#did they pull a tumblr 2018 ban?
diseasedcube · 2 years
I tried making a pinterest board themed around cutthroat but APPARENTLY the people running pinterest are prudes and don't like gory imagery
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trashprinceward · 3 months
I'm going to talk about the history of Tumblr, the current state of Tumblr, and why you should get out.
And you can call me a hypocrite, sure. But as an artist who depended a lot on commissions and art sales, I only came back to Tumblr because this is where the audience and active fandoms are. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be here.
So, you've probably heard people calling tumblr "the queerest place on the internet". Probably more ironically that sincerely, lately. But the reason for this is that, at one point, it was true. Tumblr was synonymous with gay shit, all over the internet. That was this site's reputation. To the point that what the right wingers call "woke" these days, used to be called "tumblr shit". Tumblr was the BIGGEST resource for LGBT+ communities, information, advice and connection. That was here, on this site. Ask boxes thrived with friendship and fun games, artists got regular commissions and their work was shared. And, as much of a cliche as it may be to say this, Tumblr was a 'safe space'.
Then everything changed in 2018. I don't know how many of you were here for that, but that's when all this started. That's when we had porn bots. They'd start reblogging random posts, adding pictures of straight up porn. Naked people, straight up fucking. No tags, no warnings. Just uncensored porn and those stupid "click here to fuck me" captions. They were everywhere, constantly. And staff did nothing about it. No moderation, no kind of adding verification or new accounts. They just let the problem fester. Why should they care? Until they were threatened with being kicked off the app store, at least. Then they moved to do something about it.
So, instead of pulling together a human moderation team, or temporarily limiting new accounts, or doing any kind of intuitive policing of these spam bots, they just decided to make a blanket ban of all NSFW content, the enforcing of which would be carried out by AI bots. This, as you can probably guess, was a monumental failure. Anything that remotely looked like naked flesh was tagged as mature (a particularly infamous example features a picture of sand dunes being tagged as mature). And perhaps most tellingly of this failure, it didn't get rid of porn bots.
What it did get rid of though, was artists. Myself included. I was a mature artist. I had a NSFT sideblog. I sold commissions, I made money. It wasn't exactly career level, but I made enough that commissions helped me to eat when all my money went on bills. Then that was gone. Even SFW art wasn't entirely safe, because if the bot decided that your art had too much "skin" in it, you were flagged. (And at the time, I drew a lot of Jojo art, so I was screwed on that front.) So I had to leave. To find a new site where I could post my art, and try to continue selling commissions. The problem with this? Only a handful of people followed me offsite. I had roughly 300 followers on here. About 5 came with me to twitter. And then about 2 came with me to pillowfort. I had lost everything. Artists all over lost their following, lost their support, lost their income. All because people couldn't be bothered to boycott their funny fandom website.
But that wasn't all. Because now staff saw they had an opportunity. This bot they had created, was going around flagging anything mature, sometimes outright deleting posts or banning blogs that were too 'NSFT'. So... What group is often inherently seen as NSFT or sexualised? Yep, you guessed it. The queer community. And so that's what they did. They struck it all down. The biggest LGBT community on the internet, and they used the "porn ban" excuse to start flagging and deleting blogs. Never touched the nazi blogs, or the white supremacists, or that one blog that would doxx gay people in homophobic countries. Nope, they were left alone. But the most prominent, notable and well known queer blogs were gone. And again, the majority of the userbase was ok with this. They stayed.
I left this site for 5 years. And I tried to make it work elsewhere, I really did. I went to twitter. But over there nobody retweets work, nobody comments on your art. I only had like 2 regular supporters. I haven't gained followers in YEARS. Literally the only reason I still post to twitter is because Airdorf retweets FAITH fanarts. I tried going to pillowfort, which is honestly like a BETTER version of Tumblr. But, it was empty. Nobody was there. I even offered to give out free invite links to pillowfort so other people could join up too! Nobody ever responded to me. So I gave up. After 5 years with almost no interaction, almost no commission sales. No friends, nobody to talk to, nothing to do, nowhere to go... I came back here. And interaction is so much better (even though it's still a struggle to get people to actually talk to me). But I hate being here because I know what this site is like.
Also I know how complacent people are. The things they did back then, they're still doing now. Flagging trans women as mature, straight up banning them for no reason, spreading around campaigns of hate. Its STILL happening. And you're all still here sitting "oh this is awful, this website is transphobic" and then go back to reblogging memes. I saw a poll recently that asked what people would do if tumblr closed down or kicked them out, and the majority answer was just "give up social media completely" and it's like, really? There are plenty of alternatives out there. Artists and creators, and LGBT activists and whoever have been BEGGING you to join us, but you just wont. People would rather sit in this sinking ship till it goes down than make the leap and follow us into the lifeboats.
And I'm saying this again now because there have been talks about tumblr making a deal with midjourney. Because they want to feed all our art, our selfies, our hard work into the AI slop machine. So history is repeating itself again, and once more artists will be begging you to please come with us. Please get off this site. Please come to a place that isn't actively trying to get rid of us.
Me... I'll be staying here as long as I'm able because this is the only place I have any kind of audience. But if you can, if you care about friends, if you care about artists, if you care about queer people. PLEASE come with us. If the worst comes to it, then I'll be leaving for pillowfort. Please, PLEASE come with me. I have invitations, I can send you one so you can join. Send me a message and ask me. Just please, don't die with this place.
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batboyblog · 1 year
Nagging potential voters while offering them nothing has been a losing political strategy every time it's been tried. If you actually care about wresting political power from fascists - yes I am questioning your commitment - you'll get involved in on-the-ground organizing instead of acting like an asshole online. Because I cannot stress this enough: what you're doing here on tumblr? That hurt us in 2004. And 2016. And a bunch of the off-years too. Knock it off. And before you complain about my tone: I'm using the same one you did in your post. If reading this made you upset, maybe sit for a while and think about the implications of that.
lol, I honestly can't tell you how much this makes me laugh so thanks for the early morning comedy
I don't actually have any idea which of my MANY posts you found and decided to have an issue with.
Any ways, I have a Tumblr, which is mostly non-serious because in real life, my real life my real work is very serious and political and this generally is a decompression space away from that were I can express other interests, US Senators generally don't want to hear my take on comic books (well Pat Leahy....)
I'm not gonna lay out chapter and verse what I've done or do because I'm not doxing myself for an anon troll, but last election I knocked over 2,000 doors for Democratic candidates, I've been pretty open that I was HFA in 2016 and OFA before that
so generally in most of my posts I'm asking, basically begging people, to get as involved as I am, well maybe not AS involved, you don't all need jobs In politics someone has to drive the buses after all. But its very easy as a volunteer to make a huge huge impact on your local Democratic Party and on elections around you and it's amazingly healing to get out and talk to voters, a day of walking around knocking doors and talking to voters will cure you of wanting to dive bomb a strangers in box with nonsense like this.
any ways since I was you know, there, in 2004 and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume (since you assumed quite a lot about me) We lost that election because the Bush team totally shamelessly claimed our famous war hero candidate had in fact faked his Purple Hearts and hadn't earned his Sliver and Bronze Stars. Also they pretty shamelessly implied that a vote for Democrats was a vote for terrorism and stressed to evangelical voters that they'd ban gay marriage forever and always if Bush won re-election, which I think was very key to pulling Bush over the finish line in Ohio (and the election as a whole)
Not that that matters the "Nagging" narrative is silly, and mainly used by people who want to not feel bad for not voting being engaged. That its somehow Democrats fault for asking them to vote and pointing out the negative things that will happen if Republicans win. Thats how all campaigns since the dawn of time have worked however. All Campaigns are a mix of two things "here are the good things I would like to do" and "here are the bad things my opponent will do if they win" there's no way to campaign without the latter duh.
any ways like I said Tumblr is my silly happy place, but I'm still me, so sometimes I shoot off about the real life topics that matter to me. And here on Tumblr sometimes I can be blunter and ruder than I might on social media linked to my real life, thats not gonna change or anything I'm just saying.
finally I hope everyone gets involved, its fun its easy it makes a big difference, google your city or county and "Democrats" to find a local meeting, Everyone should check out The Sister District project, Swing Left, and Run For Something as I've said else where there are important elections happening all the time, Democrats have a chance to win the Governorship in Mississippi a dear friend of mine is down there right now working that and I couldn't be more proud of his unwavering efforts to blue the south (he helped get Andy Beshear elected in 2018) so random troll anon I hope you're doing more than uh... whatever this is, I'm gonna keep doing my thing.
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Hi BBP, thank you for your level-headed take on the hate. That said, could you help a bit more on how to dealing with the overwhelming hate? My timeline was fairly clean, but I was on reddit where there was a very one-sided vitriol towards Jimin and about his singing. So I tried to report on different platforms and my exposure to these vile accusations and sexually charged hate speech made me really sad. Idk how you've been able to report and deplatform some of the most awful bunch in the past. How do you not get emotionally drained? I feel so indignant for Jimin and I can't help but feeling hurt, which I know is not a good approach. I wanted to enjoy this comeback wholeheartedly, but I now feel a heavy weight in my heart. I also know that Jimin is a perfectionist and very hard on himself, I hope that he isn't beating himself up too much. He is a phenomenal artist, and I hope the recency bias doesn't get to him too much. If this is what (probably nowhere near the magnitude given the severity and size of army fandom at the time) army+bts went through in 2016-2018, then I can't commend the perseverance and strength of them enough. It's really incredible, and makes me feel better and want to do better. It's equal sign & letter time, I guess. Regardless, your advice would be much appreciated.
Ask 2: Lool Jimin is an embarrassment >..< Armys act high and mighty pretending you don't see that sorry excuse for an idol getting dragged all over Twitter lmfao lmfao >..< I wonder what you're going to say now BPP how will you spin it >..< Or are you going to defend his encore bleating?? Jimboy is my bias in BTS >..< you know why BPP? Bcos he can't lie Your boys tried pretending they're singers oh they tried hardddd but Jimin didn't get the memo!! I thought it will be Namjoon to fuck up first in solos given how sex obsessed he is but he pulled through lucky you BPP. Not lucky j-hope flopped >..< but Armys pretended he didn't. Jimin is where all the pretense dies. In solo era your dozens can't hide BPP and no amount of mass buying will change it. Thanks to Jimin the whole world knows BTS is a fraud >..< One day the whole tower of cards will come falling down. Your sick cult fandom will be exposed and your emperor will have no clothes. You know it no wonder you're miserable harassing bloggers here. Do you think people don't notice? How you steal from people here? Your favs are just like you.
Stop harassing bloggers here. You're not satisfied to run them off the app? Go back to the gutter you crawled out of and take your disgusting privileged dozens with you. Nobody will notice and there will be peace.
Ask 3: Ngl Bpp, but the success Face is getting in countries like Japan and UK really surprises me. I mean I was expecting him to do numbers but I didn’t expect it to do this well? Specially after all the stuff that’s been happening left and right. I know he’s Jimin and the maknaes in general are expected to do really well because they’re super popular and have tons of solos on top of that too but still. I’m not knocking on Face at all because it’s definitely my top 2 debuts but I guess you’re right that Jimin did unleash something that he hides away deliberately…
I’m expecting even more for Jungkook too especially if he goes more poppy. For Tae I think it will do just as well as Jimins, less maybe if he goes the jazzy, slow type that he’s done but I think he’ll do better in Korea if that’s the case. I’m really curious what those two are planning because they’ve been working on their solos for years now and have scrapped a ton of songs already. I wonder if they’ll flip the expectations too like Jimin did.
Hi Anon(s),
Anon in ask 1, the second ask in this post is here for your benefit. Normally when I get asks like that, I delete them. I don't get the really creepy ones anymore because escalating the issue to Tumblr each time got the creepy users permanently banned from the platform. The asks I end up keeping now are the ones that occasionally make me chuckle, like Ask 2. I just thought (and still think) it was so odd but quaint to say "Jimboy". Lol. As though Jimin's name is Jimmy... and like it's 2023, who actually says "Jimboy"? Also, "the emperor will have no clothes"?? I know what that means but it was so random I actually laughed reading it. It's also the most recent hate ask so I didn't have to scroll that far to get it lol.
What did you feel reading that ask? Annoyance? Anger? Confusion? Amusement? Bewilderment? Hate? Now, has anything changed in the last few minutes, in the real world, since the time you read that opinion and now? Actually, who even is this person saying it? They can't be anybody worth listening to if what they're saying isn't based in fact to begin with, can they? Until now I've never actually sat down to think this out, but that's basically the chain of questions that shoots down my mind in a split second when I see things like Ask 2. In fact my only takeaway from that ask is it's a shame its author is a bit insane, because I actually like their sense of humor. I mean, "Jimboy"? Really?
My point in saying this is, your personality will always impact how you approach hate, and this is something I didn't fully appreciate until recently. My personality is such that exposure therapy really does work on me - I've been into this for so long that few things are genuinely surprising (which is one reason I appreciate BTS/HYBE because that SM fiasco? Lol! Was left-field grade A entertainment. 10 years on and they still impact this system like new blood). Anyway, a lot of the talking points and insults get old. Like I know that in 2026 we'll be answering these exact same questions when a new wave of fans join the fandom, because this has happened every 2 - 3 years since 2013. When I first started actively writing on this blog, it was around the time Jimin was in a controversy related to missed insurance payments I think. There was a lot of hate and at first I'd respond to asks by pointing out how this will hardly impact Jimin in the real world, how Jimin hardly comes online anyway, how the people who write things like that are weird and miserable, how they're essentially binary code... I didn't appreciate that some people need more to understand what's happening because the scale and pervasiveness of hate in k-pop, whether in shippers, solos, ARMYs, or k-pop stans, is frankly senseless. So, I'll say a few more things if you don't mind.
Specifically on how to deal will hate towards Jimin or idols you like:
This might be weird to say, but one thing I consider very important is to remember what you are. You're a fan. That's it. Your scope of effective change is mostly beneficial when compounded with other fans' efforts. And even then, Jimin is his own person, a person strong enough to thrive in an environment as caustic as this, surrounded by people he loves and people who love him. So I get it when you say things like, "I feel so indignant for Jimin and I can't help but feeling hurt," but at the same time, it will be easier to detach and gain perspective when you remember what you are in this situation, a fan. And so is that person hating him. It's okay to just step back, log off, and go do something else if you're not in the mood to respond to them clearly, or to just report and block (recommended). Jimin is more than fine. Obviously. He already hears how much of a respected artist he is from his bandmates, their staff, talkshow hosts, interviewers, and designers, and what I suspect he'd like to see more is the response from his fans. So if you like what you're hearing, express that however you like. Just doing that is powerful and amazing. And going by that meme dance (the one JK too did), that Jimin posted on Instagram, maybe Jimin will notice how you express your love for his work. I'm writing all this to show it's not merely cliché to say focus on the music, it really just makes sense.
Anon in ask 3, thanks for providing a good segue into showing one of the best ways to deal with criticism IMO: actually listen to the music and support the artist. You were mad, amused, or both, reading Ask 2 weren't you? It didn't seem rational to you at all, did it? Responding to posts like that Anon's will take time away from you enjoying or assessing what Jimin has released, so it only makes sense to just focus on Jimin and support him harder. That's what ARMYs and his other fans did for him the last two weeks, and that's what they'll do again for Yoongi's D-Day release.
[ Your surprise at Jimin doing so well though lol... Jimin released the album of the year, ended k-pop, and owned every live performance, and you're surprised the fandom rallied for him and the world loved his work? Come now. ]
Speaking of D-Day's release and ARMY support, Taehyung and Jung Kook's debut will be so chaotic for the fandom oh lawd. I almost don't want to be here for it, but I also don't want to miss it because theirs could be the biggest debuts in the group and I honestly like Taekook's music so far. Both Tae and JK have made pop tunes so I assume they'll have a mix of pop, R&B, jazz, and/or hip hop in their albums. Let's pray Jungkook was thoroughly inspired by Jimin in Set Me Free Pt 2 and we get nasty rapper JK in JJK1, or a feature with one. We know Jungkook will be dancing hard in at least one MV too...
Besides that I have no expectations for Tae and JK. They'll both do very well.
Anon in ask 1, hate is something you'll only see more of unfortunately the longer you spend time in k-pop circles online, especially if BTS remains at the top of the hierarchy for a lot longer. I think whatever impact that will have on BTS will be insignificant so long as each member keeps making art. I could be wrong but that's also an outcome outside of our control, so why fret about it. Also, I personally enjoy a good debate and don't mind seeing critiques often because sometimes you learn something new, so I'd encourage you to remain in the spaces you're in, but it's also okay to curate your feed or block spaces that are clearly toxic to you. It takes a few tweaks but it's possible to curate a fan space online that's fun and helpful/informative to you as a fan. My $0.02: if that's what you want though, don't open a Tumblr account and turn on the Anon feature. Lol. A lot of people are just weird.
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silkflovvers · 7 months
I'm on team "Tumblr has supposedly reached it's end before but will endure", so I'll be staying as long as they don't pull another "You can only see gradient rectangles for 3 years" on me like they did after the porn ban in 2018 (Genuinely why would nothing load for me regardless of internet connection or who's wifi I was using? I'm still flabbergasted by that. It only stopped in like 2021 and I could see posts again, but at what cost...)
If it does for some reason implode, I've dropped my seeds in other places like an invasive plant such as Cohost and Misskey.io, and you can still find me on AO3 and some other places I have linked in my pinned and desktop theme. I'll only move to the other places if I'm absolutely forced to. Until then, I'll stay here. I don't think it's worth panicking about.
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fatefulfaerie · 1 year
I’m disturbed, disappointed, and upset. I can’t even point a finger towards the user(s) who started this because I’ve had to tip toe around the internet to just put these announcements out.
In short, the full Tears of the Kindgom art book has been leaked online. This vile disrespect of Nintendo for attention or financial gain or whatever has me upset as a Zelda news reporter and as a Zelda fan.
I’ve been waiting for Tears of the Kingdom since before it was announced in 2019. I’ve been waiting since 2018, ever since I would praise Breath of the Wild by saying that going forward Nintendo should “pull a Majora’s Mask” and make a sequel. I saw the potential. I wrote fan fic about it. Many of my followers can attest to the work I’ve put out theorizing and speculating and wishing and hoping about a variety of things. I can tell you that no one understands wanting to know more about this game more than me.
But if I had the art book and the whole world didn’t, I would NEVER leak it to the internet. I respect Nintendo’s hard work, I respect the decisions they made as far as what materials get released when and I respect the reasons for those decisions. I respect the game they’ve made, and how we are not entitled to any damn thing that we have not been given the oppurtunity to purchase. I respect the developers of Tears of the Kingdom, how hard they’ve worked to create whatever story they want to tell, and tell it on their own terms, in such a way that they think is the best way for the player. I cannot wait to experience Tears of the Kingdom the way Nintendo intended because thankfully, I haven’t seen a damn thing.
For all I know, this could be an elaborate prank, or the leak could be as little as a picture of a new variant of korok. But I take this seriously. I know it’s just a video game but this goes against every one of my morals. There’s the rights of a creator to control their own work and how it breaches the world, and the rights of me to be upset at idiots who can’t just leave things be.
So I’m gonna be that bitch.
I will no longer be interacting with my tumblr feed. I will no longer be interacting with any server except mine, my boyfriend’s, and the one for work. If you send me spoilers, go home and rethink your life. You will ve blocked, banned, whatever. Oneshot posts and poetry posts will still happen. Don’t ask me if I’ve seen this or that. Just don’t. I know this is probably overreacting but I’m upset. I thought I wouldn’t have to do this until May 12th.
Sorry to be that bitch, sorry to tarnish any image you had of me. I promise I’m still the nice, welcoming, and loving Fate you’ve always known.
War has been declared. And I’m sticking to my morals. Whoever did this: thank you for ripping me away from the communities I’m now scared to interact with. Thank you for destroying theorizing for those who have seen your handiwork by accident. Thank you for being an absolute piece of shit human being.
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arcanemoody · 1 year
It's 8:30am.
I’m in Chicago.
I’m drinking a black iced coffee from a fast food chain.
Had an amazing day yesterday -- I did my volunteer shift at LAM while Rocket went to the WTNB beach munch. We got Mexican food after my shift and did a bit of shopping at the leather shop before returning to LAM for a screening of Querelle.
On that note, I might revive my “meindands” tumblr that I originally pulled the plug on back in December 2018 when the adult ban originally rolled out. I wrote that blog from 2014 to 2018. Originally, it was to explore my re-entry into the BDSM community, reblog artwork that offended one of my old friends (who I’ve since parted ways from), and explore my journey as a switch/dom. The last entry was announcing mine and Rocket’s engagement. As we both get more involved in the community (as Rocket’s been returning to munches and demonstrations), I think this could be a good time to bring it back.
Things I feel positive about: updating my Patreon and Ko-Fi, finishing up my new mini-zine, took my meds. I’m going to the plasma center later. I got some cute stuff from the museum yesterday, including a Gold Coast t-shirt. The sun is out and the air quality isn’t unhealthy for sensitive groups (yet).
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Wait this happened before I didn't know Apple was like this to Tumblr any way when did this happen?
TL;DR: Tumblr used to allow adult content, Apple noticed some illegal stuff on Tumblr and pulled the app off the app store, Tumblr banned all adult content and it's heavily speculated that Apple at least had a say in it, if not being fully behind it
Before the end of 2018, Tumblr had a big community for those who consumed/made/spoke about adult contents! Said community was also largely made up of LGBTQ+ members and thusly became a lot of people's safe space! However while Tumblr had done pretty well so far to make sure no creeps were on here, some people exploited missing filters and started posting some very illegal adult content- Apple found out, pulled Tumblr off the app store, and not long after, Tumblr announced they'd be removing all adult content with some exceptions. Tumblr didn't get placed back onto the app store until after the ban took effect
Now it wasn't explicitly stated that Apple was the one behind the removal of all adult content, but it's been heavily speculated since then because it was a BIG change for Tumblr at the time- Especially when Tumblr figured out the problem and would be able to immediately fix it- Why get rid of it all when you can easily fix the thing that made it a problem? Why did Tumblr stay off the app store until after the ban(I'm sure they banned the blogs posting the illegal shit after all-)? Probably because Apple, who doesn't like adult content at all (despite it not being a guideline? The guidelines only states that apps have to have some sort of "safe search filter" which Tumblr did also have at the time-), told them to just get rid of it- And imo this stuff currently going on now is oddly similar to what we were saying back in 2018-
Call me a conspiracy theorist but honestly the most damning fact to me is that Tumblr wasn't allowed back on the app store until after all the adult content was gone-
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festiveferret · 2 years
if I remember my timelines correctly, the porn ban DID come from inside the house, whilst the iOS app-store apple guidelines does not - iirc the explicit content purge coincided with policy updates after verizon bought yahoo, and so also became an unwilling step-dad to tumblr, and verizon, eager to enforce its parental authority, demanded tumblr clean its room. and tumblr both dragged its feet on doing it, and then did it in such a way that verizon couldn't complain, but also would refrain from doing it again.
While there's no official official word from tumblr (because their official word is, as I said, that it came from within) it happened very shortly after the app either got pulled from the Apple store for not having enough protections for the naughty naughty or at least was threatened to be pulled, and also shortly after SESTA/FOSTA hit. It was a veritable soup of spawning censorship. Verizon bought Yahoo in June 2017 and the porn ban hit in Dec 2018. They then sold to Automattic in summer 2019. There's some speculation that the porn ban was to make tumblr more saleable, and there's a whole other conversation that can be had about why naughty naughty content makes the platform less saleable, including a treatise on Apple's role in the censorship movement in the states, but mostly the interest I expressed in my post was about the marketing itself, not the truth.
Regardless of what all the exact motivations were, because only the people in the room making the decisions know what they were entirely, tumblr had the opportunity at the time to say "sorry folks, we love sex as much as you do, but if we want to keep being a part of the spaces we're in, we have to do this thing :( womp" and cite all the factors that I have absolutely no doubt contributed to the decision or could easily be blamed for it. Instead, they played it as "this is GREAT and we all want it!" And this time around, they had the chance to say that again: "We're making it EVEN BETTER by removing all the smutty smutty smut tags as well! you won't need them anyway because you hate smut!" but instead said "big soz, blame Apple, only ios devices, please don't hurt us, not our fault." It's an interesting corporate maneuver to me (and shouldn't be surprising considering what the notes section looks like on every staff post for the last three years, but, well, then they did Post+ so.... maybe not that bright) and I'm curious to see how this is going to play out.
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rocksinmuffin · 3 years
This is not a request but a sugestion, I love your writing and the monster bf theme? ✨AMAZING✨ but normally when people search that kinda stuff they put it under the tag #exophilia, not that I mind but I feel the community of monster lovers would find easily your writing. Lovely blog, bye✌🏽
Hi! Thank you so much for your suggestion! I didn’t even think about tagging things with teratophilia or xenophilia or any of the other philias because I’m used to my stuff not showing up in the general tumblr tags since I always tag my nsfw stuff. Generally when I tag things I do it solely for the purpose of making my own blog easier to navigate because I’ve kinda gotten used to not showing up in Tumblr searches ever since the Great Titty Ban of 2018. But I did write some SFW stuff that would pull in a search and it’s not a bad tag to have for organizing things in general so I think so will go back and add #teratophilia to the relevant posts I answered this weekend. :)
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squuote · 2 years
maybe i just haven’t been on tumblr long enough but i can’t believe they did this. it sounds so cartoonishly evil i wouldn’t believe it if i didn’t see it.
LMAO IT RLLY IS honestly with the 2018 ban I thought they couldn’t go any further but this is like. a whole new low. and part of it is like yeah some thing makes sense with apple and their rules but then there’s shit like them banning “girls”. I am still in shock at some of the words they banned but girls is one that I will never fucking get over.
at the same time tho I’m also not at all surprised im more just shocked if anything but not surprised. staff pulls shit like this way more often than they should. might as well completely fuck up the tagging system while their at it I guess
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engineeredfiction · 4 years
Solace Among the Stars Ch. 2 “Manifest Destiny
Rating: PG-13
What: Crossover fanfiction comprising of themes and elements from: The Expanse, Blade Runner, Prospect(2018)
Characters: All original characters except for Ezra and Murtry. OC are based on actors I like such as Tobias Menzies (Greer) and Adele Haenel (Allard).
Plot: A group of banned Earthers attempt to improve their life beyond their home system, but come up against a powerful enemy.
Mood board is here. You can also check out the ‘sol mood’ tag
And if you would like to listen to music to put you in the mood then check out the playlist. I’ll be adding to it as time goes on.
Special thanks: @tom-riddleston-me and @yourpalmoony for being beta readers! I appreciate the time and effort!
NOTE: The format is a bit off, I will fix that later, I just don’t have the patience now. But if anyone knows how I can preserve formatting from google docs to a tumblr post please let me know!
More Notes: We finally meet Ezra! Well he’s awake and talking in this one.
Chapter 1 ‘The Stranger’
The lift sped up to the ninth level of Arcadia carrying Greer and his mysterious escort. A metallic ding signalled their stop, and the lift doors opened to a sprawling view of two nearby moons through floor-to-ceiling windows. The moon Helada, ammonia ice streaked the blue rock, and in the distance was Bosque, or colloquially known as ‘The Green’, due to its poisonous green atmosphere and lush forests. The gas giant Bakhroma was off in the distance behind the moon.
   “This way,” the escort called motioning for Greer to follow him through the door behind the receptionist’s desk. 
   Greer pulled away from the view and glimpsed at the receptionist. There was an unnatural glow behind the young man’s eyes; he wasn’t human, but a replicant. Replicants always caught Greer off guard due to their ability to blend in with humans. He always thought their short lifespan was a necessary reassurance. 
   The hallway behind the door led to an expansive room with a flurry of activity. Desks were occupied with relaxed chattering people in well-tailored clothing. A young woman paraded around the office floor in a skintight latex unitard with a tray of hors d'oeuvres. Greer spotted a bowl of black caviar on her tray. More food and bottles of wine were brought in by caterers.
   “Is there a party?” asked Greer.
   His escort gave him a sideways glance, “A celebration.”
   “Celebrating what?”
   His question was ignored. The escort pressed a bell by a door near the back. After a few seconds the door slid open to reveal Wallis’ secretary.
   “He’s been expecting you,” he cooly stated, “follow me.”
   Greer followed the secretary while the escort disappeared behind him. The office was large, smokey, and dark except for low gold lighting around the perimeter of the room and the light coming from the expansive windows behind his desk. Wallis was surrounded by a few members of Terra Corp’s managing staff, each carrying full-to-the-brim champagne glasses. A freshly-lit cigar dangled from Wallis’ mouth. He immediately turned to his new guest with a wide grin, gave Greer a once-over while he took a drag from his cigar, and strode across the black flooring to greet Greer. 
   “You must be Captain James Greer?” Wallis affirmed with an equally firm handshake. 
   “I’m Jaxtom Wallis. COO of Terra Corp.”
   “I know you who are.”
   Wallis took another puff of his cigar with a raised eyebrow and set it down on the desk.
   “Let me introduce you to some of the bigwigs of Terra Corp on this side of the galaxy,” he announced. He slapped a firm hand on Greer’s shoulder and guided him through the introductions, “This is Callista head of sales, Zarina head of engineering and sciences, and Dexton our lawyer, well one of many, and this brilliant man is Xavix. He’s the Director of Colonization for the United World Systems.”
   Pleasantries were exchanged and Wallis’s secretary handed Greer a half full glass of champagne.
   “What do you need to speak to me about?” Greer asked.
   “Straight to business? Take some time to admire my new cassowary! Here let me show you,” Wallis herded Greer with another firm hand on the shoulder. “I just got this beauty a few days ago.”
  The large mechanical bird turned its head towards the pair, two amber glowing eyes stared back at them. The beak opened and a tinny squawk forced its way out. It took a few steps ahead, stretched out the wings, and flapped a few times.
   “Isn’t it stunning?” inquired Wallis.
   “Wonderful,” Greer deadpanned. Greer furrowed his brow at the bird, “What is it again?”
   “A cassowary. The real ones on Earth are aggressive and can kill a person with its claws.”
“It adds comfort to the place.”
   “More of a touch of elegance I think,” Wallis either ignored or missed Greer’s dry sarcasm. “Listen,” he turned Greer back towards the staff and leaned into him, “We had a situation where a Terra Corp employee mistook one of your employees as a raider…pirate…marauder…and fired at them.”
   “She nearly died when the bullet tore her suit and exposed her to vacuum.”
“One I humbly apologise for.”
“And lost a hand.”
“I heard she had a limb regrowth procedure?”
“She did.”
“Well she’s good as new if not better! You see this mishap between her and one of my men has weighed heavily on me. I would like to make it up to you and your crew.” Wallis pushed a button on his desk and the hologram of a four planet system appeared. He continued, “Have you heard of the Basilicus System?”
“In passing.”
“The UWS has been in the Basilicus System for the past seventy years and has just announced that it is ready for colonization. Terra Corp has been given the first permit to begin working the grounds of Basilicus!”
Greer read the eagerly waiting faces of the staff, “And?”
“Terra Corp is a bit under financial strain-”
“I couldn’t tell,” Greer recalled his early sight of the celebration outside. 
Wallis chuckled sheepishly and continued, “we just can’t take a whole fleet out that far without getting a lay of the lands and resource samples and showing those refined resources to our board and investors.”
“How far out?”
Xavix butted in, “Two parsecs from Arcadia. Sixty three years each way if you go there straight from here. Sixty years if you go back through The Ring Network. ”
“A hundred twenty-six years!” Greer choked.
“But we can reduce that to fifty seven years both ways if we give you a new state-of-the-art ship,” Wallis persuaded.
“For a twelve year difference, we are not giving up the Sleipnir.”
Wallis picked up the champagne glass and balanced it between his fingers. He studied Greer’s face for a few seconds. Wallis teased, “There are five million credits on the table for this mission. Five million credits for each crew member. Imagine what you could do with five million credits. You could buy a penthouse on Mars, or Titan, or a house with acres of land on the lush green planets of Andromeda or Rhea with more than enough left over for the end of your days; buy fine things for your wife…or husband! Maybe for your future children? And out of this you get a new space transportation system, which includes the new model of suspended animation pods, Generation Nine nuclear pulse engine, and other luxuries for a long trip…”
Greer swallowed the rest of his champagne, “I need to discuss this with my crew and see what they say.”
“Of course. But we need an answer tomorrow. Time is ticking and we are eager to get this to work for the long term goal of Terra Corp.”
“What’s the long term goal? “Expansion. On Earth 19th century Americans believed in Manifest Destiny. The virtue, mission, and destiny of the United States was to spread its way of life across the country. We aim to do the same for the betterment of our people…of all people. We still have the desire; the need; the want to explore and go further than ever before. And Basilicus has four planets, and their moons, with an abundance of wealth waiting to be plucked from its virgin lands.”
A lump grew in Greer’s throat, “I’ll talk to them.”
“Persuade them.”
Xavix stepped forward, “Do any of them have mining or harvesting experience?”
“No,” Greer responded.
“I can add one of my employees to your crew. I’ll see to it personally you’ll get the best and provide training for you and your crew. Paid by me.”
“And what exactly will we be doing-”
“-I’m afraid I can’t tell you any more until you and your crew agree to the mission.”
The staff appeared to salviate as they silently waited for Greer’s answer, their fingers wrapped tightly around the stem of the champagne glasses. Their breaths trapped in their lungs and lips pursed.
“If the answer is yes,” Wallis asserted,, “bring your crew tomorrow morning.” 
“How long?” Murtry inquired as he crossed his arms. 
“Fifty-seven to sixty-three years. So a total of a hundred fourteen to hundred twenty six Earth years. Plus however long it takes us to get these ‘resources’,” Greer replied.
A collective groan came from the crew.
“We’re already twenty years out from when most of us left Earth,” Keane stated. She jolted out of her chair in the mess room of their ship, Sleipnir, to the cabinet that stored the libations.
“What’s adding a hundred to it?” Allard sighed, “Perhaps they’ve already forgotten about us on Earth and we can go back?”
“Not likely with the UN in charge. They keep permanent records,” Murtry interjected. “I may not be able to go back to Earth, but I don’t plan on being a star sailor for the rest of my life.”
“Born and bred ground pounder?” Greer asked Murtry as he followed Keane to grab glasses and she pulled out the whiskey.
“Exactly! I would like to settle on some bountiful rock, and five million credits will get that for me.”
“Five million credits from a corporation that has built its empire on blood and exploitation? All they ever were fines, freeze orders, and strikes, ” Keane complained. 
“Why not? They’ll be out of twenty million dollars with us on board!” Murtry retorted.
“But what did the UWS find out there that’s worthy of investing twenty million dollars, a pulse engine ship, and then the time it’ll take to get there and back? Must be something highly valuable.”
“And we would have to have one of their employees with us,” Allard added.
“I’m not comfortable with that and I want our own AI installed on the ship. If we’re going,” Keane insisted. 
“I agree, I don’t want one of their employees with us,” Greer moved to the table with three glasses of whiskey for each and sat beside Murtry leaving Keane the only one standing sipping the liquor.
Murtry gulped down the whiskey, “So what we do? Hire a floater? Unsavoury characters.”
“Kettle calling the pot,” Allard hummed.
“It’s pot calling the kettle.”
“Are you sure?”
The three nodded their heads towards Allard.
“It may seem strange to hear this from me, but Terra Corp is a double-edge sword. They’re a necessary evil. I know evil, I’m well acquainted with it. I’m slowly coming around from what I’ve done. And…I…it’s been more than twenty years since I’ve last set foot on Earth. The people I care about are either dead, dying, or don’t want to talk to me anymore. Or a combination of the latter. So why not travel the parsecs to the farthest reaches humans have gone and see worlds that haven’t been seen in person?” Murtry reasoned.
Keane stared at her boots; the soles were worn and on the edge of tearing, the original laces snapped ages ago and replaced with new ones.  
“What do you think?” Greer asked Keane. “Are you in?”
Keane clenched her jaw before looking up at him, “Let me sleep on it.”
“That’s okay. We can finish discussing this over breakfast and a plan on recruiting a fifth.”
Allard finished her whiskey. “You know what they want us to get?”
“Wallis wouldn’t tell me until we accepted the offer.”
“That’s dubious and not surprising,” Keane stated. She looked down at her boots again and thought how nice it would be to have a new pair that weren’t bought with tainted credits.
Trees, dirt, sand, metal, and blood, all at once. The sun was warm and the wind gentle. Keane tried to convinced herself  the desert in the middle of mountains was a dream and not an actual experience.
She was up first, waiting by the entrance of the docking arm to their ship. Her arms were wrapped around her trying to stay warm despite having a wool jumper on. Murtry greeted her with a cursory glance.
“I don’t want a ten minute story in a five minute bag. Too early and no coffee for that shit. Are you onboard for this? Honestly,” Murtry yawned and propped himself up on the wall.
She looked down at her worn boots, “It’s money. Which we all need,” 
She shrugged, “It’ll be exciting to go to a new star system. One of the first to really see these planets and get into their dirt.”
“You should have been a scientist.”
“I was an engineer.”
Murtry lowered his tone, “Soon enough people will accept your kind and you won’t have to hide.”
Keane gave a shy smile, “You mean that?”
“I may have the face of an arsehole, the walk of an arsehole, and sound like an arsehole,” they both chuckled, “but I am sincere in what I’ve said. If it wasn’t for your…modification you would have died on that rock.”
Keane’s breath deepened. “I’m still human,” she smiled and part of her fringe fell over her face.
Without thinking, Murtry gently swept the ginger hairs aside, “Of course.”
The sound of footsteps approached. 
“Waffles! Pancakes! Sausage! Mimosas!” Allard cheered as she made her way through the docking arm. Greer dragged feet behind her, he pulled a polar over his head .
“No alcohol,” yawned Greer as he tried to smooth down his short brown hair.
“How are you so cheerful every morning?” groaned Murtry as he turned away headed for the mess halls.
Allard ran to meet Murtry’s pace, “Because each time I wake up, I’m so happy to be alive. Arrête d’être grincheux!” 
Smörgåsbord dining hall was quiet this early phase, or morning as ground pounders called it. A few tables were occupied but the chatter was low and infrequent. Kitchen workers filled the buffet with an assortment of breakfast foods. Allard swiped her credit card first and dashed to the buffet without waiting for the rest of the crew.
“The coffee smells so delightful!” Murtry moaned out in near ecstasy. 
Keane paced in front of him and smiled in agreement. She eyed the coffee station with hungry eyes and was thinking about a large cup of black coffee, but a patron caught her attention. It was the man who was in the bed beside her hyperbaric chamber. His new arm was completed and he was massaging it softly.
Good for him, she thought. His face wasn’t shaven, clothing showed their age, and dirt clung to his boots. He must be a floater, an unusually attractive floater. She looked behind to get another glance and their eyes met. I’ve seen him somewhere before. Before the incident. Keane snapped her head around and poured her first cup of coffee.
Allard placed her plate down a few tables over from the man by the wall. Her mouth was already full with food when Keane set down a cup of coffee for Allard.
“Je t’adore!” Blow kisses were exchanged.
Food was being shovelled into mouths and condiments were passed around. “I’m in,” Keane traced a flower in the maple syrup on the plate in front of her.
Greer patted her back, “Good, good. I’m glad you decided to stick with us.”
“Someone has to save your asses. Arses.” They shared a laugh. Keane continued in a whisper, “Who knows, maybe Terra Corp will go under by the time we get back?”
“Cheers to that,” Murtry raised his mug, “so, what are we going to do about finding a harvester?”
The man’s ears perked up and looked over at their table, Keane caught his movement in her peripheral. 
“Suppose we’ll go down to the docks and see if there’s any contractors or floaters. Plenty of decent Belters,” Greer thought out loud.
“There’s a job agency here yes?” Allard asked as she leaned back with her cup of coffee.
“Yeah. I suppose that would be the first place. We can’t just get anyone. We need someone trustworthy who’s not going to murder. Someone who can do the job…whatever it is exactly. And…not murder us and or steal from us,” Greer trailed off. 
“You’re really worried about someone murdering us?”, Keane laughed, “I guess we have to vet them first.”
“I can get a background check on someone quickly,” Greer reasoned.
“No, no. I know what you mean. But if we are required to hire this harvester, then at least we go the contractor route. Anyone who won’t sign a contract can’t be trusted.”
“Right,” Murtry agreed, “it’s why we avoid the floaters. Possibly avoid Belters, they-”
“-Why won’t those people do contracts anyways? The floaters I mean,” Keane wondered. 
“I think it has something to do with the legal fees. And maybe principles,” Murtry rolled his eyes.   
“It’s mainly the legal fees,” a voice boomed to the group. In unison the crew turned towards the man who approached them with a stride of confidence that cut the air he moved through. 
“Legal fees shouldn’t scare anyone in need of work.”
“Well some folks are in rough situations that don’t allow them the comfort of throwing credits to lawyers,” the man’s voice was accented with a drawl, “and so they turn to the honour of word and hard work.”
“So we just rely on the word on some floater to uphold their end of the bargain?”
“What’s a contract going to do for you out in The Empty when you’re faced with someone stronger than you?”
Murtry glared at him.
“Clearly you have an interest,” Greer chided, “since you’ve listened to our conversation.”
“My apologies, but I do good sir,” the man claimed. He sat down at the table next to Greer, “I’m Ezra.” He extended his arm towards Greer.
Hesitantly, Greer accepted the handshake, “I’m Greer. These here are Allard, Keane, and Murtry.”
“Surname basis I see.”
“It’s standard. What’s yours?”
“That’s a tale and a half,” Ezra advised as Murtry rolled his eyes, “but I go by my mother’s name Reyes.”
“Ezra Reyes?” questioned Keane.
“It’s a strange combination for sure. My mother and father came from two very different backgrounds, but fell in love regardless.”
“So what can you offer us?” Greer returned to the point of this meeting.
“I am a floater, yes, but I may have the skills you desire for this fifth wheel.” 
Greer looked over Ezra’s shoulders as more people filtered into the dining hall. “How long have you been doing what you’ve been doing? What do you do?”
Ezra took in a breath. “I have been harvesting all over the inhabited systems since I was a spry teenager. Plants, gems, a variety of metals and foul smelling liquids to keep structures like Arcadia spinning and our ships flying. And I am willing to sign a contract.”
“You are?” Murtry blurted.
“I am. I am a man of my word. Now what is that you’ll have me do and where are we going?”
The group collective drew a breath and it was Greer who spoke, “We are going somewhere far to harvest samples of some material.” Greer carefully described.
“Well that is nebulous.”
“It’s for Terra Corp.”
Ezra gave pause upon Terra Corp being mentioned. “I suppose I am sitting in front of some well-accomplished team to have caught the eyes of one of the most powerful companies in the occupied Universe.”
“It’s basically an adventure of a lifetime and good money,” Keane cracked her neck.
“Yeah and far away to the outer edges of the travelled galaxy,” Murtry huffed.
Ezra’s curiosity peaked, “How far is the travel and how much are they offering?” He was met with apprehensive glances, “It’s a large sum of money?”
Greer ran a hand through his hair. “Two parsecs away and payment is in the millions.”
Ezra’s eyes widened, “Oh. I’ll be honest that caught me off guard,” he gave a weary smile, “My math isn’t the greatest, but I do believe that’s over a century of travel is it not?”
Keane finished her coffee, “Correct. A hundred and-”
“-twenty six years,” the crew said in unison. 
“That’s an awfully long time. What do your loved ones say?” Ezra said as he flexed his new right arm and shook it a few times. 
The crew found themselves in another round of meaningful silence which Keane broke, “we don’t have anyone but ourselves. We’re loners, we’re rebels.” She smiled to lighten the mood and Ezra smiled back.
“I like you,” he pointed at her. “I find that hard to believe that not one person in this part of the galaxy wants to be around any of you, except for this curmudgeon,” he nodded towards Murtry. 
“Like I said, we’re rebels.”
“And what are you rebelling against?”
Keane sighed and gathered her thoughts for a second, she looked to her crew but none of them were interested in talking to a stranger about where they were from and why they were out this far from home. “Join us and maybe we’ll tell you.”
Murtry scrunched his eyes closed, Allard nudged Keane with a flirtatious smile, and Greer couldn’t help but grin.
“I have been known to go great lengths for a good story, but I will admit a century of travel is intimidating.”
“You’re willing to spend that century with strangers? You don’t have anyone?”
“No I don’t,” Ezra lied, “I’m a floater. For now.”
Greer looked Ezra over, “We’re meeting with Terra soon. You have more presentable clothing?”
“Why yes I do own interview clothes,” joked Ezra.
Tag list. If you do not want to be on this please message me. I have tagged people who requested it and those who I think may be interested.
@opheliaelysia @a-carnie-and-a-cop @1-800-fandomtrashqueen @tarrevizslas  @dindjarindiaries @pedropascalisadilf @pedropascalito @maiden-of-asgard @rzrcrst @lizanotfromaroundhere @aint-that-a-mcfreakin-bitch @spacegayofficial @opheliaelysia
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bitter69uk · 4 years
Tumblr media
“I never got over Jayne Mansfield. I still think that’s how women should look, basically. I’m not much for the “natural look”!”
“She could act stupid, but I don’t think she was stupid at all in real life. She was a parody of a dumb blonde – she was a parody of Marilyn Monroe. She went beyond parody – she was an insane Marilyn Monroe.”
“I always liked (Jayne Mansfield) more than Marilyn – I still do! Jayne Mansfield is the ultimate movie star. Even with Divine. Divine was my Jayne Mansfield, only put together with Godzilla. I still marvel at how she looks. She must have done the roots of her hair every day. She never had a (dark) root, not for one second! I firmly believe she touched-up her roots every day!”
“Jayne Mansfield has always looked a little like a drag queen, but no drag queen could pull it off like Jayne could because she’s in on it. That’s the thing that makes it so endearing. How could you be “pitiful” when you’re in on the joke?”
“She sums up the fifties. Nobody’s more extreme than Jayne Mansfield in representing a fifties girl gone berserk. More than berserk – nuts! Acid!”
“She looked to me like she was really happy being completely out of her mind – like an extreme glamour person.”
“Jayne was hardly “every day”, but people liked Jayne. She was a comedienne. She wasn’t Anna Nicole Smith because she was smarter than Anna Nicole Smith. She could play the violin. She did a lot of smart things. She was hardly “slumming.” She was a big star.”
“Jayne Mansfield is an animated character. She’s not a real person. She’s from outer space, basically! I mean, look at her! She is a piece of work.”
/ The peoples’ pervert John Waters reminiscing about his all-time favourite movie star – Jayne Mansfield! (Quotes taken from his “bonus” interview on the DVD for The Girl Can’t Help It). Today is a sacred day: ultimate atomic-era sex kitten-gone-berserk Jayne Mansfield (19 April 1933 – 29 June 1967) was born on this day 87 years ago. /
Let’s face it: the puritanical, hypocritical and homophobic hellsite Tumblr has become a dying platform since it banned adult content in December 2018. I post here less and less. Follow me instead on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or on my blog. Fuck Tumblr!
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brucesterling · 5 years
Oath of Doom
TechCrunch is experimenting with new content forms. This is a rough draft of something new – provide your feedback directly to the author (Danny at [email protected]) if you like or hate something here.
My three word Oath? I’m with stupid
It goes without saying that this piece about my employer is my work alone, doesn’t reflect management’s views, and is done under the auspices of TechCrunch’s independent editorial voice. No usage of internal information is assumed or implied.
This is a piece about TechCrunch’s parent company, formerly known as “Oath:” (okay just Oath, but who am I to flout a mandatory colon?) and now ReBranded™ as Verizon Media Group / Oath (See what they did there? They literally slashed Oath. Poetic).
Oath is essentially the creature of Frankenstein, a corporate alchemy experiment to fuse the properties of the companies formerly known as AOL and Yahoo into the larger behemoth known as Verizon. You can feel the terrible synergy emanating from the multiple firewalls it takes to get to our corporate resources.
Oath has a problem:* it needs to grow for Wall Street to be happy and for Verizon not to neuter it, but it has an incredible penchant for making product decisions that turn users off. Oath’s year over year revenues last quarter were down 6.9%, driven by extreme competition from digital ad leaders Google and Facebook.
The solution apparently? Give away page views. If that logic makes sense, well then, maybe you should fill out a job application.
The kerfuffle is over Tumblr, which is among Oath’s most important brands, in that people actually know what it is and kind of still like it. Tumblr, which Yahoo notably acquired under Marissa Mayer back in 2013, has been something of a product orphan — one of the few true software platforms left in a world filled with editorial content like TechCrunch and HuffPost (Oath sold off Flickr earlier this year to SmugMug — which also seems to be going through its own boneheaded product decision phase).
All was well and good — well, at least quiet — in the Tumblr world until Apple pulled the plug on Tumblr’s app in the App Store a few weeks ago over claims of child porn. Now let’s be absolutely clear: child porn is abhorrent, and filtering it out of online photo sharing sites is a prime directive (and legally mandated).
But Oath has decided to do something equally obnoxious: it intends to ban anything that might be considered “adult content” starting December 17th, just in time for the holidays when purity around family gatherings is key.
In Tumblr’s policy, “Adult content primarily includes photos, videos, or GIFs that show real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples, and any content—including photos, videos, GIFs and illustrations—that depicts sex acts.” You’ll notice the written legerdemain — “primarily” doesn’t exclude the wider world of adult-oriented content that almost invariably is going to be subsumed under this policy.
Obviously, adults (and presumably teens as well) are pissed. As users are starting to see what photos are getting flagged (hint: not the ones with porn in them), that’s only making them more angry.
Oath is attempting to compress the content moderation engineering and testing of Facebook down to a span of a few weeks. And Facebook hasn’t even figured this one out yet, which is why people are still being murdered across the world from viral messages and memes it hosts that incite ethnic hatred and genocide.
I get the pressure from Apple. I get the safety of saying “just ban all the images” à la Renaissance pope. I get the business decision of trying to maintain Tumblr’s clean image. These points are all reasonable, but they all are just useless without Tumblr’s core and long-time users.
What flummoxes me from a product perspective is that it’s not as if banning all adult content is the singular solution to the problem. There is an entire spectrum of product, policy, legal, and product cultural ingredients that could be drawn upon. There could be more age verification, better separation of “safe for children” and “meant for adults content,” and more focus on messaging to users that moderation was meant to help the product and focus audiences rather than to puritanically filter.
Or you can just kill the photos, the somehow still loyal core user base, a safe space for expression via nudity and sexuality and, well, traffic along with it. And then you look at -6.9% growth and think: huh, I wonder if there is a connection....
458 notes · View notes
perilegs · 5 years
2018 meme list
• ppl eating tide pods
•image of a triangle with text above it saying ”Children yelling: mcdonalds! mcdonalds! mcdonalds!”  and on it ”We have food at home” ”*Pulls into the drive through as children cheer* *orders one black coffee and leaves*” ”MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!”
•the word fuckor
• google arts and culture app
•image of gordon ramsay saing delicious, finally, some good fucking food
• january lasting forever
• original vs un-tumblrized
• goverment assigned fbi agents
• you so. fucking. precious. when you. smile~
• lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to was down for a while
• cat no banana has kitties!! and that has raised the cat’s popularity
•image of a person first looking at their swim goggles and then putting them on
• hotel? trivago
• Furries? In my family? it’s more likely than you think
•[blank] you can’t change my mind
• X but every other beat is removed
• patrick looking mean
• that 4 panel image of the minion guy showing off his plan that fails on the last 2 panels
• op literally X but go off i guess
• distinguished/functional/disaster gay/bi/lesbian chart makes a huge comeback but the distinguished/functional/disaster part is replaced with whatever
• naked spongebob looking exhausted
• vriska
• yodeling kid
• x dies in infinity war
• trumpet boy
• *NSYNC memes as always
• someone’s body just chipping away with that triangle effect, i think it’s an infinity war joke
• gorl
• we’re updating our privacy policy
•in this essay, i will
• the ”is this x” butterfly meme is making a huge comeback
• bold of you to assume X
•a guy saluting then yelling
• e3
• that thing with pancakes and burgers (ihob)
• this is so sad alexa play X
• small dick energy
• my list of the best x10. they9. cannot8. be7. judged6. like 5. this4. they’re all wonderful3. and perfect2. equal beings1. [someone/something]
• car salesman slaps the roof of car
• alignment charts keep gaining popularity
• queer eye reaction pics
• rabies for some fucking reason, are y’all allright?
• polite cat
• merida’s accent
• ”I        like that”
• johny johny telling lies?
• ima keep it real with u chief!! kermit
•omg do gay X exist? imagine going to the Y and they...
• the nature of humanity is just that every so often someone invents homestuck again
• those hand shake image pictures are getting real popular again
• bongo cat
• the picture of the guy saying ”god i wish that were me” except it’s replaced with whatever text
• zendaya is meechee
• moth and lamps
• cat holding a sign
• presidental alert things
• hiding the you know i had to do it to ’em guy in every single picture there is
• banksy’s art shredding after it was sold
• memes about youtube crashing
• image of a brown haired guy from venom sitting in a lobster tank looking around
• that image of pikachu where his mouth is open :o
•you should have picked mercy song suddenly got popular and became meme even tho it’s kind of old
•super smash beam
• emoji editing site
• tumblr just gets fucking deleted from both the app store and the google play store
• they did surgery on a grape
• tumblr is banning all ”adult content” and flagging normal posts like there’s no tomorrow
• some guys really live like this
• the image where a woman with a pink dress first looks shook and then kinda smug/interested
send me a message if i missed something! there are no pictures bc tumblr’s formatting won’t allow it
memes i missed:
• (x) isn’t bad you guys are just mean
• hit or miss, i guess they never miss, huh?
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thevortexofourminds · 6 years
On leaving Tumblr
I’ve been on Tumblr for about six years with this blog. It’s a niche blog with a small number of followers (but WHAT amazing ones. I love you guys and girls) - at least when we look at the numbers that some of the bigger blogs have. Numbers are not important to me. And the number of followers doesn’t say anything anyway. I love this blog, and my only interest always was to create a blog that I would want to follow. And apparently, there are a handful of people who have the same kind of interests as I have. My photography-blog @tvoom is bigger. The number of people following this blog and the number of notes on some of my photos - to me personally - are mindblowing. Even though this blog probably still doesn’t count as a big blog, I would have never expected that my photos will ever attract this attention. My more experimental photo-blog @tvoom365 is very small. One reason certainly is that I rarely post anything and hardly ever “promote” it. Or maybe the photos are not as good ;) But the feedback was always astoundingly positive.
One of the biggest mistakes I made in my time on Tumblr was to delete my writing-blog. Two years of writings and recordings were gone. I deleted the blog because I realized that the reason I made that blog in the first place was not a “reason” for me anymore. I was stupid enough to think that just because that one thing in my life which made me start writing (again) changed, I will have no reason to write anymore. HA! Well... at least I still learn. I might be stubborn but not THAT stubborn.
I learned two things through that:
a) Stories don’t have a meaning beyond the meaning that we assign to them. And we can assign any meaning we want to. So a story changes by how we read a story. You as the reader and I as the author are equal parts in the creation process. And neither your opinion nor my opinon is the “right” opinion or the “correct” way to understand or interpret a story. Because what’s in your head is nothing I can change anyway. So... I will not apologize for what’s in your mind. Because I didn’t put it in there.  It’s the old “When a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it - does it make a sound?” thing. No, it doesn’t. The falling of the tree creates changes in air pressure. But "sound” is only created by the listener. And what that specific sound means to the listener... that’s dependent on the listener and highly personal. So much for “objectivity” ;P After this face-palm moment, I started to write and record again and gathered a tiny but wonderful audience.
b) Tumblr is not @staff or @support or a CEO or any person who “pulls the strings”. Tumblr is you, and me, and everyone who has a blog. A community only exists because of the people who take part in it. Agreed, the boundaries changed, but what we put within these boundaries... that is upon us. In the last five years or so, I put a tremendous amount of time and effort into doing my part in creating an environment in which a community can grow. I met dozens of wonderful, creative and amazing people, I was fortunate of having the privilege of being part of some of the coolest projects that I can imagine. And all of these things are and were only possible because of the people involved. People who do and did what they do and did DESPITE all the hardships. DESPITE all the problems. Who just did what they love doing and not to gain anything from it. I have the deepest respect for all the creators and curators of all sorts of genres on Tumblr. Because I KNOW how hard it is to keep something going for years and years and years. Thank YOU for doing what you do. And to those of you, that I have the privilege of working with directly (too many to mention): I love you all. And I am grateful for you. All I did and all I do was only possible because of you and the thousands and thousands of supporters, artists or no.  Leaving Tumblr would mean that I’d not only give up on what I’ve achieved and what I’ve been doing for years, what I was part of building up, but it would also mean that I’d be giving up on myself. Heck... it took me decades to find out who I am. I will not give up on this crazy dumbfuck that I am ;P Because that is what I am. I am a person who creates, I am a person who loves to share knowledge, beauty, art, and sometimes (well... quite often) a stupid joke. I love to share my experiences and art in all sorts of ways. And since Tumblr never was a platform that allowed me to do this in exactly the way I wanted to, I always used other platforms as well. Tumblr’s video-player is probably the worst in the history of the internet, so I’ve been posting my videos to YouTube. Tumblr’s audio-player is a bad joke, so I post my audios to Soundcloud. And I embed that all in my Tumblrs.
Tumblr’s “adult content ban” will most certainly go down in internet-history as one of the most hypocritical “internet moves” ever. The interesting bit is that it probably will be known as “the porn ban”. Which is not even true. I’ve seen people post claims like that “Tumblr now defines nude-photography (or anything that the dysfunctional algorithms flagged) as porn and therefore bans it”. That’s not true. The truth is worse. The truth is not even that Tumblr bans genitals and therefore also porn. Yes, nudity and genitals are banned. And porn is banned. Smarter people than I wrote in much more intelligent ways than I ever could what’s bad about this. But rarely have I seen anyone write about the real big problem. The big problem is that the new community guidelines of Tumblr are sexualizing women by banning female nipples except for photography of breastfeeding and medical reasons. So, the legality of showing parts of the female body is based on the function. If the photo does not depict this function, the photo is deemed sexual. And sex is forbidden. While male nipples don’t have any other function (at least not that I’m aware of, please educate me) other than being an erogenous zone. Just think about this for a moment. Male nipples are allowed. Because banning male nipples... that is prudish, isn’t it? But looking at how incredibly hypocritical and bigoted the western world (and especially the US) is at the moment, this just fits, doesn’t it?
The question is: Should we let the idiots win? Only the unorthodox, the ones that pushed boundaries, the non-streamlined, the experimentalists - in short - the “un-normal ones” make the world evolve. “Conservatism” derives from “to conserve”. And we only conserve what is already dead so that it doesn’t start to smell. It’s too late Tumblr. This doesn’t smell. It already stinks.
Some people will HAVE to go to other places to not compromise on their art or self-expression, leaving Tumblr only a stump of what it once was and maybe will never recover from. Unless we creators find a way to stay true to ourselves and use the base of what is still here to create something new and amazing. As a curator of (also) artistic nude-photography, an occasional artistic nude-photographer myself, and an artist who also makes “adult-themed” art, Tumblr is dead for me in this specific area. Will I use a different platform for these things? Since “adult writing” is not banned (yet) I can continue here. For the rest: Maybe. I might re-open my Flickr (Flickr belongs to the same company btw... and allows artistic nudes... hypocrisy much? Edit: I learned that Flickr was sold to SmugMug) or I might start a DeviantArt account. I don’t know yet. I will certainly reference these new places in case I’ll decide to give it a go. Fact is that I will expand. Creativity is change. And no, we will not like each and every change. But hey... that’s life. As long as we change, we live. Also, I will certainly not let stupid, bigoted, greedy, hypocritical liars limit me. And the big lie is that it was never about “making Tumblr a better, more positive place”. It very much sounds like “Make Tumblr great again”, doesn’t it? It’s the same set of mind. The same priority: Greed. It was always only and exclusively about money. And apparently, Tumblr can make more money with actual Nazis still around and with nudity banned. I am German, my great-grandparents lived through a time in which real artists had to flee a place and the Nazis stayed...
Another thing: How is Tumblr a better, more positive place with the porn-bot problem still not being solved? Granted, we will not see any visual porn anymore, but the bots are still there. And they still follow and reblog posts, they add or even replace the original content (”thanks” to the prior Tumblr “improvement”) with links to shabby sex-sites and “sex offers”. That is your more positive Tumblr, @staff . Congrats! You fucked up royally. Because now it’s even evident that this was never your concern anyway.
Since @pwsfineartnudes cannot continue after December 17th, 2018, and I was asked to join @abstract-challenge (after Amy sadly left Tumblr for personal reasons), maybe that is one way to expand. So I will happily and gladly try to find ways to contribute to this - for me - very new and very different fascinating photographic adventure. Thank you for the challenge and the trust you put into me.
Rock on, my friends! You are Tumblr! You will only get out of it what you put in. You are amazing! Always have that in mind.
- Pete 
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