#ds9 headcanon
unknownfaceless-ds9 · 9 months
DS9 Headcanon:
On DS9 is an engineer that is absolutely obsessed with musicals. Every time there is karaoke at Quark's they sing at least three musical numbers and over the time all of ds9, even Odo and Garak, could perform at least six Broadway shows without a single mistake.
When Starfleet evacuates DS9 they are heartbroken, but do not disappear without a little surprise for the Dominion.
Cut to a few months later.
Dukat, Damar, Weyoun etc. walk over the Promenade at it's high time, when suddenly drums sound from every speaker on the station. At first they are confused, when a song starts playing.
"Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men..."
Suddenly everyone stops doing, what they were doing and quiten down, until one by one the whole promenade and the whole station sing "Do you hear the people sing".
Dukat and the Dominion are firstly confused and then angry because obviously they are protesting openly against them, they could be plotting a revolution!
However Odo stops them, by explaining, very smugly, that singing to traditional songs, even if their human, is not forbidden and to change that would take way too long because by then the song would be finished. Also, what should he do? Arrest the whole station including himself? That would be against the contract with Bajor!
So Dukat, Weyoun and the other Dominion soldiers have to stand on the upper level of the promenade while all the people on it are looking up at them, standing still, singing.
"Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes "
So yeah, that engineering ensign? They got a fat promotion.
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plounce · 8 months
why was bashir a closeted homosexual in the 23rd century? like dude it's fine you can relax. actually wait the tense here is kinda funny. i used past tense because ds9 is from the 90s and i watched it in 2021 so in both cases it's from the past in my view. but when talking about a text you speak in the present: why IS bashir a closeted homosexual in the 23rd century? but the statement is half about how ds9 takes place in the scifi future: why WILL bashir be a closeted homosexual in the 23rd century?
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snippit-crickit · 11 months
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lizard-cardassians saga continues ZIYAAAL
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im angy at how the writers handled her, i wish she hung out with the ds9 teens more and did teen/adolescent stuff ⁽ᵃˡˢᵒ ʷʰᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᶻᶦʸᵃˡ/ᵍᵃʳᵃᵏ ʷʰᵃᵗ. ᶦ ᵐᵉᵃⁿ ᶦ ᶜᵃⁿ ˢᵉᵉ ʰᵉʳ ʰᵃᵛᶦⁿᵍ ᵃⁿ ᵃᵈᵒˡᵉˢᶜᵉⁿᵗ ᶜʳᵘˢʰ ᵒⁿ ʰᶦᵐ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵃᵇˢᵒˡᵘᵗᵉˡʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ʳᵉᶜᶦᵖʳᵒᶜᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᶦⁿ ᵃⁿʸ ʷᵃʸ⁾ also my headcanons about tailed cardassians
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they could also use it for fighting
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+ quick color key of garaks shop, id love for it to have more colors
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hyperlexichypatia · 29 days
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This is the kind of thing I do instead of sleeping.
Also tag yourself I'm Sarek I guess?
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dreadbirate · 1 year
Creole food becomes popular on Bajor after Sisko leaves to be with the The Prophets because of its connection with him, and they even innovate on it with local Bajoran ingredients.
Sisko’s Creole Kitchen in New Orleans becomes an occasional pilgrimage site for Bajorans who want to see the place that The Emissary was raised. Joseph is generally unfazed by this and doesn’t change the restaurant for the new visitors, but he does sometimes tell stories of Ben’s childhood if they’re really polite.
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haleghest · 19 days
I'm an undergraduate student writing a dissertation about the relation between autism, autism representation and the Star Trek fandom. I would appreciate if you could fill out my questionnaire.
I appreciate any help I can get, feel free to share it with others!
Wersja polska (Polish version): https://forms.gle/Kw2JgEVuFXQGUAF69
English version: https://forms.gle/cuFAy21fDPcU4nZ98
EDIT: the questionnaire is now closed!
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squidthesquidd · 4 months
at the beginning of the day Odo is normal person size, around 5'10" or something, but he unconsciously stretches out so by the end of the day hes like seven feet. he will not notice this unless someone points it out.
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dustykneed · 2 months
oh... my hwife (wife who is also a husband) save me... save me my hwife......
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things i can (ostensibly) draw without references:
correctly labelled heart diagram
the starship enterprise
dr julian bashir (i did not know i knew how to draw him but apparently the adhd game is just too strong <333)
btw slowly getting to my asks everypony i am SO sorry for taking so long but also for some reason my brain has determined that i Must draw something regardless of the content of said ask (and it must be said that yall make me feel a good many things <33333 ilyallssssm). also sooo many tests upcoming rip. KTHXBAAIIIII
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hypertechnica · 3 months
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number one obscure ds9 character: PEL!!!!!! AGGHHH 2x07 rules of acquisition my beloved
imagine. you fall in love with your business partner but you’re secretly a woman (your entire society is insanely horrendously sexist) and when you are forcibly outed to him, you think that maybe he might understand, that he'd be different, that you could run off somewhere where people wouldn’t care if you didnt fulfill oppressive gender roles, and he replies that he would care.
i would have done something drastic
she should’ve appeared again just to deck quark in the fucking face
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t-saan · 8 months
Terok Nor gothic
Since the original post seemed to have made a few people happy, here is part 2.
• There are voles in the acces tunnels. You get rid of them. Sometimes, you hear things moving in the walls. There are voles in the acces tunnels.
• There is a major Bajoran holiday coming up. Every time you ask someone what is it about, you get a different answer. Most of them are contradictory. Eventually, the day comes. Kai Winn is fistfighting Commander Sisko on the Promenade. People are cheering.Major Kira says that it is the will of the Prophets. Gul Dukat is also there for some reason.
• There is one replimat on the Promenade which always gives you a serving of yamok sauce with your order. It is not programmed to do it. In fact, all the replimats operate on the same system and only this one does it. You slowly begin to like yamok sauce.
• The Cardassian anthem is blasting through the intercom system. Everyone is on the thin edge between a complete mental collapse and hunting Chief O'Brian and the entire engineering crew down with a laser torch for their inability to fix it. The Cardassian tailor denies hearing anything at all, but he is humming along the entire time. Someone calls Gul Dukat. The moment he beams onto the station, the noise is gone. He leaves, complaining about Federation pranks. The second he is gone, the music is back.
• The security systems are running amok. Commander Sisko calls Gul Dukat. Bajorans are demanding some long lost artifact back from Terok Nor, but nobody knows where it is. Commander Sisko calls Gul Dukat. Commander Sisko struggles with his love life. He calls-
• You are stationed on Deep Space 9. Your mailing adress is Terok Nor. Terok Nor doesn’t exist any more. Your mail is always delivered on time. You are stationed on Terok Nor.
• The water in the shower has two default settings - hot and hotter. You manage to turn it down, eventually. The concerned voice of Gul Dukat begins lecturing you on the risk of space pneumonia from the intercom. There is a cup of hot tea and a blanket in the replicator. Trurly, the State cares for you.
• You cut your arm badly while crawling through an access tunnel. You go to the infirmary to see doctor Bashir. He is not there. You go to look for him in the Cardassian tailor's shop. He is not there either, but in his absence, the tailor offers to stitch you up. You politely refuse. He insists. In the end, you get a new shirt, stitches, and a crash-course in hotwiring shuttlecrafts. Doctor Bashir shows up eventually. He is dressed for tennis.
• There is a saying on Terok Nor, that if you say Gul Dukat's name three times in front of an intercom, he will appear. Everyone, including Dukat, is at loss as to why it happens.
• The one time someone spilled the Chef of Security onto a carpet during a surprise fire drill is not discussed. Ever.
• Most of the station is not in use. It is easy to get lost in the corridors, or the ore processing facilities, or the old interrogation rooms. There are no interrogation rooms on Terok Nor. There have never been any interrogation rooms on Terok Nor.
• Everyone is secretly jealous of the Cardassian uniforms. They are OSHA compliant, fire resistant, have pockets and don’t look like pajamas. You also don't have to entirely take them off just to go to the bathroom.
• You saw a tailor take out twenty armed men with a toothpick and an empty kanar bottle. He was drunk and bickering with Gul Dukat the entire time. Nobody back home believes you.
• Something is curating your literary experiences. Onr day, you leave your PADD with 'Sweet love on Andor' open. When you pick it up a few hours later, it's changed to 'The Never Ending Sacrifice'. In original Cardassian. You read it anyway. It’s been a few years since that would have made a difference.
• One time, you had to go through the wormhole ten times in the span of an hour. When you came back, all socks in your drawer had the seam the other way round. You asked your friend about it. They said all socks always looked like that. You are quite sure you switched universes at sone point that day, but you didn't do anything about it. The new socks are better by far.
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astercontrol · 4 months
If you have ever wished that the Cardassians in Deep Space Nine had reptile tails...
consider this headcanon.
(or perhaps tailcanon).
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They live under an aggressively conformist dictatorship.
So... in the same way that overly conformist environments for humans will often enforce short haircuts and shaven faces... most Cardassians are required (by workplace restrictions, federal law, or social pressure) to keep their tails cut.
The tail will grow back if left alone, but rarely does a Cardassian feel safe doing so.
There have been parts of human history when the work of barbers and surgeons overlapped-- partially due to both jobs requiring sharp instruments.
This was even more natural to Cardassians, because the regrowing nature of the tail means the minor surgery of removing it is comparable to a haircut.
However, multi-use instruments also play a role. Tail-surgeons-- already possessing the supplies for cutting and stitching-- would often branch out into any other field that could use that equipment.
Which, for Cardassians, can range from "espionage and violent interrogation techniques" to "garment repairs and alterations."
So. Garak knows whereof he speaks... when he calls himself
"a simple tailor."
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timongerart · 9 months
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When your Husband is the ideal temperature for sleeping, naps come easy (this goes both ways)
[the swooshes on Garak's side are my own indulgent headcanon for Cardassians - they're Salt Glands! On earth, birds and reptiles have them to help expel excess salt and take some of the strain off their kidneys]
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ladyylavenderrr · 7 months
Headcanon that Julian is absolutely a bit of a wifeguy when he and Garak finally get together. Probably the type of guy to literally start crying because of how much he loves his partner. Definitely the ambien wife guy (Garak is only a little exasperated)
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that1overthere · 6 months
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(She lives in my brain....)
In S6 E6, "Sacrifice of Angels", Ziyal found Dukat fleeing from the impending federation takeover, and at this moment she at two choices.
(A) Leave with Dukat
(B) Stay with Kira (which was her canon answer but shhh)
But she was fucking killed, and now she won't leave my brain...
So i'm gonna projectile vomit some headcanons at you.
If she stayed with Kira
- Ziyal would cut her hair like Kira's (or just short) to look less cardassian-like
- Wore a lot more bajoran clothes (gotten from local shops or Garak)
- She'd start going to the Prophet temple with Kira, even getting an earing as she starts to believe in the Prophets
- I think she would try working different jobs around the station (Waitress (for Quark), seamstress (with Garak), nurse (with Julian), etc)
- But she'd probably just end up a civilian artist, maybe doing some commissions around the station
- Don't care, Ziyal/Nog supremacy 4 eva
- Kira wouldn't be her mother figure, but more of a big sister, helping her out in finding her place in DS9
If she went with Dukat
- Dukat would have her change her name, discarding her mother's last name
- Ziyal earlier showed an eagerness to learn how to fight, so to keep herself useful to Dukat she'd train to become a soldier (or at least learn to fight)
- Ziyal wouldn't draw as much
- Pseudo-military uniform as her normal everyday clothes
- I feel like she'd just follow Dukat around. When he was in Empok Nor, to Bajor to meet up with Kai Winn, to Cardassia whenever Dukat wanted, wherever
- At the end, Dukat would just manipulate her into sticking with him (and she falls for it)
- And after Dukat's death in the fire caves, I think she'd have a existential crisis and wonder back to Cardassia after the Dominion leaves
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the-data-files · 2 months
I’m glad we all agree that Cardassians are way more lizard-like than they were able to show in DS9… That they have tails and sharp teeth and scales all over their bodies, with light sensitive eyes and an aversion to low temperatures. The tails being part of their daily lives (fashion, social interactions, indicator for strong emotions and fighting) etc…
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dadbodbensisko-moved · 5 months
what she says: im fine
what she means: In the six episode arc at the beginning of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 6, Odo betrays his friends and briefly collaborates with the dominion. Kira has given up on Odo and insists that he can't help them. However, Quark maintains that Odo is not a collaborator and that he can still help them. Quark continues to believe in Odo even when Odo doesn't deserve it. He is likely the only person in the galaxy who loves Odo unconditionally, but Odo is too blinded by his infatuation with Kira to see it.
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