#that the opening area has a bunch of gates reminiscent of kanto and there are ruins and mountains with ghibli moss and graveyards and bright
anonprotagging · 1 year
I want to play SV so badly :(
I don’t even like....... actually care about the story or whatever at this point since I’ve seen so many spoilers (maybe 1/3 of the game’s “plot twists” if you can even call them that 🙄🙄🙄), and I don’t really like, like the pokemon designs this generation either, but I’m tired of my brain hyping it up constantly kjsdhfjksd
#every night I dream about it and my brain is like OHHHHH IT'S GONNA BE SOOOOO COOL HERE ARE ALL THESE AWESOME DESIGNS I THINK WILL BE IN IT#LOOK HERE'S A REGIONAL POOCHYENA AND A CONVERGENT MIMIKYU DESIGN CALLED MINIKYU AREN'T THEY COOL#and I'll be like I've /literally/ seen the whole dex. it's really not that cool. and my brain will be like BUT WHAT IF IT IS :(#I'll dream that guzma's there and that the story is complex and interesting and that every area is distinct and filled with landmarks#that the opening area has a bunch of gates reminiscent of kanto and there are ruins and mountains with ghibli moss and graveyards and bright#sunny plateaus and rivers with shiny colorful stones by the shores. meanwhile the game itself looks. so empty.#like swsh II: the sequel: the Wild Area But Worse#part of it is me being grouchy that it's been 6 months and I haven't had a chance to even OPEN the game yet#but the other part is genuine disgust towards gamefreak's policies and how they crush their teams' creativity with crunch#I KNOW they're capable of making a world like that. which is why it's even more upsetting that they can't.#>:(#hate hate hate attacking and biting and killing and smasha the pokemon company with a rock >:(#also I'm sorry but the paradox pokemon look bad to me. not like design wise but conceptually. I don't know the context for them yet#(somehow one of the few spoilers I HAVEN't seen 😶) but there's no way all future pokemon are just robots. that's stupid#it better be some stupid fucked up alternate reality where everything sucks like guzzlord's world bc if it's canon?#then no it's not <333333#ksdfhksjd I know I'm being pissy I'm just. @TPC. stop it >:(
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