#eating the wallpaper off the wall
biggest12fan · 5 months
Whenever 3 interacts with his companions i dissolve into a puddle. he's so gentle and caring with them i can't jsbsjzhxjdjsjdjd
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Liking any piece of media is so exhausting because I can’t just like things normally. I need to consume its essence. I need to hold it gently in my hands and keep it close to my heart. I need to project it permanently into my brain. I need to give all the characters a hug and a high five. I need to bite them I need to put them in my pocket I need to throw them at the wall. I need to tuck them into bed and give them little kisses on the forehead. I need to throw them down the stairs. Do you understand.
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maraschinodreamo · 9 months
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He has the sweetest, cutest face I have ever seen. He is so precious and kind with a gentle soul .......and I want to do unspeakable things with him including every conceivable sex act known to mankind.
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cosmicanamnesis · 10 months
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hella1975 · 11 months
omg i just saw you made a dog motif playlist i made one awhile go so here’s mine if you want some recs <3
so glad to see you’ve joined the dog motif train
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chorusan · 1 year
i need more chorus trilogy tattoos. NOW!!!!!
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one of the legendary copypastas of the russian internet, courtesy of 2ch
My dad creates some fucked up dishes.
Here's an average recipe, since there are a lot of variations.
There's soup, the soup isn't heated, heating isn't what my dad is all about. He takes this soup, dumps it into the pan and starts frying. Adds tons of onions, garlic, bell and black peppers, FLOUR!! for viscosity, tomato sauce on top. This is all fried until it starts smoking. Then it's taken off the fire and cools down on the balcony. Then dad brings it back and, after generously pouring mayo over it, starts eating. He eats it directly from the pan, scraping it with a spoon. Eats it and half-whispers "oh fuck". While he's doing all that he even starts sweating. Sometimes he graciously offers me some, but I turn him down. Do I even need to say what wild farts he has afterwards? The stench is so bad, it peels the wallpaper off the walls.
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selineram3421 · 4 months
*writing down taglist* Dodadoo, that's a lot.
Hissy Kitty
Part 1
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Alastor X Reader
⚠ cussing, bold italics = sound affects, italics = thoughts, catnip, cat demon reader doing cat things, hehe ⚠
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Husk stared with a scowl behind the bar at the red deer demon standing a little too close to you.
Its been a week and that piece of shit would not stop touching you. Placing a hand on your shoulder, grabbing your hand, and even patting you on the head. The last part he's seen the asshole do more often after noticing you purr at the action.
"You've done a wonderful job! I know Niffty appreciates the extra help.", the Radio Demon grinned.
"Are we going to do anything about the ripped up wallpaper?", you asked, looking at one of the lobby walls with peeling wallpaper.
"Don't worry about those. I'll take care of them soon.", the red demon waved it off and pat your head.
"Hands off you slimy fuck!", he threw a bottle at the deer.
Alastor easily dodged and made a tsk noise of disappointment.
"Honestly Husker, you must stop throwing bottles."
You just crossed your arms and sighed. "I'll take my break now."
Husk brought out a cup and a bottle onto the counter, opening it up and waiting for you to notice what drink it was. Not a second later you gravitated towards the bar with dilated pupils.
"Is that..", you mumbled, staring straight at the bottle.
"That's right."
The cat demon flipped off the deer, who was already walking up to the both of you.
"And what is this beverage?", he asked, tapping his fingers on the bar counter.
"Its my favorite.", you whispered, still staring at the bottle. "Husk, hurry up and pour the damn drink."
Your brother chuckled and poured the liquid into the cup, watching in amusement as you snatched it once he lifted the bottle back up.
"Enjoy you gremlin.", he said while putting away the bottle.
The cup was empty a second later.
Alastor was curious.
What is that? Why did the drink have their full attention like that? What a funny reaction.
"Can I have another?", you asked.
"No.", Husk said without a beat, cleaning the cup you used.
"Awwwwwwww!", you whined and rested your head on the counter. "Pleeeeeeeeaaase?"
Alastor felt his eye twitch at your pouting face.
"I don't see a problem with having another drink.", the deer commented.
You perked up immediately and looked over to the red dressed demon, ears pointing towards him and Husk's ears going back.
"I'm saying no for a reason.", Husk warned.
The Radio Demon rolled his eyes and had his shadow retrieve the bottle.
"I'll take care of whatever problems they cause.", he laughed and swiped the cup from the cat, pouring another drink. "Sound fair?"
"I'm gonna need that in writing."
In writing? He thought placing the filled cup on the counter. Why would that be necessary?
"Surely nothing bad could happen.", he laughed the bartender's concern off and looked towards the cup, only to find it empty.
Alastor looked towards where you were standing and also found that spot empty.
"Better start running deer boy.", Husk said taking the cup. "They have a knack for causing all kind of hell."
Before the Radio Demon could ask what the cat meant, there was a shout from the kitchen.
Alastor quickly wrote up a small deal, promising to take care of any problem you might cause while under the influence of the strange beverage.
There's nothing too serious. He thought as he went walking around the hotel to find you. Just minor little things like eating Angel's potato salad and scratching up some couches.
He walked into a common room.
Nothing too bad.
Both of you made eye contact after you pushed a cup off of the table you were perched on.
"Dear, I'd advise you not to make anymore mess. I'll have to clean it up later."
Ignoring him, you slowly pushed another glass.
"No.", he said in a warning tone.
You stopped and stared at him for a moment before continuing.
"Oh for the love of-", he sighed as the other glass broke. "Fine. Let's do something about your current state.", he walked over to you.
It didn't even take a second for you to shift into a full on cat and dart out of the room.
Now I see what Husker meant.
"This is going to take a while."
Husk watched with a smug grin and took a sip from his bottle.
"No! Get down from there!", the Radio Demon ran over to the middle of the lobby.
You were on the chandelier.
"Oh yeah, they like tall places.", Husk pointed out.
"What in the devil was in that drink?", Alastor said, trying to use his tendrils to get you down.
All you did was swat and paw at the dark things. Moving out of the way and scratching.
"It's catnip tea."
There was a record scratch.
Alastor felt his eye twitch at how obvious it was.
The cat demon felt a little better that he got you to be a problem for the deer. Maybe after this the smiling fuck would leave you alone. Then he'd finally get some peace.
"Husk? What the fuck is going on?", Vaggie walked over, gesturing to what was happening in the lobby.
"Nothing much, just my sibling giving the deer a hard time.", he responded.
There was a crash.
The chandelier having fallen and you running off again.
"Damn!", the red demon snapped his fingers, bringing up some creatures to clean up the mess before going after you.
"Can I watch?"
"Be my guest."
The two watched as the deer demon chased you around the hotel. Trying and failing at getting a good hold on you. After a few hours, Husk and Vaggie left, having been satisfied with all the random shit you did to keep the smiling demon occupied.
Alastor, having run around the hotel all day was tired and had his shadows chase you instead.
Walking over to the couch with the least amount of scratches, he sat down with a tired sigh and leaned back into the cushions.
"Never again.", he told himself.
There were growls and hissing coming from the other side of the lobby, no doubt you scratching the shadows that tried to grab you.
"Do be gentle, there can't be any fur out of place.", Alastor told the shadows as he rubbed the side of his head.
I'll have to go over our original deal later. He thought about the first contract he had Husker sign.
It got quiet for a moment and he saw that you had torn apart his shadows.
"How did you do that?", he asked as you trotted over and jumped up on the couch.
Even now you were still a little cat, fully embracing your cat side.
"You are a menace, you know that?", he said to you, watching as you 'made biscuits' on one of the pillows.
I didn't know you could cause such chaos. Though you did end up in Hell so that should have said something. He thought and leaned his head back, closing his eyes from being tired and up all day.
Then he felt a weight on his lap.
Snapping his eyes open and looking down, he found you resting like a loaf of bread.
"All I had to do was sit down..", he said annoyed before just giving up. "Alright, alright. You have the honor of besting the Radio Demon."
You were comfortable, eyes closed and adjusting just a bit before staying put.
Such a calm thing when they aren't running about. He thought and started to pet your head, which had you purring immediately.
"You know, I never liked dogs. And with you I can see myself being a cat person."
His hand was yanked back by the wrist.
"You better get your fucking hands off of them!", Husk yelled. "They aren't your fucking pet. This is your last warning."
You had run off and hid from the barking cat.
"They had just settled down.", Alastor said and turned to look at your brother, pissed. "₩h¥ wθμ|d y¤U rμ¡n +h@t?"
"Oh calm your ass down.", Husk took out a bell and dropped it, letting it roll on the floor.
You pounced on it and started messing with the ringing ball.
"You think I don't know how they act? I spent years taking care of them before officially becoming an overlord."
"This would have been useful information earlier.", the deer snatched his hand back.
The cat demon rolled his eyes and went to pick you up along with the ball before turning back to look at his boss.
"I just wanted to see you annoyed.", Husk smiled, walking over to the stairs to take you to your room.
"And stop touching them. Read our fucking contract you dumbass. You're not supposed to lay a hand on anyone I genuinely care about."
Alastor stayed for a moment longer before shadow traveling to his hotel room, going over to his desk and rummaging through it for the contract.
"Where is the blasted old thing.", he mumbled, going through his papers before remembering he could snap it into his hands. "Looks like I really am tired."
He did just that and looked over the contract, skimming through it until he reached the part about protection.
"No touching, holding, dancing or any unnecessary physical contact with any demon I, The Gambling Demon, deem important enough to care about. This includes any blood relatives still alive in Hell."
The Radio Demon laughed.
What a clever cat.
"Let's see where I can find a loophole.", he grabbed a pen to take notes.
Let the game begin.
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If you asked to be added but don't find your name in the taglist, please let me know through messages. I'll try to tag you again, and if it still doesn't work then I'll send you updates through messages.
~Seline, the person.
Part 2
@ducky-died-inside @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @lbcreations-blog @jane-3043 @chocolat3pudding @chewbrry @dewdropsposts @danveration @jyoongim @iloveblogging2 @elaemae @hallowedandhungry @fandom-nobody @nevermore-ramblings @creepylilneko @perilous-pasta @xdolls-crownx @scary-noodlesblog @+?
ML for Alastor🎙 | HK ChL😾
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miyacults · 5 months
jjk men + where they keep a picture of you.
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gojo, geto, nanami, megumi, yuuji.
cw: this is based off this trend! fully sfw. just wholesome talk about these guys looking at pictures of you everyday to lighten their day up <3 (or to mess with you, in gojo’s case)
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⊹˚₊⭒ GOJO has recently picked up the habit of taking the absolutely most ridiculous pictures of you ever since Yuuji and the rest of the kids gifted him a Polaroid camera for his birthday. He even started to gather them up in a photo album he proudly shows to anyone who visits your home, and this alone would be just lovely, if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re fully asleep, or unshowered, or in the middle of sneezing, or eating—in all of them! He claims his favorite is one he took while you were actively arguing about him not taking out the trash the night before, so he decided that it was a great idea to capture the Polaroid with his phone and put it as your contact photo and the wallpaper to his laptop.
⊹˚₊⭒ GETO owns a big house and is the proud father of two precious twin girls, so the walls of his living room and a few tables are filled with picture frames of Nanako and Mimiko growing up and of course—of you, too. He loves the sense of familiarity and warmth it brings to his house, turning it into a home and making him feel whole. Geto also loves keeping pictures on his nightstand, sometimes he even go as far as to writing sweet notes in the back of them, declaring his love for you or how proud he is of the girls.
⊹˚₊⭒ NANAMI is a classic man, so of course he keeps a picture of you in his—very expensive, very posh—wallet. He really isn’t much a tech-like guy, as he prefers simple things and wishes to have a simple life, so he’s not one to be on his phone constantly. He doesn’t even use mobile payment regularly, instead prefers taking his multiple cards out of his wallet every time he’s purchasing something—hence why he put a little picture of you in there to be looking at him all the time. He also made sure to put one of both of you over his desk at work.
⊹˚₊⭒ MEGUMI’s favorite hobby is actually taking pretty pictures of you (unlike Gojo)—so you’re clearly the wallpaper on his phone. He has a whole folder dedicated to you, with your name and a little ‘<3’ next to it, and it’s flooded with images of you blowing him a kiss, eating and laughing on your weekly date nights, sparring with Yuuji and shopping with Nobara, and so much more. He’s the type to take out his phone any chance he gets to photograph anything you’re doing at anytime.
⊹˚₊⭒ YUUJI has a locket necklace with a picture of you and Todou in it… but it wasn’t really his choice to begin with. It was actually a Christmas gift from Todou himself, and Yuuji was really close to throw it away when his besto friendo opened it and showed him the smiley picture of you in the right side of the necklace. He grew very accustomed to it since that, but Choso’s been bothering him to get a new one where he appears ever since.
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2024 © miyacults. Do not copy or plagiarize any of my work or share it in other social media platforms.
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Is there any way I could request more of Danny's Grill? I keep re reading it and it's so great!
Danny's mansion amazed Tim, which said a lot given that he had lived in the Drake and Wayne Manors. It seemed almost like a castle, with its four floors and a few towers (four at each corner of the fenced-off stone. Danny had his property enclosed. )
Everything screamed old money and was well taken care of. He also was surprised to find that the whole place had a lot of natural light.
The drive out of Gotham got them away from the dark cloudy skies to wide blue, and the mansion had plenty of strategically placed windows that caught the sun to light up the rooms.
It was likely that way since the place was obviously built before electricity. Even the air felt lighter, sweater, and caused ease to rest in his bones. Tim found himself strolling through the place, oddly at peace with the silence.
He had taken a dip in Danny's pool, adoring how it was designed to resemble a natural river, complete with a waterfall. It was still a pool, with the proper level of chlorine and tile floor, but there were rocks and multiple plants all around that really sold it to him.
The waterfall was made from unevenly stacked rocks as if carved out of a cliffside. He enjoyed sitting near it, flouting in in the rippling water and listening to the falling water.
Tim found a makeshift bench from the stacked rocks right under the waterfall, where he could comfortably sit down and have the water reach his shoulders. He found himself in that same spot often over the week since he came to stay with Danny.
He was in a fluffy red bathrobe- and nothing else- having just finished a shower to wash off the pool's chlorine. His bare feet patted against the tile floor as Tim once more appreciated the artistic white and gold wallpaper.
He loved that it had leaf-like designs that weren't all over but small enough to give the place a pop of color.
He was still thinking of a destination, wandering about the large building while waiting for Danny to return.
Danny has also been a gracious host. After the first night, he had made him some food and offered him a room across from his, just as large as the master room. It was a lovely white with gold trimming, matching the rest of the mansion but left room to decorate the walls to his hearts content.
Tim hasn't, but Danny seemed rather insistent that he could if he would like to. That Tim had the option open to him. Danny, he came to find, was all about giving people choices.
What did they want to eat? Whatever Tim was in the mood for.
What should they do? If Tim was okay with being around people, they would go out and take pictures. If he was having an overwhelmed day, then Tim could find his own little corner to sit.
Was it okay if Danny gave him friendly hugs or pats? Only if he asked Tim before going in for a hug.
Could Tim walk around in nothing but a bathrobe? Of course! If it made him feel better, Danny could even avoid the entire west side of the mansion so he wouldn't have to see him if he thought like clothes were a bother.
It was enjoyable but also baffling.
Tim has never met someone who gave him as much attention as Danny did but also respected all his boundaries. He enjoyed talking about them, setting them, and even seemed to glow whenever Tim carefully tested the waters, by placing some that would have upset his past friends and family.
Another thing that needed to be clarified about Danny was that he plainly didn't make any sense at all. Tim had always assumed Danny was middle class- maybe high middle- since he ran his own food truck and all but it was obvious by his house that he didn't need it.
Danny's family- from what Tim had been able to uncover- had always been low, middle class up until Danny had been fifteen. Then their luck turned when a rich distant relative by the name of Pariah Dark willed Danny all his fortunes.
Who was Pariah Dark? What happened to him? Why was Danny the only one he left his money to and not all of the Fentons? Why did this property sit for years without any record of usage yet still look brand new?
There was also the question of whether Danny was human.
Tim is sharp when finding small details that lead to clues that lead to answers.
It's both a curse and a blessing.
In this case, he noticed little things about Danny; his tendency to not notice the cold weather, his slight winces when loud noises were near, his graceful steps that were sometimes a tad bit off of gravity, his eyes seemed to change color- blue and green- and the way he would stare into shadows, gaze following something that Tim could not see.
Tim could have assumed Danny had some mental issues- who didn't at this point?- but he felt that wasn't the real reason or not all of it.
He couldn't explain it, but Danny felt like more. Especially when he returns from Gotham because the air feels aware of his arrival. Like it got excited that Danny was back.
Was the mansion sentient like the House of Mystery? Or was it an extension of Danny himself?
Tim had accompanied Danny on a few of his food truck runs. Mostly as a chasier but Danny had beamed when he asked if he could join him three days into his stay.
He did to observe how Danny interacted with the people of Gotham. Just like the air gane a certain something, whenever Danny sold his ware and the people thanked him, he seemed to puff up in strength.
Not the pride in his work kind of puff up but an actual burst of energy as if though he had taken an energy drink. This was doubly so when he gave the street kids free meals. Helping them seemed almost like a drug to Danny.
It begged the question of whether it was, in a sense, a drug. Because Tim could see all the tiny hints that helping people seemed to do much more for his friend. He had dilated pupils, a droopy smile, and random bursts of energy, and he even got a bit snappy when he went too long helping.
Tim could even claim that it was as if Danny was making Deals, and he did not dismiss his hypothesis because Tim had already dealt with aliens, demons, and gods as Red Robin.
Fae or other magical creatures wouldn't be as far-fetched as he once thought.
Did that mean Danny Fenton was never fully human or that something had happened to him that changed him?
There were many questions. Not enough answers.
Yet despite all of that, Tim couldn't find it in himself to think Danny was dangerous. If anything he could only safely conclude Danny lived and breath to protect others.
Tim, the sole attention to his protective tendencies due to proxy, was all but wrapped in a blanket of affection and respect. It could drive a guy to do something silly, like hang up his cowl, resign from WE and live the rest of his life as a pampered prince awaiting for his King.
How odd.
Tim never wanted to do any of those things, but he felt he would if Danny asked. The best part? He knew Danny would never ask that of him which made him want to stay even more.
It's too bad all good things have an end. Tim thinks wistfully. He would much rather spend his days here, but his family was anxious about the lack of check-in.
Tim didn't want them to find out about Danny and had chosen to send a delayed message from the Nest, letting them know he was undercover, infiltrating a possible new magical court. The Bats knew not to risk his cover but they also wanted some proof he was doing alright.
He had asked Danny if he could go to Gotham for a quick trip, and despit the saddness in his blue eyes, Danny always let him. He even gave him the keys to a his car, walking him to the gate with a promise the gates were always opoen to Tim.
Tim would use those visits to catch up on WE work and deposit information packages at Bat checkpoints. He would also pick up coded folders from other family members who wanted to keep him in the loop should their cases overlap.
It's been three weeks since he came here; in that time, Jason had cracked down on pimps and working people. The family was helping him, as Jason was attempting to fulfill a favor that someone had cashed in and was struggling to find the working boy his contact was worried about.
Apparently, the guy was regularly getting roughed up and was underage to boot. Tim hopes Jason finds the jerks hurting him. He would love to help but he had to figure out Danny Fenton first.
The air brighten, snapping Tim out of his thoughts.
Danny was home.
He turned towards the main gate, scurrying to make it to the front door before Danny could finish driving up the drive way and park his car under neeath the shadow parking spots.
His heart fluttered as he barely slide into the main hall way and the wood of the door swung open. Danny steps in, still wearing his black t-shirt and jeans that he favored when working his truck.
"Welcome home!" Tim tells him, watching Danny's whole face break into a wide grin. It was like dawn breaking over the horizion and it made him feel all sorts of warm.
Danny was definitely beaurtyful enough to be otherworldly.
"I'm home, Alvin." Danny pauses and then gestures to his robe, his smile turning warm and fond. "Another late swim?"
"I like the water. It helps my bones," He says, shrugging his shoulders.
Danny hums. "I could ask a friend of mine to install a hot watered pool for you."
Tim considers it. He wants to say no but he just knows the mansion will rat him out. Danny seemed to always know when a lie is spoken here. Another check in the Fae theory.
"If....if it's not a bother, that would be nice." He says suddenly overcome with shyness. The feeling vanishes at the utter delight and green eyes of Danny.
"It's never a bother! The east wing has a smaller pool that rarely gets used. I'll make some calls and have it turn into an artificially hot spring for you." Danny chirps. "It would help me relax too. You would not belive the fight I had with Robin today."
Tim stills. "You fought Robin?"
"Not physically." Danny corrected but still shook his head sadly. "We disagreed on the case he's helping Red Hood with."
"What case?" Are Damian and Jason working together on the working boy's case? Or was it something else? And more importantly did he try Danny's food?!
He may come back for more if he did, and Tim's personal cheat truck was no longer his own!
"I'm not sure of the details, but they are trying to map out all the working girl's corners. He was upset when I told him I would not release that information to a child." Danny sighs. "I know he's Robin, but I could sense how uncomfortable it made him feel, you know? It made my core ache, but Robin took it as me not wanting to respect him as a hero. It was a whole thing."
Tim has so many questions he feels like he might just burst. It's only years of training that had him clamping down on all but one. "You're helping the Bats catch prostitutes?"
Danny's eyes widen "No! No! Not the employees themselves, just their sick pimps. I would never rat them out."
Tim nods once. "Okay."
"I mean it, Alvin. I would never"
And the blue eyes have flickered to green again. Interesting.
But he can't help but relax smiling at Danny. "I know. Thank you for helping them though."
Danny's face flushes, and then he hastily looks away. Coughing into his fist, he mutters, "Are you hungry? I still have some leftover Pizza from today's menu."
"Starved. Want to watch a moive while we eat?"
"Yeah, sounds good-are you-I mean, will you be-um" Danny fumbles over his words gesturing at him. Tim tilts his head in confusion, wondering why he sounds so nervous, until Danny finally blurts. "Is that all you're going to wear?"
"Yeah. It's soft." He says playing with the robe's sleeves and Danny swallows.
"Alright. Okay. I um I'll get the pizza. Will you go pick the moive and get it ready?"
Tim beams, twisting on his heel to do just that and catching the reflection of Danny clutching his chest and screaming silently into a closed fist in a nearby wall mirror. His face is redder than before, and the house ripples with excitement, glee, warmth, and happiness.
Interesting indeed.
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yawnderu · 3 months
Final Girl — Slasher!Keegan P. Russ x Reader (2/?)
cw: stalking, noncon. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Your life was never meant to be a punishment.
"Are you listening?" The man in front of you asks the moment your gaze starts to drift off for the third time since you arrived at the office.
"Sorry. What did you say?" The dark circles around your eyes make you resemble a raccoon more than a human, the memories of your friends dying and their blood splattered all around the pale wallpapers. Images of nature that were supposed to be remembered as calming do the exact opposite, forever engraved in your broken psyche.
"Do you remember anything about the suspect?" The detective's voice is calm, laced with nothing but pure understanding and compassion, a man too passionate about what he does— and the man you're about to lie to, delaying the investigation of your friend's death just to save your own ass.
"Nothing other than what I've told you, sir. Everything is just so..." The pregnant pause makes him fidget with the pen in his hand, grey eyes focused on the way you look away from him, eyes squinting as you try to recall memories from that night, memories that are so painful he can see it written all over your face, making him feel a pang of guilt.
"It's okay. Call me if you remember anything else, yeah?" His warm hand rests on your shoulder after you get up, trying his best to give you a reassuring smile that is only met with weary eyes, making your way out without saying anything. There's hesitation in your steps, your heart almost beating out of your chest the moment you stop walking and look over your shoulder, briefly meeting his curious gaze.
“He had brown eyes.” Mr. Smith doesn't waste any time on adding the information to his notes, only making the guilt spread all over your insides like black mold, taking over what used to be your soul— it's all his now.
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Your life was never meant to be a punishment, yet what do you call seeing the man who killed your friends everywhere you go? He's been taking over your entire life no matter how much you try to push the memories away, no matter how much you try to forget it all happened, only serving as a constant reminder that you didn't do enough.
Dreams colliding with reality isn't something new, yet your nightmares are so realistic that it almost feels like you were there. Even while you were hidden away in a dark closet, you can see your friends struggling against the much bigger, armed man, innocent bodies butchered while they were alive, a mess of limbs spread all over the rented cabin, blank eyes always staring at you, watching you run away and leave them behind.
Were you losing your mind? It all seems so real, to the point you're not even convinced you only saw your best friend die. Are you sure you didn't peek the kitchen the moment you cowardly decided to escape? The kitchen was blocked by a wall, and yet.
Cold water splashes all over your face, feeling the softness of your palm rub the skin, trying to come back to reality, to remind yourself that it's impossible to have seen the other bodies. The crime scene report is repeated over and over like a mantra, serving as a permanent reminder that you weren't there. No, not when only a body was found in the living room.
The person looking back at you in the mirror is a far cry from who you used to be. The dark circles in your eyes resemble more a dead girl walking than a real, healthy body, and perhaps that's what you are. If it weren't for the constant feeling of crippling dread and the tears spilling down your cheeks like a broken dam, you could've fooled a mortician.
The sound of your phone vibrating against the vanity brings you back to reality from your trip to Self-Pity Land, slapping some more water on your sweaty face before deciding to take a peek at the screen.
1:38 PM.
From: Ali💗
Almost there.
It's enough to make you scurry around the room, applying enough makeup to not make your friend worry, knowing that she wanted to get you out of the house just to give you a worthy distraction.
For what seems like the first time in forever, the corners of your lips tilt up into a smile the moment your friend wraps her arms around you, holding you close despite the odd stares you're getting from the people in the diner.
“Hey, you.” Her cheerfulness was contagious, to the point that even if only for a second, you get a sense of normalcy. A sense of community, despite your own feelings about the entire situation.
Your friend can talk for two. Something that you never noticed until now, listening to her ramble about anything and everything for the past hour. In a way, it gave you the chance to dissociate in peace, the words mixing together to the point they barely made sense anymore, completely entering one ear and leaving the other.
“He's looking at you.” Alina says in a teasing whisper, nudging you with her elbow. You give her a confused glance until she looks between the man and you, giving you the look.
Your gaze connects with a pair of baby blue eyes, forcing a sharp pain to cut through your soul. His eyes look too familiar, resembling the pair you see every single day in your nightmares. His entire demeanor screams ''cocky bastard'', manspreading on the seat of the table across from you, his arm propped up on the backrest.
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“Awful timing, but I have to go.” Alina says with a small frown, though it quickly changes to a little smug smirk the moment she realizes the man is still looking at you. If she even notices your pleading gaze, it goes completely ignored as she gets up from the booth, giving you a strong, goodbye hug— and the stare from the man makes it clear that it might be the last one.
“Get some.” She teases in a whisper, quickly making her way out of the diner after paying for your drinks. You feel the urge to empty your stomach, yet there's barely anything there, only the slow-growing sense of pure dread the longer you keep staring at each other. Even when you force yourself to look away, you can see him staring at you from the corner of your eye, almost able to tell he has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
Leaving a halfway done drink behind, you make your way out of the diner, hoping that being out with more witnesses can save you. Is that really him? You barely got the chance to see his eyes yet you never saw his face, starting to doubt yourself the longer your tired feet drag you around the street. He could be an innocent man falling victim of your trauma, simply looking to get laid— you could probably use that, too, yet his icy stare and cocky grin is carved into your damaged mind.
“Need a ride?” A deep, gravely voice offers, nearly giving you a heart attack the moment your eyes meet his. Your hand goes up to your chest, trying to calm your fast-beating heart even when he gives you a reassuring, charming smile.
“No, thank you.” Your tone is far too polite and kind, still wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt despite the fight or flight screaming at you to flee— to get away from the man you're now convinced is the same masked man who murdered your friends.
“Get in the fucking car, princess.”
The charming smile he was shooting your way is gone within a second, his icy gaze piercing through your soul now that he knows you saw through his bullshit. Your gaze drifts down to the hand lifting a part of his shirt up, revealing part of his dark, happy trail— and his handgun.
There's hesitation in your steps as you walk to the passenger's seat, already feeling the smoothie you drank starting to crawl up your throat, almost making you throw it all up, yet you do your best to hold it in, shakily getting into his car.
“… My house's up ahead.” You purposely give him the wrong address, trying to protect your family and yourself from the deranged bastard. The ride is eerily quiet, almost making you even more nervous than if he was trying to make conversation with you. There's no music playing, no humming— nothing, other than his fingers tapping against the steering wheel and his calm breathing.
“We're here.” Maybe you're reading him wrong, but there's hints of teasing bleeding through his deep voice, his eyes shining with mirth when you step out of his truck, making your way to one of the houses. You reach the front door after what feels like minutes, your hand shaking as you think of what to do. You can hear the engine of his car still behind you, not driving away even when you told him that's your home.
I don't want anyone else to die because of me. If someone opens the door, would he murder them too? He has a gun, and the way he brutalized your friends makes it clear that he's not afraid to get his hands dirty no matter the weapon. His loud laugh makes every single muscle in your body tense up, hesitantly looking back at him, the pure amusement dancing all over his face doesn't ease your fears in the slightest.
“Come back, sweetheart. I'll take you home.” And he stays true to his word, driving back in silence, his warm hand resting on your bare thigh. You don't dare look at it, simply staring out of the window, feeling every single callus on his hand while the scenery gets more and more familiar. The black mold in your soul spreads by the second, threatening to rot you from the inside out, bubbling up into a disgusting brew as he stops in front of your house.
Your eyes briefly meet his, his pupils starting to dilate the same way they did when he was done brutalizing your friends; just like a predator who has never failed to catch his prey. You never gave him your address— in fact, you didn't say a single word since you got back into his truck, yet he still found his way to your house.
It's all starting to make sense. Despite assuming it's all a product of your paranoia, you've been catching hints of the masked man everywhere you go, blue eyes always staring right into your soul.
“Not gonna invite me over for some coffee?” Technically, it is a question, yet you both know saying no to him is not even on the table.
“Sure… I can make you a coffee.” Perhaps inviting a serial killer is not the brightest idea, yet what other options do you even have? He knows where you live and the places you frequent, you're not safe anywhere. His hand drifts down to the small of your back as you open the entrance door, hesitantly letting him back into the only safe space you had, willingly allowing him to invade your life.
“Atta girl.” What should feel like praise from an older man only serves as additional mental torture, the sound of the door closing behind you making all hope of surviving him fade away.
“Come sit on my lap.” He walks to the living room as if it's his own home, not even asking for directions, simply being able to navigate his way around like he's been here before— deep inside, you know he has. Your nose starts to sting as he sits down on the couch and forces you to straddle him, your thighs around his, allowing you to feel all the muscle.
“Don't cry…” He taunts, only now making you aware of the hot tears dripping down your cheeks, your lips trembling as he pushes you closer by the ass, pressing your clothed cunt against his hardening dick. His face is buried on he crook of your neck, loudly inhaling your scent as his starts to grind against you, calloused hands roaming all over your pretty body.
“Wanna feel my cock?” The vigorous head shake you give him is enough to make him laugh, open-mouthed kisses planted all over your neck and shoulders, not caring about leaving any marks. You can barely register the sound of his zipper coming down until he's guiding your hand to his warm, hardening dick.
You're too shaky to even do anything about it, disgust and nervousness turning into a dangerous mix, yet Keegan is a patient man. A patient man who gently makes your fingers wrap around his shaft, guiding your movements to jerk him off, getting even harder underneath your touch. Low grunts and muffled moans are spilled right into your ear, clearly getting off despite your very clear fear.
“You're doing so good, princess…” He murmurs. Keegan's free hand starts to sneak his way inside your shirt, slipping past your bra, his thumb brushing past your hardening nipple. Your brain is able to recognize that fight or flight aren't options anymore, so just like a wild animal trying to avoid a fight; you freeze.
Your shaky breaths mingle together, only interrupted by the low groans he lets out, his hand leaving yours for the first time, leaving you unsure of what to do. Despite the tears falling down your cheeks and the muffled whimpers, your hand keeps moving up and down his shaft, not wanting to die by his dirty, blood-tainted hands.
Keegan's mind isn't broken enough to not know it's wrong, yet it has been broken enough to the point he simply doesn't care. Thrown away by his brothers in arms and the marines, he doesn't have anything else to lose. No life purpose, other than to bring others the same pain he has suffered for years.
A quiet whimper escapes your lips as he moves your hand away from his cock, using his tip to move your underwear aside. His free hand goes to the back of your head, encouraging you to hide your pretty, tear-stained face on the crook of his neck, fully muffling your cries the moment he penetrates you. His dick is way too thick for his own good— stretching you open forcefully, despite the way he's actually going out of his way to make it as painless as possible.
“Shh, it's okay, kid. Just enjoy it.” He whispers into your ear, running a reassuring hand up and down your back, starting to move inside you, as if what he's doing could be even remotely enjoyable. A low, throaty moan makes its way out of his lips the moment he manages to bottom out, your body responding to the forced intrusion by getting you wet, not able to register that you don't want it.
Breaking you apart is the closest thing to religion he's ever gotten. Keegan's lips crash against yours as his hips start to thrust up faster and deeper, growing more desperate by the second despite how wrong he knows it is. He shouldn't be enjoying this, yet he's just a broken, terrible man, the little sobs leaving your lips only making him fuck into you harder.
The human body works in odd, awful ways. You don't want this, yet every single nerve inside your cunt is being stimulated by his long shaft, sending signals to your body that make it feel much better after you got wet. The small moan that gets ripped out from your throat makes him break away from the kiss, amusement written all over his face.
Keegan's forehead leans against yours as his hips rock against yours, his breath hot against your face. From this position, you're able to examine his face, taking note of as many details as possible in case he decides to let you leave, no matter how slim the chances are.
Thick, black eyebrows, buzzcut, dark scruff covering his pale cheeks. High cheekbones, light blue eyes, no visible scars or moles.
You repeat it inside your head like a mantra, trying to use it as a replacement to keep your head occupied from the knot starting to tense in your stomach, tightening up more and more with each thrust. You know for a fact you're hating this, yet your body is betraying you, coating his cock with slick.
He pulls out only to slam himself back in, dragging more pathetic moans out of your lips the moment he hits your spongy cervix. The stimulation is enough to make you hide your face on the warm crook of his neck, biting your thumb hard to muffle your own sounds the moment you start tightening up around him, finally giving in to the stimulation.
Your teeth sink deeper into your skin despite the small whiny moan escaping your lips the moment your forced orgasm hits, barely conscious enough to register the cocky laugh above you, feeling his lips connect against your temple, his breath hot on your skin as he manages to pull out, shooting ropes of thick cum all over your stomach.
“See? It wasn't that bad, was it, princess?” You collapse against him with a loud exhale, not able to hold it together anymore.
“Why…?” It's all you can ask, and you're not even sure about the reason you're asking why. Why did he kill your friends? Why did he let you live? Why is he stalking you? Why did he force himself on you? Why is he caressing your body like you're made of glass, as if he didn't just destroy you into thousands of shards?
“Because I'm not right in the head anymore.”
Taglist: @h0ney-mushroom @bangtandaze @elentiyaiswriting @lollycotton @sleepydang @billiousserpent As always, thank you so much @moosch for the amazing art!! 💗💗 world-building with her has been so fucking exciting and I'm happy to finally be writing about Slasher!Keegan after we've been talking about it for months!!<333
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Enough With The Schemes!
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Ngl I kinda had this in my drafts just because I didn't know how it'd ever fit into the story but I decided to fix it up and post it after @vespers-night-sky's fanart for the "Get Off My Screen" Series- the direct continuation and reader's death is in the works folks, I've just been trying to figure out the pacing ahsojskqjds- I am not gonna be a Hazbin Hotel episode jkjkjk Anyway, thank you thank you THANK YOU ALL for the support with the series and think of these little things as filler episodes before the big reveal. Anyways, as usual- happy reading and I hope you all enjoy! The series in it's entirety can be found on my blog under the #Get Off My Screen Series
You didn't know how much more of Vox's shenanigans you could take.
First it had been the wallpaper war-
Until now you couldn't stop his face from being a permanent fixture to your devices-
But it was fine, he could have that!
You lamented over not having [Favorite Fictional Character Name] in your backgrounds anymore but you know what it was fineeeee-
You honestly couldn't tell if having his glitchy grinning face was an upgrade or cringe central.
Then he figured out how to absolutely lag out your computer at some point.
You seriously wanted to punch his monitor head from frustration because of it.
Especially when he had the nerve to laugh at your irritation-
This asshole-!
Now, he was absolutely blowing up your phone and devices with memes or just anything under the sun.
Not that messing with the notification settings would help-
Because somehow he'd figured out how to completely bypass those too.
If this was why that Alastor guy and Vox had a tiff you could practically relate.
Your phone just continued to buzz and vibrate on the table next to you.
Not that you could be fucked with it at the moment trying to cram a paper your professor assigned last BLOODY MINUTE!
That was of course until the Vox desktop companion grabbed the cursor and just didn't let you have it back.
As much as you tried, the darn thing only emoted angrily and refused to give you back the damn arrow.
Your eye twitched as you tried to maintain your cool, only to get up from the desk and scream obscenities to no one in particular.
The day had been a particularly bad one and you really just couldn't deal with Vox's bullshit right now.
"Helloooooo! HELLOOOOOOO?! Earth to (Y/N)! Pick up your fucking phone!!!"
Oh for the love of god he better not have changed your ringtone too-
You rubbed your face in an attempt to calm down before finally checking your phone.
Honestly you expected it to be something really stupid, but seeing what his messages were about made you feel slightly guilty for ignoring him the whole day.
Vox grew used to the routine you both had, so it was no surprise that your sudden inactivity drove his anxiety up the walls.
Poor guy thought of all the worst possible cases that could've happened to you-
He'd greet you in the morning and you would always reply afterwards while eating breakfast.
Save for the times you'd gotten sick or just felt under the weather.
After all, you had classes in the morning and he had broadcasts to air.
You also hated being tardy, similar to how he saw punctuality as something extremely important.
The two of you would intermittently chat within the day and tell each other if you had work to do so you both could leave each other alone for a designated time.
Vox often didn't adhere to this, but he'd always keep his distractions to a minimum if you asked.
Actually neither did you, sometimes you'd be the one spam sending him anything you could think of just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Then you would wish him a good night's rest and he would eventually reply back with a silly gif or emoji that bode you the same.
He just grew used to it, the familiarity of your companionship in his monotonous day to day.
So whenever something fell apart in the routine you both had, Vox couldn't help but worry that something happened to you.
Whether you'd gotten sick or just anything worse-
It didn't sit well with him when you didn't reply to his morning message like you often did.
Constantly checking his phone for any updates from you to find nothing.
Zilch, none, zero.
The worrying feeling only grew as time ticked onwards.
Even at your busiest you would still shoot him a memo saying that you were.
Which only made this radio silence-
Haha see what I did there-
Worse than it really was.
So what did Vox do?
Absolutely blow up your phone and devices trying to get your attention.
Only when he realized you were doing something on your laptop did he let the desktop companion he made for you interfere.
Not that he even really understood what he'd stuck his hands into.
"What the hell even happened to you today? You didn't even reply to any of my fucking messages! I thought something happened to you!"
"Well SORRY I couldn't reply to your terminally online ass. I was busy dealing with my shitty assignment workload."
The TV overlord quickly picked up that you weren't in a pleasant mood.
The way you typed was just a dead giveaway.
Glancing up at his schedule, Vox notified his secretary to cancel a few of his meetings before he replied to you.
"Anything I can help you with? I'm free for a good few hours."
You were taken aback by his offer, every time Vox would help you he didn't even bother asking.
He just straight up started editing whatever you were working on no matter what you said.
Who was this guy and what did he do with Vox-
"You aren't trying to bullshit me are you? Cuz I'm not in the mood."
"I can tell dollface, let me guess- your shitty professor again?"
You ended up ranting about the abruptly given assignment and just a bunch of other things that slowly ruined your day.
Vox just agreed with you here and there, shooting one word replies or emojis to show he was still listening.
All the while he made the desktop companion let go of your cursor and he looked over your work.
Wow your writing was still absolutely shit-
"So now I've gotta submit this fucking paper before midnight or I'll get a 40% deduction."
"Don't worry about it, we can finish this in an hour. Anything else?"
It was an economics paper you were struggling on and this was Vox you were talking to.
You shouldn't have been surprised that he already knew his way around the topic.
You glanced up from your phone and already saw him editing your essay.
Why didn't you just ask him for help sooner??
"I think I can handle the rest. Thanks anyway, mind if I put on some music while I write?"
"As long as I get to pick some of the songs."
It shouldn't have done anything really.
You shouldn't be having this funny feeling in your gut.
A fuzzy warmth that bloomed because Vox was so quick to drop everything and help you.
Even if it was just something minor like your paper.
Still, you couldn't help but smile as you put on some relaxing tunes and typed away alongside your favorite digital companion.
Just like that, you both melted back into the usual cycle of talking and working.
A casual harmony that you were more than happy to just live in for the moment.
Both you and Vox were just casually chatting by the time his secretary called him away for the scheduled broadcast.
Of course, you wished you could see what he was actually doing but stopped before you could say so.
Instead you just wished Vox well in the broadcast.
"Of course doll, and you know me! I'll be just fine."
Well, his broadcast was going fine-
Until his screen suddenly glitched and randomly played a tune from your playlist.
Had he forgotten to unlink himself from your devices?
It took a few seconds for Vox to compose himself but his show thankfully went on without another hitch.
You on the other hand?
You were just having a personal concert in your room to unwind while waiting for Vox to come back.
So it came as a surprise when the song you played randomly paused and made the Bluetooth disconnect sound.
You didn't connect it to anything-?
Though your questions were eventually answered when Vox blew up your phone again.
This time you couldn't help but laugh.
You were friends with a demonic overlord sure-
But it was hard to fear him when he was such a doofus.
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eumivrse · 8 months
warning(s) pure angst, jjk chapter 120 SPOILERS
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arguments with kento are always the worst.
you’ve learned over the years that you’d probably prefer it if he would just scream back when he’s mad rather than being dead silent.
because when he’s angry, he doesn’t speak. he just gives you space to cool off, then he always makes sure to kiss you before you sleep. a way to let you know that tomorrow is a new day and he still loves you the same even if things are heated; that you can always talk it out with him.
you hate it because he always, always apologizes first even if it’s your fault sometimes, but you always appreciated his way of communicating. it’s as if he would rather take the jab every time than have you mad at him.
however, he couldn’t do so that day— october 31, 2018. he had to go to shibuya and left with tension between the two of you. you don’t even remember what exactly you argued about— all you recall was that it ended with you both saying something that could’ve easily passed as unforgivable, words specifically chosen to wound each other’s feelings.
and as per, kento gave you your space and left with you having the last word.
except you never got that good night’s kiss.
when news reached you, you didn’t even react. how could you? the last words you said to him was “then leave already,” with the coldest, meanest tone you’ve ever spoken to him in.
you just stared at the wall for what seemed like days. people were calling you non stop, but your phone was turned off. you hadn’t even left your shared bedroom. the comforter still had his scent on it and you’re afraid that it’ll disappear if you get up for even a minute and then his passing will feel real.
it wasn’t until ino stopped by to drop off his cellphone— one of the only traces he left that night— that you did something else besides laying down. you stared at kento’s scuffed lock screen, sitting at the dim dining room table.
his wallpaper was a photo of you. he took it while you were eating in the very place you’re sitting in right now and you begged him for days to delete it. he insisted that you looked pretty so you let him be. he’d always been like that, so stern with others but he had such a soft spot for you.
you knew his password because it was your anniversary date, then the messaging app opened as soon as you punched the numbers in. it’s your chat, the last conversation you had on there was him asking if you wanted to eat outside because he was free the next morning and you obliged. that was the night before you had an argument the next day and lunch plans were cancelled.
he had an unsent message— all typed out, but he never pressed the send button for some reason.
he was apologizing for hurting you.
he said that he knows it’s been tough for you these days and how he should’ve seen the signs sooner instead of thinking everything’s okay.
then he apologized again for not being able to kiss you goodnight, and for being a shitty husband that couldn’t tend to his wife’s needs.
the message concluded with “i miss you, my precious girl. make sure to eat and sleep well, i’ll make it up to you soon.”
kento’s death hadn’t hit your reality until those words on the screen registered in your mind. your dry, pale lips from barely drinking water trembled, eyes welled up in tears for the first time since you found out. so many different emotions crashed over you in such little time, your chest felt tight and you let go of his phone, clattering onto the wooden table.
“then leave already,” replayed in your mind over and over and the way his face turned pale from your harsh words. with how things turned out, it almost sounded like you were sending him on death’s row and it made you feel like you’re responsible somehow.
guilt loomed over you like a stormy cloud for making him feel like he wasn’t good enough for you and you wonder how different the future might’ve turned out if you’ve at least gave him a hug before he left.
if you could’ve just set your pride aside and kissed him goodbye like he does with you before you sleep.
and if he still loved you the same at his final moments.
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coryosbaby · 1 year
If your requests are open hear me out rq
Somno w Stepbro!Ethan (previously established consent ofc) 🤭
I love writing stepbro Ethan it’s so fun 🤭 this can fit into the plot of Ultraviolence I guess, but it doesn’t have to !!
Warning: stepcest (stepbrother x stepsister), somnophilia, cnc, dubcon, reader is of age, slight sir kink, oral (f receiving), p n v, dom! Ethan being crazy in love, sub! Reader, praise, spit kink
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Ethan doesn’t have a lot of patience.
That’s something one should know about the boy, something that’s important. Because it explains perfectly why he’s sneaking out of his room to see you at approximately 2:34 a.m, hair messy, pajama pants low at his hips, as he tries not to wake both of your parents up.
Okay, so that sounds fucked up. But he’s not prone to being scared of taboos, either. And besides, it’s not like you and him are blood; your parents had just decided to marry each other, that’s all.
And, honestly, you’re just too pretty to resist.
He grins when he sees that your door is unlocked. You follow directions so well.
Your window is open, letting in a warm summer breeze. He smiles at your pink wallpaper and Sanrio posters all over the wall.
You’re underneath your floral sheets, chest moving up and down with small, soft breaths. You’re naked, just as Ethan asked you to be.
You’re so precious, so angelic. Ethan’s pretty baby.
He moves over to you, and slowly approaches your nude form on the bed. He watches your tits bounce slightly as he makes a dip in the bed, and then runs his fingers over your neck and chest. Your skin is so soft and supple, and it makes the boy’s cock get hard. He slowly pulls your blanket off of you to gently spread your legs, revealing your swollen pussy. You must’ve touched yourself before you went to bed.
“God..” his voice is quiet, and he’s in awe. “my perfect fuckin’ girl.”
He runs his pinky through your folds, gathering your wetness. He chuckles when he finds that your cum has gathered on his finger. It seems that you had came a lot, maybe even fell asleep right after one of your orgasms.
You squirm sleepily when the tip of Ethan’s pinky makes its way into your hole, and he spits down on your cunt. He lowers his head down and begins to lick his saliva back up, making sure to rub his tongue over your clit. You moan, tired brain confused. Ethan begins to eat you out like you’re his last meal, moaning at your delicious taste. He shoves his ring finger inside your tight canal, beginning to finger fuck your tight pussy.
You begin to stir, tiny sounds escaping you as your brain tries to gather the pleasure you’re experiencing.
“Mmh…” you whine, eyes beginning to flutter open, and you look down in confusion at the stimulation on your dripping cunt. “Eth?”
His thumb rubs circles onto your thigh. Your juices coat his chin, and his pretty brown eyes soften when he looks up at you.
“Yeah, baby.”
You smile, happy that he finally decided to visit your room after 3 nights of waiting (not a long time for most people, but you were just so impatient).
You giggle and make a desperate sound at the same time when he rubs your clit again. “Mmmm… feels good, E. Feels so so good.”
“I know, angel.” He lifts himself up, places a kiss on your lips, and begins to take out his aching cock.
“Gonna fuck you now. Okay?”
You nod, a sleepy smile on your face. He pushes his cock inside you, and you whine at the stretch as he begins to fuck you hard and deep. Your pussy lips are spread out, his cock so big that your hole almost can’t take it. It’s always like that, but you always let him stick it inside. He just fucks you so good, rubs your clit just right, you can’t resist.
He grits his teeth when he sees you practically drooling, small mouth open and just begging to be filled with something.
His thumb goes up to your mouth, and he pulls down your bottom lip.
“Cmon, baby, open up.”
You obey, and his warm spit lands on your tongue. You swallow it greedily, and take the pad of his thumb into your mouth, drooling all over the digit. Your teeth bite down on it, and Ethan groans at the pain, feeling his cock throb.
His thumb falls out of your mouth when he thrusts so hard into you that you can feel his cock hitting your cervix. You grab onto his shoulders, head in his neck, as you begin to cry from being so overwhelmed from it all. You just woke up, after all.
Ethan notices and pouts.
“No, no, sweet girl. Don’t cry. ‘S okay, baby.” He coos. “Just relax. Your big brother’s got you.”
His breath is heavy, his arms shaky. It’s hard for him to not pound you so hard that the entire house hears, with the way you’re clenching down on him right now.
You nod, sniffling.
“Yes sir.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
“There’s my good little girl. Gonna fuck you back to sleep, sweetheart. Yeah, just hold onto me. Just like that.. ”
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lipglossanon · 8 months
Haunted House
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Corrupt Cop!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader - NSFW
Warnings: mean/condescending Leon, Leon being spooky lol, ghost story involving child murder, dirty talk, spitting, oral (m receiving)
not proofread ✌️
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“I dare you to go in there.”
Leon raises an eyebrow, “Okay, and what do I get when I do?”
You bite your lip and he zeroes in on the action, “What do you want?”
“To eat your cunt in the back of my squad car.”
Nipples stiffening in your bra, you gasp scandalized, “Leon!”
He shrugs easily, “You asked.”
“I don’t want to get caught,” you murmur quietly. 
“I’m a cop,” he laughs, “you won’t get in trouble.”
“You’re not scared?” You try changing subjects back to the dare. 
He rolls his eyes, “Why? Just because some kids disappeared around this place back in the 20’s?” 
You nod, “Yeah, I mean it’s still pretty spooky.”
A wide grins splits his face making you nervous. 
“Let’s sneak in right now.”
Leon drags you into the local haunted house before you can even blink. There’s a makeshift doorway on the side that draws you up short making Leon’s grip around your bicep tighten. 
“I bust kids partying here all the time, nothing to worry about,” he pulls you along, shoving you into the doorway first. 
It doesn’t look as rundown as you thought it would, just beat up old furniture and dusty rugs lining the floor. The plaster walls are cracked and worn, covered in graffitied cuss words and dicks. Leon guides you past this room further into the house.
Teenagers or whoever must not venture past that opening room because these walls are bare save for the peeling wallpaper. Time worn photographs hang at odd angles but are too weather worn to see properly. Cobwebs coat every surface making your skin crawl. 
“Leon, let’s just turn back,” your voice comes out quiet, spooked by your surroundings, “we’ve went far enough for the dare.”
He clicks his tongue tossing you a wicked grin over his shoulder, “Don’t you wanna have some fun, sweetheart?”
He pulls you into another room, this one suspiciously less dusty than the rest of the house with a clean looking fainting couch sitting atop a Persian rug. 
“Leon this is…”
Weird? Off putting? Uncomfortable?
Something about the space is making your hair stand on end unlike the other more overt creepy part of the house. 
He chuckles low in his throat and pushes you down onto the couch. 
“Surprise,” he gestures around the room, but your eyes never leave his face. 
“I don’t understand.”
“This is where they went missing,” his dark blue eyes sweep around the room one last time before meeting your gaze. 
“I did some digging and come to find out, the nanny this family hired went a little nuts,” he laughs gleefully, “seems like she fucked the owner and when he wouldn’t leave his wife, she,” he makes a slicing motion across his neck, “decided to take care of the children permanently.”
You gasp softly, eyes wide as Leon only laughs harder. 
“What’s fucked is she told him but he didn’t believe her, just fired her on the spot,” he sighs, smiling a little too wide for his face, “she stayed in town and married some other poor schmuck.“
You clear your throat nervously, “How do you know—“
“Oh, she’s like my great, great, great aunt,” he waves his hand like it’s inconsequential information, “that’s beside the point. The point being is she killed them in this. very. room.”
You lick your lips and take a quick glance around; aside from it being cleaner than the other parts you walked through, it’s pretty nondescript overall. 
“And they say,” Leon’s deep voice murmurs in your ear making you jump, “you can still hear them crying if you show up at the right time.”
He grabs your forearms and pushes you down onto the rug. 
“And since we have a couple of hours to go til then, why don’t I keep that pretty little mouth busy,” he tilts his head, sandy fringe covering one eye, “sound good?”
And now, you’re not even sure why you let it happen, but you’re on your knees with Leon’s thick uncut cock dripping over your face. Even though you’re angry at yourself, you can’t help but feel turned on in the situation. Clit throbbing with need, you loll your tongue out, holding your mouth open for Leon. 
“Such a good girl,” he croons, “so eager to please.”
A bolt of heat pulses in your cunt. His hand cradles your jaw gently before he spits onto your tongue making you whine, nipples tightening to aching points in your bra. He slaps his cock down onto your tongue, smearing his spit and precum all around the wet muscle. 
“You’re gonna give me some sloppy head, baby,” he grins meanly down at you, “and if you’re good, I’ll let you swallow.”
Eyes fluttering, slick fills the gusset of your panties, making the cute lace stick to your pussy lips; you press the dough of your thighs together hoping to alleviate the pressure in your core. 
“Mmm so slutty just letting me fuck your mouth like this,” he goads with a smirk, dick sinking into your open mouth, “bet I could get you on your knees anywhere.”
Your eyes water as his thick cock obscenely stretches your mouth open. 
His hips thrust forward, sinking another inch into your hot wet mouth.
“Such a pretty little throat,” he murmurs to himself, letting his hand squeeze around your neck. 
You whine as your thighs clench together, more slick pooling in your already drenched panties.
His hand shifts to the back of your head, rocking your mouth further down on his dick, fat tip kissing the back of your throat and making you gag. He presses there until you cough and retch around the tip, making him slip his cock free. You cough slightly, breaking the stringy lines of spit connecting his thick length to your lips. 
“Aww too much?” he coos mockingly, “don’t worry, we’ll train this slutty throat til it can take me nice and deep.”
Your cunt aches as he slaps his cock across your face, smearing spit and precum everywhere before slowly easing it back into your drooling mouth. He pulls out until you’re suckling on the fat head of his dick before sinking back into you, balls slapping your chin. 
“M’gonna give you a nice throatpie, sweetheart,” he grunts, hand moving to the top of your head to guide himself deeper.
You swallow around his dick, saliva dripping from the corners of your lips while Leon’s fat, heavy cock ruts in and out of your mouth. Hands grasping at your leggings, you move them to brace on his legs and let your mouth sink down on his cock even more, tip knocking into your throat making you gag. 
He pulls you off and takes a seat on the couch, patting his leg, “Crawl over here and suck me off, pretty girl.”
A full body shudder runs through you, pussy feeling like a wet mess between your legs as you crawl the few feet over to him. 
“Good girl,” the praise drips like honey from his lips, “being so good for me, tonight.”
With a mewling sigh, you eagerly wrap your mouth around Leon’s dick and sink down. 
“Gonna keep my dick warm for a while,” he pets your head, rocking his cock into your mouth, “if you try to suck, I’m gonna spank that soaked little cunt.”
Moaning, you go slack against him, letting Leon nestle his dick deep into your mouth, leaking tip bumping against the opening to your throat. You constantly swallow to prevent yourself from gagging but it only seems to make more precum dribble from his cockhead.  
He murmurs condescending praise making your brain mushy and cunt leak until you’ve soaked through to create a wet spot in the front of your leggings. It doesn’t seem like long at all before he’s slowly pulling out of your mouth with a groan. You whimper and chase after his cock, mouth kissing and licking at his spit coated shaft making him laugh down at you. 
“So needy,” he grasps your jaw and fucks his cock back into your swollen mouth, “think it’s time I give you your reward. Ready to drink all my cum? Cream that throat like you deserve.”
He thrusts half a dozen times before burying his cock into your mouth with a low groan, spilling down your throat. You feel dizzy as hot spurts of cum hit the back of your throat before you’re swallowing it down, greedily sucking his cock.
“Good fucking girl,” he humps against your drooling mouth, “drink every drop.”
You milk Leon’s cock until he’s spent, pulling his softening dick away from your mouth as you press a soft kiss to the head. He glances down at his watch before pulling you up onto the couch with him.
Your brain feels empty, cunt needy for stimulation as Leon kisses your cheek and teases across the inside seam of your leggings. 
“When we get to the car, gonna make good on my promise, sweetheart,” he nips your earlobe, “gonna eat you out til you’re crying.”
You arch against him with a whine, “Please, can we go now?”
He hums shooting another glance to his watch, “I guess so, not like it’s real anyways.”
Brain too muddled to argue with him, you squirm as Leon pulls you up from the couch. Neither of you notice the two pairs of luminescent eyes watching you from the corner as you leave the room.  
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divider: @firefly-graphics
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I'm confused by this home. It's a 1984 Earth Shelter in Granite Bay, CA. Has 3bds, 4ba, asking $785K. This is the front.
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And, this is the rest of it. (Weird that the grass disappeared over the house.)
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Enter a foyer thru the front door, like a normal home.
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The interior is the shape of the mound outside. It looks like they built a round metal structure then covered it in dirt and grew grass over it. I wonder if that's a glass walk so you can go up into the Belvidere.
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There's a small TV area.
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The dining area.
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The green square on the right is the kitchen.
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It's larger than I thought it would be. There's even a desk on the left.
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Behind that wall...
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It's an eat-in area and you can shut the door.
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The guest powder room has wallpaper with old New Yorker magazine covers.
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A home office is set up by the stairs.
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Bedroom #1 has a built-in bookcase and a cool blue floor.
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Bedroom #2 is more spacious and kind of a half circle shape.
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The laundry is off this room.
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And, the bath is off the laundry room.
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The primary bedroom is the largest. It's a confusing layout, b/c I thought that we were on an upper level, but there are stairs thru the glass doors. I'm confused. Maybe they're stairs to the Belvidere.
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A large shower room.
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The outside area is very nice. It has a pergola, but it's in front of the guest house.
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Beautiful pizza oven.
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This is nice.
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There are several outbuildings on the 1.20 acre property and one of them is a spacious guest house.
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There's also a workshop.
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From this view you can see the mound that's the house, plus the outbuildings in front.
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