#even the ones Tumblr mobile deleted on me
r0semultiverse · 2 months
You know what feature we need to bother staff for next? Other people’s posts getting flagged as counting towards “strikes” on our blogs.
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years
I feel almost ashamed that I've loved literally every Metal Gear game thus far
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0sbrain · 11 months
here's a list of mozilla add-ons for all of you tumblrinas out there to have a better internet experience
also, if you like my post, please reblog it. Tumblr hates links but i had to put them so you adhd bitches actually download them <3 i know because i am also adhd bitches
AdGuard AdBlocker / uBlock Origin : adguard is a basic adblock and with origin you can also block any other element you want. for example i got rid of the shop menu on tumblr
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Privacy Badger : this add on will block trackers. if an element contains a tracker it will give you the option to use it or not
Shinigami Eyes: this will highlight transphobic and trans friendly users and sites using different colors by using a moderated database. perfect to avoid terfs on any social media. i will explain how to use this and other add-ons on android as well under the read more cut
Xkit: the best tumblr related add on. with many customizable options, xkit not only enhances your experience from a visual standpoint, but provides some much needed accessibility tools
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bonus: if you are into tf2 and wanna be a cool cat, you can also get the old version to add cool reblog icons
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AO3 enhancer: some basic enhancements including reading time and the ability to block authors and tags
Return of the YouTube Dislike : pretty self explanatory
Youtube non-stop: gets rid of the annoying "Video paused. Continue watching?" popup when you have a video in the background
SponsorBlock: gives you options to skip either automatically or manually sponsors, videoclip non music sectors and discloses other type of sponsorships/paid partnerships
Enhancer for YouTube: adds some useful options such as custom play speed, let's you play videos in a window and most important of all, it allows you to make the youtube interface as ugly as your heart desires. I can't show a full image of what it looks like because i've been told its eye strainy and i want this post to be accessible but look at this <3
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PocketTube: allows you to organize your subscriptions into groups
YouTube Comment Search: what it says
WayBack Machine: you probably know about this site and definitely should get the add on. this allows you to save pages and access older versions with the click of a button. while you can search wayback using web archives, please get this one as well as it allows you to easily save pages and contribute to the archive.
Web Archives: it allows you to search through multiple archives and search engines including WayBack Machine, Google, Yandex and more.
Search by Image: allows you to reverse image search using multiple search engines (in my experience yandex tends to yield the best results)
Image Search Options: similar to the last one
this next section is pretty niche but... STEAM AND STEAM TRADING
SteamDB: adds some interesting and useful statistics
Augmented Steam: useful info specially for browsing and buying games
TF2 Trade Helper: an absolute godsend, lets you add items in bundles, keeps track of your keys and metal and your recent trades, displays links to the backpack tf page next to users profiles and more. look it tells me how much moneys i have and adds metal to trades without clicking one by one oh may god
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IN CONCLUSION: oooooh you want to change to firefox so badly, you want to delete chrome and all the chrome clones that are actually just spyware and use firefox
if you already use firefox on android, you'll know there are certain add-ons compatible with the app, some of them even being made just for the mobile version such as Video Background Play FIx. while most of them are pretty useful, some more specific ones aren't available on this version of the browser, but there's a way of getting some of them to work
you need to download the firefox nightly app, which is basically the same as the regular firefox browser but with the ability of activating developer mode. you can find how to do that here. once you've enabled it, you need to create a collection with all the add ons you want. i wouldn't recommend adding extensions if the creators haven't talked about phone compatibility, but XKit and Shinigami Eyes should work
also, don't tell the government this secret skater move, but you can try using both the regular firefox browser and nightly so you can have youtube videos in a floating box while you browse social media.
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see? i can block this terf while Rick Rolling the people following this tutorial. isn't that tubular?
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
so i sped-wrote this as soon as i learned who the winner was this morning, tried to post it twice, tumblr mobile deleted it BOTH TIMES... but i will not be silenced ive finally gone to desktop /silly
this will go up on my rough draft pseud soon, but until then please enjoy the results of me being EXTREMELY unwell about the secret life finale. WOOOOOO WE ARE POPPING THE BIGGEST OF BOTTLES TODAY FR!!!!!!!!!!!
Grian barricades himself at the top of the highest tower of Tango's citadel the moment he wakes up. It's a calculated move, admittedly. There are a precious few places one might still find him if he truly wants to hide, but the Deep Frost Citadel isn't one of them— and with the second Decked Out coming to a ceremonious close, foot traffic here is perilously low. Dawn is a swift-approaching knife on the horizon, and Grian soars above it all, face numb with chill wind, wings brazen and feathers strewn across an empty sky.
He doesn't want to be near when Scar wakes. And he doesn't want to be found just yet, either. Oh, Scar will track him down. Of that, he has no doubt— but for now, Grian takes solace in the snow crunching underfoot as he locks himself inside this barren tower.
It's dark here, which suits Grian just fine. He doesn't bother lighting a lantern; instead, he huddles right on the floor, letting the ice seep through him. From here, he can just make out the sky as it lightens, bringing with it the dawn of a new victor. Nausea boils in his throat. With that victory comes a price, and Scar— And Grian— Well. Grian hasn't treated him very well throughout the games, now, has he?
He curls in on himself even further, feathers brushing along the length of his chilled arms. Each hair stands at attention, in some vain effort to pull warmth from the surrounding freeze— when he scrubs a hand along his arm, his fingers shake, and the gooseflesh remains stark and raised against his skin.
There was a sand-drenched point when the concept of warmth was all he could register— scorching wind scraping the cut on his cheek, the scarlet splatter of blood across split knuckles. And like the steady drain of life from a corpse, that warmth has drawn away, poison from a putrid wound— it leaves him compacting this cold, this loneliness, to mold it into four high walls around his heart; a fitting tribute to every grain of trust he's rightfully lost. Grian huffs the barest traces of a bitter laugh as his breath mists in the air. A better man would meet Scar at his base, extend his support, no matter how icily it might be met.
But Grian is selfish, and a coward, and will always be a coward— and so instead he sits, marrow freezing, with only the thin garrotte of paltry sunlight wrapping itself around his tender throat to keep him company.
And there he stays, motionless, for long enough that the chill makes a home in him— the glistening, pale yolk of the sun warns him of the passing time, a watery heat that counts down the seconds to minutes to hours until Scar finds him. Grian curls his wings around himself, a pitiful embrace, and waits.
Two hours later, the whistle of rocket-propelled elytra warn him of incoming company. Grian doesn't bother fleeing; he knows Scar, and Scar knows him, and with this last, missing puzzle piece finally slotting into place between them, he's under no illusions that staying hidden for long is feasible. Grian's eyes skitter to a crack on the far wall as clumsy footsteps scatter the snow outside, scrabbling for balance before the muted click of a cane joins them. Footsteps; another, louder click— the door's latch gives way, and a brief, blinding wave of light crashes over Grian's face, obscuring everything but the outline of a painfully familiar silhouette.
Grian has to look away. The door shuts, and for a small moment, neither of them so much as breathe.
Then Scar's sighs— one great, resigned gust. "Grian...."
He says nothing else. He doesn't have to. Grian draws his legs up to his chest in response anyway, heart a frozen pump bleeding ice into his very veins. What can he say? An apology? They're past apologies, now— if Scar wanted to disavow him forever, take the crumpled remains of their friendship and throw it at his feet, he'd be right to do so.
But Scar doesn't shout; neither does he leave. Instead, his cane taps forward, boots sliding into Grian's line of vision— and, with a grunt of effort, Scar eases himself down, until he's sitting at a safe diagonal from Grian's hunched form.
Neither of them say anything for a while.
Eventually, Grian licks his lips. They're chapped from cold, thin and ready to split. "Hi, Scar," he says softly. It comes out weak, thready— a barely-there declaration. Whatever Scar wants here... he can take it. It's the very least Grian can do at this point.
From the corner of his eye, he watches Scar settle, shifting his weight before he lands on something approximating comfort. He takes his time with it, blind— or uncaring— to the erratic snarl of Grian's pulse. His voice is just as quiet when he responds. "So... that's it, then, huh."
Grian glances over properly before he can stop himself, stomach churning; Scar's gaze has slipped to the cutout acting as a window, middle-distant and lost. Locked on something only he can see. Then Scar shakes himself, an abrupt jerk of his head and shoulders, and that glassy look turns to pin Grian directly to the wall behind him instead. "Just like that?"
Grian's fingers tighten around his knees. "Just like that," he agrees, hollow.
Scar mulls that over for a moment. His sigh is a wisp of white in front of them, crystallizing in the glacial atmosphere. "Jeez," he says finally, scrubbing one hand through the tangled bird's nest of his hair. He must have flown across half the server as soon as he... remembered, Grian realizes with a visceral pang. "I didn't... that's a lot of memories to just, um, gain back on a dime, huh?"
Grian darts a sidelong glance at him. Shifts his wings until their primaries lower, sweeping the ground around his feet like a feathered cat's cradle. "I wouldn't know," he says, a quirk of black humor dancing around the edges of his mouth. He swallows. "Since. Well...."
He trails off. Imagines, briefly, that he is a black hole— a quasar. A neutron star. Something so tight and compact it can string him out, erase him; a ball of grief and misery dense enough that it contains its own event horizon.
Scar hums a little shakily into the blooming silence. "Yeah. I guess that would complicate things, wouldn't it." A pause. "Does it always feel—?"
Grian shrugs. "Don’t know that either, Scar."
"Oh." Scar's still looking at him, the searchlight of his gaze burning pockmarks into Grian's skin. "Cool, okay... so...." He hesitates, teeth worrying his lower lip, before finally forging on: "So what now?"
Grian sucks in his own shuddery breath. "Whatever you want, Scar," he says, blank and dull. Every inch of him frozen stiff, awaiting the tipped scales of Scar’s judgement. "There's no going back, after this." The quicksilver flash of a grimace tugs his lips back to reveal sharp, white teeth. "Welcome to the club, I guess."
"It sure is a warm welcome," Scar says weakly. "Got— uh, got your complimentary balloons, and— and um, a whole gift basket of... of...."
He trails off too, the fragile ley lines of his humor peeling off, cracking at the seams. Impossibly, Grian curls around himself tighter.
An apology is nothing but wasted air now, but it dredges from his throat anyway. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry, Scar. I—" He breaks off, jaw tight. "I'm... I'm not sure what else to say, honestly. I never thought...."
I never thought you'd win. It's a cruel phrase that haunts the air between them, hanging like a smoky pall across their shoulders.
Scar says nothing against it; he only watches.
An uneasy prickle crawls up Grian's spine. "You don't—" He stops himself before he can finish that thought. "Are you— Scar, why are you here?"
"'Cause Pearl's not talking to me yet," Scar says quietly, prompt. "And— and because I remembered. Us."
Grian's throat closes around the word. "Us," he echoes, a rough rasp that ricochets against the deepslate walls surrounding them. The word tears through his ears, distorting with each pass. "Look, alright— I-I don't know if you got the memo, exactly, but— I'm not—"
He breaks off again, lungs jarring, hitching in his chest. Hot prickles sear behind his eyes, but nothing drops— he’s too tired for crying. "I've hurt you a lot, Scar," Grian says at last, lips numb around the words. "I'm not sure if there's much of an 'us' left, at this point."
"I know," Scar says. His eyes reflect the snow-glitter outside.
"And— I wouldn't blame you, if you left right now." 
"I know," Scar says again, softer.
"I—” Grian stares at him, helpless. "Okay, then why are you here, Scar?" He gestures between them, an aimless motion that somehow encompasses the breadth of everything that's rotted at their foundations. "If you know all that, then what—?"
Scar regards him with enviable poise. His throat bobs as he speaks. "Maybe, I just— now that I remember— maybe I just want your company, Grian. Is that really so bad?"
Grian stares at him, at a loss. "I don't understand," he says finally, and it comes out plaintive even to his own ears. "I thought you'd be— angry. After everything I've done, after all that's happened.... What's your play here, Scar? If you want to yell at me, be my guest. I think by now I've more than earned it."
But Scar doesn't take the bait. Instead, he shuffles closer— just by an inch. A careful, cautious inch. "Y'know," he says, apropos of nothing, "and correct me if I'm wrong, here— but I seem to remember something about you wanting an alliance before all of... that crazy stuff happened. Is that right?"
Something in Grian's chest spasms. Whatever expression it spreads across his face must spur Scar on, because he scoots closer again, just enough to bring their calves together. The brief shock of warmth explodes through Grian's skin, worming its way underneath the subcutaneous tissue to flood his veins and gnaw at the lingering ice.
After a moment, Scar's lips tilt up— a subtle, fragile smile. "Is it too late to cash in on that?" he asks.
Grian's mind goes blank, white and buzzing, the thin hiss of a creeper drifting through it like smoke. Unfiltered shock threads through his voice. "You want t— what?"
Scar's smile tempers further around its edges, stretching into something softer, knowing. Rounded out. With solemn motions, he reaches into the pocket of his utterly ridiculous safety vest, and delicately pulls something out.
It's a sunflower.
In the frigid gloom of Tango's citadel, Grian gapes, the brilliant yellow petals incongruous with this grim, grit, darkened room. When he looks up, Scar's eyes are overbright, painfully earnest— brimming with a desperate urgency that tucks itself away in the depths of his pupils.
"Can we try again?" Scar says, soft as the new-fallen snow beyond this isolated cell of misery. "Start over? I— I kind of hurt you too, you know. And— for the record, being without you sucks. I don't—" He falters. "I know it's gonna be all weird, y’know, between us… but I don't want to do that anymore. I just... want you here, Grian. That's all. I just want you to stick around."
Grian sucks in a sharp, daggered breath. "You're joking," he breathes, but his heart leaps, tumbling from his throat and onto the floor for Scar to stomp at his leisure. "You're actually— this isn't funny."
"Hey, do you see me laughing?” Scar presses forward once more, a calculated attack, but still slow enough for Grian to track each move, to stop him if he cared enough to. Gently, Scar unwinds one of Grian's hands from his knees, cupping it between his own and brushing the lightest of kisses against his knuckles before turning over Grian’s palm and pressing the flower into it. Grian's fingers curl around it of their own accord, silky petals burning against his fingers.
"So." Scar smiles, tremulous, eyes suspiciously red-rimmed. "Can we still be friends?"
And Grian has always been a raw creature, a tangled wreck of his own selfish greed— he’s craved the honeyed umber of Scar's love since he first cradled it, tentatively, in his palms all that time ago. In the depths of his heart, there will always be that sandstone cliff, the crack of his bones against hard-packed sand, and wings too clipped to fly freely. There will always be that calloused fist around his heart, and beyond his own scrabbling fear, there will always, always be that fervent need to bring Scar close even as he pushes him away.
And where before, Scar had been playing blind, a game with no true rules… now, his eyes trap Grian against the wall, clear as glass— diamond sharp and just as steady. From a winning game, there is no turning back. There’s nothing left to lose here, except this porcelain trust, this shred of hope Scar offers him once more in the form of a flower.
Even after everything, all the memories flooding back— Scar is still here, holding Grian’s heart, and offering up his own in return.
Grian slowly presses it to his chest with trembling, vulnerable motions. "You're sure you want this."
"I'm sure I want you," Scar says, unwavering.
Grian breathes in. Breathes out. Inhale and exhale, both a heavy drag in his lungs. Already, the sun is beginning to strengthen, casting thick rays through the window and splaying them across Grian’s lap. The advent of gilded noon weaves around them, perfuming the air with light and heat.
"Okay," Grian says at last, and it drops from his lips with the weight of a confession; a relinquishment; a solemn vow. "Okay."
This time, when Scar reaches for his hand again, Grian meets him halfway, and the tangle of their fingers nets the sunflower in a promise neatly between them.
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dead-dove-yandere · 3 months
Introduction Post!!
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Hello! My name is Dove and this is a yandere themed sideblog. I post imagines and drabbles here. It is mostly OC oriented, with both human and monster OCs, but I may do characters from certain fandoms in the future. I also take requests so please check my bio to see if requests are open!
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This is an 15+ blog that is horror themed. There will be mention of stalking, harassment, yanderes, gore, manipulation, abuse, death, murder and other themes of a similar/related nature. Under 15s and ageless blogs do not interact. All posts will be labelled and tagged with the necessary triggers I can think of but if you think I have missed any please let me know in DMs! Do not glorify abusive relationships/stalkers irl - this is not what a healthy relationship looks like in reality and what I write is purely fictional and should remain that way.
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Rules, Tagging System and Masterlists below the cut.
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Request Rules
♡ - Ageless blogs or under 15s DNI
♡ - Please be polite and respectful
♡ - Please send requests through the askbox only and please do not request when requests are closed
♡ - You can send non-request asks even when requests are closed, or you can DM me :]
♡ - Please make sure that your request is clear and makes sense - asks that don’t make any sense or are incomprehensible will unfortunately be deleted
♡ - Asks sometimes take a while to be answered, so please be patient! I usually only post one story a day and I usually have a few requests in my inbox at any given time.
♡ - Rules are subject to change when necessary so please check here before sending a request!
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Tagging System
I’m still in the process of updating older posts with the correct tags, so if you notice a particular post is missing any tags, feel free to let me know! I will get to them all eventually but it’s difficult to go through old posts on mobile lol.
Ask - Self explanatory, any asks or requests are tagged under this.
Dove Speaks - This is used for announcements and housekeeping posts - most commonly this tag is used when I’m opening/closing requests.
Masterlist - All Masterlists I make will be under this tag. A full list of masterlist posts will be added below soon.
Meet Cute - This tag is specifically for OC introductions.
Names - Posts that are about specific OCs will be tagged with their name - a full list of extant OCs are below in the Masterlist section and will be updated regularly.
Plushies - Asks about @thegvlaxyrvanger ‘s Plushie AU are tagged under here.
Story - Anything I myself write - short stories, drabbles, imagines, ETC - will be under this tag.
Anon Story - Stories or drabbles written by other people using my OCs and shared with this blog will be tagged under this to distinguish them clearly from stories I’ve written.
X Anon - Regular anons will be tagged under the emoji/nickname they go by - So far there is 💌 anon, 👾 anon (the aforementioned person who made the plushie AU) and Howdy anon (the Noah fan who spoke to me about the film Creep).
The tagging system is proving difficult to set up because of issues scrolling on mobile lol, so not all posts might be tagged properly yet and these also may be subject to change.
If you want a tag, let me know!! :]
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All my OCs are bi/pan/omni and I try to keep mentions of darlings gender neutral unless a request specifies otherwise. I also try not to describe my OCs physical appearance so that you can imagine them looking as attractive - or creepy - as you wish. :]
「Noah 【Voyeur Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Laura 【Fangirl Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「╹◡╹/“Smiley” 【Secret Admirer Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Dr. Hart 【“Doctor” Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Chase 【Actor/Killer Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Cayce 【Mean Girl Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「The Cult Masterlist」 {♡}
「Professor Moore 【Tutor Yandere】 OC Intro」 {♡}
「Marie 【Housewife Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「HRH Princess Theophania 【Royal Yandere】 OC Intro」 {♡}
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Dividers Credit: Tumblr user saradika
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extra-stout-stories · 4 months
About / Index of Stories
[FYI: This account replaces @cigarette-smoking-bird, which was shadowbanned by Tumblr. As of May 2024 all my content from that account has been reposted here and @cigarette-smoking-bird has been deleted.]
Writer. Fat4fat switchy feedist and mutual gainer. Believer in fat liberation and responsible hedonism. IRL smallfat in pursuit of a sustainable balance between real life and my wildly kinky desires.
I'm here to share my fiction and have interesting conversations about the kink. I love to receive feedback, story suggestions, and thoughtful platonic messages about this endlessly fascinating thing of ours. DMs are welcome. Minors DNI.
I'm a lifelong feedist who's been active in the community in the past. I'm taken by a partner who's fat but not a feedist, and this Tumblr is a outlet for this part of myself. Cishet male, but I follow inspirational bellies of all genders.
Index of stories below the cut. I write in a variety of genres and themes from wholesome to extreme, so please read the content warnings.
A Cat's-Eye View - A cat watches his human owner slowly give in to her desire to become fatter. (XWG, BBW to USSBBW, non-explicit, light romance. CW: Description of furniture breakage.)
Contrast / Gift - A hedonistic fat queen receives a package with a very special gift. (USSBBW, fit male FA. CW: Explicit sex and cunnilingus.)
Immobile Weekend - When a feedee agrees to try a weekend of bedroom roleplay, he enjoys it even more than he expected. (BBW feeder, BHM to USSBHM feedee, XWG, romantic vibe, spicy but no explicit sex. CW: Immobility, mild discussion of health issues.)
Marshmallow / Bondage - A fat dominant feeder and her even fatter submissive enjoy a night of bedroom fun. (SSBBW, USSBHM, femdom/mommy domme, orgasm denial, food play, light impact play. CW: D/S with roleplayed dubcon, immobility, bariatric equipment, cunnilingus and orgasm.)
Special Delivery - As a growing gainer's mobility diminishes, his regular delivery order takes an unexpected turn. (SSBHM to USSBHM feedee, gender-unspecified fat feeder, no explicit sex. CW: Immobility, bariatric tube feeding, brief moment of dubious consent.)
Stuck At Work - When two fat fast food workers end up in a tight situation, they discover that their feelings for one another are mutual. (Romantic soft feedist meet-cute, nothing explicit.)
The Weight Clinic - A fat man who's unsure about losing weight signs up for a very unusual treatment program led by a dominant doctor with an agenda of her own. (SSBHM feedee, SSBBW feeder, implicit XWG. CW: Dubious consent, drugs, medical and deathfeedist elements.)
The Weight Clinic: The (Brief) Return of Dr. Moore - Everyone's favorite mad scientist returns to introduce Feedist Kinktober '23. (Second person feedee POV, gender neutral. CW: Immobility, bariatric equipment, self-indulgent metafiction, threats of a terrible fate if you don't reblog my stories.)
Werewolf / Sweater Weather - On a secluded rural homestead, a man brings a meal home for his mate. (BHM, SSBBW, wholesome romance, non-explicit. CW: Wolf-on-stag violence.)
Short Vignettes
I post a lot of short vignettes, but I usually don't bother giving them titles or full descriptions. They can be read on the #feedist vignettes tag. I haven't put content warnings in the header of these short ones, but they're generally not too extreme. If you see something on this tag that you don't want to see and would like me to put a content warning in the tags, just shoot me a DM.
For my own reference, I've made a list of some of my more popular short vignettes indexed by title or first sentence, but check the tag because this isn't all of them.
"The Beach" (BHM, SSBBW, non-explicit)
"Fat tradwife of an equally fat husband" (What it says in the title)
"I can't believe I did it again" (First-person feedee POV)
"I can't believe I've done this to myself" (First-person feedee POV)
"It's not just about getting turned on by gaining weight" (Second-person feedee POV, wholesome feedism)
"Most people don't get turned on by food" (Second-person feedee POV)
"Not Fat Enough" (BBW feedee, dominant USSBHM feeder, stuffing. CW: Consensual power exchange.)
"Plump Little Tummy" (First-person feedee POV. CW: Immobility.)
"Reblog if you're into soft XWG" (My most popular post)
"She gazes up at her reflection in the ceiling mirror" (USSBBW, breeding kink)
"That Little Bit Fatter" (Second person feedee POV, wholesome feedism, SFW.)
"When the outside world sees you, they don't see self-discipline" (Second person feedee POV)
"You didn't expect all the fun you could have with your fatter belly" (Second person POV)
"You never thought you would go this far" (Second person feedee POV)
"You used to stay fit for contrast's sake" (Second person POV, mutual gaining)
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moment 12 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ osamu dazai x gn!reader
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word count: 0.5k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff, sorta comfort, mentions of violence and killing at the start because it’s dazai
navigation | event masterlist
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osamu dazai believed that someone like him didn’t deserve blessings. willingly, he’s manipulated, tortured, and killed his enemies. his blood was as black as the crimes he had committed in the past. it stained his soul, never able to go away. there was no one more tainted than him.
however, you walked into his life and for a brief moment, he forgot about his polluted mind.
as fairytale as it seemed, you didn’t see him how he was used to being seen— cold-blooded, ruthless, and or mysterious. though, you didn’t know of his past as a port mafia executive. in your eyes, he was just another man the same age as you. but for some reason, you let him stick around after figuring out his past.
on a day when love is celebrated, valentine’s day, dazai wondered why you loved him. why fall in love with a man that sits on top of a mountain of sins? he decided to ask you while you were both still laying in bed.
“why do i love you even though you did those horrible things?” you repeated, leaning further into your pillow. “hm, i won’t ever forget what you told me you did, just like the people who survived it won’t. just because you now work to help others also doesn’t erase what you’ve done. if i think about it, i still love you because of how the world works.”
dazai raised a brow, “how the world works?”
“mhm, you heard me. no one in the world is just born to be evil, their environment changes them to be. this applies to you, a human in this world. the people that controlled you back then made you this way, so i’m glad you got away from them. just like how an environment can push you to do bad things, it can push you to do good. i’m glad you found the agency because they’re all great people trying to do good in this world. some people can be surrounded by good and ignore it if they wanted, but you welcomed it into your life. just like your friend said, helping others is more beautiful, isn’t it?”
you lovingly pressed your forehead against dazai’s, your nose almost brushing his. your left hand snaked up from his arm to his cheek, caressing it softly.
“i don’t deserve you, love. hell, you don’t deserve to be with someone like me,” dazai said in a negative tone
when you first met dazai, you thought that he’d be cold, physically cold. so when you held his face in your hands and felt the warmth radiating off of him, it was safe to say you were a little surprised. you don’t know why, but the warmth he emitted made him even more human to you.
“why? you’re as every bit human as i am, are you not? no one can tell us what we do and do not deserve. don’t say you don’t deserve me just because of who you once were. just think about it now, osamu. i love you because you’re willing to change for the better.”
after you spoke those words, you finally pressed your lips against his. like a mantra, you repeated “i love you” as you gave him small kisses. after a while, he slid his hand behind your head and pulled you into his chest.
dazai held you close to him, his blessing in disguise.
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note: I HAD SUCH A GOOD START TO THIS DRABBLE BUT THEN I ADDED THE READ MORE BUTTON AND IT GOT DELETED… tumblr on mobile has been annoying sometimes ever since they messed with the format of the app a week or two ago </3
please reblog for more!
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anti-endo-haven · 1 month
I’m not gonna lie to you guys, I’ve slowly gotten more and more tempted to just stop the blog and delete it for my own reasons as well as the amount of people I don’t want here constantly saying things in comments or reblogs (not things I genuinely care for because I just don’t care, but because I’m getting tired by seeing it).
Am I going to stop the blog? Probably not. Should I? No. I’m not going to take a space that has a community away from people.
But the entire issues that I’m dealing with (low motivation, struggling to actually stay on top of asks and being too tired to scroll through everything to see comments or reblogs [those of people that I don’t mind being here] and things), it’s getting to the point where I just don’t want to deal with it.
Even with someone trying to be so similar to me has made me annoyed and irritated, not due to them doing it, but because of the issues I’ve had with people that have done that before to me which have caused issues for me.
I have noticed that, once you reach a certain “popularity,” endos and proendos become much more aware of you and just start causing things because this space isn’t for them. And it just strikes me as it’s pissing them off because there’s people actively against them and what they do.
And it’s getting annoying that I’m having to deal with more endos, especially people saying “go outside” and saying I’m “chronically online.” It proves to me that they will say anything to get to people. Does it have a genuine effect on me? No, because I have a life outside of a Tumblr blog and someone I want to spend time with as well as pets and plants I need to care for. I’m not the one getting into a twist because someone is saying something against my views.
The majority of it? Annoying. Pests that I don’t want here. People that will constantly just be here and people I have to block and yet still see things from because mobile Tumblr doesn’t like saying I can block someone from a side blog unless they send me a message or an ask.
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powdermelonkeg · 11 months
I've seen some Reddit refugee PSAs going around, so I thought I'd contribute a few tips of my own that I haven't seen covered:
If you go to the original iteration of your post (not any subsequent reblogs, your ORIGINAL post) you can delete any comments you don't like. This does not apply to text added by reblog, only to the message bubble section.
Ublock Origin has trouble figuring out which parts of desktop to get rid of. If you want to delete a certain element (for example, the store widget), and your usual method isn't working, what you want to do is: - Right-click - Inspect Element/Inspect (Q) - Look at the thing that's highlighted, then go all the way up until you hit the nearest "div = class" marker - Right-click - Hover over "Copy," then pick "CSS Selector" - Click your Ublock extension icon - Click the gears - Find a blank space on the list that pops up and type "www.tumblr.com##" without the quotes - Paste whatever you copied with CSS Selector after that, with no space between it and the ## - Click "Apply changes"
You can hide your follower lists and liked lists. This is actively encouraged. Desktop solution: - Account (the person icon in the corner) - Scroll down until you find your blog name and click "Blog Settings" - Scroll through the page that pops up until you find "Share posts you like" and "Share the Tumblrs you're following" and toggle them off. This is the 3rd and 4th section of that page for me, respectively Mobile solution: - Your blog (the person icon in the bottom right corner) - Settings (gear in the top right corner) - Scroll down to "Pages" - Toggle "Likes" and "Following"
Desktop only: Left your Tumblr logged in on someone else's phone/computer? Worried about account security? No problem! - Account (the person icon in the corner) - Settings (NOT Blog Settings. Just Settings. It has a gear icon) - Scroll all the way to the bottom - You have a list of any logins that have happened on your account. They come with the IP addresses used to access it. It tells you where it happened, and from what operating system. Deleting those with the X next to the listing logs that iteration out. If you have any on that list that you DON'T recognize, I recommend logging them out and changing your password. Note: It says the list is only for the past 30 days. This is a lie. I have some that date back over a year.
Desktop only: You can make gradient text in your posts by following these instructions.
If your post has been blowing up and you're sick of the notifications, deleting the original post will delete its notes from your activity. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE. If you would still like to check on the post, just not have it in your activity, reblog it before deleting it. You can continue to check the notes tab from the reblog while the original is gone.
It is common etiquette to tag spoilers for new games/shows/etc (ie, released in the last two months) as #[insert fandom here] spoilers, sensitive subjects as #[insert sensitive topic] tw, and long posts as #long post. Yes, even if you have a readmore (which you can add by clicking the weird squiggly line when you start a new block).
There is a bug on desktop involving readmore lines. Whenever you go back to edit a post that has a readmore in it, it moves the readmore down by one block. Make sure you move it back into its proper place each time by clicking and dragging.
You can click and drag different blocks of text to reorder them. Only regular blocks, though; not lists like this one. You can also do this with images you've inserted.
Desktop only: You can delete/remove tags/add tags en masse to posts using the Mass Post Editor. - Account (person icon in the corner) - Scroll down to your blog - Mass Post Editor - Select any posts in the grid you want. "Edit tags" is only for removing tags, you need "Add tags" to add more
Desktop only: You can see any blog's history of posts by typing in [blogname].tumblr.com/archive. The page that pops up looks very similar to the Mass Post Editor. You can filter posts on that blog by any of their most used tags, by month, or by post type. This is especially useful for locating pornbots. Some pornbots will try to legitimize their place by picking a random popular tag (for example, #horror) and reblogging the top 10-100 posts in that tag without commentary. See if they've been active for more than week with the archive month filter. Granted, the person may also be a new user, like yourself. It takes some deduction. But it's much easier to use the archive than it is to scroll through all of their posts until you hit the bottom.
Desktop only shortcuts: J = move down one post. Useful for scrolling fast or getting past a notoriously long post (as in "Do you like the color of the sky" and all its cousins) K = move up one post Shift + R = reblog a post. Does not add tags L = like a post C = create a new post (brings up options on what kind of post) . (period) = return to the top of the page Shift + Q = add a post to your queue. Does not add tags Shift + P = cycle through the color palette
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread!
(This is based on this post I made a while ago, shoutout to @bunk12bear for suggesting the format!)
(I know the formatting is a bit weird because of how tumblr is posting it, but it’s much clearer/cleaner over here on ao3!  But generally I think it works better on desktop than mobile...)
Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread!
TheNumberOneBanished 8hr ago
Ok everyone, this is the official megathread to discuss this post from Eddie. Mods have decided it’s been too crazy in here and it needs to be compressed. 
If you missed it, although I don’t see HOW at this point, Eddie and a man (who was named by fans in the 90s as Hotdude Inthebackground) have apparently been engaged since 1989 and were among the first same sex couples to get married in Indiana this morning. Hotdude has previously been assumed to be part of their security but *shrug* looks like we were wrong. We’ve been overwhelmed with posts on the subject so keep it in this ONE PLACE please from now on. 
Bots and mods will be on patrol to mute/ban where necessary. Don’t be fucking rude. 
r/CCCJ Bot 8hr ago
Beep Boop. Don’t downvote mean comments, but do upvote anything you agree with! 
I’m a bot and my actions will be performed automatically. Contact the moderators if you think I’ve made a mistake!
EddiesGirl 8hr ago
Are we sure it’s not a joke?
---mrboombastic 8hr ago
    Yes baby we’re sure
    ---EddiesGirl 8hr ago
        How though?
        ---mrboombastic 7hr ago
         They’ve never joked about anything like this, sex and sexuality
          is probably the one thing they’ve always been super serious
          about. Guess this is why.
---user37397564397569 8hr ago
    U mad?
     ---EddiesGirl 7hr ago
         Just not sure I believe it
throwawayfuckeddie 7hr ago
burning all my cc shit right now man. don’t need a fucking fag on my car stereo. fuck eddie. 
---Mycoffinisfineactually 7hr ago
     They still have your money, dude. But sure, go ahead and destroy
      all your shit.
     ---throwawayfuckeddie 7hr ago
         fuck you too. 
(comment deleted)
---frogger75 8hr ago
    You kiss your mother with that mouth?
---lokisbabe 8hr ago
    What the fuck?
---allthegoodnamesweretaken 7hr ago
    That’s…an interesting threat? I think?
---(comment deleted)
     ---freakmeup 6hr ago
          Digging your own grave here. Just stop. 
         ---(comment deleted)
 ---seven8nine 5hr ago
     No way you could fit your entire truck up there
---(comment deleted)
    ---(comment deleted)
pussyfromaboywithcatears 7hr ago
Do we even know Hotdude’s real name? I mean I doubt Eddie’s going to be Mr. Inthebackground from now on?
---bornindenial 7hr ago
    I don’t think so? Someone on twitter said Eddie used the name
    ‘Steve’ literally one time when they were at a signing and Hotdude was the
    one who came to the table. No proof though.
    ---pussyfromaboywithcatears 7hr ago
     Strange thing to wait until NOW to mention. Also, Steve?
      Generic af. My money’s on that being a lie and ‘Steve’ was the first name
       they thought of.
---babygotfront 7hr ago
    Eddie’s got the name ‘Dustin’ tatted on his leg? 
    ---pussyfromaboywithcatears 6hr ago
      Along with about eight or nine others, so unless we’re also
       thinking Hotdude’s name is also either Jane or Erica, I don’t think
       that makes sense.
---lokisbabe 6hr ago
    Twitter right now is saying Steve and this tracks for me. Eddie’s got
    that big S tattoo on his ring finger.
   ---frogger75 6hr ago
       Did he not saying that stood for ‘sucking dick’?
       ---EddiesGirl 6hr ago
           When did he say that? Like is he even really gay?
           ---Mycoffinisfineactually 6hr ago
               sweetie he’s been out a long time, its time to move on
       ---indianaguy 5hr ago
       I knew eddie in highschool and that is absolutely something
         he’d get a tattoo of.
          ---mrboombastic 5hr ago
           My guy. Check your fucking yearbook rn to see if Hotdude in
           ---sevendogsinatrenchcoat 5hr ago
              No way to verify, Eddie never graduated, ergo no yearbook.
              Got his GED in 98.
               ---mrboombastic 5hr ago
                  We get yearbooks every year but yeah you’re right, too
                  hard to verify
        ---freakmeup 5hr ago
           Ignore this guy, he’s always on all the conspiracy boards
           claiming wild shit about. Russian invasions and monsters.
           Says the earthquake that gave Eddie that scar on his face was
           an evil wizard. The band themselves have renounced him as a
            ---indianaguy 4hr ago
                Fuck you you fucking sheep
                ---freakmeup 3hr ago
CallMeByYourMothersName 5hr ago
holy fuck HOLY FUCK everyone needs to watch this video right now. Eddie blowing a kiss to the side of the stage at MSG and if you turn up the brightness HOTDUDE IS THERE AND HE CATCHES IT
---ninebrassmonkeys 5hr ago
   Oh shit that’s cute
   ---ninebrassmonkeys01 4hr ago
      I have a bone to pick with you 
---burningmanwasboring 5hr ago
    Oh shit that’s cute, indeed
Chesticles03 5hr ago
Does this mean Lollipop is about Hotdude’s dick?
---pissbaby75 5hr ago
   …yes I believe it does
---showmeyourfeet 5hr ago
    lol you’re right it probably does
---drumbitch98 5hr ago
    There’s a video of Hotdude wearing a Lollipop shirt at a meet and
    greet! Eddie told the person recording that it was a merch sample
    that never got made!
    ---pissbaby75 5hr ago
      I’ve seen this video omg wait let me find it I’m sure it’s on
pissbaby75 4hr ago
HERE is the video of Hotdude in the scrapped Lollipop merch and I swear at 1:23 he SAYS HIS NAME. Headphones on full volume. This was from 2002. Whoa.
    Here are the captions for this video! 
    “Hi guys thanks for coming”
    “I’m so excited to meet you, your music saved my life”
    “Awesome to hear that man, glad you’re still around. Is this the
     shirt you brought to get signed?”
    “Yes please. I think all the Lollipop merch get sold out already but
      this one is  awesome too”
     “I’ll pass it on to Will our designer, thank you. There was only
     samples made for 
     Lollipop stuff *laughing sounds* They said looked too much like a
     dick to sell. (Steve?) back there has the only actual one. Here you
      go, enjoy the show tonight!”
     “Did you call me?” 
     “Oh my god Hotdude! Hi!”
     “Uh, hey?”
---Chesticles03 4hr ago
   STEVE!!!!!!!!!! He definitely does say Steve!
---interestingreaction 4hr ago
   The tattoo of the S on his hand. It all makes sense now.
   ---jackskullboy 4hr ago
     As much fun as the story he tells about it being about his love for
     sucking dick is, I agree that this is a better fit
CorrodedCorpse 4hr ago
Hotdude has an E tattoo! Repeat! Hotdude has an E tattoo! This video of him in shorts lifting an amp into a van is grainy because hey, cellphones in the mid 00s, right? But the tat on his left leg has a very definite E shape. Props to tumblr for spotting this one.  
---punchanazi 4hr ago
    How is it that we’re literally only clocking this now?
    ---CorrodedCorpse 4hr ago
        He’s also topless. We were not focusing on anything but
        Hotdude without a shirt
        ---punchanazi 3hr ago
EddiesGirl 3hr ago
There’s been nothing posted online since. I still don’t think this is for real if he hasn’t posted a follow up.
---coffinfucker 3hr ago
    How does that logic work?
    ---EddiesGirl 3hr ago
      Well wouldn’t you be posting your wedding day for everyone to
        ---coffinfucker 3hr ago
           He kept it secret since the 80’s and you think now is when
           that’ll change? We were lucky to even get this. There was more
           info about Beyonce’s first trimester on Blue Ivy than there was about
           this relationship until literally 10 hours ago.
            ---EddiesGirl 2hr ago
               I just think he owes us more of an explanation. We’re the ones
               paying his bills.
---Mycoffinisfineactually 3hr ago
    I think you should log off
    ---EddiesGirl 3hr ago
        Why? Because I want to know why he’s lied to us for so long
         he’s not the person I thought he was if he’s been lying about
         being in a relationship for so long.
        ---Mycoffinisfineactually 3hr ago
             ---EddiesGirl 2hr ago
                If you’re ok with supporting someone who has the capacity
                for such a huge lie then fine. Some of us are on discord
                writing an open letter about it.
                ---Mycoffinisfinactually 1hr ago
                    oh my god of course you are
allaboutthatbass 3hr ago
Is this Hotdude in this video? In the yellow? Is someone calling him Harry?
Edit: sorry, new to this. LINK
---showmeyourfeet 3hr ago
   You forgot the link, champ
   ---allaboutthatbass 3hr ago
       Sorry, fixed it.
---ozzyozzy 3hr ago
   That’s Hotdude! It doesn’t sound like Harry though. More like ‘Here,
   Tony’. Is his name Tony?
   ---CallMeByYourMothersName 3hr ago
      No we’ve figured out it’s Steve, but you’re right that there’s two
      parts to whatever he’s being called. Surname maybe?
---thedoctordonna 3hr ago
    He looks great in yellow
    ---pissbaby75 3hr ago
        He looks fuckin great in yellow
        ---milestellme 3hr ago
            Definitely his colour
            ---daisiesonyournightstand 2hr ago
                More Hotdude in yellow content please
                ---27 more replies
---CoffinUpMyHeart 2hr ago
     If you slow the video down it sounds like they’re saying Harrington.
     Could that be it?
    ---coochieluver 2hr ago
        Steve Harrington is such a Midwest name jesus christ
    ---bodysnatcher 2hr ago
        I hear it too. Sounds like Harrington for sure
EddiesGirl 2hr ago
If anyone wants to add their name to the letter of why we as fans feel betrayed by not hearing about this before now, I’ll leave the link here.
---mrboombastic 2hr ago
    Are you still here?
---Mycoffinisfineactually 2hr ago
    This is so funny
---showmeyourfeet 2hr ago
    What the fuck is this?
---TheNumberOneBanished 2hr ago
    There are easier ways to ask me to ban you
---pussyfromaboywithcatears 2hr ago
    Careful throwing that ‘we’ word around
tusconarizona 1hr ago
It’s kind of hard to see for sure because it’s a screenshot of an old Top Of The Pops performance, but this looks like Eddie holding Hotdude’s hand when they leave the stage?
---BeamMeUpThotty 1hr ago
   Hard to tell! Could be just Hotdude putting his hand out to help
   him step down off the stage?
TimCurryingMyFavour 1hr ago
Was he ever just a security guard?
---ironmanCW 1hr ago
    Now there’s a question.
    ---TimCurryingMyFavour 1 hr ago
         Like how did they even meet?
mopthefloor 38 minutes ago
I wonder if Eddie knows how big a deal this is? 
---callousedanus 35 minutes ago
    That he’s married?
    ---mopthefloor 27 minutes ago
      Well yeah but like, that he’s officially gay now too. NME has been
       saying for years that he’s been joking about it. This is huge for their queer
        ---throwawayfuckeddie 20 minutes ago
            fuck their queer fanbase
            ---mopthefloor 17 minutes ago
                Don’t threaten me with a good time
        ---callousedanus 25 minutes ago
          They’ve been pretty clear about never joking about that kind of
           thing (I think it was discussed further up the thread?) so NME
           haven’t been paying close enough attention. I get what you
            mean though, very validating, especially in this scene.
SpaceDogsInMyBrain 26 minutes ago
Hasn’t Eddie said that he lurks this subreddit? I wonder if he’ll see this?
---eddiem 20 minutes ago
TheNumberOneBanished just now
Ok! So we’re locking this thread now because we’ve come very close to accidentally doxxing Hotdude! We’ve been given a super rare insight into Eddie’s personal life and we’re going to stay respectful of it.
Also, Eddie has posted another picture on Instagram, you can see it here.
tl;dr for anyone too lazy to click, it’s a picture of them holding hands backstage at a show, it’s pretty cute. Caption confirms that Hotdude’s name is in fact Steve, they met through friends in 1986, and that CC will be scheduling their long awaited farewell tour dates once they’re back from honeymoon. 
It’s been a pretty wild day for us in the fanbase, but if it’s one thing we can all take away from this, it’s that Hotdude looks great in yellow.
Thread Locked By Moderators.
People who said they might be interested:
(Also if anyone was planning on writing this for real then please do and please still tag me! I'd love to see it)
@shainsaw22 @duckyreads @maya-custodios-dionach @impeachy @daydreamerblues @0o-queendean-o0 @softgaygothboy @butterisgod @theoncelee @toasted-ghosty @genderisaliesowhyshouldihaveone @furbywithaknife420
241 notes · View notes
ceratonia-siliqua · 5 months
Hi! Super weird question to ask, but, I was wondering if you were the person that wrote a fan fic of Bucky/Peter called “Forever.” On Ao3? If so, I always wanted to know what happened to that fic, because it was literally the best of literature I’ve read on Bucky/Peter. It was so good that I would go back to read it again, and I was wondering if you still had that fic, or if something happened to it, I just wanted to know because it still eats me up to this day that I can’t read it no more 😭. Also if this isn’t who I think it is, then I’m sorry please ignore this!
Hi!!! I'm not sure how old this message is but yes, I am the person who wrote Forever. The reason it got deleted was actually not by my choice. The coauthor was found out to be lying about faking a terminal illness and so she deleted her entire account on ao3 and I believe on tumblr as well. Ao3 terminates even coauthored fics if one person decides to remove it so the entire thing was removed and I have just never gotten around to fixing the issue because it was so time consuming and during the aftermath I was still finishing by Bachelor's degree and didn't have time to sort through and make sure I had all the files. Sadly, after checking it looks like all the files were deleted at some point.
But! I do have some good news! Ao3 emailed me some documentation of the original fic so I do have a readable version, it's just not formally posted anymore. I keep telling myself I'll get around to reposting it and so I haven't released the link but I have a feeling I might never get to it so here's the link since I feel bad its been hidden in a backroom for so long.
It is the story in its entirety and pretty much all the original information. Really the biggest hurdle to me posting it on ao3 has been needing to divvy things up into chapters and do all the tagging again.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Let me know if the link works. I tested it while logged out to make sure you didn't need to be signed into my throw away account to access the info and it seemed fine but confirmation doesn't hurt.
19 notes · View notes
So you just steal artwork and don't care? Got it. Either that or my ask asking about sources from your posts on April 8th disappeared. Or I guess you could be off tumblr and not have been here for two weeks.
Hi Anon,
I'm assuming this is you:
Tumblr media
If it is, yes, I did see your last ask - but life has been a bit shit lately and frankly, I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with an accusatory email that gave me absolutely no details about what you were upset about so I could investigate. So today, despite it being an incredibly long and shit one that isn't over I'm going to reply.
*Takes a deep breath* From this point forward I'm going to assume that, like me, you are just a real-live human with feelings that get hurt and not someone who just likes to yell at people on the internet. So let me apologise that I have used your artwork without attribution, it was in no way my intention. Please take this apology as someone who was just trying to amuse themselves and perhaps help some other people out by reminding them to take their meds too. I absolutely suck at art-type things so in my mind, no one would think I did them or was claiming the actual 'art' part of them as mine. I realise now this is the internet, you guys don't know me, and so I should have been clearer that nearly all of these are edits. (There are a few waaaaay back I actually drew myself). Looking at the 7th, 8th & 9th of April (allowing for time zones and assuming that's when you saw your artwork). All of them except one have a link at the bottom of the image that links back to where I sourced the original image - I don't know if this is visible on mobile so I'll show it below (the bit circled in red)
Tumblr media
So I'm assuming this one is yours:
Tumblr media
It seems that one doesn't have the link. I don't know why. I haven't made any new reminders for this blog in ages (again - life) - it seems like most of the ones from early April this year were originally posted back in 2021. I got briefly excited about this blog again a few months ago and loaded up a bunch of old ones so this blog was still functional for the people that find it helpful. Going back I have noticed that others seem to not have credit either. It is possible I made a mistake and forgot to add them. It's also possible that Tumblr has a had a glitch/error/weirdness which means it's disappeared. I also used a bunch of images from the editing app I was using to add the reminder message and I wish I could remember what the site was called because I cannot for the life of me remember. Honestly, who knows. I have deleted the post(s) with that image - if it's not the right one please let me know.
I have always gone out of my way to ensure that anything I use is either free use, or non-commercial under Creative Commons. As an aside, I'm an academic and a person who has artist friends and my partner runs a business where our customers are largely designers and artists, so I do actually do my best to give credit. Am I perfect - no I'm not. Part of the reason I stopped making new posts was because of difficulty giving credit even on images that were non-attribution and finding images where I knew what the attribution requirements were (along with trying to remember everything everyone asked me to tag, and doing the image descriptions etc.) If anyone else finds something of theirs in one of my posts and there isn't credit attached please either dm me or send an ask and let me know which post and how you would like to be credited and I'll add it in. If you want it removed, I'm happy to do that too.
Sorry for the long post, hope it helps to clear things up. Finally, let me take this opportunity to say
"Don't forget your meds today my friends"
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lestatslestits · 1 year
A few people responded to this post wanting to know more. I tried to make a follow-up post twice on mobile and Tumblr deleted my in-progress post both times, so I’m trying again on desktop.
I’m currently writing a paper on the history of de-institutionalization in the United States, so I’ve been learning a lot about mental hospitals in the US lately. That got me thinking about the references in Interview with the Vampire to Paul de Pointe du Lac’s institutionalization. Here’s what we know, via Louis:
Tumblr media
I was curious to learn if there really was a mental hospital in Jackson, Louisiana in the early 1900s, so I did some digging and discovered that there was. Not only that, but it’s still operating today and is one of only two mental hospitals in the state of Louisiana. It has been renamed East Louisiana State Mental Hospital, but at the time that Paul would have been there, it was called East Louisiana State Hospital for the Insane.
Before I share any photos or talk further, I want to reiterate: this is a real hospital that has served and continues to serve people with severe mental illnesses. It also has a disturbing history of neglect and abuse that continues today. You’ll see in some of the photos that I share that even in modern times, much of the hospital looks outdated and run down. A news article from 2019 referred to the facility as “deteriorating.” I don’t want to talk about this facility in a fictional context without recognizing that real people have been impacted by it. If learning this information piques your interest in any way, I recommend taking time to look into the history of how people with mental illnesses have been treated and continue to be treated in the United States (or in your own country, if you aren’t from the US). Also, obligatory caveat that I am by no means a historian, but I’ve done my best to compile accurate information.
The Louisiana State Mental Hospital was established in the 1840s, when many similar institutions were being built in the US. It was requested that the building “not look like a prison,” so it was built in a Greek Revival style. Here’s an early picture of the hospital:
Tumblr media
Here is a more current photo:
Tumblr media
And here is a photo from around the time Paul would have been there (this photo is dated between 1900 and 1909, and we can assume from the timeline established by Louis that Paul was probably removed from the hospital around 1905 or 1906, following their father’s death five years prior to the beginning of the narrative in 1910):
Tumblr media
Here are a couple more exterior shots from around the same time period, and an interior (?) shot from a women’s ward. I couldn’t find a photo of a men’s ward, unfortunately:
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Here are some photos taken more recently. The first two appear to be older areas that don’t seem to be used much anymore, and the last appears to be from a more commonly used area (although you can see it’s still fairly dated):
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I couldn’t find any photos of the hallways leading to individual rooms that didn’t feature people in them. Since I’m not clear on who those people were (whether or not they were consumers), I’m not comfortable posting them here. However you can find them if you go looking.
Finally, here is a fire insurance map of the facility, made in 1908, near the time Paul would have been there. As you can see, if you are able to zoom in, the hospital was segregated at the time, so you will find the ward where Paul would likely have stayed in the lower left-hand corner of the map.
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I’m not sure who, if anyone, this information will be useful for, but I hope it provides some insight and historical context to the show (and to mental health treatment in the United States).
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rpclefairy · 2 years
updated tutorial on trimming posts on mobile
reply formatter mobile edition:
i’ve been trying to figure out a way to adjust the roleplay formatter to be used on mobile but unfortunately tumblr just does not render blog themes well on mobile browsers (my guess is to force people to use the app but i digress)
so i made a mobile friendly version with carrd. the only differences are the box size option and the night mode toggle, which the carrd version doesn’t have.
if you don’t use either of these you can use the carrd version on desktop as well, everything else is the same. for the purpose of this tutorial i’ll be using the carrd version as it is optimized for mobile screens.
if you can consider tipping my ko-fi or using my carrd referral code ( DPY34V1H ) to help me keep hosting the formatter ♡
this is a very easy level tutorial
even if you’re not comfortable with html!
this post may be long because of the screencaps, but the method itself is only a handful of clicks and it shouldn’t take you more than a minute.
this method technically works on any browser, but it works best on firefox as it is the only browser i’ve tested that keeps all formatting (bold, italics, color text, etc).
i encourage you to install firefox on your phone to at least cut replies, you could technically use the tumblr app to write and format your reply once you get the code of the trimmed reblog.
what you will need:
a mobile browser (can’t stress this enough i strongly suggest firefox, specially if you don’t want to have to manually add your partner’s formatting. it will make your life easier)
the mobile friendly reply formatter.
that’s it.
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step one:
first thing you’re going to do is copy this line of text:
time saving tip! depending on your device you may have a “pin” or “lock” option in your clipboard, use it so you can keep using it without looking for this post and copying it all over again.
if your device does not have a pin / lock option, you can create shortcuts assigning a short word or symbol and when you type it the saved line of text will be suggested.
here is a tutorial for android and ios.
step two:
save the post you want to trim as a draft.
you can do this on the app.
step three:
open your draft on your mobile browser. click to edit the address bar.
the url of this post will look like this : https://www.tumblr.com/edit/USERNAME/POSTNUMBER
now delete the part with your username and one of the brackets (either the first one or the last one, it doesn’t matter which one, just don’t leave 2 brackets.
then add “?redirect_to=%2Fdashboard%3Frestore%3D1&avoid_redirect=1" (without the quotes) at the end of the link, then click on the link and load the page
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thanks to this anon who figured the link trick out💗
step four:
select everything and copy
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then click on the x to remove the previous reblogs.
step five:
now go to the reply formatter here, click on the paste button and you’ll get a pop window.
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there tap your screen until you get the options “paste” and “paste as plain text”. use the regular “paste” option.
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step six:
select the blockquote text you want to delete trimming the reply like you would on desktop with editable reblogs.
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and that’s it ! you’re done.
from here you can either write and format everything on the formatter
or you can copy the html code from trimming the post and paste it on your trimmed draft on the app
ir order to do that, on step 4 add anything to the body of the post so you can save the post (it can be just a comma or a keymash)
then write + format everything on the app. just remember to switch the editor to html on the app!
bonus tip + tutorial: uploading icons
save your icons folder to your phone / google drive (and then save to your phone the icon you want to use)
on your browser (NOT THE APP) create a new post
upload your icon
switch the editor from rich text to html
copy everything, paste it in the source code of the formatter.
you’re done!
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canonbirthdaywish · 9 months
hello and welcome to canon birthday wish! this is a blog for alterhumans from fictional sources to wish themselves or other characters from their source a happy birthday! rules and other stuff can be found below the cut.
rules + notes
this blog is for canon birthday wishes only. if you're looking for kin help or canon calls, please refer to one of the many blogs made for that purpose. if you're wanting to submit a generalized confession, check out @/fictionkinfessions, where the idea for this blog came from. any asks that are not birthday wishes will be deleted (with the exception of comments / questions directed toward a mod).
wishes for fictionkin, fictives, copinglinks, and similar identities are welcome, including characters that don't have specific canon birthdays. keep it to fictional sources, please. you can submit a birthday wish for yourself or someone else. please do not mention blog urls or ask me to tag a blog — if your wish is for someone specific and you want them to see it, simply dm them or tag them yourself in a reblog or comment.
if you've sent a submission before the mentioned character's birthday and want it posted on that day, please mention that at the beginning of your ask (ie: "(post on september 12th)" before your actual message). i'll get it scheduled for the correct day.
all characters from all sources are welcome here, there is currently no blacklist. please keep submissions as pg-13 as possible — swearing is fine, but no nsfw content or violence (even as a joke) unless it's very vague. slurs, discrimination, etc will not be tolerated under any circumstances. specifically mentioning your character and source is not required, but helps a lot with tagging.
there's currently only one mod, and i most likely won't be looking for more unless things get overwhelming. for the sake of this blog, you can call me cat. my pronouns are he/it. i'm an adult, transmasc nonbinary + gay, white, and a singlet. i won't be listing my full kinlist here in case anyone is uncomfortable with doubles. i exclusively use tumblr mobile, so i apologize if anything looks wonky on desktop.
header credit: here. icon is a screencap of cat valentine from the show victorious.
this post will most likely be updated as time goes on. if there's been a big update, i'll either make a separate post mentioning it, or put a note above the cut.
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Hi love! Someone sent some advice to you, so I'm putting it under the cut because it's a bit heavy. I hope you're doing well <3
I’ve been keeping up with your tumblr and your asks and stuff, and I hope it’s okay but I had something to say to Camp Anon.
I sort of inferred the situation through your answers Cas. When I was a kid I was often in group at church with other “rebellious” kids. I know now that we were all the queer kids who hadn’t realised yet (credit to them, maybe some of them had) and then when I turned 16 and partly figured myself out I started getting invested in peoples stories.
By that point a lot of the kids I’d gone to church with were also closeted, and we started talking to each other about ourselves and our experiences.
And turns out a few of those kids went to conversion camps. The summers before and after I found out. 
One of the kids was a year older than me and is still a very close friend of mine. She’s actually taking a course to be a therapist now.
And there were a few things they said (and my friend still says when she decides to talk about it) that I thought maybe you should know. 
It seems like from Cas’ answers to the ask, that Camp Anon has been somewhere before and I presume is going somewhere else again this summer? (Parents don’t usually send kids the same place twice in a row)
Look, I have some advice that’s gonna suck but I think you should hear it. You need to know before you go to the camp what sort of level/type the camp it is. 
There are ways to find out and i’m gonna list some here and just do as much research as you can (safely) because if you’re unprepared it will be difficult to leave if you need to.
So the camp has to find away of telling parents what it’s like without directly saying it. It’s often found in quotes.
Theres a big difference between “helping your child” and “healing your child” and “fixing your child”. 
Helping usually means giving quotes and bibles and doing straight kid activities (whatever that means).
Healing usually means a lot of churchy sessions, “explaining” what’s wrong with you, being more delicate
And then fixing means being absolute dickheads. 
There should also be a website somewhere, or a form or something that your parents had to sign. Sometimes that can be over an email or sometimes it’s a letter. It’s just another way for the camp to cover their asses. Whatever is written inside it should give a vague message about the danger level, how many things they want to cover themselves for.
Also- about recording the camp. If you do decide to (no pressure, always prioritise your safety), focus on filming the other kids around you. If your phone is caught or found, if the videos start of silly with other kids in (as long as they know the risk of being caught with a phone too), it’s unlikely someone will scroll through all the videos, which will mean even if they’re deleted, you won’t rise too much suspicion. 
You can also hide videos in other places, like take a video you have and put it in a draft on your tumblr account, and then delete it from your phone. That can be done on Insta too. It does require internet but I assume you have mobile data.
Also camps without phones will still have wifi for adults, sometimes this is free wifi. If it is, don’t use it (if possible).
Also, sometimes the location of the camp on fliers won’t be the real location. For example, it might be the location of the church you go to, but the place you sleep might be one road over, so stay awake. Keep an eye on road names if you move from the location your parents dropped you off at (in case someone needs to come get you, and then can’t find you). 
It is illegal to say that being queer kids can be “fixed”. It’s against the law for camps to do this. Conversion therapy is illegal and wrong. Morally wrong and literally wrong. Not a thing. Doesn’t work. Total fucking bullshit.
And be careful. I know there’s a temptation to bring a weapon (like a knife) with you to these places, and it makes sense. But these kids have been through a lot, like you, and can be really depressed and have mental health issues. And you don’t want a kid to do something bad to themselves with a knife you brought with you to the camp. 
(Cas here: just remember if that ever happens, it's NOT your fault)
Just think it through. 
And be careful who you talk to, some of these kids believe the stuff they’re told. It’s not their fault but don’t assume everyone will agree with you about the situation. 
I don’t want to get too involved, I understand this is an overwhelming thing and reaching out just to talk about it was so brave. If you’d like I can ask my friend, who’s been to places like that, if there’s any personal advise she can give.  Or not, either way is fine. 
And finally, the area I grew up in had a terrible social services place nearby, and when you called the number for social services that school gave you, they’d just send someone from there. There was a kid I used to know who called social services on his family and the guy who showed up was friends with his dad. 
Idk if you have good social services or not but do some research first if you can ❤️
(Cas again: let me know if you want me to reach out to this anon to ask any questions or to get info from their friend! We support you <3)
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