#eight pictures
spaceotter42 · 2 years
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Luke Mullen reunited with Sofia Wylie at the Season 3 premiere of “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series.”  The event was held at Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California, July 27.  They’re with celebrity interviewer Lisa Hiser.
It’s nice to see Luke is described as a “star of Andi Mack,” and he’s still being invited to Disney events.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 6 months
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Alright guys! I finally got that tingly feeling that I should do this kind of love reading. I still didn't want to make this a future spouse reading because I honestly overthink the concept, like "um divorces happen!" or some people just don't believe in marriage, but I thought I'd do something adorable and Christmas related. I hope that you guys enjoy!
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Pile One🎄
Their letter to Santa
Dear Santa, For so long I've been in the darkness, alone with the glass pieces of my heart, thinking that it's better this way for me to be on own. I don't believe in fairy tales anymore and my ability to imagine a world where I can be in love with someone and in that same way be loved back. My mind is splintered to where I flinch the minute someone to me gets close or when they mention a promise, that I without a doubt know they won't keep. Socially, I feel numb, meeting allegedly new people, seems to be a broken record in different physiques. If you could grant me any present in the world, would you change my definition of what I know to be love? Falling away from the stranger(s) that used to be who I knew from head to toe, has damaged my beliefs that I'm worthy of something more. And should you succeed in bringing my love, may they be my most divine contradiction in my life. My love will be someone new, yet possess familiarty in which I'll take pleasure in spending the rest of my lifetime finding all of the ways that we just understand each other. The sound of their voice and the words that they speak will be the fire that warms instead of scorching me. They'll be my rock that I won't have to tip toe around. Right now, I ask for their forgiveness for the person that I am right now, but for every tear that I currently shed to release the pain of my troubles in romance, builds my strength to be the person that really loves again, and the confidence to give my all despite my mistakes in giving it to the wrong people. Don't let my reserved aura fool you, deep down, I'm a hopeless romantic, that will work hard to find any and every single way to give you the world to prove the depth of my feelings for you. The same way that I'm learning my lessons, you are too, we both share that agony of why this has to hurt so much, but it's the bitter that goes along with the sweet to lead us to each other in the end.
Your Christmas Traditions:
Life with your partner could already be luxurious, meaning they gift you with presents on a regular basis that are both as an expression of love and desire to get the things that you want, so Christmas, traditionally, will feel like a normal day. What makes it stand out to you guys as a couple is how you guys seem to always unlock a new level of intimacy around this time of the year. For you or them, Christmas could make some not so good feelings resurface and put someone in a mood. Whatever that may trigger this, it usually leads to a peaceful resolution that doesn't just prolong the tension for another day. It's like getting to the root of the issue that'll eventually lead you and your partner to a place of comfort, understanding, and confirmation that this relationship isn't based on surface level things.
Pile Two 🎄
Their Letter to Santa:
Dear Santa, There's this ethereal figure in my dreams that I keep seeing. Without a doubt, I know that this is my person. And maybe it's not realistic to ask for you to make the time go faster for us to encounter each other in real life, but I really want answers, I'm craving to know this person. Their face alone, is enough to put me into hypnosis. Not knowing what their voice sounds like, ignites my obsession. I've never been a believer of the supernatural, or even a big fan of religion, but this sensation of the person of my dreams that makes me desire to stay asleep, has to be an indication that we're spiritually connected. I know this person doesn't say a word in both their presence of visions in day and night, but I have this clawing feeling that you're what home feels like. To the lover of my fantasies, I  know you spiritually, but emotionally, with you, I'll finally have someone that doesn't think my expression of feeling is a foreign language. I could talk to you for hours without getting bored and your nature in every capacity makes me feel that you're out of this world with a love that I'm determined to study and reciprocate. I'm already amazed by how gorgeous you are but indubitably I know I'll be stunned everytime I'm by your side watching you prove to me that magic on Earth is real. You're the breathing proof of it and I can't help but be adored by you and the way that you perceive making the most out of the challenges that you face and conquer.
Your Christmas Traditions:
You and your life partner BREATHE for Christmas. Valentine's day may be special but Christmas is the time that you guys will be all over each other. You guys could go all out this holiday, by buying and wearing matching pajamas, playing board games with each other, watching marathons of Christmas themed movies, maybe you guys have a specific drink like hot chocolate, egg nog, or cookies that you love to stock up on. You guys could also be the type to take a vacation around this time by renting out a cabin, or taking a trip to Disney World. This is normal for you guys and you aren't aware of this jubilant vibe that you have together but it makes others wanting to share the joy you have. Your public presence as a couple during Christmas is the type that will make a person want to use you guys as their mood board or inspiration to daydream about the love that that they'd kill to have. You guys are the power couple in terms of playfulness, affection, and how unique you guys embody your partnership. You could also experience people asking you for advice for how to liven up their own relationships. You guys are just that cute with each other.
Pile Three 🎄
Their Letter to Santa:
Dear Santa, I have a good feeling that the person that I will view as my everything is currently contemplating if there's something that they should change about themselves, but do me this favor homie and give my sweet firecracker this message. You. Yeah you. You know who you are. You are a boss! Walking royalty in this world that's meant to take up space, of course there are gonna be some jerks that want to dim your light, but the people who can't handle how bona-fide and wealthy your aura is, are people who are uncomfortable with the fact that they don't possess the tools to handle the blessing that you are. You were never asking for too much and don't let the grinch or scrooge convince you that you aren't enough. Believe me, I wish that fate would allow me to show up in your life right now, but you're meant to learn how precious your attributes you are. You're a damsel that can save yourself, who is meant to climb into power and achieve many things. I'm currently healing my tendencies of being codependent so that I don't distract you from your prosperity or project my insecurities onto you and make you think that it's you, it's not. Be patient, but don't get rid of how bold you are love or choose sides in how you're capable of being silly and someone with authority. Your strength isn't in your silence, but in your intelligence and maturity to express to others your feelings and what your needs are. You'll always be on top, even on days where you feel like you're at rock bottom. Keep pushing, things will make sense soon. You won't just find me in your happily ever after, you'll find your soul tribe too. And we will ALL match your energy. Trust me. Everything that you think is complicated about you is why we're grateful for you.
Your Christmas Traditions:
You and your life partner share a common tragedy and belief. You guys may have experienced toxicity in your family that inspires the both of you to do things differently with your own family. Christmas time is pivotal for you as a couple, because it influences you to reflect but also to take action on how well you guys do as a household. Your Christmas Traditions could be about trying your best to make sure that there's peace, openess, but most importantly your presence if guys have children together. You could go all out with making sure that they have the best presents, that they have the best indication that they're safe with you guys as parents, and that you make the most pleasant and fun memories that will symbolize how much that not just you and your life partner love each other but making sure that your children know how much they're loved by you.
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a-soft-fluffy-nerd · 1 year
Callout post for Seanan McGuire, author of the hit book series, Wayward Children-- I mean criminal mastermind
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As you can see by this very official and very clearly cited and sourced and verified claim with no basis, my adorable and precious and sweet cat has been THIEFED and SCRUNKLED and SMARTENED by none other than @seananmcguire , author of the recently published Lost in the Moment and Found, part of the Wayward Children series (which is quite good-- I mean a fiendish ploy to catnap my baby girl).
Pictured above, is the DESCRIPTION of what they had DONE to my BABY by my best friend ACE RESEARCHER.
Here is my poor little baby who has done no wrong ever in her whole life and is just a little creature.
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Look at her. Sleek. Commanding. Pristine. Orange and therefore dumb as a bag of rocks.
How daaaare you take my baby and un-himbo her. How daaaare you scrunkle such a sleek child. This needs to be dealt with promptly with the fullest extent of my power!
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So yeah anyways if you could spread this around that'd be great because everyone needs to see my child-- I mean get more eyes on this series-- I mean BRING SEANAN TO JUSTICE.
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ribs02 · 6 months
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back on my bullshit
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rexbalistidae · 3 months
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Concept art candide. I like to imagine that her concept art was actually just her before shadow government buisness. Lol I know I said I would stop drawing for this fandom but I just like this character a lot so I’m gonna sporadically post her.
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py6oto · 8 months
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i made these 3 at school. i guess this also means pyto art is back. hi guys :3 i wanted to continue aitober, so here we go, starting from where we left it off.
"but pyto october is still going wouldn't it be easier to do the current prompts and then finish the delayed ones later" No
im gonna WRAP aitober up on time hopefully !! ill try to finish as many delayed prompts as i can daily (i might even send out a few more this very same day, since these take a very short amount of time each unless i become posessed by picasso) (lets hope it doesn't come to that.)
also, who else is going to see the fnaf movie tomorrow? bc i am :) im very excited.
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zeltqz · 21 days
Honestly I’m so tiered of all this OlDeR mEn things…like yeah you kind find someone who’s way older than you attractive but I genuinely don’t understand how can you interact like this with them. Like bro ur literally a CHILD from their perspective…THEY ARE PREDATORS
older guys is fine sure, but if hes old enough to be your father? and youre into that shit? GET THERAPY PLEASE. THATS NOT NORMAL OML. just thinking of being witha guy who was my dads age when i was an infant is literally disgusting im sorry. i cant condone big age gaps like that.
nothing wrong with a ten year age gap or something, but TWENTY? THIRTY? FOURTY? BROTHER EUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
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lagt-duck · 2 months
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As the people asked
I now present Idiot! /Hj
More rambling under
Okay so I know like every demon all the disciples should be ugly af
But I cannot in good faith draw an ugly pig, pigs are ADORABLE!!! This annoying piece of shit however-
Okay so at first I tried for a realistic looking pig (as the bottom left will show ya) he was supposed to have jewel like eyes, but them I just looked up some cute pig drawings and I couldn't resist, he still gets more fur on him then the average pig because I think looking a bit more like a boar would make him look virtually more "scary".
Now his shirt and pants I borrowed from most versions of the character, but i REEEAAALLLY wanted to include the polka dot headkerchief.
His rake has actually 9 points like it's supposed to in the book. But not the snake handle because I read that part later.
That said I like the idea of his eyes squishing and morphing depending on the expression he is making, also yes his eyebrows were inspired by that bear plushie "I'm mad" gif.
His overall body is very round shapes over round shapes.
Also this guy deserves everything that happens to him.
If you guys have more questions my ask box is open
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transsongtaewon · 5 days
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I think my inability to be consistent about sizes implies that expecting tongue makes you larger? I have elected not to worry about that
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punster-2319 · 1 year
*Even though Spirited Away had its initial release in Japan the previous year, it had its wide-release in 2002 and was nominated for Best Animated Film (and won) for that year so that’s why I didn’t include it in the 2001 poll in case anyone was wondering.
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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… coming this week! 🌸
[ I unfortunately "lost the footage" (aka gshade didn't take my screenshots) of the extra challenge I ran to determine the two winners I initially forgot, so they will be surprise reveals throughout the week! The order for the upcoming dates have been randomized! ]
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paigemathews · 6 months
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abi’s three hundred one hundred follower celebration: choose your three favorite charmed ships | chris halliwell & bianca atwood
the absolutely chokehold these two have on me. enemies to lovers. changing sides and becoming a better person. finding love when you didn’t think yourself worthy of it. finding this one piece of happiness is a world destroyed and having to sacrifice it to the save the world that never did anything for you. risking your love on the hope that you’ll meet again in a new world.
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i may lose some of you here. but listen. lavender marriage stobin who turkey baste some kids and run a burger place together and now they're platonic bob and linda with three super weird kids who they love dearly
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sionisjaune · 11 months
Cardiac surgeon Lewis and anesthesiologist Nico, his ex from med school (the worst years of his life), forced to spend hours together during surgery because they are unfortunately the best in their respective practices… this is a good metaphor for Nico joining the Sky commentary team post silver war
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arizaluca · 1 month
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Hmmmm, wonder what this is....
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daughterofhecata · 2 months
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the perfect part about it is: it's all that i've got
a.k.a the Dad!Skinny AU
Zehn Jahre nach seinem Abschluss kehrt Peter nach Rocky Beach zurück um seine Arbeit im neu enstandenen Jugendzentrum anzutreten. Und muss feststellen, dass sein neuer Kollege niemand anders ist als Skinny Norris.
In den Nebenrollen: Kelly, Dylan, Skinnys Tochter, Peters Patentochter, diverse OCs und canon Charaktere; Soziale Arbeit, Queerness, soziale Probleme und natürlich die Spannung, die entsteht, wenn man sich zehn Jahre nicht gesehen hat, einander immer noch nicht leiden kann... aber genau das lernen muss. Und dabei vielleicht ungeplant Gefühle entwickelt.
hier auf ao3 // hier auf ff.de
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