#eh what the hell ill tag it lol
ashes-in-a-jar · 2 months
Bestie. Fellow podcast fan. I saw in your recent post that podcast hiatus's are driving you insane, have you listened to wooden overcoats before? because if you haven't I just listened to it because tmagp break is driving me crazy and its very good 100% would recommend.
Omg yes I have!!
Antigone Funn my belovedddddd 😭😭😭
I was so excited to see Beth Eyre credited as [REDACTED] in episode 10 of tmagp, coming out of that locked door in the ruins of the institute
I (and the world) need more Beth Eyre creechurs lurking in the shadows and scaring poor unsuspecting bystanders
Thank you for the suggestion! There are a few shows I'm binging right now, you're also welcome to join me if you wish!
Liberty podcast, scifi from the makers of the white vault, I think it's one of their first creations and it's been on my list for a while. I'm on episode 6 and so far the world building is intriguing and I'm already getting attached to the team on the research expedition going out from their safe high tech city to the dangerous post apocalyptic parts of their world
The orphans, another scifi horror of survivors of a crashed ship who lost their memory and are being chased around on a strange planet by multiple threats. I'm on episode 3 and each and every person in this is the poorest little meow meow you've ever met, including the deteriorating AI who can only ever be rude to everyone around it. Actually establishes some good tension in the action scenes, something that is hard to do in podcasts and I rarely find any who succeed in doing it without compromising clear sound queues and well balanced sfx.
The liminal lands is the last podcast I'm binging. I randomly chanced upon the name and decided to pick it up. It's about a man who one day went hunting, tripped and fell and no-clipped into an alternate reality where no one else exists and time and electricity are on the fritz. I'm on episode 3, it's a beginner's passion project so the acting and sound is challenging to anyone used to high quality but the story is fascinating and keeps me hooked and the crisp southern accents definitely help. It's like a podcast version of the backrooms and it definitely manages to convey the same kind of eeriness.
Oops I went off lol, hope this is somehow helpful even if you didn't ask for it 😅
And yes I fully agree about wooden overcoats everyone should listen to it asap it's so good!!
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twildflower · 20 days
Long awaited doodle dump lmaooo its cut off bc i have some i want to spotlight and they make the post too long n i dont wanna like clog up peoples tl :3
Also mature tag is bc i talk abt some rlly uh fucked up stuff under cut
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This is like um sorry i was in a silly goofy chinese mode whoopsies i did translate it tho its not direct translation bc uh chinese and english diff umm its kinda weird in english it’s actually more like green saying did gold teach you that again but i like my personal translation better also look at my handwriting that every single person ive known in my life say is ugly as fuck wooooooo
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Hehe Silver in Golds clothes and Reds hat :3 i like this alot i was gonna add gold and red as you can see but i didnt finish yet I’ll probably repost it when i draw it
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バニバニガール!i love すりぃ’s バニー go check it out its a really fun song about bunny (girl)s also damn. That hand. It does not look like its drawn by me.
Cutoff here theres a few doodles im not too proud of/not very uh rated e for everyone/random doodles so they will be under the cut B)
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Silver with like ribbon tied on his hair :3
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This is based off like a pixiv artist’s regold drawings of like red taking gold’s eye n eating it or smth im very interested in like this specific. Uh. Thing. Niche? Idk i just like the idea of like. Hehe. Stolen eye or smth sorry im very sick in the head :3 i see alot of like amputation and other weird stuff on pixiv too from like all the fandoms ive been in but thats not really my thing i really like this eye thing tho okay what the hell im marking this thing as mature im talking abt way too mature stuff
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Eerr random eye doodle that turned into a full thing but i wanted to draw goggles too so eh its not very correct tho lmao also hi yes my ugly ass handwriting again i think its fine as long as its not unintelligible yk I don’t know why like everyone i know well most people say its bad like. Grow up at least its readable >:(
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This one makes me want to mark this post as mature but ehhhh nah ‘s fine i think. This was written before the second one sorry. I will just be fr now I have been drawing so many like this kinda faces and sometimes anatomy poses bc!!!! I am drawing. Cool. This is just the one that looks better after a few practices lol. :3 Also i like drew the small part of the hair somewhere but idk where’s that paper my whole school binder is just fucking messy af bc i keep going thru where my doodles are. So yeah that thing is probably never going to be found again until i throw papers away or study for exams which is like a month later i think idk im gonna kms i hate maths im so failing mathswhy is it functions i dont understand shit
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The fucking maid day doodle thing its so fucking ugly lmaooooo pls im gonna die
Sorry i did not realized i rambled so much under almost every doodle im very scatterbrained im actually so sorry i dont know why i do this im going to fucking cry i do this with literally anything even in schoolwork okay its so laye i haeto sleep maybe ill edit the long brambles out on laptop tmr my phone is lagging the shit out
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g4rous · 3 years
Sunlit memories (Garou x reader)
tags: slight mentions of blood, no warnings really
words: 1.3k
notes: hi lol finally dropped the second chapter of the fic, feel free to tell me your thoughts again it means the world 💕
series masterlist
previous chapter
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Chapter two
It had already been a week since that odd encounter with the mysterious guy, nonetheless you didn’t think much of it. The days weren’t as scorching as before, tempting you to go to the park to sketch even more. On one of your strolls you’ve noticed a cat lazing around your building and much to your glee it let you pet it almost every time it passed by. Despite occasionally having some work on your hands you even managed to clear away those 2 month-old boxes from when you first moved into your new apartment, finally tempted to call over a friend or two so they could see what you did with the place. At last you were getting used to the city and routines.
Well, at least that’s how you wanted it to be.
In reality the past week has been intriguing as it was chaotic. Monsters have been popping up and wreaking havoc even more fluently than before, making you question was moving here a mistake. Your daily strolls in that peaceful park reduced greatly with so much unease in the air. Even passing by one of the cafés wasn’t as soothing as before, since instead of music you only heard the citizens’ nervous chatter and rumors, most prominently about some “nutcase that hunts heroes for a hobby”. At this point walking home alone even after a relaxing day seemed straight up spine-chilling. To top it off “that dude” from before coincidentally just happened to cross paths with you almost every day, and you weren’t sure was it plain hilarious or just ridiculously awkward.
Be it at that same, now mostly deserted park from before, catching him speaking to some kid with a book in hand, or just in the passageway of one of the many alleys in the city, your curiosity grew even more. And the fact his occasional bruised, even bloody form caught your eyes more than once didn’t help. Even so, you’d always give a small wave, which he would (awkwardly) return. Truth be told, you were keen on actually starting a normal conversation with the man whose name still remained unknown. Why not? He doesn’t seem ill-mannered despite all the mystery surrounding him, too bad your plan to befriend often got spoiled by the fact he always seemed so preoccupied with something.
And here you are, waiting for the coffee machine at the nearest mini-market to deliver your drink while trying desperately not to glance over to that same man picking out what bag of chips to steal. (And yes, you bore witness to that before as well.)
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” you sighed internally, keeping your eyes on the drink in-the-making.
Oddly enough, this actually seemed like a good opportunity to say hello. The machine finally finished its work, allowing you to take a good whiff of the delightful hot drink in your hands before taking a long waited sip.
“Eh, isn’t as good as when I make it but this’ll do.”
After glancing at him one more time, you mustered up the courage to walk in his direction. Though, as soon as you turned around someone else bumped into you, almost spilling your drink. A hero, to be exact. A tall man with black markings on his eye matching with his onyx hair, beside him three more who you couldn’t identify; one practically naked, the only clothing on him being a thong, heels and butterfly wings, one with light blond hair decorated with a peach headband and the last one wearing a dark expensive-looking suit with avocado patterns. Definitely didn’t see that one before.
The tall one was quick to apologize, to which you only gave a small, reassuring smile. Trailing your eyes to the other three, you noticed their stern, focused expressions, giving you the impression they didn’t come here for some junk food and sweets.
“Wonder what they’re up to,” you pondered after taking your eyes off them.
“Well, doesn’t matter to me anyways.”
After taking a small circle around the isle in front of you, the silver-haired teen was at long last close enough to converse with. Despite being right next to him, much to your surprise he didn’t bat an eyelid after you gave your signature wave.
“Um, I’m sure you already saw me when you came in but still-” you continued with a nervous smile“-I felt like I just had to say hi.”
And again you were greeted with more silence before he finally took the chips and turned the other way.
“Ah, sure. See ya then.”
“Yo, what?”
Was this some kind of a joke? Even that one haughty girl you remember you disliked in middle school wouldn’t give a response so numbingly dry.
Before you managed to ask any more questions, the man glanced over at your direction for a brief moment.
“Quit talking, they’re gonna think we’re friends or something.”
Standing there with a deadpan expression, drink still in hand you watched as he nonchalantly exited the store without the clerk noticing that unpaid bag of chips. At this point you regret even thinking about befriending him.
“So much for socializing,” you rolled your eyes and took another sip.
“Might just get a bag of chips myself. And pay for it.”
Sunlight shone from the store’s humble display window onto the handful of isles, making it look like a scene from some nostalgic 90s movie. Lost in thoughts, you stared at your sunlit reflection on one of the glass panes. The radio played one of your favorite songs, making you wish to stay in that comfy mini-market just a minute or two longer. Well, if only you didn’t turn around to see a bald man with a ridiculous-looking outfit and a horror-struck face trying to bargain the clerk to accept his expired coupons.
“Yeah, let’s just get out of this store already.”
Despite all the eccentric behavior you bore witness to today, one thing was still faintly clinging on to your mind as you walked down the almost empty street. Still somewhat irritated from that remark earlier, you’ve began to wonder what was that about in the long run, but on second thought you didn’t feel like getting any more annoyed.
You let out a small sigh before glancing at your phone. Looking ahead, now you were somewhat tempted to take a few good pictures of the sunlight reflecting on the eerie looking district about a hundred meters away. It was a ghost town filled with ghastly rumors, even so still incredibly intriguing.
“Huh, I wonder does anyone live there?”
However the instant those thoughts came to mind, your attention was drawn over to the alley on your left with its ruckus. You could’ve sworn to have heard some men shouting, yet before you even thought of retreating the other way you had already caught a glimpse of the commotion.
Two men lay sprawled out on the concrete, that half-naked hero and the one with the peach headband, both with a battered face. And if that sight didn’t stop you in your tracks, the familiar man behind the other two standing heroes from the store did.
That same silver-haired teen smirked at the two men equally battered as the ones unconscious on the floor. In spite of the blood trickling down his bruised fists, he kept an unshakeable stance. To say you couldn’t believe what you were seeing was an understatement. Just who the hell is this guy and what was he doing?
Just as he was seemingly about to make a remark towards the two heroes your presence caught him by surprise, which the two used slyly for an attack.
One made what seemed like a small smokescreen and afterwards all that was heard was the sound of the old parts of the building’s walls crumbling down. For a moment you were unsure whether to call someone to help or just back away from the scene altogether, not that it mattered since all you heard was a loud shout before black clouds overcame your vision.
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itadorii-yuuji · 3 years
Tag games
tagged by noufi; @aominne thank you so much for the tag! 💗🌟
why did you choose your url?
bc of itadori yuji ofc! i just love him sm <3
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
nope don’t have any!
how long have you been on tumblr?
umm for a couple of months ill say, i think it’s going to be almost a year! 🙃
do you have a queue tag?
nope don’t got one!
why did you start your blog in the first place?
during quarantine, i was bored and didn’t really have nothing to do, so then i just ran into tumblr and then yea! here i am now :)
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
bc it’s nezuko she’s just so cute! must protect at all cost!
why did you choose your header?
bc i just love all three of them! plus i myself love butterflies 🦋 <3
what's your post with the most notes?
hehe i don’t post here! I reblog 😌
how many people do you follow?
about 600+ people! it’s mostly all anime blogs, kpop blogs, & art/fanart blogs!
have you ever made a shitpost?
um i don’t remember lol , maybe?! ..
how often do you use tumblr?
ill say a lot, i will get in here “like” (♡) some of my mutuals & the people I follow content, reblog like 20+ posts and then im gone & do the same thing 3hrs later :)
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
no, everyone here is so sweet how can i?! i never even gotten and anon hate! im surprised lol
how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this post'?
it’s like eh, you feel like your forced to lol but i never really ran into something like that 😂
do you like tag games?
do you like ask games?
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
pshshehs a lot! definitely! there are so many that are super talented <3
do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope lol
tagged by joann; @yukihikos & noufi; @aominne thank so much! 💘✨
rules: choose 1 picture from your camera roll without downloading to sum up your personality and then tag 5 people
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i dont know what the hell this is! lmao 😭
tagging: @kagehjna @xgojou @uchihha @sukunalogy @kazu-miyuki @robinzoros @jolinekujo — for one of the tag games or none lol
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Survey #461
“this city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me?”
Have you ever wanted a Nikon camera? Or do you have one already? My camera before the one I have now was a Nikon D3200. I use a Canon now. Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? A friend. Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I have it, but I barely use it nowadays. I use it to edit photos for character profiles or profile pictures, add a watermark for my actual photography, and I used to make Mark-oriented gifs like crazy. They mostly did really well, so... I might wanna get back into that and get That Sweet Validation. Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? No. Have any of your exes gotten married or had kids since your breakup? None, I think. Do either of your parents have a mental illness? My mom has depression. Can you tolerate children for a long period of time? NO. Have you ever lived with someone you felt thoroughly uncomfortable around? No. Are you into dubstep? Yeah, I tend to enjoy it. Zelda or The Sims games? Can I pick neither? lol I don't feel very much at all for The Sims, and Zelda games have always looked... boring to me? Like I've watched most of the Game Grumps' playthroughs of all the games, and they make it hilarious of course, but the games themselves? Nah. Are you terrible at assigning bands their proper genre? YES YES YES YES YES YES. Even in my preferred category, that being metal, FUCK if I know the sub-genre. Have you ever made out in a closet? No, that shit sounds claustrophobic as hell. Have you ever been to a laser tag place? Yeah, on a triple-date once! It was SO fun. How do you wanna celebrate your next birthday? Have a couple friends over, pig out at The Cheesecake Factory. o3o Do you tease your parents about them being old? No, especially not Mom. She's self-conscious about getting older. Are you in love with someone? "In love" is a bit too far, buddy. But I love someone. Have you ever ridden a unicycle? No. Have you ever wanted a pet bunny? I was VERY serious about getting a lop-eared bunny for quite a while, but we just couldn't afford to adopt one (even off Craigslist) and get a cage for it, toys, etc. Are the bottom of your feet clean? I HATE seeing the bottom of my feet. Not because they're dirty, but because it's Callus City. I ain't even fuckin jokin'. Do you like really salty food? Yeah. :x When’s the last time you bled a lot? Well, I just recently finished my cycle after not menstruating for three or four MONTHS, so you can figure that one out. Have you ever watched a needle go into your own skin? Yeah. I like to know exactly when it's coming. Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo? Yes to both. When you’re done eating finger foods, do you usually lick your fingers? Usually kasdjlf;kalsdjf shut up ok I like food. What’s the most racist thing you have ever said? As a little kid, when my really good friend (a neighborhood kid, even) asked if he thought we'd be a good couple, I told him no because "blacks and whites don't date" or something like that. It was an idea I'd never been exposed to before; the idea was so foreign to little kid me. I had no idea I was being racist. It ended in a small fight and we didn't talk for a few days 'til he came to my house telling Mom that he had to "be a man" and fix this and if that ain't the cUTEST SHIT RIGHT THERE. We were friends again after that. He's still on my Facebook, and he actually semi-recently got married! :') Do you know someone that is mute, deaf or blind? No. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? No. Does weed smell good? Or no? Ugh, no. Where do you see your closest friend in ten years? Successful and happy she kept pushing. Mama to so many reptiles that are blessed with the best lives possible in human care. Got at least one amazing book out there. If she's reading this, you've fucking got this. <3 Would you like to have twins? Mother of fucking god, no. Even if I WANTED kids, do fucking not give me twins. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? My mom. Want to have kids before you’re 30? Once again, I don't want kids, but IF I did, that'd be preferable before the risk of birth defects and other issues climb with age. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? My older sister has my initial. Do you think somebody’s in love with you? No. Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in ten years? Yes, I genuinely do. Who were the last people to hang out at your house? Miss Tobey, our friend and landlord. Does anyone like you? Welp... I hope he still does. Guess we'll figure that out soon. What person on your Facebook do you talk to the most? VIA Facebook? Probably my friend Lyndsey. She likes to comment on stuff I share. Do you want to fall in love? I do, but I'm also utterly horrified to and risk being hurt again. Are you interested in more than one person at the moment? No. Once I realized I was so deeply into Girt, all other romantic feelings kinda just... poofed. How was your last break up? Civil and done with both of our best interests in mind. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to say? Probably the first time I admitted I needed to go to the hospital for suicidal thoughts. I was so, so scared of what it was going to be like. What is the hardest thing you NEEDED to hear? That if Jason wasn't happy with me, he had every right to move on. She was right. Do you treat yourself well? No... but I'm trying to change that. What was the last song you sang out loud to? This "Set Fire to the Rain" cover. Do you take good pictures? I think I do? Have you ever done any internship? No. What’s a topic you’ve drastically changed your opinion on? Holy shit, so much, especially when it comes to morality and political stances. I am now a massive supporter and member of the LGBTQ+ community, I'm pro-trans rights, pro-choice... I've done like a dozen 180s in a lot of topics. Do you know anyone who has a PhD? I mean, some doctors, but no one in my truly personal life. Do you know anyone who works as a lawyer? Yes: my cousin. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? LAKSDJFKLA;JWD NEVER AND I PRAY TO THE HOLY LORD THAT I NEVER DO. Does the thought of having wrinkles when you’re older upset you? Not massively? Like literally everyone gets them and is natural and inevitable. Do you know anyone who’s struggling with addiction? I know one alcoholic, and one that's probably borderline. I also have two friends who are extremely addicted to weed. Look me in the eyes and say it's not an addictive substance and I wouldn't believe you one bit. Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? Eh, sometimes World of Warcraft. Some days I'm really into it, and others I barely touch it. What’s your favorite Disney Channel movie? I have no clue. I don't even remember movies that were made *for* Disney exclusively. Do you ever have to do yard work? No. We have a friend from the dance studio mow the lawn. Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? My iPod has a whole live album of Ozzy. Did you or do you listen to Britney Spears songs? Both did and do. Britney is a boss bitch. Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? Male. Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? No, but I've seen some of that P!nk music video of the song and it brings out the Gay in me. Do you have a key to anything besides your house? No. Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? I've done that before. I miss doing puzzles... Have you ever been to any sort of convention? I went to a reptile expo with Sara!! I REALLY want to go to another when my legs are stronger and can handle standing and walking so much. Is your mom or dad the older parent? Mom. Have you ever tried to walk on a moving vehicle and fallen over? No????? What is your favourite kind of bread? Is there any of that in your house? Pumpernickel. No. Are/were you in the school band, and if so, what instrument did you play? I played the flute all through middle school and I wanna say half of HS. Have you ever ordered an unusual drink at a bar? Never even been to one. Have you ever been pulled aside by security at the airport? I think once for some reason I don't recall? What is your favourite seasonal candy? (only available at certain times) Gingerbread men, probs. Or chocolate bunnies!!! :') How do you feel right now? My stomach is KILLING me. I'm super excited though that Girt is coming over tomorrow. Have you ever had surgery that kept you in the hospital for over a day? No. What would you like your generation to change? How we treat nature. Is there anyone that you truly could not live without? No. I learned that is a very unhealthy mentality to have. Do you like carrots more if they’re raw, or cooked? I just hate carrots. What restaurant did you last go out to dinner at with friends? With friends? I couldn't even guess. Does your refrigerator have an ice maker or do you use ice cube trays? It has an ice maker. Do you have a favorite sibling, if any? No; I love them all. Do you have a favorite brand of clothing? I STAN CLOAK. How’s the love life? Something new might start tomorrow. I think it will. Do you watch the news? No; that shit is depressing. Who do you admire most? Mark. Do you have a favorite album? Black Rain by Ozzy Osbourne takes the cake and always will.
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brightokyolights · 4 years
I just saw your tags on the "harry was oppressed" post. Might elaborate on that when you are not tired? How Zayn was oppressed? His relationship to ot4. Other celebrities? I love your thoughts!
*cracks knuckles* buckle your seat belts folks we’re in for a wild ride here lmao.
also for context *here* is the post this anon is referring to
I think to start off i should just make a little disclaimer, everything i am going to discuss will be based in my biases probably seeing as I am also a brown British Pakistani person who is Muslim. Zayn has been someone that especially when i was younger I looked up to and was very essential in my journey of learning to love and accept myself and my culture tbh. It’s cheesy as hell but it’s true and i think this is important to know before I go into this more because like I said i am definitely biased towards him. Another thing is that I’m just going to be discussing my personal opinions and also my memory is not very good so i will probably miss out a lot of other things that happened/could be discussed. please dont take this as anything more than just. my opinion.
A thing that really opened my eyes to racism and especially the racism in the 1d fandom was the day that zayn left. I dont think thats what the post above was about btw and ill go into that but i kind of just want to talk about this. The day he left was. a severe mess. Not only because it was obviously upsetting but because of all the bs that people were spouting about a situation that absolutely no one had any context on. the statement that was released on facebook gave us nothing. literally just stated that zayn was leaving the band and the accusations and hatred people were directing towards zayn when we didnt know what actually fucking happened (and still dont might i add) was disgusting. people accusing him of being selfish and how they hated him and why he had to ruin everything. Accusing him of using mental illness as an excuse and lying about it and so much more. i had unfollow more than half of the people i followed that day. it really opened my eyes to the fact that these were all thoughts and opinions people had underneath it all and zayn was fine as long as he was part of 1d and giving people what they wanted. which was essentially being the token in the group and once he wasnt providing that anymore? people turned and people turned fast.
i think its also important to point out the flip side of it and that was zayn stans saying that 1d were nothing without 1d etc. i want to talk about why this was different from ot4 stans hating zayn. of course it wasnt nice to see or hear EVERYONE arguing with each other. i hated it so much. but i think what people failed to realise was that when it comes to situations like this you need to look deeper and think about all the nuances of the situation. zayn stans being happy about zayn leaving the band and saying 1d was going to die i did not agree with. anyone who knew me then and knows me now knows that i am a 1d stan regardless (preferably ot5 but i supported 1d until the end even as a 4some) BUT these opinions were rooted in his mistreatment in the band and the racism he was having to face as a result of being in the band etc etc i apologise for not being a person who can better describe and explain this situation but hopefully you are getting the picture. when fans were hating on zayn. with no context with nothing. that was based on racism. point blank. the amount of tweets FROM 1D FANS talking about how he was leaving to join isis and how upset fans were gonna be vulnerable and join etc etc all this deplorable bs. and he had to deal with comments like that throughout his whole time with one direction and i imagine even now. 
Another thing id like to talk about is who zayn stans at least from my point of view usually were. For me i remember when i first got into the fandom i actively made the decision that i didnt want zayn to be my favourite because i didnt want to be a stereotype and this was a point in my life when i still tried to shun and push my culture down because i was ashamed of it. it was only as i slowly saw that zayn was considered as cool and hot and everyone else liked him that i kind of understood that maybe. being brown was alright and it was something cool and that maybe i was cool. it sounds fucked up and honestly i dont even know if i want to be admitting this so adamantly but argh if it helps someone understand then maybe its worth it. (mortifying ordeal of being known eh?) anyways i noticed as i engaged more in fandom and looked for more diversity, more fans like me, majority of non white fans were also... zayn stans. and honestly it makes sense because we all tended to flock towards the closest diversity we could find it seems. im not saying that there werent white zayn stans and that the other boys didnt have non white stans but i just wanted to point out this trend. so when you also take this into account and the fact that on the day zayn left it was majorly... white stans who were criticizing zayn it puts it in perspective for you. majority of fans who still like and support zayn are also not white.
there is a lot more to do with fans but hopefully thats enough of an insight and you can understand the kind of vibes that were present during 1ds prime and what not only zayn had to go through but also as a result the racism we ended up having to deal with as well tbh.
now!!!... something i dont really like talking about lol so this will probably be short but the other boys. so as far as i can remember liams always been kind to zayn since hes left (no surprise there <3 also please correct me if im wrong), niall was kind of indifferent/didnt say anything really, and then there was louis and harry *awkward smile*. hahaha. from my memory i remember when asked about what the most difficult thing was about zayn leaving harry said ‘the paperwork’ which was *awkward smile* and he also kicked that monkey mask/pinata? i cant remember with naughty boys face on it and honestly im sure theres more but his overall reaction to zayn leaving was kind of not caring and maybe being slightly nasty which :) with louis there was the massive twitter fight which literally tears my soul in half so lets not go into that haha and honestly other things where it maybe seemed like he was upset with zayn leaving as well. honestly i am a bit in two minds about these reactions because at the end of the day we dont know what occurred behind the scenes and we probably never will as much as we can speculate or whatever. not to mention that this 10th anniversary it seems maybe everyones on good terms which, who knows really im going to try be optimistic. i think whats important to note about heir reactions is that we dont know anything about their situations but the problem was really how fans reacted tbh (btw i forgot to mention earlier this is about basically everything except for harry and the nb thing. that is inexcusable). the boys reactions were understandable but the problem is that fans of course vicariously are influenced by the boy they stan so when one of them acted a certain way of course that ended up reflecting in fandom and resulted in more racism etc. 
another thing with zayn was that there were many files leaked with like promo or whatever basically describing what kind of role the boys would take on/ their image etc. and of course all the other boys got things like bubbly/funny/charming etc and zayns descriptors? moody, mysterious, dark horse etc etc like from the inception of 1d zayn has been victim to racist stereotypes being pushed on him. and i think this is where harry comes in because of course the image pushed onto him was also extremely harmful and i definitely dont think we should not talk about that but often you'll see that... thats all that is talked about because people are uncomfortable admitting racism and talking about it. 
When i mentioned other celebrities my point was basically just that while ive only talked about zayn in one direction this... is so present among any and every fandom. 5sos, Little Mix, Fifth Harmony... any fandom you can think of, i promise you it is there. racism in fandom is a real thing and a big problem and honestly this is why i always say representation is so important. and when i say that i mean everywhere!!! because if I didnt seek out non white fans to follow then maybe i would’ve had a completely different perspective on all of this.
The thing is also that a lot of this is just stuff that we’ve been able to get our hands on and also fan analysis and theories etc. there is probably so much more to talk bout or go into or stuff we’ll never even know about. I’ve kind of had to make peace with the fact that with celebrities you just really don’t actually know anything about them.
I think i’ll end this here if there’s any more questions you have about anything feel free to ask! and again this is all just my opinion  but hopefully i’ve been able to help answer you <3 have a nice day and i hope youre hydrated!!!
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xserpentlife · 4 years
50 questions tag !
Tagged by no one but I saw @romanticgumchewer do it and thought it was cool so
1.) What color is your hairbrush?
so like i have bout 5 probably but now i only use one in the shower ad its this turqiouse bue color cause ya’ll if you got frizz or curls dont brush ya hair really at all just use ya fingers but also do it with conditioner and in the shower
2.) Name a food you never eat
freaking seafood eh blegh
3.) Are you usually too warm or too cold?
warm. all. the. time.
4.) What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
uhm swimming... no dinner and smelling disgusting seafood that made me wanna barf cause thsts whst my aunt/uncle and grandparents were making for dinner
5.) What’s your favorite candy bar?
oo idk uhm crunch noooo a flake bar they are from europe no like ireland i think so fucking good lemme tell you
6.) Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
yeah. Eagles, flyers, and phillies, and the reading phillies if you count them, oh and the 76ers and some college gsmes i think that is it
7.) What’s the last thing you said out loud?
nope i don’t want a smore
8.) What’s your favorite ice cream?
yall i got so many lemme get you on this shit. okay so ben and jerrys we talkin then its gottabe phish phood oj shit, but like all in al my fav is black raspberry tbh but also like i do keto so i do love me some coffee ice cream cause i can usually find that in “keto” ones. i like keto enlightened ice cream bars they are decent and low carb
9.) What was the last thing you had to drink?
crystal light or it may have been turkey hill diet green tea
10.) Do you like your wallet?
i mean yeah its a black michael kors it does it purpose lol, mostly i like it cause it has a lot of space for cards which like all my gift cards go there the only thing i don’t like is that the bitch gets hela heavy when coins get in it like jesus
11.) What’s the last thing you ate?
ham and cheese roll ups for diner cause they had fuckin seafood lol boutta be carots, but also wasn’t that hungry lol
12.) Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
13.) What’s the last sporting event you watched?
i believe that it was UFC
14.) What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
butter or white cheddar
15.) Who’s the last person you sent a text to?
my best friends so my friend from vegas and @wayward-river
16.) Ever go camping?
17.) Do you take vitamins?
i take a probiotic
18.) Do you go to church every Sunday?
19.) Do you have a tan?
20.) Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
oooo uhm depends on what type of piza but ima say pizza... i have a cheese addiction
21.) Do you drink soda through a straw?
i don’t drink soda anymore
22.) What color socks do you usually wear?
vans socks in literally any color usually not black i try to get colored ones cause if i get the black i can never tell te old from the new unless they are like streched out or somethin
23.) Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
uhm yes lol. its my downfall but also like either go the speed limit or go 5 miles over do not go under becuase that is just not an option
24.) What terrifies you?
many things.
25.) Look to your left, what to you see?
26.) What chore do you hate the most?
vacuuming the sound drives me nuts. or no putting away laundry like hanging it up idk why i hate it but i do lik ill wash shit and fold it but actuly putting it way drives me nuts
27.) What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
uhm hiiii but also adelaide idk why
28.) What’s your favorite soda?
dont drink it i drink ice drinks instead or the safeway brand sparkling water
29.) Do you go in fast food or in the drive through?
drive through
30.) What’s your favorite number?
31.) Who’s the last person you talked to?
in person? my little cousin
32.) Favorite cut of beef?
chicken just so many things can be done. chicken parm, grilled chicken, bbq chicken need i go on
33.) Last song you listened to?
welp i checked spotfy we were at the pool and it was me and my little cousin i was playing ehr playlist so it was did i mention from descendants hahah
34.) Last book you read?
oh god uhm i have no idea 
35.) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
no unless i go throguh the whole thing letter...... by.... letter
36.) Favorite day of the week?
37.) How do you like your coffee?
Iced with heavy cream i prefer cold brew or espresso tho, but usually cold brew
38.) Favorite pair of shoes?
39.) Time you normally wake up?
10- 10:30 sometimes 9
40.) Sunrise or sunsets?
41.) How many blankets on your bed?
usually just my comforter sometimes my comforter and one or two otehrs dring the winter cause i like to be cold and keep my window open i keep my bedroom door closed and the heat in my room off
42.) Describe your kitchen plates?
i live with my aprents im still in college but when im at school rndoms hit that is cheap 
43.) Describe your kitchen at the moment?
tiny dorm kitchen or it will be first on campus apartment that looks like an insane asylum checkkkkkkk
44.) Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
i mean its not legal to sayyyyy
45.) Do you play cards?
yes omggggg my grandma s from the south i grew up on card games 500 rummy, oh hell too, i played poker with my grandpa to and 21
46.) What color is your car?
dark blue... kiki
47.) Can you change a tire?
48.) Your favorite state, province, country, etc.?
uhm idk i live in pennsylvania but I wouldn’t say i have a favorite state at least not yet
49.) Favorite job you’ve had?
I worked at this axe throwing place and honestly it was my favorite job i had. I was an axe master I basicaly taght people how to throw axes and like led mini games for hour long sessions it was hella fun, but my college scheldue and doctors appt got in the way so i got let go but it was fun while it lasted. or my own business i do photography on the side so that is also amazing and i absolutely love it and ned to do more of it.
50.) How did you get your biggest scar?
oh god i don’t even know.. i have huge scards from my chronic skin condition so either that orrrr maybe the scar on my leg it is not that big though like size of a nickel where a kick stand went into my leg, a lot of my scars are smaller or like blend into my skin fairly ell cause of my other scars or honestly i forget about them cause. i hae so many so i realy am not sure.
i tag @wayward-river @the-gargoyle-queen @whenallsaidanddone @riverdalebingo @theangriestpea @southsidevixen-blog
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fromtheringapron · 4 years
WCW Starrcade 1990
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Date: December 16, 1990.
Location: Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, MO.
Attendance: 7,200.
Commentary: Jim Ross and Paul Heyman.
1. Bobby Eaton defeated The Z Man.
2. Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Round 1: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) (USA) defeated Col. DeKlerk and Sgt. Krueger (South Africa).
3. Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Round 1: Konan and Rey Misterio (Mexico) defeated Chris Adams and Norman Smiley (United Kingdom). 
4. Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Round 1: Mr. Saito and The Great Muta (Japan) defeated Rip Morgan and Jacko Victory (New Zealand). 
5. Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Round 1: Salman Hashimikov and Victor Zangiev (Russia) defeated Danny Johnson and Troy Montour (Canada). 
6. Michael Wallstreet (with Alexandra Yorke) defeated Terry Taylor. 
7. The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Danny Spivey) defeated The Big Cat and The Motor City Maniac. 
8. Tommy Rich and Ricky Morton (with Robert Gibson) defeated The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael PS Hayes and Jimmy Garvin) (with Little Richard Marley). 
9. Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Semi-Final: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) (USA) defeated Konan and Rey Misterio (Mexico).
10. Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Semi-Final: Mr. Saito and The Great Muta (Japan) defeated Salman Hashimikov and Victor Zangiev (Russia).
11. Texas Lariat Match for the NWA United States Heavyweight Championship: Lex Luger defeated Stan Hansen (champion) to win the title. 
12. Street Fight for the NWA World Tag Team Championship: Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) (champions) (with Theodore Long) fought Arn Anderson and Barry Windham to a no-contest. 
13. Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Final: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) (USA) defeated Mr. Saito and The Great Muta (Japan). 
14. Steel Cage Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting (champion) defeated The Black Scorpion. 
My Review
The 1990 edition of Starrcade is an outright bad show. Amusingly bad, yes, but it’s still a pretty resounding failure. The cherry on the shit sundae, of course, is The Black Scorpion, one of WCW’s most infamous creative blunders. The storyline leading up to Starrcade was a lot of pulpy early ‘90s hokum⏤a mystery man, who may also be some sort of wizard, haunts world champion Sting for months with a groggy voice provided none other than Ole Anderson. It was completely ridiculous and demanded an equally ridiculous payoff.
What makes it suck so bad, however, is that not only is the reveal underwhelming, but it’s also boring. The Scorpion, first and foremost, is dressed like a masked jobber on an episode of WWF Superstars. Then it’s revealed the Scorpion is Ric Flair, the same man who Sting had already faced off with a billion times in the past two years. It’s admittedly interesting watching Flair try to completely abandon his style to play a new character, but the match itself is a by-the-numbers chore. Oh, and Dick the Bruiser is here as a terrible special guest ref who adds completely nothing. At least the Scorpion has the decency to enter the Kiel Auditorium through a spaceship that looks like your grandmother’s antique lamp.
But that’s not all, folks! We’re also treated to the Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament, featuring teams from all over the world. A noble ideal, but the talent pool is, um, underwhelming to say the least. For example, we get wrestlers billed from “South Africa” who clearly aren’t from that country. Not that it winds up mattering anyway, because the whole point is for the Americans to beat them all. The matches are also hindered by some blown finishes that really kill the mood. It’s just a series of missed opportunities that could’ve been much a cooler concept if they’d thought more outside the box than “Welp, America wins LOL!”
It should be noted this is the second out of four consecutive tournaments WCW would book for their biggest show of the year. This is firmly ensconced in the era where the booking for Starrcade started to get a little wonky, anyway. I’m not sure how much of it had to do with them trying to distance themselves from the NWA name as much as possible or what, but it took away from Starrcade’s standing as a marquee show. It says a lot about this time period for WCW⏤constantly throwing one gimmick out there after another in hopes something would eventually stick.
It’s kinda sad, because it’s clear they didn’t need to go so far out of their way to establish their own identity. So many pieces of the puzzle are present in this show, from the production to the roster. It’s when they work overtime in competing with the WWF that things falls apart, a mistake they’d go on to repeat several times over. Collision Course is a fitting tagline for Starrcade ’90, and I’m not talking about the tag tournament. The show is a hodgepodge of half-baked ideas and, like any collision, the result is a mess.
My Random Notes
Apologies for the blurry quality of the poster above. It’s practically the best version I can find right now. Cut a queen some slack in the midst of pandemic, eh? 
A few production notes: 1.) Why is the WCW logo on the entrance way always crooked? 2.) I love the blue and yellow ring apron, but the red and yellow ropes are a weird fit. 3.) We’re treated throughout the broadcast with Starrcade Stats, a cheeseball yet time-period appropriate concept giving us trading card details on each of the night’s competitors. For example, the Z-Man does a missile dropkick “if possible.”
Spot of the night goes to Col. DeKlerk who damns it all and hits one of most ill-conceived front flips of all time, which causes Rick Steiner to visibly corpse on camera.
Laugh at Team Russia all you want, but they absolutely would be at a singlet party in Provincetown during Bear Week if it were 2020.
I’m pretty supportive of having filler matches on pay-per-views, but what the hell was even the point of that Skyscrapers squash? Did they forget to book it on WCW Saturday Night and need to make up the minutes?
We get our first taste of the highly acclaimed commentary duo of JR/Paul Heyman. It’s a slightly awkward first outing. Heyman isn’t really the Heyman we’d come to know yet so he sometimes comes off as a second-rate Bobby Heenan. He tries making a joke that the Midnight Express broke up due to Yoko Ono, which is every bit as painful as it sounds.
You mean to tell me the best Canadian wrestlers they could find were Troy Montour and Danny Johnson, whom I’m not even sure are actual wrestlers?
This should go without saying, but the Fabulous Freebirds and their fetishization of the Confederate flag is, um, a huge amount of yikes in a 2020 context. I don’t know a whole lot about about the point of them having Little Richard Marley as their sidekick, but I don’t think I want to know.
As with the dawn of any new decade, the ‘80s were still alive in 1990 and you need to look no further than the Dynasty extras they put on this show as the flag-bearers, with hair almost as tall as those big ass stars on the entrance way.
This, amazingly, marks the first time I’ve seen Rey Misterio Sr. (or Rey Misteric, as he’s referred to in the Starrcade graphics). I’ve honestly never even Googled his name to see what he looks like. It does seem like his nephew has a much better handle on the high-flying maneuvers. He inexplicably launches himself over the top rope after his Round 1 match is over. I’m sure it made Col. DeKlerk proud.
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“i had a dream about the Borderlands are Yours trailer last night for like the 7th time so i guess i ought to do the analysis before i have a breakdown”
find the trailer here
~discussion of the cloth map spoilers occurs in here, but nothing else. if you’re worried about those spoilers do not read~
non-spoiler tl;dr: we discuss why rhys’s head implant is yellow instead of blue in this one particular scene and also go thru a bunch of theories as to what tf is up with Zer0. and some other stuff about giant space lasers
so the intro is pretty much the same as the we are mayhem trailer so we’re gonna ignore that since we figured out where sanc-iii was
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pretty sure this scene has been shown already too, in the official announce trailer, i remember taking note of the pink shots
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another cov camp on pandora (see elpis in the back). ive said it before and ill say it again i adore amara’s as animations
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seen this a bajillion times as well
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from we are mayhem near the end. also im still lowkey convinced that robot directly to the right of moze is jakobs. i know i’m probably wrong but... i want to believe. it reminds me of a cowboy
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The Are. this is directly below Sanc-III (u can see the wall in the background)
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eden-6!!! im interested in the signs in the back there
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Prison, Reliance, Jakobs Estate, and... amoe kyuri??? wtf does this say?? idek.
This A Way (glad to know Claptrap will haunt us from beyond Sanc-III)
im interested in the Prison. i wonder if that’s any of those concrete structures/buildings we’ve been seeing across eden-6. i was under the assumption those were like testing facilities, but a prison would also make a whole hell of a lot of sense.
given this sign here over the bridge to the left of the above shot
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and the fact we see this concrete structure on the far left in this coming shot
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that might actually make some lick of sense...
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also can i just say i love the aesthetic of this supply line
so there’s a lot of shots here we’ve already seen and gone over multiple times, im not going to do that again. sorry but... eh.
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maliwan = cultists confirmed
i mean if the cult-themed t-shirts being maliwan colored didn’t already cue us in on that, this definitely should lol
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and speaking of this shot, i wonder if this has anything to do with Rhys’s building? the one his office would be in. it looks like there are multiple levels to the right of this robo
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ah maliwan working with the cult why am i not surprised
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rhys gets fucking annihilated (TM)
in all honesty... given this quest name
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“Space-Laser Tag” and the subsequent quest “Atlas, At Last” makes me honestly think rhys is about to seriously get fucked up
which sucks. i like rhys. we’ll talk more about this in a second, but i don’t think its coincidence the VHs have come up to the asteroid belt to stop the giant space laser and thus are not on Promethea where the laser is going to hit
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better look at this shot, that definitely looks like a rampager to me. i get it, i think. gearbox is hyping up this rampager fight to be super awesome, show it in all the promotional material, have a kickass fight with it, then the twins come in and steal the kill from you. they steal the satisfaction from getting to kill this super hyped-up vault monster.
im picking up what you’re putting down, GB. 
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did not realize fl4k actually snaps. how the heck do they do that?? gotta be hard with metal caps as their fingers tbh
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404 space station not found
we’re back on the asteroid
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... why this gun shoot tentacles :|
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this is art
wheres his head going
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i was so distracted by the razor blade status effect (??? zeroes??) i didn’t notice the giant-ass A on this banner
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OwO what’s this for
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also this which... looks like it could be an amara skill. maybe the one that releases elemental projectiles after an enemy is damaged? feel like we would’ve seen that one already tho.
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thinking of this one, im pretty sure we should’ve seen this in one of the many, many gameplay videos (im so jealous) already available.
so if it is, baller, if it’s not, im not too surprised.
it does also seem to be targeting the double cause its shield becomes visible after being hit
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i thiiink this is eden-6? in which case it may be that facility tina, brick, and mordy are in (the windows). which may, in retrospect, be that prison we’ve been hearing about
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cool angle of the HBC. im pretty sure we’ve seen this shot before, too.
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before we get to the actual best part of this scene
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this looks very Athenas-like. possibly eridian? although the lights are throwing me off. i suppose the order or someone from the order could’ve built these structures... but what for??
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also this fucker has those rocks growing out of his head, too
the ones from the alien guns
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somewhere outside the RC
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back at it again in the space station
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also this maliwan thing looks so fucking cool
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duuuude looks like the cult got their hands on more than just maliwan hoverwheels, check out that dropship on the left!!! looking cool asf
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the cars are STUNNING
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holy shit this skin is amazing
very siren-esque
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we’ve gone over this clip already but given now that we know the maliwan base thing is on the asteroid, it’s fitting to re-address it i think
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a look at one of the metal bois (that im still convinced are jakobs lol)
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i love the way this thing looks
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the portal seems to be giving off the same blue sparkles we’ve seen on pandora
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[edit] we also see them in the newest new trailer as Sanc-III zooms off into space. which is interesting.
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dunno wtf that means, but yeah. they exist
probably some weird eridian/other dimension shit.
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more eden-6
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goliath looking amazing. not red and is wearing a helmet, so that’s interesting
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looks like a part of the space station
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biggggg hallway. im honestly loving how huge these maps seem to be
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geniviv! i love her boss fight sooo fucking much.
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honestly looks like so much fun
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more c a r s
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this fucker
probably eridian
i mean it seems to be absorbing the pink-ish energy from the moving stones so i assume its got some sort of link going on
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also comparing the mask and arm bit to what we’ve seen rhys hand us on promethea
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this thing???
but yellow instead of pink
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u kno all this
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then again it does sorta ruin the eridian tech so maybe... it’s not lol
honestly my other guess is this is part of that ‘experimental forest’ we’ve seen signs for during the eden-6 demo. dunno why it’s destroying the eridian ruins tho. maybe those pink b e a m s are hurting it? entirely possible. some sorta... life succ ability like Tyreen.
but i don’t think it’s coincidence this thing has shown up right on top of some Eridian ruins/buildings/whatever. the leftmost part though looks like it could be human technology, which is weird. maybe some weird sort of mish mash. human tech that trees/plants grew onto and eridian ruins accidentally powered up. iunno man. im tiored.
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rhys’s implant is glowing orange/yellow-ish which is very new
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this is from the dev trailer (not glowing at all in the darkness)
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from the promethea twitter trailer
and honestly that’s pretty wild to me because in tftbl rhys’s implant glows blue 
shown when he’s in the vault next to fiona
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in bl3 during the We Are Mayhem trailer while using his ECHO eye
oh also since i just noticed
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from the promethea demo
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this scene
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also from the promethea demo
they’re missing their monomolecular edge!
we’ll get back to zer0 in a secco
anyway you know who else’s head implant glows?
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im not saying katagawa is replacing rhys because their implants are on opposite sides of their heads, but i am saying Katagawa WANTS Rhys in Maliwan and... well, Rhys’s forehead implant isn’t glowing yellow in any other shot we see of him
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idk gamers i just think its sus
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also rhys is holding onto that thing we see him handing to us in the Promethea trailer
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this thing?? you know?
the eridian thingie majig
tho these look like two different areas... unless there’s like a very drastic wall change between angles (which there may be- these fans look identical)
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which makes sense that Maliwan would want it (for the big laser thing maybe?? since we know they’re going for activating said laser)
... but honestly i get the feeling this is in some way related to... after the laser. especially since we know that that eridian thingie matches up with this one on pandora
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in which case... wtf is the laser for? it definitely looks like its destroying stuff on the surface...
rhys also seems to have knowledge about the eden-6 vault key since he projects it during the dev trailer
me thinks someone got h a c k e r o n i e d
alright galaxy brain theory time:
rhys gets hacked by maliwan not only bc they want a merger, but also because he has info on the vaults/giant space laser, forces zer0 to be maliwan branded now since atlas is joining maliwan, zer0 finds out rhys is not willingly joining maliwan and is instead under maliwan control and tries to forcibly take the key away from him, we stop zer0 and save rhys from both the assassin and maliwan control
Alright but in all seriousness there’s only 2 ways this can go
1. that’s actually our zer0
2. that’s actually not our zer0
and there’s a lot of theories running around about that and i guess we ought to address them
so for 1 there’s a few possibilities:
1. zer0 is a robo/cyborg and got hacked by maliwan (i personally don’t like this one bc i don’t want to know what zer0 actually is. it is a ~m y s t e r y~)
2. zer0 got paid more money to eliminate rhys and is doing so
3. zer0 decided killing their boss would be the ultimate challenge and thus decided to try it out... by joining maliwan
4. they’re faking rhys’s death and/or zer0 is infiltrating maliwan
5. zer0 got the brainwashed/their bodysuit got hacked (i would be interested to see if the monomolecular edge tech caused them to get captured or smth. i mean if there’s a tracker on it, then zer0′s decepti0n wouldn’t exactly work cuz they turn invisible... but they’d still be seen)
6. rhys got the brainwashed/hacked and zer0 is attacking him to get the eridian thingie/key/relic/whatever back
personally i’m curious how they’d play off 1-3 given Zer0 and Rhys are both shown on sanc-iii and zer0 even has crew challenges
im saying idk if the crimson raiders would appreciate zer0 attacking/trying to kill an ally without very good reason.
which is why i’d imagine 4-6 are the more reasonable answers?
also given the explosion of Promethea (what we’re assuming is Promethea) is green and also the laser we see maliwan controlling is purple, i wonder if that’s some brainwashing juice instead of... other stuff. cuz like.
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this is elpis’s giant space laser. very radiant and like... ribbon-y? and has all that blue stuff and orbs and mm.
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THIS is Promethea’s very solid and has circles and just. looks straight up like a death laser.
and yeah again it could be modified by that human-looking (?) tech around it to be like a brainwashing b e a m or something
or just more precise. that too.
and honestly idk if this could destroy a planet like how we see the planet (that we are assuming is promethea bc of the asteroid belt) in the sanc-iii article
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it’s a solid ‘yeah that’s more likely than my theory’. might take a lot of time tho. or maybe those energy rings power it up or deal more damage when they hit the planet...
oh also given Tina literally says “WE blowing up this whole mother humpa”
and the reason im questioning the human-looking tech around it is because
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typhon and leda 100% noticed something here. i guess if it was altered by humans after typhon and leda found it then that would make sense?
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we’ve also got this from the tree guy, so i don’t know for certain.
anyway number 2
(2. that’s actually not our zer0)
i love these ones
1. that’s 0ne (zer0′s assassin’s assassin from the son of crawmerax dlc)
2. maliwan made a/hired a copy of zer0 and it’s easy to copy their voice/way of speech bc of the modulator (that’s just a fake implanted into atlas to steal all their secrets)
and all of these have the idea that the real zer0 shows up to save rhys at the end of this scene (explaining the blue light)
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i personally disagree on that being zer0′s sword. tbh it looks more like a maliwan weapon or a laser or smth to me. that said it could be a weird effect because they’re in decepti0n or smth.
most of these theories have the idea that the real zer0 is either off with Fiona or Lorelei or just off on their own and only show up later. i wouldn’t even be surprised, given their line at the end of Tales. you know the one where they diss rhys like “i was talking to her” lol
so i don’t really have much to add to these. personally i believe that’s our zer0 up there, but i wouldn’t be shocked if something happened with the monomolecular edge that allowed maliwan to create a copy of zer0. or brainwash/control them. whichever. 
i do like the reintegration of 0ne into the story, that’d be a hilarious call-back, but i worry it’d be too obscure (a side quest in a headhunter dlc) for the majority of players. we’ll see
it’s weird if brainwashing or mind controlling thru the maliwan tech is the case bc the monomolecular edge isn’t present on their maliwan sword. or their future sanc-iii sword (but that part DOES make sense bc why would they keep that).
(alright also so i just took a bunch of nyquil cuz im sick as a dog so if this devolves into incoherent rambling im so sorry)
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ah aurelia
i love her to bits but i don’t trust her because i mean... she worked alongside Nisha and Wilhelm and Alistair dislikes her. there’s like a 50-50 shot she’ll become evil
i would not be surprised if this is a boss fight (door looks frozen over on the left there) but also i would not be surprised if she’s helping us fight off waves of enemies given it looks like we’re in the jakobs manor
like i said 50-50
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her attack does make the camera wiggle a bit, usually that happens if the attack injures the player viewing it (with the hud off) cuz it will give a stagger effect
so take that with a grain of salt. also we don’t see aurelia on sanc-iii when hammerlock and wainwright are both there in the group shot in the launch trailer
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this fucker i already talked about a bunch in my reddit post on the eridium subject so im going to link that here. i might have already spoken about it on here tbh... i can’t remember lol
anyway here’s the copy and paste from there to here
you can see a huge Tink with Eridium growing out of his head and what look to be Eridium horns. And he's being elementally charged from an Eridian floor tile (in one of those temples, probably the Pandoran one but it could be Athenas, I guess). Kind of like how Bloodwing (also bigger) becomes elementally charged by Jack using element-throwers to change her element. i know it's a cultist tink because on his right shoulder (our left) he has those glow-y pink/purple tubes that are on the CoV guns and other cultists (like goliaths). and while i'm not sure if this is solely Eridian stuff (since they're in a temple) or because of the twins, it's definitely something that should be talked about. 
wait no yeah i did talk about this because of the athenas post. i just remembered lol
uhhh whoops. double dipping i guess lol sorry
still not sure if this is Pandora or Athenas. kind leaning towards Pandora atm
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i like how this guy is able to make a cryo wall thing
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he goes to smash it but we don’t get to see what happens cuz it cuts to another rampager
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dishing out corrosive/radiation (??) attacks while someone shoots it with a fire weapon
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this bamf which i KNOW i discussed in that athenas post
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also something i haven’t noted is that his roar seems to be activating something here, like a spiral light of dooooom. also more blue sparkles. maybe summoning an assist? or a debuff/attack aoe. 
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there is also this weird light near its legs that moves with the camera and sorta reminds me of the weird real-life face talky siren thing. you know the one
very curious as to what this is cause i haven’t seen it in any other scene with a rampager in it. maybe some sort of connection to the spiral/whirlwind thing it’s making?
oh wow im tired now lol
well bl3 is fully downloaded on my computer gamers, so we can officially say it’s happening!!!
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rmwithluv · 5 years
50 questions! my lovely wifey ( @moonojoon keeps me active i swe- kajsjsjsjsjdkx ilysm! )
1. what takes up too much of your time?
haaa college honestly.
2. what makes your day better?
puppets, frands, food, youtube
3. what’s the best thing to happen to you today?
i woke tf up lol
4. what fictional place would you like to go to?
hogwarts duh! im a wizard bitch
5. are you good at giving advice?
i’ve been told i am but honestly some times ya girl has no idea whattt tf she’s saying
6. do you have any mental illness?
i’ve struggles with mental illnesses and i think at times they can come back and bite ya so atm life is grand my friend.
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
BITCH YES! twice in the same day actually lmao, small story time, the first two times were at school lmao i was sleeping in the hallway and although i was scared all i could think was, “holy shit if my friends see me like this they’re gonna think i’m weird asf” and then a couple hours later after an exam i was resting and it happened. the final time (dear god pls don’t let it happen again) i legit saw shadow people and felt freaked tf out. okay bye
8. what musician inspired you the most?
honestlyyyyy there’s so many but rn i can honestly say normani
9. have you ever fallen in love?
hahahahaha yes. the first one hurt like hell and i’m currently falling over and over again :)
10. what’s your dream date?
a picnic with beautiful cheeses, breads, sandwiches, snacks, ohhhh yaaaasss
11. what do others notice about you?
usually it’s my figure or my ass lol
12. what is an annoying habit you have?
procrastinating, overthinking, and eating ice
13. do you still talk to your first love?
yesss, he’s my best friend
14. how many exe’s do you have?
i always get confused with this bc i’ve had flings, lovers, and many more soooo yeh
15. how many songs are in your playlist?
i have over 18 playlists sooooo?
16. what instruments can you play?
17. what do you have the most pictures of?
myself bc im that bitch (i swear i’m not this confident lmao) memes, my friends, family, a certain wang, and ofc bts
18. where would you like to go before you die?
19. what is your zodiac sign?
pisces (no wonder my wife and i get along so well)
20. do you relate to it?
h e l l y e a h
21. what is happiness to you?
being able to say i’ve had a rough week but i’m able to sit here and continue on honestly. life sucks ass sometimes but knowing i’m stronger than the obstacles ahead of me is happiness.
22. are you going through anything right now?
n o p e!
23. what’s the worst business decision you ever made?
not dropping my psychology class first semester & honestly me with money is just eh but i’m getting better!
24. what’s your favorite store?
bookstores, cafe’s, target, and ofc 3rd street promenade
25. what’s your opinion on abortion?
im pro-life buttt at the same time having a child isn’t easy and you never know what someone’s going through so ultimately i’m pro-life but it’s your body! do what’s best for you.
26. do you keep a bucket list?
yes actually! my lover made me make one bc he wants to take me to all the places i’ve never been :)
27. do you have a favorite album?
sweetener, anything one direction (basic i know, ed sheeran’s +, and many many more.
28. what do you want for your birthday?
if i could see my all of my lovely friends on here, trust me i’d take that in a second!
29. what are most peoples first impression of you?
scary, pretty bitch, bitchy and intimidating.
30. what age do you seem according to most?
honestly it depends on what i look like, some days ppl think i’m like 14? and others they think i’m my age.
31. where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
right next to me.
32. what word do you say the most?
love that for me/you/them (wait is dat a phrase?) whet, uwu, nuuu, i luh u
33. what’s the oldest age you would date?
34. what’s the youngest you’d date?
35. what job/career do most people say would fit you?
model (psh i’m short asf) or actress
36. what’s your favorite music genre?
music in general
37. if you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
i enjoy where i’m at but i’d love to live in any part of europe for a year or two
38. what is your current favorite song?
ivy by frank ocean comes to mind rn
39. how long have you had this blog?
this one for a couple months now i assume? but i’ve had previous blogs. overall i’ve been on tumblr for around 6 years now
40. what are you excited for?
transferring into the university of my dreams and getting into their nursing program!
41. are you a better talker or listener?
def listener
42. what is the last productive thing you did?
cleaning my room
43. what do you want for christmas?
hmmm 🤔 im not sure yet but if i don’t have this soon then definitely james charles brush set
44. what class do you get the best grades in?
usually english/literature
45. one a scale to 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
46. what can you see yourself doing in 10 years? a pediatric nurse
47. when did you get your first heartbreak?
when i was like 13? when i realized that my life size poster of liam payne would love me more than than the real one ever would.
48. what age do you wanna get married?
49. what career did you wanna have as a child?
i wanted to be a wonder pet lmao
50. what do you crave rn?
a croissant sandwich from burger king yo
im tagging: @namjoonieftw @fflowermin, @jeonpetals
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elitheradguy · 6 years
I was tagged by @smerlaug to do this tag!! I havent done one of these in a while :0
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
Age: 19
Birthplace: Ontario
Current time: 10:15pm
Drink you last had: Pepsi
Easiest person to talk to: Hmm... probably one of my best friends? or my cousin but like she counts in the best friend group so
Favourite song: o shit I got a few boys. I have like... 2-3 songs of the week at any given time, but right now its this, this, this and this
Grossest memory: hmmmmmm... the one thing that comes to mind is when I had a bug on my leg when I was like 7 or 8 and I was like “huh cool” but then the other kid I was with killed it while it was on my leg :(
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff im p sure! Its either that or ravenclaw i think but im p sure im more of a hufflepuff
In love: nah
Jealous of people: hmmm.. idk?
Killed someone: well this went from 0 to 100 real quick eh? i havent killed anybody but i can name a couple people who have.
Love at first sight or walk by again: nah
Middle name: Rather not say thank u
No. Of siblings: 1
One wish: full understanding of my own identity would be nice
Person you last called: i usually text lol. but uh the last phone call i had was with my mom
Question you are asked most: huh. no idea. thats not something i usually think about lol
Song you last sung: fall for you by secondhand serenade
Time you woke up: 10.
Underwear colour: uhhhhh thats a bit personal dontcha think?
Vacation destination: hmm. like where id like to go or where im going next or where ive been?? gotta be a bit more specific bud but Ill just answer all three ig. Id really like to go to Scotland, Im going to the Caribbean in february, and the last place i went for vacation was Antigua.
Worst habit: procrastination lol.
X-rays: hell yeah man x-rays are cool. dont know what ur tryna ask me but i think theyre dope.
Favourite food: hmmm... I rly like Italian food. American italian food ig? bc Ive never actually been to Italy. So I rly like lasagna and pizza and shit.
I’m tagging: i have like 2 friends and u expect me to tag 10 people what even is this. okay jk lets see uhh @mclov3ly101 @brittymitty @spiniferousentity @captainsuckass @rexness613 @chaoticrooster @stephaniereneeme @weedle-testaburger @honey-apples and @spuuniverse yall dont have to do the thing if u dont want but ay why not
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jewpacabruhs · 6 years
I was reading your tags and please, for the love of God, write a Mafia AU. I haven't been able to find any good ones.
i wanna so bad! i find organized crime fascinating, & i’m also a big movie nerd, with crime films being my fav genre, so im super into that sorta thing. definitely would love to see it, but o boy, maybe ill jus write it myself?? gotta do everythin myself haha
i’d def go the historical route, so it’d be interesting to try to both apply characters that are firmly rooted in 90s/2000s behaviors & beliefs, and stick them in the 1900s. oh, boy, writing historical stuff is a pain. so much research. worth it tho, if it’s done well. aye, and it’ll be cool to try to keep it as nonfictional as possible. like, attempting to insert the kids (as adults, obvs) into crime history. i wonder if i could do tht? it’d be fun. it’s definitely uncharted waters. there’s a lot of potential there.
but, hmm, i think mafia aus are so rare in fandom (not just the sp fandom, but across the board) bc they contradict everything that’s popular in fanfic. mob aus would feature violence, business, finances, and corruption. whereas fics prefer cuddles, leisure time, a world where money aint an issue, and wholesomeness. and considering the majority of fic is written by horny and/or love-starved teenage girls who dont know or care about the aforementioned subjects, it makes sense. kinda a bummer, but understandable. in the defense of like everyone, lmao, those sorta fics take a lot of planning, & aint nobody got time. so i get it.
oof i think a major thing too is how gay-centric fic/fandom is, when the mobster world is undeniably a heterosexual one. thats an issue. shit, i wonder how many gay characters i could get away with while keeping it realistic. i mean, im sure there were gay mobsters, in fact i’ve read about a couple, but the lifestyles did not go hand in hand, lol.
i’m thinking 1940s new york. im inclined towards kyman, as u probs kno, but again, the gay thing. huh. maybe i can figure it out. maybe theyre young bachelors, and theyre business partners & fuck around sometimes. we’ll see. anyway. if we’re gonna include all characters….
cartman would pull a goodfellas - he’s of, what, german descent? hell, considering his parents, he probably wouldn’t even exist in this universe. eh. well. he’d def be from yorkville, manhattan, cuz tht was a german neighbourhood. anyway he’d weasel into the italian mob, bc he’d be into the idea of 1) exorbitant amounts of money, and 2) being feared/respected. his authoritah! psh. and someone would notice how smart he is & mentor him, regardless of nationality. he’d quickly make enemies, though, because he’s rude & brash. he’d also quickly become one of the most respected young dons (would he reach that level, without a family? doubt it. he’d have to become a made man, which i believe is reserved exclusively for italians ….. ehhhh ill figure it out. maybe he’d branch out, start his own crime family. that’d be interesting. ooo.) damn, ukno, i think the 40s would make a real interesting character out of cartman. huh. yah, that’d be cool to explore, how that time period would shape him. like i said, he likely wouldt even exist. did the denver broncos exist back then? doubt it
kyle would get wrapped up in the jewish mob (which existed, and which i’d personally l o v e to be a part of lol - if i was born 100 years ago), maybe while trying to protect ike from getting involved? that’d be cool. maybe he’d demonstrate his brains & be offered a job as an accountant or an attorney, and he’d be forced to comply, either bc 1) his fam was threatened if he declined, or 2) his fam was doing bad financially & needed it. maybe both. hell, maybe he avoids the jewish mob & gets involved with the others. MAYBE IKE IS THE ONE IN THE JEWISH MOB & WANTS HIS BROTHER BACK FROM THE ITALIANS. OOOOOOOOO also they’d be from brooklyn, likely, bc that’s where jews were primarily located back then. u kno there was 400k jews in new york in 1899?? including my great great great grandparents. that’s a shit ton of jews lol. lil fun fact for ya. 
wait ok so oof this is hard now, bc the mob was primarily divided into three chunks - the italians, the jews, & the irishmen. there was also the puerto ricans, but that was, like, a different division. i’m mentioning this because nationality was important to mobsters, to all organized crimes groups actually, but south park doesn’t make a habit of mentioning what countries each character’s ancestors came from, lol. so it’d be a lot of writer interpretation. and that’s cool and all, but doesn’t give me much to work with, considering most of the kids are white and likely german/england-descended. 
i could make kenny & butters irish. that’d work. i think kenny’s last names irish, actually. they could be from hell’s kitchen, which had a p hefty irish-american population. maybe i could make stan irish, too. wendy might be able to pass for italian (little italy manhattan??? maybe the bronx??? im tryna think geography lol. for scale.). that’d work, if i wanted to put some stendy in there, bc i love making stan the token het guy, haha. maybe wendys dad marries her off to stan to form an alliance between the italians & irish. that’d be interesting. maybe cartman was rallying to get wendy to marry him, bc he needed to marry someone bc of, like, societal expectations, & she was the only girl who caught his interest. maybe he declares war on stan, to win back the bride he wants. maybe kyles best friends w stan, tht happened somehow, & interjects. goes to meet cartman to discuss a way out - ohhhhh theres my kyman babay!!! oooooo!!!
omg. plot forming. this is def an interesting concept. maybe i can use it as a chance to write a plot-oriented fic that doesn’t rely heavily on ships. that’d be awesome. i’ve wanted to do that for ages.
maybe we can squeeze christophe in as a french immigrant, maybe an associate of someone. same with gregory, but, like, british. that’d be fun. craig & tweek can be somewhere in there, too. associates of cartman or something. maybe they own a brothel. oooh. who else. bebe! maybe she can be a cabaret dancer who someone falls for. nothin wrong w hetero nonsense if it’s done right & if it aint nonsense. yah? maybe she can be ken’s love interest. also maybe token & nichole can be in there somewhere, from harlem?
this sounds fun as fuck, though, def. im really obsessed with new york right now, so maybe writing this could be a love letter to its history. that’d be dope. ooh, and im from las vegas actually, born & raised, so maybe i could do a chapter set there, considering the mob was very influential in the strip’s development. that’d be rad. holy heck. im excited abt this now. gotta finish oboitd asap & get into this, haha.
o shit. i jus realized, like, just how much research i’d have to do. like, not only about organized crime, abt 40s slang & dress, abt new york, abt everything. oooh boy this is a Project
ill get on that eventually haha, im into it now. it’s 4am rn tho so ima sleep, gnite anon
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missdreawrites · 6 years
I was tagged by @brendwell, thanks darling!! <3
1. what is your earliest memory
My earliest memory is being two years old, and sick as hell on my birthday. I felt so miserable, I kept crying during my family party, because I couldn’t get enough air to blow out the candles. There’s a series of pictures immortalizing this, sadly. It took me like six tries to get the candles out. There were two candles and I just couldn’t manage it lol
2. favourite show/movie
I. Okay. I need to pick one?? But. I have different classifications!! I guess I would say that my favorite movie is The Princess Bride, but my feel-good movie, the one I watch when I’m sick, or can’t sleep or just generally down is Jurassic Park. My favorite TV show is... Stargate SG-1, I don’t care how much that dates me.
3. last song you heard
... This one....
4. how long have you had a tumblr account
... Since a long time. Like 2008? 2010? Yeah.
5. what temperature do you like best (to live in)
Anything about 60F/16C is perfect. Anything higher than 72F/22C is Too Warm.
6. how well can you swim
I swim like butts, to be honest. I can of course, but it’s not my skill set. I don’t really like water? At least not water where I can’t see nor touch the ground. I don’t mind putting my feet in??
7. have you ever been on a boat
YES I HAVE AND IT WAS AMAZING. I’ve been on a few different kinds of boats. I’ve been on the whaler/fishing kind to go whale watching in Boston, and then a cruise ship. While on the cruise we went on a trip to St. Thomas from St. John and we took a catamaran. I was so visibly excited by this that the Captain let me hang out on the ledges and climb in the rigging. It’s the only form of travel where I don’t get violently ill from motion sickness. (How’s that for irony, eh?)
8. how many countries have you been to
... Five? Not including the US, where I live, I’ve been to England, Holland, Spain, France, and Canada. Though the Canada trip was an accident, we were driving, there was a wrong turn we were suddenly being stopped by border patrol.
9. favourite day of the week
Sunday, because it’s my first day off!
10. naps. yay or nay
YES YAY, SO YAY. ALL OF THE YAY. I live on naps!
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aintzane411 · 7 years
spoilers for voltron season 4 under the cut!
Episode 1:
BOM keith!!! We knew about it but still aaaa
why is everyone being a dick to keith let him live
theyre keeping him so busy just let him take a nap
btw this is 100% not real shiro this is a clone this is wrong
i need a hairspray AU with coran as corny collins
lance had to have been a theatre kid cmon
why does kolivan’s mask have 3 eye holes? he doesnt have 3 eyes does he? 
other guy has 3 eye holes too
rip other guy
i s2g keith is gonna get back and everyone’s gonna rip into him but this poor boy just needs some oxygen and a nap jfc
coran laser noises!!!
ew ka//ura like kudos to shippers but *sigh*
keiths bom suit lowkey looks like he has boobs like i am totally here for trans!keith yes pls
kolivan insists he doesnt bind during missions bc its dangerous and that just adds to his stress levels poor bby
there are. furries in this rebellion. god damn it
“undetected” my boy keith doesnt do “undetected” guys
pls just let keith be happy omg
whyyyy are they furries??? like the artists knew what they were doing cmon
im gonna cry if this is actually shiro like i love kuron to death but please no
im so scared omg
let! keith! rest!!!
“he can finally be the leader i was unable to be” god keith ily im sorry babe
sheith hug!!!! leading into a group hug!!!!
but lets be real im terrified like keith is leaving the team what the fuck
Episode 2:
aaaa flashback!!! Katie!!!
o shit this is called Reunion we’re gonna find matt this episode!!!
ill punch this kid callin pidge a nerd fight me bro
pidge is so cute holy fucking shit
also tag yourself im matt’s “big fucking muscles”
ooh heres the scene they showed at nycc does that mean the kaltenecker scene is in the season too?
my smol smart child im love her
smol smart badass child
stop! misgendering! my! child!
pls give pideg her brother back 
“paladin pidge” how cute
plant gun!
portable xray!
o shit matt was an officer!!!
i like how matt’s “rebel officer transponder” picture is him in the galra prison gear lol
omg matt “what the garrison doesnt know wont hurt them” i love
“what dad doesnt know wont hurt him” MATT
im gonna scream if matts dead
dont you dare
theres still 9 minutes left dont you dare
please plesae please please god
its almost 3am and im glad im emotionally dead inside or else i would have cried like 4 times already
omg its just like ree’s canon holy shit lol
there he is holy shit thank god
this is. so pure.
ofc matt has a bounty on his head jfc
“lets show this guy what the holts are made of” god fucking bless
ok now you guys gotta find sam too cmon
niceeee good work guys damn
Episode 3:
okay pidge has her brotehr now lets get my boys back in the right lions kthx
ok so after rewatching s3 i think haggar and zarkon are possessed by these creatures
omg. omg matt is straight for allura wtf this is the Last Thing I Expected
shatt hug!!
technically kuratt hug but shhhhhhhh
omg lance calm down
oh boy here comes super zombie zarkon rip
“wayward son” omg
milkshake reference yes
wait please give me langst and have lance feel like hes being replaced by matt please i need more langst in my life
omfg kaltenecker scene!!!!
its even better than the clip omfg
i want lotor to come to the good side i want him to be a good guy let him have mommy issues with keith
yessss bls tell hunk how much of a genius he is thank
oh nooooo i bet pidge normally plays the game with lance but shes busy with matt aaaaa D:
i changed my mind i dont want langst
second ship??? oh boy
third??? OH BOY
matt needs to wash his hair
smelly boy
shoutout to ree and matt
i need more info on shiro/kuron omfg please
omg omg matt is gonna pilot green holy shit
damn rip narti there goes our main physically disabled character besides shiro ugh
omg i think lotor is gonna end up on team voltron whoa
Episode 4:
“besides playing keith is really easy, just act moody” dont call me out like this
ok lance was 100% a theater kid but always an ensemble member never a lead, for which he was bitter about and made up for the fact by being way too over the top as an ensemble
is. is coran gonna do drugs?????? what the fuck????
omg corans room is adorable
ewewewewew brain bug omfg ew
space mall!!
omfg his fucking accent jfc
hunk “well it rhymes so its gotta be true” ily hunk
please never use any of this advice for real theater stuff smh
stick alien!
omfg an “on ice” performance holy shit
fuckin stick alien zarkon and haggar holy shit
careful guys you might break an arm
like i did smh
“loverboy lance” beautiful
even tho its not shiro but shhhhh
stop! throwing! hunk! under! the! bus!!!
the fact that no one is questinoing coran’s personality just proves that none of them would notice the subtle changes between shiro and kuron so the theory still stands
jesus christ fucking meta “except for you shiro youre the most popular character ill never get rid of you” fuck you writers
varkon! mermaids!
i miss keith :(
ep 4 moral of the story: dont do drugs kids
let! bibobi! live!!!!
Episode 5:
yesss give me keith!!!!!
omg voltron and bom and rebels are all doing a big mission together yes
me: suddenly remembers the “and lance dies so theres that” interview also me: panics
different VA??? not norman reedus i think???
hunk! being! badass! yes!!!!
im still v suspicious of this shiro smh
shes pretty oh no
why tf does there gotta be furries in the rebellion
oh fuck i almost thought matt died jfc
this commander looks like a steven universe diamond
bby im proud of you for training with the bom but im so glad youre back aaaaaaaa
babe there he is aaaa!!!!!! im love keith!!!!!
now give me the real shiro jfc
and get lance back in the blue lion jfc
i s2g if matt dies
i s2g if lance dies
eyyy hell yeah go acxa
eyyy hell yeah go keith
this is going too well something is gonna happen im so scared
im really scared damn
Episode 6:
hhhhhh im terrified oh boy here we go
this one is called a new defender oh fuck
white lion?!?!?!
will keith be the white paladin?!!?!?!?!!
i just really want everyone back in their original spots bls
wait wtf is going on i zoned out for a bit its 4am
its gonna be those alternate reality being things again istnt it
lance “what are those” nice meme reference
shiro now is not the time to stay behind and analyze fuckin get ur team out of there god damn it now theres a force field around the planet fucking hell
this isnt good. this isnt good at all. and the music sounds so ominous oh god
im so scared
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
lance i s2g you better not do antyhing stupid
bls no a//urance
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
shoutout to coran for just having to hang back while all of his loved ones risk their lives
lance i s2g
im so scared holy shit
w h o a
shoutout to coran for just accepting that alluras telling him to leave when everyon ehe loves could very well die
im love keith and his new leadership skills he learned in the bom but DONT YOU DARE DIE HOLY FUCK
no one is allowed to die
keith dont you dare
keith dont you dare
holy fuck oh my god hes ok hes ok holy fucking shit
o shit
o shit lotor is gonna join the coalition i fucking called it!!!
holy fuck that was a lot of emotions and where the fuck is shiro fuck you writers fuck you
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old-long-john · 7 years
Currently meme
Tagged by @vowel-in-thug. Thank you! 
RULES: Answer these 85 statements and tag 20 SOME people. (Why do these things always tell you to tag an entire village worth of people?)
1. Drink: Tea.
2. Phone call: My big sister last Thursday. I don’t do phone calls very often.
3. Text message: A whatsapp reply to my mum saying no worries to her driving home tomorrow instead of today because she’s feeling ill. 
4. Song you listened to: Florence and the Machine - Breaking Down.
5. Time you cried: Watching a BBC programme called Ambulance when it got to the end and it said the nice man with cancer died a month later, just before his grandkid was born.
6. Dated someone twice: Nope.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Eh, not really.
9. Lost someone special: In what sense? Nobody’s springing to mind in any sense, tbh.
8. Been cheated on: Don’t think so.
10. Been depressed: Pfffft. Clinically depressed, to varying degrees, for my entire adult life. Fun times.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’m British, of course I have.
12. Red.
13. Purple.
14. Green.
15. Made new friends: I have!
16. Fallen out of love: Nope.
17. Laughed until you cried: Probably? If it happened it was either with my little sister or with @nettlekettle.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, but not in a bad way.
19. Met someone who changed you: It was a collective effort by fandom. Good job, team!
20. Found out who your friends are: I guess? More like found out who my really special friends are, but the others aren’t bad friends just because they have enough of their own shit to deal with that making the effort to keep in touch with my isolationist arse isn’t their top priority.
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list: Not this last year.
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t add anyone I don’t actually know. I don’t still talk to most of them, but I’ve known them all in real life at some point. 
23. Do you have any pets: A cat and two old disabled fish that I’m thinking about renaming Long John and Blind Pew.
24. Do you want to change your name: No, I’m fine with it. It’s common enough to not be a pain in the arse (I don’t need to spell it over the phone), but my middle name is uncommon enough to make it easy to look me up amongst the sea of other Laura’s with my last name.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Went for dinner with my parents. Rock n roll.
26. What time did you wake up: About 9.30, I think.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Lying in bed dicking around on my phone probably.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Going to see Oslo! Sooooon!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Thursday night.
31. What are you listening to right now: The wind outside my window. It’s pretty gross outside today.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The weather. I know it’s obscene to grumble about the British weather when there’s an actual hurricane happening on the other side of the world, but we’ve had basically no extended period of reliable summer weather this year and it’s shit. I’m old, so I like the sun these days.
34. Most visited website: Tumblr.
35. Hair colour: Brown.
36. Long or short hair: Pretty long.
37. Do you have a crush on someone: Not in real life.
38. What do you like about yourself: My eyes.
39. Want any piercings: Eh, I always lowkey want nose piercings, but I doubt I’ll ever make it happen. 
40. Blood type: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
41. Nickname: La/Lala/Craft.
42. Relationship status: Single.
43. Zodiac: Virgo.
44. Pronouns: She/her.
45. Favourite tv show(s): Black Sails, and I’ve pretty much forgotten what other tv even exists. Preacher’s good.
46. Tattoos: Big old skeleton and ‘know no shame’ on my left thigh.
47. Right or left handed: Right handed.
48. Surgery: A few.
49. Piercing: Two in my right ear, plus one closed up. Three in my left ear, plus one closed up.
50. Sport: Lol, no. I cycle sometimes, if that counts.
51. Vacation: ??? When you’re unemployed and making no real effort to resolve that, life’s one long boring vacation.
52. Pair of trainers: One.
53. Eating: Last thing was an apple.
54. Drinking: Last thing’s still tea.
55. I’m about to: Make myself a burger, despite the fact that it’s too early to eat, because I’m home alone and bored as fuck.
56. Waiting for: My mum to come home tomorrow so we can finally watch Black Sails 4x10. I’m gonna fall apart.
57. Want: Some motivation.
58. Get married: If I meet the right person.
59. Career: Ugh, I don’t know. Museum work. Archaeology’s too physically demanding to do for long and the pay’s too shit. The only bonus is that it sounds cool when people ask what you do.
60. Hugs or kisses: Kisses.
61. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. Shorter or taller: Taller, but not too tall.
63. Older or younger: Older.
64. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms.
65. Hook up or relationship: Relationship.
66. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant, I guess. More hesitant than me is frustrating as hell, but troublemakers send my anxiety skyrocketing.
67. Kissed a stranger: No.
68. Drank hard liquor: Yes.
69. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t think so. 
70. Turned someone down: Yes.
71. Sex on the first date: No.
72. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe sort of? He broke his own damn heart.
73. Had your heart broken: No.
74. Been arrested: No.
75. Cried when someone died: Yes.
76. Fallen for a friend: I guess so.
77. Yourself: Once in a blue moon. Occasionally I remember the things I’ve actually achieved and recognise that they’re not nothing.
78. Miracles: Nope.
79. Love at first sight: No.
80. Santa Claus: I remember believing in him, mostly because we’d leave out a mince pie and some sherry (standard British offering) and it’d be gone in the morning. Plus, the carrot we left for Rudolph had the end bitten off, so obviously the only logical conclusion was that both Rudolph and Father Christmas were real.
81. Kiss on the first date: No real aversion, but never have.
82. Angels: No.
83. Current best friend’s name: Amy <3
84. Eye colour: Blue.
85. Favorite movie: It’s entirely out of character for me, but the 2005 Pride and Prejudice always makes me happy.
Tagging! @nettlekettle @dimplesflint @silversflint @twobrokenwyngs @reluming @annevbonny @queen-max if any of you want to do it. :)
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stardusstt · 7 years
I was tagged by @ohxthexhorror Thank you! 💖💋
last drink: orange juice
last phone call: my mom lol, cause there was a mouse in the hood of my car...apparently he's decided to shack up in there
last song you listened to: Shooting Stars - Billy Idol
last time you cried: earlier today 
🍒Have you ever🍒
dated someone twice: nope
been cheated on: idk maybe haha
kissed someone and regretted it: YESSSSS
lost someone special: yeah
been depressed: hahahahahah all day ere day
been drunk and thrown up: many a time, thnx tequila. also drinking vodka through a fn straw ahhhhh
made a new friend: yeah
fallen out of love: nah
laughed till you cried: yes!!!
met someone who changed you: hmmm no?
found out who your true friend were: ohhhh yessss
found out someone was talking about you: yeah
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life ? one! @r0semcgowan my bff
do you have any pets ? i have a golden retriever, Gypsy! and a pretty kitty, Nikki! also a fish named Lexxi lmao
do you want to change your name ? yes sometimes i hate my name... my dad wanted to call me either Jacqueline, or Reagan and my mom wanted to call me, Star, Mercedes, or other various car related names...which are all better than Hailey lmao.
what time did you wake up this morning ? 7:30 about
what were you doing last night: decorating for halloween, also making a list of shit i need to bring w me to Milwaukee  
name something you cannot wait for: lol my mini trip to Milwaukee to see Guns N’ Roses  again. Im flying there from mpls lol cause my car is trash (i love my car though omfg) but i bought a VIP ticket and will be three rows away from Duff, Axl, and Slash and i cannot believe it yet omfg. 
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes haha
what’s getting on your nerves right now ? everything really
blood type: idk O+ maybe
nickname: my mom gave me the nickname poncho, i also have hails lmao but only really like when one person in particular calls me that. and ya know, bitch ass cunt or trash seems to fit pretty well lmaooooo
relationship status: singleeeeee
zodiac sign: Scorpio on the cusp with Libra. Happy “me” season💖
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: i have a lot, its always sunny, family ties, baywatch, the office, wilfred, sherlock, house md....probs missing some lmao
college: um i go to college? second year what am i? sophomore?
hair color: blonde, soon to be blue💙 and by soon i mean like late november when i actually have money.
do you have a crush on someone: unfortunately yes, he works at the tattoo place i go to, practicing to be an artist. he's perfect and funny and cute and has a bitchin mohawk. like an actual mohawk not a pussy one but for real man you gotta see it to believe it. i ran into him at the state fair of all places, and was totally wine drunk lmao but we had a nice conversation but i haven't seen him since:( hopefully he’ll be working this sunday when i get my work done!!!! pray for me dudes!! he will be mine oh yes he will be mine
what do you like about yourself: lol my hair i guess. and my eyes! they are the same color as my dads, and they change a lil w the seasons. i also love my sense of style and my taste in music.
first piercing: my ears when i was like 3 or 4 at kmart lmao
first sport you joined: horse riding
first vacation: um iowa? never really been anywhere...
eating: nothing rn lol, i had dried pineapple though before work.
drinking: nothing now lol
I’m about to: probably sleep cause I'm fn tired
listening to: Flesh For Fantasy - Billy Idol...i love listening to him at night.
want kids: hell no
get married: yeah
career: lol not really sure 
lips or eyes:  eyes but no one wants bad lips so both lmao
hugs or kisses: kisses lol but it depends on who's hugging me cause Bret Michaels i could hug all day long cause he's really warm and smells really good and calls me pretty sooooooo, ill be seeing him again in a week and a half omfg😍
shorter or taller: TALLER
romantic or spontaneous:  a lil of both please
sensitive or loud: eh both i guess
hook up or relationship: depends on who we’re talking about
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker xxx
kisses a stranger: sort of
drank hard liquor: its one of my favorite past times
lost glasses/ contacts: i have 20/20 vision
sex on first date: nah 
broken someone’s heart: yes and he deserved it
been arrested: not yet
turned someone down: oh yes
in yourself: sometimes
miracles: yes
love at first sight: sorta
heaven: eh maybe
santa claus: sure
idk who to tag ibvneowkndwkndx: @sheonlycaresaboutbands @sodascherry @r0semcgowan anyone who wants to can!! although i don't think anyone ever takes me up on the suggestion lmao, I'm too tired to function let alone think of more wonderful mutuals to tag sorrrrryyyyy.
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