#do i get to keep the sandwich?
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happy mother's day lmfao
bonus (the girls are fightiiing):
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artsycooky13 · 21 days
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Mother's day (+ dad)
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reliablejoukido · 5 months
Someone just gave me a shit sandwich comment on a fic and it’s like… don’t do this. Don’t do this to me and don’t do it to other people.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
Fuck It Friday!
I was tagged by @wikiangela @giddyupbuck @daffi-990 thank you <3
I spend the week projecting my own abandonment issues writing Buck's pov of the divorced era fic so have a bit of that. Poor thing has no idea he's in for a really bad day. prev snippet
It's worse because the thing he wanted the most was to make sure his stupid feelings didn't get in the way of Eddie and him.  Now here he is because his stupid feelings got in the way of Eddie and him.  So Buck is preparing himself to endure the most awkward shift he has ever worked. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.  Maybe they could just be professional until the end of the shift and then Buck could ask Eddie if he can follow him home and they could talk. With no audience. Just work it out.  They can work it out.  There's no way he actually ruined their friendship.  Right?  Eddie would forgive him, and everything would be fine.  He just has to apologize, and they will be okay.  He can do that.  They can talk.  They're good at talking.  Maybe not about their feelings. At least not until something bad happens.  But, well, he's pretty sure they are past the bad threshold here, so they're due to have a heart-to-heart.  Maybe they could even make it through without Buck confessing his stupid feelings.  But they will make it through. Eddie never held Buck being an impulsive idiot against him.  He definitely wouldn't start now, right?
No pressure tagging 🩷: @eddiebabygirldiaz @bucks118 @try-set-me-on-fire @honestlyeddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @watchyourbuck @housewifebuck @wildlife4life
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Hello lovely!
I'd love to read more of the prison AU ✨🖤
A group of inmates is trying to push Thena around and a guard with bad intentions is helping her. He grabs her afterwards and pushes her into a corner, wanting something spicy in return for his help. Thena declines and is trying to get away, without success. Sweet Gilgamesh is coming to rescue her.
🖤✨Hugs and Love!!✨🖤
"What's going on in here?!"
Thena grunted as she was tossed against the wall again. They had already shoved her around plenty by this point of course. But fighting back against them was a surefire way to get herself penalised.
"Nothing," the other inmate who had done the most pushing and shoving turned with a smile.
Thena blinked as the guard came down the hall and barked at them to keep moving. There was no lingering in unsupervised areas. She stood, dusting off her uniform.
"You okay?"
"Fine," she muttered. She knew which guard this was. She didn't have to talk to each of them, but she knew each of their rotations, which were off weeks and which were on. It kept her mind occupied.
This guard was in his late 50s, recently divorced, had two kids who sounded very reluctant to have him in their lives, judging by how he was always saying he had games of theirs to go see and then would be working that night anyway.
"You sure?" he stepped closer, hands on his utility belt. "You look a little roughed up."
"I'm fine," she repeated. She tried to step around him but he moved into her path again.
"Y'know," he began, and she should have known. He leaned against the wall, his arm up against it, in the way of her head. "I can step in and protect you like this any time. Although I would wanna know that you're, uh, grateful, if you catch my drift."
She avoided his eyes as well. Looking people in the eyes only ever riled them up in here. "No, thank you."
He scoffed, "no thank you?--that what you said?"
"Yes," she muttered at the ground. She knew very well that he enjoyed the sense of humiliation he could get off some of the inmates in here. "Excuse me."
"You're excused when I excuse you."
Thena eyed the arm of his in her way. This hallways was already isolated enough for the other women to know it was good roughing up territory. A guard like him could get away with any number of things down here.
"So," the guard grinned at her, "you got a smile for me, gen-pop?"
Thena backed up against the wall again, but he followed her. His hand moved to her shirt, "don't."
She'd claw his face off if she really had to, longer sentence be damned.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Her eyes raised again, and they met his before she could help it. But she knew this guard, too. This was the one who made sandwiches at home and brought them in to work. It was Gilgamesh.
"Just making sure this one gets back to her pen."
Gilgamesh didn't even pretend to believe it. He marched over to them, wearing the same uniform as the other guard but taller, and twice as strong. "Don't give me that shit, I have eyes on it and everything."
The other guard just shrugged, "I kept a fight from breaking out is all. She offered to, uh, y'know."
Thena kept her expression passive. This creep could say whatever he wanted about her, she didn't care. And she didn't care if Gilgamesh believed him or not.
"Don't give me that bullshit either," Gilgamesh growled in the face of his fellow guard. "No one's offering to suck your broken old dick, especially not this one. So are you gonna walk away with a shred of dignity or do I need to bring this footage to the warden?"
Thena looked up as Gilgamesh gathered the front of the shirt of the other guard and tossed him aside. She remained where she was, but Gilgamesh's shoulder partially came between them just by its natural width.
"Fuck you," the other guard picked himself up and stalked off, surely to abuse his power elsewhere, "ass kisser."
"No one's offering you that either," Gilgamesh shouted after him to get one last dig in at him. "Old creep."
"Thanks," Thena muttered down at the ground.
"Hey." For such a big guy, in such a stressful work environment, he sure had a gentle voice. "You okay?"
"I'm fine."
"I was checking the cameras when I saw him leaning over you," Gilgamesh said gently, taking a step away from her until she had the amount of space to which she was accustomed. "What happened?"
She sighed, still looking down at her regulation nonslip shoes. "The three with the smuggling business left me my share of lunch today, but I think they were expecting something in return from me. I didn't have it, so they figured they would try and shake me down for it."
"Oh really," he frowned.
"He came along and," she shrugged, "what he wanted in exchange was more tangible, I suppose."
"I've reported him before but it never seems to go anywhere," Gil scowled in the direction their little friend had scurried. "Maybe if I have something like this, I can finally get him at least transferred to different work, or something."
"One could hope." She tried to drag herself back to her cell again but once again found herself blocked. She looked up, though, finding the deep brown eyes of Mister Gilgamesh. "What?"
He sighed, maybe getting the hint that even if he could do something about it - which he couldn't - it didn't mean she wanted him to. His shoulders wilted and he got this sad puppy look on his face, "nothing, I guess. Just...I'm around, you know. If anything..."
"Are you offering to come to my aid?" she asked him, letting him know how unimpressed she was with the offer.
"Yeah, I guess I am," he offered a jovial and sheepish smile. "I know I must sound like any old asshole. But I mean it--no strings attached."
She gave him a smirk as he began walking her back to her cell, "you don't want a little something?--not even a peek on shower day?"
He blushed. The massive bear of a guard blushed and averted his eyes from her, "okay, okay."
"Sorry," she snickered to herself, "this place has turned me deviant."
He shrugged, "you're tough, you adapted to survive. The ones who don't, don't tend to last. But you're smart enough to figure that out, huh?"
She most certainly was.
"Also, as far as those other three are concerned, if I see them withholding food I'm not gonna just leave it."
"Do as you please," she muttered. What he did while on the job wasn't any of her concern. All she had to do was keep her head down and not do anything to get her sentence lengthened.
"I know you said you had lunch, but," Gil rustled something in his pocket, "was it the burnt corner piece again?"
Thena looked down at the sandwich he flashed at her from his side cargo pocket, like they were exchanging the most dangerous of goods. Well, contraband was contraband. But he did make really good sandwiches. "What is it today?"
"Chicken katsu with curry mayo."
God, he really was a good cook. And just because she'd had lunch didn't mean it was really the freshest serving anyway. And Druig did comment that he was worried about how much weight she had lost (even claiming he didn't think she had any to spare, anyway).
When crossing the doorway Thena snatched the sandwich from him, slipping it under her uniform top and crossing her arms around it. "Thanks."
Gilgamesh smiled, his eyes meeting hers, "any time, really."
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lucalicatteart · 1 year
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 3: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
The winning option of yesterday's poll was that the adventurer should throw a coin into the mysterious well ….
"After nearly ten minutes rummaging through the disorganization at the bottom of his backpack, he finally approaches the well once again, meager coin pouch in hand. He meticulously balances a little golden coin on the tip of his thumb, positioning it just so for an elegant coin flip… With a flick of his hand, the coin wobbles off, anticlimactically dropping into the darkness.. He pouts, leaning in to listen for a plonk as the coin hits the water but… nothing…. silence.. A few minutes pass and he shrugs, moving to pick up his bag and just continue his journey elsewhere, when suddenly a faint noise echoes from the well.. an almost cartoonish plopping sound, like wet feet slapping against stone..? The pitter patter grows closer and closer…then stops abruptly. The adventurer cautiously slinks over to the well, only to find.. a creature of some sort, clinging to the walls, staring up at him blankly. - What should he do next?"
#paventure posting#polls#choose your own adventure#(I saw a few people tag these as that and I guess it makes sense. hmm)#DAY 3!!! vote to choose this little man's fate#Sad that people did not want to go into the well.. :( Maybe we can still go in depending on how things go with#The Creachure. I mean I know I could just make whatever happen anyway since I'm the one doing it but. It has to feel natural lol#it would be obviously just me doing what I want if I was like 'oh uh we went to throw the coin in the well but he tripped and#fell and then somehow didnt die and whoops he's in the well anyway!!'' lol#I care more about things being realistic and natural than following whatever ideas seem interesting. If it was voted for him to explode#into a million pieces sadly I would simply have to explode him. audience says#let me know if the formatting of this is weird?? also? I wasn't sure where to put the slightly longer bit of text#so I kept it under a reas more just to the post looks neater. I thought it'd seem weird with a bunch of text blocks sandwiching the poll#and too much going on. But I also feel like it's organizationally weird if all the details are at the end? eh..#bt then at least it's optional. not everyone will want to read more. And it's not like.. amazing text lol#I'm slapping them out off of the top of my head with minimal editing because I have to get it done and I know if I make it too complicated#or become concerned with like things being Perfectly Revised then I will absolutely not be able to do it once a day#Same with the obvious sketchy ms paint art lol. But so like. I dont feel as bad about kind of having the text be options#*optional since it's not like 'omg this is so good u have to read this' it's like.. eh.. passable amount of detail ghbj#ANYWAY. and 'paventure' (poll + adventure) is just temporary so I have a way to tag this on the blog/keep up with the posts#in a organized way. I think 'padventure' is more obvious but that's already the name of other things and I didnt want the tags to be#confusing or like.. post in some random tag that people already use for something else#but the only thing I found when googling 'paventure' is like. .some venture capital business from PA. and who cares about that lol#explanation probably not needed but I think it sounds a bit silly so I'm justifying myself to myself lol#ANYWAY. lov his silly hat. I want to draw him more. I want to name him. I COULD DO A POLL TO CHOOSE A NAME#but that wouldn't fit in with any of the days lol. maybe if I make it a week actually doing it or something at the end of the week#I could do a bonus poll or something. ??? idk.. ANYWAY.. new day!
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swampndn · 4 months
Um, y'all. I think I'm the main character now or something.
Story time.
So, I'm teaching a class this semester. It's cool. It's great. I love it. Anyway, last week I was walking out with a student, and I was telling her the ways I like to stay grounded in this city, i.e. going to the water as much as I can, finding ways to be on the land. She's also Native and was struggling adjusting to this city. We part ways, and I walk out of the building with a random man who was leaving the same time we were. He opens the door for me, introduces himself briefly, and asks me if I teach here regularly. I tell him I do, just the one class though. He tells me that usually he teaches visual art at a local high school but was guest lecturing on his work in Afro-Futurism and public art for a friend's class. It's pleasant. He's nice. No weird vibes. Felt really normal. He walks me to my car out front. We part ways. Entire exchange lasted maybe 2 minutes.
Well, fast forward to today. He reaches out to me on Instagram. He says that he was thinking about me all week, and he wanted to get to know me better. We go back and forth. He's really sweet, funny, clever, charming, wicked smart, and matches my energy (which is RARE) - he also ain't said a single sexual comment to me. The respect. Also, I ain't gonna lie. He's tall, muscular, and fucking hot. And an artist??? Say less. I wouldn't have been mad about some explicit advances, although my traumatized ass probably would have reacted poorly (involuntarily), so good on him.
I give him my number after he makes a silly little joke that Facebook told him his soulmate is an Aries, and I said that he's in luck because I'm an Aries. Then boom. Dropped the number. (I still got it.)
Tell me why the first thing he texted me was a silly gif of John Cena strutting around then said "this me walking into your life as the luckiest man alive", then asks me on a FULLY PLANNED DATE: a PICNIC AT A LAKE NEAR A BOTANICAL GARDEN because he overheard what I was talking about to my student about last week, AND THEN I learn that he's also Native!!! That's really important to me, and he was telling me all about his family (we're here on his ancestral land, actually). And also he's asking me all about my work, and then straight up broke down how he was feeling about me in such a clear, direct way. He laid out his intentions. He may or may not have said he's gonna marry me, but he was trying to be chill about it 😅🫣
Anyway. This has never happened to me before. I'm like what the literal fuck is going on? Am I too traumatized for this? What is happening???
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sunandflame · 7 months
Are the following sandwiches?? Discuss.
1. Hot dog
2. Quesadilla
3. Taco (soft shell)
4. S’mores
5. Burger
Oh my god Peach I am way too tipsy to answer this, but since I just got home and removed all the gory makeup from my face and because I love I am gonna answer this as seriously as I can and will do an analytical approach as I always do with new things.
Ffs I even googled the definition of a fucking sandwich because its 5 am and my brain is not functioning properly (yes in Europe we do parties till in the morning hours).
Oxford Languages says this about a sandwich and I quote: “an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with a filling between them, eaten as a light meal.” Okay, let’s see.
A hot dog is a long sausage (lol) served in a soft roll and topped with various condiments. Since the roll is bread with a filling between them I would say a hot dog is a sandwich.
Quesadilla may look like a sandwich, but most people actually don’t know that it is not made out of bread, but of cooked corn masa that is topped with corn. No bread, no sandwich in my opinion (still delicious as hell. Damn I crave some now)
Well with Tacos it is the same as with Quesadillas (since they are made out of Tortillas BUT you were asking for soft shells which are usually made out of flour, which means its bread. So that is a sandwich.
The fuck is S’mores??? *googles it* Peach... that looks illegal, but maybe that is just my snobby european ass talking who never saw this thing ever in my life. It’s probably delicious, since it's so well known.  Well let’s put my feelings aside and look at what a S’more is made of. Oxford Languages says: “a sweet snack consisting of a chocolate bar and toasted marshmallows sandwiched between graham crackers.” The hell are graham crackers? *asks google again* Aha… Alright. Graham crackers are a type of lightly sweetened, whole wheat-based cracker that originated in the United States. Named after Sylvester Graham, a 19th-century health advocate who promoted the use of whole grains for a fiber-rich diet, these crackers were initially marketed as a health food. Yes S’mores are the sweet kind sandwich since the cracker is made out of wheat flour.
Yeah for that I don’t need to ask google. A Burger is definitely a sandwich. Except you turn it into a low carb perversion where you replace the bun with a fucking cucumber or lettuce leaves.
I am surprised over myself and over the accuracy of my answer. Also, thank you, I am not drunk anymore. 😂
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Why is everyone to tragic?
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dragonanon · 2 years
Tfw when you're trying to limit the amount of calories you're eating, and you realize just how absurdly high calorie most things are.
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schumiatspa · 6 months
@ Carlos&Luca anon!!! I don't know if I'm stupid or Tumblr is stupid or what, but the ask was sent before I could finish writing and I can't modify it so I'll write here what I wanted to say:
LOVING TEASING BUT SUPPORTIVE ANDREY SO MUCH he would tease carlitos' English by saying that but also saying "do you understand what you are saying about him right?" because we all know how Carlitos loves gushing about his bf aksjsjsj
And!! Carlitos having a meltdown and going to Andrey for support🥹🥹 they would make so much sense let me tell you that
I just hope that Carlitos can tease Andrey back because just with whatever Andrey has going on with Grigor he could have a field day!!
P.s. Just to get back to our original topic... Luca, Carlitos and Jannik are all finally in Alicante!! I need some content PLEASEEEE
(And I have to say, since I've started to follow Luchino on insta, I've been seeing him EVERYWHERE, under every post aksjsksj not just posts about Carlitos, but he surely likes a lot of those, for example eurosport's posts👀 and today Carlos made a post for his exhibition match with Rafa and in 3 minutes - or less maybe - Luca had already liked it aksjsj)
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nekohrine · 7 months
i was having fun creating things and now i have to take a break from creating?? Unfair
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rowanhoney · 8 months
Man Americans weird me out so much
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jtbb · 1 year
does anyone else get Really Stressed Out when their food is like a Bunch of Different Stuff all on one plate like i need my food to be just the same ingredients within every bite or else i will explode
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sandwichedbread · 1 year
god damn hermitcraft fanart
always spoiling the magnus archives for me
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kaleschmidt · 1 year
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i wanted to sneak in the other two phoneys just to have people witness jake
also aftermath. girl clean up
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