#episode 5 spoilers
sowheresmyroom · 4 months
Alastor is the funniest bitch in the show for that absolute buck wild song interruption by the way. Calling himself Dad while making the most unhinged, unblinking eye contact will never not make me keel over in laughter. Man snapped, he was so fucking mad for what??
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wonderwoman6199 · 4 months
No context spoilers
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Really?? Happy Nation playing five seconds before shit hits the fan?? The fact the lyrics just tells you what's going to happen I- the whole dance sequence?? He wanted to make her his queen,,
And can you imagine how touch starved Rogue is?? Imagine not being able to touch people for your whole life?? The dance started so polite, they floating and Rogue's on control and then as soon he has the green lights Magneto losing all filter– sir you're in public
The whole "we're travelling in time" right before Cable shows up trying to prevent the massacre from happening (?) telling people to stop the music, just desperate before death falls from the sky
Leech saying "Callisto's going to save us" but we just saw Callisto's corpse going cold, then "If not her, then Magneto," and Erik dying trying to do save them. "They shall be avenged" and angry tears of Magneto
Erik having to go through it all again, Erik dying with his heart broken but still saving Rogue because he do love her, having to prevent Rogue from jumping into danger and having to prevent Gambit too because Gambit would follow her into the depths of hell (just like he would). The thousand-words stare, their locked eyes
At first one must've thought that the whole telepathic headshot aimed to Jean but taking into consideration how more fierce and visceral Madelyn's reaction was I think it was directed to her actually, and Jean felt because of some remnant of psych bond
Cable's "not again-" (did this happen before?? How many times did he try to prevent this from happening?) "I'm sorry, mom" towards Madelyn I– is she dead now?
Not the first time Rogue feels Gambit skin being the only time she can't feel him. Feeling his dead body growing cold, not breathing, not being able to feel him
"we would carry the dream but never live it" got me thinking that maybe Magneto is dead despite my best hopes, that maybe Rogue is going to assume as the queen of a broken dream, a devasted land and grieving people
"how many?" well, most of them. Dazzler probably, Callisto definitely, maybe Shaw, maybe Moira, maybe Banshee
The episode starts as a love letter to mutants, to Xavier's dreams, and ends up in a bloodied massacre
Nothing's good gonna happen if you see the Watcher sneaking up and known time travellers scrambling around
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snowyh2o · 4 months
Why is nobody talking about how Lucifer doesn’t just cook and serve up Alastor’s decapitated head in his song, he also pulls out Alastor’s EYEBALLS and serves them up with his tentacles like some sorta demented spaghetti and meatballs. Also the cake lol
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uzi-doorknob · 1 year
writing fix fic about N's old life but my dad keeps disrupting my work with his aura of cringe
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lostpolarity · 3 months
omfg, when he said "You're mad that I helped her when you couldn't," I s c r e a m e d
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eaglespoet · 5 months
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im in tears someone help them pls
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Don’t even get me STARTED on how naturally protective Joel is in episode 5 of The Last of Us. Even after not trusting Sam and Henry right away he shows subtle signs of protecting them AND when he sharp shoots any infected that try and kill Ellie??? BRO. He was so feral in those moments and his main mission was to protect her and you know how much skill it has to take to be able to shoot from that distance and NOT hit Ellie??? I’m still in shambles over the entire episode and it lives rent fucking free in my head 🫡
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cleverrpgnamehere · 2 years
Currently going FUCKING FERAL over ACOFAF's new episode like
Andhera casting Darkness to make sure whomever got the crystal heart did it fair and square and then he was the one who found it, the one who was worthy, and he has the heart in his hands and finds Binx, the last of her court, the default Ruler, only recently revealed and dead set on investigating the court of Wonder for killing her court and her family, and takes her hand and gives her the crystal heart so she can have an upper hand and more pull with the rest of the archfey
And Andhera, who could have used the heart to finally prove his own lineage and his own self as worthy, who ruined his sister's chances of winning, who had the heart in his bare hand, touches Binx, skin-to-skin, which is the only way his court holds space together (sitting in the dark, a foot against a foot, a hand on the shoulder, leaning together because they can't see each other), to let her know that she is not alone here, in the Darkness he cast, and the warmth of their skin, palm-to-palm as a holy palmer's kiss, around a heart made warm with body heat
He touches her
And they are both shocked and a little taken aback, just how good the touch feels here in private, and when Andhera pulls away his hand spasms involuntarily, and Binx may be a moth but perhaps instead of being drawn to flame, she is drawn to the warm and comforting darkness
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someinstant · 2 years
So lets talk about the design of Ferrix, shall we? I mean, not the physical set qua set, which is amazing and I just sort of want to live there. But rather, let's consider the actual design style at work, okay?
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Okay. So that's the hotel in Episode 5, yeah? The one that Blevin is clearing out for the dude who wants to be a Prefect to use as his headquarters, right?
That, my friends, is a gorgeous variation on Bauhaus style. Look at those awesome curved curtain balconies, the round windows, the repeated geometric forms. Honestly, it makes me think of some photographs I've seen of Bauhaus-style apartment blocks in Tel Aviv.
Bauhaus architecture is a celebration of art, craft, form and function-- meant to be livable and practical, and also thoughtful, visually coherent, and accessible to folks of all means. It was a form of architecture that came out of the ashes of World War I in the brief, explosively creative period of the Weimar Republic.
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I absolutely love that this is the architectural form ANDOR is using for Ferrix-- it's working class. Deceptively plain, until you appreciate the sweep of the windows, the thoughtfulness and accessibility of space.
I especially love it, given its history. Because the Bauhaus movement, which began in the Weimar Republic, was outlawed under the Third Reich as part of what was identified as "degenerate art," because its emphasis on internationalism and working-class accessibility was deemed too communist and un-German.
I mean, it's not a freaking accident that the set designer, Luke Hull, decided to go with an architectural style outlawed by a fascist regime, yeah? Ugh, it's all so thoughtful.
I'm deeply interested to see what happens with the direct occupation of Ferrix in future episodes-- we're clearly headed back there at some point, and I'm interested to see what, if anything, happens to the physical space.
(Next time on SomeInstant Decides to Obsess About Architecture, we can talk about the Brutalism on Coruscant! IT'LL BE FUN!)*
*Edited to add in the link to the Brutalism discussion, because y'all are bad influences.
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nerdylilpeebee · 2 months
Just watched Season 2 episode 5 of Invincible
Spoilers below.
They better not kill Rex like this.
Like... I know Rex eventually dies in the comics, but it's not to the fucking lizard league (at least if I'm remembering right). He sacrifices himself to help stop a Viltumite. Please don't rob him of that. Please.
So unless they're deviating heavily from the comics, I refuse to believe he's gonna die next episode. And if he dies to a fucking guy with a gun, I will forever hate Show Cecil because he can literally teleport soldiers into that facility in milliseconds, there is NO reason he should be letting that happen.
DupliKate and Shrink Rae are... Well, I know that DupliKate survived to marry the Immortal, but Idk about Shrink Rae. DupliKate's probably in a state that they can still resuscitate her given all the technology they have at their disposal, but Shrink Rae is 100% dead.
That said, the big guy should have died seconds after she did. XD with the way his body bulged, his insides should be goop even IF he managed to crush her like he does. This ain't Luffy, man, he is not made of rubber. XD
Even so, solid episode, good drama, people were certainly shocked as the episode title said they would be, and of course we're getting the Sequid plotline.
Last thought to share: I refuse to like Amber. No matter how much they try to redeem her, nothing will change that she was abusive to Mark last season and that can't be fixed with pretty words and repeating the phrase "I signed up for this" when he has to leave to save lives. I'm honestly predicting that she's basically with him cuz she thinks it would be fucked up to leave him after what he went through (incredibly toxic relationships are the only thing that can be born from this).
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sowheresmyroom · 4 months
Man I'm so excited to figure out who has a leash on alastor and why
Cause the second we know that, the second we know his biggest insecurity and weakness
Which once we know THOSE, the second we can exploit them in redemption AU fanfic 👀
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funni-bird · 1 year
funny??? [Murder Drones Ep 5 Spoilers]
so I may have done a funny
Also, there will be murder drones episode 5 spoilers in this post.
You have been warned.
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absolutelybatty · 2 years
Post episode 5, Ash gets one of these bad boys to wear on her Sal arm
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I'm sorry but my sister and I were laughing so hard
Miri captures Rei's personality so well omg
And Kazuki... So perfect
I love how they made it actually look like a little kids drawing 🥹
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uzi-doorknob · 1 year
the elliots are known for many things: dumb victorian fashion, terribleness, currently being dead. also looking like shadow demons for some reason
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