#druk 2
petitmonde · 1 year
Can you do the Vee vampire pic but as if she’s in twilight pls xx
For research purposes only, of course
I'll do you one better...
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adriancatrin · 2 years
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post-war camping trip, the gaang leaves zuko alone for an hour and he forms a menagerie
zoom for detail!
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roxy206 · 2 years
What time is DRUK?
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spineconsumer · 1 year
Bimini bon boulash.
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muffinlance · 1 year
Hello Dragons Here: Gaang Meeting Outtakes
Alternates to part four. Or read part one here.
Take 2: Hallway Meet & Greet
So they tried his office, but that was empty too, and there was only so long they could wander the palace before they were caught.
“I think it’s tactical retreat time,” Sokka whispered, as they huddled in an empty corner of the halls. “As long as they don’t know we were here, we can try again another night. We’ll just park Appa up in the mountains and… dragon?”
“What?” asked Katara.
“Baby dragon,” Sokka said, pointing down. The ferret-cat sized dragon blinked up at him, its snakey tongue flickering from its mouth. Aang resisted the urge to squeal.
“Please come back,” came a very tired voice, right before a teenager who walked really quietly rounded the corner and straight into them. Kind of literally. Sokka reached out to steady him, as he wobbled post-impact. And then they had a Fire Nation servant that they really couldn’t let leave blinking at them.
“...You’re very short assassins,” said the teenager. Whose long hair was partially tied up in a frazzled bun, but mostly down his back. And whose sleep robe was really rumpled. And who was blinking at them through a pair of glasses that were almost an exact match for the ones in fashion at King Kuei’s court, like he’d gotten them from the same artisan. And also there were some ink stains on his face, like maybe he’d fallen asleep on some still-drying documents. So… maybe a scribe? The stains were on the scared side of his face, which was where the Fire Lord was supposed to have one, but his was smaller on his face than the portraits Ozai had commissioned, especially with the way the hair fell over it. And Aang also knew from Ozai how much the Fire Lord liked sharing his facial scars with the people around him.
“We’re, ah. New hires?” Sokka said.
“I,” the teenager said, “am not dealing with this. I am taking Druk back to the hatchery, and then I’m finishing my work, and then I’m going to bed. If you’re assassins, make an appointment.”
“Is that… something assassins usually do?” Aang asked.
“They should,” the teenager said.
Take 1: In a Happier World
Did I write an entire prompt reply only to scrap it and replace it with Sifu Ozai? Yes. Yes I did. The original:
Aang is escorted between bending teachers, kept away from exploring. Kept away from the Fire Nation, and most of the coastlines of the Earth Kingdom, which are called the colonies now. 
The first thing he was told, when he woke up, was There was a war. It lasted for ninety-eight years.
The second thing was, It’s over now.
No one tells him, but by the time he’s studying earthbending, he knows the third: It’s over because the Fire Lord said so. 
“But… it’s good he ended it, right?” Aang asks that night, in the safety of his room with Sokka and Katara, who started as his escorts from the Southern Tribe but ended up as friends. He thinks they’re friends. 
“It’s good he’s not marching new armies into places,” Sokka says, staring up at the ceiling. “Less good, that he hasn’t marched the old armies back out.”
“If he’d ended it a year earlier, our mother would be alive,” says Katara, her face to the wall. 
Fire Lord Zuko celebrated his sixteenth birthday just before the winter solstice, when Aang was still in the south pole. The Avatar was sent a formal invitation to attend. But Aang had… he’d been awake for only a few weeks. All he’d wanted to do was go home. He’d tried, and—
And going into the Avatar state had apparently alerted sages the world over to his existence. So. That was great. The Fire Lord’s hawk carried another message, as unsaid as so many other things: I know exactly where you are, Avatar.
Chief Hakoda politely declined on his behalf. 
He trained under the same master as Katara; one of the women who’d come south, when the blockades between the poles had been lifted. He wasn’t a natural healer like the Chief’s daughter, but it… it was good, healing. Healing was what he needed. Waterbending had a fighting branch, too, and he could go to the north pole if he wanted to learn it, but they’d already turned Katara away and. And he didn’t see what learning how to drown someone, or cut them with ice, would help. They sent an offer, to send one of their best masters south.
Gran-Gran declined on his behalf. He didn’t read what she’d written, so he could pretend it was polite. 
The Earth Kingdom was… it was fracturing. Ba Sing Se had been the cultural and political center in Aang’s time, and it was still supposed to be a great city, but it was great because it had expanded its walls to ring in enough farmland for itself and then… sort of ignored what was going on outside them, for the next few decades. The generals living there still plotted tactics, still lead the armies, but the nobility lived like there wasn’t even a war. And then the news came out that the Earth King really hadn’t known about the war, and. 
Aang was in Gaoling when the news hit. The Beifong family had invited him to stay during his travels, and Sokka had a firm always-accept-free-stuff-from-rich-people policy, so. So he got to look out over their estate walls as people rioted. When he finally made it to Omashu, Bumi took one look at the girl who’d kidnapped herself into his saddle and snorkel-snorted. And then they’d had an arm-wrestling contest over who got to teach him. Toph cheated, but so did Bumi, so it was fair? 
“Two cheats make a right,” Sifu Toph told him.
“No they don’t,” said Katara.
Toph declared him a passable earthbender. Within the week, another hawk from the Fire Lord arrived: an invitation to be tutored by Crown Princess Azula herself.
I know exactly how much you’ve learned, the letter didn’t say. It didn’t have to.
“So,” said Toph, “we’re coming with to see how creepy this guy is in person, right?”
Aang was so, so glad for his friends. 
And now they were in a suite of rooms in the palace, graciously being allowed the night to recover from their travels, before their meeting with the Fire Lord and his heir in the morning. 
“On the bright side,” said Sokka, which was never a phrase that ended well from him, “if he wanted to assassinate you, he’s known where you are for months.”
“Thanks, Sokka,” Aang said. And went for a walk, in the palace halls, because… Because.
Because he was the Avatar. And no one was saying it outright, but every time they said The war is over what they meant was Because the Fire Lord forced the terms. Because he offered to stop killing our people if we signed. Because he has dragons, dragons big enough to scorch armies to ashes without ever getting in range of benders or archers, and no one can fight against that.
No one but the Avatar. Master of all four elements, if he did what every nation in the world had done, and accepted the Fire Lord’s generous offer.
“He’s not even offering to teach you himself,” Sokka had snorted, when he’d first read the letter. “What, is he too busy counting his war spoils?”
The halls were quiet. Aang was looking for one of those courtyard gardens they’d seen from the air, but what he found instead was—
“No, come back, why can’t you stay in the hatchery—”
A very frazzled young man, and a very noodly baby dragon, who both slid around a corner with the same scrabbling-over-polished-floors grace and crashed right into him. 
“Umm,” said Aang. “Oww?”
“Catch him,” ordered the young man, as the dragon wormed its way between them and bolted again. 
And then Aang was on a baby dragon chase which was... probably exactly what he needed. At least, he was out of breath and laughing by the end of it, and his new friend was grumpily down an outer robe, which had been sacrificed to the cause of bundling the baby into a sort of squirmy burrito-pretzel. Also it kept trying to light the robe on fire with its dragonbreath, and the teenager kept blowing his own sparks which somehow swirled with the fire and put it out, and Aang absolutely had to know—
“Can you teach me to do that?”
“Uh,” said the teenager, leaning back from Aang’s face, which was maybe a little closer to his own than most people found comfortable. But they were dragon buddies, like he and Kuzon had been, so it was totally justified. “I’m, uh. Not really that good? I barely have any time to practice real forms, the dragons just have me play games and creatively roast their meat—”
“But you’re breathing rainbows.”
“...Please don’t say it like that in front of my sister.”
“I won’t,” Aang said, smile broadening, “if you teach me. And come meet my friends!”
The teenager didn’t say no, and Aang recognized this hallway, so he hooked their arms together and dragged him off. 
“Guys!” Aang said, sliding open their door. “I met the palace dragonsitter!”
“...Please don’t say that in front of my sister, either,” the teenager sighed. 
“That’s nice, Aang,” said Sokka. “Hello, dragonsitter. How does it feel, to be kidnapped?”
“Familiar,” said the teenager, in a kind of worrying deadpan. “I really need to get Druk back to the hatchery. I’ll… see you tomorrow?”
“Nuh-uh,” said Toph. “This is my first team kidnapping. No leaving until we get a ransom.”
“...I can order snacks?” offered the teen.
“We’re keeping you,” Toph said. “Now get us more of those fire flakes. Snozzles keeps trying not to cry while eating them, it’s hilarious.”
“It is not my fault they are both delicious and trying to kill me,” Sokka said. 
“...I’ll send tea, too,” the teenager said. “But, uh. I really should… not be here?”
“Relax,” Sokka said, slinging an arm over his shoulders. “It’s not like we’re going to snitch on you to the Fire Lord.”
The dragonsitter mumbled something Aang couldn’t quite catch, but it sounded a lot like I can see the family resemblance. But he got a passing servant to send for their snacks, and he let the little dragon down for some supervised exploration that ended in all of Sokka’s emergency seal jerky being gulped down its throat as it ran circles around the room, and the teenager finally sat down and leaned back and laughed, which Aang wasn’t sure was a thing he did a lot of. 
And then he met them the next morning, in formal robes, on his throne.
“...Hello, Sifu Rainbows!” Aang said, and the girl next to His Majesty cackled.
#Azula: This is the best casual roasting
#since you came back home to father
#Zuko: can you please not use that comparison every time
#Azula: absolutely not <3
#All Adults: terrified of the Fire Lord
#Team Avatar: terrorizing the Fire Lord
#and then they broke it to him that people had signed his peace treaties under pain of dragon eating
#Sokka: thank you for that information Fire Lord Dragonsitter
(Read more prompts || Longer ATLA fics || Original works)
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crescencestudio · 7 months
Devlog #35 | 09.26.23
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Hi everyone!
Hope the beginning of Fall has been kind to you all <3 To be Frank, it has not been Kind to me LMFAO. But I'll get into that, so let's dive in yippee!
Before I do, someone liked this post recently, which was such a throwback. It was before the full demo was out and everything!! I was so young and full of life. I'm going to sprinkle some comparison shots of the new assets with the old ones to break up the text and also walk down memory lane with me! (Full GUI not shown as I'm still waiting on the assets)
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Chapter Cards (Left: After | Right: Before)
The "Progress"
I'm going to structure this devlog a little differently from the usual template. The main reason being, for those of you who didn't see, I have not been feeling Myself recently.
This month I found myself all out of sorts. While I felt like I was making progress and doing so much everyday read: fighting for my life, when I looked back on things at the end of this month, I didn't feel like I really did much.
On a higher level, I finished fulfilling Kickstarter physical rewards, opened a Kofi shop of the remaining merch, edited Druk's route and continued writing Etza's route, updated assets and code for the updated demo, and then general commission stuff (BGs from Vui, soundtracks from Peter, etc.).
But overall, Alaris felt largely like it was kinda sitting at around the same spot as it did when I entered this month. Which made me a little sad! I had wanted to make So Much Progress on Alaris because next month I won't be able to work on it really. Then, I realized I haven't taken a break from game development since I started it two years ago HA!!!
The Real Progress
Development for me has been back-to-back. Chapter releases every 1-2 months during my first half year of development, Full Demo release shortly after, Kickstarter shortly after, Full Game Development shortly after. When I was feeling burnt out from Alaris, I made intertwine. Then I was Heavily Involved in the development of two games shortly after.
All of this on top of my IRL responsibilities, which include a job, PhD school, and well, functioning as a normal human occasionally.
And then here we are at the end of September 2023, and I'm wondering why even though I creatively want to work on Alaris, I find my brain literally just getting too tired to think.
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Etza CG (Left: After | Right: Before)
I think ever since the Kickstarter, I've put a lot of pressure on myself to consistently put out LOTS of updates for each monthly devlog. I don't want people to think I'm not working on things or I'm not committed to delivering after giving me their hard earned money. But now, with two years under my belt, I'm realizing that is... HMM maybe too high of a standard to put on myself for my first game ever. There are many much more seasoned developers than me who don't put that pressure on themselves (which is Good and Healthy).
So this month, I debated scrounging around and gathering all my crumbs to give you all a devlog that you'll be satisfied with. But I decided ultimately that wouldn't be good for me and would honestly not be the most transparent way to present the current process of things.
And so. Here I am. Head in my Hands. Letting you all know that while I'm not "burnt out," I am.... only human LOL (one human at that). And so some months, like this one, will just not have much progress to report. Not because I'm not working on it or any other deeper reason. But because it's physically impossible and unreasonable for me to be continuously pushing out a steady stream of content.
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In-Game Sprites & BGs (Left: After | Right: Before)
Next month, I'lll be taking a vacation. It's actually my first Big, Official one in a Long Time! I'm very excited for it. And while I did initially think about working on Alaris while I was traveling on trains or things like that, I decided to respect my own need to be a Human and just take a break for once in my life. I don't even want to say I Might work on things, because that sentiment alone will pressure me to make some progress. So yes. Next month, there will be no devlog or updates. But please rest assured, I am "working on Alaris" by letting myself just Exist and Rest Up!
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Not an Alaris screenshot but it is market research that deserves to be included because I played House in Fata Morgana recently and it was Phenomenal!
Thank you all for understanding and your continued support. I'm extremely appreciative to have such a kind and patient community. Hope you all have a wonderful October filled with Fall Treats, and I'll see you in November! <3
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muguathepapaya · 2 months
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This is the first time someone has ever asked me for fic recs, I'm so happy!!
There's already other posts on essential reading, the best of the best, famous fics, I'll just include some of my personal favorites.
The GOAT, the one I read every year
No war AU and druk the dragon
The blue spirit marries the painted lady
Blutara after season 2
3 times Katara hugged Zuko
Zutara by letter
Cute toe-curling season 1 zutara
Hope at least one of these suits your tastes ^^
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flameohotfamily · 8 months
Hey Flameo. How do you think Mai and Zuko were as parents? I'm curious about your headcanons.
* My headcanon is that Zuko freaked out during Mai's pregnancy and Izumi's birth. Due to his trauma with Ozai and intenso fear of ending up messing jis daughter up, like Ozai messed him and Azula.
* With the help of Azula (redeemed, but still retained her characteristics in a mellowed down manner), the Gaang, Ty Lee, Ursa and Iroh. He gains the courage to start bonding with his daughter.
* Zuko is very soft and and prone to spoil her. Mai is the strict parent.
*They're less moody and have a healthy relationship.
*Mai taught Izumi how to read and write, Zuko taught her basic math, history and Art appreciation. But they ultumately decided to send her to a school with both peasants and royals.
* Druk is her protector and partner in crime.
* Azula is a tough-love aunt, she loves her niece, but won't coddle her as "pathetic Zuzu, you're being too soft."
hey, i like your hcs!!
i have so so many hcs posted about parents maiko and izumi. they are filled with grammar mistakes (because i wrote them like two years ago) and also they are nauseously cute (i don't write these things anymore lol).
i'll leave them here:
maiko and druk before izumi
some domestic fluff
mai's pregnancy, mai's pregnancy but angsty + my fic illuminated that i deeply love to this very day, pregnant mai
izumi's birth, izumi's birth but different
toddler izumi
zuko and izumi, zuko and izumi main hc
mai and izumi , mai and izumi part 2
little izumi hc
maiko family fluff
izumi & druk 1, izumi & druk 2
izumi, kya and bumi
izumi and love confessions
again, sorry for mistakes! also there are lot of warnings there so be careful <3
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biconickyoshi · 1 month
Hello. I'm excited about the new chapter, but I have a couple questions.
1)Will you include the search for Zuko's mom in the fourth book? Just because our guys have more time, we can bring the plot of the comic book closer by a year or two. Yes, they might just accidentally run into Ursa and her new family. I hope to see some cute interactions between Zuko and his second little sister.
2)It would be funny if after episode "The Firebending Master" I got an egg with my own dragon (I forgot his name). It would just be interesting to see your interpretation of how dragons are born and develop. And it would be funny if the dragon were jealous of “his mother,” Zuko, of the other members of Team Avatar, especially Aang. The idea came from one panel and a couple of pictures, you most likely saw them too, which showed how Zuko warmed the dragon egg with his magic and how he raised it.
Hello! :) Hope you liked the most recent chapter!
I actually have not considered putting the events of the The Search comic into Book 4, but that is honestly an intriguing idea! My overall plan is to just adapt the events from the show for the rest of this fic, and then I’m planning on writing a sequel fic to cover the events of the comics + my own additions/plot changes. It definitely would be interesting for the gang to perhaps run into Ursa and her family briefly in Book 4 of TAatFP (kind of like how they met Gilak at the beginning of Book 2 in the SWT). Of course Zuko would have no idea she’s his mom, and when he’d find out later on it would be even more impactful since they had already met. Not sure yet what I’m gonna do since Book 4 is still a ways away!
Haha oh yeah, I know the theory for how Zuko got his dragon Druk is that he was in that egg Zuko and Aang found at the Sun Warrior ruins. I think it would be very cute to see Zuko and Aang raising him, and of course I’m sure Appa and Druk would be good friends :)
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ranilla-bean · 2 months
hmmm 10 and/or 22 for the choosing violence game?? 👀
hellouuwww ash ty for the qs im preparing 2 walk into the fire 🚶
10. worst part of fanon
well u kno my Thots on this alr but divorced zukka. for anyone who enjoys it good for u, i have the tag blocked so i dont have 2 see it, but i just dont GET the wholesale insistence that everyone who's into zukka is SUPER INTO divorced zukka asw. it doesnt compel me and the way it's conceptualised doesnt make sense for their dynamic as i conceive of it 🤷 also why do people keep making t*ylor sw*ft playlists?? +side note the last time i said in some reblog tags that i wasnt into div zukka some ppl completely misinterpreted what i said and it got telephoned into something utterly unhinged. lel anyway when u drop the Funney Divorce piece. Then They Will See
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
idk if "ignores"... but druk is CRIMINALLY SLEPT ON in postcanon/adult zuko fics like. mans gets a baby dragon!!! why are we not all collectively going hogwild over baby dragon!! i KNOW zuko is a horse girl for him!!! where r "the me my husband and my husband's 50 ft baby" fics ??
choose violence asks
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stardust948 · 6 months
“Looks like I’m the favorite!”
“Only because you spoil him rotten.”
“Fastest way to a dragon’s heart is through his belly.” Katara tickled his stomach. “Besides, who could resist this face?!”
Druk purred happily. He was so glad Father chose Katara as a mating partner. She was the best choice and so much better than those boring fancy ladies the snobby humans kept introducing to Father. They acted like they’ve never seen a dragon before!
So rude.
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roxy206 · 2 years
2, 7, 20, and 26 💕
2. favorite lip sync performance
If I could only pick one it’s probably Alyssa Edwards & Tatianna’s Shut Up & Drive
But here’s a Twitter thread with like 15 of my top picks lol
7. favorite snatch game performance
Ahhh I mean … Jinkx just gave an absolute master class on how Snatch Game is done! So smart, so funny. That entire Snatch Game was so great the way everyone played off each other
I also have to say Synthia Kiss on CDR 2 is a personal fave. The back & forth with Brad, the way she played off of everyone, the way she incorporated tag lines — so fucking great. When Brad said he felt like he was in an alternate reality & she said talk to Grimes 👏
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20. who’s a queen you think got a bad edit or was treated unfairly?
26. what’s your comfort season?
Canada’s Drag Race season 2. I love that season so much. I love Brooke Lynn as the host; I love how constructive the judges are & how the contestants felt comfortable asking questions during critiques. I really enjoyed the majority of the cast as well
I think that the chats production facilitated in the werkroom were really great & important as well. And I love that some of those conversations extended beyond the season as well — like the pronoun conversation, that’s something that continued again later on social media
And the makeover episode was just 🥺 It was so impactful to have these teens on the show. It’s so amazing to see those relationships continue outside the show as well & I love that Makayla has been doing drag shows!
It’s the only season so far that I’ve (partially) rewatched. It just makes me happy
drag race asks
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Headcanon that Zuko HATES dogs. They’re too loud and they slobber and leave the grossest poops and just shed everywhere but he LOVES cats because they take care of themselves and all he has to worry about is changing their litter and feeding them and they’re mostly quiet and only meow (bonus if Zuko likes to meow back at them for fun)
Then Sokka on the other hand LOVES dogs. They’re so cute and fluffy and he loves their playful nature.
Fast forward, Zuko is an unemployed student living with his uncle and meets Sokka. He meets him in physics class and First he’s like wow he’s so pretty and his eyes are like oceans and he wants to hold his hand etc.
They go on their first date and…
Turns out Sokka owns not one but TWO huskies, big full blown huskies. Of course, Zuko doesn’t know what to do with this information because of OF COURSE the guy he thought was cute would own two dogs but surprisingly Zuko found himself going on another date with Sokka despite him owning two dogs.
Then, he finds himself dating said person with two dogs and ultimately accepts that Sokka has dogs and gets endless teasing from Azula about him being a total simp because he’s willing to put up with the dogs for Sokka.
He later mentions to Sokka that he really needs a job because school is almost over for him and Sokka immediately offers him a job as a kennel attendant at the daycare his father owns and Zuko is just a total simp and finds himself sending in an application to his father and later gets a job interview.
He ends up meeting Sokka’s two huskies Lulu and Snowball who are really big and slobbery and make Zuko cringe when they start licking his face because they can smell their owners scent on him.
Then, he meets Sokka’s other coworkers like Toph and Aang and ultimately his sister who isn’t a huge fan of him and ends up being the one he’s more terrified of than Hakoda.
He ends up finding himself staying at the job for Sokka because everytime he jokes that he’s gonna quit, Sokka wraps his arms around his neck and whines against his chest “no don’t leave me” playfully and Zuko can’t find the strength in himself to leave because then he’ll lose someone so important to him, even if it’s something stupid like a job, he was willing to put up with the hyper dogs if it meant seeing Sokka smile.
Then, he finds himself finding an apartment with Sokka and moving in with his two DOGS and his two cats.
Of course they don’t get along, Lulu and Snowball wanna play with his cats Duck and Druk but they keep trying to scratch and hiss back.
Sokka feels worried about their pets and Zuko tells him that it’s fine that they’ll get along at some point like they did and become best friends. Even if it meant a few incidents of Sokka dragging Lulu back away from Duck who tried scratching her nose when she came in for a smell in the behind. He gets used to the dogs, taking them for walks, when they jump on him and start licking him even when he yells at them to stop.
Then, 2 years later, Zuko finds himself still working at the doggy daycare Sokka’s father owns and finds himself standing in front of Hakoda with a Corgi on a leash trying to control her while asking for his blessing to marry Sokka. Hakoda agrees and next thing you know, Zuko is on one knee with Lulu and Snowball next to him as he asks Sokka to be his.
They have their wedding and Sokka puts Lulu in a tutu and Snowball in a tux and follow behind him and his dad when they walk down the isle. During their vows, Zuko promises to love Sokka and sickness and in health and adds in there that he’ll love his dogs as well making everyone chuckle.
Another bonus is the dogs howl when Sokka and Zuko are married and even come to the reception when Katara says a speech. She tells them that she knew Zuko really loved her brother when he decided to work at a doggy daycare with them even when he doesn’t like dogs and knew right away he was the one for her brother.
They dance their night away and Zuko finally lays in bed with Sokka and thinks to himself that…maybe dogs aren’t that bad after all.
Another bonus: Sokka and Zuko welcome their daughter Aly (fight me) and Lulu ends up having puppies and one of the puppies becomes Aly’s best friend Snowy and Zuko is so happy he finally got over his dog hatred. (He still hates how loud they are yet there he is walking the two dogs when Sokka is asleep or feeding the baby)
ANOTHER BONUS: Zuko is visiting Sokka’s place for the first time and sees Lulu and Snowball. “You’re lucky I think your mom’s hot”
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mayaantje · 23 days
deeg: 250 g bloem, 150g boter ( kamer temperatuur), 125g basterdsuiker, 1 eierdooier, de geraspte schil van een citroen, zout, 1 losgeklopt ei
voor de vulling: 500g vaste zure appelen, ± 50g gewassen krenten of rozijnenen, 2 beschuiten, 1dl melk, 15g suiker,
voor de garnering: 2 eetlepels abrikozenjam
Het maken:
doe de bloem, de boter, de basterdsuiker, de helf van het ei, het citroenschil en het zout in een kom. snijd de boter met 2 messen in kleine stukjes en kneed alles met een koele hand door elkaar tot een soepele deeg bal. beboter de springvorm,. of de bakplaat. druk 2/3 van de bal deeg gelijkmatig op de bakplaat, of op de bodem en langs de zijwand van de vorm uit. maak 2 beschuiten fijn en strooi dit kruim op het deeg. schil de appelen, snijd ze in vieren, verwijder de klokhuizen en snijd de appelen in schijfjes. leg de helft van deze schijfjes netjes in de deegbak; bestrooi de eerste laag met suiker en kaneel. leg daarna nog een laag appelschijfjes in de vorm en bestrooi ook deze met suiker en kaneel. bestuif het aanrecht en de deegrol met bloem. rol het achtergehouden deeg uit. snijd er smalle repen van en leg de helft daarvan over de taart. leg de andere rtepen er zo overheen, dat het een netwerk wordt. druk de uiteinden van de deegrepen op het deeg van de rand vast. bestrijk het deeg met de rest van losgeklopte ei. reken voor de baktijd 50min tot de taart goud, bruin is
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crescencestudio · 1 year
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“Would you choose me in every lifetime?”
Announcing “intertwine,” a short visual novel coming to otome jam 2023 🪡
Hi my friends 💖 I’m adding some Alaris updates under the cut to reassure you of development in case you’re worried about otome jam + Alaris!
I’ve been going back and forth on whether to post this or just keep it to myself, but I thought for the sake of transparency, communication with fans, and just normalizing the harder parts of game dev, it would be better to talk about this.
This is NOT bad news about Alaris, so please don’t freak out! But as you all may or may not have figured from my devlogs, I've been struggling with working on Alaris for the past... 2 months? I've made progress on it as much as I'm able to, but I've often found myself coming up against a creative wall and/or burnout. And I often feel like I'm disappointing you all because of it. There are a couple of internal deadlines I had set for myself that I just haven't been reaching lately, and while I know no one is actually rushing me, I feel like I'm dropping the ball.
This is common for a lot of indie developers, but I'm a solo developer. While I have a small team who helps me polish Alaris (i.e., editors, BG artist, GUI artist), at the end of the day, I'm the one who is in charge of everything. I don't have a separate person who can handle building out the art assets, or someone who oversees the writing, etc. And so, to feel like I'm making sufficient progress on Alaris, I'm constantly working on it, whether that's reviewing edits, creating CGs, writing the script, approving art assets/creating briefs for those assets, etc. And I do have a day job haha.
For most of Alaris's development, Alaris was my creative hobby, so I didn't really mind putting so much work into it. But lately, I think because I've been revamping the demo, I feel like I've been in this ~game dev thang~ for two years with no complete product to show for it. And having to go back and redo the demo two years into development is like an extra knife to the gut since it feels like... backward progress almost? Even though I know that's not true.
So while an otome jam project might feel inappropriate given I have Alaris to work on, it's something I've wanted to do since becoming a game dev. And after some encouragement from dev friends, I decided to take the leap because having a different creative outlet might resolve some of my struggles with Alaris. Getting to have one complete project would also be a super huge motivation booster for me!
I'm super happy to say that intertwine has been just what I needed. I've felt more motivated to work on both intertwine and Alaris and my dissertation lmao. As I've mentioned, Druk's route has been giving me a hard time, but I recently made a lot of progress on it. Overall, the creative process has just been coming to me more smoothly. So I'm excited to bring you all a complete game by the end of June as well as, what I hope to be, a lot of really nice progress on Alaris <3
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