#doing this for science
devine-fem · 1 month
With your best to disregard bias, as best as you can, which one of these M/M Super x bat pairings do you think would critically function well and work if it was made to be officially canon one day?
Which one of these would function, be healthy, have a chance to be endgame and still be liked by the audience?
A. Bruce & Clark leaving their relationships and pursuing a healthy relationship with each other and maintaining both their families and it working.
B. Tim & Kon leaving their relationships, regardless of how many comics DC is even interested in making of these two - getting older and pursuing a healthy relationship with one another and it working.
C. Jon & Damian leaving their relationships as well as leaving their youth, growing up and pursuing a healthy non-platonic relationship with one another and it working.
Lastly, don’t start discourse, be nice as possible to the other ships here.
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celluzu · 7 months
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bigoltrashpile · 11 months
Okay this is super dumb but I have to know how you guys feel about laugh tracks in sitcoms
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hippoinspector · 1 year
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caffeinatedphoenix · 1 year
TOTK fun fact: Blood Moons cannot happen while you’re in the Depths (as far as i know) (i haven’t had a blood moon in like an In-Game Month) which means that it’s possible to have every miniboss* defeated at once (it did take me Three Real Days to do this)
*flux constructs seem to respawn after a certain time whether a blood moon has occurred or not
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With NASA announcing their streaming service NASA+ and also announcing it’s going to be free and also ad free, I’d just like to appreciate the lengths they go to make scientific knowledge and exploration as available as they possibly can.
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beemovieerotica · 1 year
the cognitive dissonance from people who want the products of modern medicine but get weird about animal research. like im sorry but this is necessary for the survival of the society we currently live in. and the scientists who work on these things are not evil cackling psychopaths. anyone you talk to in animal research has incredibly complex feelings about their work and incredibly complex relationships to the animals in their care. there are regulations and oversight and penalties in place to make the work as humane as possible and scientists are overwhelmingly the ones enforcing and advocating for better care.
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sleepy-bebby · 6 months
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dostoyevsky-official · 3 months
just one more graduate degree bro. i promise bro just one more graduate degree bro and it'll fix everything bro. bro. just one more degree bro. please just one more. one more graduate degree and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro cmon just get one more graduate degree bro i promise bro. bro bro please you jsut need one more degree
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great-and-small · 3 months
You know what I hate about the internet? Sometimes people will just lazily slap a “citation” on an infographic and trust that they’ll be completely taken at their word and nobody is going to dig deeper. And it works all the time. As an example, please look at this photo someone posted to dispute my assertion that garlic can be toxic to dogs.
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Okay well, kind of a pain to manually type in that link but obviously I am going to look into this study that is confident enough to recommend people feeding their dogs garlic. So here’s the article, kind of a weird journal choice for this graphic to reference from but looks like a legit (though 20 year old) study
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Funny thing is, almost immediately this article acknowledges that garlic can indeed be toxic to dogs. The health benefits mentioned in the graphic are referring to human health, not canine. This section is literally in the introduction of the article and one of the first things you read. Emphasis here is mine.
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Crazy to me that someone would imply that this article encourages giving dogs garlic when it in fact immediately asserts that doing so has the potential to cause hemolytic anemia. The article does explore the anti-thrombotic effects of garlic components in dogs and humans, but by no means does it say that “contrary to misconceptions garlic is safe for pets”. It is dishonest to assert this in an infographic. However the creator of the image correctly assumed nobody would check, because the person who posted it took it as fact without further investigation.
I am begging you to be skeptical. Check your sources. Check their sources. Check my sources. Learn how to dig deeper and exercise that muscle as much as you can, especially on the internet. You will be absolutely shocked how much misinformation is casually stated and received as pure fact.
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montereybayaquarium · 1 month
Gaming for the good of our ocean 🎮📱🌊
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Have you played @fathomverse yet? This cozy sci-non-fi game for ocean explorers was created by our research and technology partners @mbari-blog . By playing you can interact with real underwater images to improve the artificial intelligence that helps researchers study ocean life. 
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Now available for download on the App Store and Google Play! Read more at https://mbayaq.co/FathomVerse
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gabrielandworms · 1 year
Just in case anyone needs the references:
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Family Guy death pose
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Yaumcha death pose
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keferon · 3 months
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Ah mmmm well
You know how in mermaid stories, the mermaid is typically the dumber one? I present to you the "and they were both scientists" plot.
Basically the concept is that mermechs and regular mechs can't talk to each other. But luckily even if they speak different languages they still use the same math~
I discovered a bunch of simpatico mer-fics. So. I wanted to do something with this concept too haha. If some physicist happens to read this - feel free to laugh at me. I know nothing about science👍
I don’t know if I’ll continue this thing. Should I. Idk. It’s midnight I might be going crazy lol. I made that cover anyway bc I love making covers hehe
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beam-meup-scotty · 7 months
spock , roughly two seconds before doing something so unhinged no one else has even thought of it : good thing i’m a vulcan and i would never do something irrational or illogical lmaoo
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imanes · 7 months
some people are truly off their rocker and i don't want to attribute it solely to shit i see on twitter bc I've heard this irl a few times these past couple of weeks but i did see someone on twitter today questioning why Palestinians have children... why the fuck not? these children are the hope for a better future; they're the continuation of aeons old bloodlines; parents have a right to have kids even under apartheid. what your question suggests is nothing short of eugenics imho and truly completely disconnected from the humanity of Palestinians and their rights to full, dignified lives with choices and possibilities. like imagine being pro-choice until one of these choices is "can i have a child if my people are being ethnically cleansed". so long as there is life there is hope and that isn't just a trite little saying it's a way of existing and resisting.
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phrootsnacks · 8 months
beautiful programming names to name your child
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