#dirk was never escaping that
slavhew · 14 days
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charmed, i'm sure
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meraki-sunset · 7 days
It’s a loop!
Guys i have a wacky theory but, BUT, we know Dirk and Rose are creating 2 different new species to compete with each other on Deltritus, Terezi will judge them and the winner gets to play sburb.
We saw many discarded creatures before the big 3-year hiatus, and when it came back we could see one particular creature, a horroterror looking creature, obviously made by rose.
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So rose is most likely mixing abyssal creatures with her own DNA to make the ultimate Sburb player.
Acording to the MS Paint Adventures Wiki
“ Rose lalonde was never very involved with the show but purchased a shirt and re-purposed it to fit her tastes, which is quite fitting considering that the Squiddles are, in part, a subconscious reimagining of the Horroterrors and the other monsters in the Furthest Ring.”
NOW, Andrew Hussie once said jokingly that the session that created the A1 (the dancestors’s) universe was played by 48 Squiddles, but later deconfirming its canonicity in Book 4's commentary.
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What if they are using that idea again? It’s normal to create stuff, delete it and suddenly dig it out because it can be repurposed for a new idea.
And with the last update confirming Rose’s species to be aquatic I think we’re headed in that direction.
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I think Dirk and Rose will make their 2 species, and rose’s will be horroterror-like creatures. They will win the competition against Dirk’s species (idk probably something related to horse puppet ninjas) and a group of them will play the game.
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Another instance of the squidles real form being abyssal creatures is the very first creature Dirk creates, maybe foreshadowing the winner of the competition?
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Acording to dirk this will be a 4 player session. Which makes the staement of “a 48 squiddles session created Beforus’s universe” false, but still a posible foreshadowing to a more reduced number of the abisal conterpart of the squiddles being responsible for the creation of said universe.
So this Horroterror/squidle people play and win the game, create a universe, and this universe is where Beforus is born (Universe A1), which then gets scratched and creates Alternia (Universe A2), which creates EarthA, the beta kid's home (Universe B1), which also gets scratched and creates EarthB, the alpha kids’s apocaliptical home gobernated by the Condesce (Universe B2), which creates EarthC’s universe, where all the surviving players now live (Universe C), where the Horroterror/squidle people are created, who then win their game, create a universe, and this universe is where Beforus is born(Universe A1) etc, etc, etc.
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There’s only five universes, which feed from each other in a wheel that creates and is created by one another. The Alpha timeline, just like a juju, is a perfect cycle and doesn’t have a beginning or end.
There’s no escape, it’s a loop.
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mommymlkrs · 1 year
~ You Can’t Escape Destiny ~
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~ Summary: Sam, Dean, and Y/n come across a profit writing books word for word off of their lives. They seek out the writer and he tells them something they may not have wanted to hear. Do they really want to try and escape destiny though?
~ Pairings: Sam Winchester x Fem Reader
~ Warnings: Smut, this is also very long.
*Based off of Season 4 Episode 18* *Spoilers*
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The bell dings as Sam and Dean enter the comic book store after being sent on a possible hunt by Castiel. They both make their way to the guy at the front counter in their black and white suits posing as FBI agents.
“Uh can I help you?” The worker says confused.
“Sure hope so, agents DeYoung and Shaw, just need to ask you a few questions.” Dean holds up his badge.
“See anything strange in the building the last couple of days?” Sam pipes in.
“Like what?”
“Strange noises? Any skittering in the walls? kind of like rats?”
“And the FBI is investigating a rodent problem?” The guy asks suspiciously.
“What about cold spots? Feel any sudden drops in temperature?” Sam keeps nagging.
The worker looks like the lightbulb in his head suddenly flickered on as a smile creeps on his face.
“I knew it! You guys are LARP-ing, aren’t you?”
“Excuse me.” Dean says offended.
“You’re fans!”
“Fans of what?”
“What is LARP-ing?” They both question.
“Like you don’t know.” Still finding a bright smile on his face, Sam and Dean both look at him with confusing looks.
“Live-Action role playing, and pretty hardcore too!” He exclaims pointing towards their suits making them both look down.
“Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You guys are asking questions like the building is haunted. Like those guys from the books. Oh what are their names..” He explains as he tries to remember.
“Supernatural.” The guy recalls as Sam and Dean are both utterly confused.
“Two guys use fake Id's with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires." He tells them. Sam and Dean both give each other confusing looks.
"What are their names? Uhh, Steve and Dirk? Sal and Dane?"
"Sam and Dean?" Sam questions.
"That's it!"
"You're saying this is a book?"
"Books, it was a series." He corrects.
"Didn't sell a lot of copies though, kind of an underground cult following."
"Let's see uhh" The worker jumps up and searches for the series within his store. Both Sam and Dean follow as he searches through the bargain bin.
"Oh yeah, that's the first one I think." He hands the book to Dean."
"Supernatural by Carver Edlund." Dean reads the title continuing when he flips the book over.
"Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths."
"Give me that." Sam grabs the book from Dean frantically scanning the book.
"We're gonna need all the copies of Supernatural you got."
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Back at the motel, Sam is seated at a desk researching on his computer, Dean is sitting on one bed reading one of their new found books, and Y/n is lying on her stomach on the other bed already starting the second in the series.
"This is freaking insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?" Dean perks up.
"You got me." Sam replies.
"everything is in here. I mean everything. To the racist truck to me having sex. I'm full frontal in here." Dean explains.
"Those were some of the best parts." Y/n chimes in joking. Both Sam and Dean look at Y/n with weird looks. Although Y/n never takes her eyes away from the words on the page she can just imagine their faces so she smirks.
"How come we haven't heard of them before?" Dean says Ignoring Y/n's comment.
"They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation. Uhh started in 05. Publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And the last one, 'No Rest for the Wicked ends with you going to hell." Sam faces the laptop to Dean once he sits down next to him.
"Well, I reiterate. Freaking insane. Oh and check it out, there's actually fans. Not many of them, but still. Did you read this Sam?"
"Really? Oh my god, you guys are like famous!" Y/n gets up to look over Dean's shoulder at the laptop.
"For fans, they do complain a lot. Listen to this. Simpatico says 'The demon story line is trite, clichéd and overall craptastic.' Yeah well screw you Simpatico, we lived it."
Y/n starts to laugh and points to the screen to read it out.
"There are Sam girls, Dean girls and Sam / Dean fans.”
"What does that mean?" Dean asks.
"As in.. Together." Answers Sam.
"Like together together?"
"They do know we're brothers right?" Dean says wide eyed.
"It doesn't seem to matter."
"Oh come on. That’s just sick."
"This just keeps getting better and better." Y/n giggles.
"Oh don't worry Y/n, there's some of you too." Sam smirks.
Y/n goes wide eyed and her face heats up in embarrassment.
"I take it back, this is definitely too weird."
"Oooh look at that, 'Y/n and Sam ge-" Y/n shuts the laptop closed immediately and releases a breath she didn't know she was holding while Dean chuckles at her action.
"We gotta find this Carver Edlund."
"But how?" Y/n questions Sam.
"I don't know. No tax records, no known address. Looks like Carver Edlund is a pen name."
"Someone's gotta know who he is." Dean replies.
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"So you published the Supernatural books?" Sam questions the woman.
"Yup, gosh these books. You know they never really got the attention they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap."
Both Sam and Dean give Y/n side glances knowing that's all Y/n ever reads.
"What?" Y/n whispers looking back and forth between them.
"Well, we're hoping that our article can shine a light on an underappreciated series." Sam looks back to the woman.
"Yeah, if we got a little bit of good press, then maybe we could start publishing again."
"No, no, no, no. God no. I mean why would you wanna do that? You know, it's such a complete series... What with Dean going to hell and all." Dean tries to explain.
"Oh my god, that was one of my favourite ones! Because Dean was so strong and sad and brave, and Sam, I mean, in ‘Heart’, when Sam had to kill Madison, the first girl since Jessica he really loved.." She says so excitedly.
"Totally agree, and Y/n, right guys? Personally I think she was one of the best characters." Y/n says trying not to be left out.
"Yeah.. I mean she could definitely use some character growth but she added to the story." Y/n was definitely offended by that, but the woman continued.
"I really wish I could've seen what happened with her and Sam though."
"Her and Sam?" Sam questioned her statement not understanding.
"Yeah, you know, there was definitely something between them. You guys finished the books right?"
Both Y/n and Sam's faces started to heat up trying to look anywhere but at the people in the room.
"Yeah, yeah, totally! Great books." Dean chimes in.
"How do I know you 3 are legit? Hm?" She points a finger at them.
"Oh trust me, we're legit."
"Well I don't want any smart ass article making fun of my boys." She sits down behind her desk.
"No, no, no." The 3 quickly say in sync.
"We would never." Y/n adds.
"We are actually uhm big fans, read the books cover to cover."
"What's the year and model of the car?" Clearly trying to test them.
"1967 Chevy Impala." Dean says like a proud dad.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my-" Y/n quickly shoves Sam's foot.
"Uhh that's Sam's birthday." Sam says correcting his mistake.
"January 24th is Dean's." Dean quickly slides that in there.
"And (your birthday) is Y/n's, i-if you wanted to know."
"Sam's score on the LSAT?" Both Y/n and Dean look at Sam.
"One... Seventy four.?"
"Dean's favourite song?"
"It's a tie. Between Zep's 'Rambling On' and 'Travelling Riverside Blues.’”
"Okay, okay. What do you wanna know?" She smiles.
"What's Carver Edlunds real name?" Sam questions.
"Oh no, no, sorry I can't do that."
"We just wanna talk to him. You know get the Supernatural story in his own words."
"He's very private."
"Please." Sam pleads.
"Like we said.. We are very big fans." Y/n explains rolling up her sleeve to show her anti-posessing tattoo eyeing Sam and Dean to do the same. They both unbutton their shirts showing their tattoo's placed on their chest.
"Awesome." The woman says nervously obviously eyeing their chests. Y/n can't help but roll her eyes.
"You know what? One sec." She pulls down her pants to show her ass. And it just so happens to be the same tattoo. Y/n makes an uncomfortable noise from her throat and coughs to interrupt the weirdness.
"Wow, you are a fan." Dean says without removing his eyes from her tattoo.
"Hah, okay, well here, his name is Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius. So don't piss him off." She explains while writing down the information.
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All 3 of them get out of the car and head to the house.
"You know what? Maybe this guy can see our futures.” Y/n says as a joke.
"Yeah, he probably has a crystal ball too." Dean making a sarcastic comment as always.
"Ha ha Dean. Lighten up once in awhile, it's just a joke." Sam chuckles at her nagging.
"See, Sam laughed, it's probably because I'm funny." She speaks while skipping on a few steps to get beside them. When she reaches them, Sam’s hand and hers accidentally touch, startling them.
"Or because you can't keep up with us, short legs." Dean remarks once making it to the porch. Dean presses the doorbell and after a few seconds a guy with brown scruffy hair opens the door squinting at them like a vampire who hasn't seen light in days.
“You Chuck Shurley?” Dean asks.
“The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?” Sam seconds.
“Maybe, why?” The scruffy vampire man replies suspiciously. Y/n steps up between the boys.
“I’m Y/n, this is Sam and Dean. The ones you’ve been writing about.” She explains pointing at them. The man shuts the door so Y/n raises her arm and pounds on the door. Once again the man appears in the doorway.
“Look uh, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It’s always nice to hear from the fans. But for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life.” Y/n scoffs at that and stops the door when the man tries to shut it.
“So here’s the thing, Chuck. We have a life, you’ve been using it to write your books, and I’m not in the mood for crap today.” Y/n perks up and walks into his house. The brothers both look at each other not expecting that from her.
“Wait a minute, this isn’t funny.” The man stutters.
“Damn straight, it’s not funny.” Dean starts to get mad.
“Look, we just want to know how you’re doing it?” Sam asks obviously being the nice cop here.
“I’m not doing anything!”
“Are you a hunter?”
“What? No, I’m a writer.”
“Then how do you know so much about demons and tulpas and changelings?” Dean pressures.
“Is this some kind of Misery thing? It is isn’t it? It’s a Misery thing.”
“This is not a Misery thing.” Y/n chimes in.
“Believe me, we are not fans.” Explains Dean.
“Well then what do you want?”
“I’m Sam, this is Dean, and that’s Y/n.”
“Sam, Dean and Y/n are all fictional characters. I made them up. They’re not real!”
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Dean opens up the Impala’s trunk.
“Are those real guns?” Chuck asks.
“Yup, this is real rock salt, these are real fake Id’s.”
“Believe us now?” Says Y/n.
“Uh, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans. That’s awesome, so.. I think I got some posters in the house.” Chuck dabbles and walks back to his house.
“Chuck stop!” Deans yells.
“Wait, please, please don’t hurt me.”
“How much do you know? About the angels or Lilith breaking the seals?” Asks Sam.
“Wait a minute, how do you know about that?”
“How do you?” Y/n questions.
“Cause I wrote it.”
“You kept writing?” Questions Y/n again, curious.
“Even after the publisher went bankrupt. But those books never came out.” The 3 look at each other then Chuck.
“Okay wait wait wait, this is some kind of joke right? Did that- Did Phil put you up to this?” He laughs pointing to his left.
“Well nice to meet you. I’m Dean Winchester, this is my brother, Sam, and that’s Y/n Y/L/n.”
“Last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down.”
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After talking more with Chuck, they all head to the Laundromat.
“‘I’m sitting in a Laundromat, reading about myself in a Laundromat, reading about myself-‘ my head hurts.” Dean recites the paper.
“There’s gotta be something this guys not telling us.” Sam says putting his laundry in the machine.
“‘Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck. Whether he was telling the whole truth.’”
“Stop it.” Sam now annoyed.
“‘Stop it’ Sam said.’ Guess what you do next. ‘Sam turned his back on Dean. His face brooding and pensive.’ I mean I don’t know how but this guy is doing it.”
“Yeah I mean those are definitely his brooding and pensive shoulders.” Y/n responds to Dean.
“See, I knew you were gonna say that, and Sam just thought I was a dick. As well as Y/n daydreaming about Sam’s ass.” This caught Y/n’s attention.
“It does not say that!”
“I’m pretty sure it does, look-ey here” Dean waves the paper in Y/n’s face.
“Gimme that.” Y/n scootches over to Dean on the bench to grab the paper but he waves it around out of her reach.
“Oh my god, you are so childish Dean.”
“Says the one embarrassed she got caught starin’.” Reading off the paper again, Y/n snatches the paper, crumples it and throws it in the trash.
“You gotta admit, the guys good.” Sam chuckles and tries to ignore the previous conversation.
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Back at the house trying to get more information, Chuck holds more paper.
“So you wrote another chapter?” Asks Sam.
“This was all so different before you were real.”
“We need whatever you can tell us to figure this out so just spit it out.” Y/n perks up.
“Okay, uhm this might be a little uncomfortable, but you asked so.” The 3 share glances across the room from where Dean is sitting on a chair and Sam and Y/n are sitting on the couch. Chuck sits on a stool, puts his glasses on and begins to read, obviously seeming like he doesn’t like to read his work out loud.
“‘Y/n grabs him by the edges of his unzipped jacket pulling him closer to her when he hungrily smashes his lips on hers like a wave of relief, a desire fulfilled.’ Chuck stops reading to look at the 3, who’s faces are utterly confused to see if he should read on. Y/n just knows her face is red as a tomato when she starts to feel very uncomfortable at the mention of her name. Chuck starts to read on.
“‘Sam’s hands grab her hips trying to get impossibly clos-‘“
“Okay, I don’t think we need that much information..” Sam cuts Chuck off feeling embarrassed and very sweaty at the moment. Dean chuckles at the very obvious uncomfortableness in the room.
“It’s just a draft..” Chuck states. Y/n stands from the couch.
“I’m uh super thirsty actually, do you have any water Chuck?”
“Y-Yeah, I’ll uhm go get some.”
“Great, I’ll come with you.” Y/n follows trying to leave the awkwardness as fast as possible.
Sam starts to laugh.
“What’re you laughing at?” Dean questions.
“Nothing, nothing, its just, Y/n and me? In bed?”
“Who are you trying to convince here?” Dean smirks.
“Don’t worry, I definitely don’t see you’re guys’ little glances and hand touches, and staring at the other when the other isn’t looking type of deal.”
“What?” Dean says innocently causing Sam to roll his eyes.
Y/n and Chuck walk back into the room with her glass of water.
“Thank you.” Y/n says kindly avoiding eye contact with Sam as she sits on the couch but a little farther away this time trying not to make it more awkward.
“How does this whole psychic thing work?” Dean asks Chuck.
“You mean my process?”
“Yes. Your process.”
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“Come on.” Sam starts while they’re all in the Impala.
“‘The minivan accident wasn’t that bad. But Dean was still seeing stars, he scratched absently at the pink flower Band-Aid on his face..’” Y/n giggles at that from the backseat.
“So?” Questions Dean.
“So I’ve seen you gushing blood. You use duct tape and bar rags before you’d put on a pink flower Band-Aid.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is this, all this is totally implausible. It’s nuts.”
“He’s been right about everything, you think he’ll ground out at first now?”
“‘Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala and drove off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow.’”
“Can we stop with these papers? Our lives aren’t a script we have to follow, reading off of these isn’t gonna help with anything right now except make you guys argue.” Y/n put her hands on the seat and leaned forward glancing between them.
“Yeah whatever, you just don’t wanna come across another part with you and Sam.” Dean smirks.
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Back at the motel Dean still seemed to have questions.
“I’m gonna go outside and try to see if I can contact Cas.”
“Don’t leave me in here Dean!” Y/n whisper yells.
“Sam’s in the shower, I’ll be like 10 minutes tops Y/n. Just don’t go hopping in there with him.” Dean smirks and shuts the door to the room.
Y/n decides to get comfy so she sits on the bed, back against the headboard and watches whatever she can find on the tv. After watching the clock, it had been 10 minutes exactly when she heard the bathroom door open. Sam walked out, damp hair and water dripping down his body with only a towel hanging on his waist. Y/n found herself staring.
“Oh, uhm I thought I heard the door close, I assumed you left with Dean.” Sam explained gathering up his clean clothes.
“He said he would be like 10 minutes, just wanted to contact Cas.”
“Oh okay.” Sam said nervously heading back to the bathroom to change. After a few minutes the bathroom door opened again and this time he had pants on but still no shirt.
“Could you uh pass me that shirt beside you?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, here.” She tossed him his shirt. He raised his arms and put his shirt on. Y/n swore she almost drooled. Sam came and sat down across from Y/n on the other bed facing her. She sat up and put her feet on the floor.
“Listen, about earlier..” Sam started as he scratched his neck. Remembering back to earlier Y/n laughed, noticing how funny it actually was.
“Which part? There was so many.” She giggled referring to all the awkward times people said something about them being together. Sam laughed too at that.
“Yeah, I just don’t want that to make things awkward between us, it’s kinda felt that way since earlier.”
“Yeah, I felt that too. But maybe Chuck was wrong? I’ve always believed we write our own futures, so fuck destiny. If we don’t feel what everyone is saying we should feel, then so what?” Sam laughed and nodded his head.
“I agree.” At that, Y/n smiled and stood up to hug Sam.
“See? All better, we can feel how we wanna feel.”
“So I can feel that I wanna tickle you?” Sam smiled and Y/n immediately gasped and tried to run away but Sam grabbed her waist and started tickling.
“SAM! I swear if you don’t stop!” Sam pushed her back onto the other bed stopping her from squirming away.
“You swear what?” Sam stopped tickling her but held her hips to the bed still. After a few moments, Y/n caught her breath but didn’t know what to say. She looked back and forth between his eyes and lips and so did Sam. Suddenly they heard voices and sat up quickly. Dean walked through the door.
“I don’t even wanna know. C’mon we are getting out of here.” Dean stated.
“What where?” Asked Sam.
“Anywhere, okay? Out of this Motel, out of this town. I don’t care if we gotta swim. We are getting out.” Dean started packing his bag.
“Why aren’t you guys moving?” Dean raised his voice.
“Listen, Chuck is not a psychic. He’s a prophet.”
“What?” Y/n stood up.
“Cas showed up. And apparently, Chuck is writing the gospel of us. Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
“It’s the middle of the night Dean, the road out of here is cut off, we can’t leave.” Y/n walked towards him.
“Fine. We are leaving as soon as the road out of here opens up.”
“Okay.” Dean repeated.
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That night, Dean some how ended up getting his own bed and Y/n got the other bed while Sam was stuck with the couch after very much debate between him and Y/n.
Y/n slowly opened her eyes to find it was still dark outside, she found herself thirsty so she got up to grab a water bottle out of the fridge but only found beer. ‘Liquid is liquid I guess’ she thought. Once her eyes adjusted to the room, her eyes found themselves on Sam, quietly laughing at how gigantic he was with his legs hanging off the end of the couch. She looked over to Dean but he wasn’t there.
“Dean?” She asked like he was suddenly gonna appear. She quickly made her way over to Sam shaking his shoulders to wake him up.
“Sam? Sam!” He groaned as he awoke.
“Deans not in his bed.”
“What?” Sam questioned Y/n.
‘Oh my god, his morning voice.’ Y/n thought.
“I don’t know where he is. The Impala is still outside and all of his stuff is here.”
Sam stood up to see Dean was in-fact not in his bed. ‘He doesn’t have a shirt on too? Oh my, what this man does to me.’ Y/n thought.
“Maybe he went for a walk?” Said Sam obviously too tired at the moment to focus.
“I don’t know Sam.” Sam took a step closer to Y/n to get her attention.
“Y/n, I’m sure he just went to the bar across the street or something. Let’s just go back to sleep and when we wake up I’m telling you he will be here. If he’s not, we can take as many precautions as you’d like.”
“Fine.” At that Sam took another step closer to put his fingers on her chin turning her head up to him.
“Y/n.” Sam said sternly knowing she was worried.
“It’s okay Sam, if you think he’s fine, I believe you.” Y/n explained placing her fingers on his hand. Sam smiled at that.
“Goodnight Y/n.” Sam said softly leaving her touch.
“Are you sure about that couch Sam? You didn’t look too comfortable… You can sleep in my bed if you want, I really don’t mind.” Y/n said calmly trying to act as chill as possible as she climbed in under the covers.
“You sure?”
“Just get in Sam.” She smiled at him. Sam made his way over to the side of the bed and hesitantly got under the covers as well. Y/n turned over to face Sam still smiling.
“What?” He smiled at her.
“You’re so warm, the bed was so cold before.” Y/n said, thoughts racing.
“I’ll gladly be your heater anytime Y/n.” She loved when he said her name. She shuffled a bit closer not wanting to roll off the bed during the night. At that, Sam slowly reached his hand up to brush her hair out of her face behind her ear. At the action, Y/n’s cheeks turned pink, thankful it was dark so he didn’t notice.
After a moment of staring into each others eyes, both of their gazes flickered back and forth from their eyes to each others lips. Sam leaned in slowly not wanting to accidentally get the wrong idea. His lips grazed hers and after realization Y/n pressed her lips to his. A slow kiss made faster in the moment turning his hand on her hip and hers on his cheek.
They both separated taking heavy breaths, echoing through the motel room. Y/n smirked and pulled him closer once again intertwining their mouths and pressing their bodies as close as possible to each other. Sam put both hands on her hips now turning them over so he was on top, he started kissing her jawline and down her neck giving them a break to breathe. Y/n put her hands through his hair as Sam looked up at her.
“I remember you saying ‘fuck destiny.’” Sam smirked.
“And I remember you agreeing. So shut up and kiss me Winchester.” She smiled at him and brought him up to her face connecting their lips. Sam tugged at the edge of her oversized shirt making her lean up off the bed so he could pull it off finding her without a bra. He instantly went to sucking her chest and twisting her other nipple. Y/n let out a moan and Sam smiled against her chest switching to give each the same attention.
He went back to her mouth and Y/n found the draw string to his sweatpants undoing the bow tugging at them. Sam got the hint and detached their mouths to kneel and take off his pants. He slowly reached for Y/n’s shorts and looked up at her. She smiled and nodded so he continued to pull them off her. He rubbed his fingers against her covered heat.
“Your so wet.” Sam noticed and smiled at her.
“All for you.” Y/n spoke up. Sam then hooked his fingers on either side of her hips pulling her underwear down and off. She whined at the cool air hitting her suddenly. Sam leaned down toward her heat spreading her legs with his hands and licking a stripe up her slit. Y/n moaned at his action so Sam did it again liking the sweet sounds she made. He then started sucking on her clit harshly making her squeal and try to shut her legs around his head so Sam reached both his arms under and around her thighs keeping them open for him.
He started moving his mouth around more chasing her to moan and stick her hands back in his hair pulling and tugging.
“Sam pleasee.” Y/n moaned.
“Please what? Tell me what you need sweetheart.” Sam replied against her pussy.
“I- I need more!” At that, Sam unhooked one of his arms from her thigh and stuck his finger in her hole. Y/n screamed at the sudden movements. Sam roughly moved his finger in and out adding a second one still sucking her clit.
“I- I’m gonna-“ Y/n tried to tell him.
“That’s it, cum on my fingers sweetie.” At the nickname, Y/n came on his fingers a moaning mess. Still thrusting, he let her come down from her high.
Sam sucked her juices off his fingers coming off with a pop.
“You taste so good.” Sam stated crawling back up to her to intertwine their lips. They broke apart as Y/n tugged his boxers down finding his hard cock.
“You’re so big.” Said Y/n, almost drooling. Sam chuckled and turned her on her stomach with her ass in the air. Sam stuck his arm around to her face.
“Spit.” Y/n did as told and Sam brought his hand back to stroke his cock a few times. He put one hand on her ass spreading her open for him and the other hand guiding his dick in her wet hole. He slowly went in as Y/n started to whine.
“C’mon, you can fit me honey.” She moaned at his deep soothing voice and Sam bottomed out giving her a second to adjust before he pulled out, back in, and started slamming into her from behind with both hands on her hips now bringing her hips to meet his. Their moans and groans filled the room along with the slapping of their hips.
“Sam-“ Y/n moaned into the bed gripping the sheets. Sam grabbed both her arms and pinned her wrists behind her back grunting as he pounded harder. Y/n started to whine loudly and he felt her clench causing him to roll his head back.
“You gonna cum baby?” He said to her reaching his fingers down to massage her clit.
“Mhmm.” She moaned out not being able to form words. He let go off her wrists, grabbing a fist of hair instead making her uncontrollably moan as well as her eyes rolling back in her head. Sam stopped his movement on her clit and let go of her hair before pulling out quickly to flip her body around. Her back now on the bed he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder immediately putting his cock back into her wet cunt causing her to whimper and scream. Sam leaned down grabbing the sides of her face in his palms and kissed her. While pulling away from her lips he started pounding into her like never before shaking the bed. They stared into each others eyes mouths wide open moaning. Y/n’s eyes started to get heavy and started to stutter.
“Sam, I’m-“ Sam knew what she was trying to say and continued fucking into her.
“I know baby. Cum for me.” He said between breaths feeling her starting to clench around him. Y/n moaned his name all the way through her orgasm.
“Good girl.” Y/n then began to shake at the over stimulation.
“Sammy- I ca-“
“Just a little longer sweetie, you can do it.” He reassured her and let go of her head to pound into her a little more when his thrusts started getting sloppy and his dick began to twitch. His cum shot into her causing them to both moan. He carefully pulled out and leaned down on top of her to kiss her swollen lips. She ran her fingers through his hair while both of them panted to calm down and catch their breathe. Sam lied down next to her on his side, pulled her into him by her waist and kissed the top of her head.
“I guess we can’t really escape destiny huh?” Sam joked and Y/n looked up at him kissing him again.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
Y/n’s eyes began to open immediately putting her hand up to block the bright sunlight. She looked around to find Sam’s arm draped over her waist and Dean’s bed still empty. Sam awoke from her movement.
“Hi.” Sam said fluttering his eyes open.
“Hi.” She replied smiling at him. Suddenly the motel room door opened and in walked Dean landing his eyes on them.
“So, destiny huh guys?” Dean smirked. Sam’s cheeks went pink and Y/n grabbed her pillow and tossed it at Dean.
“Hey! Watch the coffee grumpy.” Dean remarked.
“Where were you last night?” Y/n asked ignoring his comment.
“Just at the bar. Why? Seems like your guys’ minds were somewhere else.” Dean placed the coffees down and widened his eyes at the pair.
“Couch comfy Sam?” Dean asked, obviously amused. Sam just rolled his eyes at his joking behaviour.
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chrisrin · 10 months
What did bismuth Dirk make Hal FOR?
ALRIGHT! TIME FOR MY SECOND STORY DUMP! We need a bit of context before we get to Hal, so bear with me. (this is a long as fuck post)
SO! Dave and Dirk both come from Homeworld, as all gems do. I'm not super sure on the exacts, as the Alpha Kids are the first ones to leave together and they pick up the Beta Kids later but, we're kind of floating around the idea of Bro being Yellow Diamond or having some sort of equivalent power. Both Dirk and Dave are gems under Yellow, Dirk being a Bismuth and Dave being a Carnelian.
Plot stuff happens, Dirk escapes and at some point comes back to get Dave and now they have a whole squad and all that, yadda-yadda. However, during their escape from Homeworld, something Bad happens and causes Dave to get injured (don't know what it is yet but it's something)
Dave's gem gets cracked but everyone still makes it out okay. Due to whatever the circumstances are surrounding this, only Dave and Dirk know of the status of Dave's gem, Dave starts wearing actual clothing upon getting to Earth to hide his cracked gem, using the excuse that it's cool and he's trying to vibe with the style.
Dirk is a Bismuth, he's been trained his whole life to create weapons of war and things for destruction, and now, faced with one of the people he's come to care about most, it's the one time he can't fix a problem by putting a hammer to it. He can't help Dave, and Dirk blames himself for letting Dave get hurt in the first place, thinking he wasn't strong enough to protect him.
As time goes on, Dave gets worse, and especially after escaping Homeworld, Dave's cracked gem prevents him from spawning his weapon. This means Dave is filled with trauma on top of feeling deeply defenseless, coming from a place where having a weapon on you at all times was the only thing keeping you alive.
Dirk, watching Dave's deterioration, decides that enough is enough and he seeks out Pink Diamond. Upon finding Feferi, Dirk trades in something (A deal? A service?) in exchange for some of her healing material. He brings it to Dave and heals his gem.
So, you'd assume everything's fine and dandy now, right? Surely.
But no, it's Dirk, so it's not.
Dirk looks at this situation and says, "I'm never going to let this happen again" and concludes that the reason Dave got hurt was because he, Dirk, was not strong enough. So Dirk asks, "How do I get stronger?"
At some point during this time, the group is all out doing stuff together and Dirk watches Sollux save all their asses from something. Dirk realizes Sollux is statistically the stronger gem out of the whole group and puts two-and-two together (literally), concluding that what he needs to be powerful is...
Fusion. (do you see where this is heading?)
Will Dirk go and ask Sollux about this? Will he go and maybe ask Roxy, who he trusts? Will he talk to Dave and get his thoughts?
No, of course not. Because Dirk is a little stupid.
Dirk theorizes that if he can splinter his own gem and create an artificially copied fragment of himself, he'd be able to fuse with himself which would avoid having to rely on other people. So Dirk does the one thing he wasn't going to do to Dave. He takes the hammer to himself.
This, as you would imagine, goes fucking horribly wrong.
Dirk creates Hal, who is only a very small sliver of Bismuth. A corrupted gem that can't properly speak, seems to be intelligent, but also fucking hates Dirk.
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Dirk, panicked, both because now his own gem is fucked up, but now because he has a little Dude running around his workshop, decides "oh fuck I need to fix this" and tries to fuse with Hal.
It doesn't work. Their fusion isn't stable. They can't fuse back together.
Dirk, having no idea what to do, decides to hide Hal away in his workshop and does his best to lie to everyone. Dave is suspicious, as Dirk starts to wear clothing that covers his gem, but Dave also isn't one for emotional vulnerability so he doesn't ask. Dirk continues to lie to most of everyone, even as his own state gets worse and worse.
Eventually, Sollux realizes what Dirk did. And he's fucking pissed. The lie gets uncovered and Sollux is ANGRY. Remember when Pearl lied to Garnet about the tower and the whole Sardonyx thing? It's like that, but both sides are angry at each other and refuse to apologize.
The rest of the group do their best to take care of Hal, they try to help Dirk fuse properly with him but it's not working, and Dirk keeps trying to force it but they aren't stable.
Eventually, something happens, and Dave gets poofed while they're out on an adventure (obviously Dave can recover, but it's a huge scare for Dirk). It's something Dirk could've easily protected Dave from, but now because he fragmented himself, he's even weaker than before. This is the final tipping stone for Dirk.
He goes to Sollux and apologizes, begging him to help him figure out fusion.
Sollux, resigned, sighs and agrees to help him. With time, Sollux slowly teaches Hal and Dirk how to work together and fuse, gradually helping them become more and more stable until finally they can fuse together and be like normal again.
Even after all of this, Hal and Dirk fused together aren't any more powerful than they were before. But Dirk grew in a different way, learning to trust others and see that not all his problems can be solved by just relying on himself.
Sollux, seeing Dirk & Hal's growth, who have now become a proper permafusion, offers to fuse with them if he wants to try it. Dirk smiles and shakes his head, and says that he'll be happy with where he is for right now, though he wouldn't mind taking it up in the future. Sollux is beaming back, satisfied that Dirk learned his lesson. (and then when shit goes down in the future we have this fucking awesome moment where Dirk and Sollux fuse together for the first time and theyre so fucking cool and i physicall explode)
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crazyexdirkfriend · 11 months
Hi Tony i want to ask something of you. In fanon more often than not i see Jake becoming slightly more unhinged and unnerving as he gets older. Do you think this would hpapen canonically? Or are all these fanartsits and writers just projecting what they want from jake on jake
This isn't a hate on it by the way, I just realised the other day I see more often the idea of Jake becoming more unnerving as he gets older alongside Dirk and that i'd accepted it and I'm unsure if its canonically viable or not.
I actually think the nature of Jake is that people project what they want on to him-- be you an author, an audience, or a character within the text. It's an interesting concept because Jake is a character who is never afforded free will and even in fanfiction and transformative works made to give Jake free will, he's still a character doing an author's bidding ultimately.
There's a bit in Meat that discusses this with Calliope and Dirk iirc. Calliope wants Jake to have free will, but Dirk argues that Jake is incapable of free will. And truly, even on a metatextual level, the existence of a narrative voice renders basically everyone, but especially Jake, incapable of free will within a narrative.
I don't know if you've seen Revolutionary Girl Utena, but there's an exchange in Utena that I believe they're referencing intertextually here between Utena and Touga about Anthy. Utena insists that Anthy does not want to be the rose bride, and Anthy confirms this. But when Touga defeats Utena and takes Anthy as the rose bride himself, Anthy claims being the rose bride is all she's ever wanted. Touga then says Anthy is incapable of free will and her expressions of "wanting to be a normal girl" when with Utena were just Utena projecting her own wants on to Anthy and claiming them to be free will.
(pinch of salt, I haven't rewatched Utena in a few years, but this is how I remember the scene)
In many ways, this is what Calliope, and us as authors, do to Jake, and what in text Dirk is criticising as a concept. He's like, well I'm projecting my desires and wants on to Jake and you say that's bad but at least I'm being honest about it. I'm treating Jake like a puppet, but that's all he's ever going to be anyway.
Er. I think I've got wildly off topic from your actual question.
I think getting older in many ways is realising that being 14 is a state of mind and that's just who you occasionally are for the rest of your life. So yeah, I think ageing does come with this element of derangement. I have a lot of thoughts about Jake as effectively this ageing child star, put on a pedestal on Earth-C at 16 and it becoming insidious, exploitative.
Jake is self aware of his lack of agency on a literal level within the narrative, perhaps even of the narrative itself-- like a gilded bird cage of his own making and he probably could slip out between the bars but then who would he be, where would he go, would everyone hate him and abandon him? He'll just stay trapped, stay pretty on display, stay hurt until everyone probably leaves anyway because an audience is a very very fickle thing.
And I think that does sort of lead to an angle for me of Sunset Boulevard, tearing the yellow wallpaper, the starlet breakdown. Which is the depressing, almost Swift approach to it. And then you have the Ultimate Jake approach to it, the Snap. And yeah, I think historically Jake takes and takes and takes and bends and bends and bends and is called selfish for that and eventually that would snap anyone. If on top of that, he's aware of Dirk's actions and of the narrative, of being on display constantly even if he escapes that little bird cage, if the only way to ensure people stop fucking looking at him is to destroy the audience itself-- yes, I would accept that story as viable for his character.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Okay okay. Oneshot/short scenario of yandere dirk strider x reader where the reader obviously has a shy little crush on dirk? Sure he's a little overprotective, but that's fine! They still want to kiss him on the face and hug him despite that 🥺 would he take advantage of their crush (considering he likes then back in this) or would he go about it slowly and somewhat like a normal non-yandere individual?
Sure, I'll make a small short of his reaction :) Dubious when this takes place, could be after the game if you want but I just never focused on it. Sorry if it's too short or not what you wanted :(
Still going to credit @yandere--stuck for their variation of Dirk that inspired mine. Without their work I probably couldn't characterize him in a good manner. I just like the idea of guilty yandere Dirk a lot.
Take It Slow
Yandere! Dirk Strider Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Guilt, Manipulation, Lucid yandere issues, Stalking, Kidnapping, Isolation, Dubious relationship, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Mentioned past Jake x Dirk.
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Your attempts at hiding your feelings were pathetic. Then again this is coming from someone like Dirk, a man who prefers to hide his feelings in a stoic matter. Your shy nature about your attraction only ever made him fall further in love with you.
Your feelings were not helping his obsession in the slightest.
Dirk knew that he should be the one to shut down your feelings. A person such as him would only be poison to you. However, could he really pass up such an opportunity to have you as his?
He's only human, after all.
He tries not to blame himself when he calls you up to see him or meets you in person himself. He tries to ignore the guilt he feels when he admits he's noticed your feelings. Then he finally restrains the urge to berate himself for saying he feels the same.
His hesitance is temporarily halted when you collide with his chest. Your arms wrapping around him is like a vice, one that makes him forget the issues of this. In your mind, this is a normal relationship.
Not to Dirk.
It can't possibly be normal if he's stalked you for this long. It can't be normal that he's fantasized about you for what feels like forever. He's a stalker and someone who excuses it as protecting you.
Yet when he hears you say you love him. When he feels you kiss his head and tell him you've been waiting for this, just like him... he gives in. He'll try to take things as normal as he can make them.
Why should he focus on the past? All that should matter is here and now. In a way he feels he's taking advantage of you, your crush was just by chance.
Yet why should he acknowledge that? He promises you, he promises himself, that he'll take things slow with you. Sure, he's not the most emotional boyfriend.
But God does he love it when you cling to him.
He shouldn't fault himself for holding you and squeezing every last "I Love You" out of you. Why does he keep trying to deny such a gift? The one he loves adores him.
He doesn't care if he's bad for you.
Like a venus flytrap, you'll only be aware of the danger you're in when you trip the triggers. Before you know you need to run, he'll end up clamping down. You've given him a taste.
He'll only want more.
It starts like a dream for the both of you. He slowly gets used to your love, leaning into your hugs and kisses like it's the best thing he's ever felt. It's addicting, he hasn't felt anything like it except maybe with Jake.
Yet his attraction towards you is much stronger than it was with Jake.
Being with you felt right. Dirk's desperate to keep it right. He continues using his creations to stalk you, he continues to cling to you in hopes you'll never leave, he gets worse. His red flags start to show.
You used to love him. Perhaps even now you still do to some degree. But when you begin to regret the relationship between you...
Dirk's already locked you in his home and made escape bordering on impossible.
Why? Well, he can't lose you now, can he? He's always meant to be the one to protect you. Boyfriend or not... he wants to keep you safe with himself.
In his eyes the only way to keep the feelings he has towards you alive is to isolate you with just him.
He still knows it's wrong, although it's not like that's stopped him before.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Kayne (Malevolent) "His first appearance in the show is the aftermath of the complete destruction/genocide of a city in which he murdered every living thing single handedly “because he was bored”. His main accessory is blood. He isn’t death (though they have a standing lunch date) and he isn’t desolation (it’s never personal or meant to cause emotional damage), but he is destruction and uncaring violence. He also lures the protagonist in with music, which is pretty slaughter vibes."
Bart Curlish, Holistic Assassin (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) "She is the holistic assassin. Originally described as someone who kills everyone she meets. Floating like a leaf in the stream of creation, she allows the universe to guide her to her next marks who she then violently murders without knowing why they needed to die. It is only during the course of the series that she starts to question this lonely life. But when she spares people or allows them to escape, it turns out those people would be better off dead anyway because they upset the balance of the universe. Bart learns that she has to be a pawn for the universe, only fated to murder those she meets because those she meets only meet her because they are meant to die."
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Already got a list of the ships for the ULTIMATE fucked up ship tournament done. Hopefully will start it in two weeks or so. This is a list of the ships:
1. The Darkling and Alina, The Grisha Trilogy
2. Batman and The Riddler, The Batman 2022
3. stu and billy from scream
4. Vriska and Terezifrom homestuck
5. light and l from death note
6. Dirk Strider and Jake English from Homestuck,
7. Vio and Shadow Link from the Four Swords manga
8. Emilio Murkmere x Tobias Schenien from Ghost Eyes
9. Oswald x Ed from Gotham
10. Anna Croft/ Yu Junghyeok (orv)
11. Dimitri/Edelgard - Fire Emblem Three Houses
12. Will Graham and Hannibal, Hannibal
13. yoonbum x sangwoo, killing stalking
14. Starscream and Megatron, from the Transformers franchise
15. Mukuro Ikusaba/Junko Enoshima from Dangan Ronpa
16. Ladd Russo and Lua Klein from Baccano!
17. Daida and Miranjo from Ousama Ranking
18. Shizuo and Izaya from Durarara!!
19. theresa x otto, honkai impact
20. dorian x fem! inquisitor, dragon age
21. renee x huey from baccano
22. nanami x touga, revolutionary girl Utena
23. madoka and homura, puella magi madoka magica
24. (Ronan Lynch x Joseph Kavinksy) - The Raven Cycle
25. Seishirou and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon/X
26. Misaki/Satou, Welcome to the NHK
27. Bakugou and Deku (My Hero Academia)
28. Akito and Shigure, Fruits Basket
29. House and Wilson, House MD
30. Scarlet and Chase, I’m the Grim Reaper
31. Jong-woo and Moon-jo, Strangers from Hell
32. Moon-young and Gang-tae, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
33. Medea and Helio, Your Throne
34. Celty and Shinra, Durarara
35. Akira and Ryo, Devilman
36. Yoshino and Kirishima, Raise wa Tanin Ga ii
37. Chateau and Ryang-ha, Love of Kill
38. Satoko and Shinpei, Hotaru no Yomeiri
39. Clarice and Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs
40. He Yan and Fu Shenxing, Who is the Prey
41. Cain/Owen from Promise of Wizard / Mahoyaku
42. Texas/Lappland from Arknights.
43. Jeongmin and Siyun, Dreaming Freedom
44. Han Chae-ah and Park Yunsu, Trapped
45. akane kurashiki/junpei tenmyouji from zero escape
46. Juri/Shiori (from Revolutionary Girl Utena)
47. Jackie/Shauna, Yellowjackets)
48. Cassandra/Rapunzel from the Tangled series
49. Damien and Elena from vampire diaries
50. Kristoph/Phoenix, Ace Attorney
51. Juice and Chibs, Sons of Anarchy
52. Utena/Anthy from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena.
53. Cutthroat x Swindler, from Akudama Drive.
54. Yuno Gasai x Yukkiteru Amano from Mirai Nikki
55. Sal/Syakesan x Wadanohara from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea.
56. Jeremy and the SQUIP, Be More Chill
57. Ian Grimm and Poppy Li, Mythic Quest
58. Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis De Pointe du Lac, Interview with the Vampire
59. fuuma and kamui from clamp's x/1999
60. Victor and Eli, Vicious
61. Elisabeth and Der Tod, Elisabeth
62. Rudolf and Der Tod, Elisabeth
63. Veronica Sawyer and J.D, Heathers
64. Akechi Goro × Persona 5 protagonist (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya)
65. Hondomachi and Fukuda, ID: Invaded
66. Harley Quinn and the Joker, DC
67. Christine and Erik, Phantom of the Opera
68. Lisa Reisert and Jackson Rippner, Red Eye
69. Valeta and Reinhart, I Failed to Oust the Villain
70. Light Yagami and Misa Amane, Death Note
71. Sumire and Hakubo, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
72. Mika Harima and Seiji Yagiri, Durarara!!
73. Emma Wilson and Yohan Lee, My Deepest Secret
74. Sarah and Jareth, Labyrinth
75. Addie LaRue and Luc, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
76. Ja Yoon and The Nobleman, The Witch, Part One: Subversion
77. Makima and Denji, Chainsaw Man
78. Kyoko and Katsuya, Fruits Basket
79. Mrs. De Winter and Maxim, Rebecca
80. Mutsuki Tooru and Urie Kuku, Tokyo Ghoul
81. Victor and Elizabeth, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
82. Constanta, Magdalena, and Alexei and Dracula, A Dowry of Blood
83. Ha-im and Geunhu, Never Ending Darling
84. Frank Cotton & Julia Cotton - Hellraiser (1987)
85. Yuki Cross & Kaname Kuran, Vampire Knight
86. Johann and Sasha, The Double Agent
87. Sian and Yul, Secret Alliance
88. Charlize and Dylan, The Taming of the Tyrant
89. Lin and Dosung, 340 Days
90. Makishima Shougo & Shinya Kougami from PSYCHOPASS.
91. Charlotte Willmore x Lizzie Wells, from The Perfection (2018).
92. “Hikaru”/Yoshiki from The Summer hikaru Died,
93. Dolph Laserhawk x Alex Taylor from Captain Laserhawk
94. Dolph Laserhawk x Rayman from Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
95. Yuuji Itadori x Mahito from Jujitsu Kaisen
96. (luo binghe x shen qingqiu) from scum villain's self saving system.
97. Heaven Official's Blessing. Ships He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan.
98. Ives and Boyd from Ravenous 1999
99. Eve and Vilanelle, Killing Eve
100. Sephiroth/Cloud (FF7 Compilation)
101. Clary and Jace from the Mortal Instruments
102. Rika Sasaki/Yoshiyuki Terada, Cardcaptor Sakura,
103. Veralidaine Sarrasri/Numair Salmalín, from the Immortals Quartet
104. Eli/Oskar, Let the Right One In (2008).
105. Lavan Firestorm/Kalira, Brightly Burning
106. Lapis/Jasper (Steven Universe
107. PearlescentMoon/SMajor, the Life Series
108. Christine/Erik (Phantom Takarazuka)
109. The Brain/Julia (Animaniacs 2020)
110. Sterek, Teen Wolf
111. Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard, The Magnus Archives
112. Fyodor and Nikolai, Bungo Stray Dogs
113. Beatrice and Battler, Beabato, from "Umineko”
114. Father Paul/Riley Flynn; Midnight Mass
115. Edward Teach/Izzy Hands; Our Flag Means Death;
116. Batman/Joker
117. Cesare Borgia/Lucrezia Borgia - The Borgias
118. Dean/Sam Winchester from Supernatural
119. Vegas/Pete (Kinnporsche: The Series)
120. Hitori Uzune and Nanaki Kazuaki from Hatoful Boyfriends.
121. Lanze/Bluepool and Anan from Beauty and the Beasts
122. Blade and Dan Heng from Honkai Star Rail
123. Spike and Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
124. Isaac and Finn, I’m Dating a Psychopath
125. Lenore and Annabelle, Nevermore
126. Estelle and Khalid, From a Knight to a Lady
127. Layla and Matthias, Cry or Better Yet Beg
128. Hyuna and Luka, Alien Stage
129. Karuto and Lily, Dear my Living Dead
130. Andrew and Ashley Graves, Coffin of Andy and Leyley
131. Lydia Deetz/Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
132. Harrow and gideon from gideon the ninth/Locked Tomb
133. Cathy x Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
134. Felix x Ollie (Saltburn)
135. Grace Chastity x Max Jaegerman, Nerdy Prudes Must Die
136. Mikoto and Haijin, Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi
137. Eucenielle and Tes, I Hold the Tyrant’s Heart
138. Claire and Balt, The East Wind of the Altas
139. Usui and Misaki, Maid Sama
140. Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive, Black Butler
141. Dabi x Hawks from My Hero Academia
142. Alice “Daisy” Tonner/Basira Hussain, The Magnus Archives
143. Naruto and Sasuke, from Naruto
144. Byleth Eisner / Jeritza von Hrym from fire emblem three houses
145. Akira x keisuke from togainu no chi (nitro+chiral game)
146. Lucy Gray Baird and Coriolanus Snow, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
147. Elias and Chise, The Ancient Magus Bride
148. Gendo and Yui Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
149. Punpun and Aiko, Goodnight Punpun
150. Sang-hyun and Tae-ju, Thirst
151. Hawa and Adam, The Guy Upstairs
152. Satoru Fujnuma and Gaku Yashiro, Erased
153. Root and Sameen Shaw, Person of Interest
154. The Doctor and the master, Doctor Who
155. Juliette and Warner, Shatter Me
156. Ich and Mrs Danvers, Rebecca das Musical
157. Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara, Danganronpa V3
158. Roxy and Velma, Chicago
159. Griffith and Guts, Berserk
160. Creed and Train, Black Cat
161. Torso and Mutsuki, Tokyo ghoul
162. Vash and Knives, Trigun
163. Sweeney Tod and Mrs Lovett, Sweeney Tod
164. Kuroi and Mashiro, Thou Dhall Not Die
165. Amy and Nick, Gone Girl
166. India and Charlie Stoker, Stoker
167. Pig and Runt, Disco Pigs
168. Anakin and Padme, Star Wars
169. Chloe and Kairos, I Shall Kill That Sweet Devil
170. Jung and Seol, Cheese in the Trap
171. Anthy and Akio Ohtori, Revolutionary Girl Utena
172. Feyre and Rhysand, A Court of Thrones and Roses
173. Lelouch and Suzaku, Code Geass
174. Mikiya and Shiki, Garden of Sinners
175. Gatsby and Daisy, The Great Gatsby
176. Ivan and Till, Alien Stage
177. Sylar and Elle Bishop, Heroes
178. Helena and Demetrius, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
179. V and Rika, Mystic Messenger
180. Yukari and George, Paradise Kiss
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Pleasant Family [1]
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Alright it is time to get ready for the shitshow
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gee, I dont know game. Boinking the maid sounds like something that would threaten the family unity to me tbh
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Wut??? They are tickling each other?? I was all ready for the usual fighting in this fine morning before they went to school and they are getting along?
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There is no escaping this we know what's going to happen.
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Yes yes poor Mary-Sue
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Uhhhmmm - what is happening in this house?
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Why is everyone other than Kaylynn behaving so normally? Daniel made no moves nor rolled any wants to boink Kaylynn. They've been all lovey dovey with Mary-Sue. Angela and Lilith are not fighting. Have I opened a portal to a parallel world?
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WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???? I played this game for years. How the fuck did you two turn that relationship to positive?
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I dunno what to tell you guys other than I'm so happy I don't have to constantly keep them busy so they won't fight
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hehehe - shit talking their mom
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Oh hellloo, don't mind me
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Ah, a peaceful family dinner. Really a pleasant family this time
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He has wishes for Mary sue I am in shock I tell you
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And now he wants to boink her. I love this. I love this alternate universe I opened up here. Good for you Daniel. You've finally become a wholesome family man.
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Meanwhile they are behaving like actual siblings
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I swear other than making them do their wants I don't do anything. It's either acr making them interact or the game itself.
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Daniel rolled a want to date and here we go.
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They are celebrating rekindling their flame!
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Oh yeah
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I took Lilith to the arcade so she can meet people
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Angela wanted to throw a party
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Wendy ffs it's a teen party - fuck off man
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And look who got promoted!
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Would have been a better score if i had remembered to order food sooner.
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This is just hilarious to me. Lilith is ignoring Dirk in favour of dancing with her sister. Never in a million years could I have imagined this happening
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Meanwhile these guys are still kissing after their 10th? boinking. They are on their way to the 11th
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He wishes this all the time it is crazy to me
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Unbelievable. I'm not doing anything. It's all them on their own
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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016 BBC America drama) is like
What if a British twink with ADHD who is actually an escaped CIA experiment into psychic powers followed you, a random dude, around saying you were his only clue in a missing persons case of someone you have never met in your life
Featuring "what if they let faith Lehane be grimy and Bloodstained and murderous at all times, the character" and a biker gang of four psychic vampires known as the rowdy three
Based on the novels by Douglas Adams
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ilovebeingaturtle · 5 months
Do you have any HC's for the Mondo Geckos of both 2012 and 1987?
EEE okay yeah sure!! This is going to be very disjointed I’m just gonna ramble as things come to my head here goes-
Starting with 87 Mondo and some random headcanons, he absolutely loves bright colours and mismatching clothes. It’s a way for him to really express himself you know? He had to learn to act tough to survive but his neon accessories and hair started as ways of rebellion almost. Once he gets settled, I think Michelangelo lets Mondo rummage around their disguises and take whatever stuff he wants that they don’t use anymore, and then even later on they take him shopping so he gets a whole WARDROBE of tacky clothes to mis and match to his content.
I think Mondo took some time to lighten up to the other turtles like he did with Michelangelo. It probably takes him the longest time to connect with Leonardo, he thinks the leader is too preachy and prissy at first. He might be reformed, but he’s no goody two shoes and I could see some conflict arising from that. Leonardo definitely proves his assumptions wrong though, and Mondo grows to have a lot of respect for him instead.
Him and Raphael have a teasing dynamic, they trade barbs frequently but it’s all in good fun. In the beginning? I could see Raphael being very distrustful of Mondo still, he’d mask it with his sarcasm but Mondo would definitely be able to tell. Raphael thought Michelangelo died because of Mondo, that terrified the turtle, but I think that resentment would be resolved once Raphael sees just how much Mondo cares for Michelangelo too. Mondo adores Michelangelo, so as long as he doesn’t hold a gun to him again, Raphael is more than okay with having someone else looking out for their goofball.
I think Mondo is still very self preservational, not really a hero type, but he’s a sweetheart when it comes down to it. It’s easy for him to maybe make a selfish choice when he has distance to it, but if it’s happening right in front of him his always morals kick in-he’ll do the right thing on impulse every time. Or if Michelangelo asks him to. He still can’t figure out how this guy manages to break his resolve every time...
I think he also likely has a degree of separation anxiety, not that he’d ever admit it. He claims to be a lone wolf but the turtles know he’ll always be nearby or in the area at all times because he doesn’t like the thought of straying too far away from them again. He probably still gets nightmares over being taken away, except nowadays they’re almost worse because he can put faces and personalities to who he might loose. There’s also the fact that he’d grown used to always being around the other criminals and working for Mr X, I think he’d likely feel directionless for a bit. Skateboarding is an escape for him, it’s freeing and he can just let everything else wash away. He can spend hours just skating and getting totally lost in it, whenever he gets overwhelmed or lashes out-the turtles know when he runs off he just needs that alone time with his board first before one of them goes to find him.
Mondo likely doesn’t know how to behave around Splinter at first, his past experience with a parental figure/authority weren’t...exactly pleasant, he’s likely uncharacteristically polite around Splinter because he doesn’t want to risk making him angry or not being allowed to hang with the turtles anymore. Splinter always assures him that’ll never happen though. Splinter probably immediately accepts Mondo as his own, which definitely doesn’t makes the gecko tear up what are you talking about-
I think once Mondo finds out how talented of a driver and motorbike rider April is, he’d think she’s so cool. He’d probably even ask her if they wanted to race at some point, April is a bit distrustful of him still, but warms up to him quick, especially after seeing how her boys have latched onto him. I do think that after the whole Dirk Savage incident Mondo becomes more skittish and distrustful of humans though, to the extent that he doesn’t even really want to be around them anymore. He’s so sick of being used and seen as lesser by them, which is why I actually? Like to imagine he goes to stay with the Punk Frogs for a while after that episode? Imagining their dynamic is just so funny to me, the frogs would be delighted to take him in and Mondo quickly discovers he’d KILL for these silly goobers, they become a little family. I do also like the idea of exploring a potential dynamic he could have with Mona Lisa, but I’ll save talking about those for the fics I’m writing with them.
As for 2012 Mondo, I uh. Honestly don’t like this version very much AHA, he feels too comedic relief-y for me to really connect with him. There’s some potential exploring his dynamic with Xever? But that’s all I got rn, sorry!!!
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Hello! I just read "i go uncrownd" and lost it when Alfred called his gun Rita. That was such a good touch. Do you have weapons headcanons for other characters like that?
Oooooh. Yes, I do. So it's going to range drastically based on the era and the situation, so I’m going to go with the ones that are kind of the most iconic. Rhys and Arthur are longbows. They were, like King Arthur and about half of what is considered proto-typical Englishness, originally Welsh. Their mother taught them both to shoot. The traditional narrative is that during the Norman invasions of Wales, one of the Edwards incorporated the Welsh system of archery into the English army and proceeded to fuck the French right up with it at Crécy and Agincourt later.
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Rhys is stocky and better with a sword, so he balanced a bow and a sword for distance and hand-to-hand combat. He likely used a shield and spear before inheriting his mother’s sword, but he never let go of it once it was his. They were long-bladed weapons, with the curves serving to focus the force of the user’s strength into a smaller area for more damage. They were primarily slashing weapons, with some, like the ones shown below, having a point with a strong two-groove blood-tapestry in the center. There was also a trench knife with a background that was supposed to be taken from a medieval Welsh sword but has more or less been disproven, but there are certainly familiar design elements here too!
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Pre-Norman Arthur was younger and smaller but more accurate and was more likely to perch himself somewhere defensible and fire as he ran to give himself time to disapear. His bow was his primary weapon and he probably only had a seax to defend himself for anything too close for the bow until he was older. The Seax is where the Saxon’s got their name and was a very important symbol for freemen to carry, with women often depicted wearing them as well. They were part tool, part sword and could be used as something like a one edged machete. The one here was found in the Thames in the 19th century and was probably from 900 something. The ‘broken back’ shape of the sword is part of where I got my headcanon for Arthur still having back pain from the Viking invasions even 1000 years later. This one was probably way to big for Arthur to have been using and there are much smaller ones but I had to use this one lmao. Lives in my head rent-free.
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Alasdair always preferred to be at the forge or easel, but where Brighid was usually the head of government, at the foot of their mother's throne, as the firstborn son, he was the acting defender. He was large and did well with a shield and sword, later the broadsword and shield, often wielding the shield with the dirk (Dearg in Scots Gaelic) in the same hand to use if he lost his broad sword. He’s a very tall, broad man, so Claymore isn’t off the table either. He was also very good with an axe. The Scottish version of a poleaxe, the tuagh-chatha, was a semi-moon axe blade on staff and fucking lethal. He could clear a space with that thing, let me tell you. The sword and shield combo is also how he was killed the day their mother died, engaging the Saxons and Jutes who had made it over the bridge before he destroyed it, buying Brighid just enough time to escape across the Irish sea.
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chrisrin · 1 year
You know I've gotta ask for Karkat and Sollux gem concepts now. (Also... fusion thoughts?) (also, are they living on Earth now?) (do not have to answer all at once)
So as far as Karkat and Sollux, these were my general ideas:
Karkat is a Black Jasper, but similar to Amethyst in the actual show, he popped out too early. Or he somehow mutated and came out a little fucked up. Normally, he'd be shattered for this but he fled the Kindergarten before Homeworld came to collect.
Sollux is a permanent fusion similar to Garnet, and I'm assigning him as a Danburite. His two gems are on either side of his temple. He's never unfused and never will (this is almost purely so I can give him 2 gems and play into his whole bifurcation gimmick).
Now as far as how they all live on Earth? This is still an early concept/idea but one of my general ideas/thought processes was as so:
Homeworld has plans to invade Earth. White Diamond (The Condensce, kinda missing out on her being Pink but Feferi takes that role), has decided to kidnap certain humans to experiment on them.
I think the Condensce does some whack shit on the kids (Beta/Alpha, or a select few from them. Not sure who specifically yet) and fuses human bodies with gems. The Condensce's goal isn't just to wipe out Earth and suck it of its resources, she sees the HUGE population of Earth and realizes if she could overpower them and meld gems into their biology, it'd be a huge army for her. So she experiments.
I imagine Dirk is a result of one of these experiments, maybe John too. I'm mixed between all the kids being victims to this, or just select few as I said earlier.
The people who get experimented on break out and escape, but now live as half-humans, half-gems. The kids on Earth are now trying to find a way to rebel against White Diamond to keep Earth safe and prevent her plan from happening.
As another tidbit, because Dirk absolutely hates himself, I imagine he tries to split/remove his own gem. Maybe it's to get it out and turn him back fully human, or maybe he's trying to find a way to utilize fusion as a power without another person. Either way, the result of his attempts causes him to split his gem cut in half and create Hal. Who he fucking hates. They have to fuse to be at full power, and without Hal, Dirk is much much weaker. But they cannot stay fused for more than, like, 30 minutes.
(I think there's even a moment where Dirk goes to Sollux to ask him about fusion and how he does it, Sollux initially makes fun of him for it but after realizing Dirk is a bit fucked up about it, he decides to open up and help Dirk out.)
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h3rmitsunited · 2 years
Okay, because I couldn't help myself, I had to go for the Season Two outfits also.
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Starting, of course, with the Blackwing Jumpsuit. The angst-filled gray blob of imprisonment, dehumanization, and, say it with me folks, **Trauma**! Yay! There's no trace of Dirk Gently in this outfit. He's stuck in the white walls in clothes he wouldn't willingly wear, and not only that, but the last time that we saw our detective, he was wearing his signature yellow jacket and Mexican Funeral t-shirt from his friends. We don't see Blackwing take these away, but obviously they did, and the implication of them stripping Dirk of this identity that he's created for himself as Dirk Gently, holistic detective (which he was so proud to tell Riggins in episode 3 that he was solving real cases, finding clues, that he had friends), and stripped him of his friends, of the real connections that he had made out of no small effort, I mean the implication is just something that makes me really want to give Friedkin a nice punch in the face.
Dirk has this stripped away, is stuffed into this jumpsuit that says you aren't deserving of a real name, you're not a person, you're an experiment, you're a mistake, you never get anything right, so just do what you're supposed to do. He spends two months there with nobody, silent guards walking him from room to room, hearing the recorded voice tell him he's doing a bad job, and changing from one jumpsuit to another day after day.
I feel burnt out just watching it.
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And so he escapes. First outfit change we see is the jumpsuit top unzipped and tied at the waist, a simple gray t-shirt underneath. He's hesitant to feel like he's out, so he's still wearing the jumpsuit (and practically, yes, he hasn't had the opportunity to change his clothes), but he's letting himself enjoy his friends, feeling a bit vulnerable, worried about them being wanted by the FBI, opening up to Hobbs about what he's been through. He's not back into Dirk Gently mode, yet though.
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Not until Hobbs and Tina come back and say hey, we're gonna do a holistic, and present him with this bright reflective jacket to put over his white t-shirt and jumpsuit pants. We see Dirk eager to jump into the holistic detective persona, investigating, finding the air gun, doing his holistic... stuff. But you can tell that he's still not quite... there yet. He's still in that jumpsuit, he's finding out Todd got pararibulitis, there's a body in a tree, and things aren't quite right, but it's... fine.
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We see that he's taken the jacket off to sleep, resting it under his head. Like... like it's a dream??? Out of reach because he knows it's not as easy to just throw that persona back on, to jump right back into that same person that he was before, the bright jackets and wild theories. In the day time, it was easier, but at night, struggling to sleep while Todd and Farah rest in their beds, he can't escape his own thoughts, and there's no one to put the performance on for. He's still in that jumpsuit, wrapped in the traumatic experience of Blackwing, unable to keep that bright jacket on, just letting it sit under his head.
And it feels poingnant that the first thing that Dirk asks when Tina arrives that morning, is for new clothes. He needs to get out of what he's wearing. The reflective jacket didn't work, he's done wallowing the angsty memories, so he's just going to throw that away, try something completely different and just ignore all those scary thoughts that happened because of Blackwing and just go and go and go. Detective Time!
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One new spiffy outfit later, he looks himself in the mirror saying "best case ever", and if that doesn't tell you that the look is an important part of the way that Dirk works, I don't know what will. He's like okay... I can do this. I look the part, I just need to walk it again. Easy. Yes. Easy peasy.
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Except... oh shit it's not. He stumbles upon Bob Boreton who proceeds to attack him, Hobbs brushes off his warnings, and they go back to the station. And good god, the scene that Todd checks on him... he has taken off the jacket!
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Again, I repeat, the jacket is off! Except instead of this vulnerable state making Dirk open up, he bristles, dodging Todd's questions and wandering off. He's not in the same place that he was before, he willinging took off that layer of armor of his jacket, and he's scared and hurting, but like a cornered and scared dog, it just makes him feel trapped.
That is until later, after Panto gets brought to the station, the man with pink hair, convoluted bullshit just dropping like big crazy raindrops from the sky around Dirk. He's still jacketless, but he's got himself shielded by the file cabinet when Todd comes to talk to him. There's still that defensiveness, but Dirk finds himself able to open up a bit, and slowly during the conversation, he comes out a little from behind the file cabinet.
He's got the jacket back on during the house within a house sequence and for the subsequent scenes in the police station and Francis' room. This is a very chaotic series of events, and Dirk has a lot of Feelings throughout everything that happens. The initial, yes, I'm a detective I can't do this, to oh shit, I fucked up and I'm going to die, to panic that Todd is going to try to come in for him, then continued investigating and panic and escape and relief and then more panic when Todd has an attack and things happen so quickly and they go back to the station and (I analyzed this whole scene at the station in another meta post and gosh I love this scene) but this whole time but Dirk's clothes are the same. I'd say this scene is him wanting to cling to that holistic detective persona.
And agh, once again, this works so well, because he goes from that outfit to running into some rando guy in the bathroom of the diner and trading for his clothes, that red jacket outfit. Because, well that last outfit obviously didn't work... it got him trapped in a hell dimension and Todd had an attack and murder weapons and just... it was a bad outfit, so he changes and he's like, yes okay, I'm going to be doing normal detective stuff, not stupid, flighty bullshit, this is going to work this time.
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Spoiler, it doesn't.
Arnold Cardenas finds him and then proceeds to have a whole ass heart attack and Dirk is like... I'm starting to think I'm bad at this. I hate everything.
So why not go party, yeah whatever. Some big music festival? Tons of people? Lots of opportunities for stuff to go wrong? Well I'm a big disaster anyways, might as well embrace it.
So he keeps his little outfit on to head to the festival, a pair of glowsticks (oh my god the glowsticks), and at one point a big balloon hat, and is just like being a holistic detective is already so goddamn weird this might as well happen.
And we see him in this outfit... until... yeah, that's right, the infamous drug night, unseen except for our fanfics.
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And he ends up in this big fluffy pink coat, a cowboy hat, a black tank top and his little shorts, and oh boy, what a look that is. And it's like five different looks in one. Because Dirk doesn't know who he is. The spell loosened them up, as Todd called it a truth spell, and the truth that Dirk reveals is that he is wearing so many different clothes that he doesn't know what fits. It's pink. It's fur. It's a hat, or showing skin, or not showing skin, glitter or black or white or jacket or not. He's so turned around and shaken up and it's all just happening and happening and happening and it's so much.
He goes out to the main room and catches up with the others, hearing that super fun call from Suzie about how she's going to like drink their blood and murderize them, and he's like immediate spiral. But there isn't time to wait. They're like we have to get back to work and Dirk is freaking out and there's no time to deal with that. Time to go, go, go.
And I think it's also relevant that his next freakout happens when they're getting ready to go, he's in just his white button down and tie and staring down needing to put the jacket back on and get going when he's like...
...pause... I solved the case...
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He doesn't want to put that jacket back on. If he can just finish it right now, before anything else happens, then that can be it. Nobody else has to get hurt, they can just walk away. But he knows it isn't that simple, so the attempt to talk himself into this being the end turns into panic insane rambling, and the others are just like... yeah no, we need to go.
So Dirk gets his jacket back on, but he's not in it. It's like the jacket is wearing a ghost of Dirk, going through the motions, but it's too heavy, he can't bear the responsibilities, he doesn't want to carry this anymore. He can't do it.
And it all falls apart. Suzie, the hospital, Arnold.
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They make it to Wendimoor and the first thing Dirk does is throw his jacket off and pull off his tie. Nope. I'm done. I quit. I'm not that guy. I'm nobody and don't try to tell me I'm something. This is it.
He lets Beast do his hair and wrap him in vines because this is who he is when he doesn't have something. Sure, you can turn me into your uniquely elegant lumberjack husband. Better than being a fuck-up and getting everyone killed.
But then... pulling off the vines, and looking at the murals, he figures it out and runs.
Still in his clothes, he's not quite back yet, he's still scared and unsure, but he's got something he's running for, and once he gets into that town, he pulls on a jacket and jumps back into his role. I'm getting my friends back, I'm in this. I'm here for them and I'm going to figure this out.
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He keeps that Wendimoor jacket on until he's back in Blackwing and Mona blows up the room they run into and he gets a cut on his arm. And he's back with a friend, not safe, and very vulnerable, but he's still himself, he's not in that jumpsuit, he's got a friend, and she protects him as best as she can while they try to get Francis out, jumping in front of him when Ken is threatening him.
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But he ultimately makes it back to Wendimoor, saves the day, wearing that yellow jacket. That yellow jacket that feels so much like himself and Mona giving him that, knowing that is what he needs to wear at that moment, I'm here, Dirk, I've got you covered, you are who you are and you don't have to keep trying to be someone you're not. We love you so much. And we see after this scene that Dirk does look more settled, despite the breakdowns he had before, he seems okay, satified with what Francis had told him about what he is and his purpose. He stands by Todd's side wearing his yellow jacket with pride, with a smile, like this is who he is and he can be okay with that.
And then the final scene, that black jacket. The stripes of color on the sleeve the same as all his other jackets he had worn before. His suit of armor. And he looks happy.
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And it's so good.
This was very long, so I didn't go deeply into every single things as much as I could have, but season two is long and so much stuff happens! And Dirk is really going through it so... makes sense that his outfits go through it too.
Anyways, yay meta posts.
lol bye
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the-almighty-god · 5 months
Hi my friend @curlish brings you a piranha:
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I’m- I’m like a leaf in the stream of creation. Until I find Dirk Gently, whoever or whatever that is, and then I’m a piranha! ...in the stream of creation...
After Dirk Gentley's holistic Detective Agency was discontinued, Curlish was in limbo.
Through various kinds of magic and witchcraft we managed to get her out of limbo and into the Good Omens Universe.
She's doing fairly well here and has found a few friends, but growing up feral, she keeps on insulting people. She has strong ties to the universe though and considers herself to be a vessel for its plans.
Perhaps the Almighty God might have advice for her?
Hello, @docdust and @curlish. Thank you for the piranha.
My advice to Curlish would depend on what she wants out of life.
You say that she considers herself a vessel of the universe's plans. Is this something she wants to be? Or is it a role she feels forced into with no escape? If she could choose not to be a vessel, would she?
What does she believe the universe's plans to be? Is there a specific goal she is trying to achieve as a the universe's vessel? Or is she unsure of what the universe wants because it's ineffable?
You also say Curlish has grown up feral and keeps insulting people. Yet, despite this, she has still managed to make friends. While it is never okay to insult people, those friends might be more understanding because they are aware of her upbringing. Does she want to stop insulting people, especially her friends? Does she want to make more friends? Or just deepen the bond with the friends she has made so far?
Does she want to stay in our universe? Or return to her own?
Without knowing the answers to these questions, my advice might be too generic to be helpful.
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borzoilover69 · 11 months
Dirk “I’ll never escape myself and my nature to destroy and subsequently doom myself” Strider.
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