#dungeon meshi is great fantastic even
eshithepetty · 1 month
Ok. Watched dungeon meshi recently .... and why did noone tell me Falin is also autistic??
Like. Yes yes, all the mob vs laios autism polls are fun, but mob is so much more similar to Falin than Laios -  not just in how their autism manifests, or their personality, but like..... they're even both extremely powerful in their magical fields!! They both see and communicate with ghosts!!! They both ride the line between human and monstrous!!!! I love them so much...
But. If we're talking comparisons, between Mob and Laios...
I really think they're two sides of a coin. None is better than the other, they do vastly different things and are great in their own rights because of it.
Laios is an adult with autism who is surrounded by people who are annoyed by his presence or generally find him strange or offputting. He highlights the struggle of that, how hard it can be to find and keep true friends that actually care about you and aren't lying about just tolerating you when you're neurodivergent - and how even when you have great knowledge or skill in something, just as often it helps you, it will also make people look at you weird. He's loud. He's unapologetic. He's passionate!!! And the right people will come to appreciate that. But it doesn't erase the struggle that being so open often comes with.
Mob's narrative, on the other hand, is a coming of age story. It's about a traumatized autistic kid who isn't open, isn't loud, who makes an effort to not stand out - because he got burnt in the past, and he himself burnt others in the past, as a result of how his autism manifests. And it's about how he comes to realize that coming out of that shell is worth it. That there will be kind people waiting on the other side, that you're not doing anyone any good by ignoring your own wants and needs. That you have good to offer to the world!! That there's good people to meet !!! That you have more strength in yourself than you think !!!! And how even at your most destructive, all your flaws and true colors revealed, mask finally off .... your friends will still love you. Because you were always yourself. Even when you were hiding.
They do different things.
Dungeon meshi is a more realistic story - there's no otherwordly psychic powers amplifying the autistic symptoms present. It's just a weird, wonderful autistic man with his encyclopedia of knowledge and his small gaggle of friends. And the autism may not be absolutely central .. but it's there. Following the story every step of the way, influencing it that way or the other.
Mob Psycho 100 on the other hand is a lot more fantastical, and a lot more idealistic. There's no heavy worldbuilding to dive into, and the monsters and antagonists they face aren't the main course - instead, the main focus is on Mob, and his inner world, and gradually revealing more of it. In that way - while DM is an 'outside looking in' kinda story, mp100 is an 'inside looking out' one.
And I love both of them.
(Keep in mind I haven't read the dungeon meshi manga yet, just watched the anime ;^^ so I'm sorry that there's probably a lot more to add to the comparison on that front. Please don't spoil in the notes tho!!)
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dragonclaw29 · 1 year
Top Ten Manga
It’s been a minute since I last uploaded a top ten of any kind, Grad school will do that to you. However, now with my studies almost over I thought I would revisit my top ten manga and see what new titles have amazed me! 
-Note I am not including Webcomics so if you want Manhwa and the like let me know and I will make a separate list. 
10. Sakamoto Days
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Starting off with a bang we have Sakamoto Days. In a world of assassins even a mild mannered fat store clerk could be a tough challenge. That is definitely true for Sakamoto the former top assassin in Japan. Watch as Sakamoto is targeted by Esper's, Triad members, and old friends as he battles to protect his home and his daughter. It’s a fantastic read and great for the action lover and comedian a like. 
9. Claymore 
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Claymore tells the tale of an elite class of women tasked to fight off monsters who plague the land. Clair the last member of this group must protect the peace, her new friend Rakka, and her self. However, dark secrets lurk in this world and the shadowy organization that dispatches the Claymores may not be as kind as they appear. 
8. A Story about a Droid 
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I debated about including this because it is such a short read. But it is also a very good and cute read. This story is about a droid who finds a baby and decides to take care of him. In order to care for the child the droid puts on a human disguise. The story follows the droid and her child as she raises him in a post apocalyptic world. 
7. Berserk
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RIP Muria I will always be heartbroken that you passed before finishing this wonder of a story. This manga has always been one of my favorites and for good reason. The art is fantastic, the story is gripping, and the characters are dynamic. However, this manga is shocking, cruel, and depressing- not for the faint of heart. 
6. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
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Monthly Girls Nozaki is the tale of a girl in love. Chiyo has been in love with Nozaki for a while and she finally decides that she has had enough. Working up the courage she confesses to him, only for him to give her an autograph. Turns out her class mate is world famous in the realm of shoujo manga and has never been in love. Chiyo’s confession goes right over his head leaving her dumbfounded but not hopeless. This manga is a great romantic comedy including some of my favorite characters in fiction. Definitely worth a read if you want to laugh a night away. 
5. Dungeon Meshi
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Have you ever been playing DnD and been like “hmmm I wonder what a Mimic tastes like?” If so I have the manga for you! Dungeon Meshi or delicious in dungeon follows a group of adventures as they venture into a dungeon to save the main character Laos’s sister. However, with no supplies they are forced to eat their way through to survive, much to the disdain of the party except for Laos he loves it. 
4. Sousou No Frienen
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We all know elves live a long time but sometimes it doesn’t hit an elf until they have seen their old comrades fade away. Frenen is old even and has wandered the world in search of rare magic, and I mean rare not necessarily useful. Only after being recruited to aid the hero’s party and defeating the demon king does she come to realize that human relationships are complex and that time is fleeting. This is a great fantasy manga with great magic and quirky characters as I write this I am rereading the manga for the fourth time. 
3. Yotsubato!
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Man aren’t five year old's hectic little animals?! Yotsuba is a young girl in a new neighborhood who isn’t afraid to wander off, get into trouble, or of anything except for maybe scary statues. This manga follows her life with her dad living every day to the fullest. If you are feeling down this is a great pick me up. I reread during finals and it really helped. 
2. Tongari Boss/ Witch Hat Alter
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Witches are born with the ability to use magic and normal people aren’t. At least that’s what they say but what happens when a young girl gets a glimpse at the secret of magic. What if the reason magic is solely for witches because of the great danger magic can place not only yourself but the world in. Witch hat alter is one of the best fantasy manga out there right now and I want the next chapter to come out already!!!
1. Chainsaw Man
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I remember the conversation that led me to read chainsaw man years ago. It went something like 
“Hey dude you should totally read this manga it’s badass!”
“Really? What’s it about?”
Insert a few seconds of silence 
“Well.. It’s about a dude who turns into a chainsaw and kills devils” 
“That’s insane” 
“Trust me it’s sooo good you have to try it! It has a section where he rides a shark into battle while on fire!” 
And with that fateful line I decided to give it a read. All I can say is thank you for telling me to read it because I love this manga. It is so funny, and crazy, and sad, and mind bending, and so many other things. I never thought a story about a dude who literally has a chainsaw growing out of his face would make me cry but life works in funny ways. 
Well that’s my list. I hope you find some of these recommendations helpful. If you have any questions, or want more let me know!! Have a great Summer!
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room-surprise · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Anime Review, Season 2, Episode 14 review
This is technically the second cour of Dungeon Meshi, with a new opening and ending so we've made it to season 2, baby!
Happy Kabru day! I think Trigger did a great job with this so I don't have a lot to talk about.
Spoilers below!
The new OP is really nicely animated and very sweet, but I don't really like it. I think the song isn't as good as the first OP and the visuals just don't really excite or interest me the way the first OP did. It's cute though! I think it would have made a great ending...
The ending is wonderful like before, with more beautiful illustrations. Are these also by Kui? Will we get Kui illustrations for every ending? That would be so fantastic! I like this song better than the new OP song...
What the hell are Fleki and Lycion laughing at in the ending. Just pointing and laughing at a water fountain...
There my darling lad Kabru goes, killing again! Good for him.
Animated very nicely, conveys just how fast and lethal Kabru is against human opponents. I hope that anime onlies are now worrying about Laios and his party! That's what they should be worrying about!
Love that they managed to capture Kui's insanely wonderful fight choreography, Kabru switching targets last second after doing a fake-out, and then stealing one person's sword to use it to kill two other people... He's so slick, and Trigger captured it so well.
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Sadly no improvements (extra clarity) was added to any of the talking scenes in this ep that start to explain Kabru and his party's motivations. I didn't expect them to change anything though, so it's still as good as it was in the manga, which is still pretty damn good... But would have been nice to have someone tighten up the dialog and make it flow more like human conversation.
Characters sitting around and talking about stuff that isn't monster biology or cooking is probably Kui's greatest weak points as an author, and I don't blame her at all, but it's the one blind spot she could use a liiiiiiittle extra help with. At least in the first half of the manga. Towards the end she gets way better at it. Practice does that to you!
EDIT: Trigger made Holm eat meat!!! He's a religious vegetarian!!!! Oops.
SO.... english dub issues.
The cast is still generally great and the dub script is generally superior to the Japanese subtitles, though it seems like the Japanese subs might be getting better? Or this episode was unusually bad in English so the Japanese subs seemed better.
Kabru's voice in English...
The thing about Kabru's character is that he changes how he talks and acts depending on who he's talking to. The Japanese version does this relatively well.
It's mostly about the pitch of Kabru's voice and how sweet his tone is. He's trying to make himself sound non-threatening, polite, and friendly. And then when he's not doing that, he sounds more stern and mature, talking in a deeper pitch without being so self-effacing.
The English version... is struggling a bit with this.
In the other episodes it sounded alright, but in this episode Kabru's voice actor, for whatever reason, seemed to be mumbling/slurring his words, not enunciating, and cutting off and shortening his words, shoulda, woulda, kinda, and talking in a more "relaxed" and informal manner
This isn't inherently a problem, but since nobody else in the anime so far talks like this, what does this style of speaking signify? Why is Kabru talking like this for this entire episode?
Is it because Kabru's from the West? Do all the people in the West talk that way? Will the elves talk like that?
Since they didn't match Zon and Leed's way of speaking to each other I doubt they'll follow through with this...
If it's meant to make Kabru sound "tough", why does Kabru do it the entire episode and not just with the corpse retrievers? Why does he keep talking that way while talking to his friends?
Even if sounding "tough" is what he's trying to accomplish, Kabru wasn't really being tough in those scenes, he was being tricky and conniving... And then with his friends he was being curious and solving a mystery.
It's not the worst performance I've ever heard, but it's a change/addition with no basis in the original version, so as with Leed and Zon, I'm left wondering "why are you doing this? What are you trying to tell us about the characters?"
I'll have to go back and listen to Kabru's earlier appearances to see if he sounds the same in those, but I really don't remember him talking this way before...
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dianight · 1 month
Perhaps some day we could have a serious conversation about why despite her amazing character designs and great variety in body types compared to other mangaka, Kui Ryoko still chose to have all but one (two arguably) of the characters with an active leader role in the story of Dungeon Meshi to be men.
Spoilers below.
It is a fantastic manga, to quote a post I've read a while ago (paraphrasing), Dunmeshi is 95 chapters long and no panel is irrelevant. But! Out of all the groups in the story only one is led by a woman (elf queen) and she does not actually participate in it.
Laios' party has Marcille, but she is at best "second in command" if you will, as much as Chilchuck is.
Kabru's party, the orcs, the governor(s), the gnomes' party, the canaries, Shuro's party, the dwarfs and even the golden kingdom (Delgal and Thistle). Fionil and Doni are minor characters and they're a party of two, we could assume both share the "leader" position.
One can find excuses to each of those choices, but at the end of the day the choice was made to make them men.
Kabru could have been a woman, it would not change anything at all.
Zon and Leed could have swapped places, with the older sister leading and taking a less violent approach to the hotheaded younger brother.
Either/both of the governors could have been women, no difference.
The leading, more vocal and abrasive of the gnomes could have been the old lady and the quiet one the old man. I struggle to see if anything would change at all.
The canaries are mostly women, and they were led by Milsiril back in the day and the queen leads them, technically. Still, the choice was made to have Mithrun in the role of Mithrun with everything it represents. Could it have been the younger sister that has her love stolen by the older one, would the dynamics be the same? Tempted to have the life she could not get by the demon, getting eaten (but not fully!) and seeking revenge? Would Milsiril spare her this time? We can't tell, Mithrun is a man. It was a choice made by Kui-sensei.
Could Shuro have been a woman? Seeing as he's the fantasy equivalent of a japanese young lord(!) probably not(?) in terms of how it would be presented. A young lady with her entourage chasing after her unrequited love and getting beaten to it by another lesbian? Sorry but this looks like the kind of ntr I enjoy now. But I don't think it would be the same conflict with Shuro/Marcille and Shuro/Laios. It could(!) work, but not in the kind of story where (almost) all the leaders are men.
Could the dwarves have been women? I don't see why not. Senshi could have been inspired by a mother figure (or older sister) as much as he was by his mentor (whether you see it as a father/older brother/something else figure). All the women in the party starving while the young kid survives? I won't even call it sexist (<- not joking).
Could Delgal have been a queen instead? What about Yaad being a princess? Or Thistle, still a jester but a woman now? Which manga readers thought he was, for a while. It would require an author that doesn't put the importance on the king while the queen is irrelevant.
Am I overthinking things? There are a lot of important characters who are women in the story of Dunmeshi. People have jokingly described the plot as a lesbian trying to resurrect her girlfriend, and it would be accurate although not fully correct.
But the issue remains that all leaders except for the elf queen are men. I don't believe it was by chance. It might have been a deliberate choice for reasons that I can see, or it might have been completely unconscious when designing the characters and writing the story.
What a shame.
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lilbugprincess · 2 months
TBH I hope the current popularity of Dungeon Meshi might inspire more people to start looking into seinen manga! Mayhaps... Even josei?
There's just SO many fantastic stories being told for older audiences, and I think the popularity of Shonen in the West can overshadow that sometimes. But there's great stuff to find, and it's worth searching!
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crystal-lillies · 4 days
God. I. mm. I really want to like this series bc Ncuti and Millie are doing so well but mm. mmmm. I'll keep holding out until the end of the series. and also. RTD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHY WOULD YOU LET THEM LESSEN THE EPISODE COUNT TO EIGHT??? EIGHT????? EIGHT????!!!!!!
Jodie's 13th doctor was held back by the cutting of episodes why the absolute holy fuck would you allow them to be cut any more. doing Ncuti's run dirty in ways that Jodie's had but worse!! WORSE!!! and if this is a wider BBC decision to cut the episodes and you wanted more, I'm sure you could have EASILY rallied tidal waves of support to pressure the BBC into giving Ncuti more episodes. Would I still have been a little bitter in that scenario that he would get the proper amount that Jodie lacked? Probably! But I'd have been happy for Ncuti! He deserves that much!
What the FUCK is the problem with longer episode runs across the board?? Short-form is great when it's done well for a limited series (and even then, "done well" is the key phrase) but it's not good for everything! Serialized TV shows need to fucking BREATHE.
I'm so sick and tired of the corset-compressed shows with 6 episodes, 8 episodes, 10 episodes, of things that WOULD have a decade ago gotten 15, 20, 22 episodes, or more! and would have thrived off of it!
Character arcs, story arcs, worldbuilding, all the Good Shit(tm) being shunted into little boxes and trimmed of any ounce of fat, but then the lean meat isn't even that good because it was rushed out by compressed writing rooms and overworked staff.
it's just one thing after another like, Moon Knight was amazing but an anemic SIX episodes. It was paced relatively fine, but it felt overall like a movie cut into six pieces rather than a TV show. And it was helped by everyone giving great performances and the origin story being pretty tight. Then Ms. Marvel REALLY suffered with her series ALSO being only six episodes! and her story felt a lot more like a teen coming of age fantasy that needed more room to breathe. Iman Vellani and her costars did a fantastic job, but I was left feeling like the story was missing pieces, and it needed. more. room. to. breathe.
Do I even need to mention Percy Jackson and NATLA? Both had young relatively green cast members give their all in a severely compressed version of a good base story, and we all are praying that the showrunners will learn from their mistakes.
Is this just "the way things are in streaming now"??? because for the most part, it sucks! and who the fuck decides "oh for streaming, we're just going to do super short seasons now" because they're stupid! Look at Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi! We're getting weekly drops in an era of all-or-nothing, AND we're 20+ episodes in and still not at the end! And it's GREAT! DO MORE LIKE THAT!!
jfc sorry this turned into a rant but god damn I'm so upset Doctor Who got sucked into the gross streaming trend of fewer episodes too. it just ruins so many good stories.
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hello, have a good day. i was wondering if you got into anything new as of late, be it a book, an animations... i've started to like dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon, i hope you give it a try if you can
hey anonymous--the day is basically over already, you know?
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mostly all i did today was work and listen to stephen king audiobooks (while at work, while on daily/nightly walks), which i really have a soft-spot for and always get excited to start a new one; today i finished The Langoliers and started Secret Garden, Secret Window (or is it Window, Garden? I forget) from the novella collection Four Past Midnight; the former is narrated by Willem Dafoe and was pretty alright but shockingly pulpy (even for King), and I'd even say I really enjoyed it--cept Willem Dafoe does a pretty horrendous job being audible (he:ll go so low that sentences basically just become indistinct growly slurs at times), and does a pretty horrendous job voicing this character Becky (or Bethany? awful with names);
there:s that movie adaptation i:ve never seen of it, but even more interesting about The Langoliers and its movie adaptation is there is a re-edit of the movie where each slide is printed out on paper and then re-shot that way, called The Timekeepers of Eternity which looks really neat, cause it:s based off the neuroses of this character called Craig who rips-up paper throughout the story to calm down his neuroticisms.
i thought it was a little less 'interesting' than some of the other King stories i:ve gone through, but the stand-out points were: the past being described as a stagnant pond and peoples/things stuck there became denatured--as opposed to something more fantastically 'time-travel-y': here in Langoliers the past is just a rotting carcass without wind, color, smell, taste; the relationship between blind-girl dinah and craig--because it reminded me of DaS3 Archdeacon Mcdonell and people seeking covenant through him (though in this case it is dying versus dead);
Secret Garden, Secret Window has better narration but my file seems corrupted, or the person who ripped the audio did something with the pitch to avoid copyright like old youtube content-id avoidance; after awhile the audio will start to warble like a Longmont Potion Castle bit, and occasionally there are jarring cuts that seem like the file got scrambled--which has made it hard to follow. but: i heard this was the weakest story in Four Past Midnight, but i:ve been really enjoying it otherwise--sort-of reminds me of the villain from Night of the Hunter (which i:ve never seen, but i imagine the villain acting like John Shooter from Secret Garden, Secret Window).
I watched the first two episodes of Dungeon Meshi and thought it was good, but boring, and dropped it; finished Mushoku Tensei sometime early last week, though--that:s a great show.
that:s it; it:s a terrible reason to donate to me, but the bulk of my monthly subscriber posts on substack are basically me blogging about shows/(audio)books i:ve finished during the month--so, if you:re interested. haven:t been reading much or watching much because i:ve been on my feet sunup-sundown most days lately.
take care.
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rei-caldombra · 4 months
Delicious in Dungeon - First Impressions Review
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This is based off the first 3 episodes of the anime and does contain spoilers. Please be aware that I have not read the manga and am not spoiled. 
I actually got to watch the first 2 episodes of the anime live at Anime NYC last year. It also came with a sampler manga volume that includes a bit of the first volume of Dungeon Meshi. I’m glad they gave this out, this is a cool and unique item. It was nice being able to look at the manga art while waiting for the panel to start, so then I could compare it to the anime. I think the visuals match the manga very well and think both look great. I think there may be slight differences in facial expressions but nothing notably different or anything I would notice if I was not intentionally looking closely while writing this. The visuals of the anime are very high quality. The animation and art are clean, detailed and smooth. 
I like the intricate details of monsters. The mollusks in the armor in episode 3 are fantastic and easily my favorite part of the show. This is creative, unique and fascinating. This was completely unexpected. It is so interesting and inventive. This took a classic fantasy enemy and explained it in an entirely new way. If they can pull this off every episode, I would be ecstatic. I hope we get to see more reimagining of classic creatures on top of one's original to the series. 
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I also enjoy the cooking aspect of the show. It's very satisfying to watch. I do like very detailed cooking and eating animation. I think the show is at its best when it presents an interesting creature followed up with an interesting way that they are cooked. Again, this is done well in episode 3, where we see the multiple ways that the living armor could be cooked. 
Another specific moment I loved was the detailed look into traps in the dungeon. Traps in any kind of dungeon-like structure are a staple, but usually they are breezed past as the characters avoid them. It was great seeing how these mechanically function. And even greater to then see how these traps can be used to cook food. This is another time where Dungeon Meshi does something truly unique and inventive.
It’s also decently funny. I do not think it’s laugh out loud funny, but there’s good jokes. I do think Marcille’s reluctance may get a bit repetitive if it keeps getting leaned into so hard but hopefully it won’t be too bad if we continue the same pattern of each episode featuring a new monster or two that they show us how to cook. I am totally down if it primarily wants to continue the trend of creature cooking of the week for now. 
When it comes to the characters, Laios is the main one I have much to say about. I think he is a solid main character. He is pretty straightforward but with the funny flair of being concerningly fixated on eating dungeon creatures. 
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It creates lots of great rapport between the characters, and I am totally up for this simply being a weird hyper fixation of his. I enjoy when writers embrace characters having weird specific passions like many real people do. I think there is potential for there to be some more depth to him through his responses to his sister being in danger, but sadly I do not think that element is being hit properly, at least not yet. I hope going forward we will get more perspective from Laios on his sister that makes me care more about her and them as a family. 
The previous point is a good transition into my primary gripe. I think the main premise of saving Falin clashes with the tone of the show. You’d think they would be rushing to save his sister but it does not come across that way at all. And I do not feel like this is out of caution for moving through the dangerous dungeon or any reason along those lines. I understand that the dragon probably digests slowly but it still doesn’t change that this is between life and death. Falin being in danger does not feel very relevant. A lot of the time it feels like they are taking their time and enjoying themselves. Which is not fundamentally bad, but feels strange when the reason for them being there is to save the main character’s sister from dying. It feels so irrelevant that I genuinely forget that she existed for a time. With the general tone and content I think a serious motivation like his sister being in danger isn’t needed as a plot point. They could just want to finish where they failed, and Laios just wanted to go through it but be able to cook the monsters this time. And I think nothing would need to change. I think a simpler and less serious motivation would be better. A more dramatic plot like someone slowly dying would fit better if the series seemed to have more intent on being dramatic. But I do not see many attempts at that so far. Even at the very beginning when they realize she is down there we do not see much emotional expression. It seems focused on just having fun with its concept of cooking in a dungeon. Which is totally fine, but for me this creates a very poor tone. If I want to just be invested in the cooking and adventuring then I do not see the purpose of Falin being slowly digested being in the back of my mind while they relax with some food. If I am supposed to care about Falin then it doesn’t feel right to see the characters spend time and effort just to test if they could use trap oil to safely fry something when she is being digested by a dragon. For me there is clear tonal whiplash that harms my investment in the show. 
I will definitely continue watching as I am enjoying the fun adventuring and cooking. Hopefully the tone will be improved as we go forward. The anime is already slated for 24 episodes so we have a lot ahead of us. I do like the basic episode structure of “creature of the week” but I do worry about it continuing to be interesting for 24 episodes 24 weeks in a row. But I think and hope we will get some more dramatic elements eventually and more focus on Falin being in danger while they take their time cooking. Thank you for reading!
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athetos · 1 month
top 5 videogame osts?
Picking just 5 is impossible so I’m going to go off and list as many as I want
Under the cut for obvious long reasons
Chrono trigger (SNES) - listened to this obsessively when I had the DS port (which is still imo the definitive way to play, just ignore the repetitive bonus postgame quests), yasunori mitsuda is a legend (he’s also one of the composers for dungeon meshi!). I cut my teeth learning to read sheet music in bass clef once I switched to bass guitar playing the soundtrack, I have essentially the entire thing transcribed on my ultimate-guitar (username XxThreeCheersxX, keep forgetting to hype my account up here but I’m a top 100 ranked tabber 😅) personal faves are those without the will to live (beautiful tritone bass slide makes me moan), the trial, and frog’s theme.
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (PS/XBOX) - I have never played but know it’s a mediocre multiplayer game, however the soundtrack is fantastic, great rock and metal remixes of some of the most iconic tunes throughout the franchise. The series over all has some killer songs and composers who love funny time signatures so this is easily a “best of.” Castlevania Judgment, arguably an even worse game, also has a good soundtrack.
Undertale/Deltarune (many) - required to be on this list. Toby fox is phenomenal, so many great and memorable tracks. There is a reason megalovania is everywhere. Not a single bad song to be found, but personally my faves are fight against a killer queen, waterfall, world revolving, and undertale. Undertale especially is so impactful because they use an actual guitar on it and it just hits and makes it much more poignant. Fox is maybe the king of leitmotifs.
Dead Cells (many) - after putting so many hours into the game I only appreciate the soundtrack more and more, plus the option to have 8-bit themes is a treat. I love love the Bank theme and Fractured Shrines especially. Very tense and epic sounding. But the Castlevania dlc is phenomenal in so many ways and the music is no exception, always blows me away they’re doing what Konami wishes they could do in every aspect.
Donkey Kong Country 1 + 2 (SNES) - don’t get me wrong Eveline Fischer’s DKC3 snes soundtrack is pretty damn good but imo it doesn’t hit the peaks of David Wise’s ost. It kills me that the silly monkey platformer has some of the most beautiful and atmospheric music of all time. I’ve watched so many music videos on how he made the music and why it sounds so good… from the ambient and emotional aquatic ambience and bramble blast, to the epic final boss themes, that dark reprise of dk island swing in minecart madness, the jittery and unnerving tree top town, the foreboding welcome to krokodile island, the sweet and dreamy dkc2 ice theme… it has it all. Okay what the hell, I’ll mention wise’s remix of water world/aquatic ambience/(a special surprise) in the gba port of dkc3 (he had to redo the soundtrack for that port from scratch). And yes I’ll even throw in fischer’s best songs from snes dkc3 - her version of treetop tumble is way better and more somber than wise’s, water world is like you’re actually at the bottom of a lake and very moody, and nuts and bolts is a dirty rock song with a groovy bass. Good stuff!!!!
Grant Kirkhope’s stuff (many) - another favorite composer of mine, most famous for doing many rare n64 games like banjo 1 + 2, dk64, goldeneye, plus Mario rabbids 1 + 2 on switch and indie game yooka laylee. I’ve also watched many videos and studied many of his songs, he loves to use tritones and out of place dissonant notes not to make something creepy (well, sometimes creepy) but to make things whimsical and man it really works. Dk64 is my personal fav and seeing him reprise some of the themes for Mario rabbids dk dlc was truly special. I really want to do a write-up about the dk64 soundtrack on my site one day! There’s a lot of Easter eggs I’ve spotted that I haven’t seen many people mention! Highlights are creepy castle (it has the dk arcade start motif hidden!), frantic factory, and gloomy galleon from dk64, and from banjo 1 and 2, I love jinjo village, gruntilda’s lair, and banjo’s house blues.
Final fantasy x - most final fantasy games have good to great soundtracks but x is special to me. It’s my favorite ff game and the music really makes it all the more poignant. Zanarkand’s opening note is enough to make me tear up. The battle theme never grows stale unlike some other ff battle themes, besaid is calming and has the perfect vibes, the trials theme should be repetitive but instead feels very disconcerting and even claustrophobic, and auron’s theme is cool as hell. X-2 also has a good soundtrack, but I don’t think it’s quite as good as here.
Celeste (many) - Lena Raine’s soundtrack is phenomenal and the use of motifs is impeccable. Not a bad song in the entire game. Resurrections is my favorite as it’s a long piece that goes a lot of places and makes you drift along for the ride. The way Madeline and badeline’s motifs diverge is brilliant, matching what’s happening onscreen. I love how hesitant the piano in awake sounds, it makes it so heartfelt. Anxiety is dense and lives up to the title, Little Goth is less hesitant but darker… she just writes such beautiful melodies.
Metroid Prime (gcn) - they originally wanted Autechre, an ambient electronic duo, to do the soundtrack but things fell through for whatever reason so Kenji Yamamoto (who did Super Metroid) stepped up to take his place and god what a good soundtrack. Metroid music is very cool and I’ve made posts about it before, like how Metroid II has one of the most experimental soundtracks and kind of challenges the limits of the system and what can be considered game music, super Metroid has some of the most alien sounding songs thanks to weird time signatures and instrumentation. But Prime is crazy because they had the tech now to deliver Yamamoto’s vision. Magmoor Caverns is everyone’s favorite, remixing norfair, those drums just make me go wild every time. All the area themes are great and alien sounding, it’s a very isolating soundtrack, plus the boss themes and the space pirates and chozo ghosts themes are kind of terrifying in a good way.
Sea of Stars/Messenger (many) - 2 of my fav indie games with some of the most addictive songs. Sea of stars is a prequel so seeing variants of the messenger’s tracks was a true delight. Yasunori mitsuda also assisted with the soundtrack making some unforgettable pieces. I want to learn the majority of it on bass by ear!
Hollow knight (many) - somber piano and grand orchestrated pieces make this game go hard. The mantis lord battle is probably my favorite, it’s so majestic and fearsome and makes them a scary boss. I also appreciate the more ambient tracks around greenpath and city of tears. But the boss themes turn things up when needed to and makes a world feel even more alive, which is impressive.
Silent hill 2 (ps2) - Akira Yamaoka has such a great style to create heavy, melancholic or terrifying songs for the franchise but this game stands out the most to me, Laura’s theme and promise always move me no matter how many times I listen to them, very hurting electric guitars. I need to watch more vids on the games ost.
Legend of Zelda (Nintendo) - for this last one I’m not picking a specific game and getting into details for them all would be hard I’m already losing steam fast. So I’ll list my favs across the franchise. Ocarina of Time’s Gerudo Valley, Hyrule Field, and Lost Woods; Majora’s Mask’s Termina Field, Clock Town, and Stone Tower Temple; link’s Awakening’s Face Shrine; wind Waker’s dragon roost island, outset island and Gohdan’s theme; and tears of the kingdom’s colgera’s theme.
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starpuncher · 11 months
this weeks manga selections:
dungeon meshi: catching up on this after a while of slacking and it's still absolutely killer. there have been larger surprises in this world. ryoko kui might be one of the most technically skilled artists currently working, and if she's not that she's definitely one of the horniest. vore saves the world
wombs: is this manga good? well, probably not, but what a fascinating case study in basing your worldbuilding entirely around a very specific fetish. plus, i don't read many military otaku works and it's fun to see what people with that lens focus on
touge oni: still halfway through this after dropping it for a while to binge dunmeshi+ons. the art is stellar, the author's focus is definitely on the spectacle of their world's monsters and the protagonists are more vessels to tell those stories than characters, and when you're this good at crafting a monster you can make that work. fantastic beast design
owari no seraph: i'm about 20 chapters into a reread of this. like most late 10s shounens worldbuilding is here a secondary concern to drawing the prettiest boy the author can personally imagine. the early series where i am right now feels like it's trying to be marketable at the cost of being fun; fortunately i have it on good authority that this series goes completely off the rails later into its run and i am extremely interested in seeing that. dinosaurs figure into it somewhere.
marriagetoxin: yeah this is still really fun. while shounen jump's current serialization decisions confuse me at times this one is such an obvious green light. at a time where the industry seems to be moving away from standard battle shounen it's really great to see a series make that traditional format work so well just by giving the protagonist a fresh motivation. i've been reading this since it started its run and i will keep doing that
cipher academy: after reading this from chapter one i have finally realized that nisioisn wrote this. i can't even be mad. i do like it so so so so much but god of course it's you. motherfucker will i never be free (this is my favorite currently running series by about a mile) (i was permanently changed by watching bakemonogatari in middle school)
tenmaku cinema: there have been shounen about movies before but MAN! SHOUNEN ABOUT MAKING MOVIES!!! the artist has real skill, the description of the technical side of movie-making is simplified but functional and comprehensible to newbies, and there's a fun little overarching mystery set up early on to keep readers interested even if they get bored hearing about how a telescopic lens works now and then. still in early days so time will tell if it can keep it up
the poe clan: i'm one chapter in and i'm going to kiss hagio moto on the lips
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yurisorcerer · 3 months
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For the second time this week, I tried to turn my notes on an anime episode into an actual article for my site but couldn't get it to cohere well enough. So you guys get it instead, hopefully you enjoy it regardless.
Usually when I talk about the inherent pacing differences between an anime and a manga, it's to complain, but this episode is a pretty astounding example of an anime production intentionally exploiting those differences to make certain emotional beats hit harder.
To recap; in a manga, you are able to read at your own pace. Some people breeze through manga, some people go out of their way to savor every page, but because you're restricted to your visual senses and their interpretation of ink-on-paper, there's a lot of imaginative work going on on your end. Anime, just by its nature, inherently eases that burden a little bit. You've got an aural component to soak in (not present in a manga), and the visuals move with motion and color, something also absent in the still page. This is the entire artistic reason that anime adaptations of manga exist at all. Done well, they can selectively enhance certain emotional currents of the work. If done very well, they can do so without displacing the original work itself. That's what the Dungeon Meshi anime accomplishes here. Anything else aside, that's pretty impressive.
Seeing Marcille and Laios assemble the grim puzzle of Falin's blood-soaked and half-digested skeleton is one thing on the printed page. Those pages are very effective in their original format, but the scene is transformed here, because we really have no choice but to stew in it. The medium forces us to slow down and really focus on what they're doing; clicking bones together piece by piece, soaking their hands in dragonblood and gore. In Marcille's case, her actual spellcasting is brought into a deep crimson technicolor. The anime's presentation really makes it hit home; she is bleeding onto the ground, chanting ancient, forbidden magic in a desperate bid to bring Falin back from the grave. Laios' emotional state shouldn't be undersold either, as fascinated as he is by the actual act of assembling the skeletons, the moment Falin finally does return to life, she and her older brother share a genuinely very sweet embrace, even as Falin herself is still quite confused as to what's going on.
About that; in the area of scenes altered by the simple fact of being in an anime, we have to talk about the bath scene. In the manga, the bath scene is full of a fair amount of ambiguity, something I'm far from the first person to take note of. The anime, of course, can't replicate that precisely, so it has to pick and choose what emotional undertones to access and which to discard. All told, I'd say the scene is adapted pretty fantastically; it's tender, full of soft colors, and it preserves the push-and-pull dynamic of Marcille and Falin's conversation pretty well. About all that can't be said is that it's a straight improvement, which, really, when you're working with source material as good as Dungeon Meshi, is not a bad thing. I think the bath scene in particular is a good locus for what works about this episode; managing such a delicate scene so well is unimaginably tough, but the team working on the series pulled it off admirably. (As a Lesbian Side Note; both Marcille and Falin look amazing here, as you'd probably expect.) There are a few notable differences; things that seem obvious but pop out if you know what you're looking for. I'm mostly thinking how Marcille's facial expressions are a lot more obviously-flustered here as opposed to the somewhat more ambiguous ones in the manga. But again, an anime has to pick what emotional currents it's going to emphasize.
There are other points to hit on; the obligate dragon-cooking scene is as great as you'd expect, and there are some great character moments between Falin and the rest of the cast. Obviously, with her brother (where he does a very Elder Brother thing by mussing her hair), but also Marcille and even Senshi. (The only one who doesn't really get in on the action is unfortunately Chilchuck.)
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kustas · 4 months
Thank you for answering! Although i felt a bit defensive at the gay ship comment lmao. I dont even ship anyone in dungeon meshi i just enjoy the fact that fandom is actually interested in female characters and wlw relationship for a change (although it seems to be shifting a bit with the anime…). But honestly i think there is a truth in everything you said. I didn't know that toshiro was that disliked. Personally, I think he is a great character and his fight with laios is one of the best scenes in the whole manga because how relatable (at least for me) both sides are. (Also its funny.) Anyway, characters being cringy and disliking each other are super fun and can't wait for new stories from Kui. She should try at fantasy slice of life imo
unfortunately I've witnessed the fujobrain first hand in the fandom it IS worst for male characters though. I'm not sure what to think about it. diversity win that it's spreading to girls I guess! doesn't matter though. where's that post about telling a gay couple you defended their rights in the fire emblem fanfiction community
also can't wait for new stories from the author... I really want to read her shorts when I can, the two I've read of hers are fantastic and it's my favorite form of story... She's such a good writer I'd trust her with anything she could be planning in the future
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refriedrambles · 8 days
You ever read a bit fic and are just baffled by how well the authors carve out and characterize characters
Like how do you get that solid of a view? How do you manage to write in their voice especially in the 3rd person? How does one make something important to a character? Truly give them motivation and personality and really fucking sell it?
Like even with characters I think I understand I can't do that even slightly and I don't understand how to start. Like I know Zim pretty well as a character I think, but I don't understand. I really don't. I have all the pieces in front of me and I know what they are but I just can't put them together! And like that doesn't really cover it. I get how it goes together but I don't get how it works. This little green guy fkdjfnndmdn
I know I don't get it because some part of my brain wants to excuse his actions. Write them off almost completely, say he did nothing wrong, shift the blame to someone else, but that's bullshit! He's a bad person, vicious, selfish and petty and does just really stupid shit cause he gets too excited or anxious to think things through. He wears a mask so thick that it's merged with his flesh and if it were to break all he'd be left with is a goopy mess of meat and sinew and lingering shards unable to recognize what he is and isn't. He wants to be seen, heard, adored and is far too paranoid and suspicious to ever accept the things he wants, unless it's given by The Tallest. And even then he questions it and really he should be, but even the expectations aren't spared that paranoia completely. He's so completely utterly brilliant and pathetic.
Dude I need to just binge the show. All the episodes in like a single night and fucking chew dude. I wanna crack him open like an egg and just figure it all out
Anyway, circling back from that tangent, haven't actually seen the hotel show but have been reading fics. Cause my love for fics often out weights my desire and effort to find the source material. Thoroughly spoiled myself on everything in this particular show tho. Back to the fic, Valentino was written so compellingly in this fic it's crazy my guy. Like all the characters are, but he was a standout. Great villain, great pov. Overall blown away. He's horrendous, he's just almost sympathetic, he's cruel and heartless at times, but conflicted and guilty at other and I love how fucking terrified he is of Alaster despite repeatedly goating Vox into taking him out. Fuck he offers to help despite the fear. The gear shift from raging idiot cunt to oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I need to think of a way out of this is fantastic. Like when he's under actual pressure the fog clears and his fight or flight is think and he fucking does! And suddenly he's charming like really really charming. Like he's the most human thing down there. And it suddenly makes sense why so many people would sign away their souls to him if they didn't know any better. It's some crazy shit
Been getting blown away by a lot of stuff lately actually. Could be just exposing myself to new stuff again. Could be my mental health improving. I mean the latter's almost certainly part of it
I suppose my bar for good also might be kinda low too. Like I might have skewed my sense of great fiction because I'm a grubbly trash panda that gobbles up every bit of rom fantasy or action fantasy manhwa/ga I can get my paws on. If that it I'm cool with it. Like being blown out of the park so often is honestly fantastic
But I do have an inkling that the shit I've been coming across is just like super good quality shit too. Like I'm pretty sure Dungeon Meshi is an objectively good show
I've just been going off lol
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room-surprise · 4 months
Dungeon Meshi Season 1 EP 5 review
Episode 5 of the anime came out and we got to see Kabru!!! My boy Kabru!!! Oh right there was other stuff after the first five minutes.
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I don't actually have a lot to say about this episode. I thought it was competent, although as always characters standing around and talking, or doing simple tasks like eating, are just not Trigger's strong point.
Has anybody deciphered the language that Kui is using in the backgrounds? SO HAPPY that her glyphs are here now, instead of the Japanese in the first episode. I've tried to figure out what they are, but I'm honestly stumped. Seems like a combination of Norse runes, Greek letters, Cuneiform and Sanskrit...
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Was NOT a fan of the way they overdid Kabru scaring Mikbell. It's really not a joke that's even that funny, so I think the lighting change and drama of it was really overselling it. Would have been much better if it was like in the manga, some childish, light-hearted ribbing between friends while they get ready to leave.
Although it was VERY VERY funny, I was also not a fan of the youtube-poop-esque zoom out on Marcille when she sees the treasure bugs. Like Laios' galaxy brain moment, comedic edits like this remind me that I'm watching a TV show, instead of allowing me to be immersed in the historical fantasy world. If I wanted modern jokes I'd be watching an Isekai where the characters are in a video game, not Dungeon Meshi.
I think they could have gotten an equally good laugh just from doing a simple zoom out.
I love the way they're depicting Laios. You can clearly see all the red flags his friends are picking up on and how he might be scary to others, but he's also very sympathetic and sweet.
All the Japanese VA's are doing a great job. I liked Kabru's Japanese voice a little better than his English voice just because I think he did a better job capturing Kabru's dual nature - he started out very sweet and cute, and then dropped his timbre noticeably once he was no longer sweet-talking someone. The English voice actor meanwhile felt like their voice basically stayed the same the entire episode.
This is still the better way to watch the show, the subtitles are SO lacking that they make the story harder to follow. The dub script, meanwhile, does a much better job. I wonder if there's a way to watch it with Japanese audio and the English dub subtitles?
BangZoom continues to make interesting casting decisions that make me VERY curious to see how they're going to handle the elves when they finally arrive.
Kabru, Daya and Kuro are all voiced by black voice actors! Rin's voice actress is Asian American, and Namari's voice actress is nonbinary. They all sound fantastic and I'm excited to hear them develop their characters as the series progresses.
Obviously Kabru isn't black, he's Indian, but Zon also isn't black, so I appreciate casting people of color to play characters of color (?) or at least, characters that are minorities? It feels like that's what they're trying to do.
ON THE OTHER HAND, Daya is very much not a minority or a character of color... I suppose that would be a case of race-blind casting? Which is also a good practice, getting new, underutilized talent into the industry... But obviously not a part of the previous point. Regardless, she sounds great.
Again, REALLY wonder how this will influence their casting decisions with the elves. Wonder if any of this was done with instruction from Trigger or Kui, or if it's 100% BangZoom operating on their own.
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worldwright · 5 months
Good evening !
Today was great, I missed both my friends. One of them was a bit misgendering me and my best bro, but where she's in for college has no trans, and no queer people so she lost her habit and all, but that's fine. She's good :3 (and when i say no queer people, I mean it, she asked them their pronouns and they said "the normal ones". urgh, cishet people can be stupid sometimes)
Also, she also reads and watches JJK, and we were talking and I found out that she likes Kenny (yes !) and Choso (double yes !). And I admitted to her that I'm thinking about doing a Choso cosplay and she was sure I could pull it off easily >.> i just need white clothes, and that's something I really don't have
Me and my all-black clothing 👍 👍 👍
I spent 6 hours with them, it was fantastic
I'll be eating soon and after that I'm writing for my fic
Have a wonderful morning my friend !!!!! <3
good morning!!!
that sounds like a great day!! living the dream honestly. rip about the cisnormativity tho lmao. although if she's chill, now you can start blowing her mind with gender concepts lmfao. one of my favorites is "so how do you know you're a woman? :)" or alternatively, "describe your gender in 30 words minimum"
pisses off transphobes, but for chill cis people it might just be a fun thought exercise :3
ahhhh spending a full day with my friends is always so fantastic for me. like a reset button on the Dread lmao
I gotta get groceries today but it's gonna be dark and raining........ :////// ah well. hmm I wonder if I can stretch to the weekend, maybe convince my parents to drive me around.......... it's been a while since I had teriyaki takeout actually
I think I wanna bake something tonight :33333
have a wonderful rest of the evening, friend!!
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amberduan-ual · 1 year
Interim Crit Project B (4/5/23)
My concept art project idea pretty much started from one character design which I then developed a world around.
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I've always loved birds, especially birds of prey like eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, etc so I wanted to design a character that was based on one. I took an image of a harpy eagle and incorporated characteristics of the bird with medieval fantasy armor. I wanted the armor to have pieces and flourishes resembling feathers, and the knight to have a cape like a feathered tail. The gauntlets are sharp to imitate the talons of an eagle and the overall silhouette is pointed. I kept shape language in mind and wanted the character to have a triangle shape to emphasize her dangerous nature as a warrior.
I think I ended up choosing a fantasy inspired genre because I've been reading a lot of fantasy books in the past few months. I used to be a really avid reader through elementary and middle school, and my favorite genre back then was anything to do with dragons and talking animals. One of my favorite franchises ever is How to Train Your Dragon, both the book series and movie trilogy. I fell off reading books when I started high school because the internet was much more accessible by then, but for 2023 I decided to get back into it!
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So far my 2023 Goodreads challenge has had a pretty considerable ratio of fantasy books, specifically the Locked Tomb series starting from Gideon the Ninth. The Locked Tomb is a bit of a mix of fantasy and sci-fi, but knight cavaliers and necromancer sorcerers are pretty central to the story, which definitely led to the knight decision.
From the character design, I started thinking about what kind of world this knight could inhabit and why would her armor be so heavily inspired by birds. The two main influences that I combined to create the world this character design by Airi Pan and the Great Eagles from Lord of the Rings.
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I love the idea of taking any animal and having it become a knight's trusty mount, and the Great Eagles already set precedent for large birds that can be ridden, so I decided to create a world based on the concept of eagle knights.
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I started gathering references for the influences that I want to go into the world, from fantasy medieval knights to birds of prey, to treehouses and bird nests. I took notes on areas that could be fleshed out for worldbuilding purposes, thinking about different classes of knights and their different bird mounts.
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Next, I also created a reference board of visual development art. I wanted to have a lot of different types of concept art to reference and prompt me to think of different aspects of worldbuilding. Two manga titles that really inspire me are Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama and Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui. Both are manga series written and illustrated by women, and are set in incredibly lush fantasy worlds.
I was inspired to start reading Witch Hat Atelier after hearing that it has great representation of disability and darker skinned characters, which is really rare for both the fantasy genre and Japanese manga. The character designs in Witch Hat Atelier are gorgeous and fantastically diverse, yet cohesive in a way that I really appreciate.
I picked up Dungeon Meshi after watching this amazing breakdown video on character design in the series. Ryoko includes extras in some of the volumes which demonstrate her great attention to detail in character design. Her character portrait lineups show diversity in their facial features and physical makeup, and she also makes sure that even when her characters have swapped costumes, they're still distinguishable from each other. There's a large range in body shape and size in the cast, even for women, whom Ryoko isn't afraid to design outside of the typical beauty ideals.
Besides character art though, I also have environment designs and creature designs in my reference board. I think it's important to have sheets that describe the detail of specific environmental details in a technical way, but also more rendered paintings that establish the mood and atmosphere of a world.
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