Fight club(sorry I just keep going 😅😭)
This is a bit ooc, but I thought it was fun nonetheless
Soap takes him to a fight club once, just to watch, but Ghost is enthralled. Soap comes back from getting pretzels to an empty bench. He panics for a second before his gaze moves to the ring, where Ghost stands in a t-shirt and shorts, a plain balaclava hiding his face. Soap makes a lot of money that night. 
Ghost finds a new pass-time in this ‘fight-club’ that Soap showed him. It’s a great way to release pent-up energy when he is on leave, and he always leaves feeling relaxed and less volatile. 
When the memories and nightmares get too much for him, he goes and pounds it out in the ring. He finds  a man of his size and skill, and they become sparring partners almost every time.. Despite the broken ribs, he leaves feelings much happier. Price, however, is not when he hears that Ghost will be out of commission for at least a month. 
He goes by the nickname Reaper. (He let Soap pick it out, and regrets that decision deeply)
He enjoys the fight club almost more than he enjoys sparring with Soap. He enjoys being able to fight for fun rather than survival. The anonymity he’s allowed and the money that comes from winning is a nice bonus.
He still keeps to himself, declining his opponents/partners attempts to get a phone number or offers to grab a drink. 
If he’s married, you notice that he’s not quite as harsh when he gets back from deployments as he used to be. Though you don’t like his bruised knuckles and bloody noses, if this is what helps him process his trauma then so be it.
He takes you sometimes, to watch. You like watching him win, like the way the clothes cling to his muscled frame, but the sight of his face getting punched in is one you'd rather never see again.
They offer self-defense classes, and he signs you up. He had already taught you some self-defense tips, where to aim and how to hit in the even of an emergency, but he'd rather you have someone to practice with so you know what to do.
Extra(aka sad stuff)
I know that Ghost is not superhuman or immortal, but this man is a beast. He survived an abusive childhood, being kidnapped, tortured, assaulted, and the massacre of his whole family. He can fight through incredible amounts of pain, and is ruthless and blood thirsty. In a life or death situation, all morals go out the window, and he will do what it takes to survive. He’s not proud of it. 
When he holds his newborn son for the first time he almost panics. The fragile baby body feels wrong in his scarred, war-torn hands. He sits on the bed for a long time after you take the baby to put him down, just staring at his hands. His fingers curl and uncurl in his palm as he tries to get the image of crushing his baby's fragile skull like he's crushed the throats of his enemies out of his head. It takes hours for the feeling of blood to fade from his skin.
Anywayyys, I hope this is what you were looking for, and again, sorry for the length 😅 Let me know what you think and/or if you want more headcannons in the future :))
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legionofpotatoes · 8 months
All other criticisms of modern Star Wars aside, the thing that gets me the most is how every single story is being written to fit into some Avengers-level grand finale that just isn't laying a solid enough foundation to make it worth the wait. Regardless of whether the individual stories are good or bad, what makes them fall so short, imo, is that there's usually no real payoff within their own runtimes (unless you count cheap callbacks or loose promises of More, which you shouldn't)
Like, I already knew halfway through Ahsoka that we were in for a cliffhanger and it's just like...alright, guess we'll see how this ends in about 5 years? Even Mando, which had a great first season and was poised to stand on its own two feet and ride off on a rootin' tootin' bounty huntin' adventure, has ultimately become yet another dusty path on the road to the current Big Plot with an indeterminate due date. That's not deliciously addictive media, it's a dry-ass carrot on a spindly little stick, lol
Of course, this is a problem that many franchises are happily getting cozy with lately because everybody wants to have their own Infinity War / Endgame moment, but I guess it seems a bit more egregious with Star Wars because, ironically, it used to work best because it had less overall focus. Like, sure, we had concurrent movies, animated series, and games, but they were always happy to do their own things and tell their own stories with definitive conclusions. Now it all has to funnel into the Big New Plot and, man, I honestly just can't bring myself to care when it feels like an endless waiting game
I definitely need to get around to watching Visions at some point because, every time it pops up, it sounds like the lifeblood that Star Wars sorely needs atm
Yeah the setup-and-payoff a-to-b type dramatic clarity that seemed so entrenched into the very bones of cinematic grammar - up to around the emergence of streaming, wink wink nudge nudge - is sorely missed in star wars atm. sure maybe downsized writers rooms fidgeting with limited series formats instead of doing actual seasonal TV has something to do with it, but even that is probably such a small piece of the larger issue that spins all this longform storytelling bullshit ferry wheel around.
Another part is certainly chasing the MCU business model of it all like you said. Carrot on a stick is verbatim how I've often described these things myself, the endless promise of another promise of another promise instead of forming a complete thought with a beginning and an end. servicing the plot before story at all costs. another part still is reverence towards the aesthetic trappings of the source material instead of its themes, trying to nail the exact texture of tatooine's huts and dial in the perfect balance of lightsaber choreography and pay homage to a thousand iconic shots before articulating something true in the text.
And like it's an endless laundry list, this confluence of capital-I Issues both industry-scale and creatively-driven that seem to be flaying the skin off the bones of whatever star wars even "is" nowadays. no one can answer that in the context of billions of dollars made off toys and storylines centering around this one moment in fictional history about sons and fathers and empires and rebellions. so they just keep twisting in the wind filling in any gaps within that period. I don't know nonnie, it's all so bleak. ahsoka and obi wan and even mando tbh. as charming as season 1 was, it truly felt like it coasted on its incredible restraint to avoid muddying its aesthetic with cameos, and lucked into effective storytelling as a result of that utterly unintentional alchemy. that's obviously well and truly gone now as its true optics have reared head.
what star wars is by itself is such a pointless discussion, right? andor argues it's a perfectly functional heightened universe that can support incredibly nuanced and dramatically charged stories of grassroots rebellion and the bureaucratic strain of fascist regimes. visions argues it's a world beholden to the force, an endlessly mutable and elegant metaphor that can support infinite monomyths and fairy tales. both are equally fantastic at executing on their takes, despite being in diametrically opposite extremes of interpreting the source. so it's not really about that at all, why the other stuff sucks this bad.
they're just bad at the craft of it, that's really it. whether it's auteur worship or business decisions rotting that fish down, it still rots all the same. maybe the new writers' guild contracts can shift the winds a little, because I was so securely done with star wars and then the aforementioned 2 shows came and affected me. so, so profoundly that I'm back on the hook again. like a lil sucker!
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sushisocks · 7 months
DO I HAVE ANGSTY SEAN HEADCANONS???!? Is my tumblr url sushisocks??? I'm including just a couple non-angsty ones that are v important to me bcz we're here to have fun, after all lolol
Lets start out with a light one; Sean absolutely has ADHD and dyslexia. Everybody knows Sean can't read, but nobody asks WHY Sean can't read despite frequent opportunities to learn. Based on the camp interactions with Lenny, we know he has been willing to attempt to learn, but has given up. This reads a lot more like learning disability to me, than it does laziness!!
In a similar vein; Sean taking frequent naps/falling asleep a lot is because he's a light sleeper - he has had a hard time falling asleep and staying that way ever since his father got murdered in his bed by the law. Left an impression Sean can't really shake even when surrounded by friends and allies - it's easier to nap when it's light out and people are awake in the area. Combine that with the ADHD and suddenly he's sleeping when he's not supposed to - like on guard duty.
Btw Sean has REAL BAD nightmares so that doesn't help at ALL either
Sean's mom probably passed when he was very young - he doesn't have any tangible memories of her in the same way he does his dad. Telling stories about him is how Sean keeps the only real family he had alive.
SIMILARLY I imagine it was just the two of them fleeing to America together; Sean was right there when Darragh got killed in his sleep - I imagine him waking up to a gunshot tbh.
In previous posts I've talked some about Sean's parallels and similarities to Arthur. Consider; Sean having similar self-esteem issues as Arthur, but instead of being quiet and disparaging about it, Sean covers it up by boasting and talking a big game. Nobody tries to talk Sean up because they all think he has a big ego, and it sort of just feeds into the insecurities Sean already has & is trying to avoid thinking about.
Also; Sean is generally an open book about his feelings, but he struggles a LOT with being truly vulnerable or getting at the deeper stuff. He'll also always downplay and make a joke out of truly traumatic and desperate situations he's been in. Though he DOES tell you what happened, he's chuckling and acting like it's nothing. (This isn't even a headcanon, he actually does this very consistently. It's why Karen is so mad at him in that one camp interaction after the party lol)
The only times Sean feels comfortable not being The Camp Clown is when Dutch isn't around, with a limited amount of people to witness. He still feels weird about the fact that he did actually try to kill him, when they first met, like he actually pulled the trigger (I feel like people are prone to forget this abt him), and he's never sure if Dutch might resent or distrust him a little for it. Same goes for Hosea.
A MacSummers one I came up w on discord literally yesterday; Sean has a Claddagh ring heirloom he got from his late mother through his late father. He gifts it to Lenny at some point, who doesn't realize the symbolism, just the sentimental value. Lenny wears it on a chain around his neck.
The previous one could work for MacJones too but tbh I think it hits harder for MacSummers lol (im biased)
Sean blocked out a lot of what he experienced while holed up at Ike Skelding's; the teethpulling and the burned feet were probably some of the lighter things he had to endure.
Sidenote the fact that his feet were fucking burned being as brushed off as it is makes me fucking insane. How bad were they burned Sean? Are you in pain atm? Should you be walking?
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dracaelus · 2 months
Tumblr media
Angst (multiple levels of angst)
too close to the sun, by joshriku: 3, 683 words, charles pov, canon compliant to Jean Grey #1 (2023) (i think it's better to read the issue first, but it's not really necessary)
Jean Grey erases Magneto's mind - or so she thinks. When Charles finds his body, he brings it back to the mansion, and begins the arduous task of putting Erik's mind together. Of course, when it comes to Erik and persevering, it's always a lot more effective than he expects.
To Breathe Again (Impossibilities Remix), by Unforgotten: Erik's pov from the original movies timeline. The old men are old!!! It's a 3,879 words oneshot and it's beautiful
After Liberty Island, you think you must have burned that bridge at last. After Alkali Lake, you're even more certain. What once seemed so easy is now an impossibility, and the dream that once plagued you no longer comes.
Then Charles dies and you know: Going home was never truly impossible until now.
This is not easily described by a single genre methinks
superposition, by borninsideatornado: The racer car driver au! This one has some angst yes, but it didn't feel right to put it in the angst category bc there's so much more to it! This story is about healing. It's also about racing cars. And it's also a romance ! Charles and Erik have an amazing dynamic, but then so does Erik and Emma, Erik and Pietro (the father and son are father and son'ing!) and the entire team tbh. Really fun to read!
erik is a race car driver coming off the worst year of his life. charles xavier may be his last hope.
Time to Grow, by zarah5: 20K oneshot, Charles pov. Fluffy fix-it
In which you'll find chess dates which aren't dates (or maybe Charles is wrong about that). -- Based on First Class, this turns (slightly) AU during the beach scene.
Fathers and sons, by M_Leigh: 6K oneshot, Hank pov. So fucking funny
“I have an – interest – in Peter Maximoff,” Erik said, somewhat grudgingly, glaring. “A – familial – interest –”
Everybody stared at him.
“In that – mutantkind is one – large – family –” Erik said valiantly, if pathetically.
“Oh, shit,” Alex said. “No way. No way.”
i guess i should say thanks or some shit: au but they do have powers, 17K oneshot, charles pov
believe it or not, charles has a well-thought-out moral philosophy. he doesn’t follow it. but he has thought it out. alternatively: charles and erik douche it up in amsterdam
Frosted hearts, by aesc & palalife: 29K oneshot, multipov, the main focus is cherik, and it comes with art!
Emma Frost has 99 problems, but a date ain't one. Specifically, she has no time to play the dating game--which is fine with her, because she'd much rather run it instead. From a set of sleek, silver and white offices on Fifth Avenue and with her trusty, stylish, and silent partner Janos Quested, Emma has built Frosted Hearts into New York City's premiere dating service, built on the principle that money, and a sufficiently rigorous psionic scan, can, in fact, buy you love.
Somewhere in Frosted Hearts's server is one Charles Xavier, genius and geneticist, with the kind of nicely-starched good looks that sell well on brochures for New England prep schools. He's also a telepath who's decided to give up pursuing serious relationships and instead spend his thirties doing what he should have done as a teenager: have a lot of sex with random people. Fortunately for him, Erik Lehnsherr, metallokinetic and engineering executive, has absolutely no time in his heart or his schedule for anything more serious than... well, absolutely nothing romantic at all.
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fionarara · 11 months
omg fifi i loved your dissertation on my selfship answers 😭 let’s talk about it!!
Taka having to grow up raising two sisters seems to be a dead giveaway to his ability to be patient!! mana and luna probably had their share of mood swings, pouty episodes, etc. not to mention, boy seems to be pretty familiar with depression and crazy family issues (bc of the shiba’s). i’m the type of person who would constantly give him an “out” because i go through waves of emotion sometimes, but GODDAMMIT Taka is just that type to keep holding your hand, rub your back, help you take a breath… how is one person so fkn composed?! 😭 he’d make your your favorite meal and run you a bath— man does he make little butterflies flap around in my stomach 😵‍💫😩
i also love that you love my tickle headcanon for Shuji. yk this guy being such a hardened delinquent and probably kept everyone at an arms length at all times, imagine his shock when you wiggle your hands into his sides and he jumps like two feet in the air like “what the fuck was that” and i just… personally i feel like he deserves to laugh and be a giggly goofy guy 🥲
and don’t EVER apologize for saying a lot bc i also have a lot to say about all these fine ass gang members 😌🤭
♡♡♡ EVERYBODY LISTEN UP ! I WANT IT SPREAD FAR AND WIDE ACROSS THIS FANDOM THAT SIN AND PUNISHMENT HAVER AKA HANMA SHUJI IS A CANON TICKLISH BISH (affectionate), little tickly fingers are his achilles heel which he has gone thru great lengths to hide, has spent a considerable amount of time trying to do so—not even kisaki knows—the only person that does know is the one he's dating,,, and whenever you do end up finding out that very first time, he just pounces you, wild and wide-eyed, pinning you to the couch. one playful tatted hand is clamped over your giggly mouth and his other has a tense singular index finger bolted up and out where it's then pointedly directed down at your face, while you're giddy and squirming beneath him, as he gleefully glowers down at you, it's a goofy lil threat, "—but don't you dare tell a fuckin soul ! " and oh mitsuya definitely has the best soft dom game out of the TR-verse, ~aftercare master extraordinaire~ ,,, only closely rivaled by draken's game, buuut tbh that's probably why they were bffs from way back ^_^ u know when they both had mohawks together ? they like gravitated toward each others' energy bc they have v similar nurturing dispositions\tendencies and sensed it in each other like finding your kin in the wild, since YEA they actually both grew up around vulnerable females, taka w his baby sisters, ken in the brothel, but i digress,,,lalala no no, rly, lex u speak big truths about mitsuya's love language: huge ACTS OF SERVICE guy, and when he's done running you a bath he will even brush the tangles out of your damp hair so gently because he is so practiced at it, please he fucking LIVES for that soft labor. . + .
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silver-wield · 3 months
The thing about aerith you just shared is fascinating. If we're going with the theme of " there's nothing I don't cherish" and the complete 180° of Zack's character with aerith in terms of stereotypes of heroism.
With Zack, Cloud cries for a good person. Someone he idolized.
With Aerith, cloud cries for uh not so good person (I'm being generous here). Someone he treated severely most of the time.
But both he was grateful for. Both he cried for. Just like with anything. Like, look at how he described jessie in Rebirth. We know she didn't treat him well but in cloud's perspective he was grateful for her reaching out to him. Giving him materia, inviting him with the gang for pizza. I think once wedge told him that she's just being a prick, he ended up being more relaxed about it. But you know what's up? He doesn't think of her romantically AT ALL. Not even a prospect even for a milisecond. She's actually very similar to the way aerith was written here btw.
But yes, long story short. He cherishes everything. Good and bad. But there's only one person he'll ever come to be attracted to and in love with. Tifa obviously duh.
But yeah, like you said, she's an awful person who so happens to be one of the "good guys" in the story. If a clumsy guy can be a hero (Cloud), if the perfect hero can be a hero (Zack), if the perfect heroine can be a hero (Tifa), then, the most questionable person can also be a hero (aerith).
Lol the Sibling energy going strong here, if you noticed what I mean 😂.
But overall, It fits. It's a game with the theme of LIFE in it. We meet so many people.
So in short Nojima is challenging us through aerith to see that. Don't lavish her with flowery words nor look at her through rose tinted glasses (puns intended). LOOK AT HER. She's a POS but she got friends who care for her. She may take them for granted A LOT but she will be there to help save the planet they live in. That's one way to look at it.
But Cloti is TOO KIND still lol. So they need better boundaries and standards for friendship.
Also low key aerith reminds me of gollum here. Gollum is ACTUALLY a hero himself. And if Frodo (cloti) didn't let him into their circle, but they did due to their kindness. They will never be able to kill sauron. So Gollum, by sheer greed and all. Bit Frodo's finger, catches the ring and falls with it. So if they never let aerith into the group, welcomed her with open arms, she wouldn't have been able to do her task and see to it as much as she can. Than alone.
That was long but yeah. Sorry to aerith fans since I compared her to gollum. But it has nothing to do with his looks, just the function he has in the story. And HE IS A VERY IMPORTANT CHARACTER.
That's what I think. What's interesting tho is at least Cloud has the interest and self awareness of knowing he doesn't or does but wanting to prove he deserves Tifa. The modernized Yamato Nadeshiko. Meanwhile aerith is the complete opposite. She just believes she's entitled to it regardless. Zack has uh, an interesting type I'd say. It cringes me he's into "city mouse" but notice the animal she's being compared to lmao. Tbh they're kind of the same in one aspect not only their upbeat personality. Zack would never bat an eye on her if she didn't had the same complexity she had with being weird and different. Same with aerith, she'd never care at all. This will never apply to cloud even if he ends up being a soldier, because he wants to be special afterall, he will never understand aerith and zack's insecurities. But Zack doesn't think being a soldier is special, he feels like a monster but still he wants to be a hero.
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I mean nobody has any issues with Cait Sith, a literal Shinra spy, being a good guy. Nobody has issues with Vincent, a former turk who probably did a lot of questionable shit, being a good guy.
Cid also worked for Shinra and knew Ifalna and never tried to help her despite seeing her around Hojo's lab, but he's a good guy.
Everybody is a flawed hero, but Aerith's flaws are worse because hers cause harm to her own friends. Everybody else's personality flaws are external in nature and project outward towards other characters who aren't part of their group, but Aerith and Cait Sith's flaws project internally to the group. Cait gets ousted after betraying them and Aerith dies.
It's almost like those harmful to the greater good of the planet are removed from the party. Cait returns with a better attitude in a new robot body, but the one that betrayed them also dies.
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kibibarel · 5 months
curious about what part of SV's main story you liked and then changed your mind on? Because I think the base story is still pretty solid. the DLC part 1 (have not played 2 yet) really fails though because the real issue imo is that KIERAN (who i also think is a fucking creepy weirdo and everybody is hating on his sister when Carmine is literally not that bad at all) should have been the main character but Pokemon being Pokemon, the PLAYER is the main character and that makes the story weird. Like tbh that's kind of the issue with SV as a whole - the story isn't really about the PLAYER and it makes the player seem like an awkward third wheel in everybody ELSE'S stories.
it's dumb but the main thing is that I CANNOT READ?? and i thought that ScarVi's big endgame twist was that the professor had been dead for AGES (like...basically Arven's entire life almost) and that's why Arven had zero memories of them + why the game pushes the "Arven, your mother/father loved you!!" thing so hard...i thought this was brutal and tragic and went SO HARD and i loved it
and then i found out that they've only been dead for what, like, a month?? TOPS???? and that made everything i loved about the climax completely fall apart/ring hollow, which in turn made me kind of bitter about the entire story as a whole 😂 like bro why did you even kill them off????
while i thought the characters in the core game were all pretty strong and likable, i also didn't get really attached to any of them...so that combined with me being like "that one major plot point wasn't as cool as i thought it was originally :\" has led to me being altogether "meh" on ScarVi's story when i look back on it. it's probably a little unfair of me since i still think it's one of the better stories in Pokemon overall......but i still just can't help feeling just a teensy bit mad when i think about it too much 😂😂
i don't really care about the player being the protag (i've never really minded sitting in the back seat while i watch Pokésoap operas awkwardly unfold around me lmao) but where the DLC's story is concerned, i think it will be effective if you like Kieran and find his drama compelling. i didn't find him compelling at all KLFJ:KLH, so i was generally disinterested in the DLC storyline
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faarkas · 1 year
tagged by my darlings @aartyom and @nuclearstorms to do this cheeky lil oc game. i love to rate my children.
no pressure tagging @vilkaas @rockerboys @malefiicarum @cptcassian @leefi @denerims @virmire @statichvm @jackiesarch and @reaperkiller !
enjoy the hastily cobbled together banners at midnight when i have work tomorrow. 😭
- picrew
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salen trevelyan [dai] & verde jack [cp77]
ooohhhhhhh these two blond(e) freckly bitches are the baddies of all time for me. I’ve had Salen since 2017 and he’s remained my biggest comfort oc for some reason. he is literally just some layered bimbo with daddy issues and too much responsibility. 😭 AND VERDE IS JUST….woman of all time. Almost as old as Salen bc I started cobbling her together RIGHT after i saw the fake 2018 e3 demo. :^) But her aesthetic and character and just the way she is (talented artist exhausted and resigned to having to literally fight for her life…SO many different ways) appeals to me. These two and gwen are always on my mind I rly should do more with all of them tbh. they are so special to me.
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megan stern [re]
everybody say hiiii meg. She’s the new baby on the block and if U can believe it….she’s getting shit written about her. Imagine that. The blondies are fuming. Anyway she’s a bit of a spitfire pilot that gets the honour and dreadful task of loving chwis wedfield. She likes pickle flavoured potato chips. (among many many other strange flavours)
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elena lavellan [dai]
The fact that she’ll be 10 years old next year is giving me fucking heartburn. I don’t really think about her so much anymore, but she was the IT girl for a while. She still holds an esteemed position in my barbie playhouse or w/e. But she’s got the chronic pain, the wit, the beauty, the drive, the bravery to keep on trucking. tragically a c*llen romance first and then s*las second.
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vertex [cp77]
ms cuntress supreme. Her and gwen fought for this spot. But Vertex is MEAN, she’s bitter, she’s old, she’s warped, shes a netrunner, shes almost a cyberpsycho if not one already,,,, her and saburo get along. she’s EVIL. But she does have 1 son that she loves :( cuts her up that he’s basically cut her off completely :(
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kas adaar [dai]
Kas and I who literally had a name change fight today bc his original name (Tibbalt) just wasn’t making sense. But he is one of the kindest, loveliest ocs in my collection. He bakes, he cleaves enemies with his greataxe, he has good advice, and deals with skyholds various issues. He’s a born leader and the ideal inquisitor. He’s a big advocate for peace .
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gwenyth lavellan [dai]
NOW THIS is my most babiest girl. my babybabygirl. She went through a lot as a young girl, basically trained into a 24/7 bodyguard for her clans keeper until the enclave happened. Gwen and being inquisitor…Bad mix. She’s aggressive, argumentative, violent, and shockingly strong. With enough genuine support and socialization she starts to relax and open up a little. And her relationship with Morrigan…..i love valenzo but gwen and morrigan are….Like wow. She mellows out into the aloof prickly bestie they all need. But U still never know what she’s thinking and if she’ll backhand u or not.
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nizana daevarran [bg3]
Shes in love with a morally dubious vampire. Loves garlic bread. She’s a rogue. Last play through she lost both her eyes. BABYGIRL IS NOT VERY SMART. BUT SHES SO PRETTY and likeable. voted most likely to say something dumb.
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lorenzo vecchioni [cp77]
Even tho Lorenzo presents as the most ridiculous man alive, and acts like it, he is definitely my smartest main oc period. He is literally an engineer. LIKE AJDJFKN He’s still gotta go to school but likes. That’s an engineer right there. He’s intelligent in so many ways. Husband material ‼️‼️‼️
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jade faulkner [cp77]
sweet lovely jade and i would get along i think. She’s easy going and willing to get along with almost anybody so. We’d hang out in the garage bc shes a lil grease rat. :3 Also video games. She loves a good game.
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exeggcute · 6 months
sometimes i get so mad about online advertising being so lawless compared to other mediums (ex. television ads occupying specific spots in programming or a small fraction of the screen while online ads can sprawl wherever the hell they want And bog down computer performance) i find myself wishing for someone to enact legislation leading to their regulation, but how likely of a possibility do you think that actually is?
it depends tbh. we do have related stuff like CCPA and GDPR (obligatory meme that I have saved on my phone:)
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...so it's not impossible for further laws/regulations to crop up down the line. my main thoughts here are that (1) adtech changes so rapidly that I think any specific legislation is almost certainly doomed to become obsolete before long (compounded further by the fact that most lawmakers barely seem to understand the internet, let alone a fucking RTB supply chain lol), (2) enforcement would be a nightmare considering there are literally several hundred billion bid requests generated EVERY SINGLE DAY (googled this stat to make sure I wasn't misremembering and got another dr. fou link lol. can't escape this guy) and (3) believe it or not, the online advertising industry is largely self-governing... or at least tries to be.
an organization called the IAB (interactive advertising bureau) sets a ton of standards around not only the logistics of buying and selling ads (they are, for example, the creators of the OpenRTB protocol for real-time auctions), but also the quality of the ads and ad space being sold. there are tons of initiatives they've proposed that have widespread buy-in among the industry, like ads.txt, which everybody who's anybody uses these days.
you do, of course, have to buy in to what the IAB is metaphorically selling, but their decrees hold a lot of weight among all sections of the ads supply chain—both reputable buyers and reputable sellers regularly adjust their behavior based on IAB guidelines. for example, two of the things you mentioned:
"ads can sprawl wherever they want": the IAB has about a million guidelines for where ads can physically go on a page, how they can run (e.g., video ads must be muted by default or they aren't IAB compliant), and what percentage of the visual real estate they can use up. publishers obviously can and do violate these guidelines, but third-party tools exist to make sure your ads aren't running on pages that pull that shit. and as a rule, advertisers actively dislike buying ad space on awful cluttered pages because they know the pages are shitty and the impressions are less valuable.
"big down computer performance": people call those heavy ads! the IAB sets standards around ad performance (the lighter the better, basically) and google chrome even implemented a feature that automatically kills heavy ads before they eat up your whole CPU. some performance based-issues are also caused by malvertising which is uhhh a whole other thing but no one likes it and everyone who matters is trying to stop it.
which isn't to be naive here or an industry shill or whatever because Fucking Obviously these problems persist. I actually had to email the advertising division at conde nast recently because I kept getting malicious redirect ads on their mobile site (they haven't responded yet... return my calls bitch!) so clearly even well-meaning reputable websites and ad platforms and advertisers continue to have issues with IVT and whatnot. the struggle is eternal.
but arguably so is the struggle against basically anything that's legislated, like property crime or whatever. I'm admittedly not optimistic that formal laws would fix digital advertising, only put a slightly hotter fire under people's asses to clean up their respective acts better. which is certainly a good thing, it's just a rapidly evolving game where the bad actors are always coming up with new tactics.
fun and related example: I read a recent retrospective about the kids behind the mirai botnet, which originally started out as a DDoS-for-hire scheme but pivoted to ad fraud when it turned out that was way more profitable. possibly the largest botnet ever (don't quote me on that though) and it was spun up by three teenagers!!!
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otome-mondays · 4 months
Collar x Malice: Unlimited Review 🐈‍⬛
Ok I know I recently posted a Collar x Malice review, but I’m going in order I played these games. Who’s ready to jump back into the world of Collar x Malice! So some background info to start: this is the first fandisc I have ever played, and as of writing is the only one I’ve played. Because of this, I’m not generally sure what the standards are for fandiscs. I also played this back in 2021, so it has been a while. Please go back to my previous review on Collar x Malice for trigger warnings (use the otome mondays tag)
Spoilers Ahead
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So to start off this game, we have a separate prologue. You do have to play the prologue because it unlocks all the after stories. So let’s see how this game starts out! Well, for starters we have one of my least favorite things: retroactively adding characters and events that would’ve DEFINITELY been mentioned in the original if it happened. Yeah, needless to say I was not please at this start and quickly became frustrated having to unlock routes. Oh, right if you want to play anything else you have to unlock each boy’s route separately with their prologue choices. So fun! Let’s actually move on to what I bought the game for, 3/10.
Sasazuka Takeru 🍩
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So for the after stories, I started with Sasazuka. I saw a recommendation to just pick one that you enjoyed but wasn’t your favorite or pick your favorite to start the game since there’s no need for a route order. I did originally place Sasazuka’s route as solid middle ground in terms of my favorite love interest and also route itself, so it seemed like a safe bet. And thank god it was! This one starts up after the events of his best ending and him rejoining the cyber crimes division. The main conflict here is that Sasazuka and Ichika are learning how to balance work and life and being in a relationship together. The pacing was pretty solid and even though it’s short, it’s enjoyable! If you liked Sasazuka’s route, you’ll enjoy this after story. 8/10.
Yanagi Aiji 🚬
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I decided after Sasazuka’s route, I was going to get Yanagi’s out of the way. I do enjoy all the characters, but Yanagi is my least favorite out of the LIs here. After the events of Yanagi’s best ending, we have the start of the after story. Yanagi’s started his private detective agency and everybody’s getting back to normal life. That is until Yanagi’s older brother randomly shows up and threatens him to rejoin the police. So this story mostly focuses on that conflict. This is another cute and short story, so if you liked Yanagi’s route you will like his after story. 8/10.
Enomoto Mineo 🪭
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I honestly picked this route next on a whim, and I’m glad I did! This story picks up after he’s been reinstated into Field Ops 2 and now the couple work in the same building. Enomoto’s route definitely focuses on him maturing and developing his relationship with Ichika, and it’s so refreshing to have a portrayal of a healthy relationship in a game (which is rich coming from me tbh). Thanks to his after story, he moved up spots on my favorite LIs list. Honestly I don’t see how anybody would dislike this route. 10/10.
Shiraishi Kageyuki 🐱
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Shiraishi yet again stealing the show for some of the best writing…it’s a shame he has this weird extra character. I feel like it’s obvious, but this story has a lot of angst. Because of Shiraishi turning himself in and all of his crimes he committed, he’s under arrest and contained in a special cell. Unfortunately, random extra dude is the main issue in Shiraishi’s story. It is nice to see his growth though as a character. I feel like they did him dirty by making a third of his route flashbacks to the og game. 7/10, Shiraishi fans will probably enjoy but it could’ve been way better.
Okazaki Kei 🏃‍♂️
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So I saved my favorite for last, and I’m glad I did! After the X-Day events have wrapped up, Okazaki returns to HQ and Ichika stays with SRCPO. This story also focuses on the two of them trying to navigate being in a relationship and work and life. I was a bit disappointed to see that Okazaki kind of regressed and goes through the same growth all over again but speed run edition. Even though it ends good, this story is kind of meaningless because of this. It isn’t a bad story, just disappointing. Sorry for all us Okazaki fans, 7.5/10.
Other Routes 🐈‍⬛
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So let’s talk about the additional bonus routes. To play any of these extra stories, you do need to play through all the after stories. First, let’s go over the Adonis route. This takes place after Yanagi’s tragic end. Ichika joins Adonis after everybody she has cared for is murdered and Zero convinces her to join. It was nice to see Ichika interacting with the Adonis members and how they showed Ichika and Zero have a horridly toxic relationship. If you do want to see all this route has to offer, you do have to replay it a couple of times. Due to this, it’s a little more repetitive than enjoyable at points. Still nice additional content, 8/10. We also have some extended short stories, one from Kazuki’s perspective during X-Day, a semi-Minegishi route, and a semi-Yoshinari route. Kazuki gets an 8/10, Minegishi gets a 4/10, and Yoshinari gets a 7/10.
Overall Thoughts 🐈‍⬛
I like the idea of a fandisc and I think some elements were executed very nicely! Unfortunately, I do have a few issues with some of the content here (mainly the random dude being added and prologue entirely), but I still would recommend it for anybody who enjoyed Collar x Malice! 8/10
Since characters stay the same here, I’m not adding an LI ranking. I will add my route ranking though!
Route: Enomoto > Sasazuka > Yanagi > Adonis > Kazuki > Okazaki > Shiraishi > Yoshinari > Minegishi > Prologue
Resources 📝
I once again used CGs and screenshots from the game and I relied on Otome Kitten’s walkthroughs.
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Can I share an unpopular opinion? I don't really think that Gwyn was as good a mother as most fan fiction tends to portray. She always gave me the impression of being too consumed with being a hotshot lawyer than a mother. And she did both Owen and TK really dirty when she was in Texas. She knew damn well she wasn't going to stay in Texas permanently (a posh Manhattan snob like Gwyn wouldn't last long in Texas) and she used Owen to get what she needed at the time. She was literally going to go back to New York without even telling TK if she hadn't been caught when he came home to find her stuff packed. Even when she "saved" him and sent him to rehab it felt like it was more about her feelings than about TK. I know Owen has issues, but he always struck me as being a much better parent than Gwyn.
Sure! You're welcome to share your opinions on the show. I don't know if you're looking for my view on what you've said or if you just wanted to vent or start a general discussion with others who might see this (which is fine), so please skip over what follows if you're not interested:
I really like Gwyn – and Owen, Andrea and Gabriel. They are all my problematic faves; none of them are simple, all of them have grit, and I love the depiction of parents-with-adult-children on the show. That said, in my own fics, I've portrayed Gwyn as a beloved, loving, much missed person who had to enter a crack den to save her son. I also see some of what you're saying, like she was always going to want to be back in Manhattan, even if a pregnancy with Enzo hadn't happened. I think it was always the plan to say goodbye to TK before she left, though. She just needed to compartmentalise at first and get far enough along in her move so he wouldn't be able to talk her out of it (headcanon, obvies). She said she and Owen want to talk to TK about it together (but I love TK’s reaction to that – it giving him flashbacks to when he was seven but this time he gets to stand up for himself).
Tbh it doesn't bother me that she's a hotshot lawyer any more than it bothers me that Owen is highly career driven, and presumably Gabriel too. We don't know about Andrea job-wise, but we do know she’s an attentive mother who let her son down in a big way nonetheless. With TK in a much better place, and an adult, Gwyn can focus on what she wants and make money doing something she loves (can’t relate). She also deeply loves TK, and I can only imagine how difficult it is emotionally to balance having kids and hugely busy high-stakes jobs. You can't be la-de-dah about being a parent, but you also can't fudge being a lawyer. You have to go H.A.M. Fun fact: I'm the sprog of a busy complicated yuppie who I constantly disappoint lol, so I have some skin in the game when it comes to trying to figure all this out, as well as forgive certain things and find peace. (All this is furthering a ridiculous notion I have about bringing Gwyn and Gabriel back as ghosts with unfinished son-business 😅, as I contrast them with each other in my head a lot). I'm not a huge fan of the pregnancy storyline, partly because the timeline drives me bananas. Wish they'd done it a different way. Generally, I'm up for exploring Gwyn's complexities and flaws more.
Ooof…. I strongly disagree re. taking TK to rehab being more about Gwyn’s feelings than about his wellbeing. She was at her wit's end and I see it as a last-ditch attempt to save TK; by that point into TK's addiction, I can imagine she and Owen were both hugely fatigued. It's immensely difficult to deal with loved ones with addiction. It causes frustration and anger that all ultimately comes from a place of love and care and just wanting the nightmare to stop for everybody involved, with the best possible outcome (recovery), and at some point you’re running on empty. Both Gwyn and Owen dealt with TK the only way they knew how. It's impossible at times to know what to do, and everything seems wrong. I recently rewatched 3x08 very closely because I was working scenes into a fic, and I found it highly effective and emotional. To me, their love as mother and son was crystal clear and beautifully played. She flew from New York to California and then immediately flew back again. Imo, that is something else – something totally desperate.  
Owen and TK's relationship is what drew me to the show in the first place, and I also like that it's loving and close but also has its issues. Owen, Gwyn and TK have all been through a lot together and apart, they all have their flaws, and it makes them fascinating characters. I like that nobody is perfect – everyone is trying their best but messing up, sometimes big-time (this I can relate to...)
Tl;dr - I like our hot mess hotshot lawyer and her hot mess ex and son and the hot mess in-laws she never got to know. Really like the lilac jumper she wore as a spectre leaning against the tree, so shout out to that as well. You've inspired me to think more deeply going forward about her as a fic writer (I have a couple of WIPs in which she is important) so 👍
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Diluc, the character that has the most outfits out of everybody in the game (includes outfit from manga and collab), and manages to look good in all of them.
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Absolutely like Diluc has a full wardrobe but probably still insisted on wearing the same 3 outfits. Mostly for sensory issues. But still.
I do think, though that Diluc does like looking nice. So everything he owns is tailored for him. And he walks a balance between being practical and keeping up his image as a gentleman.
And I was dying for the new merch tbh. Cause I'm a sucker for that casual academia look. (And sweaters a just my jam) But it really fits Diluc.
In general, he's just a great-looking guy.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
Hmm. 20-22 inclusive …. making you be negative 😈 I’m assuming you’ll do zelda but as a scholar I’m also interested in your spn thoughts so you pick mwah
oooh dealer's choice this is so tough...what if i just answer for both LMAO im so sorry ok Lets Go
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
for zelda: i really, really wish i liked wind waker. i wanna like wind waker so fucking bad. i love wind waker's story. i love wind waker's ganondorf. i love how bright and cheerful the graphics are contrasted with how solemn it is underground. i love the dungeons and the gameplay. but god i HATE the cartoony little balloon heads. it takes me right out of those serious moments. i don't mind stylization but if it could have been just a LITTLE BIT. less stylized. just a LITTLE LESS like animal crossing characters. it's beautiful to look at but for a game with such serious hidden elements WHICH I LOVE i find trouble taking it seriously.
for spn: god, all of crowley's little arcs. he was almost never interesting, and while you can excuse bad writing for cas because it's cas, you can't make crowley happen. fetch is never gonna happen! you can show me his fun hot mom and his dead son and it still isn't happening! he's just the walking talking embodiment of the "angels and demons are just like OFFICE WORKERS" trope which i hate so fucking deeply because it's the least sexy direction they ever took and the exact opposite of what i want from my angels and demons. all of the middle seasons suffered deeply from this. crowley COULD have been interesting, but tbh, i liked him best in the season they killed him off.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
for zelda: i could do wind waker again but actually i completely understand the hype, bc wind waker is a great game even if i can't deal with it like a normal person. same with botw - i found most of the joy thru exploration, so it just didnt Hit on replays the way other zeldas do, but its influence cannot be understated and the hype is deserved. what if everybody is right all the time to hype any and everything about zelda?? oh wait actually. sorry. twilight princess ilia. idk if people hype her but if they do theyre wrong. love and light to her, she's Fine, but it feels kind of like a knockoff of malon (superior) and i generally dislike when link has romantic interests besides zelda, even if the love interest gets amnesia (wistful sigh). this sin was especially egregious bc zelda barely has any screentime at all, but i forgive tp for this because what screentime she DOES have is spent being in lesbians with midna. so it works out just this once due to the power of gay people, but that's some thin fucking ice. anyway, sorry to ilia and ilia fans for being a misogynist
for spn: i hate canon claire. i can't get into it in depth but like...sorry, even without the issue of My Own Claire Ideas, i still don't know if i could do it. being gay does not save her from having the exact same "damaged but spunky teen girl" personality given to almost EVERY OTHER TEENAGE GIRL (or young woman) on the show. to some extent she, krissy, mary from the winchesters, charlie, jo, alex, etc etc all have the same personality with a few defining quirks tacked on as an afterthought. do i love some of these characters? yes, of course. are they well-written? absolutely not <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for zelda: in general, i think skyward sword gets a bad rap despite lanayru desert's entire (waves hand vaguely) and zelda being a fucked up evil goddess who canonically manipulates link's love for her. AND GROOSE. never forget groose. more specifically i think not enough people have acknowledged 1. the champions corpses are definitely still in those cockpits 2. oot link essentially became a stalfos by walking into the lost woods without navi and never came back. hello?? generally those dark little implications that u have read between the lines to get <3
for spn: oh baby its michael!dean. i waited so long and i only really got what i wanted for one episode but it was so good. it was SO good. no one else is as hype about the fact that it took nine REAL LIFE YEARS to get there. a DECADE of my finite time on earth. but ohhh was it ever worth the wait. what else could i possibly write 100k+ about
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embersofhope-if · 7 months
hii!!! i’m going to watch the new hunger games with my boyfriend on the 17th cause my birthday is on the 16th, and i was wondering about your opinion on it??
personally, i’ve never read the books beside the ones based on katniss, but i see a lot of people hating on the choice of the actress for the lucy gray.
i think people are dramatizing everything about her and the snowwhite being single “issue”, yes it’s a little weird to basically say a woman has to be single to be independent, but you can tell her hearts in the right place, so why does everybody hate her???
and say what you want about her, but the girl can SING. like it’s actually crazy how pretty her voice is.
i really like the parallel of katniss singing to lucy’s singing, and the difference of two in general. i’ve seen this one quote that’s like “a hunter in a performance” regarding katniss and “a performer in a hunt” regarding lucy, and i love it so much?
i also love the new song from olivia rodrigo, it reminds me of rue (my sweet baby girl ☹️ i think of you everyday #theogmockingjay)
i feel my hunger games phase returning tenfold and i might cave in and buy the rest of the books and speedrun it before the movie tbh LMAO
sorry this is so long but i wanted to see what you thought of it!! (the actor of snow has no reason being that attractive. why would they make such a problematic person So hot???? everytime 😢)
omg im going to see tbosas on the 16th too🤭
Personally, i absolutely LOVE the book. It's my favorite out of all the books if im completely honest. I know a lot of people are worried that it "humanizes" Snow, but it genuinely doesn't. It shows you that he had several opportunities throughout his life to do the right thing and be a decent person, but every time he chose whatever benefited himself. It's truly very interesting to watch him go from academy student Coryo to future president of Panem Snow. I really recommend reading it if you haven't or aren't sure about it🫶
Everyone that I've talked who has seen the movie so far has said it really is great and does the book justice even if it obviously had to cut some things.
As for all the Rachel Zegler hate (Lucy Grays actress), i honestly think it's absolutely stupid. Most of the comments that people bitch about are severely taken out if context or was very obviously just something she was told to say. I don't think Disney really understands that people are tired of the whole a woman has to be single to be independent thing. Like i get peoples frustration with her saying that but I know Rachel doesnt think like that it was just something she was told would help promote the movie. Most of the hate towards her is just rooted is misogyny, so i normally ignore it.
Anyways! Everyone says she's a perfect Lucy Gray, and i fully believe it without even having to watch the movie. She's got an absolutely incredible voice, but she also just captures the spirit of Lucy Gray so well that i can't wait to see the movie.
I've been absolutely OBSESSED with Olivia's song. Im ngl i was a little worried when i heard rumors of her being on the sound track just because i was struggling to imagine what the song would sound like but she absolutely ate with Can't Catch Me Now. I think i listened to it like 87 times yesterday. im not even joking
I also fully support you falling head first into your hunger games phase again🤭. I've been stuck in mine since march, and I'll gladly bring anyone down with me lmao. I know the remastered audiobooks are on YouTube if you really don't want to buy all the books again. So if you want the links, let me know! (i bought them all earlier this year, and Tatiana Maslany (shes also f!ashs voiceclaim hehe) did an incredible job narrating them🫶)
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