grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Well Taken !!!
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Bel Air x Hollywood  x Beverly Hills 
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Beautiful thought !!! Well done
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I made him a little kitty snow fort and I think he likes it as much as I do
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
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Courtesy: SkillRoof Grocery Delivery
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Healthy brain always stays in a healthy body
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Health problem not only affects your body but also affects your brain too. Especially poor health habits which may lead to generate many unwanted diseases and stress problems to you
In Today’s lifestyle, everyone is  busy doing their work which  mostly done by sitting and most people  eating fast food which may affect after a long time to their health. our close family and friends are when something goes wrong. It’s time to make a change.
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7 most important health issues
There are many types of tasty fast foods available which tempt to people to eat and because of this many people make this fast food as their routine food which may slowly result in many diseases later.
There are many  health problems today’s generation is suffering because of their poor health habits which are mentioned below.
1. Cholesterol problem
Doing a job the whole day by sitting and eating unhealthy food without doing the workout is the main reason for getting cholesterol.
Research has shown that sitting for long periods of time with several health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions – increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels – that make up metabolic syndrome.
2. Stress and anxiety  health issues
Stress is actually a normal part of life but if you can’t handle it then it can become a serious issue and can affect your job, family life, and health.
Nowadays most people are under stress and these can cause anxiety problems which directly affects mental health and physical health.
From research, it is found that more than 70% of people in America are facing Stress issue which is quite a serious problem.
By changing poor lifestyle and including Proper exercise and diet one can combat the stress.
3. Diabetes health issues
People are leaving sedentary life so, as less active you are, the greater your risk of damaging the health. By including physical activity in your routine may help you control your weight, uses up glucose as energy, and makes your cells more sensitive to insulin.
The Research suggests that sitting down for long periods can result in changes in the body’s metabolism, including insulin resistance, which can lead to Type 2 diabetes.
4. Back pain and neck pain problem
From research, found that around 60% of back and neck pain is due to poor posture and working at a desk for too long without changing position.
Exercises to improve posture and strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles called the core muscles are a treatment option that should be strongly considered.
5. Cancer problem
There are many reasons for cancer but out of that most reasons are smoking, taking tobacco, excessive alcohol, eating an unhealthy diet due to which many people are suffering from Cancer unknowingly.
So, by including regular exercise, avoiding excessive sun exposure, stopping smoking, and all bad habits one can reduce the cancer risk.
6. Liver and kidney problems
According to research caffeine found in coffee, tea, soda, and foods can also place a strain on your kidneys. Caffeine is a stimulant, which can cause increased blood flow, blood pressure, and stress on the kidneys. Excessive caffeine intake has also been linked to kidney stones. More protein than you need makes your kidneys work harder and may make CKD worse.
The liver is important for digesting food and ridding your body of toxic substances. Liver problems can also be caused by a variety of factors such as viruses, alcohol use, and obesity.
7. Headache and joint pains problems
Headache is the most common problem nowadays as studies show that 8 people out of 10 are suffering from headaches which is a really serious issue to consider.
Changes in sleep or lack of sleep, poor posture, skipped meals and stress are the main reasons for headaches.
By staying physically active and following the fitness program and focusing on moderate exercise one can get relief from joint pains.
Always stretch before exercising to maintain a good range of motion in your joints.
Keep your body weight within a healthy range. This will lessen the stress on the joints.
Let’s closely analyze the common reasons for the above problems
Listening to your tongue instead of the stomach
No proper workout routine
Lack of meditation and peace
No proper rest
More use of phones and computers
Far from nature
No real happiness
Sedentary life
Addictions of bad habits
Consuming water which is minerals less
Not maintaining a proper routine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
In short, by considering today’s lifestyle of people as there is lack of physical work, lack of nutrition’s in food and increase of more diseases everyone should think seriously on their health before you caught up by unwanted health issues. This is a time where you should seriously think about the above problems which are common for most people nowadays and need to take care of yourself by taking the right action in the right direction. If you really want to take an action read the article on How to Boost your Immunity.
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Top 10 Health Remedies to avoid cold and cough.
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Getting cold and cough is common for a child to old age people and it can be cured by doing some proven health remedies which can alleviate the symptoms and make you better. There are many reasons for getting cold and cough like a sudden change in weather, Some change in your lifestyle which is directly affecting on your body, due to weak immune system and so on.
The signs and symptoms of the common cold include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, headache, and fever. It is not harmful but generally, it can take 7 to 10 days to cure. If you are getting sick more often then you need to analyze the reason for getting sick as I said above and you should take care of yourself accordingly.
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There is no need of buying costly medicines and wasting your time and money if you can cure your sickness at your home without getting its side effects by following the below-mentioned health remedies. I still remember that whenever I was getting cold and cough occasionally my Grand Mother was doing the same home remedies which I am going to share with you today.
There are plenty of health remedies are available and can work ineffective way for a long time so there might be no chances of falling sick again if you follow them properly. let’s see it one by one.
Here is the list of Health Remedies to relieve yourself from cold and flu at home.
1) Honey
Honey is a great source of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
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According to the research, honey is proven as a cough suppressor so, the Researcher suggests that taking one or two tablespoons of honey at bedtime can decrease the symptoms of cough. You can take honey in the following forms too.
Honey with warm water:
Adding one spoon of honey in warm water every morning may also soothe your throat irritation and help you with cold and flu. This is widely used among the list of health remedies.
Honey with Lemon tea:
While making tea you can add Honey with Lemon which can give you some relief in sore throat pain.
You can buy various brands of Honey at amazon
Health Remedies 2: Ginger
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Ginger is a rich source of anti-inflammatory properties that can help to increase the immunity of our body. This anti-inflammatory property helps to relieve the pain during sore throats.
According to research ginger has antiviral properties that are effective in fighting a fever and also reduce throat pain. In the Below way, one can take the Ginger.
Ginger Powder
Make the ginger powder at home and use that powder every day in your foods while cooking.
You can take 1 spoon of ginger powder with warm water and Consuming it daily will have instant effects on cold and cough.
Ginger contains gingerols that help in treating the common cold.
Ginger with Honey and lemon
Add half spoon of ginger in boil water with 1 tsp of honey and half tsp of lemon and drinking this beverage will soothe your sore throat and inflammation.
All honey, lemon, and ginger have great health benefits and are good for digestion.
Ginger Pickle
There are many kinds of pickles are available on market but by choosing ginger pickle one can advantage of taste and its benefits.
Ginger Tea (Indian style)
Every Indian knows how to prepare ginger tea as most of the people in India start their morning with ginger tea. This is the most effective of consuming maximum benefits of ginger.
Ginger Candy
Chewing raw ginger is very difficult for many people so if you are not able to take raw ginger then you can buy ginger candy which is mostly available at any medical store.
These candies are flavored and are sweet in taste. Consuming 2 to 3 candies daily can give you the best result of relief from cough.
3) Garlic
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Garlic contains antioxidants and it is super healthy.
Studies on health remedies suggest that garlic can help to fight colds and the flu. It can reduce your chances of catching an illness. You can consume garlic in the below forms.
Row garlic  
it is one of the natural remedies. Chewing 1-row garlic with 1 tsp of honey will provide you relief against cough.
Garlic paste
Using garlic paste while cooking the food will not only make your food tastier but also provides other benefits too.
Garlic pickle
This is another form of taking the garlic if you don’t like to take it directly in the row form then you can take it as a pickle. These pickles are available in the market.
4) Holy basil leaves (Tulsi)
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Basil Leaves is an ancient herb. According to the study Tulsi leaves have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, and anti-allergic properties which are beneficial to reduce cough and cold.
Taking every day 10 to 20 Tulsi leaves in the morning can increase your immunity and reduce the chances of getting viral infections like cold and flu.
5) Kadha / Herbal tea
Kadha is the traditional and most effective drink against cold and cough in India. It contains Indian herbs and spices so it is also called Herbal tea.
Kadha is the natural immunity booster and best remedy for fever and sore throat. let’s see how to prepare Kadha at home.
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In one glass of boiling water add 1 tsp of lemon,1 tsp of honey,1/4th tsp of black paper,1 cardamom,10 to 20 leaves of basil, and 8 to 10 leaves of mint.
Boil it for 2 to 3 minutes and consume this drink at room temperature.
6) Do the gargles of saltwater
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Gargling with salt water removes the mucus and reduces infection or irritation in the throat, which contains bacteria and allergens. To try this remedy at home dissolve 1 tsp of salt in one glass of water then swish it around your mouth and throat. Then spit it out. Doing gargles of saltwater can speed up the healing process of the throat.
7) Stay hydrated  
One of the major health remedies is drinking plenty amount of water or juices. It is important for fast recovery from cold and flu. It also helps to lessen the mucus in the nose and throat and help to relieve the congestion.
Drinking-Water, Juice, Ginger tea, Honey, lemon tea, and electrolyte are the best drinks that one can have.
8) Turmeric milk
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According to research Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that may have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.
Drinking warm milk with 1/4th tsp of turmeric is the most effective way of fighting against the cold and cough. Taking Turmeric milk before going to bed is the best way to recover from a cold and cough.
9) Take Vapor rub/Warm bath
Vapor rub can reduce cold symptoms in children older than 2 years. Taking one or two applications before going to bed can help open air passages to combat congestion, reduce coughing, and improve sleep.
You can also reduce a child’s fever by giving them a warm sponge bath. Warm baths can reduce cold and flu symptoms in adults. you can also use steam therapy to reduce the cough.
10) Taking Neem leaves
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Neem leaves are the best medicine for many diseases like tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, worm infestation, and so on.
It is used for centuries as a part of Ayurveda.
Take 2-3 tsp of neem juice and dilute it into the same quantity of water and can drink it in the morning or before meals.
You can also chew 1 neem leaves in the morning time.
Health Remedies: Conclusion
People can apply the above home remedies during cough and cold to feel better as some of the home remedies are scientifically proved as most effective and they don’t have any side effects at all. So, choose the safe option for your illness instead of taking medicines. But if you are not able to breathe or if you have serious issues related to your health then please check with your doctor.
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
This is why new graduates fail to get jobs in 2021? 5 tips to getting a job this week!
This is why new graduates fail to get jobs in 2021? 5 tips to getting a job this week!
Why new graduates fail to get a job in 2021 because Recruitment is on hold’: the students graduating into the Covid-19 recession Businesses are scaling back graduate recruitment, leading to fears of a ‘lost generation’ with limited options Students are starting to realize they will be graduating into a global recession The pandemic-induced recession has not hit all sectors and workers equally. Research has shown that the Great Recession more than their peers, widening already existing racial gaps in unemployment and wealth. With many Americans staying home in 2020 by hoping to get the job in 2021.
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5 Tips to getting a job this week
Tip 1: Search and Apply to Jobs You’re Qualified for:
Applying for every job you find isn’t always a good idea. It simply isn’t efficient. Instead, seek out jobs that match your qualifications That way, you’ll have a better chance of getting selected for an interview. Sending out random resumes and cover letters is just going to be a waste of time. Before you start jobs search, take the time to decide what type of jobs you’re seeking.
Tip 2: Take Time to Network:
It’s an essential component of a successful job search. Most jobs are found through networking, whether it’s online or in-person. You never know who can help you find your next position unless you tell your connections that you’re looking for jobs.
Tip 3: Job Specific Resume
Just like your cover letter, each resume you submit should focus on that particular job. Be sure to highlight certain skills and experience that caters to that position. Without these, you might be missed by an applicant tracking system or the hiring manager and be immediately disqualified for the job. Leave out things that have very little to do with the position, so you have room for what does.
Tip 4: Dress for What You Want
Most have heard the saying, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Well, it really does hold some truth. When going into an interview, don’t dress just for your part, dress for the part of upper or senior management, or the position that you hope to obtain during your career at the company. First impressions are everything, especially when you only have 30 minutes or so to talk with someone before they decide to hire you. So, if you want to get the jobs fast, make it count
Tip 5: Share Stories
While in the interview, it’s important to back up your skills and experience. Share stories and gives examples of situations that really made your skills stand out. Provide ways that your skills helped benefit your last company.
You may have the education, the experience, the skills, the certifications, the credentials, the references, and everything else and still are having problems finding the right job. Be open to searching for different titles, names for the jobs you have done and want to do. Search all the job boards using the different names given to your ideal job. I am absolutely sure, if you do this, you will find the job you are looking for this week. You can also read the article Top 11 best career after a pandemic
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
What are the 7 options available if you don’t get a job?
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What are the 7 options available if you don’t get a job?
Post author:Naazneen
Post published:January 21, 2021
Post category:Money
What are the 7 options available if you don’t get a job?
Life is replete with uncertainties. Sometimes, despite planning for your future, and working diligently towards your goal, things don’t work in your favor. You may not get that sought-after job, or end up with a job that is not to your liking. Even worse, you may not land a job at all. While it is unsatisfactory and disheartening, it is extremely important for you to not give up!
No human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better you are as a person. Ever met someone who’s always had everything work out for them with zero struggle? They usually have the depth of a puddle. Or they don’t exist.
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Here are some 7 option available when you don’t get a job
1. Freelance Job
Not getting a job is frightening. It is the most important option being eliminated from your list of options. And now that you are faced with uncertainties again, you can try freelancing for a while. Freelancing has many advantages. It gives you the experience to help you get a job. You get the taste of a certain job before committing to it. It helps you make the right choice now that you know whether the work is right for you or not. Apart from being an alternate source of income, freelancing is perfect while you’re looking for something permanent. you can do freelancing jobs from websites like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Flexjobs, and many more.
2. Become an entrepreneur
What is better than being your own master? Entrepreneurship has become popular with young people who are willing to take risks. If you have an idea that you think will sell, then give it a shot. Be relentless about gaining business, know your competitors and build a huge network. If you are passionate, ready to take the road less traveled, willing to work hard, entrepreneurship might be perfect for you.
3. Internship
Internships are not only valuable for students; they are also great learning tools for people looking out for jobs. A good internship program can help you to understand a particular industry, company and help you evaluate your potential as a full-time employee. Also, if you do well in an internship there are chances for you to be absorbed into the company.
4. Start a blog
Blogging has become a popular tool for showcasing your skill sets and for businesses on an online platform. If you are interested in certain subjects, you can start penning down your thoughts and opinions. The biggest advantage of a blog is you can get as creative as you want, gathering a lot of useful information in the process.
So don’t waste time worrying about what didn’t happen. Start considering other options and grabbing new opportunities
5. Explore your hobbies and interests
This is a good time to explore your hobbies and interests because by doing so you will be exploring what really interests you and what really makes you forget time! Learn a new language or enroll in a course that interests you. Courses and diplomas (online & offline) available that may help you. They can be technical courses, academic courses, or vocational ones. Maybe you can learn a new programming language, musical instrument, dance form, or a form of martial arts. Anything that you feel makes you happy and thoroughly enjoy doing, go for it. People who already commit find it really hard to give time to their hobby. Now, you have time and hence you should make the most of it. You can follow all these articles for more knowledge.
6. Travel
If you think you need to be rich to travel, you are mistaken. You can plan a trip abroad or go backpacking across India. All you need is the desire to travel. While it may seem like an unlikely option, traveling may be the best solution to your problems. Apart from making you experience new places, cultures, cuisines, and people, traveling can enable you to acquire various soft skills like communication skills, networking, time management, teamwork skills that will, in turn, strengthen your personality.
7. Volunteer or work for an NGO
If you care about a particular cause, why not work on it? Volunteering and working for non-profit organizations, will not only give you satisfaction but also show you a completely new side of life you were unaware of!
If a man has a talent and cannot use it, he has failed and he has a talent and uses half of it he has partly failed if he has a talent and uses somehow to use the whole of it he has gloriously succeed
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Top 7 Commercial Ads of all time
Commercial Ads: A Brief
Reaching your target audience online has never been easier or harder. On the one hand, video, the undisputed king of digital content is now easier to create commercial Ads and spread to your audience than ever before thanks to social channels and ad networks. On the other, everybody’s getting involved with video advertising. You need to create something truly excellent, perfectly tailored to your audience, to stand out.
Here are some Top 7 commercial Ads of all time what should you learn from them!
Coke: Share a Coke Commercial Ad Campaign: Print
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Big brands are often hard-pressed to do something ground-breaking when they’re already so big. So, what did Coca-Cola do to appeal to the masses? They appealed to individuals — by putting their names on each bottle.
The Share a Coke campaign began in Australia in 2011 when Coca-Cola personalized each bottle with the 150 most popular names in the country. Since then, the U.S. has followed suit, printing first names across the front of its bottles and cans in Coke’s branded font. You can even order custom bottles on Coke’s website to request things like nicknames and college logos.
It was a breaking story across the marketing and advertising industry. Many consumers were enchanted by it, while others were confused by it why make a temporary item so personal? Pepsi even released commercial Ads shortly after the campaign launched
The Lesson
Coke fans are regular buyers, and the company leaned into that sense of individual ownership with full force. Wondering what name you’ll get out of the vending machine was a fun thrill in and of itself even if it isn’t yours, it encourages you to “share a Coke” with whoever’s name is on the front.
2. Miller Lite: Great Taste, Less Filling (1974) commercial Ad Campaign: Print, Television
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Think it’s easy to create a whole new market for your product? The Miller Brewing Company (now Miller Coors) did just that with the light beer market and dominated it. The goal of the “Great Taste, Less Filling” campaign was getting “real men” to drink light beer, but they were battling the common misconception that light beer can never actually taste good. Taking the debate head-on, Miller featured masculine models drinking their light beer and declaring it great tasting.
The Lesson
For decades after this campaign aired, Miller Lite dominated the light beer market it had essentially created. What’s the lesson marketers can learn? Strive to be different. If people tell you there isn’t room for a product, create your own category so you can quickly become the leader
3. Volkswagen: Think Small (1960)
commercial Ad  Standalone : Print
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Many marketing and advertising professionals like to call Volkswagen’s “Think Small” campaign the gold standard. Created in 1960 by a legendary advertising group at Doyle Dane & Bernbach (DDB), the campaign set out to answer one question: How do you change peoples’ perceptions not only about a product but also about an entire group of people?
See, Americans always had a propensity to buy big American cars — and even 15 years after WWII ended, most Americans were still not buying small German cars. So what did this Volkswagen advertisement do? It played right into the audience’s expectations. Do you think I’m small? Yeah, I am. They never tried to be something they were not.
The Lesson
That’s the most important takeaway from this campaign: Don’t try to sell your company, product, or service as something it’s not. Consumers recognize and appreciate honesty.
4. Metro Trains: Dumb Ways to Die (2012)
Commercial Ad Campaign: Internet, Radio
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Yes, you read that right: Dumb Ways to Die.
In Melbourne, Australia, Metro Trains wanted to get across a simple message: No horsing around near train tracks. Disorderly conduct could lead to injuries or even death, but instead of typical warning signs or announcements inside train stations, Metro Trains came up with Dumb Ways to Die, a song that has garnered 157 million YouTube views since it debuted in 2012.
The song is about dumb ways to die — for example, by poking a grizzly bear with a stick, or taking your helmet off in outer space — and it features a catchy little chorus you won’t be able to stop humming to yourself (because singing it is a little morbid): “Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die.”
At the end of the video, after you’ve watched adorable cartoon characters dying in the dumbest of ways, you get to the moral of the story: There are many dumb ways to die, but the dumbest possible way would be if you died while standing on the edge of a train platform, drove through a railroad sign, or tried to cross over a train track.
The video ad went viral on YouTube, the song was made available on iTunes, and it even played over the radio with an accompanying ad.
The Lesson
This beloved, now-famous campaign communicates a simple idea creatively and memorably — and you don’t feel like you’re being nagged, the way some public service announcements do. If your subject matter is grim or boring, consider using creativity to get your message across.
5. Clairol: Does She or Doesn’t She? (1957)commercial Ad Standalone Ad: Print
The first time Clairol asked this question in 1957, the answer was 1 to 15 as in, only 1 in 15 people were using artificial hair color. Just 11 years later, the answer was 1 of 2, according to Time Magazine. The ad was apparently so successful that some states stopped requiring women to denote hair color on their driver’s license. When your ad campaign starts changing things at the DMV, you know you’ve hit nerves Clairol did the opposite of what most marketers would do: They didn’t want every woman on the street running around saying they were using their product. They wanted women to understand that their product was so good that people wouldn’t be able to tell if they were using it or not.
The Lesson
Sometimes, simply conveying how and why your product works are enough for consumers. Showing becomes more effective than telling.
6. De Beers: A Diamond is forever (1999)commercial Ad Campaign: Print, Television
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In 1999, Adage declared De Beers’ “A Diamond is Forever” the most memorable slogan of the twentieth century. But the campaign, which proposed (pun very much intended) the idea that no marriage would be complete without a diamond ring, wasn’t just riding on the coattails of an existing industry. De beers actually built the industry it presented the idea that a diamond ring was a necessary luxury. Where almost every person pledging marriage feels compelled to acquire a diamond engagement ring.”
The LessonAdvertising can make a relatively inexpensive product seem luxurious and essential.
7.Procter & Gamble: Thank You, Mom (2012)commercial Ad Campaign: Television
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‘ll give you a minute to dry your eyes after that one.
Seriously — you wouldn’t expect a household and cleaning Products Company commercial to pull at the heartstrings like that, would you? Lately, though, Procter & Gamble (P&G) has launched some of the best commercial Ads we’ve ever seen from the consumer goods industry.
That’s because P&G identified the story behind the story of Olympic athletes — the stories of the supportive moms who pushed these world-class athletes throughout their entire lives leading up to that crowning moment. And yes, they probably had to do a lot of laundry and cleanup along the way — presumably using P&G products.
The Lesson
Make your audience cry (just kidding). The season or time period of your ad is important. But even if you run an ad during the Olympic Games, as P&G did, make sure it has longevity and a message that can influence people no matter when or where they see it.
Emotional nostalgia marketing is powerful tactics to get people to make buying choices, so if there’s a bigger, more universal story behind your product or story, tap into it and showcase it front-and-center.
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
10 Reasons Why Google is the King of Search Engines
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Google is the  most used search engine in the world. Google is fast, relevant, and the most extensive single catalog of web pages available. These incorporate synonyms, conditions forecasts, time zones, investment quotes, maps, earthquake files, movie showtimes, international airports, home listings, and activities scores.
Here are the 10 reasons why Google is the king of search engines
We can say that it is a directory of the site, and you want to explore it you will find it easily. Since Google My Business (GMB) is one of the most popular online business directories, It almost shares more than 25 million sites. Hence you have a vast chance of discovering more information on various topics. The rest search engine does not provide a sharp result in exploring data over the net.
Google places ranking sites with its relevant topics, rectified with the link associated with the main site and up to the subject’s significance. The most recognized site that consorts to your site, the best Google ranking you get.
Google utilize accepted file format like PDF and Microsoft Office, .doc file, excel file. Google offer variety of file format in which web visitor can store their information hence the data will not be obscured during the upload.
As already stated, Google has gained tremendous popularity in recent times and its really is popularity is on the rise. It’s certainly not going at any place anytime soon and therefore you will be confident that Google will still index all the details it can on the web and grow it directly for your screen with a few keystrokes.
Google may be the most used internet search engine on the internet, Google 1st advantage is his speed among the reason driving is he is utilizing word structured advertising which some of the search engines does not do including yahoo
Google is mostly used for SEO who continuously attempt to rank their site higher in Google search engine. SEO optimize Google search engine as per rules, register their sitemaps, and knock Google’s service. It places Google ahead of other search engines. Google has SEO friendly apparatus and suggestion.
Google Analytics demonstrates the fall of traffic to your website. As many sites are not utilizing this feature but users of analytics can analyze their traffic. It’s not only an advertising channel for Google but another way of evaluating site popularity. It is indeed practicable for the company and its SEO to evaluate their popularity over the net.
Google earth and a map are bestowed to place hunters without worrying of confusion. These tools offer a brief view of streets, cities, and countries. So if some want to find the location on the internet via Google Maps or Google Earth then it becomes easy. The images captured on these tools are elegant and are in real form and it attracts visitors. Even business professionals mark their company name and address on Google map.
Google may be the renowned search SERPs, therefore people utilize it frequently. Velocity, the accuracy of content, the option of every sort of content, images, graphs, maps, etc. are some factors that happen to be responsible for your publicity on the website.
Google has invented many applications like Google finance, Google Ad Sense, Ad Mob,  Doc, Drive, Google+, and I Google, Picasa, etc. which places Google in a higher rank and makes it famous among all search engines.
So due to all these kinds of reasons people prefer Google over Yahoo, Bing And due to it is used by the number of individuals on the earth, Google is among the most famous and friendly internet search engine for people why do you use Google? Leave a comment
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing
Differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing.
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The discussion regarding the efficiency of digital marketing and traditional marketing still continues. A lot of people think that digital marketing has been taking over traditional marketing. The marketing arena is changing after many of the Newspapers going digital.
Traditional marketing has fallen over the years because of the invention of smartphones and their convenience. People find digital gadgets a lot more user-friendly. Hence, marketers have changed their targeting techniques and switched to digital.
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What is Traditional Marketing?
Traditional marketing is the old way of marketing Technique. It refers kind of promotion, advertisement, includes flyers, billboards, TV ads, radio ads, print advertisements, newspaper ads, etc. in which companies are used in the early period to market their product.
Traditional marketing can be divided into five major categories:
Print (newspapers, magazines, brochures, etc.)
Broadcast (radio, TV, etc.)
Outdoor (fliers, billboards, banners, etc.)
Direct Mail (postcards, catalogs, etc.)
Telephone (SMS marketing, telemarketing, etc.)
The fundamental aspects of marketing today heavily rely on the techniques of traditional marketing that have remained the same over the years. These are:
Every successful business acknowledges the significance of creating a proper sales funnel using a marketing plan and these aspects of traditional marketing continue to dominate. By leveraging these four P’s, any business can lead its customers and prospects through any sales funnel and realize favorable results.
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing, specifically, refers to ‘Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies and media
Digital technologies and media include:
Company websites
Mobile apps
Social media company pages
Search Engines
Email and automation
Digital Partnerships with other digital companies
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Differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing
Traditional marketing may have evolved over the past few decades, but the fundamental aspects remain the same. The selling techniques that we use today heavily rely on the infamous four P’s of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.
Every successful business knows how integral it is to create a proper sales funnel by leveraging the four P’s of marketing, a business can actually lead its prospects and customers through any sales funnel and see favorable results.
Let’s take a brief look at each of the 4 P’s that power every form of marketing technique:
Product: Effective marketing starts with a good understanding of your own product. Which could be an intangible service or type of good that fulfills the demand of a target market. That helps you promote the product and help it gain more visibility/exposure comes under promotion whether it is advertising on a billboard or setting up an ad campaign on Facebook.
Price: The overall cost of the product depends on how well you know it. Price is always the determining factor when it comes to things like supply, demand, profit margin, etc.
Promotion: How you get the word out about your product and market it to your target audience is promotion. Any method that helps you promote the product and help it gain more visibility/exposure comes under promotion — whether it is advertising on a billboard or setting up an ad campaign on Facebook.
Place: Traditional marketing heavily relies on getting your product in front of your target audience at the right time and place. Which also means pricing it right. In the marketing world, placement plays a crucial role. Because when a product is placed in an ideal location, the chances of converting prospects to customers or clients increase manifold.
As long as technology is evolving, digital marketing continues to grow. Digital marketing includes social media mentions, websites, banner ads, and YouTube videos. Digital marketing is quite similar to traditional marketing but just uses digital devices. One can start promoting business through social media marketing. Online marketing is a form of inbound marketing, and its main aim is for customers to find you.
Marketing your business through social media channels becomes easy like online organic search, paid search, or by reading content online like articles or blogs. The audience becomes familiar with your content as and when they keep seeing it, which helps build trust.
Advantages of social media marketing
Increased brand awareness
More inbound traffic
Search engine rankings start improving
Higher conversion rates
Customer satisfaction
Digital marketing strategies evolve quickly because of trends and new technology. These strategies include those that require the use of the internet or smartphones. They haven’t been around as long as traditional methods, but they certainly pack a punch.
Common digital marketing methods include:
Website content
Email campaigns
Content marketing
Social media posts
Clickable ads
Affiliate marketing
Search engine optimization (SEO)
These strategies are very popular today because of consumers’ frequent usage of the internet and mobile devices. According to there are 4.54 billion active internet users in the world and 3.8 billion active social media users. With numbers that high, marketing online and through social media makes a lot of sense.
Pros and Cons of Traditional Marketing
When comparing traditional marketing vs. digital marketing, traditional methods are often viewed as outdated or irrelevant. However, many of these tactics are still useful and effective today.
Depending on the business and target audience, traditional marketing methods may be the better choice. To help discern if traditional marketing is right for your business, here are some pros and cons.
If you want to reach an older demographic, traditional marketing can be very effective. According to Globe news wire audiences ages, 50+ spend almost twice as much time reading the newspaper and watching TV as compared to those ages 21-34.
This type of marketing strategy usually works best for businesses looking to build a larger local audience. A small business would be better off competing for attention through billboards, flyers, and events rather than trying to compete for digital space against larger businesses.
TV or radio commercials will play multiple times and remind the audience of the business, whereas digital marketing items may be skipped through or blocked (e.g., clicking “I don’t want to see this” on social media ads, or skipping through ads before YouTube videos).
Printing postcards to send out even to just a local audience can be expensive, and there is no guarantee that the recipient is interested in your business or the product/service you offer.
Traditional marketing methods can take weeks or months to yield results and data. You can’t tell when someone has read your newspaper ad unless they decide to follow-up. Even then, without a survey, you won’t know if the ad was the reason for the follow-up.
Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing strategies are always evolving with new technology and trends like voice search and social media usage. These strategies include the most modern and latest tactics. But, as with traditional marketing, there are some areas where digital marketing thrives and others where it doesn’t.
Data and audience involvement can be tracked instantly. When someone clicks on a link to your site, reads an email, or follows you on social media, you have that information immediately. You can draw numerous insights from this data, including which type of content works best for a specific audience, which mediums are the most effective, and even what time of day receives the best engagement.
Digital marketing strategies incur a much lower cost. Sending out an email campaign can save a lot of money compared to printing individual postcards and paying for postage on each.
It works well for more global or scattered audiences because of the broad scope of digital marketing
Some internet users have ad blockers, so they’ll never see pop-ups or banner ads. Other times, ads can be skipped or removed if a user pays for premium services (e.g., Spotify, Hulu, and Twitch).
Because new technology and trends emerge so frequently, digital marketing tactics need to be evaluated and reevaluated for effectiveness continually what works well one day maybe irrelevant the next. However, this can be combatted with a strong foundation in digital marketing basic.
Which one is better?
So, which strategy wins when comparing traditional marketing vs. digital marketing?
Digital marketing is probably the best option for most. If you want to reach a particular group of people, wherever they may be, while keeping costs low, go with digital marketing. Doing so will also allow you to collect valuable information on your audience immediately so that you can create even more effective marketing campaigns.
While traditional marketing still has a place, let’s be clear, digital marketing is the future. Younger generations have not known a time without smartphones, and they are starting to enter the workforce backed by another generation that will be even more digital. The fact is that every company and brand needs a digital marketing strategy to survive in today’s world, so there are plenty of career opportunities. If you are interested in joining this exciting field, please go ahead and join it now itself.
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
10 reasons Why Should You Learn Digital Marketing in 2021
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Digital Marketing and the 10 reasons why should you consider learning this in 2021.
High Demand for Digital Marketer
Great growth prospects
Start your own business (or promote the existing one)
Get Better Pay
Easy to Start a Career
Offers Variety of Careers
More of a Creative Field than a Technical Field.
Helps in developing a strong engagement with the audience
Improves your brand’s reach significantly
Helps improving relationships with the customers.
There is a huge demand in companies where there are going to hire more marketers and learning an in-demand skill never hurts it also means that you can get better-paying jobs with more security after learning such a highly demanded skill.
Digital marketing skills will keep seeing an increase in demand in the near future. And that’s because the digital economy is growing 10x faster than the offline economy setting up a business online, running and ad campaigns, developing content strategies are a few of the tasks a digital marketer does to provide but without trained professionals, they can’t do there task that’s why the demand for these skills will continue to increase.
START YOUR OWN BUSINESS (or promote the existing one)
Digital marketers have ample knowledge of multiple online tools and platforms they can start websites, create products, and sell them to the targeted market you study the skills thoroughly you can start an online business yourself if you want .or you can even become a digital marketing consultant and start a freelancing business. You’d be able to reduce the costs of your business’s promotion, target the right audience, and measure your progress better with the help of this knowledge.
Want to increase your salary? Start learning digital marketing. As I mentioned earlier, there is a massive demand for professionals in this industry because of the high demand, the pay for digital marketing roles is also high. You can get better roles in the organization because of your expertise, which can help you enhance your salary
If you want to become an engineer, you will need to get a degree in engineering if you want to become a pilot, you will have to go to aviation school and get a license. But if you want to become a digital marketer, you will only need to practice the essential online marketing techniques, create a portfolio, and you’ll good to go. You don’t need to get another degree or go to college to start a career in this field entering the sector is quite easy. If you want to start a new career, digital marketing would be a great choice.
These examples show how fast the internet changes. It changes every year, and these changes aren’t negligible they’re the opposite and digital marketers have to adapt themselves to these changes constantly. So they are always learning new stuff and mastering new techniques. If you’re looking for a field that is full of novelty and variety, then you should go for digital marketing.
This Profession requires a unique combination of both creativity and technical knowledge .you’ll be writing eye-catching headlines for ad campaigns, and you’ll also be checking the analytics of the campaign. Because this field is vast, it has a variety of sections, each of which requires a unique skill set .for example, a content marketer should know how to write amazing blog articles. On the other hand, a social media marketer should know how to run a great promotion campaign
Brands need to make use of their social media channels to help build a strong audience engagement .you need to keep posting valuable content and start a conversation with prospective leads. By answering consumers’ question brands can enhance their customer service method which will eventually give way to be better brand image
Digital marketing helps you to reach audiences beyond geographical boundaries. Traditional marketing will only help brands be recognized locally or by those who read a local magazine or newspaper. But, there may be prospective customers who may miss out on your brand when they needed it. With the help of search engine marketing, relevant blogs, and reviews .the best SEO company that will help you improve your brand’s reach in ways unknown to you
Digital marketing is a two-way communication process that helps to develop a good relationship with the customer over time.
Now that you have seen the amazing benefits and advantages of getting knowledge in Digital Marketing.
Courtesy: Digitalhemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
How to keep ourselves motivated during tough times?
y:How to keep ourselves motivated during tough times?
Discover how to stay motivate and positive even when the going gets tough.No matter who you are, what your name is, where you came from, or how much wealth you have in your bank account, pain is a part of life that you will encounter at some point or another. We all struggle through hard times at different moments in our lives. Dealing with misfortune is inevitable. So attempting to run, hide, avoid, or escape from pain is pointless. The best thing that you ever do to create a happy, fulfilled, meaningful, and successful life is to set yourself up with as many resources as possible to help you stay motivated in tough times. Your ability to deal with pain is going to play a big role in your life. So it’s best to build up as many resources for overcoming tragedy as possible.
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Stay Motivated During Difficult Times
1.Refresh Your Mind
Staying healthy doesn’t only mean physical fitness. To stay healthy mentally is equally, rather more important. Try to move your focus from the points of stress. Listen to your favorite music; pay a visit to a park, seaside, or any of your favorite places; remember the happy memories of your life… in simple words, do whatever you can do to make your mind relaxed! Even when you are busy, a few minutes of keeping your mind relaxed can double your energy levels.
2.Spend Time with ‘Yourself’:
It has been rightly said that no one can be your best friend except your own self. No matter how busy your schedule is, try to spare some time for yourself as well. Stay quiet, talk to yourself, this could be the best remedy to freshen up your mind.
3. Do Proper Planning
Planning is a requirement for each and every aspect of your life. It is mostly the improper planning that creates chaotic and tense situations, making you feel stressed. Learn to prioritize your work depending upon its urgency; check whether anybody else can do it in place of you. When you are making a plan, you are actually thinking of the entire process from start till the end; therefore, you can come up with new ideas and ways to release the pressure from you.
4. Get motivated from the people in your life
Family and friends can be your support during hard times. Many of our worries come from self-doubt. Keep in touch and confide in people who care for you and who want to see you succeed. Have open conversations about your stressful times and allow them to share advice and thoughts. Socialize with optimistic people. If you live away from family, call them and speak to them often. Meet up with friends and indulge in light conversations. Motivation is contagious and the moment you interact with individuals who are cheerful.
5. reason to Love Yourself
Hard times can take on a toll on your health. Ensure that you drink enough water and maintain healthy eating habits. Get enough sleep every day and when you do so detach yourself from all the gadgets and distractions. Wake up early and begin your day. Make your morning’s simple and stress-free. Have a wholesome breakfast. Exercise regularly and listen to music.
6.Take a Break from Your Worries
Let go of your worries for once and venture out. Take a break. Spend considerable time outdoors in nature. Take a break at the beach or the mountains or simply go for a long drive during the weekend. Venture with friends or just go alone. You can go camping and spend a few days away from all the materialistic pleasures. Switch off your phone, laptop, or other gadgets when you are on vacation. Open your mind and think empowering and expansive thoughts. Breathe and feel the moments.
7. motivated to Learn From Your Mistakes
Mistakes are the best things that can help you improve yourself. So, instead of getting demotivated by your mistakes, consider them as an experience. Being human, we all make mistakes due to some inherent defects or flaws in our characters. But, always remember one thing that these mistakes are not final as each and every mistake has some lesson for us. So, learn a lesson from those mistakes and make a better future.
Be kind to yourself. When you let go of yourself, going gets even more difficult. Refuse to worry about circumstances that are beyond your control. Life is not a bed of roses for anyone. Each of us shares a balanced proportion of good and bad times. Those who get demotivated very easily must read this article to know the techniques to stay motivated throughout life and achieve better results.
Courtesy: Digitalhemanth
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grocery-n-handyman · 3 years
Top 10 Health tips to follow every day to keep yourselves energized
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Top 10 Health tips to follow every day to keep yourselves energized
Post author:Naazneen
Post published:January 21, 2021
Post category:Health
Top 10 Health tips to follow every day to keep yourselves energized
As more and more people are getting into stressful lifestyles, busy schedules, unconventional career options, and emotional problems, the health risks are increasing too. The damage was done by pollution, junk food, unhealthy lifestyle, substance abuse, etc. only increases the risks associated with health. In this distress, a healthy life, management of emotions, stress, and mental health is far ignored. It creates on your health and lifestyle Sometimes it can also bring harmful health risks and diseases which cannot even be treated! A medicinal lifestyle takes you through a path of connecting back to nature and turning your life around for a healthier choice. So, this demands a detailed list of health tips that can cut down all the negatives on the go.
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Here are some 10 health tips to follow every day to keep yourselves energized
Health Tips 1: Exercise daily
Move your body constantly to improve your health. Of all the health tips, a healthy exercise routine has the power to de-stress you and release any frustration off your body. Often people with an unhealthy diet and obesity issues complain of stagnant health, tiredness, fatigue, anxiety, frustration, and stress. Indulging in a healthy exercise routine brings positive energy, healing, detoxification, and freshness into your life. Even 30 minutes of exercising daily are known to balance hormones, manage stress, and manage weight to the best.
Health Tips 2: Drink more and more water
Water is detoxifying and there is no alternative to water. For optimum functioning of the body, our body needs proper hydration. And the single most productive aid to this is water. Drinking at least 16 glasses of water daily is essential to maintain a healthy digestive tract, energy, and balance. Keep drinking throughout the day and catch up on hydration for your body to heal naturally and flush out the toxins. It’s a natural healer. Restoration of body health is a journey that is nurtured with healthy habits. It is when you believe in healthy choices as a medicinal lifestyle that you can truly attain a healthier life!
Health Tips 3: Follow healthy sleeping patterns
After having spent an entire day juggling between the meetings, stressful situations, food habits, and running, it is important to unplug and recharge your own energy. And therefore following a healthy sleeping routine becomes pertinent. Practice setting up a dedicated time to go to sleep and cover upon at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night to let your body and recharge you daily The more deep sleep hours bring health and happiness into life. It restores body health!
Health Tips 4: Maintain healthy diet
Eating right is important to give your body the nutrition it requires. Eating right takes care of the body’s needs and addresses the health issues better. Avoid junk foods, fizzy drinks, caffeine, and sugary drinks to save from unhealthy additions to the body. Eating enough fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. helps energize and optimize body functioning.
Health Tips 5: Start the Day with Protein
Next, prepare yourself a breakfast that will help keep your energy levels up for longer. In the morning, self-foods that are rich in protein, like eggs, yogurt, and nuts. Protein and whole grains take longer for your body to break down into energy. This helps prevent a crash later in the morning like that caused by a breakfast full of simple carbohydrates and sugar. Plus, protein boosts your ability to concentrate and be productive. Eating foods full of protein for snacks, and throughout the day, also help keep you feeling invigorated.
Health Tips 6: Take a Power Nap
Some people find it helpful to take a short 20 to 30-minute nap in the afternoon. It can help you to recharge and be more alert for the rest of the day. It is tempting to sleep for longer, but power-nap proponents say that it may have the opposite effect and leave you feeling more tired than before. Sometimes longer daytime naps can also negatively impact your ability to fall asleep at a decent hour at night. so taking short power naps must be included in your daily list of health tips that you need to follow from time to time.
Health Tips 7: Take a Multivitamin
Nutritional deficiencies and general fatigue can be remedied with a daily multivitamin. People with iron deficiencies or anemia struggle with tiredness. If your doctor says this is the case for you, take a multivitamin to help replenish energy.
Health Tips 8: Stay Hydrated
Fatigue can be caused by dehydration. So, to feel more active during the day, be sure to drink water. Doctors recommend 8 glasses of water per day. Try keeping a large water bottle on hand as a reminder to stay hydrated and start each meal with a big glass of water. This will give your body what it needs to stay energized at all hours.
Health Tips 9: Play outside
Getting some fresh air every day is one of the easiest and most pleasant ways of improving your health. Recent studies have even shown the significant health benefits of natural daylight. Furthermore, spending time outside is a good way to manage your stress.
Health Tips 10: Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables
Many of us know this tip, but few of us follow it. When you plan your menu, add lots of salads, stews, soups, raw vegetables, grains, purees, sautés, fresh fruit, smoothies, and compotes. Fruits and veggies are packed with nutrients, low in calories, and affordable. The ideal ingredients to a healthy diet!
Conclusion: Health Tips
Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is that it’s possible to maintain them forever by focusing on healthy lifestyle habits, you’ll ensure your success is long-lasting!
Courtesy: DigitalHemanth
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