#dating in Colombia
a-pair-of-iris · 10 months
El novio misterioso
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AO3 Wattpad
No era lo más atestado que habían visto el cine cerca del barrio, esa siempre sería la vez que consiguieron los boletos para el estreno de Toy Story 4; del cual salieron completamente emputecidos y llorando, así que intentaban nunca mencionarlo. Por eso, aunque fuera mitad de verano y estuvieran rodeados de personas por todos lados -con el aire acondicionado solo aumentando el bullicio y esparciendo el olor a sudor y bloqueador-, les era de poco interés la cantidad de gente, es más, la congestión servía a sus propósitos, pues estaban en mitad de una misión de espionaje.
- Deberíamos pedir una bolsa para cada uno, esto no nos va a alcanzar ni para los comerciales -exclamó Rodrigo, en medio de sus otras dos primas, el único que no tenía interés en mirar por los bordes del pilar detrás del que se estaban ocultando.
- No puedo creer que eso sea lo que te preocupa ahora… -respondió María, la pelinegra que aún llevaba los lentes oscuros bajo techo. A diferencia de su estilo habitual, aquel día iba vestida con chaqueta y pantalón deportivo, además de las zapatillas de gimnasia que jamás tocaba si no necesitaba correr en las mañanas para la profesora de gimnasia.
- Pues me preocupa bastante, siempre que me distraigo ustedes no me dejan nada… -Tenía muchos recuerdos de estar hambriento a mitad de película cada vez que se les ocurría salir en familia.
- ¡Mentiras! ¡Eso nunca ha pasado! -María se volteó en su dirección, y levantó sus lentes oscuros solo para dedicarle una mirada molesta.
- ¡Claro que sí! ¿De qué me estás hab…?
- ¡Se mueven!
La inminente discusión se vio interrumpida por la mayor de los primos, quien sujetó de los brazos a los otros dos, y a tirones los hizo avanzar con la masa de gente que comenzaba a formarse para ingresar a la sala de proyección. A propósito fueron quedándose al final de la fila, para seguir ocultándose de las posibles miradas de las dos personas a las que estaban espiando con tanta determinación.
- ¿Qué están haciendo? ¿Están mirando hacia acá? -preguntó María, de espaldas al inicio de la fila y con la cabeza gacha. Estaba convencida de que, de los tres, era la más reconocible a larga distancia, por eso no quería arriesgarse a echar un vistazo.
- No, para nada, Pancha aún está colgada de su brazo, parece que siguen conversando -Catalina intentaba verle el perfil al tipo con el que estaba su otra prima, pero hasta el momento, no había tenido suerte ni para verle la nariz, así que dio otro paso lejos de la fila, buscando un mejor ángulo. Con cada centímetro creía estar más cerca de descubrir si era más o menos atractivo que el novio anterior.
- Sigo preguntándome porqué aún no nos lo presenta, nunca se había tomado tanto tiempo con ningún tipo -comentó Rodrigo, tan bajito en la habitación atiborrada, que por poco ninguna de las chicas logró escucharlo.
- Eso mismo me preocupa ¡Quizás con qué bandido anda ahora la picaflor! Recuerdo al menos dos que necesitaban terapia urgente -agregó María. En verdad la tenía un poco preocupada su prima, pero era una mínima parte; el resto de ella no se podía creer que la santurrona de Francisca le estuviera duplicando el número de novios. Necesitaba respuestas, y saber si tenía otros prospectos secretos o qué pasaba.
- Tampoco se ve como su tipo usual, ¿Verdad? ¿Saben a lo que me refiero? -Catalina agitó la mano en dirección a la pareja. Rodrigo alzó la vista, María se volteó, y por una vez, los tres primos se encontraron observando directamente a quienes habían seguido furtivamente al cine.
Sabían a lo que se refería Catalina. El personaje a un lado de Francisca era un misterio, incluso sin contar que aún no podían verle la cara. Tenía una mopa despeinada de cabello castaño, piernas de fideo y llevaba un chaleco amplio de color rojo con rayas blancas; lo único llamativo del tipo, al menos desde atrás. No habría nada de malo, suponían, si el desfile de exnovios de Francisca no pareciera haber sido reclutado a las salidas del gimnasio.
- Quizás nunca nos presenta a los feos -musitó María, con algo de esperanza. Tanto Rodrigo como Catalina le dieron una palmada.
Continuaron con su espionaje improvisado y torpemente ejecutado, pero consiguieron entrar a la sala de proyección y ubicar sus asientos sin que la pareja notara su presencia. Aunque quedaron cuatro filas detrás, y por mucho que no necesitaran lentes, ninguno tenía super visión, por lo que continuaron avistando solo la parte trasera de sus cabezas, y de vez en cuando la punta de alguna nariz.
- Es bastante bajito, ¿Verdad? Se ven de la misma altura, nunca había tenido un novio tan bajito -comentó Catalina mientras pasaban los comerciales antes de la película. A pesar de que más de un adelanto de película le habría parecido interesante, no le despegaba la mirada a las dos cabezas, que cada tanto volvían a juntarse en medio de los asientos.
- Por eso les digo, a los patitos feos debe sacarlos a escondidas.
- Ya basta María.
- Quizás está tratando algo nuevo, puede que le hayan aburrido los bíceps y el olor a sudor -dijo Rodrigo, insertando su comentario en medio de la conversa de sus primas, así como se encontraba físicamente sentado entre las dos. Cuando éstas lo miraron, les ofreció un poco de las palomitas que sostenía sobre sus rodillas.
Habían caído en cuenta del enamorado secreto de Francisca por puro accidente. Al menos eso les había jurado María, quien, por lo que contaba, vio de casualidad el mensaje entrante de WhatsApp en la pantalla del celular de la menor, cuando esta estaba ocupada en otras cosas. No confiaban del todo en lo fortuito del asunto, pero la curiosidad los tenía en vela hace un tiempo, pues a pesar del sinnúmero de planes que habían hecho para el verano, Francisca no paraba de excusarse de la mayoría.
- No sé si le guste tanto, saben, no he visto que se den ningún beso ni nada -señaló Catalina a unos veinte minutos de haber comenzado la película. Los veía inclinarse regularmente y compartir las palomitas y el refresco, pero nada más.
- Quizás es tímido -sugirió Rodrigo, quien por una vez sentía la necesidad de defender a uno de los novios de su primita. La falta de besuqueos en verdad hacía que el nuevo sujeto le estuviera cayendo en gracia, a diferencia de las chicas.
- ¿Dónde está la pasión? ¿El entusiasmo? ¡La he visto dando nalgadas! No, aquí algo pasa, quizás sea una cita de lástima -María tomaba puñado tras puñado de palomitas mientras analizaba cada movimiento de la pareja. Cabe decir que no se había enterado de nada de la trama en esos veinte primeros minutos.
A los cuarenta minutos, Rodrigo finalmente había comprendido que la película era más de terror que de misterio, a diferencia de lo que le había dado a pensar el tráiler.
- Oh, no… oh no, no, no, no… -El chico se fue encogiendo en su asiento, en un inútil intento de sentirse protegido en la enorme habitación llena de extraños, con la enorme pantalla lista para mostrarle algo que no quería ver.
- Compórtate Rodri, aquí no puedes ponerte a gritar como en la casa -Catalina puso una mano sobre el brazo de su primo, mientras María fue más práctica que sensible, y rápidamente se hizo de la bolsa de palomitas, para mantener lo poco que quedaba a salvo del asustadizo del grupo.
- Si te pones a llorar, juro que me cambio de asiento, no me hagas pasar vergüenza de nuevo.
Cinco minutos después ocurrió el primer jump scare de la película, y el grito de Rodrigo retumbó en toda la sala, al igual que todos los otros que soltó durante el resto de la cinta.
- ¡Ni siquiera daba tanto miedo! -Gritó María, al tiempo que se deshacía de la bolsa vacía de palomitas en el contenedor justo fuera de la sala.
Habían esperado varios minutos durante los créditos a que la pareja saliera antes que ellos, mientras eso ocurría, varias personas de las filas cercanas les dedicaron más de una mirada a los tres adolescentes, que intentaban desaparecer en las butacas.
- No fui el único que se asustó -Rodrigo intentó defenderse, aunque ninguna de las dos le hizo mucho caso. Por una vez, tenían cosas más importantes que burlarse de él.
- ¡No los veo por ningún lado! María, ¿Dónde pudieron haber ido? -Catalina dio un giro completo, intentando ubicar a su prima y el desconocido, pero se habían esfumado.
- ¡Argh! -María alzó los brazos y dio un pisotazo al suelo alfombrado-. ¡No debimos tardarnos tanto! ¡Quizás a qué rincón se la llevó ese cretino!
- ¿Podríamos ir a ver a la parada de bus? -sugirió Rodrigo, ya bastante cansado luego de tantos sustos. Estaba listo para desistir e irse a dormir hasta el otro día y olvidarse de toda esta operación fallida.
- Aún es temprano, no creo que se hayan ido, deben estar en alguna tienda o por los árboles de afuera -Catalina tenía sus ojos puestos en la pizzería, creyendo que sería buena idea comenzar a revisar los puestos de comida, en caso de que hayan planeado una cita más larga.
- De hecho, pensábamos ir por papas fritas, quizás me convenza de dejarles las recocidas.
Rodrigo soltó un nuevo grito de terror, y las muchachas se voltearon tan rápido que sus cabellos oscilaron como látigos. Por detrás de uno de los pilares que habían usado antes para esconderse, apareció Francisca, con las manos en la cadera y un rostro molesto.
- ¿Se puede saber qué hacen siguiéndome como detectives de segunda? ¿Y cómo supieron siquiera que iba a estar aquí? -La chica de pelo corto se cruzó de brazos, y siguió mirándolos.
 Entre los tres se miraron por un segundo, antes de explotar en una cacofonía de voces.
- ¡Es que nos tenías locos de curiosidad!
- ¡Te estabas comportando muy extraño!
- ¡Ni siquiera quería estar aquí! ¡Ellas me obligaron!
Catalina y María decidieron ignorar aquel comentario de Rodrigo por el momento.
- ¿Por qué no nos dijiste que tenías novio de nuevo? -la cuestionó María, saltándose por completo la parte en la que se sentía culpable por espiar, y dio dos pasos más cerca de su prima- Porque ya van semanas que nos abandonas para andar con este, supongo… ¿Por qué no nos lo has presentado?
- Sí, eso mismo, chica, y digo, no lo he visto de cerca, pero parece algo lejos a tu menú usual -Catalina se colocó hombro con hombro junto a María.
 Luego de unos segundos, Rodrigo decidió imitar a sus primas, y se unió al frente que quería respuestas, con brazos cruzados y todo.
De un momento a otro, la mesa se dio vuelta en su contra, y Francisca se encontró con la cara roja de vergüenza y esquivando las miradas de sus familiares.
- Bueno, sí, tienen razón, los he dejado un poco de lado -Con dedos inquietos se reacomodó algunas mechas detrás de la oreja, y carraspeó un par de veces antes de atreverse a mirarlos a la cara otra vez- Y sé que no es del tipo con que usualmente salgo, pero por eso mismo quería ver cómo iban las cosas antes de hacer las presentaciones… ¡Pero hubieran esperado un poco más! ¡Ya lo iba a hacer!
- Oh, ¿Entonces sí te gusta? -preguntó Rodrigo, algo entusiasmado con la noticia. A diferencia de sus primas, que al nuevo modelo le faltaran músculos y unos centímetros de piernas no lo tenía tan perturbado.
Una sonrisita se posó en la cara de Francisca, y su sonrojo se hizo más visible.
- Pues sí… no sabía qué pensar al principio, pero ahora me gusta bastante -compartió la sonrisa con el muchacho, y a pesar de los rostros incrédulos de María y Catalina, continuó con igual entusiasmo- Es muy dulce, y tenemos varias cosas en común y hablamos todo el tiempo, más que con cualquiera de mis ex, creo que eso es algo bueno…
Mientras más contaba, sus primas parecían irse convenciendo de darle una oportunidad justa al sujeto. Rodrigo estaba más que listo de darle la bienvenida a la familia.
- ¿Y dónde está este pan de dios? -preguntó Catalina, pues no creía que estuviera esperando detrás del pilar a que Francisca le diera el pie para su entrada.
- Ah, justo entró al baño cuando los vi, pero ya debe venir en camino…
En efecto, no esperaron mucho, pues unos minutos después, en medio de una discusión para decidir si irían por la porción de papas o lo cambiarían por unas pizzas para todos, Francisca alzó la cabeza y le sonrió a algo en la distancia.
- Oh, ¡Ahí viene mi bomboncito! -exclamó, y los ojos se le encendieron de alegría.
Nuevamente sincronizados, los tres dieron media vuelta con la anticipación picándoles los pies.
- Uh… -dijo la única persona frente a ellos.
Que resultó ser una chica.
Bajita, delgada, con las mechas castañas y el chaleco a rayas que habían estado observando toda la tarde.
Y era una chica.
- ¡Manu! ¡Mira cariño, estos son mis primos!
Manu les agitó la mano, y al siguiente instante se sonrojó e intentó ocultarlo jalándose el cuello del chaleco hacia la cara.
- Oh por la virgencita… -murmuró María, sin apartar los ojos del fideo con pelo- Es adorable.
- ¡OH POR DIOS TIENES NOVIA! -Catalina dio un chillido que hasta a ella le sorprendió. Se tomó un momento para observar a la chica de pies a cabeza, y a continuación se lanzó a darle un abrazo asfixiante- ¡No me lo creo! ¡No me lo creo Fraaaan! ¡Ah!
- ¡Dámela! ¡Déjame verla bien! -María se acercó con los brazos extendidos, y sujetó lo primero que pudo agarrar de la muchacha, que por suerte solo fue su brazo-. Oh, cielos, olvida las pizzas, ¡Vamos a ir a probarte ropa! -comentó con algo de desdén hacia el enorme chaleco que traía.
Rodrigo se dio un minuto para sentirse desilusionado por el nuevo amigo que nunca existió, pero pronto se sumó a los esfuerzos de Francisca de recuperar a su novia de las manos exaltadas de María y Catalina. Al menos fue el primero en presentarse como la gente.
Tiempo después, cuando solo quedaban las sobras de las dos pizzas familiares que habían decidido pedir, los tres tuvieron que coincidir que esta era una pareja divina, y que Manuela untando los bordes restantes de masa con kétchup para Francisca, antes de que la rara de su prima pudiera hacerlo, era lo más tierno de la vida.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
𝔄𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔑𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔶 - 𝔉𝔲𝔠𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔄𝔫 𝔘𝔫𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥 𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩
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dondecomenlosgatos · 1 year
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realmadridnews · 9 months
Women's World Cup 2023 - group stage
Misa Rodriguez
Ivana Andres
Olga Carmona
Teresa Abelleira
Claudia Zornoza
Athenea del Castillo
Oihane Hernandez
Rocio Galvez
Spain - Costa Rica; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 21st July 2023; 9:30 AM CET
Spain - Zambia; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 26th July 2023; 9:30 AM CET
Japan - Spain; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 31st July 2023; 9:00 AM CET
Sofie Svava
Signe Bruun
Denmark - China; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 22nd July 2023, 2:00 PM CET
England - Denmark; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 28th July 2023; 10:30 AM CET
Haiti - Denmark; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 1st August 2023; 1:00 PM CET
Sandie Toletti
Naomie Feller
France - Jamaica; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 23rd July 2023; 12:00 PM CET
France - Brazil; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 12:00 PM CET
Panama - France; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 12:00 PM CET
Hayley Raso
Australia - Ireland; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 20th July 2023, 12:00 PM CET
Australia - Nigeria; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 27th July 2023, 12:00 PM CET
Canada - Australia; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 31st July 2023, 12:00 PM CET
Brazil - Panama; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 24th July 2023, 1:00 PM CET
France - Brazil; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 29th July 2023; 12:00 PM CET
Jamaica - Brazil; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 2nd August 2023, 12:00 PM CET
Linda Caicedo
Colombia - South Korea; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 25th July; 4:00 AM CET
Germany - Colombia; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 30th July 2023; 11:30 AM CET
Morocco - Colombia; Women's World Cup 2023; group stage; 3rd August 2023; 12:00 PM CET
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Why is there a petition on change.org for Mariano to be played by a white guy if Encanto ever hits Broadway?!?!?!?!?! 
Can white people ever, like, stop taking away and erasing every aspect of Colombian culture for even a second? Like-- 
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tsukasalvr · 2 years
Me, a mentally ill suicidal teenager w an eating disorder looking at my brothers edibles, vapes, and cigarettes:
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theancientwayoflife · 3 months
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~ Crab Vessel with Double Spout.
Place of origin: Colombia, Calima Region
Period: Ilama Period
Date: 1500 B.C.-A.D. 100
Medium: Ceramics
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blackmalethoughts · 8 days
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It's very interesting to me how there are many people in western society that do not get it. Imagine one guy out of many telling other Black men that you have options, but somehow you're considered a loser for traveling to a different country for women to "take advantage of".
"You can find the same girl here in America, what's your point?!" Hardware vs. software. Yes, beautiful women are in America, Canada, Africa, etc. It doesn't matter, but if that woman is not doing anything to be your peace, what is the point of dealing with a woman like her? If there are an influx of beautiful women in Brazil, for example, that want to give men a peace of mind (not just sex), then why should any man pass that up? Should these black men stay in America and be miserable for the rest of their lives with a woman that comes with a laundry list of ish that men don't need?
"If you're a lame/brokie in America, you'll be a lame/brokie in South America. Your work ethic/charm doesn't change by catching a flight. Doing the necessary internal work changes that."
Ah yes, the lame / broke trope. There are a lot of men who have never traveled / are traveled enough, and women who've done / are the opposite, who'll tell you men (black men especially) that you're a lame-ass loser-ass broke man traveling overseas to pay for pussy and take advantage of these poor women who so desperately want a green card. The quotes are full of these types of comments.
When it comes to black people and them calling a black man lame / gay, it's usually associated with the way with how you look, act, and your hobbies. You're lame if you play video games, don't look like / as similar to King Von, you get no bitches, reading books, talking proper, etc., but you're doing something right in your life if you're getting money by selling drugs, gangbanging on the streets and looking like Future getting a bunch of women pregnant.
They tell you that if you're broke in your own country, then you're also broke in another country, not realizing that their own American money stretches out MORE farther in South America and parts of Asia. $50k may not get a person as far now in America, but take that money into countries like Colombia or Brazil, you'll be much more better off. Then these people will say that you're taking advantage of these poor women in their poor countries, all the while women in America are taking advantage of men for $200+ dates at expensive restaurants and free food + drinks, and not even a kiss / smash at the end 😒😒😒 Pretty ridiculously high price if you ask me.
Now to the part where they tell you that you have to change yourself, because something is wrong with you, internally.
Okay... let me play along here. I choose to change myself for the better; physically, financially and mentally, and then within a matter of 5 years, I'm better off than where I was before. After the whole 5 years of putting in work on myself, which parts of my dating life have changed? Practically nothing. You're not as important to them than you think you are. Women to this day still have a large ass laundry list of what they want from a man yet they aren't willing to meet halfway when the man has his shit together. These are the same women complaining about the type of men that treat them like shit, all the while leave the "lame/broke" dude in the friendzone as a last resort if all goes south. What makes you think that I would choose to stay in a country where there are full of beautiful looking women who are damaged to the core and will add no value to my life?
Hardware vs Software. Plus, better cost of living and the food possibly much more cleaner than things that are processed? Who wouldn't want that?
I think it's really silly to think that as a man, I have to change myself for a woman and then when it's time for the woman to do the same, it's the whole, "I'M ALREADY PERFECT / I'M A TEN", comments they go with. They don't need to change, for they are already perfect as they are; yet they walk around with so much baggage that no good hard working man needs in his life. Throw that baggage onto the pookies and ray rays instead. I'm good over here.
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neep-neep-neep · 2 months
uswnt is not playing clean against Colombia. i don't know what i expected. they're doing badly in the gold cup w but getting 2 yellow cards in the first 20-25 minutes and basically scissoring the player you're trying to steal from and then getting into an altercation with them i don't. Trinity what did she scream at you for having that reaction? they have 2 goals on Colombia atm but are so freakin chaotic
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
Where can I find Free Palestine protests and Ceasefire protests?
A super international and continually updated list of actions can be found at Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network's:
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Calendar of Resistance for Palestine 2024
They list events by date, then alphabetically by country, then by city - and it's common for them to have dozens of actions listed for a single date, especially on the weekends.
The United States especially often has 40+ events on a single day, especially on the weekends.
Events are posted with links to the event info posted by whoever's hosting the vast majority of the time.
Look blow the read-more for a list of many of the countries that have been on this protest calendar, in alphabetical order, since I know so many websites/lists of actions are country-specific
*Obviously this isn't the only good source of listings for protest events - there are many others. This is by far the biggest/most international roundup I've found, though, so I started with this. If you know another good place for finding ceasefire protests/events, please feel free to add it in the notes, bc I'm planning to put a bigger roundup together once I find enough other sites
Countries that Samidoun has listed/does list protests for include (in alphabetical order):
North America:
United States
Puerto Rico (listed separately in anti-colonial solidarity)
Hawai'i (listed separately in anti-colonial solidarity)
SWANA Region (Southwest Asia/North Africa)*:
Turkiye (Turkey)
*Samidoun notes that "We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine – we will be honored to add more Arab events whenever we are informed!"
South Korea
South Africa
*Duplicating North African countries (well, Tunisia) here from the SWANA list btw
South America:
Australia and Oceania:
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
𝔖𝔞𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔣𝔣𝔞𝔤𝔬 - 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔰 ℑ𝔫 𝔜𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔉𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔥
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sixteenseveredhands · 8 months
Emerald Spectacles from India, c. 1620-1660 CE: the lenses of these spectacles were cut from a single 300-carat emerald, and it was believed that they possessed mystical properties
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These eyeglasses are also known by the name "Astaneh-e ferdaws," meaning "Gate of Paradise," based on the perception of the color green as a symbol for spiritual salvation/Paradise. This was a common belief in Mughal-era India, where the spectacles were made.
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The lenses were crafted from two thin slices of the same emerald. Together, the lenses have a combined weight of about 27 carats, but given the precision, size, and shape of each lens, experts believe that the original emerald likely weighed in excess of 300 carats (more than sixty grams) before it was cleaved down in order to produce the lenses. The emerald was sourced from a mine in Muzo, Colombia, and it was then transported across the Atlantic by Spanish or Portuguese merchants.
Each lens is encircled by a series of rose-cut diamonds, which run along an ornate frame made of gold and silver. The diamond-studded frame was added in the 1890s, when the original prince-nez design was fitted with more modern frames.
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The emerald eyeglasses have long been paired with a second set of spectacles, and they were almost certainly commissioned by the same patron. This second pair is known as Halqeh-e nur, or the "Halo of Light."
The Halo of Light features lenses that were made from slices of diamond. The diamond lenses were cleaved from a single stone, just like the emerald lenses, with the diamond itself being sourced from a mine in Southern India. It's estimated that the original, uncut diamond would have weighed about 200-300 carats, which would make it one of the largest uncut diamonds ever found.
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These lenses are so clear and so smoothly cut that it sometimes looks like they're not even there
Both sets of spectacles date back to the mid-1600s, and it's generally believed that they were commissioned by a Mughal emperor or prince. The identity of that person is still a bit of a mystery, but it has been widely speculated that the patron was Shah Jahan -- the Mughal ruler who famously commissioned the Taj Mahal after the death of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Shah Jahan did rule as the Mughal emperor from about 1628 to 1658.
The emerald and diamond lenses may have been chosen for symbolic/cultural reasons, or they may have been chosen simply because they're pretty and extravagant; their meaning/purpose is unclear. Experts do believe that the eyeglasses were designed to be worn by someone, though.
It was believed that the spectacles had spiritual properties, like the ability to promote healing, ward off evil, impart wisdom, and bring the wearer closer to enlightenment. Those beliefs are often related to Indic and Islamic traditions, some of which ascribe spiritual and/or symbolic traits to emeralds and diamonds. Emeralds can be viewed as an emblem of Paradise, divine salvation, healing, cleansing, and eternal life; diamonds are similarly associated with enlightenment, wisdom, celestial light, and mysticism.
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The Gate of Paradise and the Halo of Light were both kept in the collections of a wealthy Indian family until 1980, when they were sold to private collectors, before going on auction once again back in 2021. They were valued at about $2 million to $3.4 million per pair.
Sources & More Info:
Sotheby's: Mughal Spectacles
Architectural Digest of India: At Sotheby's auction, Mughal-era eyeglasses made of diamond and emerald create a stir
Only Natural Diamonds: Auspicious Sight & the Halqeh-e Nur Spectacles
The Royal Society Publishing: Cleaving the Halqeh-Ye Nur Diamonds
Gemological Institution of America: Two Antique Mughal Spectacles with Gemstone Lenses
Manuscript: From Satan's Crown to the Holy Grail: emeralds in myth, magic, and history
CNN: The $3.5 million Spectacles Said to Ward off Evil
BBC: Rare Mughal Era Spectacles to be Auctioned by Sotheby's
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joelsgreys · 1 year
Just Friends (Javier Peña x Female Reader)
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Part 2
Summary: You’re planning to have sex for the first time and you’re nervous—Javi offers to show you a thing or two, but just as friends of course.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Warnings/Tags 🏷 18+ only, minors dni. reader is in late 20’s; reader is an agent for the DEA; established friendship, idiots in love lust, overprotective/slightly jealous Javi; Javi is his canon manwhore self, reader is a virgin, talks of virginity loss and her desire for no strings attached sex, a bit of pining and yearning, lots of pet names, a couple insults, friendship fluff; touching, groping, dry humping, reader gets off, Javi does not. I know, I know. I will make it up to him in part dos. this does not follow the timeline of the show accurately, Messina is in the picture, Connie is still around. reader is bilingual, no descriptions of her race or ethnicity mentioned though. *translations at the end.
Word Count: 7.9k
A/N: This took me forever to edit and post because I’m scared lmao.
thank you to @cutesyscreenname for encouraging me to write this idea. I owe you cherry gansitos!
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You observed your own reflection in the full length mirror in front of you and let out a curious little hum as you lifted the short, scarlet red minidress, holding it right up against the length of your body. You then held up the second dress that you had clutched in your opposite hand, a stunning, satin black midi number whose length was a lot longer than the first option, the hem of it falling down to your calves.
It appeared rather innocent, modest enough while it was still on the plastic hanger, but it fit you beautifully, just like a fucking glove. The bodice of the garment cinched at your waist and it was tightly fitted, hugging the curves of your upper body so closely that it looked and even felt like something of a second skin whenever you wore it. The billowy skirt of the dress flowed out around you, darling and sweet at first glance, however it came with a borderline dangerous slit in the side of it that stopped about two or three inches above the middle of your thigh near the hinge of your hip. It exposed the entire length of your leg whenever you walked, danced, or moved around in it—Murphy had once referred to it as the infamous femme fatale dress, telling you that it was a far, far more dangerous weapon than your gun could ever be. 
You were fairly certain his remarks had something to do with the fact that you’d worn the dress on a number of different occasions while you were out on the job, going undercover in Bogotá for the US Drug Enforcement Administration. 
As the only female agent on her team in Colombia and a younger, very beautiful female agent at that, Messina found herself using you to her advantage quite often these days. She would send you out all over Bogotá in that very same black dress with the hope that it would aid you in luring in members of the Medellín drug cartel in efforts to capture their leader, Pablo Escobar.
Tonight, however, you weren’t going undercover.
You were doing something much more frightening than mingling among some of Colombia’s most dangerous men. 
Far, far more daunting than that.
You were going out on a date. 
“I like the red dress the best,” Javier’s deep voice came from behind you, startling you slightly. He had mentioned to you earlier that day that he was going to some lounge with Murphy for a smoke and some drinks after work hours since it had been a long, draining week for him at the office; Messina had stuck him with an endless amount of tedious paperwork to do and it had just about driven him insane, but nothing a pack of cigarettes and some bourbon couldn’t fix. With the soft, Latin cumbias playing from the old stereo perched on top of the white oak dresser beside you, you had completely missed the sound of the front door opening and closing when he’d gotten home.
You glanced over your shoulder to see him standing there in the open doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. Javier’s dark brown eyes were fixed intently on you, a small, devilish smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as he casually leaned up against the door frame of your bedroom. Well, technically, it was actually the guest bedroom of his apartment unit that he’d let you take over several months ago. The housing department of the agency had placed you into a unit in the building across the street from his, right next door to Murphy and his wife, Connie. It had been a special arrangement requested by your diligent supervisor in an effort to make sure that no one found themselves in a compromising situation—she trusted you enough not to get any dumb ideas, but she didn’t trust Peña as far as she could throw him. It wasn’t very far.
While it had certainly been quite nice, and even kind of comforting at times to have Steve and Connie as your neighbors, you’d expressed to Javier one night over dinner at his place that you weren’t all too fond of having to live alone. Without an ounce of hesitation on his part, Javi offered to have you move into his spare bedroom that very same evening after you were both done eating, but only on the condition that Messina didn’t find out about the new living arrangement. She would wring Javier’s neck with her bare hands if knew that you two had been sharing his apartment this entire time. 
Hell, she would wring yours too. And you were the favorite child of sorts. Less annoying than Murphy and certainly a lot less problematic than Peña. 
She only liked you because she never had to worry about you. On or off the job.
But even though you were Messina’s number one, her star player, that would do absolutely nothing to spare you from her wrath if she ever came to find out that you were living with Javier Peña. She wasn’t a fan of just how close the two of you had become over the last several months; she’d told you herself that she much preferred it if you kept your distance from him while you were off duty. One wrong move on your part or Javi’s and it was game fucking over. Messina wouldn’t hesitate to send one of your asses packing, back home to be assigned somewhere else, somewhere far away from the other.
Pursing your lips together lightly, you turned your attention back over to the mirror. Raising an eyebrow, you lifted the red minidress up against your body once more to get another good look at it, as if you hadn’t just been staring at it for the last five minutes before he’d appeared. “I don’t know, Javi. I don’t like this one all that much to be honest. I’m not even sure why the hell I let Connie talk me into buying it in the first place. She said it was cute,” You remarked, tilting your head slightly to the side. You wrinkled your nose at the diamond cut out design in the sides of it. Whoever designed it must have not had enough money to spring for more a teensy bit more fabric. “But it’s kind of tacky. And it makes me look like a whore.”
“Mm yes, but a very beautiful whore,” Javi stated, his smirk widening as he drank in the gorgeous sight of you before him. He licked his lips, openly admiring the way you were clad in nothing but one of his shirts, his pink button up with short sleeves that you had once told him you loved so much because it was your favorite color; you’d sneakily stolen it out of his closet on laundry day a couple weeks back while all of your clothes had been in the washing machine and had never given it back to him. Not that Javier even really wanted it back at this point—his shirt looked a million times better on you than ever it did on him. Seeing you in it did inexplicable things to him and he fucking loved it when you padded around your now shared apartment in nothing but a pair of panties and his pink shirt. He took another glimpse at you, nearly foaming at the mouth at how it fit your frame, how the hem of it fell to the tops of your smooth thighs, the material hardly doing anything to cover up the tantalizing curves of your hips and your perfect ass. “Hermosura. The most beautiful whore in all of Colombia.”
You narrowed your eyes at him through the mirror, wishing you had a free hand you could flip him off with. “Gee, thanks for the compliment, Peña. You are always such a fucking charmer, aren’t you?”
“Oh, come on. Solo es una bromita, muñeca. No tienes por qué ofenderte. I’m just messing around with you. You know I don’t think you actually look like a whore—and trust me, I know what a whore looks like,” he responded with a deep and hearty laugh. He uncrossed his arms, allowing them to fall down to his sides as he pushed himself away from the door frame. He sauntered his way further into your bedroom, uninvited. “I’m being serious about the dress, though. Go with the red one. El vestido rojo. It’s perfect. Besides, that color would look gorgeous on you, cariño. I bet it would look almost as good on you as pink does.” He laughed again as he added, “Nice shirt, by the way.”
Your annoyed expression immediately softened into one of guilt. “I’ve been meaning to give you your shirt back,” You told him, sheepishly. “Te lo juro, Javi.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you have,” Javier snorted, waving off the little white lie. He finally forced himself to tear his attention away from you and glanced around, observing the current state of your room instead. It looked like a tornado had hit the inside of your closet; dresses, jackets, and high heeled shoes were strewn all over the place. He wasn’t all too surprised by the mess. He knew you like he knew the back of his own hand by now, and this was typical of you when you were searching for the perfect outfit to wear on a free night out in the city. “I don’t remember you telling me you had any plans tonight, bonita. What’s the occasion? Going out for drinks with the chismosas of the office? Or are you going out for a girl’s night with Connie?”
You momentarily hesitated.
“Actually, I have a date.”
Through the mirror, you saw the smile fade from Javier’s face almost instantly.
Here we go, You thought inwardly to yourself.
“You have a date? With who?” he demanded. 
Reluctantly, you turned around to face him. “You know Valeria, don’t you?”
The color drained from his face.
“That’s the translator who works up on the third floor, right?” He touched his hand to the back of his neck, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know her, but I’ve seen her around a couple of times.”
You almost laughed at the manner in which Javier tried playing dumb. 
Of course he knew Valeria. 
He had fucked her three weeks ago.
Javi had tried to keep it on the down low, but loud mouthed Valeria would brag to anyone who would listen all about how Agent Peña had fucked her in her office one evening while they’d been working late together and everyone else had gone home. Not that Javier even needed her services as a translator, he’d just needed an excuse to find himself in her office after hours so he could get his dick wet.
For some strange reason, you felt oddly fucking generous and decided to let Javier have this one, playing along with him and his sheer stupidity. “Yeah, her. She has an older brother who’s visiting the city for a few days. His name is Diego. He’s an immigration attorney who is here on business in Bogotá. She offered to set me up with him,” You explained, keeping everything as brief as possible. “I’m meeting him for drinks tonight.”
Javier frowned. “Have you met him in person?”
“Well no, but Valeria showed me his picture and she told me all about him. It’s not like he’s just some random ass guy I met on the street, Javi. He’s her brother, she advocated for him,” You tried to reason with him, knowing all too well where this conversation was heading. Sure, it was nice to know that Javier cared about you enough to be concerned about you meeting up with someone who was essentially a complete stranger, but it wasn’t like you couldn’t handle yourself. You’d spent many evenings sitting right in the laps of the violent criminals who worked for Escobar—a blind date with a coworker’s brother was nothing for him to make a fuss over. “I really don’t think that I have anything to worry about with him.”
He rigidly shook his head. “Look, no offense to Valeria, but I don’t like the idea of you running around this city at night with some fucking prick that you’ve never even met before. And before you throw all that undercover bullshit at me, just know that it’s not the same thing. You aren’t going out on the job tonight. You’re not going out with your team on standby to watch your back, you’re not going out with me and Murphy armed and ready to jump into action if things head south. What if something happens to you?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at the complete and utter ridiculousness of his drama king antics. “Oh, give me a fucking break, Peña. Diego’s not a member of the fucking cartel, he’s a lawyer. And besides that, you’re acting like I can’t take care of myself.”
“Listen, I know damn good and well that you can take care of yourself just fine, muñeca. But still, that doesn’t make me feel any better about this whole arrangement.” Javier’s hands went to his waist and he let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head once again. “I’m going to need to meet this guy before you go out with him. I don’t care whose fucking brother he is—whichever way you try to spin it, the bottom line is that he’s a still a fucking stranger and I want to check him out for myself before I let you go out with him.” He saw the mischievous twinkle in your eyes and peered at you suspiciously. “Please tell me he’s coming to pick you up here at the apartment.”
You laughed. “Of course not, Javi. I’m not stupid. I already knew you would behave like this. I knew you would go straight into overprotective mode, just like you always do. I didn’t want you scaring him off, so I’m taking a taxi cab and we’re meeting up at the bar instead.” You easily clocked the all too familiar glint in his eye and smiled sweetly at him. “And don’t even think about trying to guess which one it is so that you can show up and keep tabs on me the whole night. There are thousands of bars in this damn city and I can promise you that you’re not smart enough to figure out which one we’re going to, Agent Peña.”
Annoyed by the smugness in your tone and the way it was starting to get under his skin, Javier’s lips pressed into a thin, tight line. He watched you walk over to your closet, subtly swaying your hips to the music as you pulled out yet another dress to add to your rapidly growing list of options.
He could feel the envy prickling at each and every last single nerve ending in his entire body, his frustrations stewing at the mere thought of you going out with another man. His jaw clenched and he forced himself to shove the feeling down knowing damn well that he didn’t have the right to be jealous. Not when you two weren’t anything more than just friends.
If you’d just been a coworker, it would be different. 
Javier would gladly, happily, risk mixing business with pleasure as he had so often done in the past with several secretaries—and a translator or two—in his time. But no matter how hard he’d tried over and over again to place you into that box, into that category, he simply couldn’t bring himself to do it.
You weren’t just his coworker, you were his friend.
His best friend.
For as much shit as he gave you, you mattered to him. You were important to him, way too important to ever risk fucking up your friendship by fucking you. 
Still. Javier would be lying if he said he didn’t think about it. He thought about it all the damn time. When he discovered that fucking himself into the palm of his hand and moaning your name quietly over and over again under his breath didn’t quite do the job for him anymore, he would find himself standing outside of your bedroom prepared to say fuck it all and make his move on you. But then it happened every single fucking time without fail—as soon as he lifted his curled fist to knock on your door, he started to remember things. 
He’d remember the way you could so easily make him laugh with your clever and quick witted sense of humor. He remembered all those late nights you two would spend together lounging on his brown leather couch in your pajamas watching old, poorly made slasher films while indulging in the greasiest, unhealthiest takeout Bogotá had to offer. He remembered how you could read him just like a fucking magazine, how you always knew when something was wrong—and how you would always somehow know exactly what to say and do to comfort him whenever he needed it the most.
He would remember how you’d come to feel like his home away from home. 
And then he would drop his hand right back down to his side, whirl around on his heel, and march straight back into his bedroom where he had little choice but to go back to fantasizing about what could never be between you and him.
Snapping himself out of his own train of thought, Javier carefully stepped over the mountains of clothing and shoes on the floor and made his way over to another pile of dresses that were draped over the foot of your bed. He caught a glimpse of the lingerie set on top of them, brand new with the price tag still attached to the fabric; the set was black, made of delicate, see through lace that would leave very little to the imagination when you put it on. He picked up the thong, hooking the thin elastic of it around his index finger. “Something tells me that you’re not planning on coming back home tonight.”
“What are you talking about?” Confused, you turned around and gasped, dropping the dresses in your hands. “Javier!”
“Are these even going to cover anything up?” he teased you with a laugh, his eyes gleaming with pure amusement as they darted between the thong and the lower half of your body. “Falta mucha tela, cariño.”
You rushed up to him and made a dive for the underwear. “Give me those!”
“How come you don’t ever wear anything like this around the apartment, hermosa?” Javi dangled them above your head and out of your reach. “All I ever get to see you in are those cotton panties, the ones with polka dots on them.” He glanced down, getting an eyeful of you and the aforementioned polka dot panties. “Kind of like the ones you’re wearing now—”
“Javier, cut it out!” You placed a hand on his shoulder as the other continued grabbing for the lingerie. “Come on, stop being such a fucking asshole!”
Although he could have easily enjoyed taunting you for hours and hours on end, Javier knew you wouldn’t hesitate to have your knee meet his balls. Not wanting to risk ending up on your floor curled up in pain, he eased up and handed them over to you. 
“Idiota!” You hissed at him, furiously snatching the underwear out of his hand. You stomped over to your dresser and shoved them into the middle drawer, slamming it closed so hard the old stereo nearly went crashing to the floor. “You can be a real fucking douchebag, Peña.”
Javier wasn’t bothered by the insults; he’d grown used to those—however any trace of playfulness vanished as the reality began to set in for him. The reality of you sleeping with another a man tonight. “Wait a minute, are you really planning to fuck the guy?” He didn’t even make the attempt to mask the disappointment that laced his tone. “I mean, you haven’t even met him yet. I didn’t think you were that kind of girl, querida.”
“You sound awful judgmental for someone who brings home a different escort every other fucking week,” You snapped at him, placing your hands on your hips. “Oh, and speaking of escorts, I had the pleasure of meeting Alessandra in the bathroom this morning. She asked if I had a tank top that she could borrow since apparently you got too eager and ripped her shirt off last night.” You tilted your head, squinting at him as he started shuffling uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “If you happen to go back to her for a second round, tell her that I want it back. Washed.”
Javier grimaced, looking down at the floor. “Shit. I thought she would be gone by the time you woke up,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “Lo siento, bonita. I’m sorry.”
You blinked. “Sorry for what?”
He opened his mouth, then clamped it shut.
Javier wasn’t all too sure, actually.
He didn’t have anything to apologize for, not really.
He was a single man who could do as, and who, he pleased.
Yet he still felt like a pile of dog shit knowing you’d encountered Alessandra while he had still been asleep.
You would never admit it, but Javier knew that to some extent, it hurt you to run into the women he would bring home. As if having to hear him railing them on the other side of your bedroom wall for hours wasn’t bad enough, having to meet them the following morning and seeing them half naked with their smeared makeup and disheveled hair from the previous night’s activities only made it so much fucking worse. 
Having read his mind, you sighed and offered him some reassurance. “It’s fine, Javi. We both know that you don’t have anything to be sorry for,” You said, prompting him to look back up at you. You pointed a finger at him. “I do want my shirt back, though. And then maybe I’ll be nice and give you back yours.” 
You expected Javi to scamper off to his room with his tail between his legs in shame. It was what he usually did—he’d avoid you for about a few hours until the dust settled, and then everything would go back to normal. Instead of running off, he stood there and spoke again. 
“Are you really going to have sex with this guy?”
You tried to ignore how disheartened he sounded.
“I don’t know,” You confessed, quietly. “I want to have sex with him, but I don’t know if I’ll actually have the fucking balls to go through with it.”
“Por qué? Estas nerviosa?”
Though Javier hadn’t been poking fun at you, you couldn’t help but feel irritated with him for asking you if you were nervous; because you actually were nervous, and him asking you only made you even more fucking nervous. “And so what if I am a little nervous?” You challenged him, lightly. “Sorry that we’re not all just confidently fucking our way through this city like you are, Peña.”
“When’s the last time you had sex, anyway?”
“None of your fucking business, that’s when,” You quipped.
“That’s not fair.” Javi pouted at you. “You know when the last time I had sex was.”
“Not by choice,” You retorted. “You’re right on the other side of my paper thin wall and I left my Walkman in the office.”
Javi waited expectantly for an answer. He wasn’t going to drop the subject, and you knew that.
“You’re such a stubborn son of a bitch, you know that?” You muttered. Feeling a burning heat flood to your face, you decided to give him just about the most generic answer there was in order to get him off your back. “It was a long, long time ago.”
“Okay, but how long ago?” He pressed, curiously. “Are we talking weeks? Months?”
Your stomach began to churn violently, the hidden secret you’d kept to yourself for your entire adult life now at risk of being exposed. 
“I-I really don’t remember,” You stammered out in response, averting your gaze away from his. “Can we not talk about my sex life, please? Besides, it’s getting late and I still need to take a shower and get ready for my date tonight. So if you would just kindly fuck all the way off, that would be great.”
Javier took a step back and there was a very brief moment where you had been certain you’d just narrowly avoided what could have been a painful, humiliating conversation. However, just as he was about to turn to leave, Javi’s eyes widened as it slowly clicked into place for him. 
“Wait a minute—are you fucking serious?”
You groaned. “Javier, please don’t. For the sake of what’s left of my sanity, please don’t,” You nearly pleaded him, wishing that a large, Twilight Zone style swirling vortex would open up in the middle of your floor and swallow you whole. 
“You’ve never had sex before,” he realized. “Have you?”
Your face felt like it had caught on fire.
Not knowing what to say or even do, you clasped your hands together and wrung them anxiously in front of you. 
Of all the people to find out your secret, it just had to be Peña.
“Cariño, are you really a virgin?”
Surprised, you looked up at him. 
Javi wasn’t teasing you or being a dick about it.
He seemed genuinely perplexed by the fact that you’d never had sex before. Not that it made it any less mortifying.
“Yes,” You admitted, exhaling the breath that you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding in. “I’m a virgin, alright? There, are you satisfied?”
“But how? Going undercover? And informants—”
Despite the circumstances, you couldn’t help but laugh. “I know this might come as a shock to you, but you don’t always have to fuck your informants to get what you need out of them, Peña. It’s not a requirement. I use my brains, not my body.” 
“You’re shaming me for using my body?” he joked lightly, hoping it would further ease the awkward nature of the conversation—for your sake, not his.
“Just a little bit.” You offered him a small, crooked smile and felt your tense shoulders finally begin to relax. “You’re probably going to think it’s stupid or maybe even crazy, but the truth is that I’ve always wanted to wait and give it to the right man. Maybe even to a man that I’m in love with. But with the way my romantic life has been going, it just seems like that’s never going to happen for me.” You shrugged. “I just want to lose it already, Javi. I’m almost in my fucking thirties—either I lose it now, or I may as well throw in the damn towel and join a convent.”
“You would look kind of cute in a nun’s habit,” Javi mused, thoughtfully.
You shot him a glare, but felt the corners of your mouth threatening to turn up into another smile. 
After a long minute, Javier broke the silence that had fallen over the both of you. “So then, Valeria’s older brother is the man you’re going to lose your virginity to? Tonight?”
“That’s the plan. He’s only here until the end of the week. It’d be no strings attached, so it works out perfectly.” You anxiously chewed on the inside of your cheek. “But only if I can find the courage to actually go through with it.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“Not knowing what to do.”
Javier quirked an eyebrow.  “It’s not exactly rocket science, querida.”
You resisted the sudden urge to go up to him and backhand the stupid smirk right off of his face.
“Could you please just take me seriously for one second, Peña?” You huffed out in frustration. “I’m just really fucking nervous about it, alright? What if I can’t—what if I’m not good at it?”
Javi’s bottom lip rolled between his teeth and he stifled his laughter. “Preciosa, you’re being kind of…” He trailed off, trying to choose his next word carefully.
You lifted your chin. “Kind of what?”
“Ridiculous. And before you come over here and start pummeling me to death with those little fists of yours...” He stopped and held up his hands in defense. He took a second or two to let eyes glaze over you from head to toe. “I’m only saying that because you’re fucking gorgeous, muñequita. Any man would be lucky to have a night with you. You have nothing to be afraid of.”
“It’s not about how I look, Javier. It’s about how I perform.” You felt your face grow hot for what had to be the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes. Never did you think this would be a conversation you’d be having with him of all fucking people. “I listen to the way those women you bring home—I hear what they do to you. And I hear how much you like it.”
His lips parted slightly. “And you want to do that to him?”
“I want to make him feel good.”
Javier’s jealously simmered in his veins. But what could he do?
Nothing, that’s what. Just like him, you could do as, and who, you pleased. But if he could just get his hands on you first, at least to some extent, it would help ease the blow. He saw nothing wrong with blurring the lines, so long as he didn’t cross them.
Javi hummed. “If you really want to know how to make a man feel good, I can help you.”
“You can help me?” You repeated. “How?”
“By showing you a thing or two.”
You let out something mixed between a scoff and a laugh.
“I am not having sex with you, Peña.”
He tossed you an innocent look. “That’s not what I was suggesting at all.” He crossed the bedroom and walked over to you, reaching for your hands. He took them in his own and then started pulling you towards your bed. “If you’re really that worried about not knowing what to do, I can give you a few pointers. And calmada, querida. Our clothes stay on,” he reassured you before you could open your mouth to protest. “Just think of it as a friend helping out a friend. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?”
You chewed on your lower lip. “I don’t know about this, Javi.”
Javier’s thumbs softly smoothed across the back of your hands. “You trust me, don’t you?”
“Right now, I’m not so sure that I do.” You paused long enough for him to throw you an exasperated, almost offended look. You rolled your eyes at him and nodded your head. “Yes, of course I trust you, Peña. I trust you with my fucking life. Literally, I put my life in your hands at least once or twice a week.”
“Then let me help you, hermosa.”
You inhaled a deep breath, held it for a moment, then exhaled it softly. “Fine. But remember, our clothes stay on—” You were cut off, all the air leaving your lungs as Javi yanked you forward, slamming you against his chest. You looked up at him, ready to give him a piece of your mind for knocking the wind out of you, but as his eyes met yours, words failed you and all you could do was stare at him like a deer caught in the headlights. 
This could not possibly end well.
And yet here you were, going along with it.
He snaked an arm around your waist, holding your body flush against his. Feeling how tense you had become, stiff as a fucking board, Javi gave you a light shake in an effort to get you to loosen up a bit. “First thing is first, you need to relax. There’s no need to overthink this, cariño. Especially not with me.” He reached up with his opposite hand, letting his index finger feather along your jawline. He then slipped it underneath your chin, lifting it ever so slightly and forcing you to look right into his rich pools of espresso. “I mean it. It really wouldn’t take much for a beautiful girl like you to drive me—I mean, drive him wild.”
You tried your hardest to keep your voice from trembling, but between his touch and being in such close proximity, you were finding it a hell of a lot more difficult than you’d imagined. “Show me, Peña. What drives you—I mean, what’s going to drive him wild?”
“Well, it always starts with the right kiss.”
You quickly shook your head. “Javi—”
“Kiss me.”
Had he lost his fucking mind?
“Have you lost your fucking mind?” You echoed your thoughts
“Just a friend helping out a friend,” Javi reminded you in a murmur. “Remember?”
You should have said no. You should have decked him for even suggesting such a thing.
Instead, you gave him a small nod. You rested your hands delicately on his hard, lean chest and tilted your head upwards, lightly pressing your lips to his for a split second before quickly pulling away.
“That was fucking pathetic,” Javier laughed softly, his warm breath fanning over the tip of your nose. “You’re not kissing your abuela, you know.”
You smacked his chest. “Javi! Leave my grandma out of this.”
“You have to kiss a man like you actually want him, querida. Here, allow me to demonstrate.”
Your throat went dry as his grip around your waist tightened. He moved his other hand away from your chin and it went to the back of your neck, gingerly tilting your head up towards his. Your heart hammered almost painfully against your ribcage, beating way too hard and way too fast for him not to feel it against his own chest. You had to silently remind yourself to breathe as Javi inched his face closer to yours, slowly. You knew that he was doing it on purpose, moving an agonizingly glacial pace to allow your anticipation to build; all the while his dark eyes were staring deeply into the depths of your very fucking soul, causing a fire to set ablaze deep in your lower belly.
Your thighs clenched together involuntarily as the tip of his nose skimmed a spot near the corner of your mouth, his lips brushing the underside of your jawline.
God, he was fucking good. 
“Javi…” You uttered his name weakly.
You needed to stop this. Javier was your friend—friends didn’t do shit like this.
Javi sensed your reluctance. “It’s alright, mi vida,” he whispered, uttering an affectionate pet name that he’d never used before. He gave you a small grin as he moved in to finally close the small gap of space between your faces. His lips met yours and every ridiculous cliché of sparks flying and fireworks exploding occurred the moment they did. His tongue swept across your bottom lip, gently coaxing its way into your mouth to begin a slow, sensual dance with yours. Cupping the back of your neck, he tilted your head up a bit further, granting himself better access to your mouth so that he could fully explore it inch by inch. 
There was kissing other men.
And then there was kissing Javier. 
Whimpering, your body melted against his as he swelled your lips with a kiss that was slow and sensual, yet somehow still hungry and possessive at the same time. Javier’s hands travelled down to your hips, his fingers skimming the hem of his shirt that you wore. He took the opportunity to sneak them underneath the garment, allowing them to meet the warmth of your skin. 
Gasping, you jerked back and pulled away from him. 
“Javier!” You squeaked out his name breathlessly, furiously swatting his hands away from your sides. You glared at him. “I thought we agreed, our clothes fucking stay on!”
“Funny, I wasn’t aware that I was taking any of your clothes off.” Javier reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. He then took a step backwards and gestured towards your bed. “Lay down.”
Your mouth fell open at his request.
“W-what?” You sputtered out, your eyes wide. 
“You heard me. Get on the bed and lay down.”
Javi reached down, sweeping your pile of dresses off of the bed and onto the floor. 
“Why? What are you going to do?” You questioned him, shuffling anxiously from one bare foot to the other.
Javier rolled his eyes and let out a small, impatient sigh. “Just do it, hermosa. You can trust me.”
Swallowing harshly, you obeyed him and walked around to the side of your bed, taking a seat. You inhaled another deep breath before bringing your legs up and laying back, your head resting against your decorative pillows. You nervously tugged and pulled at the hem of his stolen pink shirt, trying to cover yourself up as best as you could as you laid there, sprawled out before him; however Javier had other plans. He climbed onto the bed after you, positioning his body so it hovered over yours. He nudged your legs apart with his knee, settling himself right in between your thighs. He grabbed one of your legs and hiked it up around his waist, putting the two of you in a very, very dangerous position. His fingers remained wrapped around your thigh, his touch burning right into your soft flesh as he held your leg in place around him. 
“Don’t be shy, muñequita.” His voice had gone low and husky. He trailed his hand further up your thigh.
He grinned, feeling satisfied with himself when he felt the goosebumps erupt across your skin.
“Shut up, I’m not shy,” You fibbed, prompting him to chuckle.
“Mentirosa.” Javi’s hand abandoned your leg and he brought his hand up to the side of your face to cradle your cheek in his palm. His thumb brushed across your bottom lip. 
“Kiss me,” he commanded, gently. “And this time, kiss me like you mean it.”
You reached up for him with trembling hands and grabbed two fistfuls of his pewter blue, button up shirt. You pulled him down towards you and lifted yourself up slightly off your pillows, crashing your mouth against his. You allowed yourself to finally release any fears that you might have had before and kissed him greedily and with fervor, as if it would be the very last time you’d ever get to kiss Javier Peña—because it very well could be the last time you would ever get to kiss Javier Peña.
You kissed him deeply, going on until your lungs began to burn—you only broke away from him once they started screaming, demanding oxygen. 
Tearing yourself apart from him, you released his shirt and dropped back down onto your pillows, breathlessly asking, “Better?”
“Oh, so much better. Good girl, mi muñequita linda,” he praised, grinning again as he caressed the silkiness of your cheek. He lowered his head and lips ghosted over yours for a moment before he moved them down your neck, feathering kisses to any exposed skin peeking out from underneath his shirt. His hand found your breast and he groaned realizing that you weren’t wearing a bra underneath it. He kneaded the perfect, soft mound of flesh through the thin fabric, rolling your hardened nipple between his fingers. He bucked his hips into yours, causing a loud moan to escape from your lips the second you felt his hardened cock through his tight, light blue jeans. He caught sight of the way you blushed at the sound that he’d elicited from you and his grin widened. “Noises like that? The louder the better. So don’t hold back, preciosa.”
“What else can I do to make you—to make him feel good?”
Javier dipped his face right into the hollow of your neck, thinking it over for a moment. “A woman who takes control can be very sexy. I like it—I bet he’ll like it if you get on top.”
“I think I can do that.” Biting your bottom lip, you placed your hands on his chest and pushed him back, sliding yourself out from underneath him. You guided him to lay back onto your pillows and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. 
Shit. Javier cursed inwardly.
Maybe he’d been in over his head with this idea.
He knew at some point he’d have to stop it from going too far—but would he be able to?
“How do you like it?” You asked him, shyly. This time, you hadn’t bothered to correct yourself. 
You didn’t want to know how to please another man.
You wanted to know how to please Javi.
Even if you’d never get the chance to do it.
“Depends on the mood,” he replied, shrugging his shoulders in the most nonchalant manner that he could muster under the circumstances—as if his cock wasn’t rock hard, straining against the zipper of his jeans and begging to be inside you.
“Te gusta despacito?” You start to rock your hips back and forth against his, slowly. “Do you like it slow?”
Javier’s breath hitched in the back his throat. At this point, there was no doubt about it—you could feel him underneath you, throbbing. “Sometimes,” he managed to choke out in reply. “Like I said. Just depends on the mood.”
“Or what about like this?” You grinned down at him, gaining a sense of confidence as you started to move faster on top of him, finding your perfect rhythm. You could see and clearly feel what you were doing to him. Knowing that you were having this kind of effect on Peña was nothing short of a fucking dream come true. 
His hands went to your hips, holding on as you picked up the pace, grinding your clothed core down against his bulge. 
You could feel your own arousal pooling between your legs, soaking your panties; you wouldn’t be surprised if you’d leave behind a wet spot on his jeans. “How am I doing?”
“Fucking amazing, muñeca,” he answered, earnestly. His long, thick fingers dug into your sides as he suggested, “It helps if you put on a little show while you’re up there, too.” He then pictured you in that sexy black lingerie set you’d bought; he imagined what it would be like to slip that tiny little thong to the side so you could freely ride his cock. The mere thought had him seeing stars.
“A show, huh?” You smirked and popped the top two buttons of your shirt—his shirt—exposing the smooth valley between your breasts to him. “I think I can do that too,” You giggled, pulling the fabric to the side, just enough to give him the tiniest glimpse of the soft curves of your chest but not enough to expose yourself completely. 
“Hermosa,” he couldn’t help but groan out. It took every ounce of strength he had inside him not to reach up and tear his shirt right off of you so he could see all of you. 
You grabbed his hands from your hips and slowly began guiding them all around your body. You started by placing them on your breasts, giving him permission to cop another feel before moving them slowly down the lengths of your sides and placing them on your bare thighs. From there, you picked up Javi’s hands once more and placed them behind you, allowing him to take two generous handfuls of your ass. Your hands then abandoned his and you placed them on his chest, supporting yourself as you continued to roll your hips against his, riding him through his jeans. You tossed your head back and closed your eyes; the friction of your clit against his pelvis even through all the clothes felt like absolute heaven, and you let out a lustful moan that bounced off of your bedroom walls as you continued to drive your hips harder against his own.
Realizing that this was no longer a lesson and you were actually pleasuring yourself, Javier groaned again. He moved his hands back to your hips and found himself bucking his own hips upwards to meet you halfway—he abandoned any and all worries about taking it too far. He wanted you to come. 
He needed to see you come.
“Javi,” You gasped his name, moaning again.
“That’s it, muñeca,” he rasped out. “Just like that, baby. Keep going. What a good girl, what a good fucking girl.”
Any and all common sense had been washed away by pleasure and by your need to reach that sweet, sweet release. 
It was so close. You felt him right there, right between your clothed folds, and all you could do was imagine what it would be like to have his cock fill you up and stretch you completely. 
His name began to slip from your lips, rolling off of your tongue over and over again with such ease.
Your movements fell in perfect sync with his.
You went down, he went up.
You pulled, he pushed.
No doubt about it, Javier was trying to get you off.
Somehow, you find a voice that speaks in between all your pitiful little pants. 
 “J-Javi, maybe we s-shouldn’t—”
Javier quickly sat up and wrapped one of his arms around your waist. He slammed your mouths together, silencing you mid sentence. He thrusted upwards, and you whined into his kiss, rubbing your clit against his bulge even harder. 
The beginning of your orgasm coiled up tightly in your belly, and you knew it would spring forward any second now.
“Javi, I’m so close—” 
“It’s okay, hermosa. Come for me,” he mumbled into your mouth.  “I’ve got you.”
Your arms found their way around his shoulders and you buried your face into his neck. Squeezing your eyes shut, your loud cries came out muffled against his collarbone as you unraveled, coming undone with one last cry of his name.
You slumped forward, resting your head on his shoulder as you fought to catch your breath, the pleasure still pulsing between your thighs.
Javier’s other arm curled around you and he said nothing as he held you. 
Once you’d finally started coming down from your high, your eyes flew open and a chill went up the length of your spine.
What had you two just done?
Still straddling his lap, you pulled back. “Javi—”
Without warning, Javier flipped you over so you were on your back underneath him once again. He hovered over you, his eyes meeting yours for just a moment before he dipped his head and captured your lips with his one final, deep and sensual kiss. 
“I don’t think you have anything to worry about tonight,” he murmured once he had pulled away. “You’re fucking perfect, mi vida.”
He touched the tip of his nose to yours before climbing off of you.
“I fucking hope this guy realizes what a lucky son of a bitch he is,” Javier said quietly before turning on the heel of his boot and walking out of your bedroom, leaving you laying there with your mouth parted open in complete shock.
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Solo es una bromita, muñeca. No tienes por qué ofenderte. - It’s just a little joke, doll. No need to get offended.
El vestido rojo. - The red dress.
Te lo juro, Javi. - I swear to you, Javi.
Chismosas - Gossipers
Falta mucha tela, cariño. - There is a lot of fabric missing, darling.
Mentirosa. - Liar.
Te gusta despacito? - Do you like it a little slow? 
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Unlike other cultures, Colombians have no problem with public displays of affection. You will see plenty of couples hugging and kissing in parks and malls, and no one will bat an eye.
If you’re dating a Colombian woman, you need to be comfortable with PDAs. Being affectionate, whether in public or not, is pretty much a big part of their culture.
Not all of them might feel the same way, though. While Colombia’s dating culture is keen on showing affection in public, some girls might not like PDA. You need to keep that in mind when you’re in Colombia.
Read the original blog here!
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thenationview · 2 years
Union of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, concerned about Petro-government appointments
The Union of Diplomatic and Consular Professional Officers of Colombia (UNIDIPLO) has expressed concern over recent appointments by the national government in a statement. Workers say the campaign promise to advance diplomatic careers would be violated if the main axis of the appointments made by Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva is violated. According to the officials, “there have been numerous and…
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omegaxmasterlist · 2 years
CONNECT World Tour
Sept. 16th - Guadalajara ✅ Sept. 17th - Mexico City ✅ Sept. 21st - Merida ✅ Sept. 23rd - Colombia ✅
UP NEXT: Sept. 29th - Chile ❗
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