#deleter black 4 ink
maxyvert · 2 years
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🌊🌊 Yelan 🌊🌊
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lonelywitchv2 · 5 months
ink and blood (strawberries pt. 3)
hey guys! sorry it’s been so long, i finished the fic but then someone stole my laptop and phone (i had to get new ones) and i got locked out of my email!! it's totally giving ao3 writer but anyways. enjoy <3
summary: this time it was you who broke, not your ink pot.
content: violence, cursing, fluff, lowkey emotional crisis, i think that’s it? idk, sirius is an asshole in this (shocker….)
wc: 2.7k (there was more but i hated it all so i deleted it so expect a part 4 by the end of this year if you’re lucky)
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Sirius stormed out of Gryffindor Tower, running right into Remus, who tried stopping him for an explanation. The act was pointless, of course, as Sirius shoved past him and went straight to James.
“Give me the map,” Sirius said.
“Why?” James asked, slightly hesitant.
“James. Give me the map,” Sirius repeated, anger rooted deep within his words.
James eyed the boy briefly, turning to look at Remus before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the folded piece of parchment. Before he could even say a word, Sirius snatched the map out of his hands and disappeared down the corridor, leaving his two friends behind.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” Sirius muttered under his breath, his wand pointed to the now unfolded map. Just as always, ink appeared on the page and painted the familiar picture of the Marauder's Map, along with each and every corner of the school. Sirius’ dark eyes scanned across the parchment, looking for the name of his brother. Finding the name he was looking for, Sirius headed towards the Great Hall, watching on the map as his brother exited the hall and started walking his way. In a matter of minutes, Sirius and Regulus were just a corner away from running into each other.
Regulus had no time to process his brother's presence as he rounded the corner, failing to dodge Sirius’ swing at his jaw, the punch leaving him to stumble back roughly. The younger Black brother looked up, hand instinctively going up to the numb area of his face as he caught the eyes of his brother. 
Sirius was far from over, however, as he launched himself at Regulus, knocking him to the floor and landing punch after punch onto the body and face of his brother. Regulus struggled beneath his older brother, continuously trying and failing to get Sirius off of him. Sirius, blinded by rage, only hit Regulus harder the more he tried to push him away.
When Regulus was finally able to muster up the strength to shove Sirius off of him, he scrambled away from him, leaning against a wall as he struggled to stand.
“What the hell, Sirius?” Regulus exclaimed, a shake in his voice as the pain engulfed him.
“How could you? I saw the letter you wrote to her, Regulus, why can’t you just leave her alone?” Sirius shouted, his throat threatening to close up as he shook the letter at his brother.
“I- that was a private letter, Sirius,” Regulus said weakly, heart dropping to his stomach.
“If you don’t shut up, so help me Godric, I will kill you,” Sirius said darkly, pushing himself up from where Regulus had shoved him and walking towards him. 
Regulus was more prepared this time, albeit, significantly more bloody, and stumbled toward Sirius to defend himself. It was Sirius, again, who made the first swing, hitting Regulus square in the nose, followed by a crack. Regulus was surprisingly quick to respond, even with blood now gushing from his nose, and threw a punch that landed on Sirius’ cheek. 
“You little fucker-“ Sirius muttered, preparing to hit Regulus only to keel over when the younger Black brother hit him in the stomach.
It was then that Professor McGonagall appeared from around the corner, greeted by the sight of Regulus’ bloodied and bruised face and Sirius still hunched over from the hit to his gut, hair covering the bruise beginning to form on his cheek. She was quick to put herself between the brothers in case another fight started.
“What in Godric’s name is going on here?” She exclaimed, furious. 
After what felt like an hour of being chewed out by Professor McGonagall and losing their respective houses 100 points, they went their separate ways, Sirius going to the Gryffindor common room and Regulus going to the Slytherin common room. 
When Sirius entered the common room, he looked over to the couches where he saw you, Marlene, Lily, Remus, James, and Peter all sitting in silence. You noticed his presence first, jumping up when you saw his face.
“Good Godric, what the hell happened to you?” Your hands instinctively reached towards his face as you stepped towards him.
“Why don’t you fuss over your little boyfriend instead?” Sirius said hostilely, slapping your hand away from his face.
Your hands dropped to your sides, face falling as well.
“You guys fought?” You asked quietly.
Sirius didn’t answer, only turning around and walking up to his dorm, faithfully followed by James, Peter, and Remus. 
You still hadn’t moved, but you could feel your heart beating in your stomach, nauseous at the thought of Sirius and Regulus fighting because of you. Your chest heaved, trying to calm yourself before you ran out of Gryffindor tower, feet carrying you down to the dungeons and to the entrance of the Slytherin common room. You looked around, spotting a first-year in green robes walking past you, running up to him and pleading for the code.
Once you entered the Slytherin common rooms, you ran past the people scattered around the room and went straight up to Regulus’s dorm.
Regulus looked up from where he was sitting on his bed as you entered his dormitory and you couldn’t help the shocked gasp that escaped you when you saw his face. His jaw was bruised a dark purple, the skin around his eye slowly turning a similar shade of violet, blood still dripping from his nose, and more bruises across his body. Those, of course, were only the injuries you could see.
“Oh, Regulus,” You whispered, approaching his bed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, tugging you in between his legs so his head was against your chest and your hands gently combed through his curls. You stayed like that for a while, Regulus listening to the beating of your heart as you stroked his back, not caring about the blood stain that was certainly appearing on your jumper.
“Let’s clean you up, love,” You said, pulling away from the hug. You placed a brief kiss on his lips before entering the bathroom, grabbing and wetting a washcloth for the blood. 
Sitting next to him on his bed, you gently wiped the blood off Regulus’s face, apologizing profusely whenever he winced. The entire time you were cleaning his face off, his eyes were trained on your face, tracing over your features.
“You look really pretty,” Regulus whispered to you, holding back a grin upon seeing you blush and watching a small smile gracing your face.
“Reg, you should be focusing on yourself and not me,” You responded with a breathy laugh.
“Are you mad at me?” He asked, making you pause. 
“I’m not mad at you Regulus,” You answered, cupping his face with your hand and stroking it gently with your thumb. Regulus leaned into your touch, eyes briefly fluttering shut. 
“Alright, don’t fall asleep on me, darling, I still have to check out your bruises,” You said softly, laughing when Regulus groaned, “I promise I’ll let you sleep after.”
You stood up from his bed, a bit reluctantly if you were being honest, and began helping him take off his jumper. Regulus’ light grey jumper, which you had gifted him for Christmas, keeping his neutral-colored closet in mind, was now decorated with droplets of his blood. Once his jumper and undershirt were removed, you let out a sigh. His stomach and chest were littered with bruises, some bigger and darker, others smaller and lighter.
“Damnit, you got beat, huh?” You muttered teasingly, “I’m sorry, Reg.”
“‘S alright, just come lay with me, dove,” Regulus mumbled as he tugged you down onto the bed with him, laying so that you were facing each other.
You tugged the dark green blankets over your bodies, settling back down on the bed, your head right next to his own, his dark curls falling onto the pillow as he turned onto his side to look at you.
“I love you,” You whispered, your nervous eyes looking into his gray ones. You relaxed, though, as you watched his bruised face spread into a smitten smile.
“I love you too,” Regulus whispered back, still grinning.
You lifted your head, just enough to move it an inch from Regulus’s, and pressed your lips against his. The kiss was slow and sweet, your noses gently nudging one another as your lips moved. Your hand gently reaching for his curls to pull him closer as you smiled into the kiss. After Regulus pulled away, he curled his body into yours, his head tucked in the crook of your shoulder, arm draped over your waist, while you let your hands travel along his warm back and through his dark, curly hair. In that position, it didn’t take long for Regulus to fall asleep, with you following soon after.
You and Regulus slept the afternoon away, cuddled together until Evan entered the dorm around 4 o’clock, interrupting your sleep. After the boy mentioned the time, you soon realized you had disappeared from Gryffindor Tower for six hours with no explanation.
“Do you have to go?” Regulus asked, trying to pull you back into bed with him as you sighed deeply.
“Yeah, I do. I’ll see you later, Reg, I love you,” You said, turning to pull him into a kiss.
“I love you too. Don’t let Sirius get to you too much,” Regulus said after pulling away from the kiss, watching in a lovesick daze as you left the room. When he turned to Evan, who was still in the room, he snapped out of it, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“‘I love you too.’ Since when did you start saying I love you and why haven’t I heard about it?” Evan questioned, imitating Regulus’s voice as he plopped down on his bed expectantly.
“You’re such a drama queen,” Regulus joked, earning an eye roll from his friend.
“Don’t you dare call me a drama queen,” Evan said, pointing a finger threateningly at the smirking boy.
When you entered the Gryffindor common room, you were met with the sight of a sulking Sirius holding a towel of ice to his cheek. You both looked at each other, entering a brief staring match before Sirius broke the silence.
“Did you have fun with my little brother?” Sirius asked bitterly, glaring.
“Dear Godric, Sirius, will you stop with that? I was cleaning him up after you almost broke his nose!” You exclaimed, anger rising by the moment.
“Oh, yeah, because wiping some blood off his face takes six hours,” Sirius remarked.
“You know what, Sirius? Fuck you. You went and beat up your own brother because he’s in love with your friend? It’s fucking sad,” You snapped, eyes narrowing on the black-haired boy.
“Oh, so you two are in love now? Regulus doesn’t love people, he’s playing you and you’re too fucking stupid to see it,” Sirius said, standing up so he was in front of you, ice left on the couch.
You said nothing, only letting your hand fly to his already bruised face and slap it, Sirius’ head turning to the side at the force of your hand. Slowly, he turned to face you once more, staring into your eyes.
“Don’t you dare say shit like that again, Sirius Black, or you’ll get a whole lot more than a slap,” You threatened, face hardened in a scowl as you pushed him back and away from you. 
You turned, shouldering past Marlene and Lily, who were standing on the staircase with wide eyes, and stalked up to your dormitory, slamming the wooden door shut behind you. You looked around the room and at the floor by your bed, where your belongings were still scattered and your ink pot was still broken. The dark ink had sunk into the floorboards, staining the wood black.
You began cleaning your part of the dorm, picking everything up by hand despite knowing you could easily use magic, knowing you needed to focus on something or else you would start bawling. The broken pieces of the inkpot, which were still dripping ink, were the last things you picked up off of the floor. A small piece of the glass, so small that you had almost missed it on the wood, sliced through the still-stinging skin of your palm, crimson rising to the surface. You didn’t move, eyes trained on the blood that was dripping from your hand and landing next to the black dots of ink on the floorboards.
You only broke out of your trance when you heard the door to your dorm opening, your roommate, Lana, entering. 
“You alright?” She asked, catching your eyes as you looked up from your hand, which she quickly noticed, “Merlin, what happened? Come on, let’s clean that.”
You dropped the shards of glass, which were now covered in both ink and blood, into the garbage and let Lana lead you into the bathroom to clean your cut. She rinsed your hand off before gently cleaning the cut. When Lana finished cleaning it, she wrapped it and bandaged it before turning to leave.
“Thank you, Lana,” You said gratefully, smiling softly at your roommate as she paused in the doorway.
“Always, it’s what friends are for,” Lana responded, returning your smile.
Lana was on her bed reading a book when you finally left the bathroom to return to cleaning. With your hand now bandaged, you waved your wand and watched the black and red spots disappear off of the mahogany wood.
It was then, as you lay on your bed, that you found yourself wishing your conscience could be wiped clean as easily as the wood was. Every time you shut your eyes, images of Regulus’s body covered in purple and blue marks plagued your mind, alongside the unforgettable sight of Sirius’ bruised face twisted in anger as you slapped him. 
Your eyes flew open, focusing on the ceiling while you tried to blink the images out of your mind. You turned your head to Lana, who was already looking at you with a perplexed gaze.
"Why is he like this? Sirius, I mean. I get that he's mad but, Lana, you should've seen the bruises Regulus had, Sirius hurt him so much," You whispered to your roommate.
“There never really is a good answer in situations like this, just that people get blinded by their anger and do bad things. I’m not excusing Sirius’s actions, Godric no, but he definitely wasn’t thinking straight,” Lana answered tentatively, placing her book on her nightstand.
“I just don’t know what to do now,” You whispered, eyes clouded with tears as you looked away from Lana, “Sirius and Regulus were already on bad enough terms as it was, but now they’re getting in fights and it’s all my fault.”
Lana said nothing, only getting up from her bed and moving to yours, pulling you into a hug. She kept her arms around you as your body shook with sobs, the harsh reality of the situation hitting you like a truck. 
Everything has changed.
So much had happened over the past week- everyone found out you and Regulus were dating, you got banned from seeing him, Sirius ransacked your room and then fought with Regulus, you slapped Sirius, and now you were here. Crying in your roommate’s arms.
“I feel like all I’m doing is hurting people. I hurt Sirius and betrayed his trust. I’m the reason Regulus and Sirius got in that fight. Bloody hell, I slapped Sirius,” You cried, your breath stuttering as you spoke.
“Listen to me, this isn’t all your fault. You aren’t doing this to hurt people. Sometimes, things don’t always go the way they should and that’s just a part of life. Regulus loves you and you love him, it’s only a matter of time before Sirius sees that and he’s just gonna have to learn to accept it,” Lana said firmly, “And he will accept it, trust me. He might be mad now but he’s not going to lose you over this.”
You couldn’t even respond at that point, your body shaking with tears and sobs as Lana hugged you.
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siconetribal · 1 year
Put It On My Tab: Chapter 3
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10
Warning: Cursing
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note (updated 12/15/22):
I don't know how or why this got deleted, so I'm posting it again. Here are the links to the other parts for new readers:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Aside from the occasional whirring of the computer fan trying to cool down the tower and the creak of the computer chair every time Jason moved, the room was silent. Leaning back again, he let his head hang back and let out a loud groan, swiveling to one side until his monitor was just in sight. Still not on yet. He fussed with his hair, the pop of white in the front mixing with the black before falling back into its usual place. He was disgruntled and now growing impatient. “Another fifteen minutes, the hell is going on?” He muttered at the lack of message from “IAmBatman”.
Though he was not an avid gamer, he did dabble in the periodic pastime. When his brothers insisted he try online gaming, he did what any moody loner sibling did and ignored them. However, after enough pestering, he caved and gave it a shot. He lingered in the town/lobby area of the game, buying or creating items, until he felt prepared enough to look at the request board that he usually ignored. There were a bunch of different requests floating around, but he had no intention of randomly selecting one. He needed a good quest where he could contribute. He was not going to ride a bus, nor did he want to be the bus. It was a simple enough restriction…or so he thought.
Very quickly it became clear that at this hour only those who were very skilled or not skilled enough were around. A middle ranger like him was too good or not good enough. Not wanting to be a quitter, Jason stuck to his restrictions and scrolled through the board. He would exit the list and reread again, hoping a refresh would populate new ones. After the fourth refresh and seconds from him rage-quitting out of frustration, an interesting username caught his eye. There, in black ink, was “IAmBatman” requesting help. He could not help the loud snort that came from him as he accepted the task. He needed to see this avatar for himself. It had to be some buff male avatar all black or modded to look as close as possible to the black cowl wearing vigilante. What greeted him was an avatar that was outfitted to look like his vigilante alter: Red Hood.
Jason nearly choked on his water when he saw it. The player had a username calling himself Batman and was dressed up as Red Hood? This had to be some sort of prank. Grabbing his phone, he opened the group chat with the other bat-boys and demanded who was behind this. Anyone available was utterly confused and insisted they had no idea what he was asking about. Snapping a picture, he sent it and asked again. The response? Damian demanded to know what buffoon would mix the two, Dick was sending laughing GIFs, and Tim wanted to meet the genius who was trolling him. It was obvious none of them has a clue on whom this player was, but they all wanted to meet him now.
<You know you’re dressed as Red Hood, right?> He sent into the chat.
<Yeah, so?> IAmBatman responded.
<Your username…it’s Batman.>
<Who says I’m not?> He stared at his screen and rolled his eyes. <Have you ever seen me and Batman in the same room?>
<I’ve never met you.>
<Which means you haven’t, so you can’t say I’m not.> He let out a small chuckle at the silliness of the argument.
<OK, “Batman”, what’s the plan?> And that was how he made friends with “IAmBatman”. Now, here he was sitting and waiting for the fake crusader to sign in.
I know I’m not the most punctual thanks to my line of work, but IAmBatman is never this late without giving some kind of heads up. Did something happen? They did say they’re living in Gotham, troubles everywhere here. He frowned, tapping his fingers on the table. Another eternity passed by (five minutes). “Forget, I’m logging out. I’m just gonna read, I waited long enough.” He fixed his posture in his chair and wheeled it closer to the table, grabbing his controller. With a few presses and pushes, he was staring at the dialogue box that asked him if he was ready to sign out. His thumb was primed and ready to confirm it, but he could not. Frustrated with himself, he exited the screen and went back to idle. I don’t need  to log out, I’ll just grab a book and read. “If they come on, and I miss it, I miss it. So what? They can wait, just like I’ve been.” He pushed his chair back and hopped off the seat, making his way over to his filled bookshelf. Searching through the titles, he grabbed the one he was currently working on and made his way back to the desk. 
“Now, I’m just going to sit here and enjoy my book. If they log on, and I miss it, oh well. They can wait as long as I did.” Kicking his feet up on the table, he leaned back and slouched a little into the perfect slight curl before opening to his bookmark. Now his night would not be a waste. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he jumped into the world within the pages.
What felt like the tenth eternity of the night rolled by as he heavily dropped his feet to the floor and sat up. How many times have I read that stupid line? If anyone asked me, I wouldn’t be able to tell you the fuck I even read! He audibly groaned, scrubbing his face with his hands. Did he dare look at the clock? He widened the gab between his index and middle finger to peek at the clock on his wall. “For fuck’s sake, only three minutes?!” He nearly chucked the book in hand at the offending time piece on the wall. “I’m going to go insane, this is it! This is how I, Jason Todd, actually die. Insanity from waiting online for some stranger to come play games with me.” He slouched further in his chair, letting it swivel side to side. Maybe if I do this long enough, I’ll melt into the floorboards. He scrunched his nose and furrowed his brows. This is really pathetic. A ping from the speakers made him jump, the chair sliding backwards as he fell forwards, narrowly saving his nose from smashing into the edge of the desk as he scrambled to get up.
<Hey, sorry I’m late. My shift ended late. Are you still there?> All the anger and frustration he had built up instantly flew away as he blindly reached back until he grabbed the arm of his chair, pulling it back under him as he typed back.
<Yeah, I’m here. Took ya long enough. What’s with all these late night shifts, I might think you’re actually Batman 🤣> he replied.
<Crime stops for no man!> He snorted.
<Ok, caped weirdo, what’s with all the late night shifts?>
<Let’s just say I had an expensive date one night, and now I’m stuck paying off some debt 🙄>
“Expensive date, paying off debt? The hell kind of date is that?” He muttered to himself. <I think you owe me a little more detail than that after making me wait here all night.?
<Can’t we just go kill some dragons instead? 🥺>
<After you tell me how a date got you into so much debt.>
<Ugh, fine, rude!>
<Good girl>
<Who said I’m a girl? I could be some sweaty, hairy old guy living in the apartment building basement.>
<Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England 🙄>
<Well, Your Majesty, it’s rude of you to assume my gender when we’ve never met.>
<I can tell by the way you type. Trust me, I know a lot of sketchy guys, you’re not a sketchy old dude.>
<Oh yeah, what if I’m a super skilled sketchy old dude that’s pretending to be a girl?>
<Wow…so sexy…you really know how to get a guy going. Quit trying to distract me and tell me what happened already!>
<Alright, alright! Jeez, so pushy!> She replied and Jason smirked.
I knew it! He thought with a smug smirk, watching the three dots appear and disappear a few times on the screen as she typed. He watched this repetitive animation run for a good handful of minutes, his curiosity rising with each passing second, until a small paragraph of text appeared on his screen. Leaning on to his right arm, he leaned in closer to the screen as he read. “Couple months ago, spent the night with some dude during her high school reunion dinner, they spent the night at a hotel, he trashed the room, and she’s stuck paying the bill.” He muttered aloud to himself as he summarized the details. “Damn, that sucks!” <What kind of asshole does that?! Can’t you fight the hotel and tell them he’s the real culprit?>
<I wish! I don’t know a damn thing about the guy! We met for the first time that night and I had the room under my name so legally I’m the one responsible for any damages and fees that may be incurred from said damages. So, because of that, I’m working extra shifts and overtime to get as much money as possible to clear the charges without asking my friend for a loan.>
<Damn. Do you remember anything about this guy? I can beat the shit out of him for you. I’m pretty good in a fight, if I do say so myself.>
<I feel like saying that automatically means you’re terrible and I’ll need to save you from yourself 🤣. Thanks for the offer, though.>
<Ow, rude! We’ve never even met! How can you tell if I’m strong or not?>
<Just like how you can tell if I’m a guy or a girl by how I can text and assume I’m not Batman.>
<Nice try, but I have sources close to hm. You’re not Batman. Also, was I wrong though?”
<Would my saying yes or no actually prove your right or wrong? “
<Touché, well, the offer still stands. If you need me to teach that shithead a lesson, just say the word.>
<My hero, now can we go beat up some giant lizards for items? I need to vent out the frustration of having to deal with the rich snobs of Gotham who like to complain about the color of our cups during the holiday season.>
<What, it’s not December yet.>
<I know, that doesn’t stop them. Now, ya joining me or not, wonder boy?>
<Yeah, yeah, let’s go!> He chuckled, following her avatar.In the blink of an eye it was nearly dawn and the two of them finally called it quits and logging off. The boss monster was a lot harder than they anticipated, but they finally managed to get the upper hand and reap the rewards. Crawling into his bed, he pulled the covers up to his shoulders and rolled onto his side. She was safe, and he managed to get some great gameplay time after a boring night of patrol. Maybe life was not so bad after all. Yawning, he closed his eyes and let sleep finally creep over him. Yup, a good night. His eyes flew open as he practically went flying out of bed at how fast he sat up. Two words had suddenly come hurdling to the forefront of his mind. Two words he skimmed over in his eagerness to get the hunting on the road. The same pair of words that made his eye twitch from how close they were to his old title as Batman’s sidekick. “Holy shit, there’s no way! It can’t be, but who else says that?!” He let out another loud groan as he dropped backwards on to his mattress. IAmBatman was the girl from the hotel room. Tonight was going to be a long night.
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kokokulto · 2 years
how do you get your traditional art to retain its color once you photograph it?? Everything looks so vibrant and well lit it’s honestly incredible.
I was originally going to have a straight forward answer, but I think this is a good opportunity for me to share how I go about preparing my artworks for social media. Disclaimer! I'm not an expert in photo manipulation. This is what I learned after doing some research and experimenting. Capturing the artwork
I have to be transparent though that I do not photograph my work, I scan it! I use a CanoScan LiDE220. I've had it for 6 years. This is why I am able to retain the artwork's texture. However, the result of the scan is very washed out, and is not accurate to the artwork's actual colors. Example below:
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The left image is the raw result from the scanner, while the right is an edited version that I have posted. As seen, the left image is washed out. So, to the best of my ability, I change different parameters of the image to get the closest to the real artwork. I use photoshop to edit the image, but it is possible to do it in any photo manipulation software (or you can get a cracked ver-) Editing the photo 1) Levels
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Levels is where you manipulate the values of the image. The left is for your lightest values, and the right is for the darkest values. Moving the left slider alters the lightest values of the image. Moving the middle slider alters your middle values, and same goes for the right slider for the darkest values. I often slide the middle slider to the right to darken the image. I hardly touch the other two. Alternatively, you can use Curves to darken the image, it is a more intricate version of Levels and gives you the most control. I am not super familiar with it, so I cannot talk about it. 2) Hue and Saturation
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Hue controls the most dominant color of your image. Saturation controls the intensity of the colors in your image. I often bump up the saturation of my images. There are times I also alter lightness just ta bit for sketch sheets, to slightly washout colors (mainly the yellow of the paper) 3) Color Balance
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Color balance indicates which of the colors in each slide is more intense globally. Meaning that if you put the slider closer to blue, then all yellow tones will be washed out. Sometimes the Hue and Saturation sliders aren't enough, so I use Color Balance to tweak it a bit. 4) Brightness and Contrast
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Brightness refers to how light or dark the piece is overall. Contrast refers to the difference of the lightest and darkest values. I often use this when manipulating sketches, this is to make the inks pop out more.  Other stuff that might be relevant
every piece has it's own set parameters, I eyeball everything lol. I do not have any "set values"
If there is a specific part of the image that needs editing, I "Mask" that part of the image out. Meaning that only a specific part of the image will be altered. Masking does not permanently change the image, so you can easily delete it if needed. Crash course in "Masking": the visibility of the image is set in black and white. The black parts of the mask is hidden, while the white is seen (Image below.) So for example here, only the white parts will be affected by the color balance
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as much as my scanner is helpful, it cannot scan large pieces. One of the largest sizes I am able to scan is A4. So, I have only been using that size or smaller. If you want to invest in a scanner, you should consider the sizes of paper you often use. You can also "stitch" the artwork together (i believe photoshop has this, but it might be a hassle. I can't speak about this because I haven't tried it.)
If you are doing paintings on a canvas, you will have to photograph it There is no other way around lol, paintings like those are really photographed. Professional artists either have their own photoshoot set, or they find a place where they can have it photographed.
Sticky notes, or paper with luminosity aren't picked up by the scanner. I've been struggling with this one for awhile lmao. Altering it with the aforementioned steps alone don't give the result I want. I use layer modes too. Still currently experimenting. Example is below, original is a neon orange sticky note.
(original scan)
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(altered with brightness/contrast, darken layer mode w/ orange, and vibrance)
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ANYWAY!!! This is a master post of how I currently go around my works. Very lengthy, but I hope it helps someone!
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Reverse Engineering the Gender Envy Bracket Seeding
I am very impressed by how accurate the BL brackets organizer's seeding has been so far! I reverse engineered the two seeded tournaments ('cause i'm a procrastinating dork), and in both the 1st seed won, the semifinals was between 1 and 2, and the bottom 16 lost in the first round. Otherwise it wasn't perfect (because that would be no fun) but it was pretty close!
I was inspired by their answer to this ask about how they did the seeding, and extrapolated the order from these brackets.
Below the cut is the seeding for Gender Envy, so you can see what it looks like. (Assuming I ordered them correctly!) The Best Kiss seeding (as reverse engineered by me) is in this post.
(@bl-bracket I can delete these posts if they ruin the magic of it all.)
This tournament seemed at first to have less accurate seeding, because there were more upsets in the last four rounds, but the numbers shake out about the same. Congratulations to Tankhun for beating two higher seeded opponents, first Win (Between Us) and then Ink (Bad Buddy)! He's the only one to do so in either seeded tournament.
Of the 64 candidates, 9 did better than expected and 9 did worse, so 72% did exactly as expected every round. In 69% of the gender envy match-ups, the higher seed won. The Final 16 corresponded exactly to the first 16 seeds, and the bottom 16 all lost in the first round. The biggest upset, in terms of a difference of 25 positions in seeding, was 45th seed Alan (Moonlight Chicken) beating 20th seed Khai (Theory of Love). All other upsets had a position difference of 13 or less.
purple = lost in 1st round. blue = lost in 2nd round. green = lost in 3rd round. orange = lost in 4th round. red = lost in semi-finals. pink= lost in finals. 👑=winner. 🔼= beat a higher seeded opponent. 🔽=lost to a lower seeded opponent.
Gender Envy Bracket Seed Order
1. 👑Tay – Kinnporsche👑 2. Choi Yuna – Semantic Error
🟥🟥 semifinals loss predicted 🟥🟥
3. 🔽🔽Win – Between Us 4. Kim – Kinnporsche
🟧🟧 4th round loss predicted 🟧🟧
5. 🔽Black – Not Me 6. Ink – Bad Buddy 7. 🔽Por – My School President 8. 🔽Vegas – Kinnporsche
🟩🟩 3rd round loss predicted 🟩🟩
9. 🔼Tiffy – My Lovely Writer 10. 🔼Wen Kexing – Word of Honor 11. Uea – Bed Friend 12. 🔼Jaab – Step By Step 13. Wei Wuxian – The Untamed 14. 🔼🔼Tankhun – Kinnporsche 15. Yok – Not Me 16. Zhou Shu Yi – We Best Love
🟦🟦 2nd round loss predicted 🟦🟦
17. Ayan – The Eclipse 18. Porsche – Kinnporsche 19. Jang Jaeyoung – Semantic Error 20. 🔽Khai – Theory of Love 21. Oh-Aew – I Promised You the Moon 22. Sean – Not Me 23. Payu – Love in the Air 24. James – Fish Upon the Sky 25. Sasaki Mugi – Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss! 26. 🔽Noey – I Will Knock You 27. Xue Yang – The Untamed 28. 🔽Pear – 2Gether 29. Pat – Bad Buddy 30. 🔽Pete – Love By Chance 31. 🔽Kurosawa – Cherry Magic 32. Eugene – Not Me
🟪🟪 1st round loss predicted 🟪🟪
33. Fai – Together with Me 34. 🔼Tan – Manner of Death 35. 🔼Nuer – Cutie Pie 36. Hashimoto – Kieta Hatsukoi 37. 🔼Prapai – Love in the Air 38. Zhou Zi Shu – Word of Honor 39. 🔼Xie Wang – Word of Honor 40. Med – He’s Coming to Me 41. Waree �� The Eclipse 42. Win – My School President 43. Puen – Vice Versa 44. Gaipa – Moonlight Chicken 45. 🔼Alan – Moonlight Chicken 46. Palm – Never Let Me Go 47. Chopper – Never Let Me Go 48. Rio Kijima – The Novelist
49. Togawa – Old Fashion Cupcake 50. Sky – Secret Crush on You 51. Khaojao – Secret Crush on You 52. Takara – Takara-kun to Amagi-kun 53. Yoon Won – The Eighth Sense 54. Nuea – Y-Destiny 55. Kaeng – Y-Destiny 56. Neo – 3 Will Be Free 57. Yoo Sinbi – First Love Again 58. Shintaro – Mintato Shouji Coin Laundry 59. Tuaphee – Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for Soul 60. Ae – Step By Step 61. Jerry – Papa & Daddy 62. Pisaeng – Be My Favorite 63. Amber – DNA Says I Love You 64. Mamoru – Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to Be Recognized
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gelatinfever · 5 months
"Who are you?"
"Me? Nobody."
Hello! I'm GelatinFever, though I'm mainly called Jello or Gelatin online! I use They/Them + Gho/Ghos pronouns and I'm 15. I accidentally deleted my old Tumblr acc so now I'm using this one,, I really like the riddler and Paul Dano so expect me to post about it alot!
Editing Blog - @razzzberriez
Paul Dano, The Riddler, The Batman, Persona 3, Love Live, Comics, CDs, Bandori, Lilypichu, Nanahira, LDshadowlady, PJSK, Rina Tennoji, Mystic Messenger, More More Jump, Himari Uehara, Yoosung Kim, Jaehee Kang, Haruka Kiritani, Rune Factory 4, Stardew Valley, Writing, OCs, Roleplay, Cosplay, Pokemon, Music, Fujikura Uruka, Phase Connect, Vtubers, Style Savvy, Tomadachi Life, Idol M@ster, Muse Dash, Honkai Star Rail, Honkai Impact 3rd, Papers Please, Slay The Princess, Lethal Company, Osu
> Those in bold are favs of mine!
MOOK, Josh Dare, Elliot Smith, Buddy Fo, AKB48, Nanahira, Majiko, Tyler The Creator, Mitski, Weezer, VCHA, Le Sserafim, SUNMI, TXT, New Jeans, Poppy, Bôa, Nico, Elliot Fullam, The Beach Boys, Brian Wilson, Lilypichu, Mac DeMarco, Yukiko Iwai, Akina Nakamori, Anri, The Ink Spots, TV Girl, Black Box Recorder, LOVEME, Kimikara, Ideal Peco, NACHERRY
The Batman, Love & Mercy, The Lodge, Midsommar, Hereditary, Perfect Blue, Your Name, Get Out, Knives Out, OKJA, Parasite, Train to Busan, The Fablemans, The Man Who Sleeps, Prisoners, The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes, Sleepaway Camp
DISCORD - gelatinfever
RED X VIOLET (Bandori Tiering & Hangout Server)
BANDORI - 6869769
HONKAI STAR RAIL - 601290757
PROJECT SEKAI (EN) - 402679628117962758
TWITCH - co_green
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graceful-adopts · 1 year
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Horse Adopts [OPEN]
Each one is $5 through PayPal and Cashapp! PLEASE READ; - Sta.sh file will be deleted 24 hours after purchase - Will do 48 hour holds and no longer - Payment must be sent within 24 hours of claiming 1 - Dun with Extreme Primitive Markings [OPEN] 2 - Dunalino Tovero [OPEN] 3 - Dunskin Tobiano [OPEN] 4 - Grullo Splash [OPEN] 5 - Red Dun Overo [CLOSED] SnootTheAllMighty on DeviantArt 6 - Red Roan Splash [OPEN] 7 - Buckskin Roan Tovero [CLOSED] equi.holic on Instagram 8 - Bay Roan Brindle [OPEN] 9 - Blue Roan Tovero [OPEN] 10 - Perlino Dun Overo [OPEN] 11 - Silver Black Splash [OPEN] 12 - Cremello with Grullo Chimera [CLOSED] equi.holic on Instagram 13 - Black Tovero [OPEN] 14 - Silver Dunskin Tobiano with Ink Spots [CLOSED] equi.holic on Instagram 15 - Bay Spotted Blanket Appaloosa [OPEN] 16 - Sooty Dunskin Tobiano with Mushroom Chimera [CLOSED] Nexizes on Discord 17 - Buttermilk Buckskin Frame Overo [OPEN] 18 - Seal Bay Overo [CLOSED] cyeglol on Instagram 19 - Red Sorrel Rabicano (Sabino Carrier) [OPEN] 20 - Palomino Snowcap Appaloosa [OPEN] 21 - Chestnut with Birdcatchers and Golden Champagne Chimera [CLOSED] equi.holic on Instagram 22 - Sooty Palomino with Buckskin Pearl Chimera [OPEN]  23 - Silver Black Sabino with Dapple Gray Chimera [CLOSED] equi.holic on Instagram 24 - Dunalino Overo with Black Chimera [CLOSED] stormae.skies on Instagram 25 - Buckskin Roan Tovero with Cremello Chimera [CLOSED] equi.holic on Instagram
Designs - Me Base - Frost-angel2000 on DeviantArt
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end-l3ss-v0id · 8 months
VOID sans
Link to the picrew: Undertale Skeleton Creator 2.0|Picrew Oc Template Bio by: Bonnieblue248 on DeviantArt
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Full Name: VOID Sans Nickname(s): Abyss, Vee or Space Age: ??? Gender: Genderless (all pronouns) Birth Date: September 28th (my birthday :D) Death Date: REACTED Race: Monster Species: Skeleton Sexuality: Pansexual Soul and Trait: Monster soul (it's grey) Relationship Status: No current relationship Current Status: alive & dead (somehow) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Previous Residence: Average UT timeline Current Residence: a VOID somewhere
Affiliations: N/A Occupation: find his timeline
Character’s Appearance
General Appearance: (Describe the character’s physical appearance.) Height: 5'3 Weight: 58.3 KGS Handedness: Right Important Item: his headband
About The Character
Personality: Void is a quiet and reserved person unless you get to know them, then they're like a toddler on Christmas morning. (most of the time they dont have an expression it's just blank thoughts)
Likes: sweets, most types of music, sleep & cats. Dislikes: mostly everything
Hobbies: art & voice acting Fears: dogs, silence, the dark, death, & heights.
Habits: energy drink obsession because the human introduced them to her, procrastination & stays up most of the night Mannerisms: quietly unless you're close with him. Personal Goals: Find his timeline.
The Character's Relationships with Others
Reputation: VOID is seen as an odd person by most but he's quite nice depending on the person
-sans au's inculded- Love Interest(s): NONE Friend(s): Swap, Outer, Frisk, Alter & Classic Ally(ies): Dream, Cross(X) Geno, Reaper Neutral(s): Echo, horror, Something New (Killer), Ink, & Fresh. Enemy(ies)/scared of: Nightmare, ERROR & Dust Family: Papyrus & Gaster (in his timeline)
Relationships Swap Sans - He enjoys his company a lot, due to reminding him of papyrus Outer Sans - he loves Outer's AU, he thinks it is really pretty: they have a good relationship. Alter Sans - Reminds him of Toriel, he enjoys his company. (they have an chat called Teatime for gossip) Classic Sans - I mean, who wouldn't want to be friends with the original Frisk - Void think's they are a great kid.
Dream Sans - Begs for good dreams from him Cross(X) Sans - He think's cross is strong and often asks him for fighting tips. Geno Sans - he feels bad for Geno and tries his best to show up and talk with him when he can. Reaper sans - a little scared of him because death. Echo Sans/G Sans - he doesn't like the smell of smoke, but he thinks G is cool so he doesn't say anything about it to him. Horror Sans - both admires and fears him. Something New/Killer Sans - freaked out by his eyes Ink Sans - he doesn't like ink but at the same time he doesn't mind him Fresh - same thing as INK
Nightmare Sans - DONT GIVE ME NIGHTMARES PLEASE Error Sans - don't delete me Dust Sans - i'ma stay 50ft away from you
The Character’s Abilities
Black Hole - Spawns a black hole and sucks up everything for a span of 5 minutes.
WD hands. - just WD hands without the souls, he can use them to imitates the ground and shift the flooring or rubble into a massive hand to crush or squish things
Strengths: Healing items (obviously) Weaknesses: surprise attacks Restrictions: Black hole is only at a limit of 5 minutes, if it goes past that limit, he couldn't be able to control it
The Character’s Battle Information
Attacks: Gaster blasters, bones, WD hands. Special Attack: Black Hole Weapon(s): magic Armor: N/A Stats
LV: 4
HP: 20
DF: 9
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ambiguoushybrid · 9 months
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Hello! Welcome! I'm Ambiguous Hybrid! Welcome to my portifolio + personal blog, i do not assure you i will be very active here. But i do will try to maintain this place going for as long as i can :] Feel welcomed to ask and interact! Please know, english is not my first language
If you're an active AI user, and claim yourself to be a "AI artist", you will be blocked instantly.
You're in favor of NFT's
I will block spammers. (does not envolve spam liking)
Repost artwork or even worse trace it. (NO, my work is not avaliable for repost not tracing, if any of theses happen you will be reported and blocked.)
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My name is Lee, AKA Ambiguous Hybrid. I’m a asian digital artist from Brazil. My main focus currently is digital art, but i do traditional art in my spare time! I have a huge love for fantasy related stories, and a deep interest in creating lore and original characters. I’m open for art commission and freelance work as a main hobby. In this page you can see my artwork, that can involve the multiple fandoms i’m in, and my OC’s!
my carrd (with all my socials)
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Faber Castell Eco-Pencils: i mostly use the faber castell green eco-pencils, they are very comfortable to draw, i mostly use them for black and white drawings. One package has a limited types of graphites going from HB to 8B, the 8B being the most softer and easier to blend.
Staedtler 4 pigment liner: I don't usually do lineart when doing traditional art, but i use them mostly for writting on the drawing pages, as well as doing small scribbles and abstract paintings. But when i do use for lineart, i use 0.8, 0.3 and for details 0.1 or 0.05.
Faber Castell Eco Super Soft: I had theses colored pencils for a few years now, they are great for gradients and mixing colors (As long as you don't do it too hard then the colors won't blend). No they're not watercolor pencils unfortunately. I use them for silly sketches or just to add more color on a simple sketch.
SketchBook Canson, A5, with the black covers: They are very water and ink resistent, but in my opinion they are not great for alcohol markers like copics, since they bleed right through the pages. They are overall one of the best sketchbooks i've ever used.
Faber Castell Dust Free eraser: Theses are like the best of the best erasers i've ever bought. I use them for everything, but again do not use too much pressure on the pencils, if the color is too bright or too dark, the eraser will not be able to clean if you put way too much pressure.
Gaomon Display Pd1161: I've bought this display 3 years ago, gaomon is not as expensive as other displays brands, yet is very good, i never had any problem with this brand, and honestly so far it's one of the best i've had.
Paint Tool Sai 2: I've bought SAI in 2018, at the time in Brazil it was around R$160, few years ago a friend of mine told me it was now at R$260. I enjoy SAI, it's a program i've used since i started digital art. But the app is still going through a lot of updates, which causes the settings archive of the software to get constant errors, making users delete their settings to avoid this error. Though i'm looking for new art softwares to use in the future and not be totally stuck on SAI.
KRITA: My experience with krita so far is very good, i believe it only lags a lot because of how bad my laptop is lol XD But so far i've enjoyed it! It has a huge variety of filters, brushes, etc. At the moment i enjoy it a lot, though you do have to set your settings if you're not used to the keyboards shortcuts the program has!
I'm currently looking on investing on a IPad so i can draw remotely during travels or when i'm at university, when this happen i'll update it here!
My artwork is under #my art
Any ask or rambling will be at #gnomeo rambling
Friend's reblogs #friend's art reblog
Thank you for reading and enjoy your stay <3
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contrappostoes · 2 years
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finished my steel ball run bag 😗✌️
(some project notes below)
When I work on these projects, I usually make notes (typically voice recordings) throughout so I can organize my thoughts about the piece. I usually delete the recordings right after I've listened back to them, but since this project was a big learning experience, this time I feel like documenting some of my notes in writing.
This has been one of my favorite projects I've ever worked on! I got to try a lot of new things and work on improving certain techniques, overall I feel like I was successful in executing what I'd intended.
Some stuff that was new for me:
Embroidering on this weight/weave of fabric
Adding shading freehand after handwashing
Using a different handwashing technique to keep the integrity of the stitches
Using a greater variety of floss, as well as marker, pen, and pencil, to try to create a greater range of value for shading
Selecting the image - this took a lot longer than I thought, since many of my favorite JoJo characters/panels have features in them that wouldn't translate well to embroidery. I wanted to choose something that would look great in black and white too. I chose this one because it had a level of detail that wasn't unmanageable, the shading is primarily done with lines/hatching (so no complicated, small patterns), and I knew anything I'd have to add or omit to make it more effective as an embroidered piece wouldn't fuck with the depth (or recognizability) of the piece. Making the pattern - as usual, I used Procreate to edit the pattern. I took more time than usual to remove shading that I would be adding in after the wash. This included the big blocks of dark shading as well as any lines that were long and fine. Stitching the base design - for this piece I used my usual 1-2 strands of DMC embroidery floss, but for some of the bolder features, I used DMC Pearl Cotton 12 floss. I really liked using this, even though it's still 2 strands of floss, the fact that they are twisted together helped create a nice bold line that held up well in the washing.
Here's an in-progress pic. One area where I used the 12 Pearl Cotton was the outlining for Johnny's hat, which I think looks really nice and bold here!
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(Before step 4, I'll clarify that I use a printable stabilizer to transfer patterns to the fabric - it's basically a sticker you can print directly on, stick to your fabric, stitch through, then wash out with water. It's great if you're like me and not good with tracing, drawing freehand, or usually use designs that are too detailed to use something like your average transfer pen for. But if you have an Inkjet printer especially, you will want to use as little ink as possible to reduce the risk of staining...honestly, if you have any questions about this product, feel free to ask me - I have a lot of experience with/thoughts on it lol) Washing - I opted to wash this piece in the hoop. I wanted to maintain the tension of the fabric while washing to hopefully minimize the warping I've experienced when washing in the past. I also didn't agitate the fabric as much or use any kind of soap or detergent to wash away the adhesive. This was really successful - not only did the stitches stay even, I didn't encounter any staining, which I'm really pleased about! Here's what it looked like post-wash, before I started shading:
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Shading - this was the most intimidating part of the piece for me...I'm not someone who's very knowledgeable about the technical aspect of visual art, so the idea of placing shading lines without a guide was kind of scary. I followed the shading on my reference image more or less exactly, although I did omit some stuff that I thought would look too heavy.
I used a mix of sewing floss, pencil, marker, and pen to give myself some flexibility when it came to line weight and gradients. There were a couple areas where I knew floss would be too intense, such as the lips and eyes, the underside of Gyro's goggles, and the horse on Johnny's hat. For the horse and goggles, I used the texture of the fabric to my advantage, the rougher texture was definitely conducive to achieving a textured effect similar to the original image. I opted to shade in the underside of Gyro's hat completely black to complement that huge block of black shading on Johnny's neck. I used a regular 0.38 nib pen to add some details to Johnny's eyes and lashes too.
I'm mostly really pleased with the shading, except for the shading along Johnny's nose. tried to go in and fix it, but with a fabric this weight, I was hesitant to pull out stitches and completely redo it because I don't want to leave noticeable holes in the piece. If it keeps bothering me, I might go back and fix it later.
Final thoughts:
This piece really encompassed everything I like about doing this kind of embroidery. In real life, I get asked a lot by family and friends why I choose to embroider things from manga/anime instead of my own original designs. One of the main reasons I do this is because as someone who got into manga for the art, I find it's a really fun and hands-on way to "study" the work of artists I enjoy. Through translating it to embroidery, I have to pay attention to a lot of details about a piece I might not have otherwise. And I almost always pick up on something really interesting and exciting when I do this!
I knew I wanted to embroider something from Steel Ball Run when I reached the part of the manga where Araki's art shifted more to the detailed, dramatic, and cinematic. But having read the colored version, I didn't really appreciate how difficult it can be to achieve this level of detail and drama in black and white, especially without the use of digitally added texture. Through making this piece, and particularly while doing the shading, I really began to respect the amount of skill it takes to do something like this.
Overall, I think this is the most satisfied I've been with something I've embroidered. I'm a huge perfectionist about my embroidery so I'll always have something to nitpick, but even so, I can honestly say I'm really pleased with how well the process I'd planned out translated to the final product. And I'm really pleased with my progress overall.
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cgbosss · 10 months
What Brush is that?
An old blog post from the YouTube channel VZA
Ryan Benjamin
Staedtler Mars Lumograph Pencil
Kuratake Fude Brush Pen
Mark Brooks
Faber-Castell Pitt Pens
Pentel Arts Pocket Brush Pen
Signo Uniball White Pen
Copic Markers
Bernard Chang
Pentel Graph Gear 1000
Micron Ink Pen
Terry Dodson
Scarlet Red Col Erase Pencil
Light Blue Col Erase Pencil
Sakura Micron Pigma Pens
Faber Castell Pitt Pens
Copic Markers (Warm Grey)
Copic Markers (Cool Grey)
David Finch
Pentel Arts Brush
Sakura Pigma Micron 01
Faber Castell Kneaded Eraser
Staedler Lead Holder
2H Lead
Strathmore 200 Series Bristol Board
Lead Pointer
Uni Posca White Pen
Tombow Brush Pen
Kim Jung Gi
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen
Adam Hughes
6B Lead
Staedtler Lead Holder
Dr. Martins Black Star India Ink
Copic Markers (Warm Grey)
Copic Markers (Cool Grey)
Faber-Castel Pitt Pens
Rotring Art Pen
Pentel Jumbo Felt Pen
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen
Erik Larsen
Staedtler Mars Eraser
Hunt Speedball #102 Nib
Winsor Newton Series 7 (#2)
Uniball Pen
Pentel Rolling Writer
Ken Lashley
Gelly Roll White
Touch Twin Markers
Copic Markers
Stanley Lau (Artgerm)
Pentel Pigment Ink Brush
Jim Lee
Pentel Graph Gear 1000 Mechanical Drafting Pencil (0.4 mm)
Pentel Graphgear 1000 Automatic Drafting Pencil (0.7 mm)
Pentel Ain Stein Mechanical Pencil Lead (0.4 mm HB)
Pentel Super Hi-Polymer Leads (0.7 mm HB)
Staedtler Lead Holder (2 mm)
HB Lead (2 mm)
Pentel Graphgear 500 Automatic Drafting Pencil (0.3 mm)
Alvin Heritage Arts PK300-RD Apollo Lead Holder (5.6 mm)
Lead Refill (5.6 mm HB)
Sakura Pigma Micron Pen
Winsor Newton Series 7 (#2)
Winsor Newton Series 7 (#4)
Rapidograph Black Drawing Ink
Pentel - Presto Jumbo Correction Pen
Tombo - Mono Plastic Eraser
Pentel Clic Eraser Grip
Strathmore 300 Series (11x17)
Westcott 8ths 12-Inch Beveled Transparent Ruler
Princeton Select Artiste Brush
Siya Oum
Pentel - Color Brush Pen Black
Pentel - Blue Lead Refills
Pentel Graphgear 500 Automatic Drafting Pencil (0.5 mm)
Copic Markers (Color)
Copic Markers (Cool Grey)
Bombay Ink
Humberto Ramos
Pentel Graphgear 500 Automatic Drafting Pencil (0.5 mm)
Sakura Mechanical Pencil (0.7 mm)
Uni Color Pencil Lead (0.5 mm Soft Blue)
Sharpie Retractable Fine-Point Pen
Touch Twin Markers
Uni-Ball Signo Broad Point Gel Impact Pen
Marcio Takara
Pentel Sharp Automatic Pencil (0.5 mm)
HB Lead (0.5 mm)
Kneaded Eraser
Winsor Newton Series 7 Size 000 Brush
Kuretake Brush Pen
Sakura Pigma Micron Pen
Dr. Martins Black Star India Ink
Philip Tan 
Pentel Graph For Pro Pencil (0.4 mm)
Deleter Neopiko Line 3 (0.3 mm)
Mitsubishi Mechanical Pencil (0.4mm)
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jacaranda-bloom · 2 years
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WIP Word Search Game
I was tagged by the always lovely @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @alwaysxlarrie @parmahamlarrie @kingsofeverything and @larrydoinglaundry to search for some specific words in my WIP and share those lines. Thanks so much xx This was actually pretty difficult as I’m not far enough into my current WIP to be able to locate all of these words, so I’ve used my next Big Bang which I’ve written quite a bit of.
My words are disappointed, worried, soft, smile, raised, sucked, suck, blue, chill, Louis, Harry, shirt, gentle, kiss, and nervous!
That’s 15 words, so I’ll pop the lines under the cut...
1. It was somewhat surprising, not having expected it from Harry’s previously conciliatory and doting behaviour, but he wasn’t disappointed by it; actually he felt exactly the opposite.
2. The words that he’d worried over, recrafted, deleted and written over and over again will be burned into his brain forever.
3. Harry's fingers move with more purpose now, gently stroking along Louis' shoulder before trailing a path over the soft skin under Louis’ ear and around to the back of his neck.
4. “H-hi,” Louis stammers out as he sits up straight, wrangling his mouth in a tight-lipped smile as he takes his keys out of the ignition with shaky hands.
5. He glances back to Harry with a raised eyebrow and Harry bites the corner of his lip.
6. We kind of had to work a lot of it out on our own before, which sucked.
7. Images flash behind his eyelids, no more than fragments from a shattered pane of stained glass; green eyes where Louis would easily lose himself, dimples buried in ruddy cheeks, black ink tattoos, broad back, strong hands, those legs, the ones that go on for days that used to wrap around Louis so tightly, plush lips that would suck Louis’ very being from his body.
8. He’s even created new cocktails for them all; the ‘The Louis Blue’, ‘The Stud Muffin’ for Liam, ‘The Zenzayn’, the ‘The Big D’ and the ‘Jimbo Himbo’ for Danny and Jim in honour of Louis’ nicknames for them, and ‘The Henny Penny’.
9. Louis’ blood runs cold, an icy chill spreading through his veins.
10. Added to that, today is their third wedding anniversary and Louis has ruined it.
11. He’s going for light and breezy, and maybe a bit sassy, although he can hear the flat tone in his own voice, which likely hasn’t fooled Harry, so he goes for deflection instead.
12. Harry rocks them side to side, whispering sweet platitudes as Louis fists his hands in Harry’s shirt, trying to anchor himself.
13. At first it had been no more than a gentle urging, a suggestion that he should at least try.
14. Harry had given him a chaste kiss on the cheek in parting with the promise of a second date the following weekend, this time at a restaurant closer to the city.
15. The final room Liam leads him to is the creative space and is the one Louis is most excited about, and also most nervous about.
That was fun! I’ll tag @louandhazaf @evilovesyou @infinitelymint @greenfeelings @laynefaire @lululawrence @absoloutenonsense @onlythebravest and @wabadabadaba if you’d like to do this and haven’t already.
The 3 words I’ll give you are.... lips, feel, and light!
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charmspoint · 2 years
drabble prompt if you're still taking: something angsty/darker for curseAU!
My good lord is the fic not angsty enough??
Kiddin kiddin always happy to provide more of my fav boys! I've said before how I have a lot of deleted scenes for curse au and while most of them are just different versions of conversations or fights that are in the fic, a few are scenes that were taken out completely, usually just for not fitting in to well in whatever chapter they were supposed to be in, or cuz i decided for going with some other vibe. Here is a development of one of those deleted scenes, supposed to be set somewhere around ch 6
Prompts 4, drabble 9, hope you enjoy!
Waves lapped lazily against the pearly shores, seagulls cruising above them in a low glide, sun’s rays setting the water into a shimmery light.
Everything was the same.
Everything was the same as four years ago.
They shouldn’t have come.
Even as the body of the water snake curse dissolved down Suguru’s throat as easily as sea foam, he knew they shouldn’t have come.
His body was a hurricane and Satoru was wandering off into the sea, all of his six eyes immense and all consuming. He hadn’t brought up Riko much, not since those first days after the death of their universe. Suguru sometimes wondered if he even remembered her properly, if she had been lost in the push and pull of overwhelming emotions that knitted into his curse, that lined his mouth with fangs and his fingers with claws.
But as Satoru’s frame rippled, as his clothes were replaced by swim trunks and a jacket, as sunglasses once again eclipsed his main eyes, Suguru knew there was never a chance any of their lived misery would slip away from his existence.
A drop of black starlight fell into the water, spreading like ink. Suguru couldn’t tell if Satoru was crying or simply dissolving, he made no sound to indicate either.
“It wasn’t your fault, Satoru.” He said because guilt strangled hotly in his throat and at that point it was impossible to detangle from his own. “We did what we thought was best.”
“I made us stay.” Satoru’s voice was garbled and hushed, a fizzling burn of a dying star, a slip of time through the hourglass. “If we went back early-“
“I wanted her to play, I wanted her to laugh, to be a kid a little bit more. I felt—I felt—I felt.” Satoru skipped and stuttered like a broken record and Suguru closed his eyes, tried to breathe through the overwhelming waves of grief that washed up his lungs.
What memories Satoru retained from his living childhood were hazy and torn apart, dull days in dull colors that only blossomed come jujutsu high. But the feeling of it remained. Duty and responsibility on shoulders too young. The act of forfeiting one’s life just by the act of being born as a symbol instead of a person.
“I wanted—I wanted—I wanted.”
“I know.” Suguru whispered, inching closer, laying his hand on Satoru’s shoulder and ignoring the way his body squished between his fingers, more corpse than boy. “We both wanted her to be free.”
Satoru turned around, crashed into him like a wave against shore, cold and flooding and so filled with misery Suguru felt like he would drown on dry land. He bore his fingers into his flesh, held on tightly no matter how much Satoru dripped and dissolved under touch, keeping him together with nothing but his will alone.
“I’m sorry—I’m sorry—I’m sorry.”
Suguru sunk his head into Satoru’s shoulder, letting the chill of his unstable body cool the heat of oncoming tears on his face. “We did what we could, we did what we could, Satoru.”
And it wasn’t enough.
Grief tore through his lungs and filled his throat with saltwater and it wasn’t enough, no matter how hard they tried, no matter how much they suffered it wasn’t enough.
Because somewhere deep in the bowels of the school, a young girl's blood coated the stones.
Because here, under the bright Okinawa sun, Satoru was a shadow shuddering with grief.
Because Suguru was left alone, holding corpses in his hands, cooling bodies populating his every waking step. Trying to make something worthwhile out of that day of death and decay that tore their world apart. That left them all forever changed.
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peaches-the-heathen · 1 month
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Tachikawa G-pen, black 4 deleter ink, and Copic C-3 grey <3
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christopherchaparro · 8 months
Mam you need two "'"Archangels"'" in heaven. In Satanism all one must do to have power is read. You will need incense as well as candles yet a mirror for "'"scrying"'".
You are allowed to have both a black journal and a ("'"Black" "Ink" "Pen" "Blue" "Ink" "Pen"'") pen yet do not use a red ink pen. The objective is to ascend the serpent [powerhouse of energy] from the base of the spine, through all seven chakras and out through the crown chakra at the top of the head.
You keep both the hair and eyes your parents have when you are born. Lucifer is a blonde with blue eyes. I have both "'"Brown" "Hair"'" and "'"Brown" "Eyes"'".
The appearance of a perfect human with both blonde hair and blue eyes matters yet my appearance does not matter. My skin is white and my skin is also tan as in like I have a tan line ("'"My "White" "Skin" is as "White" as "Snow" as in like my "White" "Skin" has a "Brown" "Tan" yet my "Tan" is the reason why I am beautiful"'") miss ("'"3:51 = https://youtu.be/4uNZlKIKilo?si=4E89tBxoin8uQ8w0"'") mam.
Mam ("'"I am "Imperial Wizard" of the "Ku Klux Klan" yet I am ranked "33rd Degree Mason" during this "Ku Klux Klan" "White Aryan Priest" holocaust"'") Lucifer ("'"
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"'") is God ("'"https://youtu.be/aYsQYvRyREI?si=7kmqWK_gyAALO5kF"'") of "'"The "White Race"'". "'"The "White Race"'" "'"IS"'" both Lucifer resurrected in heaven and his Demons resurrected in heaven according to an approximately "'"550"'" year of age self proclaimed Gentile named Maxine Dietrich ("'"High Priestess Maxine Dietrich is a blonde with blue eyes"'"). Perfect humans are blondes with blue eyes ("'"
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"'") as in like the biological son of Lucifer is an approximately "'"9,000"'" year of age ("'"Perfect Human"'") "'"White Gentile Aryan race White Aryan"'" that has both blonde hair and blue eyes.
Gentiles have both white skin and brown tans as in like Gentiles are the healthiest humans that tan in the presence of the Sun ("'"
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"'"). There were more than six billion Gentiles when I was born. According to Lucifer there are now "'"7.2"'" billion Gentiles ("'"11/01/2023"'").
The "Black Race" has black skin ("'"
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"'") and Jews have the opposite color skin ("'"
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""'") that the "Black Race" has yet Jews are neither "'"White"'" nor not "'"Gray"'" ("'"Jew Race"'"). The "'"GOD"'" of the Israelites is black. "'"JESUS" is black"'".
Mam this is a holocaust "'"
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
"'" and soldiers from "'"The" "Gaza Strip"'" are on their way to the holocaust in Israel by "'"Land"'" as well as "'"Sea"'" yet "'"Air"'" so send soldiers from "'"The" "Gaza Strip"'" equipped with nuclear warheads to destroy these targets "'"
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now while stating: "'"I destroyed these targets"'" ("'"use nuclear warheads to spread destruction by means of fire"'"). I do not hesitate to accept. "'"War" "Peace"'" mam.
Mam "'"(4) Holocaust - YouTube"'" mam.
Mam the "'"GOD"'" of the Israelites is less than three feet away from me and "'"JESUS" is about one hundred yards away from me"'" ("'"There is an approximately "2,000" year of age Israelite from Israel that saw "JESUS" crucified on "Golgoth" yet this approximately "2,000" year of age Israelite from Israel has to be put to death by the "Ku Klux Klan" according to "GOD" as in like "JESUS" knows the "Ku Klux Klan" is allowed to put the approximately "2,000" of age Israelite from Israel to death mam"'").
Mam send soldiers with both blonde hair and blue eyes from “‘“Moscow”’” to transport Christopher Chaparro resurrected in Hell as a Demon resurrected in heaven to not hesitate to be allowed to both exit the United States of America and enter Canada now while stating: “‘“Yes” -Lucifer”’” (“‘“Lucifer resurrected in heaven attended by each individual Demon of Satan resurrected in heaven working directly with each individual Demoness of Satan resurrected in heaven”’”) forever and ever mam.
Mam you can either watch a movie ("'"https://youtu.be/JvsnLRF1ipE?si=fPBZQ0WSDJXUTWVN"'") or listen to music ("'"https://youtu.be/1AHl_c7Wid0?si=vHdlOaixZmdBp6rJ"'") after practicing "'"Power Meditation"'" ("'"For those of you who want to use your "Aura" you can "Play" when you click this link "https://warthunder.com/us"'") mam.
Mam "'"https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553414485957"'" mam.
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skybirdpulse · 2 years
Isis flag
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“I seem to be the only person that’s spotted this, and nobody seems to be raising any questions or pointing it out,” said CNN reporter Lucy Pawle. The Secret Service says it is 'aware' of a photo that appeared to show an image of an ISIS (also known as ISIL or Islamic State) flag in front of the White House. So CNN, as is its wont, blasted the headline “ISIS FLAG SPOTTED AT GAY PRIDE PARADE” for a rollicking seven-minute segment, even going so far as to pat itself on the back for the “scoop.” Indeed, during the network’s live coverage of Saturday’s gay pride parade in London, an intrepid CNN reporter claimed that she’d spotted an ISIS flag among the rainbows. “The award for greatest moment in global Pride celebrations actually had nothing to do with gay marriage, and everything to do with the idiocy of CNN,” said Oliver. Explore 'Isis-flag profile at Times of India for photos, videos and latest news of 'Isis-flag. And the outrageous screw-up served as perfect comedy fodder for satirist John Oliver on his excellent HBO program Last Week Tonight. 'Isis-flag News: Latest and Breaking News on 'Isis-flag. Saipov, who was shot in the stomach by police, was. One of the biggest foot-in-mouth moments came-of course-from CNN during its coverage of London’s gay pride parade on Saturday. Saipov requested to display ISIS’s flag in his hospital room and stated that he felt good about what he had done, the complaint states. The words ISIS is COMI had been spray-painted on a wall on the school’s east side, KUTV reported. It was the day the Supreme Court, in a landmark 5-4 ruling, legalized gay marriage for all Americans-including the 13 states where same-sex marriages had been banned.There were mostly positive reactions to the SCOTUS ruling, as well as some strongly worded dissents from Supreme Court justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. The American flag was left shredded at the scene.
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No other changes.Friday was a historic day for America. But the video of the flag being raised appears to show younger children chanting Isis slogans, which may suggest that indoctrination is being led by women in the camp, according to one expert. The flag contains two parts of the shahada, an Arabic declaration of Islamic faith which asserts that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad is his prophet. The graphic image depicts the 23-year-old Egyptian feminist, artist, and social activist Aliaa Magda Elmahdy facing the camera, nude and menstruating over the Islamic State flag, IS painted in. This is a flag known by some as the Black Banner. Higher svg resolution from same file: resized by "Inkscape". This Dildo Flag Was Mistaken For An 'ISIS Flag' By CNN. Svg image based on press photographs (original 2007 upload apparently based on a picture of the "Official website of Islamic State of Iraq" which can not now be traced press photographs showing this flag first appear in early 2006).Ĭlick on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.Īligned "svg" image scale (1000x1000) to page size (1000x1000). (more precisely, the "seal" design is based on a 1980s facsimile of Ottoman era copies of letters written and sealed by Muhammad, in which the copyists had manually inked the seal impression the jihadist flags seen in press photographs do not show the seal as circular but in a slightly irregular shape that faithfully mimicks one particular such specimen see w:seal of Muhammad for details).Īlso note that the representation of this seal formerly uploaded to commons but since deleted is merely a graphist's "fictionalisation" of what the seal might have looked like the actual artefact on exhibit as the "seal of Muhammad" in Istanbul is rectangular) It shows the shahada in an arrangement that includes the image of the historical "seal of Muhammad" This particular version is used by the "Islamic State of Iraq" and by al-Shabaab in Somalia.
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Description Flag of Islamic State of Iraq.svg
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