#dunno which name is more popular
un-lawliet · 7 months
I recently found your blog and <3
I’ve been having some health issues lately and have been struggling so I decided to leave a request! Obviously don’t feel pressured to write! If the prompt doesn’t stick feel free to ignore!
High school Satoru X female reader who had a crush on him in for ages but she’s so shy and Gojos so popular so they don’t really interact. BUT she decides to bake him sweets and leave them on his desk and somehow he finds out it was her and asks her on a date.
CHEESY I KNOW >~< I feel like we don’t have enough fics of reader being head over heels in love with Gojo and it’s a must!
ANYWAY- again this is a ramble feel free to ignore MWAH
hi anon !!! id absolutely LOVE to write this ITS NO PRESSURE AT ALL :) thank you so so so much for the request- i hope you’re ok ! and i’m always here incase u need to talk <3
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— in which Gojo has a secret admirer.
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“Did you hear? Satoru Gojo has a secret admirer.”
“Oh Yea? Who?”
“Dunno, ‘pparently he’s going mad tryna find ‘em though.”
Your face was definitely burning, hands sweating and jaw clenched as you listen to the chatter of your classmates. Their voices morphing into the background of your busy mind, blending seamlessly into the slight disarray of (as you would describe it) your dire situation.
Blinking, you raise your hand to scratch the base of your neck, trying to pull yourself together less you reveal your crimes of admiration out-loud to classroom full of people who barely knew of your name.
You could see him, from where you sat, hunched over in your seat at the back of the classroom, your eyes squinted ever so slightly as the unforgiving sun spread her light through the window, gracefully imposing on your face falling directly into your peering eyes.
Leaning against the smudged glass of the vending machine, he had his head tilted back, laughing boisterously at a joke from his friend (the one who was always trying to hide the smoke from her lit cigarette)
In one hand you could see a can of soda you knew was far too sweet for anyone but himself, and in the other, you saw the small tin, decorated with the white and yellow details of pretty flowers and bee’s. Lid concealing the sweets in which you had baked just a day prior, sweets that you had hoped would act as a silent confession of your- oh you’re blushing again.
Your feelings for Satoru Gojo were undeniable, however unspoken. And you doubt you would ever get to a point where you would voice them out-loud to anyone let alone Gojo himself.
But you are unfortunately, still human, and humans have a tendency to want to be acknowledged, and after years of harbouring unheard feelings for someone, the bitter grasp of your own human desire overpowered your confident resolve of silence.
And so, you left a tiny box of chocolates with a tiny pretty note tucked in the back, with a silently cheeky “Enjoy” written in pink pen.
Glancing over to the vending machine once more, you watched as Satoru Gojo waved a hand in-front of his face, pouting as he tried pathetically to dodge the smoke blown at him by his friend, who grinned cheekily in response, flicking the now finished bunt towards the ground and stepping on it, moving her foot side to side to kill the remains of the flame.
You smile.
You had met Gojo two years ago, but had known of him far longer.
In the words of yourself (and probably everyone else who knew him) he was the epitome of perfection. Good in class, the best in any sport he took up and God he was beautiful.
Everyone knew him, the exact opposite to you.
You who quietly stumbles around her own feet, and apologises for even the slightest thing, despite it mostly never being your fault.
You were incomprehensibly shy, and so incredibly frustrated with your own reticence.
And yet two years ago, Satoru Gojo had asked you for a pen, you for a pen.
He had leaned back in his chair, during your math class, turned his head and nudged you instead of everyone else around him.
A pretty grin on his face as he sheepishly explained that he forgot to bring his own, and you had stammered and nodded handing him a pen as you gently said “You can keep it for the rest of the day, I don’t mind.”
“Huh? You serious?” He had replied, his head cocking slightly eyes crinkling under his sun glasses.
“Yea? I mean uh- yes!” Looking away from his gaze shyly. “It’s just a pen you know? I have plenty.”
He laughed, and you couldn’t help but look right back at him, your heart basically stopping as he winked, right at you.
“Thanks pretty.”
And your sure you had died, right then and there. Watching the back of his head as he turned back around, uncapping your pen as he moved.
Since then, Gojo had always smiled at you when he saw you walking past, and always without fail, you would sheepishly smile back, the familiar feeling of butterflies tickling the confines of your stomach every damn time.
The shrill sound of the bell rang throughout the classroom, and you stand up, taking your books with you with a sigh.
The clatters of chairs and bags zipping filtered through your thoughts and pulled you out of your self induced daydreaming stupor, calling you to join the rest of your classmates in exiting the confines of your classroom.
You glance back out the window once more before you move towards the door, and instantly your eyebrows lifted and you almost loose grasp of your balance as Gojo Satoru stares right back at you.
Simultaneously he smiles, lifting a hand as if greeting you and you scramble away from the window, head down, entirely embarrassed.
Oh God, oh God, oh God.
Could you be anymore useless in your “acting cool” facade.
Ever since you had placed your sweets on Satoru Gojo’s desk you had been a nervous wreck, terrified that at any second your feelings would be exposed and the entire school would point and laugh at your sweaty, flushed face.
Sniffing, you rub your eyes with the heel of your hands, trailing behind your peers through the halls, on their way home.
The lockers were always so crowded at the end of the day and you hated it.
You had no group to hide you from the conversations involving Gojo and his “secret admirer” have to hear every single in and pretend not to care.
“It’s creepy don’t you think? I mean why not just tell him you like him?”
“Maybe they’re nervous?”
“Of course they are? It’s Satoru Gojo for Christ’s sake, man’s beautiful.”
You close your locker, clutching the books and papers you need for your later homework, your bag left abandoned on the floor beside you.
Turning to reach for your bag, you feel another student collide into you. Your books crash to the ground, and you stare mortified as pages fly out, scattering everywhere.
The student doesn’t stop, just calls out that he’s sorry and that he’s late for a bus, you sigh.
You have to drop out, you think, there’s no recovering from this.
You bend down, apologising quietly to those around you who just glanced at you and continued on their way, and start to gather all your papers and books, heat burning your face.
“You ok?” You heard him just before you saw him, his teasing voice making your hands shake.
Satoru Gojo stood, a smile on his face as he leaned down to get closer to you, your eyes widen and you lean back on your knees.
“Um, yea-Yes everything’s good here..just dropped my stuff..” You trail off and end your broken speech with a fake, ugly laugh, internally you die as he nods and bends down to help.
“No, no you really don’t have to do that, I can manage!” You exclaim, hands moving rapidly in-front of you and he just laughs.
“I don’t mind helping ya, ‘kay?” He’s picking up random papers, no longer looking at you, his eyes glossing over your hand writing- a cheeky grin that you do not see flickers across his face.
You’re in a trance, watching as Gojo helps you, jumping when he glances at you and catches you staring, you busy yourself with stacking your books back into your bag, “Ok well, If you’re sure.”
“M’sure.” He’s handing you a stack of papers, ‘I’m very sure.”
The locker area door closes, signalling the absence of everyone else, you gulp.
“Suprised nobody helped you.” Gojo muses, standing up and raising a hand for you to hold.
You blush as you grasp it, it’s warm, you hope your palms aren’t sweating.
“It’s home time, people wanna get home.” You smile, rising to your feet using his hand has leverage.
Gojo let’s his hold linger before he lets go, you don’t notice, too focused on readjusting your top, fiddling with the fabric.
His sunglasses fall down his nose a little revealing the crystallised blue of his eyes, you swear the light causes them to glow as it catches his pupil.
You smile, eyes corrugating with what you hope looks like appreciation.
“Thanks Gojo.” And he smiles right back at you.
“Hey you know..” Gojo says, turning to ruffle in his bag, your eyes follow his movements, you watch as he pulls out a familiar box.
“Someone left these in my desk this morning, they’re really good..You wanna try?”
Your heart stops in your chest.
Your sure you’re bloods turning blue in your arteries.
Act casual, casual Y/N.
“O-oh that’s nice of them.” You mumble, your voice breaking slightly.
He offers you the box again, shaking it slightly to entice you with your own chocolates.
“Um are you sure? I don’t wanna take something that was made for you..” You look away from his sweet face to stare at the floor, then the ceiling and then back to the floor, there’s a crack right below your shoe.
Someone should really fix that.
“Oh come on! They taste great.” He grins, taking a chocolate and popping it into his mouth, letting out a dramatic “Mmm” as he chews.
“I’m sure they are..” You scratch your arm and then move your hand to the box, reaching in.
Your chocolates do taste nice, but you knew that already. Your taste testers from yesterday remaining as memory to your taste buds.
“Well?” His voice is teasing again, and you smile at him.
“They’re delicious.”
“Mhm.. and you know what else?”
He’s leaning closer to you, you try to stop yourself from leaning away, pushing aside your inane awkwardness, willing yourself to stay where you stand.
“They left a note too, wrote it in a pretty pink pen.”
“Oh?..How, how very uh- nice? of them.” You’re scrambling for sentence structure, staring at his stupidly handsome face.
He takes a page from your arms, and turns it towards himself, then lifts your note from out of his pocket.
Your eyes widen in realisation, and you step back, head turning to the door.
“Oh well, I have to go haha..” You trail off, shoving your stuff in your bag and beginning to walk to the door.
“You made me chocolates?” He asks, and you freeze, your eyes falling back onto him, and the soft face he regards you with.
He had turned the note and your paper around, your handwriting obviously present on both, you chastise yourself for such a huge oversight.
How can you deny it now? Oh God He has you cornered.
Embarrassment bubbles in the back of your throat and you desperately try to explain.
“I’m sorry.” You blurt, hands reaching out in-front of you as if begging him to hear you out.
You don’t let him finish.
“I didnt mean to come off creepy, it’s just I- Well I- I think you’re really sweet, and you- You smile at me..sometimes, I just wanted you to let you know? And I’m sorry for how-”
“Hey, hey, hey.” He says, his face falling, “You don’t need to apologise for nothing, I’m not mad.”
He walks towards you, “I’m just glad they came from you, that’s all.”
Hope? Is that what you’re feeling right now?
You dare to look at him, only to see him already looking at you.
“I ‘smile at you sometimes’?” He nudges, “You made me chocolates cause I smile?”
“..It’s a very nice smile.” You reply, head dropping.
He’s laughing, it’s a sound that makes your heart flicker, and warms your chest, scarce of mocking you feel yourself breathe normally again.
Gojo tilts his head to look at you, his face glowing with joy, as he asks, “I was planning on going to the cafe just down the street..Wanna come?”
You pause.
Standing up straight, he hands you the note and your papers, you hold them and stare.
“A date, I’m asking you on a date Y/N.”
Is this real?
Is this happening?
“Are you serious?” Your voice comes out shocked and slightly higher than normal, you don’t understand.
“They’re very nice sweets.” He repeats with a grin “And they come from a very nice girl no? Why wouldn’t I be serious?”
“I- I just-”
Gojo, pulls the strap of your bag off your shoulder and slings it over his own, walking towards the door.
“C’mon let’s go pretty.” And he’s looking back at you, waiting “Else you won’t have a bag for tomorrow.”
You jump and follow, eyes still wide and mouth slightly parted.
And Gojo pulls you towards him the second you get close enough to touch, grasping your hand and tugging you with him, a soft smile on his face as he does so.
All is well.
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masterlist <3
feel free the leave a request <3
a/n : all is not well, i’m sick as all balls right now- thank you my dear for the request..i know it’s taken me about 58 years to write this but i hope you enjoy it <33 i loved writing it and sorry for the wait. i love you !!!
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kairiscorner · 4 months
pt. 1
💭 in which you meet one of your high school classmates at your favorite cafe.
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the relaxing ambiance at this cozy little cafe by the corner down your street was simply a treasure to you, it wasn't that crowded, the staff were pretty friendly, and they brewed your drinks and served your favorite pastries just the way you liked them. indeed, this crisp morning was just... a perfect blend of calm, serene, and—surprising.
when you arrived by the counter to pick up your order, you noticed someone familiar ordering. the minute he turned around to meet your gaze, his dark purple eyes widened; instinctively, he put his hand up to the side of his face, not to disrespect you or say that he didn't want to see you, he just... he didn't really comb his hair this morning, nor did he plan on meeting you of all people today. "choso?" you recalled his name, with him flinching at the fact you remember who he is.
he slowly lowered his hand and moved out of line, still keeping his distance form you, though. "ah, hey..." he muttered out, unable to make eye contact with you out of embarrassment. you gave him a small smile and closed the distance between you two, complimenting his effortlessly put together look, including the barely tamed bedhead. he chuckled under his breath, which morphed into a sigh as he ran his veiny hand through his light brown hair. "had i known i'd meet you today, i'd've made smarter fashion choices." he murmured, making you laugh, which made his face burn up in embarrassment.
you invited him to sit at your table to just talk if he wanted, and he shyly accepted your invitation. after combing his hair in the cafe's restroom and receiving his order, you reminisced how you once did the same gesture for him in high school—offering you a seat at his secluded table, away from the crowds, in the corner of the cafeteria. he always took the seat next to the trashcans, offering you the best side of the otherwise neglected and shabby table.
choso sipped at his frappe, his mind wandering as he began to recall and remember all those moments during lunch time with you. "yeah, i... i'm sorry i couldn't really get you any of the good tables, not like with those popular kids that'd invite you to all the great hangout places around and outside of school." "no! no, you have nothing to be sorry for. if anything... it was those moments where it was just us two, a couple of awkward teens behind the whole crowd, just being in our own little world together that made my high school life memorable. thank you, cho." you declared, expressing your gratitude for his subtle gestures of hospitality and concern for you.
once again, choso's cheeks burned up at your thanks, and at the mention of his nickname that you constantly called him back then after you both became friends. he turned away from you, biting at his straw, a sneaky red hue tinting at his cheeks. "don't mention it." he mumbled, making you giggle under your breath at how adorable choso was. his habits of acting flustered really stayed the same, and you felt more and more attached to this man the more you meet him.
"uh... can we do this again? y'know, meet at this cafe, um, talk, and... i dunno, do whatever you wanna do together afterwards." he offered, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do to make this conversation seem less desperate for him to see you again next time on his part. you raised your eyebrows, and your lips curled into a soft grin. "of course! same time next week?" "ah y-yeah, same time next week." he told you with a nod.
"then it's settled..." you confirmed, a childish little smile on your face as you extended your raised pinky finger out to him. "i trust you'll seal this with one of my binding vows?" you chuckled, making choso break out into a smile and shaking his head lightly. he relented, and wrapped his pinky finger around yours; your 'binding vows' of pinky promises were unbreakable.
the morning hadn't even fully begun for the man, but... choso's already looking forward to the rest of it, and for next week, right here, at the same booth at this very cafe, for him to see you and be with you all over again, having that same moment that feels like a gentle fire in his cheeks, that feels like the calm after a storm, like being in a field full of new, fresh grass—like being a lovesick, edgy teenage boy whose world revolved around that one special someone, for even just one moment, when everything feels perfect and right.
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I realise you're HE, but any thoughts on how high school level education should be run/changed/etc? I'd love to know your views!
Oh sure, plenty, but they're not particularly informed lol
Well; Wales is actually massively and fundamentally changing secondary education atm, but we won't be getting students from it until the year after next, I think, so no real comment on effectiveness yet - but it's very interesting. They're getting rid of isolated subjects in favour of broad umbrella areas, as I understand it? So there's now Science and Technology (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, and all the various DT subjects like Woodwork, Electronics, Cookery, etc), Maths and Numeracy, Humanities (History, Geography, Ethics, Religion), Languages Literacy and Communication, and Health and Wellbeing (actually maybe Cookery comes under this one now? Dunno.) And there's a sixth to do with arts but I can't remember what it's called. But it includes Art, Drama, Media Studies, etc.
And then the idea is that a class will learn about a given topic at a time (I don't know for how long, so let's say six weeks), and this will be taught in each of those six umbrellas but via their own methods. So like... I dunno, let's say the Tudors:
That's fairly straightforward for Humanities, but in addition to giving you the historical facts you'd also explore historic trade routes and natural resources of the time and how they related to the politics (geography), the religious make up of the country and how THAT related to the politics (religion), etc.
Maths and Numeracy might explore how to use statistics to analyse Tudor era population or trade data.
Science and Tech could look at disease outbreaks and virology, or technological advancements and how they worked and get students to build one, or get students to construct a Tudor-era town using computer software
Languages can study plays from the era (Shakespeare), look at linguistic development, or use historical events as talking points to practice using vocab in conversations
Health and Wellbeing can explore stressors and challenges of the average Medieval peasant and how they overcame them, or play some popular Tudor sport or game, or make food to Tudor recipes, etc
The Arts one (god I cannot remember the name) can look at art history of the period, fashions, perform plays, etc
So everyone is still teaching the skills and knowledge of their subject areas, they're just united by one big case study. It apparently allows for far more integrated teaching, too, where two previously discrete subjects can join forces on a project.
All of which seems pretty good, on the whole, but also rife with issues if everyone isn't careful, so we'll see how it shakes out over the next few years.
From my own experiences of school though. Jesus. Something definitely needed to happen, fuck me.
What I should have learned in Textiles:
How to use a sewing machine
How to sew by hand to mend a tear
How to darn a hole
How to hem, dart, take in, and let out clothes
How to sew from a pattern
What I actually learned in Textiles:
How to use a sewing machine on its most basic setting
How to phone in creating a hand puppet out of felt because gluing was easier than sewing
How to badly sew an extremely makeshift and shit bag out of scrap fabric that you in no way want to then use
How to lose all interest in Textiles because it was useless and uninteresting
Like that is a VITAL skillset-imparting subject, and they fucked it, lads, they completely fucked it. Why did they never set us the task of buying a cheap shirt from a charity shop that we then amended in class? That would have been so useful.
Games and PE! Fucking hell! Here's what I should have learned:
How to stretch my body safely to target specific muscle groups, and in particular, how to cultivate a daily stretching routine I enjoyed and wanted to do
How to find a physical activity active enough to get me out of breath that I genuinely enjoyed, so that I wanted to continue it, e.g. salsa dancing or rope climbing or ice skating or hill climbing or assault courses or fucking anything at all
How to build my body up to doing particular activities safely and sustainably
How to find a physical activity to do on wet, cold, rainy days that would still be fun and I would still enjoy
Here's what I actually learned:
Physical activity is always uncomfortable and miserable and sometimes even painful
If you aren't enjoying running around in the wind and rain instead of the indoor gym The Problem Is You. Start Enjoying It.
Wanting to stay warm and dry and comfortable is a punishable choice.
You are only permitted to do physical activity in clothes that make you feel profoundly exposed and uncomfortable (a gym skirt and gym knickers in my school. Cycling shorts got you detention. Don't get me started on jogging bottoms.) Again, if you do not enjoy this, The Problem Is You. Start Enjoying It.
There are only three activity options. If you don't enjoy any of them, physical activity is not for you.
You should be able to Just Do physical exercise, without any training to build you up to it. If you can't and it hurts, this is because you're Bad At PE.
You will only be shown Once
Physical activity is only ever a team sport that you aren't good enough to be willingly picked for
And you know what, LET'S round off with Food Technology/Cookery. Because I remember the things I was asked to make in FT. As a little baby Year 7, I still vividly remember two of the things we made.
Angel Delight. Easy, you might say! A simple treat, you might think! Easing the children into food prep, I hear you cry! But no, because the theme of the year was healthy eating, and so we were to add fruit to our Angel Delight. Any flavour Angel Delight, any fruit. Off you go. I don't know if any of you have encountered fruit, Tumblrs, but it famously has faintly acidic juice. This will prevent the Angel Delight from setting within the one hour lesson, no matter how well you mixed the pudding, or how quickly you got it into the fridge. It will result in soggy gross lumps of oxidising fruit in sloppy liquid pudding. Lesson learned: fruit makes food worse.
Cake. Easyish, you might say! A little harder than the Angel Delight but good training, you might think! A fairly straightforward process with a child-friendly food at the end, I hear you cry! But no, because the theme of the year was still healthy eating, so the teachers made it into an experiment; make four small cakes. One with sugar, one with sweetener, one with apple, and one with carrot. Then taste them and rank them in order. Off you go. I don't know if any of you have ever tried eating sugarless carrot cake, Tumblrs, but I have, and I can tell you categorically that it really puts the "Did you know" into the phrase "Did you know that fructose and sucrose are not actually equivalents of each other in a culinary setting?" It was rancid. It was disgusting. It was vile. It made me hate carrot cake for the next 12 years, in case my mouth had to go through that ordeal again. I'm still highly suspicious of the stuff even now. To (I assume) the surprise of fuck-damned no one, we unanimously put them in the order of sugar, sweetener, apple, carrot. Lesson learned: FRUIT MAKES FOOD WORSE AND CARROTS ARE ACTIVELY DISGUSTING
What possessed them?! No idea. Fucking hell.
Anyway this is getting long and I am still ill-informed. Peace out.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Lmao hi i saw you wanted hsr requests-
(man, its so weird to request off anon im sorry 💀)
I still dunno which characters to choose so its up to you but how about yandere character and an Aeon of Love whos quick to fall in love and adore, but just as quick to throw away things that no longer interest them?
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note: this fic is more of proof of concept rather than an actual fic, if you want a more specific scenario feel free to request one through my asks!
warnings: yandere themes, canon divergence.
status: unedited
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I met with the Snowbird once.
That was all it took for me to be captured within their spell.
To wish for the ability to fly with their holy being once spring came.
An impossible dream that was.
Yet still its honeyed promises of seeing the snowbird once again lured me into this path.
This path of love and despair.
— Pope of the Philian Church.
[Y/N]. The God of Philandering. Snowbird. The Great Majesty of Romance. Their Wintry Excellency. Avem In Perpetua Fuga.
Aeon of Philia.
Some might call them the Aeon of Love but does love really come with a massive fear of commitment and the ease of which they left their significant others? Many scholars that studied the Aeon think not.
Their fickle, almost apathetic nature however did little to dissuade people and other gods alike from falling in love.
You see, [Y/N] was an expert, quite literally the best, when it comes to persuasion and seduction. In contrast to IX whose presence creates madness, theirs made the normal human being almost fall to their knees in religious fervor. Only those blessed by other Aeons could ever hope to escape or endure such an overwhelming aura.
The other gods themselves weren’t completely immune to their charms. One cannot help but be curious as to how a singular being was able to attain the infatuation of such powerful existences . . .
. . . and who exactly that singular being is.
In any case, as one would expect from an Aeon of Romance, the [Y/N] faith is never short of passionate poetry.
Here’s one I found in the General of Xianzhou’s office of all places. Perhaps he might be a follower of theirs? It is quite laughable to think of the great Jing Yuan dabbling in literature when avoiding duties.
“Your love scorched my mind.
Tortured my soul.
Hollowed my body.
But in this pain,
Thoughts of your presence and light,
Dull the blade you sheathed within me.
I await your return,
and your claim over the heart you’ve carved out of me.”
Perhaps those scholars were being a bit too harsh. A god of love must have extremely high standards for their partner. Perhaps those partners were simply foolish, delusional to believe they’d be enough for them.
It is a popular theory that all Aeons used to live peacefully amongst one another until the Great Majesty of Romance threw the world into chaos. The youth nowadays have written several essays alluding to their idea that it was what jumpstarted paths such as the Destruction and Elation. No evidence of such happenings have come out so far.
In my opinion? If anything the Aeon of Elation, Aha would be the bringer of chaos not the other way around. I suspect that the bias and warnings taught to the masses against worshipping or even studying [Y/N], has led to this kind of popular belief.
Why ?
Why is it that they won’t come back ?
I have devoted my entire life to clearing their name. I have spent countless nights agonising on the proper words to use when describing their Wintry Excellency.
Why then would they not praise me ? Why then would they not grace me with their presence once more ? Was it all a mirage ? A tantalising dream made to inflict pain on my soul?
. . . Perhaps it is because I have chosen the wrong path.
. . .
Yes it’s all my fault.
I should have devoted my entire life to worship not just studies.
How moronic of me !
A god of love would never be so cruel. No.
They are simply waiting. Waiting for the day, I come to them.
That was where everyone else was wrong. And I . . . will be right.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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stinmybubs · 23 days
"Do It For Us." Pt.4
Summery: quirkless and weak, two words treat have defined this girl for too long. She can be useful to her friends, she can finally carve out a way into the hero life. From the sidelines. But…Izuku has a quirk? When? How? He’s a liar….
M. Izuku x AFAB! Reader x B. Katsuki
Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3
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Being an inventor had opened your eyes, so many possibilities with creating things you realize heros will need. Some quirks can’t be regulated without support items which means you would be a vital part of history!
And some quirks weren’t hard to replicate. In a way you could research quirks and make your own. You had so many plans and ideas to share, especially after taking your first step in your classroom.
You felt your heart racing, transferring a month into school was stressful, everyone already knew each other and probably had clicks.
The support course, you were able to branch off after your main classes into the little indoor laboratories or whatever they’re called to create. Of course of of them were taken, two people in one garage.
Of course you were lucky enough to have one more spot so you didn’t have to walk across the entire school to get to an empty one. The teacher had told you that your partner will be a girl since of your record.
You nervously approach the lab, a box of blueprints and tools in your hands and you push the door open to see a girl with a big smile on her face laughing maniacally while creating her creations.
“My babies will be perfect! After I showcase these babies they’ll have to recruit me and buy my precious babies!” The pink haired girl cheered holding one of her ‘babies’ in the air.
You simply sneak into the room, making your way to the long desk across the room. Surprisingly it was empty, you thought since she was alone she’d take up the whole space.
“Hiya!” You felt a hand suddenly on your shoulder making you scream. “Oh my god!” You drop your box on the desk turning around to see the pink haired girl who had grime all over her face smiling at you.
“I was told a female transfer student will need space! So I kicked the guy who was in here outta here!! Of course I wanna work with a girl! We can create precious babies together! By the way the names Mei Hatsume! Wanna see some of my babies!? Oo what’s in here!” The girl was spouting so much you couldn’t even comprehend anything she was saying, everything was happening so fast.
It kind of reminded you of Izuku.
“Oh! That’s just my blueprints…I wanna see if I can replicate complicated quirks maybe even see if you can like I dunno…change some? An example would be if Mount lady could control her size! It would be super useful especially when navigating a large city with cramped roads. Mount lady would-“ you cut yourself off as you saw the girl listening intently, you face flushing realizing you were rambling like Izuku normally would.
“That’s a brilliant idea! Me and you are gonna get along just fine! You’re also just in time for the sports festival! It’s literally in 2 days!” She cheered helping you set up your side of the room.
Mei was a doll, you loved her bright energy and her ability to create was grand! You two spent the day going over blue prints and possible tools you could bring to the sports festival.
This is where you heard that class 1-A was the most popular class right now, the hero course. That’s where you could assume where Bakugou and Izuku was, well either 1-A or 1-B.
“Yeah that Bakugou guy is a real snob!” You flinch at the name, currently you were fetching some history books with a fellow classmate to stock up in your home room class.
“Yeah should’ve known class 1-A would be to egotistical. Only a select few get into the hero course.”
Class 1-A huh? You thought, spacing out at the thought of visiting Bakugou. He’s only a few halls away, you could totally just pop in. But we’re you ready?
“Ah!” You didn’t know what was happening, one minute you were walking with a stacks of books the next you were falling. Turns out a whole group of students starting bombarding the halls.
“What the hell!?” You look around, picking yourself up noticing the group of students making their way down the halls. “They late for class or?”
“Nah, they’re checkin out class 1-A, not only did they survive a real villian attack but in the sports festival they can switch you into the hero class if they see you fit for it. Meaning some kids, gonna get moved out.” Your class mate stated, helping you pick up your books that you had dropped.
“It’s not like I wanna get in so…-“ your class mate continued talking while you stared down the hall. Thoughts racing through your mind. You hadn’t seen Bakugou in months.
I wonder how he’s doing…
I’m just not ready.
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The days before the sports festival past quickly, you told mei that you didn’t think you could participate in the sports festival due to your anxiety. She understood right away and told you she will represent your babies at the festival in your steed.
Mei was such a sweet girl, she always knew exactly what to say to you and how to make you feel better. You felt so lucky.
You watched from the area your class was assigned, you were basically the only one there as all the classes walked into the large stadium. You heart raced, you immediately could see the two you longed to see the most.
They haven’t changed. You smile watching as the classes line up to listen to the hero Midnight announce the rules and who’s going to sing the pledge.
“Bakugou Katsuki!” The skimpy suited hero yelled, unexpected. You thought that Katsuki would be the last person to represent a class, due to his very aggressive behavior. You simply watched as he walked up into the podium, hands stuck in his pockets.
“I just wanted to say. That I’m gonna win.”
Oh my god…
Your jaw drops and you cover your mouth, trying to hold your laughter in. God damn it Katsu! Honestly you should’ve known he’d do something like this, his bold confidence was something I’m you used to admire. Come to think of it you were doing fine seeing him.
MaybeI am ready…
But you just didn’t want to risk it, ruining your own life after another episode, you don’t think you would ever recover from another episode. Especially after finding your calling.
As the games went on, you watched the first event intently, seeing Bakugou fighting for first place gave you a rush of your own. You couldn’t help but be internally rooting for him.
Until you saw Izuku flying past the the two boys fighting for first place. Your eyes widen, like in slow motion you saw the boy you admired all your life. Izu..
You stood up in your chair, now you had no clue who to root for! Woah! Izu is so smart…he used the bombs to propel himself in front of the rest of them. He always was the smart one, you know instead of a hero he couldn’t taken the support course. With that brain he could make fine equipment for hero’s.
Your smile fades, how did he get into the hero course..? Only the best of the best, with quirks can get in…
Before your mind begins to race, you quickly calm yourself down, settling back in your seat to continue watching the race play out.
As the games went on, the Calvary battle gave you a good laugh watching Bakugou fly around and angrily yell at his teammates.
You smile as both your childhood friends made it to the finals, Bakugou was fighting a cute girl! And Izuku was fighting a todoroki. Well the only fights you were interested in paying any attention to, you kind of spaced out for the rest of the fights until theirs came.
Well of course you had a very good laugh when Mei toyed with that glasses guy!
Finally it was Bakugou’s fight, of course you were voting for him. Watching as he basically bullied the girl, her quirk…they said it was gravity right. Yknow if I had it I would. Then you realized what she was doing, looking up to see the broken pieces of the stage floating above the stadium.
I fucking love her. You thought excitedly, you kind of hoped this would work, the girl was tirelessly charging herself at your blonde haired friend. Hearing the crowd booing Bakugou broke your heart, not only for Bakugou but the fact that they’re totally underestimating this girl!
One of the announcers lectured the heros booing him, as the rocks came falling down, it was an amazing sight. Woah! The hero course is so…amazing. But with one blast Bakugou countered her attack basically ending the fight there after the girl collapsed due to exhaustion.
You felt a hand land on your shoulder startling you as you realize it was just Mei. “Did you see our babies Y/n! They did so good! Don’t worry if any agencies ask about them I’ll let them know you helped me too! And of course some of them are your design.” She cheered giving you the biggest hug as you watch Izuku step out onto the stage.
You tuned out the world during this fight, there was no way he was going to win. Especially without a quirk. Your memory remembered the time where he told you that he had a chance to get in. Does that mean…? No…so was he not quirkless? Did he find out he had one?
So he wasn’t like you?
As the fight when on, he managed to counter every attack which made your heart sink. Confirming your thoughts as you watch his bones break with each powerful use of his quirk.
He had a quirk? When? Since when did he get a quirk?
You didn’t know how or when. All you knew is that he wasn’t like you anymore, he wasn’t quirkless. A weakling it be pushed around all your life, a defenseless bug to be squashed underneath everyone’s feet.
Or was he just lying…did he lie about not having a quirk? Laughing behind your back all these years as he pretended to be your friend? Your alley? Your only hope? Your mind raced with thoughts you didn’t even know you had streams of tears rushing from your eyes down your face, Mei calling out your name.
Since you weren’t budging, staring at the fight as she Mei quickly rushed you out into a waiting room. “Is everything okay Y/n!?? What happened?” You snap back to reality, just breaking down in tears.
You felt like a fool. You felt so betrayed, your heart felt so broken in that very moment. You couldn’t be here anymore, you couldn’t.
“Did you hear?”
“Yeah some girl from the support course was in tears over this fight.”
“Heard it was a quirkless transfer.”
“I wonder what that was about.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes at the bumbling rumors going around the students, watching as Izuku and todoroki fought.
“Her name I think was.. Y/n L/n?” He immediately perked up, turning to the class that was sitting above them to try to listen closer. She must’ve saw Deku usin that stupid quirk. What a fuckin idiot. Katsuki clenched his fist, getting out of his seat to fines you.
He needed to see you.
At least one more time.
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AN: maybe this will be a long term series I keep cutting off the romance 😭 IM SO SORRY I LOVE YOU GUYS Xoxo Stinmybubs
122 notes · View notes
joels-shitty-puns · 8 months
The Key To Your Heart - Track 6
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Mentions of food, weight loss, weight gain, dieting, weighing, potential eating disorder, food guilt. Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 4K
Series List: Here!
Miss last chapter? Here!
This one's a little longer than the last few, but it's one I was really excited to get to for a while. I hope you guys like it! We're starting to get into the nitty gritty! Once again please let me know what you think of it! Thank you all for your support :)
After your emotional conversation with Pedro, you were worried he'd stop talking to you. At least, it seems that's how it usually works. Whenever you try to have a conversation about emotions with someone, it gets shut down. But surprisingly.. it didn't push Pedro away at all. The two of you talk nearly every day on the phone, and when you don't, it's made up for with plenty of text messages. You don't even have to be the first to communicate, either. It just feels natural. It doesn't need to be over-thought.
You keep telling yourself not to get your hopes up, but at the same time, you feel like maybe it's turning into something. Something more than friends. You couldn't help but wonder if Pedro felt the same way, or if maybe he's just a really nice guy.
Despite these feelings, you're still hesitant to tell him you love him. Although he put many of your fears to rest, you continued to be nervous. You were inexperienced. You were significantly younger than him. You led two very different lives. And even though he reassured you about your appearances, it doesn't mean you'd be his type once he actually saw you. Shoot, you don't even know if he's interested in pursuing a relationship.
Plus, now there's the risk of messing up a new friendship. Why ruin it?
How does anyone ever get into a relationship? Others make it look so easy, jumping from relationship to relationship like their heart isn't at stake.
Maybe someday you'd tell him. Maybe someday you'd share these other fears as well. But not yet. You weren't ready.
About a week had gone by since you first talked on the phone, and it was around 1 PM when he called you.
"Hey Pedro!"
"Hey there, songbird," he replied cheerily.
"Songbird?" You giggled.
"If you hate it-"
"No, I love it. It's sweet," you blushed.
"Okay good. But the reason I'm calling is because I saw something on Instagram…"
"Oh yeah? What of?"
"About you. When were you going to tell me?"
Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh what? What is he referring to?
You nervously laughed "I… what? Tell you what now?"
"Your album is coming out in a WEEK!??!" He practically yelled with excitement.
Seriously… this guy. Giving me a damn heart attack.
"OH" you replied sheepishly. "You scared me, thinking you heard… I dunno"
"Oh! I'm sorry. No. I haven't heard any information that you haven't told me yourself, nor would I believe it anyway. Other than.. this album!!!" Pedro announced like a gameshow host.
You laughed before replying "yes, yes, the album comes out next week! They just announced it I guess."
Pedro clapped and shouted. "CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy and proud of you!!!!!!!!"
You weren't looking in a mirror, and he couldn't see you either, but you could bet money that your cheeks were a bright shade of pink. "Thank you, Pedro!" You giggled, your face beginning to hurt from the large smile he caused.
"How are you celebrating? Is the studio doing anything for you?"
"Well they mentioned an album release party, but being that nobody really knows me I don't know who I would even invite. Plus I'm not sure that a large thing like that is how I'd like to show myself to the world. A little too ceremonious for my liking." You grimaced.
"Well, I happen to think you deserve something ceremonious, even if you don't think you do. And I think we should celebrate."
"We - you - you do? You mean…?" You stuttered in disbelief.
"You and me," he said matter-of-factly.
"You.. and… What did you have in mind?" 
Frankly you didn't know what to think.
"Well. I was thinking… Maybe we could listen to the album together? We could talk on the phone and listen, and it would be like our own little album release party. You wouldn't have to show yourself or meet people. It would just be like our normal conversations. Except I'd get to hear your new music and talk about it with you. If you want," he said, sounding slightly nervous.
Your heart swelled at the gesture and you agreed happily. The two of you made a plan to "meet" at 7PM and listen together the night of your album release. And he promised he wouldn't listen without you.
It wasn't until after you were off the phone with him that you began to overthink the songs on your album. Not unlike your first single, these were also rather vulnerable at times. Sure, he knew a lot, and he'd listen to the album anyway. Probably. But still. To hear it… together? You were starting to feel like you were in over your head.
Nevertheless, the week continued on like normal. Work, talking to Pedro, hanging with Skipper. You agreed to a few more interviews in article or voice format after the release, and signed a few last minute things.
As the album date approached closer, Pedro texted you one day.
"Okay I'm going to ask you something and I want you to trust me okay. I'm not going to do anything that I know you would hate."
"Okay…" what does this man have up his sleeve?
"Can I have your address?"
Why does he want my address???? The panic settled in. But, you did like him; and he hadn't crossed any boundaries yet. In fact, he's been one of the most understanding of your qualms.
So. You sent him your address.
"Thank you ❤️" Pedro replied.
A heart !?! A red one!? 
"You're welcome. Also… I was planning to tell you anyway, but if you're looking for my address I may as well tell you…" you told him your real name. Not your stage name. Not a nickname. But your name. First, Last. All of it.
"Thank you for trusting me. I promise I'll keep it safe," reassured Pedro.
"Thank you, P."
"Of course. You have a beautiful name, by the way."
Your heart did a somersault.
The album release date was finally here and you aren't sure you slept a wink. You were a bundle of nerves and excitement. You loved him and always enjoyed chatting together. This was exciting. But also these songs are so personal. This is a big moment. This was a big plan. And why did he want your address anyway?
Meanwhile at Pedro's place, he was just as nervous. He had started out excited, but then he got into his head. His plans for the evening started feeling too romantic. He didn't want you to get the wrong idea. He liked you, but he didn't want to push it. Maybe he was showing too many feelings towards you. You love someone else, and him not respecting that is rude. All you want is a friend and he's just going to seem like another one of those creepy guys trying to get into your pants.
But it was too late now, the plans were in motion, and maybe you'd enjoy it. Who knows. Either way, he loved your friendship, and friends could do this kind of thing for each other… right??
Throughout the day, you paced your house before finally leaving with Skipper in tow. "We gotta get some air, buddy. I'm losing it over here," you said while clipping his leash.
Stepping out of the house, you two went for a long walk, circled back toward home, and plopped down on your lawn. The house still felt too small in preparation for this evening, whatever it was. Why does it feel different anyway? It's just another phone call..? Unless….
Truth be told, while Pedro had his secret plans, you also had some of your own. Whether you followed through with them or not was up to your nerves.
After some sunbathing with your pup, you both head inside. The sun was starting to set, and you realized it was getting closer to the meetup time you chose with Pedro.
6 PM.
You stared at the TV, not really absorbing anything on the screen, but needing a distraction. This afternoon you opted for a show that Pedro was not in. For once, you needed to not see his handsome face. You needed something else. Half paying attention while picking at a hangnail, you jump out of your skin at the sight of your phone lighting up. Pedro texted.
"Picking out my outfit for tonight! Always important to look nice for celebration."
Shit… he's not coming over is he?! That's why he wanted my address?!
"Wait…" you pondered how to phrase your question without sounding like a panicked asshole, when all you wanted to say was "what the fuck do you MEAN!?!"
I'm not dressed. I'm in sweats and covered in dog hair. I don't have makeup on. Oh no.
"Wait… is that why you wanted my address?"
"Oh. Nooo, no no. No, sweet girl, don't worry. I'm not coming over unexpectedly and interrupting your hiding place. I just think it's still important to dress nice."
It was around 6:15 when he texted a picture of himself wearing a white button up with a dark blue suit and matching tie. He wore dark-frame glasses and his hair was slightly tamed, but still showed his messy curls. He looked gorgeous.
But as you scanned his body you noticed that instead of dress shoes, he wore a pair of polka dot socks. He had a goofy grin and his one eyebrow was cocked. You grinned.
"All dressed up and nowhere to go," he said.
"You're a goof, P. But I appreciate the effort."
A pause.
"Also, you look really handsome" you nervously hit send before you had a chance to chicken out.
Bold. Probably shouldn't have said that. But hey, friends compliment each other.
"Why thank you. A big accomplishment like this requires all the stops."
He timed this message right to the minute. As you read his text, your doorbell rang.
You opened the door to find two boxes. One large, one small. A delivery boy was getting into his car. 
"Delivery from your biggest fan. 
-❤️, P"
He… he sent me some kind of care package?? And put a heart? And said he's my biggest fan?
You squealed and carried the boxes into the house. "What's this!?" You texted Pedro.
"Open them and see!"
You immediately open them. Inside the larger box was a variety of items. The first thing you noticed was a small vase holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. To the right of that was a bag, which you opened and found your favorite meal, from your favorite restaurant. 
Wow, this is elaborate. 
Below the food was another small bag holding your favorite dessert, and finally to the left, your favorite drink.
I can't believe he remembered all of my favorite things.. This is so thoughtful.
When you moved the flower vase, you noticed one more small item. Is that a… corsage?? You texted Pedro the question.
"Yep!" He sent, with a photo of a matching flower on his lapel.
Remembering you still had the small box, you opened the box flaps, wondering what could possibly be left for him to give you. On top of it was another note.
"For a handsome boy.
- ❤️, your mom's friend, Pedro"
Under the note was a jar of peanut butter, a squeaky anchor toy, and…? What's this?
You unwrap a small paper wrapping to find a dog-sized black bowtie. Shut up.
"SKIPPER!!! Look what Pedro gave you, buddy!"
He padded over to you and let you hook the dressy accessory around his neck. With the clip adjusted, he sat back, looking proud of his new fashion. You quickly snapped a picture and texted it to Pedro.
"I can't believe you did all this, Pedro. Not only did you send all this, but you remembered my favorite things? You remembered all the details from when I first met Skipper. My favorite food, dessert, drink, and flower? That's so sweet, this is all too much Pedro..  Nobody has ever done anything like this for me. I.. I don't even know what to say."
You're amazing and I love you. Is what I want to say.
"You're welcome." He texted back. "Like I said, you deserve a celebration. Plus…"
Pedro sent a photo of his table, set up with the same food and drink, with the caption "now it's like we're having a dinner party."
It was nearing the time to meet, but you still had to do one more thing. You had pondered it earlier in the day, but fully decided it when Pedro sent the photo of himself dressed up. It's now or never.
6:45 PM.
Pedro sat waiting for a reply after he sent his dinner photo. It had only been a couple minutes, but his hands were sweaty and his leg was shaking under the table. Finally, his phone went off. You sent… a video?
He opened it and pressed play. There, he saw you rotating your wrist with the corsage on it. The first time he's ever seen your wrist, hand, or arm before. The first time he's even seen your skin tone.
Geez you act like you're in the Victorian ages, pull yourself together, he rolled his eyes at himself for being so overjoyed.
Next, the video panned to Skipper in his bowtie, looking handsome as ever. The camera zoomed in on him and he looked up into the view with his big brown eyes. 
And then…
The camera panned to the side, and showed a mirror. A full length mirror, where you stood. He scanned your body from your perfectly done up hair and makeup, down your body to your dress. You wore your favorite dress, (in your favorite color, he noted) which showed off your body in the best ways. He looked down to the floor and noticed that you too were wearing fun socks instead of shoes. You wore a pair of striped socks and wrote in your caption "all dressed up and nowhere to go."
His heart picked up and he could feel himself breathing unevenly. He finally saw you. And you were gorgeous. He couldn't help the smile that enveloped his face.
Fuck. She's beautiful… I'm screwed. 
She loves someone else. She loves someone else. She loves someone else. Forget your feelings.
Despite his struggle, he knew he wanted, and needed, to tell you how beautiful he thought you looked. This was a big step to show yourself, and he also knew how self-conscious you felt about your body.
"Wow, you're so beautiful."
You blushed, replying with a quick thank you with a heart, then sending a second message asking if he was ready to listen. The video wasn't the only trick you had planned up your sleeve tonight.
The clock turned to 7 PM and Pedro hit the dial for your number. You answered the phone and said a quick "hang on" to set up the shared listening party link for your album. Once sent, you took a deep breath and steadied your nerves. Then, you took the plunge.
"Okay I got the link! I'm so exci - what - wait, is this an accident?" Pedro's hand fumbled as he received your incoming video chat request, his heart picking up to a galloping pace.
"Nope! You can answer it. If you want.."
He quickly swiped the accept button and there you were. Clad in your favorite dress, sitting at a table with the meal he sent in front of you. He could see himself in the corner square, dressed in his suit, with nearly the identical table setup and food.
He couldn't help but notice on his own video screen that his cheeks were turning rosy and his mouth curled into a large smile. But he was too happy to be shy about his blush.
"So this is you," he said.
"This is me," you replied shyly, but still with a huge smile and blush plastered on your face, matching Pedro's.
"You look.." he sighed shakily "..wow.."
"You look pretty wow yourself there," you said with a shy giggle.
Both of you let out gentle laughs, feeling a warm glow as your stomachs felt matching butterflies of nerves, excitement, and… maybe something else.
"So should we listen, I guess?" You asked nervously.
He didn't answer. He was looking at the screen, eyes scanning the video. 
Is he blushing? You wondered. But why would he be? He doesn't like me back… right?
He still hadn't answered you when you finally said "Pedro?? Did you hear me?"
He snapped out of it, somehow turning more crimson. "Oh! Sorry… yeah! Let's listen."
Your nerves were off the charts. Some of these songs were so vulnerable. The ones at the end of the album were the most telling of all.
But as the two of you ate your dinners while listening to your new album, you began to relax. The night was filled with him giving praise and you giving background information on the meanings and production of the songs. 
"Are all the different instruments and harmonies played by you?"
"They are! The studio offered studio musicians but I had originally played them all when I wrote it and wanted to keep it a one woman show."
"You're incredible," Pedro said, shaking his head.
You blushed, for the billionth time today.
When it came to "Imaginary Love" Pedro grinned. "Hey I know this one! The one that started it all." 
"Yep!" You agreed and he began lip syncing to the lyrics dramatically. Little did he know, those lyrics were actually about him. You giggled as he acted out a soulful rendition of the chorus.
"You know, this whole journey has been a real rollercoaster and there have been times I've wished I hadn't posted that song..."
Pedro looked at you with that puppy dog look of his and you continued "but then I remember… that if I never posted it, I would've never started talking to you, and it makes it all worth it."
Pedro placed his hand on his heart and pouted his lip. "I agree. I'm glad to have met you. If I didn't love this song already, that alone would be enough reason for me to consider it one of my favorites.
You grinned and looked down at the table, suddenly feeling shy. The two of you continued to listen, having long finished your dinner. Conversation flowed easily, and you couldn't help but feel like you were on a date. Not that you had much experience with that, but from what you'd seen in movies and shows, this felt very date-like. And you didn't want it to end.
But as the album went on, you approached the last two songs. The ones you were scared of most. The most vulnerable of the album. 
The second to last began to play.
'It's hard to imagine craving something that I've never had.
Dumb to be so desperate for something I've gone without.
But when I'm alone and thinking to myself, I need it so bad.
I crave it like a drug, but one I know nothing about.
Your kiss on my lips, or any kiss at all.
It hasn't happened yet, no matter how hard I fall.
The years keep passing, but still no love.
The years go by, but still no kisses.
I keep wondering and praying up above,
I guess I'm unkissable, despite my wishes.'
Pedro furrowed his brow, looking at you, searching for something. He read the title of the song, "Unkissable," and looked up again, opening and closing his mouth to find the right words.
"Do-" he stopped himself and pondered his wording again. "Is- are all these songs true?"
You stared at the table, picking your nail against the wood. "Yes."
"You really believe that?"
"... I mean… I don't know… maybe… I guess…" you avoided his gaze, but could feel it.
"And you've never-"
"Kissed anyone before? No. I haven't."
"But you've wanted to?"
"Yes," you whispered, starting to feel tears prick at your eyes.
Pedro shifted his lips to the side in thought before finally saying "well… you're still young. It'll happen."
"I'm 26, Pedro. Most people have kissed by the time they've graduated high school. I just… missed the boat I guess. It's okay. I'm just being silly. I don't want it that bad. We can maybe listen to something else now."
"Hey, hey. Don't shut down on me," he asked pleadingly. "26 is still very young, and don't worry about whenever everyone else has done things. Everyone does things at their own pace. I'm sorry you haven't experienced it yet, especially when you want it so badly, but I know that when it does happen, it'll probably be better than any kiss you would've had with some 15 year old boy you would've had in high school."
You laughed, breaking your tears for a minute. "Thanks Pedro."
"Of course. And hey, don't think of yourself as unkissable. Any guy should be so lucky to be with you. Maybe the guy you wrote about in your song will be your first."
"Maybe… I hope so. Thank you."
While your heart bloomed at the kind words and prospect of maybe kissing Pedro in the future, Pedro's heart began to ache. Not only was he sad for you when you wanted love so desperately, but he also couldn't help but feel sad hearing you want to kiss another man. He wants to be that guy for you. He wasn't joking when he said any man would be lucky. But especially knowing now your true age, 22 years younger than him, he knew for sure your crush couldn't be him. You were way too young to be interested in a 48 year old man. He was silly for even entertaining the idea.
But at least he had a new friend. And as he thought longer, he thought about his best friend Sarah, and her relationship. They have a huge age gap, 32 years, but they're happy. And he's happy for her. It doesn't feel weird with them. Could he have that with you? Or is he in over his head?
The last song on the album began to play. This one was less vulnerable, but if he decided to look at the lyrics and notice patterns, he'd see it in the chorus. 
'People have a lot to say
Everyone loves or hates me
Don't know what I did today
Right now you're all I can see
Only want to be with you.
Please, love me too.'
You're sure the obsessive listeners will figure out the acrostic, and if Pedro looks up the lyrics, he might too. But either way, it's out there. All you can do is hope for the best and eventually you're sure it'll come out anyway.
 This wasn't one you were sure about putting on the album, but when the studio read through your personal songbook, they went insane over it. They figured it out quickly, and they promised they'd keep it to themselves. Luckily they have so far, but if money came calling, you think they'd sell your heart faster than you could say no.
The song, and album, came to a close and Pedro looked up at the screen once again, staring into your eyes. "Once again your music has blown me away."
Whether he put together the end or not, he wasn't letting on.
"Thank you Pedro. I really appreciate it. And thank you for tonight. It was truly special and I mean it when I say it's the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. You didn't have to go through all that trouble," you said thoughtfully.
"It was no trouble. You deserve congratulations for your album," Pedro replied with a smile.
Right.. it's just a congratulations. Nothing else. You sighed.
"Thank you. I'm really glad we did this. Talk again soon?" You asked.
"Absolutely. It was wonderful to meet you finally," Pedro said, finishing the sentence with your real name and smiling.
"It was great to meet you too, Pedro."
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading.
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thetopichot · 2 months
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The Yuuriboys but they're camp counselors.
Alphonse (The Popular Camp Counselor):
He's the fav of the fandom, he's the fav of the kiddos mostly because he's hip & has similar humor to them. He also has pink hair so points for that. He also reminds me of those popular teachers who are also coaches that alot of the class likes so yeah.
Auron (The Strict One):
Yeah, he's no fun to the kiddos. He looks scary & has like this resting bitchface which you can tell that he'll be strict & hold everyone accountable to the rules. (Even though he's a rulebreaker himself) Well at least the moms that bring their kids to the camp thinks he's hot, I guess. Dark hair, bedroom eyes, moody demeanor, I totally get it/ref.
Biggs/Lucien (Probably Big Foot or sum djdjiensj 😭😭):
Kids think my mans big foot or those scary campfire story creatures that they would talk about. Seth would talk about this creature in the woods to scare the kids & Biggs just pops out to take a shit in one of the bathrooms at the camp. Mf goes like "Oh uh, Gwrah!" The kids scream & run. Finn & Auron are disappointed in both of them for scaring the kids but Auron would lowkey find it funny ajajnsjdj.
Charlie (The Sacrifice):
When one of the counselors or when one of them are trying handle a fight between kids, Charlie is the one that will be sacrificed for the greater good of just saving some counselor's time. He's also the lab rat on doing field trips or camp activities such as going on a climbling rope. If no one wants to pet the snake at the zoo, he would be the one to do it because you know damn well that Auron is NOT touching a snake cause FUCK THAT. Luckily, he's always praised for just helping kids have courage even though he doesn't want to do none of these things but hey he gets paid a extra 2 dollars so I guess sure why not?
Faust (The One That Talks Shit):
Yeah, Faust would talk shit behind a kid's back & he would gossip about everything at the camp. Like Auron has weak ass bones & if you poke his shoulder, he would be immense pain or he would gossip about a kid's crush on another camper with the camp counselors. Similar to Auron, he's also a asshole too which not many of the kids like either.
Finn (The Father Figure Of Camp):
In my experience when I was a kid, there would be always that one camp counselors that acted like a sweet parent who genuinely want those kids to grow & have a amazing experience at camp. Yup, that's Finn. I dunno anyone at camp that wouldn't like him since he does his job at being a camp counselor very well because he actually loves his job & he's a nature boy so, hell yeah! Even more of a bonus for Finn is that he could go hours & hours about talking plants & their origins & the kids absolutely find it so cool. Finn would absolutely make food for the kiddos if they were on a hike. Finn is just a wholesome boyo honestly 😭😭 I WANNA MARRY HIM NOW-
Jack (The Hype One):
Whenever the sport activities come around, he's the man for the job. Man is hype asf when it comes to team activities. Well, Jack is the guy who throws hype ass college parties & team activities are no different. Sir is the definition of YOLO & would probably bring like a speaker & fuck it up as he should‼️‼️🗣🗣
Seth (The Camp Counselor):
He is literally the definition of Camp Counselor. He hikes, he cooks meal on a camp fire, scary stories to tell at camp, swims in mountain lakes, knows things about dangerous plants, lives without fear, BRO IS HUGH JACKMAN NAME ME ONE THING THAT WOULDN'T MAKE HIM A PERFECT CAMP COUNSELOR-
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years
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Name: Monkey Crab
Debut: Splatoon 2
Today we are talking about a Splatoon character beloved by all. More popular than the Squid Sisters! More respected than Off the Hook! It’s Monkey Crab! The world-famous Monkey Crab!
Now if you didn’t notice from us using a plushie as the header image, Monkey Crab is not real. Sorry. And I don’t just mean in the sense that most Splatoon characters aren’t real! He’s not real in the world of Splatoon! He’s what we call a cartoon guy, in the business. An in-universe fictional character! 
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Monkey Crab first shows up in the stage MakoMart, which is a supermarket, and the devs had to make a bunch of fake food packaging for it! There is a lot of fun stuff like Off the Hook flavored cereal, but our star here got three different types of cereal all for himself! I think this stuff is super cool, since the world of Splatoon is already so cartoony, what would their cartoons look like? Monkey Crab gives a glimpse into that world, and what a world it is!
So Monkey Crab is a cereal mascot! Case closed! He is like a Toucan Sam or a Tony the Tiger, or a Buzz the Honey Nut Cheerios! But a fake cereal guy is not bound by the rules of our world, because...
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A few months later, Monkey Crab returned to us... in the Amusement Park stage, Wahoo World! Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t see a lot of cereal mascots in amusement parks, in our world. I mean, maybe sometimes they collaborate? But this means either A. Monkey Crab was a cereal mascot who achieved incredible widespread success, or B. Monkey Crab was not originally a cereal mascot, he just happened to have a cereal tie-in. I choose to believe A, because it’s funnier!
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Look, here he is in Inkopolis Square, eating Cereal! It’s SO his thing! So if mammals don’t exist in Splatoon, what kind of Milk do they eat with their cereal? Monkey Crab says Don’t Worry About It! :)
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Keep in mind we didn’t even have a name for this guy until a Japanese exclusive magazine, where he was revealed to be called Sarukani! Sarukani means monkey crab. It definitely is a crab, and his face sort of is monkey-ish! (Though, monkeys are extinct, right?) Thanks to the power of Japanese Google, I managed to find a picture, with his official art and everything! So I did my best to translate it, even though other people probably have before:
He greets you with an 100% smile, the most popular cereal mascot at MakoMart! His smile is so wonderful, he's been showing up lately on commercials on the giant monitor in Inkopolis Square. (He's so popular that he's even being used on skateboard designs!)
So yeah! That pretty much confirms he’s a cereal character first and formost! And his smile! It’s the secret to his success, and you have to admit it’s a pretty great smile. What about the skateboards? Uh... we’ll get to that!
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Now there’s actually a Japanese folktale about a monkey and a crab, which I am reading about on Wikipedia just now. It’s about a monkey who murders a crab with persimmons. And so much more! But none of that is important right now. The point is it’s usually known as Sarukani Gassen, or Monkey-Crab Battle, which might be where the name Monkey Crab comes from? Maybe? I dunno? It’s the sort of thing I’d expect from Splatoon, but I’m not sure how it relates to cereal!
Of course, I’m only really writing this post because of Splatoon 3, which introduced customizable lockers, and lots of Random Junk to customize those lockers with! And it just so happens a lot of that junk features Monkey Crab! I have a dedicated Monkey Crab shelf in my locker, and you should too!
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There’s the monkey-crab cushion from the top of this post, but how about a monkey-crab mug! Would you drink hot beverages from this? Would you drink cold beverages from this? Look at that face. He is so happy to be providing a container for liquids.
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And the aforementioned monkey-crab skateboard! Of course cereal mascots are no strangers to skateboarding in real life. Do you think Monkey Crab has a radical commerical encouraging Inklings to eat a balanced breakfast and do Extreme Sports? Because I hope so!
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All three cereal boxes are available to purchase too! It’s interesting how they get progressively more expensive. Is coconut cereal rarer? Is someone scalping cereal? That they sell in the supermarket?
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Are you in need of a laugh? Monkey Crab is sure to make you giggle and chuckle and chortle with his comedy comic! I’m laughing out loud just looking at this cover! I’m crying with laughter! I just love Monkey Crab so much!
But of course, this has all been a lead-up to the peak of Monkey Crab’s career, my personal favorite item in his collection...
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Monkey Crab in Silly Land!
Isn’t it wonderful? Just the title alone inspires such joyous whimsy! A whole Silly Land, for you to explore with your best friend Monkey Crab! Not only is it great they gave this cereal mascot an entire Switch game, but this officially makes Monkey Crab an in-universe scrimblo! Congratulations, Monkey Crab! If anyone deserves it, it’s you!
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That’s all for today fellow Monkey Crab enthusiasts, but keep an eye out for our next cool post, where we write about Mister Shrug and Missus Shrug, and their spicy secrets! We’ll finally get to the bottom of... hm? Hm. I’m being told that I’m not allowed to write a post on Mister and Missus Shrug. Sorry everyone.
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the-ace-with-spades · 9 months
An AU where Jake didn't go to USNA but got a scholarship for football at the same uni Bradley got a scholarship for baseball.
They're both part of NROTC but Bradley is a second-year midshipman and he's one of the very few midshipmen who are not mentoring anyone in the program dunno how nrotc works I'm guessing similar to our military youth programs, bear with me
He's instantly intrigued — Bradley seems to be the most unavailable person in the whole program, never really engaging for after-training outings or parties, never making small talk and never trying to even make connections that would help with networking once they were commissioned.
So Jake kind of observes from afar for the first few months and he realizes Bradley is exactly the same outside of NROTC too.
Despite the lack of engagement, every single instructor and coordinator from the program seems to know him. More so, most of them don't even comment on his lack of extracurricular engagement or mentorship, but even send him off for extra trainings that are typically only awarded for being exceptional.
They live in the same student building but on different floors. Bradley is an RA for his floor and the female-only floor above, something Jake only discovers when his own RA is kicked out and his heating problem is delegated to Bradley.
Bradley is also a TA (which is very unusual for a sophomore) for one of the physics professors — Jake is studying mechanical engineering and Bradley is doing aerospace engineering and he sometimes sees Bradley assisting, even if it's mostly for different majors.
Jake's fascination grows even more because he doesn't get it — Bradley is unavailable to anyone but he's also so nice. Most of the students in the dorm he's coordinating like him, which is not really something that happens with RAs, he's respected both by the midshipmen and their instructors and seniors, many of which keep on friendly jabs with him or extend invitations to outings despite Bradley's repeated refusals. He is incredibly nice to the actual few students who come for help from him as a TA, from what Jake heard, and he's got a good few girls crushing on him, some of which are pretty popular in the uni circles.
Despite that, he doesn't seem to have any friends. Jake doesn't see him at parties, or going outs, or study groups, or even of some midshipmen-organized extra trainings. It's like he's keeping everyone at arm's length.
Finally, he has an occasion to start something with Bradley when he goes downstairs to the mail room. Technically sorting the mail and putting it in the right boxes outside of the mail room is the porter's room but the porter seems to be there maybe four hours a week so usually they just break into the room and look for their own shit in the mess.
He goes downstairs and Bradley is sitting on the floor with a list of the students in the building and a stamp with red RETURN TO SENDER, sorting through piles and piles of mail.
"I didn't think it was part of your job."
"It's not," Bradley answers. "Someone has to do it, might as well be me. Seresin, right?"
Jake doesn't squeal but oh god, Bradley knows his name. "Yeah."
"Your parcel is in the ready pile," he says, pointing his thumb parcels near the door.
"You want some help?"
"You've got nothing better to do on a Friday night?"
He could've asked the same question. "I have three assignments I need to procrastinate on."
Bradley gives him a long look but finally says, "Fair enough."
They stay in silence and Jake doesn't know how to start a conversation. Bradley seems focused and aloof and just, once again, so unavailable.
The opportunity arises when he is going over the stack of parcels in the corner of the mail room.
"Your name is Bradshaw, right?"
"Those are for you."
"They're not."
"I mean, there's no room number but it does say Bradley Bradshaw."
Bradley is quiet for a minute but gets up from where he's been sitting on the floor and slowly walks to stand next to where the boxes are stacked on itself.
Without hesitation, he stamps both of them with RETURN TO SENDER.
"You aren't even going to check what's inside?"
He gets quiet again, looking at the stamp on top of the parcel far longer than needed, before he says, "I don't have any family left, whoever sent it isn't anyone I'd like to get anything from."
Jake bites down apologies — Bradley doesn't seem to be the type to need pity.
"It can't be returned to the post," Jake points out. "No return address."
Bradley sighs and takes out a pen from his pocket, leaning over the boxes.
He doesn't mean to snoop but he catches Bradley writing P.Mitchell & T.Kazansky in the addressee line and San Diego a couple lines lower. So obviously Bradley knew who it was from.
Some things change after that evening — Bradley answers his hi when they see each other at training or waves back when Jake sees him in the lecture hall or brings his mail straight to Jake's room and chats with him for a few minutes at his door.
But most things don't change — he still refuses to join any going outs, even if it's Jake asking him, still doesn't talk much to anyone, still refuses simple invitations to grab lunch together in the cafeteria or go to a movie later that week. Still seems to be using a Don't have time or If you don't need me, I'm going as frequent excuses. Still seems to be entirely unavailable to anyone who wants to catch him outside of his strictly obligatory settings.
He's talking about this with his mom, using the phone booth outside of their dorms, because he's never had trouble making friends with anyone (even if he admits he could make more than friends, with Bradley, eventually, maybe, wishful thinking aside) and his mom tells him, "He sounds really busy, baby, he probably doesn't have time for friends."
"How can you have no time for friends? It's college."
"Jakey, he isn't like you, he doesn't have any support from his family, he's probably struggling to stay afloat with the scholarships requirements and the college job and studying and military training on top of it."
"So what? There's no way to—be friends with him?"
"I think you'll have to fit into the free time in his schedule, baby. because that's the only kind he has."
It takes some time but he does realize that Bradley's time is truly limited. His days are packed tight, on top of what Jake already knew — the TA job, the RA job, the baseball scholarship and the NROTC training — he also works in the local garage one day a week. He literally has a few hours he can actually spend with someone during the day and Jake slowly tries to use them up.
Brings him coffee for the early morning walk-in tutoring he hosts at college, eats lunch with him when they have a training break, even as Bradley does his assigned reading and only half-pays attention to him, comes downstairs to the mail room every evening Bradley sorts through it, brings him cupcakes from the cafeteria on the lunch break between lectures, even though Bradley spends it alone in the professor's office, making lesson plans or marking papers. Visits him in the garage he works at and keeps on constant chatter as Bradley gets covered in black oil and stinks like fuel.
Slowly, he can see Bradley smiling when he sees Jake. Can see Bradley sharing his homemade divine lasagna and chicken soup made from scratch with Jake. Can see Bradley joining him in the gym, not just staying on the outside of the group. Can see Bradley chatting back as he continues to do what he's doing, no longer just letting Jake run his mouth.
There's a bit of a hiccup when Jake offers Bradley to join him on Christmas break in Texas — tells him they can drive if Bradley doesn't want to pay for plane tickets they can make a road trip of the thing and all. Only another call to his mom makes him aware that Bradley probably can't afford either and, as his mom doesn't hold back and points out Bradley won't react well if he offers to pay for it.
So instead, Jake stays for most of the Christmas break in the halls. Apparently, Bradley is organizing a small Chrismas dinner for anyone from the halls who is staying over (a total of seven people), so things get a bit busy — the spare time Bradley has is, well, spare. When he finally has the time, he is working in the garage or finishing his assignments — Jake sometimes forgets, with all the things Bradley does to stay afloat, that he's actually still a student — so he mostly trails behind him and chatters when he thinks it won't annoy Bradley too much.
Bradley offers to drive him to the airport. It's the first time he's offered to take a good chunk of his time and make it free by rescheduling things, just for Jake.
He even parks at the airport and walks him all the way to the security check line, not just leaves Jake in the drop-and-go area.
Jake gives him a small Christmas gift — a key chain with A4 Skyhawk he bought when he visited the aviation museum in Horsham with some of the other midshipmen. They both want to go into the aviation pipeline once graduated so it seems like something Bradley could like, even if it's a bit silly.
He wasn't sure, if Bradley would actually take it — he's been reluctant to take many things, every single lunch or coffee Jake got him had to be either repaid or covered by Bradley the next day.
But Bradley hugs him. Puts the key chain on his car keys ring.
When Jake comes back, he's expecting progress because, you know, Bradley's been warming up to him. Instead, Bradley seems to be dead on his feet, getting annoyed quicker than usually, going as far as telling Jake to 'keep quiet for a goddamn minute'. It all kind of becomes clear when he is car pooling with the guys for the NORTC training and sees Bradley, honest to god jogging the three miles from the halls to the training site, military backpack with his uniform and gear towering over his shoulder — it's five in the morning.
"You doing a new training regime or something? Running everywhere instead of driving like a normal human being?"
He doesn't look at Jake as he says, "The Bronco broke down."
"I mean, that car is older than you," Jake points out, trying to tiptoe around the issue and get Bradley to admit what the exact problem is — he never does, if you ask directly, Jake knows by now. It's like asking for help isn't in his nature.
"It's not safe to drive," he explains. "I can't brake in time anymore, the brakes are about to give out completely."
"Can't you fix it?"
"I need a new drum brake master cylinder," he says. When Jake stares at him, he adds, "It's gonna cost around two hundred bucks, which I don't have."
"I could lend you the money," he offers.
"I don't want your money," Bradley says, just like he thought he'd — taking any offered help from anyone isn't in his nature either.
So Jake tries to work around it — asks his dad and his uncles if there's anyone they know who could maybe give him the right master cylinder for free or at a very discounted price. When they finally find a guy who has a collection of spare parts for the early Broncos but no Broncos anymore and is willing to send the cylinder as long as someone pays for the postage, he writes down his number and promises his friend Bradley is going to call soon about that.
And thank the fucking god, Bradley accepts this kind of backhanded help.
Bradley fixes the Bronco on the hall's parking lot. He jogs from the garage with a borrowed jack lift strapped to his back, pops the car on it and the other one he already has in the trunk so the wheels are up, pops the tires off and pops the front mask up and gets his white tank and plaid shirt covered in grime. It's already dark by the time he takes the jacks away and sits behind the wheel.
Jake's spent the whole time uselessly chattering to him as he always does — he has absolutely no idea about cars — but he lets himself be waved into the passenger seat.
Bradley drives out of the parking lot, down the empty road to the campus and brakes so hard Jake has to hold himself up against the dashboard.
"Better than new," Bradley says and Jake's never seen him grinding as widely and as honestly as he is now.
He is sweaty and covered in oil and stinking a bit, but his curls are flopping on his forehead and the ratty mustache he's been growing lately is out of order and he's looking at Jake with those big brown cow eyes — he just can't not kiss him.
So he leans over the console and kisses the smile on his face.
The leap of faith pays of because Bradley keeps on kissing him — he pulls the hand brake on and lets both his hands settle on Jake's waist and things continue until Jake is being guided onto the backseat over the console and being kisses again and again, and Bradley's hands go lower and lower.
They get each other off and then go back to the halls. They don't talk about it but now any time they're alone — in the lecture hall, in the mail room, in Jake's or Bradley's room — he can just lean in and kiss him as much as he wants to and still get the brightest of smiles as a reward.
They're back in the mail room and maybe Jake's just spent twenty minutes trying to crawl up Bradley's lap (to no avail) when he notices — Bradley got another package, this time PLEASE AT LEAST LOOK THROUGH THE THINGS BEFORE SENDING IT BACK written in bold marker on top.
Bradley curtly tells him to just stamp it with RETURN TO SENDER. But he can't help himself — he gets his keys out and cuts through the tape on top, opening the giant box.
He takes out the first thing that's on top of the pile inside — a stuffed goose the size of over half of Jake's torso. It's a bit grayed up and smells like dust but it's also so cute.
"That yours?"
Bradley gets up from where he's sitting so quick — a second and he's next to Jake, taking the plushie out of his hands. "Ducky—"
"Ducky? That's a goose, isn't it?"
Bradley is honest to god red in the face but doesn't let go of the goose, bringing it closer to his chest and it's freaking adorable. "I was two, I couldn't tell the difference."
"So," Jake says, feeling like he's defusing a bomb. "You still wanna send it back?"
"I—I don't know."
"Maybe—Maybe I could help with that," he offers. "If I know the details, or at least some of them."
It takes him a minute but when Bradley finally starts talking, everything just spills out of him. He tells Jake about his dad, and about his mom, and then about his other dad and pops. He doesn't get too into details but they come around back to his last year in high school and how his dad pilled his papers and they haven't talked since Bradley found out and left the house with a bag and his car and nothing else.
Jake says, "That's just stupid."
The second it leaves his mouth, he knows he's said the wrong thing even if it was honest — he can see in real-time as Bradley rolls back into himself, closing off in less than a minute and suddenly there's so much distance between them.
He angrily writes down the same P.Mitchell & T.Kazansky and San Diego address on top and chucks the goose plushie back inside.
"I guess I'm stupid then," he says quietly and a blink and he's out of the mail room. He's not answering when Jake knocks on his room door.
Jake doesn't have the heart to actually let that package go back to P.Mitchell & T.Kazansky, or Bradley's dad and pops. So he brings it into his room upstairs.
He doesn't mean to go over the things inside, not too much, but he thought he could at least grab the goose — Ducky — and give it a wash. When he reaches inside, there's a goddamn plushie of a Spitfire in there, its tag saying RAF Museum, London, and Jake can't help looking for more.
There are photos and polaroids, three people commonly on all of them with a baby Bradley. Old Hawaiian shirts, a leather jacket, knots of seashell jewelry, a few rolled-up posters, a whole notebook with handwritten recipes, birthday cards.
He doesn't look any further but instead takes the return address from the box and writes up a postcard to P.Mitchell & T. Kazansky saying he'll force Bradley to keep it all.
Problem is, Bradley isn't talking to him, no matter how hard he tries. He thought he'd be like that for a few weeks at the most and then forget but he's worse than he was before he and Jake met in the mail room for the first time — doesn't even say a word to him when Jake tries to start a conversation, he's gone so far as to change his complicated schedule completely so Jake can't see him outside of NROTC and his TA role.
He calls his mom again.
"Jakey, honey," his mom says, with a tone that suggests he's an idiot. "That boy bared his soul to you and you said his feelings were stupid."
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tobi-smp · 2 years
How to watch the Dream SMP
So ! I’ve decided to take another stab at making a post laying out the options for new fans interested in the Dream Smp who don’t know where to start or where to look in the first place! We’ll be going over multiple options that will hopefully give people a rough idea of where they want to go depending on their needs!
at the risk of people scrolling past, I’m putting this under a readmore, so it can be updated as we get more information and so this isn’t an eyesore on the dash.
*This is an edit, discussing important information*
I’m leaving the majority of this post unaltered from when it was written, however I’ve taken the liberty to add information about the dream allegations directly under the cut. I’m doing this both to be informative and to express my own stance on the situation as clearly as possible.
I’m saying this under the cut because that way it’ll show up under every reblog of this post, instead of only being available in the edited version. It’s taken me a while to say this, not because I’ve been avoiding it but because I’ve needed time to process and chew on what I would actually like to say.
Dream, the real person, has been caught in a scandal that is at least partially proven to be true. He has confirmed himself that he has dmed several underaged fans, knowing they were underaged, and sent them to his snapchat to continue messaging him. The allegations beyond that are that he groomed these girls, including sending them inappropriate pictures.
There’s a post that has collected sources for this and several other (many related) incidents involving dream [Link]
[Update, November 20th 2023: a new victim has come forwards about dream, along with nsfw video evidence, tread carefully as this may be triggering [Link]]
I can’t say why this information hasn’t blown up the way that it should have. It might be in part because of the lawsuit currently on-going about said situation, it might be in part because of the fatigue involved with drama associated with dream, it might be that dream is a big enough name in the industry that people are afraid of the reaction they’ll receive if they Do speak out. I don’t know.
But what I Can say is that I have a responsibility to inform anyone potentially interested in the series so they can make informed decisions about what they want to do.
The dream smp is, ultimately, not the brainchild of one person. There are 30 odd people involved with the smp, some of the most popular of which were underage at the time the potential grooming was taking place. I would say that it’s not fair to lay the blame of the actions of one awful man at the feet of these individuals that had no part and no say in what happened.
I would Also say that the reactions from these other members are also very important, even if they don’t implicate them in the crime. The Vast majority of people associated with the server have made explicit efforts to distance themselves from dream. For some that’s been simply cutting contact with him entirely and refusing to associate with him (to interesting results on dream’s part [Link 1, Link 2]). Others speaking negatively about dream in a broader sense. And a select few who have spoken about these accusations specifically, albeit none of them in a very comprehensive way.
Is that enough? I dunno, I’m not the person to ask about the question of accountability vs privacy. I don’t know who’s Allowed to speak on it and who isn’t in regards to the court case, I don’t know whose avoiding speaking on it because of personal negative experiences with the kind of trauma that dream potentially caused, and neither does anyone else. [Link]
I can’t blame anyone who can’t involve themselves with any of the content or the creators that they associate with dream, I also can’t blame anyone who feels uncomfortable with those creators who Haven’t spoken up about the situation regardless of them not associating with dream.
However, personal comfort also isn’t the same thing as blame. At the end of the day creators need to be able to distance themselves from someone toxic and potentially dangerous when they personally haven’t done anything wrong.
That said, I Do also think it’s worth pointing out that that there Are several people who have either openly supported dream through this, or aren’t likely to ever say anything. including “the dream team” (meaning sapnap and george, his roommates and childhood friends) and badboyhalo. they’ve continued making personal content with him (Including buying a trump flag on stream as a “joke” [Link]), and in the case of sapnap and badboyhalo, they’ve openly supported dream while speaking about these allegations and speaking about other creators having dropped contact with him Related to these allegations [Link]
what does all of this mean for someone who’s potentially interested in the series? I don’t know. That’s up to the individual to decide for themselves.
I Will say, the majority of the options for viewing old content given on this post are not directly affiliated with the streamers, being channels dedicated to reuploading vods as well as compilation channels that intentionally break down the footage to make the series easier to digest. I will also say that none of the official vods channels that are linked are associated with any of the dream team.
but of course, dream himself will be in the content linked here. that’s inevitable and largely unavoidable. and if that makes anybody uncomfortable then it would probably be within their best interest not to dive any deeper into the series.
personally, I think anybody is within their right to avoid the series either for moral reasons or for their own personal comfort. I also think it’s possible to engage with the series without being held accountable for the actions the man on the tin. as a long time fan I won’t and Can’t engage with any new content, but I also can’t undo my connection to the story that I’ve sewn into my brain either. so I’m somewhere in the middle, “engaging” only through tumblr posts and ao3.
all of That said, I will be leaving the rest of this post unedited. I frankly don’t want to reread it at all, so if there’s anything below this point that is now ironic then it’s out of my hands.
2023 edit: Inniters stay winning [Link] 
so lets break down some of our options!
1: Summaries and Compilations
This is the most Accessible time wise, which is obviously Very necessary in a series like this where watching every perspective just Isn’t Possible and dedicating yourself to one story line or streamer can still be a Very daunting time commitment.
But it also means sacrificing Detail. When you filter the events through a retelling that means that whoever creates that video is choosing what’s important to tell the audience and How that information is presented to that audience, which can warp someone’s understanding of the events. this is, unfortunately, an unavoidable aspect of this option no matter how unbiased the creator is trying to be. However, there are some options that are better than others. So lets lay them out.
- Blueberry TV [Link] Blueberry TV is a channel dedicated to telling the complete story of the dream smp through clips from All perspectives on the dream smp. They don’t do commentary of their own, they don’t summarize the events, they let the clips speak for themselves. This makes them a very Accurate resource that will give a more complete view of all of the arcs than watching any individual perspective ever could, but that also means that it’s still a pretty significant time sync Because it’s a trying to show you everything.
They have a playlist for season 1 [Link], season 2 [Link], season 3 [Link], and season 4 [Link] for their complication videos that cover the major events in each season (with 3 and 4 being the thinnest because there Aren’t many major lore events).
- The Dream Smp Carrd [Link] Like blueberry tv, this project attempts to make the entirety of the dream smp accessible by breaking it up into smaller digestible clips! Unlike blueberry tv, it does so through a series of playlists collecting those clips from different sources that are all linked together in an easy to follow hub of links organized by season!
this is still a Massive time sync, even more so than blueberry tv, but it’s also more navigable. it’s easier to pick and choose what story lines you’re Specifically interested in and digging into those at your leisure thanks to the dedication to organization! this is Especially useful for smaller creators and story lines that don’t get a much of a spotlight in the main story of the smp! such as the egg arc.
it does, however, stop at season four. though that’s understandable considering the circumstances Surrounding season four.
- Wilbur’s Dream Smp Playlist [Link] This covers wilbur’s story up to the end of season one, meaning the L’manberg war through to the end of the manberg v pogtopia war (november 16th 2020). This is an excellent summary for understanding wilbur’s early story line, especially to supplement his more recent streams as a newer fan. It is, however, worth noting that this is obviously heavily filtered through wilbur’s perspective and writing style, this will give you a complete look into wilbur’s story line but not, for instance, fundy’s or tubbo’s.
- Tommyinnit Main Channel Playlists [Link 1, Link 2, Link 3] Tommy has a few playlists with videos summarizing streams and story lines on his main channel! would I Recommend these? Not Really. they exist for entertainment value, and are made so inconsistently that they don’t really function as Summaries of any given story line, let alone his character as a whole. the exile videos in particular tone down many of the darker aspects of the story, which is part of what contributes to a general misunderstanding of that story line in the fandom. they exist and you can watch them, but I wouldn’t recommend Only watching them.
- Do Not Do This People who are familiar with the dream smp may have noticed a lack of or been expecting a certain channel to appear in this section. That’s understandable, it’s one of the most well known, it’s been used and advertised by multiple streamers, it’s theoretically the most accessible resource in the fandom.
it’s also the resource that has single-handedly spread more misinformation in this fandom than any other single creator or poster there is.
Evanmcgaming is a channel dedicated to making full summary videos for the dream smp, summarizing each arc himself through voice over with professional looking graphics in a Manageable amount of time. He has also outright admitted that he intentionally leaves out entire streamers from story lines when he doesn’t find them personally interesting and to including outright False information in his videos when he thinks that’d make his storytelling more exciting.
Evanmcgaming does not summarize the dream smp, evanmcgaming Rewrites the dream smp and presents that as summaries. this is an extremely important distinction, and one that he never makes in any of his videos. from the very first video all the way through he is tweaking every single bit of information to craft a narrative based on the story that he wants to tell, and this gets worse the further his narrative drifts from the reality of what happened.
This means cutting fundy fully out of the manberg v pogtopia war despite having been an integral part of it, this means telling his audience that tommy faked his own death to trick dream at the end of the exile arc when the reality was that it was a suicide attempt that he’d decided against last minute. If you’ve only ever watched evanmcgaming’s summary of an event, it’s very likely that you’re carrying misconceptions that change the entirety of how any given story line would be understood.
I don’t blame evanmcgaming for being a teenager that made videos for fun. I am, however, haunted by the fact that he is the most well known face in this niche, and that it’s very unlikely that anybody will ever try to do what he’s doing more accurately Because he’s as well known and endorsed as he is. there are streamers on the dream smp who have watched his videos to understand the lore, some of them have streamed this process to their audience. there is no justice in this world.
2: Full VOD playlists
This option is, obviously, the most Accurate, being the raw streams completely unedited. It is, however, the least accessible as far as time is concerned and it’s not an option for most streamers. Not many of the creators have dedicated VODs channels, and not all of the streamers who upload their VODs despite that upload all of them, and while there are fan uploads it can be difficult to keep track of.
And even besides that, the accessibility of this method fluctuates wildly between streamers because of Stream Length. There are many streamers who do many multi-hour streams that aren’t guaranteed to contain any lore. It can be really difficult as a new fan to know which 3-8 hour video has what you’re looking for and Where in those 3-8 hour videos you need to look to find what you need.
To that end, lets go over some of the best options that we have right now.
Dream Team Smp VODs Playlist [Link] This is a fanmade channel dedicated to collecting streams from the dream team (meaning dream, sapnap, and george), and they’ve created a playlist for all of the early streams on the server. At 35 videos, this covers the creation of the server up to the declaration of war on l’manberg. so if you want to understand the Early history of the dream smp, what set the stage for everything that came after it and the Very early lore (meaning the disc war) from the dream team perspective this is the way to go. this is all mostly pre-canon, but it’s a good resource to have!
Tommyinnit VODs [Link] - Tommy has a dedicated VODs channel where he uploads every single one of his VODs. He doesn’t have his own dream smp playlist, but that’s where I come in. - His streams are roughly on the shorter end, mostly averaging around an hour though the absolute high is around 2 and half and the low is around half an hour. - Tommy is Heavily involved with most of the story lines on the dream smp from beginning to end. He obviously Doesn’t and Can’t see everything, but he’s one of the very few perspectives that you can watch and get a general idea of what’s generally going on with the majority of the server.   - However, while his individual streams aren’t very long (comparatively), his heavy involvement with the main story line on the server means that there’s quite a bit More to watch than some other perspectives. Currently we’re sitting at 178 videos in the playlist. - It’s also worth noting that tommy’s perspective will give you insight into dream’s character that you won’t get in full from any other perspective. If that’s what you’re interested in then it’s Most relevant during the exile arc, the disc war finale, the prison arc, and the prison escape.
Note: if Tommy’s perspective is appealing to you, but the amount of videos is overwhelming, then @zeta-in-de-walls has playlists collecting the plot relevant streams for seasons 1-3 ! [Link 1, Link 2, Link 3] This obviously means that you’ll be losing some content and some context, but it’s just a bit more digestible.
Technoblade VODs [Link] - Technoblade streamed on youtube natively, that means that all of his VODs are uploaded directly to youtube! Likewise, he has his own dedicated playlist for his dream smp streams. This makes him one of the Most accessible streamers out there. - That said, his streams do average out to be much longer than tommy’s, with the general stream coming out around two hours. The longest his streams get is 5 hours, while the shortest is around an hour. - However, techno preferred to only stream when he wanted to move his character or the plot forwards. So while his streams may be longer on average, he has much Less of them. There’s 39 in total, which makes it a much faster watch. - That said, for that reason technoblade’s perspective is both generally pretty central for pushing the overarching plot forwards, And very isolated. He’s involved in most of the major events on the server, but watching his perspective will give you very warped ideas about what’s Happening on the rest of the server Because he’s a very isolated character, especially season two onwards. which isn’t a bad thing at all ! it’s just something to be aware of while watching.
Quackity VODs [Link] and Wilbur VODs [Link] - Quackity has an official VODs channel, as well as a dedicated dream smp playlist. wilbur is the only streamer on this list that doesn’t upload his own vods, but he’s also been completely documented through fan uploads. - Quackity and wilbur have very similar stream times to tommy, though wilbur is more likely to have streams on the shorter end (half an hour to an hour) while quackity is more on the slightly longer end (one to two hours) - Conversely, the Amount they stream is more similar to techno (47 videos for quackity, and 32 for wilbur. - These two are both a sort of middle ground between tommy and techno! They’re both pretty central to the overarching narrative of the dream smp (like techno) while being more involved with other parties on the server (like tommy). Taken with tommy and/or techno’s perspectives they add more Context to the over-all narrative. - It Is worth noting that there was a large period where wilbur Did Not stream his perspective (for all of season two and a good chunk of season three), this was done for plot related reasons, but it does mean that you will be missing information about what his character was up to if you Only watch his perspective and nothing else.
It’s worth noting that niki has all of her lore streams directly available in a playlist [Link], fundy has his own VODs channel with a fan playlist for his dream smp streams [Link], and phil and tubbo both have fans attempting to collect all of their vods into playlists [Phil Link] [Tubbo Link].
ranboo also has an “official” VODs channel [Link], it isn’t run by him but it does appear to be uploading all of his VODs, however it doesn’t have a full dream smp playlist. It Does have a playlist for lore relevant streams that’s quite short [Link] and a playlist for every stream he’s ever done period, which is absurd and not recommended [Link]. That said ! there Does appear to be a fan playlist that pulled videos from a different VOD channel that attempted to collect all of his dream smp streams, though it stopped early 2021 [Link].
Karl Jacobs also appears to have a fan-run VODs channel, though it’s entirely unlisted. The twitter account associated with the channel links this playlist [Link] It’s incomplete and doesn’t appear to be in any sort of Order, but it’s there. Edit to say that there’s updated information for Karl Jacobs here ! [Link] courtesy of @jezily
I’m listing these separately because they all have Varying levels of accessibility (niki and fundy both make their perspectives really easy for fans to find, but you wouldn’t understand the major beats of the narrative by watching them. tubbo Would be a very good option for understanding most of the story on the dream smp if he actually backed up his own VODs, which he doesn’t), but they’re still Available and still worth looking into if you’re interested in the stories of the individual streamers !
likewise, just because I didn’t list a perspective here doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth watching, it just means that they aren’t Accessible. the best way to watch the dream smp is through the perspective you enjoy the most, so if you find a streamer you like then it’s perfectly valid to hunt down their VODs to sink your teeth into, it’ll just be a bit more work than the options above!
3: I want to watch Everything
So lets say your goal is to do the impossible and watch Literally Everything the dream smp has to offer indiscriminately. I wouldn’t recommend this but it’s a goal that a person could have. Lets start with the option that’s actually physically possible and work our way up.
- Blueberry TV’s Plot Playlist [Link] Blueberry’s TV’s plot playlist combines all of their compilation videos with individual clips to make a 405 video lore bomb that attempts to show you every single plot relevant moment on the dream smp in as consumable way as possible. It is physically possible to watch and would likely give whoever sat down to watch it a more complete idea of the dream smp than most people have. I don’t think I’d personally call this the most Enjoyable way to watch the dream smp, but it’s definitely the most Accessible.
- Dream SMP in Order [Discontinued] Playlist [Link] This is a playlist that attempted to collect Literally every single VOD available on youtube in order. They stopped somewhere in early 2021, frankly I’m amazed that they did this for that long. This is 964 videos long, this contains videos that are over 8 hours long. I don’t know why anyone would do this to themselves. some people may take that last statement as a challenge, and this option is for them.
- @fairy-rave [Link] Possibly the most powerful individual in this fandom. They have playlists for all of the Notable streams in the dream smp, intended to cover all of the plot relevant streams on the dream smp. They have playlists divided by season [Season 1, Season 2, Season 3a, Season 3b, Season 3c, Season 3d, Season 4] As well as one master playlist for All plot relevant streams, sitting at 905 videos [Link]
On top of that, they have playlists for Literally Every VOD They Can Find On Youtube In Order [Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4] This Comes Out To 1907 videos in total.
- @dream-smp-archives For some people, that’s just not enough. For some people, they need to inject the dream smp directly into their bloodstream. For some people, the dream smp archives is their only hope. This post will tell all [Link]
4: Tales from the Smp
What happens on the dream smp itself of course isn’t the only thing relevant to the dream smp. Karl Jacobs’ Tales from the Smp dives into both his own characters’ lore, as well as lore for the history of the land the dream smp takes place in and the gods that pull the strings behind the scenes!
I have a playlist with the full VODs ! [Link] @fairy-rave helped me recover two of them that had been seemingly lost :> thanks to them “The Masquerade” and “The Wild West” are viewable in full!
5: Animatics
The dream smp fandom has absolutely no shortage of animatics, animations, or pmvs, and if you’re interested in getting into the series odds are that’s what drew you to it in the first place!
That said, I have a playlist dedicated to laying out the dream smp story line in order through these videos (animatics, animations, pmvs, fan songs, etc!)  [Link]
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gren-arlio · 16 days
So. Let me tell y'all about a guy named Camus. And a girl named Lala. And other folk. Welcome to Episode 14 of Waku Puyo Extras.
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(Ah, back at it again writing these things.)
Hey guys, Gren here, and welcome to Episode 14 of Waku Puyo Extras, a series where I cover basically random stuff about Puyo and Madou as a whole. The Waku part is just because my brand is a single game I translate.
As my free time gets smaller and smaller, the drive to show off cool stuff remains about the same. Thank goodness school is over soon. I'm still alive, don't worry.
Finals and AP Exams are very much happening, so I'm spending that time studying. I'm hoping I pass.
Now, you would expect me to write about PPPP (P⁴ as I call it, Puzzle Pop in other locations) since it released and has a ton of stuff, notably well written characters. But alas:
I'm an Android user. Can't play it.
Frankly, at the moment, I'm not too interested in it right now.
So, the last episode was about Draco, that famous lass. What about this time? Well, since 80% of my work here is Madou related, why not give a showcase of some of the lesser known characters as a whole? Manga and novel stuff included.
With that, hope you enjoy. Also I said a bigger post is coming soon and drop it a literal month later. Damn.
So, Who ARE These Guys?
If you're not familiar with these characters, I honestly don't blame you. These guys are considered kinda niche in the franchise, but are more well known than some guys. I could mention Hanzo and no one besides people who played the game he's from or read the wiki would know him. Oh, or maybe Skeleton-D if we wanted to.
For now, I'll just cover the people have at the very least some stuff about them.
We'll begin with Camus, easily the most recognizable one that we'll be covering today. I swear if he was in Puyo now, he'd be so damn popular.
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(From the manual of the Mega Drive release of Madou 1. Notable for being one of the very few times Camus is drawn with the teenage Arle and Lala, both 16, making Camus 18 in this.)
The man, or rather boy, in that photo is the fabled Camus of the Sable Ord- I mean Madou Monogatari 1, both on the SEGA Mega Drive and Game Gear. Since this is a game where Arle is in kindergarten, Camus is her senior. Yeah, senior is the word for this one. He's notable for being the only person to get a perfect score on his exams, that lucky bastard.
Oh yeah he's also like 8 years old for the record in that
In the game, he's both helps you and hinders you for different reasons. Sometimes he's very nice and teaches you things, and other times he's taking stuff from you for playing the game for longer than three hours.
However, at the end of the game (Where he also might help you depending on some stuff), it turns out he was an illusion all along, which is always...fun, you know? That one guy who's been helping you out turns out to not even be real, least in the Game Gear version of things.
Honestly? He's a pretty interesting guy in the game. Arle holds him with some respect, and Lala quite literally has a massive crush on the guy that she's willing to show. Unfortunately.
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(Things are really serious in the Kindergarten Exam Fandom...)
He can come off as rude but at the very least he means well. And my goodness, his theme in the game is good.
Underrated gem.
Now, up until a while ago, I kinda thought that'd be the only games he was in, a grand total of 2 whole games. However, by doing this for...a year now, turns out that there IS one more appearance of Camus, presumably to be 18 in the game because...Well, Arle is a teenager there.
Arle Man'Yuki. Or Arle's Travel Log.
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Now if I'll be honest, I STILL dunno all too much about the game, despite doing an entire episode on it. The game is super text-heavy, so I don't know EVERYTHING besides some of the Japanese history involved with it. (Crazy how the Heian Era is now some JJK meme. Time is a fun concept.)
Here, Camus has taken the role of the leader of the Shinsengumi, Kondo Isami. It's a long story, so... I'll just link my own work here. (I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO PUT LINKS IN MY TEXT...)
I never covered Camus extensively in that game due to his admittedly small role in that game, but he's a fairly upstanding guy. Schezo works under him as the vice leader. Ain't that cool?
Check it out if you're curious about that, some basic Japanese history that may be a tad inaccurate, or JUMP HERO.
And err...that's every game he's from. Yeah, he's in a grand total of what, three games? It's not much but it's still something. He's a very cool lad.
Wait, who's Lala?
I'm glad you asked, me. Lalah is a character from Mobile Suit Gundam that works with Char after he...well, this is a Madou blog. If only I could talk to you about Gundam. But alas.
Lala is ACTUALLY a girl who's the same age as Arle, and the girl who's madly in love with Camus...as I've told before. But she does have a little more than just that, don't worry.
In the Game Gear version at least, she sneaks into the tower Arle went into to graduate, upset that she wasn't the one to take the exam, but rather Arle. And yes. She broke a brick wall to get to her.
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(A 6 year old is stronger than any of us. LMK if you can run into a brick wall just fine.)
Now if I had to describe her, it'd be "Arrogant but funny as hell". Because she's arrogant but funny as hell. Arle calls Lala her BFF, to which she doesn't take that reply nicely and says they ain't BFF'S, they ain't even friends. Straight hater energy. (She wasn't able to take the exam due to a cold.)
Camus appears to stop her from interfering, and she goes on this tangent about how wonderful he is, and how he always eluded her... and chases him, as shown more above.
Things start to get funky when you get deeper into the tower, as Lala makes a literal trap hole, and Arle falls down. However, Lala is mad that she fell and NOT Camus, leading him to appear in the floor above and basically say "Idiot. I'm not falling for that." and she continues to chase him.
Her reign of terror ends when Camus SEALS HER AWAY for the rest of the game. But she's okay after it all don't worry. Arle summed it up the best way I could. She ends up fine after the end of the game, however.
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Lala also appears in Chaotic Final Exam too, now 16, but honestly...it's one of the games where I know next to nothing about it. Apologies. Just know that she's there and not Camus. (Though with the style of how the game looks...probably for the better.)
She's just overall what we call in the industry... a girlfail. She tries her absolute best but fails so, so much that I can't help but laugh at her and pity her at the same time.
I have no cool segway into this section. Introducing... Rasp.
You might've seen them around if you've checked my blog here or there as a front page image for my works.
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And you'd be right. Rasp is from the Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Manga, a brand new character just made for the thing. They're basically a minion who mostly impede the way for Schezo and Rulue. I say "they" because, well, Rasp is genderless.
Fun fact: Their salary is unknown, but they apparently get paid more than a Manga artist, so take that as how you will.
Rasp does appear frequently throughout the volumes, and does indeed fight Schezo. While he does lose, at least looked pretty cool while doing so.
Lightning Round:
Now these devilish goofballs are folks I want to show...but don't have much info on them just yet. Or there wasn't that much to begin with.
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(Creatura...La creature 98...)
Septem is another genderless character from the series, coming from Arle no Bouken, a game I know next to nothing about. All I know from it is them and that they cling to Arle like a sister. I love them.
This is absolutely one character I wish I knew more on, since she's much more developed as a character...I just don't know much about Arle no Bouken.
Dark Witch:
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(What is this, a doppelganger bargain sale?)
Now she has a little more to her that I DO know but it's nothing spectacular.
Planned to be in Puyo N but was scrapped due to the idea of her being too serious, which is quite the reason for Puyo, but appears in Comet Summoner anyways as a final boss.
You can even play as her, and fight Witch herself and beat her... and possessing her. Kinda, sorta.
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(Dweeb appeared in one game and changed a man)
Runelord is an odd case, because some of his lore is stuck onto True Madou Monogatari, which in of itself...is kinda iffy lore wise. And also really long.
In Madou S? Wants Schezo to be the next successor, he says no, fight happens, Schezo wins but is affected anyways. Apparently he was beaten by Lagnus, but that comes from True Madou, so the accuracy of the Canon can be very much debated. It all depends if you think it's Canon or not.
And honestly, that'll be all for this time around. Apologies this took so long. Life's been quite the journey. Graduation's happening soon, and finals are happening soon. The list goes on. I'm hoping I get by through the school year, but alas, I'm happy you read this.
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hattiestgal · 4 months
Oh, so that's where all the stress is coming from.
Y'know, I'm kinda scared outta my mind to suddenly be kinda made to uproot myself and go somewhere else, even though that's kinda just... my only option now. tumblr's a dumpster fire right now, and all my friends are at least starting to establish their presence elsewhere (which I don't blame y'all a bit about, this site is a whole thing, and I doubt that's gonna change), but I kinda got comfy here, y'know? I have a reasonably sized following that I enjoy interacting with, and a lot of my extra spending money hinges on selling commissions here.
And sure, cohost is fantastic, and I'm loving it already, but my name only goes as far as the people who already know me, and that's not a whole bunch compared to here. You don't really get popular on cohost. But the other option for notoriety is bluesky, and the right to content stuff in their tos is rather alarming. Plus, it's just more twitter, and I really don't wanna exist in that space, so I dunno. I just feel kinda lost right now. I'm not going anywhere on here till tumblr dies or kills my account or whatever, but I'm kind of worried for a future where that might happen, and I'm just dumped into the empty void and forced to start from suqare one again.
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kkpaaw · 3 months
Haven't posted anything trolls in a while so uh, here ya go. Redesign or my Oldest Oc Vio and his Best Friend Landon
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Old Art (and old Designs)
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Fun Facts about Vio
VA is Ne-Yo
Singer name is: ??? (Dunno yet)
Capybara type energy- just really chill with everyone
Fur is white due to condition. Only bright part about him is his hair
Solo Idol/Singer
Since his VA is Ne-Yo majority of the songs he's sung ARE Ne-Yo songs. Not all though
Regularly Collabs with his best Friend
Pop/Funk hybrid
Can't stretch his hair, it limp af
No light in his eyes, all dull there, don't worry tho he is happy it's just how his eyes are.
Fun Facts About Landon
VA is Ed Sheeran
Singer name is: ??? (I dunno yet)
Old name was Asui. He tossed it out and changed his name to Landon
Charismatic as heck
Way more of a popular Idol/Singer compared to Vio (not that Vio minds)
Gets hit on alot by fans. Takes it in stride though
Likes to compliment everyone
Majority of his Songs are Ed Sheeran Songs. Not all of them tho
Solo Idol/Singer but regularly collaborate with his best friend Vio. Ita always a huge hit when they do
Glitter Pop/Country Hybrid
Cousins to Delta on her mother's sister's side though he's younger than her by a decade+
^(is due to the fact that I never realized how much they look alike? Even with his old design I never noticed that I gave him the same color palette as Delta Dawn??? Like how???)
They are the cousins who look like they should be siblings.
Songs they are both most popular for when they collaborate is "I Don't Care"(Ed Sheeran & Justin Beiber) and "Don't Wake Me Up" (Jonas Blue & Why Don't We)
They make sure to sing those songs as least once during their collab concerts (mainly because it's ALWAYS being asked for) they alternate which one to sing at the end of their concert
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wisteria-cherry · 11 months
forty days and forty nights (day seven!)
(it’s been a whole week wow look at you go :0)
(read them all here!)
it’s been a week since you started serving dynamight his afternoon coffee, but it felt like it’s been so much longer.
not in a bad way, of course. it wasn’t boring (that’s the last thing you’d call it) and it wasn’t tiresome to deal with the pro, either, which, frankly, surprised you, after googling him one night and finding out that, along with being the number one hero in japan, was also the number one most tiresome in japan, with an explosive temper and sharp words that could cut through steel.
but, every day, at 4:56pm, a different kind of smile appeared on your face as the door bells chimed their happy little chime and a tall blond lumbers in. he always looked so out of place. expensive-looking clothes and a tall frame in a humble coffee shop with mostly old people in nameless clothing. today was also one of those days.
“good afternoon.” you greet, already ringing up his medium black coffee. “what would you like?”
“you’re not gonna believe it.” he drawls sarcastically.
“medium black coffee for dynamight?” you grin. dynamight nods, before pausing.
“no, make it for bakugo.”
“bakugo?” you repeat, editing the name on the computer. bakugo scoffed.
“yeah. ‘m sick and tired of hearing my hero name right now.” he grunted.
“how come?” you ask as you take the bills he held out, pulling out the cash drawer to give him his change.
“more fuckin’ reporters that want interviews.” he replied sourly.
“must be exhausting.” you say sympathetically as you hand him his change and he goes to sit down at his barstool.
“can’t fuckin’ stand them.” he huffed as you pour his coffee, watching you closely.
“it’s part of being a hero, i guess.” you shrug, sliding him the steaming mug.
“that’s the part i hate.” bakugo took a sip of his coffee and seemed content with it.
“i’m a hero. i beat the shit out of villains for a living. why the hell should i be doing some god-awful interview when there are still goddamn villains out there?” he spat. he had a point, there. frankly, you weren’t completely sure of the answer yourself.
“i guess it’s all for publicity.”
“that’s exactly what it’s for.” bakugo seethed. “and i hate it. i don’t give a shit about any of that stuff.” you figured. in every interview video you’d watched of him, he was absolutely and completely grumpy, and very clearly not wanting to be there.
“you’re pretty high on the popularity rankings, though,” you point out. last you’d checked, he was number two. bakugo only scowled. sore subject. deku was number one.
“second. to deku.” he spat.
“do you intend to beat him in that area, too?” you ask curiously, indeed wondering whether his rivalry with deku would expand into a realm that he couldn’t care less about.
“…i dunno.” bakugo answered after a moment. “if i did it’d be easy as hell.”
“would it?” you reply, amused at his answer. he was grumpy and short tempered, definitely the best way to be if you want to be the most popular hero.
“i’m second without even trying.” bakugo retorted. “don’t give me that skeptical shit.”
“you’ve got a point.” you hum.
“i’ve always got a point.”
“that you do.”
“and i’m always right.”
“uh huh.”
“quit giving me that tone!” bakugo barked. you could practically see the irk mark. you only laugh.
“sorry, sorry, i’ll stop.” you raise your hands in surrender.
“you’re a fuckin’ brat, you know that?”
“you love me.” you grin. “and you’d be stuck without coffee if i wasn’t here.”
“fuck off. this isn’t the only place i get can get coffee, y’know.”
“but it’s the only place you can get it without being bothered by the paparazzi.” you counter. bakugo scowled. you were right.
“shut up, dumbass.”
“admit it.”
“hell no.” bakugo finished his coffee. “i’m done anyway.”
“leaving so soon?” you smile.
“yeah, well, i got shit to do.” bakugo replied.
“number one hero shit?” you clarified.
“yeah, number one hero shit.”
“no, make it for bakugo.”
<- previous next->
(feel free to comment + leave ur thoughts :)
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krchar · 3 months
Some thoughts on Himerish and Trial of the Oracle
Ok so it's weird that I hardly post anything and now I go with this, but these thoughts are for some reason so pressing to me these days! And this feels like the right space.
tldr: i love 4th arc, I like Himerish's development, but after rereading last week I have some surprising ambivalence about how his warrior identity goes with his previously implied nature - or at least to my view of the character - happy to know anyone's thoughts on that!
Firstly I want to state that I love the stories, and mostly the first 4 arcs! This is just a thought on one character development...
So I belong among the fans of 4th arc, definitely, and I think that most people who have some soft spot for Himerish/Oracle, started to feel so throughout this arc (although I know some did before it was cool!). I always loved that story, that he was confronted with such a downfall, the dramatic almost mythical story of regaining his identity is so awesome, i liked that he cooperated with the guardians as a person, that he realized he was too removed from the world after all the time...
Last week I got this sudden fanfic inspiration (it's cringe, but I struggle to be creative for years, so my 7 pages are a huge cheery win!) and so I reread the story... and it's so great, but I have some odd feelings about some parts..
I think it is mostly about him being a warrior.
So. The first notion that felt off was in the issues from his coming to earth to the fight of Phobos + Cedric, when I suddenly felt like what is his almost never leaving resting bitchface? There are some really nice mentor moments, but most of the time he seems strangely annoyed without specific reason. Now in the previous arcs, he was not very popular, for he was indeed a terrible pr*ck, intentionally in arc 3, possibly intentionally in the previous ones ( but i don't know that, his behaviour always seemed to be somehow explained or something, even if the reader didnt have to buy it..) but what i did like was his serenity and at times his appearance of a lightness of heart that calmed everyone.. (that is, in moments when he wasn't a pr*ck) suddenly here Himerish is a dynamic warrior, always angry fighting etc etc - like he was serene and wise only because he was an oracle and it was his function, and not that he was chosen to be an oracle, because he was such in his nature in the first place, which i would like much better.
But! In the flashback with Endarno, that is, to my mind, exactly what Endarno implies! H. is a fighter in a war here and E. saves his life saying he senses a great power in H. and that he should act on it - then in the following flashbacks it's like H. went and became a cool martial arts master... and it just feels sort of... why...
(note: i presume that the flashbacks went in this order, bc E. calls Himerish "young asha (tribe name)")
my problem may be that I am not as much into warrior trope, as Im into powerful spiritual being trope... and also im probably too much of a hippie
But the first flashback actually looks like there would be more beyond! Endarno literally goes against his own commander, as H. is from the enemy tribe and is a captive to be executed. And it is said that E. already had doubts, even though he was a great warrior, bc his boss was very cruel, but it is meeting Himerish that gives him the final motivation to stand against the meaningless bloodshed! Implying that H. has definitely a hippie vibe... and H. also gives this impression, bc he's so serene and passive when they aim to kill him (although that may be some basiliadian feature dunno..) but.. then he goes to be just a better fighter.. like don't they have any other kind of spiritual power in Basiliade than becoming a cool warrior??
I mean, I liked Orube-Luba flashbacks very much, where Luba was the wise warrior mentor and it was cool. But we don't get anything like that with Himerish, right? He's just shown to have been really cool at fighting. Yarr is just really crazy about him as his former master, as if he was truly a different kind of being, but there is no word then about him being also a spiritual mentor.. maybe it is just not shown, but then - why not?
when i saw the first flashback, i sort of thought it would have been better, if H. was actually a hippie in his heart - maybe even against the custom of Basiliade. He said E. helped him a lot - so couldn't it be that this young guy who fights like everyone else does, then realizes he could just stop doing that and work out his inner spirit and power that has the nature of peace and connection, instead of fighting? I really really doubt that the Kandrakar council would have gone like - this guy is cool with sword, let's make him oracle. He must have had some other power before and I'm kind of sorry that they didn't work with it somehow... I'm also not so much into his warrior attire hehe
Now to go a full circle, I associate this type of wisdom actually with his nice and light-hearted mode and not so much with angry fighter mode.. he was angry before when something bad happened to Kandrakar, but that was different, then when he couldnt admit his mistakes, that was foreshadowing of his downfall, but his fighting mode was just so strange to me.. what's with the sword, do some magic and restore the peace of Kandrakar after your return, bc the peace and stability and light powers are your nature and not just your politcal function..
then again i admit that while i didn't like much what they did to his character in the following arcs, i could understand his departure.. so the described reason seemed like all his change was to nothing, for he again just didnt listen to anyone despite his former promises, but i could see another reason in line with arc 4, and that is actually his change, he became too human (or whatever species he is) and maybe it was even difficult for him to return to the position - bc this is literally shown at the end of arc 4 when he's contemplating before being reinstated.. and i like that.. cause im kinda very much into spiritual beings becoming human tropes.. or like generally emotionally repressed people rediscovering life..
Well, I get that some people really like warrior trope, so no hate, fandom is a free space yeah! Anyway, these were my thoughts, Im impressed you scrolled this deep, thank you! Tell me your thoughts on this pls Im happy to find more people to discuss witch to an unhealthy level! As a bonus, my two favourite memes/fanarts about H.'s earthly clothes:
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(source: https://tuherrus.tumblr.com/post/189587505767/oookay-heres-a-witch-art-dump-im-gonna)
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(source: https://www.deviantart.com/rukietta89/art/Shopping-with-Orube-97101177)
EDIT: ok i posted this like half an hour ago, but i got a sudden feeling that i was not entirely fair, so i want to say that i also feel that his conective and calming spirit shows up in those really nice mentor moments towards the guardians, although that doesn't go really against my original interpretation/headcanon - he was a confused young boy with a talent, now he's a mature, more steady guy with a talent, regaining understanding of life in 4th arc, which, ideally, would make him even more sensitive and calming, and that would be cool
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Hmm I dunno tbh. I guess he's just easy to caricature. Bug eyes, crooked teeth, short stature, creepy voice. Even describing it probably puts a handful of characters in your mind.
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According to the book The Animated Peter Lorre, there's at least 700+ lorre caricatures/impressions in cartoons. Tho he does include igor-type characters and impressions of an impressions but still, that's A LOT. Too bad the author doesn't give an explaination as to WHY Lorre is so parodied.
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I know Looney tunes parodied Lorre because he was one of the popular stars of the day, Looney tunes parodies a lot of famous stars from the 40s so it's not really surprising. I also know in the 90s Looney tunes reboots you have a lot of lorre caricatures because the animators were fans of his movies.
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I've heard a story about how Lorre stuck up for the animation union at Warner Brothers and got fired for it and that's why he is caricatured so often as a way to honor him. I kinda doubt the story is true because I can't find a source (and Lorre was more likely fired for beefing with Jack Warner) but if the story is true then it's super wholesome.
Something that is official is Charles Addams (the creator of the Addams Family) telling Lorre that he based Gomez Addams off of him. I know people hate on the 2019 Addams family movies for making Gomez ugly but it's comic accurate because he was based off of Lorre (and the governor of new york in the 30s but that's not important)
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I've also heard Lorre parodies are possibly an antisemetic caricature because Peter Lorre was Jewish (his birthname is Laszlo Löwenstein and you can guess why he avoided using it) and let's be real, they often give him very unflattering portrayals. He barely played horror yet is the most affiliated with it, and his "creepier" roles sometimes hinged on the fact that he's a foreigner. It's not a good look. I get that he often avoided telling others he's Jewish and apparently a lot of people didn't know but there's still a weird layer of xenophobia to it that I kinds feel like kinda bleeds into some of the caricatures? That's just my opinion. Most Peter parodies are such copies of a copy that they're pretty far from the original source material. Still, it's food for thought. Especially when making your own Peter parody.
As far as I do know Lorre did like the caricatures, keeping some of the drawings fans sent him and even finding it amusing when others tell him how to do an impression of HIMSELF. Some of those saved fan drawings are still online. My favorite is the drawing of him as a turtle <3 Most of the caricatures was because he was pretty famous for the time.
The most amusing thing about peter parodies is that it's gone on so long that nobody really knows who lorre is, but they can identify his "image" in cartoons. Tim Burton didn't even know Lorre's name when he added Maggot in corpse bride, but he did know the voice and look. That's how it is. (Check out this maggot pin I got recently)
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I know for Slappy, Kaz is actually a fan of Peter Lorre and collects his movies, hence why we have Slappy. I remember from Kaz's Facebook where he mentions Slappy saying he never knew just HOW many characters were inspired by lorre. There's also John K (creator of Ren and Stimpy, I know he's terrible) who mentioned on his personal blog that he's a big fan of Lorre which is why Ren from Ren and Stimpy is based off of him. I've notice Ren quotes some Peter Lorre movie quotes, aside from his famous catchphrase "YOU EEEDIOT" of course. (Check out this Ren and Stimpy comic where Ren meets Joel Cairo, a character Peter Lorre played)
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I just think it's neat. He shows up everywhere all the time :) I made a joke Thomas The Tank Engine Peter Parody but @thekhaotickrab messaged me saying they found an actual Thomas character with Lorre's voice which is pretty hilarous. Many of these I find amusing because there's no reason for it to exist. Yeah, there's a Peter Parody transformer named Cosmos and he likes scaring people because he's lonely. Yeah, there's several in Scooby Doo for some reason. Yeah he's GOMEZ ADDAMS. He's also a GPS in hotel Transylvania 2. He's also a literal egg with legs in digimon. He's also a lamp.
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I heard Lorre's dream was to continue to act forever. He sorta got that wish because he keeps respawning in cartoons forever. I hope this tradition keeps up. Slappy gets a lot of shit but I'm forever grateful to that ugly little fish for introducing me to all of this <3 May the Peter Parody live on forever!
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