#eastern long-neck turtle
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Get Along with the Eastern Long-necked Turtle
For my birthday, I’d like to focus on one of my favorite species: the eastern long-neck turtle (Chelodina longicollis). True to their name, they’re native to eastern Australia where they reside in a variety of habitats, including wetlands, streams, rivers, and dammed waters. In the winter when they become dormant-- a period known as estivation-- they can also be found under logs or leaf litter.
C. longicollis gets its common name from its unusually long neck, which is over half as long as its shell. Because of its length, the eastern long-neck turtle does not pull it directly back when threatened, but rather tucks its neck to the side for protection. The shell reaches about 28 cm (11 in) in length; the top is dark brown, but the underside has a distinctive orange and black pattern which varies from individual to individual. On average these turtles weigh 6 kg (13 lbs), although females are generally slightly larger and have a shorter, fatter tail.
The long neck of this species is useful primarily for finding food. The eastern long-neck turtle is carnivorous, feeding on aquatic invertebrates, fish, crustaceans, tadpoles, and carrion. Occasionally they also feed on terrestrial animals, mainly small amphibians and rodents. C. longicollis is an ambush predator, and its long neck allows it to strike quickly at prey. In turn, they are predated upon by a variety of animals, including larger lizards, snakes, birds of prey, foxes, and dingoes. The turtle’s shell provides an effective defense against these predators; in addition, individuals can emit a foul-smelling fluid from musk glands located near the base of the tail.
The eastern long-neck turtle is solitary. Individuals have large home ranges, and will frequently move when conditions become unsuitable. Territories can overlap, especially during the breeding season, which occurs from September to October. Males travel long distances to find females, and will often mate with more than one. Females lay their eggs from October to December in clutches of 8 to 24, in nests close to the water. The eggs take about 120 days to hatch, after which they are completely independent. Sexual maturity takes longer to reach than for other species; most individuals are only ready to mate at 7 to 12 years old, and can live up to 30 years in the wild. However, many hatchlings die long before then due to predation and high competition with other turtles.
Conservation Status: The IUCN has not evaluated the eastern long-neck turtle, although due to its large population and range it is considered Least Concern. Primary threats include habitat loss and predation by invasive red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
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Rosie Nicolai
Joel Poyitt
Peter Storer
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Volume 6: Reptiles. Written by Bernard Grzimek. 1984. Illustration by Helmut Diller.
1.) Argentine snake-necked turtle (Hydromedusa tectifera)
2.) Twist-necked turtle (Platemys platycephala)
3.) Red-bellied short-necked turtle (Emydura subglobosa)
4.) Geoffroy's side-necked turtle (Phrynops geoffroanus)
5.) Eastern long-necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis)
6.) Mesoclemmys nasuta
7.) Mata mata (Chelus fimbriata)
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vintagewildlife · 6 months
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Eastern long-necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis) By: Unknown photographer From: The Complete Encyclopedia of the Animal World 1980
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mouth-almighty · 5 months
I think I've permanently broken my brain. Two weeks ago I was talking to work colleagues and somehow I got onto the topic of what if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were a different species of turtle. Like, if the radiation had spilled on different turtles.
I spent the rest of the day wandering around singing "Teenage Eastern Long-necked Turtles, Teenage Eastern Long-necked Turtles! Heroes with a long neck, TURTLE POWER!"
And now I can't get the damn song out of my head. It's been two weeks!
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runedscope · 1 year
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kicktwine · 3 months
wahhh just went through your ffxiv specbio tags they’re so cool!!! do you perchance have any more hcs for au ra
I HAVENT DONE AU RA YET but I love the lizards…. My best friends lizardguys. I haven’t gotten to endwalker yet and I know there’s a few more auri characters in there so…maybe my ideas will change But
au ra are I think probably the most diverse species out there just based on HOW MANY lizards exist and how BIG the azim steppes/doma/their reach is. I don’t know if I’d divide species traits by xaela/raen or if they all share that diversity, but I’m tempted to say there are fewer raen, most of whom are either in solitude or hanging out in doma, and they kind of remain proud of their celestial lineage, so they on the whole have more often “draconic” traits, while xaela with their many different lifestyles on the steppe on the whole will be more diverse. Like eastern dragons versus every other dragon species
so! between everyone I think their scales are Way More, most of which are very very hard and difficult to scratch or dent but some of which are soft like some reptiles wherein it’s not necessarily a scale, which sheds layers (like turtles shed their scutes), and more like skin, which sheds in flakes (like snakes or geckos). Au ra whose scales are soft like that are generally the same types of au ra who can pop their (also often soft and thick!) tails off at will and regrow them. Most au ra have very tough, muscly scaly tails, anywhere from big thick crocodile tails to thin draconic tails to tails that have ossified spines or clubs at the end (like dinosaurs!). Since they’re so strong, they can be used to emote — hitting them against the ground is a happy sign, while dragging it against things is Not. Also kids tend to grab and pull them a lot, which leads to the common thought of tail pulling being seen as kiddy. It is quite rude to do to an au ra as an adult. Their scales can sometimes spread to cover most of their body, and sometimes be restricted to the forearms, face, tail, and legs. their horns (aside from being basically ears which I think is cool, they must be pretty complex organs on the inside — I think they can shed but only the tips, like goats, and breaking any further is both really hard and very harmful not only to their ears but because they’re full of blood vessels!! Be careful! ) aren’t really used for fighting or anything they are there for hearing and temperature regulation and in defense. Au ra don’t really, like, sweat? They’re warm-blooded, but don’t sweat. So an important thing to keep in mind if you’re going into the desert is that overheating looks different in an au ra vs another race (lethargy, drooling, and unfocused eyes are your main tells). many of their horns point forwards to block their face. so no, sleeping isn’t that hard bc they sleep like loafs, but yes kissing is hard :( that’s not really a thing they do unless someone else wants to they snuggle and rub scales. so says yoshi p
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Protofeathers are basically dinosaur fur - they are NOT feathers. They’re little hollow filaments somewhere between a feather shaft and hair. These ones are pretty stiff. That’s why au ra hair can so easily stick right up like a cockatiel. Some au ra have been noted to have protofeathers on their neck and arms like fur too :0
i have been. Speaking for a long time. uhhhh let’s see they have feets anywhere from plantigrade (clawed, kinda geckoey) to digitigrade (DINO!!!), their claws really need trimming often bc they don’t stop growing, they are not obligate carnivores like hrothgar but like miqote they need more meat than they do veggies, and it’s sometimes very hard for a non- au ra to tell if the big growl they’re doing is happy or not because big growl is how they purr! Like wolves going HHRHRRRRRR (happy). Also im obsessed with their limbal rings im so sad they’re so faded in the graphical update. they gotta glow. Most au ra are also colorblind in some way BUT! They can faintly see infrared
Also in researching lizards i found out that some lizards and frogs have like a third eye that can’t See like images but it CAN detect light and darkness and stuff? It’s called a parietal eye! Garleans… is amphibian (taking notes) /j
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chaobunnyarts · 6 months
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Shop update incoming on Monday, Nov 13th at 2pm Eastern! I’ll be adding some more Sweet Delights pins (Flambé Phoenix, Cupcake Cockatrice, and Battenberg Basilisk), Tiny Reptile pins (Central Bearded Dragon,Eastern Long-Necked Turtle, and Scarlet Kingsnake), as well as some herpetology seconds pin grab bags.
Black Friday details will also be announced then!
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half-heart-comic · 6 months
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An eight paneled comic page in grey scale. The first panel shows a turtle in a tank, looking up as tweezers drop a meal worm into its tank. A speech bubble from Gretchen says, "Morning Eric."
The second panel shows a different turtle tank, this one with two turtles in it, one standing and one only peaking its head out of its shell. There is a meal worm on the ground and the tweezers are dropping another one. Gretchen says, "Hi ladies."
The third panel shows another tank, this one with an eastern long necked turtle stretching its neck out towards a meal worm. Gretchen says, "Emmet."
The fourth panel shows Gretchen leaning down over a tank, her hand inside dropping a meal worm inside. A very small turtle, which has a head slightly smaller than the full meal worm's size, sits on a rock inside. Gretchen says, "Don't eat it in one bite."
The fifth panel shows Gretchen walking past two tanks. She looks into one, which has a turtle crawling into its water, and says, "How is your water?"
The sixth panel shows Gretchen peering into yet another tank. This one has a turtle digging into the dirt inside. Gretchen says, "Carol, you slut, are you digging a nest?"
The seventh panel has no border, and shows Gretchen standing outside next to a giant tortoise, resting her hand on its shell. The tortoise is eating a watermelon and a large piece of broccoli.
The eighth panel shows Gretchen walking through her house, holding her giant tub of meal worms. There are pictures framed on the wall, but their photos are not visible. End ID]
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a-book-of-creatures · 6 months
Trick or treat! :D
Before you stands one (1) Eastern long-necked turtle
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onionninjasstuff · 11 months
YOO,, Ur Doomed by the Narrative au is sick as hell!! What species are the turtles - if you have species picked? (also is Raph a red-bellied cooter?? 👀?)
tysm! raph is an eastern painted turtle, mikey is an ornate box turtle, leo is a chinese stripe-necked turtle and don is a leopard tortoise (i was about to say he was gonna grow up huge but i remembered they prolly wont live that long cuz of the whole apocalypse jazz such a bummer smh my head)
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 9 months
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disabled people are beautiful!!!
(image description below the cut--it wouldn't fit in alt text!!)
a drawing of 15 disabled people on a yellow background with a light pink floral pattern. from left to right:
1. a fat white person whose left (their left) arm ends before the elbow. their right arm is on their hip, & they are smiling. they have short red hair, a yellow dress with white flowers, white hoop earrings, and black heels. they also have moles and are blushing.
2. a chubby middle eastern woman wearing a light pink embroidered abaya kaftan style robe and a slightly darker pink hijab. the robe's embroidery is delicate mauve vines around the sleeves, and two matching vines down the front. the woman has a german shepherd service dog with her. the. dog is sitting to the viewers right and has its tongue out, and is wearing a service dog vest. the woman is holding the leash to the dog in her right hand, and has her left hand on her hip. she is wearing pink slippers with a mauve gem on the top.
3. a black, bald, thin, nonbinary person with several facial piercings and earrings standing with their left arm lower than the right, slightly tilted backwards, arms hanging by their sides. they are wearing pink sandals, knee braces, a compression glove and elbow brace on their left arm, & have on blue shorts and a bright pink crop top that says 'FUCK ABLEISTS' (peep that underboob 👀 [side eye emoji]).
4. a chubby south asian woman with white hair and a green striped cane wearing a pale green button up shirt with shoulder pads, dark green corduroy pants, and brown loafers. her posture is tilted a bit from scoliosis.
5. a thin east asian man with a facial deformity that affects his nose and makes his left eye lower than the right. he has wavy pink har that is long on top and short on the sides. he is wearing a white cropped tank top with lace at the neck-line, and loose, flowy green pants. his shoes are white with pink detailing. he is turned so his body faces the viewer's right side, but is looking at the camera with his hands in his pockets.
6. a curvy latine autistic person holding a yellow AAC/speech tablet in front of their chest. they have very long light blue curly hair and freckles, and are smiling with their eyes closed. they are wearing dark blue headphones, a yellow short sleeve shirt, a dark blue romper with bows on the shoulders, and yellow sandals.
7. a curvy disabled bed-bound native american person lying in bed on their side facing the viewer and smiling. they have their left arm folded under their head, & their right arm laying next to heir face. the bed is dark brown with blue and white patterned sheets and a fuzzy purple blanket draped over the person and a corner is touching the ground. the person has tan skin and shaved brown hair.
8. a thin black woman with vitiligo, and wavy lime green hair with baby hairs, smiling in a wheelchair with lime green wheels. she is tilting the wheelchair back in a wheelie position. she is wearing a high-neck, sleeveless, black top with a boob window; light blue skinny jeans; tall, black lace-up boots; and dangly earrings.
9. an east asian man who has dwarfism. he is standing with his left hand on his hip, and his right hand up in a peace sign. he has square glasses and long, blonde, curly hair. he is wearing a black turtle neck, orange pants, and black booties.
10. a tall, curvy, white woman with forearm crutches. she is holding the crutch to her right normally, & is resting her left elbow and knee on the left crutch. her hair is shaved and brown on the right side of her head, and on the left side she has lair down to her chest colored in a rainbow pattern. she is wearing a dress that is pale pink with a pale yellow confetti pattern, pale yellow converse, and blue socks.
11. a drawing of a chubby, blind, south asian man. he has short, flowy, gray hair, black sunglasses, black stud earrings, a green sweater, a long black skirt, brown shoes, a gold key necklace, and a white cane. he has his right hand in front of him holding the cane, and his left hand by his side.
12. a fat black person sitting on the ground. their right elbow is resting on their right knee. their left leg is tucked in front of them on the ground, and their left hand is supporting them. they have short pink locs with the sides of their head shaved. they have a cleft lip scar and some moles on their face. they are wearing a black bra with a sheer long sleeve shirt over it, green shorts, and pink booties.
13. a drawing of a chubby latine man with an afro, mustache, and beard standing with his right arm behind his head. his left arm is holding up the end of a red dress with a deep v-neck to reveal his left leg is a prosthetic. he has chest, armpit, and leg hair, and is wearing gold jewelry and black flats.
14. a drawing of a disabled, curvy middle eastern woman with a feeding tube going from her nose to a bag on a pole. she is wearing a green shirt with a foliage pattern, tan shorts, and black combat boots with purple socks. her hair is also purple, and she has several earrings.
15. a drawing of a chubby native american man on a light blue background. he is using a blue rollator and waving. he is wearing a pink striped vest and vibrant green bell bottoms with pink flowers. his hair is long and blue, and he has three tattoo lines on his chin.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 5 months
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Abroad with the Broad Shelled Turtle
Chelodina expansa, more commonly known as the broad shelled turtle, is one of the largest freshwater turtles in Australia. The length of their shells can reach up to 50 cm (19.6 in), and their neck accounts for an additional 60-80% of their total length. Because of this length, C. expansa tucks its head in sideways as opposed to pulling it directly into its shell. At maximum, females reach a mass of 6 kg (13.2 lbs), while males only typically weigh about 4 kg (8.8 lbs). The top of the shell, or carapace, is dark brown or green, while the underside is a light cream; the same is true for the broad shelled turtle's head, neck, and legs. The feet are webbed, and have large claws which help adults to dig or fend off predators.
While they spend the winter buried in the mud, the broad shelled turtle is most active during the summer months, from November to March. During this time they are almost entirely aquatic, rarely emerging from the water even to bask. This species lives throughout the river basins of eastern Australia, and can be found in rivers, dams, lakes, and wetlands with plenty of vegetation cover. C. expansa is entirely carnivorous, feeding on crustaceans, aquatic insects, fish, and frogs via ambush, and carrion whenever it can find it. To locate prey, they have a keen sense of smell. Adults are not usually predated upon due to their thick shells and sharp claws, but eggs and juveniles are often prey for foxes, dingos, birds, rakalai, and large fish.
C. expansa nests in the winter, beginning in late February or March. Outside the mating season, individuals are generally solitary, but aggressive territoriality has not been observed. When mating time roles around, males seek out females to mate with; following the encounter, the female climbs out onto the bank and digs a nest for a clutch of anywhere from 5 to 28 eggs. To seal the nest, she then slams her body into the re-piled sand and mud, compacting it into a plug that will remain intact until the following year.
Incubation takes about 360 days, though some nests have been recorded as hatching at 500 days; this process is exceptionally slow due to the two periods of diapause, or developmental delays, that embryos pass through in order to survive the winter. Juveniles hatch in the spring, and emerge from the nest at the first heavy rain. It's unknown how long these turtles can live in the wild, but given their slow growth rate and adult invulnerability it's likely that they can live in excess of 20 years.
Conservation status: The IUCN consideres the broad shelled turtle to be Near Threatened, due primarily to habitat loss and high rates of nest predation by introduced foxes.
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Claire Treilibs
Catherine Heuzenroeder
Shanna Bignell via iNaturalist
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deusvervewrites · 5 months
DH-E X Elementalist:
Fire Dragon: Eastern style long dragon. Just imagine Dinraal from BotW/TotK
Water Dragon: Plesiosaur-style long neck and fins. Maybe a turtle-like shell.
Wind Dragon: Sleek wyvern. Very fast but less durable than his other forms.
Earth Dragon: Imagine a cross between a bull, a mole, and a panzer tank. Now give it terrakinesis and the ability to tunnel at roughly 40mph.
Heck yeah
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waywardsou2 · 3 months
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Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 16
Nicknames: Raph / Rapha
Sexuality / Gender: Queer (with a sprinkling of interalised homophobia)
Descriptors: Second Oldest / Hot head / Mikey's Twin
Species: Eastern Long-Neck Turtle
Favourite colour: Tango
Weapons: Twin Sais
Partner: (prev.) Mona Lisa (curnt.) Casey
Best friend: Mikey
Child: Chompy
Raph is a hot headed and impulsive turtle. He would much rather be alone 80% of the time. He feels like backup for Leo and hates that he often ignored and treated like a joke.
Him and Mona dated for a while in space, and he got her pregnant, but Mona died, and Sal delivered Chompy to Raph back on earth. After this he dates Casey once he gets over his internalised homophobia.
{Master post}
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dorothygale123 · 3 months
Raise your hand if you've heard of the 4 Guardian Beasts before. Anyone? If you don't, it's cool. That's what learning is for!
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Now, anime fans like myself may be more than a little familiar with these guys as they've shown up in more than a few properties (ex. Fushigi Yuugi) but the concept, like many things in Asian culture, was originally Chinese. Also called the 4 Symbols, the 4 Gods, and the 4 Cardinal Creatures in English, the 4 Guardian Beasts are very popular in East Asia. We'll be calling them by their Chinese name, the Sixiang, because it's much shorter than any of their English titles because it's shorter. Do excuse me if I call the beasts themselves by their Japanese names, as it's what I know them best by.
The Sixiang are an astrological concept, with each one governing a portion of the sky. Each of these 4 sections had 7 constellations consisting of parts of the beast that when looked at together shows the beast as a whole. Pretty different from Greek constellations, huh? Anyways, these 28 total constellations were very important to Chinese cosmology as each one was seen as housing a different part of the Heavens, where the gods did their business. Let's take a closer look, shall we?
Azure Dragon/Canglong/Seiryuu, Guardian of the East
Fun fact: back in ye olden days azure was used to describe a shade of green, so while there are many depictions of Seiryuu as a blue dragon a lot of really ancient art paints him green. Surprisingly, he's associates with the element of wood rather than water. His constellations house the Heavenly Gates and several parts of the Jade Emperor's palace (including the stables where a certain naughty monkey did a stint). He's generally seen as the most important member of the group as a result.
White Tiger/Baihu/Byakko, Guardian of the West
As the name suggests, Byakko is a massive white tiger that rules over all other beasts with a terrifying roar. He's said to be in tune with all 5 elements (water, fire, earth, wood, metal) but is most associated with metal. He carries the 'essence of heroes' and means business. His constellations mostly have to do with the Heavenly army, with the prison, garrison, and granary all falling under his purview.
Vermillion Bird/Zhuque/Duzaku, Guardian of the South
Often confused with a Phoenix, Suzaku is actually a distinct creature. The fact that Eastern and Western Phoenix's are very different in concept doesn't help matters, especially since cultural osmosis has led to the Eastern Phoenix becoming more and more similar to it's Western counterpart. Suzaku himself is very similar to a Western Phoenix, being associated with fire and elixirs of immortality. His constellations are very functional, housing heavenly the wells, wardrobes, kitchens, and other such things.
Black Turtle/Xuanwu/Genbu, Guardian of the North
Now I say turtle, but Genbu is a bit more of a dual creature. Sometimes they're 2 animals, a turtle with a serpent on it's back, and others it's a turtle with a long snake-like neck. Sometimes it goes full chimera and is a turtle with a snake for a tail, head included. No matter which way you slice it though, Genbu is some mix of snake and turtle. Naturally, it gets associated with the element of water. Sometimes it's even credited as once having been the turtle that carried the floating city of Penglai (which I'll get to eventually). Genbu's constellations seem to be wealth-based, as it presides over the temples, treasury, and non-military granary.
Okay, so I know I said 4 beasts, but the Sixiang are sometimes shown with a 5th member that takes it's place in the center of the group. Occasionally it's a yellow dragon to represent the Yellow Emperor, but personally I prefer when it's the qilin/kirin, the Chinese Unicorn. Now it's called a unicorn, but like many Chinese creatures it's a bit of a chimera. With the head of a ram, the hooves of a horse, legs of a wolf, body of a deer, scales of a snake, tail of an ox, and horns of a dragon. Calm and intelligent, it is often seen as a symbol of nobility and scholars. Another fun fact: the Japanese word for giraffe is kirin because of their remarkable resemblance to the mythical beast.
This was a bit of a long one, but I had fun! What about you guys?
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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tblsomedoodles · 10 months
Plz tell me about George. I don't think we ever had an explanation for George
I have talked about him before, but it's been a while and i'm always down to talk about George! : ) He's had a few different versions (and his own au that i did nothing with. It is one of the early stops in Donnieverse though, so there's that.) but the i settled on now is done in such a way that
But George is my IRL turtle if he got mutated in Rise. IRL George is an Eastern Painted Turtle that my family has had for...21 years i believe. (i was little when we got him so i'm not entirely sure the age.)
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(i know i've shared this photo before, but he's hard to photograph and this is the best one i've ever gotten.)
Character George is a 21 year old (or he is post krang) Mutated Eastern Painted Turtle that Draxum accidentally mutated six years before the cannon boys were created. He works in the Hidden City as a mechanic (and general handy-turtle when no one has a car for him to fix.)
He's Morgan's neighbor and tends to keep an eye out for them since Morgan doesn't exactly have anyone else. I think Morgan might have a summer job running customer service at his shop since communicating with clients is often hard for him since the only speach he's capable of is turtle noises like chirps and hisses. (he knows sign language but doesn't use it much since his version is altered and there's not a lot of clients that can understand it. If he has to communicate himself, he usually just writes it down quickly in a small pocket notebook.)
He is very protective of those he sees as family or friends, though he doesn't really have many. (morgan is counted as one of those. the cannon boys would be too if he ever gets the chance to meet them.)
He also loves cars. just absolutely adores them. He loves working on and fixing them up. As a result, he's almost always covered in oil or grease of some sort.
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I wrote up a bit more on his backstory too, but it's long so i'm putting it under a break for those that want to keep reading.
Draxum had acquired a baby painted turtle from a human to study to figure out if turtles would be a good mutation base. He left bitty, unmutated George alone on a table that had like a petri dish of unfinished mutagen, and George got into it before Draxum could turn back around.
Because the mutagen was incomplete, his mutation isn't the same as the boys, and is a little more turtle like than they are. The main obvious differences being that he, like unmutated turtles, has no voicebox, and he has a tail.
Draxum never quite realized he had human-like intelegence. He knew he was smarter than an average turtle but baby George was pretty scared of him and, as a result, never did anything around Draxum that could have clued him in on how smart his accidental creation was. (i don't think baby george intentionally hid his intelegence, he was just too scared to act on what he understood if Drax was around.) Draxum did spend time trying to fix the missing voicebox 'issue' but was never able to. It left some surgical scars around his neck that present day George keeps covered.
He escaped Draxum's lab the day Lou blew it up (In his specific au, he escaped with baby Raph and baby Donnie, but otherwise he escapes alone) and ends up loose in the hidden city.
After a bit an old Mechanic yokai finds and helps him, eventually taking him in and teaching him how to fix cars. I think the yokai gifted him the garage/shop of his, either when he retired and went to live in hidden city Florida, or died of old age. Either way he ends up with the garage/shop that is his pride and joy. He loves that shop.
Anyways, that's about it! That's my George! He can now be found floating around the Hidden City in all my aus b/c I can put him there! Idk if he ever meets the cannon boys in any of them (maybe Seer Twins b/c of Donnie Friend-adopting Morgan) but he's there. : )
Thank you!
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