#disgusting frankly
ultimatebottom69 · 1 year
*comes out of the fucking trenches*
Did you know the radfem safe tag is overflowing with new radfems ??
Ok so baaically this is bullshit by the way. They have now started talking about Talibans, Muslim women and Women of color.
I bet my whole unshaved pussy that this is their last desperate attempt to go "No the radfem movement is clearly not only about white women. Look *shows article of brutality engaged by either sex really* it's clearly women being oppressed by evil men-"
Ok o shut up.
You don't even know how to describe the WHITE woman experience without going on a whole tangent about how women are soft and seen as little broodmare that then get slaughtered like cattle by evil evil men and men that pretends to be women to somehow harm women more.
They don't even know why they're complaining about the bathroom situation dude. Like I have blocked like 30 terf blogs so far dude.
The terf movement is bullshit and now they tried being cute in their bio. Because of course you have to check the bio first before shoting them dead.
You know this idiots now put "Learning radfem UwU" "Babyrad" "smallrad" "True Lesbian" in their fucking bio ?
They're trying to be cute but it just comes as stupid.
Like listen if you're gonna be evil just do it ok. Don't use the Jehovah Witness Method. It never worked.
Like I didn't even touch the actual radfem tag that's how bad it is.
I bet my whole uterus (that they still hold in stupidly high regard. Like girl chill it's just an organ) that they can't even tell who the hell is cis in the room if I put them in a room full of cis women of varying age and sizes. All white that's how nice I am being here.
I bet the second I put a black woman there they gonna be rascist as usual.
Anyway Happy Pride don't forget to go on your yearly TERF hunt lads
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loverboybreakdowns · 10 months
horrific when you see gorgeous fanart on your dash and you go to their profile and youre just. smacked in the face w winc*st
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professorllayton · 1 year
the absolute crime of casting misha fucking collins as my absolute bestie harvey fucking dent? unforgivable. a thousand million year long war has been waged like I will never forgive I will never forget
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fernlessbastard · 10 months
Nothing can shine as bright
as your smile in the dusky light,
whilst in the featherful bliss
of cotton and silk
you chuckle at my trifling talk
My eyes are glossed and full of life
and I couldn't decide if it's elated high
or yearning for yet another touch
of your hard fingers against my back.
Nothing can shine as bright
as the sunshine sneaking through the blinds
of our small flat,
crowded by plants,
full of us and our cat
You filled my bones with honey and Syrah,
intoxicated me with the morning light,
stomach full of love fluttering deep down,
delighted by your taste and time
Nothing can shine as bright
as the wet parts of my mind,
when your breath is pressed
on my neck and vines,
filled with oxytocin and wine
No glimmer of scales in the sun,
no light of jellyfish out of sight,
no teeth from a shark perfectly white,
Nothing shines just as bright.
(I fulfilled your wish and was hospitalised, have more poems now)
.......... I don't think they fixed you enough in that hospital--
Anyway jesus fucking christ dude that's, that's so fucking gay, holy shit, get a room or something
Preferably a flat, actually
More preferably with me♡
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nyancrimew · 4 months
ah fun the rapey transmisogyny copypasta that's definitely going to fix trans community discourse this time has now also reached my inbox
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 3 months
Whats your opinion on the whole Christian Horner thing?
Let me preface this by saying, I have intentionally stayed away from this subject for many reasons, but given there was an outcome of the investigation today, and some of the information I’ve seen here throughout the past weeks, now is as good a time as any to respond to this ask I got weeks ago. This is not, nor will I be offering in the future, my opinion on whether Horner is guilty of the accusations or not. I just want to maybe provide context, and information from my experience and career thus far, that might help people understand, and also my opinion on the reaction from people. Caveat - I am not a lawyer, nor will I go into specifics of my current or previous job, however I worked in the legal profession where I worked on legal cases, reviewed evidence, and made submissions and recommendations that went in front of Judges.
Okay my thoughts. My thoughts are that an internal investigation that should have remained private for all parties involved, especially the alleged victim(s), was leaked and used as clickbait and gossip by the media and people on here and other social media sites. I think people decided guilt without having any genuine information, without seeing the evidence and without any credible sources. I think were the person being accused a different member of the paddock that the reaction would have been different. I think people used this to virtue signal and cry out about what good people they are. I think people that constantly say that the media and journalists shouldn’t be trusted, fed into a feeding frenzy that led to the name of the alleged victim(s) being published, which will undoubtedly impact them for the rest of their lives.
Onto specific things I have seen that I’d like to offer my take on:
Christian allegedly offering the victim a sum of money - First of all, for anyone who has a certain amount of wealth, especially those in the public eye, this is a usual occurrence. You try to avoid an investigation by any means possible, whether you’re innocent or guilty, because a) it’s easier and usually cheaper in the long run, b) pr and public image are damaged by even unfounded accusations and these things can run on for an extremely long time, and c) trial by media is a thing, and innocent people get tarnished for the rest of their lives because of something they were accused of. Now, I’m not saying any of those are why the offer was allegedly made, but those are some of the reasons. Companies do the same thing, when someone has an accident at work and hurts themselves, even if the company do not believe themselves to be at fault they will make a settlement offer, to avoid any legal back and forth. Settlements are not an admission of guilt, but a way to make something go away quickly.
Said money being why the investigation “went away” - I saw a quote that said “the grievance has been dismissed”, that means there was a finding, not that it was withdrawn. even so, this was a red bull investigation carried out by an external barrister. Once the company were made aware of the allegations, their investigation is independent of either party involved, so even if the alleged victim(s) withdrew their grievance, the company would still have a duty of care to ensure that any inappropriate behaviour or actions were identified, investigated and addressed. Most importantly, red bull want to protect themselves legally, and following the procedures and carrying out a thorough investigation, which would identify if they were potentially exposed to risk, is how they do that.
How can they ignore 100’s of pieces of evidence - We don’t know that they did. It was reported, but never confirmed that there was over 100 pieces of evidence submitted, so this is absolute hearsay. Further, I would be extremely surprised if the investigation ignored any piece of evidence, given the ramifications of an incorrect or improper investigation. Also I think it’s really important to say that evidence does not equal guilt or that one party to the proceedings is correct. Allow me to provide you with a personal example. I worked on a case where there was over 5000 pages of evidence submitted into a legal bundle. Approximately 4000 of those were from the appellant who argued that the other party had acted incorrectly. (forgive my vagueness here I’m not about to doxx myself). 4000 pages of evidence, which I reviewed and made a decision that I did not support their argument. The judge agreed with me also. Evidence can be subjective, and sometimes it can be completely irrelevant. The presence, and submission of evidence is to support one sides view of things, the other side will have their own, and both are examined and balanced and decisions made on that and sometimes also on other independent investigation.
The investigation is private and cannot be shared - This is law. GDPR in fact because this is occurring within Europe. I’m literally spending this entire week on a GDPR course, and have an exam on Friday, so I really don’t want to go on about legal basis and restrictions for sharing personal data, but let me tell you it’s for good reason, especially with investigations like this. All parties involved in this have a legal right to privacy, covered by the human rights act, and unless there is a compelling legal reason why their data should be shared, then it can’t be without their explicit consent. Simple as. And that’s disregarding that there will be confidential company information within the investigation that also cannot be shared.
Horner committed a crime - given that we do not know the specifics of what occurred we simply don’t have enough information to know this, HOWEVER, from the information I have read, and by the fact that I have not seen an indication that the police have been involved with this, nor are they carrying out their own investigation, I am working under the assumption that no law has been broken.
tl;dr - These are real people’s lives, we are not involved and we have no right to know anything. This isn’t salacious gossip, and it’s not a fun thing to band around and use as a stick to beat people with to prove how good we are. Processes and investigations like this should be private, and basing things on hearsay and unscrupulous reporters does more damage to any alleged victims than good. Having seen how fans and social media have treated this investigation, do you think that makes any other alleged victims want to come forwards? I think not. But that’s just me.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 8 months
There is NO mainstream (and likely no SERIOUS) Land Back/indigenous sovereignty movement that pushes the idea of a mass eradication or mass forced expulsion of settlers. That is not a thing outside of the minds of conservatives and the fantasies of particularly hurt and angry indigenous people.
Land Back is a series of efforts to restore the sovereignty of indigenous peoples, not something for white Americans and self-hating leftists to twist around to support their unwanted opinions on a conflict across the globe that will never directly affect them. It's real goddamn essy to say that all settlers are evil and should be killed including civilians and including yourself when you are never going to have a gun pointed at your head just for the act of existing somewhere.
"If the Native Americans rose up and decided to kill us all that would be their right and I'd be okay with it" Can you PLEASE just stop fetishizing war and extreme violence that will literally never affect you while pushing dangerous narratives that directly hurt sovereignty efforts?? You are not being thoughtful or helpful, you're being fucking absurd and using concepts you don't understand to justify your own ignorant and bloodthirsty opinions while you treat the suffering of real people like it's internet discourse.
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krasytoonz · 9 months
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Trying to figure out how I draw human Eddie since my design for him always changes ahabdh
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francy-sketches · 2 months
The thing about rhaenyra's kids is they're so clearly manufactured to make you go aww omg so cuteeeee wholesome little cinnamon rolls too good for this world too pure 🥺 I've only had them for 2 episodes but if anything happens to them I'll riot!!! They're like made in a factory for people whose 'favorite characters keep dying 2 seconds after they're introduced' and it kinda pisses me off I'm like I know what you're doing you want me to like these artificially cute children you've given me no other option. I cant dislike them I'll look like an insane person well dont tell me what to do bitch I'll hate on these infants as much as I want suck my dick -_- show me a little freak if you want me to go awww
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dennisboobs · 7 months
i think im preaching to the choir with this one but i am. really fucking mad. anyone who's on here and sunnytwt i am BEGGING you to stop being fucking weird. you can in fact. not do the same shit that these idiots are doing. it's ok.
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nanjokei · 1 year
circle icons are a hideous perversion of online graphic design the human mind does not visualize cropped images as circles naturally its abhorrent and demonic and whenever social media websites realize this i will be at peace
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professorllayton · 2 years
men will literally wear polo shirts and khaki shorts and go around saying horrible things like “time. is wasting” grandly like hes a knight of old on a quest to find his king who will grant him wishes beyond imagine and die trying 
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liquidstar · 4 months
How is tumblr going to ban porn and then show me ads where two triceratops are straight up having sex
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charmzsunshine · 8 months
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Care for a bite?
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I’ve been a fan of Ryan and Shane since the unsolved days and followed them onto watcher, and found myself pleasantly surprised by Steven’s content as well. Never in my life have I seen a fandom turn so quickly against the creators it claimed to love, in such a vitriolic, hateful, racist fashion. As a poc myself, it made me queasy to see some tweets calling Steven and Ryan ‘rats’ while absolving Shane of any wrongdoing and blame in the same breath. Some of y’all are vile and, given the nasty outrage, you’d think watcher broke into your house, stole all your money and kidnapped your pet on the way out instead of, idk, overestimating themselves and making a stupid business move.
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kaibaspuppy · 10 months
genuinely curious as to why some people think seto kaiba would watch oppenheimer. like i wanna know their thought process
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