#even if it is the abridged version
monotonous-minutia · 5 months
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5 seconds into my rewatch and I'm already crying
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meme dump sorry if you haven't noticed but yes it's almost all ishaan no i' not insane i'm just posting more of discord memes here now, yes there will be more, and no i won't apologize for spontaneous uploads bc this site wiped 8 paragraphs when i tried to click the EDIT BUTTON. more when i FEEL LIKE TOUCHING THE SITE WITHOUT FEAR OF THE WIPE.
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cleric4vampire · 2 months
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the holy trinity, as coined by @thehightiefling!
Aune - First Tav Ever, my precious and tortured bard-cleric of Eilistraee. There's a lot about her on my blog so I won't go on and on. Her moodboard depicts various aspects of her: her devotion to Eilistraee, her favorite instruments, sword worship, willows (significant to her & her story), that lovely sculpture in the center which is a perfect depiction of her religious trauma/guilt lol; hands raised in prayer, or desperation, or both?
Aune (but make it Durge) - First Durge Ever; Spore druid. Similarly precious and tortured, but like in a different way. Bhaalspawn edition. A lot of the images mirror the placements of tav!Aune's. Front and center are bloody hands held tenderly; this sort of image/symbolism is central to her story.
Aun* - High Primistress of Bhaal. Also precious, but not as tortured! since she's an embrace!Durge. Despite being objectively the worst, she's most in alignment with herself out of the three. Her color palette is white, red, and gold, partly as a nod to default Durge, but also because she is the kind of person who wants to stand out amongst others; to place herself seperately (and therefore above) those around her. She likes the idea of being this bright beacon dressed in white & red amongst the rest of the black-clad Bhaalists. She doesn't wear purple but it's a color I associate with Drow. She has the most exposure to Menzoberranzan culture out of the three, on account of her having stayed there the longest. (And also the fact that she got to live as a noblewoman there.) Monkshood and hellebore are in her moodboard because their folkloric/mythological associations fit well with Aun's story. I can go into this later if anyone is interested but I'm cutting myself off here because I can talk about plants forever
*Aun doesn't have the -e suffix on her name like the other two; -e means servant, slave, vassal, etc. in the Drow language. In her AU, she never becomes a slave because she passes for a full Drow in Menzoberranzan. Hence the name difference. (Also conveniently makes it easier to distinguish her from the other Aunes)
If you want to read proper bios for these characters, follow the link in my pinned post. :)
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cartridgeconverter · 2 months
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hella1975 · 1 year
ur making it pretty hard to not be curious about aftg like what is going on can you infodump ur worst to me
so basically it's about a guy called neil who's not actually called neil bc turns out he's the son of a HIGHLY abusive mafia hitman and him and his mother have been running from this guy for years which ofc means changes in identity and a SHIT ton of issues ranging from good old fashioned paranoia to lighting cigarettes not to smoke them but to let them burn down bc the smell reminds you of your mother's burning corpse. but neil is obsessed and i mean OBSESSED with this made up sport called exy which is like lacrosse but with the violence of ice hockey and he joins a pro-team despite aforementioned ABUSIVE MAFIA DAD AFTER HIM and guess what! the guy who signed him is called kevin and his ex-team are affiliated with the mafia too! including neil's dad! neil just screwed himself over big time! but who cares when you have exy! enter: andrew minyard. andrew is a blonde, 5ft, ex-juvie, under-court-surveillance-for-grevious-bodily-harm goalkeeper currently working unofficially as kevin's bodyguard and, while we never get an actual diagnosis bc god forbid we handle mental health properly in this thing, it's implied that he has some kind of psychosis and, as part of his plea bargain, is legally obgligated to take incredibly mood-altering medication that makes him manic in exchange for being allowed to stay on the team (aka with kevin who he's VERY possessive of), done entirely for the wellbeing of those around him and effectively against andrew's will. does he stick to that deal? fuck no! but it doesn't stop there! andrew proceeds to spend the entire book being as violent and unpredictable and generally cunty as possible in order to figure out What Neil's Deal Is bc neil is capital S Shifty and andrew is convinced he's from kevin's old mafia cult team trying to hurt him. we spend an entire book watching the three of them wrestle between neil's paranoia, andrew's protectiveness and kevin's desire to Please Can We Just Play Exy. there are some keys involved. someone dies. there are two more books. inexplicably two of the characters can speak fluent german purely from high school classes.
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jhan-jy · 4 months
I may ship Yowzah/Doctor x River but I also enjoy the Doctor and River seperately. Very differently
I love River and learning more about her and all the things she could have done or could be and the potential she has as a character being explored. She is my wife and baby girl simultaneously. This woman deserves utmost happiness and I dont care who has to burn to achieve it uwu
The Doctor could go through hell and back in canon and I'd cheer for more. [Half-kidding, but seriously this man keeps hurting himself in vastly different yet same ways and I feel so sorry for him cause he doesnt deserve it (he kinda does a bit) ]
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
new dream star wars project: a tom stoppard-esque play about Solis and Fidelis playing space chess together for ten years. just a two hour long absurdist dialogue between two old droids. nothing else happens. you leave the play with a deep indefinable grief, unable to say which of them is the tragedy -- the one who still has their reason for functioning, or the one who lost it. is it better to be devoid of inherent meaning and free, or to belong to something and be trapped by it. maybe love is a little like that too. literally no one else in the galaxy cares tho just the two of you to everyone else you're scrap metal waiting to happen. goodnight
(they're from yoda: dark rendezvous and they are my favorite depiction of droids in star wars. there's such an air of melancholy and existential dread around them and it's so fucking GOOD. they're both footman droids, another absolute winner concept -- they're basically the galaxy's most lethal butlers and all-round caretakers, and the ethical ramifications around sentience and hardcoded loyalty they bring up... delicious. do you like magneto and professor x having meaningful chess matches against each other. well solis and fidelis are basically doing the low-key droid freedom and sentience philosophy version of that. solis I stan you to a galaxy far far away and back)
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megumi 🤝🏽 yuuji
dying even if it’s only for a good minute only to be brought back to life bc fate realizes if they died for real then they would need to find someone else to fuck over. those two are like fates favorite barbie dolls.
apologies if this post is going to seem all over the place, just bear with me. i don’t even know if you’re going to see this BUT it’s okay bc i need to get this out my system 😭.
starting off — god, imagine the chaos that will ensue when megumi tells nobara & yuuji about his very tragic history with the zenins. but like he wouldn’t even tell them straight up, he’ll just make a little deadpan joke (my sarcastic, sassy son) & the others would look at him like : ??? wtf do you mean by that sea urchin head???
like imagine itafushikugi going shopping for like traditional japanese clothes for a little festival or some shit (megumi was dragged by his spikes to come along) & nobara is having the time of her life finding outfits for her & the boys. like it got to the point where she’s dressing them herself & she shows megumi an outfit that looked similar to the robe he was forced to wear bc of the zenin (it’s obviously not the same) & megumi just refuses to wear a robe with similar color patterns to the zenin robe.
megumi: that looks like the outfit the zenin forced me to wear. i wonder what happened to it, cause the last thing i know, i got blood all over it. so as the second member of the zenin hate club, im not wearing that….
megumi: wait that blue one looks decent. i’m going to try it on.
nobara: …did he really leave without giving us the “ getting blood on a zenin’s robe” story?
imagine maki complaining about naoya in front of the first years, & maki just brings up naoya’s onesided beef with megumi & her stories of how naoya was so petty back in his childhood made him remember who tf naoya is (megs have selective memory, it’s okay)
megumi: ugh, he was so annoying. i remember when he came to my middle school back when gojo was busy dealing with the aftermath of his evil ex boyfriend evil plan & he basically kidnapped me. i was stuck in a car with that man for 40 minutes..you would hate him nobara.
maki: yeah you would hate him nobara.
yuuji: i’m sorry he kidnapped you??? why did you say that so casually?
nobara: fuck that. megumi is a disney princess, we know this already. BUT we’re just gonna gloss over gojo had an evil boyfriend?
& imagine when megumi finally tells his friends about the zenin clan was when yuuji just came back from the dead & they were asking how tf that’s possible. & somewhere in that conversation megumi just let it slip that his heart stopped beating once & itakugi looks at him in silence:
megumi: yeah the zenin clan basically forced me to exorcise some curses & complete a ritual to get a snake — that snake fucking bit me. it was my least favorite. but yeah i basically died. then yuuta brought me back. then i was blind for a good minute.
nobara, yuuji, & even sukuna:
megumi: it was a terrible time for me. gojo was even more clingier & protective. it got to a point where he started treating me like i was 6 again… reading me bedtime stories, singing me lullabies & describing the pictures in the stories since i was…yknow blind.
cue itakugi & even sukuna wanting to burn down the zenin but ofc they can’t do that…so they settle for pulling pranks on the members & traumatizing them ofc.
IM ALSO imagining how funny it would be for yuuji to be jealous of yuuta. like bro is basically living yuuji’s fantasy world. i’m giggling at the idea of yuuji fighting for his life to be either megumi favorite or nanami’s favorite.
you also opened my eye to the potential of maki & tsumiki… like i also like to imagine that in a happier world, they would understand each other on such a deep level. but they would also find parts of the other that they wished they had. but on a happier note i like to imagine that megumi would suffer whenever it was brought up that his aunt is basically dating his step sister. like maki would be a menace to megumi. every little thing he do? maki is texting tsumiki in a corner.
maki watching itafushi cook together in the kitchen: i can’t believe megumi has a boyfriend. it’s so cute that he thinks that he can hide this from me. lemme go snitch to tsumiki.
maki listening to megumi describe his fight with sukuna, a cursed spirit who apparently has a stripping problem: oh my god. megumi is truly yuuta’s boy. they both got cursed spirits obsessed with them…i need to tell tsumiki.
maki to megumi after witnessing his suicidal tendencies: don’t make me tell tsumiki.
i honestly love your story. the way you added so much more to megumi childhood is beautiful. it just make soooo much sense. but also your characterization of gojo is so precious to me. i’m waiting for gojo to go apeshit on the zenin. i’m also giggling in anticipation at gojo finding out about yuuta attachment to megumi. i like to imagine him to be kind of worried about it actually, bc that’s not fucking healthy. but i imagine him getting used to it since megumi will have a protector in the form of yuuta & his power of love.
i’m also curious to see mai’s role in this story since.
*sighs in disappointment at gege writing choices*
since she had a crush on megumi…yeah. but imma just interpret that as she wants to be his family. it keeps me sane
i also wanted to ask if there’s a chance that you would write a megumi POV of what happened in the zenin clan? ofc i would understand if you wouldn’t since it leaves a much more ominous feeling to the events. plus yuuta running commentary is a good mix of angst & humor so ofc i understand.
Yuuji: man fushiguro almost checks the boxes for a Disney princess. except he was never kidnapped or enslaved
Megumi, sold to the Zenin clan, who later kidnapped him: *sweating*
Nobara and Yuuji would be the co-vice presidents of the "fuck the Zenin clan" club if they knew what happened. They would be the presidents but yuuta and maki are already in a death match for the position and they're trying to avoid the bloodshed. they are not allowed to be treasurer because neither of them know how money works.
megumi is unaware that a formal club has been formed.
Megumi is suffering SO HARD in any world where maki and tsumiki are together. they won't stop ganging up on him when it comes to his love life and general wellbeing and holding hands where he has to see it. maki lectures him about his suicidal tendencies in the field, holds up one finger, calls tsumiki, and lets her pick up where she left off. maki tries to talk to him about relationships one (1) time and he tries to drown himself.
see i'm pretty open to writing a megumi POV but it, like most of my stories, falls in this nebulous category of "if i have the time." like, i've thought about writing megumi's pov before, there's a lot of stuff that happened that exists as like, background knowledge for me that will never make it through yuuta's pov because it doesn't make sense for yuuta to find out about it. It would be very tonally different, but if i did write it, it would be a different work entirely and i'd be making sea glass gardens into a series.
i'm eternally tempted by the siren call of making my works into a series. If i did it with sea glass gardens, i would want to add a one shot of Megumi's pov during the time leading up to sea glass gardens and a short multi-chapter of the gojo, nanami, shoko teen parenting trio. If I have the time, it will exist; if i don't, it won't.
#ironically the one thing that WOULD endear yuuta to yuuji is finding out about all of this#yuuji would instantly love him for all he did for Their Boy. it's the only way i see megumi actually fessing up to what happened#i think megumi's just someone who's really private and uncomfortable with people knowing a lot about him and he would try to hide this from#itakugi for as long as he could. it probably eats at him that the second years all saw him like this. i think he just hates feeling vulnera#megumi gives him the /extremely/ abridged version of events to get yuuji and nobara to chill about yuuta and how he acts (yuuji is convince#that there's no one who could be that perfect nobara keeps looking for homosexual explanations) and they instantly veer hard into finding#out everything there is to know about the zenin and how to hurt them and also yuuta's like. beloved in their eyes. megumi is their boy.#they love their boy. yuuta saved their boy. ergo they love yuuta now. it's simple math.#tonal shift is a huge sort of struggle with me as a writer just because i change my styles with every narrator#which is why it's kind of hard to flip between works if the tone is too different. i was trying to juggle sea glass gardens and toy rosarie#and i was just internally screaming b/c yuuta and jack could NOT be more different with narration styles and i was like 'fuckkkkkkkkk'#with yuuta i structure sentences with a lot of 'space' in them. i don't have a better word for it i'm not actually trained in writing so#it's all just whatever shit i made up along the way i have no officially terms. anyway. Yuuta's sentences are structured to have this sort#of detached distance between the actual message and the start of the sentence. So we end up with a lot of sentences that start w/ structure#like “yuuta thinks” and Yuuta feels“ b/c I think of yuuta as a very detached person because of how he lived. it's a survival mechanism.#a lot of the meat of what he feels has to come in almost absentmindedly. So you end up with Yuuta's suicide scene and losing the knife and#him having a line like “He swears he never meant any of the bad things he did” and the fact that he thinks his own survival is a bad thing#/he's/ to blame for is almost backdoor'd in as a given premise. it's assumed. it's not even the point of the sentence. he's been living wit#jack murdock meanwhile is an intensively retrospective character that's meant to make you almost feel claustrophobic from how “close” his#narration style is. a lot of the actual message is conveyed through imagined scenarios and emotional recollection. he's a character steeped#in regret who has been torturing himself with it for years. yuuta's survival mechanism is isolation but jacks been yearning to get back wha#he lost for so long and dreaming of it that he's steeped in really vivid internal imaginings.#with jack you have multipage lamentations remembering his son buying cereal with him but yuuta drops the fact that his parents stopped#loving him at some point and it's not even the most important thing in the sentence. it's included as a qualifier because yuuta has accepte#so much of the bad things that happened to him when he shouldn't have whereas jack hasn't accepted ANYTHING that happened.#Yuuta uses a lot of very clean cut grammatically correct narration and jacks is riddled with a bunch of “ain't's” and grammatical errors.#he has an accent for lack of a better term. so you end up w/ two characters who convey information in different ways prioritize different#info in their sentences use different sentence structures etc. so megumi would have a /very different/ style and tone from yuutas that woul#sort of shape any fic that came through him because all of my fics are primarily shaped through the narrator's voice. it's also why I set#kind of hard lines about whether a fic can have any narrator or just specific narrators b/c it determines the whole tone.
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knife-dad · 8 months
Anyone else up at 1am crying about pirates? It can't possibly be just me. I wish I could say something articulate but all I can manage is unintelligible wails. Like this:
AAAAAA A A a BIRD?!? FOR REALS!?! AGSJFKFHSKS they did arts and crafts for Izzy is that not a love language that should be a love language and also AAAAAAA people can change and that's a GOOD THING!!!! BUT ALSO A BIRD THOUGH LIKE FOR REALS? ... are... are we sure about that
AGSHDKFGLUEBF people are talking to each other very honestly which is surprisingly kinda new for a tv show, that beloved medium in which talking is like. One of the main things that happens. Anyways AAAAAA proposal this is the sweetest thing ive ever seen??? Oh and we're just following that with another of the sweetest things ive ever seen. Cool. I'm done being normal I'm so unwell now
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lcerys · 1 month
corlys velaryon was, after his mother and siblings and father, one of the most important people in luke's life. there were political reasons as to why corlys was as important as he was to luke's life ― but the most relevant part for him has always been how much he loved the man.
corlys is someone luke has always deeply admired. he was known as the sea snake, one of the most remarkable men of his generation ( and further ), and who would leave his mark in history. he had led house velaryon successfully during years, raising it even further than he had inherited it, and done so through work of his own through his voyages. he was one of the best sea-fearers of his age, who travelled far and further still.
for all his accomplishments, it was not those that earned corlys luke's eternal loyalty, obviously, but how he stood by his and his brothers' side. how he upheld what laenor had said and claimed them as velaryons. house velaryon was by no means small ― he could have easily looked towards a nephew of his to name heir, someone unquestioned. someone who had grown at driftmark. anyone without the stain of a disputed legitimacy. laenor had died when he was four, which means the protection he derived from him was lost ( and luke did see to his father to fill that aspect of protection in his life, regardless that they may not have lived together ) he never looked to corlys for said protection, as that was not his role in his life, but that corlys looked to him and didn't reject him ? meant the world to him. the fact that even when luke proclaimed himself and his brothers targaryens, corlys would call them velaryons and be proud of them ? meant the world to him.
there might have been a political angle to it. it might have been because his betrothal to rhaena has stood since he was three years old. it might have been to get a king with the velaryon name in the throne ( even if jace would have taken the targaryen family name upon becoming king ). he doesn't know. he doesn't care. all he knows is he choose to support him and claim him as his family and his heir.
there is little luke would not forgive him for, due to all this. corlys is one of the people luke would always try and see his perspective of matters ( the truth is, luke tends to do this with most people. there are some glaring exceptions that stand as a sore thumb because of how he closes off, but in general luke is infinitively understanding ). his first instinct is to think that he must have a reason and an explanation for anything. he has luke's eternal loyalty and love, due to how he behaved with him and his brothers.
[ the survival verse is infinitively more complicated if everything from canon from f&b remains ( there should be changes if luke doesn't die, primarily blood and cheese and erryk and arryk at the very least ). but corlys, upon rhaenys' death, argues with rhaenyra and tells her it should have been her. tells her she should have sent her children ( and considering how luke feels about his brothers, he would take issue with. especially with joffrey, the youngest of the three velaryon brothers ). and then the gullet happens ― and he seems to be regretful, later, but it'd be an issue. uses rhaenys' death to legitimize addam and alyn ― who luke likes, but it is a clear political move, and a show of power, and luke would see that. and in the end he betrays rhaenyra. and despite it all, in any survival verse, no matter who survives exactly, no matter if he becomes lord of driftmark or gets pushed aside as joffrey was in canon ― corlys' eventual death would shatter him. it would leave him a shade of who he was, for months. it is different from rhaenyra's ― that happened in a war, who was murdered, where he had to push forward for aegon iii. there is none of that in corlys' case, and with how much luke loved him ? it would be terrible ]
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applecherry108 · 9 months
So. One Piece. It’s time to admit that my only prior consumption of it was…the 4kids version. 😅 Which I remember enjoying quite a bit as a kid, and I only really stopped watching bc it went off the air in the US, and when it came back, I was just finishing college and moving across the country. So like. Priorities. 😅
Anyways, so idk if it’s bc of the absolute botch-job of the 4Kids version, or simply that it’s been nearly 20 years, but yooooo I Do Not Remember Zoro being this hilariously aloof. 😂 I don’t really remember him having much a personality at all tbh. But I hope this live action version is at least semi-accurate bc his drunken deadpan is killing me. 😂
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ghostprinceiii · 2 months
ah, discouraged once again from continuing Persona 5 because of how People Like Me are portrayed and treated :/
Ended up down kindof a chain of articles (like this) (and this one) that confirm how I've already been feeling —ie that the NPCs are not only actively hostile to 'me' as a character, but me as a player, as well, in many ways.
What I've seen and read of the characters and world-concept from a distanced perspective (through the lens of an audience, and not Experiencing The Story As Joker) has been cool and interesting and the music fucks, obviously, but idk, I'm just tired of this shit, today. Maybe this just Isn't The Game For Me and this is just another factor of that to add to the list, maybe it's just not the right time to be playing it and I'll do another 8 hours in another 5 months, or get super into it next week, I dunno.
Anyways. The articles give some good context for part of what I'm referring to here, and I thought they were quite well-written, so I'm linking them above if anyone's interested.^^
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fortyfive-forty · 2 months
6, 17, 19!
6. favorite surface to watch?
clay! idk i just think it's fun, and as i said, a lot of the players i like are good clay players which of course contributes to my personal enjoyment lol
17. do you prefer best of three or best of five and why?
this is genuinely a complicated question for me...on the surface, i like best of five because a) more tennis b) (usually) benefits my favorite players. bo5 generally leads to fewer upsets (i mentioned this a while ago in a previous post, but how many of the men would have been eliminated in early rounds of ao if it wasn't bo5? A LOT) which as i said benefits most of my favorite players who are relatively high ranked. ex: i think iga and elena would have both avoided their upsets at ao if it was bo5.
however, i actually think bo3 is a better format. not necessarily that i prefer it explicitly but i think the format, objectively, is better. i think it's more difficult, there is less room for mistakes/errors, the stakes are higher. plus, i come as primarily a fan of women's football, which is usually accused of not being competitive enough (that is, misogynistic men would use the "predictability" of woso to justify not watching or not investing in the sport). so i always see upsets as a good thing, even if they don't benefit my players. and i understand that this isn't really the vibe in tennis (in fact, its sort of the opposite), but i always feel like...wouldn't it be so boring if you could always predict who was going to win? and in bo3, when there are more upset and it's more unpredictable, to me that makes it more fun! like i said, there's more risk, and its more likely that you get low-ranked players causing an upset. which i think is also good for those players, because it gives them a better chance to increase their ranking! again, i know that isn't really the attitude in tennis, but as sort of an outsider to tennis culture, i think the unpredictability of bo3 makes the sport more interesting.
19. who is the most underrated player?
well i could give you about a dozen players...i also think it depends on how you define underrated, bc like, from a certain perspective, iga is underrated, i don't think anyone gives her the credit she deserves considering what she's accomplished. but in general terms...look i know i talk about her a lot but i think jasmine paolini is super underrated. i don't know enough abt tennis analysis to talk about her play style but i love watching her play and i feel like watching her slowly climb in the rankings over the course of the past year has been so rewarding. of course yes i am biased but truly i feel like she's really reaping the rewards of a long process of improvement and i can't wait to see what she does the rest of this year!!!
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kvotheunkvothe · 11 months
ran to the vet after work to get my sniffly cat's meds. while there, the person next up to the counter asked to pick up her pets Goku and Vegeta. I sadly had to leave before I could see the creatures
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agnesandhilda · 1 year
enough about achilles and patroclus. what about achilles and thetis 
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aroacehanzawa · 2 years
I hope this is a good time to plug an actual 1869 novel by Ivan Goncharov: Obryv ('The Precipice', but the newest and complete translation is called 'Malinovka Heights') which follows Boris Raisky, an "artist/writer/poet/sculptor/etc" (unemployed guy) who dropped out of art school because he didn't like to practice drawing hands and wanted to paint the next mona lisa immediately. And then he gets bored of living in the city (runs out of money) and goes to live with his great-aunt in the countryside to be around nature and gain some "writing inspiration" (doesn't write) and meets Vera, who is Not Like Other Girls but! turns out she is actually super nuanced and complex and by not like other girls i mean not like other girls written by 19th century men but like an actual woman. And then he also meets Mark aka the village hooligan that everyone tells him to avoid but in defiance of them all he says that Mark is "the only person worth talking to" and invites him over in the middle of the night in secret (gay) and then there's a love triangle over Vera because of course there is. And they also meet another guy and it turns into a love square but i actually haven't read that far yet but i promise it's really good anyway please read Obryv
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