#destiel domestics in the kitchen
wigglebox · 8 months
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Suptober [Extended] - Day 20 || Domestic
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fruitmixtape · 2 years
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dancing in the kitchen. right in front of my salad <3
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justbeingsasita · 2 years
Suptober22, Day 5 (Perfect Disaster)
a big thank you, once again, to @winchester-reload for the amazing prompt list!
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hope chest | @hauntedpearl
Rating: General Word Count: 1,075 Main Tags/Warnings: Domestic, Retrospective, Dean POV Summary: There’s this bowl in his kitchen. It’s a cheap little thing — cost him barely a buck and some change — he’d found tossed in the back of a thrift store in Ohio. And it’s ugly, too. Got this ridiculous, colourful, loopy pattern on it almost as if someone gave a preeschooler free reign of a paintbrush and left them to it. A chip in the rim, like the last owner had chucked it at the wall when the fruit punch inside wasn’t quite to his taste. It’s — Well. You get the idea. Or; Dean buys a bowl and it's kind of like his hope chest!
Blueberry Pancakes | @curlynerd
Rating: General Word Count: 1,335 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean Winchester Cooks, Found Family, Dean Winchester-centric Summary: Dean Winchester hates mornings. And yet, he still wakes up early every day.
ataraxia | @envydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,618 Main Tags/Warnings: Eating out, Masseuse!Cas, Massage, Sexy Massage, Established Relationship, Dean has a very good time, Top!Cas, bottom!Dean, Blow Jobs, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary: ataraxia: Tranquillity of mind; absence of mental disturbance. Dean's aching from work so Cas uses his skills for the perfect solution
fine | @demonmary
Rating: General Word Count: 2,071 Main Tags/Warnings: Established Relationship, Domestic Disputes, Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Castiel didn’t seem to hold back any of the venom from biting into his words, and the intended sting found its mark. Sometimes they argued until the most casual of words became so harsh they felt more like fists being thrown, and Dean was not one to let someone get the last hit, proverbial or not.
Goodnight, Moon | @heller-castiel
Rating: No Rating Word Count: 2,753 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Asexual Dean Winchester, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Kid Jack Summary: Cas shifts in his arms, turning to face Dean, and just as Cas wants to hold him, Dean is ready to be held in return. Their left arms reach across their chests where they are pressed together, and they do not clasp hands but rest the backs of them against each other, and Dean’s right arm falls to rest on Cas’s hip just as Cas’s right falls to Dean’s hip, and together they let their foreheads rest on each other’s. Or, Cas has insomnia sometimes. Dean brings him back to bed.
Fowl Play | @blessyourhondahurley
Rating: General Word Count: 2,900 Main Tags/Warnings: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Domestic Fluff, Panic Attack, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Jack's Parents Summary: Dean and Cas buy a farm.
five times where dean gets spoiled with love and affection like he deserves, and cas revels in having what he's always wanted | @devastatingly-handsome-friend
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,767 Main Tags/Warnings: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Truth Spells, Witch Sam Winchester, BAMF Castiel, Protective Castiel Summary: Five instances of domestic, established destiel living a peaceful life together.
You're already home and you don't even know it | @norahastuff
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5,470 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean and Cas in the bunker, nebulously post canon, Cas is something between angel and human Summary: Dean gives Cas a ring. It doesn't mean anything, though. Except it does. Of course it does. It might take some jewellery, a run-in with a siren and some good old fashioned conversation, but maybe, just maybe, they'll figure things out.
Learning | @deans-gayboy
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6,133 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Panic Attack, Autistic Meltdown, Autistic Jack Kline, Autistic Castiel, References to Canon, Mental Health Discussions Summary: Jack is panting, his face pale and his hands shaking, tapping against his leg repeatedly, his eyes darting around the room. His hair is all over the place and there’s a red spot on his forehead, making Dean rush over without even thinking, wiping at Jack’s forehead with his sleeve. “Jack,” Dean says, desperately trying to keep panic from his voice, “Jack, can you tell me what happened? What’s going on?” Dean’s scared, shit, he’s so fucking scared. Jack can’t die, or at least not from physical wounds, so then what was happening? Why can’t Jack look at him, his eyes darting around the room to everywhere except Dean?
Little Darlings, Here Comes The Sun | @sunshine-zenith
Rating: General Word Count: 11,408 Main Tags/Warnings: Married Dean and Cas, Dads Dean and Cas, Musician Dean, Dancer Cas, Normal Human AU, Flashbacks, Fluff Summary: When Dean and Cas just can't get their kids to go down for the night, they decide to tell them the story of how they met thanks to a YouTube video.
Forsaken Soldier | @valandrawrites
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 21,404 Main Tags/Warnings: Cabin Fic, Wilderness Survival, Former Military Dean Winchester, Marine Corps Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Has PTSD, Feral Behavior, Selectively Mute Castiel, Fallen Angel Castiel, Wild Animals Shouldn't Be This Cute, Castiel Does Not Understand Boundaries, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Military Backstory Summary: Dean did not adjust well to civilian life, so against his brother’s advice and carrying a shit ton of baggage, he made his way far off-grid to try and collect his thoughts. Rufus’ cabin was set in an idyllic location, even if it was a two-day hike through the woods to get there. Dean never imagined he'd encounter a strange, curious creature covered in mud that kept leaving fish at his door for breakfast. It couldn’t be a person, could it? How could anyone survive the harsh Montana winters without shelter or… clothes. Because whatever this animal was, it was definitely naked and had the bluest eyes Dean’s ever seen. Amazing Art by @Solstheim - seriously, I can't imagine having this kind of talent. I'm in awe and so incredibly thankful to them for being willing to take my barely comprehendible notes and turn them into exquisite art. If you don't read the story, at least scroll thru for the art. It's worth it. Part of the Bottom Dean Big Bang 2022
For the Love of Jack | @destielsuperfan
Rating: General Word Count: 22,496 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Jack Kline, Sam Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Hannah (Supernatural), Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Miracle the Dog (Supernatural), John Winchester, Bobby Singer, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Domestic Castiel/Dean Winchester, Human Castiel (Supernatural)Father Figures, Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Baby Jack Kline, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Single Parent Castiel (Supernatural), Young Sam Winchester, Teacher Castiel (Supernatural)Mechanic Dean Winchester, Human Gabriel (Supernatural), Domestic Fluff, Happy Ending, God | Chuck Shurley is Castiel's Parent, Short & Sweet, Feel-good, very little angst Summary: Castiel is a "functioning-single father" who is trying his best to raise his energetic and happy toddler, Jack. Dean is the anxious yet macho big brother returning home to escape the past behind him. These two meet and though it seems they come from different backgrounds, they grow close. Watch as these two grow in their relationship and close past ones all while trying to raise a toddler.
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minetowalkonglass · 7 months
domestic destiel post!despair where they have been living together out of the bunker for like months and dean is too stupid to Talk but one morning he comes into the kitchen as usual and pours himself a cup of coffee that cas just brewed and grimaces and goes "I love you Cas but please man please let me teach you how to use the coffee maker right" and cas bluescreen brains
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deancaskiss · 1 year
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keithal · 1 year
Do you have any supernatural fic recs?
ANON. i have been waiting since 2019 for someone to ask me this. prepare to regret this decision (FYI: i'm taking all these recs & following notes from my public bookmarks on ao3, which you can find here. i'm cutting the notes short, so if u don't mind spoiler-y drawn-out comments, check that out too if u want!)
deancas focused:
A Reasonable Amount of Trouble by xylodemon -> an spn au where dean is a p.i. and a hunter on the side, cas is still an angel, and they get caught up in a plot that's a mix of seasons 4, 6, 8, and 9. this was my introduction to spn and deancas. the characterization is flawless and the prose is beautiful (very cs pacat-esque). the plot is crafted with close attention to detail and the pacing is perfect
the point of our being by noviembre -> a post-s15 fix-it that takes place immediately after the penultimate episode. noviembre is undoubtedly my favorite spn writer of all time. one of the best dean voices i've ever come across. this ties up the narrative threads into a beautiful, sound, satisfying ending, and both destiel & saileen survive. despite the odds, they're happy.
i projected onto dean winchester when i was twelve years old and now im making it your problem by alittleduck (amidsizedfrog) -> another post-finale fix it. and, to date, the funniest thing i've ever read. every fic in this series has a good balance between scenes that make u laugh so hard u hurt ur throat and Scenes That Make You Want To Gurgle Cement.
So Says The Sword by komodobits -> a s4 au and a fandom classic for a reason. if u haven't read this, i'm of the firm belief it's best to go in as blind as possible. but definitely keep this verse in the back of ur mind while reading: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father" (matthew 10:29)
sir this is a wendy's by noviembre -> yall remember when misha collins said that a modern au deancas would be like if a wendy's janitor and the president of the usa fell in love? well noviembre took that seriously and now we're here. and u should all be thankful bc it's somehow the single funniest and most romantic thing i've ever read
the pie isn’t a metaphor (it’s just pie) by noviembre -> post-finale s15 domestic deancas fic that's the emotional equivalent of drinking tea and lying under a warm weighted blanket. it makes me so happy and i think abt it every time i eat a pastry. i just sit there chewing like “dean and cas are eating fresh pie in their kitchen” and it puts a smile on my face.
Muscle Memory by komodobits -> a "50 first dates" au that i think abt every single day. i'm not joking. it's so sad and touching and sweet and unexpectedly funny, and no one writes deancas like komodobits. it just FEELS so them and i'm obsessed w it.
Strandlines by aeli_kindara -> au where s4 cas meets stanford-era dean. dean's voice and characterization is incredibly in-character with the early seasons and his voice doesn't falter once. and of course castiel! robotic s4 cas with this tremendous power and this fierce yet wavering loyalty to heaven that eventually focuses solely on dean! likewise, his character is spot-on and i enjoyed reading from his pov immensely.
[podfic] right hand on his rife, swore it on the bible by be_brave13 for quensty, floorsirens -> u can't possibly expect me NOT to include this. YES my friend and i wrote the fic but be_brave13's love and appreciation for it makes it feel like a completely separate work. my favorite podfic (and gift) of all time so i implore u to give it a listen.
something suddenly everywhere by noviembre -> the finest post-s15 fix-it of all time. cas is in the empty, they've defeated god, jack is gone, and all that's left is sam, eileen, dean, a bunker, and trying to move on. i know i already said that but this is the same author so it still counts! i cried, i laughed, i grieved, i jumped from excitement. it's a rollercoaster of emotions. it should be put behind a velvet rope at a museum so we can all gather around and clap.
To Boldly Go by 8daysuntiltheapocalypseiguess -> au where dean writes star trek fanfiction. it follows him from the beginning of the show to the older seasons and is told entirely thru his fic summaries, reader commentary, and livejournal dms. warning that it is unfinished, but it's a masterpiece
saileen focused:
Loveletter (Dear Eileen) by voynichs (Xenerik) -> a short and beautiful meditation about love and eileen from sam's pov. it's only 300 words but it feels like 15k. definitely at the top of my fave saileen fics of all time. when i first read it i stayed up until 2 am crying abt it
Livin' on a Prayer by Dredfulhapiness -> EILEEN MEETING EARLY SEASONS DEAN AND SAM I'M SCREAMING. do u understand how this could've changed the timeline but, more importantly, me as a person. eileen there when dean and sam were trying to find a way out of the deal, there when everything happened with ruby, there for dean's resurrection, there before they met cas, there after sam dies and dean retires and cas goes m.i.a. and DEALING with the aftermath of a foiled apocolypse. everyone hates the winchesters but the winchesters are gone and all that's left is eileen to deal with the brunt of it.
With Hands Clasped by Xenerik -> a handful of snippets from the eileen wedding that explores gender and religion and love so beautifully. i haven't been able to read it completely yet, but i can tell this is going to be another saileen fave.
other pairings/no pairings
The Love Story of the Runner Up by Margo_Kim -> told from the perspective of a guy cas had a brief affair with as a semi-drunken story he tells a friend in a bar. it's technically deancas but since cas's relationship with another man takes main focus, i elected to put it here.
Ten Years by Margo_Kim -> a bela talbot character study and the best i've been able to find, no contest. *rowena voice* good girls are pathetic here's to evil skanks <3
The Archangel Gabriel Is Dead by seizethefire -> fics that have half a million kudos in my mind. it's about how and why rafael comes to think that god is dead. it expertly explores the familial relationship between gabriel, lucifer, michael, and rafael. it's devastating and beautiful in equal measure. definitely a personal favorite and one i think everyone should read
put them in a box somewhere by amidsizedfrog -> a mary & dean fic told from mary's pov from before she died. a gut-wrenching story about performative/toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia and mothers.
lastly, if ur interested, i also write spn fic >:) which u can find by clicking here. happy reading!
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jerusalemandolives · 7 months
Destiel Fluff Fic Recs
Drop Anchor by almaasi - Rated E
AU. A sailor and an enemy pirate are marooned on an island together, and while awaiting rescue they accidentally achieve domestic bliss. Or: Dean Winchester is lieutenant of the Royal Trading Ship Echelon. On a pleasantly sunny but particularly catastrophic day, he is marooned on an island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with only one man for company. That man is Castiel, captain of the black-sailed Leviathan: a pirate, no less. Given the circumstances under which they are stranded, rescue seems unlikely, and it could be aeons before a ship even comes by. The two of them may as well make the most of their own private island, personal differences be damned.
The Care and Feeding of Castiel by MalMuses - Rated E
Dean’s quiet time in the bunker is interrupted by some stranger-than-usual behavior from his angel. Oh, and feathers...there are a lot of those, too.
We will not give up on love now by justhockey - Not Rated
(It’s not home now, not anymore. It can’t be when the person that made it home is gone.) Dean starts finding black feathers all around him and he doesn’t know where they’re coming from. Somewhere, out in the Empty, Castiel is shedding his grace, is finding his way home.
The Same Page by Latter_alice - Rated T
Cas smiles at the sound, dazed and feather-light, but the joy is unmistakable. It's the best thing Dean's ever seen. Fuck, he missed him. Missed him so much he didn't know what to do with himself. Post empty rescue.
A Far Green Country Under a Swift Sunrise by ProlixInSpace - Rated T
Finally, finally, finally, there is time for everything.
where they belong by architecture_in_f1ll0ry - Rated G
Dean doesn't let go of the people he loves that easily. Especially when they were right in the middle of a conversation.
One Flash of Light (But No Smoking Pistol) by spiderglass - Rated G
This is the longest road trip they’ve ever been on, just the two of them with no Sam. Dean feels a certain weight of responsibility to do it right. Or, Supernatural with an ’80s pop soundtrack, because Cas picks the music.
sitting here with you (at the kitchen table) by midnightshades - Rated E
Dean has no idea what he did to deserve it, but something so bigger and worthier and holier than him found him between the flames of hell and molded him back into himself. Took his bleeding hands and knit the skin back together like Dean was deserving of it. His arms and legs and chest and throat—every inch of him—has known Cas’s touch. The angel had sewn him back together enough times that somewhere along the line, angel grace replaced dental floss, and Dean has never been the same. Now that it’s done and it’s over, the chasm in his gut eats itself raw. *** A little something about kitchen table conversations, and grief and love going hand in hand.
Make It That Much Better by FagurFiskur - Rated G
Unfortunately, the woman takes that as her cue to continue the conversation. “Did you adopt?” “No,” Cas responds dryly. “Dean forgot the condom.” * Or, four times other people mistook Dean and Cas for a couple and one time Dean did it himself.
on the sixth day by fleeceframe - Rated G
“Right,” Dean says. He nods to himself and tries to believe that Cas means it when he says he’s going to stay. “Right, and Jack, he brought you back?” Cas smiles softly. “Yes, it took him time to figure out how to use his powers in a way that he could reach me, but he succeeded. We had our own reunion and discussion before he brought me here.” He looks back at Dean. “You have, apparently, been quite the talk of Heaven.” Dean frowns and finally pulls away. He would be worried, maybe is a little bit, because when do they ever really catch a fucking break, but Cas is looking at him with something so fragile in his eyes. Something light and hopeful and sad all at the same time. “What’d I do now?” Cas looks at him like his heart is breaking. “You prayed my name to every angel in Heaven for six days straight.” or the one where dean grieves in his own way until jack swings a little power to give dean another shot at that love confession
Water, Sunlight, T.L.C. by youaresunlight - Rated T
Cas is turned into a plant after an unfortunate skirmish with a coven. Hannah brings him to Dean and Sam to seek their help, and Dean has a few emotional discoveries while taking care of Cas. I assure you that this is not (I repeat, not) a crack fic, and I'm rather very proud of it so I hope you enjoy it as well.
like a five pound note by godtiering - Not Rated
Angels are watching over you. It’s dark outside, but she can see the stars. Castiel, angel of God, is kissing her son. They’re leaned up against the Impala, Dean’s back to the door. He has Dean’s face cradled reverently in his hands, and Dean is crying. Dean has his arms wrapped around Castiel’s shoulders, underneath his arms, as if he’s trying to pull him in as close as possible. He’s rubbing his thumbs distractedly against Castiel’s neck, while Castiel runs his hands all over his face, occasionally wiping away tears that trail down his cheeks. They pull apart and breathe in and she sees, rather than hears, Dean sigh soul-achingly deep. Castiel strokes his thumbs gently underneath Dean’s eyes where tear stains have gathered. Dean laughs, the sound watery, and they press their foreheads together. He turns his face inward, his eyelashes brushing Castiel’s cheek. His arms cling tighter and Castiel rubs the tip of his nose gently against the side of Dean’s.
nightlight by fleeceframe - Rated G
But the thing is, as he gets closer, he has to blink his eyes to make sure he’s seeing things right. Because that’s definitely Jimmy’s body slumped over against the trunk of one of the apple trees, but floating above him is- well, it’s a floating light, a sphere with a one-foot diameter, just hanging out at Dean’s chest level. Dean approaches it carefully with a furrowed brow and half-raised hackles. “Cas?” Dean prompts slowly. “Is that-” And the orb is glowing out sweet and white like it could easily be used to keep away the dark in a child’s nursery. It’s so welcoming. Like Dean could just reach out, out, and catch that gentleness in his hands without any sort of consequence. “Hello, Dean,” the orb hums. or the one where cas gets expelled from his vessel and he isn't as much of a dude as dean thought he was
Something Dumb to Do by PorcupineGirl - Rated T
Dean sits back in his chair, drinking his coffee and watching Castiel. After a few moments, he realizes that the soft, mellow feeling in his chest is… contentment. He's not happy in the way that a little kid is happy at their birthday party, or even in the way that he is when Cas or Sam has been miraculously brought back to life after one of the long string of disasters in their lives. He's happy in a new and different way. And has been, maybe, for a while now. Nearly as long as Cas has been living here, human, in the bunker. And then Dean Winchester has a moment of absolute clarity.
Bee Mine by starhoppinglover - Rated G
Castiel is human for the first time. He faces all kinds of new human challenges, like picking out birthday presents, hangovers, and the flu. Good thing Dean is there to help him through it. Gadreel never happened and Cas never got kicked out of the bunker. And he met Charlie. How things should have gone, of course.
The Literal Bear Hug by almaasi - Rated G
Suddenly, Cas was a bear. This was not supposed to happen.
Of Loss and Love by BadassCompany - Rated E
“You saved me,” Cas says. Dean wants to crawl inside that low rumble of a voice and curl up there forever. Delirious, he says, “Yes.” Then Cas says, “You kissed me.” Dean swallows. “And?” Cas kisses him. Something burns at the hem of Dean’s shirt and his eyelashes flutter darker and it’s much, much later when he realizes he’d felt a spark from the lightbulbs blowing out. * Dean barely talks since Cas died. Even once they save him, it's too damn hard. In which fucked up coping styles leave both Cas and Dean convinced the other doesn't really love them. Cas thinks Dean is offering to sleep with him out of the goodness of his heart, or so Cas won't leave. Dean is trying to be less of a dick and ends up crying all the time. Cas just wants Dean to let him be the big spoon. They get to heal and be in love.
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fanfic-corner · 1 year
Destiel Amnesia Fics
Sorry for disappearing for a while, but here's a fic rec list I've wanted to make for forever! I hope you enjoy reading these fabulous fics.
Won't You Stay? by allmystars (18k)
A week before Christmas, a weekend with his brother, and a hike into the mountains shouldn’t change a single thing about Dean Winchester’s life. It’s just a trip, just to distract Sam from everything he’s lost.
But, when a blizzard blows in, stranding the Winchesters, Sam finds a crack in the rock-face, and everything changes.
A pit, and pain, and every broken thing inside Dean, discovered by angels.
Well, one angel. One powerless, exiled angel.
Who We Are by LinaRai (18k)
It was supposed to be easy: barge into the Empty, rescue Cas, confess his love, be back in time for dinner.
The man Dean rescued was not the Cas he knew.
Muscle Memory by komodobits (18k)
Dear Castiel, 
Hello – it’s Castiel. This must all seem very confusing, and I’m sorry for that. Dean says to tell you that this isn’t some kind of ‘time-travel stunt’, although I’m sure that won’t be your first thought. I know it wasn’t mine. I’ve told Dean to leave now, as this is my notebook and I want everything in it to come from me – or rather, from you. I know you think it's the fifteenth of January, 2010, but it isn't. At the time of my writing this, the date is the fourth of October, 2013. Dean Winchester is your boyfriend of a year and a half, and you no longer work at the library, and in early 2010 you were hit by a car and hospitalised. I’m sorry.
a.k.a the 50 First Dates Dean/Cas AU where Castiel wakes up on a day just like any other, except that three years have passed without his knowing, and Dean Winchester is in the kitchen wanting to marry him.
'Star Wars is Overrated' by leftdragonpainter (38k)
When Dean Winchester turned sixteen he was disappointed by the words that appeared on his chest. He never expected that it would take so much to find his soulmate. He never expected to not remember meeting them...
Smells Like Roses by orphan_account (53k)
Dean's life is beautiful. He wants for nothing, has the pleasure of his family and friends, and is desperately, irrevocably in love with his husband. Everything is perfect, just as it should be.
Then he wakes up.
The Story of You and Me by the_diggler (54k)
Dean wakes up in bed next to a very human Castiel, and a journal in his own handwriting that tells him it’s two years in the future. The house looks a lot like Bobby’s, and Sam lives there too… He just can’t remember how they got from angels falling in the sky – to comfortable domesticity.
While there is much in the journal Dean doesn’t remember, there is much of their story he’s always known. And as he settles into the routine of his new life and relationship with Castiel, it quickly becomes something he doesn’t know how to live without.
Thank you to all the fantastic authors who shared their works with us! And if there are any other amnesia fics you love, please let me know!
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noxemma · 7 months
Welp, it’s Nov. 5th and I’m feeling things and I heard a sad, Destiel-coded song (A Life Where We Work Out by Flatland Cavalry - ft. Kaitlin Butts) and, well, here we are
A Life Where We Work Out
Word Count: 3,984
Rating: General
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Reality, dream reality, Kevin and Charlie are their kids in the dream reality, Domestic Fluff, Loss, dean wakes up, Dean Winchester Thinks Castiel is Dead, Jack is God, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, but I promise it does get better, Idiots in Love, Pining, Grief/Mourning, Sad with a Happy Ending, Castiel is Saved from the Empty (Supernatural), no beta we die like men
Summary: Dean stares up at the house on the hill. It feels familiar somehow, like he’s been there before even though he doesn’t recognize it.
But Baby’s in the driveway and somehow, he knows that front porch wraps all the way around to a side entrance to the kitchen. Somehow, he knows there are flowerpots littering the bay window in the back that opens to beehives in the backyard. Somehow, he knows the yard has a hill that levels out into a beautiful field, perfect for kids to roll down and land laughing at the bottom.
Step after step he climbs up the hill in a daze, half-remembered memories swirling in his brain. Memories that solidify with each step.
Dean finds himself with everything he ever wanted and tries to pretend it's not too good to be true.
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awakenthemusic · 2 years
Suptober 2022 Day 5 - A Perfect Disaster
Destiel, Short fic, 749 words, Fluff, Domestic
It's Dean's birthday and things… don't quite go according to plan.
Under the cut or on Ao3
A Perfect Disaster
Dean leaned back from the dining table in the bunker’s kitchen and rubbed his full belly with a satisfied sigh.
His family was safe, Cas was back from the empty, and Dean had just eaten the best burger he’d ever had from a greasy spoon in Manhattan, thanks to Jack’s wings. Best birthday ever.
Dean leaned over and ruffled Jack’s hair as he said, “Thanks, kid, that was awesome.”
Jack grinned back at him, basking in the praise.
Sam cleared the empty take-out containers and asked, “You ready for dessert?”
“Hell yeah, bring it on!”
Sam glanced over at Cas, the two of them clearly having a silent conversation. Reluctantly, Cas pulled a pie box from one of the kitchen cabinets.
As Cas set the box in front of him, Dean recognized the logo of a local Lebanon bakery, which was… odd. Why send Jack across the country to get Dean’s favorite burger, then skimp out on the pie? Not that it wasn’t good pie, but it was far from the best.
Dean pasted a smile over the confusion and was about to say thanks when he noticed that Sam and Cas were having another silent discussion. Actually, it looked more like an argument; Sam’s eyebrows were crinkled up so tight it looked like it hurt.
"What's going on?" Dean asked.
Cas huffed in annoyance, then started signing rapid-fire at Sam. Well, they were definitely arguing. Damned if Dean could tell what about, though. He still wasn’t the best at ASL and Cas and Sam had turned away from him a bit to hide what they were saying.
Dean turned a questioning look on Jack, but the kid refused to meet his eyes, staring down at the table instead.
The flurry of fingers continued for another few moments, then Cas sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He walked back over to the cabinet and pulled out another pie pan, this one clearly one of the sturdy glass pans that had been sitting unused in the bunker's cabinets for ages.
"I… I tried to bake you a pie, but…" Cas explained hesitantly.
The pie Cas set down in front of Dean looked… the only word Dean could think of was lumpy .
The apple filling bulged up under the top crust and had clearly overflowed the pan in several places while it cooked. The crust was scorched on one side and butter that hadn’t been properly incorporated into the dough sat on the surface in greasy little pools.
It was the most beautiful pie Dean had ever seen.
All Dean could think about was the terror that had been on Cas’ face the last time Dean had tried to teach him how to make pancakes. Cas was readjusting to his humanity fairly well since they’d got him back from the empty, but cooking scared the shit out of him.
It would have been easier, and probably less frightening, for Cas to kill a dozen monsters and bring Dean their heads than for him to spend any length of time in the kitchen. A lump formed in Dean’s throat as he pictured the terrified determination that Cas must have felt while he made an entire pie. For Dean. From scratch.
Dean stared speechlessly at the beautiful mess in front of him and fought against the tears prickling at the back of his eyes.
“I know it’s terrible,” Cas said, throwing a scathing look at Sam. “It’s all burned and disgusting. You should eat the one from the bakery, I’ll just throw this one away.”
Dean lunged forward and yanked the pie from Cas’ hands before he could even think about it. He curled an arm around it protectively and said, “No! You eat the stupid bakery pie. This one’s mine.”
Cas blinked at Dean in shock, then stammered, “It’s not… you don’t have to… it’s not…”
"It's perfect," Dean said, the words finally clawing their way from his throat with a raw honesty that set his face on fire.
Cas stared at Dean for a long moment, then ducked his head, not quite fast enough to hide his pleased grin.
Dean ignored the sappy look on Sam’s face and shoved the clearly inferior bakery pie in his direction. Dean grabbed a fork and dug a large bite out of the unburnt side of the pie. 
The crust was too dry and the apples had a distinct smokey flavor that wasn’t entirely pleasant.
It was the best pie Dean had ever had.
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100-word drabble for day 16 of Destiel Month: soft
(Read on AO3)
Of the two of them, Cas is actually the one who really struggles with settling into their newfound domestic bliss.
Dean's always dreamed of having a life like this, deep down in his most secret dreams. A home, a family, a kitchen, a hearth. When it's all his at last, he knows what to do.
But this softness? This peace? This love? Cas was completely unprepared. Never in his millennia could he have ever imagined...
So there's an adjustment period. It takes him some time to adapt. It's alright. There's no rush. They've got the rest of their lives now.
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ephemerastardust · 2 years
[Suptober22] Day12 - Crossover
Telling Stories (AO3 link)
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), The Winchesters (TV 2022)
Relationship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Word count: 2269
Rating: T
Tags: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Post-Episode: s15e20 Carry On, Fix-It, Domestic Fluff, POV Dean Winchester
* No spoilers about The Winchesters more than the trailer. * Post S15E20 with slight altering. * No beta, might come back later to fix things... but I will post it as it is for now.
Hope you enjoy it :D
“Hello, Dean.” Before he inserts the key into the lock, the door opens from the inside. The angel meets him with a big smile, “Welcome back.”
“Heya Cas, you came home early today!” He chuckles before his mind is soon attracted by something else. “Is that-” He stretches his neck trying to see the source of the delicious smell, “You baked me a pie!?”
“Yes,” Cas closes the door behind him as Dean impatiently surges to the kitchen. The pie is kept warm in the oven, sitting perfectly in the middle of the stage in the oven light. There are also two cakes of ground beef and half-cut vegetables neatly put away on the counter - looks like he is also going to have his favorite homemade burgers tonight. Dean takes in a deep breath of the blissful warm smell while Cas walks back to the counter to continue his work. He can sense the pride and fondness in Cas’ voice behind him without seeing his face, “To celebrate the first day of your show.”
I cannot believe I really wrote this 😭 I cannot write but I wrote it in a few hours... for Suptober!!!
Also, I didn't plan to do the crossover prompt at all... I usually have no idea about crossover. But The Winchesters just aired on 11th and the prompt for the 12th is crossover - And Misha's tweet --- How can I not do this (crying fiercely) 😭😭😭 This might be the only one in which I accept 15x20 that Dean is in heaven... Though I still altered it - Cas is saved by Dean.
If you are 18+ and you love Destiel, please join us on Discord! People here are super sweet and cool! Please I want a server cookie (pleading face emoji)
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imbiowaresbitch · 1 year
Sounds Like Forever
Hello! Welcome to another Destiel fic ‘cause I’m never going to escape these idjits, and I don’t want to. Rating: Explicit
Words: 13088
Author’s Notes:  What started as a hilarious meme of a mug making an accidental announcement turned into something kinda angsty, a little violent, very fluff, and just a bit horny (okay, more than a bit). That said, please mind the tags about domestic violence and abuse. If you're not in the right headspace to read this one, pass it by. Above all, be kind to yourselves.
Cas started dating April Kelly to try to get over his feelings for his best friend, Dean. But she is both volatile and violent, and after five months, he's had enough. When an apology gift she forces on him makes an unexpected, unwanted announcement, Cas panics. Her reaction to being dumped is explosive, and Cas calls the person he trusts most for help.
Cas wasn't ordinarily the type to bring his work home with him. In his previous jobs, he'd always believed in a strong sense of work-life balance. Once he went into business for himself though, well, he couldn't help it.
Rescuing plants and trees that would otherwise die was gratifying. Hardly the same as bringing home paperwork as an accountant.
He set his new plants on the counter and collected a shallow tray, filling it with water. He set it on the rolling rack he had near the window, then put his new plants in to soak up some water on their own. He looked at the cracked earth and frowned.
The supplier's quality had fallen off, and he'd bought these three plants himself and brought them home to coax them back to health rather than try to sell them to anyone. Glancing around his dining room, he sighed happily. There was green everywhere. Spider plants and ivy, jade, as well as two temperamental African violets under glass bells to keep them warmer and hold in moisture better, a sickly orchid a little apart from the others while he figured out why the petals were spotted brown. There was a variegated philodendron draping its healthy, shiny leaves from a hanging basket in splashes of green and white, and a royal princess philodendron sat on the floor in its enormous pot, the huge leaves a mix of green and pink.
Sitting on the window sill were a trio of cacti, a few other succulents, and a giant aloe vera plant he'd coaxed from a small, damaged thing to this monstrosity over the years. Further over was a collection of herbs, and he eyed the flourishing basil hungrily, wondering if he had the ingredients in his pantry to make pesto.
Grinning at his new additions, Cas adjusted them in their tray to make sure they were getting the sun they needed and snapped a picture. He posted it on Instagram, then went back to the kitchen to clean up the bit of dirt that had spilled when he re-potted his new arrivals.
He felt his phone vibrate and pulled it from his pocket again, grinning as he saw the notification was a text from Dean. His best friend followed him on Instagram but didn't really use it. And yet he was always one of the first to react to Cas’ posts.
Dean: nice new babies! You're gonna nurse them back to health in no time.
Cas grinned and started to type a response when a second text popped up.
Dean: you might need to get permission from the city to rezone your house as a protected green space though.
"Assbutt," Cas muttered with a grin, his heart pitter-pattering in his chest.
Cas: they'll be fine. But I have to find a new supplier. I can't keep bringing home plants because the product has fallen off since Roman took over.
Dean: yeah, you said that guy was a real Dick.
Cas snorted.
Cas: hilarious. Don't give up your day job. 😜
Dean: yeah, yeah. You just want me for my hands.
Cas' face reddened, and he was glad he wasn't face-to-face with his best friend. He cleared his throat and shoved away the longing with the ease of long practice.
Cas: speaking of, we still on for tomorrow to get those planters built for the deck?
Dean: way to prove my point, buddy. Lol. Yeah.
Cas sighed and set his phone on the counter, pouring himself a glass of lemonade, then rifling through his fridge for a handful of berries. He washed them carefully and dropped them into his glass. Snipping a couple of mint leaves from his planter over the sink, he rinsed them lightly then pinched them, bruising the leaves before adding them to his drink. Taking a sip, he smiled contentedly.
His phone vibrated again, and he picked it up, flicking the screen awake with a grin to see what Dean had said.
His smile faded into a frown, and he groaned, leaning against the counter in exhaustion.
April: I'm on my way over.
read the rest on AO3.
thanks much to @hectatess for the beta!
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
One More Dance (Slowly 'round the Kitchen)
One More Dance (Slowly 'round the Kitchen) https://ift.tt/cNiJjnb by artstudent221 The sequel to I Learned about Love in American Cars that three people asked for! With Sam still MIA, Dean worries about his brother while trying to keep his family togther. Jack is nervous for college, Claire is off on her own, Cas does not want to talk about his family, let alone have them visit. And maybe, just maybe, they didn't all the way stop the apocalypse. It's going to be cute, it's going to be heartfelt, it's going to have way too much of the authors own personal trauma. Words: 847, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Atlantis Series Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Claire Novak Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Hunter Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Dean Winchester is Jack Kline's Parent, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, Knight of Hell Dean Winchester, Found Family, Sam Winchester Has Powers, Jack Kline Has Powers, Dean Winchester Has Powers, Castiel is Claire Novak's Parent, Domestic Bliss, Destiel - Freeform via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/eZYfWIt April 23, 2023 at 08:32PM
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spnsmile · 4 years
Insert, Cas
Monday: Jealousy
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written for  #SpnStayAtHome challenge  @pray4jensen @bend-me-shape-me  @helianthus21​ @verobatto-angelxhunter​
Remember that episode where Dean Winchester wears his favorite nightgown? Where they celebrate the last holiday season 15 ep 14?  Yes, that! Jealous Cas and Jealous Dean over some nightgown!
written for #spnStayAtHome Challenge
To say he was a little behind of everything was an understatement. Castiel comes home that morning from another trip to find the household in a post-celebration state judging from the leftovers on the table. Candlesticks he’d never seen before are on top of a white thanksgiving mantle and a plastic Turkey making Castiel feel he missed something out, especially when he hears laughter from the kitchen with everyone still hyped up in its wake.
He finds Sam and Dean with Jack inside the kitchen, all still talking merrily over coffee and vegetable salad. The three are huddled together on the table discussing something that brings smiles at the corner of their lips. Smiling to himself, he follows the sound, smiles even more at finding his little family happy.
Dean saw him first and says something about the ‘missing gay angel’ to which he tilts his head as he steps inside to join them. Sam offers him his chair, saying something about early research while Dean brings his empty cup and Sam’s plate on the sink, leaving the attentive smiling angel with Jack.
He doesn’t need to ask. Jack bombards him of details about how last night was the happiest all-holiday-night he’s ever had. Castiel squints. Apparently, they had a very special visitor last night—someone magical and warm and good. Castiel has to glance back from the boy to Dean then back at Jack who was becoming such a passionate storyteller.
“…she’s a wood nymph living in the Bunker-"
Castiel gapes. Dean shrugs from where he stands. "She's a resident, Cas."
"Wood nymph? Here? But I would've known-"
"Maybe from a local neighborhood?"
Castiel shakes his head, more questions than getting enough answers until Jack is talking again.
"Cas, you should’ve met her. She was very nice and very lovely and kind. The food she made was so good and delicious! Even Dean said it’s the best thing homemade he’s had after Mary’s.” Jack pauses with a blink, then smiles.  “She was so fun to have. She treated us with all these holiday meals and it was amazing. We were so happy last night, I wished you could’ve been here.”
Castiel smiles, not sure it was in his best interest to be here last night to be happy.
Then he feels the heated gaze first before he hears Dean speak.
“Yeah, where were you?” Dean snaps, making Castiel lower his gaze not meeting Dean’s eyes. “I was trying to call you last night, you kept me on voice mail, man. What did I say about not picking up the phone?”
“I’m sorry. I was caught up in a small hunt. It was necessary I took care of it.”
Dean turns thoughtfully.
“Was it dangerous?” he likes to know.
 “Well, I’m in one piece,” Castiel says drily.
“Geez, just asking.” Dean grunts and Castiel doesn’t argue with him because he didn’t want Dean in a bad mood early in the morning. But then he guesses the god mood would stretch on the way Dean easily lets it go, still humming by the sink.
Jack continues his monologue about how the woodnymph was living in the Bunker for a long time, not disturbing the living folks because that’s what fairies do until Sam tells her there might not be a Bunker in the future so she decides to give them a sendoff party, calling it their last holiday on earth.
“You’re not supposed to smiles saying that, Jack,” Castiel says gently to the still smiling boy.
“Well, it didn’t stop Dean wearing his nightgown—”
“Nightshirt, kid!” Dean hisses and whatever he is doing by the sink, Castiel no longer cares. Dean is blushing, that’s enough distraction for him to not interrupt. “So, it’s soft and fluffy and looks straight from Peter Pan but she’s my Tinkerbell, what was I supposed to do?”
“He told her that.” Jack muses, “She’s very smart, Cas. She figured the best way to keep her family safe is to stay in Men of Letters and then Sam and Dean too… very pleased with us. She said she didn’t expect Sam and Dean to be too less human…I don’t think she meant it in a bad way. You would’ve loved her, Cas. Dean does.”
Dean turns at the angel about to say something funny because Dean always thinks it’s hilarious, except he stops at the heavy look Castiel throws his way. The hunter freezes.
“What? Something on my face?”
Castiel ignores him turns to Jack. “Is she still here?”
“No, she had to leave to look for a safer place after we told her the Bunker is a possible target of Chuck.”
“It’s her home.” Dean wipes his hands with a towel as he walks to the table. “She’ll come back.”
“She liked your nightshirt and nightcap too so maybe she will,” Jack adds and Dean flushes, embarrassed the tip of his ears turning red. Castiel stares and listens more until Jack says he’d like to help Sam with research and then he’s off with feet sound of feet disappearing along the corridor.
Dean only shrugs when he and Castiel are left behind. Hanging the towel by the sink, he asks Castiel if he wants a beer to which the angel declines.
He follows Dean with his eyes imagining the violet nightshirt he could swear Dean ordered from Amazon Primer after their short adventure in the Scooby-doo realm. Dean is no longer wearing said soft article but is now back at his regular lumberjack and hard jeans-wearing his boots that showed no softness whatsoever.
Castiel frowns. He doesn’t wait for Dean to close the cold storage; the angel shoots up to his feet that Dean bumps right at him when he turns.
The can of beer slips from Dean’s hand but the hunter got it right on reflex catching it midair.
“Cas!” he exclaims a little surprise when they stand face to face, “What—are we not going back to old habits? Geez.”
Dean slips past him with petulant glare Castiel is already so used to. When Dean turns and finds the angel on his tail again, the hunter finally pauses and studies him.
“Okay, you’re freaking me out. What?”
Castiel opens his mouth, unsure what to say but Dean rolls his eyes.
“Cas, if you’re going to bitch at me for something I don’t remember doing—hell—we barely even see each other for me to actually screw you.”
“I’m sorry, I should have your calls.”
There’s a pause between Dean opening the can of beer and stopping. Castiel shifts at Dean’s gaze so he snatches the can and opens it for Dean. He pushes it back on the hunter’s hand, not quite looking him in the eyes. He knows Dean must be looking as perplexed as he is.
“Okay, what’s happening, Cas? You gonna talk or I’m going to make you?”
That gets him squinting up. “Make me? How?”
Dean takes a step towards him and Castiel itches to remind him of personal space. Except unlike Dean, he doesn’t really mind staring up so closely when he can enjoy the numerous counts of Dean’s freckled cheeks under the fluorescent light.
“What’s got your wings all ruffled?”
“You can’t see them.” The angel snaps.
Castiel licks his lips.
“Oh, she’s my favorite.” Dean sighs.
Castiel sinks on his chair and glowers.
“Why?” he asks flatly. Dean shrugs.
“She’s my Tinkerbell.”
“Is she tiny?” Castiel narrows his eyes. Dean’s eyes dances.
“You’ve no idea—”
“I haven’t. I wasn’t here.”
Dean pauses as if catching on the dry tone. Castiel rolls his eyes and stares hard at the edge of the table with clasped hands not wanting to meet Dean’s eyes.
“Well, who’s fault is that?”
Castiel looks away unwilling to admit on any fault because it wasn’t his. So, he was needed outside, he had things to do outside and keep as much distance from Dean when such proximity could threaten his existence and leave the Winchester and Jack at the hour of dire need. Dean makes a
“What am I supposed to do, Cas? You’re always out of the Bunker, always out on a mission. It’s like you can’t even stay put one second here—I mean, is it me, or are you just avoiding me?”
Castiel startles.
“I’m not—”
“Yes, you are! Do you think I didn’t notice ever since Purgatory? Finger count the number of times you’ve been home, Cas. I barely remember your last words to me—”
“It was the day before yesterday, I said—"
“Two words! Cas, go figure! You’re avoiding me!”
“Am not.” Castiel grits his teeth, keeping his grip on Dean’s shirt, “Dean, you know I stay here as much as you do—”
“To babysit Jack, I get it— ever think of the last time we drank together? Only two of us? Yeah, that long. And whenever you’re around, the time spent is you on your phone with some sleazy Russian-dude I barely know who probably wants to do bad things to you—why are you always on the phone with that guy, huh?”
“We talked about this, he’s a resource.”
“You talk to him on the phone more than you talk to me!”
Castiel bristles.
“Dean, I don’t understand the relation why you have to bring him up when you’re the one who flirted with a nymph who likes you in a nightgown because you are likable in anything you wear! If anyone should be jealous, it should be me.”
Dean blinks. “W-who says I was jealous?”
“I didn’t.” Castiel glares. “I said I am.”
So, he was and it was the truth. Dean needs to hear it because hinting doesn’t work with Dean even if he is the most suggestive human Castiel has ever endearingly met. The angel looks up in time to see the black of Dean’s irises expanding round leaving the greens like a halo around his pupils.
“Y-you’re jealous?”
“I am.” Castiel looks away.
“Jealous of what?”
“You want to wear my nightgown?”
Castiel stares down the floor, face flushing at Dean’s stupid antics. He knows Dean understands—or maybe not.
“I want to see you in the nightshirt!”
And thankfully Sam comes bounding back with Jack on his heels so Castiel is saved from saying anything further as I love you. Dean doesn’t let him go easy though. He tugs Castiel back by the wrist once Sam is done with the timely announcement.
“Oh, so I know your kink,” Dean whispers when his brother is out of earshot. “You wanna see me on my nightgown?”
“It’s a nightshirt. Move your ass, Dean.”
And the morning is filled with a very flirty Dean Winchester lacing their fingers together or bumping their shoulders even when seated.
Castiel doesn’t discourage him but he doesn’t do the opposite either. At least Dean satisfies himself with something so little while Sam drones on some intel about Chuck. Then Dean doesn’t stop giving Castiel that look between smiling and flirting like Castiel is the best thing inside the Bunker. And all this is because of one confession— all Dean knows is that Castiel is jealous and that’s enough for him to live by.
Castiel can’t believe Dean has no idea of their stand.
Every single time he was out of the Bunker listening to Jack telling Dean’s lame joke repeatedly the same day, said over and over until Sam is grimacing and Jack retelling his own version. The sound of Dean’s laughter so achingly familiar over the phone while Castiel speaks to Sam on the phone asking for information while a hundred miles away.
It hurts.
Every single time he is out of the Bunker.
He is jealous of Jack spending time with Dean.
He is jealous of Sam spending time with Dean.
He is jealous of the Wood Nymph who made Dean the best food. He wants to see Dean on the nightshirt. He is jealous… so jealous to the point he thinks being happy is out of reach and it’s a sacrifice he was willing to take.
Would still keep doing if it meant he can stay with them all the while figuring out a way to get out of the deal with his own hand.
He wasn’t going to make the Winchesters suffer unnecessarily on his behalf when he can do something about it before it happens. But for now, he will keep from Dean, stay jealous… will forever be jealous of all the time not spent with Dean and his family…
Dean stills grin at him knowing finally that the angel does care about his own absence in Dean’s life. Dean holds their hands under the table with their knees pressing, their elbows nudging at each other's space. Dean makes him smile in those little moments they share.
So, he stays jealous.
Dean can convince him to stay and maybe one of those days he will with fear in his heart. Someday though, he’ll see Dean happy in his arms, see Dean in that dress, watch Dean enjoy his Thanksgiving without holding back his feelings. Stay by Dean’s side because that’s what he wants the most.
It wasn’t going to be their Last Holiday, not without Castiel inserted there somewhere right beside Dean.
END [in need of episode 14 haha]
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