#demiurge snippet
the-blind-geisha · 1 year
If you're down for a bit of sads, how about Guild!MC jokingly made a bet with Ulbert for Demiurge's hand in marriage and Demi remembered but she didn't?
A/N: So many intriguing ideas for this one... X3 I love the thought of it. So full of angst and miscommunication! ♥
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“Marriage for NPCs aren't a thing,” Demiurge recalled his Creator saying to her.
“Yeah? But the devs could implement it at some point! I mean, c'mon! They just allowed for player characters to marry one another, and for Guild NPCs to be allowed into dungeons.” She smirked. “You know it's coming.”
Ulbert stifled a laugh. “Fine then. If you lose this PVP fight, you'll have to marry my creation then. And don't divorce him either. You have to stay married to him. How does that sound?”
“Don't threaten me with a good time,” she joked.
That was seemingly so long ago.
Regardless, Demiurge recalled it all perfectly. But, nothing seemed to come of it. Whether that was because of these 'devs' or because of other reasons, Demiurge wasn't sure.
Now that he had his own voice, he felt he could bring it up to her. Find the moment to ask.
Maybe she could easily explain a few things. She seemed to be excited about the thought before...
The moment she showed up, the devil bowed. “My Lady, I was wondering if you could spare me a moment of your time?”
“Sure,” she said with a smile. “What do you need, Demi?”
He fixed his tie, wondering how to properly bring up the past that only he seemed to be focusing on. “Mm, I was curious—do you recall the moment Lord Ulbert asked you to marry me?”
The expression she made alone prompted the devil to nearly panic. It was mostly confusion, as though he was making it up.
“Marry you...?” She tried to recall what he was even talking about. It didn't help her memory was always garbage to begin with. Something somebody just told her could easily go in one ear and then out the other. “I'm.. I'm afraid I don't remember anything like that.”
Demiurge's chest tightened. That wasn't the answer he was hoping for...
“Are you certain? You were told to do so if you lost in a PVP match of some sort. Did you actually win that?”
“PVP match?” Again, she tried to remember what it was Demiurge was even talking about. “There were always so many of those, Demi. You'd have to be more specific.”
“What about the marriage to NPCs?” He was grabbing ant anything he could, trying to hope it wasn't just some dream of his.
She shrugged. “I mean, we could marry other players, but there was never any talk about marriage to an NPC.” She laughed. “I wouldn't doubt I was hoping for it, as I am such a weirdo with people in game. I wanted something that wouldn't mind my crazy ass.”
Hearing her say such things, Demiurge stifled a sound of upset. “So you don't remember the talk at all...?”
She shook her head. “I'm sorry. Maybe you're just remembering it wrong?”
That thought hurt him worse than anything. He wanted to believe he had the most brilliant mind in all of Nazarick. To have a Supreme Being say he might be misremembering something was painful.
Seeing the agony on his face, she gently rubbed his upper arm. “Hey, don't get so upset. We all have memory problems now and again. Goodness knows I'm awful at it myself. You could tell me something right now, and I'm sure I'd forget it in a few seconds.”
He wasn't sure what to say to that. The devil merely nodded.
“Anyways, glad we could have this chat. I'll catch you later, okay?” And with that, she continued onward through the tomb's halls.
She doesn't remember... Demiurge thought, pain striking his dead heart. It's as though someone stole her memories on purpose... He looked down at the floor, shaking his head. But who would do such a thing?
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baphymittens · 2 years
Frog King/ Part 2
He's being touched.
In and out of consciousness Demiurge notes the delicate touch of skilled hands on him. Inspecting and appraising the wounds littering his tubby frog body. The strong smell of bitter medicines slowly invades the amphibians' senses. In too much pain he doesn't attempt to escape the hands tending to his wings, gently smearing the thin membrane between his torn wings with some type of ointment, spreading a cold sensation to the area before numbing it.
“-likely of demonic ancestry.” He can hear her mutter to herself. “I would say female from the large size-” He twitches, annoyed by the assumption. “-but the coloring and muscle suggests male. What an amazing specimen.” 
At the mercy of a human, how undignified…at least this one isn't blind to my greatness…even in this weaker form.
At being carefully set down he opens his red eyes, taking in his slightly blurry surroundings. In front of him is a wall covered in many hand drawn diagrams of the internal anatomy of animals, recipes for medicine, and odd symbols. Glancing down he can see he's been placed upon some kind of cloth covering a wooden desk.
He looks to his small arms and sees fleshy pink claw marks, some covered in some kind of moss and others with a kind of shiny ointment. He attempts to stretch his wings to assess the damage but can only move one, he looks to the right wing and sees it in some kind of makeshift sling.
“Oh please don't move or mess with it, I don't want to have to restrain you little guy.”
Pointed ears twitch at her words. With an annoyed sounding croak, he carefully turns his body around to face her and tries to avoid aggravating his injuries, his impish tail feeling heavy as he drags against the desk. 
She notices he has quite the cold, hard stare for just a—frog. They typically have a rather empty headed stare to them…but this frog…it's almost as if his eyes scrutinize her every move. Though considering the tail and wings, it's already obvious he isn't a typical frog.
Still, she couldn't help but giggle at the frog creature making such a serious looking face.
“Oh my gosh, you're adorable…”
Offended he puffed up his vocal sac and attempted to lift his tail in a threatening manner, remembering its seemingly heavier weight he looks to the side and finally sees what's waying it down. 
She put corks on my tail spikes!?
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
Demiurge - "A Wicked Grin"
Just a really short snippet of our pretty boy Demi with a sweet and wholesome SB reader who just really loves his smile.
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As you sat on your bed, you smiled at him; your eyes staying on his lips as they too were stretched into a wicked grin.
You giggled quietly into your hand as you turned your body away just a little; as if such a beautiful sound could be worth being embarrassed over.
"If I may inquire your highness, what has you laughing so merrily?"
He had asked, not expecting an answer, of course. He tilts his head ever so slightly to the right as he awaits your response, be it words, silence or more of your angelic laughter that fills him with a sense of fulfillment.
The corners of his lips stretched even further upwards as his most cherished one's giggles slowly stopped and you smiled a smile so radiant and lovely that it burned itself into his memory.
"It's just— you look so happy! And it makes me happy that you're happy! And your smile is so cute!"
You thought he was cute? You liked his smile? You enjoyed looking at his appearance in general? Oh! He was ecstatic! To be able to please his most cherished one fills him with a joy he couldn't even fathom how to describe.
He couldn't help himself but let out a little giggle of elation. A giggle you heard, which in turn made you giggle as well. And now you're both gigging together.
He wishes this moment in time with you would last forever, but duty will eventually call and he'll have to leave your bedside to further Nazarick's conquest of the New World.
But for now he will just enjoy this soft little moment with you, in the quiet of your bedroom, giggling at one another like a couple of children.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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cauldronlakefiles · 3 months
So I was working on a write-up regarding Alan's origins, but not-a-mimic beat me to it, so I am going to take what remains and post that! An unnecessary expansion on a theory, if you will.
So the author of the post had an awesome theory about how Alan may not have ever been human (go read it!). There are plenty of hints to this, and here's a few more.
Found in Poem 2 and on the Quantum Break blackboard, William Blake's quote from Auguries of Innocence:
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"Every Night & every Morn Some to Misery are Born Every Morn and every Night Some are Born to sweet delight Some are Born to sweet delight Some are Born to Endless Night"
This stanza from Auguries of Innocence are a reflection on how some are simply born into the lives they lead, and that they are doomed to circumstances out of their control. Additionally, this was placed directly above the line "The meaning of Christmas lights- Birth of the Savior." This could be incidental, but rarely are things in Remedy are.
Now, we could take this as a reference to his mental health: in the Alan Wake Files included in the collector's edition of the first game, it was revealed that Alan's mother had spent most of his childhood in a psychiatric facility. The general instability of his home during his formative years and his mother's mental illness could lead to his unavoidable state. But, I'll refer you to the next poem, Poem 15:
"More than anything His dearest wish He wanted to go from there To leave But he could not change his heritage The blood in his veins was ink And the crown was too tall To pass through the door He was doomed to remain A king forevermore"
The main character of this poem is implied to be trapped somewhere, but he cannot leave due to his heritage. The "ink blood" and his "tall crown," both things gained from a parent, kept him locked away. Furthermore, this snippet from Poem 1, which directly inspired Dark, Twisted, and Cruel, has this ending stanza, which we now know refers to Scratch/Alan:
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We know Alan cannot create something out of nothing. The Demiurge (also I am going to rewrite this later but for now it covers the basics), as a false creator, can only make something out of per-existing matter. But whose to say that the one before him, the Monad, can't?
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From Poem 16, we see that Tom Zane declares himself the creator. And I think he- or whatever is left of him- is going to fulfill his vision through Alan.
I think he is intended to be a vessel to contain the Dark Presence and to remain in the Dark Place, to replace Barbara before him, so that her body could be set free. That's why he can't die down there. That's why he is bothered by light. That's why he is the most suitable vessel for the Dark Presence, and the creator of at least a Dark Presence. He was made to be, for lack of a better reference, the Hollow Knight.
Now, genuinely, you could very easily read this as a metaphor for mental illness. I think it is! The Spiral, the Dark Place, terms like "paranoia" and "mania" being used to describe Alan's mental states on several occasions; the whole game is a love letter to early psychologists. However, Remedy has a tendency to make their themes more literal, subtext taken to the front, and I think they could be using Alan destined to be trapped as a metaphor for hereditary mental illness.
And of course, this leads us to a more unsettling revelation: he was doomed from birth. His actions, or lack thereof, never mattered. He was always going to be trapped in the Dark Place, and he was never meant to leave. We'll see if he's out of there by the next game, breaking from the chains of inheritance, but I have a suspicion that the Final Draft ending may have been a red herring.
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dbopdew · 1 year
I tried to write my first smutty fan fic about Demiurge. I had to title this the way that I did because it's the title of one of my favorite White Stripes albums. It's also purely self-indulgent. I appreciate everyone who's helped me learn about AO3 and fanfic writings!!! Here's a snippet:
His tail embraces me further, and he begins to let go of my neck and run his hands gently down the tops of my shoulders.
“What is he planning to do to me?” I think to myself. My skin feels like it’s melting under the heat of his black leather gloved-hands. He clutches to the top of my shoulders and presses his thumbs deep into my skin.
“Oh, he’s just giving me a back rub. How sweet.”
The anxiety from being in shock before begins to lighten up, and every word from his mouth makes me feel like I’m supposed to be here in his skintight embrace.
“Does this feel good?” he asks.
“Yes, it does…” I assure him as I begin drifting off from the moment.
My apprehension begins to dwindle as trust begins to build. His firm hands continue to knead my upper back. Being around him makes me feel completely intoxicated. I’ve not had anything to drink.
I hear his steel tail clack and slowly unravel my left leg from its grip to let me regain my own grounding. Once I do, he grabs the sides of my arms to rotate me quickly around taut against him. His right hand firmly grabs my neck from behind while his left hand explores my lower back a little further. My head rests onto his chest where my senses are hit again with his scent. I can’t fight this feeling any longer. But I can’t decipher this feeling… I felt so flighty earlier when he snuck up behind me. That’s been subdued now, and all I feel is desire.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Mammon propaganda: Kill Six Billion Demons has this thing where it puts lore (usually snippets of in-universe texts) at the bottom of the page, usually to commentate on the events currently happening in the comic. This is the one from the page where it's revealed that Mammon's gone senile and can't even remember why he's counting his gold:
This was the old breathing and cold-atum technique often used by warrior monks in those days. It ran through the following methodology:
Build a tower, and make it impregnable. Make every stone so tightly sealed that no insect can squeeze through, no grain of sand can make it inside. Your tower must have no windows or doors. It must not accept passage by friend or foe. No weapon, no act of violence, and not one mote of love may penetrate its stony interior.
“Why build the tower this way?” said Prim?
“It will make you invincible,” said the sage, “This is the way of Ya-at slave monks. Their skin is like iron, and so are their hearts. They are inured to death and fear. Grief shall never find them, and neither shall weakness.”
Prim thought a moment, and came upon a realization, for she was wise, obedient, and an excellent daughter. “If a man built a tower this way, he would quickly starve, no matter how strong he became.”
The sage was even more delighted. “Yes,” he said, “There is a better way, and I will teach it to you:
Once you have built your tower, you must deconstruct it, brick by brick, stone by stone. You must do it meticulously and carefully, so that while you leave no physical trace of it remaining, your tower is still built in your mind and your heart, ready to spring anew at a moment’s notice.
You can enjoy the fresh air, and eat fine meals, and enjoy a good drink with your friends, but all the while your tower remains standing. You are both prisoner and warden. This is the hardest way, but the strongest.”
Prim saw the wisdom in this, and quickly made to return to the road, but the sage stopped her before she left.
“As you to your earlier remark,” the sage said, “The man who builds his tower but cannot take it apart again – that man is at the pinnacle of his strength. But that man will surely perish.” Mammon is the bearer of the Name of God "TOWER," which gave him the power to gain all that wealth and become one of the Demiurges; however, this story is used to signify how the tower (i.e. wealth) that made him invincible and strong also imprisoned and Buried him on a figurative (he endlessly counts it and is crushed by guilt over how he got it) and literal (his vault/fortress keeps him safe but he can't really leave it anymore in his current state) level.
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concealed-carrie · 1 year
One Body
Me and my sister pilot this mech, right, this walking tank, this Liliam-pattern Fuckwolf blistering with missile pods and railguns, painted a special shade of pastel baby blue that’s supposed to stop us showing up on thermals. It’s fucking massive but only like 20% of it is livable space, so that’s the control center and a multi purpose room we never got around to decorating. The rest is armor and ammo reservoirs and shock absorbers and who the hell knows what else. You can run a guy over in this thing and not even feel it.
Our jobs are each horrible in their own special ways. I’m on comms so I get to hear enemy chatter and the occasional distress beacon we’re not allowed to answer, which, ok, I’m not a fucking empathy cuck but at some point your body learns to fight the inhibitors. One time she caught me doubling up and got really angry. You want to fucking OD? Leave me alone here? That kind of thing.
They come at us, muddy heatshapes screaming garbage noise -- appeals to our humanity, prayers to larval roach-gods.
Looks like we’ve got company. 
Can you shut the fuck up? 
Anyway, these dudes are small fry. We pop them or stomp them or shovel them into the Fuckwolf’s gnashing boiler. I watch the fuel gauge tick back up into green.
Rain beats down on the Fuckwolf’s carapace, acid chorus on adamantium-laced ferrocarbon. We hold each other tight, overwatch protocols sweeping the rubble outside. Air recycled 1000x. I don’t remember what it’s like, the absence of the smell of her.
We try to fuck but she can’t get hard. I tell her it’s okay.
Drifting off to a standard-issue catgirl transformation hypnosis vid, affirmations rendered nigh-unintelligible by VHS corruption when I receive a data pulse telling me our next objective is 276 miles due South. 276 miles of urban sprawl, drowned then beached and left out to dry, full of hostile machinery and desperate tick people ready to burst, and probably whatever’s left over of all the crews they sent before us. We can do this, I say to myself, too quiet for her to hear. Fuck yes, she says, turning over in her sleep, we’re the sexiest killers on the goddamn planet and we can do anything.
Night fighting, 16 days out, gauss coils spooling up. I see enemy mechs as wireframes accompanied by snippets of flavor text. Shit like: Demiurge-pattern, a volatile relic of the Fourth Reckoning. Grisly trophies adorn its spiked carapace. 
Does it matter if any of that is true? I give her the ok and she blows her mass-reactive load all over it. The text vanishes with the pilot’s life signs. 
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tentaclefetters · 1 year
About TenFet
Hi, I'm TentacleFetters, and I write adult fanfiction.
When I say "adult," I mean that most - if not all - of my work contains graphic sex and/or violence, and is intended for consumption by mature audiences.
I've just started a new AO3 account, so it's currently empty,
You can find my NO LONGER EMPTY AO3 account here:
Or click the link below:
This blog is for snippets, drabbles, and ideas - basically, anything that won't get published to AO3 as-is. I'll also post links to completed chapters as they go up.
Not all posts here will be graphic, but anything that is will be under a cut with warnings listed at the top of the post, and Community Labels will be added as needed.
Explicit sex scenes will not be posted on this blog at all, as that's against Tumblr guidelines, but they may be linked to when I post AO3 chapter updates. And sexually SUGGESTIVE things might get posted here from time to time (again, with warnings and labels and under a cut).
I have not yet decided if I'm going to link my old AO3 here, yet. Maybe later. Hit me up if you wanna read a bunch of decade-old Transformers fics, lol.
FANDOM: "Overlord" (light novels, manga, anime)
WORKING TITLE: Romancing the Bone
(And if you got that pun, you win a cookie. The title will almost certainly change before posting to AO3, though.)
RATING: Explicit
PAIRING: Demiurge/Ainz
SUMMARY (rough wip): Ainz finds himself wondering why he's doing things the hard way and decides to lean on a trusted subordinate for help. Thanks to this, Demiurge suddenly gets to see his god in a whole new light; he didn't think he was even capable of falling in love, but WHOOPS, there he goes!
CONTENT NOTES: Starts out as unrequited lust, to unrequited love, to fully requited. Probably counts as slow burn? Gonna get kinky, but I haven't decided HOW kinky. BDSM will be a thing. Power dynamics will be at play, too, but we're keeping this particular fic consensual and ETHICAL. This is a ROMANCE.
STATUS: Still a long ways to go… A lot of scenes and basic structure are outlined, and the first 2k words or so are totally done. But I don't yet know if this is going to turn into a 40k fic or a 100k monster…
"Luo Binghe's 5-Step Guide to Consensually Breaking Your Shizun"
Started as a Scum Villain oneshot and now it's a series. 2 parts are up, now. I have plans for at least 2 more. I'll probably try for at least 5, just to match the title, haha.
[This post was last updated 16 Sept, 2023]
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blackcat2907 · 2 years
For the writing asks!
You by no means have to answer all of these questions cus it's a lot, just pick the one(s) you wanna talk about the most! I always love hearing about the process of writing
I screenshotted them cus I thought that'd be more convenient than writing all this out lol
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Hello again! Thank you so much for the asks! I will do my best to answer them!
3.) Oh boy, I have so many of these! I really love to write action scenes and argument scenes, so I will show you a couple of snippets from my upcoming stories.
"David!" Lyle shouted, pushing through the crowd of exhausted heroes. "David!" Lyle got to the front of the crowd. "Where's Brainy?" The dejected look on David's face told Lyle everything he needed to know. "No," Lyle breathed, tears welling in his brown eyes. "No, no, no!" His knees buckled and he collapsed to the ground.
"I'm sorry, Lyle," David knelt and hugged the other. "Because of him and Garth, we survived." He held Lyle close. "He wanted me to tell you he loved you." David closed his tear-filled eyes. "I wasn't fast enough to save him. I am so, so sorry, Lyle."
"Oh, please!" Soren threw her arms into the air. "Don't be so dramatic, Kaplan!" She glared at the Demiurge from across the room, leaning against the wall. "If it weren't important, we wouldn't have come. This isn't some petty crime, this is world-ending serious!"
"Why should I believe you, Loki?" Billy glared at Soren. "Last time this happened, you nearly got us all killed by Mother and you manipulated me to get my powers. How do I know you aren't doing this again?" Billy threw his arms into the air. "How do I know you didn't concoct this whole thing?" Billy watched as Soren flinched.
"Gwen, don't!" Tim yelled, running as fast as he could. "Don't become like him!" He threw a Batarang to knock the gun out of her hands and another to knock out Bullseye. "Please, you can't become what everyone says you are. Don't kill him," Tim pleased, getting in between Gwen and the unconscious Bullseye.
"He deserves to die!" Gwen screamed, tears streaming down her face. "He murdered Kevin and he murdered my father, Tim!" Her breath hitched and her knees became wobbly. Sobs wracked her body as she crumpled to the ground. "He killed my father, and I was powerless to stop him! I need to kill him!" Gwen felt Tim's arms wrap around her as a gunshot rang out and she heard Tim scream.
4.) Brainy hadn't realized he was crying until he felt the warm droplets on his hands. He looked down at the teardrops in his hands, eyes wide and breath hitching. Why am I crying? This is unanticipated. I shouldn't be crying.
I had so much fun writing this, and it's my favorite thing I wrote because of the emotions in it. It's about this character who thinks crying is a weakness or just illogical. It's also about me because sometimes I believe I just shouldn't cry.
20.) Oh wow! I always put so many hidden clues and details in my stories. My favorite character relationship is between my OC Nyx and Rokk. I love the enemies to lovers I have with them. My favorite canon character relationship is probably the one between Jason and Roy. Their ride or die best friend relationship was amazing! I am still angry that DC killed off Roy.
23.) The longest story I've had in my head was probably Changing Times. I had it the second I finished watching LOSH and season two of Young Justice. That's all the way back on March 16, 2013!
Thank you for the asks! I had so much fun answering them! Feel free to ask again!
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Albedo: Demiurge just got incredibly drunk and asked me, “Who’s the most handsome devil in all the world?” And I said “Let me guess. You?” And he goes “False! It’s Jaldabaoth” like, bitch. You are Jaldabaoth.
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ceresoktavia · 3 years
What you’re gonna do if you have a stupid idea in the middle of the night and just can’t rid of it? 
Write it down!
Thanks to @apocalypticromantic666 @datsonyat & @ackrissao3 for sitting this through with me in stream :D
A drinking night, only for the four Cubi residents of Nazarick, though they did more than just drink. By now they had so many different types of booze and drugs in their systems that even the plainest stuff had them snickering like children.
This time, it was Albedo pouting.
“I. Am. Not! Obsessed!”
The other three just kept snickering, none of them capable of toning it down.
“Suuuuuuuure.” Malphas snorted, at least trying to keep the conversation going. “And I presume you risking going rampant because of withdrawal is just us underestimating your willpower?”
“Yes … yes it is!” Her pout intensified and she hugged herself, looking away.
���Khm … you and willpower?” Demiurge held a hand over his mouth in an attempt to stop snickering. “Then what about that one time I caught you rolling around in Lord Ainz bed? From the squirming, I could see you were totally humping that body pillow.”
“That’s …” A bright red blush covered her cheeks as the black haired succubus desperately racked her brains for an answer.  
“Wait, you caught her doing what?” Marlianken stemmed her hands on her crossed legs and leaned forward. “Albedo! You devious little …”
“OH SHUT UP!” All offended, the guardian overseer slapped the blonde elder succubus on her shoulder. “You’re one to talk … you’re banging them both!”
Both Incubi just smirked and took sips of their respective drinks.
“Oh please. If you weren’t so desperately trying to lose your V-Card to none other than our supreme lord, you’d be joining us on the fun already.”
“She’s right. Your obsession is not only making you cranky, but also keeping you away from a lot of fun times.” Still smirking, Malphas stretched himself, almost popping the buttons of his dress shirt.
“I am not obsessed!”
“Yeah, sure … and Demiurge doesn’t have two left hands when it comes to tying knots.”
Albedo almost choked on her drink, not only because Marlianken had just casually dropped such information, but also because the seventh’s floor guardian’s face completely derailed with disbelief.
“Cuffs weren’t invented for no reason!”
“She’s got a point there brother. Even a child could just open your knots without any effort.”
“Uh huh … says the guy who doesn’t know what to do with two partners at once.”
“WHAT? I perfectly know what to do!”
“Right … that’s why Demiurge and me needed to guide you through it every time we decided it was time to share.”
Malphas’ mouth opened and closed several times before he huffed in offence, the rest of the table was laughing at his loss for words.
“Well … Miss Executioner … is there nothing you are embarrassed by?”
“Don’t know … probably not.” Smirking, Marlianken took a sip of her drink. “But feel free to try and find something. I could use some more laughs.”
“How about you being unable to properly suck a dick without bringing your tongue piercing to use?”
“Oh please … you’re just jealous that Malphas no longer wants you to suck his dick because he thinks I’m better at it.”
“Well … if Demiurge had a piercing to begin with, this wouldn’t be up for discussion. Right Malphas?”
“What Albedo said.”
Demiurge glared at his glass, pressing his lips to a thin line, before he suddenly stood. “Alright … I’m getting one!”
They all looked at him, utterly puzzled. “What? Now?”
“Yes. Now! You have spares, right?”
“Of course I have.” Smirking, Marlianken stood too. She reached into her inventory, took a small box out and handed it to the devil.
He opened it unceremoniously and simply took the first one out before handing the box back. “Alright … Albedo, you do know several Ice-Spells, right?”
“I do … but you know that my magical abilities are weak.”
“But it should be enough to numb my tongue, right?”
“Well … I guess?”
“Oh … this is gonna be fun. I’ll shoot it in, if you let me.” A wide grin on her face, Marlianken returned the box to her inventory.
“I’ll heal it then.” Leaning forward in his seat, Malphas grinned wickedly.
“Then, in a row please!”
They almost did line up, with Albedo first using Ice Magic to numb the devil’s tongue, Marlianken shooting the piercing in and Malphas healing it up. As it was done, Demiurge slumped back into his previous seat, visibly rolling his tongue around.
“Hell … that feels … strange, but also kinda interesting.”
“Funny … you just look like her when she’s pondering over something.” Pointing to the blonde succubus next to her, Albedo leaned back.
“That’s because I roll mine around when thinking.”
“Ooooh!” Eyes blown wide, the guardian overseer returned to watching Demiurge test out the strange new feeling.
“Okay … I guess I can handle it. Malphas? Time for you to judge!”
“Excuse me?” Eyebrow raised, the tallest of the bunch took a sip of his drink.
“You judge who’s using the piercing better.”
“Right now?”
“Why not? Better sooner than later.” Smirking, Nazarick’s executioner emptied her glass before standing. “Ready to go down Demiurge?”
“You wish! Loser will be bottom for one month?” Demiurge raised too.
“Make it two!”
They both glared Malphas down. “So? You in or what?”
Dumbstruck, Malphas blinked a few times. “Well … why not? I guess?”
With a flick of Marlianken’s fingers, Malphas pants and belt opened on their own, blonde succubus and seventh floor guardian got down on their knees, reaching for his member in unison and helping him out of the confinements.
Albedo whistled in astonishment at the sight of Malphas being not only hard, but also bigger than she had thought. Stemming her hands on her knees, the succubus leaned forward and watched with heated interest how the other two went down on the tall arch devil.
Watching how both lashed their tongues out, trailing them along the arch devil’s dick with such determination and visible pressure. Malphas’ head almost instantly thudded back against the backrest, hands clenching around thin air as they took turns in suckling the flared head.
Wiggling her hips and fluffing her wings at the same time, Albedo started smirking mischievously. “They were right, you really don’t know how to handle two at once.”
“Fucking hell … will you shuuuuuuuuuuuu …” The devil’s speech derailed as a particularly hard suck of his younger counterpart had him fisting his own hair and only hissing as Marlianken seemingly doubled down on the gesture.
They trailed their tongues along the sides together, suckling slightly and Malphas simply lost it, coming all over himself and their faces, earning himself displeased scoffs of both contestants.
“Really? You give up that easily?”
“Give up? GIVE UP? You have no clue how difficult it is to keep it in with the two of you being on it at the same time.” Panting, Malphas ran his claws through his hair several times. “No way I can judge this way.”
Grumbling, Demiurge pulled a tissue out of his jacket to wipe his face clean. “Fair enough. Marlianken? Can you get him back up? We take turns this time.”
Not even giving Malphas time to protest, she gently blew over the devils cock and with several twitches he was rock hard again.
“Wait … nononono … Maaaaaaaaaaaa” Claws clenching to fists in the succubus hair, Malphas head yet again thudded against the backrest, while Demiurge flopped back on his butt, turning away and pouting.
“Not satisfied with a draw?” Still smirking, Albedo craned her neck to see better.
“Never.” The devil loosened his tie, glancing to the side to watch the succubus go.
She played with him with her tongue, trailed it along the sides, swirled around his length, suckled on the tip, took him in deep only to almost allow him to pop out of her mouth while sucking up. All while Malphas desperately clung to both her hair and horns, groaning, hissing, his tail rattling and thudding on the sofa like crazy.
Accompanied by an almost whimpered moan, the devil came deep in her throat and the succubus just swallowed up before letting him out of her mouth, a string of salvia still connecting his tip and her lips.
Demiurge just huffed. “Pfff … you think swallowing gives you an upper hand?”
“No … but we have enough a mess already.” She held out her hand and Demiurge simply dropped the tissue in her hand.
“Sounds fair. If you please?”
Nodding, she simply repeated the process of gently blowing her magic on Malphas, his cock yet again coming to life with several twitches.
“Come on … no fair, I caaaaaaaaaaaaa” Malphas tail instantly thudded on the sofa repeatedly, claws fisting his younger counterparts hair.
All the while, Marlianken stood up, sitting down next to Albedo again while cleaning her face. “Hey, hey, hey … no tail entwining to give him something more to hold on you cheat!”
Demiurge’s tail instantly slipped out of reach for Malphas, but not without gesturing a clear ‘screw you’ in Marlianken’s direction.
The succubi watched with interest, Albedo leaning forward while Marlianken leaned back and her head against her hand, how the seventh floor guardian repeated the process of thoroughly licking, sucking and teasing his predecessor’s member, though his approach was far less playful than the one of the elder succubus. He went more for taking him in deep and sucking hard on the way back up, pace rather impatient.
Curse after curse fell from Malphas’ lips, each one growled with desperation.
The only thing their ways had in common was Demiurge too was keeping him in as the devil came and swallowing.  
Malphas’ entire body was trembling as Demiurge resurfaced, with a satisfied, victorious grin on his lips.
“Hah … If that ain’t a win, then I don’t know what is.”
“Pfff … please … I set the grounds for it.” Marlianken dismissively waved off. “So Malphas, who won?”
“Lemme … lemme wait until I can feel my legs again … please … I …” The devil tried to gesture, but his hands almost instantly fell down limp every time he raised them, head hanging back overstretched.
“I think we broke our judge.”
“Well … shit …”
Suddenly, both Cubi glanced at Albedo, a strange spark in their eyes. “Albedo?” Both showed a wolfish grin, and the guardian overseer’s blood ran cold.
“Ahhahahahahaha … it’s getting late, isn’t it? … I should … go … now? Hahahahaha.” The succubus jumped to her feet and left as fast as she could, cheeks painted in a bright shade of red.
The remaining two just huffed.
“How’s she not obsessed with Lord Ainz again? She can have us both and still refuses.”
Demiurge flopped down next to Marlianken, stemming his chin against his hand. “As I said, she’s a wuss. Now, how do we decide this? I mean … Malphas is out happy so he can’t judge.”
“Let’s not forget that men and women experience things differently. Just using one gender to judge isn’t really doing this contest justice.”
The devil sighed. “We could use one of your clones.”
“Not objective… “ Marlianken’s eyes widened out of the blue, the spark of an idea readable on her face. “Oooor … we can make your little pet judge.”
The idea seemingly sparked the devil’s interest, as his eyes widened too. “That’s the best idea you’ve had in weeks!”
“Suuure … you guys go bang his little human … I’ll just stay here …” Malphas muttered, raising one hand up for a victory fist pump. Freed from judge-duty for now.
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the-blind-geisha · 1 year
If you want… (´・ω・`) could I make a request, and it’s no problem if you don’t want to!
Where a Human-Player!MC was playing the game one day & either as a friend or a special event was able to somehow run into Demiurge, Ulbert somehow took him to a special game event that allowed NPCs. Which somehow leads to Demi getting a crush on them and he somehow gets them stuck in the game permanently to be with him…?
A/N: Sorry this took an eternity for me to get to! I'd be happy to do that! ♥
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The NPCs were very rarely ever allowed to journey with their Creators outside of Nazarick or being summoned into dungeons and raids. But once Yggdrasil introduced a new event that would even place NPCs for quests at heteromorphic and humanoid areas for a celebration, the guilds realized their own self-created NPCs could join as well.
There were very few events that allowed a cease fire between both sides, but this was one of those events.
It happened twice a year, and that was it.
Regardless... even as an NPC, Demiurge remembered her.
She was a human, but she was the one human in that world that he could recall ever flattering him and his Creator. In the past, he would have preferred to destroy any and everybody that didn't align with Nazarick, but she was spared his aggressive gaze.
“Oh, I guess your Creator isn't here today, is he, Demiurge?”
He couldn't answer back then. He was just code running with limited abilities in which he could say or do anything. Even his 'speech' was limited to hurt and triumphant noises. With her standing close to him, he merely shifted his head from side to side to show the code HeroHero implemented inside of him.
Walking up to him, she used the /embrace emote to hug his character. The devil responded in kind, as most NPCs could react to a few simple emotes players did around them.
“I won this, by the way.” She dug into her inventory to pull out a flame lily. It was a beautiful flower with petals that reached upwards like a roaring flame, a dazzling yellow and red with orange at the center. “I thought you might like it.”
With the trade offered, the NPC went through the actions it was allowed to do in accepting the trade with someone that was deemed a friend under his list.
“There you go. Maybe now you can feel a bit better, huh?”
With such an item bequeathed to him, Demiurge placed his hand on his chest and bowed.
She gave a funny look. “Huh.. didn't know you could do that without someone telling you to or someone bowing in return...?”
When she said such a thing, the generated NPC's mind began to race.
I did, didn't I...?
¿I ʇ,upᴉp 'pᴉp I
“Well, I better get going,” she insisted.
Using the /blowkiss emote, she watched as Demiurge responded by acting bashful. Though the reaction felt delayed almost... Maybe it was just her imagination. Could be lag.
“Bye! I'll see you next year!”
The eyes opened, crystals glistening off of the light about him. He looked to his hands and turned them over to look at his palms.
For once, the devil was able to move his hands without someone making an action command on his behalf. There was something that was ordering him to go back to being rigid, following a code that remained embedded in his core being. But he did everything to fight that.
I can't let this cease... I have to do something... Demiurge thought frantically, reaching back into his inventory to pull out the flame lily to clip it upon his chest.
Sadly, he was snapped back to an idle pose he was often forced within.
It would take some doing to fight this invisible string that had a hold on him. But no matter what, he would do it. He would see himself freed of whatever was controlling him without even his Creator being nearby.
As the years of the celebration continued, fewer and fewer people arrived to attend. The joys of the gaming world were slowly starting to dwindle till merely NPCs roamed the gaming world with a few player characters.
But that didn't stop the archdevil from attending.
Demiurge waited as he usually did, but this time, he was alone. None of the guild members of Ainz Ooal Gown was there to stand at his side.
Admittedly, he was anxious. What if she wouldn't come? He had sent an email to her, addressing it cryptically. Who would truly come into a video game world if an NPC sent you mail? After all his time of fiddling with the game world data, he knew she would think it a bot or someone trying to trick her.
He had to be vague, but write to her as though he were human.
“So few people here but they said to meet them...!” Her words trailed off when she noticed the only one at Muspelheim's gathering point for the festival. “D-Demiurge...? How in the world did you get here by yourself?!”
She came closer, keeping a curious eye about. She didn't wish to feel tricked by this.
Demiurge didn't have the voice box to speak properly. Instead he used an emote of /hi for greeting before sending a text for her to read.
𝐼'𝓂 𝓈𝑜 𝑔𝓁𝒶𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓂𝑒. 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓇𝒾𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹𝓃'𝓉. 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓂𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒… 𝒾𝒻 𝐼 𝒹𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝒹𝑒 𝒶 𝒷𝒾𝓉 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒, 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒹𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉.
“Who is writing this? It can't be you...” Her words trailed off, feeling a ping of uncertainty. “...can it?”
Demiurge opened the text box once more to type yet again.
𝐼𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝑒, 𝒟𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓊𝓇𝑔𝑒. 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝑒... 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝓈𝑜 𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓁𝓎. 𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝑒?
This was getting a bit creepy. Never would she have imagined an NPC would become... real. There was always talks of 'ghosts in the machine' that could go rogue. Was this one of those moments?
Before she could even hope to log out, something seemed to prevent her from doing so.
“What is happening...? How come the logout button is grayed out?”
Demiurge gave a curious frown of concern.
𝒪𝒽, 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓃'𝓉? 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝑜𝒹𝒹. 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝓇𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝒶 𝒟𝑀 𝓉𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝒾𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒?
“Oh, umm, that would be very nice of you.” It actually was, maybe she was overthinking it a bit. Maybe being alone for so long, she mistook his words as being weird. Just cool it, she thought to herself. He never was mean to you before. He was always very nice as an NPC.
Before she could even wait for a response, the screen went black. The connection to the game felt like it flat-lined.
Demiurge walked over towards her body, arms behind his back. Opening his mouth, he tried to form words for a moment.
“Mm.. the...re... There...” He knelt down, resting his hand on her back. “It's you and me now, my dear. Now we can be together in this world of paradise... forever.”
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baphymittens · 2 years
The sinful pleasure of only nudging his engorged cock against her womanhood is enough to drown his amphibian pupils in delirious adoration, but Demiurge doesn’t waste any time dwelling on the anticipation. Both of his clawed hands curl easily around her delicate wrists as he presses into her with his inhuman length-
The half transformed demon chokes on his next breath, a strained, very frog sounding croak escaping from his throat.
The wet heat of the human's little slit bears down on him, almost like she’s locking him in place with a vice grip. The heat, the squeezing, the friction- it’s too much for him, and he spills his seed much sooner than he anticipated. He whines as he comes undone, dumping rope after rope of hot, sticky semen into his darling. Demiurge rests his sweaty forehead against her shoulder.
He only managed to get the tip in.
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Chapters: 19/? Fandom: Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Demiurge (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane)/Reader Characters: Demiurge (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Albedo (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Ainz Ooal Gown | Momonga, Shalltear Bloodfallen, Pulcinella (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane) Additional Tags: Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Bad BDSM Etiquette, BDSM, Torture, Psychological Torture, Master & Servant, Master/Pet, Master/Slave, Miscarriage, Rape/Non-con Elements, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Drug Use, Love/Hate, Stockholm Syndrome, Demons, Pregnancy, Hypnotism, Graphic Description, Smut, Smutty, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Domestic Violence, Murder, Breastfeeding, Lactation, Scent Kink, Cannibalism, Cannibalistic Thoughts, Forced Orgasm, Forced Pregnancy, Forced Masturbation, Forced Cannibalism, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Fetish, Exophilia, Implied/Referenced Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Bondage, Bonding, Soulmates, Trapped, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Yandere, Ball Gag, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Delay, Blindfolds, Mildly Dubious Consent, Starvation, Forced Relationship, Manga & Anime, Lemon, Developing Relationship, Secret Relationship, Anal Sex, Anal, Anal Play, Erotica, Breathplay, Asphyxiation, Autoerotic Asphyxiation, Size Difference, Size Kink, Human Experimentation, Sexual Experimentation, Experimentation, Social Experiments Summary:
He promised you a solution to your misery, and you sold your freedom for it. Forced into his twisted experiments with the veil of hope to manipulate your heart, you begin to wonder what feelings are even true anymore. Do you love him, or do you want to see him fall to a horrible fate for all he will continue to do to you?
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ackrissao3 · 4 years
Chapter 14 of Discovery - Snippets
"I still don't understand your obsession for one demon when you have all of us. All thirteen of us. What does he have that the rest of us do not?" The male had grimaced. His greenish grey eyes had glimmered, with the essence of something unknown swirling within them. It had been clear that he was unhappy with the current arrangement.
"Then you haven't seen him. Cold, calculating, sadistic and cruel. He is a heartless beast, but not when it comes to his lord, his loyalty is unrivaled. His intelligence, I cannot think of one male...not one who is like this. Though, every last one of you has their own unique qualities, he too has his own. I have never met such a demon, a male even, who had been capable to incite such fear that chills run through my back, yet, excite me so much, warm me to my core. Any male capable of such, is more than worthy of my attention."
The other quietly listened, having no incentive to speak, he swallowed his words down cold, his throat feeling as if thousands of tiny needles had settled, pinned to the flesh of his throat so, that mere swallowing had hurt. He knew that this was going to happen. When Ishtar had desired a male, she always got him, unless....
"What is the matter Ro?" She addressed the male by his 'nickname'. He had not said anything so far, it had been hours, which was quite peculiar, given the occasion.
------- ----------- ----------- --------- ------
"Do you truly want that? Her love is terrifying, corrupt, painful, and possessive. She loves with the hunger of a starving man. Once she desires a male, she will have him, in any way she wants."
At the sight of the puzzled look he had received from the demon, he had clarified.
"To put it quite simply, most of us submit to her, yet not even us, can keep up with her ravenous cravings at times"
Please comment, gimme likes, reblog if you actually give a fuck and gimme feedback please. Thanks!
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factionzero · 3 years
Can I ask for the asks the 4 and 8? 👁️👁️
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I'm gonna take this as an opportunity to show you guys a future snippet that I'm really proud of~
Ulma let out a shaky sigh from her muzzle, breath cold in the air as she adjusted to her new line of sight. 
The transformation wasn't at all like when she turned into Alaina. It felt far more natural, like a second skin she'd always had. 
She felt her demonic powers rise to smother the celestial like smoke blotting out the night sky… Her attunement and karma changing as she took her beloved brother's preferred form and now she knew why that was.
She felt powerful in a different way. More the type of power that's chaotic and unfurled like an out of control fire.
It felt good
Demiurge let out his own stuttering breath as he gazed at her new form. He hadn't seen her like this before and she was a vision.
A devilish goat greeted him with a snow white coat of fur, twisting ears that fell past her shoulders, horns that had grown wild and large, pointed forward with deathly sharp tips. Her hoofs clacked against the stone as she walked out of the fire.
Gold taloned nails stroked through the fur, brushing her cheek tufts out she approached him. Gold talons that shone, razor sharp and glinting in the moonlight framed her muzzle as she giggled impishly at him.
He stepped forward, removing his mask for but a moment to purr deeply into the furry mane of her neck.
'I- I'm guessing you like the new look.' She giggled between soft sighs as his free hand wrapped around her waist.
'You are exquisite, my lady.'
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Oh definetly! ♡ I rarely step outside my comfort zones and have become a lot stricter on myself about reading stuff I know isn't good for my mental health ♡
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