#even just their favorite toy
selfshippinglover · 3 months
You ever wonder what part of your trauma and/or mental illness made your type narcissistic assholes?
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cinna-bunnie · 2 months
was drunk at my friend's place yesterday and her bf was given some throwing knives, played around for a bit and i still got it 🧐 that was my last push to get back into knife throwing, haven't been into it since i was 17/18 lol. i ordered these ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა
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edit: if ur here from my top posts you can see me throw them here!
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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aesthetic-day-dream · 10 months
once you realize that life really isn’t that serious, it gets so much better. like im serious. im well aware there are a million posts and sayings just like this, but it’s true. I used to be so crippled by the worry of what other people thought of me (granted i still struggle at times) but once you realize that nothing matters. it’s so freeing. like yeah. maybe that person thinks you dress weird. or that you have a funny hairstyle. or a million other things. who cares??? you’re never gonna see them again! you get one life! live it! be weird! be yourself! be authentic! who cares?? once i started looking at life as this one experience, i wanted it to be a great one. no more caring what other people think. doing things because i want to and because i like them. someone thinks my plushies are childish? who cares? they make me happy. they’re mine. i love them. why should someone else dictate what i do with my life. it’s mine for a reason. i don’t tell you what to do with yours, don’t tell me what to do with mine. once you start living like you’re stuck in a studio ghibli movie, life gets 100% more bearable, enjoyable even. i used to be stuck in such a self-deprecating, depressing, anxious cycle. now? yeah i still have those moments, but they’re smaller and more manageable. because i know. life is full of so many beautiful things. and if i need to indulge in my inner child to get through the day, then i will. i implore you. do the same.
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gothic-mothic-topic · 3 months
Mfw one of my favorite characters in a game either isn't popular and barely exists in the fandom, or everyone hates them.
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galpalkirk · 4 days
okay but ttpd is the perfect loustat album
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
out of all the aus you have, which one's your most favorite ?
(I've been meanin to read more about them but my brain is like those ancient animatronics !! very glitchy and needs some good bonks to get workin again (like those old tvs) !! darn brain)
also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to maybe make some fanart of either your aus or your quotes n stuff !! I've been meanin to make some for your Glam Fred n Glam Bon ones cause they're my favorite goobers (as well as Funtime Freddy n Toy Bonnie)
anywaybs, apollergies for this super long ask, hope you have a great day/night !!
Hmm... well, I do really love all of the AU’s a lot, and choosing just one as a favorite out of everything is a little hard. I’ve thought about it a couple of times.
Maybe it’s the Dr. Scraptrap AU? Or the Reluctant Follower Jeremy & Animatronic Vanny AU? I’m not too certain. But even then, I still really love the Swap AU & the Glam Bon & Fred AU.
I’m bad at deciding-
And I don’t mind at all! You’re perfectly free to make fanart of any of the AU’s, or any of the quotes! That would make my day :) People have already been doing drawings for quotes before.
Though, I don’t think anyone has ever done any AU stuff before—so if you ever did, I’d love that.
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reel-fear · 2 months
Honestly, every single time the whole 'poppy playtime is a bendy rip-off' stuff ever shows up I find it all extremely unconvincing and silly.
For one thing, rip-off usually is meant to imply that it's a cheap lazy copy of a better more polished thing, and uh. Sorry but even from chapter 1? Poppy Playtime is a better game than Bendy, it has a simple but understandable story, the game manages to be thrilling, creepy, and very intense at times... I mean that Huggy chase in the vents ALONE puts it way above Batim for me.
I mean BATDR had the most slow stupid chase I've ever seen [and every other encounter with the ink demon is text telling u he's there and then a timer goes down and u get jumpscared] and batim's chases were either silly or just not nearly as theatric or terrifying as that.
When making the vent sequence I mean not only is it absolutely horrifying to realize how fast Huggy is in there but also it's so theatric and cool? The fact that you round a corner after thinking you escaped only to see a terrifying animation of that thing crawling toward you is awesome! I wish Bendy had stuff like that!
And all the stuff it shares with Bendy are generic things Bendy ripped from other horror games/media anyways. I'm not saying Poppy Playtime isn't inspired by Bendy I for sure think it is but Bendy is such a generic story that somehow fails to do tropes 100 other horror games have done any comparison only makes Poppy Playtime look better.
"It has employees being sacrificed for their company" That is not a concept Bendy invented, literally look at any of the sci-fi horror series Bendy is very inspired by. This is literally a twist in the original Alien.
"It has a scary woman forcing you to do tasks for her" Once again, not a concept Bendy invented, a scary mysterious person forcing you to do fetch-quests is a concept found in tons of horror media. And at least Poppy Playtime gave you a chase with her and let you defeat her, look at poor malice. She's barely on screen for more than 10 minutes before she gets stabbed.
"It has a cult worshipping the monster" This is something tons of horror games and media have done too. I mean In The Tall Grass has a guy who worships a giant magical rock in the middle of a grass maze, Bioshock [which Bendy has only been taking more and more direct inspiration from while failing to grab any of the compelling parts] also had a lot of themes of religion and cult-ish behavior, almost every horror media franchise has at one point done a cult thing.
Bendy couldn't even come up with a reason Sammy worships the ink demon, the best motivation we've ever gotten is just that 'he's crazzyyyy the ink made him insaneeee'. Who is the cheap rip-off here?
At least Poppy Playtime gave their cultist a motive for worshipping the monster + a proper boss fight that feels intense and looks awesome! Bendy didn't even let you kill Malice [she got stabbed in front of you and then just collapsed on the floor how thrilling] meanwhile you get to kill three of the villains in Poppy Playtime and the gameplay and action in those scenes have only gotten better as the game went on.
I mean Sammy walks into a room and goes "AAA SCARY I'M BEING MURDERED" then later shows up and for NO REASON sees a normal human man and assumes it's the ink demon before once again someone else kills him for you. In Poppy Playtime you defeat Catnap as he floods the world with this horrible nightmare-inducing gas that intensifies the color palette and his design. Fight off versions of him that are illusions that you need your flare gun for, then watch in a wonderful animation as he mistakes the monster for his savior before getting killed by it, in a brutal way I might add, which game are we accusing of being cheap, lazy garbage again?
I just find this argument to be people who Really Really need to find a reason to hate Poppy Playtime which I think is silly. The devs being weird, shady people is already enough reason to dislike the game, you don't need to invent reasons why secretly every part of the game is malicious or bad. But esp when I see Bendy fans saying they don't support Poppy Playtime or dislike it bc of its devs or even saying its cringe ummmm.
I have bad news about the fact Bendy's devs are worse and it took not one, but TWO over an hour long videos to cover it all. Plus the Bendy games are just the worse games in every aspect, if I could sell my batim copy for a copy of Poppy Playtime I wouldn't hesitate at all.
Saying this as a bendy fan, we have no right to be super judgy towards Poppy Playtime. If Poppy Playtime is embarrassing cringe, Bendy is too and is way more embarrassing of an interest. We shouldn't spread misinformation just because we all want to hate Poppy Playtime, you can dislike Poppy Playtime without making up a bunch of nonsense to justify it.
Honestly seeing people just blatantly be unfairly mean to Poppy Playtime only makes its critics look worse and makes it hard to take any backlash to the games seriously. Because surprise surprise if you spread misinformation to make a point people will quickly stop listening to Anything you have to say bc they won't trust you're telling the truth anymore.
#feel free to reblog but Im not gonna tag this its way too rambley at least for my taste to go in the main tags#ramblez#also man can I say I didnt want to make this post super long but theres so many other points I could make in poppys favor#the fact we got to see the hour of joy and it was terrifying we dont even know if joey actually killed anyone anymore#the gameplay itself is more diverse and fun then batim which is a walking simulator that pretends to have fighting n stealth mechanics#at least Poppy n Missys friendship gives u a reason to care for missys safety before shes put in danger#Missy can actually express unlike Boris who sits there looking cute with no proper expressions until he gets yoinked and ur supposed to car#bc he was uh adorable? And therefore you spend an entire chapter tryna get him and get an extremely bad boss fight in return-#also soundtrack wise I like poppys tracks more theyre unique and fun and you can tell which part of the game they come from#bendy has so many dramatic reveal stingers and tracks that are really hard to tell which part of the game they come from#bertrums boss fight has my favorite theme bc its so specifically crafted for him and unique and meanwhile Norman has one of the worst imo#a lot of Bendys soundtrack if I played it for you right now it would be hard to guess where its from bc it all kinda sounds the same#the reveal music for the machine for bendy land for heavenly toys for alices domain all sound the same x_x#its just so frustrating but yeah my point is can we all stop making up new reasons to shit on poppy playtime its just kinda dumb#it feels less like actual criticism and at this point just feels like elaborate justification for cringe culture which I hate#okay thats it bye sorry this is 10 pages long-
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 days
my self-insert ass would get killed if allowed within five feet of any angel though because im not a winchester and i cant keep my fucking mouth shut
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kyngsnake · 8 months
and for the record since i feel like this might get confusing otherwise, I'm gonna be defaulting to F:NV Avery for the time being and foreseeable future. I've been really enjoying the rewrite. Core things about him, personality traits, morals, favorite snack foods etc, are unchanged but some story and design elements might shift around. Still same ol' Avery at the end of the day. FO:4 flavor Avery isn't so much nixed as he is shelved.
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theredengineapologist · 9 months
So a while back, I decided to do a little digging in the garage and managed to find some of my childhood train sets. I could go on about the magical feeling of holding the little engines in my hands for the first time in over a decade and a half, re-living the childhood nostalgia if only for a little bit. Then of course, I know there's gonna be some work in restoring them to their former glory.
But that's not what I want to focus on right now.
Instead, I want to talk about James.
Of the engines that I managed to find during my garage digging, the majority of them were in good condition. One in particular, Lady, was basically perfect. I haven't checked their insides yet for battery corrosion (Lady doesn't have batteries, she's one of those little ones with the magnets), but from the outside, they all look pretty good.
Except one. James.
His face had turned yellow from sun damage.
James has always been my favorite. I suspect that he turned out this way because I played with him the most.
Knowing how much James values his appearance, I imagine he would definitely lament this fact. Why should a Splendid Engine like him be the only one to suffer significant, visible damage? Why did the years of play and storage take a toll on only him and virtually no one else?
Then I imagine Edward would be the one to comfort him. After all, the two of them were found together.
Edward would be the one to remind James that he's still the same Splendid Engine he always was, even with the sun damage. In fact, he probably turned out this way BECAUSE he was so beloved. It meant that he spent more time outside the storage box, where the sun would be able to reach him in the first place.
And after all, to be loved is to be changed.
And somebody has to be the favorite.
Somebody has to be James.
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
Luna has been mentioned in a D.isco chat which means I am contractually obligated to post York.
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guppieishere · 7 months
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mediumsizedpidegon · 1 year
if Kishimoto won't fill in the blanks of Indra's life and the creation of the Uchiha clan then I will
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Currently suffering severe brain rot for this bitch
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Bites him bites him bites him bites him bites him bites him bites him bites h-
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scatmaan · 1 year
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She wears the blue everyday.. ://
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