#doesn't matter what she's called bc they're a family no matter what
tinukis · 1 month
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day 5 - little brother
so incredibly self indulgent but yeah anyway... little brother w his three older brothers
(please more asl + uta/asul bros please)
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melodic-haze · 13 days
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ayaka x dom!afab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader has a strap, rough sex stuff, BDSM mention ig?
☆ — NOTES: Dude what if I combusted on the spot HELLOOOOOOO GOD I NEED HER (I'm not sane)
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I need her to go mental PLEASE
I love the thought that Ayaka's canonically really REALLY pretty but at the same time I KNOW I'd hate it cuz of how she DEFINITELY gets hit on like a lot
She wouldn't be all that clueless of her beauty's reputation but like.......at the same time she kinda is, with the way that she kinda dismisses the attention as basically awe and reverence bc yk. She's in the Yashiro Commission
The attention just. Irks you One Too Many Times 🫶 and it doesn't help her case that she looks soooo utterly delicious, crying bc of you, so you do something about that!!!!!!
Ayaka doesn't know what she's done wrong.
She had sworn she's been behaving like a good girl for you, obeying your every command and being at your beck and call (minus when she's at work for her family's commission, you're not unreasonable), yet she was still faced with such a predicament.
Inazuma's cute little princess was clueless—was it something she said? Or maybe something she had done unconsciously to prompt you to essentially raise torturous hell on her?
She could try to rack her brains, and by archons she did try at first, and yet the only thing that she could even think of at the moment was the severe desperation for release.
The woman could see your borderline sadistic grin grow further as tears streamed down her face, cheeks almost as wet as her gushing pussy that has been mercilessly edged for.. who knows how long, by this point.
"'m sorry," she hiccuped, resisting the urge to buck her hips into your strap because despite everything, she was still your good girl, "I'm so-- mnf, sorryyy-- AH!"
You slapped her ass, pale skin already so red from the previous impacts it's had, before squeezing it roughly as you spoke, "Saying sorry and you don't even know what you're apologising for..."
"B-But I've done everything you asked of me, I--"
"Are you talking back?"
Her mouth clamps shut.
"I said--" and you grab a fistful of her hair to pull her up to your level, your hips moving as if punctuating every pause you make, "--are you.. talking.. back?"
She lets out those pathetic little whimpers of hers as she feels the tip of your faux cock bottom out inside of her in quick, deep thrusts, "I'm sss-- sorry I talked back please--"
"Please what?"
"I need to feel you move please I've been such a good g-- GIRL-- oohhhthankyouthankyou thankyou--"
You had relented to her wishes with an eyeroll, your hips practically slamming into hers as you pulled on her hair as a way to keep her upright. That along with the pain from having her hair pulled in the first place and all that pent-up lust from not being allowed that sweet release had easily helped escalate that impending high.
Ayaka knew that such a state of undress, such an expression on her face, was unbecoming of the graceful White Heron Princess but at this point? The only thing she was concerned about was being your princess, along with what she had been chasing this entire--
She doesn't register it immediately, but when she notices that you've deliberately slipped out of her cunt--
"Funny, how the Kamisato clan's very princess whines like a pathetic bitch."
Another climax absolutely ruined by you, yet she still doesn't know what she did wrong.
But she won't fight back, she won't ever fight back. She was your good girl, and good girls don't only do what they're told.
They take what they're given too, no matter what.
I don't even have much to say after writing that I'm ngl
Just that she's definitely a bit of a masochist lol
God she would just be SO FUN to toy with no matter how hard or soft you go just saying 😜😜😜😜 who knew such a reserved girl was a whore all along
There's a saying for this somewhere you all know what it is guys
Anyway enjoy 🫶
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merakiui · 2 months
A long time ago, back when i was a teenager and still a wattpad girly, I read this one really good story called "Family Comes First" about a family of cannibals that lives in the middle of nowhere. They only keep boy children who are born, no daughters. Whenever a boy turns a certain age (I think 21 but I cant really rmbr), the father goes out to the nearest city, interviews girls under the guise of offering them a job, and kidnaps the best one as a birthday gift and bride. The mother-in-law teaches the new girl how to be a good wife (cleaning, cooking that strange meat, etc.), and the husband is otherwise responsible for his wife, to the point of selecting and laying out her clothing every morning. The ultimate honour is to birth a son, and so the husbands are CONSTANTLY trying to get their wives knocked up. I can't help but imagine Jade and Floyd in a story like this, it suits them perfectlyyyyy
In the book, one of the boys ended up catching feelings for brother's wife (the main character) instead of his own, and it causes fights serious drama in the family. This works so well with the recent ideas about Jade stealing Floyd's cute little wifey except it would be even better for them because they're twins and Jade can pull all his nasty tricks 😭 maybe when she finally gets knocked up with a son, they won't know who it belongs to, because he looks just like his daddy, but the potential daddies look the sammmeee OTZ
Oh oh oh and imagine if reader tries to escape and the family decides to let her try. Let her have fun. Hell, they even join in on the fun. She was blindfolded when they brought her and she's never been out of the house before, so she doesn't know her way around the woods, whereas the men in this family have been hunting humans for sport and food in these woods for generations. Now she's lost in the dark forest with daddy leech and the tweels rapidly closing in on her. She's going to be taught a lesson after they drag her home. After all, she lost the game, and losers never get rewards >_<
OHHH!!! Omg that concept is perfect for the tweels!!!! And they would absolutely draw out the chase in the forest just to scare you even more. Maybe then, after spending an entire day and night being hunted like a wild animal, you'll learn your home is with them. There's no point in running from your family, after all.
Hehe running from the three of them and you injure yourself, so now you're even more panicked because what if they can smell the cut on your leg? What if they can hear your pained grunts as you drag yourself along, limping through the forest? >_< omg and it doesn't matter who finds you; it's going to be frightening either way. Floyd who drags you out of your hiding place by the ankles, or Jade who stands over you as he patiently waits for you to take notice of him. Or Papa Leech wrapping you up in big, strong, scarred arms to carry you back to the house. Maybe you're kicking and screaming all the way, and it's useless to struggle because there's no one else out here for stretches. Just you and your family, who care so very much for you. You should be grateful! Mr. Leech's sons fight over you to be named your husband. Aren't you lucky to have the two of them? Most of all, aren't you lucky you're alive and not on their murderous menu?
AAAAAA and Papa Leech picks your clothes for you going forwards! They were far too patient and lenient with you before, far too forgiving. Now you're living under a new schedule, a fresh set of rules. Your clothes are selected for you, and your meals are prepared in advance (gone are the days in which you were given choices; each meal is healthy and has properties meant to boost your fertility). When you aren't learning to be the perfect housewife, you're getting bent over every possible surface and bred by the twins. Or if the twins can't behave, then maybe Papa Leech ought to knock you up instead........... thinking thoughts.
In conclusion, the entire family is crazy and you're stuck with them forever. orz
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oneforthemunny · 27 days
Could you do a post on what a day in the life of nepo baby reader a rockstar Eddie would look like either freshly married or engaged ??
i love this.
ok let me put a cut bc it's a little longer than i thought it would be lol
soooooo, important to remember for those new to the world of rockstar!eddie and nepobaby!reader is that after they're engaged, that's the first time their relationship is public.
so the engagement would come so much publicity and people trying to get them on their show, radio show, interviews, anything bc it's shocked them. i mean, it would shock you too? these two seemingly very opposite people are together?? and not just dating, they're engaged???
and if it was post married, they had three fucking wedding ceremonies lmao. so ofc, everyone wants exclusives, details, the why? (to which eddie replies, "why not?").
the early stages of their marriage and engagement would consist of a lot of press, so i think they'd do a fair amount of it. nb's agent and publicist would def call the shots on which they could do bc eddie is so use to taking whatever, no matter how vulgar.
they'd buy a house, their forever family home, so during the engagement a lot of their time would be looking for any house that would be a potential. eddie would be the one to insist they wait, not just buy one that's "yeah this could work". he wants the perfect one, and sure enough, it comes up. checks all their boxes. they'd do some construction to make it their own.
i also think this is when nb would start trying to get into business. start investing, learning, so she could start her own. she's finally 'free' in a way from her family, and she wants to really ensure she doesn't need them anymore. wants to make her own money, do something with her life.
eddie would still be writing and performing, but he'd pull back in a way? not so immersed in it because he's a "married man" and he will tell you that proudly, over and over again. this would be his experimental stage, where he tries to actually start writing and a little bit of producing, just because, i mean for the first time ever, he's not planning on being a rockstar for the rest of his life. priorities have shifted a little, and he wants to be able to still be in music, but not necessarily performing in the future.
as for intimacy, i mean we all know they're insatiable. they're fucking just as much as before, if not more (sex dungeon is the first thing to get complete lol). become something of homebodies, which shocks the everliving hell out of their friends. they use the excuse that they'll get swarmed by paps, but really... they're just enjoying the sweetness of their relationship rn. it's comfortable just getting to be together and be domestic and cute. they're used to traveling a lot, but when they move into their home, they just want to stay there and enjoy it together.
kinda go through this annoyingly cute "honeymoon" phase where they're disgustingly sweet and clingy with each other.
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i was catching up on your blog, and honestly your, or well, your PCs' opinion abt Sydney is so fascinating to me. when i first played the game for real (after trying to previous times and ending up in the forest being raped by wolves and kidnapped by Eden without knowing wtf was going on, and then my second try ending up in a rape cycle that ended in the asylum) i started pursuing Sydney for the first time, thinking that she'd be like every other goody-two-shoes uninteresting character that is usually a part of dating games, the stereotype that fails to interest me no matter what. then i found out i could corrupt her, and i decided to make her "fall from grace" together with my PC, and the more i interacted w her the more and more i fell in love w her character, to the point that my PC became as obsessed w her as she is with him
Sydney might honestly be my favorite LI, so to find someone who doesn't like them v much is quite the interesting experience lol. i think the part that most called my attention is the privilege part of their character that you brought up, and i think that stuck w me mostly bc i never truly saw Sydney's "privilege" like that. Sydney never gave me the impression that they were completely oblivious to everything and anything wrong that happens in the world just bc it doesn't affect them - quite the opposite, actually
Sydney isnt immune to the world they live in, not a single character in this game is (which is why i love it sm tbh). they might be extremely sheltered and protected as much as Sirris and the temple are able to make them, but when you pray w them in the temple and someone comes by to harass you she knows exactly what is happening and how to stop it. she's probably been harassed by monks and nuns as well, and unable to fight back without losing her grace. that's without even going into the Leighton punishment event, and how they react to it, which i think gives a v good view into how they cope w the world they live in depending on whether they are pure or corrupted and how that affects their interactions w PC...
ok im just rambling now, my point is, Sydney is a very interesting and complex character to me and seeing your interpretation of them was really interesting/insightful, and gave me some answers to things in your PCs' story that i used to question but always forgot to send an ask abt (such as their distaste for Sydney). thanks for reading my ramble, i love the things you're doing w your PCs and how you interpret their world <3
Just in case you still don't understand the nature of the situation, the "privileged" part can be translated into "ENVY"
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Sydney has had good things growing up. PC has nothing of those, which I have mentioned. "Why can they be optimistic? Why can they believe in the good in people? Why their parent doesn't demand they rent every week? Why do they have parents but I and Robin don't? Why can't I and Robin have those things that they have?..."
It's bitter, but I firmly believe, just like a redeemed bully can never achieve true peace, a sheltered child growing up with a silver spoon inside their mouth can never understand poverty and desperation either. Something bad happens to them, but they have family and financial support to overcome it, that's why they can stay pure and stay good. Robin stays ignorant too, they essentially avoid the outside world completely and if PC doesn't step up to protect them, they're ruined. That's what happens with pureness and goodness if they bloom in mud, unprotected. That's what happens on a daily basis with the children of the orphanage.
That's why my PCs are Robin's protectors. I make them taste the bitterness when realizing some things even try as they might, they can never achieve, while Sydney has those things handed to them, lovingly and matter-of-factly, as easily as falling to sleep in a soft fluffy bed. To me, that's what makes them even more protective of their waifu/malewife and more determined to shelter Robin as much as possible. They strive to give Robin what Sydney's having, their childhood together sucks so yeah let's try hard for a better future :D
As for Sydney... Well, unless future updates give them some trauma, throw them into some real fuck up situation like what PC faced daily, or reveal that they had some beef with Harper in the past and had lifelong psychological trauma, I don't think I can give them more credit.
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xyouami · 8 months
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"I've known you more than anyone. Your parents, your grandparents, your friends, it doesn't matter. No matter how long I'll do this, l'll do it until you'll be able to rest."
★ SYNOPSIS : in which case, your life has been happy and cheerful ever since. Nothing stopped in your way, and you cherished it. Wanting to keep continuing your dreams and wishes as is. But that stops immediately after a death that'll stop time for you—but not him. Scaramouche, your best friend.
THEMES/WARNINGS : Angst, Fluff, gore, murder, strong language, suicide, characters dying, reincarnation, hint of romance, slow burn, modern time, corny as shit, GN reader, reader is energetic social butterfly bc it adds contrast to the story PLSS,
(TUMBLR POST WILL CONTAIN CHANGES, WATTPAD WILL HAVE FULL ORIGINAL. Also basically a shoujo manga type in the Prolouge, watch out ☠️ (Reason for this: my wattpad writing is absolute shit so tumblr masterlist is better)
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"Hey, Scaramouche!" Y/n called out.
"What took you so long?" Scaramocuhe scoffed. "I'm sorry, Hu Tao was taking too long." As Y/n said that, Hu Tao jumped on Y/n's back.
"Hey, hey!" Hu Tao giggled.
"You slept in! Did you at least eat some breakfast I made?"
"Yeah, it was really, really good!" Hu Tao said.
"What did you like? I'd love it if I were to pack some for you." Y/n smiled warmly at Hu Tao. Hu Tao was living with Y/n's family due to her not having a home yet. Hu Tao's caretaker, Zhongli, is out for a business trip. So until then, for the rest of high school, she will have to live with Y/n.
"Where's Yanfei?" Y/n asked.
"She's sick today, so she can't come to school. She has such a high fever! I'm worried." Hu Tao moped.
"Cmon, she'll be fine in a few weeks. It takes a while for her to get well whenever she gets sick, right?"
"Yeah, but what makes me even more worried is that she has a fever. This rarely happens."
"Cmon, let's go already. Do you guys have your tickets?" Scaramouche asked.
"Yep!" Hu Tao held out her ticket.
"Mhm." Y/n held out theirs, too.
"Alright, let's go." When Scaramouche said that, the doors of the train opened.
"Let's go, let's go!" Hu Tao said happily.
The train wasn't really busy at this time of day since it was still the morning.
"How's Kazuha?" Y/n asked Scaramouche.
"He's doing okay. Why ask?"
"I heard recently, his close friend got murdered."
"Ah, I know. That was years ago, though."
"4 years is really short, you know?" Y/n said in a quietly soft tone, sounding tired yet full of hope.
"But yeah, he's okay."
"I've heard he's made a new friend already, his name is Shikanoin Heizou... right..?" Y/n looked at Scaramouche.
"Yeah." Scaramouche looked blankly at Y/n. Y/n's eyes were always shining no matter how sad they could be.
"Hey, Y/n you down for karaoke?" Hu Tao giggled.
"Hm.. tonight?"
"Yeah! I've got coupons! You could invite your friends!"
"Oh, I'm so down!" Y/n said brightly.
Scaramouche looked at the back of Y/n's head as they talked to Hu Tao. 'How could I ever have them as a friend? Tch, I've known them since 7th grade. And now we're in sophomore year. They're a bother, but at least I have something to tell Nahida when i get home.' Scaramouche thought.
"Hey Scaramouche! Are you down for karaoke tonight?" Hu Tao asked.
"Can't, I've got tutoring.
"Oh yeah, I remember you've got tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday." Y/n said with a deadpanned face, followed along with a small smile.
"I've told you that like 7 months ago!" Scaramouche said."
"Just admit it, I'm better than you." Y/n smirked.
"Shut up." Scaramouche flicked Y/n's forehead.
"Ow! At least be grateful! Without me, you could've never passed those tests!" Y/n said angrily.
Hu Tao laughed. 'Wow, cuties in a pod.' Hu Tao smirked.
Y/n looked at their phone. "9:48 am... we'll get there by 10:02 am and classes start at 10:49 am." Y/n muttered.
"You sure keep track of time a lot.
"That's because I wanna be on time every day." Has anybody seen Y/n late to class? Nope. It's not such a thing.
"Little ol perfecto." Scaramouhe bonked his hand on Y/n's head.
"Hey, can you stop?"
"Make me."
Y/n did a slow turn to Scaramouche. He immediately drew his hand back to himself and moved his gaze to the window across from them. Y/n and Hu Tao were listening to music through their earbuds and humming playfully to a song.
Hu Tao and Y/n chatted as Scaramouche dazed himself out. "Were almost here." Y/n took out theirs and their earbud in Hu Tao's ear.
"Hey, the song wasn't even finished!"
"Were almost here, cmon." Y/n nudged Hu Tao's bag gently.
Y/n put their phone and earbuds in their school bag and picked it up from the ground.
"Scara." Y/n muttered. They gently nudged his arm to bring him back to his zoning out dreamland.
"Uh, yeah, right." He got up with his bag as they left the train station. Just a couple minutes of walking.
"How much again?" Hu Tao put a hand to her chin with a playful grin.
"2 minutes." Y/n replied.
"Ganyu on watch out duty again?" Hu Tao asked. It was eerily quiet.. but it was comforting?
"Yeah." Before even Y/n could answer, he did it for them.
Scara, Hu Tao, and Y/n made it to the school gates as small amounts of students were going towards the school. Hu Tao exhaled.
"Can't believe Tevyat High is possibly the most ghetto but expensive school in the city." Hu Tao yawned.
Y/n laughed. "Hey, Ganyu!" Y/n waved.
"Oh? Hello!"
"Is Layla in the library with Kaveh?"
"Yep. Just go in there and look for them. They should be at table two. But how are you guys doing? I haven't seen you guys in forever." Ganyu smiled.
"I'm doing well." Y/n said.
"I'm doing great! I'm a little tired, though." Hu Tao said. Ganyu gave Hu tao a nod.
"Hello, Scaramouche. How are your studies?"
"I don't study." Scara said blankly.
"Oh, well. You should study. It's a good habit to develop." Scaramouche just looked at Ganyu with a deadpanned face.
"Me and Scara will be going now. Bye Ganyu, bye Hu Tao!" Y/n waved to them goodbye.
"Byebye!" Hu Tao waved. Ganyu did a small wave goodbye as Y/n caught up with Scaramouche.
Y/n exhaled.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just tiring trying to keep my energy up, I didn't sleep much last night. I had a bad feeling something was going to happen today."
"What? That you gotta study for the test tomorrow?"
"I think so..." Y/n moped.
"It's fine, N/n."
"Hey, you used my nickname!" Y/n pointed out.
"Yeah? So what?"
"I've never heard you in my life say that!" Y/n beamed with light.
"Tch." Scaramouche scoffed. Scaramouche listened to Y/n ramble until they got to their classroom. They saw Thoma and Yoimiya talking.
"Hey Thoma! Hey Yoimiya!" Y/n waved.
"Hey, hey! Tell Hu Tao I said hi, and whats up?"
"Hm? Where's Ayaka? She's usually here with you guys." Y/n said.
"She's off heading errands for Mr. Ginger."
"You mean Tartaglia?" Thoma said.
Scaramouche looked at Y/n. Scaramouche.. felt wrong. He felt everything was about to go wrong. And he felt like his intuition was right.
"Scaraaaaa." Y/n waved in Scaramouche's face.
"Hm? What?"
"You were spacing out."
"Uh, yeah." Scaramouche replied in a sarcastic voice and turned his head away.
"Is that just all you say?"
"I don't know."
"Dude, get your shit together." Y/n giggled. Y/n sat at their sear while Scaramouche pulled up a chair and sat in front of them.
"Anyway, let me tell you something..." Y/n rambled and rambled on and on for 10 minutes straight to Scaramouche. He listened and didn't say a single word. Y/n didn't care if he was listening or not. They just kept on going.
"Y/n." Scaramouche cut them off mid sentence.
"Hm? Yeah?" Y/n smiled at Scaramouche.
"Do you... like anyone?"
"Ouuh!! Nows the time I tell you!"
"So you do?"
"Yes, yes!"
"Who is it?" Scaramouche asked plainly. He raised an eyebrow
"Hmm... when I was in 8th grade, and a freshman, I used to have a crush on... Kazuha!" Y/n whispered.
Scaramouches heart stopped.
"Do you still like him?"
"Well... I'd guess I'd say yeah. He's a nice guy, and he's really cool. He's generous, smart, pretty, kind to everyone, and he's calm and collected." Y/n paused and their smile faded. They looked to the window of the outside to their right.
"Although..." Y/n stared at the window with bright spring leaves falling down.
"He's just too good for me. I mean, we're best friends and everything, but I have you. Even if I do get with Kazuha, you will forever be my best friend." Y/n said.
"What about Hu Tao?"
"She's a good friend too. But I've only known her since 8th grade. You, on the other hand. I've never had a closer friend than you. All of my childhood friends dropped me because I wasn't my best and that I wasn't just a good friend in general. You've probably been the friend I've had longest."
Scaramouche thought about that, drowning in his thoughts again. Until the teacher clapped his hands to get back in their seats. He immediately drew his seat back.
Hu Tao yawned as she packed her bags.
"Cmon, let's hurry and go to karaoke!" Yoimiya excitingly said, as Ayaka came up.
"Hello! Mind if I join? My brother said it would be alright."
"Yes, of course!" Yoimiya said to Ayaka.
"You coming?" Y/n looked at Scaramouche.
"Yeah, Mrs. Miko said Xingqiu would take cover for my tutoring."
"Ah! That's wonderful! Get more people!"
"I have ten coupons! I have plenty." Hu Tao smug face.
"Woah! Now I know who to exactly bring." Yoimiya said.(
Sorry if there's so many timeskips I'm just lazy ok ( '⊇`)
—— at karaoke bc I'm a lazy ass mf
"So how do you work this thing?" Heizou asked, he inspected the device and scrolled down endless songs to count.
"Okay, so first, this is the search bar to look for songs if you wanna sing. Here is the queue of songs people are going to sing..." Y/n rambled how to work the karaoke device and microphone to Heizou who was a newbie.
"Oh, thanks a bunch!" Heizou said.
"No problem!" Ayaka sang a song, and of course, everyone in the room clapped loudly and cheered.
Y/n looked at Scaramouche just drinking a soda."You wanna sing?"
"No." Scaramouche immediately replied with no hesitation.
"Awh, but the reason to come here is to sing! Not drout out." Y/n said to Scaramouche.
"Y/n! Your next!" Ayaka said, she held out the microphone to Y/n.
——— after karaoke bc I'm a lazy ass mf AGAIN. (full version in wattpad)
Hu Tao sang, Heizou sang, Kazuha sang, Thoma sang, everyone sang, but Scaramouche.
"Scara, do you not want to sing?"
"Um." Scaramouche moved his gaze to Y/n, then looked away.
"Yeah? I'll do a duo with you."
They searched up a song they liked, "Alright, get yo butt over here!" Y/n grabbed Scaramouche's hand.
"Hey, wait!" Scaramouche exclaimed to protest.
"Here's the microphone, I believe you like this song a lot. So you'll sing it with me! I know you can sing, I've heard you hum and sing songs aloud before. Don't be shy!" Y/n nudged Scaramouche.
"It's not that...—"
"The song's starting, get ready!"
"Whew... I'm wiped out." Hu Tao said, while wiping off some sweat off her forehead.
"Were going home now." Kazuha picked up his bag from the ground and went to Heizou.
"Right! Goodnight, Kazuha! Goodnight, Heizou! Get home safe!" Y/n gave them a small smile and wave.
"You too." Kazuha smiled, and left with Heizou.
"You down for a sleep over?" Yoimiya said.
"Ah, I wish. But I can't." Y/n said.
"Why not? Have some fun at least." Yoimiya nudged their shoulder gently, then chuckled.
"Well, goodnight Scaramouche and Y/n! Get home safe!" Ganyu left.
"We'll be heading out with Thoma." Ayaka said.
"Right, you want me to call Ayato for you?" Thoma asked.
"Yes, and you might wanna stay with the sleepover group as well. You live quite far away. Ayato can just pick you up." Ayaka said while pulling her phone out.
"Right, well then. It was nice being with you guys. Goodnight and get home safe!" Thoma waved goodbye. Yoimiya, Ayaka, Thoma and Hu Tao left as Scaramouche and Y/n followed behind.
"Did you have fun?" Y/n asked.
"A little." Scaramouche mumbled.
"What? Can you repeat that?" Y/n said.
"I said I didn't."
Y/n giggled. "Next time you will. I promise you."
Y/n nudged him with their arm. And picked him up from the seat, and led him away to the exit.
"Thank you for joining Izumi Karaoke!" A staff member said.
Y/n waved goodbye to the staff as they waved goodbye too.
"Right. This is a goodbye until tomorrow!" Y/n said outside the building.
"Goodnight, Ayaka, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, and Thoma! Get home safe!"
"We will! You too with Scaramouche!" Hu Tao waved.
"Goodnight!" Hu Tao and the others waved goodbye as they walked away.
"We should go now." Y/n turned around and stopped for Scaramouche to come.
"I'll walk with you, it's dangerous." Scaramouche quietly muttered.
"Right." Y/n giggled.
They walked the dimly lit streets as cars and people raced by them. Y/n and Scaramouche went to the stairs leading down to the train station. Y/n bought a ticket for themself and turned to Scaramouche who was waiting.
"I'll be alright by myself."
"You sure?" Scaramouche asked, he raised an eyebrow.
"Yep! Goodnight Scara, and get home safe." Y/n smiled warmly at Scara. The train got there just in time, they boarded the train.
"You too. Stay safe."
"See you tomorrow!" Y/n smiled and waved goodbye as the train doors closed.
The train left as Scaramouche stood there. "Stay safe, N/n." Scaramouche turned around and walked away.
it quickly dawned to the next morning, it went how everything usually went. Same days, same hours, same minutes, same seconds.
Scaramouche walked to the train station where Hu Tao and Y/n usually meet.
Scara sat at the nearest bench as they scrolled on his phone. 4 minutes quickly passed, but no sight of Y/n was to be seen.
"Where is Y/n..." Scara knew that Hu Tao wouldn't be there because she had stayed over the sleepover.
"Did they oversleep? They've never been late before. Unless they're feeling unwell." Scaramouche dialed Y/n's phone number and stood up from the bench, impatiently tapping his foot.
The train station radio went blaring.
"Breaking news, last night at 8:53 pm, a high schooler named L/n Y/n was murdered at Tevyat cityscape. Their body was found at 9:02 pm, murderer is unknown and stab wounds are fatal. Relating to the case of-"
Scaramouche could've swore he dropped his phone.
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@xyouami 10/21/23 3:35 pm
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Something I've noticed when I write black OCs is that I get people referencing TV Tropes like it's a gotcha. "You're writing a black woman with water elemental powers. That's really cliche, here's a link to show what I mean." "Oh he has lightning abilities? That's super overdone, haven't you seen the page Electric Black Guy?" "That name sounds pretty stereotypical. It's what TV Tropes would call a Ghetto Name." "Him being into classical music has such "But Not Too Black" vibes."
I had a college professor who was super into TV Tropes. She was an adjunct who wore the same red cardigan and stained, smelly purple Uggs every day, who regularly rambled and went over the allotted time we had for class each day, one time by forty minutes. I got a lot of writing done in that Intro To Literature class, but it's given me a bias against TV Tropes. Particularly because none of those tropes are bad.
Black people having elemental superpowers in a setting where all superpowers are elemental? Not a bad thing, it'd be kind of weird if I broke the lore just for black people. Somali names like what I gave one character's family (bc they're Somali American) being "ghetto" is dependent on what we mean by "ghetto" but why would be it bad if, in fact, those were names people living in a ghetto had? And speaking as a harpist in my university's orchestra, I know for a fact that black people into classical music exist, not just because they're in the orchestra but because our orchestra director is a black man who's very passionate about multiple genres, including ones that are "not too black".
TV Tropes was fun in middle school. I get the appeal. But it doesn't dictate what can and cannot be written about. And just because a trope has a name doesn't mean it's racist/evil/bad/wrong and no one can ever write ever no matter what. Even TV Tropes says tropes are not evil.
The real cliche here is the desire to police the fuck out of every single black character for not being literally all things to all people at the same time.
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bubba-draws · 6 months
Hello, could I ask you for some Radiant Vessel Hollow AU stuff? What's the general lore behind that, how did those two end up as they did and just general brainrot on the idea?
Anon this is the best birthday present ever bc i've been thinking about this au for a while now AND I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT AAAA
SO pretty much the au was born from the idea of "Wouldn't it be fucked up if Hollow ended up joining Radi?" partial inspiration comes from this song as well!
(There's a bunch of subtitles in different languages but I'm going with the english one)
To summarize, after years of fighting Radi inside their mind prison, Radi changes tactics and attempts to make Hollow join her, she promises to give them all that was taken from them, the life they deserved
Hollow doesn't fall right away of course, they try to ignore her, fight her, but after years of the same dance and song they start getting tired, no matter how hard they try Radi is never fully gone when they fight, their void not strong enough to rip her apart, and being the only one with them (The dreamers are also in Hollow's mind prison, but they're not anywhere nearby these two) they can't help but lean on her company
The closest thing I could get to describe their relationship at this point is an odd sense of solidarity, in a way both of them were done wrong by the same guy, and while it does take a lot for Hollow to understand this, deep down they knew there was a bit of resentment towards PK, one that grows in intensity the more these two spend together, and it erupts when they succumb to Radi and she turns them into a vessel for her
It's kinda like what Grimm and the Nightmare heart has going on (or at least the general HC most people got) Hollow made a deal with Radi, she will lend her powers and energy to Hollow for them to call anytime they want, to go back so she can see the world through their eyes (disclaimer: not all the time btw ASHFJKAS just when its necessary/Hollow calls her) there's no cycle of rebirth or anything here though, she's also no longer limited to Hollow's mind, she can see the whole Dream Realm now
So yeah, once Hollow is used to their new powers (and body, they got some changes in appearance) they take down the dreamers, escape the black egg, their presence making the infection spread like a wildfire and take down PK :3 (WL escaped, the knights... yeah they dont make it)
There's still some ideas I gotta clean up after this point, but I talked about this with some people and got the idea that yeah, Hollow does take over Hallownest and its people, everyone is infected to some degree? makes them more agreeable to what's going on but its not enough to make them feral anymore, some of the bugs that got modifications through the infection stay like that and while still a bit volatile, they can think enough to understand things
As for their relationship??? It's odd as fuck KJHSDFJKAH there's nothing romantic, that's for sure, it is definetely more similat to a Lord and their subordinate, but theyre like??? very close?? almost familial, when there's no job to do or Hollow needs reassurance Radi becomes the closest thing to a motherly figure they could get (Even if WL loved them there was no way she couldve shown them that) but its not enough for them to call each other family
as for the game events it would completely change, Ghost would arrive to a completely different Hallownest, where everyone is happy and nice, but the more u progress the game u realize shit's fucked up, Hornet is there as well and she came back to Hallownest to seek revenge for her mother
As to what happens to the abyss and pile of dead siblings, i'm still a bit unsure, part of me thinks Hollow wouldnt want to get rid of it but part of me knows Radi wouldnt let them have it open or even go in there, while still void the light she bestowed upon them would present a threat for the shades living there
and that's most of what I got! I still need to think of other things, but if u guys got other questions or ideas I would love love LOVE to hear them!! :D
have a quick doodle of them :3
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gloomysoup · 9 months
okay yes i know i have 800 wips i should be working on rn... HOWEVER i've had another plot bunny pop up and i'm subjecting all of you to it
so hear me out:
steve has an older half-sister from his mom's previous marriage (maybe divorced, maybe widowed, who cares not important rn). she's not that much older than him, but she left home for college and never looked back. she occasionally calls to check up on steve, especially around the time the upside down happens bc of everything in the news. they were never super close as kids, but they cared ab each other. she was the first person he called after starcourt, and she was also the first person (besides robin of course) that he came out to. she's always supported him no matter what.
they don't talk ab her very often tho. conversation usually stays on steve and how he's doing, how his friends are, what his life is like. he doesn't know much ab her life at the time, just that by the time fall of 1986 hits, she's graduated college and starting a career (what, i don't know. maybe teacher or literary publicist? something steve's dad wouldn't approve of)
and then things change. steve gets a call from his sister, and she asks if he can come visit for a while here in the next month or so. he asks questions. it takes her a bit to answer. finally, she rips off the bandage. she's pregnant. she doesn't think she's ready for a baby, but she still wants to be in their life. she knows steve loves kids, that he's always wanted to be a dad. she asks if he'll come up for the birth, and adopt her baby. she wants him to raise the kid, but she doesn't try to pressure him. she knows it's a big ask. she just wanted to offer. she says she'd feel better knowing they're in a good place, that they're loved. she knows he would be perfect.
steve is obviously shocked, and rightfully so. it came out of nowhere really. he hadn't known this whole time. he isn't sure what to say. his sister tells him to think on it. there's still a little bit of time before the due date. he agrees to at least come visit and be with her for the birth. he doesn't promise anything more than that. he isn't sure what he's going to do yet, just that he wants to be there to support her.
he talks to robin that night, sitting on the living room floor of the small house they rent. it isn't much, but it's home. he tells her everything his sister said. robin stays quiet the whole time. when he finishes, all she asks is, "what do you want to do?" steve doesn't know. he isn't sure he'd be ready to raise a child on his own. so robin offers to help.
they decide to coparent. they're both there when steve's niece is brought into the world, and they don't hesitate for even a second when signing the adoption papers and birth certificate. everyone lives happily ever after.
this is fully centered on platonic stobin, with maybe a dash of background steddie and buckingham bc i make my own rules. would potentially end up being a big blended family all living in one house and coparenting all of their children (yes more kids) together and everything works out.
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chirpsythismorning · 6 months
This is a continuation in exploring why I think Mike's character regression over the seasons can be explained in part by guilt, which he has yet to confront
Original post
Now we're onto s2, which jumps us ahead in the timeline a bit.
Mike has been calling out to El on the walkie for approx. 252 days now, under what he views as the false hope she might actually be alive. This is mostly based on the fact that Mike thought he saw El outside of his house a few hours after she 'died' (he did see her, bc she was there...) and so a part of him does think there's a chance. And yet this is also isn't something Mike seems to be comfortable talking about the others with.
Which brings us to the crazy together scene. Although this scene has a lot going on, there's one aspect of it in particular that I want to focus on, as it's the driving force for what is going to be discussed, which is that Halloween night was also the last night Mike called El, aka day 353.
I just want to preface what follows, with the fact that I do not personally think Mike giving up calling El, as a concept on its own, means that he couldn't possibly love El romantically or something. It's not even about that idea from an audience perspective. And this is because any average person, in reality, mourning someones' death, should not be calling out to that person for almost a year. Letting go doesn't make you a bad person, whether it was romantic, platonic or even familial. It's called healing and accepting what is and trying to move on and live your life.
Neither does Mike giving up after that night make him heartless or a bad character in my opinion. It literally just makes him human. But that also doesn't mean that's how Mike feels about it, nor does it mean that the manifestation of this guilt isn't going to affect his behavior over the course of the series, causing some very unfortunate choices on Mike's part to then lead to some very unfortunate events for everyone...
Where it starts to get sort of complex is that I think the whole point of the crazy together scene and where it ended up was to for it to showcase how Mike and Will were both willing to accept each other, despite these secrets they've been keeping to themselves.
Will revealed the truth to Mike about how he could still see into the UD, with the addition of seeing this big 'shadow in the sky', followed by asking Mike to not tell the others because they wouldn't understand. Mike then responds by saying El would understand, followed by confiding his own secret to Will that he's been keeping from the others, which is that he thinks he's seen signs that El could still be alive.
The scene then ends with them in agreement that if they're both going crazy, they'll go crazy together, with it arguably being their most incriminatingly romantic moment to date, as it juxtaposes other uncannily similar romantic mentions on the show involving that same word.
But no matter what happens, they're promising to support each other, specifically the weird shit they have going on and could presumably continue to explore that weirdness, without telling anyone else who might judge them for it or misunderstand their feelings entirely...
This is why Mike had no problem with Will going crazy in s2 because as promised, he was going to be right there with him. Also meaning, Mike COULD have had no problem continuing to test out his theory that El was alive, because Will would have supported him.
Obviously, Will sort of had his hands tied in s2 (literally?), but the point still stands. It's not like this was something Mike HAD to give up, because that conversation between him and Will instilled that they would support each other and what makes them feel crazy.
I think the issue though, is that what's causing Mike so much grief daily for almost a year now, is the guilt that came with El's death and him feeling responsible. And so, in contrast to Will's slightly more justified assumptions that what he's seeing could actually be real based on what's happened to him, it's like Mike is asking himself whether he's actually seeing El because she's still alive OR is he just imagining she's still alive because he wants to forgive himself?
A kid deducing that in their head would make them feel pretty awful, don't you think? Maybe even lead them to calling out to that person for almost a year in hopes that they might still be alive?
Meaning Mike choosing that night to walk away, to give up, is likely a result of his conversation with Will making him feel more comfortable with finally letting go of some of that guilt in order to actually start the process of moving on. Because a big part of why he didn't want to move on was because of guilt in the first place.
Also confiding in Will and only Will, not the others, who were hell bent on interpreting all of Mike's feelings for El as romantic, was maybe Mike's way of avoiding the pressure to associate his whole relationship with El as strictly romantic. With Will, maybe Mike knew he wasn't going to spin it into something like that. And he would’ve been right, because Will didn't.
October 30th, Halloween Night (Day 353 - Last call)
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You cannot tell me that day 353 isn't framed as the last call. Like Mike is literally walking away dramatically, leaving El alone, with her now just a tiny dot surrounded by darkness. The way it's framed leaves the viewer genuinely feeling heartbroken because there's some very evident finality to what is being presented. And we even see that El feels it too, hence the episode cutting off dramatically with her tear filled eyes.
And so why did Mike choose THIS moment to give up? Why did he choose now to put his 353 day streak to rest? Like, that was impressive as hell. He could have easily kept that going, but instead he decided that this was going to be the last time he was going to try calling out to her...
November 1st (Day 354)
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El is still pretty bummed that Hopper came home late last night, but I'm guessing she's even more bummed still processing what might have very well been Mike finally giving up that night too.
Although I don't think El would blame Mike for giving up, still, she too throughout all of this had been building up hope herself. El's been clinging onto the bond she made with Mike, specifically the romantic moments, to the point where she has been watching shows with romantic themes, putting herself in the position of the love interest.
So him not giving up, to El, has been a signal that what they are feeling between each other is very deep and... romantic. Him keeping this going this long is a sign to her that these feelings are pretty much guaranteed. And if he doesn't continue, that hope would obviously dwindle.
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At breakfast that morning, Hopper acknowledges the TV cord peaking out of El's room, which is the device she uses to visit Mike from the void, all the way from the cabin. Without it, she is not able to 'communicate' with him, let alone see if he actually didn't give up after that night she feared he did...
Unfortunately her and Hopper have an argument after this, leading to her storming off to her room. And after Hopper is gone, El finds herself being so impatient to see Mike after almost a year of waiting, that she decides to take fate into her own hands. She isn't willing to wait until the evening, which is roughly speaking the usual time Mike uses the walkie to call her every night. She needs to see him now.
And lucky(?) for her, she does!
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Finally! A SIGN! After almost a year of no signs that El is alive, since the night she went missing, Mike is getting a sign El is alive!
And he runs after it! He goes to check to confirm his (valid) suspicions, only for her to not be there, with Mike looking disappointed, but also kind of like he's accepted it's a lost cause at this point.
Mike's hope that El is alive and okay and the relief that would come with finally letting go of this massive weight of guilt, is not within reach. He just needs to accept it and let it go. He needs to forgive himself and move on.
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On top of all of this, Will is experiencing his own version of crazy. And Mike seems more concerned with focusing on this and supporting Will, than holding onto this hope that El is alive.
So even though Mike just got a sign that El is alive (which parallels to the initial evidence of her being alive outside his house, what literally initiated him to call out to her for almost a year), he doesn't revert back to his approach of not giving up. He sticks by his decision.
The irony of what happens with El the same night that Mike doesn't call, for the first time, is not lost on me...
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Tragically, El doesn't know Mike actually gave up (just like she feared he did) because she lost her ability to communicate with him that night.
I wonder how differently things would have played out if she new the truth. Would she have held onto this really romanticized idea of her and Mike's relationship because he never gave up? Or would she have maybe reassured Mike that it was okay that he gave up and moved past it and still hoped and tried to make it work? Honestly, I think the later.
Because again, it's not Mike giving up that makes him a bad person or something that refutes his ability to love her romantically, it just means that it's not true that he never gave up.
And Mike being the only person to know this fact... Um... Cannot be good for him.
October 2nd (Day 355)
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As El is trying to revive a modicum of hope that she can see Mike again through the void, to confirm her hopes that he didn't give up, by using the TV like she usually does, she discovers that the cord is broken. It's a lost cause.
On the other side of town, Mike is entirely focused on Will. The previous night, he did not reach out to El. He gave up. And El is none the wiser.
The writers made the choice to have one more night that Mike could have called El because he was at home that night on day 354, a day that actually involved an incident that you'd think would have reignited his hope that she was alive, before he inevitably jumped head first into focusing on Will, with him not being home for the rest of the season. They could have shown us Mike calling out to El from the other side of town, and then cut to her in her room not knowing... And yet, they didn't...
This is where I jump to the end, because the focus primarily when it comes to El and Mike's arcs for the rest of the season are with El trying to find her mom and discover more about herself, while Mike is trying to be there for Will in any way he can.
The sad part is that despite Mike giving up and trying to move on from El's death, that guilt is never really going to go away. He gave El expectations that she had to risk her life to find Will, and all of that built up and inadvertently led to her death.
But maybe Mike can right the wrongs he had El endure by following through on his focus of not letting Will die too? Maybe if Mike can save Will, El wouldn't have died for nothing?
But with this guilt and Mike trying to overcorrect it all, he's also experiencing very real and emotional moments with Will. Will is his best friend, and just a year ago Mike risked everything to get him back. A lot of those moments he experienced with El in s1, moments mixed with romantic expectations, are now also lingering here with him and his friend in s2. Except these aren't forced expectations. Everything Mike’s feeling and doing the entire time comes naturally to him, with none of it requiring pushing or advice from those around him. It's just pure instinct.
In the end, Mike's beside Joyce and Jonathan, who are sharing memories they have with Will to him in hopes it will prove to them he's still in there and able to be saved.
This emotional sequence builds up to Mike using his own memory of Will to try to reach him, one that comes off as platonic in every sense of the word, but visually, and when looked at in the grand scheme of things, especially with what is about to follow and those romantic expectations with El soon being thrust back on him... Well... Shit is about to get real messy.
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Upon reuniting with El, Mike was quick to want to tell her that he never gave up, only for her to interrupt him with the exact number of days he called (before he gave up).
This is news to Mike for an abundance of reasons. It means he's not crazy and that El actually was alive those two times he saw her. All this (survivors) guilt that's been building up over the last year could have been avoided if he'd known that she didn't die, that she was okay.
It also means that for some reason, El heard him, and yet she doesn't know that he gave up...
And here Hopper is, revealing that he's been hiding her the whole time aka the perfect person for Mike to take all of this pent-up emotion out on.
Hopper then tells Mike that they will discuss this privately, which I find to be very interesting because it offers a chance for the viewer to see just a glimpse into Mike's emotional state at this moment, without everyone around to affect his ability to truly open up about how he's feeling. And not alone just anywhere in the house, but in Will's room...
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Mike is understandably upset because El is alive and Hopper knew this whole time and didn't tell him.
While Hopper didn't technically lie to Mike, at least not in canon because we never got an outright scene on-screen of Mike asking Hopper if El was alive with him denying it (all while knowing she was), it's at the very least a lie of omission...
But the thing is, if Hopper not clueing Mike in on El being alive qualifies as a lie of omission (off-screen), so does Mike not telling El he gave up (on-screen).
If anything Mike's lie of omission also qualifies as a plain old lie, because he outright told El he didn't give up (lied) and didn't correct her when she informed him she knew he didn't. She fully believed it, despite him knowing deep down that it wasn't the full truth.
So while Mike is taking all of his anger out on Hopper as this fighting match comes to a head, it takes a turn.
Hopper is fine with Mike blaming him, he says it's 'okay'. But it's not. Nothing about this is okay to Mike, seeing as this isn't even the whole problem. It's not the problem Mike's actually hiding within his outburst in the first place.
Suddenly Mike starts screaming to Hopper that he's a 'disgusting, lying, piece of shit', chanting LIAR over and over and over again, shoving him repeatedly, only for him to fall into Hopper's arms and start crying, with Hopper reassuring him that he's okay.
Something tells me Mike's emotions here aren't all about Hopper...
Something tells me that Mike's fixation with the word liar doesn't apply to Hopper here as much as it applies to Mike himself (in his eyes)...
The main reason why I think this is what's actually going on here, is because there was no reason to put so much emphasize on this concept of Mike literally walking away that last time he called her.
Why go through the trouble of creating this misunderstanding, by having the TV not work, with El not being able to go into the void to see Mike, THE very night he gave up, if to not plant the seed that this misunderstanding was going to bear some significance? That this misunderstanding (lie? lie of omission?) was going to lead to El assuming Mike didn't give up, all while Mike knows he gave up, but going along with the story that he didn't, for both El's sake and his own?
BECAUSE it's a surprise tool that will help us later!
I also think it's interesting that they decided to have Will go off and dance with a girl at the snowball BEFORE Mike decided to devote himself to El here on out. Like... that is quite the choice after a season of highlighting this bond between Will and Mike where they promise to go crazy together, which is a moment we know Will took romantically.... So, is it possible Mike also took it romantically? We know Will also took Mike's speech to him in the shed romantically, so is it possible Mike did too, with that experience only heightening his emotions and confusion over his feelings for El when he found out she was alive shortly after, leading to his outburst? But then Will is going and dancing with the girl, and here we have Mike's own version of falling behind (the Time After Time lyrics were more literal than you think).
What if they didn't do all of that? Would things have maybe panned out slightly differently if Mike wasn't under the (incorrect) assumption that Will didn't take those moments romantically?
While Mike's guilt might have started in s1, when he played the biggest role in pushing expectations onto El to help them find Will, only for her to 'die', it doesn't end there. Mike's guilt only builds when he holds the knowledge that he did give up hoping she could be alive, all while allowing El to believe the opposite based on what she saw, which was a guiding force for not only her love and dedication to him flourishing, but also for him to then shift his own version of expectations onto himself going forward to make it up to El by trying to be who she wants him to be.
We see how romanticized 353 days is interpreted exclusively as meaning Mike has to be in love with El. But he did give up. So what does that mean for all of this? For their picture perfect love story?
What does it mean for Mike to hold onto this truth, a truth that makes him feel immense guilt, only for him to spend the next year or so making it up to her...?
It means either Mike has to come clean, or he has to deflect and double down.
What option do you think a guilt-ridden, repressed homosexual kid in the 80's is going to choose?
Answer? Deflect and double down.
In s3, Mike is so focused on worrying about El (giving her what he thinks she wants) so he can right all the building up of wrongs he has done at her expense since he met her, and as a result loses Will in the process (where have we heard this before...?)
Instead of Mike having a moment in s3 where he acknowledges that he himself was the first to ever refer to El as a weapon in the first place, to try to save Will in s1, he's now turning around and blaming the others for using El as a weapon 'for no reason'...
No reason? Really Mike? Is it for no reason, or is it just not a good enough reason to you this time?
Or maybe has Mike just actually spent enough time with El now to truly feel a bond with her in order to see her as a full person, slightly outside of this imaginary superhero he's cooked her up to be when he met her that day in the woods, the day his life started because she was his first and only hope of finding Will? (I say slightly bc... I mean we all saw what happened in s4?)
I honestly think it's a mix of both...
I also think it's not a coincidence that Mike doubling down instead of facing the truth about this manifestation of guilt only makes things worse for him. And El. And Will.
Because suddenly he's choosing this moment to blurt out that he loves and can't lose her again, in front of everyone, even to his own dismay and shock. And when El walks in and gives him a chance to say it to her himself, like any person whose in love with someone would want to do, to make them feel loved, he looks terrified.
And when the season ends and Mike is given another chance to say it finally, to El directly, in roughly the exact same spot he had his emotional outburst in the previous season over finding out she was alive at the same time he was still grappling with losing Will again, IN WILL'S ROOM, he freezes. He just lets what happens, happen.
Because after everything, with El right now in front of him, telling him she loves him while being fully convinced he loves her too after everything they've went through, how could he possibly take it back, or try to make her understand his complicated feelings about all of this?
Answer? He can't.
As hard as it is to believe (not that hard honestly based on his track record), Mike's deflection and stalling era is just beginning...
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
In your Luke Raises Rey au, does Leia ever forgive her father? (Also anakin saying he still loves Leia after she says she isn't calling him Dad is incredibly sweet.)
Also does Ben ever actually fully turn to the dark side? I think it would be super interesting to see a lightsaber fight Between him and Rey when he tries to take down Luke's training.
have so many questions haha.
haha u opened a can of worms here bc i LOVE talking abt leia and her super complicated family feelings and grief and whatnot <3 <3 <3
I think forgive's a very strong word to use around anivader loll -- ESPECIALLY with leia. i mean. he literally tried to torture her and was semi-responsible in the genocide of her planet (and genocide of her other ppl, if she started identifying w the jedi!) and countless other crimes like he's done some Heinous shit (and not even in the anakin's fun sexy warcrimes way just the straight up evil warcrimes) and they're not the kinda actions you forgive.
but forgiveness isn't the only path forward! I do think she makes peace w him -- or more what he is and what he is to her. like yes, he was her birth father but no that doesn't change anything about her, she's not evil, she can still be luke's sister without having the same relationship to their heritage. bail organa's still her actual father in every way that matters and she realises nothing about anivader's existence can change that
she can't go full jedi and let go of all the anger in her heart -- she's not luke, she can't make that ultimate peace or find any good in vader -- but I do think she does manage to let go of enough anger that she's not holding that unhealthy burning hate in her chest 24/7. it can't help her now; he's dead. so yeah, its not forgiveness, but it's something
and i think the skywalkers deserve nice things so no, Ben's not going evil or trying to obliterate the academy!! let the poor jedi live!!!!!! he's just a bit of an emo with very questionable taste in men. the knights of ren is just his space discord server or smthn
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frogsare-friends · 8 months
i will never get over the "jeremiah's a bad brother" from the con-gave-me-a-rash supporters. especially if you add in the "conrad is an amazing brother" bc what. did we watch the same show? conrad consistently uses jeremiah's insecurities against him and makes him feel bad for not knowing things that conrad specifically keeps from him. and the difference between jeremiah finding out about bonbad vs conrad finding out about jellyfish does matter. bc jeremiah said "he'll break your heart" (if one more person is like "he pulled the cancer card" i'll lose my mind, he JUST found out abt it ofc they're intertwined emotions, and conundrum's whole personality is the cancer card so what?) and stops talking to belly, but is perfectly polite to them and privately, kindly, and calmly sets a boundary with conrad. conrad asks if belly only kissed jeremiah to make him jealous (which is so fucked, jesus), and then makes some weird creepy allusion to crashing the car bc he's mad, slut shames jeremiah, calls jeremiah (and belly but this is abt conrad and jere) stupid, picks at jeremiah, asks who the better kisser is, tells him he doesn't know belly, and then refuses to talk to jeremiah until jeremiah forces him to. and he's supposed to be the better brother? also, the "conrad asked for jeremiah's blessing first, jeremiah didn't" one, he at least knew a little bit that jeremiah and belly had a thing, hence why he texted her at the party, and then kissed her anyway. THEN after finding out jeremiah had feelings for her he says "it's jere, he doesn't take anything seriously, be with me" and then when belly (bc if it was up to him they'd be together) said she didn't wanna get together until jeremiah was okay with it, he lied to her to get with her. everyone talks abt the scene where he finds jere doing the bills alone and leaves him there after manipulating him into getting his blessing, but nobody talks about the line jere has "i can't believe you'd come here like this" bc he hasn't been there. he came home to ask jeremiah for his blessing and nothing else. he didn't even try to help jere with the bills. then asks jeremiah if he wants a medal when he talks about how hard it was taking care of susannah? yes, jeremiah shouldn't have said what he said, but the difference is this is one fight that's been bottled up for months, vs conrad consistently crossing the line and hurting jeremiah. him telling him to grow up was soooo unfair. he always picks at jeremiah's insecurities and blames jeremiah for forgiving adam when we don't even know if jeremiah (in the show) knows abt him cheating, and adam is the only family jeremiah (barely) has left. two, conrad getting with belly was planned, belly and jeremiah's kiss wasn't. three, conrad confessed his feeling to belly the night before her and jeremiah's wedding. that's. so. fucked. but jeremiah goes to their wedding, belly blows him a kiss and he just turns away. he tells him he just wants them to be happy. he even tells belly he won't be upset if she chooses conrad in s2. he convinces belly and conrad to talk about their feelings in s2. but the firework, a single fight, and a kiss make him a terrible person.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
maxander head canons
@ant-thebooknerd requested this in my comment section so here it is. @hathorneheiress helped with this post. some hcs might suck and i apologize if anything doesn’t make sense cause this isn’t proof read. i haven't gotten any real sleep in 3 days so my hcs making brain juice has almost run out. hope you like it! i will make a part two bc i love them and these were so easy and fun to make.
max gets annoyed sometimes cause she loves reading but hates having to hold the book open, and those contraptions you buy online don't work. xander built her smth just for her.
they're the type of people to kiss each other's feet and bow down to each other as a joke
when they can't sleep, they read smut to each other.
when they’re out in public, xander clings onto her arm like a baby.
although they’re in a relationship, they’re both really shy when it comes to telling the other i love you. either that or they make it a competition like who can go the longest without saying i love you accidently.
they're the type of people to always be on call. it doesn't matter if they're sleeping or at the bathroom, they will NOT hang up.
i can see him asking her to prom with those super cliche embarrassing posters with puns and stuff. max squealed like a seal when he did it.
they do those challenges on tiktok where someone puts the karaoke version of a song on and the other has to guess what song is playing (search it up if you don’t know what im talking about).
speaking of singing, they make the weirdest parodies of songs and sing them during their weekly dinners with the rest of the family.
when xander doesn't want to wake up and get out of bed, max shakes her ass in his face and jumps all over him.
they both love lying down sprawled on the floor quietly, staring at the ceiling, questioning their life decisions together.
they love scaring people when they're in his lab and people are passing by saying stuff like 'harder, xander! ah you’re so big. yes that's it right there". they always succeed. 
they love pretending like they're their favorite historical romance couples like elizabeth and darcy from pride and prejudice. they go around acting out all of the scenes and stuff.
whenever their favorite artists release an album, they have a listening party with popcorn, candy, balloons, confetti, etc. its this huge thing and it basically becomes a holiday for them (which obviously doesn't have a set date bc albums are released randomly)
they post those weird cliche cheesy prank videos like "pregnancy prank on my boyfriend"
when they cuddle in bed, max is the big spoon and xander is the little spoon.
they’re both cuddle addicts. they’ll be at a super important event and they’ll be sitting on the floor in each other’s arms whispering things to each other. alisa gets so mad and thinks its bad for their image.
ever since they started dating, xander doesn't use his pillow anymore, he lies down on max's chest bc he think boobs are better than any pillow.
they love watching crime series and trying to figure out who committed the crime themselves.
max loves making paper flower bouquets for xander.
max wanted to learn how to twerk so she got xander to teach her. she's now an expert (even better than xander)
xander loves picking up her hand and bowing down to kiss it like some historical romance boyfriend saying stuff like "why hello there, mlady"
they are constantly sending each other tiktoks. one will wake up the next morning and see that the other one sent them 20 different tiktoks. they send the other their thoughts on each and everyone of them in a numbered list.
max becomes a literal monster when she’s on her period. she’s constantly screaming at xander to get her chocolate and stuff and xander’s running around trying to get it for her. she also asks for the most unreasonable things ever. she’ll ask xander to get her a book blanket or some shit and xander will sit there, terrified, wondering what he’s supposed to do.
max is always bragging about the fact that she can eat more than xander even though he’s much bigger than she is.
max will only swear for real in front of xander. they make a competition out of it: “who can out swear the other” usually sweet cinnamon roll xander wins surprisingly.
they sneak around hawthorne house together to try to get all of the juicy gossip. i can see them acting like they're in a comedy movie hiding behind cleaning carts and stuff.
they call each other stuff like 'my sexy sweet sugar plum dusted with pepper" and "my hot little apple pie sprinkled with glitter"
they draw stuff on each other's arms with sharpies. they're too scared to get actual tattoos so this is the next best thing.
when max has a bad day, she loves lying down completely on top of xander and placing her head in the crook of his neck. it allows her to decompress and relax.
nose kisses are their favorite type of kisses bc it always makes the other blush and scrunch their nose, and they find it adorable.
they have matching shirts that go like "if lost return to max"/"i am max"
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qprsmackdown · 10 months
q!parrotduo (q!Jaiden and q!Roier from the QSMP) Propaganda:
They raised a kid together and he was the best dragon ever, they've been there for the other at their lowest and even when no one else believed them, they have been through grief and healing together, they would go through Hell for the other.
They are canonically platonic partners, Jaiden is Aroace and Roier has a husband (outside of the QPR) and had a wonderful son (egg), Bobby. Even when they were lawyers on opposing sides of a court case, afterwards they complimented each other on how they did during the case. On top of that, Jaiden threatened Roier's husband Cellbit before their marriage, telling him that if he hurt Roier she would hunt him down, and telling him to be honest to Roier. They are the greatest <3
they had a kid together and lived together and even after bobby died they’ve stayed the bestest of friends ☹️ roier even got married but jaiden is still so important to him and they both care for each other so much and roier’s husband sees her as equally part of their family too
they adopted a kid together because of an event and they didnt have to go hard as they did. after the kid died, they STILL were together. then roier married another guy BUT all jaiden did was threaten him bc all she wants is for roier to be happy.
i dont even go here but this qpr is literally canon. jaiden is an aroace queen and also these two raised a son together like come on bro
Q! and cc!Jaiden is aroace and q!roier is queer. They were selected to be a pair to raise a child who they named Bobby. Jaiden moved into roier's home, had their beds next to each other, they raised bobby together, went on adventures together. Jaiden and roier loved each other and called each other family. When people asked if they were together they both said no but they were partners. Jaiden was extremely supportive of roier's cross dressing and him working at a strip club. Roier helped her practice her fighting skills. When roier became romantically interested in another character nothing between them changed and Jaiden threatened the other character to never hurt roier. Bobby died and they mourned and Jaiden moved away but they were still very close and visit each other often and roier keeps an eye on her interactions with a federation worker called cucurucho to make sure it doesn't hurt her. They are literally the perfect example of a qpr; living together, expressing their love for each other, raising a child together but never being romantically involved and being such a unit together and everyone on the island knows it and loves them too.
its like halfway canon that theyre in a QPR, they raise a child together and sleep next to each other and are basically life partners. jaiden supports roiers other relationships, and they actually support and communicate with each other and its great
They raised a child together, Roier's in game romantic husband loves Jaiden almost as much Roier does
you don't understand your honor they're everything to me. they're basically canon. they raised a kid together, lived in the same house, slept in the same bed, and trusted each other with everything. Someone once asked if they were together romantically and their answers were 'family' and 'partners' and often times they're just called 'platonic life partners'. They trust each other first no matter what they are RIDE or DIE qpp bitrans and aroace
oh my gdodddd dude oh my goddddd oh my godddddd oh my lord oh my LORRRDDDDDD they got randomly paired together to raise a child and had hardly interacted before that and immediatley became besties and there is so much respect and patience and trust in their relationship even after the loss of their child they are eachothers confidants they always want the best for eachother they are everything to me im craszy ANIMATIONS FAMILY 4EVER
they raised a child together they live together Jaiden's aroace and supports her partner's drag stripping career she was at his wedding
they raised a child together. jaiden is aroace and roier was kinda a whore before he got married (not to jaiden though) but they are besties and they care for each other very much. when their son bobby died they were each other's rock. i barely watch the livestreams but i see the liveblogging and its just so so obvious they care for each other and are ride or die PLEASE LET THEM IN AND WIN
they were the best parents to their little egg, Bobby, and are just so silly goofy together. They hype each other up SO MUCH.
Just these two lol not much for me to say but lots of platonic love to give
roier is gay and married to a man and jaiden's aroace but they are still partners!!! they're family they're a couple but they're not dating or romantically interested in each other. everyone in-canon acknowledges their relationship as equally as important as a romantic one, even roier's husband.
They LITERALLY lived together and slept in the same bed and raised a child together and one of them is played by an aroace person! The ccs never implied or explicitly said there was anything romantic between their characters, but the characters are still incredibly close with one another, even when Roier had his own romantic arc with another character!
They raised a son together platonically, Roier is married and he and Jaiden’s relationship is treated with the same amount of gravitas and weight as Roier’s relationship with his husband. They’re mutually supportive and care about each other so deeply. They’ve been through the loss of their son together and have continued to wholeheartedly mutually support and protect each other.
canonically a family unit but not in the nuclear way (they both parent a child, but they are not in a romantic relationship nor a couple, nor did either of them create this child). this platonic relationship is treated equally to one of the character's romantic relationships and is not seen as 'less' than the romantic one. it is expressed multiple times throughout the series how important this platonic relationship is.
They co-parented their adopted kid together for a while and were acknowledged by pretty much everyone as the best parents, and now that Roier is married, his husband treats him and jaiden with just as much respect as she does their marriage,,,, which means a lot to me personally <3
roier literally considers his relationship with jaiden (who is aroace) to be equal to that of his relationship with his husband. his husband also treats jaiden n roiers relationship as equal to his and roiers!! plus jaiden and roier raised a son together and slept next to each other and were often mistaken for being husband and wife bc of how affectionate they were but its completely platonic! also when roiers husband, cellbit, was being an asshole pre engagement, jaiden talked with roier about how she thinks he deserves better and threatened cellbit if he hurt roier. i have many feelings about them but most of them are like just stick figure gore images
qpr of all time. i dont even watch qsmp but theyre so sillies. they raised a kid (egg) together. jaiden is acearo
Roier is a very gay hypersexual man and Jaiden is AceAro!! They refer to eachother as partners and raised an (egg)child together. Theyre besties theyre ride or die they trust eachother above anyone else etc etc
They have said they love each other and it wasn’t romantic. One of them is played by and aroace person, one of them isn’t and the character still has a relationship outside of the romantic/platonic binary while still having both romantic and platonic relationships.
They have directly referred themselves as platonic partners multiple time throughout their time together. Despite the fact that Q!Roier is married to another character, his relationship with Q!Jaiden is never dismissed and is held at the same importance as his romantic relationship.
Literally call each other partner and family. Raised a egg son for a while (rip Bobby) Jaiden helped set him up with Cellbit! (They’re married now)
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sits on a chair very politely. hi corey!! tell me about some of your bsd hcs ever
okay, so first and foremost, kenji and higuchi have tourette's syndrome (and i could go on about that but that's a whole other list lol)
jun'ichirou has a stutter and when he feels strong emotions, his eyes glitch like a neon green
kajii and ranpo hooked up once just cause
kajii is aroallo, so he was down for a one night stand and the two hold it over everyone's heads all the time like "remember that time i slept with the lemon explosions guy?"
dazai. kyouka, and akutagawa are all canonically afraid of dogs, but also like it's not like a silly hehe let's laugh fear it's like feel anxious around dogs, flinches when they hear them bark, hates their hair and has to shower every time they come in contact with one (okay the projection may be a lil strong with this one)
whenever kunikida and dazai are walking together and see a dog, kunikida makes sure he's the one closest to the dog and will wordlessly switch sides with dazai. atsushi does the same for kyouka and akutagawa, and gin + black lizard does the same for akutagawa, too
kenji struggles to process that he's experienced traumatic things, so when the adults around him try to shelter him (and kyouka, but it feels personal for awhile) from worse things, he feels like they're babying him and doesn't understand that they're trying to protect him. and then, eventually, it all blows up (prolly after the cannibalism incident) (okay... yes this is the plot of my kenji & tecchou fic but i stand by this lol)
i like to think that, no matter what universe, kenji has some kind of role in inadvertently getting kunichuu together
kenji has an eating disorder due to his ability, but he still hasn't Really processed that yet (like with his trauma) but the agency is really good about making sure he eats (but sometimes it gets hard during Tough arcs like with the hunting dogs and stuff... when kenji took food but only enough for everyone else and not himself... ough...)
kenji also (last one iuygcfghuji) has trouble sleeping at night due to his ability and bc he's so used to getting up early back at itahov. sometimes he doesn't get any sleep in a night, sometimes he can't sleep unless he eats.
when dazai and kunikida find out, dazai steals kunikida's credit card (and kunikida) and they go to the store and buy kenji a cow plushie so he has something to keep him company at night and is perfect for holding and cuddling
dazai suggests he names it kuni-san and kenji LOVES the name
dazai and kunikida get kyouka a cuddly bunny plushie after she joins, too
lovecraft loves reality tv
the guild has mandatory weekly movie nights
nonbinary mark & lovecraft <333 and mark is Somewhere on the arospec... idk where, and neither do they, but they Are
one time mark pranked everyone by stealing their toilet paper holders and hiding them in a locker (... a student did that once. stole a toilet paper holder from the boy's bathroom, hid it in his locker, claimed he found it on the floor and put it in his locker for safe keeping)
this one is stolen from this AMAZING fic called "i can keep a secret if you hush" everyone should read it anyways kenji once walked in on tanihara making out (... heatedly... choking was involved) and they told him that it was a "fight between men" and "please don't tell anyone"
jun'ichirou is canonically afraid of earthquakes. the irl jun'ichirou's childhood home was destroyed by one. the real naomi died in an earthquake and so did the rest of his family and jun couldn't cope (he was A CHILD!!!) so light snow manifested naomi and it took him a couple years to realize she wasn't real and in this essay-
ranpo knew naomi was an illusion the Second he saw her and had a breakdown and hated her for a bit and avoided her and then told her she wasn't real once (and that lowkey traumatized him bc she broke Down) (anyways yes this is also the plot of a fic i wrote i just love this hc)
ranpo and naomi are gossip buddies and share Everything with each other. ranpo knows all and naomi was trained under dazai, so she's real close to knowing all. no silly secrets are safe.
anyways dazai taught naomi stuff, yes, but ranpo is the one who took her under his wing <333 (once he got over the illusion stuff)
yosano really likes reading, especially good mysteries, so when ranpo is busy or when poe wants a reader who won't figure it out right away, yosano is his test/beta reader <333
kenji lives with kunikida bc in wHAT WORLD would kunikida allow a fourteen year old who has never been to the city before to live on his own??? and clearly everyone else is too childish to host a child, other than jun but he already has naomi so there's two of them there, so ofc kunikida takes him in!!!
nathaniel isn't in love with maragret: she's like a younger sister to him and reminds him of his younger sisters
stealing this hc from "Poe's Baking Business: A Horror Story" but poe LOVES baking and is really good at it!!!
hirotsu owns a tractor and loves gardening <333 it's how he destresses
when people refer to "the black lizard", yes they mainly mean hirotsu, gin, and tachi, but over time, it started to include higuchi, akutagawa, and kajii <333
after the whole thing with fukuchi is over, kenji and tecchou have weekly lunches together
jouno comes along one day bc they don't "trust kenji" and now they accidentally adopted a son
kenji is willing to try tecchou's strange food combinations
anyways kajii and tecchou friendship supremacy
they also have weekly dinners where they just try the most obscure things (kajii is actually a really good cook)
jouno gets really jealous and thinks they're dating at one point lol
tachi is the resident forced babysitter at the pm, so when kyouka was there, sometimes he'd take elise to her cell and they would pass her paper and coloring utensils so they could color together
tachi still has some of her drawings
once kyouka decides she likes you, you get doodles and drawings <333
names mean a lot to tachi. he doesn't quite understand why and has lots of identity issues, but he suddenly feels more like a real person when jun'ichirou calls him "michi" for the first time
after the vampire incident, higuchi and akutagawa sit down and have a MUCH needed conversation about their relationship (not romantic lol) and it's awkward and a lil messy but oh SO worth it
ofc dazai, kunikida, tachi, and akutagawa never fully healed from their injuries from the whole... everything going on right now and all have chronic pain
elise's favorite game is tea party but with Roles. tachihara is always the sparkle solider and chuuya always ends up being the worm. never upgrades. sometimes, very rarely, akutagawa gets to be a sparkle princess
ATSUSHI HAS CHRONIC HAND PAIN BC OF THE ABUSE FROM THE ORPHANAGE so the gloves he always wears that ranpo got him? compression gloves!!! i will DIE on that hill!!!
kenji also gets compression gloves bc of his tics <333
atsushi and jun have hooked up at LEAST once. probably more.
hirotsu and yosano have chronic migraines
lucy is a t.aylor s.wift fan (s/o to grace for that one lol)
kunikida has ocd and undiagnosed adhd
poe, akutagawa, and jun'ichirou are lowkey theatre kids. also jouno.
no but jun'ichirou is an AMAZING actor, so more often than not, he's the one who gets sent on undercover missions
dazai has to frequently remind kunikida that yes, he's older than atsushi, jun, kenji, kyouka, and naomi, he's just barely an adult, too. he's still super young. cue a a kunikida breakdown. like genuinely.
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mamawasatesttube · 6 months
hey I sent another person this ask but I GOTTA know your opinion on this. do you think Kon would call Jon + Kara weird mash-up terms (and vise versa) on purpose to be funny and confusing to outside people because of the whole nontraditional family ties thing. like
"hello brother-uncle Kon how are you" "I'm good nephew-bro Jon I just visited our cousin-aunt Kara she says hi" and Clark is just standing there like "you two *please* keep it down I don't want people actually thinking our family is the product of incest"
if anyone i think jon would be the one getting a kick out of that moreso than kon. it feels to me like the ongoing bit a kid would do just to get a rise out of their parent lkdfjs
like to me i guess kon's just straight up Not labeling most of his relationships. there's no brother-dad-uncle-cousin-guy in his life, there's just clark. ma isn't "mom" OR "grandma" she's just ma. lois isn't any sort of mom or stepmom or sister-in-law she's just lois. jon himself is kind of the exception bc kon points at him and goes "baby brother. my baby now" but i think that's about the Only one who gets a label that isn't just. them. you ask him what he and clark call each other and he just goes uh... he's just? kal-el? and then gives you a weird look bc why does it matter. kara gets simply "cousin" bc that can be vague and general enough it doesn't imply any specific relationship.
but also not to overthink a joke ask but that DOES also have me pondering the way "conner kent" has to define his relationships to outsiders. if jon's his little brother, people will assume he's clark's son. which he doesn't really like, but at the same time, they definitely have a strong resemblance (haha, #justclonethings, amirite fellas?) and clark's adopted, so it's hard to say they're just brothers or cousins as opposed to the story people assume, which is he's the product of some sort of teenage fling clark had. i don't think kon likes this story at all, but it's probably the most convenient, secret identity-wise. hmm... much to ponder.
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