#do these count as sentences????
oxfordslutphase · 2 months
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Thanks to @cha-melodius, @eusuntgratie, @bigassbowlingballhead, @wordsofhoneydew, and @iboatedhere for the tagsss 😘
I've been out of the house a lot this week and have consequently been writing a lot of stuff by typing "line of dialogue" and "rambly note of prose" rinse, repeat lately. So instead of some snappy sentences you get a series of direct messages (a direct follow up to this snippet of tweets I posted) sent between Henry (aka James Austen) and Alex in the Porn Star AU (in image form because why write more words when you can distract yourself making silly mockups.)
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no pressure tag at: @sparklepocalypse, @firenati0n, @celeritas2997, @ninzied, @anincompletelist and anyone else who hasn't been tagged but wants to share <33
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pseudophan · 1 month
i can't be sure but i think the reason phan doesn't trend when the other tags are is they aren't really all individually trending, but because they get grouped together they all trend as a collective so it's less that the danisnotonfire tag specifically is getting a lot of traction and more that the daniel howell, amazingphil, danisnotonfire, dan and phil tags all are and thus they trend together, whereas the phan tag isn't grouped with them so while more posts are tagged phan than any of the others it's standing on its own in terms of trending. also people look up phan a lot less, since we know browsing the tag counts for engagement that's definitely also a reason
i can't really fault them for not grouping phan with the other tags though, like i'm assuming it's a general rule not to group rpf ships with the standard tags of the fandom they're from lmao that's fair, even if for dan and phil specifically it wouldn't really matter
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spider-mancan · 5 months
Thank you for offering to write something :)
How about starker + realization?
Or starker + tie?
The moment Tony realizes that Peter has grown up is watching nimble fingers tie a Windsor, smooth down silk, tighten the knot at Peter's throat in tandem with the one in Tony's stomach.
"How do I look?" Peter asks, shrugging on his suit jacket -- navy, pinstripe, with Tony's card number on the receipt -- and grinning like he has no idea the kinds of thoughts running through Tony's head.
"You look..." Tony clears his throat, putting his colored glasses on like a mask, and ushering Peter out the door. His hand naturally finds the small of Peter's back, and Tony pretends he isn't thinking about that very hard. "You look perfect."
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gootube · 2 months
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table of incidents - dissecting julie
text transcript + notes below :3
text reads:
"a recurring dream, the surrounding universe a theater scene, on every text page Two secret lovers died in a mutual embrace."
"The phone rang. He's not in at the moment. Can you tell him to call me back? Yes. Sure. Also, please tell him I'm not mad at him anymore."
"the Kafkaesque hero kills his double. It's not a violent death. on stage He approaches his confused pal informed them about killing himself in his dream. That does not work, that's clear. God will not allow it."
"The officers are putting a c offin into a through an open drawer Do you understand? the actor's freedom as it is shown on the
play's script."
"Everything is different. The world itself has no logic whatsoever. un dessin parfait."
end transcript
ok so i started this just drawing julie autopsy then i went insane -- i cut up a viewer's guide and another info booklet i got from a franz kafka inspired art museum/installation i visited in prague that freaked my bean. i thought it was pretty cool and it hurt cutting it up for the first time but then i realized im not really ever gonna re-read it so might as well. im happy with how it turned out and it was really fun having sentences click together in my head like lego bricks and immediately going to cut them out
i also remembered how hellish it is to work with liquid glue- hopefully you can't see it in the pictures but a lot of the papers are so lumpy because of the glue. eventually i remembered how i used to properly use the glue (get a small puddle of it on paper and wipe the backs of paper on it THEN paste it down) and it was really fun
i started this before eating breakfast but then i got carried away and...never ate breakfast and ended up having to eat dinner KALKLADKLKJFA this is bad. dont be like me. this was bad. but i could NOT stop or i would not go back to it
the fucking flower stickers would NOT stick probably because i used oil pastel on his insides. i used prismacolor pencils for the rest of him. ummmm the map behind him is a map of munich i got when i went there on my school trip. i liked getting an art use out of my old keepsakes, because usually theyd just collect dust and never be looked at again lol
tl;dr i had fun hope you like
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kira-s-cat · 2 years
whats your favourite criminal? mine is cale. Cale henituse. And the rest of the murderous group.
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jellybeanium124 · 9 months
The World's First Gentlebeard Fic Writer Award Goes To:
Izzy Hands
The World's Second Gentlebeard Fic Writer Award Goes To:
Ed Teach
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thrilling-oneway · 1 year
whenever people want to hate on d4dj why do they jump straight on "It's queerphobic bc..." as if it doesn't have the best queer rep of any rhythm game out there.
1757 words about queer representation in D4DJ and other rhythm/gacha games below cut
Like there are actual valid reasons to not like d4dj. There's definitely an issue with sexualising the high schoolers, I've made posts talking about it before. But at the same time, if you as someone who plays other of the major gacha/rhythm games is going to say that, you should probably address that SIF, bandori (and maybe enstars? it's been a while since I played) have some dodgy cards as well. Admittedly these cards are mainly old whereas D4DJ is still producing these, but you shouldn't act like your preferred game is perfect either.
But especially saying that D4DJ is queerphobic is so weird. To say that just proves you have no idea what actually happens in the game, and you're just taking screenshots out of context.
Firstly hayakoko. Okay so in the flashback where they get together they said "but we're both girls". Yeah, it's a cliche line that screams 'written by a hetero person', but within the context of the story it's not that bad if a little cringe. Neither Hayate or Kokoa had liked a girl before they started dating, this is literally stated on screen: Hayate says that she was a little surprised to realise that she had a crush on Kokoa. They're baby gay at this point in time. I think Kokoa's an interesting one to point out as well, because she's the one who said the line in the first place, and even after she admits that she likes Kokoa as well and they start dating, the True Love Kiss side story shows her being insecure about PDA in school. It reads a lot like she's had a very heteronormative upbringing, which is very common for queer people. It's probably more common in Japan where they still don't have equal rights for queer people (they don't have marriage equality, same-sex couples can't marry, the exception being if one is trans and hasn't legally changed their gender. and after they're married they can't legally change their gender). Not to mention she goes to catholic school, and as far as I know there's some issues there. So I don't see anything wrong with Kokoa not wanting to be out publicly, and being a bit insecure when she and Hayate confess. You gotta remember they are 15 as well (and ~14 when they started dating). Their relationship isn't going to be perfect, and that's normal.
And then Aoi and her gender presentation. Aoi has always been a very masculine presenting character, and is explicitly GNC, so I can understand that some people were disappointed with her wearing long hair and a ballgown in the Aoi & Haruna Relations event. But the anger some people hold towards this. Come on, how badly can you miss the point? Aoi's gender presentation has been a part of her character since her initial card story. She says she actually used to dress more feminine and have long hair in high school, but decided to change her look because she thought she suited the shorter hair. She also mentions that when she presented fem, she would be told she looked like a cross dresser, which obviously offended her. It's not hard to see that Aoi just wants to be seen as Aoi. It's not about how she presents her gender, she's still Aoi no matter how she dresses - Tsubaki mentions this in the A&H Relations. Nothing was retconned or de-canonised when Aoi wore hair extensions and a dress, it wasn't a sudden unnecessary change. The event explores the fact she wants to try different looks outside of her usual 'princely' one, but she's a bit of a people pleaser and is unsure about it because people associate Aoi with "androgynous good looks". There was no pressure from anyone to be feminine, there was actually pressure the other way. She wore a dress and had long hair for one (1) event, and 2 illustrations. Her most recent card has her in trousers with short hair again. Like you don't have to pounce on it being erasure because Aoi wanted to dress more feminine one time. She doesn't hate being GNC now, she's not permanently feminine now - Aoi being GNC is a part of who she is. Aoi being fluid with her gender expression is a part of her queerness and I don't get how you can miss the point so badly to call it erasure.
D4DJ is genuinely one of if not the best mainstream gacha/rhythm game for queer rep. There's so much more than just this: Tsubaki and Aoi are canonically in love with each other and there was even an attempted confession (they got interrupted), KyoShino have implied romantic feelings, same with NagiHiiro and RinMuni (mainly from Muni's side). Haruna was pretty much confirmed as lesbian during the A&H relations, and has had crushes on two separate characters. Saori's sapphic as well (there's one or two implications that she's bisexual). Having Hayate and Kokoa in a relationship opens the doors to more ships becoming canon in the future. The only negative representation I can think of in this game is Noa, so if you really want to go out of your way to say D4DJ is queerphobic, there you go. Noa likes cute thing, cute girls, and flanderisation took hold quickly to the point of her being creepily obsessed with the ri4 girls and a few others, and literally stalking them. Yikes. Her writing is improving though, especially in All Mix where she just occasionally comments on how cute they are without taking it too far, and they actually let her have other personality traits expressed that had pretty much been forgotten.
My point here is that if you're going to say D4DJ is bad rep or homophobic, you're admitting that your game is worse for representation. I'm not saying that the games in the "Big 3" (proseka/bandori/enstars) are bad by any means (idk about enstars actually I didn't play for very long), but D4DJ has definitely taken some big steps in queer representation that those games are seemingly too scared to make. Having a canon sapphic couple is a game like this is a huge deal, I'm not even sure if it's been done before. And before anyone says "but anhane and minoharu went on a double date in Buddy Funny Spend Time", neither of those pairs are stated or even fucking implied to be in a relationship outside of that event. It kinda just happens in one event, and even then it's still a bit vague on whether either of the couples are actually dating in the event. It's definitely heavily implied that anhane/minoharu have mutual romantic feelings, so they are arguably canon in that sense, just not in an established relationship sense. Bandori has done this as well with PareChu, have them go on dates and be clearly romantically interested in each other, only to never actually be a couple (I know tsumutsumu and reochi have called parechu an official couple, but that's word of saint paul rather than word of god, so take this how you will). Hayakoko is HUGE for this genre, and could mean good things in the future of other rhythm games (especially other Bushiroad ones).
--Break here where I went on a tangent about non-D4DJ queercoding--
Outside of schroedingers dating, both bandori and proseka have characters who are implied/canonically queer. I'll make this short because this is getting really long now and I apologise to anyone who's still reading.
For bandori, Arisa has a crush on Kasumi, Kaoru can be considered as canonically lesbian just from how she's presented, YukiLisa has a lot of implications for romantic feelings, as do MocaRan. Himari is also an interesting case, as she could be read as bisexual or comphet lesbian, it's never really made clear (at least as far as I know, I stopped playing bandori a while ago, and am not up-to-date on story, so anyone who's still reading feel free to add to this or correct me). There's probably some stuff missing here as well.
As for proseka, it actually has quite a lot of queercoding. I already touched on anhane and minoharu earlier, but Kohane and Minori are both heavily implied to be lesbian, An as well (although there's like one or two hints that she could be bi. I can cite them if needed). Mizuki is canonically transfeminine (their gender is unconfirmed), and they have been shown to be attracted to women. ShizuAiri and AkiToya have a lot of romantic implications in their relationships, EmuNene has gradually been getting more and more actually (Amidst a Dream). Ena is implied wlw and Rui is implied mlm okay I think I got everything tangent over.
--End of break--
Regardless of my criticisms, all of the games I've mentioned definitely show how much queer rep has grown and become a lot better in the last decade or so. While not focused on the rhythm game, the first generation of Love Live (2010-16) queerbaited* a fair amount. To give one example, there's an 'interview' with Honoka from 2015 where she heavily implies that she's straight, despite having ship tease with other female characters. Compare that to what we have 8 years later, and you can definitely see improvement. However I think it still needs to be addressed that what we have isn't perfect, and it probably will take while to get to a point where we can have more openly queer characters/couples, especially considering Japan as a country (and american/else localisation teams). But I think more people need to recognise how important D4DJ is for queer representation within this genre. It's really not common to have queer romance and gender presentation be directly addressed and frequently shown, and not just for the sake of making money.
I'm bad at ending essays.
* Queerbaiting - intentionally and maliciously leading a queer audience to believe they will receive representation which is then not provided. Whether the rhythm games mentioned do this or not is... debatable? It's done for the money which ticks the intentionally malicious box, queer people aren't for capitalising on. But a good amount of the time it's done to bait straight people who like yuri/yaoi. I do think it's queerbait though like heavily ship teasing a couple and then throwing in a line to imply one of them is straight definitely queerbaiting. april edit: it took me over a month to realise that there were words missing in that last sentence sorry about that. hi anyone who's reading this in the future
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triskhellion · 3 months
First & Last Lines / Writing Patterns
tagged by @dear-massacre 🖤 & @renmackree 💙!
Combining these since I'll be using the same posted fics for both because I tend to bounce around on my unpublished fics/chapters and am not sure of the order including those.
Post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you worked on. WIPs are allowed! / List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Gingerly: 2k, Sterek, teen (complete)
First: Stiles began working on his magic over the summer, but didn’t tell anyone because he wanted to have something impressive, or at least reliable, to show when he was inevitably asked to demonstrate. Last: It seemed like he was going to show off his tattoos after all.
Anticipation (Chosen 5): drabble, Sterek, mature
First: He lifted a hand to his throbbing mark, unsteady from the new and intense sensations coursing through him. Last: Daunting.
Mine (Chosen 4): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: Derek stilled as his senses expanded and were overwhelmed all at once. Last: Mine.
Mouth Stuff: 1.7k, Sterek/pre-Steraac, teen (complete)
First: The scent of intense irritation wafted over to where Derek was reading in his favorite chair.  Last: And if he had an interesting dream about both of them that night, well, it was no one’s business but his. 
Acceptance (Chosen 3): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: “…Mieczysław.” Last: A hungry mouth trailed kisses over his marked skin before fangs clamped down.
Answer (Chosen 2): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: Derek listened to the rabbiting heart of his intended over the white noise of the heater. Last: "Yes." 
Chosen: (Chosen 1): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: Stiles could tell from the size of the bite on his neck that he was in trouble.  Last: “I think you know.”
15 Shades of Red: 20.8k, Sterek, explicit (WIP)
First: His cool, calm, and collected demeanor was at odds with the anxiety and anticipation roiling inside him.  Last: M — Stilinski — had just entered the room, his room, and he was incensed.
Legs: 4.3k, Sterek, explicit (complete)
First: “Thank fucking God,” Stiles muttered to himself as the key finally turned in the lock after jiggling the damn door until everything lined up just right.  Last: And no matter who came in first, he was going to win either way.
Hunter, Dragon, Wolf: 1k, Sterek, mature (complete)
First: Every decision — theirs and yours — has led to this.  Last: Entwined.
Consider yourself tagged if you want to join in!
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thedarkestgreys · 7 months
#4 fexi 👀
“Will you marry me?” her boyfriend of seven months asks as they settle back into his sheets.
Lexi barks a surprised laugh. “Noooo! Be serious Fezco!”
Bright blue eyes laugh back as a pair of strong arms tangle around her waist and shift them so she’s cradled into the softness of the mattress. Warm lips pepper hot kisses all over her face and Lexi let’s out a breathless giggle.
Fezco gets this way after sex sometimes, so full of sentiment and sweetness that it leaves her feeling giddy and excited for their potential future. It’s more than a full time hopeless romantic with a bad habit of maladaptive daydreaming could possibly ask for and try as she might, Lexi doesn’t have it in her to be realistic about their chances of being a one in a million high school sweethearts success story.
“I am serious baby. Can’t wait to be with you forever,” Fezco whispers into the dark of the night, his fingers wrapped around a loose curl of hers as they cuddle up in a haze of post sex bliss. “Imma make you my wife someday Lex, on god.”
Lexi lifts a hand and places it against his cheek, rubbing her thumb under his eye. “Okay Fezco, I believe you. Keep asking, eventually I’ll say yes.”
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
For @wildsage00 and anyone else who's struggling with schoolwork today!
(Modern au)
Hyrule groaned and let his head fall onto his keyboard.
"This is impossible. I can't do it," Hyrule muttered. His words were muffled as he wrapped his arms around his head.
"'Rulie, you're so close," Sky said.
"That makes it worse," Hyrule lamented. He felt a pressure behind his eyes and aggressively scrubbed it away.
The couch dipped beside him and a hand landed on his back to rub comforting circles. Hyrule let out a long, long sigh and let his eyes close.
"Hyrule, look at me," Sky said softly. Hyrule peeked out from under his arms. Sky met his gaze with his sincere eyes.
"You can do this," Sky said. "You've been working so hard and I know you're smart enough. You'll get it done in time."
Hyrule sighed again and nodded his head.
"Plus," Sky said. "After you're done working for the night, I'll take you out for a little treat."
Hyrule perked up. "Cookies?"
Sky giggled and smiled. "Sure, we can get cookies. I'll buy you cookies today and every day for a week once you finish, as a celebration."
Hyrule felt a smile grow on his face for the first time that day. Sky was right. He could do this. He would do it for the cookies. And the graduating college, but cookies came first.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Please god, can someone give me the strength to write ANOTHER 900 word essay in German, I DON'T WANNA I DONT WANNA PLEASE NO
#disliking this course more than i thought i would#oh yes german linguistics!!! okay!!! sure i love that!!!#and then my grade is dependent on literally only writing assignments#i actually want to die. this brings me soooooooo much fucking pain#i just really despise the whole idea of it#you put a bunch of people in one class with differing skill level#and then make them all write 900 word essays in a language theyre not 100% on yet#and the content is soooo much just him rambling in class IN GERMAN !#and not all of it is on the slides so fuck if i remember#and even if i did remember its so much me trying to focus on catching what hes saying than actually absorbing it#and the topic even if i was writing in english would make me struggle#and you guys know!! im great at rambling!! BUT NOT AUF DEUTSCH#and then. when you finally finish slaving over this fucking disaster of a paper#you submit it. and his only comment is just: sehr gur gemacht.#yeah why the fuck would i feel the need to burn myself like this +#only to get feedback that feels like he only looked at the word count and nothing else#like not even going to correct my grammer or???? what am i learning other than writing the same kind of bs sentences over and over#i despise word count essays btw#youre not really writing for quality youre writing for quantity#bcs if the only real outline you get is that you hit the word count then why do i give any shit about the quality of it#like i submitted a paper for my other class and she gave like 100+ edits on it#not only comments but also grammer correction#and like????? why do i not get that from the class that is teaching me a foreign fucking language#yeah sure its not bad to correct the grammar of your first language but cmon my god please help me a bit or smth#but yeah its due on Wednesday and i just think im going to fucking die before then#choking on my stress tears or smth#as i said it would be fine if it felt like he was actually checking them in depth#but i hate assignments where im only doing it for the grade. like i actually want to uhhh learn yknow???????#but yes i need someone to cheerlead me on or smth bcs itll take so much resolve to not just give up#and i wont give up bcs i want to keep my gpa but thats exactly thr issue isnt it? that i dont care about the content?
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intravention · 11 months
Higuchi's age is unknown, right? So is her ability, backstory, etc., and. And a lot of information (side character type beat).
I'd guess that she's somewhere in her young 20s at oldest. Given how young the main cast is, I'd be more surprised if she was older.
She seems very. Normal? Compared to the rest of the cast, I mean. Just a girl and her gigantic guns. Decently well put together as a functioning member of society if you ignore all her quirks regarding Akutagawa.
Kunikida was a math teacher/tutor, alongside part time work at the ADA before he officially began full time employment at the Agency.
You follow me?
I'm just saying. Kunikida could've taught Higuchi math. It's possible. You gotta believe me here. It could go something like this ->
A younger Kunikida, to a younger Higuchi (and whoever else was in the classroom): -given this diagram, now derive the double angle formula for sin, cos, and tan. This will be important for tomorrow's test.
Younger Higuchi, who still doesn't understand how to calculate percentages: Do what for what.
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On one hand, I understand where Delenn’s coming from with the whole Lochley-and-Sheridan’s-shared-past thing. But, on the other hand… when in the prior three years did Sheridan not make it absolutely clear (via his actions) that one of his favorite things to do (a hobby, even) is to make an emotionally closed-off sapphic be diplomatic to those whom she can’t stand?
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
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...So uh, basically bootleg Suicide Squad featuring not even a comic's accurate team but instead, just random characters picked randomly from throughout the MCU, including even character's that make zero fucking sense to be on the team???
#anti mcu#cant even make their own plot#just gonna go for another film plot instead#like looking into the team in comics and where did the government stuff come from#where did goverment sends them on missions come from#in comics history from looks of stuff they just form cause the avengers are...well...dead....like always with heroes dying in comics lol#but like theres no signs of government#but that is what you know the squad in dc are#a government formed team who have villains as members in exchange for time off their sentences#granted marvel aint copying why the villains do it#but they seem to be copying the government element#and yeah if anyone curious which members make no sense mcu wise#honestly only us agent actually makes sense lmao#bucky we know makes zero sense at this point as hes a hero at this point after being freed from hydra and such#ghost literally at the end of ant man 2 was said to be getting the cure she needs aka her motivation for villain stuff#taskmaster and red guardian literally ended black widow leaving with the freed black widows and such not doing evil stuff#hell taskmaster falls into same area as bucky: mindcontrol- so how the hell does she count as evil#yelena they can't seem to make their mind up on but i generally assume hawkeye show intended for her to not be doing evil sutff anymore#since she only sought revenge on hawkeye thats it#but once told the truth suddenly no longer evil stuff#like only US agent actually makes sense and the lady at the end of the line who i guess is attempt at mcu waller#which...good luck because waller is a good character while this one so far...isnt
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delighted to report that one of my all-time favorite pastimes CONTINUES to be nerfing the absolute shit out of lucius and watching him figure out how to win Anyway :)
in related news: four (4) hours of writing time on this random-ass wednesday fixed me, more news at 11
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schrodingers-chat · 5 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
Excerpt from potential upcoming fic about the Inn :)
Rayla jumped up, grabbing her blades from under her pillow and flipping them open as she landed on the floor. “Callum!” she yelled instinctively, searching frantically around the room, only to find him sprawled on the ground between their beds. “Ugh – it’s ok. I’m fine,” he said as he pushed himself up to his knees. “I think Bait got it worse than me.” She couldn’t help herself - the sight of him splayed out, very much in no immediate danger, with his hair all messy and cute caused her to erupt in a fit of giggles. He paused still on the floor to throw a pout in her direction, “You’re one to laugh – thank goodness you're ready to attack this vicious bedframe, huh?” He motioned to the blades in her hands. “I mean what kind of person sleeps with their weapons??” “You can never be too prepared” she quipped as she offered him a hand to help him up.
Thanks to those who voted in my recent poll! A) because I really need help with decision-making and B) because apparently I am not completely delulu and you beautiful internet people did actually want to provide an opinion! (And I am eternally grateful) Also I know it's not 6 sentences plz don't come for me (or do, you know? I respect your use of maths)
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