project-canada · 4 years
Happy Canada Day!
A token of my appreciation for sticking around: I’ve reuploaded Dominion Day (my pride and joy) on my personal channel for everyone.
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
Don’t fret, DD is COMPLTED. I will upload it tomorrow privately, make sure subs are on, and make it public on The Big Day :^)
then this cowboy’s off on new adventures yeehaw
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acetechne · 8 years
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Dominion Day Concept: PEI’s house
nearly forgot to save this whoops
this is not a final just a sketch- will probably be more foliage, maybe a shed somewhere in the back, etc. lots more flowers and trees. I figured she would have an old fashioned georgian style home (although this is modeled after one that is only a few decades old by confederation). I kind of think of her garden as a little english- maintained but a little wild and overgrown in places, not neglected or careless exactly but definitely not manicured and a little messy.  
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project-canada · 7 years
It’s midnight in Newfoundland, so get your first look at the Complete Dominion Day Episode now! This will be reblogged again tomorrow morning for everyone else in the eastern half of Canada who went to bed at a reasonable time ;)
After 2-3 years of hard work, we are proud to present our Canada 150 Confederation Drama! Thank you so much to our cast, crew, fan artists, and all of you.
Dominion Day, renamed Canada Day in 1982, is the celebration of the day Canada officially became a country. Confederation was only one piece in the history of this country and was by no means its only "beginning". In Canada, we celebrate Confederation in a similar sense as American Independence Day on the fourth of July, though we did not gain 'complete' independence from Britain until the 20th century. Even today, the Queen remains our sovereign and we continue to exist as a constitutional monarchy under the British crown.
Confederation was an agreement between four provinces to unite into one nation, and to encourage the addition of more provinces. Every province and territory that exists today joined Confederation at certain points in their history from 1867 to 1999, and were often compelled out of desperation, grand promises, or opportunistic purchases of land. This is the story of how it began, the problems it arose out of, and foreshadows some of the problems it would create.
For many, the 150th remains a day of celebration, a milestone, some of its problems long since forgotten or solved. For others, the 150th is a reminder of deep systemic problems that remain unsolved and unaddressed that particularly erases the histories of indigenous peoples and other groups. However you choose to observe or not observe Canada Day this year, we hope you enjoy the product of all of our hard work on this mini-drama.
Special thanks to Hidekaz Himaruya and ctcsherry for the use of their characters and concepts.
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project-canada · 7 years
Hi all!
The Dominion Day Episode is FINALLY finished. I had it all uploaded earlier today and was halfway through subtitling when I discovered... ONE line was missing and I had to re-edit and save and upload the whole thing all over again! The subtitles are done and hopefully the file i saved from the first upload will work alright on the final once it has finished uploading (again).
I tried to get as many of the suggested edits in as I could- there’s still issues with panning and volume I was not able to fix due to time and the fact I have other responsibilities I actually get paid for, but I’m extremely proud of all the hard work everyone put in and excited to FINALLY see this come to fruition after like 2-3 years.
So hold onto your hats, guys, hope to see your lovely comments on and after Canada Day. :) It was a great ride and I will miss being your faithful administrator.
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
I just wanted to share this for fun because I thought it was really cute. When I was drawing the art for the dominion episode, it was Mother's Day and my grandma payed us a visit. She saw my drawings and thought Ontario was "cute". She liked it so much I sent it to her. We invited her over for supper today and I noticed that she had my art as her background pic! I was really happy ^^
Awww, that’s adorable :’D Thanks for sharing~ Your grandma has great taste!!
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project-canada · 7 years
Fan Art Final Deadline TONIGHT!
Hey everyone! This is your absolute final reminder that if you are planning on getting your fan art submissions in for the Dominion Day End Credits, please submit them here or by email to [email protected] by Midnight Pacific Time TONIGHT! Late submissions will not be accepted. Please include the name you would like to be credited by. 
Thank you!
Admin Hapo
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
finally sitting down to put finishing touches on dominion day and the program crashes every time i open it, Great. :)
i’ll restart the computer i guess -_-
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project-canada · 7 years
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For Dominion Day fanart. Line art by @enter-the-darkside Colours by @eyes-unblinded
Permission granted by both parties to use.
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project-canada · 7 years
In case anyone is looking for ideas and wondering what the current survey of characters covered is in the fan art submitted so far, here’s how the submissions per-character are stacking up. I put “All Characters” in a separate category.
ALL: 1
AB: 0 BC: 0 MB: 1 NB: 0 NFLD: 1 NS: 1 NWT: 1 NT: 1 ON: 1 PEI: 0 QC: 0 SK: 2 YK: 0 CAN: 0
TOTAL: 6 Individual/Group submissions representing 7/13 ps and ts, 1 All Submission representing 13/13 + Canada
As it stands we could use a few more provinces/territories represented :) NB. NS, ON, and QC as well as PEI and NFLD are pretty well represented in the episode itself and are therefore lowest priority, but it’s also definitely ok and encouraged to submit pics of them as well. AB, BC, and YK (haha all my homes) could use a little love too.
There’s no requirement to draw All the characters or to have them all represented, I just thought it would be nice. This just is to give anyone who is indecisive about who to draw a little nudge. :)
Admin Hapo
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
so i queued DD for about 8am tomorrow eastern time because that’s the timezone the YT is set for
then i realized if i queued it for midnight tonight eastern time I could queue it on tumblr before I went to bed
THEN I realized if i queued it for nfld time i could release and queue it up in an hour and a half >:^)
so if you’ve got half an hour to spare tonight and want to watch it ‘early’, it’ll be up soon. west coast kids get the best end of the deal and eastern night owls the second best xD
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
DD Credits are about 50% edited but i gotta go meet my supervisor (again) so I’m not allowed to work on them anymore until that’s done.
I’m forbidden from editing- rather, saving- the main files for the next solid week while I work on my thesis and get feedback, which should all be in by the 25th. I hope to have it ready to go well before the 30th and released to the public on July 1st as scheduled :) Thanks everyone for your contributions and submissions.
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project-canada · 7 years
Fan Art Deadline Reminder!
Hi all! There is a ONE WEEK until your time is up to submit fan art to be featured in the ending credits of the Dominion Day Episode. This will be your Final reminder until the morning of the 15th. Rules can be found HERE.
Thanks guys!
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
Dominion Day Test is Up!
Cast and crew! I have released the test version of Dominion Day on the forum for you to critique and enjoy. I’m so tired of watching this that I’m unable to notice any glitches or glaring errors, and if I misinterpreted anyone’s panels or anything now’s the time to let me know before I release it to the public. The ep is a whole 20 minutes in length... so set aside some time for it! I’m hoping for any critique to be voiced by June 15-ish when I have all the fan art so I have another couple weeks for editing, but any grievances must be voiced before June 30.
Please go check it out, I hope you enjoy it. :)
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
Dominion Day Update!
hi hello only 2 scenes are left to be edited ToT then i can finally put the whole thing together for a test run! ;u; Still waiting on some art, which is still due tomorrow night~!
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project-canada · 7 years
Call for Fan Art: 2 Weeks Left!
Hi everyone! I’m still accepting fan art for the Dominion Day ending credits until June 15th 2017. 
Submissions must:
- include one or more of the provinces and territories
- be tasteful; we can’t be getting flagged by youtube! 
- be in before midnight Pacific time on the night of the deadline
- be a single image; i am only accepting one submission per person.
Submissions can:
- be historical or modern, your choice!
- be explicitly about Canada’s 150th (or not)
- be submitted by fans, cast, or crew
- be in any medium, digital or traditional.
- be something you have already completed or published elsewhere
Please email me your submissions at [email protected] or submit them here on the blog. Include the name you would like to be credited by, please. If I haven’t replied to you yet, it means I have not received your submission!
Thanks gang,
Admin Hapo
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