#do not reblog but i linked the pinterest post in sources if you want it for your own musings!!! <3
aarafox · 2 days
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of reposting of artwork in the helluva boss fandom, idk if it’s people who are new to tumblr/the fandom but there’s one thing I want to make clear:
Reposting - the act of uploading a pic of someone’s art to make a new post - is NOT a good thing to do. Reblogging - I hope we all know what that is - IS a good thing.
IF you want to repost an artwork, because it’s only on Twitter/X or for other reasons, approach the original artist to ask for their permission. If you don’t receive permission, DON’T POST. If you do receive permission, CREDIT THEM WITH NAME AND/OR LINKS.
If you don’t know who the artist is, use reverse google images or saucenao.com to look for a source. Can’t find the original artist/source? DON’T POST THE ART.
A work of art posted without permission or credit is considered stealing, because others will believe YOU made it and therefore YOU will receive the credit, which is unfair. Artists put a lot of time and work into their pieces and deserve to be credited/respected. Putting “credit to the owner/creator” under the art is not enough; other users still won’t be able to find the actual creators and it’s no proof that the artist gave permission for their work to be posted elsewhere than their own blogs/accounts.
I know many people find pictures on Pinterest, but the artists often aren’t credited there either. Don’t upload these artworks if you don’t know who made it.
Hope this helps!
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romanticlcver · 3 months
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the-rad1o-demon · 3 months
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[Image ID (sorta, basically just the text from it):
Reblog this post in every LEGAL way you can under the Tumblr guidelines with the appropriate tags. TELL AND TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW, then add the tags to see below... and more if you can think of any complying.
Visit badinternetbills.com if you want to find a way to defeat KOSA. It WILL NOT take much of your time. Reblog with any other information or sources, too-- but make sure to reblog if you can.
Reblog if you support lgbtq+ content.
Reblog if you support questioning queer youth and/or abused youth getting the information they need.
Reblog if you support Ao3 and/or other sites that wholeheartedly preserve talentedly made media.
Reblog if you're going to repost this on other sites than Tumblr and spread the word across Twitter, Tik Tok, Pinterest, or elsewhere, alongside the link to badinternetbills.com.
END image ID]
Hey, everyone. So yeah, this is happening. We're still fighting this battle. And we can't give up now. We can't. We can't stand idly by while one of the most important resources that helped us all wake up, or at least start to question things, is being threatened by the government.
We can't stand idly by when kids, teens, and adults just like us still trapped inside might lose access to the resource that could help them wake up. We can't stand idly by when they might lose access to their non JW friends and family. We CAN'T stand idly by when we can do something to stop this bill from passing.
I am sick and tired of this same old song, where conservative fuckers higher up think they can oppress everyone. I am FUCKING SICK of it.
Please, reblog both this post and the original post linked above what I've written, and do what you can to stop KOSA, please. We are running out of time.
I suggest that if it is within your power to do so, that you do more than simply reblog and assume someone else will do something. DON'T assume that. Please do more than just reblogging if you are able to, because that's not really enough at this point.
Call/email representatives in the House and tell them to oppose KOSA (you may want to list different reasons depending on who you're calling, some House representatives are anti-LGBTQ+, so it may be best to tell them to oppose because it violates people's privacy, safety, and anonymity online). Print posters and put them up where legal if you can.
Sharing all this information to other social media sites (Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, the bird app) to reach more people can really help too. The wider the reach, the better.
Thank you. Now let's fucking rip that bill apart like we rip apart Watchtower magazines and eat it for fucking breakfast. (In a "we're eating it and the politicians who are sponsoring it are looking on in horror" kind of way)
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
Art theft has always been bad, but I feel like the way tiktok promotes remixing other people’s content into “your own” has ESPECIALLY proliferated the idea that, if something is on the internet, it’s anyone’s to take.
like. My friend just found these comments on a tiktok someone made of their comic:
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This is why I don’t allow reposts. Because even if I give one person permission, even if they credit me and do everything I ask, you never know who is going to steal it from them.
So here’s your reminder:
If you see fanart or a fancomic you like, you ABSOLUTELY MAY NOT share it without checking if it’s ok first.
THIS GOES FOR TRANSLATIONS. I UNDERSTAND WANTING TO MAKE A COMIC MORE ACCESSIBLE TO YOUR LANGUAGE, BUT IT’S STILL A CONCERN THAT IT WILL GET STOLEN FROM YOU (and I KNOW some people don’t ACTUALLY care about it being more accessible, because I’ve asked people to reblog my original post with a translated transcription and they threw a fit because they obviously just wanted the views for their own page)
Comic dubbers are also not exempt from needing to ask for permission. I know there’s a lot of editing and you are technically producing new content, but jfc you still need to ASK TO USE SOMEONE’S ART. ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE MONETIZING YOUR PAGE.
I also DO NOT CARE if your pinterest page is “just for your personal reference” STOP UPLOADING ARTWORK AS ORIGINAL POSTS. IF YOU MUST PIN ART, JUST POST THE LINK!!!! I die a little inside every time someone says they saw one of my comics on pinterest and had a hard time finding my actual post.
Why is it important that artists stay credited? Well, I for one, am about to start my junior year of my BFA, and I won’t be able to work my part-time job anymore. My art is going to be only source of income. Every time someone reposts my art without credit, that’s more people that won’t find the link to my store. That’s potential job recruiters that won’t find my portfolio. That’s work that I’ve done that someone else is getting activity for, potentially even making money off of.
Please, PLEASE be aware of art theft. Point it out when you see it. Please understand most artists see it as offensive and disrespectful and are not flattered by it.
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originalaccountname · 11 months
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there is so much art reposting (and subsequent reposted art sharing) in this fandom. Is that a topic that fell off the face of the earth in the late 2010s and no one took the time to explain to you why and how you shouldn't do it?
First, reposting art means saving or copying the art to create a new post and/or putting it on another platform yourself. On tumblr, reblogging (the two arrows 🔄) is not reposting, as the original poster is still directly linked to it.
Reposting art without asking the artist's permission is rude more often than not. Many artists even have a "do not repost" warning on their page.
Why is this rude? There are a vast range of reasons, and the first one is always because the artist, a person, expressed a wish, and that's on you to respect it.
Other reasons include, for example, fanartists wanting to see the fandom's feedback and be inspired to continue to share (shaking hands with the fanfic writers), artists needing the word-of-mouth advertising as they depend on commissions and/or independent shops income for living, and just generally wanting to keep their own stuff close.
As fellow fans and/or art enjoyers, not having clear credit and link back to the artist is also sad and frustrating. What if we wanted to see more? What if there was a whole collection of similar things and we'll never know?
I know you want to share the cute art you saw elsewhere specifically because you liked it, and it comes from a place of love. I get that. You could share it with your friends behind closed door (ex: private discord server), or post a link to the art and the artist instead of posting the piece on its own.
On a case-by-case basis, you can ask an artist if you can repost their art. Some will allow it under certain conditions! Your responsibility is to respect their wishes. That is a person sharing their creation. Be nice.
"credit to the artist" is not credit.
"I don't know who made this, if anyone knows tell me" is not credit.
"this was from pinterest" is not credit. (<- pinterest is 90% repost, not a source at all)
Posting art that isn't yours is so rude and sharing reposted art just as much.
This is frustrating. Stop reposting art without asking, and especially stop reposting art without credit. And stop sharing reposted art where clear consent wasn't given by the original artist.
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xieliansbignaturals · 5 months
On stolen fanart: a guide
So you've realized that a piece of fanart was NOT drawn by the OP, and they don't have permission to repost it. Now what? Obviously, you avoid liking or reblogging it, but if you have a little extra time and energy, what can you do to help?
Finding the artist:
If the artist's name is written legibly in English letters on the art, that's easy. Search Google or DuckDuckGo for that name, and you should (hopefully!) be able to find a social media account for them.
If it's written in a language like Chinese, and you don't speak Chinese, that's harder. For me, I use a Macbook, so I have the program "Preview", which allows me to select text and copy it (and then I can search DuckDuckGo for the name + "Weibo"). I don't know what the options are if you don't have Preview.
If there's no watermark, you can look up the image. Save the image or the link to the image, then use Google Images or SauceNao to find a source. SauceNao is easier to use, but in my experience, it's way less likely to have the fanart you're looking for.
If you have to use Google Images: Click "Find Image Source". If there's a Twitter link, you may have to scroll through an unrelated person's profile to look for a retweet of the art. If there isn't a Twitter link, sometimes Pinterest pins will have a source, but it's a long shot.
Unfortunately, in many cases, it's not possible to find the artist.
Crediting the artist:
So you know who the artist is now, and you have a link to one of their social media profiles. That's great! What I do is leave a reply that gently lets the OP know that they should not be posting uncredited art, and also lets other users know where to find the artist - replies on Tumblr are very visible now. For example:
"Original source: twitter.com/CoolArtist Please don't re-upload art without credit. This specific artist has a notice on their profile asking people not to re-upload their art."
If you really want to reblog the art, and the artist DOESN'T have a notice like that, you can just leave that reply as a reblog. Now you have cool art on your profile, and your followers will be able to find the artist!
If you can't find the artist or don't have the time/energy:
You can still leave a reply. You can ask OP for the source. You can gently let them know that this is unacceptable behavior. When artists see that their work has been stolen and re-uploaded without credit, it can be very discouraging, and even contribute to them leaving the fandom. If the artist is so good that you want to share their work, don't you want them to create more?
In conclusion:
I don't want to be part of a fandom culture that steals art. Please, make it clear to fanart thieves that we're a community, not a loose band of Content Creators(tm). Honor artists' hard work.
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jotun-design-party · 1 year
on fandom orientalism, ft. a quick visual example:
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the example on the right is something i drew solely using references of the top results i saw on pinterest upon searching "jotun loki." please don’t roast my inconsistent handwriting
south asian cultures are often jumbled together for white artists of all kinds (authors, artists, movie directors) to create a sense of mystery and make things look "more foreign."
note: this doesn't touch on the antiblack racism in canon jötun designs; this post is primarily about fandom-sourced fetishization. i heavily encourage people to reblog and add onto this post anything i may have missed or added nuance
cut: links on orientalism, in-media examples, how this manifests in fandom-made content
i'd like to start off by saying that this post is a white person telling other white people how to spot orientalism in relation to fiction. i am by no means an expert on any of this, but my goal here is to start creating a less ignorant space that doesn't push people out of fandom.
i'm just trying to stir up more conversations about this and get other white people to think more critically about how they engage with the content they consume. nerd shit should never come with a sacrifice and it's extremely upsetting to see people of color consistently forced out of fandom communities, especially when modern superhero comics began as a way for jewish people to have a voice.
if this post upsets you, i don't want to hear it. don't tell me, "it's not that deep," or, "keep politics out of comics." it is that deep, and superhero comics have always been political. if you have the urge to leave a comment or send an anon about how you don't think it's a big deal, feel free to block me instead, because i don't care and you'll just get blocked anyway 👍
with that out of the way,
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there are countless ways to design a character in a way that makes it clear that they are an alien, or to make them sexy, and there is no excuse to perpetuate stereotype that put real-life people in danger to do so.
"Orientalist paintings and other forms of material culture... depict an 'exotic' and therefore racialized, feminized, and often sexualized culture from a distant land." [¹]
there are so many examples of this in loki fic and art. it's extremely common to see loki depicted as a feminine object of desire. they may have longer hair. clothing that serves more as an accessory than an outfit, that isn't suited to protect them from either the harsh cold of jötunheim or the sunburns one might get when surrounded by reflections of the sun off the snow. draped in jewelry, and in a compromising position.
i'm sure you can imagine how this can get especially out of hand in relation to thorki. i would speak more on thor's presence as both the white aesir prince or the strong barbaric jötun, but as i'm not comfortable consuming thorki content, i don't have enough context to speak on the stereotypes used outside of the art pieces i've seen while searching for jötun loki fanart.
i am, however, confident in saying that orientalism often serves as a device for fan creators to show a contrast between Asgard's white-viking-british-accent-magic-science-elegance. jötunheim, in the comics, is often portrayed as a less intelligent, cutthroat, barbaric, and bloodthirsty culture.
"There was always something unknown and uniquely different about Orients which reinforced the distinction between the European 'us' and Asian 'them.'" [²]
the green link in particular comes with a helpful tool for anyone who might be inexperienced in spotting racist themes in media. if you have trouble being confident that the media in question is orientalism, this link comes with a checklist scale to score how likely it is to be an offensive depiction.
an example that most of you will be familiar with is Disney's Aladdin (1992). the green link goes much more in-depth about the intricacies of Aladdin's orientalism, and i heavily HEAVILY encourage you to read it, as it will help fully grasp the way fetishization and demonization go hand in hand in orientalism.
here, i'd also like to use it as a comparison to show why this loki stuff is honestly... egregious.
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by now, even the visuals here should seem very familiar.
the source goes on to use arranged marriage as an example of a common "trope" in orientalist fiction. as previously stated, i don't consume thorki fiction. however, i am EXTREMELY confident in making the guess that it tends to be a common theme when jötun loki is paired with an aesir thor.
i'd also heavily recommended this article and this wikipedia page, both on the negative and stereotypical portrayals of romani people; loki is a magic user, and i suspect that one of the reasons there is such heavy use of these appropriated, exaggerated, and fetishized themes and visuals is because of the demonization of romani people as tricksters, thieves, and witches.
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
a collaboration pac reading with one of the best & greatest person and reader here on this platform @alaezasmystery.
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2
3 - 4
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
Just a quick disclaimer : This reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! WE don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
Please ignore any grammatical errors on this reading since english is not OUR first language, thank you for understanding!
Third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore, this pac can contains harsh, hurtful comments about you or the other person that can trigger you if possible, so kindly read at your own risk and take how it’ll resonates.
Lastly, be happy and enjoy this reading and OUR work — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the readers.
for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
send your tips on my ko-fi account, link is here.
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot .
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , WE don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however reading goes and belong to us. This reading is collaboration with alaezasmystery, here's their MASTERLIST and PAID READINGS SERVICES that they offer currently.
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made with love by @alaezasmystery
"You've closed your eyes and ears towards all the signs and messages that I've been sending out. For example I told you certain people are not good for us,I told you some food substances or foods bring us deeper down into addition and avoidance, I even send signals when you about to loose certain things in your life ( material/money). You have been too occupied with trying to survive with all the messy responsibilities in life that you do not hear anything I've said. I know that you are in a state of contemplation right now, you want to know what is the deeper meaning of all the things happenings in your life and how to make the next choice correctly. Well I can't clearly tell that you are not looking at the answers that are currently right in front of you, it's like I am right here but you're looking for me at the whole different location. Connect back to bodily sensations and instincts for clarity, for example when you see and you light up within, pay attention and follow. I am your compass."
made with love by @alaezasmystery
"Oh come on, do you know how pretty we are? We are extremely,extremely beautiful, from hair to toe. Why hating us? Go and show yourself to the world. I want more people to see us. I know you are learning to shine but you have limited yourself to such a small audience. Come on, our body needs to seen !!!! You might think that we need more patience or our action /looks/ outfits etc need to be more curated or we need to add more wow factors, but love the truth is our rawness itself is a big wow. I will tell you a secret, our beauty has a purpose,it is the key to our wish fulfillment. We have the power too attract and we can use it to our things get done. I know you have a big wisdom to share, have you thought of using beauty for it ??? Some people call this manipulation but I think they are just making an enemy out of tools they are naturally granted with, kinda stupid !!! No ??? This 8s one of your powers. Me as your physical body is not born to be confined and hidden away. I am meant to be visible and in a big way."
made by danise @daninixx
Dear my universe,
You didn't know how your energy and appearance are made with galaxy, from your eyes that are look like a cluster of an explosion of stardust everytime you are looking at the mirror. Like how those stretch mark similar to the our planet called venus, embrace me like how you did from your past. I know weren't perfect but when everytime I seen you it's like I'd been watched a real fantasy movie, you seems too pretty like those people we see online and magazine. Your dark circles will be a singing melody of nebula, we know you did well for yourself and future, you did very well my love, your face is the canva for making a beautiful painting of cosmos even your pimples and acnes are alike of constellations of stars. Furthermore, your uneven and not perfectly white teeth are just like our sun. Like how you smile with everyone, it shine and shone alone that make people light their world up each day and so why would you worry? Even you have a hue color of yellowish teeth — dentist said they are normal from our genetics. Your dark spots they're the one of most beautiful part for me, they are like moon giving the darkest nights light and somehow everything else is normal, they seem like they are. We are twins, we reflecting the whole universe and baby, don't forget that even we are not the same like others, we are unique, we are the real definition of a beautiful disaster. Because in the first place we are human.
With love, galaxy
channeled song :
made by danise @daninixx
To my one true love,
I hope you are doing well even though i wanted to give up, please do take care of me. I only have you in this world, when i asking you to have sleep, bring me some foods or eve drink a glass of water please do command with me, this only for ourselves and healthiness. I am truthfully in hurt right now of how you treated me, it seems like I am a trash for you? If you can only say sorry and take care of me i would forgive you. Stop comparing yourself to others, accept me as i am, i maybe not as good like others but this build makes you different from them, you have a natural beauty and body so accept it, we are precious like diamonds and pearls. Always choose to reflect your consciousness and have a commitment to self-love, if you wanted to say no to toxins foods and yes to those healthiest as much as possible, I will be glad so. You deserve to look great, and you are worth the effort, if you think you are busy enough please have some time and space for me to take care of — I know you are comparing me to others but i wanted you to know that we are all different and authentic body shapes and kind, i love you for who you are. It's time for you and this is the right time to love each other, face your fears and listen what they wanted to say. Allow yourself to be confident also take a leap of faith with this process i know you can do it. Be gentle with me, with yourself. We are the true richness and treasure here so breathe deeply let your fabulous belly to expand and feel it greatness and it will take a lot of time but make it progress so take slow down and stop hurrying. We'll wish we had loved more, lived more and been at peace in the future.
From the best version of you.
channeled song :
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。゚゚・。・i love end#0625
゚・。・゚, I may not be online when this pac reading is posted since i really sleep early and i put this on queue however i hope and hoped hard you all enjoy and loved this pac with @alaezasmystery. We put our love, effort and time to do this so please we wanted to know your thoughts and feedbacks. Also i would like to say "thank you so much" because I had finally reached 800+ followers within two months that was one of my biggest achievement here, sending you some love and positive energy.
With love, Danise.
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thiefhellivator · 4 months
STAYEducated: Plagiarism 101
What is plagiarism?
“Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement." - University of Oxford
Reposting content instead of reblogging/retweeting/sharing it.
Reposting content without asking the original creator for permission, or doing so even if they deny permission.
Sharing or reposting content without giving full, proper credit to the original creator.
Taking someone else's original work and claiming it is your own creation or content.
Why is plagiarism bad?
Plagiarism is unethical. While most general content plagiarism will not be pursued legally, plagiarism is lazy, demoralising, disrespectful and selfish.
Someone whose content is frequently stolen might be dissuaded from creating content at all, or might choose to make their content more inaccessible. It also emotionally harms the content creator.
Plagiarism can often have pretty serious consequences, even if you weren't maliciously plagiarising. Your account could be deleted, your details banned from creating further accounts, certain features on your account(s) being blocked, and it could garner you an ugly reputation within your community which can stick around for a long time.
Plagiarism essentially tells the original creator you don't respect them or value what they do. They're just a tool for you to benefit from.
Plagiarism can also harm the original content creator, who might have to go through undue process to prove they own the content you've stolen from them.
How can I avoid plagiarising?
Link to, share, reblog/retweet or tag people in content you want them to see rather than re-uploading the content.
Give proper credit, even in private spaces. If you send someone's art to a private group chat, tell them who made it and where to find it, or better yet, only send them a direct link to the original post.
"Credit to the original poster" and "not mine" are NOT proper credit.
Avoid sharing content from Pinterest and similar 'sharing' websites. Pinterest's entire model is based on people re-uploading things that do not belong to them and their DMCA process is a nightmare. Use the reverse image search or check the Pinterest post for the original content link and share it straight from the source.
If you're unsure who made something, don't share it or use it. Often it takes me less than 10 minutes to find out something is stolen and who it belongs to originally. If you need to, ask around! Often other people will know if something has been re-uploaded or if its safe to share.
Do your due diligence, always.
I found plagiarised content, what should I do?
Alert the original creator. On many websites only the original creator can get stolen content removed unless you can prove you're acting on their behalf.
Alert others the content is stolen. Be wary that on some sites the uploader can choose to hide or remove your comments, so its often best to take screenshots and make a separate post in conjunction with leaving a comment.
Report the content where possible. In some cases you can use flagging it as spam or stolen content to make a report or you can contact customer support directly and alert them to stolen content.
Don't positively engage with the stolen content. If you have, do your best to remove your engagement by unliking it, deleting your reblogs, ect.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 10 months
HI i'm a tommyinnit factive and this is where I go feral !!! I have a misce submission sideblog called @justomegathingss as well but it's mostly inactive because no one ever submits to it lol
I co-host with my in system husband @septiccoffeefreak so we're in front 90% of the time, we're v clingy so we're always co-con or co front lol. I also write septicinnit fanfic w him and I draw fanart so,,,, both posts w us specifically and the general septicinnit RPF ship will be here. u've been warned!!
I have no DNI but I block freely!! I also am pro RPF and proship ("ship and let ship") so like,, if u wanna block me about that u should do dat- I don't post dark content really or consume it because I don't like to personally?? so that won't be on my blog!!! But it's worth noting I support people's right to MAKE that content.
#i made a textpost
#tommy's og art
Commission Info
Printify Store
Me and Seán's Ao3 account
my old pinned (colourful!!! silly!!! beloved!!! but hard to read and even longer than this one) is under the cut for preservation
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Hewwo besties. hello girliepops. hello boys, hello gamers, hello homestuckers and evil little creatures it is me!!!! hi!!! HELLO hi hi hi!!!! a million hellos forever and ever and....
okay fine sorry, just one last hi: hi!! I'm a Tommyinnit factive in a system and I do art sometimes!! I also play a lot of animal crossing like way too much animal crossing like my autism has me in a chokehold i play it everyday. I use he/him pronouns :3. and I am MARRIED.
My husband, Seán, is a Jacksepticeye factive in the same system as me!! we cohost/cocon together and I love him SO MUCH and I infodump about him and his source sometimes so. BE WARNEDED!!!! his acc is @septiccoffeefreak if you want to go acknowledge how fucking cool and awesome he is which you SHOULD!!! We came up with the septicinnit shipname actually!!! And write the first fics for it!! So understandably I am absolutely FERAL about it like biting clawing going insane feral. my babygirl...
I don't hold myself to a blog theme but I tend to post a lot of decora and cutesy rainbow things on this blog, as well as memes and videos I found on my feed!!! and sometimes!!! if ur lucky!!! I post an omegaverse post!!! (check out @justomegathingss for more as well) or like an actual hot take on the universe!!! though again usually it is just reblogs of sanrio characters and decora fits lol. I also of course post a ton of my art and some original posts where I go feral about something or other and scream really really loud to my terrified (but intrigued and entranced) followers. expect the unexpected. be prepared for chaos
I have no DNI for my blog, but I will block u if I decide that having you unblocked makes my internet experience sucky in some way. this is my little corner of the internet an i will customize it in whatever silly way makes my brain go brrrr
The Magical Special Poggers Tags, with which you can Navigate my Blog:
#Tommy's OG ART wow - art i made!
#I made a textpost - a combo of original textposts, as well as reblogs I made with text on them!!
#asks - asks i received!!! (asks i sent to someone ELSE and am reblogging the response to would go under #I made a textpost)
If I reblog something without any art or text attached at all, that's gonna be untagged (usefully, anyway)- but I figure if you're hunting through my blog for a post it's probably not a blank reblog anyway.
For more information about me and links to my other socials, look at my Caard, Tommyfactive.carrd.co !!! it has a bunch or really poggers info and links to my pintrest and stuff so like u should totally look at it. U might get coolness poisioning from how cool I am though /j
Commission information Here!!
Printify Store here!!!!!
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gemscales-and-tea · 1 month
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
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I think things being reposted to Pinterest has some benefits.
Listen, I don't want credit removed from artists and I want artists to receive their due. They deserve credit and attention for their work.
But having been online as long as I have... I've also come to realize something else: Artists will delete their work at the drop of the hat with virtually NO warning whatsoever. So if you enjoyed that piece of artwork or that animation they made and you didn't save it somewhere? You're SOL.
It's like fandom's version of lost media.
'Well why not save it to your computer and keep it there??'
Because Computers break down, files can corrupt, things can get lost. Even being put into a folder is no guarantee. Do you have any idea how many animatics and videos I've been able to find that only exist on Pinterest now? Because the original sources were nuked completely?
Do you grasp how many art pieces I've been able to recover and privately keep that I thought lost? I've lost count.
Pinterest should do better about linking back to the source/saying who the artist is if there isn't an original post... but in a way it's become a weird archive itself for lost artwork.
Note: This opinion only applies to pieces that are LOST or if the artist themselves have completely deleted.
Example: If the artist is on Tumblr and you repost their work on Tumblr instead of reblogging it from them? Dishonor on your cow!
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msviolacea · 6 months
Having more thoughts this morning tangential to the big YT drama of the week.
So, I'm in one fairly large Discord that I read more often than I do other large, busy servers, partly because it's a topic I'm perpetually interested in, partly because it's pretty strictly modded. There's one channel where a member keeps sharing fanart without credit - a specific rule violation in the server - and the mods keep politely telling them to stop. Finally, yesterday, they said with clear frustration "What, you mean I'm just not supposed to share any of this art, then?" Yes. Yes, that's exactly what it means.
Anyway, it got me thinking about one of the things that quietly irritates me on Tumblr - not just sharing art without sources, that's an immediate "fuck you no," but the accounts that repost art with a brief typed up credit underneath, or "credit in the watermark" comment, etc. Like yes, congratulations, you did the thing, you're slightly better than some, but also ... it's kind of the Tumblr art-sharing equivalent of leaving an unlabeled source link in the YT description? The problem is not that you're taking credit for making the art, the problem is that you are the one getting the attention (likes/reblogs) for someone else's art, without adding anything significant to the post.
Here's the thing: an artist (*generic term for anyone who creates something) should be the one controlling the distribution of their own work. Yes, posting something publicly on the internet means you're giving up some of the control, but I firmly believe that just because you have the possibility of being an asshole doesn't mean you have the gods-given right to be an asshole.
"But," you may say, "I'm not being an asshole, I just genuinely like this art and want more people to appreciate it!"
Okay. Then why aren't you just sharing the link to wherever the artist chose to post it? Why are you reuploading it to your own account? Did the artist specifically say that reuploading was welcomed?
"Nobody on Tumblr clicks links! I just want people to see this art on their dashboard!"
Why? Genuinely, why? Why does it need to be you that uploads it?
"I just want to curate a collection of art involving my favorite characters!"
Then save it to your computer/phone and enjoy it there. Or make a private Tumblr or Pinterest account. You can curate for your own enjoyment without sharing.
The ultimate point is that, underneath it all, you want the credit for finding it. You want to get the dopamine hit of having people like and reblog your post. And ... well, that's not something you deserve. You didn't create it. You didn't commission it, or inspire it, or contribute to its creation in any way. You're not doing this to bring attention to the artist, otherwise you'd be actually sharing the place where the artist uploaded the work so that they can get the dopamine hit.
Most of us have done it at some point or another. I know I have. It's easy to do, it's an easy bit of attention, you get excited and just want to be the first person to share a thing. And it's not the worst crime on the internet. It's just ... kind of shitty. And if we want to contribute to an internet that is kinder, better, less friendly to those who are actually maliciously trying to steal the work of others, then we should avoid the temptation of doing these smaller things purely for the attention. Model the behavior you want to see in your internet world.
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astraltrickster · 1 year
A guide to crediting art for Reddit users
Because this isn't Pinterest, okay? Like, as an artist, I know damned well I can't STOP people from making memes of whatever they want without credit or permission...but most artists find it really, really rude, at best. I know it's normalized over on Reddit, but that's, uh, something a lot of us have been aware of and HATED for a while.
So, here's the deal.
Things where credit is optional according to the typical rules of etiquette:
Official assets from well-known published games. Screenshots of real anime and movies and TV shows. Big name published manga scans (but make sure it really is an official manga scan - just because it's a well-known character and on-model doesn't mean it's official; some doujin are VERY on-model). Arguably, official art book scans, but that one is a bit more controversial. Basically, if it was made to be an official part of a big name Thing, credit isn't considered to be necessary, because we all know where it came from, or if we don't it's only a matter of checking what tags someone has reblogged with once it gets more than like 20 notes.
But anything else? You need to credit the artist, and before you even do that, you need to make sure they're okay with reposts in the first place.
Now, this is common sense to most people on tumblr and other sites with a large artist population, but I've learned the hard way that it's...really not to a lot of people on Reddit, or Pinterest, or many other communities: most art you find online is not done by Recognizable Industry Professionals, and even a lot that is, well, they're not recognizable enough that even people who care about art in their circle are going to see a repost - even with the artist's signature - and go "oh, yeah, I know that guy!" Many artists rely on online traffic to bolster their careers. In fact, reposting can hurt starting professional artists - there have been plenty of cases of artists accused of plagiarism because their work got reposted so far and wide that no one believed they made it anymore!
Even outside of that, many artists don't want you reposting their work, even with credit, for many reasons - not least of which being because it's easy to lose creative control in some truly horrible ways. Remember what happened to Pepe the Frog? Did you know about the similar case of Trash Doves? You may say "ew, wtf, I'd never do that, I'm not hunting for stuff to bastardize into a hate symbol, I just want to make silly memes" - but that doesn't ultimately matter. It's not about whether you'd do it or not; it's about the fact that there are people who would.
Therefore, if you see a piece of art you want to use for a meme, you have to check the source. If it's already a repost, reverse image search it. If you still can't find it, don't use it. If you can only find it on Pinterest or some other repost-heavy site, don't use it.
Check to see if the artist SAYS "DO NOT REPOST" or "REPOSTS OK WITH CREDIT" somewhere on their profile. If they don't speak English, machine translation will probably suffice. If they don't specify, ask. If the answer is no, find a different piece of art from someone who allows it or a "safe" source as listed above.
Now that you have permission, make your meme, and LINK TO the original piece in the post body. Remember: "Credit to the artist" is not credit. "I didn't draw this" is not credit. Link to where it came from, there is no substitute.
So, with that, go forth, and happy memeing!
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cqtlatte · 1 year
Hello your art is amazing. Love the colors and dresses. You do not want shares? (Checking)
hey there, thanks a lot! <3
Sharing, as in reblogs (tumblr) or retweets (twitter) and sharing the direct link to the source/original post is okay.
What I don't want is people reposting my stuff on different accounts!
I know there are some who repost that mean well, but there are also many who do not credit (i.e. when re-upping to tiktoks/pinterest) and it becomes harder to track the original artist, even with watermarks.
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Welcome to my Witchy Blog!
Here are some links to the pages or speicific post of any speicific thing your looking for :D [I'll post the links once I have them]
About me -> Read!
P.s: I am working on a fictional story, most media I enjoy had influence from real witches/research into Wicca/Paganism. All posts here are for self-gain, research purposes only. So take ALL my posts with a grain of salt. And put a circle around yourself ;P
Index: Introduction: Book of Shadows/Grimoire | Wiccan Rede | Baby witch first steps.  Symbols For Protection-many Others. Pagan/Wiccan/Witch |  what's the diff? | The Founder Fathers of Howarts- I mean Wicca as we know it. [Link to their misdeeds] More in depth about the problems of Wicca [Might need to make a seperate page into cultural appropriation of Wicca. Wicca/Witch History | Do/Don'ts of Wicca: Appropriation List.   Coven Hierarchies. Left Hand Path. Widdershins |
Tree of Life |  Triple Goddess  | Horned God  |  Morgan Le fey |  After Life: Return to the Cauldron | The THREE Cauldrons | After Life: SummerLands | Tree People | Shadow people | Triquetra/Relation to Triple Goddess | Lambton Worm Myth
Witch Tools:
Cast a circle/Pentacle [Protection circle before you cast] Elements | Consecrate your Tools. | Altar  | Cauldron  |  Chalice  | Athame | Wand | Boline |  Witch's Bell |Besom/Broom | Witch's Ladder |  
Additional Witches Tools:
Candles|  Crystals  - Cleansing VS Charging | Flowers | Herbs |
Divination Tools:
Ouija | Seance | Pendulum | Runes | Scrying Mirror | Dowsing Rod | "Hag Stones."/Wishbone/jack o lantern | Tarot | Angel numbers | Oracle Cards | Call/invoking a spirit |
Year Calendar\Wheel of the year Weeks |  Astrology | Retrograde | Moon Phases | Moon Water |  Moon Bath | Moon Glyphs |
Deities |  Animals as omens/Familiars |  Chakra | Meditation | Milk Bath | Lucid Dreaming | Astral Projection |
Spells and otherss:
Witch Tips |  Spells |  Witch bag/bottle | Evil Eye | Seashells | Feathers Witches Alphabet | Faerie Circle/Faerie ring |  Circle Bridge\Devil Bridge | HandFasting
Artistic expression in Wicca:
 Arts and Crafts get it? Wiccan Fashion history| Wiccan Fashion Modern | Occult in Media | Occult in Literature | Occult in Anime |
The good the bad and the Ugly In Wicca
Since I'm a casual observer with no skin in the game, and prefer the media/artistic side of witchery in doing research for my own media ideas I don't want to make mistakes. So here is additional pages I was going to do last, but ugh Wicca should just be chucked in the bin, I've never felt more irritated and wanted to delete this whole blog by this research [and people online who assume everyone KNOWS this stuff and think whats common knowledge to them isn't new information to anybody else. Esp since its not someones social circle/not on the internet much and has my own life etc so thats annoying] And so- Here are going to be Page Links once it's done of-
Symbols in Wicca that are also affiliated with HATE Symbols Like nazisim. -> Problematic Symbols. Individuals in Wicca and their Problematic History. -> History Page. Closed Practices/speicific rituals that are closed -> Closed List. Why Lilith is Closed Explaination -> Source Divided Opinions: When two people are divided if something 'like Chakra' is problematic. I've seen a lot say it's okay- it's not okay etc. So I'll post the 'unsure' stuff here.
The problem with Sabbats -> Blog Post bear in mine OP made a mistake stating that British forced ireland into catholic conversion which wasn't true that was st patrick- the comments/reblogs explain it better. Wheel of the Year in depth information -> [Source]
Closed/Open Practices -> [Post]
Sourced Sites:
[Wiccan Websites here once I've posted all my ducks in a row before I shoot them] Everything Under The Moon -> Source
*Also I WILL Post on my blogs where I got the Info from. Such as sited/sourcing everything and if I took it online/pinterest/tumblr as well as books I've also sourced. I'll post the book/author chapter page etc. Source : Witch
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woodsorrelpainting · 6 months
I'm back again! Post number three.... I decided to download the Tumblr app because then (theoretically) I'll be able to take pictures and post them faster! So. Yeah.
Tumblr media
(ID: A small, matte gouache study of some small reddish-orange mushrooms emerging from pale green moss. It has a semi-abstract painterly style. /end ID)
(i will edit this soon to include a link to my "references i've USED" board on Pinterest... having some minor technical issues atm. if youd like to see it Right Now though, its in the pinned post)
(additionally, if anybody knows what species this is or even where the original image came from, I'd be happy to know! Pinterest is a cesspit when it comes to credited sources. this goes for any of the reference images I use, btw)
Here, I present a gouache study I did yesterday and today. I feel that it came out okay, but I wish I hadn't run out of painting-stamina so quickly.
"Oh but Marten, you should've just taken a break!!!" yes. I probably should.
In any case, here is this. I'm still unused to gouache painting. Not that I'm terribly used to watercolors at the moment... but alas.
I do like what I did with the colors in the background. I'm still learning about... tones... I guess. Color shifts and stuff. I have a free trial to skillshare at the moment, so maybe I can look that up in the near future. That and perhaps gouache techniques.
There isn't a certain look I'm going for when it comes to gouache painting, but I do hope to achieve at least a cohesive-looking collection of studies and eventually paintings.
I also wanted to say thanks to those who "liked" my second (?) post... I really appreciate it, even if its not getting "reblogged" or whatever. I hadn't thought I'd get any sort of engagement so quickly. I dunno. It's encouraging. So thanks for that :)
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