jotun-design-party · 4 months
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okay i am logging back out immediately after posting this but i thought it’d be a shame if i never ever shared this after @jotun-design-party finished. say hello to my current jötun loki design, drawn during the contest and inspired by one or two of the sent-in headcanons ❄️
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jotun-design-party · 4 months
that's it for jötun design party! i had so much fun seeing everyone's designs. the most difficult part was picking the winners, but i got there in the end! here are the winners, why i picked them, and the prizes they won!
as i will not be using this account anymore, i'll leave this as the pinned post and link to This Post as well as the #orientalism search for anyone who may stumble upon this blog in the future ❄️
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Jötun Design Party Winners
First Place
Prize: full-body drawing of a character (original or otherwise) of their choice. I have your discord, and will contact you when I have the time to start and complete your drawing!
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elegant and cohesive, it's clear that a lot of thought was put into the world and culture of jötunheim. every design is distinct and filled with personality while still maintaining a singular aesthetic. looking at these designs together, it's easy to imagine how the characters might interact with each other and their vibrant world.
Second Place
Prize: half-body drawing of a character (original or otherwise) of their choice. Please message this tumblr with your preferred method of communication (Discord, Instagram, or Tumblr itself) and I will contact you when I have the time to start and complete your drawing!
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looking at this design, it's easy to tell how much love, time, and effort was put into it. with elements that mirror loki's canon moteifs altered in ways that feel cozy, it's undeniable that there was a lot of thought put into the jötnar as a people. they mirror asgard in a way that directly contrasts the claims we see the aesir make of them, while still feeling like a separate and distinct culture with their personalized magic, unique horns, and clear social dynamics
Third Place
Prize: bust-shot drawing of a character (original or otherwise) of their choice. Please message this tumblr with your preferred method of communication (Discord, Instagram, or Tumblr itself) and I will contact you when I have the time to start and complete your drawing!
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while deceptively simple, this design is thoughtful and paints a very different picture of jötunheim than we are used to seeing in canon. this design implies a combination of mythologies, which we are very used to in marvel, while giving love and thought to a vivid world of religion which is not often given the same respect as norse or greek mythology. protected from the weather in a way that would not make a temperature-sensitive frost giant overheat, loki's design is full of love for both fantasy, and the very real people who often inspire it 💞
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it means the world to me that as many people participated as they did and i really hope that this contest helped make this fandom a more inclusive space in some way
picking the winners for this was SO DIFFICULT. so under the cut, i have also enthused about some of the submitted designs because i wanted to be able to share my thoughts on more of them. i'm so sorry that i wasn't able to get to everyone!!
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all of those shades of green? i am in love
red tichel!!! was this a callback to loki's red hair in mythology? I AM IN LOVE EITHER WAY!!!
i know it's based on a canon design and russian ashkenazi fashion but the hair jewelry just looks so in-place here. if it was cold enough outside that i needed to layer my clothes then i too would prefer to wear my metals in my hair where it wouldn't feel cold against my skin
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this one specifically is just so ROYAL to me. far more than most of the entries! it has my heart
the riding pants >>>
the fingerless gloves >>>>
this design, with the minimal layers of clothing mixed with the warm cloak, makes me feel like it's designed to keep loki protected from the cold winds that comes with riding horses at high speeds in the winter
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the embroidery on the sleeves
and the idea of loki in bronze instead of gold is one that i adore. i associate gold so heavily with asgard AND with loki that whenever i try to design jötun lokis, it's incredibly difficult to pick whether to use gold or not. bronze is the PERFECT solution to this
also shut up the feet literally are not bad
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okay cuteness aggression aside i think this is such a smart idea for the jötnar.
it helps with that balance of showing them in minimal clothing to get across their lack of sensitivity to the cold while also actually protecting them from the snow they are likely at least knee-deep in half the time
like yes. just yes
of COURSE they would look like this it just makes sense to me
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look at this. JUST LOOK AT IT. what more do i need to say
its perfect. i will be following you on my new account
this is the cutest thing i've seen in my entire life
also the staff/scepter is so cool, it's gorgeous, that's MY moon queen and magic theatre
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this one is SO COOL, it's my absolute favorite out of the designs you submitted.
it looks so warm and sleek, and the idea that travel wear is so different from everyday wear makes me wonder just how harsh the conditions on the planet are.
i'm an absolute sucker for designs that are distinctly alien like this and it has my heart i love it so so much
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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I just wanted to be included giggle
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
❅Jotun Loki Design❅
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my submissions for @jotun-design-party, though i don't know if it's too late (deadline was december 17th, and it it still dec 17 for me {by less than an hour} but idk if it is for it). If i missed the deadline, i'm sorry.
I had been looking forward to this for several months (and even started a separate jotun loki design months ago in preparation/excitement), but i just haven't been able to do much as of late. Which is sad. And while i had been planning to enter the contest for months, as it drew nearer i realized i probably wouldn't be able to. Which was very sad, because this is one of the only things i've actually looked forward to in forever :(.
As such, though, i really didn't want this oppurtunity to go to waste, like so many others i've had to, and especially in light of magpiemurder going to leave its account soon, i just decided i'd have to push though and do it. I spent pretty much all of today just drawing drawing drawing. Traditional sketched, and then "quickly" added colour digitally (it took several hours as well).
also. all the designs are supposed to be symmetrical (save design 四 and the nails in designs 三&四), so if you see any mistakes... sshhh
More on designs:
一: average battle outfit made from thick, rubbery frost beast leather
二: ceremonial battle armour, used in head shaving ceremony and first battle of a war. Made from thick and (some) thin leather, as well as some mercury metal rings, beads, and bone
三: average every-day wear (inside the city). made of fur, cloth woven from fur, thin leather mercury and bone.
四: average every-day wear (inside city). Likely for around-city wear, not relaxing indoors, due to the uncomfortableness of the beads. Made of fur fabric, fur, thin leather, beads, some bone.
五: average everyday wear (inside city). By far my favourite. For the loincloth, i tried making it look like celtic knots that start right at the top, then sort of get looser and "fade-out" at the end. Thin leather, fur fabric, bone, beads, possibly mercury metal rings.
六: everyday travel wear (outside of city). Not made for warmth, but for protection agains the elements (sharp stone, cutting blizzards, etc). Thick leather, mercury rings. Since loki is royalty, the under layer on theirs is made of black fish scale (the rarest) (also it's supposed to be slightly iridescent but i couldn't do that). For less lavish options, under layers could be made of simply thinner leather, fabric, or a nothing. The nothing option has the jotun wearing it craft an underwater out of ice, and allows for more skin avaliable to make ice for other uses. Also notice how lokis gloves leave the palm bear; this is to allow for the ability to still make ice.
also wanted to say prettier much any of these outfits could be worn with cloaks (save design 一) but i didn't draw them
also: i wanted to do another outfit, a traditional wedding attire. I imagine the jotnar wouldn't actually wear clothes for a wedding, but rather make their own covering out of their own ice. Being their own design, it shows their partner "who they are", and the transparency of the ice represents vulnerability and transparency (in communication; honesty).
jotun headcanons
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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slams this down. ANOTHER! for @jotun-design-party !!
here's my summer loki! i liked the idea of their black hair fading in with orange :3
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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My last minute submission for @jotun-design-party !!
I’ve been thinking about this au for a long time so I am glad I finally had something to actually stop procrastinating and make me do it😂 this was rlly fun to experiment with!
For this au I was thinking like a Greek myth au where Odin didn’t know about Lokis true heritage/that he was adopted either because frigga took him in and so he was cast out and took over hades? Details are still somewhat undecided but there’s a lot buzzing about it in my head hehe
Everyone’s submissions have been so cool!
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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design entry 4 the @jotun-design-party :3
design notes: i tried to base this design on russian fashion as it's the coldest country in the world (barring antarctica, but like, there isn't enough of a human population there 2 have distinct fashion trends, so u know) i also gave her some traditional/ religious jewish clothing; the tallit (i replaced where would normally be hebrew with runes spelling loki, which is like... definitely sacrilegious now that i think abt it LMAO) n the tichel (the head scarf) although i imagine he has it 2 keep his ears warm rether then it's real world purpose, bc like, loki isnt a married jewish woman pghff. there is no real reason 4 why i decided 2 do that, except that i'm jewish n i love loki so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the hair trinkets r both bc they r similar to the design element from dark reign era loki n bc when i was looking up reference images 4 russian ashkenazi fashion i kept seeing similar looking things (no clue what the deal is w/ that as i haven't researched this n while i way be ashkenazi, i am not russian ashkenazi so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) oh also, this design is 4 comics loki, not mcu loki, hense the green rather then red eyes
...ok i think that's it 👍
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
i like to think there would be season change and this is so silly but maybe the people would change with the seasons! like shedding hair into different colors to reflect or absorb heat and skin pigment changes n obvi the wardrobe colors change
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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Helblindi and Byleistr
Last day of @jotun-design-party in that spirit I decided to design a Helblindi and Byleistr in my style when. There are others I could have done but I feel like these two are a good way to top off what I've done. I had a fun time figuring out and thinking of headcanons
Loki Narvi&Vali Jarnsaxa Skadi Angrboda
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
so what if instead of a coat of arms Jotun families each had their own snowflake pattern to represent them
this is GENIUS
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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Loki (based on the Thor What If episode)
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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my (probably way too late) entry for @jotun-design-party !! i had a lot of fun with this esp since this is the first time i've ever done smth like this!! hope you guys like...
personally i think loki would own and rock this aesthetic, esp as jotun royalty :3
(fun fact, this was originally supposed to be a horseback riding outfit, the green on the pants were meant to be part of saddle pants)
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
This is my design for the @jotun-design-party :)
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My hcs are: Jotunhiem is bigger than Asgard and its core (the central territories where frost giants live) is the coldest place of the planet. This part of land is surrounded by at least a half circle of mountains (where mountain giants live ofc) that stops in part the coldest winds coming from the center and makes possible the existence of a warmer ecosystem with forests of trees that arent evergreen. Every "zone" of Jotunhiem experiences seasonal changes, just in different ways, as the frost giants lands are always going to be colder. Thats why loki is wearing a summer oufit that's still pretty warm + a thermal suit (cause he's only half jotun in my hc and so he needs a lil help thermoregulating his body heat). The orange parts is bronze (i just didnt really know how to color that💀), the blue is embroidery and the rest is chainmail. Its not a practical oufit in my mind but more cerimonial. I suck at drawing feet may the lord forgive me.
(My inspirations were Inuit fashion, medieval fashion and ppl from the alps i can see from my window)
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
Icewing Loki submission
Wanted to clarify so that people can see that I contributed to @jotun-design-party
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
The IceWing Loki was a submission, because I wanted to share what Loki looked like as an ice dragon.
okay, thank you! i was just confused because submissions have been through their own posts while tagging this blog
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
Base by @jackalthesandwing
I decided to turn Loki into an IceWing from Wings Of Fire
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is this a design submission, or are you just sharing? very cool either way!!
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jotun-design-party · 5 months
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my (simple) design for @jotun-design-party ! I couldn’t decide between small choices so I just did them all lol
I based my design off some simple norse AND mayan clothing (I’ve been doing some research into my heritage and I got inspired ig) some of my hcs about jotnar include them being cold (obvs) and they can probably handle the cold BUT wind and water is still a thing so they would want protection from the wind and to not be wet right? also, lighter colors bc it’s easier to blend in, but I feel like loki would still wear dark colors anyway bc why not? I also couldn’t decide if I wanted loki with organic horns or a headpiece, or if I wanted his hair tied up or down, so I did versions with both
kinda simple but I did an oops and tried to do four versions and I’m tired
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