#emphasis on the CREDITED
12u3ie · 1 year
Hi I am NOT normal about pottery shards and I WILL talk about them
AKA: under the cut is me explaining all the pottery shard designs out in Minecraft 1.20 snapshots as of now (March 23, 2023) in alphabetical order, going over their design and their possible meaning in the lore. Pictures of each shard will be above the text of the listed shard. Now, let's get on with it shall we?
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Angler. Starting off simple. A fishing rod with a fish at the end. The ancient society knew how to craft fishing rods and catch fish.
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Archer. A drawn bow and arrow. They crafted bows and arrows and knew how to use them. Probably related to skeletons somehow. Maybe the skeletons are them? Maybe the skeletons just stole their technology once they were gone? Unsure.
In real life, bow-and-arrow technology was revolutionary in terms of human evolution. Some archeologists even theorize that bows were the tools that began the end for our cousins, Neanderthals. But in Minecraft... who knows?
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Arms Up. A humanoid figure with their arms raised. The arms-up pose means something unknown. Perhaps a gesture of friendship, or peace? What we do know is that, for near certain, the ancient peoples were humanoid in nature, close if not near identical to modern players.
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Blade. A sword. Very similar to the standard Minecraft sword model, with a slightly different hilt. Maybe a pixel art limitation, maybe not. The ancient peoples knew how to make swords.
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Brewer. A bottle of some description. Seems like a mixed design between a glass bottle and a cauldron. Nevertheless, it has its origins in brewing. They knew how to brew potions. Did they have a different system of brewing to the modern day, or did they have access to the Nether for materials? Currently unknown.
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Burn. A flame. They knew how to make fire, or at least knew of its existence. But drawing on the last point, perhaps it's not a fire, but a blaze powder instead. The textures are oddly similar to one another.
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Danger. A creeper. Seems like these mobs have been around for a while, and have always been a pain in the backside to watch out for. Wonder if they replied to such a call of danger with "aw man."
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Explorer. A map with an X, marking a specific spot. They hid treasures in the ground likely in the same way of IRL pirates - marking a spot on a map for later. Sadly, from modern treasure maps found in shipwrecks, it seems they weren't able to get back to all their spoils in time. Also indicates they knew how to make and use maps.
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Friend. An iron golem face. The ancient peoples knew that iron golems existed and that they were protective and friendly towards them. Perhaps, building upon other, older theories, they made the iron golems themselves.
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Heart. A standard heart shape. Possibly a visualization of love. Or perhaps they had hearts within them as humans do in the real world, and this is what they looked like.
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Heartbreak. A heart broken in two down the vertical center. ...Let's go with the first assumption of the previous shard's imagery. A broken heart is often a symbol of a bad feeling over a lost relationship. The ancient society had intricate relationships between its peoples. They loved and fell out of love, in any and possibly every such meaning of the term.
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Howl. A wolf. In the words of a dear friend of mine, "They had doggies!" Or, more likely, began the process of domesticating wolves into the tamable breed we know today. At the very least, they knew of the existence of wolves, regardless of whether the ancient people-wolf relations were good or not.
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Miner. A pickaxe. The ancient peoples were able to craft tools like pickaxes to mine for resources. The pickaxe here, much like the sword, is slightly different in design to what we know today.
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Mourner. A warden. Now this... this is a very interesting one. I have my own theories that would require a bit more explaining than this format will allow for. (Maybe I will express such thoughts at a later date, if readers wish to hear them...) Let your thoughts be known in the tags!
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Plenty. An open chest. This proves that the ancient peoples had the ability to craft chests, and the need for extra storage beyond what could be carried (presumably in their inventories, if they had them).
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Prize. A gem. This is an indicator that they were able to mine for resources. Now, some sources may indicate this as a diamond. However, the shape is very distinct from that of any diamonds ever in Minecraft. This may be a completely new - or rather, very old - and different gem than anything players have seen before.
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Sheaf. A bundle of wheat. They had means of farming and collecting wheat, and perhaps other crops as well. Agriculture is a part of their culture.
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Shelter. A tree. They were able to hide from the elements underneath trees, later emulating this with their own buildings.
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Skull. A skull. This could either be the skull of a skeleton mob, from which the skull item drops today, or perhaps the skull of the deceased. They knew of skeletons and death in one form or another.
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Snort. A sniffer. This proves that sniffers existed at the same time as this ancient civilization, and that these people were in some form of contact with sniffers.
Remember that anything listed here was important enough to the society of ancient peoples to be immortalized in the art of their pottery. Each one of these has some sort of significance.
Taglist: @darubyprincxx @nightshadeowl @eagle-warri
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Husk: *flirting* On a scale of one to ten, you're a nine, because I'm the one you need.
Angel: …I'm a ten
Husk: It's a pickup line-
Angel: *clapping between syllables* I.👏 Am.👏 A.👏 Ten.👏
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ibtisams · 5 days
I hope I make it clear enough with everyone that I personally don’t verify any gofundmes, and the ones I post are all ones that have already been vetted and confirmed by Hussein, Nairuz, or a Palestinian that I trust.
It only takes a few minutes to see if a gofundme is on Hussein’s master post, you just actually have to take the time to do that and it’s clear most of you are unwilling to do something as simple as cross check a name with a list.
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josephinekhawaja · 7 months
So the villain origin story of President Snow, is that no way he could ever cut it as a boyfriend of Taylor Swift --
That boy really cannot stand to not be the only muse of a girl's entire discography.
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wonder-worker · 7 months
The duke of Clarence before-named, brother to king Edward (IV), had been fully reconciled to the king by the mediation of his sisters, the duchesses of Burgundy and Exeter (Margaret of York and Anne of York), of whom, the one without the kingdom, and the other within it, entreated the duke to make peace with his brother."
-Croyland Chronicle
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hard-times-paramore · 2 years
Gojo's actions often contradict his words
Claims he dislikes being a teacher
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But loves showing off to his students, comes up with fun and intuitive ways to teach them, makes sure they reach their true pottential and clearly enjoys the time he spends around them.
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Claims he couldn't care less for the weak
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But is ready to fight for them at the drop of an eye, no matter the risks - even before the character development in the flashback arc's
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Not to mention all the other kids he saved and stood by, like Yuta and Yuji, who would have been executed if he didn't pull all his strings and stepped up for them
Complains he hates babysitting
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But spent that entire week taking the girl he was protecting on trips to the beach he was clearly also having fun with
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And then he went and adopted two children - Megumi and Tsumiki - when he was 18. And how he loves spoiling and hanging out with his students and wants them to get along with each other.
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Why tf u lyin
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scribespirare · 5 months
why do narrators of erotica say 'cock' Like That
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sysig · 11 months
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Got ‘im (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Captain Sterling#KUP#I guess lol#He's new! Though I have been tossing around the idea of co-opting the nameless design I made years ago and retroactively making him KUP lol#I thought of this Very Funny joke on the way home and was so excited to implement it and use VUK ZIX - which is not mine btw lol#I'm not entirely sure how to credit it? AFAIK they're not here on tumblr but I'm not sure? Big big credit to eco_mono on LJ!#It's a very cool alphabet! :D There are still some parts I don't understand - like R being a vowel but O being a consonant?#Would that make ''TRO'' an acceptable name by VUX standards? :0 I do like the idea of it being a kind of push-sound I think it's neat :)#But as you can intuit by my not actually spelling his name with a C - there wasn't a C listed in the alphabet and my silly joke crumbled :'D#But when has that stopped me! I can figure it's because C is kind of phonetically extraneous with both S and K as consonants so use K!#Sterling would probably intentionally soften the ''K'' sound so it implies a ''C'' and KUP gets so mad about it lol ♪ ''I can hear that!''#Something something harshness of tone/strength of breath while speaking - subtleties of spoken language since they're so visually different#It's fun to think about ♪#There's also something funny to the difference of ''>o<'' to a human and ''>O<'' to a VUX lol ♪#And then more thoughts about phoneticisms and translation - specifically thinking about VIJ writing the Captain's name for him#I'm still going back and forth on whether Sterling's name would be translated as two or three syllables in VUK ZIX - I kinda like both tbh#Either ''SER LIN'' or ''SET TER LIN'' - the latter with emphasis on the middle syllable and a drop-off on the first#Which would take priority? Matching syllables or the consonant T break? Maybe both for different contexts??#As well as the fact that -ing sounds wouldn't really have precedent being a vowel at the beginning followed by two consonants#So the rounded G sound at the end of his name would be completely skipped over - would they even have a soft palette to constrict??#Ahh <3 It's really fun to think about!! ♫#Anyway he goes back to explain later and KUP smacks him lol#''Do not make a crass joke at the expense of my name >O('' lol
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izzyizumi · 1 year
Digimon Adventure (Series) + 2020 reboot series x Zutomayo - {note: if top is not displaying properly, check the above link!}
"STUDY ME?" / "Figure it Out?" / "I'M (/KOUSHIRO'S) NOT A 'PROBLEM' TO BE 'SOLVED'"
Featuring duo/ship/O.T.P.: KouTai / Taishiro[u]; Koushiro[u] Izumi x Taichi Yagami
It is recommended you read the lyrics before or after watching! (Check under the 'read more' for more info/lyrics!)
(Characters Koushiro is otherwise involved with, like Izumi family, Tentomon, Jou, Yamato, Menoa, and Mimi; + vs. Vademon also show briefly at times but the focus is Koushiro & 2020!Koushiro + KouTai with minor spoilers from tri, Kokuhaku, BNM, Kizuna, and 2020 + its ending)
This A.M.V. was pretty much made on a complete whim after I heard this thanks to a Japanese Taishiro/TaiKou fan on Twitter recommending another by this group as "DEFINITELY a TaiKou song" and let's just say Yes I see a Theme & Patterns going {with this group's songs+lyrics!} and I am Spilling Koushiro Thoughts Via Analysis by A.M.V. As a result it IS in actuality semi canon compliant to a very strong degree, but please keep in mind the intended pairing is mainly KouTai (though I ship various other Koushiro ships too!)
{I do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdvs (C) Toei; this is FAN MADE}
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bitchfitch · 2 years
there's a fine line between 'this is a fetish' and 'this is just trying to appeal to young children'
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bougainvilea · 1 year
feeling so frustrated
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Angel: So apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually "severe psychological distress".
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jude-apollo · 2 years
or men who act like them, if I can’t hack it / with the real thing /
if I fuck a man / I want it to hurt
I want to sink my teeth into your consciousness / and hold on for far too long
I want my breath / on your neck / to make you forget that God exists
I want my body to mean something / more than the meaning you’ve spent your whole life chasing /
I want my body /
to be your blasphemy /
to supersede the numinous and overcome the control of your position / I want you to want me / more than you want to save yourself.
Original poem by me, @piperset. Might post more poetry on here idk
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pallases · 1 year
okay sooo the english minor is definitely possible w what i have planned but i didn’t get the chance to talk to my engineering advisor abt it bc she spent so much time talking abt me potentially taking physics over the summer 😖 ce n’est pas bien
#personal#the engineering chronicles#the english chronicles#<- new tag hopefully it can stick around 👀#there is a very specific reason why i Need to talk to my engineering advisor abt the english minor so. aaaaaaaaaaa#like it is technically possible there’s not like any school policy blocking or hindering me w it like i thought there might be bc of the#specific way i would need to go through w it. but it could very much be disastrous bc it would have to overlap w a major part of the#engineering major that is typically isolated on its own like the program catalogs set it aside as the Only thing you have going on for a#whole semester. i would only need to tack one 3-credit class alongside each semester for it to pull off the minor but i don’t know if even#that would work or if it would if it’s strongly recommended against etc which i wanted to bring up but we ran out of time#she would have stayed on to talk to me abt it if i mentioned it but i foolishly scheduled the english advising appointment directly#afterward so i had to leave so i wouldn’t be late for it 💀 wrdhdjfkeitodjdkg#ALSOOO actually the english minor might Not be possible bc i mapped it out for a mech emphasis and now it turns out electrical might be#better so. in conclusion i don’t know what’s going on <3#‘not be possible’ as in im not sure there would be any room for it#although i think there probably would be bc i mapped out an electrical emphasis last year and iirc it was actually less intensive than mech#but obviously i will need to revisit that to make sure#i don’t remember if it was actually less intensive or if it just didn’t require a ton of classes only available over the summer like mech
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agentravensong · 1 year
weird thing from trying to look up who writes for the pokémon games: there isn’t a dialogue design section in the scarlet/violet credits, when there was one for all the previous games (at least as far back as bw) up to sword/shield? and it doesn’t have a clearly labeled “story team” like sword/shield and legends arceus do either?
according to the page on fandom (which is a shitty site i know but i assume they just transcribed the video credits), there’s a “story section”, but it’s broken down into “movie graphic design”, motion capture and actors, “action” support and coordinators, and “story partners”, which lists… two different companies, DCG Entertainment Inc. and ILCA, Inc.
there’s a whole “planning” section of the credits which lists people credited for “event scene planning” and “event technical planning” (in additional to field planning, battle planning, and the 1 guy credited for the main scenario), the former of which i’m assuming are the actual main “writers” in the traditional prose sense. though i think it’s worth noting that sun/moon at least had sections of the credits for both “event planning” and “game dialogue design”
i get that writing in video games is a lot more complicated and multilayered than other mediums, but… i’m not wrong that this is a weird way to organize / frame this, right? to leave out specific credits for story / dialogue / character writing? just, comparing the way these credits are laid out in comparison to legends arceus or sword/shield in this specific aspect, the other versions make more sense to me.
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punk-rockrz · 2 years
can we use your art as icons? with credit?
Hi! Absolutely, id be honored!
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