#dude ive been in this fandom for a year or so now and the first thing i post online about it is a random side character wow
pocketpencils · 7 months
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Real quick and messy Chloe sketch cuz she-
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suffarustuffaru · 2 months
If you don't mind me asking but when did you first get into re:zero
yeah i dont mind at all :o ig yallre gonna hear my full origin story now haah. its my—my… ok id say tragic backstory but i dont think this is really that tragic LMAO. my humorous backstory? silly backstory?
anyway i got into rezero in summer of 2020!! this was months before s2 started airing and by around this time there was just s1, s1 directors cut may or may not have been out?? i forgor :<, but then s2’s first teaser came out right about now.
it was quarantine…. i was bored one day and wanted smth new to watch… and by then id only really briefly seen rezero—like you know that s1 promo poster with subaru standing there while surrounded by some of the main girls in s1 (beatrice felt emilia rem ram)?? yeah id seen that. in the back of my mind i kinda assumed the show was just another one of those abt a dude surrounded by his harem of girls or smth?? :< but then i learned the Real Premise is the time travel. via death!!!! and ive always loveddd angst and whump so i was like “NO FUCKING WAY I HIT THE JACKPOT” and eagerly looked into rezero some more to see if it was worth watching. and then i saw all the shit reviews on rz that never seemed to agree on if it was good or not…… and then gigguk’s video…… and then i saw mother’s basement on youtube make a defense of rezero s1 and i was like!!! ok fuck it im watching this show. i want the angst i want the complex time travel shit. i think id spoiled myself on a couple of subarus deaths by this point trying to decide if i should commit to rezero and then i started binge watching s1!! esp when i was like ok this is a good time to get into it s2 was announced right??
anyway i got hooked on rezero fr 👍👍 the first s1 emisuba lap pillow had me quaking in my boots ;-;;; and i was already invested from ep1 bc i liked the characters a lot already!!! i am simply BUILT DIFFERENT i loved subaru from day one!!! by the royal selection episodes ofc i was dying of secondhand embarrassment but tbh i grew even more invested in rezero after that!! i was and still am super impressed that the narrative had the balls to have subaru fuck up sooo so so bad there. like seeing that emisuba argument and the julisuba duel for the first time was crazyyy. the conflict was really good and the latter s1 development…. woagh.
and then you know i finish s1 and i immediately get to researching how to read, i read arc 4’s wn and bawl my eyes out from the sheer amount of rollercoaster both the emotions and Long Ass Novel gave me (yes i was bawling my eyes out at parent and child) (yes i was bawling my eyes out at choose me) (yes i was bawling my eyes out for all the suffering loops) (yes i was bawling) (i have no clue how i read all those pages fr like that arc is massive), i speedrun arc 5, i accidentally spoil certain bits for myself (arc 6 stuff), i read most of arc 6 in spurts, tune in every week for s2 (and bawled my eyes out seeing the s2 part 1 op for the first time) etc etc!! one thing lead to another and now i am here…….. three yrs in this fandom… nearly (?) a yr being active on rezero tumblr… HAH
also i made a reddit account back inn…. 2020 or 2021 bc i wanted to be a tinyyy bit active in rezero reddit (this was half a mistake btw. i think i have more balls of steel now but my younger self was sooooo naive. shaking them by the shoulders. this is an anime fandom!!!!!! and this is reddit!!! whatre u expecting???? i am less shy now on the internet thats for sure!!). anyway im still a tiny bit active on rz reddit now after not touching it for like a year. now i use my reddit account for spreading otto propaganda and slander /lh …../hj
but anyway ive never been active in fandoms until rezero and thats bc id usually lurk and a lot of my past hyperfixation medias were :< big fandoms :<<< but then. ok im a fanfic enjoyer and i didnt write much fanfic or publish fic at all before this fandom but then in 2020 after watching s1 i checked rezero’s ao3 page and *sniffles* *sobs* thERE WAS ONLY LIKE 2 PAGES ON THERE MAN….. A WHOLE DESERT…. yes and then one thing lead to another and now there is more fic and also ig id be considered an english fic writer elder maybe…… i started posting in like fall/winter 2020? and maaaan im one of the only ppl from that era whos still posting i think!!! ive seen the entire english fanfic scene pop up!! ive participated in a bunch of community events… sooo wild to think about. i feel old guys!!!
but now i have gotten more and more active in the rz fandom yes :3 its been fun!! rezero is very important media to me and ive met lots of cool people in my time here :) when october 2024 rolls around itll be s3 time (AAAAA HYPE HYPE HYPE) and like four yrs of me being in this fandom?? its wild but my lifes genuinely changed a lot bc of me getting into rezero!! met lots of cool people… made pals… gotten my writing and art out there and improved on it via. large amounts of rezero fanart HAH.. became more unhinged.. etc etc :D even got to meet one of my buddies i met via rezero irl 👍👍 more irl crossover events will happen i swear.
also gigguk in my eyes redeemed himself for his old rezero skit vid by making a glowing review for rezero s2 with his pals. i can forgive him i suppose :<<<
in conclusion: idk if i count as a fandom elder but i sure have a lot of my own fandom lore pfft :<<<
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
What got you to start drawing the boys do you take requests? Cause I like the cafe au
When I said I've been a SMG4 fan for 4 years, I left the channel for i dunno how many weeks or months has it been. Then one day I saw WOTFI 2023 recommended in my youtube page and was.
"Wotfi 2023? But I thought- wait- who are these characters again?"
Turns out I forgot that Ive only seen SMG4 and SMG3's (cocomelon ass) designs during wotfi 2022 where it was both of their first redesigns from the movie. I stopped watching for a bit cuz I got busy.
Then I came back to see they were both redesigned in a better version now. Now that I thought about "where was their second redesign then?"
So I knew that I had to binge watch every single episodes from smg4's channel right after wotfi 2022
I then saw how much Three has changed ever since after the 2022th christmas episode.
If I were to be honest, watching igbp for the first time in my life even Mar10 day. I was about 85% sure that Smg3 worries too much for Smg4's sake.
They both are cosmically linked and three can feel what the other of his partner is feeling soooooo?
*circles both of my hands*
Three's gay. He looked fruity he felt fruity. During the movie and during right after he helped four's ass to get his channel back from running again.
It suddenly gave me some time for my brain to tell me "DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS COULD BE A HINT- THIS IS MAYBE AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS!" I responded to my brain like- HELL YEAH I'M NOTING THAT DOWN.
Cuz I cant just sit here and just "watch the movie without sayin nothin" I HAD to do something AND make analysis about it because thats what I do when I notice simple details!
So when smg3 confessed those feelings of his to Smg4 and even running to save his life back again and even after saying "we're friends!" This gave me a bit of a shock. Three. Did you know what you did? Did you realize how much it meant for smg4? Did you FORGET- that you said you and him werent friends during the 2020th wotfi?
So then after all of this time... that means smg3 has been the one and always a tsundere to smg4
Even after the castle disappeared, him and three's chemistry started going into an actual progress from both of their chemistry from the relationship.
Thats a dedication for me right there. I do it not only for fun, I do it for my wants, have, and needs.
I know its funny for a minor like me to do all of this dedicaded in just a simple job, I have all kinds of specialities to include my works and skills and use them for this fandom again from how I did to the past ones. (But those past fandoms are dead-)
Ahem- what was I talking about again? Oh right- 3 and 4... sorry got a little bit too chatty-
So I noticed even more about Smg3's notebook and was like- "gahd damn- three had his own personal notebook this whole time?! Whats even inside of it? I'm curious..." so yeah-
Now jumping to where I watched 2023 of wotfi again (twice now) to see its context about it- I was flabberGHASTED in after the "drawing" and also the mysterious tv guy whose also appearing on as the final antagonist in the modern era and a new one from the new era.
"Holysht. This is about to go bonkers for the fans making up stuff about those 'what-ifs' that smg4 made from the previous video back then. (The part where waluigi won or desti being alive)
I'm curious enough to see what happens and even if its about tv adware. Yes too.
(THERE. In November I started to become quite more invested from the fandom and decided to drop in my luggage and load out all of my junks called Info-Analysis?)
So- hello! (Again-) :D it was a pleasure meeting every and one of you all- I stopped in just to come back from the fandom that I never made commentary about but now I can ^^
I started with doodling and knowing basic anatomy and shapes of SMG3 and SMG4's design (the new one) so that I could start on doodling about them. But what I didnt expect for myself is that I had created a long time chapter of "Indigo Secret" that wasn't supposed to be there on purpose.
It was just supposed to be a "silly" comic about it from where ■■■■■■■■ to ■■■■■■■ about the problem and then the part in this that came into ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ from ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
I took myself a big motive after my blog gained 10+ followers and more notes. I thought working here 24/7 would make me feel something more for destiny and the trip!
So- yeah. Work. :) even when I'm at school I also complete my assignments and all of the shts and after that I can continue on with continuing the pages and with some cute doodles with the boys from a scenario playing through my head.
Now you have me making all of this and that ^^
Thats whay I'm popular for :)
2nd answer...
Thank you for liking the cafe au! It means so much to the both for me and shay from the collab to move on!
I did say from my boundaries I take free art request 1 at a time only- and I could allow a second art request if I do have the time ^^
Yes I do take art request :)
(Except for-
oc-shipping with SMG3/SMG4 cuz they're both together in the au
Some stuff that I can't approve on-)
Ask away :)
Thanks for asking me stuffs anon I really enjoy talking ^^
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raisinchallah · 11 months
not vriska anon but i don’t want vriska to get lonely… terezi
First impression
i liked her instantly like her appearance is 100% what locked me into continuing reading like i enjoyed rose a lot but i had like no fucking clue what was happening most of the time but terezi was so funny and like perfect character designed in a lab for me i just became immediately invested again so i guess everyone can also blame her specifically if you wanna know why im talking about homestuck in 2023 lol
Impression now
i mean again she just like permanently altered my personality and impacted me in ways i can scarcely fathom what can even begin to sum it up.. in some ways perceiving her is like getting too close to a hot flame because its also like shes intimately tied into my entire teenage existence i literally made a bunch of friends in high school cuz i wore my silly little terezi shirt that terezi shirt directly lead to kissing a girl and my first relationship jkfld;dsk she has been there thru everything i still have that terezi shirt one of the old original what pumpkin ones not the we love fine pretenders to the throne etc
Favorite moment
[s] terezi remem8er!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean thats just one of my favorite parts of the comic in general and idk i lost my mind when it dropped felt like the perfect culmination of so many things around terezi and was just very moving for meee like later parts of the comic definitely very hit or miss but there were some things that felt like they did tie things up and like the fact the vriska game over terezi killed who had gone thru all these crazy changes was able to finally meet again with the terezi that literally rewrote the universe to see her again and had been so sad about never finding vriska in the dreambubbles and there at the end of the world the end of the comic they are finally reunited and getting to see bits of their past together as well aaaah and of course alpha terezis sad girl monologue leading into that truly meant the world to me
Idea for a story
not a story but i wanted to make a terezi and vriska no light no light lyricstuck for like 8 years now and it haunts me always
Unpopular opinion
god i have no idea what an unpopular terezi opinion would even be nowadays cuz like back in the day its like controversial take i dont believe terezi exists only to be the matchmaker or girl in the way of davekat or something but i dont think thats controversial or anything idk again i have stayed away from the fandom for so long at this point um idk i think people who ship her with dudes want her to be a manic pixie dream girl so bad
Favorite relationship
well duh vriska but as i have already explained so much about them in the vriska answer and s terezi remember etc i shall say that but also i do really like a lot of her conversations with dave i think its very interesting how both vriska and terezi idk allow themselves to be a bit more vulnerable with humans who dont care about their insane alien values and norms in a way they are afraid to be with each other and literally that fucking conversation where terezis like ok shut up ive listened to every single one of your sad boy problems my time to talk now with dave and talks about weighing her options about killing vriska while daves like still sitting next to bros dead body literally a conversation of all time i think
Favorite headcanon
oh god i dont even know i feel like i have not considered things like this in a long time idk... i am coming up blank
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dwarvenchords · 29 days
I was tagged by @mossistyping for this !! thanks dude :)
Who is your favourite driver? SO hard to do Logan like this, but Oscar is forever and always my number 1.
Do you have any other favourite drivers? My number 2 spot is a fistfight between logan and lando (but mostly logan, and if we'll count people who drive/have drove but arent F1 drivers, liam and max f are making it a four way fight)
Who is your least favourite driver? while i have my opinions i elect to spread positivity (also people get enough shit already)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well? I coincidentally love both the mclaren drivers, but i definitely have love for teams, even ones i dont follow very closely!
If you like teams, what team do you pull for? i mean mclaren of course, theyre just so incredibly gen z arent they? williams has some kinda energy to it, like theyre a small team in a big sport, idk i just love the energy they have, it feels like everyone knows each other. Also their driver academy has some of my favorite drivers from different categories (lia, jamie, and luke browning, loves of my life). i really enjoy everything i see from aston and i liked everything i saw from alphatauri when i followed it more closely (aka when liam had a drive there!)
How long have you been into f1? the first photo i have saved (which yes, is of lando) is from july 2 2023, so almost a year now!
How did you get into f1? i was really bored while living in a new city and had been partially introduced to the sport by my family a few months prior. I just had some clips of i think max and daniel show up in my feed and it pulled me in, then i started watching races! i mostly was pulled in by the races, youtube content, and fics!
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf? of course! im a writer and a reader, and this is the first really active fandom ive been in so its been really nice to have the amount of incredible works to read!! reading stuff from like @fabbyf1 and @hollywoodsargeant really is what pulled me into the fandom in itself so i have a lot to thank fic for haha
How do you view new fans? im cool with any fans as long as theyre not disrespectful to other fans, teams, or the drivers themselves (and yes, theres a difference between wanting accountability and being a hater) (and if you ever say "i hope this guy crashes" we cannot be friends, we dont wish danger on anyone no matter how much we dislike them here)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why? oh god this is so interesting. i mean i would probably end up at haas being an american, which would probably end in me restructuring it. but in a perfect world could i become co-principal with james at williams???
Are your friends and family into f1 as well? my whole family follows it! my mom more than the others, and not as religiously as me, but i love watching her scroll through her instagram feed bc she follows like seven lando fan accounts. she also listens to me scream ab it way more than she probably wants
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends? NO. kidding, ofc i would :)
tagging @i-am-church-the-cat and @whitewindhowl
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ladymariayuri · 11 months
oh if ur still doin this: 8, 5, and 1
im just gonnna do this for whatever i can think of first bc ive been answering asks based on what the person asking likes and you are one of my least Privy To My Video Games pilled mutuals but i love you okay enjoy the rants common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about coming in hot with a dmc opinion but i think everybody who flanderizes vergil into this selfish cunt who acts the way he does out of spite needs to let me hit them in the face with hammers. i literally love vergil so dearly and it pains me to see everybody reduce such an interesting dude into POWER XD DEADBEAT DAD XD. like you guys know that his obsession with gaining strength and almost every single step he has taken is because he never wants to feel as scared and small and powerless as he was when his mother died and he thinks his mother abandoned him to save dante but she didnt she died trying to save him and now he hates (hated) his brother because of it. everything in his entire life stemmed from the day their mother died and it grew into an almost fanatic obsession because he never wants to be that fucking helpless again. not to like say he did nothing wrong obviously or hes a poor little meow meow, hes anything but a poor little meow meow but vergil get behind me i will protect you from the redditors. also the deadbeat dad joke is overdone and boring. dude gets laid (somehow) after being in the torture nexus for god knows how many years, he DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE HAD A SON UNTIL DMC5 AFTER RIPPING NEROS ARM OFF. and anyway fuck all of you he gave nero his stupid corny poetry book when he left for hell and theres a menu screen background of nero and vergil chilling at the table and vergil is awkward because he doesnt know how to talk to his son but theyre just vibing okay. sniffles. sorry for going on a rant about vergil devil may cry are you mad at me worst discord server and why
im not really in any tumblrina discords or what you would consider "fandom" discords i pretty much only strictly use it to talk to like my overwatch friends. im in a lot of servers but its only like hub servers for information about stuff that i would want access to, not really community servers. with that being said, and i just commented this under a mutuals post, but the demon hunter class discord for wow is a god forsaken nuclear wasteland full of edgelords and misogynists and its so painful bc im just there to learn how to press buttons better the character everyone gets wrong raiden metal gear. sylvanas wow. wrathion wow. d.va overwatch. VERGIL DEVIL MAY CRY. dante devil may cry. trish dev- you get the point. maria/doll bloodborne is my most beloved but surprisingly ive found that like a majority of the fanbase is like sane/normal about her. its a nice breath of fresh air
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vypridae · 4 months
gifting you akutagawa and vox‼️‼️
[i feel it should be noted vox autocorrected to box three times]
IM GONNA ASSUME THIS IS FOR THE CHARACTER ASK THING AND IF ITS NOT THEN I APOLOGIZE SO MUCH ACTUALLY (also dw ive typed box thousands of times trying to type vox)
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(this got long so under the cut it goes!!)
my first impression
hello when akutagawa showed up i think i actually was like "OH...?" i loved him actually so much (still do)
my impression now
LOVE AKUTAGAWA ... i dont obsess over him like i used to (thats reserved for fyosiglai) BUT I STILL LOVE HIM SO MUCH
favorite thing about that character
oh my god uuhmm im ngl probably his ability lIKE ITS JUST SO FUCKING COOL
least favorite thing
his bangs because theyre IMPOSSIBLE to draw
favorite line/scene
"CALL ME 💥‼️🤬😈DIABLO😈🤬‼️💥"
favorite interaction that character has done with another
probably the uuhh "DONT YOU EVEN DARE... COMPARE ME... TO THIS GUY!!" just cuz im sskk trash
a character that i wish that character would interact with more
another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
oooh uuuuhh i really dont have a lot ... uuh fuck hmm. i dont actually think ive ever seen a character thats reminded me of akutagawa for any reason?? or that akutagawa's reminded me of, at least
a headcanon about that character
GRAYSEXUAL DEMIROMANTIC AKUTAGAWA . also he has a soft spot for animals but refuses to ever tell anyone ever
a song that reminds of that character
DOES IT COUNT IF ITS A SHIP SONG ??? i can't fix you (yes the fnaf song) atsushi singing about akutagawa . this is partially because i was searching for sskk ship playlists a few years back and that song just was int he playlist and igot fucking JUMPSCARED
an unpopular opinion about that character
hello i dont think i have one BHABHASH im really bad at having opinions that arent what everyone else thinks i go with the crowd
favorite picture
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he just looks so ethereal here give me a break ...
my first impression
when vox had like 0.2 seconds of screentime in the pilot i remember being like "ooh neat dude. why does he have a tv for a face"
my impression now
favorite thing about that character
dont make me cHOOSE ... im ngl probably the fact that hes like, "you cant go around doing drastic things over angel dust because what about our image as the vees" and then proceeds to do exactly drastic things as soon as he hears alastor is back BAHAJASKGHAJK
least favorite thing
DO I HAVE ONE ?!??? I ... CANNOT THINK wait i thought . the way the fandom characterizes him as so much better than val . NO HE IS NOT !!!!!! val has been shown doing awful things but vox is almost if not equally as bad as he is, just in different ways . fucker told pentious to khs of COURSE hes not good uwu boy PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS *shaking the fandom aggressively by the shoulders* PLEASE
favorite line/scene
+ after alastor absolutely kicks his ass in stayed gone and he goes "FUUHUUHUUUUUUCK!!!!"
+ "THIS IS BETTER THAN SEX!!!" and the look val gives him in ep 8
+ "I AM SO ! HARD ! RIGHT ! NOW !" while alastor is dying in ep 8
favorite interaction that character has done with another
a character that i wish that character would interact with more
again, i have a few, those being velvette (which im sure we'll see in s2), alastor (because its funny) and shockingly angel dust (im curious to see if theres jealousy there because he has a lot of val's attention a lot of the time)
another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
in my head vox is just a waay fucked up version of sigma and i dont really know why
a headcanon about that character
i like to imagine that vox's hat has his tv antenna so its like al's mircophone that lets him have more range, if he takes his hat off he buffers and glitches like CRA Z Y so he never takes it off because antenna !
a song that reminds of that character
ive never listened to it myself but thanks to a friend assigning voxval i like u by niki i am forever going to associate that song with them (im gonna go listen to it . at some point)
an unpopular opinion about that character
favorite picture
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this one holds a particular place in my brain tho cuz he looks like hes like "WHO CARES WHERE ALASTOR WENT !!!!! RIGHT GUYS!!?!?? RIGht!????!?!??" hes so desperate i love him so fucking much ALSO THEIR FACES AHASKJGFAHSJKFG "NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN"
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MAC!!! GOOD EVENING!!!!!! im thinking soo hard abt interesting fairytale things rn but also. i would LOVE to hear abt ur danny phantom thing?(images aren't loading for me but i think? graphic novel? normal novel?? 👀) ??????!!!! i'm peripherally interested in dp on the basis that my beloved mutual (u) is into it & im!!!! curious!!!! whys it so good!!!! tell me!! free infodump card for u 👀👀👀
THIS ASK IS A MISTAKE. BEWARE. FUCK. DUDE I COULD TALK ABOUT DANNY PHANTOM FOR SO LONG IM NOT EVEN KIDDING IVE GOT . NEARLY 20 YEARS WORTH OF LOVE FOR THIS SHOW. I AM 23 YESRS OLD. THATS HOW SERIOUS I AM . IM.*THE* DANNY PHANTOM GUY THERES A REASON ALL OF MY USERNAMES ARE DP REFERENCES. ohhhh my god. where do i even fucking start. i guess ill start with agit but im still so overwhelmed with love that i have not fully processed yet so prepare for this to be a total fucking mess of words
so. the show ended in.. 2007. and. god the last episode sucks so fucking bad. bad enough that the fandom as a whole collectively agrees it does not exist it never happened . phantom planet isnt real phantom planet cant hurt you if you dont look at it or think about it ever. i could go on a whole. rant about how much phantom planet sucks but instead ill just say butch hartman (<< creator of the show) is a fucking. annoying awful person and he was greedy + wanted more money from nickelodeon than they were willing to give him so they gave him a hard limit on episodes before the shoe would be canceled. so. season 3 goes downhill SO fast and ends with the fucking disaster that is phantom planet . and !!! you know how disappointing it is to have your facorite show have a garbage ending!! it sucks!! so then there was like. a HUGE HUGE long silence where there was. 0 canon content bc hartman considered it a flop and kind of just. abandoned it until he wanted clout (there were a few gameboy games that came out after the show ended + some nickelodeon games that included danny as a character + butch made a youtube channel where he would spout absolute death of the author garbage about the show every time he wanted attention but it was mostly dead silence) UNTIL. AGIT. A GLITCH IN TIME IS THE FIRST CANON SHOW COMPLIANT CONTENT THAT HAS BEEN RELEASED SINCE 200 GODDAMN 7. FUCK . and not only is it canon compliant it is ALSO A CONTINUATION OF MY FAVORITE EPISODE IN THE WHOLE SERIES.
so. my favorite episode. is ultimate enemy. it was one of the 4 movie-length episodes and the basic premise is. danny uses his ghodt powers to cheat on a huge standardized test and this sets off a butterfly effect reaction that leads to a timeline where his family + friends get killed in an explosion and he loses his mind and turns into the worlds most powerful villain <3 you can see why i like it so much im sure (<< guy who has a documented chronic weakness for stories where a good guy turns bad etc)
SO AT THE END OF THE EPISODE. Dan (the evil future danny) is trapped and locked away forever . but at the end of the ep theres a scene that hints to a possible future episode where he escapes !!!! so there was always a teased sequel but this sequel was never created due to aforementioned. budget issues and cancellation. etc. buggest disappointment of my life. UNTIL AGIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was released. july of this year . and i am just reading it now bc its been burning a hole in my bedside table bc it never felt like the right time to read it until this morning for some reason. and fuck its so good its literally everything i wanted.
i dont know how involved butch hartman was in the creation of it but the author (gabriela epstein) is obviously someone who cares deeply about the show and the characters and im so fucking happy about it she did an incredible job. i literally had to pause a handful of times in the first few pages just because the characters and dialogue were written so well and it was like SUCH a breath of fresh air (the fandom is. so bad. its so bad. because its been around for so long people have such insane warped takes on a lot of the characters and its become completely unbearable to me ive had to block the tag and its so painful. this is literally the only reason i am not reblogging dp content constantly. i have to filter it through artists i know can handle the characters properly. if i was not nerfed by the awful fandom it would be 24/7/365 dp lockdown and id be so unbearable) OH ALSO not only is agit a continuation of my alltime favorite episode, it also retcons the garbage pile that is phantom planet in a way that acknowledges that it was a real thing that happened but going back on it in a way that feels so so so so natural for the show. so it wasnt a throwaway "no that was bad lets forget about it" it was a well crafted well thought out "this was real and it sucked and the characters remember it BUT we can play with timeline so things will continue as normal" and . holy shit it was so fucking good. i will begrudgingly acknowledge phantom planets existence if only for agit.
uhhhhhhhh fuck this is so long and i am running our of directed steam so if i keep talking i will just start rambling about the intricacies and holy shit dude i could literally talk about danny phantom for hours and hours and hours and hours if theres anything else u want to know i am the guy . i am the guy forever
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saintqueer · 2 years
first, i wanted to say thank you for your super long response essay to the earlier anon! i feel like your thoughts are always so nuanced and you laid everything out so patiently and thoughtfully! if you happen to read this and answer it, great, and if not no worries! take the time away from public fandom you need if you need it, take care of yourself and do what makes you feel good!
i guess my thoughts are half-question/half-theory. i definitely agree with you that it seems like there's been a real shift in energy from hl since 2020 and especially lately (and especially that we're missing a piece of the puzzle), but my question for you is, at least the way i read your essay (and totally could be misunderstanding you or missing nuance) it seems like you feel like at least some of this is coming from h&l themselves? and i wondered why?
at least for me, i've picked up on that shift, but i also feel like i'm picking up on a sense that h&l, and especially h, has a lot of plans going a bit off the rails/not to plan atm in general, which would obviously affect louis' plans to the extent they're larry-related/adjacent. i mean, as a glaring example, i can't imagine that whatever is happening with holivia right now is what they intended for this stunt - for most of the news around harry's first major leading role to be about whether or not he was a homewrecker who spent so much time sleeping with his director that the quality of the film suffered. (if that was the plan... idk man, get better pr people). it feels like a plan was made based on the original filming schedule, and between covid delays and post-production, the stunt is lumbering on without any real renegotiation despite the fact that an almost 2 year 'relationship' with no official confirmation in the face of what appears to be a custody battle and increasingly mainstream rumors about on-set behavior makes no sense and looks bad. (olivia's been notably silent on other projects she was supposed to have in progress, so again, something maybe happening behind the scenes there).that also ties in to something i thought when h was announcing his residencies and am coming back around to - that we may be seeing the end/untangling of harry's contractual obligations with jeff/full stop/maybe even CAA. (for good or for ill, as a former lawyer, i see him shoving all of those residencies in and can't help but think that's a way to meet a contractual obligation for a set number of tour dates that goes with his album obligations, since he doesn't seem to be planning on touring harry's house separately, and he's certainly distanced himself from the azoff set of celebrities he used to be more tied to, like kendall). and as for louis, i'm sure whatever plans he had made are inextricably affected by h's plans, especially if we're looking at something to do with bbg ending (idk....).
obviously there's a lot going on behind the scenes we don't know, but i just wanted to say i've picked up on a lot of the same vibes it seems you have, but i'm also just feeling like h's pr in particular is just... flailing, rather than part of a planned/coordinated push in line with h's long-term goals.
dude, you say that I articulate things well? the way you explained this was so perfect.
basically, i agree with most of what you're saying here and have had similar thoughts as well. like ive begun suspecting over the last 6 months that olivia is more central to whatever has been going down in the last year with both HL.
and i DO think harry is at the end of his rope with a lot of stuff. and i do think louis has made a lot of adjustments based on various factors.
ive entertained so many different ideas and possibilities that could explain the uniqueness of the past year even including blackmail. never landing on one because obviously i don't know shit. for me, the biggest confusion comes from them seeming to play along harder than usual while still looking miserable.
like i know olivia is a nightmare, but if harry really WANTED to sell it, he could do better. louis still looks far more happy with a stranger's child than his supposed son, he could be more convincing. YET they are still playing along far more and relentlessly than ever before imo.
about your question of why i think part of it is coming from HL, i should probably clarify. i don't think hl are sitting there like "this would be a great idea" but i do think that certain things can be avoided and i had hoped we would be past things like shitting on larries in a fans DMs or blocking your biggest UA. i would think that there would be a way to push the babygate narrative without flying a child out to a foreign country to spend the day with strangers. i feel like, despite the ways they are still constrained by narrative, i would hope that they would have the ability to the use the less harmful way of pushing it.
they very well might have a big grand plan they are working towards completing. nothing would make me happier. but the way things are constantly shifting and never in a specific and consistent direction, more and more it just feels like they are chickens running around with their heads cut off.
louis wants to be successful, harry doesn't want to lose the opportunities he has gained. i don't blame them for that, but we get caught in the crossfire. but not only us. THEY get caught in the crossfire because they don't seem all that happy and content to me. they seem tired of playing the game but utterly unwilling to stop because they are terrified of what will happen if they do. more than self-protection for me, it's like i want to protect myself from having to watch them run themselves into the ground with work and lies that can't be undone all leading up to some kind of horrific george-michael-esque outing scandal that i know will just break my heart because they deserve so much more. because the industry will turn on them one day no matter how well they play by its rules.
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doubleodonut · 2 years
WHOOPSEY i still have thoughts in my head about stupid halo show but i want to quit posting about it on my main because i have much more conflicted thoughts about it than the other stuff i post about, and quarantining it to its own little section here feels better.
like ive mentioned before, rvb has a lot awful about it. if you're looking at this blog in the first place, i'm gonna assume you already know about that all that. plus all the connections to rt and its people as a whole, from the other shows to the bad work environment at rt and so on.
obviously, enjoying something that's also got stuff wrong with it is, like, literally fine (to a certain point, obvs, there's a line at which like, 'fandoming' something becomes harmful, ie harry potter etc etc) , there's a reason why i've gone and revamped this old sideblog instead of shutting up about it entirely.
main reason is, whenever i post about something new i'm into, i always get a bunch of people in my inbox telling me about how i introduced them to that thing and they love it now. rvb isn't something i'd recommend without a BIIIIG ol asterisk. rvb started in the early 2000s by a bunch of shitty gamer dudes and it never stopped being made by shitty gamer dudes. (at least, like, the parts that i've watched. i don't know anything about the teams beyond season 14.) it's got uhSome Shit
that being said, rvb has a lot of awesome stuff going for it, and i do genuinely think it's a good show, as much as i can complain about it, i have plenty to gush about too. rvb was a massive part of my mid-teenage years and will hold a place in my heart forever. i've had so, so much fun revisiting it after all these years, and i'm glad i decided to! it's been awesome to watch it all again and remember what i liked about it, what i like now, and to be able to look at it through a more.. good at reading media lens.
sooo for however long as i'm possessed by this particular show (tried to figure out an ai-possession joke here, couldnt), enjoye :]
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maaaxx · 1 year
my wips are stressing me out so you guys have to hear about it
or not i dont care
literally fighting for my life out here with this new wip. I could have the first chapter (???) out in like a few days but like,,, i dont want to do that
but im also not getting any immediate dopamine from this so im having trouble working on it.
Im also scared of having a new audience because like aside from a set few people most of my mutuals know me from ihiap and yall are nice and new people scare me
I even gatekeep ihiap, like if you dont know me from ihiap your not allowed to know about ihiap
a lot more people read that fic than i thought and it stresses me out
off track
i do genuinely think cots is going to be better than ihiap because ive had like two years now to figure out how to interact with fandom and im friends with other writers not and have more of a grasp of my writing style than i did before.
so im really excited about this
but i have enough trouble updating ihiap idk about doing two fics at once
but if i wait until im done with ihiap thatll take like two more fucking years
and ill lose focus
and wont do this fic
again, getting off track.
theres still so much that im not sure about with this fic. Like Zuko I think is the main character
But Sokka is EXTREMELY relevant
so i think im going to split the povs
But theyre at opposite ends of the world at any given time and sokka isnt going to (physically) be doing much.
so im not sure how to approach that
also i have no clue what the fuck kataras doing
like miss girl has two options and what she chooses will DRASTICALLY change the story like SHE controls the plot not me.
Sokka and Zuko are just there for the ride
Azula is also going to be relevant
like the story is about them 4 no one else matters
except aang maybe but like hes actually the avatar in this so thats a given
my first story where aangs the avatar!!!
also outlines are hard
and prologues are hard.
Ill be back with more complaints later
I have a love/hate relationship with ihiap. The characters in it are amazing theyre my favorite people ever. Some might make a cameo in cots, i havent decided yet.
REasons i hate ihiap:
-I accidentally stole half my ocs i talk about this a lot and ive been reassured but im not going to get over it. I hate myself
-Its so badly written like half the time There are some parts that i absolutely love and some that make me want to delete the entire fic. Like ive actually considered it multiple times. I hate it so much, so much second hand embarrassment. Is it second hand embarrassment if I'm the one who wrote it???? -Zuko is so ooc he might as well be an oc
-I dont even know twf azula is doing Azula and Mailee is one of the plot holes that drives me nuts. Because like I wrote Ty Lee into a scene but miss girl is supposed to be in the circus by now. I forgot about that part. Also Theres a certain detail about Azula and MaiLee thats going to be very prevelant near the end of book 3 but i forgot to imply or write that in so thats going to come out of no where. -most major events were impulsive and had no value to the actual plot Examples: That stupid soldier dude, the islands thing. I hate these parts and im going to write them out eventually -PLOT HOLES Reasons why Ihiap is the best piece of literature ever written:
-Relationships and characters
So the thing is despite the fact that theres so many things im bad at doing in writing/havent had enough practice yet, there are things that I know that I am great at writing.
One of these things is delevoping relationships.
I'm really good at making people and relationships very complex and this isnt something that someone can change my mind over, like this is something that i love the way i do it.
This is one of the only redeeming qualities of ihiap.
-I love the plot.
I really want to redo this to do the plot justice because i do think it has potential.
Overall i think that ihiap has more good than bad but the mad really does bother me. If your ever rereading and there seems to be some stuff missing or changed its because im eventually going to go through and edit the shit out of it.
As of now the next chapter (chapter 14) has like 600 words. Chapter 15 has i think 445 and chapter 16 is completely done, chapter 17 had like half a sentence, then were done with twbb.
Chapter 16 is where stuff gets interesting.
Im perfectly aware that TWBB is boring but it was meant to be. I needed it to be for Zuko to not go insane and then also develop Tomnooks relationship (because believe it or not theyre not COMPLETELY self indulgement and they are important) and also Sokka and Katara and Zuko needed that sibling relationship. So i needed like a 17 chapter book in between the two main books for that stuff.
I'm so excited for the next book. Especially like the second half. Its also (most likely) going to be updated a lot more frequently than twbb. Twbb was a pain in the ass because there was very little actual plot and it was just day to day stuff. So i had nothing to go off us.
Like Book 1 was all about the crew and Zuko to kind of learn and build relationships and shit and Book 3 is going to be a lot easier because it has a lot of actual plot and a goal and shit.
" idk about doing two fics at once" miss girl you already are supposed to be doing two fics at once.
Im not even trying with this fic, if your invested, im sorry. I've thought about deleting it but i decided against it just in case i want to come back to it.
Its not looking good though.
This is what happens when i dont outline my fics
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Ooooooooookaaaaaaaayyyyy I think I finally have the courage to say hi-
Ive been part of the 後輩 (kōhai) for some time (sorry im a first year japanese major and i wanna flex 😅), but until now I didn't really have the balls to slide into our senpai's dms
Seriously dude thank you for fueling the Sally Face fandom and the debauchery of our beloved Salad Fisher (I mean debauchery in the most nicest sincerest way possible xd) I dont think the fandom would thrive this much if it weren't for you
Anyways keep up the awesome work dude 🥹
(also may I claim the title 🫁 anon? if I'm right the 🫁 is still free but correct me if im wrong pls-)
Tumblr media
>Flex away bro I'm just a dirty weeb sdlfksjdf
>Thank you so much for saying all this, it really means a ton to me!!! QwQ 👉👈💖💖💖 It's a huge honor to be considered a major fuel source for the SF fandom and for my fellow Sally Simps!! (I don't like to brag, but I guess 200+ ficlets, 100+ pieces of art, and almost 4,000 blog posts kind of speaks for itself... 🙈)
>Don't you worry, I plan on keeping my sweet, dear kouhai fed for as long as I'm able to UwU 👌 And, I have to give credit where credit is due: You guys (your asks, encouragement, and enthusiastic keysmashing) help fuel me in a major way! I wouldn't be motivated to contribute to the fandom nearly as much as I do without you guys cheering me on and getting my gears turning, so thank you so much for being here and supporting me! I really, really appreciate it 🥺💕💕💕
>You have officially been added to the Anon signoff claim list, 🫁 Anon! Welcome to the club~ 🤗💕
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strider-rambles · 2 months
holy shit the first motherfucking ramble is an emo one this shit crayz
anyway. uhm. man. as a kin(?) <- dubious but thats how ill be referring to myself for now ive always like. had such a tough time finding not only canonmates, but just.. sourcemates. in general. that i vibe with. i think perhaps my vibes are occasionally mad atrocious, but it's also like. OTHER PEOPLE are half of the issue too you know
takes two to motherfuckin tango, and bro, i'm stepping on these bitches' feet like it's dance dance revolution and like as a dave kin specifically. one who like. was quite young when i got into the fandom however many years ago and, even if i didn't know the term kin back then, i kinda.. knew. or, maybe the fuckin chicken (me) came before the egg (the kin) or whatever but
whatever. it resulted in me being.. kind of in a kinshift for like 4 years during the most formative years of my life
cray-z right
doesn;t matter its just like. because it's been such a present thing through my life ive met.. so many individuals who are like. you know. other kins which is great and all, but like
i haven't found people that i've vibed with for homestuck. the majority of the people i know and interact with now are comfortably in my little kin circle or whatever, are sort of the closest thing that i have to canonmates
nothing for homestuck. well nothing beyond a dirk. but i got lucky with him and i KNOW i got lucky with him because i. we're both kind of outcasts in the community, in the sense that we're. neurotic striders, i guess.
but he's like. helped a lot with the whole feeling alone and being all emotionally constipated about it thing.
but that doesn't help with the other shit
the missing my friends shit, the approaching so many fucking people bein' all like yooo whats GOOD bros and being hit with vibes that clash with mine or WORSE. vibes that WORK WITH ME. but they already have their dave
so whats the point you know?
i'm not going to be THEIR DAVE.
i have so many diverging fucking timelines and like
im dave. im davesprite. im every goddamn iteration of this stupid fucking asshole and MORE.
i hate the idea of being the secondary one, i guess. which is funny because. gestures. but like
it's gotten to the point where im so DESPERATE to find people. so DESPERATE to find my bros and my homies and my gals that i like i promised myself i wouldn't do this but i'm actively going "hey i can be your secondary dave, haha" you know. all fucking pathetic and shit
but i just.
i MISS my friends. so bad. and i think part of my struggle is like this is an OLDASS FANDOM. at least in terms of the internet, and so its harder to find people who have those roles unfilled, because like it's already.. you know.
and so like.
i'm stuck here. rambling into the fucking VOID on tumblr because i'm too. fucking. i dont know late??
funny to be late as a time player but womp womp motherfucker, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and start damage control
but like
in all seriousness. i'm losing mad hope
ive gone from being like hey, yall need a dave? to hey, yall need a davesprite? to. radio motherfuckin silence.
and as a result i kinda yap at dirk too much, which totally makes me tweak the fuck out, like, dude. he has a life (albeit a totally like. chill one, that aint all that busy) and he doesnt have the time to like tend to you like youre a child with scarlet fever, and every last word that your whiny little vocal cords can muster could be like... you know. your last. like his ass is NOT writing your obituary
and so like i pull away kinda. and like. because of that pulling away i suddenly have this like. yapping desire that needs to be fulfilled but like i like having peer review. like it keeps it from being a massive fucking echo chamber of just misery and bullshit and like.
and so i.
i don't know, man. i made this blog for a reason.
i don't know if i thought it would help, or if it would like. help me connect to people, or what
what am i even doin here dawg
like theres just this existential feeling of DREAD here. doomed timeline type shit lmfaoooo i don't know though i
it could bring something good
or this could be something terrible for me
or it could be like journaling. which i used to do in physical books, because i liked doodling back then, but, ive lost that hobby, so like
this exists
but i only journaled when i didn't have friends
i have friends
i think
i just understand that those friends don't want to listen to me. frankly i wouldn't either, i mean like. read this shit again. would you really wanna sit down with your bro and hear this type of shit i don't know. this kinda turned into. something horrible haha
i'm better mentally than i was 4 years ago but whats the point when i be bitchin and moanin and whinin like this still
point is:
i miss my friends. i miss yapping (at) with them. i miss having friends in the first place. i miss feeling like i'm home, kin wise. the irony of the matter is im LOCKED OUT OF THE HOUSE. instead of uhh (checks notes) HOMESTUCK.
haha. im so funny. haha. yeah. uh. ramble over for now. i might pick this shit back up.
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vaas · 10 months
i find the percy jackson books confusing for many reasons but im going to talk about one right now real quick: is anybody like. concerned. about the incest. i get that in terms of the classic myths that there isnt really a purpose to pointing out that zeus and hera are siblings. hades is persephones uncle. Aphrodite is half siblings with hephaestus and ares and zeus and poseidon. its like. these are myths and metaphors from literally 2 thousand years ago its What Ever. but like. these books were written like a decade ago by a regular normal dude. and he wrote in a LOT of romance plots. So Many of them. and id just like to ask about the incest. all of these characters are cousins. like. first/second cousins. percy and annabeth are second cousins. percy and jason and nico are all first cousins. i dont know any other characters names ive only read the first book. its like. idk what kind of fandom discourse has been had about all this bc again. havent read the books not really interested in them was never involved in the fandom. i have to assume that this ground has been tread before. but still its like. theyre making a tv show? about children who are cousins? dating? man.
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ramu-ego · 1 year
AHHH JEEZ A 2 DAYS LATE REPLY MY BAD, i def wouldve responded sooner but i suddenly got busy, missed camping in this little blog here 💔😭 (yes 2 days is a lot in my book LMAO)
when i saw sir nighteye, i looked at ego and i was like. Yea. Yea that’s a type alright LMFAOO.. IVE MEVER SEEN THE REST EXCEPT DAZAI BUT MAYBE THATS SIGN FOR ME TO OPEN MY TASTES A BIT MORE..
100% agree on the ego paragraph!!..!.!?! EVEN IF I WASNT THE BIGGEST FAN ITS SOO OBVS HE CARES.. one day imma see an ego appreciation paragraph analysis explaining every single detail abt what he did and i wouldnt be surprised if that post is from you LMFAO
god i’ve never heard nikko’s eng voice but i’m def not looking forward to it — i read the nikko post though, GOODD LOORDDD may of changed my perspective of nikko on ruining him but still, gotta stay loyal to my favs (a lie, i’m a whore and would jump around but niko just aint it for me LMFAO)
god yea, my timezones been like .. the direct opposite of most people so i wasn’t surprised to see ours be different, JUST CRAZY HOW KUCH OF A DIFFERENCE IT ACTUALLY WAS .. fuckk guess we can twin in being last to almost everything then huh? the only win i get is just having an asian timezone to be early to actual content LMFAO
i respect liking dubs!!!! i used to watch dubs for like, romance anime? toradora and shit when i was WAYYY younger!! HONESTLY I SEARCHED UP ALL UR RECS AND III THINKKK i may start with mob psycho first since it peaks my interests the most! but i’ll def check fire force since it’s one of ur favs, i’ll tell you what i think abt it when i actually DO start it (chronic procrastinator, i even procrastinated writing this message despite how much i wanted to chat LOL)
I HAVE REALLY BAD MEMORY SO IVE GOT NO IDEA WHICH GUY I WAS REFERRING TO.. curly hair??? black hair??? looked kinda dead inside??? I THINK IT MIGHTVE BEEN W GAGAMARU AND RAICHI.. his hair looked kinda like it hadn’t been washed in weeks ngl
IM HAPPY TO READ YOUR RESPONSES HONESTLY, SUPEPRRR FUN and it feels like im having a genuine one on one convo even if we are like — replying to it like letters or sum LMFAO, guess we going back to the past era for this! BEINNG A HAIRDRESSER FOR 5 YEARS IS SOO COOL?? you’re only 25 now so like — did you pick this job up early on??
i’ve never watched haikyuu but i could see a lot of people felt differently abt blue lock compared to haikyuu, blue lock kinda increases that competitive spirit that’s rare to find in that. team work stuff?
since i felt as if my replies were kinda ass this time, i got news! just watched blue lock episode 11 and good fucking lord this shit was good — yea i was worried about bad animation but shit POPPED OFF.. and rin itoshi :?/!.?.!?! i screamed creamed probably was thinkign with only my metaphorical dick from that point on because good lord i want this man HELP.. it’s been like a year or two(?) since i first saw rin itoshi in the manga but good lord when i saw him animated and even spoke, i felt sum ROARING DOWN THERE … (excuse my language i only think with my lower region!) this awakened sum in mme.. don’t be surprised once i start sending genuine requests and thirsts
since i even joked about this being like a literal letter, maybe i should start signing off like one!!!
from 💌 anon or something LMFAO
-I am so bad at like focusing to respond so trust me no apology needed bc I'm chronically bad at looking at a message and then giving myself anxiety over it. It's something I'm working on 😂😭
Dazai is mildly the odd man out except for the dude with black 'n white hair they're kinda con losers together but I'd say the over arching theme is "they look like they bite...but not really" I have no sense of danger I want the weird looking men no one wants 😂 but no seriously all the fandoms they're from are really good highly recommend Dr Stone and Fire Force if you enjoy Blue Lock. They are *chefs kiss*
do you know how hard it is to keep my twitching fingers on my keyboard to not rant about Ego??? I could do it I could go on and on about this man but- asdfghjkl- I'm controlling myself! mostly bc i don't wanna share my weird husband shhh that's not the point shhh he's my ugly little greenbean
i blame my friend on the niko bullshit!! she went on about how perfectly he'd fit that pervy hentai protagonist who like- steals panties- and cries when he gets caught and all that bullshit?? now I can't unsee it?? he's so stealing panties and putting under his pillow to sleep with only to make up a loud sob story when he gets caught. He's a perv and now I can't unsee it and I hate it 😩
really you have the problem of conflicting timezones?? I'm genuinely surprised bc like- everyone I talk to is like bare minimum in Europe and further over as I sit my lonely self in the United States. Count your blessings bc at least you don't live in the States we're awful 😂 we can be opposite timezone buddies like long drawn out lovers from two forlorn families writing drawn out poetic letters to each other to be sent by snail mail as we try to survive the black plague! or you know...something like pen pals 😂
my peanut brain suffers with subbed I can't look at the animation and take in what they're saying T^T I did it with Jujutsu Kaisen when it came out and can honestly say I don't recall anything I watched bc I was reading subs. RIP this is why I have to read the mangas </3 Oh but Mob is so good!!! It's one of my favorites and my comfort animes I can't tell you how many times I've watched it?? I think like- seven times? Eight times? Easing your way into the list makes Mob Psycho a good starter. But no seriously I cannot stress it enough how much I love Fire Force. Plus cursed knowledge, English dubbed Ego is Fire Forces main character and he is a cinnamon roll of a good boy and a total 180 of Ego's character 😂 Equal parts blessed and cursed when you hear Ego being a good boy
a lot of them look dead inside but dying so hard at gagamaru being put in the dead eye category?? my wife is in love with him so now I'm dying over the dead eye thing 😂 tbh they're so many characters I still have to look back and know who's who
you will find out I can't keep my mouth shut so if you get me talking I will put in that much effort 😂 But actually sweet I'm not 25 I'm 27 (had to double check with my wife I lost track) So the five years of hairdressing isn't too out there but I did pick it up after two yrs of college when I dropped out bc US education system suuuucks. Love hair but covid made people entitled shitheads and didn't want to spend nine hours a day with jackasses to come home to a baby so I just swapped entitled costumers to an entitled baby XD
haikyuu is...cute. like- ok i dont really do slice of life animes and heavily dont do sports anime (haikyuu and blue lock are literally the only ones) but Haikyuu is definitely not the same as Blue Lock. They spend a lot of time explaining how the game works where as Blue Lock its kinda "you know how soccer works or sucks to be you" which I like bc the one thing I do get tired with haikyuu is the over explanation of things. It's a cute show though! I could only watch it once thru but its fun when you haven't watched it before
UGH IM SO WORRIED OVER WHO IS GONNA PLAY RIN I'VE BEEN CHEWING MY NAILS OVER IT- Their casting director has been so good so?? Like?? I know it'll be good but at the same time?? I'm still so worried?? I mean- They convinced me to love Ego even after knowing who his VA was (and what I watched him previously in was NOT anything like his Ego role) but still- Rin's my baby?? Rin's my little bratty temper tantrum baby i wanna smoosh?? He has to be perfect?? More so than anyone else?? Pleading with the casting gods Rin sounds good or I will sob 😭 And I'm like- Have no idea are they doing 12 episode season or a 24 episode season. I need answers T^T
pls send me Rin thirsts I can't shut the fuck up about him
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spideywhites · 2 years
Hey! I know your blog really isn't naruto stuff but I just reread The Color of Summer and just wanted to say how much i enjoy it. Seriously dude one of the best fanfics Ive seen and everytime i reread it it always hits just as hard as the first time. Anyways thanks for taking the time to create such an interesting and great story<3
Hey!! Yeah, I’m definitely on a marvel kick right now… but I haven’t abandoned the Naruto fandom just yet! Still have plenty planned for TCOS in the future, and I’m honestly honored to receive this kind of praise😭 Natsume has been around since my sophomore year in high school—about ten years ago now! His character and story have changed so much over the decade he’s been around. I’m glad I’ve finally been able to write it out, and I know I’ll get to the end eventually. He’s been in my head too long for me to ever really let it go. Thanks for reading!!!
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