domino-doodles · 2 months
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some png-tuber concepts, definitely not final design but meh, I've been dead on here long enough no one will see it I'm sure
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smallest-turtle · 7 years
You asked for more asks and I'm more than happy to ask, I really like your characters! (How many times can I even say ask in a single sentence???) From the character solidifying post: 25, 40, and 49 for Blake, Rhiannon, and Star. (Also it doesn't matter if it's all three for all three or one each to me)
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
Blake (Independent, Child Of Magic)
Blake liked to go fishing when he was little. He used his dad’s old tools and would drag the old small aluminum boat out from under the porch and carry it to one of the fishing holes. It’s quiet and peaceful and he doesn’t have to worry about other things when he’d fishing. It’s a good distraction. (The local spirits liked how easy he made it to keep an eye on him, which is their job whenever a demigod is growing up in their territory.) On Olympus, especially early on when people weren’t sure if he should actually be there or if they really wanted him there, he would wander off campus to the waterways and fish early in the morning when no one would notice.
He laughs at other people’s jokes, but never really makes any of his own. He’s mostly just sarcastic.  
He’s got a pretty flat voice. Kind of gravelly. Cracks a lot when he’s upset.
Rhiannon (Young Justice)
She collects crystals and bones, and anything that just catches her eyes that she thinks is pretty. Lots of trinket boxes, but she has plenty of book cases and shelves. Lots of artwork on her walls. She did diving, swimming and water polo in high school. She loves the Artemis Fowl books. She also studies building layouts, but she’s not sure if it’s because of work or because she actually likes it. (She grew up in a family of criminals, she was the technical for heists since she was little.) She has the same confusion over her interest in computers and code.
She likes situational humor and blatantly exaggerated responses to things.
Her voice is silvery and clear
Star (Voltron Legendary Defender)
She is a decent technician and quick at taking things apart. Her species doesn’t really take up and learn tasks without knowing what they will use them for, and between resisting Galra inhabitance on her planet and the work camp prison there wasn’t really any time in her life for any kind of thing. 
Dark humor, crew memes such as: *holds up random, not rock object* Lookit This Neat Rock I Found courtesy of Matt and his Team Bonding Skills
Her voice is light (she’s like. a bushbaby. She’s the size of a cat. a smol).and chittery. Squeaks.
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project-canada · 7 years
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I saw the thing about fanart for the Dominion Day credits. Well, here’s my attempt haha. Sorry it doesn’t look much like him. (Also I don’t have much of an explanation other than I just really like flowers)
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Stay gold, Benvolio… stay gold.
Mercutio to Benvolio, Act III, Scene I
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domino-doodles · 2 months
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Art stream png-tuber wip! Working with the basic costume but likely will change the costume based on the stream! Expect some D&D, pokemon and other fun themes. Open to suggestions for what kind of streams people would be interested in
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domino-doodles · 2 months
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A proper reference of my future png-tuber. Yet to be names but a. WIP nonetheless the less
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domino-doodles · 1 year
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A lovely insect oc based on the poodle moth I made some years back to fit into an insect world
She’s as sweet and shy as she is fluffy and soft and despite her usual plain appearance she always loves the flare and excitement of the theatre and entertainment business. Starting her career as a talent scout and agent for aspiring talent around her she loves watching people find their passion and achieve their dreams
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domino-doodles · 1 year
Currently Unemployed with rent to pay
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I'm gonna be working my little booty off to revive this page and rebuild my social base! I got lots of new characters to introduce you all too and a plan to hopefully start work on some D&D and even some pokemon comic strips for you all to enjoy. But without rent and food that will be hard. I'll be posting my updated commission sheet very soon. I'm very proud of how my style has grown in the years I've been gone so I hope you all like it too
Please if you cant commission me, share where you can it be a massive help!
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domino-doodles · 4 years
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Did the sailor moon redraw challenge.
I know it's been quite a while and I'm style has definitely improved. I'm sorry I up and disappeared everyone, I've just run out of ideas of things you all would want to see
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smallest-turtle · 7 years
Any of your OCs for "1: which OC has an irrational fear, and what is it?" from the Unusual OC asks post (also sorry if I'm being kinda annoying with sending multiple asks)
also i was on mobile so idk when you sent this but if it’s been a while IM SORRY
So. Blake. The thing is. he Thinks it’s irrational of him to fear abandonment and isolation but his dad was never home and when the dryads decided that that wasn’t normal and took him to Olympus, it was a huge Thing of whether or not they should let a child of Eris (chaos, golden apple story) live there. One: nothing good can come from a child like him being there his MOM isn’t even allowed up there. Two: Eris is Nyx’s kid? Nyx is a primordial s like. He’s not even a demigod the way the others are because he’s not. He’s not related. To the gods. The titans. Gaia. Just Nyx. So like. He Knows he’s unwanted all this time and being pushed out of this Safe Place would just be the next step. But that’s not how he understands it which gives Irene a bit of A Time. His denial of things in general Gives Her A Time. This guy needs therapy but doesn’t understand that what happened was bad.
also trivia factoid @starprinces is The Only reason he doesn’t die. He was gonna die. 
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smallest-turtle · 7 years
Ace for alignment and law? (The A-Z OC ask post)
im fukin screAMIN
Ace is my lil baby boy and i love him.
Alignment :: What would be their D&D alignment? How might it come into play?
He’s probably neutral good, because he isn’t lawful good given the circumstances but he’s not chaotic good the way some of the others in the crew are. (Skylar ‘I will dethrone Zeus with my bare fucking hands’ Owens. sweety. ur a smol teen)
Law :: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it?
He’s pretty good at following rules because they’re there so that nobody gets hurt and the people who put them in place and enforce them are people he knows better than to cross whether he likes it or not. It’s easier for everyone if he just does what he’s told.
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domino-doodles · 7 years
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Mic belongs tip @circateas
I was just was wandering around on tumblr and found this dashing gentleman so I had to draw him. Put on some 1930’s music and went to work.
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domino-doodles · 5 years
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Any donations would help me so much at this point TTwTT 
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domino-doodles · 5 years
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domino-doodles · 5 years
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If there are people support my art or that love D&D as much as I do then take a look at my Patron! Some friends and I are gonna be starting a campaign soon and you better believe I’m gonna be drawing the shenanigans of my Half-Orc Bard is gonna be getting himself into along with my friends.Even my lowest $1 tier will get you early access to all the sketches of the insanity. 
I’m defiantly going to try and do art streams while we play so you can hear first hand what kind of trouble we get into while I try to sketch during the action. 
If your not into Dungeon & Dragons I’m still gonna be putting work of Cherry, Iris, and any future characters as well 
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domino-doodles · 6 years
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