vhscorp · 2 months
La vie est comme une longue semaine, jusqu’à ce qu’arrive dimanche, jour sacré du repos qui devient éternel…
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la ligne est un lieu qui se brise
là où elle se fait image
la continuité ne mène nulle part
l’ininterrompu est un monde hors cadre
le devenir se traverse souvent sans se réaliser
© Pierre Cressant
(mardi 21 novembre 2023)
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bocadosdefilosofia · 22 days
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«Todo pensamiento lógico se reproduce en lenguaje abstracto sub specie aeterni. Pensar de este modo la existencia equivale a omitir la dificultad, es decir, la dificultad de pensar lo eterno en proceso de devenir, algo que uno, sin duda, está obligado a hacer, puesto que el pensador mismo se halla en proceso de devenir. Síguese de esto que pensar abstractamente es más sencillo que existir, a menos que por existencia se entienda aquello que usualmente piensa la gente, algo como ser una especie de sujeto. Tenemos aquí nuevamente un ejemplo de cómo es que el más simple deber es también el más difícil. Se piensa  que existir no es mucha cosa, mucho menos un arte. Es obvio que todos existimos; pero pensar abstractamente -eso ya es algo relevante. Pero existir verdaderamente, es decir, dejando que la conciencia penetre en la propia existencia, siendo simultáneamente eterno, incluso más allá, por así decirlo, y no obstante presente en ella en un proceso de devenir -eso es lo verdaderamente difícil.»
Søren Kierkegaard: Postscriptum no científico a las Migajas Filosóficas. Universidad Iberoamericana, A. C., págs. 309-310. México, 2008.
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dandanjean · 4 months
En sanscrit, le mot nada signifie « musique », mais en espagnol, il signifie « rien ». Cette signification aussi est belle, parce que la musique dont je parle est la musique du rien, c’est la musique du silence. Les mystiques l’ont appelée musique non-jouée. Il existe une musique qui n’est pas créée, qui n’est là que comme un courant souterrain dans notre être ; c’est la musique de l’harmonie…
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lapoema · 11 months
Los miércoles
Por fm tres ciudades
De 20 a 22
Malas decisiones abrirá
El portal Sapica Sar
Les agradezco haber llegado hasta aquí juntas
Comienza una nueva etapa
Somos un virus semántico
Quienes nos entienden
Se contagian
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takurohtoyama · 1 year
Takuroh Toyama Exhibition  “DEVENIR  2022/11/11 - 11/27”
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Takuroh Toyama Exhibition “DEVENIR  2022/11/11 - 11/27” 期間:2022年11月11日(金)~11月27日(日) 時間:12:00~19:00(水曜休)※12日17:00閉店 26日15:00開店 会場:本屋青旗 (福岡県福岡市中央区薬院 3-7-15 2F) 写真家トヤマタクロウが、福岡県福岡市の書店 本屋青旗 で個展を開催。 本展では、2021年10月刊行の作品集「DEVENIR」を下敷きとして新たに制作した作品を展示、本展のために制作された冊子を小部数販売する。 TALK: 川島小鳥 × トヤマタクロウ 対談 (司会:米山菜津子) 11月12日(土) 18:00-20:00(開場 17:30) 参加費1,500円 先着20名 この日のために制作されたZINEつき     → ticket LIVE: 大竹雅生(ミツメ)演奏 11月26日(土) 13:15-14:00(開場 13:00) 参加費1,500円 先着20名         → ticket CONTACT: [email protected]
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drqueenb · 1 year
Bassine sur pieds
Bassine sur pieds Corps dressé Bras enclenchés Tête d’aplomb
Le jet tombe du ciel ou presque La stature ne bouge pas Seuls les yeux balayent
Double mouvement Déversement Racinement De l’eau ou de la cire ou de l'ébène C’est cela le devenir
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monlivrepratique · 1 year
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Tu ne m'as rien appris, mais tu as rendu possible le pacte de mon âme avec l'imprescrit. Tu as parfumé mes devenirs.
Olivier Py (Les Parisiens)
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villings · 2 years
(...) Y tu — electrón terrible, y tu — velocidad de la luz, y tu — vértigo de distancias, y tu — infinitud de guarismos y tu — secreto goce germinal de las pequeñas larvas que bucean hacia el sol, y tu — lindo caballito de cartón de mis sueños de niño destripador, dadme en seguro trance vuestro centro inexorable de palpitar dulcísimo; entregadme en éxtasis deslumbrado el devenir ciego de tanta primavera tronchada. A ver si así solo y con todo compongo de mi sed indecible el tremendo suceder de la Totalidad.
Miguel Labordeta
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vagodeldevenir · 2 years
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Me encuentro hasta el culo caminando tambaleante por Orizaba, la mera neta es que ni sabía que ya había llegado a la Roma, recuerdo haber estado en <el recreo> y <los juzgados>, esos perros bares de la "matanzanos" donde ves puro pinche viejito raboverde y pedote dentro, te sirven una comida completa como botana y el mejor anís que venden es <el del Mico>
Llevo las cámaras colgadas en el cuello, hasta parece que me vale pura chingada que estoy en CDMX y vengo de aquella colonia caminando todo pinche tambaleante; total, que como dicen por ahí <el que le juegue al vergas, que acepte sus consecuencias>
Pues si ya saben que bien intoxicados nos vale pito la situación, que me paro a media calle al toparme con la parroquia de la sagrada familia, ese santuario bien vergas dónde acude la banda alienada, de huevos me late la arquitectura y como soy bien mamador y ando pedisimo me pongo a mirarle lo neogótico; lo neorrománico y el estilo ecléctico de su construcción mientras los carros me pitan, pues como dije me pare a media calle, osea avenida.
-Pues que me planchen, de huevos no me voy a quitar hasta que una pic chidota me salga.
Un culero me avienta el carro pero ni me inmutó, me grita que si estoy loco y en respuesta, para joderle el tiempo, saco mi pipa, me doy unos fumes de la ricota y saco otras fotos más.
Cruzo la calle, frente de mi está un centro culturalon chidote de la UNAM, recuerdo que es miércoles y creo que hay cineclub. Padentro como no!! disimulo sobriedad y pregunto dónde está el baño, subo las escaleras, ya dentro me aviento otro fume más en el balconsito y le aviento a mi termo un latón que llevaba.
Bajo, me topo una expo del infierno de Dante, ni topo el pinche texto porque se me hacen dobles las letras y mejor me tumbo frente a la pantalla de proyección, a esa si le rindo culto y es mi parroquia.
Camara: Sony Cybershot DSC-H5
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Erik Seiler, Oktobre, @etrangeenferdelabeaute
ce qui a été dit est la portée du devenir ; et c’est la fleur qui en parle le mieux par instinct car par sa forme et sa couleur la mémoire la retient et la transpose perpétuellement sur sa propre silhouette ; le fragile qui élargit le fragile, qui l’étend et le fait durée ; la fleur qui voudrait la soutenir dans cet angle de lumière, qui s’en extrait pourtant sans en prendre conscience, en suivant l’inclinaison qu’elle propose au soleil
© Pierre Cressant
(jeudi 29 septembre 2022)
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bocadosdefilosofia · 10 months
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«La publicidad es la última tentativa hasta la fecha. Aunque su objetivo es suscitar, provocar, ser el deseo, sus métodos son, en el fondo, bastante semejantes a los que caracterizaban a la antigua moral. La publicidad instaura un superyó duro y terrorífico, mucho más implacable que cualquier otro imperativo antes inventado, que se pega a la piel del individuo y le repite sin parar: “Tienes que desear. Tienes que ser deseable. Tienes que participar en la competición, en la lucha, en la vida del mundo. Si te detienes, dejas de existir. Si te quedas atrás, estás muerto.” Al negar cualquier noción de eternidad, al definirse a sí misma como proceso de renovación permanente, la publicidad intenta hacer que el sujeto se volatilice, se transforme en fantasma obediente del devenir. Y se supone que esta participación epidérmica, superficial, en la vida del mundo, tiene que ocupar el lugar del deseo de ser.»
Michel Houellebecq: El mundo como supermercado. Editorial Anagrama, págs. 68-69. Barcelona, 2005
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Temía parpadear porque, al abrir los ojos, estaría mirando a otra persona. Se me secaron y aun así cambiaste.
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lire1x · 15 days
Devenir de Michelle Obama
Cette fille est réellement ON FIRE!On pourrait croire que les fées se sont penchées au-dessus de son berceau.Michelle Obama est née pourtant avec un sacré handicap: ses origines afro-américaines. Avoir comme ascendance des esclaves est encore aujourd’hui aux États-Unis un sacré défi.Avec cette biographie pas toute récente publiée à l’époque en France aux éditions Fayard et en version audio chez…
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musicarenagh · 1 month
An Exclusive Interview With Jonathan Grow ABout Latest Single 'Devenir' Dear audience, I present to you the exclusive interview with Jonathan Grow, the American pianist and composer, today. He is famed for his emotional and intricate compositions. Moreover, his last EP "3" that is coming out now demonstrates his music evolution by showing three melodious at the same time enchanting pieces. And today, we'll be concentrating on his latest track "Devenir," which is the last one of the entire EP. In this work, however, the narrator Jonathan flawlessly details his personal growth and transition throughout the story, linearly depicting his experiences from childhood to adulthood. The instrumental’s piano melodies, engaging strings, and symphonic crescendo delicately put across the transition and self-discovery into a rich painting. Jonathan's involvement in music from the age of five in a musical family was the gateway for his present career as a musician. By using many real things as inspiration for his compositions, he creates music that can be related to all; through this, his pieces are a reflection of life's complexity. The essence of this talk will touch on Jonathan's artistic process, inspirations as well as the significance of his recent undertaking "3". Let's discover together transitioning era and tales of Jonathan Grow and plunge into the depths of his mind and musicality. Listen to Devenir below https://open.spotify.com/track/6ZOOuF24kiyrWpfzTB6jjY Follow Jonathan Grow on Facebook Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Bandcamp Youtube Instagram What is your stage name? Jonathan Grow. I don't perform out so much anymore, but it's the name I compose under. Is there a story behind your stage name? I don't really have an interesting story, other than I just wanted to present who I am to whoever will listen. Where do you find inspiration? I'm inspired by everyday stories and the human experience. I hear the world around me as a sort of score to the film that is the extraordinary nature of everyday life. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Music has played an enormous role my whole life. From a very early age, I've always sort of heard the music of the world around me. By age 4, I was traveling with my family's singing group. I grew up in choirs, played in bands, taught myself the piano at 11, and began composing simple melodies and songs. Music has played an enormous role my whole life. Are you from a musical or artistic family? My family was musical growing up. My father and mother were both singers, my father was a music teacher and choir director. My sister, a classical pianist and percussionist. My oldest brother, a singer, also played the cello and tuba. My other brother, a singer, songwriter, double bassist, and pianist. We grew up making music together, traveling as a singing group. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? I suppose I inspired myself to be in the music industry. I hear the music in my head all the time - since a very early age. It's important to me to get the music out of my head and, I suppose, into the heads of others. I want to write music that moves people. To get the music out to the world, the music industry is a necessary vehicle. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I've always been self-taught. I think it's just how I'm wired. I began singing when I was young. I taught myself the piano - started picking out melodies from the radio and teaching myself how to play them. My band teacher taught me how to play brass instruments - the trumpet, specifically. I taught myself to play the acoustic guitar as an adult becuase the songs I was hearing in my head were on guitar. (I'm not a great guitar player at all, but it's enough for what I need to do). I've taught myself to write and compose over the years. I'm currently teaching myself the clarinet. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I didn't see a lot of concerts when I was younger.
Probably the first actual music event I ever attended was probably Les Miserable when it came to the Wharton Center at Michigan State, while I was in college. I was floored. It was so moving. How could you describe your music? My music is instrumental. A score for the human experience. Often melancholy, melody-centric. Moving and dynamic. I enjoy creating lush, moving orchestrations. Most of my work has piano at the core. Describe your creative process. My creative process has evolved. Much of the time, it begins with a melody that I just hear in my head. I used to always write away from my instrument. Composing in my head and heart first before ever touching an instrument. I still do that. But lately, I've embraced a more dynamic mode of composing, where I begin with anything at all. Wherever my hands land, in a sense, is my beginning; then I'll just listen and respond to where the music tells me to go. Then at some point, it takes a turn and I begin to hear the countermelodies and textures and alternate themes, harmonic structures, etc. Often I'll end up leaving behind the original melody altogether. What is your main inspiration? The human experience is what inspired me the most. Real people with real, lived stories. What musician do you admire most and why? This is a hard one. Thomas Newman is a composer I admire for his ability to convey emotion. Alan Silvestri is a master of melodic storytelling. Edward Elgar has an amazing ability to retell a theme unlike any other composer. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? My style has evolved very much, and continues to. If I'm doing this right, it always will. Because that means I'm learning and growing. Who do you see as your main competitor? I don't see music in terms of competitors. We're all doing the same thing in a slightly different way, and with our own voice. The way I tell a story with music isn't for everyone; I'm thankful that there are other composers telling the same story differently, becuase I think it's important for people to be able to connect with music - whether it's mine or another composer's. We can learn a lot from one another. We're far more collaborators than competitors. What are your interests outside of music? Hiking, reading, running. Stargazing, though that's hard in the city. Time with my wife and family is my favorite thing ever. I've studed French for a long time. I think it's such a beautiful language and culture. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? Probably astrophysics. Exploring the beauty and mysteries of the universe. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? Giving myself permission to do the kind of music that I've always believed I could do. It took a long time, and I'm thankful to be where I am now. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I wish the music industry was more accessible. We'll never get a chance to hear some of the greatest composers and artists that exist in our world today. I find that sad. https://open.spotify.com/album/5dbrdu8kXvWZTsvOvQIxx8 Why did you choose this as the title of this project? "3" is my latest EP. I chose that as the title for many reasons. It's my third studio project, so that's obvious. My music journey until maybe 5 years ago was a different one that I would have chosen. I learned so much on that journey, but the story I lived until then created a lot of limitations for me. For most of my life, I didn't feel I had permission to really compose the music that has always been in my heart. Then one day I decided I could just let go of all of those old paradigms and structures that had felt so limiting. So 3 is the age I was just before the beginning of that misdirected journey. A return to myself, felt in a sense like a return to the purity of that age, just as it all began. What are your plans for the coming months? I have some albums that I'm working on for publishers. After that, I plan to work on some of my own projects that I've had a passion for.
Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? No collaborative plans just now. What message would you like to give to your fans? For anyone that hears what I do, thank you for listening. I hope that you'll hear your own human story inside the music that I compose, and that it will give you permission to tell your own story and follow your own journey, wherever that leads. Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me today!
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