#every other cartoon & cartoon youtuber crying about it forever and never getting over it
faelapis · 1 year
what i understand from youtube is that steven universe is actually the most powerful cartoon of all time.
every single cartoon thats ended after SU have killed its bad guy to prove it wrong. they only exist to react to it. SU has also created a powerful time loop, where every youtuber constantly craving a new cartoon to do the bold, new, revolutionary thing of owning SU by killing its villains. it doesn't matter how many cartoons have already done that. its always new, and its always important. its an endless ouroboros cycle of needing a new cartoon to be the first ever to not forgive. the cycle will never end. the youtubers never have the faintest recollection of other cartoons demonstrating how common it is to kill the big bad. its always something new. bold. refreshing.
steven universe is always defeated by every new cartoon, but the defeat never lasts. SU always rises again and must be defeated anew, for the very first time.
steven universe is dead. long live steven universe.
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Top 7 Commercial Ads of all time
Commercial Ads: A Brief
Reaching your target audience online has never been easier or harder. On the one hand, video, the undisputed king of digital content is now easier to create commercial Ads and spread to your audience than ever before thanks to social channels and ad networks. On the other, everybody’s getting involved with video advertising. You need to create something truly excellent, perfectly tailored to your audience, to stand out.
Here are some Top 7 commercial Ads of all time what should you learn from them!
Coke: Share a Coke Commercial Ad Campaign: Print
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Big brands are often hard-pressed to do something ground-breaking when they’re already so big. So, what did Coca-Cola do to appeal to the masses? They appealed to individuals — by putting their names on each bottle.
The Share a Coke campaign began in Australia in 2011 when Coca-Cola personalized each bottle with the 150 most popular names in the country. Since then, the U.S. has followed suit, printing first names across the front of its bottles and cans in Coke’s branded font. You can even order custom bottles on Coke’s website to request things like nicknames and college logos.
It was a breaking story across the marketing and advertising industry. Many consumers were enchanted by it, while others were confused by it why make a temporary item so personal? Pepsi even released commercial Ads shortly after the campaign launched
The Lesson
Coke fans are regular buyers, and the company leaned into that sense of individual ownership with full force. Wondering what name you’ll get out of the vending machine was a fun thrill in and of itself even if it isn’t yours, it encourages you to “share a Coke” with whoever’s name is on the front.
2. Miller Lite: Great Taste, Less Filling (1974) commercial Ad Campaign: Print, Television
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Think it’s easy to create a whole new market for your product? The Miller Brewing Company (now Miller Coors) did just that with the light beer market and dominated it. The goal of the “Great Taste, Less Filling” campaign was getting “real men” to drink light beer, but they were battling the common misconception that light beer can never actually taste good. Taking the debate head-on, Miller featured masculine models drinking their light beer and declaring it great tasting.
The Lesson
For decades after this campaign aired, Miller Lite dominated the light beer market it had essentially created. What’s the lesson marketers can learn? Strive to be different. If people tell you there isn’t room for a product, create your own category so you can quickly become the leader
3. Volkswagen: Think Small (1960)
commercial Ad  Standalone : Print
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Many marketing and advertising professionals like to call Volkswagen’s “Think Small” campaign the gold standard. Created in 1960 by a legendary advertising group at Doyle Dane & Bernbach (DDB), the campaign set out to answer one question: How do you change peoples’ perceptions not only about a product but also about an entire group of people?
See, Americans always had a propensity to buy big American cars — and even 15 years after WWII ended, most Americans were still not buying small German cars. So what did this Volkswagen advertisement do? It played right into the audience’s expectations. Do you think I’m small? Yeah, I am. They never tried to be something they were not.
The Lesson
That’s the most important takeaway from this campaign: Don’t try to sell your company, product, or service as something it’s not. Consumers recognize and appreciate honesty.
4. Metro Trains: Dumb Ways to Die (2012)
Commercial Ad Campaign: Internet, Radio
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Yes, you read that right: Dumb Ways to Die.
In Melbourne, Australia, Metro Trains wanted to get across a simple message: No horsing around near train tracks. Disorderly conduct could lead to injuries or even death, but instead of typical warning signs or announcements inside train stations, Metro Trains came up with Dumb Ways to Die, a song that has garnered 157 million YouTube views since it debuted in 2012.
The song is about dumb ways to die — for example, by poking a grizzly bear with a stick, or taking your helmet off in outer space — and it features a catchy little chorus you won’t be able to stop humming to yourself (because singing it is a little morbid): “Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die.”
At the end of the video, after you’ve watched adorable cartoon characters dying in the dumbest of ways, you get to the moral of the story: There are many dumb ways to die, but the dumbest possible way would be if you died while standing on the edge of a train platform, drove through a railroad sign, or tried to cross over a train track.
The video ad went viral on YouTube, the song was made available on iTunes, and it even played over the radio with an accompanying ad.
The Lesson
This beloved, now-famous campaign communicates a simple idea creatively and memorably — and you don’t feel like you’re being nagged, the way some public service announcements do. If your subject matter is grim or boring, consider using creativity to get your message across.
5. Clairol: Does She or Doesn’t She? (1957)commercial Ad Standalone Ad: Print
The first time Clairol asked this question in 1957, the answer was 1 to 15 as in, only 1 in 15 people were using artificial hair color. Just 11 years later, the answer was 1 of 2, according to Time Magazine. The ad was apparently so successful that some states stopped requiring women to denote hair color on their driver’s license. When your ad campaign starts changing things at the DMV, you know you’ve hit nerves Clairol did the opposite of what most marketers would do: They didn’t want every woman on the street running around saying they were using their product. They wanted women to understand that their product was so good that people wouldn’t be able to tell if they were using it or not.
The Lesson
Sometimes, simply conveying how and why your product works are enough for consumers. Showing becomes more effective than telling.
6. De Beers: A Diamond is forever (1999)commercial Ad Campaign: Print, Television
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In 1999, Adage declared De Beers’ “A Diamond is Forever” the most memorable slogan of the twentieth century. But the campaign, which proposed (pun very much intended) the idea that no marriage would be complete without a diamond ring, wasn’t just riding on the coattails of an existing industry. De beers actually built the industry it presented the idea that a diamond ring was a necessary luxury. Where almost every person pledging marriage feels compelled to acquire a diamond engagement ring.”
The LessonAdvertising can make a relatively inexpensive product seem luxurious and essential.
7.Procter & Gamble: Thank You, Mom (2012)commercial Ad Campaign: Television
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‘ll give you a minute to dry your eyes after that one.
Seriously — you wouldn’t expect a household and cleaning Products Company commercial to pull at the heartstrings like that, would you? Lately, though, Procter & Gamble (P&G) has launched some of the best commercial Ads we’ve ever seen from the consumer goods industry.
That’s because P&G identified the story behind the story of Olympic athletes — the stories of the supportive moms who pushed these world-class athletes throughout their entire lives leading up to that crowning moment. And yes, they probably had to do a lot of laundry and cleanup along the way — presumably using P&G products.
The Lesson
Make your audience cry (just kidding). The season or time period of your ad is important. But even if you run an ad during the Olympic Games, as P&G did, make sure it has longevity and a message that can influence people no matter when or where they see it.
Emotional nostalgia marketing is powerful tactics to get people to make buying choices, so if there’s a bigger, more universal story behind your product or story, tap into it and showcase it front-and-center.
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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nxtritething · 4 years
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name  /  alias : caro / care / carebear gender  /  pronouns : female / she&her where  ya  from  ? : u s of a .  orig n y c. the  current  time :  9 pm ( when i started? ) , 1 pm ( when i finished ) job  or  major :  i majored in mechanical engineering and math. no, i canno favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  i have some good one-liners.
why  you  joined  hqclouds :  ... i helped make it. also its felt like a long while since i got to play some of my favorite babes, and i just missed them, so i obviously had to jump at an opportunity to bring them back !!!
meaning  behind  url :  it’s uh...... next right thing ,  as in anna’s big song in frozen 2. and i just felt it like, FIT. 
last  thing  you  googled :  zac efron high school musical gif icons, bc i wanted to use for this, but then that account was flagged as adult content and i guess those beloved gifs are lost to the void now...
zodiac :  pisces in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : yes. i am a crying fish. also i’m a pisces venus. it makes a LOT of sense. myers  -  briggs :  istj ??? i think?? moral  alignment :  i can be chaotic good, but mostly neutral neutral i think hogwarts  house : i used to be a slytherin, now i’m a hufflepuff. idk what happened to me.
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  uhhhh... 1) bubbles from powerpuff girls. because i am baby. 2) juliet o’hara from psych. i’ve just been rewatching a lot of psych and i love how she’s such a serious yet funny / soft and idk why i just relate to that. 3) john mulaney in mulaney. because this is a cop-out to say i relate to anything / everything john edmund mulaney every does.
i  started  roleplaying : i first started on some fourms ??? on an app on my itouch ??? but my first tumblr rp group was percy jackson and everyone though i was this all knowing pjo fan... when really i was just fast to look shit up on the wikia. i had never read a single page of the series. types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  fandoms, typically ! i used to be exclusively love animated roleplays? like cartoons? but then i transitioned to musicals? like, exclusively playing musical characters??? at this point, tara is like the one exception nowadays... favorite  fcs  to  use :  um... olivia holt is a recent fave? joshua basset, also. my old faves are mary kate wiles and hunter parrish tho. real old. otherwise, i don’t know if i’d say i get attached to fc’s? fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : i kinda wanna go back to some of my cartoon roots, maybe? i really haven’t deviated from the same 8 - 9 mostly musical characters in literally years...  fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  um... the raven cycle ,  miraculous ladybug  , uh..... everything else. i’m so randomly interested in everything.
share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  my favorite is when i was in a youtuber rpf / oc rp, and this girl... made an oc... and made the fc... herself. she made a literal self-insert oc. with herself as the face. like low-res gifs of herself. why, you ask? i think she was trying to ship herself with dan howell. that didn’t age well, did it?
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : do i just list all the characters i’ve been playing for literal years? my recent faves are katherine plumber from newsies and princess anna. favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : i had a hunter parrish oc. he was in both the pjo and youtube rp. he was obsessed with hanging out with trees and pranks. don’t ask me why. canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  kristoff / anna , jack kelly / katherine plumber , jake peralta / amy santiago , orpheus / eurydice , && donny novitski / julia trojan. yes, most of these are musicals. who doesn’t love a good love ballad? trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : uhh... adorkable, one of the boys, badass adorable
i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  i am a massive sucker for fluff, but i’m so guilty of angst... i love pain. i don’t really do smut tho. sorry. long  or  short  replies :  i generally prefer short replies, unless we’ve somehow developed a thread into something long. or i’m feeling particularly inspired. pre  plotting  or  chemistry : i love chemistry with all my heart, but sometimes it’s fun to plot past connections that can reignite? idk. mostly chemistry sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : headcanon memes, because im never creative to turn a sentence starter into something that makes sense, esp between two characters who don’t know each other. single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multimuse, because i spent too many years reblogging replies to the wrong sideblog and those days are over !!! gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : i prefer gif icons for shorter replies and medium gifs for longer ones... or whatever my partner is using. i like some sort of consistency.
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : ‘ what’s the rush? ’ repeat this phase when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. ask yourself whether somethings really needs doing immediately. are you ignoring your needs in order to do it?  - the little book of sloth philosophy. 
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : “ did you fall? or did you let go? ”  -  connor murphy to evan hansen, dear evan hansen. ( idk why this immediately jump to mind but... )
top  current  celebrity  crushes :  jeremy jordan, corey cott, jordan fisher, claire saffitz, brian david gilbert. last  movie  you  watched :  bridal boot camp did  you  like  it  ? :  yes. i loved it. it’s absolute garbage and i loved it. favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : idk but i can always rewatch prince of egypt. godspell favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : uhh.... i keep rewatching psych.   favorite  tv  show  (  s  ) that  hasn’t  ended : brooklyn nine-nine, zoey’s extraordinary playlist. sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : uh... grew up in a yankee / mets household. favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : pokemon, animal crossing  favorite  youtube  channels : drew gooden, danny gonzalez, jenna marbles.
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? :
greased lightin’ from grease live ; oh mother by hunter parrish ; nerds by bo burnham ; a miracle would happen / when you come home to me from the last five years ; just another day from next to normal ; who tells your story from hamilton mixtape. 
i haven’t listened to any of these in forever, but i am still, indeed, musical theater trash.
personal  aesthetic : demin overalls, scrunchies, the color teal, big stuffed animals. dream  vacation  ? : somewhere beautiful with people i love. dream  job  ? : perhaps like designing custom 3D prosthetics dream  car  ? :  i hate driving, but a big ol’ truck. like suv. big one. favorite  musical : gospell, dear evan hansen, bandstand, newsies, shrek the musical, mamma mia, i could go on... unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  sailor moon crystal, crash landing on you, locke & key, all the bright places, the half of it, younger, meteor, hello my twenties ...
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : musicals. so many musicals. i know both know too much and not enough.
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"Better luck next time, fellas!" ~Mr. Peanut to 2nd and 3rd contenders Geniusman (Tottemo! Luckyman) and Mettaton EX (Undertale) as he proudly shows off his "Loving" Cup that he won for being the official Winner Of My Heart this year
Hi, everyone! How are you today? I bet you're pretty tired of being mostly cooped up inside. But don't worry--I have something right here that might catch your interest.
As some of you may know, March is National Peanut Month. Now, that's not exactly something worth celebrating for peanut allergists...but, on the other paw, March is also National Nutrition Month, National Kidney Month, Optimism Month, Spiritual Wellness Month, National Women's History Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, and International Listening Awareness Month, among even more things. March is also, of course, the first month of Spring. So there's much more to celebrate in March than just peanuts.
However, in this blog post, I'm going to celebrate peanuts. I could go on and on about peanut butter, my favorite food ever, the average jar of which is made with hundreds of peanuts. But, I'm just going to focus one one peanut this time--one of the most famous peanuts of all time--the one and only Mr. Peanut, mascot for the Planters brand of nuts and snacks. Why? Because he's my biggest cartoon crush.
.......say waaaaaaa~~~t?
But isn't he dead?
youre just posting your april fools joke too early
Nope. It's all true!
All the recent hub-bub about Mr. Peanut, including the infamous commercial where he literally dies, reminded me of this earlier commercial I saw on T.V. back in 2018 (the first video featured in this post), which utilized the same sleek design he was animated in during his passing. After finding it on YouTube, I found other videos of him, and this social media browsing eventually brought me to his Twitter account, where I browsed all of his posts from 2018/19. I immediately fell for his optimistic attitude, his sweet personality and especially his support for his friends and followers...and the rest is history. He has the looks, he has the heart--and now he's helping me to grow up.
But why him?? How could an overdressed anthro peanut top, let alone compete with, these practical princes of men? How would crushing over a cartoon help me grow up in any way? And last (and strangest) of all, why am I suddenly going "nuts" over the now-defunct version of a character who just 2 months ago died and came back as a baby?
I will answer all those questions in approximately...right now!
Being autistic, I have a more child-like mind-set than others my age--one facet of this is the ability to immerse myself in imaginary worlds and connect with characters. Thinking of characters, "talking" to them and even trying to act like them has gotten me through many a tough time. As I take inspiration from their personalities and actions, I find more fun and creative ways to spice up my every-day life, stay calm when things get stormy, cheer me up when I feel down, or pep me up when I get sluggish and demotivated. I use different characters to help me with different aspects of life. The two types that always helped me the most were characters with pure hearts, and characters I had crushes on.
Recently, though, I had been looking for a character that would help me take on one of my toughest challenges--accepting the fact that the world is equally as cruel as it is kind, while staying a calm and collected person, and then handling it all just by myself--to put it in two words: growing up. I won't go into detail (in this post, at least), but life had been extremely cruel to me last year. I had a lot of trouble accepting it, and I was losing my self-control. But considering that I'm going on 23 now, I knew that I had to get it together, or else I would stay a crying ball of nerves, trapped on a bed, forever. Being one of the less restrictive aspects of having the heart of a child, I knew that modeling myself after a good-natured fictional character would be a perfect start--but I needed one exceptionally powerful character to pull this off. I needed a crush with a pure heart.
Then it suddenly and silently occured to me, as I continued to take in his various pictures, videos, GIF's and Tweets, that Mr. Peanut was it.
His sleek and curvy body, his elegant limbs, refined features and gentlemanly disposition--not to mention the fact that he's wearing white gloves and has one eye always covered--immediately calls to mind my best cartoon crushes: Geniusman from the anime "Tottemo! Luckyman" and Mettaton EX from the game "Undertale" (who are both looking salty alongside Mr. Peanut on the winner's podium in the top picture). But what really got me was what he didn't have that the other crushes did, he made up for with his unique personality, that my other crushes, in turn, didn't have:
You see, Mr. Peanut rests comfortably on two fine lines that few characters have even been able to stand on. The fine line between "handsome and stylish" and "conceited and mean", and the fine line between "peppy mascot" and "mature and modest gentle-man". All except for a "brief" 10-year stint where they tried to "re-invent" him (Yes, I'm talking about the one who spent the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade dabbing), he's always been a gentle, friendly, quiet character whose main goal in life (besides selling nuts) is to help people and make them happy, "shelling out" plenty of pep while also remaining proper and well-composed.
He never got angry for more than a second or two, and handled (almost) any problem he faced in the smartest, most dignified and most fun way possible. And of course, he's very sweet and always thinks of those he cares about first. He also, despite being a mascot for snacks, loves to play sports and stay fit and healthy--and he encourages others to do the same. And finally, despite being a mascot in general, he always had this quiet, unassuming air to him. He made all his necessary appearances and entertained his customers, yet he always acted very natural about it and never hammed it up or acted super wild and goofy--a thing that most other cartoon mascots fail to do.
So he's not just eye-candy--he's also a perfect role model. That covers the "first of all". Not only does he give me the incentive to be a dignified lady who always does the right thing first, but he gives me that euphoric, limerance-enduced energy I need to really want to act upon it. All my aspirations to be more courteous, be more proper and elegant, be more brave, lead a healthy and active life-style and be a good mascot for Ekaki No Mi are finally coming to fruition. That covers the "second of all".
Yes, this all sounds very silly. But In a "nut-shell", he's the reason I'm finally growing up, so in a way, this is all anything but silly. I would be a hot mess without him...which is exactly why I'm speaking of him in present-tense (using "is" instead of "was"), and pretending he never became Baby Nut or even died in the first place. Here's where I cover the "third of all".
For those who don't already know about his apparent death and resurrection: for their big pre-Super Bowl LIV commercial (the second video featured), Planters took a very unusual, very controversial approach: Their preview commercial depicted Mr. Peanut sacrificing himself to save his friends by letting go of a branch on a cliff that was too heavy to hold him and actors Matt Walsh and Wesley Snipes. The actual Super Bowl commercial (the third video featured) depicted his funeral, which the Kool-Aid Man, among others, attended. A magic tear from the Kool-Aid Man caused a peanut plant to grow out of the ground and sprout a "Baby Nut"--the official reincarnation of Mr. Peanut. Here are the two commercials, in order:
But what people often don't realize is that Mr. Peanut is a cartoon--a form of art--and art, except in very specific cases, is meant to be interpreted by the viewer. If the story isn't satisfactory, people can ignore some parts and pretend that others play out differently, until it fits what they believe in. And the characters and their actions can hold secret meanings that only the viewer sees. In fact, the same character can don different personalities and clothes, and exist in different universes, doing different things--all at the same time. (Think of all the different versions of Mickey Mouse that exist at the same time, even today.)
So is the case with Mr. Peanut. As long as his original likeness still exists--anywhere in this world--he's still alive and well. And even if the actual Planters corporation says he's Baby Nut now, he's still the same old Mr. Peanut in another part of the Internet, in another part of the world, or in any alternate universe. Many, actually. In one of them, he could be "Miss Peanut". In another, he could be a radical "Teen Nut". And in another still, he could actually be the evil capitalist peanut everybody says he is--you know, the one who struts around in his aristocrat clothing while roasting his fellow "pea-ple" and selling them to humans as food in order to get richer...
...which I like to think is not true, because the real peanuts he sells for your eating pleasure could never have flexy bright-yellow shells or humanoid features, could never breathe, cry, blush, say "Whoa!" when startled, wear clothes, be cuddled by a person with a peanut allergy without triggering it, and couldn't even survive on their own for more than 4 months, let alone 104 years. When they grow, it doesn't happen in the blink of an eye--peanut plants take about 3 or 4 weeks to mature (on days that strictly aren't frosty, no less), and the peanuts themselves grow under the ground--totally different from how Baby Nut came into being.
In short, the peanuts we eat aren't cartoons, like Mr. Peanut is. And since he is, I can interpret him any way I want, just as any other person can. So he doesn't have to be a cannibalistic capitalist. He can be the dapper yellow fellow who sells and eats yummy, natural and nutritious morsels that happen to look a bit like him--think of how humans eat little crackers and gummies that look like other people--and, most importantly, is not dead and never will be, because people still love him and believe in him, and belief and imagination transcend death, at least when it comes to fictional characters.
(I especially have the right to believe he's dead because it's one thing to kill off a character in a series for story reasons--it's another thing to kill a revered and internationally-known brand mascot just to create a social media buzz and generate profits. Now that's capitalism!)
But at the same time, I can't help but admit that it was at least a unique social media experiment, and despite the nasty secret intent behind it all, it was very interesting to finally get to see how Mr. Peanut would die, how he got born (and reborn), and what he looks like as a baby. And honestly, with his big round eyes, squidgy body and dainty features, I actually think Baby Nut is pretty cute--certainly too cute for me to want to break out a mortar and pestle and make peanut butter out of him--but he's just not Mr. Peanut. Mr. Peanut was such a unique character that it takes some very special minds to make a character that even comes close to a replacement--sadly, Baby Nut just doesn't make the cut.
Thanks to the power of love and imagination, though, he's still his good old self in my heart. Besides, he may just grow up and come back some day. So in conclusion, he still is, not was, and always will be, the best role model and "husbando" I could ever ask for. He's got the looks. He's got the love. He's cute. He's graceful. He's dapper. He's daring. He's silly. He's sexy. He's serene. He's cheerful, and he always brightens my day. He's everything I could ever want, and more.
Some day I plan to release an art collection featuring the lovable legume sometime in the near future. I would have each picture creatively high-light a different aspect of his personality, taking inspiration from charming vintage art-work that would fit the theme of the picture as well as actual Planters merchandise, and I would utilize various retro art styles and techniques from different time periods to give each picture a distinctive "old-fashioned" vibe.
The collection will be available on all my art web-pages, including my possible future Patreon (if I can get enough subscribers!), and I'm hoping I can also get it shown off in a gallery somewhere (if there are enough Mr. Peanut fans here in Athens to want to see it.)
One of my favorite commercials featuring him ever, back when he was (canonically) alive and well.
The commercial where he literally dies.
The commercial where he comes back to life as a little baby peanut.
And that concludes my post. The credits for the videos go to Planters and KraftHeinz, and the cover photo for this post goes to my imaginary friend, Mini Minoux. Do you love Mr. Peanut, too? And if you do, what do you love about him? And what about Baby Nut? Is he “yea” or “nay”? I'd be happy to hear your thoughts in the comments--though please, keep it reasonable and don't be too harsh. We're in the company of a gentleman. ;.3
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Survey #245
“i fell asleep at the wheel again, crashed my car just to feel again.”
What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Ketchup. What do you have a habit of doing when engaging in a conversation with someone? Obsess over the appropriate amount of eye contact I make. What color is your mp3? Hot pink. Have you ever laid in a hammock? Yeup. Is there a song or lyrics currently super-glued in your head? "Popular Monster" by Falling In Reverse FUCK What can you go a day without doing? Uhhh a lot? I dunno... oh, drink water because I suck at that gah. I've gotten a lot better than I used to be tho. What can’t you go a day without doing? Touching some form of technology. Who do you spend most of your time with? Myself. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. What type of quality is a must-have in a friend? Treat others with kindness. Are you any good at reading someone's body language? I definitely think so. What type of art would you hang up in your room? Lol I have some of my own... but let's say it was a clean slate again. I'd put some macabre/gothic art of some sort up, probably. Of COURSE with meerkats making an appearance. What fruit is too sweet to you? Hm, I'm blanking. What was the last contest you have ever won: Uhhhh... I think the giveaway of two Silent Hill: Revelation things? That was forever ago. What was the worst hair cut you have ever had in your entire life: Looking back, the haircut I had before this one (short on the left, faded into still rather long on the right) I don't really like anymore. Looks fine in some pictures, but not most. What was the worst thing you have ever worn in your life: Oh I don't know. Probably some dance costume. Do you like any sort of animes: Yeah, a handful. I'd honestly like to watch more. Have you ever used someone for your own benefits: I don't think so. What is the worst cartoon you have ever seen: Oh boy, idk. There's some dumb ones, a lot that I've only seen peeks of. Do you like to type or write more: TYPE. Writing physically can easily make my carpal tunnel act up. I hated having to hand-write a few essays last semester... I had to stop frequently to roll my wrists and cringe and stuff. What color would you have your skin if you could change it: I'd like pale skin like I have, but I wish it was more flawless/porcelain-ish. SOOOOOO pretty ahahhhhhhhhahhhhhh Do you usually cook your own meals, or does someone cook for you: I usually have to throw something together in the microwave because Mom's barely home, but when she is home, she cooks. If someone cooks for you, do you always thank them for it: YES. YES. NOT SAYING ANYTHING IS SO FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL. What do you do during the day: Almost without question, SOMEthing on technology/usually computer. As for what I do on technology, boy, a lot a lot. I don't even feel like listing it all. When you are online what do you normally find yourself doing: ... Oh, lmao. Uhhh binging YouTube, writing on or just checking up on KM, dA browsing/cleaning my drowning inbox, Facebook, "working" at the SH and SotC wikis, playing games, roaming Tumblr, check my emails, uhhhhhhh,,,, What is the most hated item you own: I wouldn't... keep it if I hated it? Uhhhh yeah, I honestly don't know. What is your favorite item you own out of all the items you have: My iPod, really. I have over 1k songs on this old-ass nano that I've had since middle school. I guess my laptop is kinda tied, but idk. Like, I don't love this laptop itself, just that it allows me to go online at a decent speed lmao. I guess they're my favorites in different ways. So, do you think that you will get where you want in life currently: Not stopping pushing for it 'til I get it. Why is that so. May I ask: I'm "too" determined. It's been a struggle getting to even where I am, but FUCK, I'm getting there. Do you like Halloween: I can't fwu if you don't. Has a teacher ever flirted with you? Not to my recollection. Is it okay for friends to kiss each other, as friends? Personally, I think a simple peck is fine IF that's your thing and it's mutually understood that it's platonic. Ex., I know greeting kisses are normal in some cultures, and I see no reason to shame it so long you're not like making out. Is it okay for girls to hit boys? Fuck no. Unless you're like fighting off an assailant/defending yourself, NO gender hits ANYONE. Do you know a lot of attractive boys personally? I've never thought about it? I'm not gonna dig through all the people I know rn... What happens if you realized you had a crush on somebody? More than anything, I'd be scared of being hurt again, particularly if it's a guy. So I definitely wouldn't make the first move. Do you think you are attractive? No. Which two of your friends would have the cutest baby together? I don't know. How do you feel about your naked body? DON'T COME AT ME WITH THIS QUESTION GO AWAY Have you ever been called obnoxious? No. At least, not to my memory. Do you wish you had a bigger family? No, but a more close-knit one. Which friend would you kiss full on the mouth, no questions asked? Sara. If somebody smacks your butt, you automatically say: I wouldn't say shit, I'd turn around and smack them across the face. How often does your family life conflict with your social life? Pretty much never. Have you ever been emotionally abused? No, thankfully. Do small children like you? They seem to, I guess. If karma is really true, should you be worried? Not very. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis? None. Do you have anything hidden in your room? Yeah, some saved money. What do you wish you were doing right now instead of this? It'd be great to talk to Sara. If you had a baby, would you want to have it at home or in a hospital? Oh I'm going to the fucking hospital for that epidural fren. If I even wanted kids. What was the last thing you ordered online? Uhhh good question. Have you ever had a bad experience with anti-depressants? If so, what? Well, actually the entire time I was ON anti-depressants. Because I'm bipolar, anti-depressants actually ramp up the aggression of bipolarity symptoms. How, I don't recall the science of, but I trust every word that comes out of my psychiatrist's mouth for many reasons. That definitely happened. One also made me gain weight, and the worst instance was in middle school when I was briefly on one that made me SO fucking hyper and happy in the morning but I crashed into an absolute bitchy monster by mid-afternoon. Now a combination of mood stabilizers helps both my bipolarity and depression immensely and are the main reason I'm alive. Are you allergic to any plants? I mean, I'm allergic to pollen. Are you an outdoors person? If the weather is cool, I love it. Does your past bother you? Some parts of it. Do you take risks or play it safe? I tend to play it safe. What forms of art do you like the best? This is an absolutely impossible question. "Art" has such an incredible range of forms, and I enjoy like... all. I guess the one thing I don't particularly care for is abstract art. What forms of art do you want to try? HYPERREALISM IN DRAWING. I REALLY wanna be able to draw/paint/whatever and make it look so true to life, BUT I'd like to add fantasy aspects to what I'm making (for example, my characters). I'd love to do portraits, too. This isn't really a "type" of art, but one thing I desperately want in art is to actually develop my own recognizable style that isn't just a wobbly attempt at realism with shitty proportions. What’s your favorite planet? Saturn's dope. Has a medication ever made you itch? No. What’s your favorite rainy day activity? Cuddle with snacks and like binge a good TV show/YT videos, etc. BUT considering I'm single I'ma just take a nap if I'm actually tired and you can hear the rain on the window. Do you put creamer in your tea? I wonder how many times I'll tell surveys I hate tea lmao by the end of my life lmao. What do you think are some good names for twins? I don't care enough to think about this. What are three things that fascinate you? Animal behavior (particularly social), the paranormal, and genetics. Would you say you live more in the past, present, or future? Present, I think. Have you ever been a victim of a crime? Not me personally, no, but my family. We had our basketball hoop stolen from our front yard and I was mega tilted yo. Does injustice make you angry? More like it infuriates me. Do you have the bad habit of procrastinating? Very badly. Are you afraid of running into a certain person in public? I both am and am not afraid of running into Jason. I have a very strong feeling I'd start having a PTSD episode (by that I mean hyperventilating, crying a bit, and shaking at the very least), but simultaneously I just want him to know I'm sorry. Do you have anyone you avoid? No. Do you have the same dreams now that you did as a kid? No. Who’s your crush? I don't really know if I have one right now. My old friend Ian and I started talking, and he's a fucking hilarious dude with similar ethics to mine with great compassion, but I still don't know him well enough to say I like-like him. I'm honestly just happy to have an irl friend again that actually talks to me regularly. Do you trust the government? I believe in WAY too many conspiracy theories to even try to convince anyone I trust the government lmao. Who do you want to meet in Heaven? I don't know exactly what sort of afterlife I believe in (it's not the traditional Heaven though), but I do believe that souls can reunite. The first thing I want to see again is Teddy. Does your school take sports too seriously? Considering we're well-respected in the sports field to the degree we draw in a huge number of foreign athletes, guess you could say yes lmao. Most of the people I even slightly know here came for sports. If there are bruises on your body, how did you get them? There aren’t. Would you ever go back in time to do something over again, but differently? Yes. Where did you kiss the last person you kissed? The airport. Have you thought about your wedding in detail? Not great detail, no. Do you think you could ever really kill someone? In self-defense, I know I could. Do you like Papa John’s pizza? I couldn't even guess the last time I had it. I don't remember. Do you attend school? Yeah. Do you call it a crush, or do you just say you like someone? The latter. Where were you when the ball dropped? In my bed asleep lmao. Where are your siblings? Probably all at work. Waffles, pancakes, or french toast? French toast. Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? Not really, but I WILL wonder to myself if you believe in some of the bullshit just about every religion has somewhere. Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? YUP YUP YUP! Mainly irl tho. Have you ever painted your nails on only one hand, forgetting about the other one or getting side-tracked? No. Have you ever gone to one of those parties where everyone is falling around drunk everywhere? No. Been to one where everyone was high, though. Are you “the good guy”, or “the bad guy”, or somewhere in between? I'd hope the good guy. Do you ever erase the numbers off of surveys just because they annoy you? Ha ha yeah. Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now? Yes. Do you have siblings over the age of twenty-one? Yes, all but one. What do you hear right now? "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Proud as fuck because this song was a MASSIVE PTSD trigger at first and even made me cry, but despite it still making me kinda uncomfortable, I can listen to and enjoy it now. If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? The only three people whose opinions would matter there would be Sara, Girt, and Jason. Sara and Jason would fucking break me, while I think Girt would of course make me cry, but I just. Wouldn't be surprised to lose another irl friend. I'd be so fucking hurt by any. OH YEAH, what would I say? I think Sara would have me speechless. I'd probably just choke out, "I don't blame you," to Jason. Girt, my first instinct pondering this was "are you serious?" because he's such a joker while my stomach dropped. What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? I'd be happy for her, but still feel kinda sad that it wasn't me. What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead? If I like the person, I feel very comforted. It like... makes me feel small, safe, and permitted to just let my emotions loose, ex. be "allowed" to cry. What do you usually do right when you wake up? Check my phone to see the time. Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? I don't want to answer this. Do the math. Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? No. Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? No. Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? Yeah. Would you date someone three years older than you? Yeah. Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? Actually as of recently, the morning. It's a nice way to start the day clean and energized. Could you handle living with the last person you texted? I'd love to live with her. Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? It was assigned, but I loved it. Have you accomplished any goals you set for yourself this year so far? Not really? Well no, I think I'm being a less procrastinating student and also not fleeing so quickly from situations that invoke my anxiety. Are there still movie rental stores where you live or have they all gone out of business? SOBS Blockbuster come BACK we NEED u. What was the last thing to annoy you or make you upset? Eh, it was stupid and something that realistically isn't worth being annoyed by. I was SUPER bored and tired yesterday waiting for Mom to finish her field work while I waited in the library after classes, and I was so ready to go home, but she stayed longer than she thought she would. Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush/es assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? Actually, not really. He's way too motivated and drawn to people who push forward and get shit done, and just in general at least from how I "know" him as a fan I could only realistically see us as friends. But a fangirl can dream ok just let me dream. When looking for something to watch on TV do you tend to pick shows you know you like, or try new shows that look interesting even though you’ve never heard of them before? I'll answer hypothetically if I watched TV: probably something I know I like. Might get adventurous every now and again and try something new, though, especially if it's on a channel I like. How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? I haven't had to. I juuuuust slightly have enough room where I DID have them grow in. Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? Uhhh probably the deli, which I got and lasted for two hours my first work day lmao. Have you ever been fired from a job? No. What do people tell you your voice sounds like? I dunno, kinda deep for a girl and lacking an accent most of the time. What financial class are you? Lower. What poster is hanging closest to you? A huge Nightmare Before Christmas one. Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? Maybe if Ian did? Idk. It'd be a nice way to get to know more about each other, but I'd only agree to it after we talked a bit longer. Does your family keep tons of leftovers in the fridge? Not "a ton." Things we'll eat again though, yes. Favorite FRIENDS character? That is, if you like it. I haven't watched it. Are you thinking of getting another piercing? Where? Hell yes. Pretty sure next is collarbones if I could just lose a little bit more weight so they're more visible. Do you love when people remember little things about you? YES OMG!!!!!!!!!! Do you ‘bless’ strangers when they sneeze? Yes, I just think it's common good manner. Even though the reasoning behind it is whatever, it's a societal thing that I just go along with. How many phones have you gone through? Idk, not too many. Have you always lived in the house you currently reside in? No.
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wwegal98 · 5 years
Baby Girl, Please...Forgive Me (2/3)
A/N - After writing this part up, I’ve realized this needs a third part ^v^ This one’s a bit longer, which a long voicemail by a certain someone at the end. There will be a third part coming out soon!!
For - @iwritewwe
Characters - Roman (phone, mentioned), Bayley (phone), Hunter (phone, mentioned), Alexa (phone), Reader, Georgia (Reader’s cousin/OFC) 
Pairing - Roman x Reader (broken up at the moment)
You returned to your hotel room. After that incident in catering, there was no way you could stay in the arena. You know you worried a lot of people there, but you would deal with their concern when you were calmed down. You scrolled through YouTube, hoping to find a video to help you cheer up a little bit. But after a while, you threw it across the room when phone calls kept appearing on the screen. 8 out of 10 of them being from your now ex-boyfriend, Roman Reigns.
Tears were still streaming down your face, surprisingly. Oh, how you wished you would stop crying. You actually thought he was the one. That Reigns wouldn’t be like all the other boyfriends you’ve had.
Your mind wandered to Hunter. You had ran into him on your way out from catering. You slightly winced in slight concern, because you knew how he could get when he was furious at someone for hurting you. Despite hating Reigns with whatever’s left of your shattered heart, you hoped that Hunter wouldn’t hurt him too bad. Reigns just better be lucky this isn’t the Degeneration-X era of Hunter….
Though you wouldn’t mind seeing what would happen if DX were still together….
You were startled out of your wandering thoughts from a knock on your door. ‘Please don’t be Roman.…’ you prayed over and over as you waited. The knock came again.
“Hey, doll! It’s me, Georgia. Came as soon as I heard. Please, open the door,” came the voice of your cousin.
With whatever strength you had left, you stood and went to open the door, the hotel’s blanket wrapped tight around your body. It had brought some comfort with its warmth. You seen Georgia with a small, sad smile on her face.
“Hey, Gia.. You didn’t have to come all this way. I would’ve managed…somehow..” you lied.
“(Y/N), don’t you dare stand there, red and teary-eyed with puffy cheeks and lie to me. I know you, and I know you’re hurting. Come on, I brought some ice cream.” You looked down to see a bag full of goodies, and you smile slightly. Georgia did know you very well to know that you craved sweets when you’re depressed.
Georgia saw your phone on the floor next to the wall and shook her head. “Please tell me he didn’t call repeatedly and sent bajillion texts…” she huffed.
Your silence was the answer she needed.
*Switch to Georgia’s POV*
'This bastard’s better have a huge apology. I know he loves her and all, but what he said just crossed the line.’ I thought as I unlock (Y/N)’s phone and scroll through the texts she’s got.
RR - Baby girl please answer my calls
RR - Please
RR - I’m sorry
RR - I know you’re crying
RR - It’s my fault, but baby doll, please. Talk to me
B - You okay??? You just left all of a sudden
B - Please,  talk to me. We’re all worried
B - Hunter just told me what happened. Roman’s in his locker room. Think he’s destroying stuff out of anger and sadness. At least talk to me
AB- You DESERVE that championship belt, (Y/N). I was, and still am, honoured that I lost it to you
AB - Just say the word, and I’ll kick his Samoan ass for you. He won’t be able to sit for a month!
AB - You’ve probably cried yourself to sleep. I’ll come by in the morning with a bunch of sweets.
HHH - Sweetheart, I know you’re upset, and probably will be with me, but just know that I’ve dealt with Reigns for you. At least talk to him. 
HHH - He’s devastated. Never seen a man just stand and take a bashing like Roman has. He hasn’t even tried to defend himself.
HHH - Just…give it some thought, okay? And if you do talk to him, might wanna take some pain meds for him.
RR - (Y/N)….
RR - I…I can’t believe I’ve said all that to you…please…at least listen to this one voicemail. I’ll leave you alone now until you want to talk. 
RR - And by talk, I am 100% certain that it’s going to be you telling me you never want to see me again.
RR - And I can’t blame you. I’ve destroyed you, and for that, I’m sorry. 
RR - I love you, (Y/N). Goodbye </3
The last few were sent in the past minute, and then a phone call appeared. Since he said something about a voicemail, I let it ring. I glanced up to (Y/N) to see her staring emotionlessly at the TV eating ice cream. The TV was playing cartoons. After a few rings, the phone went to voicemail, and as promised, a voicemail popped up
*Back to your POV*
You felt numb after all that crying. You knew your cousin was going through your messages. But you didn’t mind. There was no way you would’ve been able to explain what happened without bursting into tears again. So you just sat on the couch, eating the  neapolitan ice cream that Gia got you, and watched reruns of Tom & Jerry. You didn’t laugh though, not even when Tom was smashed against the wall by the piano, or even when Jerry had the strength potion and scared Tom.
You were so involved with eating ice cream and watching the cartoon that you jumped when Georgia placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey….I know you’re hurting, but I think you really need to see and hear this…” she said softly.
You crossed your eyes, a habit you did when you thought about something.
“Alright, fine. But it’s your fault if my depression gets worse,” you said, grabbing your phone.
“Yeah, I know. And I’ll take full responsibility. But this is something you need, (Y/N).”
You read the messages, starting with the one from Hunter first. You saved the ones by Roman for last, because you didn’t want to see those first. After reading them and giggling at Alexa’s texts, you finally tapped Roman’s messages. You eyes watered - you still surprisingly had some left - when you got to his last few. You’ve done a lot of thinking while you were crying and mindlessly watching that cartoon. But you weren’t sure you could easily forgive him for what he had done. You typed a quick reply to him.
Y/N - Roman, I’ve done a lot of thinking
Y/N - We can talk and see where it goes from there.
Y/N - Just please..Whatever happens, I will always love you, Ro. I’ll listen to that voicemail.
Y/N - Don’t do anything stupid. And please….clean up your locker room…can not tell you how long it took for me to get it the way it was!
You exited the messages and tapped the voicemail, listening to it. While you were listening to it, you felt your throat constrict with a choked sob. He sounded devastated, just like Hunter said. He sounded like he had lost everything. You dropped the phone when it was over, not believing your ears. You were not sure what to do. Should you forgive him, or should you end it?
“Baby Doll, I know I fucked up. And this will be the last you hear from me until you want to talk. I understand you’re upset, and I’m terribly sorry. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but (Y/N) none of it was true. I love you for you. I don’t care that you’re clingy. In fact, I actually love it, because I can dote on you more and more. I love the nights we stayed up and talked about nothing. I love the mornings when we woke up, and the first thing I saw was your crazy bed hair. I love the way your nose scrunches up when I kiss there. I love our movie nights, date nights, or just nights we would just lie in bed, cuddled against each other in blissful silence. I love your shining (E/C) eyes every time I look into them. I hate the fact that I made those eyes cry. I hate that I tore you down, after building you up to the strong girl that I know you always were. (Y/N), you are still that girl. Please don’t let one guy ruin it for you. I love everything about you. I just went the wrong way about finding a way to keep a little secret away from you. Babydoll, I was trying to find a way to propose to you, but I went the wrong way about getting you away. I let out all my pent up anger with Strowman on you, and that was wrong. You’re the one light in my life and I may have lost it. Just please know that you have every right to say 'No’ and leave me in the darkness. I’ve dug the hole. I don’t want to drag you into it. I love you, (Y/N). Forever and Always.”
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magiesheartlove · 5 years
The Greatest Show (a love letter to MLP:FiM
Okay, so I was planing on writing this down sometime after the season ended but, I’m just feeling a lot of...feels, at the moment that, I just needed to get this written down.
I’m going to be frank, I am sad MLP is ending but, at the same time, I’m glad it won’t become one of those series that just keeps going and going to the point at which it overstayed it’s welcome. I have long since accepted that season 9 would be the end of MLP. When a show ends, I always accept it. If it ends on a high note, even better.
Out of all the shows I have watched in the early 2010s, MLP was one I never, in a millions years, would have imagined would gain not only such a huge and devoted following that stretched far from its intended demographic, but also was a series that, in my eyes, reflected everything I loved about storytelling and why I wanted to tell stories to begin with.
I will never forget the first time I was introduced to the series. I was watching television on an ordinary Saturday, and one day on the Hub Channel in the channel guide I read My Little Pony was on. I simply shrugged and decided to just watch a little snippet of my childhood, so “what the heck”.
I had since grown out of the MLP phase, and while I still love magically colorful equines, the cutesy, baby talking cartoon horses didn’t appeal to a high school senior like myself. Instead of seeing either some old nineties rerun of an old episode, or something meant for a pre-school audience, I saw... cute, funny, not-cheesy, modernized ponies in a stylized flash animation...and they were taking on a flipping DRAGON!
It was the episode “Dragonshy”, and when I saw Fluttershy stand up to that dragon, no joke, my jaw dropped. I’ve seen the typical “shy person gets over their fear” plot done before, but the way it was handled, and the way they portrayed the ponies (including Rainbow Dash, who I remembered being a fashionable pony who said “darling” every other word), as a rough and tumble tomboy was awesome! It had a fashionista unicorn with sass, a Pinkie Pie who was actually funny, a country pony with muscle, and a unicorn who took charge.
This... this wasn’t the MLP I grew up with. This was... modern and, updated and stylized and, thought out more.... and... I... was.... HOOKED! I couldn’t stop gushing about it to my Mom, and she was staring at me like “it’s My Little Pony”, and I was all “I know!”
Of course, when I watched “Winter Wrap up” and I saw that they were about to sing, I thought, “Oh, a cutesy song. Okay.” And then the song played.... it wasn’t annoying, the lyrics weren’t babyish, and the ponies sounded.... good. Like, star quality, Broadway good. The music, the animation, the way the song fit into the episode it.... it was..... I loved it. My jaw was to the floor at how it completely blew away my expectations. This was definitely NOT the my little pony I remember, and I just fell harder and harder for it.
I fell for the characters in a heartbeat, the world building was colorful and beautiful, and the morals. Let me tell ya, the morals sold it for me. While I had seen other educational shows that practically shove the message in your face, this one did it in a way that was tailored into each episode without feeling like it was bashing you over the head with it. Sure, there were a few times near the end, but they were minor nitpicks in my opinion.
This, this was the kind of show, the kind of story, the kind of world, the kind of characters I always dreamed of making myself. Stories about love, and friendship, and family, characters with bonds that you could feel radiating off of the screen, a world so vast and endless you wished you could enter it and live every day exploring the horizons and uncovering new mysteries within it, and all alongside the ones who would wrestle a hydra or jump from a crystal palace for you.
As I grew older, finding good quality shows I could enjoy was difficult. Shows now a days either try to be “edgy” or “mature” that they just came across as trying too hard. As much as I adore overarching stories, it was refreshing to go back to that slice of life, villain of the week format that is feels like it’s being rejected now a days in animation. Again, I don’t have a problem with overarching plots, but slice of life stories can be just as fun, and open up a lot of doors for character interactions and enough wiggle room for the morals to shine through more.
MLP continued to surprise me over the years. As I grew, so did the show. I mean, Twilight went from an awkward student who didn’t care about friends, into the flipping PRINCESS of Friendship! Rarity expanded her business, Rainbow Dash learned humility and became a Wonder Bolt. Fluttershy became more and more confident, Applejack learned to ask for help, and Pinkie Pie had her ups and down, but at the end of the day, all she really cared about was making her friends happy. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally found their calling, and it completely blew me away. Like a lot of people, I cried.
Speaking of tears, I know the whole villains reforming thing has caused some controversy over the years, and while I do empathize with a lot of the criticism, I can’t not love seeing these villains change for the better. Call me a compete and total sap, but if a man who persecuted and murdered people for believing in a Savior, only to have the most earth shattering revelation and transform into a messenger of the Gospel, even at the risk of his own life, and if a man from my Church can go from a man with the heart of a murder, into a devoted and kindhearted man who sung songs to The Lord every Sunday, then yes. If someone is willing, if they WANT it enough, I believe a heart of stone can become a heart of flesh. I know, a lot of people don’t believe it, and I understand why. But like Jesus, I want those lost lambs to find their way back.
As a President Lincoln once said: If I make my enemy my friend, have I not defeated my enemy?
I love when a villain changes for the better. Even if, story wise, it can be rushed, the meaning is still there. For me, that’s enough. I know not everybody changes, but that doesn’t mean nobody will. We live in a fallen world, but there is a Light that chases away the dark, gives us His hand, and shows us there is a better way. Just like Twilight did for Sunset Shimmer, and Sunset Shimmer did for Human Twilight.
Aside from introducing me to an amazing fandom, meeting so many wonderful people, and even being the show that coaxed me into the fanfiction world which led me to discover my love fo writing, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has and will forever be my all time favorite show, surpassing all others from my childhood. It came during my transition from a child to an adult. It sparked my imagination, made me smile, made me laugh and made me cry.
This series, this world, and its characters carried something that made it stand out amongst so many other shows in my eyes, and in my heart I always knew why. To quote the minister of Shady Oak ministries on YouTube; “They took the love of God, and put it on ponies.” Yes, when I watched MLP, when I heard the messages and witnessed the strong relationships, I saw Jesus manifested in each of them. I wasn’t even trying to find it, I just... felt it in my heart.
The Magic Of Friendship brought out the best in the Mane Six, brought out the best in those around them, and came through for them even when it seemed as if all was lost. And, it didn’t just go by the motions. The characters grew and learned, but that spark, that special little something that made them who they were, it didn’t fade, it only became stronger. They became the best versions of themselves, and though they still tumble and fall, they keep getting back up, because one way or another, there will ways be somepony there to reach out their hoof and help them back up.
I am so grateful for this show, and for all the wonderful things that came with it. The good, the bad, the weird, the funny, all of it.
Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Sunset Shimmer, Discord, everypony, Thank you all for these wonderful nine years, and for teaching us that Friendship truly is the most powerful magic of all. But most importantly, Thank You Jesus, for having revealed this series to me, and for speaking to me through these ponies, reminding me of Your love, Your mercy, and most of all, Your friendship.
Nothing stays the same for long, but when it changes doesn't mean it's gone. Things may come and things may go. Some go fast and some go slow. Few things last, that's all I know. But Friendship, carries on through the ages.
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simplylove101 · 5 years
Influential TV Shows
Okay this is kinda random and why I prob won’t tag the shows I list cuz this is more just something I wanted to get out of my head after watching J&J’s latest podcast where they were talking about this topic. They kept it to 7 shows each and while that would certainly be interesting to try, that’s kinda hard. lol I went about grouping some of them - shows that shaped me growing up, shows that impacted me/stuck with me, comfort shows/watch with the family, taught me about fandoms, etc. And saying something about each of them. Anyway, this is stupid but here we go lol:
The Shows Growing Up:
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Sailor Moon: Okay, nobody make fun of me. lol This is the first show I remember really watching as a kid that wasn't Barney or whatever, something I decided to watch by myself and it actually had an ongoing story. And ofc it took time for me to realize that this was just an English dubbed version that they would play on Cartoon Network. Looking back on it, it’s a little cringey (the voice readings, Serena being a bit of a crybaby) but seeing girls, even if it was animated, kicking ass over evil as a group made an impression on me so it’s no wonder I would watch it religiously after school and was sad when they stopped airing it. And ofc I watched all the movies too. I was a shameless fan. lmao I also eventually read the manga and appreciated it.
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Hey Arnold: As a kid, I would watch Cartoon Network & Nickelodeon (& eventually Disney when I got a little bit older), and I think one of the Nickelodeon shows that really stuck with me as a kid, like Rugrats, was this one. It had a wide range of really distinct characters. It was genuinely funny. And I did love the dynamic between Arnold & Helga (who was interesting & sometimes they would let her be the protagonist of an ep instead of him, like the therapist one which is a def fave) even if her crush was kinda as stalkerish as you can get why maintaining innocence. lol And you know what? I did totally watch the recent movie they did where it tied up loose ends like getting these two together and allowing her to grow as a character. Gotta say it was rewarding after all this time. lol  
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All That: I feel like I gotta put this here because I watched this show all the time as a kid. And I think it’s something that really taught me about comedy. I had seen things from Saturday Night Live growing up cuz of my parents but this was my Nickelodeon version with people that weren’t much older than me at the time so I could really get what was going on/enjoy it. It’s also the first place where we saw people like Amanda Bynes & Kenan Thompson & Kel Mitchell (which is partly why I later watched things like The Amanda Show and Kenan & Kel) What can I say? As a young person, it was just really cool seeing kids being funny. Yeah, there was some cheese but I didn’t care. It stayed with me.
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Boy Meets World/Sister, Sister/Lizzie McGuire/Even Stevens: I kinda cheated here and bundled these shows because these are four of the shows I watched on Disney growing up (Disney showed reruns of Boy Meets World & Sister, Sister for the record) There were others like That’s So Raven, Suite Life, Wizards of Waverly sort of, Proud Family to name a few but these shows I picked have such iconic episodes that I still remember well and love. Like Even Stevens - musical episode hands down Idc. Boy Meets World - Scream-inspired Halloween ep for sure. Yes, there was cheesiness with all these shows. Sometimes very after-school special, but they shaped me I think. Also gotta mention, I remember thinking of Hilary Duff as my idol. lol
The Ones I Watched With the Fam:
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That 70′s Show: Now the thing with my family is that we were one where for a time we would watch tv while eating dinner and my dad would have control of what channel we watched. It was always this way, which meant it would either be Law & Order or Seinfeld (the second one I was cool with and I almost included it on here cuz it’s such a staple comedy but eh,,, I appreciated it more later on. It felt more forced on me at the time) This is probably one of the only shows I can say my whole family truly agreed on watching all together tho, including my sister who generally watches trashy reality shows. This show will always remain one of my faves, because it was hilarious. It got a little weaker towards the end (We do NOT speak about Season 8) but I loved how it was a true ensemble sitcom where everyone brought something to the table and enjoyed the different dynamics between the group. The funny running gags, Jackie & Hyde still remain one of my all-time otps, and Kelso is probably the funniest & lovable dumb character I can think of (If nothing else, Ashton Kutcher was meant to play this part ok) It was nice to have something my whole family could enjoy together. It was a rarity so this show has a special place in my heart for that alone.
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Joan of Arcadia: Another show that has a place in my heart, despite it only lasting 2 seasons and it ending on a bad note (major cliffhanger, still never fully making things right w/ Adam after destroying his character, ultimately S2 was problematic but still) because this is a show that I watched religiously (pun not actually intended here lol) with my mom every Friday it was on. What I loved about it was that the concept is centered around Joan talking to God yet it generally wasn’t being preachy. Joan wasn’t always willing to do what God wanted her to do, and things didn’t always turn out how she wanted. It was a kinda perfect blend for me and my mom to watch together. After this we were more willing to watch stuff as a pair cuz we were close but this started all that. I remember always being curious how God would appear to Joan cuz it was always changing, but there were some fave recurring ones like Cute Guy God, Goth God & Old Lady God to name a few. heh Joan was played wonderfully by the awesome Amber Tamblyn who could always make me cry (naturally she played my fave Tibby in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movies too lol) and she had awesome friends in Adam & Grace (who were my faves) and family. I rewatched this show and you know, I’d say S1 holds up and even the first half of S2. Heck, the episode where Joan & Adam break up towards the end of it, while totally heartbreaking and PISSES me off cuz bad writing for Adam, was solid simply for the acting so there’s that. lol
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Putting this show under this category because this was a show that I mostly got into because my sister loved it growing up. I was really young when it came out so I mostly remembered bits & pieces when I later watched it when I got a little older. It stuck with me tho cuz ofc the awesome Sarah Michelle Gellar playing badass Buffy (she was my sister’s idol) and it was a genuinely funny and smart show. It also got dark too. It wasn’t always solid towards the end, but I think it mostly nailed the actual ending (why Anya had to die tho... Spike I got but ugh) Anyway, this was kinda a big deal cuz it was the only thing my sister and I really watched together that wasn’t bad reality television or me barely paying attention to Dawson’s Creek at the time lol This showed that my sister could have taste when she wanted to (lmao sorry)
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The Carol Burnett Show: I had to mention this show because this is one that got me, really my family, through dealing with my mom’s dementia. We chose to care for her at home instead of putting her in a nursing home. We did this for 2 years until her death. And the one thing we (excluding my sister cuz her & old stuff don’t mix) could always count on cheering us up was this show. My dad told me that my mom loved this show growing up and that’s why we turned on for her. So luckily memory or no memory, she still had a sense of humor and she knew when to laugh. And with good reason. This show is hilarious. So iconic. Carol Burnett was/is rightfully loved dearly for this show. I wish I had more I could say, but this was truly a comfort show when I desperately needed it so I am forever grateful that it existed.
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Honorable Mention: Young & Hungry - another show that got us through that dark period, my dad actually really enjoyed this, despite seeming skeptical, and eventually started calling it the “Josh & Gaby Show” lmao Only thing is we never finished it together so oops. Not so much influential maybe but worth mentioning it felt like since it was underrated, got me thru a tough time, was hilarious and I loved that cast a lot. Emily Osment deserved to be the lead of her own show. Comedy queen.
The Ones That Brought Out the Fangirl In Me AKA The Teen Years:
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The O.C/One Tree Hill/Gossip Girl/The Vampire Diaries: Another category where I’m just grouping them up together cuz ultimately it wasn’t about high art with these shows. They were the staple teen shows that everyone was watching and well, I was one of those people. lol It all started with The O.C. It was one of those ‘at the right time’ kinda things cuz I just went into the 6th grade when S1 started and it was such a big hit that everyone was always talking about it and there were even shirts involved (I never went that far lol) but this is where my need to explore YouTube came and then I was making fanvids. Gossip Girl is the one where I actually inserted myself into a fandom for the first time. My goodness the cringe that came with it but it gave me two of the longest online friendships I’ve ever had so I don’t regret it. (Shoutout to @backtothestart02 here as one of them) And well, three of these shows taught me the toxicity that can come from fandom. So I’ve been less vocal/more aware with other shows because of it. There’s problematic stuff in all of these but they were entertaining most of the time despite frustration (lol) 
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Honorable Mention: Teen Wolf - Had to mention this one cuz this was a show where I had a group of friends who all watched this together and we talked about it til the end (even when we weren’t happy with it lol) I was never really vocal in the fandom cuz by this point I was wary of them (fandoms I mean), but it was nice to share a show with people who felt similarly about it. As a show, I truly loved it up to 3B. Some of my favorite episodes were the ones that almost felt standalone-ish (3x06 AKA Motel California still remains my fave to this day) Lastly, it’s because of this show I was introduced to Dylan O’Brien who I always refer to as my ‘always & forever’ guy so yeah lol
Maybe Superhero Shows Are Worth Watching lol:
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The Flash/Daredevil/Cloak & Dagger/Runaways: So I’m someone who growing up, beyond Spider-Man and Batman, never really jumped at superhero movies. I still don’t to an extent but I’m more willing to watch stuff now. I think because when it comes to TV, I’m willing to check out at least an ep. I got into The Flash because my friend Lauren was really into it (and still very much is now) and wanted me to check it out so I did. I sorta watched Arrow before it until a point so I’d seen Barry’s appearances on it and remembered thinking he was precious so I wasn’t surprised that I liked him as a main character. I do think these later seasons have lost some quality but I think the earlier ones were very solid and Grant is perfect in the role. Daredevil... R.I.P. That show was so high quality so the fact that Netflix cancelled it is just rude. Now... Cloak & Dagger has been one of those surprises for me cuz it was such a slow burn that when it really got going it left me wanting more. That S1 finale was so solid. Cannot wait for S2. Love the dynamic between Ty & Tandy. Now Runaways isn’t perfect but it’s my biggest fandom right now and I’m proud of that fact. It’s a show that highlights diversity with 4 PoC leads & 4 kickass ladies (Nico & Gert are my bb girls), healthy ships including an LGBTQ couple currently as the main one (tho it is Gertchase that owns my heart), and overall a pretty great cast that meshes well like the thrown together family they portray. It even got me back into writing fanfic again. A miracle tbh. lol
Overall Just Amazing:
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This Is Us: I just think that this show pulled me in the second they revealed that first plot twist in the pilot. It surprised me and then they kept doing that a bit after. Now it’s more about how it has the ability to make me cry every ep and feel things. It doesn’t always touch me the same it did in that first season (it was an emotional year for me tbh) but it does have a class act cast who can always pull at my heart strings.
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Boardwalk Empire: This technically could have went under something I sort of watched with my dad, but it is kinda a weird show to share I guess. We didn’t usually watch it together (saved some awkward convos sometimes lol) but always talked about each episode weekly and it was kinda fun cuz it was usually in-depth. My dad still quotes things from it to this day. He also once said that he considers S1 the best TV season he’s ever watched. I agree that it was great. For me, the first 3 seasons are solid while the last 2 felt different but still pretty good. There was such quality to it. Great acting headed by Steve Buscemi. What can I say? I have a thing for gangster stories. I could say more but I’ll stop. lol
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Stranger Things: The show that really turned me into a binge-watcher. I had just gotten Netflix and what show did I decide to watch on my birthday? This show. I had seen things in the media about the kids from it and I was like, they’re adorable!! And ofc I got hooked when I actually watched the show. It just has everything in it that I like: mystery, thrills, humor, hint of romance, awesome acting, music moments, nostalgia. This was my obsession for a while until I got into some other things but if you don’t think I’m totally pumped for S3, then you best believe I’m watching it all in a day if I can. lol
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Community: This is a show that reminded me how a show can think totally outside of the box and still have a lot of heart with its comedy. I love situations where a group of misfits come together and become a family. I love that this show celebrates being different. Troy Barnes remains one of my favorite TV characters ever (& omg his friendship with Abed is pure goals!!) and Donald Glover played him perfectly. And Alison Brie is just adorable as Annie. Love this group of weirdos. The quality was different after S3 but I still adore it.
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Into the Badlands: Have to mention this show because what it has been doing action-wise is just incredible. The fighting sequences are out of this world. I’m always excited to see how they top it. Also, an Asian male lead? Go dude! The whole cast is wonderful and everything is just high quality, ok? Also, that cinematography!! Can’t believe it’s ending when it comes back. Sadness.
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One Day at a Time: This is more of a recent discovery for me (had friends who watched it and knew it was good but only decided to check it out not too long ago) but it’s already made its impact on me. This show has so much heart to it. The writers put so much care into their work when they bring up these controversial issues in the episodes. All while being totally hilarious (but also trust me, I manage to cry at least 1 or twice an ep lol) A show centered on a Cuban family, plenty of good rep for LGBTQ/non-binary people while also handling things like depression/anxiety, addiction, immigration, etc. It’s definitely making its mark on TV. Also, Rita Moreno is a living legend who I adore. I love this cast so much.
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12 Monkeys: I. loved. this. show! I still think it had the best series finale that I have seen in a while. It wrapped up things so well that I was smiling for a while after watching it. I couldn’t believe that of all shows this one gave me a happy ending. lol Casserole remains one of my all-time ships because they were truly epic and pulled at my heart strings so many times. Jennifer Goines was my queen. But seriously, a show about time travel that managed to make sense? So impressed. And the visuals? gahhh
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Friday Night Lights: Last, but most definitely not least, this show is just up there as one of the all-time bests IDC. The fact that at first glance the show seems centered only about football and it got me to keep watching definitely says something. lol This show had so much heart, the cast was excellent, an ending that was pretty much perfect. Coach & Tami Taylor were relationship goals. Honestly one of the best portrayals of a married couple I’ve ever seen because they were very much a team (while yes there was the occasional bickering that you gotta love) and it just felt real, you know? Also, it’s a show that proved that you can come back from a sophomore slump (yeah S2 was the worst season) and continue to be great.I can’t decide if it’s my favorite show of all-time but it’s certainly one of the first ones to come to mind. So glad I decided to give it a chance.
There’s probably a couple other shows I could list here but some I haven’t finished yet and don’t feel ready to put them on here yet. This is just what I could come up with.
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wolfiegal98 · 6 years
Baby Girl, Please...Forgive Me (2/3)
A/N - After writing this part up, I’ve realized this needs a third part ^v^ This one’s a bit longer, which a long voicemail by a certain someone at the end. There will be a third part coming out soon!!
For - @iwritewwe
Characters - Roman (phone, mentioned), Bayley (phone), Hunter (phone, mentioned), Alexa (phone), Reader, Georgia (Reader’s cousin/OFC) 
Pairing - Roman x Reader (broken up at the moment)
You returned to your hotel room. After that incident in catering, there was no way you could stay in the arena. You know you worried a lot of people there, but you would deal with their concern when you were calmed down. You scrolled through YouTube, hoping to find a video to help you cheer up a little bit. But after a while, you threw it across the room when phone calls kept appearing on the screen. 8 out of 10 of them being from your now ex-boyfriend, Roman Reigns.
Tears were still streaming down your face, surprisingly. Oh, how you wished you would stop crying. You actually thought he was the one. That Reigns wouldn't be like all the other boyfriends you've had.
Your mind wandered to Hunter. You had ran into him on your way out from catering. You slightly winced in slight concern, because you knew how he could get when he was furious at someone for hurting you. Despite hating Reigns with whatever's left of your shattered heart, you hoped that Hunter wouldn't hurt him too bad. Reigns just better be lucky this isn't the Degeneration-X era of Hunter….
Though you wouldn't mind seeing what would happen if DX were still together….
You were startled out of your wandering thoughts from a knock on your door. 'Please don't be Roman.…' you prayed over and over as you waited. The knock came again.
"Hey, doll! It's me, Georgia. Came as soon as I heard. Please, open the door," came the voice of your cousin.
With whatever strength you had left, you stood and went to open the door, the hotel's blanket wrapped tight around your body. It had brought some comfort with its warmth. You seen Georgia with a small, sad smile on her face.
"Hey, Gia.. You didn't have to come all this way. I would've managed…somehow.." you lied.
"(Y/N), don't you dare stand there, red and teary-eyed with puffy cheeks and lie to me. I know you, and I know you're hurting. Come on, I brought some ice cream." You looked down to see a bag full of goodies, and you smile slightly. Georgia did know you very well to know that you craved sweets when you're depressed.
Georgia saw your phone on the floor next to the wall and shook her head. "Please tell me he didn't call repeatedly and sent bajillion texts…" she huffed.
Your silence was the answer she needed.
*Switch to Georgia's POV*
'This bastard's better have a huge apology. I know he loves her and all, but what he said just crossed the line.' I thought as I unlock (Y/N)'s phone and scroll through the texts she's got.
RR - Baby girl please answer my calls RR - Please RR - I'm sorry RR - I know you're crying RR - It's my fault, but baby doll, please. Talk to me
B - You okay??? You just left all of a sudden B - Please,  talk to me. We're all worried B - Hunter just told me what happened. Roman's in his locker room. Think he's destroying stuff out of anger and sadness. At least talk to me
AB - I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT F****ING BASTARD SAID THAT CRAP TO YOU!!! AB- You DESERVE that championship belt, (Y/N). I was, and still am, honoured that I lost it to you AB - Just say the word, and I'll kick his Samoan ass for you. He won't be able to sit for a month! AB - You've probably cried yourself to sleep. I'll come by in the morning with a bunch of sweets.
HHH - Sweetheart, I know you're upset, and probably will be with me, but just know that I've dealt with Reigns for you. At least talk to him. HHH - He's devastated. Never seen a man just stand and take a bashing like Roman has. He hasn't even tried to defend himself. HHH - Just…give it some thought, okay? And if you do talk to him, might wanna take some pain meds for him.
RR - (Y/N)…. RR - I…I can't believe I've said all that to you…please…at least listen to this one voicemail. I'll leave you alone now until you want to talk. RR - And by talk, I am 100% certain that it's going to be you telling me you never want to see me again. RR - And I can't blame you. I've destroyed you, and for that, I'm sorry. RR - I love you, (Y/N). Goodbye </3
The last few were sent in the past minute, and then a phone call appeared. Since he said something about a voicemail, I let it ring. I glanced up to (Y/N) to see her staring emotionlessly at the TV eating ice cream. The TV was playing cartoons. After a few rings, the phone went to voicemail, and as promised, a voicemail popped up
*Back to your POV*
You felt numb after all that crying. You knew your cousin was going through your messages. But you didn't mind. There was no way you would've been able to explain what happened without bursting into tears again. So you just sat on the couch, eating the  neapolitan ice cream that Gia got you, and watched reruns of Tom & Jerry. You didn't laugh though, not even when Tom was smashed against the wall by the piano, or even when Jerry had the strength potion and scared Tom.
You were so involved with eating ice cream and watching the cartoon that you jumped when Georgia placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey….I know you're hurting, but I think you really need to see and hear this…" she said softly.
You crossed your eyes, a habit you did when you thought about something.
"Alright, fine. But it's your fault if my depression gets worse," you said, grabbing your phone.
"Yeah, I know. And I'll take full responsibility. But this is something you need, (Y/N)."
You read the messages, starting with the one from Hunter first. You saved the ones by Roman for last, because you didn't want to see those first. After reading them and giggling at Alexa's texts, you finally tapped Roman's messages. You eyes watered - you still surprisingly had some left - when you got to his last few. You've done a lot of thinking while you were crying and mindlessly watching that cartoon. But you weren't sure you could easily forgive him for what he had done. You typed a quick reply to him.
Y/N - Roman, I've done a lot of thinking Y/N - We can talk and see where it goes from there. Y/N - Just please..Whatever happens, I will always love you, Ro. I'll listen to that voicemail. Y/N - Don't do anything stupid. And please….clean up your locker room…can not tell you how long it took for me to get it the way it was!
You exited the messages and tapped the voicemail, listening to it. While you were listening to it, you felt your throat constrict with a choked sob. He sounded devastated, just like Hunter said. He sounded like he had lost everything. You dropped the phone when it was over, not believing your ears. You were not sure what to do. Should you forgive him, or should you end it?
"Baby Doll, I know I fucked up. And this will be the last you hear from me until you want to talk. I understand you're upset, and I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what has gotten into me, but (Y/N) none of it was true. I love you for you. I don't care that you're clingy. In fact, I actually love it, because I can dote on you more and more. I love the nights we stayed up and talked about nothing. I love the mornings when we woke up, and the first thing I saw was your crazy bed hair. I love the way your nose scrunches up when I kiss there. I love our movie nights, date nights, or just nights we would just lie in bed, cuddled against each other in blissful silence. I love your shining (E/C) eyes every time I look into them. I hate the fact that I made those eyes cry. I hate that I tore you down, after building you up to the strong girl that I know you always were. (Y/N), you are still that girl. Please don't let one guy ruin it for you. I love everything about you. I just went the wrong way about finding a way to keep a little secret away from you. Babydoll, I was trying to find a way to propose to you, but I went the wrong way about getting you away. I let out all my pent up anger with Strowman on you, and that was wrong. You're the one light in my life and I may have lost it. Just please know that you have every right to say 'No' and leave me in the darkness. I've dug the hole. I don't want to drag you into it. I love you, (Y/N). Forever and Always."
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romanssippycup · 6 years
Let me tell you a story...
Six months ago...I was at my breaking point. Six months ago I was tired of losing friends. By suicide. By fights. By miscommunication. By abondonment.
Back in febuary, before all I spoke of above happened though I had a rollplay group in the Undertale amino and on tumblr. We were all great friends and they were so hilarious, but things turned sour really quick when the first person commited suicide. I didn’t know there even was a suicide pact between this person and the core founder of our group, then she tried to commit suicide too.
I don’t wanna give the details, but I had lost about three friends. And then I lost everyone else. A big fight broke out in our group of 50. I remember people leaving, heartbroken, devastated, friendships shattering. It wasn’t good for anyone.
I remember sitting on the floor of my room June 10th just sobbing, because everything I had come to love and cherish in that fandom vanished in a few short weeks. My friends. My crushes. Everything.
I remember sitting at my computer scrolling through tumblr and slamming my laptop down angrily. Then opening it back up, thinking of going to youtube and watching a few light-hearted videos. With tears in my eyes, I saw Thomas Sander’s vines pop up. I remember he had always made me smile in the past. I click on his channel, and the first video I see is the “Becoming a Cartoon” video. Let me tell you I had never been so confused before in all my life.
Why was the dad character in a long video? He had a name? What is this egotistical, sassy prince doing outside of a vine? The teacher dude was always kinda hot though. But whose this new emo kid? I was intrigued, so I went through and watched all the Sander’s sides, out of order mind you though. So all the name reveals were spoiled for me. (Accept for Virgil’s, being a part of the fandom then was a real treat.)
But even so, I remember watching “My Negative Thinking” for the first time, and I broke down in tears. This time happy tears. This new series, had made me laugh and cry, and it was something that I could poor my heart into. I rewatched these videos for five long hours, before diving into the fandom.
I started on Wattpad in the end of June before AA parts 1 and 2 with Undeniably Important. The fandom was in a state of turmoil then, because we all knew Anxiety’s redemption arc was coming. I didn’t fully understand the dynamic of the fandom, but I started writing fanfiction anyways. This news series had given me something I had been without for a long time: hope. And gosh darn it I was gonna contribute. 
It didn’t exactly matter to me that I had never written fanfiction for another fandom before this. Before Inknew it I had written 10 chapters of my idea! I loved the characters. I had loved Thomas Sanders from the very beginning in 2013 and still love him to this day. I began loving Joan and Talyn. Then I began loving the Fanders! Everyone in this community is so freaking nice and cool! Just! HOW DO PEOPLE LIKE YOU GUYS EXIST?! JUST HOW?!
Coming from the Undertale Fandom you guys are just like heaven!! You all welcomed me on Tumblr. And I am forever greatful for that! We are all so lucky to live in a fandom where there are hardly any shipping wars, hardly any drama, we all lift each other up. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly. Actually we are everyone friendly. It warms my heart to see this type of community, and its such an honor to be part of it.
I wanted to give so much back to this fandom, that I started an appreciation month for it. It was supposed to be a silly thing, I honestly didn’t think any one would enjoy it. But so many people participated! (I do plan on bringing that back this August) I just feel so unworthy at times to call myself a Fander. Like you guys are just so amazing!!!
Being a Fander for this long, I just feel like I need to give credit, where credit is due.
@what-even-is-thiss I look up to you, like you’re the big brother I’ve never had. I know we hardly speak, but you were my leader by example when I was ace, and even still now. Thank you for being yourself and inspiring me, to be myself.
@thagrinbery My debate buddy! I love you more than words can say. You were one of my first ever friends in this fandom and I always had a lot of fun arguing about...nipples...with you XD. We are going to keep fighting together for the better, Bery. Please continue to be yourself, and don’t change for anyone. Because you are you, and I love you just the way you are.
@cup-of-blue Thank you for being one of my first friends in this fandom! You are an amazing drawer and your sense of humor is hilarious! We don’t talk as much as we used to, but I’d like to change that. Thank you for being awesome! Ilysm friendo!
@prplzorua You were the first fander that I ever admired, even before I was ever in the fandom on tumblr. For your amazing writing skills, and your ability to brush harsh comments off like they were nothing. You were always so strong and confident in who you were. I am honored to know you more personally now as a friend. I love you very much, and keeping beeing yourself. I know we still need to do a collab, and I’m open for it. I’ll message later today friendo.
@anonymous-snake Where are you? I miss you. We used to be such good friends. I know you said you were going to take a break from tumblr...but isn’t three months a bit much? It’s probably just me worrying about you. I hope you are ok and doing well wherever you are. Ilysm and know that people still love you here in the fander realm. Take care friend. We miss you.
@here-to-vent Eyyy Washington State bud! I think about you a lot, even though I know we don’t talk much. I still follow you and stalk you...the good kind of stalk XDEvery once and while just checking to see how you are doing. I wish for nothing but good fortune your way friendo! <3
@toxicsanders/ I know we hardly talk, but your resilience through the hard things that has happened to you through these past couple months has really spoken to me. You always find a way to push through your obstacles, even when life get’s rough. Keep moving forward friendo. You can do it. I believe in you.
@softlogic I know you aren’t in the fandom anymore, but I’ll never forget you and your kindness to me when I was just starting out on tumblr. Although you’re gone, I’ll always remember your words to me.
@justanotherpurplebutterfly You. You inspire me so much. You are just amazing in every way, shape, and form. Your writing skills are phenominal and you are such a sweet and caring person! You gave me hope at the beginning of september when I had none, when I almost left this fandom for good. I just can’t thank you enough for being my Fander friend. I love you very much friendo, And thank you!
@tinysidestrashcaptain How does one explain such an amazing person in words?! Just...how!? She is way too awesome for her own good, and one of the very few reasons why I’m still in the fandom today! We’ve gone through thick and thin together in these past five months! And it still baffles me that this amazing woman wants to be my friend! You are just so hecking awesome! Your writing, your personality, your sense of humor. You just contribute so much to this fandom and we can’t thank you enough for it! I am honored and proud to call you my friend! I love you more than life friendo!
There are tons of people I can mention who have touched my life over these six months, and I know I can’t name all of them! @leesacrakon @evilmuffin @leesacrakon @ts-sideblog @logan-logic @randomslasher  @prinxietys @princey-must-slay @pirate-patton @infinitesimally-patton @organizeddiscord @jiyudreamer @availe @fandomsandanythingelse @romananalogicality @remmythepegasis @pantton-sandacers @pattykrabbies Are all just a few that have helped me through my struggles whether they knew it or not!
 And I’m sorry that I can’t mention all of you, but if you are reading this right now, then this also applies to you! Thank you for makingthe  Fander’s fandertastic! I am human and I can’t get everyone, but just know how special you are. I love you all very much and thank you for saving me and accepting me into this web-connected, amazing, big happy family. <3
Thank you so much. @thatsthat24, @thejoanglebook, @tallykat3
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Steven Universe So Far: One Sentence Summaries For Each Episode! [The Way I Saw It At Least] (Post-April and Pre-May Episodes Edition)
Thankfully, my Crohn’s flare-up hasn’t truly stopped me from updating the one-sentence summary episode guide to Steven Universe before next week! But it’s gotten so long that I’ve had to put a ‘Read More’ link to save your dashboard from overloading! :P
Gem Glow: His first episode. Laser Light Cannon: Amethyst loves being used as ammo. Cheeseburger Backpack: Now available to buy online! Together Breakfast: His first Memetic Mutation. Frybo: Steven defies Broadcast Standards and Practices. Cat Fingers: WOMP WOMP. Bubble Buddies: A ship sails. Serious Steven: Strawberry Fields Forever. Tiger Millionaire: Better than John Cena, that’s for sure. Steven’s Lion: A companionship is formed. Arcade Mania: Meat Beat Mania too much for the UK, apparently. Giant Woman: His first encounter with a fusion. So Many Birthdays: In which Rebecca Sugar reveals her diabolical plan to make everyone watching cry their eyes out for the first time. Lars and the Cool Kids: Whatever you do, DON’T insult Steven’s mum! Onion Trade: In which everyone begins making theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Steven the Sword Fighter: “Where there’s life, there’s…..” Lion 2: The Movie: Lion is a well-behaved movie patron. Beach Party: Garnet fails at telling lies. Rose’s Room: Nightmare fuel comes as standard. Coach Steven: The song will never get out of your head. Joking Victim: His first work experience session. Steven and the Stevens: Steven makes the Time Lords cry. Monster Buddies: Sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. An Indirect Kiss: The ship travels at a fine lick. Mirror Gem: Where the franchise changes course and becomes a drama. Ocean Gem: His first close encounter with other Gems. House Guest: Healing spit, we hardly knew ye. Space Race: Ground control to Major Tom, your circuits’ dead, there’s something wrong. Secret Team: Sssh, Secret Team! Island Adventure: Makes the Steven/Connie ship look like a raft. Keep Beach City Weird: At least we got to talk with Ronaldo afterwards, even though he wasn’t prepared for it in hindsight. Fusion Cuisine: Steven gets into the biggest amount of trouble yet. Garnet’s Universe: Estelle works that microphone for ten minutes. Watermelon Steven: His first business deal. Lion 3: Straight to Video: Pass the tissues. Warp Tour: The Dorito debuts. Alone Together: The ship reaches maximum speed. The Test: Time to cry your eyes out again, fans! Future Vision: Wild Beedrill appeared! On the Run: Amethyst makes the Crystal Gems guilty and the fanbase cry. Horror Club: Or ‘Do You Want Fries With That Doughnut?’ Winter Forecast: The ship gains an icebreaker. Maximum Capacity: Amethyst unintentionally causes controversy. Marble Madness: The Dorito debates with Steven. Rose’s Scabbard: You can fit any piece of music with the final scene. Open Book: Cartoon Network buggers up continuity and Rose’s Room makes the situation worse. Shirt Club: Steven gets away with referencing the Kennedy assassination. Story for Steven: His origin story. The Message: Steven inspires a Youtube musician. Political Power: MAY-OR DEW-EY! Say Uncle: Uncle Grandpa tries to inject one last bout of comedy into the show before it all goes down, only to divide the fanbase in his attempt. The Return: “It’s the end, but the moment has been prepared for…” Jail Break: His final stand.
Full Disclosure: The ship steers through jagged rocks. Joy Ride: The Dorito’s driving vehicle is discovered. Love Letters: A mailman wishes to become Garnet’s American Boy. Reformed: “Physician, heal thyself.” Sworn to the Sword: The ship gets equipped. Rising Tides, Crashing Skies: Or ‘Keep Beach City Weird: The Animated Series’. Keeping it Together: The Dorito disturbs Garnet. We Need to Talk: Pearl’s salty 90s period. Chille Tid: So disturbing a Hiatus had to be reinstated. We Are the Crystal Gems [1/6]: The National Anthem of Steven Universe Lovers. What Are Gems? [2/6]: In which Steven becomes even more cuter in chibi form. How Are Gems Made? [3/6]: Amethyst debunks dozens of fan theories in one lecture. Fusion [4/6]: "The Answer" in ballet form. Unboxing [5/6]: His first TubeTube video. Lion Loves to Fit in a Box [6/6]: Beach City gets hit by the cat video bug. Cry for Help: The Dorito distributes dissension in the ranks….or does she? Keystone Motel: A handy guide to understanding an autistic person’s mindset, so I discovered. Onion Friend: In which everyone begins making MORE theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Historical Friction: Jamie provides the fanbase with ideas on how to make an “Ember Island Players” version of the show. Friend Ship: The Dorito dislikes dusty old Gem tech. Nightmare Hospital: The ship’s secrets are brought to light. Sadie’s Song: Steven becomes increasingly popular on Tumblr for a week, and makes Cartoon Network history at the same time. Catch and Release: The Dorito comes out of her chip-based shell. When it Rains: Peridot panics over precarious precipitation. Back to the Barn: Peridot and Pearl pettifog, pummel, and pacify. Too Far: Peridot practically plows predicaments into a Hiatus. The Answer: Ruby, Sapphire, and Garnet's origin stories. Steven's Birthday: The ship departs after refueling [OR: The reason Steven had his own week-long event]. It Could've Been Great: The Turning Point of Steven Quartz Universe. Message Received: Steven rocks the hoodie look. Log Date 7 15 2: Peridot's player gets pawned and perused.
Super Watermelon Island: In which Cartoon Network UK cocks up big time and completely spoils the episode for everyone else. Gem Drill: Our cinnamon roll journeys to the center of the Earth. Same Old World: Steven can show you the world...! Barn Mates: I always wear a leak on St. David's Day! Hit the Diamond: Romance in the Outfield. Steven Floats: It does exactly what it says on the tin. Drop Beat Dad: Such an important event, even the Crewniverse had to check it out! Mr. Greg: His first musical [OR: Pearl's salty-tearful reconciliation]. Too Short to Ride: If you know where to look, you can actually Cheep Peridot right now! The New Lars: Matthew Moy makes up for lost time. Beach City Drift: The ship gains the ability to run on land [OR: Ronaldo auditions for Top Gear]. Restaurant Wars: Ronaldo is finally accepted by (a vast majority of) the fanbase. Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service: Steven uses up his pun quota for the season. Monster Reunion: Leaked from the servers, still sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. Alone at Sea: No fish were harmed during the making of this episode. Greg the Babysitter: "Meh." Gem Hunt: The ship survives the wilderness. Crack the Whip: "Stop, you're making me giddy...!" Steven vs. Amethyst: Pearl makes good use of traditional seaside shops. Bismuth, Part 1: Rainbow is the new Gem. [OR: His 100th episode!] Bismuth, Part 2: Vengeance is an old vice. Beta: Bow ties are cool! Earthlings: Two heads are better than one, but all bets are off when you and your co-worker's jobs are to protect episodes from being leaked. Back to the Moon: On the moon, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms scream. Bubbled: In space, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms cry.
Kindergarten Kid: Corruptius Geminius vs. Doritus Clodius Know Your Fusion: Smoky Quartz and Sardonyx take over the Network from the Titans for 11 minutes. Buddy's Book: Jamie's fledgling theatrical career begins to pay off. Mindful Education: Two months' worth of summer adventures finally take their toll on the ship. Future Boy Zoltron: Featuring Neil Gaiman in a role you won't see coming! Last One Out of Beach City: Pearl attempts to roleplay a popular AU version of herself. [OR: Pearl's salty night out] Onion Gang: We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the wine and the song, like the seasons, have all gone. Cooking With Lion [1/5]: "But, Your Honor, he stole my act!" - Francis Gem Karaoke [2/5]: All singing, no crying. Steven Reacts [3/5]: Even Steven can't stand Hiatuses! Video Chat [4/5]: Skype Chats Between Gems. Steven Song Time [5/5]: Or "Summer of Steven: Epilogue" Gem Harvest, Part 1: Steven ditches his Knife for a common or garden Trowel. Gem Harvest, Part 2: Steven and Lapis take to the air and some Steventhusiasts take to petitioning Mr. Enter for an Animated Atrocity entry. Three Gems & a Baby: Peace and goodwill to all Steventhusiasts, and love for the cinnamon roll... Steven's Dream: Three days into 2017 and the entire Stevenbomb gets leaked - that's gotta be a record! Adventures in Light Distortion: The Shorty Squad gets two new members. Gem Heist: Steven is obviously a Mysterious Cities of Gold fan. The Zoo: Ronaldo's not so stupid now, is he, Steventhusiasts!? That Will Be All: Blue and Yellow make Green melodies. The New Crystal Gems: Connie helps to promote the second wave of Funko Pop vinyl figures. Storm in the Room: "Why don't you ask her yourself?" Rocknaldo: In which it's beddy-bye-bo's time for (a vast majority of) Ronaldo's fanbase. Tiger Philanthropist: Tiger Millionaire raises his fists, Purple Puma raises the roof, and Lars raises up a stink! Room for Ruby: Lapis and Peridot regret not watching "The Wrong Trousers" the night before. Lion 4: Alternate Ending: This episode not being leaked in the first place is the actual alternate ending! Doug Out: In which the thoughts of a Super Mario/Steven Universe crossover game that never will be make this blogger cry to sleep. The Good Lars: Jenny plays a mean melodia. Are You My Dad?: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other! I Am My Mom: There's nothing I could do, a total eclipse of the heart.
Stuck Together: Forever's gonna start tonight. The Trial: TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!! Off Colors: Every now and then Lars gets a little bit tired of listening to the sound of his tears. Lars' Head: Every now and then we get a little bit terrified of Hiatuses, and then we see the look in the show's eyes! Dewey Wins: As the ship sinks, Steven learns the definition of the word 'Repercussion'. [OR: Not actually a repeat of 'Off Colors' this time!] Raising the Barn: Onion sets his stakes high by cornering the agricultural market. Gemcation: Steven projects his angst, Pearl projects her hatred of reptiles, and Ronaldo projects his voice. Back to the Kindergarten: The Shorty Squad get their Ground Force on! Sadie Killer: Steven is a bad, bad boy, apparently. Kevin Party: Rebecca Sugar finds some inspiration for her next story meeting, but can the ship be salvaged in time? [OR: I don't care what you say, Steven doesn't look anything like that boy from Aberdale!] Steven's Secret Rap Career: His first official/unofficial fan video. [OR: The franchise transcends cultdom, thanks to MKatwood.] Lars of the Stars: In which the next Gem to debut has a little Chaos in her. [OR: As 2018 gets under way, the fans petition for a Captain Lars miniseries.] Jungle Moon: Stevonnie gets caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom. Your Mother and Mine: Garnet wipes out the canonicity of every Steventhusiast's theories and fan media in a matter of minutes. The Big Show: Pearl misses an opportunity to visit Empire City with Steven. Pool Hopping: Square Mom spends some quality time with her favourite cinnamon roll. Letters to Lars: It may be all change, but the next batch of episodes will still be released the good ol' fashioned Stevenbomb way!
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carterashofficial · 6 years
Thanks, Aearyn
@aearyn was so unbelievably kind to tag me for this 
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (ahaha no i wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy this took forever)
— what was your last…
1. drink: water. from the fridge. there might’ve been a dog hair in it because Scout and Abbey show their love through shedding. I didn’t care.  2. phone call: my old internship asking why I never got my w-2 form 3. text message: a coupon from World Market, if that counts. If not, i texted myself a spoiler for the kotfe fic so i don’t forget 4. song you listened to: Champion by Carrie Underwood b/c i love it and I NEED THE POSITIVITY   5. time you cried: UH... writing the kotfe fic. But i wasn’t actually crying. it was more like “im tearing up at this one scene b/c its breaking my heart”. Actual crying? been... so long i can’t remember.
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: ahahahhahahahahahaha.... ahahahhaha..... ahahahhahahahaha despite my best intentions, i’ve never dated anyone. I’ve been trying to change that. I want romance in my life. 7. kissed someone and regretted it: That would imply i’ve had my first kiss, and im 22 years old and still haven’t had it. APHRODITE WHY AM I SINGLE. I’M READY TO MINGLE 8. been cheated on: see above. Can’t be cheated on if you’ve never HAD A DATE 9. lost someone special: i would rather not consider this question, but Domino, Jewel, and my Grandma (all were very, very sudden and hit me like a bag of bricks).  10. been depressed: ha ha ha apparently i’ve had depression since i was 15. I was officially diagnoses in January of 2017 and have been on medication since. ahahaha  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no I can barely get drunk even when i try, let alone enough for a damn hangover. Seriously. I can drink like Carmadda and not get drunk.
— fave colours
12. soft eggshell green 13. the blue at the edge of the horizon 14. metallic  anything
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: ........yes? i think? 16. fallen out of love: ahahahahaha no b/c i’ve never been in love (in the romantic sense and that’s how im taking this) 17. laughed until you cried: always 18. found out someone was talking about you: in the worst of ways 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: oooooh yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: never been kisses
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all? how else do people find you on there? 23. do you have any pets: many. Scout, Abbey, the neon tetras (named the Heralds of Zildrog), my various shrimp, and Corypheus and Valkorian the golden inca snails  24. do you want to change your name: no, but i used to 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went bowling 26. what time did you wake up today: i woke up 3 times, once to Bug getting ready for school, then my mom asking if i opened the vitamins, then... i think 9 was when i finally crawled out 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: playing swtor or looking up some fresh and funky memes 28. what is something you can’t wait for: finished the next kotfe fic chapter and breaking everyone’s hearts. Or the next major expansion of SWTOR. I NEED ANOTHER CINEMATIC TRAILER LIKE GODDAMN 30. what are you listening to right now: nothing my house is silent and in the far, far distance, sometimes i can hear cars on the toll road 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i have an uncle named Tom. I have spoken with him. So Yes. 32. something that’s getting on your nerves: socialization. I can only take so much around others. If I was a Sim i’d have the lonely trait. 33. most visited website: Tumblr or my school’s student login page 34. hair colour: blonde/brown im really smack in-between and i just dye it lighter to make it blonde enough for me to be blonde 35. long or short hair: long. so long. down to my butt long                                   36. do you have a crush on someone: not sure. i like him, he’s funny and thinks im funny, and teases me back, but im shit at reading signs and far too much a coward to ask him out. I’m not sure. I had a major crush in high school that resulted in me falling in love with a guy but we never offically dated and then he crushed my heart. Long story. So i try to avoid crushes lest i break my heart again. 37. what do you like about yourself: bitch im fabulous 38. want any piercings: i got 3 in the lobes of each ear and cartilage in the left. If i get any more I think my mom would have a heart attack 39. blood type: ??????? no idea. I know my sister is O 40. nicknames: Milky (only drank milk as a kid, but this nickname has sorta phased away). Other nicknames give away my real name. But I do respond to my sister’s name. 41. relationship status: single and ready to flamingle 42. sign: Aquarius 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: i literally can’t pick one b/c ive watched nearly every cop show on Netflix, including some that aren’t in english. All the cooking competitions i can find on Netflix and youtube, and im running out of TV to watch when i do art. Halp. 45. tattoos: Zero because my fatal fear is needles. 46. right or left handed: Left. left left left seriously i can.... maybe dip a french fry in ketchup with my right but that’s it 47: ever had surgery: wisdom teeth removed count? 48. piercings: 7 total in the ears and nothing else. 49. sport: I watch baseball and hockey (SPEAKING OF WHICH, GO DUCKS!). Used to play softball and some soccer. 50. vacation: if i can graduate a quarter early I want to go visit my family in florida and michigan 51. trainers: is... this british for shoes? i wear berkenstocks. only berkenstocks. because crocs are so comfortable but people judge. I also have hella wide feet where ever ‘wide’ shoes are too narrow. I can get by in Vans or my old old Nikes that i hardly ever wear
— more general
52. eating: whether or not if ketchup should go on it, ketchup is going on it. Unless if it’s breakfast food or desert. Breakfast food is my favorite and i could happily live off it it. 53. drinking: water, tea, juice, milk, Mike’s black cherry hard lemonade, monster energy drinks, RC Cola.... i drink a variety of things. Mostly water and tea. 54. i’m about to watch: i dont know I’VE RAN OUT OF THINGS TO WATCH ON NETFLIX 55. waiting for: myself to go out on a date and/or meet The Guy 56. want: many things. 57. get married: One day. 58. career: ssssssssttttttttttuuuuuuuuuudddddddeeeeeeennnnnnntttttttt
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: i want both but maybe not from the same people. 60. lips or eyes: depends what each are doing tbh 61. shorter or taller: taller b/c im short and can’t reach the top shelf 62. older or younger: older but at this point im 22 and a lot of my classmates are 21 so like.... my generation. 63. nice arms or stomach: arms 64. hookup or relationships: relationships 65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends. like really depends. I’ll probalby go with troublemaker b/c they tend to be funny and on-the-spot and im a planner.
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: never kissed anyone..... ha ha ha 67. drank hard liquor: so yes. 68. turned someone down: ahahahhahahahaahaha haha ha. Actually yes I got asked to homecoming my senior year by this one dude who still gives me the creeps jsut tihnking about him. I politely said no. 69. sex on first date: never been on a date, never kissed anyone. Never ‘done the deed’. Would not do on the first date. 70: broken someone’s heart: uh my mom’s when I told her I had Depression and wanted to kill myself all throughout sophomore year highschool 71. had your heart broken: oh. Yes. 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: more like wailed loud enough that half the dorm floor heard 74. fallen for a friend: *side-eyes my sister* yeeees
— do you believe in
75. yourself: it varies over what. 76. miracles: I mean.... to an extent.  77. love at first sight: no 78. santa claus: I AM 22 YEARS OLD of course 79. angels: its complicated. my mom found a dead rat in our old house’s garage when i was 4-ish and all i remember crying for the dead rat when my dad tossed it in the garbage. My mom explained that an angel had already taken the rat’s soul to heaven. What did I picture the angel as? A carrot, wearing a tie, with mickey mouse-esque white gloves carrying a rat dramatically. This still haunts me.
— misc
80. eye colour: blue enough that you might drown in the ocean 81. best friend’s name: @athenascrown 82. favourite movie: if you think I can pick only one you’ve got another thing coming. but.... any star wars movie. If i had to pick one, Empire Strikes Back or Phantom Menace or The Last Jedi.... or Rogue One.... or Revenge of the Sith... 83. favourite actor: The guy who played the stormtrooper who hits his head on the door in Ep 4 84. favourite cartoon: the old Ducktales was a childhood favorite 85. favourite teacher’s name: I don’t want to put her name out here but she was my art teacher all through high school and she is one of the kindest souls ive ever met and if it wasn’t for her, i wouldn’t have gotten back into art
because this post took 5ever im not tagging anyone but if you want to do it, just say I tagged you and I’ll say i did
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harrysteelsbabe · 7 years
Tumblr media
Request: Could you write about Harry having a son like 2 and the girl makes YouTube vlogs so harry can see him grow up. NO ONE OUTSIDE OF THE FAMILIES OF BOTH SIDES KNOW about either of them.
A/N: sorry I disappeared for a fat minute to those who noticed !! I had very important family emergencies throughout all of last last week and last week I was sick but I’m back :-) I like this request !! I decided to change it up a little sumn sumn bc yes, sorry if it’s ass !!! but I hope you guys enjoy <3
Y/S/N = Your Son’s Name (I couldn’t decide on a name so you guys can pick whatevs)
Harry sat across from his laptop screen, a wide and silly smile on his face as he watched you interact with the toddler on the screen. His hand ghosted over the face of the child that resembled him in every single way possible. The curly chocolate brown hair, the soft green eyes, the shape of his lips - everything. The only thing he knew for sure that came from you was the boy’s nose and the bright smile adorning his face every few seconds.
Harry felt his heart ache as he heard the giggles of the toddler flow through his earphones, the sound becoming embedded into his mind. He wanted nothing more in the world than to reunite with his family, his son and his woman. But that was not the ideal life of a star.
No matter how much Harry tried getting around it, he couldn’t escape the rigorous schedule that was forced onto him almost every day. He was hardly ever home and he knew for the sake of you and your son, he couldn’t drag you both along forever, never really having a place for you to call home.
When Y/S/N was born, Harry and you had a long discussion on what to do. The child was unexpected, but that didn’t stop either of you from sobering up into adulthood from the cloud nine fantasy you were living in.
At first, Harry had promised he would be there every step of the way, but that quickly changed. The shooting of his movie came up which took a year of his life, and then his album, and then all of the appearances he had to make. It was impossible.
His family and your family, only, were involved with each other, the toddler bounced between the both - but hardly ever with his father. No one except his and your family knew Harry was your son’s father. Not even your friends knew as it was too big of a secret that you didn’t need the media to find out, so you and Harry kept it secret even if everyone was hard to convince.
When you and Harry had decided to take a break, the both of you promising that if the time were right and if the feelings were still mutual, you would come back to each other and it seemed like such a good idea at the time but the further you were apart the more you realized it wouldn’t be as easy as you thought.
That was two years ago, and two years ago you promised Harry that he would not miss any part of his son’s life. You fulfilled your promise with YouTube vlogs, filming every important thing of Y/S/N and extra stuff that would surely make Harry’s day. Harry had watched his son’s first steps, first words, first phase of the obsessions children have with certain animals. The only downside of the now popular channel was that everyone was under the belief that Y/S/N was not the child of Harry Styles, even if he was a spitting image of him. You tried your best to disregard everyone who attacked you mercilessly on the subject of your ‘baby daddy’ and focused on your mission behind the channel - to show Harry.
So here Harry was, a small tear brimming his eye as Y/S/N slowly but completely read a sentence from a children’s picture book and looking back up at you with a bright smile as you clapped your hands proudly.
“Good job, Y/S/N!” You cheered, wrapping your arms around the child’s stomach and pulling him towards you in a hug. “Okay, it’s time for bedtime. Say bye to everyone!”
Y/S/N sparkling green eyes looked into the camera and straight into Harry’s soul.
“Night, night!” Y/S/N mumbles, standing up and stumbling towards the camera before grabbing it with his pudgy hands. All you could see is his lips being pressed onto the lens and the sound of a kiss and your uncontrollable laughter in the background.
“That was new,” you giggled as you picked him up and rested him on your hip, the camera now steadily being held in your other hand. “Alright, you guys know the deal. Leave us some love! We’ll be back with more videos, good night!”
Harry sat idly as the camera cut off, the screen now asking if he wants to continue to watch a suggested video which happened to be one of yours he had already watched.
He decided on rewatching the end of the video, knowing full and well that closing out message was for him. And as he watched it a third time, something in him clicked. In that moment, he had never felt so empty and alone as he thought of the life he had back home which would give him so much more than his career ever could. He couldn’t stand the thought of being away more, being away from the people he loved most.
Harry had taken the first flight home as soon as he could. And after an eight hour flight and a thirty minute Uber ride, he stood at the front of your house with his bags in hand.
He hesitantly walked up the steps of your porch, getting a sweet aroma of the pancakes you were cooking up for breakfast and the sound of Y/S/N’s cartoons surrounding him.
A cry almost escaped Harry’s lips as he shakily brought up a finger to the doorbell and pressing it gently before softly knocking on the door.
Twenty-four hours ago, he would have never thought he would have told his management the truth about his son. Twenty-four hours ago, he would have never thought he’d be stood at your front door. Twenty-four hours ago, he would have never thought he’d be standing face to face with the only woman he’s ever loved.
“Harry?” You ask quietly, almost uncertain of his presence. You hadn’t seen him in almost a year and seeing him stand before you was nearly surreal.
“Y/N,” Harry sighs, a small uneven grin on his lips as he observed you.
Millions of questions were running through your head but the only thought you could act on was throwing your arms around Harry’s neck and burying your face into his chest. He instantly wrapped his arms around your waist, needily holding you closer to him in a tight grip.
“’m so sorry I left,” he whispered to you.
“It’s not your fault,” you replied.
You were so engulfed with one another that neither of you noticed the small pitter patter of feet appear behind you.
“Daddy?” A small voice asks. Harry feels his heart jump as he slowly pulls away to meet a pair of curious eyes staring back at him. He stood there dumbfounded as the toddler rushed past you and stepped out into the porch to tug at Harry’s pant legs. Harry kneels to Y/S/N’s level, opening his arms to which his son immediately ran into.
Harry picked him up with ease, one hand held behind his head and a strong arm under his bottom.
“If you’re wondering how he recognizes you, I made sure he knew who his father was,” you commented, knowing Harry was confused as to how his son knew who he was. “Every other night, we would stalk your fan accounts on Twitter and see what Harry Styles was up to.”
The sob in the back of Harry’s throat was suddenly released as an overwhelming sense of emotions overtook him. He felt so stupid, so blind with ignorance that he couldn’t see what he was missing.
He muttered a low ‘come here’ and you happily obliged, stepping forward to hug both boys.
“What about your managers? Your career?” You question, looking up at Harry’s tear stained eyes.
“I told ‘em the truth,” Harry sniffles, “my family is mo’ important to me than disappearing fo’ another year. The tour can wait.”
“What’s going to happen?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care,” Harry responds. “I jus’ wanted to be home.”
“We missed you, H,” you whisper.
“I missed you too. Mo’ than you’ll ever know.”
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necromancindancin · 7 years
Undertale: The Threesome
This is the story for the week. Hot off the press but I went way over my own damn word count. Oh well. This is a kind of sort of sequel to “Invisible” in that it’s during the same timeline. Hope you enjoy, comments and critiques are always appreciated! 
Sans and Frisk had been planning to see the movie “Burgundy Mountain” for months. The mystery ghost story had been a frequent conversational point ever since they saw previews on youtube. It promised good scares and a high budget in costuming and effects. Undyne, who would have normally joined them, decided it would make a good date night flick with Alphys. Toriel wasn’t a fan of horror, nor was Asgore. Sans was positive it would just scare Papyrus, so he wasn’t initially invited. That was, until Pap came home in a fit right before the pair was about to leave for the theater.
Frisk popped their head from the kitchen, “Papyrus? What’s wrong?”
If Frisk knew some of the people Papyrus hung out with (practically everyone, because he didn’t see the bad side in a single person), it was probably smoking weed or something stupid. Of course, they wouldn’t tell him that. He’d go down there and give the kids a one-skeleton D.A.R.E presentation. Sans was coming down the stairs and by the look on his face, had heard everything.
He spoke quickly, “bro, it’s probably just boring grown-up stuff.”
Frisk could see Sans sweat, “not everyone. not me or frisk-”
“Papyrus…” Frisk interjected, “You want to go see a movie?”
“frisk.” Sans gave a curt warning.
They continued anyways, “You might not like it and it’s supposed to be scary but you’re right. You’re an adult and you should get to do adult stuff.”
As Papyrus ran up the stairs to change into… whatever proper theater attire was, Sans shot a glare at Frisk.
“seriously?” he said, “he’s gonna get upset, you know.”
Frisk folded their arms, “I don’t know that. You don’t know that. You never let him watch anything above a PG rating.”
“‘cuz he’ll get scared and need to sleep with me because of nightmares.”
“Let’s give him a chance, Sans.” Frisk sighed, “We, not just you, have been treating him like a kid since I was a kid. I’m an adult. When does he get to be grown-up?”
The ugly groan under Sans’ breath showed his acceptance. A frustrated look passed over his face before returning to it’s permanent smile. Upstairs there was a cacophony of stomping and drawers opening. It was a good thing they had decided to leave early for the movies, leaving plenty of time for this delay.
“not a date, bro!”
“Yeah, we’re a threesome, Papyrus!”
Sans snorted and whispered, “we’re having a threesome now?”
“No we are a threesome. The word isn’t just about sex.” Frisk rolled their eyes. Toriel had taught the human the value of various definitions of the same word, unlike some skeletons, apparently.
“yeah tell that to everyone paps announces it to.”
The phone began to ring as Papyrus had walked down the steps in a very hipster-y outfit, infinity scarf included. Mettaton must have have had another shopping day with him. That robot was very into doing makeovers and hanging out with the skeleton for whatever reason. Papyrus, being Papyrus, wore every single outfit at least once, even if Mettaton was never going to see it.
Papyrus picked up the phone as Sans and Frisk continued to bicker, “HELLO, TORIEL. YES, THEY ARE HERE. WE’RE ALL GOING TO HAVE A THREESOME AT THE MOVIES TODAY!”
Frisk choked on their own spit while Sans doubled over in laughter. In a panic, the human rushed over to the phone, taking it from her friend. Papyrus gleefully stepped over to the side where Sans explained that Frisk had told him a funny joke.
Toriel’s voice was laced with concern, “Frisk? Frisk, did Papyrus say you’re having a… a threesome?”
Fucking fuckity fuck fuck fucker Frisk mentally cursed. A) Explain that it was a miscommunication, but possibly further impress the image of them naked and having sex in their mom’s mind. B) Hang up the phone and never speak of it again. C) Play it cool.
“Well yeah, mom... You know, like a group of three people hanging out?” Frisk asked innocently, “A threesome. What else could that be?”
The voice on the other end was shaky and hesitant, “...Of course, my child. I just… erm… wanted to be sure I heard him right! Have a good time!”
The phone clicked off and Frisk felt a wave of DETERMINATION. There was probably something their mother actually needed to say to be calling this close to the movie. Hopefully it wasn’t important. At least it was better than the possible, incredibly awkward alternative of her thinking two of her dearest friends were going to bang her kid. Did Papyrus even really know about sex…?
It was a question that, while Frisk wondered, would never, ever ask. Instead they grinned and pulled the two brothers out the door and to the movie theater. The group talked about Frisk’s classes at the college, the new friends Papyrus made (this week), and Sans’ work with Alphys in the lab. Frisk noted the closer they got to the theater, the more anxious Sans seemed to get.
“you uh… you sure you wanna see this pap?” He asked as the theater came into view, “i heard there’s this new cartoon movie-”
Sans sweat nervously, “eh… that’s… one way of putting it. you really, really sure?”
“YES. IN FACT, I’M GOING TO CONVENIENTLY GO AHEAD TO GET OUR TICKETS NOW!” The skeleton shouted as he ran ahead of them.
Frisk couldn’t help but tease, “I bet he’s not going to be scared at all. You’re worrying for absolutely nothing~”
“if he gets nightmares tonight, i’m going to teleport to your house and punch you in the face.” Despite the grin he forever held on his face, his tone was one of malice.
“Try it, 1HP,” the human grinned. They jokingly pulled up their sleeve to show off the muscles of their arms. Sans couldn’t help but snort and look away.
As they walked up to the ticket counter, Papyrus was giving an overly thrilling request for tickets for “his threesome.” The teenager behind the glass was not only flustered but rather puzzled and unsure of how to react. Frisk for just a moment wished they still were able to RESET if only to not say the word “threesome.” Sans could only give a curt “three tickets for burgundy mountain” before the kid even responded.
Papyrus could hardly contain his excitement as they bought refreshments and made their way to the theater. Somehow, despite the movie being new, they mostly had theater to themselves which gave the skeleton prime seating choices. Papyrus chose to sit between the two and practically vibrated in his seat as the lights dimmed and sound drifted through speakers.
The movie itself was spooky, to say the least. Old, decrepit mansions and charming, dastardly villains in elegant clothing danced across the screen. As bloodied, gorey ghosts began to appear in the story, Frisk couldn’t help but look over to Papyrus. Just as they began to wonder if maybe this had been a bad idea after all, they were astounded to see the tall skeleton enraptured.
He sat forward, eyes practically sparkling, waiting for what was going to happen next. Frisk smiled and looked over to Sans, who obviously had to be enjoying this. Instead the normally fearless monster was… covering his eyes and looked to be shrinking in his seat. He looked over to the human, to which Frisk could only mouth “are you okay?”
Slowly he nodded, clearing his throat and sitting up for composure. Frisk went back to watching, but couldn’t help the occasional glance over to Sans. In an unexpected turn of events, their horror movie friend was actually losing his nerve while Papyrus was practically eating it up. Frisk had moments where they themselves needed to avert their eyes from the more startling film moments. After two hours of scary movie magic, the trio exited the theater in awed silence.
“THAT WAS…” Papyrus started.
Sans stared daggers at Frisk, “scary. way too scary.”
Sans eyes were the size of dinner plates. Air whistled out of his mouth as he tried to form a coherent sentence. Sweat clung to the side of his forehead and Frisk thought he was going to implode.
They asked a question to divert attention, “So the monsters didn’t scare you  at all? I was pretty freaked out with that bathroom scene where the lady crawled out-”
“Wow, Papyrus, you’re really brave!” Frisk complemented, “Isn’t he really brave Sans?” They gently nudged the still-struggling Sans with their elbow.
Catching the hint, Sans nervously laughed, “yeah uh… patella the truth even your big bro got a bit jumpy at parts.”
“heh. i know you would, paps.”
Although tempting, Frisk did not tease that Sans looked as though he was going to jump out his… Out of his… well he didn’t have skin but whatever it was skeletons jumped out of. Even though he wasn’t the type to have a bruised ego, it seemed just on the wrong side of mean in this situation. The rest of the conversation on the way home was between the human and Papyrus, Sans only making small comments here and there.
“Oh my god… Well, there goes the internet.” Frisk mumbled with a chuckle.
The pair could hear continued excited “NYEH’s” from inside the skeleton bro’s house. Sans knew this was going to be the story that was told again and again for at minimum the next month if not much longer. All in all, he should have been excited that Papyrus had reacted so well. He probably would be after he actually slept off the jitters from that movie. It was getting dark and it sleep sounded perfect.
Sans realized Frisk hadn’t left yet, “you need a ride home?”
“No, it’s a nice day to walk.” Noting Sans still looking shaky, Frisk reached a hand out to Sans’ shoulder, “Seriously, are you okay?”
“yeah i just-” Sans hesitated before laughing, “now i’m being the baby bones. i guess you were right. paps should be able to grow up too.”
“I know you probably don’t like it.” Frisk mused, “But hey, this went even better than I thought it would. Maybe we should do this more often, with the three of us? I’ve got plenty of DVD’s I’m sure he hasn’t seen.”
The skeleton nodded, “yeah. we should. get home safe, kiddo.”
Frisk gave a wave and smile before heading towards the direction of Toriel’s house. The rest of the night was fairly brief. Spaghetti with Papyrus while he went into the small details he loved the most about the film. The chunky red sauce merely reminded Sans of the parts of the movie that made him on edge.
It had all been just a little too realistic looking.
Sleep couldn’t come faster as Sans laid his head down on the pillow. For once, he didn’t have insomnia. The dreams were even pleasant at first- thinking about Paps excitement and smiles, about how well Frisk was doing in life… before it turned into old mansions and creepy ghosts with broken necks and axe wounds. The skeleton woke up in a cold sweat, his SOUL lit up and shuddering in his chest. So much for that.
Papyrus would wake up to a heavy knocking at his door, only to hear it open softly. He sat up in his bed to see Sans poking his head around the corner of the doorway. A dim blue glow pulsed in one eye and his chest.
“SANS?” Papyrus asked, wiping at his eyes, “ARE YOU ALRIGHT?”
Sans practically jumped at his brother’s voice, stepping into full view.
He rubbed the back of his head, “hey uh… just wanted to see if you needed me to sleep with you.”
“you sure, paps? that movie today- i mean you could definitely get nightmares from that… i just want to make sure you’re okay.” Sans was getting more sweat on his forehead by the second.
The older skeleton tried again, “...i think i should sleep in bed with you anyways. just in case.”
Sans felt his stomach drop, “no no i’m not scared just… i’m just gonna hop under the covers and sleep, ok?
Papyrus made room for his brother in the race car bed, both fitting snugly under the blue blanket. They hadn’t done anything like this in a while. Papyrus would always come to Sans’ room if he wasn’t able to sleep and Sans… Sans would lie awake or talk to Frisk as he had the other night. Texting and possibly waking the human over a ghost movie seemed a bit too much, however, even for their relationship.
“SANS.” Papyrus tried to whisper, “ARE YOU ASLEEP?”
Sans didn’t say anything, his eyelids feeling heavy.
Papyrus draped his arm over his brother in a hug. Sans could feel guilt pit in the bottom of his stomach. This was the thing he was the most worried about with the growing up conversation. His brother wasn’t stupid. Paps was curious, always wanted to know the why’s of things. It was only a matter of time before this came up.
Sans always wanted to tell Papyrus things, tell him everything. It felt wrong keeping everything hidden away, but it was for the best, right? It was to keep his brother safe. If he ever knew the things that Frisk did… No, that wasn’t true. Any time Papyrus died, he had held hope for Frisk in the very end. Knowing this now may hurt, but Sans knew his brother would get over it swiftly.
It was the other things. Gaster, timelines, the experiments, the depression, the PTSD- It was too much, too many questions that would fall out of his mouth like a waterfall. But maybe it was time. Yet if Papyrus knew, would everyone else need to know, too?
It was something he’d ask Frisk the next time they spoke. It was their story, too. For now Sans could feel his brother’s breathing get slow and long. Finally, he could drift away into his own rest.
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Steven Universe So Far: One Sentence Summaries For Each Episode! [The Way I Saw It At Least] (End of 2017 Edition)
Thanks to the episodes premiering on the App, I had to wait until all the episodes had premiered on TV to release this update. Enjoy!
Gem Glow: His first episode. Laser Light Cannon: Amethyst loves being used as ammo. Cheeseburger Backpack: Now available to buy online! Together Breakfast: His first Memetic Mutation. Frybo: Steven defies Broadcast Standards and Practices. Cat Fingers: WOMP WOMP. Bubble Buddies: A ship sails. Serious Steven: Strawberry Fields Forever. Tiger Millionaire: Better than John Cena, that’s for sure. Steven’s Lion: A companionship is formed. Arcade Mania: Meat Beat Mania too much for the UK, apparently. Giant Woman: His first encounter with a fusion. So Many Birthdays: In which Rebecca Sugar reveals her diabolical plan to make everyone watching cry their eyes out for the first time. Lars and the Cool Kids: Whatever you do, DON’T insult Steven’s mum! Onion Trade: In which everyone begins making theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Steven the Sword Fighter: “Where there’s life, there’s…..” Lion 2: The Movie: Lion is a well-behaved movie patron. Beach Party: Garnet fails at telling lies. Rose’s Room: Nightmare fuel comes as standard. Coach Steven: The song will never get out of your head. Joking Victim: His first work experience session. Steven and the Stevens: Steven makes the Time Lords cry. Monster Buddies: Sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. An Indirect Kiss: The ship travels at a fine lick. Mirror Gem: Where the franchise changes course and becomes a drama. Ocean Gem: His first close encounter with other Gems. House Guest: Healing spit, we hardly knew ye. Space Race: Ground control to Major Tom, your circuits’ dead, there’s something wrong. Secret Team: Sssh, Secret Team! Island Adventure: Makes the Steven/Connie ship look like a raft. Keep Beach City Weird: At least we got to talk with Ronaldo afterwards, even though he wasn’t prepared for it in hindsight. Fusion Cuisine: Steven gets into the biggest amount of trouble yet. Garnet’s Universe: Estelle works that microphone for ten minutes. Watermelon Steven: His first business deal. Lion 3: Straight to Video: Pass the tissues. Warp Tour: The Dorito debuts. Alone Together: The ship reaches maximum speed. The Test: Time to cry your eyes out again, fans! Future Vision: Wild Beedrill appeared! On the Run: Amethyst makes the Crystal Gems guilty and the fanbase cry. Horror Club: Or ‘Do You Want Fries With That Doughnut?’ Winter Forecast: The ship gains an icebreaker. Maximum Capacity: Amethyst unintentionally causes controversy. Marble Madness: The Dorito debates with Steven. Rose’s Scabbard: You can fit any piece of music with the final scene. Open Book: Cartoon Network buggers up continuity and Rose’s Room makes the situation worse. Shirt Club: Steven gets away with referencing the Kennedy assassination. Story for Steven: His origin story. The Message: Steven inspires a Youtube musician. Political Power: MAY-OR DEW-EY! Say Uncle: Uncle Grandpa tries to inject one last bout of comedy into the show before it all goes down, only to divide the fanbase in his attempt. The Return: “It’s the end, but the moment has been prepared for…” Jail Break: His final stand.
Full Disclosure: The ship steers through jagged rocks. Joy Ride: The Dorito’s driving vehicle is discovered. Love Letters: A mailman wishes to become Garnet’s American Boy. Reformed: “Physician, heal thyself.” Sworn to the Sword: The ship gets equipped. Rising Tides, Crashing Skies: Or ‘Keep Beach City Weird: The Animated Series’. Keeping it Together: The Dorito disturbs Garnet. We Need to Talk: Pearl’s salty 90s period. Chille Tid: So disturbing a Hiatus had to be reinstated. We Are the Crystal Gems [1/6]: The National Anthem of Steven Universe Lovers. What Are Gems? [2/6]: In which Steven becomes even more cuter in chibi form. How Are Gems Made? [3/6]: Amethyst debunks dozens of fan theories in one lecture. Fusion [4/6]: "The Answer" in ballet form. Unboxing [5/6]: His first TubeTube video. Lion Loves to Fit in a Box [6/6]: Beach City gets hit by the cat video bug. Cry for Help: The Dorito distributes dissension in the ranks….or does she? Keystone Motel: A handy guide to understanding an autistic person’s mindset, so I discovered. Onion Friend: In which everyone begins making MORE theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Historical Friction: Jamie provides the fanbase with ideas on how to make an “Ember Island Players” version of the show. Friend Ship: The Dorito dislikes dusty old Gem tech. Nightmare Hospital: The ship’s secrets are brought to light. Sadie’s Song: Steven becomes increasingly popular on Tumblr for a week, and makes Cartoon Network history at the same time. Catch and Release: The Dorito comes out of her chip-based shell. When it Rains: Peridot panics over precarious precipitation. Back to the Barn: Peridot and Pearl pettifog, pummel, and pacify. Too Far: Peridot practically plows predicaments into a Hiatus. The Answer: Ruby, Sapphire, and Garnet's origin stories. Steven's Birthday: The ship departs after refueling [OR: The reason Steven had his own week-long event]. It Could've Been Great: The Turning Point of Steven Quartz Universe. Message Received: Steven rocks the hoodie look. Log Date 7 15 2: Peridot's player gets pawned and perused.
Super Watermelon Island: In which Cartoon Network UK cocks up big time and completely spoils the episode for everyone else. Gem Drill: Our cinnamon roll journeys to the center of the Earth. Same Old World: Steven can show you the world...! Barn Mates: I always wear a leak on St. David's Day! Hit the Diamond: Romance in the Outfield. Steven Floats: It does exactly what it says on the tin. Drop Beat Dad: Such an important event, even the Crewniverse had to check it out! Mr. Greg: His first musical [OR: Pearl's salty-tearful reconciliation]. Too Short to Ride: If you know where to look, you can actually Cheep Peridot right now! The New Lars: Matthew Moy makes up for lost time. Beach City Drift: The ship gains the ability to run on land [OR: Ronaldo auditions for Top Gear]. Restaurant Wars: Ronaldo is finally accepted by (a vast majority of) the fanbase. Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service: Steven uses up his pun quota for the season. Monster Reunion: Leaked from the servers, still sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. Alone at Sea: No fish were harmed during the making of this episode. Greg the Babysitter: "Meh." Gem Hunt: The ship survives the wilderness. Crack the Whip: "Stop, you're making me giddy...!" Steven vs. Amethyst: Pearl makes good use of traditional seaside shops. Bismuth, Part 1: Rainbow is the new Gem. [OR: His 100th episode!] Bismuth, Part 2: Vengeance is an old vice. Beta: Bow ties are cool! Earthlings: Two heads are better than one, but all bets are off when you and your co-worker's jobs are to protect episodes from being leaked. Back to the Moon: On the moon, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms scream. Bubbled: In space, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms cry.
Kindergarten Kid: Corruptius Geminius vs. Doritus Clodius Know Your Fusion: Smoky Quartz and Sardonyx take over the Network from the Titans for 11 minutes. Buddy's Book: Jamie's fledgling theatrical career begins to pay off. Mindful Education: Two months' worth of summer adventures finally take their toll on the ship. Future Boy Zoltron: Featuring Neil Gaiman in a role you won't see coming! Last One Out of Beach City: Pearl attempts to roleplay a popular AU version of herself. [OR: Pearl's salty night out] Onion Gang: We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the wine and the song, like the seasons, have all gone. Cooking With Lion [1/5]: "But, Your Honor, he stole my act!" - Francis Gem Karaoke [2/5]: All singing, no crying. Steven Reacts [3/5]: Even Steven can't stand Hiatuses! Video Chat [4/5]: Skype Chats Between Gems. Steven Song Time [5/5]: Or "Summer of Steven: Epilogue" Gem Harvest, Part 1: Steven ditches his Knife for a common or garden Trowel. Gem Harvest, Part 2: Steven and Lapis take to the air and some Steventhusiasts take to petitioning Mr. Enter for an Animated Atrocity entry. Three Gems & a Baby: Peace and goodwill to all Steventhusiasts, and love for the cinnamon roll... Steven's Dream: Three days into 2017 and the entire Stevenbomb gets leaked - that's gotta be a record! Adventures in Light Distortion: The Shorty Squad gets two new members. Gem Heist: Steven is obviously a Mysterious Cities of Gold fan. The Zoo: Ronaldo's not so stupid now, is he, Steventhusiasts!? That Will Be All: Blue and Yellow make Green melodies. The New Crystal Gems: Connie helps to promote the second wave of Funko Pop vinyl figures. Storm in the Room: "Why don't you ask her yourself?" Rocknaldo: In which it's beddy-bye-bo's time for (a vast majority of) Ronaldo's fanbase. Tiger Philanthropist: Tiger Millionaire raises his fists, Purple Puma raises the roof, and Lars raises up a stink! Room for Ruby: Lapis and Peridot regret not watching "The Wrong Trousers" the night before. Lion 4: Alternate Ending: This episode not being leaked in the first place is the actual alternate ending! Doug Out: In which the thoughts of a Super Mario/Steven Universe crossover game that never will be make this blogger cry to sleep. The Good Lars: Jenny plays a mean melodia. Are You My Dad?: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other! I Am My Mom: There's nothing I could do, a total eclipse of the heart.
Stuck Together: Forever's gonna start tonight. The Trial: TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!! Off Colors: Every now and then Lars gets a little bit tired of listening to the sound of his tears. Lars' Head: Every now and then we get a little bit terrified of Hiatuses, and then we see the look in the show's eyes! Dewey Wins: As the ship sinks, Steven learns the definition of the word 'Repercussion'. [OR: Not actually a repeat of 'Off Colors' this time!] Raising the Barn: Onion sets his stakes high by cornering the agricultural market. Gemcation: Steven projects his angst, Pearl projects her hatred of reptiles, and Ronaldo projects his voice. Back to the Kindergarten: The Shorty Squad get their Ground Force on! Sadie Killer: Steven is a bad, bad boy, apparently. Kevin Party: Rebecca Sugar finds some inspiration for her next story meeting, but can the ship be salvaged in time? [OR: I don't care what you say, Steven doesn't look anything like that boy from Aberdale!] Steven's Secret Rap Career: His first official/unofficial fan video. [OR: The franchise transcends cultdom, thanks to MKatwood.]
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Steven Universe So Far: One Sentence Summaries For Each Episode! [The Way I Saw It At Least] (Post Stevenbombs 5 & 6 Edition)
Gem Glow: His first episode. Laser Light Cannon: Amethyst loves being used as ammo. Cheeseburger Backpack: Now available to buy online! Together Breakfast: His first Memetic Mutation. Frybo: Steven defies Broadcast Standards and Practices. Cat Fingers: WOMP WOMP. Bubble Buddies: A ship sails. Serious Steven: Strawberry Fields Forever. Tiger Millionaire: Better than John Cena, that’s for sure. Steven’s Lion: A companionship is formed. Arcade Mania: Meat Beat Mania too much for the UK, apparently. Giant Woman: His first encounter with a fusion. So Many Birthdays: In which Rebecca Sugar reveals her diabolical plan to make everyone watching cry their eyes out for the first time. Lars and the Cool Kids: Whatever you do, DON’T insult Steven’s mum! Onion Trade: In which everyone begins making theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Steven the Sword Fighter: “Where there’s life, there’s…..” Lion 2: The Movie: Lion is a well-behaved movie patron. Beach Party: Garnet fails at telling lies. Rose’s Room: Nightmare fuel comes as standard. Coach Steven: The song will never get out of your head. Joking Victim: His first work experience session. Steven and the Stevens: Steven makes the Time Lords cry. Monster Buddies: Sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. An Indirect Kiss: The ship travels at a fine lick. Mirror Gem: Where the franchise changes course and becomes a drama. Ocean Gem: His first close encounter with other Gems. House Guest: Healing spit, we hardly knew ye. Space Race: Ground control to Major Tom, your circuits’ dead, there’s something wrong. Secret Team: Sssh, Secret Team! Island Adventure: Makes the Steven/Connie ship look like a raft. Keep Beach City Weird: At least we got to talk with Ronaldo afterwards, even though he wasn’t prepared for it in hindsight. Fusion Cuisine: Steven gets into the biggest amount of trouble yet. Garnet’s Universe: Estelle works that microphone for ten minutes. Watermelon Steven: His first business deal. Lion 3: Straight to Video: Pass the tissues. Warp Tour: The Dorito debuts. Alone Together: The ship reaches maximum speed. The Test: Time to cry your eyes out again, fans! Future Vision: Wild Beedrill appeared! On the Run: Amethyst makes the Crystal Gems guilty and the fanbase cry. Horror Club: Or ‘Do You Want Fries With That Doughnut?’ Winter Forecast: The ship gains an icebreaker. Maximum Capacity: Amethyst unintentionally causes controversy. Marble Madness: The Dorito debates with Steven. Rose’s Scabbard: You can fit any piece of music with the final scene. Open Book: Cartoon Network buggers up continuity and Rose’s Room makes the situation worse. Shirt Club: Steven gets away with referencing the Kennedy assassination. Story for Steven: His origin story. The Message: Steven inspires a Youtube musician. Political Power: MAY-OR DEW-EY! Say Uncle: Uncle Grandpa tries to inject one last bout of comedy into the show before it all goes down, only to divide the fanbase in his attempt. The Return: “It’s the end, but the moment has been prepared for…” Jail Break: His final stand.
Full Disclosure: The ship steers through jagged rocks. Joy Ride: The Dorito’s driving vehicle is discovered. Love Letters: A mailman wishes to become Garnet’s American Boy. Reformed: “Physician, heal thyself.” Sworn to the Sword: The ship gets equipped. Rising Tides, Crashing Skies: Or ‘Keep Beach City Weird: The Animated Series’. Keeping it Together: The Dorito disturbs Garnet. We Need to Talk: Pearl’s salty 90s period. Chille Tid: So disturbing a Hiatus had to be reinstated. We Are the Crystal Gems [1/6]: The National Anthem of Steven Universe Lovers. What Are Gems? [2/6]: In which Steven becomes even more cuter in chibi form. How Are Gems Made? [3/6]: Amethyst debunks dozens of fan theories in one lecture. Fusion [4/6]: "The Answer" in ballet form. Unboxing [5/6]: His first TubeTube video. Lion Loves to Fit in a Box [6/6]: Beach City gets hit by the cat video bug. Cry for Help: The Dorito distributes dissension in the ranks….or does she? Keystone Motel: A handy guide to understanding an autistic person’s mindset, so I discovered. Onion Friend: In which everyone begins making MORE theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Historical Friction: Jamie provides the fanbase with ideas on how to make an “Ember Island Players” version of the show. Friend Ship: The Dorito dislikes dusty old Gem tech. Nightmare Hospital: The ship’s secrets are brought to light. Sadie’s Song: Steven becomes increasingly popular on Tumblr for a week, and makes Cartoon Network history at the same time. Catch and Release: The Dorito comes out of her chip-based shell. When it Rains: Peridot panics over precarious precipitation. Back to the Barn: Peridot and Pearl pettifog, pummel, and pacify. Too Far: Peridot practically plows predicaments into a Hiatus. The Answer: Ruby, Sapphire, and Garnet's origin stories. Steven's Birthday: The ship departs after refueling [OR: The reason Steven had his own week-long event]. It Could've Been Great: The Turning Point of Steven Quartz Universe. Message Received: Steven rocks the hoodie look. Log Date 7 15 2: Peridot's player gets pawned and perused.
Super Watermelon Island: In which Cartoon Network UK cocks up big time and completely spoils the episode for everyone else. Gem Drill: Our cinnamon roll journeys to the center of the Earth. Same Old World: Steven can show you the world...! Barn Mates: I always wear a leak on St. David's Day! Hit the Diamond: Romance in the Outfield. Steven Floats: It does exactly what it says on the tin. Drop Beat Dad: Such an important event, even the Crewniverse had to check it out! Mr. Greg: His first musical [OR: Pearl's salty-tearful reconciliation]. Too Short to Ride: If you know where to look, you can actually Cheep Peridot right now! The New Lars: Matthew Moy makes up for lost time. Beach City Drift: The ship gains the ability to run on land [OR: Ronaldo auditions for Top Gear]. Restaurant Wars: Ronaldo is finally accepted by (a vast majority of) the fanbase. Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service: Steven uses up his pun quota for the season. Monster Reunion: Leaked from the servers, still sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. Alone at Sea: No fish were harmed during the making of this episode. Greg the Babysitter: "Meh." Gem Hunt: The ship survives the wilderness. Crack the Whip: "Stop, you're making me giddy...!" Steven vs. Amethyst: Pearl makes good use of traditional seaside shops. Bismuth, Part 1: Rainbow is the new Gem. [OR: His 100th episode!] Bismuth, Part 2: Vengeance is an old vice. Beta: Bow ties are cool! Earthlings: Two heads are better than one, but all bets are off when you and your co-worker's jobs are to protect episodes from being leaked. Back to the Moon: On the moon, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms scream. Bubbled: In space, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms cry.
Kindergarten Kid: Corruptius Geminius vs. Doritus Clodius Know Your Fusion: Smoky Quartz and Sardonyx take over the Network from the Titans for 11 minutes. Buddy's Book: Jamie's fledgling theatrical career begins to pay off. Mindful Education: Two months' worth of summer adventures finally take their toll on the ship. Future Boy Zoltron: "Time to make history." Last One Out of Beach City: Pearl attempts to roleplay a popular AU version of herself. [OR: Pearl's salty night out] Onion Gang: We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the wine and the song, like the seasons, have all gone. Cooking With Lion [1/5]: "But, Your Honor, he stole my act!" - Francis Gem Karaoke [2/5]: All singing, no crying. Steven Reacts [3/5]: Even Steven can't stand Hiatuses! Video Chat [4/5]: Skype Chats Between Gems. Steven Song Time [5/5]: Or "Summer of Steven: Epilogue" Gem Harvest, Part 1: Steven ditches his Knife for a common or garden Trowel. Gem Harvest, Part 2: Steven and Lapis take to the air and some Steventhusiasts take to petitioning Mr. Enter for an Animated Atrocity entry. Three Gems & a Baby: Peace and goodwill to all Steventhusiasts, and love for the cinnamon roll... Steven's Dream: Three days into 2017 and the entire Stevenbomb gets leaked - that's gotta be a record! Adventures in Light Distortion: The Shorty Squad gets two new members. Gem Heist: Steven is obviously a Mysterious Cities of Gold fan. The Zoo: Ronaldo's not so stupid now, is he, Steventhusiasts!? That Will Be All: Blue and Yellow make Green melodies. The New Crystal Gems: Connie helps to promote the second wave of Funko Pop vinyl figures. Storm in the Room: "Why don't you ask her yourself?" Rocknaldo: In which it's beddy-bye-bo's time for (a vast majority of) Ronaldo's fanbase. Tiger Philanthropist: Tiger Millionaire raises his fists, Purple Puma raises the roof, and Lars raises up a stink! Room for Ruby: Lapis and Peridot regret not watching "The Wrong Trousers" the night before. Lion 4: Alternate Ending: This episode not being leaked in the first place is the actual alternate ending! Doug Out: In which the thoughts of a Super Mario/Steven Universe crossover game that never will be make this blogger cry to sleep. The Good Lars: Jenny plays a mean melodia. Are You My Dad?: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other! I Am My Mom: There's nothing I could do, a total eclipse of the heart.
Stuck Together: Forever's gonna start tonight. The Trial: TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!! Off Colors: Every now and then Lars gets a little bit tired of listening to the sound of his tears. Lars' Head: "We're going to have an incredibly long Hiatus soon!" - Padparadscha
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