#did you try to get him pregnant👀
i did send the same thing to another writer i enjoy bc i love different takes on things, but my little dumpster brain has had one thought in the last 24 hours - imagine confiding in your captain that you'd like to have a baby bc biological clock or whatever, and being in the field really puts a damper on your sex life, so that makes it difficult. but the 141 will do anything for one of their own, so if that means they're running trains and taking turns on you DAILY until it takes (and probably even after 👀), then so be it.
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lol... you lit a fuckin' fire with this ask, my friend. hot!!
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"The Window" (141/Reader)
You awoke to the soft tinkling noise of his belt and zipper, rattling at the edge of your bed. Your captain, John Price, was answering his call of duty, and within moments, you knew he would slip his fat, flaccid cock between your legs and allow your warmth to make him harden within you. He preferred it this way. First, he would rub you with it, heavy and smooth, smearing your wetness all over his skin. Then, with a singular talent, he would somehow stuff his soft, lolling head into your hole, feeding himself into you gently, letting your body take him in on its own as your pussy pulsed for him, and he would rub your clit absent-mindedly, comforting himself with your swollen lips, sighing raggedly as you covered him up. Once he was hard - and fuck, he was impossibly hard - he would fuck you through your blinding pleasure, his girth giving you burst after burst of hot, searing bliss.  
He wasn’t your boyfriend - none of them were - but the members of your task force, the 141, had all agreed to be the father of your child. It had started when Captain Price first saw your appointment on the team calendar. You’d meant to post it privately, but you had failed to do so. He came to you right away, his face full of worry,
“Wha’s goin’ on, Spar? Goin’ to the main base hospital… Wha’s all this about?”
So, you’d told him, a little bashfully, that you were trying to get pregnant. You’d be turning 28 this fall, and you wanted to be a mom, sooner rather than later. Every few weeks, you were shipped off to some too-cold or too-hot locale, getting shot at and flash-banged. There wasn’t really time to find a date, much less convince them that you would make a good mother. The last time you tried to use Tinder, one guy had called you ‘Rambo’ and blocked you, so it wasn’t going well. 
“I’ll go with you, little bird. Sounds important.”
“You don’t need to do that, Captain. I’m sure I can take out a loan for it…” You thought out loud, remembering the pamphlet and all of its cost breakdowns for IVF treatments.
“A loan? Last time I checked, love, it was free,” he chuckled. 
“Free when you have someone who’d be willing to give it to you, sir,” you challenged him with your confidence, trying not to be ashamed, even of your ‘Rambo’ nickname. 
“Sparrow,” he raised his voice and nearly shouted your callsign incredulously in the small mess hall where he’d found you, “There’s no bloody way you don’t have someone willing.” 
“Wha’s goin’ on, Cap?” Gaz poked his head in behind the door. 
“Nothing,” you tried to stop the literal landslide of embarrassment that was happening to you.
“She wants to have a baby,” Price told him, smiling a bit as your cheeks turned pink.
“A baby?” Gaz commented with no small amount of surprise.
“Who wants a baby?” Simon yelled out from the hallway before opening the door wider and scooting around Gaz to join into the conversation. 
“A bairn!?” Soap barged in, slamming the door all the way open and forcing Gaz to tumble into the kitchen. 
So, the whole team knew in a matter of moments, but Price kept his word. He drove you to the hospital for your appointment and asked more questions to the doctor than you did. Unfortunately, he heard all of the strictest rules and took them to heart. No cigarettes, no caffeine, plenty of rest and… plenty of exposure to male ejaculate. 
There had been a meeting, of which you were not a part, between Price and the other men in your task force, and they had come to a conclusion: they would put a baby in you. It was their singular mission. A bit of back and forth had occurred when you found out their plan.
“Is there… we dinnae want to pressure you, lass, but,” Soap looked around at Ghost, Gaz, and Price before settling back on you, “Are there any of us you wouldnae like to be the father? We willnae take offense.”
“No! I’d be happy to have any of you… I mean… But, I don’t want you to feel like you need to do this if you don’t want to,” you could feel the heat of your shame rising in your cheeks, and you knew you were as red as a lobster. You heard a bit of laughter at your comment and feared the worst. But then, Gaz explained,
“I’m afraid all of us very much want to, Sparrow.”
He had even palmed his growing cock for emphasis. 
But, it had to be fair, you decided. There should be a schedule; no favorites. And for the first month, there was. Soap was your Monday, Ghost was Tuesday, Gaz was Thursday, and Price was Friday. But then Price had a meeting and so Soap was Friday, and Price was Saturday. That meant Ghost was Monday. You were in training on Tuesday, so Gaz was Wednesday, but Soap couldn’t do Thursday or Friday because he had to go in for his annual review. So, he joined Gaz on Wednesday, stepping in right after him as if you were a pretty little mailbox and the boys had come to drop off their packages. 
When the weekly schedule fell apart, you hung a big calendar in your quarters, and they’d pencil themselves in. That was fine until you had been shipped out to Aqtabi. You’d tried to keep it up while you were in the field, remembering what day was which, but the truth was that sometimes you had no idea if it was morning or night. Was that the sun or a flare? 
And sometimes it didn’t matter. Something would happen on a mission, and Price would crawl beneath your scratchy woolen sheet, searching for the comfort of your arms, not saying a word, not even asking you if it was alright, but just taking you there in the cold night of the desert, filling you up and keeping his cock sheathed in you, safe and sound. 
And sometimes you needed them, too. Waiting on exfil, huddled together in the pouring rain beneath a sad tarp, you’d crawled into Gaz’s lap, looping your arms around his neck and letting him hold you in a cradle, using his big chest as your pillow. You’d dozed, exhausted, and he’d rubbed himself against you through your clothes, coaxing you to pull down your pants so he could empty himself into your womb, quick and filthy. You remembered how it felt when his come had soaked through your panties as you sat next to him in the helicopter, letting him hold your hand. 
You felt a little guilty that you weren’t exactly hoping for a child during those first few months. You were enjoying their affections, no matter how platonic they may have felt. 
It didn’t stay that way, though. Soap was the worst offender. When he fucked you, he wanted to spend most of his time eating you out, sucking on your clit with his mouth like a hungry dog, soaking himself in your scent and your flavor before finally mounting you, crawling over your body like the hound that he was, dipping his cock into you and beating your core like a drum. He’d stare into your eyes when he could manage it, and he’d slipped up one day and told you he loved you. That you were his girl, his wee bonnie lass, and that he’d raise the bairn with you, even if it was Black like Gaz, tall like Ghost, or had Price’s big nose. It’d be his and yours. He’d be the daddy you wanted him to be, he promised. 
Then, you’d had to deal with Gaz. He’d made dinner reservations at a restaurant near base while he had your legs held up to your chest, helping you wait the twenty suggested minutes for his “lads” to “soak in”. Told you he was just hungry, but he had also happened to buy you a nice dress, and he’d driven you in his sporty little Beamer, bright red and clean as a whistle. He’d fucked you after dinner, sneaking in a double feature, which was expressly against the rules. Told you he couldn’t help himself, and he said he’d been thinking about you all weekend, cock in hand. 
Ghost was like his namesake, haunting you all over the place. He found you in the locker room, and decided to fuck you standing up, sweaty from your sparring match. He’d washed you off in the shower, and he’d taken you in there, too, after coaxing you to make him hard again by sucking him off. Ghost would slink by you in the reference room, stalking you through the bookshelves, and dragging you to the storage closet to fuck you on all fours on the floor, maps and looseleaf pamphlets about Russian spy camps under your rosy red knees. He got vocal that night, cramped with his huge body in that tiny closet, telling you what a good girl you were for him, how you fit his fuckin’ cock so perfect, how he’d never want anyone else, how it felt so good to fill your body up with his load. 
Then, there was your captain. At first, you weren’t sure he was truly a willing participant. He seemed to avoid you unless he was on the schedule. He didn’t cut in line, and if you were on the couch or in the kitchen with one of the boys, he’d leave you be, smiling at you a bit before grabbing his tea and escaping back to his office. But, then you realized the truth: John Price wanted to put a baby inside of you more than anyone else, and he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure it happened. 
“Hey, little bird,” John’s finger pet the side of your cheek as you woke, feeling him pull down your pink silk panties so he could start to warm you up, “I’m your Sunday.”
“Mm,” you rubbed the sleep out of your eye and opened up your legs for him, giving him full access to your body on instinct at this point, “John, we gave up on the schedule. You can come whenever you want. Or, you can stop.”
“Can’t stop,” he kissed your mouth as he leaned over you, and you tasted peppermint and tobacco mixing together with something heady and lustful, “We’re in the window.”
Ah. The Window. All of the boys talked about The Window and when it was coming up next. They’d all downloaded trackers on their phones, watching you like birds of prey for when you ordered a box of tampons, checking with you to see when you were off the rag. And then, you’d be “in the window” of ovulation. Their best chance at succeeding at this mission. 
They would fuck you at any time of the month, and Soap and Price would even fuck you through your period, having read in some magazine that there was a small chance of success. But, being in The Window was like covering yourself in honey in the middle of a cave in spring and waking up all the bears inside it. Fertile ground, ripe for the taking. 
“Mm, fuck,” you keened. John had two fingers in you now, pressing on your soft spots and stretching your hole. You wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss, which he moaned into. 
“Feel good, Spar? You want to make me hard, pretty bird?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, looking up at him with desperate eyes, “Yeah, I do. Please, John…”
 He slipped himself in, half-hard already, and you felt the body of it slide into your core. It was soft, and you liked to squeeze it with your muscles, feeling him writhe inside of you when you did, reveling in his pleasure. He sat back on his heels to let you play with him fully, watching you grind your hips on him as he massaged your clit to its full, swollen height. He was in no rush, and he spoke to you casually. 
“Has Kyle been in this weekend?”
“No, it was Soap,” you tried to remember, “And then Ghost, and then Soap again.”
Price chuckled warmly,
“That boy wants a baby so badly.”
You smiled with him, agreeing, 
“He does. He interrupted Gaz on Thursday and asked him when he’d be done!” 
Price laughed with you then, his eyes gleaming and crinkling at the edges,
“Oh, Christ. He’d be a good one. They’d all be good.”
You watched his mood shift. There was something solemn about it, and you wanted to chase it away. You rubbed your hand along his furry belly, locking your ankles around his hips and shamelessly rocking your hips to fit more of him into you. You confessed, 
“You’d be good.”
His eyes found yours again and he stilled, wondering out loud,
“D’you think so, Sparrow?”
“I know so.”
“Can I tell you a secret, little bird?” He whispered, lowering himself into position and stuffing his hard length even deeper inside of you, making you worry just a bit if he could hurt you with that thing. 
You nodded, kissing his huge Adam’s apple in his throat and nuzzling through his beard. He told you the whole truth as he pounded himself into you without mercy, 
“Sometimes, I wish he would be mine. I wish…” He almost stopped, but he kept going, like a raft in the stream, too caught in the current to go back to the shore, “I wish you could be mine, and then I could rub lotion on your belly when you got big. And I could cook for you when you got tired, and I could read to you, even when he was still inside of you, and I know he could hear my voice. I wish, sometimes, that when it happens, that I’d be the first to know. That you’d tell me first, because you knew it was mine, because you’d want him to be mine.”
You were stunned, and you were coming, and the two were very separate events. As your pussy pulsed and tried to milk him of his come, making you dizzy and almost sick with pleasure, you were shocked by his admission. You grabbed his face and made him look you in your eyes,
“John…” You panted, coming down from your first high of many with Price, “I had no idea you felt that way.”
“I didn’t either,” he smiled, but the corners didn’t reach his eyes. 
When he fucked you this morning, you had no idea how good it could feel, but he showed you. He rutted into you, desperately, like some sort of beast, unable to stop himself. It was as if he would fuck himself bloody in you if he had to, and you wanted to take him as best you could. You felt him finally start to come, and he plugged you up with his thickness, shoving himself as deep as he would go, sealing you off and keeping you warm and elevated. 
He kept his cock in you, gasping for breath and petting the hair out of your face. He kissed you, cheeks and chin and neck, all the way down to your breasts where he suckled from your nipples, almost dreamlike in the way he was touching you, fully covered in you the entire time. 
“Sleep, birdie,” he nuzzled your neck and continued to lave his tongue over your breasts, “I’ll wake you when I’m hard again.”
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Part 2
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Can we get a little story or something of how would Miguel take care of pregnant mama? Like I KNOW he would do the most and go the extra mile. But can we get it in your words?
Pregnancy Cares With Miguel ~ ✨
Warning: Pure fluff and a mild squeeze of nsfw.
Let's meet this weekend. MJ and I found this new place. And the hamburgers? God. 🤌🏻🤌🏻. They have these amazing artisanal beer.
You pouted at the screen. You wanted to go for a burger, but for some reason, you retched at the smell of beef. It was a big no for you. Plus you couldn't drink, for obvious reasons.
I need an outing so badly. Need a drink, work is getting so stressful. This weekend or the next one?
Jessica replied as MJ sent a ':) ' emoji on the group chat.
Can't go :(
What? Why tf no? You've been telling me you need a break. 😐
Miguel had sent the emoji and you rolled your eyes
Wait... Fr?! 😱
OMG ❤️
MJ texted as the rest appeared as typing.
OMG Imma be an auntie!!?? 😳
Boy or Girl?
We don't know yet
You don't know 👀
Stop. Playing.
Peter had sent a nervous gif and you cackled.
You'll find out tomorrow 😊
I swear if you don't tell
😏😏 What's gonna happen?
Guys... Im pretty sure these sort of things got you in the current situation you're in, can you not do this in the chat please?
MJ just sent a 🤭 emoji.
Fine, woosies. It's a girl. ❤️❤️💖
MJ sent another gif exploding in hearts
Congrats on both 🎉🎉
Miguel remained quiet. You pouted.
What you didn't know is that when he came home, he'd get you a lovely bouquet of tulips and some pickles. He'd just pulled your grumpy self into a tight loving hug as he kissed your temple repeatedly until your mood vanished.
"A girl? Really? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause the doctor just sent me the results! And you ruined the surprise. I wanted to tell them in a different way!"
"Yeah, yeah. It's a girl! You know what that means?"
"That I'm gonna get so fat?"
"No, mensa. And even if you did, I'd still hit that." (Dummy)
"Not funny" Your cheeks flushed softly as he chuckled.
"Means that we can finally paint her room"
Your eyes swelled up in tears upon hearing him speak so softly and lovingly. He was excited. You could tell by the little flush in his ears.
"Shopping day tomorrow?"
"Ps obvio" (Obviously )
You giggled.
Ever since you told Miguel you both were expecting a girl, it was like a switch turned in him.
He'd cuddle you with such care, he'd think you'd break. Wich was annoying to you since you missed sleeping ontop of him.
And when the cravings started? Dios mío.
"M-Miguel" You'd whimper as you wiped your eyes. He'd startle and instantly go in alert mode.
"¿Qué pasó? ¿Tas bien?" (What's wrong? You ok?)
You hiccuped and weeped "We have no pickles."
He'd stare at you, trying to process the correct emotion to feel in this situation.
"You're crying cause we don't... have pickles"
"Don't be mean!"
You'd hit him softly with a pillow and curled back to your bed.
"Ok, ok, Don't cry? I'll go to the... the store. Be right back."
"Can I have Nutella too?"
"Uh, sure."
Drowsy eyes looked at the clock. 2 am. On another time, he'd surely would ignore the senseless petition and talk to go back to sleep. But how could he do that when you were pregnant? He was an ass sometimes, but with a pregnant you? Never.
He went to the store, to his dismay there was only two small pickle jars, and they were inside a lady's basket.
... Puta madre...
Why was everyone suddenly in the crave for pickles?
He didn't have to elaborate much and explained the lady. She just laughed it off and kindly surrendered them to him.
"Cravings? Oh boy. You better buy her the three jar packs. And avoid wearing too strong colognes infront of her! It might get her queasy."
"Thanks" With a polite smile he paid for the pickles and went home.
You were waiting for him, teary eyed and pouty. He opened the jar of pickles for you and stared at you with awe and a mild disgust as you dipped one of the pickles inside the Nutella and scarfed the veggie down with such hunger it made you cry again.
"Its so good."
His shoulders slumped with a sigh and wiped your chin.
"You're such a weirdo."
"Want some?"
"No, thanks. Keep eating"
"But I'll get fat"
"It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy."
"You'd love me if I was chubbier right?"
"Yes. I would. Eat your... thing."
He'd chuckle watch you eat until you were satisfied. three pickles in total with half the bottle of Nutella.
The next day he got you a small pack of pickles and two big bottles of that sweet spread to then rub your feet.
As time went on and your belly grew, the doctor appointments never got skipped or missed. He was there making sure everything was in order. His big hand hugging yours in a secure embrace as you got your ultrasounds. Everything was going perfectly.
The most dangerous months had passed and he allowed to breathe a bit more.
He had refused when you told him you wanted to work from home. Even if it was home office.
"No. It can lead you to stress out. And that will stress the baby out. Something can happen and no. Let me handle it."
"Stop being paranoid, I'll be fine! I just... don't like sitting all day or sleeping. I need to do something. And you didn't let me do much in the baby's room either!"
"Mi amor. You need to rest. I know you don't like it. But you need to."
"Could you at least get me an exercise ball?"
"Sure. Just don't-"
"Ay ya, Miguel! Ni que fuera a romperme!" (Stop it. I'm not gonna break!)
you whined
"I worry, mi reina."
"I know, and I appreciate it, but I gotta do something around!"
"Just promise me you'll go easy, ok?"
You kissed his cheek and cuddled him, the heat he provided felt heavenly against your back. You had started to waddle and to your dismay a new nickname was born. You were his Pingüinita. (Little penguin)
On the six month mark, you'd toss and turn on bed, feeling either too hot or cold. One moment you were snuggled against him, for the next to remove your clothes and lay naked next to him.
One particular night you felt suffocating. Summer was rampant and you woke up in tears at the oppressing heat.
He'd wake up no long after and filled in the bathtub with the right kind of water. Sweat and hormones raging on your body. Despite sleepiness clinging to him, he'd help you to the tub and bathe you.
Big and gentle hands massaged your wet scalp to then massage your shoulders and lower back. He splashed your body with water and kissed your temple carefully.
"Feel better? "
"Great, thank you, mi amor."
He'd smile lazily and remained there with you, almost falling asleep again in the bathroom until you were ready to leave to sleep.
- - -
He'd buy you long and cotton nightgowns. They were breathable and made everything a bit more comfortable for you, along some essential vitamins. And a hammock for the porch. He'd find you sleeping often in there.
Whenever you went out with the rest he'd make sure that none ordered meat. You still were sensitive to the smell, despite Peter longing for a burger.
Miguel would bathe with you to help you wash your back. But it was just an excuse to touch you and feel you. He'd be as gentle as he could with you. It turned him on to see you swelling with his child. Even brought out things he didn't know was into. Like, a lactation kink. And eat you out despite your protests of not being able to see him.
He was absolutely moonstruck with you. And when the time for you to deliver his baby finally came. He tried to remain strong and collected, despite his hands trembling like an earthquake. He kept an eye on you like a hawk, always looming around you.
He couldn't help but melt when Gabriella's cries echoed loud and healthy on the room.
He kissed you with such pride in his eyes that you'd think he was about to cry.
He knew his life with you had just started, and he was glad he had chosen you. Happy and grateful even. You just made him a dad of a wonderful little girl that instantly quieted down when he held her in his arms. One of the nurses snapped a picture of him holding and cooing Gabi as you got a well deserved nap.
Despite him not being a texter, he sent the picture of Gabi to the group chat.
OMG! Congratulations! she's so beautiful! 😊
I wanna cry so badly right now. She's gorgeous 🎉🎉
I'm an uncle now. :') So proud of you, Miguel.
When can we see her?
Lemme ask Pingüinita and I'll let you know.
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c-nstantine · 8 months
Pregnant sex with Grandmaster Bi-han👀? I whole heartedly believe he would be obsessed with the body carrying his heir, despite reader being self conscious of their changing body😏
He would be gentle physically, but he is still demanding and authoritative in his speech.
anon i love you. i could kiss you for this one. little deviation with the gentleness but still Bi Han.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: pregnancy smut, Bi Han calls his wife slut/whore in his mind 18+ MDNI
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No one would regard Bi Han as a calm person. He was known for his quite frigid exterior but his wife was the only one he was somewhat normal with. Currently, he was sitting in his bedside chair while his wife paced their bedroom floor. He wasn't quite sure what was wrong with her. At first, he thought it was the pregnancy stressing her out, after all, she was six months along. Her mini twists were pulled away from her face and she was dressed in a robe of Bi Han's signature color. 
"Wife, perhaps you should calm down," He offered. The face she made in response told him that was the wrong thing to say. 
"Calm down? You want me to calm down," She spoke with venom on her tongue. Bi Han wasn't quite sure what he did to piss her off but he was sure it was his fault. 
"It's just hormones," Bi Han offers as he goes to touch her stomach.
"Hormones, he says. There is a baby, your baby, growing inside of me. I am tired all of the time, my boobs are swollen, none of my robes fit the way they used to, and you will not touch me. My husband will not touch me," Her voice broke on the last part as she was trying to stop tears from flowing down her brown cheeks. 
"Y/N," Bi Han tried softly, this was new to him. Normally, if someone cried in front of him, he'd simply walk away or roll his eyes. That would not work in this case.
"Are you not attracted to me now? I should've known. All you care about is your precious heir," Y/N sniffled and moved away from her husband. 
"Y/N, I have always been attracted to you. The only thing stopping me from completely ravaging you is our child growing in you, and I do not want to lose control," Y/N felt some relief in his words, but it still did nothing for the feeling of not being wanted. It did nothing for what felt like the constant heat that was growing inside of her.
"I care not for your control," Y/N said looking at her husband with teary eyes. She was horny in the worst way imaginable. Bi Han had not touched her since she was about two months along. She had tried everything to rid herself of this desire but her fingers could only do so much. 
"I do not want to hurt you," Bi Han repeated slowly while wiping his face. 
"You will not fuck your wife?" Y/N stated bluntly with a raised eyebrow.
"Fine, I will find someone who will," Y/N heads towards the door of their chambers before Bi Han grabs her wrist. He is careful not to hurt her but his grip is tight and she couldn't escape if she tried.
"You will do no such thing." He all but grunted out. 
"You don't tell me-" Y/N began to speak but Bi Han yanked her closely. He took a second to deeply inhale, almost calming down, before speaking.
"If you think I'd let another man touch you while you are carrying my child, you do not know me well, wife," His eyes had glazed over with desire. How dare she? What kind of Grandmaster would he be to allow that?
"Bi Han?" Y/N spoke, looking into his eyes. She was not scared of what he would do to her, but rather what he would do to her pussy.
"Get on the bed since you want to be fucked so bad," He freed her from his grip and watched her stumble on the bed. She sat on the edge facing him. He walked over to her with heavy steps and stood between her legs.
"I am going to make this very clear, I think of fucking you every night," He said, tilting her chin up so he could kiss her passionately. His hand was on her jaw and her hands found their way to his hair. She undid his bun, allowing his dark waves to fall freely.
"Your breasts are swollen so that you will feed my child well," He said as he kneeled at the edge of the bed. He undid her robe and allowed it to fall under her. He stopped for a moment to take in his wife's beauty. She was right, her breasts had grown in size but that did not matter. She had gained stretchmarks but that did not matter. To Bi Han, she was more glorious than ever carrying his child. Mindful of his body temperature, he began to kneed Y/N's breast with one hand and put his mouth on the other. Y/N sighed with relief almost immediately. 
"Maybe I have been a bit neglectful in my caution," Bi Han says once he notices the reaction he has garnered from Y/N just by the littlest of touches.
"A bit?" Y//N chuckles while looking at her husband. 
"Lay back," Bi Han placed two pillows behind Y/N. One behind her head and another a little above her hips. 
Bi Han kneeled once more and messily put his hair half up with one of the hair ties he stole from Y/N. He spread her legs, taking in how wet he made her with just sucking her tits. He almost felt bad for how long he had gone without doing this. It's too bad Y/N didn't know that Bi Han would leave bed every other night, just to stroke himself without disrupting her sleep. 
He started with kisses on her inner thighs as he pulled her hips closer to his mouth. One finger ghosted her clit and Y/N's breath had hitched. She almost felt like a virgin again. His lips latched to her clit as two fingers began to coax an orgasm from her. Y/N's hands gripped the sheets as his tongue played with her clit and his fingers moved quicker and quicker. 
"Bi Han," She moaned softly. 
He chuckled at the praise as he continued his motions. He began to curl his fingers in her as he licked her clit. In all honesty, he was in heaven right now. Knowing that his wife could be completely subdued by his actions, was almost enough to get him off. 
"Baby," Upon hearing the name, he knew that his wife was close. She rarely referred to him outside of his name. He continued his practices, careful to listen to her moans and whines over the sounds of him eating her pussy. 
Y/N could feel her orgasm building but this one felt different. It felt like she was holding something back. When Bi Han's fingers hit her g-spot, she couldn't keep it any longer. She squirted onto Bi Han's fingers and mouth with a loud whine. Her chest heaved up and down as her hands finally released their grip on the sheets. One of her hands rested on her stomach. 
"I will admit, I have missed that," Bi Han said shedding his pajama pants, allowing for his dick to spring free. He removed his shirt soon after revealing a dark happy trail. His dick slapped his thigh as it bounced while he stood to be at his wife's entrance. There was a prominent vein that ran on the underside, and his mushroom head was a pale shade of pink. 
"Y/N, you will tell me if you are in discomfort," He said while lining his tip with her pussy. It took all of his discipline not to rush in, but it had been some time since his wife had taken him last. Y/N simply nodded, finally excited she was getting what she had been craving. 
Slowly, inch by inch, he entered her pussy. He had missed the comforting warmth as her wetness dripped onto their sheets. Y/N's back had arched off of the bed when Bi Han had entered her fully. He gave her a minute to adjust to him stretching her walls. 
"Fuck me, please," She hadn't needed to ask twice before something in Bi Han snapped. He withdrew his hips from hers before slamming back into hers harshly.
Y/N's legs rested on his shoulders as he drilled into her. Y/N couldn't fathom why she hadn't threatened to sleep with someone else sooner. The stinging from his hips hitting her ass would be felt in the morning, but right now it felt divine. Bi Han watched his wife's face contort with every stroke and smirked, knowing only he could make her feel like that. 
Bi Han was not relenting in his strokes either. Since his wife wanted to be fucked, he'd fuck her like the slut that she was. Right now, she was not his wife, but just some whore who is carrying his child. He refused to finish before her but it was getting harder with how her pussy was gripping him. Each stroke became more and more difficult as Y/N got closer to cumming. 
With one final exasperated moan, Y/N came once more. Her legs felt like jello and Bi Han's hips stuttered as he finished too. He filled her with his warm cum once again. He pulled out and watched it dribble out of her pussy just a little bit. 
"Do you feel better wife?" Bi Han asked grabbing his wife's chin so that he could look her in the eye. 
"Mhm," Y/N responded with a small smile. Her eyes had glazed over and she was in bliss from her orgasm. 
Bi Han grabbed a few extra blankets from their closet and situated the bed so they could fall asleep. He knew that Y/N was always sleepy after sex, mainly because he was sure to wear her out. Y/N fell asleep on her side, and Bi Han spooned her as the couple fell into a somewhat normal state. After this night, Bi Han was sure to fuck Y/N regularly so that she would no longer complain because a happy wife, is a happy life. 
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readychilledwine · 9 months
Hey. It's me again. I was wondering if you could write something. Where reader is taking care of her younger siblings because her father who was a single dad had died due to some illness which she has now and it is going to kill her. The ic notices last minute. Az is just pissed because she is his wife and she made up a lie to break his heart. You can decided if there is a cure they found or not. Thanku. Hope you are doing well
I'm convinced you want me to break Azriel's (and my) heart, and I almost did it this time 👀👀👀👀
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Losing Forever
Warnings - illness, mentions of death, heartbreak, losing a family member, angst with a happier ending than originally planned, mentions of medical procedures and blood. Ps- there's a little hint of Azris in there if you squint. 👀
A/n - I changed the ending of this two or three times, and I'm not 100% happy, but that's my inner perfectionist. I seriously considered something less happy, but I think I mentally care about Azriel having a happy ending way too much.
Madja stared at you in silence. "Where and how?" The healer finally said before pulling any books she could. "Y/n, where and how?"
She had confirmed your fear as you began to pick at the loose skin on your nails. "My father had written for me," you went into the story, the old healer looking at you every so often as she flipped through page after page.
The conclusion was the same. Illryian Fever. You had heard of it wiping whole camps clean. Incurable, deadly, and incredibly painful for the affected. "You cannot go home. You could pass this to Nyx, Rhys, Azriel, or Cassian if they get too close to you." You nodded. "I will keep looking, y/n, but I have to go tell the High Lord which camp it was spreading through and that you have it."
Your trip home had taken much longer than you and Azriel had believed it would. He crossed his arms over his chest as Madja sat across from Rhys. The healer's face was pale. Her hands shaking with nerves. "Not that I am unhappy to see you, old friend, but why are you here?" Rhys leaned back a brow raised.
They heard her throat clear before a pregnant pause came. "Illyrian fever struck the Snowfall Camp. At least 50 are dead, countless are infected." Azriel's heart froze, and Cassian looked at him.
Rhys swallowed thickly. "Why do you have this information before I do?" He prayed to the Mother that the answer they all knew was coming wouldn't be said. "Surely, if it was spreading, I would know by now."
Madja rose a brow at Rhysand before taking his hand in hers. "You know the answer to that question, High Lord. She's in the Halls of Healing. I will not allow her to come out here. I will not allow visitors until a shield is in place." Rhys closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. "I need anything you can get me regarding similar strands of illnesses if there will be a small chance of saving her."
Azriel felt Cassian grab him as his knees gave out. He felt his brother lowering him to the floor. He couldn't hear Rhys and Madja trying to talk to him. Every sound was muffled as if he was underwater, his heart rate was skyrocketing, his eyes wide with panic. The sound of his heartbeat increasing became a pounding drum. The noise was all he could focus on until your soft voice came into his mind.
Just a week, my love. Father said Luka, and he had simple colds. I will be right back to you. He rewatched the moment now, replaying the subtle things in your body language. The distant look in your eyes, the way you kissed him harder than you had for any other previous goodbye.
You knew, he realized, you knew, and you lied.
After countless hours spent hunched over books and chasing away sleep, Rhys had found a way for them to all see you. He kept a shield between you all, clutching Nyx tightly to him as he tried to reach you and cried for his favorite aunt.
It had been a week with no news regarding a cure, and your body was clearly tired of fighting. You had stopped eating 2 days ago, spending hours now in the throes of sleepless dreams and fevered nightmares. He had brought the heir to say goodbye, knowing from Madja's predictions, the progression, and years of experience you had until morning unless a miracle came.
Feyre was in the room with you. Holding your hand as she sobbed heavily into the bed. She could not pass the disease unless she made the choice to shift, and the wall Rhys was offering was too much for her. She needed to hold your hand to feel your soft palms one last time. But, it was too much for him as well. The sight of you like this was eating away at him. "Feyre, darling, please." She nodded, with one last kiss goodbye placed on your forehead.
Cassian and Nesta came next. Lady Death was held back by her husband, his hand resting on her swollen stomach. He took in your peaceful face, the countless medications being pumped into you to keep you comfortable. Ness unleashed a heartbreaking cry after they had spent almost an hour talking to you, hoping your mind wasn't lost enough that it could hear them still. Cassian took that as the cue, gently ushering his wife out of the room and into the large area Madja had set up for the Inner Circle to wait in.
It went on like that until they had all visited you. Elain and Lucien, then Mor, then Amren. Eris had even come, warming your room and sheets more as he watched you shiver. He walked back into the room, kissing Elain's temple to greet his sister in law before placing a supportive hand on Azriel's shoulder.
It was not every day someone felt the mating bond fading. Numbness had taken over the spymaster, along with anger, as he found letters confirming you knew what you were possibly walking into. But you had done it for your father. Your brother.
You had done it because they had no one else. Your mother was long gone, and your sisters married off to other camps. He did not rank high enough to garner attention from healers, your half brother was merely a child, and it would have been seen as survival of the fittest.
You had risked your life to ensure their last moments were comfortable, and now Azriel would pay that price.
"Azriel," Madja said softly, "if you want to say goodbye, you need to now." Eris and Lucien all but dragged the male to your room when he refused to move, shutting the door behind him and waiting in the hall.
Azriel felt ill as he took you in. This wasn't you. The sickly pale skin, the hallow cheeks, the lack of laughter and light. He felt a knot forming in his throat as he mindless stepped as close to you as he could before the shock of the barrier hit him.
He couldn't even hold your hand in your last moments. He sat in the chair slowly. "Why didn't you tell me?" His voice finally broke the heaviness of the room. "Why did you lie to me?" He felt tears damping his lashes before falling. "You are my mate, y/n. Why did you lie to me about this?"
He watched you, knowing he wouldn't get a response. "I'm fucking angry. I have to spent your last moments angry with you because of a choice you made. We could have sent healers, love," his voice cracked. "We could have sent anyone but you."
Azriel was openly weeping now. "You promised me forever, y/n. You promised me years of love, joy, and unconditional happiness." He knew you had not broken the latter of the 3. You had given Azriel countless memories. Countless moments of laughter, of warmth and love.
You had melted that icy part deep down in his soul that was slowly resolidifying as he accepted the loss and anger he felt. "You promised me forever, and you shit on it. You shit on me, on my feelings, our marriage, our bond." The coldness grew with each word. "Did you even actually love me, or was that a lie too?"
He knew deep down it wasn't and watched as your finger, the one with your wedding ring, twitched. Rhys entered the room calmly behind him. "She can fucking hear you, Azriel. She's awake," he chastised. "Do not let your last moments with her be moments of anger and self sabot-" Rhys froze, his eyes flicking to the doorway. Hope filled Rhysand's features. "Hold on, y/n. Just please keep fighting, sis."
Madja and Helion, followed by Thesan, ran into the room. Rhys pulled Azriel back and away, making room for the three of them to work. "Mother, fuck," Helion said softly as he took your hand. "This better work fast, Thesan."
The Lord of Dawn rolled his eyes. "I didn't exactly have countless illyrians lining up to test it, Helion. Especially not ones in this advanced of a condition." Azriel flinched as Thesan shoved something into the vein of your hand. A soft whimper of pain fell from your throat. "I know, lovely. I'm sorry. This might be very uncomfortable." He set a bag of clear glowing liquid on the rack. "Who's blood?"
"Mine," Helion immediately offered. "I don't want to risk you taking it home to your winged legion from potential blood contact."
Thesan's jaw twitched. "I don't know if you can handle another one, Hel."
"Use me." A calm cool voice said from the doorway. "I owe him a life debt. Use me." Thesan nodded, motioning for the owner of the voice to move closer.
Eris stepped forward and through the shield, taking the seat Helion had moved closer to you. The heir held your hand gently as Thesan tapped into his vein. "You might be here awhile, Eris." The heir nodded. "I also cannot promise you doing this will save her, but it's her best shot until Tarquin, Tamlin, or Kallias can get here. It works best with a high lord's blood."
Your breathing had evened out, and Azriel watched in silence as Thesan hooked one more needle to your opposite arm from Eris and into a different container. He back away along with Helion, watching as Eris's blood slowly began to travel the tubes and into you, and your own began to leave.
"There's a similar illness in the Peregryn and the Seraphim," Thesan began slowly. "Drakon and I figured this out many years ago. The contagion cannot survive high fae blood for some reason. We had figured Rhysand's father would have done the same, but it appears not considering the situation."
Rhys scoffed slightly. "You two give my father far too much credit on anything. Velaris is the best thing he created, with the exception of myself of course." The joke broke the tension. "How long until she's not contagious."
Helion motioned towards the bag. "The second that started pumping into her, she stopped. That is water from the fountain Amarantha tried to destroy under the mountain. It's sacred and all healing. We were hoping with how poorly she was doing it would prevent anything from progressing further."
Azriel felt the shield drop and ran to your open side. Taking a cold hand in his, feeling the weight of your ring. "This was successful in the camps. I apologize it took us so long to get here. Finding Illyrians willing to help us help them instead of accept death was-" Helion just shrugged, looking at Rhys. "You all are too stubborn for your own good. Eris, what do you want for food? You'll need it."
Rhys held his hand up. "I know where he likes to eat here. I will send you two food. I'm going to get everyone else out for a break, though. And to explain what's happening." He motioned for Thesan and Helion to come with him, squeezing Azriel's shoulder and shooting Eris one last look before shutting the door.
Silence fell between the two of them, both of their eyes locked on you. "If this saves her, you need to grovel and apologize immediately." Eris would not look at him. "I would have never said to my mate what you said to her on their deathbed."
Azriel nodded. "Why are you doing this?"
Eris finally looked up at him, before looking at you. "You came and saved me from that bitch of a queen and the deathless God, Azriel. She nursed me back to health and healed me after countless beating from my father. You are my friends, even if you do not acknowledge that. I care about you, Az." Eris paused, his eyes focused on the fire, starting it back up into a gentle blaze to heat the room again. "Besides, I quite enjoy your wife. She is wonderful. Even if you are a moody brute."
Azriel laughed lightly. Allowing silence to fall between the two of them again. His shadows appeared some time later with two books from thin air, taking one to Eris and dropping one in Azriel's lap. They then pushed side tables to the two males as Rhys sent them food.
Eris guffawed in awe as Azriel's shadows began to cut their steaks. "Is this your way of saying thank you, shadowsinger?" Azriel nodded. Opening his mouth while staring at Eris to allow his companions to feed him. "You're welcome, Azriel. She looks better already." And you did. Color had slightly returned to your face. Your lashes occasionally fluttered against your cheeks.
They welcomed in quiet again, finishing their meals and desserts before a soft knock came on the door almost an hour later. A shadow opened it, and Eris's face almost fell before he chuckled through his breath. "You are not the one I was expecting."
The scent of rain and fresh cut grass hit Azriel. Had this been a different circumstance, Azriel would have shielded you, protectrd you, but he knew there was only one way this male got in, and that sacrifice from Rhysand shocked him.
"My schedule clears easily these days." Tamlin placed a hand on Azriel's shoulder. "You look like shit, Azriel." The shadowsinger watched Thesan appear and began to unhook Eris.
The heir moved to the chair by Azriel, drinking the water a shadow had handed to him as the small puncture wound instantly healed. They watched as Thesan hooked Tamlin up to you. They watched as Tamlin's blood seemed to instantly make a huge difference. You had stopped shivering completely. Your body relaxed. You were even breathing deeper.
Thesan observed for a while. Watching as Rhys then sent Tamlin food, causing the two high lords to laugh. "Tarquin will be here by morning, and Kal will be here tomorrow afternoon. The Inner Circle is each going to take turns after you, with the exception of Rhysand. Feyre will sit in his place. Then Tarquin, Kal, then Helion and myself. I think it will take all of us since she was so advanced into the illness."
Tamlin nodded. "I apologize I was not here sooner."
Thesan shook his head. "Eris was more than enough to get her off the brink. Now, all you have to do is sit and stabilize her, and from there, we will heal her."
Thesan crossed his arms in front of his body, brows raised as he nodded to the plate in front of Tamlin. "I was informed not to leave until you ate a bite." Tamlin laughed as shadows copied their previous motions, cutting his steak like they had for Eris before holding a bite to his face.
Eris had fallen asleep, his head resting on Azriel's shoulder. Thesan grabbed a blanket, pulling it over the heir, and Azriel wrapped a wing around him on instinct as well.
"She's going to recover, Azriel," Thesan said. "Might want to start writing that apology letter. Rhys said her thoughts regarding you were not kind when she called for him. Something about stupid illyrian brutes and over egotistical bastards?"
Tamlin and Azriel laughed. Azriel didn't take his eyes off of you as you shakily raised a single finger to him. "So a fancy date, an apology letter, and a vacation. Noted, my love."
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suiana · 1 year
So need dad and house husband know each other? Does that mean yandere nerd father potential 👀
NO WAY ANON TGATS AN AMAZUNG IDEA and yes, nerd's father and househusband know each other
✎ yandere! government official headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― obsessiveness, possessiveness, baby trapping, dilf etc.
(afab! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! government official who was your high school sweetheart. how could you not fall for him? charming, tall, handsome, smart... he was the whole package! he was perfect. everyone wanted him, even you. and unfortunately, he wanted you too. you caught his eye and you had to pay the price.
✎ yandere! government official who made you feel like you were living the highschool dream. going on romantic dates, cheering for him during his competitions...you really did live the dream life. until your boyfriend messed up.
✎ yandere! government official who accidentally let slip to you about what his future career would be. what? how could he do such a thing?! no way, you had to leave-
✎ yandere! government official who wouldn't let you leave. no, you couldn't leave. YOU WON'T LEAVE. you took his heart and you had to pay the consequences. besides, if you left he would have to kill you for you knew too much. we dont want you dead now do we?
✎ yandere! government official who reveals his obsessive and possessive nature after you found out about his future career. no...it's not that he revealed it, it's that you finally noticed it. you opened your eyes and realised that he wasn't as perfect as you thought he was.
✎ yandere! government official who manipulates everyone close to you as if they were just mere pawns on a chess board. of course everything was fine in your relationship with him! why would anything be wrong?
✎ yandere! government official who graduates with you by his side. his lovely sweetheart...his everything...you'll stay with him, won't you? you don't have a choice, you WILL stay.
✎ yandere! government official who marries you the second he finishes university. honestly, he wanted to marry you right after the two of you graduated high school but his father advised him not to. he was actually really depressed for a period of time because of that haha!
✎ yandere! government official who brings up starting a family. you'll agree, won't you? after all, he needs a successor and he'd rather it be genetically his and yours. and yes, this is yet another way to keep you with him.
✎ yandere! government official who's extra soft and sweet when you're pregnant. it's honestly scary how this...this monster can change personalities so easily.
✎ yandere! government official who laughs at your attempt to teach your child to not turn out like him. oh darling, he should've told you that being insane runs in the family! did you know that his mother also tried to stop him from turning out like his father? look what happened! it really is a vicious cycle that can't be stopped, huh?
✎ yandere! government official who installs cameras all over your mansion, hires the best of guards and always has someone watching you when he's at work. don't try anything funny sweetheart, you wouldn't want to get punished now would you?
✎ yandere! government official who always treats you just like he did in the honeymoon stages of your relationship, just with more insanity, possessiveness and obsession now that you're married to him.
✎ yandere! government official who feels content with his life. his beautiful sweetheart, a cute little child who will succeed him, and obedient house staff. what more could he ask for? oh he can't wait to see the darling his son will bring home!
✎ "sweetheart, I'm home~"
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Ok, so In your response to my last spiel, you mentioned that Alexander will have a zero tolerance policy towards anything that may harm Reader and her the twins, including other wives.
It does make me wonder how Alexander would react to one of the wives (aka Roxanna 👀👀👀) trying to kill our girl. I keep picturing this scenario where it's a banquet, feast or some sort of get together with Alexander, Reader, Roxanna and maybe some of the generals. Long story short, Roxanna hands Reader a cup with a 'special' drink (ie she says promotes health, will help with the pregnancy etc). Reader, being as smart as she is, and knowing Roxanna's history, is automatically suspicious. To see if it's safe she either asks Alexander to 'taste' if for her or insists that Roxanna take the first sip. In either case, it results in Roxanna frantically slapping the cup out of Reader's hand before either she or her husband gets poisoned. At that point, everyone has noticed the commotion, and have realized that Roxanna has just tried to poison the Queen.
My question to you is this: what does Alexander do next? Lets assume reader is pregnant just to make thing extra spicy.
Since requests are open again, perhaps you could do it as a reaction blurb? I'll leave that up to you though. I'm just curious as to what you think would happen next.
Thanks, and hope you feel better ❤️!
❝ 📜— lady l: this was longer than I thought and I don't know if it's good, I liked it, but let me know your opinion, anon! Forgive me for any mistakes, love you! ❤️
❝tw: attempted murder, mention of poison, domestic violence (??), physical punishment and perhaps torture.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝ 📜word count: 1,246.
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It was supposed to be a happy and fun dinner.
Needless to say, that's not what happened.
You were sitting next to Alexander, being shown off as his beloved Queen and heavily pregnant. Everyone was hoping for an male heir and was happy for you, everyone except Roxanna who looked at you as if she wanted to stab you or, in this case, stab you in the stomach.
That scared the shit out of you.
You were already familiar with her story, about what she had done to Stateira and Parysatis, and you were afraid that she might try to do something to you and the baby.
You wouldn't let anything happen, though. Although you weren't excited about the pregnancy news at first, you warmed up to the idea and began to look forward to holding your baby in your arms. And you'd be damned if you let anyone try to take that away from you.
''Are you alright?'' Alexander leaned over and whispered in your ear. You looked at him and smiled, it was still strange calling him your husband, but you were getting used to it.
You gave a weak nod to his question.
Alexander frowned and placed his hands on your swollen belly. It was just a few months until the birth and he was so excited. He did want an heir, but he couldn't help but want to have a girl.
A little princess to love and spoil.
''We need to start choosing names.'' He joked, trying to ease your obvious tension, although he didn't know what was making you tense. Yet.
''I already gave you some choices.''
Alexander grimaced, ''Yes, you did and they are all horrible. What kind of name is Augustus?''
You laughed loudly, attracting attention. Augustus, yes, you had given him that option as a joke. Obviously you weren't going to name your child after the first Roman emperor, but it was fun to play with your husband about historical things.
''It's just a common name where I come from.''
''Hm...'' He half-closed his eyes and you touched his face gently, caressing him. Alexander purred and leaned into your hand.
This earned you a look of compassion and a furious, jealous look from Roxanna. You didn't notice and neither did Alexander, both too busy in your affection for each other.
''I love you.'' He murmured, looking into your eyes intensely.
You smiled at him, ''I love you too.''
''Let's make a toast!'' Nearchus' amused voice sounded and everyone turned to the admiral.
''A toast?'' Cassander asked with a loud voice looking into his cup of wine.
Nearchus laughed loudly and slapped his friend on the back, ''Yes. In honor of our beloved Queen, (Y/N).''
Nearchus didn't notice Roxanna's withering look at him. But you did and the pure hatred you saw in those dark eyes gave you goosebumps.
You knew that look and you knew nothing good was coming.
Everyone raised their cups, even your husband's second wife. You were the only one drinking water, even Hephaestion was drinking wine, and he was loose and happy. And that made you happy, you liked him and he was one of his closest friends and you hated seeing how haggard he seemed lately.
''I dedicate this toast in the name of our beloved (Y/N). Our Queen, sometimes soldier and friend.'' Everyone laughed as they remembered what you had done in the Indian Campaign, ''And the child she carries in her womb. May it come healthy and, regardless of gender, we will love and protect this child. To (Y/N) and the baby!''
''To (Y/N) and the baby!'' Everyone repeated and drank the wine in your honor, you laughed, feeling loved and took a sip of water.
You took a piece of bread and bit into it, satisfying your hunger. Roxanna looked at you and smiled. She took a clay jug and poured the thick, dark liquid into a cup and handed it to you.
You raised your eyebrows in doubt as you picked up the cup.
''It's for you. My doctor told me that it helps with pregnancy and helps the health of the baby and the mother.'' Roxanna explained, biting into a piece of bread.
You mentally scoffed. She didn't think you were that stupid, did she? It was insulting that she thought she could poison you in such a blatant way.
You decided to act quickly, ''Why don't you take a sip first?''
She furrowed her dark eyebrows, ''Excuse me?''
''It's a custom among my people that the person who gave you a cup must taste it first.'' You explained, handing her the cup.
Roxanna looked at the cup in your hands with hatred.
''Take it'' You encouraged her, ''or is there some reason why you don't want to drink it?''
Alexander turned his eyes to you and Roxanna, before he could ask what was going on, Roxanna slapped your hand, making you drop the strange liquid on the table.
The noisy room fell silent in a matter of seconds as Alexander stood up from his chair and fixed his eyes on Roxanna.
''What do you think you're doing?'' Alexander's voice was so cold, so lethal that you stiffened. He ignored you, focusing entirely on his second wife.
Hephaestion, who was sitting on Alexander's left side, stood up and touched the thick liquid on the table. He grimaced as the liquid stuck to his finger.
''That's...'' Perdiccas started to speak but couldn't finish.
''Poison?'' Ptolemy finished for his friend.
''How dare you?!'' Cassander growled, also standing up and glaring furiously at Roxanna. He never liked her, he wasn't oblivious to the hateful looks that Alexander's barbaric wife sent to you, to his friend. And now she tried to poison you.
Cleitus was still sitting, watching everything with a stony expression, but his hand was on the dagger stuck in his chiton. He was prepared to act, one word from you and Roxanna would be eliminated from the world.
Alexander still didn't take his eyes off Roxanna, but he spoke to you, ''Go to our room. I'll be there in a few minutes.''
You wisely decided not to disobey.
You stood up carefully and quickly looked around, watching all your friends, your husband, stare at Roxanna who looked terrified. You should have felt bad for her, but you didn't.
Not when she threatened the life of your unborn baby.
Once you were out of sight, Alexander addressed one of the guards stationed at the entrance to the hall, ''Take the whip.''
Roxanna's small body shook in fear at her husband's words. Her shaking legs gave way and she fell to her knees on the floor, feeling hot tears fall onto the dress she was wearing.
Alexander did not feel sorry. And neither do the others. She had brought this on herself.
Actions have consequences and punishments must be applied. And Alexander would not tolerate anyone threatening your life or that of his unborn child.
Alexander felt satisfaction fill his body as the guard brought out the whip and positioned himself behind a desperate Roxanna's back. He watched with satisfaction as the whip hit her sensitive skin and felt satisfaction when he heard her screams of pain.
Roxanna was to blame for her own pain and the scars that were forever marked on her skin were true proof of that.
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gobblinggojo · 11 months
hey pookie bear i was sent here to request somethin so👀
yk what about some cute lil dad! yuta head canons or a lil story? he’s just so 😩 and i need more.
puh lease and fank yew 🙏
listennnn, i LOVE writing anime guys as dads, i don’t know what it is about it but it’s just so, so cute!
Dad! Yuta Okkotsu Headcanons
warnings: fluff, dad yuta, reader’s pronouns are not specified, slight Nsfw, some cursing, reader and yuta are specified to be married
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when yuta okkotsu had first meet you while attending jujutsu high, he honestly never once saw that, in years time, the two of you would be married and would have two beautiful baby boy’s together.
but, it happened!
when you and yuta first found out that you were expecting when you were only but nineteen years old, he was both over and moon and a nervous wreck.
a baby? at nineteen!
this couldn’t be right, the two of you were just babies yourselves!
but, alas, it seemed as though no matter how safe yuta had tried to fuck you, it all came in vein.
your oldest baby boy, yukki, was born on may seventeenth. he was the spitting image of yuta; tuffs of black hair atop of his little head, and gorgeous black eyes.
yuta fell in love the moment that little baby was placed in his hands.
“he’s so beautiful, y/n.”
he spoke through tears, bottom lip quivering as he cradled yukki’s little chubby body close to his chest.
when you and yuta were granted permission to leave the hospital with your little bundle of joy, the nerves came back.
yuta was scared; he didn’t want to leave the hospital. it was so safe there, he could easily know when something was wrong with yukki.
but, you reassured him that the two of you would figure this out together.
“it’s okay yuta, we’ve got this.”
while yukki was growing up, yuta spent days getting up out of bed, even after spending late hours out exorcising curses, just to make sure your baby boy was okay in his crib.
you can’t count how many times you’d wake up in the mornings to an empty bed, only to find yuta fast asleep in the little rocking chair in yukki’s room, yukki clung tightly to his chest.
it wasn’t until yukki was two did you and yuta decide to try for another baby.
you didn’t have to try much, considering yuta almost always fucked you so good you were certain that if he wasn’t wearing protection you’d end up pregnant.
after the first couple of times trying, you ended up pregnant once again.
both you and yuta wanted a little girl to balance out the household.
when you asked yukki what he wanted his baby sibling to be, he simply looked up at you and yuta, black eyes wide and tongue sticking out as he blew a raspberry in your face.
“no baby mama!”
yukki was adamant on not wanting another baby in the house.
he was the baby!
yuta cant count how many times he had to calm yukki from throwing a tantrum in the store whenever the two of you would pick something up for the new baby.
“no baby mama!”
“no baby papa! ‘ut it back!”
the moment yuta heard the word “no” coming from yukki’s lips, he was immediately cradling the toddler to his chest, shushing in in embarrassment as you quickly paid for whatever it was that you two were buying.
your second baby boy, osamu, was born on december ninth. he was also the spitting image of yuta, looking just like yukki when he was born. black hair and all.
when yukki, who was being watched by inumaki while you and yuta were in the hospital, was brought to meet osamu, he was all over him!
it warmed yuta’s heart, watching as yukki laid on the bed beside you, gently cradling his baby brothers head in his arms.
“baby…” he whispered, black eyes wide as he gently patted osamu’s little face with his sticky little hands.
you giggled, “yes, baby..be gentle.”
yuta couldn’t stop the grin from growing on his face as he watched you and your guys’ boys sitting on the bed, just cradling one another.
it’s safe to safe that yuta is an amazing dad.
he makes sure to attend every doctors appointment your child has, and makes sure to memorize each of their allergies.
he never forces osamu or yukki into doing things that they don’t want to do.
he’s a firm believer in gentle parenting. not once has yuta ever smacked at your children or screamed at them.
he spends hours watching awful disney movies with both of the boys. he doesn’t care if they’re bad, as long as the boys are enjoying it.
good luck on ever getting laid again, because yuta can never say no to yukki and osamu. if one or the other wants to lay in bed with you guys for the night, then yuta’s allowing it.
he sleeps with a hand wrapped tightly around you and the boys, squishing all of you impossibly close on the queen-sized bed.
yuta never would’ve thought that he’d ever have to chase after two feral toddlers ever in his life. but anytime you guys go to the park—it’s awful.
“yukki don’t run over there!”
“osamu, quit touching that!”
“yukki don’t grab that bird!”
“osamu quit biting other people!”
cue yukki and osamu running through the parking lot, yuta chasing after them and yelling at them to knock it off.
when the boys get older, they find joy in making your husband run himself rampant.
you have to get onto them so many times, because bless yuta’s heart, it’s so hard on him!
osamu loves to mess with his dad; he loves to prank him, and worry him sick!
yukki loves to scare his dad, he loves popping up out of random places and just yelling, practically giving yuta a heart attack.
“yukki and osamu! quit that! you’re gonna make your dad have a heart attack!”
they apologize, but always go back to messing with him.
yuta’s honestly an amazing father. he loves you, and he loves his boys so much.
he does so much for both you and the boys, and he absolutely adores watching them grow up side-by-side.
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ohdeersthings · 1 year
Beautiful Sounds
Neteyam x Metkayina!Deaf!FReader
Summary: Neteyam finds a way
Warnings: Fluffffffff for daayyys, angst 👀 we are caught up in our feelings, not proof read
A big thank you to @iikatsukii for this idea! I hope you like it, I tried my best 😭😂
Part 2 to this little beauty:
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Neteyam thought he could never love anything so much until he met you. Learning your clans ways brought new insights to how the world can be so different but still beautiful. You were an example of that.
Even though you couldn't hear, you learned how to dance with elegance from the vibrations in the sand, he saw the patience you had with children, taking the time to guide them and understand what they needed, sometimes better than their own parents.
What really took his heart was how you found the simple joys of everyday life. The look of bliss on your face when the ocean sprays you with its salty mist, the contempt in your eyes as you looked at your family and friends. The love you expressed through your hands and body when you hugged or kissed him.
He thought you deserved to hear more than anyone, which is why after two months of communicating and deliberation with Norm and Max, they finally made the first set of hearing implants for Na'vi. A beautiful aqua to match your skin tone, and water proof so you could hear underwater as well.
As Neteyam watched from the shoreline as you raced your sister on Ilus, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He's practiced so hard with you and the others with sign language and yet he still continued to mess up sometimes. You never got angry or upset, just flashed your beautiful smile and repeated what he was trying to sign so he could practice again.
He'd especially been practicing for something special to you when the time came right, of course getting past Tonowari and Ronal wouldn't be easy. Taking one last glance at your figure, he turned and headed for the Marui pod that he knew your family resided in.
Ronal hissed and threw a shell at Neteyam which he ducked out of the way of, "You dare ask me such a question! That demon device will ruin her!" Tonowari just shook his head at his mate, she was nearing the end of her pregnancy and was very cranky.
"It'll help her hear! She can finally here all of you and everything around her!" Neteyam raised his hands in the air, trying to calm the angry pregnant woman. "Ronal, maybe she should give it a chance," Tonowari reasoned, Ronal growling lowly.
"You want to change her? You asked us mere days ago to mate and now you want this!? I pray to Great Mother to have the strength to not bury you alive! Skxawng!"
"No I don't want to change her! I want her to experience things that I know she longs for," Tonowari placed his hand on Ronal's shoulders giving her a look to calm down. Ronal did so, but not happily.
Both turned towards the young man, which he took as a continuation, "I promise, I love everything about her. The way she looks at the horizon with longing, wanting to go there and explore. The way (Y/n) wants to join in on everything everyone is doing but knows she can't hear everything, you may not have seen it, but I can. I hate that she cannot experience the wonderful sounds of the world, but if I could help her make one thing...The thing I know she may long for the most happen, I would crawl through viper thorns to do so, so please, let me try this," he begged at this point, taking a knee before the leaders of the clan.
Glancing at eachother, Tonowari spoke for both, "Very well, if she wants to try it, you have our blessing," Neteyam grinned, thanking them as he ran out the Marui pod to find you.
"You know he would never hurt her, Ronal?" Tonowari smiled at his mate gently, who rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Maybe Eywa will give me strength to not bury you, Tonowari,"
You huffed air laughing as Neteyam grabbed your hand, dragging you through the trees that surrounded the island.
Tapping his hand, he turned to you so he could watch, 'Where are we going?'
'Somewhere private' he replied, your smile wide as you let him carry on guiding you.
Coming to a beach front, your eyes saw a wonderful sight of a hand weaved blanket on the beach with some delicious fruit you adored. The sun was almost the horizon, the beauitful shades of orange and pink beginning to shine on the clouds and sky.
He led you down and helped sit you on the blanket, his eyes holding nothing but love for you. You returned the gaze, hand caressing his face as he lightly pecked your lips.
"I have something, for you," he gestured, you nodding, eyes staring at his figure so you wouldn't miss anything.
Pulling out a blue box from his hip bag, he opened it to reveal two small, weird looking devices. Your eyebrow furrowed, glancing up at him confused. Was this a forest thing? Why did it look like something sky demons made?
"Oh right, um," Neteyam mumbled to himself, licking his lips as he put the box down, hands moving slowly as he thought each sign out.
"These," points to the box, "help you, hear," he tried to keep it short and to the point. Yet this only confused you more.
"I cannot hear, how can these help me?" Your hands were moving quickly, 'I don't understand-' he took your hands into his, holding them close to his chest to try and regain your attention, your eyes narrowed with unease and confusion.
He let go slowly, his hands moving the same time as his lips, "These go in here," he gestured to your ear, "and when turned on, they let you hear," you slowly nodded, Neteyam picking up the box and holding it to you, the sunset reflecting of your eyes as you nodded to him.
Closing your eyes as you felt his hand gently place the small things in your ears, the other holding your cheek in reassurance.
He pressed on something, a small high pitched noise filled your ears which made your eyes shoot open. You looked around frantically, hands covering your ears and the devices from the shock of hearing something for the first time.
Neteyam placed his hands over yours, holding your head as your eyes turned to him with fear. He breathed in and out, eyes trained on yours as you began to copy him, slowly relaxing.
You both moved your hands, your ears twitching as you heard something else. A soft roaring and crashing sound that made you look to the water, eyes filling with tears as you signed, "waves?" His face lighting up and nodding, taking your hand as he helped you up.
You stared out into the giant mass of blue, the sound of the waves flooding every sense you had. The distant calls of birds and animals soon followed, all overwhelming but yet so majestic in your eyes.
Your hands came to cover your mouth and muffle your sobs as you began to cry. The world sounded different than you had ever thought, it sounded better.
Neteyam wrapped his arm around your shoulder to comfort you. Your shoulders slowly stopped shaking as you gazed up at him.
"(Y/n)" he whispered, your face morphing into one of disbelief. He sounded as gorgeous as he looked.
You tapped his lips, a grin on your face as you turned your body to face him completely now. "You can hear me?" He asked, your smile wide as you nodded. "There's something I want to ask you. I thought I would ask like this, but I want to ask you in your own way," he gently caressed your face as you nodded, feeling a small rush of adrenaline from all the excitement.
You never thought he would go through all this trouble for you, this just showing you how much he truly cared.
He held your hands, giving them a squeeze before taking a step back to see your whole body. Also incase he had to run from rejection.
'You are so beautiful,' he started, your eyes narrowing in curiosity, wondering where he was going with this. You were very flattered though as you shyly shuffled.
'When I look at you, I think of home' he started fumbling a little bit, but you smiled at him which gave him strength to keep going. "I want to spend the rest of my life, with you,'
Your mind suddenly went blank, realizing what he was asking, 'Will you be my mate?' He finished with a shy smile, but you were only staring at him with a blank expression.
A cold shiver ran down his spine, you weren't saying or doing anything. Just starting at him.
"(Y/n)?" He asked softly, taking a step forward to grab your fingers, but you jerked back suddenly, your ears flattened as you turned and ran.
Neteyam could only stare heartbroken as you disappeared from view, the sun now down below the horizon.
'You did what!?' Tsireya signed, but you didn't see it as you were hiding your face in your hands in shame. Tsireya tapped you, your glossy eyes looking at her disbelief ones. 'You left him without an answer? I thought you loved Neteyam!' 'I do!' You began, teeth gritting together, 'why would he want me?' You sobbed, tears begging to flow passed your waterline, Tsireya looking at you in empathy. 'I cannot hear, I cannot talk well, I only babble like newborn baby,' you began to hiccup, 'He gave me these to help me hear, I wish to talk to him like he can with me, but my voice is ugly,'
Tsireya grabbed your shoulders, her look fierce as she shook her head, "No! Your voice is beautiful and unique!" She knew you didn't take the sky peoples devices out, so you could hear her.
And hear her you would.
"Neteyam begged mother and father for weeks before they agreed! He planned these hearing devices for months. He loves you, all of you!" Tsireya exclaimed, your whimpers making her hug you close. "If you wish to speak to him, we will help you," Tsireya declared, her heart breaking for her older sister.
(Y/n) spent her whole life looking after others, even with the loss of hearing. Tsireya felt a few tears slip through her own eyelashes as she's never seen you this upset before. You were always smiling for everyone, the first one out and the last one in. You never told anyone how you truly felt.
Tsireya promised to Eywa she would make it right.
You avoided Neteyam for days, diving out of sight when you caught a glimpse of the oldest Sully sibling, your heart filled with guilt. You never meant to hurt him, but how could you face him before you were ready.
The Sully siblings, aside from Neteyam, knew what you were doing and tried their best to help both sides, but they still felt bad for their oldest brother.
Your own siblings helped you morning and night in getting your words more precise and clean, the pronunciation being the hardest as you technically never had to speak Na'vi or English before.
You sat in that beach shore cove Neteyam had brought you to only days prior, your eyes clenched in frustration as you tried again.
"oil ngatee kameee," the simple phrase of 'I see you' fell from your lips as you groaned in your throat. You were never going to get it, they sounded slurred together and it was hard to understand.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and tried again, "oel ngati kameie," this time it sounded better, but you really had to think and enunciate with your lips.
Head falling into your hands, you felt a few tears slip out. Why did Neteyam choose you? There are better girls, ones who weren't at a disadvantage like you were.
Standing up, you turned to see Neteyam right behind you.
You gasped inwardly, taking a few steps back. Neteyam only stared at you with a inquiring look, but you could see the hurt in his eyes too.
'I'm sorry,' you signed, looking down so your bohemian knotless braids covered your face. You couldn't face him. 'I'll leave now,' you made to scurry past him when he grabbed your hand, your breath hitching as you were frozen in place.
He carefully walked around to face you, his face looking solem at your stiff body. 'Why?' He questioned, you feeling tears staring to build up. 'Many girls better than me,' you answered, his shocked expression taking you off guard. 'No one is better than you, I only want you, now and forever,' he signed passionately, your tears streaming down your face as you shook your head.
'I sound like a baby, I cannot talk like an adult,' you desperately tried to get him to see, but he only shook his head at you.
'I have never heard your voice, but your quiet huff bring music to my ears. My heart yearns for yours so that they may beat together. Make their own sound, together. As one," Neteyam emphasized, never seeing you look so down heartened as you did right now.
Lo'ak had finally cracked and told him that you'd been practicing your voice and speech so that you could be better. Better for him. When all Neteyam wanted was you. He was so lost these last few days, never seeing you and his thoughts running wild on why you rejected him.
'Please, I stand here with my heart for you. I only want you, (Y/n)," he whispered, pressing his forehead to yours, his eyes closed in pain as he wished you could see yourself how he does.
"Neteyam," you whispered, his eyes shooting open as your lips twitched. "Yes," you said answered, his face changing rapidly between emotions.
"Y-yes? Yes you'll be my mate?!" He exclaimed, his eyes turning glossy as he realized you'd just spoken to him. You laughed and nodded, Neteyam cackling as he picked you up and spun you around.
"She said yes!" He yelled out, both of you now laughing like idiots as he fell back, both of you landing in the sand.
You rolled over, lips connecting with his with urgency as he gave it right back. Both of you in each other's embrace, fitting perfect together like a puzzle.
'I love you,(Y/n)' he signed, eyes filled with adoration cause you to smile back shyly, "I love you, Neteyam,"
Even though Neteyam had given you the blessing of being able to hear, the most beauitful sound you'd ever heard was his voice.
You couldn't wait to listen to it for the rest of your life.
@eywas-heir @jimfiqs @minkyungseokie
@bealone-prm @thecrazyswamp
@he110hon @urforevermore
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peachesofteal · 9 months
I’ll be honest, I’m looking forward to the darker scenarios 👀
Darling unable to get away, having to stay because she knows she can’t survive on her own, let alone with a little baby that’s entirely dependent on her.
Simon, possessive and controlling to keep Darling with them, their family together. He’s already gone too far with messing with the BC, so I’m betting he’s willing to go further at this point.
Johnny, helpless to it all, but trying to keep the peace, keep Darling healthy so she can deliver a healthy baby safely. What else can he do without losing both Simon and his pregnant Darling?
I’m specifically imagining after Darling confronts them, trying to run out the front door, but Simon physically stops her, will not let her leave until she listens to him, agrees this is for the best, that she belongs to and with them.
Sorry for the long ask, just have so many thoughts on this AU and am looking forward to seeing where you take it 😵‍💫
There are so many juicy little bits to the baby trap au here, but let's talk about Johnny for a sec:
I like to imagine Johnny not being helpless, but definitely second to Simon in all of this. It was his idea, his dream, and he did agree. It was a decision they made together, but I think now he's really trying to tow the line in order to keep everyone together. It's a strain for sure, but he did this to himself, he's not innocent. He knows it. He likes it. The guys, both of them, love how you've always depended on them and this is no different in baby trap.
18+ MDNI / baby trap au / dark and twisty themes / reader is a prisoner so please read with caution
His fingers reach for yours involuntarily, the muscles in his face working against the wince that is pulling at his lips when you snatch your hand away like he's burned you. "Please, darling, will you at least-"
"No." You hiss, pushing the plate away from where you sit. Your arms cross in front of your chest, and you do that thing again, the thing you've been doing recently that's driving him mad, where you close your eyes and pretend he doesn't exist.
"I know ye must be hungry, love." He moves the plate back, palm cupping your knee softly. You don't jerk away, but it's more because you're still acting like he's not there, instead of shying away as you're prone to do.
He sighs.
"Well, I guess I can eat this then. Or we can dump it." He takes your fork and spears a piece of pancake, mopping it around in the syrup that you like so much, before lifting it to his lips. "Be such a shame, to waste it all, but Si won't be home for another hour yet, and I ate before ye woke up." He's not lying, it would be. He made you pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Sourdough toast, your favorite, and a peanut butter smoothie. There's also orange juice, and chocolate almond milk, another thing you've been craving non stop.
You crack an eyelid. Just a little, enough to survey the meal again. He knows, knows, that you're hungry. You hardly touched your dinner, and then suffered a breakdown, where you locked yourself in the bathroom and cried for hours until Simon had enough and picked the lock after you had started sobbing out loud about how you wanted to die.
It had taken hours to settle you, Simon with a hand steady on your nape, Johnny with his arms around you as you cried yourself to sleep in the guest bed.
He chews his bite, thoughtfully, albeit a little loudly, before clearing his throat. "It's a nice day today. Want to go for a walk? We could go to the park, or walk down to the cafe you like." Both of your eyes blink open now, narrowed, but still staring at breakfast, and he puts the fork on the rim of the plate with a clink, motioning to the pancakes. "They're a bit fluffy." He comments, and you scowl. He holds his snicker as you reach for it, pulling everything in front of you, stabbing into a large bite and lifting it into your mouth. "Good girl." He whispers, and you shift uncomfortably in your seat, teeth worrying at your bottom lip. "Take another bite." He urges in a soft voice, but you shake your head.
"My stomach hurts." you whisper to your knees, and he swallows the lump in his throat. It's been so hard on you, the pregnancy, the changes in everything, everything that's happened after you found that stupid piece of foil. You had always struggled with eating, your own emotions sabotaging you, twisting you up into knots, but now it was even worse. And you needed to eat, now more than ever. For yourself, and the baby. The doctor had assured them that your appetite fluctuations were okay for now, but they needed to keep a close eye on it.
"What about some of the eggs?" He nods to the glass to your left, the tall one with the smoothie in it. "Or some of that?" Your nose wrinkles.
"I don't want it."
"You love peanut butter smoothies, they're your favorite."
"I want mango." You huff. Mango? Since when? You rub your belly thoughtfully and look at him with big, sad eyes. "I'm really craving mango. Can I have a mango smoothie? With vanilla ice cream in it? Please?" There's a glimmer of something, in your eyes, something sad, and longing... but familiar, and he swallows against the worry that rises in his gut. It's going to be okay. You're going to be alright. They're taking care of you. They won't let anything happen to you.
He shoots Simon a quick text, telling him to pick up fresh mango and vanilla ice cream on his way home, and then he glances back at you.
"Si will bring the ingredients home, okay?" You nod, still palming your belly, fingers tapping across your skin. You groan a little when you get to your feet, body sore from the less than luxurious guest bed that you've been insistent on sleeping in, and walk away to sink into the couch. "What're ye doing?" You burrow yourself into the cushions pulling the blankets up over your chin and closing your eyes, back to pretending that he doesn't exist, except to give your answer.
"Waiting for my smoothie. You'll bring it to me?" You peek over the mound of pillows, eyes still wide and sad, but there's something else there, something he can't name, and he nods automatically.
"Of course, darling."
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shaylogic · 3 days
DBDA Season 2 Wishlist Part 2:
Seeing the inside of Charles' Bag of Tricks and learning more about the mechanics of it
Charles running into one/some of the bullies that killed him. They're much older now. Maybe he has realizations about them like Edwin did with Simon. Or maybe they're still scum attacking people, and Charles poltergeist-haunts their asses
Finding out more about how Edwin learned all these languages, magic tools, and supernatural creatures lore. Did he pick it up in Hell or after he got back from it?
On that note, what exactly went down with him in Hell? "--traded to a demon who traded me to another demon who traded me to something WORSE than a demon!"
Crystal family/ancestor tree realm and powers. I'd love to learn more about each woman at the table, like Avatar past reincarnation life flashbacks
Niko new character love interest?
Mission to help Tragic Mick. Maybe we get to see Sedna?! Crystal could potentially make that happen, since she addressed Lilith and the Forest Spirit.
The Dandelion Sprites/"gods"? become cursed to be mortals and now they have to figure out how to navigate the world as attention-seeking assholes. Maybe they work with Crystal's parents lol
Crystal and Charles really make a go at dating to see if those feelings can really go anywhere, but there ends up being quite a bit of conflict and difficulty. Still, we get lots of nice ship moments in the early half of the season.
Edwin has started accepting and leaning into modern gay culture and tries chatting up guys to distract himself from Charles and Crystal (trying to be a good friend to Charles, especially).
If they can get the copyright permission, please gods give us Edwin and Niko watching Heartstopper together. Charles happens to witness a bi Nick scene when he's walking through.
More Niko & Charles friendship development. They didn't get enough moments together in season 1.
More ghost possession! The Night Nurse is already well aware of them, so they're not alerting her. But of course she would not allow it.
Night Nurse refuses to be a secretary and forces the boys to do paperwork after every case. They've got homework now.
Also, in s1e1, there's a pregnant pause between Edwin and Charles talking about the dangers of possession. There's a story there, and I need to know it in season 2. What did Edwin do? Who'd he try to possess?
More clear explanation to the audience of how touch works between humans/ghosts and ghosts/ghosts on various planes (earth vs hell for example, so we can go back to scream and cry at s. 1)
Crystal and Niko girls' day sightseeing in England!
Now we're in London, we're back on the boys' turf. Where are their main hangouts, contacts, and magic shops? Do they have any place special to the two of them with nostalgic memories? It's been 30 years!!!
We've seen some Edwin culture clash (and I want more!) but also more Charles culture clash with modern times (charles: "😮‍💨 Can you believe they don't make mixed tapes anymore?" Niko: "🥰they do playlists online now. I'll make you one! " Crystal: "👀 You made mixed tapes, Charles?")
Cat King and Meowpheus interaction
Domestic friend fluff (core four all in a big bed together watching movies)
Feel free to add your own wishlist in the reblogs/comments! <3
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jymwahuwu · 9 months
Unable to get the idea of crossdressing!reader in the military off my mind😣
Instead of the men just taking you at separate times, what if they make a deal? 👀 A deal so that precious darling no longer had to go on the battlefield but only needs to stay at maybe a secluded hut(?) Or a special tent only certain members (and enemies but 🤫)
Since pregnancies will be a bit easier since doctor Luocha is here, it's easier to know who's the father after the baby is born too! Nobody can resist the glow you have as a pregnant mama so the more, the merrier, that's what they said🤭
-💦anon (going feral over Dan Feng's voice in the new animated short, he's so HOT)
I...have not tagged it for now. This topic is a bit darker than what I usually write about... ppl who want to read can read here🙏🙏🙏
CW: yandere, non-con, sexist, forced pregnancy, war (mentioned but not described), (implied) gangbang
💦 anon I love you and your brain cells 💓😚 (I’m also screaming for that precious Dan Feng clip. This dragon is so hot 🥺)
Let me think about this… crossdressing darling…
You join the Cloud Knights to contribute and protect Xianzhou, but there are restrictions on joining the army. Perhaps during a battle with the Denizens of Abundance, some Xianzhou ships received Shuhu's gift (curse) of fertility, causing the Cloud Knights to temporarily make such discriminatory arrangements. So you put on Xianzhou's usual male clothes and bribed the soldiers to join the army.
You did well, within your capabilities, with your weapon, whether it was a bow or a knife. Your performance is better than that of ordinary soldiers. Maybe you got a little carried away and forgot to try your best to hide your identity, and even sent him some comments. Jing Yuan looked at you.
The general summoned you to the tent that night. You stood in the tent uneasily. The lamp reflects your shadow, and the dark shadow falls long on the ground. He wants to know why you were so bold as to break the rules and who helped you. You pretend to be calm and ask him why he has such a ridiculous idea. However, at the general's words, tears flashed in your eyes.
He tells you to take off your clothes. To check.
“Please,” you sob. "Please don't do this."
The general slowly unbuttoned your clothes and caressed your private parts. You ended up sucking his cock that night and your mouth was sore.
Ah plus, Yingxing! He used to laugh and drink with you and hold your shoulders. He has a crush on you and built you a unique weapon to give to you, but he learned this news from the general. He hates betrayal - did you know that doing so might cause Abundance's curse to actually take effect? He headed to the tent. His cock in his crotch was so hard as he watched you being pinned to the ground and being bred.
And Dan Feng. You dealt well with his frustration of being out fighting all day. You were trembling and submissive as you poured him wine. He thought it was good. His two dragon cocks slowly stretch you. Witnessing the hot seed leaking out from between your thighs, it occurred to him that you might actually be pregnant under Abundance's curse.
Your weapons have been destroyed and your identity hidden. Luocha helps check and retest whether you are pregnant. He gently reassures you not to be afraid. You are preparing for pregnancy, eating nutritious foods, and shaking slightly in fear of pregnancy. Eventually, your belly will swell up with your baby💕💕💕
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once-upon-an-imagine · 8 months
Hello~ I saw you asked for some inspiration and it's my first time requesting from an author so, I'm giving it a try (but no pressure 🙏)
I thought about a Marauder (I can't choose between the three of them but maybe Remus?) with:
Short Reader, crying: You're... you're... you're taller than me!
Remus: And you just realized it?
With the hormones and fluffly pregnancy moments? 👀😇
Really no pressure, I can't wait to read anything from you even if it's not this 😊
Have a lovely day sweetie
Val 🌸
omg this is sooooo cute! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love it! I feel so honored that you picked me for your first request! 😊😊 thank you for liking my writing so much, love! I hope you like this one as well 😁 Warnings: none, this is pure fluff; reader is a bit emotional though Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter 😁 gif isn’t mine 😊
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"What? What's wrong? Are you okay? Is it the baby?" Remus asked, still half asleep as he sat up and his hands went directly to your bump.
"No, Remmy! I can't sleep!" you said, as Remus turned on his nightlamp.
"What's wrong? Are you hungry? Do you have a weird craving again?"
"For the last time, ice cream and french fries are not a weird craving!" you glared at him.
"Sweetheart, I love you, but even Prongs said it was weird and that's as low as it goes" he chuckled, rubbing his tired eyes. "Why can't you sleep?"
"Remus, do you realize that my due date is one month from today?" you said, getting closer to him. "ONE MONTH!"
"Yes, I know, love-"
"That is thirty days!"
"Well, actually a bit less because it's February, and-"
"Remus! We are not ready! We do not have any of the big things we need!"
"What big things? Did you have lunch with Lilly and Alice today?"
"We do not have a changing table, we do not have a crib or a chair where the baby can eat, we haven't even picked out a name-!"
"Alright, alright, love, slow down" Remus said, pulling you closer to him and kissing the side of your head and he noticed you were crying. "Love, there’s nothing to worry about. We have plenty of time" he assured you.
"Rem, what if I am awful at this?" you asked, looking up at him and Remus wiped away your tears.
"Sweetheart" he said, kissing your forehead. "Why would you say that? You're going to be a great mother" he insisted.
"I don't know! I feel like Lily and Alice were prepared for Harry and Neville. They've been prepared their whole lives! I even remember them in school talking about how many kids they were going to have and all of that and- I don't know, Rem, what if I'm not?"
"Love, don't say that. You're just a bit nervous, I get that" he said, stroking your arms up and down. "I'm nervous too, but we're going to be great at this, you know why?"
"Because we're a team" he smiled sweetly at you.
"And we are the best team" you smiled between tears.
"Yes we are" he said, giving you a peck on the lips. "Look we both are off tomorrow. So we can go the baby store that's around the corner and we will get you everything that you need. Okay?"
"Okay" you nodded before pulling him back to you. "Thank you" you said as he kissed the top of your head.
"You want to have a cup of tea?" he asked, stroking your back.
"You're not tired?" you asked, feeling guilty for waking him up.
"No" he assured you. "We can brainstorm names for the baby" he suggested.
"Really?" you asked excitedly and he nodded, smiling.
"C'mon" he said helping you out of bed and the two of you walked over to the kitchen. "I'll make the tea, you get the mugs?" he said, kissing your temple.
"Okay" you said, walking over to the counter where you kept the mugs.
Only one problem, they were on the top shelf. You would usually hop on the counter to get them but Remus would always say you would fall down and hurt yourself, so you stopped doing that after you got pregnant. And you had no idea where the little stepstool he bought for you was.
"Um... R-Rem?" you called after he put the water on.
"Yes, dove?"
"I can't reach them" you said shyly.
"Oh, let me" he said, making his way towards you and he easily grabbed both yours and his mugs, placing them on the counter and tears ran down your face again. "What's wrong now, love?" he asked worriedly, placing both your and his mug on the counter.
"You're... you're... you're taller than me!" you cried, as Remus frowned his eyebrows a little.
"And you just realized it?" he chuckled. "Sweetheart, the first time I talked to you, it was because you couldn't reach a Potions book in the Library" he reminded you, as he wiped away your tears.
"No, I know, but... what if the baby needs something and I can't reach it when you're not here?" you cried as he hugged you closer to him, kissing your head.
"We can put everything the baby needs in your reach, okay?" he said, feeling you nod against his chest.
"Thank you" you said, looking up at him and giving him another kiss.
"What for?"
"For dealing with all of my craziness" you said, making him chuckle and he kissed your cheek.
"Is not craziness, love. You're just worried about our baby, see? You're going to be a great mum" he assured you as he went to make the tea for yourselves and you sat down.
"You're just saying that because you're on my team" you said as he sat next to you.
"And because it's the truth" he insisted. "So, what names have you thought about?"
"Well, Remus, I have actually wanted to tell you that... it will mean a lot to me... if we name our kid... Sirius James Lupin" you said, making Remus choke on his tea and spitting it out.
"Please tell me you're joking" he said, recovering his breath as you burst out laughing.
"Yes, I am, James and Sirius paid me ten galleons to say that" you laughed as Remus glared at you. "You should have seen the look on your face!"
"I hate you!"
"You love me" you smirked. "They actually provided a list of names" you said, putting out a note block they gave you.
"Do they know is not their baby? James already has one, why is he giving his opinion?"
"How do you feel about the name Blaze Lupin?"
"Not great."
"What about Laser?"
"Oh" Remus said, thinking about it. "I do love atlases" he said.
"Mm, common ground" you smiled.
"Wait, who suggested it?"
"What difference does it make?"
"Sirius" you admitted.
"Then no."
The End
A/N: I hope you liked it, loves! threw some Friends and B99 inspo in there
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 7: Not Like We Want to Be
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Synopsis: Jack makes a difficult decision regarding the future of your relationship after finding the note that you left for him
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Series Masterlist 💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
After you had basically cried yourself back to sleep once the news broke about you and Jack while the two of you were still in Paris, his phone went off on the nightstand next to him. Without disturbing you asleep on his chest, he reached over to grab it and saw that it was a text from his mom.
Mom- I don't condone cheating and raised you better than that.
He knew he had to answer her because her next step would be to call him and he didn't want to risk waking you up. And he just knew that your mom was probably right beside Maggie at this very moment trying to figure out what was going on.
Jack- I know and I should've been more careful
Mom- Excuse me!?
Jack- I'm divorcing Kelsey and I’ve been seeing Y/N for a while
Mom- Wait…..
Jack- She's getting divorced from Xavier too so we can be together
Mom- I wish you would have gone about this in a different way, but at the end of the day I want to see you happy and I know that Y/N has always made you happy
Jack- I just have to protect her because I know navigating this isn't going to be easy and it's my fault that it's on display for the entire world to see
Mom- Then you need to make sure that you listen to her and don't push her feelings to the side. She's been through a lot already
Jack- I promise that I will
Mom- Just take care of you and take care of her. I'll see you two once you get back home and tell Y/N to text her mom back
Jack- I will once she wakes up
When Jack was going to put his phone back on the nightstand, he decided not to and immediately sent a text to Neelam.
Jack- Nee
Neelam- I'm doing my best here lover boy to put out this fire, but I don't know if I can………
Jack- She told me we should've gone inside and not had been on the balcony, but I didn't listen
Neelam- Well what's done is done and there is no going back. Is Y/N okay?
Jack- No and this is all my fault
Neelam- But we shouldn't be faulted for wanting to choose happiness. I admit that it could have been done differently, but this is the happiest I’ve seen you in a long time
Jack- Um there's something else. I need a favor.
Neelam- 👀
Jack- We're going to need a pregnancy test
Neelam- 😳😳
Neelam- And the plot thickens 😭
You were woken up by Jack placing kisses all along your face and a smile instantly popped up before he kissed your nose and told you to sit up.
“Come on baby, sit up for me. Do you feel any better?” Jack asked you and for a minute you had forgotten about this morning, but still did your best to put on a brave face.
“A little.”
“You need to eat something and I have this too.” Jack replied as he held up a bag and handed it to you. Hesitantly, you opened it to see that there were three pregnancy tests staring back at you.
All you did was look back at Jack and immediately frown.
“No, you aren't getting out of this so stop looking at me like that.”
“What are you so scared about? You have me and I'm not going anywhere.” Jack said as he brushed his fingers across your face.
“It's just…. This would be a lot at one time. I can't imagine going through a divorce and being pregnant. Too much stress.” You quietly confessed as you played with one of the tests in your hands.
“But you're not alone in this, remember that.”
“I know.” You replied while kissing the tip of Jack’s nose making him smile at you.
You went quiet for a minute and Jack grew concerned and lifted your chin so that you could look at him.
“What are you thinking right now?”
“That this baby is going to have a lot of hair between the both of us.” You answered while laughing and brushing your hand through Jack’s curls.
When Jack got off the phone with Clay, he immediately called Urban to ask if he had seen you and when he told him no, his panic level had risen.
He tried calling you again and when it went straight to voice-mail once more, he resorted to calling Janelle.
“Hey, everything okay?” She asked as she was looking in the mirror attempting to put one of her lashes on.
“No, Janelle, have you seen Y/N? Is she with you?” He asked and this immediately grabbed her attention.
“What? I thought she was with you!? I asked if she wanted to hang out earlier and she told me no because she was with you.”
“No! I was out all day and I came back to find a note from her saying she's overwhelmed and needs a reset and not to look for her. How can I NOT look for her!?”
“Oh shit.” Was all Jack heard Janelle mutter.
“What do you mean oh shit?”
“This…. This isn't the first time she's done this.”
“She's done this since her first year in nursing school. You know she has anxiety and panic attacks?”
“Yeah, she's had them since we were younger.”
“Except now when it would happen when she became an adult, she would run. I mean, homegirl would disappear for WEEKS and no one would know where the hell she was and wouldn't tell us when she came back.”
“I… so what am I supposed to do!? I don't want her to be by herself!”
“Okay, okay. Breathe for a second. She couldn't have gotten far. Just…. meet me at my parents house and bring Clay and Urban. I'll call Jeremiah and I probably have to call Tania so she can get a flight out here because she would be the only one that Y/N would talk to during that time if she did talk to anyone that is.”
Feeling your phone vibrate for what seemed like the thousandth time, you pulled it out of the back pocket of your jeans and looked down to see that it was Jack.
You should have known that leaving that note was better than saying anything at all, however you also should have known that he wasn't about to let this slide and wanted to talk to you to make sure that you were okay.
The plate of your food in front of you was left untouched as you pushed it around the plate before checking the time. It was getting close to two in the morning as Ms. Isabella slid in the booth to sit across from you.
Glancing up at her, all she did was grab your hand to give it a gentle squeeze.
“Y/N….” She started to say and you knew what was about to come after.
“You have got to stop running away when things get a little difficult for you. I let this slide when you were younger, but you are turning thirty in a few months. When does it end? I know he's worried about you.” She softly said and the tears were silently falling down your cheeks as you wiped them away.
Any time you would go missing, you came home to Louisville and would go straight to Ms. Isabella at the Waffle House to talk to her. You hadn't done it in a few years so she thought that it was done and over with until she saw you walk in tonight by yourself.
You would turn off your location, come and see her, and stay in a hotel down the street until you felt ready to go back into the world again. You would be right up under your family's nose and they had no idea.
“I know. He keeps calling me and my phone is almost dead.”
“At least let him know that you're okay so he can hopefully stop worrying as much.”
“Jack? Stop worrying when it has to do with me? Not a chance.” You replied while sipping on your mango lemonade that Ms. Isabelle would only make for you when she could tell that you were sad.
“I called it from the time the two of you were eighteen that you would be married so I was definitely surprised once the two of you got married to other people. And both of you were miserable. At least that’s what both of your mom's told me.”
“I… thought Xavier was it for me, however, my feelings for Jack never went away. And that should have been my sign right there.”
“As much as I love having you here, you can't stay with me forever and you need to get some sleep. At home. In your own bed.”
“He’s going to be so mad at me.”
“We don't know that, but what you need to do is be honest about how you're feeling. He's worried more than anything.”
Just then the phone rang in the front of the restaurant and Ms. Isabelle excused herself to answer it. Once she came back to the table, she gave you a look.
“What?” You asked wondering why she was making that face.
“That was him and he's wondering if I saw you.”
“Ms. Isabella….”
“Relax. I told him that I saw you earlier in the day which wasn't a lie and that I would be on the lookout for you. However, you have an hour to get yourself together and go home to a man who loves you and wants to give you the world. Do you understand?”
“Yes ma'am.”
It was around 3:45 when you pulled into the parking garage and began to make your way upstairs. Taking a deep breath, you placed the key into the lock before turning it and making your way inside to see Jack pacing around the living room and looking down at his phone.
Once you placed your keys down, this caught his attention as he looked in your direction and was surprised to see you in front of him.
“I know you're mad at me.” You quietly said to him while he just stared back at you.
“Y/N, you can't even begin to understand how worried you had me. And the fact that I call Janelle and she tells me apparently you would do this all the time. Be gone for weeks without saying something to someone. Do you not understand how dangerous that is?”
“Yes, I know and I'm sorry.”
“Are you? You saw me calling your phone and at the VERY LEAST you could have told me that you were okay. How are we supposed to be together if you aren't honest with me and tell me things? I'm thinking that you're fine and I come home to see a note telling me not to look for you? What the hell is that?”
“I get it, I do. And I should have told you but I’m back and….”
“Do you want to be with me, yes or no? Because if not we can end this right now.” Jack asked immediately, cutting you off.
“What!? Of course I do.”
“Because this is not the first, but the second time you’ve run off and just flat out ignored me without letting me know that you were okay. I am divorcing my wife to be with you and to me it's like you aren't even taking that into consideration with the way you're acting.”
“Are you serious? And I am divorcing my husband for you! And you don't even want to be with her. I've quit my job, lost all of my got damn endorsement deals and moved back here to be with you so don't you dare say that. Well excuse me for being overwhelmed since only one person in this room is being called a homewrecking whore by the media every day and newsflash Jackman, IT ISN'T YOU.” You responded as tears were now falling down your face once again.
“And why didn't you tell me that? That's what people in relationships do! Tell me so that I can help you!”
“I just want to go to sleep.” You shot back as you roughly wiped your tears away.
“Ain't no way in hell you're walking away from this right now. Answer my question, please.”
“Because you have enough to worry about, so I figured that I could handle it on my own.”
“Hmm, and how did that work out for you? You know what? Maybe we shouldn't be together how we want to be.”
“Wait, Jackman, what are you saying?”
“You are still hesitating even though you tell me that you're all in. I get that it's a big change, it is for the both of us but I want this and I'm not really sure if you do.”
“I promise that I do and I love you.”
“Sometimes love isn't enough. I.. want us to be in a good space, but we both have things that we need to work on and work through.”
“No… baby, what are you saying?” You asked as you were now panicking.
“I don't think we should be together right now. I want to be able to love you and love you properly and I deserve the same thing in return. But, you aren't there yet. And this isn't to slight you or anything, but we're both hurting from being married to people who didn't give a damn about us and we need to heal before we can even begin to be in a healthy relationship with each other. And I love you enough to tell you the truth and be honest.” Jack said as he began to play with the ends of your hair.
“No..” You said as you were shaking your head as Jack came closer to you and brought you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.
“Baby, please. If we want to do this the right way, this needs to happen whether we like it or not. You've sacrificed a lot to be with me and I feel like I was putting too much pressure on you and I'm sorry. If you want to go back to Cali, I understand.”
“But… I want to be with you and I'm sorry and we can fix this… just…”
“This is what we have to do in order to fix it. I want to be the person who you deserve and I want to be at my very best for you. I just want you to be able to see that.”
You nodded your head as you hugged him tighter and cried into his chest as he soothingly rubbed small circles on your back.
“It's all going to be worth it, you'll see.”
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pedropascallme · 11 months
Your Toki writing is fantastic! You should write him more! Maybe a smut one shot where he's married and desperate to get his wife pregnant? 👀
Pairing: Toki Wartooth x f!Reader
Summary: "Toki wanted kids. He wanted them bad."
Warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI), p in v sex, dirty talk, breeding kink, slightly dom!Toki (you're welcome), creampie. If I missed anything please let me know!
AN: Eeeee thank you for the love <3 I love writing Toki content. This prompt had me...excited. To say the least. I thought I'd be able to make this a drabble but it is, in fact, almost 2K words. I'm not sorry!!
You had always pictured a small, intimate wedding ceremony; delicate floral arrangements and lace, a pianist to play you down the aisle, a handful of your closest friends to help you prepare for the event of a lifetime. It was your dream to get married, to find the person you were destined to be with and have a lavish but appropriate ceremony to honor the love you had found in each other.
Any semblance of traditionalist thought you had put into your dream wedding went out the window when Toki proposed to you. Immediately, the two of you decided to go all out. While there were some things at the wedding recognizable from your childhood fantasies—your loved ones there to support you, your dress lacy and with a long train, the flowers just the color you had wanted—it was something entirely new, and much more fitting for who you were now as an adult. There had been something kind of funny about seeing the rest of the band act so dapper; they promised to behave for a whole 24 hours to ensure that the wedding went off without a hitch. Nathan had even worn his glasses in order to watch the vows closely from his spot at Toki’s side, and Skwisgaar didn’t throw in any veiled insults in his best man speech. And the whole time, Toki was squeezing your hand, eyes glued to you in admiration and disbelief that he finally had everything he wanted.
Almost everything.
Having had a more than tumultuous childhood and a lack of parental support, Toki had often considered what he would’ve done had he been in his parents’ shoes. The answer was never one laced with vengeance, rather he dreamt of caring for someone small and providing for them in the way he had always dreamed to be looked after. Toki wanted kids. He wanted them bad.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t known this; there had been conversations between the two of you for God only knows how long about what you wanted your future together to be like, and it always included starting a family. You knew financially you would be fine, but both of you felt it would be best to wait until you were married to really start trying.
And your honeymoon did take place after you were married.
Toki all but threw you onto the sprawling mattress. Maybe after having traveled the world so much with the entirety of Dethklok, Italy wasn’t so much a destination vacation as it was a week away in a familiar location, but you couldn’t deny the beauty that surrounded you—especially the beauty that was your now-husband as you watched him lift up and discard his shirt, tossing it into a corner and revealing his toned torso. You picked yourself up from off your back, crawling forward on the mattress to splay your hands over his stomach.
“This what you were thinking about during our vows?” You kissed down past his belly button and over his thin happy trail.
“Maybes,” he sighed, “but only halfs as much as I thoughts abouts how much I loves you.” You stopped just above the button of his pants to give him a kiss before leaning back to undo his fly. He pulled your hands away and grappled with you until you both fell back on the mattress in a heap of giggles.
“I’m trying to be sexy!”
“You can’ts gives a blow jobs now! It ams our first times as a married couples!” He buried his face into your neck, giving you small kisses that slowly turned more sensual as he began to suck on your skin. His hand made its way past the waistband of your panties—the rest of your clothes long forgotten somewhere near the front door—and he toyed with your clit. “Wants to loves you like this,” he whispered into your neck between opened mouth kisses, “wants to makes you feels good. Puts a baby in you.” You gasped at the combination of his words and the way he felt rubbing against your needy, swollen bud.
“Mhm,” you moaned, arching your back to allow two of his fingers to enter you smoothly, “want—wanna see how pretty I lo-ok, full of your cum?” Your question came out breathy, not at all in the teasing tone you had intended, but you couldn’t care less as Toki’s fingers eased in and out of you.
“Yeah,” Toki moaned, and you moved your hand to squeeze the hard length growing in his jeans. He tilted his head back at the sudden attention he was receiving before his mouth dropped open at your ministrations. “Wants you dripping.” You gave him another squeeze before you felt your legs shaking, thighs clenching together around his hand as his fingers ruthlessly played with the spot inside you that had you seeing stars. Mouth open, you intended to thank him, but there was no time before he attached his lips to yours and started peeling off the remainder of your clothing. He looked at you, curled up on the bed below him as he stripped off his pants, freeing his painfully hard cock and moving to cover you in kisses once more.
“How do you wants it?” He teased, his cock brushing over you. “How do you wants me to fills you up?”
“However you want.” You were giddy in anticipation, opening your legs to him before he had even decided how he wanted to fuck you. He took it as an opportunity, settling himself between your legs and letting his cock rest just above where you needed him. You felt his precum staining your stomach and it made you feel a lightheaded rush of excitement and arousal.
“My wife,” he took himself in his hand, rubbing his tip against your dripping hole, “so prettys.” He pushed into you all the way, the entirety of his cock stretching you out delightfully and making you scream out for him. “Feels good?” It wasn’t really a question, more of a mocking observation at the way your face contorted with each long, hard thrust.
You gave a string of gibberish in response, moaning each time you felt him slip out just enough to feel close to empty before he rammed back into you. “Fuck, Toki, fu-ck!” You were on the precipice of another orgasm, but he pulled out of you and turned you over, giving your ass a sharp smack as you moaned in disappointment and need.
“Be patients,” he spanked you again, sliding his cock over the curve of your ass, “you’ll gets whats you wants.”
“Need it, Toki!” You felt pathetic, lifting your ass up and wiggling in an attempt to sway him to fill you up again. “Need it…” It was a good thing Toki liked seeing you pathetic; your begging was cut short by his hands spreading you open for him as he pushed himself back into you, drawing a moan from you both before he began an unrelenting pace. He pulled your hair into a messy, makeshift ponytail, pulling you up closer to him and making your back curve to give him more leverage to fill your greedy cunt. “There!” You were close to tears, the overwhelming pleasure your husband provided coursing through your veins, “R-ight there, Toki! Please!” You collapsed onto your arms and face as the force of his thrusts became almost too much to handle; you felt your body move forward with every snap of his hips and you swore you could feel him in your stomach.
“Rights there?” He teased, giving you a particularly deep thrust and keeping himself sheathed inside of you while you squirmed underneath him, helpless and loving it. You responded with a muffled “yes,” before he began to move again, slower now but just as deep. “Whats do you wants?” He was trying to ward off his own climax by slowing himself down and goading you into begging for more.
“Wan-want to…” You felt your eyes roll back when he began to rub your clit slowly in time with his thrusts.
“Whats?” He demanded.
“Wa-need you to-please Toki, I need it.” The tears you had been attempting to hold back now spilled over your eyes and onto the sheets below you.
“Speak clearlys.” If you hadn’t been so distracted, maybe you would’ve pointed out the irony of his sentence, but you were too far gone and did as instructed.
With all your focus, you mustered the proper words to get what you were so desperate for: “Please To-ki, want you to cum in me,” he pushed himself in further and you cried out, burying your face into the blanket you were clutching. “Please! Please, fill me up—fuck!—fill my pussy up so deep. Wanna have your—have your fucking kids.” You choked on your words as he sped up, throwing you back onto his cock as he brought you both toward your highs.
“Fills you up so goods.” You heard him groaning. He pulled you back by your hair and wrapped an arm around your waist. Now gripping you tightly against him, he used his other hand to grab your face, kissing you and whispering to you. “Gonna takes it? Gonna say thanks yous?”
“Yes! Please, yes!” You repeated the same two words over and over, and with a long, deep thrust into you, you felt yourself go limp in Toki’s arms. Had it not been for his grip around you, you surely would have fallen flat onto the mattress. Toki continued to fuck you through your orgasm as it tore through you; you felt heavy and light simultaneously, seeing black and white shine through both eyes while you chanted his name. At last, panting and sweaty, you uttered a weak, “please, Toki,” and he gave you what you both craved. You felt his hips stutter against your ass as he came, painting your insides with his cum. You felt warm and tired, but now with a regained pleasure coursing through you. Eyes closed, you felt yourself move and realized Toki had maneuvered you to lie down, still buried inside you. You could feel the stickiness leaking out around his cock and onto your thighs, and his chest heaving into your back.
Slowly, you eased him out of your now sensitive, sticky hole and turned to face him. He was smiling wide, tongue between his teeth. He kissed you passionately, deeply, before his hand wandered down to your pussy and began pushing what had leaked out of you back inside. You gasped, grabbing at his forearm while he playful nipped at you. Pulling his fingers out of you, he stuck them in his mouth to suck off any remnants and then curled up around you, kissing your shoulders, face, neck, and anywhere else he could reach in the position you found yourselves in.
“I loves you.” Toki whispered, kissing your forehead. “My wife, pretty ladys, I loves you. So perfects. Going to be a greats moms.” He kissed the top of your ear, then your cheek, and then finally he gave you a kiss on the lips.
“Do you think it worked?” You smiled, soaking in the adoration of his words.
“Maybes,” he pushed his hair out of his face, propping himself up next to you on his elbow, “but maybes we should try one more times. Or two.”
You pulled him back down again.
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Hey hey y'all! 👋🏾
Soooo...𝑫𝒚𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒚 is complete! What did y'all think? Did you enjoy the ride? Were you surprised by any of the developments of the story? Were you on Team Forgive Miguel and Try Again or Team Kick that Bastard to the Curb? Let me know down below! 😁
I thought I'd do a little FAQ regarding the story, and also answer a few extraneous questions I received.
So, here we go!
First Question: Why did Miguel cheat?
Simple. Miguel cheated because he was weak.
Nah, I'm just playin'. Sorta.
Miguel cheated because, as was mentioned in the story, he was a coward and thought it was easier to run and seek comfort in the arms of someone who fed his ego and fed into the illusion he'd created about what true heroism is, than to try and actually talk it out with the one who truly held his heart.
Of course, I am by no means attempting to justify Miguel's behavior in saying this, but I will say that he was under a great deal of pressure trying to maintain the situation with the multiverse and had resolved himself to sacrificing whatever in order to keep it intact. (He also felt he was under pressure by the reader to have children, and though he wasn't opposed to the idea in the sense that he didn't want any, he didn't think it was safe enough to have them.)
When the reader naturally A.) couldn't comprehend why he was so willing to do something so comparatively extreme and B.) subsequently was against it, Miguel saw this as selfishness, and his tired mind sought out someone who he could relate more easily to.
The more time he spent with Layla, he naturally spent less time with the reader, and subsequently wasn't getting his carnal needs met because when he did spend time with the reader, the atmosphere was tense and they would argue. This eventually lead to him sleeping with Layla, to sate his sexual desires and take out his frustration in a way he couldn't with the reader.
Did that all make sense? 🙃
Second Question: Why did Miguel kill Layla?
Though this was explained briefly in the story, I realize that it might have been a little unclear, and that quite a few details were omitted. In short, Layla was a threat. She threatened to expose Miguel's affair to the other members of the Spider Society, none of whom had any knowledge of Layla's existence. If she'd exposed not only his affair, but the fact that he was harboring an anomaly from a different timeline without making the other society members aware, they very likely would have turned on him and he'd have lost his credibility and support. He couldn't have that, and so he dealt with Layla as his instincts dictated.
Third Question: What was the reader's plan?
The reader's plan is simultaneously simple and a bit convoluted. The reader, having been negatively influenced by her bitterness about her situation and Miguel's actions, decided that she also wanted to have her cake and eat it to. She decided to play the long game, willingly getting pregnant because A.) she still wanted a baby and B.) she could use her pregnancy to manipulate Miguel.
She essentially gaslit, gatekept, girlbossed her way out of her situation with Miguel. 😂 Over the months leading up to her conversation with Peter B, she used subtle manipulation to get Miguel to do beneficial things for her, such as changing her lodgings so that she could mor easily explore the complex and look for ways to escape while simultaneously making sure he was none the wiser.
Fourth Question: Was Layla a Spiderwoman?
Short answer, yes. Layla was a Spiderwoman from a separate universe who had lost her family during the collapse of her timeline.
Fifth Question: Why did Miguel already have a room ready for the reader prior to her discovering his affair?
So, this might be a bit of a longer explanation. Essentially, Miguel was a yandere for the reader before she tried to leave him. I didn't go into too much detail about that (and I may do a little sequel-prequel talking about that in more depth 👀) but he only created the room once the affair began. He always feared that the reader would find out, and created the room as a precautionary measure.
(Oh wait, actually, this explanation was pretty short and straightforward...yay!)
Sixth Question: Did Miguel ever love Layla?
Short answer, no.
He was admittedly fond of her, but only because they shared a similar responsibility. He also felt pity for her, given that she had lost everything and was forced to abandon everything she knew.
Seventh Question: What was in the vial Miguel had in the lab in chapter 5?
Contrary to popular speculation, the drug in the vial was neither meant to make the reader addicted to Miguel nor was it meant to solely act as an aphrodisiac. The drug in the vial was actually meant to increase fertility exponentially, as Miguel's intention was to get the reader pregnant and make it so that she couldn't, and wouldn't want to, leave him.
That's all the questions I could think of for now. If y'all have any more, leave them in the comments below or drop me an ask and I'll get them answered! Also remember to let me know if y'all would want a companion drabble detailing how the cheating started and the buildup to that with Miguel and the reader.
Aight, that's all from me. Thank y'all for readin'! Ari out! ✌🏾
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canirove · 5 days
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 15
Author's note: Big things happening in this week's chapters 👀
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“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make it back to the villa, Mase. I ate so much…”
“I told you we should have taken the Vespa.”
“Yeah… Anyway, thank you for this.”
“You’re very welcome” he smiled before kissing her hand, that once again, was tangled with his. 
It was the day before Adele’s birthday, and since her parents had decided to throw a little party, Mason had planned to take her into town to eat together just the two of them one last time. And they had gone to one of their favourite places, the pizzeria they had loved so much all those years ago.
“Can we have some gelato?”
“Addie, are you still hungry?” Mason laughed.
“They say it is digestive, remember? And I need something to help me with it, look at my belly. It's as if I'm like 5 or 6 months pregnant.”
“What?” he chuckled.
“Look” she said, letting go of his hand and touching her stomach the same way pregnant women do. 
“Adele!” Mason laughed. 
“Do I look pregnant or not?”
“You look beautiful.”
“And pregnant” she repeated, trying to ignore how her cheeks were getting warm. “How should we call him?”
“My food baby. He is yours, you were the one who took me to the pizzeria.”
“I mean… Since the baby was made at Gialunca’s pizzeria…”
“Gianluca. I like it. Say hello to your pizza son, Gianluca” Adele laughed.
“Hello” Mason smiled, caressing her belly as if there actually was a baby in there. When their eyes met, his hand still on her stomach, they found themselves smiling like two idiots. And then, a horrible sound was heard.
"Holy shit, Addie" Mason laughed. "I felt my hand vibrating!"
"I told you I needed something to help with my digestion. That sound isn't a good sign."
"Smelly Addie?" he smirked.
"That happened once!"
"That I know of…"
"Meh meh meh" she replied, rolling her eyes. "As if you didn't do it."
"I do, but mine smell like roses" he grinned.
"They do."
"Then next time you should bottle one and save it for your next perfume."
"Maybe I should. Good idea, Addie" Mason said before both of them bursted out laughing.
“Anyway, gelato?” Adele asked.
“Gelato” Mason smiled. 
"Elizabeth, you need to relax."
"How do you want me to relax when they've been lying to our faces for months?"
"Those photos may have been taken out of context."
"Toni, have you seen the same photos I have? You can't take that out of context!"
"It can happen. Or have you forgotten that you yourself went through something like this before your wedding?"
"This is different" Elizabeth said.
"In my case it was just a bad angle on a red carpet. They were..."
"They are coming. Please behave" Toni said.
"I'll try" Elizabeth replied, taking a deep breath.
"Good morning, mum" Mason smiled, walking into the kitchen.
"Good morn..."
"Adele, are you pregnant?" her mum asked, not allowing her to finish her sentence.
"What?" her and Mason said at the same time.
"Are you pregnant, yes or no? It's a simple question."
"Of course not! Why are you asking me that, mum?" 
"Because of this" Elizabeth said, showing her her phone.
"What the fuck! Did your agency tell you about this? Did you know?" Adele asked Mason.
"I did not" he hissed, reading the headline. Mount-Turlington baby on their way! The couple was caught sharing some cute moments around the small baby bump while in Italy, where they are celebrating Adele's birthday with their families. 
"Anything else you would like to add?" Elizabeth asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I'm not pregnant, mum. We had been having lunch and I was joking about eating too much and having a food baby, nothing else!"
"Is that true, Mason?" Toni asked him.
"It is, mum. Adele and I haven't... You know" he said, his cheeks turning a dark shade of pink.
"They are telling the truth, Elizabeth. Look at his face."
"Are you dating?" she asked.
"You know we aren't, mum. We are just faking it so the paparazzis would leave us alone" Adele said.
"I'm not so sure of that anymore, tho. Because every time you share something online, I have more and more doubts about you telling us the truth."
"She's right, you know?" Toni said. "The more we see you together, the more we all doubt about what you guys tell us. You do look like a couple, and not just online."
"I can't believe this" Adele laughed. "Yes, we are closer than before. But we are not dating, or sleeping together or having a baby. Tell them, Mase."
"We aren't" he whispered, his eyes fixed on the floor.
"See? Look at him! You are lying!" Elizabeth said, pointing at Mason. "Why can't you trust me, Adele? I thought we could tell everything to each other!"
"And we can!"
"Then stop lying and tell us the truth!"
"I already have!"
"No, you have not! You and Mason are together but don't want to admit it for whatever the reason!"
"Elizabeth..." Toni said, trying to calm her down.
"We are not dating!" Adele said.
"Adele! Adele, where are you going?" Elizabeth yelled.
"Somewhere as away from you as I can!" she yelled back, leaving the kitchen.
"Is this seat taken?"
"Mase" Adele said, wiping away a tear. "How did you find me?"
"I guess I know you too well" he chuckled, sitting down next to her. "How are you?"
"Angry, sad, hurt, and having the worst birthday ever. How did those paps find us?"
"I don't know. I texted my agency and they swore they didn't call them."
"And do you believe them?"
"I actually do, yes."
"Then how…"
"They believe someone may have recognized where we are through one of the photos we've shared, and tipped the press."
"And they had to find us yesterday when we were being silly" Adele sighed.
"And now you and your mum are angry with each other, and it's all my fault" Mason said.
"It's all my fault, Addie. I should have said something else, but I..."
"My mum not believing us isn't your fault, Mason. It's hers. All those articles have gotten into her head."
"But I should have been more convincing."
"You were convincing."
"I wasn't, Addie. Anyone could tell I was lying. My mum noticed too."
"But you weren't lying, Mase. We aren't dating."
"We aren't, but..."
"Remember what happened here, under this same tree, when we were sixteen?" 
"I came here to cry after an argument with my mum. Kind of like today" Adele chuckled. "You found me and we..."
"We kissed" Mason said. "You took it as a joke, as something I did to cheer you up. But it was different for me. That kiss is something I've been wanting to repeat many times since that day."
"You... You've wanted to kiss me?"
"Yes. I've wanted to kiss you, and hug you, and touch you and do all the things people in love do. Because I love you, Adele."
"That's why your mum thinks we are lying. Because I can't hide my feelings for you anymore."
"I… you..." she mumbled.
"It's ok, don't worry. Since that first kiss I've known that you only see me as a friend, that you don't feel the same for me. And even though with everything that has been happening lately I've been getting my hopes up, thinking that maybe your feelings were changing, today you made it very clear that I was just fooling myself."
"Mase... Mase, look at me."
"I don't want you to see me like this."
"Look at me" Adele repeated, gently caressing his cheek until he moved his face to look at her. "You weren't fooling yourself" she said before kissing him.
The moment their lips touched, it was as if they had traveled back in time. As if they were again those two teenagers sitting under that same orange tree, Mason kissing her to make her feel better. Though this time, she was the one kissing him to make him feel better, to let him know that her feelings for him had changed, that she felt the same he did. 
And this time, their kiss wasn't an awkward or clumsy one. This time both of them knew what they were doing, and they wanted more of it. 
Without noticing it, Adele had moved and was now straddling him, Mason's hands moving up and down her thighs while they kept kissing as if they needed the other to breathe. 
"Addie" Mason gasped when she started to kiss his neck, his hands grabbing her butt and pulling her closer towards him. "Fuck, Addie" he grunted when she moved her hips against him before kissing him again.
Now they were doing it with even more passion, Mason's hands on her hips, helping her move them against him.
"Mase" she heard herself moaning, that sound making them both stop to catch their breaths. 
"Addie, what are we doing?" he asked, resting his forehead on hers.
"I'm not sure" she replied. "But I know I don't want to stop."
"Neither do I" Mason said, meeting her eyes.
"Should we go inside?"
"Your room or mine?" he chuckled.
"Yours is closer" she smiled, caressing his cheek one last time before getting up and running to his room. 
Once there, they were kissing again, and it didn't take them too long until they were just in their underwear, Adele pushing Mason against the bed and moving to be on top of him. 
"Addie..." he moaned when she started to move her hips against him once again, kissing him everywhere. 
"That feels good, doesn't it?" she said against his neck, the feeling making him gasp.
"So good. But it would feel even better if I was inside you.”
"Did you bring protection?"
"Always. It's in my bag in the bathroom."
"Good boy" she smirked before leaving the bed. "We already have enough with one fake baby."
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