musette22 · 2 years
I doubt there would be as much content from Don as there used to be either way, just because Drive495 was his neighbourhood gym and The Barn is located outside the city. So I can't see Sebastian going there often, especially while filming Dumb Money. He's been spotted at another gyms' chain in 2021-early 2022, i guess he just goes to different places and Don navigates him, gives the general strategy. Of course they'll probably film smth at least once while preparing, but i wouldn't expect weekly stuff like pre-pandemic.
Oh yeah no, I'm not expecting anything to be honest, I guess I'm just hoping for a crumb here and there but that's about it! Things are different now than a few years ago, both in terms of Don moving his gym out of NYC and Seb taking a step back from IG, so it stands to reason we won't be flooded with gym mafia content, sadly. But let's see, it would still be a 'marvel' thing, and those usually get a bit more publicity lol.
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Going by this logic "if we don't see him with X, they don't meet", are we to assume him&Don aren't close anymore? Pretty sure after his last Drive495 visit in early 2020 we only saw them for Empire State run in October 2021 and in that Gym Mafia with a baby pic in May 2022...and that's it. So maybe, just maybe, adult people don't feel the need to prove their friendship to strangers on the internet?🤔 /
actually i think that they aren't as close as they used to be, yeah 😂🤷🏽‍♀️
Seb used to train pretty closely with Don because his gym was in Manhattan, ever since he left i don't think they see each other that often. Don rarely goes to Manhattan and he lives about an hour away from it and by their own comments, Seb hasn't gone to his house in years, he's visited his friend Chris benz several times and he lives even more far away than Don. Don's children call Tone "uncle tone" cause they're close. Not the case with Sebastian. Sebastian didn't consider it worthy to go all the way to new York for the march thing. he said he was gonna travel and he didn't, he was in LA lol. That's part of adulthood too 🤷🏽‍♀️ to drift away from friends because you don't have the time or have other priorities 🤷🏽‍♀️ nothing wrong with it.
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They literally do Don’s challenges and go to his events now as yet another means of trying to get to Seb / now? They've been doing it since forever. Good thing Drive495 doesn't exist anymore, it was much easier to get there than to Don's new home gym in the middle of nowhere lol + Sebastian probably doesn't visit it as much as he used to anymore.
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Seb... What were you doing? Seb... Qué estabas haciendo? #sebastianstan #ssv #gymmafia #gym #drive495 #prayforwintersoldiermovie
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mandy19875 · 7 years
Thank you @mintmintdoodles for making my coffee more enjoyable in the mornings. Gotta rep the Drive 495 gang. Can't wait until the boys are back together. Until then, more coffee. @donsaladino @shimtheleader @imsebastianstan #tone @drive.495 #coffeeaddict #drive495 #sebastianstan #donsaladino #shimtheleader
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faythrose · 7 years
I had to tell my son how he was featured on @drive_clubs Here's his response. He wants to invite Sebastian Stan to his birthday. When I told him about the shirt and who wears it he was all for trying. I was trying to do it for him c but I do not have the upper body strength, but if he wins he can get it in his size at least. Good luck Lil Cap!!! #ilovemykids #drive495 #lowdownchallenge #wintersoldier #sebastianstan #sebastianstanfan @imsebastianstan
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steverogersnotebook · 7 years
has that don and seb feature on fox5 been released yet?
I haven’t heard anything about it, and the last time I looked for it, I couldn’t see anything. I confess, I haven’t been on the Drive495 FB recently, but I hope it’s linked there when it comes out.
I need to see more, better footage
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But this will do me for now
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sorry - i got carried away - again
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So groupon is doing a bunch of local deals so I decided to check out the spa deals. Whenever I want to relax, I go to spa websites and read the descriptions of their treatments. It has a calming effect on me.
Anyway, I came across this one and... I can’t stop laughing? Reblog when you get it, I guess.
Tagging three people who should pick up on it fairly quickly. ;-)
@steverogersnotebook @just-call-me-mrs-captain @rowdy-redhead
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musette22 · 3 years
Did you know Drive495 space is up for rent? All the equipment is still inside according to the listing Don Saladino or Sebastian has never said that Don lost his gym? Do you know what's going on? All the other gyms in NYC are up and running
Oh huh, really?? I didn’t know that, hmmm. Maybe Don has decided to relocate the gym? But then why is all the equipment still inside? As far as I know Don has some pretty big deal clients and a bunch of side gigs too so I’d be surprised if he’d gone bankrupt, but then you never know... Guess we’ll have to wait and see if we find out what happened!
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Going by this logic "if we don't see him with X, they don't meet", are we to assume him&Don aren't close anymore? Pretty sure after his last Drive495 visit in early 2020 we only saw them for Empire State run in October 2021 and in that Gym Mafia with a baby pic in May 2022...and that's it. So maybe, just maybe, adult people don't feel the need to prove their friendship to strangers on the internet?🤔
… exactly 🥲
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bitchassbucky · 5 years
After 7 years with @donsaladino I caught a good day, sucked it up and finally posted this... Been working with this guy through years of self judgement and mental wars when it comes to fitness and LIFE, and TODAY I’m giving myself a break and acknowledging the hard work we’ve done for @355movie (and this other small thing we got comin’ 😉) ! Proud of what we’ve accomplished pal! Love you. And thank you. 👊🏻❤️ #donsaladino #drive495 #355movie #marvel #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier
Sebastian Stan, August 9 2019 via Instagram
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vader-anakin · 5 years
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imsebastianstan: After 7 years with @donsaladino I caught a good day, sucked it up and finally posted this... Been working with this guy through years of self judgement and mental wars when it comes to fitness and LIFE, and TODAY I’m giving myself a break and acknowledging the hard work we’ve done for @355movie (and this other small thing we got comin’ 😉) ! Proud of what we’ve accomplished pal! Love you. And thank you. 👊🏻❤️ #donsaladino#drive495 #355movie #marvel#TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier
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thoscheitrashdhawan · 5 years
Workout (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Words: 819
Summary: Fluff about helping your boyfriend Seb work out.
A/N: @marvel-lock co-wrote this! It was totally her idea, and I love how it turned out. She also made the moodboard to go with it, which you can find on her blog, because she’s posting it on there too.
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You and Sebastian had met through mutual friend Don Saladino, several years ago on a night out. The pair had met through his Winter Soldier project, and in celebration of the movie’s succession had decided to go out. That’s where you came in. You two worked together at the Drive495 gym in Soho, Manhattan. You had begun working there back in 2012, and your co-workers felt more like a second family than anything else and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Several texts, interactions, and the likes had been exchanged between you and Sebastian, which then led to your friendship progressing into a relationship. You were now living together and every day, you woke up with a smile on your face at the warmth coming from your shared embrace. However, unlike other mornings, today you weren’t greeted with that usual warmth or his body being entangled with your own. You slowly stirred awake, a small huff leaving your lips as you tried to ignore the sunlight glaring through the blinds; but failed. Before finally registering that he wasn’t there with you. You were about to call his name, before you heard distanced grunts and smiled tiredly as you pinpointed where he was. The gym room. Stretching your arms out, you climbed out of bed. Walking in the direction of the gym room so that you could join him, you were sporting one of his shirts - your favourite one out of the many you’d “borrowed”, and despite it being big on you, it was your favourite all the same. Today was your day off and you’d originally planned to sleep in, but with the sunlight glaring and the workout mix you’d created playing, it was hard to block that combination out. Icona Pop’s I Don’t Care was currently playing, and you found yourself entering the room soon enough. His back was facing you, as he was currently lifting weights, and you took the opportunity to wrap your arms around his back and lean into him; a breathy chuckle leaving his lips.
“Good morning, love.” He spoke up, and you quickly responded with “Morning, Seb.”
You pulled back from the hug and watched as he carried on, enjoying the way his muscles rippled and his breaths were short from exertion. Your staring didn’t go unnoticed, even though you were still standing behind him. He could sense that he had your attention.
“Like what you see?” He chuckled, and you moved round so you could see each other, before nodding in response. “Well, if you’re going to stick around, do you want to help me train?”
“Yeah, alright.” You agreed with a smile, and he put down the weights.
“Here, if you hold this…” Seb started, walking over to a punching bag, taking your hands, and placing them on it. He quickly slipped on some gloves, and stood in the correct position, before glancing back over at you. “Ready?”
“Go ahead.” You smiled, keeping a tight grip on the bag as he landed a punch on it, giving you a perfect view of his body as sweat started to collect on his forehead.
The two of you stayed like that for a little while, trading the occasional remark between his soft grunts. Until, that is, he decided he’d had enough and wanted to do push-ups. You assumed he didn’t need your help anymore, but he quickly grabbed your wrist as you started to walk away.
“Giving up already?” He smirked, and you shook your head.
“Of course not. What do you want me to do?” You asked, and he led you over to the corner where the floor was covered in mats. His arms quickly went under your legs, and suddenly he was carrying you bridal style, then slowly lowering you down to the mats so you were laying along them. You raised an eyebrow in confusion, but he simply smirked down at you as he placed a hand either side of your head and started doing push-ups over you. You chuckled quietly, leaning up to kiss him, but he was quickly pulling away again when he pushed himself back up. Seeing your look of disappointment, he chuckled quietly and pecked you on the lips again when he came back down.
The two of you stayed there for a while, with Seb giving you quick kisses as he worked out, and you pouting every time he pulled away again. It was a sweet moment, and moments like these were the exact reason that you loved living with him. They were the reason you loved him. And you always made sure that he knew it.
“Hey, baby?” You mumbled, when he’d pulled away again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He smiled, before kissing you again - deeper this time, and you could practically feel his love radiating through.
Requests Open | MASTERLIST
If you want to be tagged, leave a comment, send an ask, or add yourself to my list here.
@avengersassemblee @peterpandco @tc5322 @ooftherails @marvel-lock @withyoutill-theendoftheline @melannie77 @toallthe-books-ivelovedbefore
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mandy19875 · 7 years
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@mintmintdoodles you are truly amazing! Thank you so much for these and they will be going in a special place with all of my marvel things on my desk. I also love the card your aunt made. This really made my day! 😍 #drive495 #suitup #mintmintdoodles #sebastianstan #shimtheleader #donsaladino #tone #gymmafia #motivated @imsebastianstan @shimtheleader @donsaladino @ironfist1_
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steverogersnotebook · 5 years
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imsebastianstan After 7 years with @donsaladino I caught a good day, sucked it up and finally posted this... Been working with this guy through years of self judgement and mental wars when it comes to fitness and LIFE, and TODAY I’m giving myself a break and acknowledging the hard work we’ve done for @355movie (and this other small thing we got comin’ 😉) ! Proud of what we’ve accomplished pal! Love you. And thank you. 👊🏻❤️ #donsaladino #drive495 #355movie #marvel #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier
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rosieriott · 7 years
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Lookin' like a major dork due to immense excitement! Just got my 12wk workout plan from this machine of a man, Mister @donsaladino himself! 😎😎😎 I'll be #DeadLifting 300lbs in no time!! You rule, man! All the progress photos, I swear! 😁😁😝 #rosieriott #DonSaladino #Drive495 #OneLungWarrior 💯 #KetogenicLifestyle ✨ #JupiterBeach #GypsyLife . . . . . #MyHappinessWithNutritionProject! ❤️ Don't forget to check out my Go Fund Me! ✨ Totally awkward and something I'm not used to doing, but it had to be done! WHATEVER IT TAKES! 🌟 gofundme.com/2kmp7kjf to check it out! 💕 SPREAD THE WORD, make a donation, or just listen to my story! Any or all of which is highly appreciated! ❤️ #BeTheBestYOU 👸🏻✨ (at Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa)
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