qwhiari · 3 months
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I love my kids @doress & her boyfrend
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doress · 5 months
I also want to share my latest work with you!
(´• ω •`)
‼️TW BL00D‼️
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This is my hotline miami art! I really like the game and especially the music there, now I have a hyperfix on it
And in order not to confuse you once again, I will say right away that here is my AU, where my OC is one of those who kills the mafia in an animal mask
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This is my fan character in the Rise of the Guardians! Her name is Juan and she is the guardian of family well-being. She’s also a Chinese crane
“ There is a legend that Juan comes three times in the human form.. The first time, when a new couple is formed, the second time, when a couple gets married, and the third time, when a child is born... They say that if Juan comes to you in human form, then your relationship will have a long and happy future, and your children will be safe ”
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And this is just a reference of my OS
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hottubraccoon · 1 year
Tumblr prompts “the fuck, who are you?”
Camilla was pacing the length of the train car with long strides and her fingers were flying across her phone screen. Her eyebrows were pinched uncomfortably and she kicked at the loose nail in the floor, making it fly across the car and embed itself in the opposite wall. It wouldn’t take a genius to know that she was angry, and that’s why Atlas was trying to hide in the far back corner and pretending to be reading a month’s old news paper.
“Has he messaged you?” She snapped, her worn black pumps stamped firmly to the ground. Atlas shakes his head, and attempts his best puppy dog eyes look.
“He did say he’d-”
“Be back before dark. *I know*.” Her pacing starts again but this time she’s holding the phone against her good ear. Atlas sinks in his place and uses the newspaper to block the view of the angry girl. She makes another round of the car before she stops stock still in her place again.
“Caleb! I’m so sorry for interrupting your studying but I need to ask about Blaise. No, no, he’s not *here* is all. Yes- No! He said he’d be here before dark and it’s getting pretty damn dark.” There’s a long pause without sound and Atlas peeks over the top of the newspaper. Camilla’s free hand was resting on one of the last stable chairs in the car, the rubber on it almost completely in place.
“*When*?” Her voice was gravely and her eyes flashed a vibrant orange. The metal under her hand twists and bends, an obscene creaking sound comes from it before it finally snaps in her hand. Atlas ducks back behind the newspaper and puts the broken chair on the frankly, long list of things broken by werewolves. There’s the beep of Camilla hanging up on Caleb without a goodbye, then she sighs heavily that Atlas could feel the weight of her worry on *his* shoulders too. 
She’s careful to put her phone down by her rucksack and steps out of the train car. Atlas follows her with his gaze and peers out the broken window at her standing in the middle of the boarding floor. After a pause, she throws her head back and howls so loud that Atlas hears it even after she’s stopped.
“You must be a worrier too.” Both Atlas and Camilla’s heads snap in the direction of the voice. Blaise was standing by the entrance with a rather guilty expression, and the girl next to him smiles and waves.
“I’m Joey! And the reason why your Alpha is late, sorry.” Camilla’s glare was fixed solely on Blaise but neither spoke. Joey began to fidget with the pleats in her dress and glance between the two of them. Nobody wanted to interrupt their stare off.
“The fuck, who are you?” Atlas blurts, staring at the newcomer and determinedly ignoring Camilla’s annoyed glance. Joey startles at the sound of his voice but smiles easily again.
“I said I’m Joey. I had some information for Mr. Doress and he decided that everybody should hear it from me.”
“Information?” Camilla asks, though the question was more directed at Blaise.
“Joey *Wendler*.” The room freezes then. Atlas’ back stiffens and Camilla’s eyes completely turn orange again. Blaise looks at his feet and curses once.
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wardennobori-a · 2 years
👀 Do the mun and you get along? 🎨 What are the mun’s hobbies? 🌟 Is there any genres the mun doesn’t enjoy writing but you enjoy being part of? 
ingo talks shit about me // accepting
👀 Do the mun and you get along?
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“Miss Rav and I get along very well! It seems as though Miss Rav gets along with just about anyone, despite her anxious mind.”
🎨 what are the muns hobbies?
“Miss Rav enjoys more artistic hobbies, like drawing, music, and writing, though she doesn’t do any of those things as often as she likes.”
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“She’s also fond of table top role playing games- though, her friend group seems to have taken a track change and gone on a hiatus from their normal weekly play of Dungeons and Dragonites.”
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“There’s also the MULTIPLE collections of things that she does not have room for! Figures, plush toys (mainly Pikachu), dice, games, stickers, strange little bit and bobbles, crystals- the list goes on!”
🌟 Is there any genres the mun doesn’t enjoy writing but you enjoy being a part of?
“Hm, nothing in particular comes to mind…”
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asinusrufus · 9 months
"We shall find some curious traces of a cult of this Sēt-Typhōn presiding over Judeo-Gnostic rituals in which Adam plays the leading part. This cult came to be actually codified is attested by the existence of Egyptian figurines of the god Sēt, cast in bronze, which are perfectly appropriate to it. The most significant represent the god walking with the hieratic gait, his body girt with a loincloth and surmounted by a head which was not, not the muzzle of the mythic setian animal commonly assigned to Sēt in the Pharaonic tradition, but the ass's head much more rarely met with. There is no doubt about the identification of the god worshipped in this guise, as one of the great figures of Gnosticism: the pedestal is engraved with the name Aberamenthōu, which denoted Jesus"
Jean Doresse, "The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics: An Introduction to the Gnostic Coptic manuscripts discovered at Chenoboskion"
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z-paladin · 1 year
Sumire and Emporio could have been buddies in eoh if Ikuro wasn't stuck in ASB Jail.
It'd be so easy too to get hin in there.
Their intro to the plot would be Ikuro and Sumire on the run from a controlled Stroheim, who they assume is another Doress cyborg. Sumire leads them to the Joestar Squad because she has a vision they can help them. Everyone is pretty on board with helping but Giorno is Sus of them because Ikuro distinctly feels like 2 life-signs and not to mention whatever the hell Netsuo the Rathing is. Eventually Ikuro is pushed to fight and Baoh is revealed, making Joseph have An Episode and Giorno to nod like a worm Doing That makes any sense.
Both Sumire and Ikuro just assume stands are Physic Stuff and Sumire can only kinda tell where they are but Ikuro is flying blind as hell.
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444names · 1 year
middle primitive elvish names
Ambala Ambaughter Amesse Andeavise Andorende Angift Anitiēntre Antre Antresself Arʒān Arʒāndẹl Balady Balambar Baled Balīnd Balīnde Balīndō Bangand Banguages Bantress Banturaur Banā̆la Barage Baraurē Baridde Barʒānd Barʒāndōrē Barʒānow Bauktilin Bauto Bedūingoth Briddle Briddly Bridear Brien Briende Briledaurn Briligh Brilimanā̆ Brimang Bálār Bálārady Bálāren Bálāro Bálārō Cleal Clorn Closs Clourock Coldǝ Colock Color Colourē Colóndoren Colóndănī Croon Croth Crothŏ Dandekān Dandiandō Dandoro Dangā Danna Dantre Danwe Danār Danārō Dauter Degal Degrowned Dekānown Denchanā Diantur Dianā Diligh Dislōmē Doloss Domback Doreaver Dorend Doresse Dorner Dorothī Eadianwe Eadly Eastandome Eavioud Eleadi Eleart Eledanigon Elvight Elvigoloss Elvigoss Elvioud Elviouse Elviouself Elweadled Elweadly Elweart Elweg Elwegro Enchay Endegal Endănī Endẹl Engoth Eters Eteŋgoth Eteŋgothom Evers Feadill Feadly Feady Fealm Fearady Feastandō Finde Findegeir Finds Findō Findōmē Fingift Fingindān Fingthār Finkwite Fland Flands Flandō Flangore Flaugh Flautur Gindănī Gindē Gingolónde Gnown Goldegrock Gondantre Gondōmite Goread Goreart Gores Goress Gorǭmē Gosphin Gothro Gothī Gothŏ Gousiled Górōmish Górōmitina Handome Hayanwe Hegandor Hegeirien Hegess Helviril Helwer Hidde Hightive Higoldǝ Higor Hiname Hindore Hindoren Hindẹl Hiter Hitingwe Hombalm Homes Horealed Horen Horoondore Horǭmē Indear Indege Indord Indān Indănī Indẹl Inginwe Ingth Ingthī Inguage Inkwil Inweir Khidde Khigh Khind Khinguage Khingwege Khiting Khitiēntur Khōgor Khōgoroome Khōgothŏ Khōgousele Kindeg Kindom Kindō Kingore Kinguageir Klāre Klāro Klārō Kǭron Kǭroth Kǭrothord Kǭrown Ladiang Landō Lantubnu Lantur Lanweirē Lanārō Laught Lauktil Laute Light Lighter Ligord Likāno Likā̆la Likā̆lame Limiddeg Lindo Linguage Lithār Litingthe Lossess Lónds Lóndō Lóril Mailikāndō Maill Maille Mailled Mande Mandō Mangast Manna Manā̆ Marauk Maren Marien Midde Middly Mislōmē Mitivers Moome Moondōrē Moongwe Morady Mores Muself Muselweges Ndand Ndegalm Ndāndē Ndāno Ndōrē Nguage Ngwer Nighte Nigoth Nilimit Nindō Ningā Niriddle Niril Olock Oreavers Oronguages Ospourauk Osses Ousislōmē Phande Phandom Phandănī Phandē Phang Phantre Phayand Phayandō Phayanna Pheavirimā Phege Phelf Phewe Phindande Phindănī Phindōrē Phing Phingift Phingwe Phinwe Phinweaver Phitive Priddle Priled Radislōmē Rages Raught Rauktinwe Rauktiver Raurauter Rends Rendănī Roondore Rowner Rīʒen Rīʒendang Rīʒendi Rīʒendō Saver Savers Saviride Savish Sical Sicala Sicale Sicalm Sicalīndān Silightina Silikō Siseld Snome Snown Spandore Spandōrē Spang Spangift Spanirē Spanna Spantres Spanārō Sphandom Sphant Sphele Sphight Sphigoll Spoud Spoun Spoungani Spour Spouranna Spourn Spouroc Spousel Spousicalm Spousil Spouter Spouto Stande Stani Stantubnu Stanāra Strealand Strear Stren Stress Syand Syang Syanirē Syantre Syantubnu Syanā Syanā̆la Syanā̆ladi Thegeirē Thome Throw Thāreadly Thāroth Tilleavers Tinds Tindē Tiēnē Tubnu Tulkath Tulkathron Turothro Twilighte Twilimide Twiter Twiteŋgoss Twitil Tárady Tárand Tárathī Tárauk Tāraur Tāroondi Tūgolders Tūgoro Tūgoss Tūgothārō Tūgoud Tūgouto Tūnār Tūnārō Ulkathore Uteŋgol Uteŋgoth Vightiver Vigolónd Vioud Vioung Viour Viourē Viseled Wealandāno Weart Weasyandē Wegasyanna Weges Weight Weroong Whiddly Whigh Whighter Whightiēnē Whiliter Whindẹl Wāyār Yourn Youse Youselwege Yousil Youto Ēntre Ŋgoldemoon Ŋgolórō Ŋgondo Ŋgoss Ʒladish Ʒlame Ʒlanā Ʒothel Ʒothār Ʒothārage Ʒothī Ʒothŏ Χīsil Χīsill
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / via hampton burwick on fb )
Holding the Mirror Up to Nature.
i'm not going to say anything & maybe maybe i'll hear the answer
that's how it works in the House of Nothing Works
Six Words.
"One of their [=the Peratae] books was most oddly entitled The Heads of the town up to the aether. It seems to have been, essentially, a description and enumeration of the powers of the lower heavens, which makes us think of the Archontici." --Jean Doresse, The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics (1960)
[I think it was after reading Jack Spicer in The New American Poetry, & then going on to read more about him, that led me, first, to the Gnostics (by way of Doresse, tracking down where Spicer got the title of one of his books from, as i always liked to do in big libraries--), & later to my emulation of this naming-a-new-book-after-a-lost/fictive-old-one as a standard practice.]
Day 13.
amber preserves limbo a voice made of braid-shreds all the way to merle wing coffin against instinct & lead welded coffin
Gear leopard.
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bd-wireroses · 2 years
(System of Down is weird - it was active the moment Garner's little baby brain formed and caused Ara a lot of pain, but also would make the process painless in sections depending on what touched when. It's hard to say what it meant then, but it fed into its own meaning - Garner's dislike of prolonged physical contact.)
(As for the ability itself, it could be seen as a left over of the ideals of Doress: To make creatures efficient machines in their Cyborgs and to make machines out of life in their Bioweapons. And what would this make her in the eyes of her father's former employers? What would they think of this wayward psychic and their dominion over the flesh? Nothing that would be good for her or the rest of the world, that's for sure.)
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shinichi-honda · 5 years
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描かせていただいSUMMER2019 タカシマヤクリアランスのイメージビジュアル。
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qwhiari · 5 months
I brought some dads meme for you
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Wave & his adopted daughter / Wave & his foster father
Very cutes duos. Wave takes care of his daughter Doress with the same care and kindness as Rufe took care of him from the first day he found him in his barn.
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When Wave experiences intense sadness, his colors fade
When Wave lost his beloved troll, he lay in this place for 2 days mourning the loss. He would have stayed there if Rufe hadn't found him and taken him away.
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meme bases
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doress · 2 months
24 February was my birthday, and a couple of days later, my boyfriend gave me acrylic markers and that’s what I drew with them (o˘◡˘o)
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hottubraccoon · 1 year
Tumblr prompt “Great, perfect, nice. Fuck this.”
“All we have to do is keep Blaise off our backs until Caleb fixes it,” Atlas explains carefully, his voice lowered and head bent towards the others. Caleb nods along. “All I need is like, two hours, tops. Blaise isn’t that hard to trick either, he believed me when I told him that I still sleep with stuffed animals.” Camilla rolls her eyes and points a finger with a perfect green nail at both of the boys in turn.
“Do not fuck this up.” Then she’s turned away with a flick of her wavy hair and walks out of the old shack. They sigh with relief at the lack of her presence and grin at each other, soft giggles rising in their throats. Atlas waves at hand at Caleb and shushes him again.
“Okay,” he starts quietly. “Okay. You start on the fixing of the things.” Caleb’s giggles disappear into the dark when he turns and walks into the back of the shack, a tool box clanking in hand. When Atlas goes and finds a chair by the entrance, the salty sea breeze pulling at his hair and a new notebook in hand, he makes sure to keep his eyes towards the entrance to the beach. He then learns that looking at his lap as he writes and listening for movement doesn’t work when it concerns werewolves.
“What the hell is that?” Blaise snaps, already standing toe to toe with Atlas in his chair. The teen startles and drops his pen, staring at Blaise with an open mouth. Ironically, he couldn’t find any words despite just writing as much as he could. “Where did you get it?”
“That ice cream store,” he blurts then curses under his breath. Then in the moment between Atlas’ curse and Blaise’s next scathing remark, Caleb drops something and the clattering noise echoes slightly in the shack.
“Wait! Blaise!” Atlas scrambles after the alpha quickly. Blaise takes one look at Caleb standing over the bonnet of his Ute, grease stains on his hands and tank top, and reels around on Atlas’ still holding the notebook open in one hand.
“Great.” He snatches the notebook out of Atlas’ hands. “Perfect.” He flips through it briefly then turns to Caleb. “Nice.” He glances across the scratched up paint and broken windows. “Fuck this.” He turns and storms out in a frenzy, leaving Atlas and Caleb stunned in the old shack and staring at each other blankly.
“You should talk to him,” Caleb suggests after a minute.
“I’m bad with words *and* you said that you know some of those titles.” Atlas gapes before he begins nodding slowly and rushes out after Blaise. He didn’t need to look far as the older man had slumped into the chair Atlas was using and opened on a certain page in the notebook. Blaise didn’t look up but Atlas didn’t say anything either. He just picked up the pen he was using and offered it to Blaise. The man looks surprised at the gesture but takes the pen and slips it into his jacket’s pocket. He flicks the corner of the page and tilts the book to show Atlas.
“You wrote this part?” His voice sounds timid, maybe even *vulnerable*. Atlas nods and scratches at his wrist nervously.
“It sounded like it was nearing the end and I can’t stand sad endings.” Blaise looks at Atlas openly and tries, again, to solve the enigma wrapped in a puzzle. And, again, he can’t do it.
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schxttenmaedchen · 4 years
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Beautiful ~
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crossingqrs · 3 years
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beautiful long doress dress by 🌞
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daisymondays · 7 years
Can u believe my depression has reached a point where im like "nah mate can't kill myself as I've got to finish updating my fic on AO3!!" Like ?!?
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