#dream team <333333
hoom · 8 months
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4.05: The Poison Sky.
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anonprotagging · 1 year
I want to play SV so badly :(
I don’t even like....... actually care about the story or whatever at this point since I’ve seen so many spoilers (maybe 1/3 of the game’s “plot twists” if you can even call them that 🙄🙄🙄), and I don’t really like, like the pokemon designs this generation either, but I’m tired of my brain hyping it up constantly kjsdhfjksd
#every night I dream about it and my brain is like OHHHHH IT'S GONNA BE SOOOOO COOL HERE ARE ALL THESE AWESOME DESIGNS I THINK WILL BE IN IT#LOOK HERE'S A REGIONAL POOCHYENA AND A CONVERGENT MIMIKYU DESIGN CALLED MINIKYU AREN'T THEY COOL#and I'll be like I've /literally/ seen the whole dex. it's really not that cool. and my brain will be like BUT WHAT IF IT IS :(#I'll dream that guzma's there and that the story is complex and interesting and that every area is distinct and filled with landmarks#that the opening area has a bunch of gates reminiscent of kanto and there are ruins and mountains with ghibli moss and graveyards and bright#sunny plateaus and rivers with shiny colorful stones by the shores. meanwhile the game itself looks. so empty.#like swsh II: the sequel: the Wild Area But Worse#part of it is me being grouchy that it's been 6 months and I haven't had a chance to even OPEN the game yet#but the other part is genuine disgust towards gamefreak's policies and how they crush their teams' creativity with crunch#I KNOW they're capable of making a world like that. which is why it's even more upsetting that they can't.#>:(#hate hate hate attacking and biting and killing and smasha the pokemon company with a rock >:(#also I'm sorry but the paradox pokemon look bad to me. not like design wise but conceptually. I don't know the context for them yet#(somehow one of the few spoilers I HAVEN't seen 😶) but there's no way all future pokemon are just robots. that's stupid#it better be some stupid fucked up alternate reality where everything sucks like guzzlord's world bc if it's canon?#then no it's not <333333#ksdfhksjd I know I'm being pissy I'm just. @TPC. stop it >:(
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ssahotchnerr · 8 months
good afternoon my queen 🥰 just want to share that i went to a general admission concert last night & we were standing all the way in the back (which is my fav tbh) & i was just thinking about how disgustingly cute it would be to make out with aaron like teenagers 🤭🤭 the team would be around & they’d notice how young he looks again when he’s with you & i just 🫠❤️🥰🩷
enjoy your day katie ily 🥹🫶🏻
hi my love!!!! that sounds so fun i hope you had the best time!!!!
the dream 🥹🥹🥹 ughhhh just aaron wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, swaying gently with you to the music, littering your neck or jaw with kisses before finalllly just turning you around for full access to your lips <333333 hehe he just feels so content and happy and free with you and he can't hold it in for the life of him <333333
and when the team notices <3333 at first they're all just :O, half tempted to say something and tease the two of you - especially when aaron gets a bitttt (a lot) more handsy 🤭 - BUT when they notice alllll the grumpy frown lines on his face absent, he's smiling into the kiss, they don't dare to interrupt 🥹 they haven't seen aaron so happy in a longggg time and they just love how he's found love again because no one deserves it more <3, and that love happens to be you - and they too love you and believe you're the best thing to ever happen to him 🥹 hehe AND it's that night they start taking bets on how long it'll take him to ask you to marry him 💞💓💞
i'm swooning hehe thank you for the thought ily have a good day!!!🥰
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f1version · 4 months
I saw someone say that Lewis should have moved in 2026 not 2025, so here's my opinion on why I believe he actually picked the right time and shouldn’t have moved in 2026:
His move works for 2025 because it gives Ferrari the perfect chance to be a strong challenger in 2026. Why not 2025? Shouldn’t he be focusing there? No, this is why it will be a ‘multi-year contract’, because 2025 is the start of a two year transition, and while I wouldn’t scratch out the opportunity there, the change of regulations in 2026 and beyond is the real opportunity Ferrari (and other teams) could benefit from as we have seen before (e.i. Red Bull/Ferrari 2010-2013, Mercedes 2014-2021, Red Bull 2022-probably 2025, even BrawnGP 2009).
Now, as we know, driving for the same team the year before the regulations change is and should be ideal for each driver, this means the team gets to know the driver enough to maintain the chaos of the new regulations under control = more efficiency. Besides, we have seen this move work for Lewis before (Mercedes 2013, one year before the regulations changed in 2014) so why wouldn’t he put his bets on it again? Especially with Ferrari, the land of dreams?
Is it a risk? Of course. I’m not saying this is bound to happen, any other team could be the one to pull off the change—the biggest challengers being: McLaren, Ferrari, Audi, even Mercedes and Red Bull—But I believe that, taking in consideration all of the moves and potential changes (staff, ideas, etc) happening in Ferrari by that moment, they could pull it off. (Or McLaren could be the one to pull it off, you tell me). It depends on what the Scuderia does.
Is it also a risk for Lewis because of the driver pairing and how Ferrari will have to choose between two number one drivers? Yes, but that is a much complicated topic I’m ignoring, in the end, this is also about the opportunity on the hands of Ferrari. It could benefit the WDC dreams of either Charles or Lewis.
Anyways it all depends. These are all thoughts, I just wanted to emphasize why I believe the timing is right. Kisses <333333
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slythereen · 1 month
Hi! Sorry I wasn’t more clear.
Being a Charles fan I actually have nothing nice to say about the clown team. I just meant it more like Newey is not going to Ferrari because of Hamilton?
Speculation has always been since he’s joining then maybe there would be new talent in engineering or something, which I don’t think it’s happening. Two of the reasons why Ferrari has trouble in attracting new talent (from my very superficial point of view) is they are based in Italy, compared to a lot of teams based in the UK, and is really more of a state-owned institute than a race team in terms of change and efficiency. And even though there’s Fernando, but this move with the huge salary and financial backing promised for his over projects looks much more like it’s not going to be longer than 3(2+1) years. Why would engineers move all the way just to work with him for 2-3 years. And I remember reading about anti-poaching in his current contract too, so when people were excited for Mercedes talent, it’s probably not happening.
But did Newey once say he wants to work with Hamilton? Right now google only has how they are going to be at Ferrari next year(maybe). If there was then I shall concede Newey is amongst those that have always dreamed to work for Ferrari and Hamilton.
Sorry I ranted way too long. <333333
these are good points! and frankly you probably know the situation better than me, as i’m still catching up on the historical stuff and some of the… intra-team dynamics? historical dynamics?
i totally agree that ferrari is lewis’s retirement plan btw. i mean, that contract really is perfectly packaged to set him up to fulfill a dream (driving for ferrari) and then to swan off into ambassadorship with class and a good bow out. which is actually a VERY GOOD POINT regarding newey, as i hadn’t considered that! my best guess would be that newey is looking to retire soon (or now) too (and all of his recent interviews lean that way, so one last short term project with LH helping get ferrari back to excellence would be a nice send off for newey.
that being said, i frequently forget how delayed f1 development is. like, some of the poached talent ferrari is bringing in is garden leaved until 2026. newey would be working on the 2026 car — not even 2025! LH himself is out of reach until next season. it’s kind of wild to me how one bad year (cough, 2022) can set you back SO badly, because these problems can’t be fixed in a season or with any speed whatsoever (and then you get 2023…). so. it’s very possible the short term project couldn’t be very short term at all to be meaningful, which means not much of a quick little ferrari chapter before retiring peacefully.
also: yes, regarding the quote! newey said something along the lines of how he has three main regrets looking at his career, one being to work with lewis hamilton and the other to work for ferrari. (i forget what the third was because frankly it wasn’t as relevant to me 💀) it is somewhat recent i think? two months? it was circulating around during the LH to ferrari rumors because ppl were saying he could get 2/3. or maybe right after the LH to ferrari confirmation.
let me look (i think it’s around here somewhere) & will toss into the replies if i find it b/c mobile is evil and will eat this draft if i tab out to find it
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forjustice · 3 months
The Overly Detailed Pokéarts Meme
Slightly updated from when I last posted it 6 years ago. This meme covers any form of art involving Pokémon, namely Contests, Showcases, Musicals and any headcanoned performance form that you might be able to think of. Shoutout to my Discord bestie Seniichi for helping me with this!
🌟What is your muse’s overall opinion of Pokéarts? ✨  What does your muse think about forms of Pokéarts other than Contests? Like Showcases, Musicals, etc. 👪  Does your muse have family or friends that participate in Pokéarts? How does this affect their view and/or participation in Pokéarts? 👍🏿  What are some Pokémon that your muse likes to use and/or see in Pokéarts? 👎🏾  What are some Pokémon that your muse does not like to use and/or see in Pokéarts? 👌🏼 Is there anything in particular (performance style, moves, typings, etc.) that makes them go ‘mmmmm yessssss this is one A++ performance’? 😍  Who are your muse’s favorite Coordinators and why? 🐸  What about their least favorites, and why? 😘  Any stars they’ve got a crush on? 🤔  What are some things that your muse would change about Pokéarts? 😬  A stronger version of the above: is there anything they think just shouldn’t be allowed? 😮  Performance-wise, what’s the most shocking thing your muse has ever seen/experienced? 🛍️  Does your muse collect Pokéarts-related merchandise? 🎤  What does your muse think about the culture surrounding Pokéarts they are familiar with? Doesn't have to just be Contests! 📈  Give your muse’s opinion on current trends. 👿  If your muse hates any form of Pokéarts, why? If they hate one form and not the others, why? Would there be anything that might change their mind? 😰  Is your muse one of those people who wants to perform, but doesn’t? What holds them back? 🥚 Pokéblocks vs. Poffins. Discuss. 🔥 Unpopular art opinion time. Go off! 👯 What does your muse think of Trainer participation in Pokéarts? 🎁 What does your muse think of the way Pokémon are groomed and dressed in performances? 💌 Does your muse think competitive breeding is the way to go? 👥 Most competitions feature performances by one person and their team, but what about two or more Trainers collaborating? 👀 How picky are they when evaluating the work of a Pokéartist? Do they have exacting and/or specific standards, or will they accept anything that is well done? 👊🏼🕊️ Contests with battles vs. Contests without battles: have your muse weigh in. 🌆 What are Pokéarts really about to your muse–the art or the fame? 🌌 What is their opinion on the avant-garde? 🔏 And now for a moral kicker: It’s been said that celebrities MUST make a Faustian bargain: their privacy in exchange for their fame, and so they are less justified in complaining when their privacy is invaded. What does your muse believe?
💖 What made your muse decide to try Pokéarts, either as a hobby or a career? #️⃣  How long have they been doing it, and how has their progress been over the years? ⚜ What are your muse’s ambitions in the Pokéarts? How realistic are their goals, and how close are they to achieving them? If they have achieved their dreams, are they happy/satisfied? 💎 What is their performance style? 😈 An alternative to one of the questions above: What is the most shocking thing your muse has ever personally done in a performance? >:333333 💬 Do they like to put messages or meanings in their performances, or are they more of an “art for art’s sake” kind of person? 👩🏻 What is your muse’s reputation in their field? Is this reputation deserved, and if so, how much? 💃🏽 As the Trainer, what sort of talents (natural or supernatural) do they like to display in performances, and how good are they at those talents? If they don’t, why? ⚡ Who is/are your muse’s Pokéartistic rival(s)? How did the rivalry begin, and what kind is it (friendly, unfriendly, filled with sexual tension, etc.)? 💥 How do they deal with the haters? 🐉 How do their Pokémon feel about being performers? ⚖️ Has your muse ever judged? How did it go? If they do it regularly, what is their judging style? 🎀 Describe the first time your muse won a competition. 😳 Describe your muse’s most embarrassing performance experience. 💭 How much difference is there between your muse’s public persona and private self? How do they feel about this? 🛃 Has identity ever played a role in how your muse was perceived as a performer? Does it affect how they perform? (This could mean identifiers like race, gender, sexuality, etc. or being a Psychic or Aura user.) 😏 Honesty hour: Has your muse ever cheated to win? 💢 Any trends on the scene that your muse wishes would just die? 🚃 How about trends that your muse likes or even has started? 👱🏻 If your muse is experienced, what is some advice that your muse would give to newbies? If they’re inexperienced, what is the advice that they really need to hear? 🙋🏾 If your muse is experienced, what would they go back and tell their beginner self? 😂 Share some gossip from the Pokéarts scene. Because the person who wrote this meme is a petty ass bitch. [2024 edit: A recovering one, but still. LMFAO] 😢 Has your muse considered quitting, actually quit, or chosen to take/considered taking a break? What made them stop/want to stop?
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Overprotective hotch my LOVE????
Overprotective hotch when an unsub is hitting on bau reader <3 overprotective hotch when he sees her dancing with someone on a night out <3 overprotective hotch when he hears the LEOs sexualizing her cause they think no one is in earshot <333333
the team thinks it’s a good idea for you to interview the unsub since it is clear that he is into you. aaron ofc hates this, but can’t keep making excuses as to why you shouldn’t be the one to do it otherwise the team will suspect there’s something more going on. he thinks he has his temper under control but as soon as the first comment about your appearance leaves the unsub’s mouth, he storms into the room, slams his hand on the table, and tells him that if he talks to you like that again he’ll regret that he was ever born 🥰🥰
dancing with someone on a night out??? not on aaron’s watch <333 he’ll teleport next to you in 0.5 seconds and wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you that close to his body you won’t even know where you end and he begins 😩
and omg…one day he overhears two officers talking. “did you see that little skirt she’s wearing today?” “she looks like a fucking dream but she won’t even care to give me a second look. i bet it’s that fucker, hotch, who’s hitting that.” aaron’s ready to show himself and punch them but then he stops himself. mysteriously the next day they both lose their job??? <3333
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bastardbvby · 2 years
Hi Amaya! Hope you had a great sleep! Green won! The opposing team in DB was Sylvee and Sam! They lost but it was fun to see Sapnap root for her! :D
This happened during Foolish’s stream hehe. He has been playing a lot of games with Miyoung, Punz, Leslie, Tina, Tubbo, and a few others came and went :) He did great in MCC and has a canon higher place! The only time he felt out of it was HITW. Which was bad timing considering the new map hehe. No SOT finale, it was PKT finale instead and many teams were actually rooting for that game! :0 Sapnap has people from different teams going after him, so that was insane! They know he is a threat hehe. And Um I think that’s about the gist that happened today’s events :) Of course, George playing football was a lot of fun as well! Dream was sweet in rooting for him!
- Celestial anon
celestial anon u are the BEST,, omg so proud of foosh and that clip is so funny im sobbing i cant wait to go back and watch the parts of stream i missed tomorrow once he ends :')
i really need to go back and watch mcc vods too like sapnap rooting for sylvee is so <333333
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lonelyasawhisper · 2 years
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panharmonium · 3 years
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wouldn't you like to leave the foundation and come out into the sunlight?
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ok i’m crying 
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vicea · 3 years
july 28, 2021 discord merch summary in this twitter thread !
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Bestie we’re about to either be at war or get the Alex/Jack team we’ve been talking about
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kiuda · 2 years
i missed dream team so much my heart is so full they are so happy together i want them happy always <333333
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kewltie · 3 years
I followed you for bkdk, and was so pleasantly surprised to see you also shipped dnf from your Twitter lol. Do you ever plan on writing for dsmp? (No pressure tho! :D)
hi anon!!!
I DO SHIP DNF!!! i got into the mcyt, and for that matter the dream team, like somewhere in September?? and fell hard into the fandom ever since especially george (<333333). im not super into dsmp bc since george doesnt partake in it so im not v interest in the lore/rp lol but i love dnf bc of dream and george’s relationship :P. though i have a habit of consuming various content (i have been reading and rwting dnf/george’s fanart like crazy lately lol) but in writing im strictly one fandom/one ship kind gal so prob not write any dnf in my future sorry! maybe... lol. my brainrot is unfortunately reserved strictly for bkdk /o\. thanks for asking though :DDDD! im humble that you thought to ask if i would write for another fandom as though my writing/ideas are worthy of them lol. 
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・真骨頂] ≁Karasutengu Hifumi・Baku Utashiro≁
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Ok I know this is out of order (I skipped over the previous Hatenkou discs, which I will do later), but I reallllly adore the Shinkocchou concept. This came at the end of a HECTIC week, so to myself and any readers out there, I say a well-deserved: お疲(憑か)れ様でした!
In this disc - the first in this subtitle - Crow-Heavenly-Dog Hifumi and Dream-Eating Animal-Thing Utashiro team up to fight crime and save the Universe... of Nanagiri High School. 
Before I say anything else, first look at the hidden msgs (x2) in the tracklist: 
1.壱、都市伝説『すきま』 2.弐、スイーツに囲<ま>れて 3.参、湧き出た<も>のは 4.四、陰<り>から立ちはだかる 5.伍、穏やかな夜だっ<た> 6.六、戦うなら<い>っしょに 7.七、都市伝説『すきま』看破 8.キャストトーク
Hifumi: bold⋆ spells 「すきだから」 (’Because I like you...’)
Utashiro: <⋆> spells 「まもりたい」 (’...I want to protect you.’)
(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。 ) スペシャルウンウン
We also find out bits about each character's past - like how Hifumi had been cold and uncaring when he first mixed with the human world, and how he developed a taste for sweet foods because that's what people used to give him as offerings. AND how hilariously angry U-kun gets when people try to point out that deep down he's really just a softie/sweetie.
NB. The audio track is a bonus bit at the end of the final cast commentary track where the two of them do a hilarious 'Free Talk' in character.
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[The First Rumour: Urban Legend ‘Sukima’]
Something's lurking in the cracks and corners of Nanagiri High School. So far five students have disappeared, starting with a girl in 1st year. Everyone is freaking the fuck out, and even the police have got involved, but this being a paranormal case ofc they are not going to find anything.
On the orders of Toilet Flower Dude (abbreviated TFD), Hifumi and Utashiro are investigating the urban legends to prevent them from destabilising the forces of the Supernatural Seven. And they have come to you for help - after all, youkai get their powers from the goodwill of humans. TFD has even coined a team name for the three of you: DARK DESTINY FAN CLUB. And ofc you are the leader, because vagina power.
As part of the investigation, first you all go to... the nearby cafe and eat cake. Because Marie Antoinette said so. Because apparently a couple from your school was attacked when they went on a date there.
Hifumi decides that you have to act like a couple to bait the monster into attacking you. (Except this is more like a 3P scenario and for some reason nobody finds that just a little bit odd...?) The two of them start feeding you and wiping extra cream off your face, and ofc you become all shy and resistant. So then both of them possess your body and start putting their lips on you to 'make you understand how the cake feels'. #mfw = (*>艸<)キャァッ. (Not even kidding, I actually made this face when I was listening to this.)
You finally cannot put up with this treatment anymore, and when they stop, you pick up a chair and start hurling it at them. Damn girl u so hot when u maddd. So much for Battle Plan RaiseBloodSugar1. XD
Plan #2: Ya'll patrol the empty classrooms after school to look for clues. Eventually you find a ...fluffy/slimy-looking... monster consuming a 1st-year boy. When the three of you approach, the monster devours him whole and disappears.
You suggest using yourself as bait, with the both of them possessing your body to fight the monster in invisible mode. Sounds all fine and dandy... except their demon powers totally don't even work against this mochi-mochi monster!! After some failed attacks, Utashiro forms a protective shield to fend off the monster and allow Hifumi to fly you off to safety. (Such beautiful teamwork I could cry...)
Later Utashiro catches up to the two of you. It seems that the monster is so 'impenetrable' because it is feeding off the energy of some human somewhere, whose vulnerabilities it is exploiting. At this point you are still reeling from the narrow escape, so your two manservants boyfriends manservants decide to call it a day and escort you home.
Back home, you refuse to sleep, so the two of them dogpile you on your bed (is it just me or does that sound kinda dirty, sports fans? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)). You request that they both change into their chibi forms and hug them to sleep. Hifumi doesn't mind at all but Utashiro hates it!! XD
Turns out you can't sleep because you are still terrified from the episode earlier. So they change back into their hot-guy forms and possess your body (because your bed is too small XD) and hold your hand and caress your head. After you finally fall asleep, the two of them commence the BL action pillow talk:
Utashiro is feeling down and blaming himself for not noticing your fear sooner. Hifumi is all like ‘I KNEW U WERE A SOFTIE U SEXY TSUNDERE’, but Utashiro tells him that all the other baku perished because they were forgotten by humans, and this is why he can't forgive and embrace humanity the way that Hifumi does.
As Hifumi correctly figures out, Utashiro is/was the Chief of the baku, even though he was not the most powerful nor the eldest. But Hifumi thinks it's enough that Utashiro did his best for his companions, just like *you* always do, you useless piece of sh... person!! I mean person!!. Hifumi trusts you even though you are a human, but Utashiro is unconvinced, since you never risked your life for him (the way you did for Hifumi)...
...Aaaand you wake up to the kinako-mochi monster in your room!!! Hifumi flies both of you out the window, but it's too heavy for him and he and he drops you both. Orz (well U-kun cushions your fall ofc b/c what are manservants for, amirite?). Meanwhile the monster has followed you out here and multiplied, so you all escape to the school grounds.
In the school gym, the monster and its spawns appear again, and Hifumi tries to fight them off, maxing out his energy much to Utashiro's alarm. Hifumi explains to Utashiro that he was born out of people's wishes,... and just when he was about to be forgotten, *you* appeared and gave him a new meaning to life. So he can't help but be fond of humanity and want to do his best for them.
You stop Hifumi from over-exerting himself, and volunteer to be swallowed alive by the monster so that ya'll can fight it from inside its stomach. Hifumi is all like ‘LET'S DO THIS LEADER >:)’, but Utashiro FREAKS THE FUCK OUT X( and offers to come with you, forming a protective shield to protect you. At some point he finally admits that it would be 'troubling' if something happened to you... This is about as much of a love confession as you’re ever gonna get here, so I'm savouring the fuck out of this line indefinitely <3.
Inside the monster's belly, you find... a girl that was eaten, and pull her into the safety of Utashiro's protective shield. The monster grows weak, and Hifumi uses this opportunity to blow it up into smithereens. All its spawns become inactive as well.
The girl turns out to be the aforementioned 1st-year who was the monster's first victim. She appears to be asleep, so Utashiro takes a peek into her dream: she is infatuated with a senpai, but too shy to talk to him, and can only watch him from afar. The pain of her unrequited love bore cracks in her heart, which the kinako mochi monster has exploited and subsisted on.
You ask Utashiro to change the contents of her dream from #badend to #goodend. As he does this, the cracks in her heart start to mend, and the monsters disappear. But ofc, changing her dream doesn't do much irl; she still needs to make her own happy ending.
Thus, peace is restored to Nanagiri High School!! >:D The five missing students are all found safely and soundly asleep in the school gym, and the first girl finally found the courage to speak to her senpai.
Hifumi teases Utashiro for risking his own life to protect you during Battle Plan MonsterBelly1, but Utashiro claims he only 'changed his mind a little bit about humans'.
But then Hifumi readily admits that he got to see both cool and uncool sides of you during this adventure, and it makes him like you more <3. Upon hearing this, Utashiro is all like ‘GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER’ and instructs you to stick with him so that he shall protect you from the Crow-Dog-Whatever that is *even more dangerous than any urban legend ever*! <333333
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[Thoughts] OH WOW I got so used to the DiaLovers twisted personalities that I figured this was going to be like a Versus disc where they compete and fight with each other over you. But like I said, the teamwork/bromance is so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye :').
First of all, as KENN observes in his part of the Free Talk, this disc is kind of a parallel world where you are not strictly *romantic* with either of them. But at the same time both of them seem ok with some 曖昧さ (e.g. light touches/kisses) here and there. I guess it's less like a FB "it's complicated" situation, and more of youkai having some harmless fun with a human.
[cf. Remember how all the vampires stripped Yui down to her undergarments and bit her in all the embarrassing places, and she STILL thinks: 'They only see me as food T_T.' Yes that's totally non-suggestive, yes yes, carry on.]
Secondly, like Kimura-san notes, the two personalities make a striking contrast, and Utashiro seems *even more* tsundere than usual compared to Hifumi. But because Hifumi has one more disc than Utashiro, I think he's had more opportunities for character growth, so I'm optimistic about U-kun :)
I think between the two of them, Utashiro is the more mature and sensitive one - as shown by their hidden msgs, Hifumi's feelings lean more towards 'I like you'/displays of affection, whereas Utashiro is more about protecting you & supporting you emotionally.
Hifumi has a more impulsive/careless personality; sometimes he misses little details, and he's ready to take risks if you are. In that regard I think they counterbalance each other quite well, Utashiro talks sense and 'anchors' the situation; Hifumi brings the positivity and the momentum.
Using the two roles of the manzai (traditional Japanese standup-comedy) for analogy, U-kun is the 'straight man' who provides the tsukkomi, and Hifumi is the boke or the one with all the gags.
...Also it just occurred to me how most of the time the tsundere role is either like a younger/spoiled brat type, or a kichiku megane (à la Sakamaki Reiji). Utashiro is kind of like a... tsundere-oniisan? XD Not sure if that's a type, but in any case it’s kinda refreshing, plus he's precious and I love him :3
NB1. KENN's chibi voice is THE BEST. X3
NB2. I wonder what trousers (「なっちゃうパンツ」) Kimura-san was wearing in the recording studio on his dates with 'Dummyko-chan' - which is what he calls the dummy-head mic XD. Now, I'm not sure about this, but there is a good chance that he's the one who came up with the worst nickname in the entire universe 'M-neko-chan'...  
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