coast-line · 26 days
Art request; Can we have a lil Mrs. Fillyjonk with her kids around here? I've been kind of obsessed with her recently and I just like her very much :')
- Flowerbloom-arts
Idk, chat, can we have Fillyjonk and co.?
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Of course we can, here you go
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joelscruff · 2 months
a slow kiss from joel miller with his hand on my face and his nose bumping against my cheek would heal me i think
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bulkhummus · 8 months
sorry we could have had the The Thing night vale style with janet convinced everyone was their double she could have been tying people up and stealing their blood to try and look for differences or anomalies and Carlos could have been running around trying not to let on that he is just as curious but also just as unsure in himself as everyone else was after the sandstorm we could have had it all
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outer-edges · 10 months
"It wasn't time that did it."
Joel’s voice is so shaky and small, yet somehow full of so much fucking emotion that Ellie thinks she might get crushed underneath it all. If the thought didn’t scare the shit out of her, she thinks she would call it love. Love and care and trust and all of that other gooey shit that made her want to burst into tears at the very thought. Now, Joel sits in front of her, baring his fucking soul to her, and she suddenly gets what Riley meant all those months ago. Ellie didn’t belong anywhere. Not until Joel. Maybe it was fate, maybe it’s just plain luck. Whatever it is, he flinched all those years ago, and she survived that bite, and they’ve been hurtling towards this moment ever since. 
The one where Joel chokes on his words, and she feels every ounce of the unsaid words. Time didn’t heal his wounds. She did. Because she’s his. And he’s hers. Because they somehow found each other in this terrible fucking world, and nobody has ever made her feel like this. Safety. Belonging.
She isn’t sure what to say. Isn’t really sure if there’s anything she can say. Ellie just hopes he can tell how much this fucking means to her. How much he means to her. He’s everything. He’s been everything for months now. The way he’s looking at her now, like she’s his everything too, it might make her start crying. There aren’t words to describe this. Not ones she’s been taught. Not ones anyone has said to her before. Maybe there were words for this twenty years ago. Maybe there are even words for it still, just not used for people like her. She’s too rough for anyone to get too close to. 
Anyone except Joel. They match like that. Too rough and stubborn for their own good. They match. She’ll hurt for him, and he’ll tear up a town for her, and they’ll find their way back to each other. They always do. They always will.
All those months ago, he said she wasn’t his daughter, and he sure as hell wasn’t her dad. That doesn’t really feel true anymore. It hasn’t felt true since Silver Lake. Since she threw herself into his arms and he whispered soft promises and terms of endearment as he held her. It didn’t even really feel true when he said it, if she’s being honest. Things like fathers and daughters, that won’t ever be something she truly understands, but she thinks this is the closest she’ll ever get.
No. She knows this is the closest she'll ever get. Because, even if they don't address, even if the thought makes her feel a bit like she's wearing a too tight-too itchy wool sweater, they're family. They belong.
“Oh,” Ellie breathes out finally. 
The words go unspoken. They both understand regardless. 
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riphimopen · 1 year
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depressed lady and her terrible son....... plus a tiny beavis a la @skittyface
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radgepacket · 7 months
girls aloud are like the singularity at the very centre of my being and surrounding them is my emo soul which contains rolled up you me at six and bring me the horizon posters. and then the calcium carbonate casing around that is sixth form bucket hat stone roses courteeners memorise the lyrics to sheila by jamie t indie supported by a foundation of wolf alice swim deep sundara karma face glitter indie. a softer layer of casing made of cartilage is scottish 80s pop rock your aztec cameras and your ultravoxes and your orange juices. and then my outward muscle and fat is my first year of uni 90s dance phase. and then the very outward facing part which is all most people see is my hands which type "THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS ROCK EN SEINE 2016 SET" into youtube
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usertimothee · 2 years
"i love you. amy, i love you, more than anything or anyone in this world. you are first in everything. you do not have to accept me, but i love you, amy march. "
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landlordevil · 4 months
Larian has to be very careful in regards to their future games, i think with winning goty a lot of eyes are on them and they will soon go the way of Quantic Dream if they don't actively fix the issues they have now
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faggot-friday · 5 months
hallmark christmas movie where the guy loves christmas and the girl can't stand it except neither of them shame the other for it or try to "convert" them and they both coexist happily and stay in love forever
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exsqueezememacaroni · 6 months
i finally figured out what song the Motherfucker verses remind me of!! The tempo is different, but you can hear it, right??
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iamaweretoad · 2 years
“maybe there's a technical reason why I keep getting this question refered to me even though I answered it in July” Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you never actually replied and just emailed the professor without CCing me and have been ignoring my followups for THREE MONTHS. I’m gonna mcfuckin lose it lads.
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n-x-black · 2 years
wings au will be long term chaptered so thats not starting until hmc au is . over
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fionarara · 1 year
kaguya-sama season 333 top tier top tier ♡tsundere♡ content, hints of borderline ♡yandere♡ even,,, top top top of the tops
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longlegsnamjoon420 · 1 year
Bless my mom she’s like don’t worry about being fat I’ll get you another dress 😔
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wordsofawanderingsoul · 9 months
Deep deep deeeeeeeeeeep sigh.
If anyone here follows me for my fic, I regret to inform you that the latest chapter of OSP will come out next month.
I’m trying really hard not to cry right now because I had it almost done and then my computer crashed.
And the entire chapter got deleted. I have tried several ways to recover it, and am still trying, but nothing is working. If you have any tips or suggestions id love to hear them. But if not, I’m going to have to redo it all. And I was on the second draft so I don’t have notes for any of the changes I made.
Thanks for your patience.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 17 days
Re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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Ok, so, as we move further into this book, I kind of don't understand why they didn't click with me when I read them at seventeen. I mean, I was DEEEEEEEEEEEP into the Star Wars EU at that point, so maybe it was just genre and writing style whiplash. That said though, I am very much enjoying myself this time around. Let's talk "Three is Company.
So my four key reactions to this chapter were, in the order they arose,
Frodo is the single most relatable hobbit ever. His whole "To tell the truth, he was very reluctant to start, now that it had come to the point" thing is just like...I don't care who you are or when you are, you have felt that at some point in your life. Like...yeah, that hobbit needs a hug and a swift kick in the ass to get him moving.
WHAT THE ACTUAL TITS IS TOLKIEN'S BEEF WITH LOBELIA SACKVILLE-BAGGINS!?!?!? Like yes, she is a deeply unpleasant hobbit, but like...Frodo does not offer her any tea and leaves her the washing up, and frankly that kind of seems unnecessary? Like why is Tolkien a dick to Lobelias?
I had forgotten that Tolkien leaned on characterizations of elves that swing from near-childlike delight and wonder and bluntness ("...and hobbits are so dull," anyone??? Like I was literally raised with better manners than this) to absolute solemnity and wisdom. What I'm saying is that Gildor and his buddies gave me whiplash while Sam was getting starry-eyed.
WHY THE HELL HAS NOBODY TOLD THIS HOBBIT ANYTHING??? Literally they have almost been nabbed by black riders THREE DANG TIMES, and they're still basically in the heart of the Shire. Someone needs to fill these guys in, and frankly I think in Gandalf's oft-remarked-upon absence, then Gildor should probably step up and--as Frodo rightly fucking says--fill in some of the gaps because the vague warnings and ominous allusions are objectively worse than just knowing what is happening.
So with the key reactions sorted, let's walk it back a little and chat through this chapter. I--like every other nerd who existed on the planet in the 2000s--have seen the Peter Jackson film adaptations. I was also tangentially aware that there was a LOT of time compression in those movies, but uh...reading the book is a whole other level of understanding that. There are gaps of literal months and years between "oopsie poopsie, it's the One Ring" and "hey, you probably need to leave the Shire" and "OK FINE, WE'RE GOING." And even once Frodo, Sam, and Pippin get their asses on the road, they're like...meandering. Hanging out. Enjoying the walk.
What I'm saying is, the sense of urgency is utterly nonexistent.
Which is not a judgement, I actually enjoyed the pacing and watching our little hobbit bois be happy hobbit bois, but the feet-nailed-to-the-floor practical side of me was in a screaming match with the -delightedly-kicking-her-feet side of me the entire time I was reading this chapter. Like...guys. The Enemy is LITERALLY ON YOUR DOORSTEP. THEY ALMOST GOT YOU. MAYBE HAUL ASS A BIT??? BUY YOURSELVES SOME TIME AND SPACE???
I'm pretty sure that running into Gildor and his buddies saved their hobbity butts.
Just before we get into Gildor and the company of elves though, I want to take a brief second to just...acknowledge the goddamn WHISPLASH I got when the song movie Pippin sings over Denethor just destroying a roast chicken and cherry tomatoes popped up this early in the trilogy. It's a walking song and it's very hobbity, and I love both versions (book and movie) but for DEEPLY different reasons. The book version is sweeter, a little cheekier, and I imagine it paces because it is indeed a walking song, meant to keep those feet moving. It also is very much Pippin going "bed please!" which is deeply relatable. The movie makes it way weightier, more melancholy. And in the film context, it's also tragic. The shift from "away shall fade" to "all shall fade" is doing a TON of heavy lifting too. I don't have much else about that, really, because in terms of adaptation, that's not so much an adaptation as a recontextualization. And...I like both? Both are good? They're different, and I'm not gonna get bogged down in judging differences, I'm just going to enjoy both versions.
Back to the elves.
Frodo has some social cache with them, given his relationship to Bilbo and his grasp of the elven language, however small. Frodo also goes in for the traditional polite greetings and exchanges, which is all great. That said...
Thank christ that Pippin has no chill, because if he hadn't burst in and gone, "Tell us about the Black Riders," we'd have been doing social graces for literally another few pages. And I'm willing to bet that Frodo might not have actually gotten there, and then the three would not have been taken under the elves' wing, which again, I'm pretty sure saved their halfling asses. So thank goodness for Pippin just cutting through the bullshit and getting the plot moving a little. And he is amply rewarded with just hella good food and a good night's sleep, so all is right in his little hobbit heart.
I might love Pippin. Like, disproportionately.
What I did not love was Gildor. Gildor and his "Then I think it is not for me to say more - lest terror should keep you from your journey," and his "advice is a dangerous gift," and his "is it not enough to know that they are servants of the enemy?" and his "courage is found in unlikely places."
Gildor. My dude. Sweetie, honey, friend. YOU ARE NOT HELPING HERE WITH THE PHILOSOPHIZING AND THE PASSING OF THE BUCK. This is actually how you know Tolkien was a tried and true academic, because you can't get a straight answer to a direct question without being taken through a masterclass in philosophy first.
Like, I'm so happy for you and your education and your erudition, but for fucks sake, if I asked you if the sky was blue, we'd be debating what "blue" is for hours over tea when what I needed was a straight answer so I could plan my day. (I would be a terrible elf, you guys. Just absolutely terrible.)
The best I can say about Gildor is that he names Frodo an Elf-Friend, which I'm willing to bet is going to be beneficial down the road. He also made sure that Frodo, Sam, and Pippin were safe that night, and they got fed. So I guess that's a win.
Overall a fun chapter, and I'm excited to finally catch up with Merry and start planning to bail on the Shire in the next chapter!
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