#declutter your life
authordebbiefogle · 4 months
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(via Clutter . . .what is clutter?)
#Blog challenge
#New Year’s resolution
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Timeless Tips to Declutter Your Life Right Now
TABLE OF CONTENTS Timeless Tips to Declutter Your Life Right Now Introduction How do you make time to declutter your life with so much going on? The first thing I find helps me the most is when my mind feels cluttered with a myriad of thoughts and emotions, journaling helps me declutter what’s jamming up my thoughts and keeping me stressed. Yet, decluttering your life can seem like a daunting…
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sabrinaboglund · 9 months
Make the Universe Work for You: 5 Ways to Attract Positive and Uplifting Experiences
Are you ready to step into your power and harness the incredible potential of the Universe to bring more positive and uplifting experiences into your life? I’m excited to introduce you to a journey that will transform the way you experience the world around you. Buckle up, because we’re diving into the secrets of making the Universe work in your favour to attract the vibrant, enriching…
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
For those with home related New Years Resolutions:
I’ve been a disabled homemaker for 5 years now so I wanted to share the resources that have helped me take our home from complete chaos to reasonably functional and enjoyable.
If you’re not functioning...
If you’re constantly tripping over things and getting injured, eating food that makes you sick, dealing with pests in the home, and struggling to complete basic tasks like feeding, clothing, and bathing yourself, then you should start with...
KC Davis aka StruggleCare aka DomesticBlisters
I recommend KC Davis’s stuff with a big heaping dose of “keep what works and leave what doesn’t.” She’s one of the few people I’ve seen talking about compassionate care focused on maintaining a level of personal functioning rather than maintaining a home. Her stuff has been very helpful to me during some very challenging times. 
I think her some of her best work is probably her videos on the 5 step tidying process, the ones on setting up bedside hygiene and food kits, and the ones on dealing with DOOM (Didn’t Organize Only Moved) boxes. 
That being said she has a tendency to use neurotype as a shield for not reckoning with other dynamics in a situation (gendered, narcissism, etc) when asked for advice by viewers which can lead to this “all people with neurodivergence are good” vibe which I find off putting (especially as an autistic person). I mention it because her bleh stuff was all I was coming across and I missed out on her good stuff for a while. It’s worth picking through though. 
Her book is a little better on the whole. 
If you’re functioning but still very overwhelmed...
If you can complete your daily activities of living pretty regularly but you’re still losing papers you need, rebuying items you didn’t realize you had, or looking around your home at a mess that feels impossible to clean, then check out...
Dana K White aka A Slob Comes Clean
I love Dana K. White’s stuff. Honestly, I recommend her to every level on this list but I think she probably shines brightest in this category. 
Her 5 step decluttering process is pure fucking gold. It’s a decluttering process that doesn’t rely on feelings at all - really helpful for those with trauma or alexthymia generally. She has multiple videos explaining it and even more where you can watch her go step by step with someone over the course of an hour and make a huge dent in some very overwhelming mess. Its the process I’ve used to go through over 50 moving boxes to declutter so we could fit in this much smaller space we moved to in April. 
Her day to day cleaning advice is also excellent. Her concept of dishes math has really helped me make decisions about what chores to focus on when I’m low energy. Her 14 Days to Opening Your Front Door series is amazing if you’re having to host for a given occasion but your home is a wreck. 
If you’re not painfully overwhelmed by your stuff but there’s still a lot of friction in your home...
If your stuff doesn’t overwhelm you but your home still doesn’t feel that good to be in, you’re still not finding things when you need to or it’s taking you a long time to find them, you create homes for things but they look terrible or they never seem to stick, then you’d love...
Cassandra Aarssen aka Clutterbug
Clutterbug types were kind of a game changer for me. It’s what really opened my eyes to why the systems that worked for me did not work for my partner. She is a Bee - lots of small categories that are all very visible - and I am a ladybug - big bucket categories that aren’t visible. When I reorganized our space according to the compromise between our types, Butterfly - big categories and very visible - all of a sudden the systems just worked so much better. There were many fewer fights sparked by things not getting put away or not being able to find things. So I really recommend her videos on the different types and examples of each. 
Quick word of warning, she does have regular videos about diet and exercise that I personally find pretty triggering to my disordered eating habits so I’m not subscribed to her and just check her channels every now and then so it’s easier to skip over videos where that might be a topic she talks about. 
Cliff Tan aka Dear Modern
Cliff Tan’s work is the most recent of these resources that I’ve come across but holy shit I cannot recommend it enough. 
Because my parents didn’t originally intend on my partner using the room she wound up using, there’s simply not space to keep some of the furniture and items in there anywhere else. Meaning she just kind of has to keep a fair bit of junk in there. But after watching (read: binging) the Dear Modern YouTube channel and seeing him completely change spaces by moving furniture around, I redid my partners room over the course of about 2 hours and it’s a completely different room. Way more comfortable and she’s already mentioned she’s getting much better sleep. 
So I really really recommend his stuff. Sometimes what you really need isn’t new stuff but just rearranging what you already have. 
If you’re pretty content with your home but want to streamline the process of caring for it...
If your home is pretty functional but regular tidying, deep cleaning, and maintenance tasks specifically keep falling through the cracks, then you might like...
FlyLady System
The Secret Slob - YouTube
Diane in Denmark - YouTube
There are lots of systems out there for house keeping but I’ve yet to try or see one that seems to do better than FlyLady for me. Since with my illness my energy varies wildly, I don’t necessarily do things when her system recommends but I do them according to the priority her system ascribes to them as I’m able. 
FlyLady is a notoriously convoluted website so I really recommend learning from a secondhand source. The Secret Slob and Diane in Denmark are my favorites. 
Maintenance Lists
This Old House
There a lots of maintenance lists out there and honestly finding one and doing what you can is better than nothing. I personally like the ones from This Old House because they’re broken up into annual, seasonal, monthly, and some weekly tasks - which are essentially priority categories, similar to FlyLady. I’ve linked the winter one here but there are many others to pick through depending on what you want to work on. 
Bonus: Paper Clutter
My System
This is what I’ve arrived at after years of experimentation. It’s an amalgam of a few different ideas from different systems in one place. I keep mind on my fridge but put yours where ever you’re dumping paper anyways. If you’re in a room or live in a car/backpack - I have ideas on how to organize it for those in this post too. 
Sunday Basket
YouTube Video
The Minimal Mom’s Video
She’s in Her Apron Video
Need something a little more robust? The Sunday Basket is probably be best version of a paper (and other stuff) system I’ve seen. Got something that needs dealt with? Chuck it in the Sunday Basket. The creator also has videos on long term paper storage ideas if that’s something you need as well. But her videos usually run an hour long so I recommend starting with either the Minimal Mom’s video or She’s in Her Apron’s video. 
Bonus: Digital Clutter
PARA System/Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte
YouTube Channel
Essential Video
The branding on this system can be very productivity tech wonk which is off putting to me but when I finally started hearing what was at the core of it and applying it - my digital life was changed. I’ve linked my absolute favorite video he’s done here. Ignore the bit about it being the last in the series, most of us are already using some note app and if you like it you can always go back and watch the rest. But just applying what’s in that video to your digital systems will make things easier to find. 
Hope this helps someone out there! 
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kyeomblr · 5 months
[ closed ]
thanks for 6 wonderful years on caratblr! <3 you can follow my culture & arts sideblog @ghalghai if you're into that (or if you just want to stay in touch). love, madi
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snowinabottlearchived · 8 months
dear everyone ! its finally done - i am halfwhat finished with moving blogs . though there are still some tweaks in my carrd i have to do , i am confident enough to archive this place thats been amelias home for the past seven years ( what a wild idea ) . i will not follow people first , as i want to leave the choice to you , if you want to keep in touch with me , keep our plots or maybe even start new new ones . this is an all fresh start for me i desperately need to get back in the swing of writing and there will be no hard feelings towards those who decide not to continue our interactions . i am forever grateful for this experience , for every single one of you and those who want to continue what we had . my url remains the same , so it should be easy to find your way there ! ! i will have a queue running on this blog to make sure no one who is interested missed the moving thing , but other than that : THATS IT . see you on the other side ! ! take care and much love .
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mydeclutterjourney · 1 year
I love Marie Kondo and I would like to read her books, so I can learn to have a healthy amount of attachment to my things. But I know for a fact I absolutely Will Not be folding my underwear, that's too much effort, especially for something that will come undone in minutes.
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oasisr · 10 months
Minimalism takes the weight off of yourself both literally and figuratively.
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random-bookquotes · 7 months
We will never have the time to complete every task we need at home, socially, at school or work. This means that we will be in a perpetual state of procrastination if we don't change our mindset and decide to take control of what is within our reach in our lives.
Kai M. Jordan, Organize Your Home In A Year Or Less! (Happy Decluttered Life Book 4)
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aos-presents · 1 year
Clear Your Energy | Gratitude and Abundance Enhance Your Mental Clarity w Sonic Energy Cleansing Waves
May is mental health awareness month, this weekend as we remember ones who have passed on, take time with yourself to consciously clear energy, no longer serving a purpose, in your life or contribute to a positive mental attitude
Use this playlist for your sonic bath ..
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pinkverge · 2 years
A Complete Guide for organizing your life!
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People who are truly organized are not born organized; they have to cultivate healthy habits that will help them stay organized. 
Even if you consider yourself to be a disorganized person, you can learn to be organized. With a little bit of practice and learning, you’ll become an organized person, from planning to jotting down.
Organizing your life is the key to success in all aspects of your life. Staying organized allows you to easily stay on top of things and avoid stress. Organizing your life is a skill that requires practice over time.
Make baby steps while learning how to get your life organized to avoid being overwhelmed and giving up too soon.
Organizing is challenging because you must have to fully involved in the process.
You can be very thoughtful with your time, tasks, and to-do’s, but what if your house is full of mess or your email inbox can’t fit one more email… Believe me, it all feels chaotic.
Worst of all, feeling and being disorganized can keep you stuck in life.
That’s why, in this article, I’m not focusing on a single aspect of your life that you can organize; instead, I’m giving you simple tips for managing your time, home, finances, and life as a whole, which will help you feel more centered and less stuck.
If you’re wondering, “How do I become an organized person?” or “How do I organize my life?” then take this golden advice from a former disorganized person, and believe me when I say ANYONE can implement these tricks.
Let’s dig into it! And see what works for you.
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sassypantsdiary · 2 months
Best Advice for Make-up Hoarders Like Me
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themindofastrid · 3 months
🌐Recs of the Week No.26
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Hello there👋🏽! Across the internet there’s a lot of awesomeness, so I decided to curate a small list of cool content that I think it’s worth sharing, I hope you find it useful, inspiring or interesting.
Thank you so much for being here♡.
Without further ado, these are my internet findings of the week:
Articles 📝
IG Posts🖼️
Enjoy, xo.
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anysiitfirm · 4 months
Declutter and Destress - How Self-Storage Units Can Simplify Your Life
Achieving a clutter-free home and work environment is a great way to reduce stress. But it can take a lot of work to start decluttering and organizing. Self-storage units can simplify your life by giving you a place to store belongings you don’t need in your home or office. Read on for tips on efficiently decluttering and organizing your belongings before placing them in storage. Save Time A…
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midwestmattiemae · 4 months
Minimalism Challenge: Day 2
Hello, friends! Happy day two of our minimalism challenge! Today’s declutter agenda: t-shirts! These are possibly the easiest clothing item to find yourself holding onto for too long. Every school, every job, every town you’ve visited… they start to pile up! For example, when I was cleaning out my t-shirt drawers, I found a shirt from elementary school! I’ve linked the graphic I made right…
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ladyflavanews · 4 months
60+ | Declutter Your Life For The New Year
What are the 7 steps to declutter your life? Step 1: Identify What Truly Matters. …  Step 2: Declutter Your Physical Space. …  Step 3: Digital Detox – Clearing Out The Virtual Clutter. …  Step 4: Re-evaluate Your Commitments. …  Step 5: Simplify Your Finances. …  Step 6: Cultivate Mindful Consumption. …  Step 7: Maintain A Decluttered…
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