#dark road anniversary posting
rosie-kairi · 10 months
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"What the hell's going on, Can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV?"
"I'm Black, then I'm White-
"No, Something isn't right! My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight."
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goldensunset · 10 months
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‘It started to consume me, until one day, I realized the darkness I thought was theirs was in truth mine.’
happy first anniversary to the high i’m still chasing!!!
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luxudidnothingwrong · 10 months
All I’m saying is had Odin let Baldr grieve normally and allowed him to start a band the rest of KH never would’ve happened
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Requested by the wonderful @harlowcomehome
Warnings: language, suggestive talk
A/N: based on the TikTok trend where you call your boyfriend your husband or in this case, your homeboy lol
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You propped your phone on the dash of Jack's Jeep as he approached a red light. He rung the leather of the steering wheel between his hands as he watched you fix your hair and makeup in the camera, a little on edge from a stressful day in the studio. You were headed to dinner at Black Rabbit to celebrate your third wedding anniversary.
The last couple of weeks had been stressful in their own right, with Jack's schedule occupying almost all of his time, and taking care of a newborn Brooklyn, so even though both of you just wanted to do nothing but sleep for the next 48 hours straight, you knew you needed to get out to celebrate, even if it was just a quick dinner.
Still, Jack just seemed out of it, and you knew he needed a laugh to get out of his head.
You decided to pull a harmless prank on him that you'd seen on TikTok, where a partner calls their husband their "homeboy" when recording a video to get their reaction. You weren't exactly sure how Jack was going to react, but you were willing to try anyway to get your goofy best friend back.
"What're you doing?", Jack asked between gritted teeth as he floored it at the green light. "Just recording a video", you bit your lip to stifle a laugh, "something quick for Insta."
"Just post a photo or something", he said with a sigh, his eyes darting between the road and your setup.
"That's no fun", you were this close to breaking so you quickly pressed record on the screen.
"Hey everyone!", you addressed the camera, "I just wanted to do a quick outfit of the day. I'm on the way to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants with Jack." You made sure to point to your husband, who was in view. "Its crazy to think that I've known my homeboy for almost a decade, and that the two of us-".
The laugh that left Jack's mouth startled you. "Homeboy?" He looked at you, straight faced, with an eyebrow cocked. "Yeah, please don't interrupt", you popped your lips as you turned back to your phone. "The dress is from Dior-"
"I'm your homeboy?!", Jack repeated in an incredulous tone. "What does that make you to me?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I dunno, I'm your homegirl", you couldn't even make eye contact you were trying so hard not to laugh. "What's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that I don't remember saying my vows to one of my homegirls." Jack ran a shaky hand through his messy curls. "Best friends, partners for life, maybe, but homeboy, definitely fuckin' not." You knew he was getting irritated, the back of his neck turning a dark red, but you were also thoroughly enjoying him putting his foot down with you.
"Yeah, but that's what we are. I'm your homegirl, you're my homeboy."
"Homeboy", he kept repeating the word in between scoffs, it didn't make any sense to him.
"Why do you keep repeating it?" At this point you couldn't hide the smile creeping on your face. "You're the love of my life. I don't love any of my "homegirls" the way I love you", he bit back, trying to remain calm.
"I love you too", you leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek. "I got love for all of my homeboys." You stopped the video before Jack could get another word in.
Dinner was quiet, and you could tell that your joke didn't land with Jack the way you thought it would. His focus was on his phone for most of the night, scrolling through emails. He broke the silence when the waiter came around with the check. Just as they laid the bill in front of Jack, he placed a hand down on the table.
"My homegirl's got it." He quickly muttered the four words, his face illuminated by the backlight of his phone as it captured his attention again. You quietly pulled out your credit card, giving it to the waiter with a small smile.
The house was eerily quiet as you took off your makeup in the bathroom mirror, getting ready for bed. You tracked Jack's movements as he walked in behind you, Brooklyn in his arms. He peppered kisses on her tiny face as he threw his laundry in the hamper and walked back out. Jack had been giving you the silent treatment since dinner, and you knew it was time to come clean and apologize.
"Jack, baby?" You waited for him to put Brooklyn in her bassinet by the bed before continuing. He hummed for you to speak as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry about this evening. I saw this stupid trend on TikTok and thought it would be funny to pull a prank on you. I was just trying to get you to loosen up, but it backfired and I'm sorry."
He pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at you. "Ok."
"That's it? Okay?"
"What else do you want me to say?" He moved to stroke at his beard and you could tell he was still upset. "I don't know, that you forgive me?"
"I forgive you." He gave you a hard lined smile. "I forgive all of my homegirls."
"Jack", you whined, "it was a joke! I don't really think of you as one of my homeboys."
"Am I supposed to believe that?" His voice rose an octave. "That the mother of my child doesn't see me as more than a friend? That I mean more to you than that? That you sent me that video yesterday so I always knew you were pulling a prank on me?!"
"Yes", your stomach turned. "Of course! Wait-", you held up a hand once you realized what he said.
"Wait, what?" You shook your head as Jack let out a loud chuckle. He crossed the room to you in two steps and pulled you into his body.
"Baby, you send me like 100 TikToks a day, one of those being that prank trend. I knew what you were doing from the start." You playfully swatted at his chest. "Fuck, that's not funny!" He pulled you in for a hug, your hands wrapping around his neck, his finding your lower back.
"So you're not mad at me?" You mumbled against his shoulder, your lips pressed to his skin. "No, I thought it was funny, but I had to dust off those acting skills and show you who can really pull off a prank." You felt a sense of relief wash over you that he wasn't mad.
Jack pressed a kiss to your temple. "Plus, you weren't very convincing." You felt his hot breath against your ear as he ducked down, pulling you by the back of the neck closer to his mouth.
"I know none of your "homeboys" are fucking you like me every night."
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cringe-but-proud · 5 months
Some Regulus black x gn!reader headcanons cause I love him
A/n: Requests are open (see pinned post for info). Writing because there's a tornado watch going on, my power's out, and there's a tree blocking the only exit on my road 💀
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He's an old school romantic for sure.
It takes him a while to confess to you. For a while he's just pining after you like the hopeless romantic he is.
His main love language is quality time. He loves long periods of comfortable silence, or when you two are in the same space but doing different tasks.
He also likes gift giving 😻
He doesn't really go out of his way to get you gifts unless it's a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc). BUT, he will take note whenever you say you need something and buy it for you.
Running out of hair ties? He'll have new ones for you by tomorrow.
He also occasionally will just give you his personal items????
"Your sweater looks very comfy, Regulus."
"Thanks. Do you want it?"
He writes you poetry a lot. Sometimes he gives it to you. Sometimes he decides to keep it to himself.
DEFINITELY makes you playlists ‼️
You guys share earbuds and listen to music together while stargazing (it's his favorite date activity)
He lights up whenever he sees you.
He'll have his whole dark and mysterious loner guy™ thing going on. But, as soon as you show up, he's all soft and smiley
He can be very dramatic sometimes, to the point where it's kind of funny
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He has definitely said some shit like this to his friends.
Buckle up, time for some sadder ones.
Some time after Sirius ran away, you guys are on one of your astrology tower dates and he just starts to cry.
He ends up spilling everything about his home life to you while you try to comfort him, and after a while he whispers:
"I'm afraid you're gonna leave me too."
About once a month he asks you if you still love him
He doesn't think he's a good person and sometimes he just doesn't understand what you see in him.
After being forced to get the dark mark, he doesn't tell you for a while cause he's positive you'll despise him once you know about it.
He's so Love like you (feat Rebecca Sugar) coded
I ❤️ my emotionally damaged bf
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caplanbuckybarnes · 28 days
Fic Title Challenge
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For the Rules:
please reblog this post if you can
no need to follow me, but it's always appreciated.
Any Characters!!
Use the Tag #TitlesForCaplan if you participate
Use warnings appropriately.
please put a summary!!!
If fic is above 400 words, please use ReadMore Feature
tag me in Author's note
if you post the fic and I dont respond within 24 hours, pelase message me
this doesn't need to be a one shot, can be a chapter fic if inso strikes!
To The Rising Sun We Go
Into the Darkness We Fall
A Poor Man’s Feast
The HeartBreak of Loving You
The Cat's in the Bag Now
The Monster in Him
Assassination Destination
Big Boys in Small Cities
Not Your Kinda Love
Truly, Madly, Insanity
Where The River Ends
Flowers For the Evening
Dead Daisies Don’t Talk
Below the Riverfront
Versace Curtains
Clover Leaves
Basement Lovers
Bottom of the Bottle
On the Basement Floor
Salvation For Greed
Deepened Troubles
Beta Luck Next Time
Fluorescent Moonlights
Okay, You've Got Me Now
If Only I Had You
The Dead One
Amnesia Problems
Alpha Remorse
Ten Ways to Bribe the Lost King
King’s Grief
How Not to Get Her: 5 Ways to lose the one You Love
Sever the Wealthy, Ride the Poor
Better Off Without You
It’s Never The Right Time
Belonged to the Sea Once
Golden Arch Weddings
No High Mountains
Dearly Reunited
Losing Him Never Felt So Good
It’s never been You
The One Where She Lives
Good Lovers Lie
But Just One Touch
Not Welcome in my Blood
Take A Number, it’ll Cost You
For Bribes in Death
A Sorrowful Justice
Gun For(e) Play
Heartless Honeymoon
Only Your Royalty
Family Affairs
Pine Needles and Campfires
In Harlot We Trust
Death of a Maiden
Love Her Never Again
Drunken Ships and Pretty Women
Beautiful Times in Saviors
Beta Denials 
Wealthy, Filthy, Clean
The First Anniversary
Disastrous Affairs
Toxic Dreams and Heartless Love
Dearly Detested
Less of a Being
Desperation of a Devil
Hooked Onto Her
Hit the Road, Damsel
The Lesser King
The Stolen Heart of Mine
To Be Open For Her
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ashisgreedy · 11 months
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
Modern AU Biker!Sebastian 
Tags: SMUT 18+ | Forced Orgasm/Made to cum | Multiple Os | Overstimulation | F!Penetration | Motorcycle Stimulation | Outdoor Sex | Oneshot | Aged up 21+ | MC is a little feisty |
WC: 3,050
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A|N: Your motorcycle boyfriend is devilish~ Also, he loves her v much ♡ This is my 1st ever Bash fic! You can thank [this] post and @finalgirllx for saying the phrase "Biker Seb".
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MC quickly swipes an extra coat of mascara on her lashes when she hears the knock on the door. She tosses the tube back in her makeup bag and looks herself over in the mirror one last time. 
There’s another louder knock as she nears the door. 
“I’m coming!” She shouts, checking out the peephole to make sure it’s who she thinks it is. MC recognizes his messy brown hair and the sunglasses he always wears. 
She throws the door open and pulls him in for a hug. “Hey!” 
Sebastian smiles as she hugs him tight. “Hey,” He holds his motorcycle helmet in one hand and wraps his free arm tight around her waist. “Are you ready to go?” He looks down at her as his hand rubs her lower back 
“Yeah, let me just grab my helmet and we can be off.” 
The two share a quick kiss before she reaches for the helmet on the coffee table in her living room. He keeps smiling a bit longer than usual and she narrows her eyes in suspicion. 
“You’re earlier than you said you’d be.” She glances at the clock on the wall. 
“No traffic.” Sebastian counters.
With her helmet in hand, a perfect match to the one Sebastian is holding, a gift from him on their last anniversary, she guides him out the door. 
“What’s that look on your face?” MC tries to see his eyes beyond the dark sunglasses. His smirk growing the closer they get to his bike. 
“What look? I always look like this.” He chews on a piece of gum in his mouth.
She knew him well enough to know something was up. “What’s going on, Sebastian? What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” He puts on his helmet, hiding the grin he’s sporting. “I can’t be happy to see my girl?” 
She narrows her eyes again before putting on her own helmet. Sebastian climbs onto his bike and waits for her to do the same. 
“I suppose…” She half believes him. She would drop it for now, though, she knew she’d bring it up again later after they took their first pitstop. 
He waits quietly for her to climb onto the bike behind him. She’s done it a dozen times by now, going with him on several rides all over the city and into the mountains. The view alone always knocked her socks off. Not to mention how exhilarating it is to be racing down a road while the wind whips past and your heart is racing from the thrill. 
Sebastian looks back and watches to make sure she doesn’t need help as she swings her leg over. 
He had told her to wear a flowy skirt for their evening ride but she was already regretting it as she tried to stuff the ends of the fabric under her legs on the seat. She didn’t want her skirt to fly up and expose her panties to passersby giving them an unwanted show, so she took her time making sure every part was tucked under.
Sebastian was very patient and waited for her to tap him to indicate she was ready since the helmets muffled sound. 
Tonight's plan was to take a ride along the winding roads toward the mountains as the sun set over the land below. It had been a while since they last took this route and she was excited to see the gorgeous views again. 
Once satisfied with her modesty, she wrapped her arms around him and tapped him. 
Sebastian braced the bike and started it up. She pushed her face into his black leather jacket. The familiar oaky scent of the leather mixed with the metallic smell of the outdoors gave her a comforting warmth in her chest. She pressed her knees to the back of his jean-clad thighs, preparing for acceleration. 
With a loud rev, he sped off down the street and her heart pounded with adrenaline. She smiled wide from ear to ear as he picked up speed.
Her neighborhood passed in a flash, and then they were out on the open road. The sky was shades of blues, oranges, and pinks washing over the landscape. He took a right turn and then they were off on the long stretch toward the mountains. 
Sebastian picked up speed once they were in a less populated area.
She held on tight to him and kept her weight on the center of the bike. Her hands rubbed over his chest as she relaxed and enjoyed the scenery. There were tons of trees and valleys off to one side and large mountains growing on the right. 
At a red light, Sebastian brought his hand up to his chest and rubbed the back of her hand gently. She hugged him from behind and gave him some ‘I love you’ squeezes. He squeezed her hand back in return. 
They entered the mountain roads, speeding past forests and hiking trails. They hadn’t seen a car in miles.
The bike hummed pleasantly beneath her without the protection of the thick denim pants she usually wore. Then Sebastian revved the engine and it was more than pleasant. 
The vibration started rushing through her like an electric current. She blushed as the sensation continued. It was becoming a bit much. 
The only thing between her clit and the seat was the thin layer of cotton panties she wore. She breathed through it and tried to relax against his back. 
The engine revved higher and her fingers dug into his chest. She held him in a vice grip and shifted in her seat. 
The bike wavered and Sebastian turned his head for a moment to look back at her. He then quickly looked back at the road, keeping his eyes on it.
The vibration of the bike's seat felt even more incredible. She shifted minutely, trying not to make the bike come unbalanced but the assault to her clit was becoming too much. 
He sped off down the mountain road, but she wasn’t paying attention to the beautiful scenery anymore. 
Her legs were shaking and her stomach muscles clenched as shockwaves rippled through her core. The orgasm hit her like a bus. She gasped and clung to Sebastian, fighting the urge not to rock her hips for some delicious friction. 
The bike's unrelenting vibrations assaulted her now oversensitive clit.
She couldn’t stop the moans that escaped her as another orgasm was pulled from her. Her thighs clamped down on the bike as her body pulsed. 
Her cries of pleasure were audible in the wind as one orgasm melted into another and another. 
The seat and her panties were soaked from the wetness making the seat harder to stay on. She felt herself sliding, but the death grip she had on Sebastian kept her centered. 
She must have been knocking the air out of his lungs with the strength of her grip but there had been no reaction from him at all, even when she screamed out in pleasure. 
The vibrations changed slightly giving her a break from the strong ones she’d been accosted with, and the orgasms finally stopped. She was sweating and gasping for breath. 
She smacked his chest and could feel his body rumble with laughter. She smacked him again and he revved the engine higher and, oh, fuck… he was doing this on purpose.
Her clit throbbed to the point of pain as her body responded to the higher vibrations. She was on the brink of madness as more orgasms piled on top of one another. 
She started paying attention to her surroundings again when the bike began to slow, striking gravel. Her panting was more audible without the motorcycle engine and wind whipping past to drown her out. Her rapid breathing fogged the visor of her helmet.
The bike came to a stop on the side of the road next to an impressive view of the mountains and forest below. 
She was limp against his back as the bike gently purred. Small tremors ran through her body with every breath she took. He cut off the bike but her body continued to hum with the ghost of the intense vibrations. 
Sebastian waited a moment before carefully peeling her hand off him. The kickstand came down and he slid off the bike. Removing his helmet revealed his messy brown waves. He spit out his gum onto the ground and set the helmet down carefully. 
As he walked over to her wearing a shit-eating grin.
She glared at him, but it wasn’t effective with the helmet on her head. She yanked it off and Sebastian carefully took it from her, setting it on the ground. 
Her hair was a mess sticking to her sweaty forehead, her cheeks a deep red, and her lips plump and swollen from biting them. 
“You did that on purpose!” She spat, placing her hands in front of her on the seat to hold herself up. 
He lifted his brows with a smirk. 
“How many times?” Sebastian asked in a cool tone. 
“What!?” She huffed, still glaring at her boyfriend. 
"How many times did you cum on my bike? How many?" He took off his sunglasses and hooked them in his back pocket. He wouldn’t need them again tonight as the sun set. She could see the spark of excitement in his eyes. 
"I…. I don't know.." she adjusted in the seat and felt how slick it was. 
She was in a state and wanted him to be just as much of a frazzled mess as she was.
Her legs were like jelly as she tried to stand. She would not be embarrassed by the wetness she left on the seat, she refused. 
Before she could get off the bike, Sebastian crouched down and looked at her at eye level. His eyes looked almost predatory as his finger slid over her bare thigh. Her skin ignited with his touch as he moved up and up, pushing her skirt the farther he went. 
She could feel the slickness all over her thighs and knew her panties were absolutely done for. 
“How many?” His tone was serious, sending shivers down her spine. 
She held her breath as his fingers reached the soaked fabric. He nudged where her clit was and her body jerked. 
“I-I don’t know! …I lost count.” MC trembled under his touch and gaze. 
He hummed with a small smile.
“Get off the bike.” He rakes his hand through his hair as he stands and waits for her. 
She tried again but her legs were trembling so much it took her a moment. Her skirt was sticking to her thighs and she looked a mess. 
Sebastian helped her, placing his hands on her waist and guiding her off the bike. Her feet slid on the gravel as he pulled her against his body. 
“You made a mess of my seat.” His lips twitched in a smirk.
It was very obvious just how much of a mess she’d made thanks to the state of the dehydrated leather. 
The world tilted and her chest was pressed down to the wet seat, ass in the air. She braced her hands on the bike to hold herself up. 
Sebastian flipped up her skirt and tugged her panties down to her ankles. Then his mouth was on her and she gasped. He licked her slit eagerly, pushing her thighs apart to go deeper, licking more of her. He latched his lips on her clit and he sucked hard. 
MC fell apart, legs trembling as she gasped his name.
He lapped at her until she was soaked anew, making her aching cunt quiver. She was a blubbering mess, writhing in the firm grip he had on her thighs. She hissed as he dug his fingers into her leg, pressing harder, keeping her in place. He held her apart and ate her out more lively than she’d ever seen. 
Sebastian moaned against her pussy and she arched her back. His tongue felt like sin and she couldn’t form words. 
"The way you taste…" Sebastian didn't comment further. He just hummed a satisfied sound.
A cool burst of air struck her dripping heat and she groaned at the loss of his mouth. 
She faintly heard the sound of a zipper over her own hysterics. Then the thick head of his cock pressed against her aching entrance and her whimpering became begging.
“Oh! Yes, please! Yes, yes!”
“Gods,” He murmured.
He took far too long to press his cock into her. She wanted to be filled, she was begging for it, dammit!
Sebastian presses in and the blunt head of his cock pops passed the tight entry of her pussy.
He sucks in a breath and grabs her hips firmly. He pulls her body, forcing her to take him to the hilt as he stands completely still. 
It was a snug fit and he waited a moment, lightly rocking his hips while her body accommodated him. 
Her feet slid on the gravel trying to find purchase. 
Sebastian angled himself then struck that one spot that counted. He wasn’t gentle with her, his thrusts were hard and fast as his fingers dug into her hips. 
“I have every intention of fucking you until you scream.” His voice was gruff as he slammed home over and over. 
She knew what he was capable of. He would absolutely fuck her until nothing else existed but his hand digging into her hips, his cock filling her pussy, and her voice horse from screaming in pleasure. 
Thank fuck they were in the middle of nowhere on a lesser-known road. She wasn’t capable of caring a single bit if a van full of camera-caring tourists drove by at this moment and watched. She wasn’t herself and neither was Sebastian. He fucked her primally, rough and hard. 
She had no idea how the strength of his thrusts hadn’t tipped over the bike, she certainly wasn't helping matters. Her walls fluttered with the relentless pleasure and Sebastian hissed. She could feel it… she was right there yet again.  
“Cum,” He growled. He panted as he yanked her hips back and back in tune with his thrusts. 
It was like a switch was flipped and she was flying, screaming, cuming so fucking hard around his cock. Her whole body shook from the force of the orgasm, the bike and Sebastian’s vice grip being the only things to keep her upright as he continued to fuck her. 
His strokes were long and gentle as she rode out the last of her climax. She was almost sobbing, moaning in pleasure, and feeling the pain of just how overworked her poor pelvic muscles were. She was going to be sore for days.
She whimpered, catching her breath, and finally looked up to see the view before them. Gods, she wished she cared, she really did, but he was picking up speed again. The wet sounds of skin on skin and her cries echoing were the only noises around. 
She pressed her forehead to the seat and hung on for dear life. He pulled her hips to meet every one of his thrusts. She lived for the soft grunts that escaped him, his small moans and heavy breaths as he used her body to seek his own pleasure. 
He squeezed her hips again digging his fingers in hard. She couldn’t possibly cum again, but he reached around and started teasing her clit, and… Fine! She guess she could cum again, and gods, it hurt so fucking good. 
Her vision went blurry and her eyes filled with actual tears. 
Sebastian’s grip tighten one last time as his hips slapped against her body. His cock pulsed and he moaned. He rested his chest against her back. His cock pulsed as he slowly rocked his hips through his pleasure.
Tears fell from her eyes and she wiped them off on her sleeve. It was all very overwhelming to her spent muscles.
He panted into her hair as he caught his breath. Her heart pounded against the seat, blood rushing and throbbing behind her eardrums. 
Finally, Sebastian released his bruising grip from her hips and rested his forearms on the seat on either side of her.
A quiet moment passed over them and then he was softly kissing her all over the back of her neck, biting her favorite spot below the ear. 
Wetness started cooling on her thighs as they settled there. She wanted nothing more than to be back at home in her bed with him, curled up and sleeping in his arms.
Sebastian huffed and stood up, pulling out of her more gently than usual. She nearly fell to her knees but he caught her. He chuckled and tugged her close to him, wrapping his arm around her and looking down. His chest rose and fell quickly as a smile tugged at his lips. 
She loved that his hair was sticking to his forehead as well and his cheeks were a nice rosy shade of red. He was nowhere near her level of disheveled, but it was a nice sight. 
“Think you can survive the ride back?” He kissed her forehead.
“Do NOT do that thing again!” 
He laughed and picked up her helmet off the gravel. “Fine, fine.” He smirked. 
“How did you even figure something like that out!?” MC took her helmet from him. 
“I was doing a bit of research on my bike, and-”
“Of course you were,” She cut him off. He knew too damn much, always researching this, and studying that. She glared at him for good measure before putting her helmet back on, making sure it was the last thing he saw. 
Sebastian smiled wider and kissed the forehead portion of her helmet before placing his back on. He tossed her a rag from his back pocket to wipe herself down with. He found her panties on the ground and quickly swiped them up, putting them in his jacket pocket. He took a seat and watched her in silence.
“...So romantic,” She said in a monotone voice, taking the rag to her thighs.
He observed as she cleaned up, resting his arms on the bike handles before pointing to her inner thigh. “Missed a spot.” 
She smacked his arm away. “Start the bike, Asshole!” 
His laugh rumbled from under the helmet, then the bike roared to life.
I like how the first words she says are the entire theme of the fic. That was a total accident. 
Thank you for reading! 
This was influenced by a fic I read like 5 years ago now about how motorcycles can be revved juuuust right to make someone get off. So, sorry if some motorcycle stuff wasn’t accurate. I’ve never owned one lol.
Masterlist is in my bio.  
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theoneiroveil · 9 months
Did you wake up on October 1st, 2016 to a very strange channel in your subscription box on Youtube?
Well if not, here is a little bit that channel.
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Soursalt is a series that began in 2016 with roughly 600 people waking up subscribed to it without knowing. That's a very real thing that happened, which is a great selling point of the story.
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Over the next few days these weirdly edited potato-quality home videos get uploaded and nobody has any idea what's going on. Some descriptions keep changing, some are pieces of conversations, etc. People are immediately hooked because what the fuck is going on? Then Madman Re starts getting mentioned, is it a place, a God, Freddy Krueger, who knows. More cryptic and weird dream videos get uploaded and then suddenly there's a break. This is the end of the prologue of the story.
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Suddenly, we started getting rapid fire uploads a few months later of these two idiots making a really shitty ghost hunter parody knock off sketch. This is basically meant to be like a needle in the haystack for viewers. There are moments in these videos that are completely filler and just dumb comedy or filler -- b u t there are teases that something is up sprinkled within these videos. You'll have one of them mention the path looks different (implying they scouted it out before hand), or they'll hear or see something the camera just straight up doesn't see of pick up. This continues on until it's obviously getting dark, but we don't see their journey home. Instead, a few days later, we're treated to another sketch. This time shit gets fucky.
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The two do the Ghost Guy routine on a haunted road by the woods, but as the move past the housed area towards the side of the park, their patience with each other starts running thin, they start hearing strange things, and feeling off. After taking a break off the road in a nearby Gazebo, they find a mysterious grave site and a stuffed monkey. Here, we learn out of character that they were filming at locations posted on a strange forum ; the same one implied to have launched the Soursalt spread.
After getting covered in some shit, blood and rot the characters introduce the audience to the Madman of Re as Aidan "Ghost Guy" Calloway touches the Window of a spooky run down bus and a ghastly hand touches his back -- all separated thematically by … a Window.
And this is where Soursalt takes you, into the Window; a terrifying physical nightmare space that seperates the viewer from their body and traps them in their own mind, a mind that can be easily manipulated by the Madman of Re.
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This is only the end's beginning.
Timeskip -- Seven Years Later:
The story returns with Eulacram on the eve of the Spread's seven year anniversary following Aidan as he struggles to live with the trauma of his past and present following the events he experienced in Soursalt. It's at this point where the shattering of Aidan's mind takes literal form and we're presented with various versions of him through a system that he calls the Crucible Channel.
Meanwhile, another entity has pursued the same goal as Madman Re and sought out those that were victims of various Spreads to put together what it calls the Eulacram Tribute, a tournament of survival that allows those touched by the Oneiroveil (the dream realm the Window is in) to compete for an evolution of their flesh. Aidan and the other Spread victims are unknowingly pulled into a shared dream where it seems reality is once again being manipulated as their lives are being toyed with. However, Aidan's access to the Crucible Channel may be prove useful in saving him and the other victims from this new nightmare.
Eulacram is designed both as an Epilogue to Soursalt and its own series. While Soursalt is to be seen as a more found-footage style story, Eulacram utilizes the idea posed by the prologue that the entity can create videos with dreams, to showcase a cinematic-like view of events within the story. Some episodes can transition between hand-held, cinematic handheld, and cinematic third person, to allow for a unique approach on telling the story.
New viewers of the series can pick up with Act 1 or Act 2 Eulacram (on 10/1/23) without having fully watched Soursalt or Eulacram's prologue ; which will allow for an easier transition into the new content while everything you need to know will be given to you through the story. Viewers of the past content, and even those part of the first 600 subscribers will get the full experience though, as they will have seen the journey of some of these characters from the beginning, understanding the trauma that led them to becoming who they are today.
Soursalt // Eulacram is unlike any other web series you have seen, or dreamed. It's dark, gritty, there's a talking lizard, it's sharp and brutal at times ; but comedic, light hearted and emotional at others. The characters feel real, their pain feels real. If you're looking for web series horror that breaks the mould, takes risks, and isn't afraid to pop out an eye or two… or three… or ---
Then on October 1st, 2023, you should wake up to a very strange channel in your subscription box on Youtube.
This is that channel.
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seeminglydark · 1 year
Idk if this means anything to you but I'm a comic artist who's had a hard time doing art for a few years. The first four was because of life hardship and lack of time/chronic pain, but now lately I've had time but a mental block. I'm creeping up on 30 and felt bad about myself for "missing out" on my opportunity to be a comic artist. It was really validating to see you post about being 41 (correct me if I'm wrong) especially since you have such wonderful comics that I've been following for a while now. It makes me feel less like I'm wasting my time putting my things in order when I "should" be drawing.
Hopefully this doesn't come across as offensive or anything. It was just comforting and validating. Anyway, big fan! Love your characters a whole lot and hope you have a good day!
Dear Anon
I am 41 years old. I have wanted to make comics my entire life. before my dad got sick, and my childhood kinda fell apart, all i did was draw. after that, i used the stories in my head to cope. life moved on. i was convinced not to accept a partial scholarship to an art school in California. life got hard. i worked at a hotel, and after i escaped an abusive relationship at 22 i hitchhiked/bused far far away to start over. i tried to make comics again, but i had to survive, and so i got another job doing the only thing i knew how to do, hotels. and i worked. and worked. and life got harder and times got heavier and i didn't get time to draw and i worked double hours, 15 to 17 hours a day. and i went four years without drawing a single thing.
i kept working myself into the ground. i was 29 now. i picked up a pen again and drew a red haired boy. he had a hard life and no love and no friends. his problems were on the outside, for everyone to see. he ran away but his problems went with him.
i was 32. surely i was too old now. my time to be an artist was gone. i had no school. no hope. i was so far behind the younger gen i saw online. i cried. all the time. i wrote stories in my email drafts while i worked shifts. i stayed up late trying to learn how to draw again. i cried some more. the boy grew. i called him Fiach. worthy. a raven. later i renamed him Avery. he was like a bird, he had wings, he was my hope. i started writing some friends for him. the people i wished i had around me.
i started finding time and space. i got a new job, something where i was lucky enough to set my own hours. for the first time i had a partner who believed in me. things were hard. but i was drawing now. and that helped.
i went on a road trip and i started drawing pages of an unnamed story on 6 by 8 paper in a sketchbook. i drew 20 of them. 'what could i call this?' i thought. Nothing Seems as Dark...no says my partner. Seemingly Dark. he made me a logo. i was 35. i bought an ipad, i cant do this on paper, its too much story i have too much to say. so i learned how to draw digitally by tracing my own trad art pages.
I spoke to my dad for the last time on June 17th, fathers day that year. he said 'you're good. i'm proud. and you're gonna do amazing things. none of this is your fault. and we will speak again soon.' i didn't know id never hear his voice again. he died a week later.
i turned 36. i kept trying. i'm old, i don't understand the internet. how can i share this?
i stumbled across Lore Olympus. i was introduced to webcomics. id read comics online before but the thought never occurred to me. i opened an account on Tapas. and then i stared at it. what if no one likes it. what if its bad. my art isn't good. i should wait til i'm better. but will i ever really be better? or will i always believe that tomorrow is better? do it now. if even one person gets something out of this story, this story about a boy who is you, a boy who looking for hope, a boy who might make it, then that is enough isn't it.
June 17th 2018 i launched Seemingly Dark.
SD's five year anniversary is in a week. 0ver 700 pages. leaps and bounds in progress with my skills. a printed comic under my belt as of monday. i was always a storyteller. but i was always an artist too.
I am 41 years old, dear anon. I did not truly embark on this journey til i was 35. life got in the way. even now, chronic illness gets in the way. but its worth it. its never ever too late. i believe in you the way my dad believed in me. i reset my life again and again. but I was always an artist. and if thats who you are, and who you want to be, even if things dont go the way you wished they could, you're an artist too.
im 41 years old. i speak about my age, even though i often feel too old to belong in spaces, cuz really, in this case age is just a number. take care of yourself. do what you need to do. and little by little, when your able, carve out your space until it becomes more of a habit. sometimes i think about all the years i lost not drawing or creating. but there's a lot of factors that make me believe had i made my story then, it wouldn't be the story it is now, i needed to live a bit. i needed to find myself. i know this was long, but i just wanted you to see i also had to put my life in order, and getting notes like this reminds me it wasnt at all a waste. im glad i could offer you some comfort. thats honestly the best compliment i could ever receive.
TL;dR I was 35 when i sat down and seriously started making comics, because life always got in the way and so did my confidence. i always feared being too old. im 41 now, still going strong.
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oldguardleatherdog · 3 months
The September 11th roleplay consulting post: a gift that keeps on giving.
Hey faithful folks and followers, friends old and new, it's late in the kennel and I've got an early class and should be in bed but wanted to drop a note about the 9/11 roleplay post where I offered to be a consultant for a Discord server reenactment that's picked up more than 100,000 notes since my addition last August.
Seven months down the road, it continues to draw comments and reactions that pop up from time to time in my mentions. A few are designed to work my nerve, of course, but the vast majority are a balm to my spirit. Most are variations of "he had me in the first half ngl", keyboard smashes abound, many make me laugh out loud, and I truly wish Tumblr allowed reactions or direct replies to tags because so many ask me how I'm doing, want to know more (and I still get direct messages about it, which I encourage), and express respect and warmth that makes my heart just want to burst.
I get a lot of grief across social media as a queer activist, especially these days, and my initial foray into Tumblr was marred by a 10,000-person brigading of a stoner post I made that was picked up by some 20-year-old in Scotland of all places who thought it sport to make fun of a 60-year-old pup player with AIDS ("I wish he died in 9/11" is a memorable comment, and I'm afraid I'll never forgive a certain were--something who joined in) followed by a mass reporting that wiped out my queer resource blog (and you can be sure I haven't stopped trying to get it restored)... but the reactions to my toss-off dark humor post as a September 11th Survivor have wiped that slate clean, and my time here is a joy and a blessing and always, always well-spent and worthwhile.
For the record: I'm doing fine. My PTSD is well-treated and rarely troubles me, my performance art and music career has never been more active and vital, and I'm working as a director for a trans rescue organization (www.rainbowpassage.org, please give us a look and spread the word), on the front lines of queer activism where I have always belonged.
I have a beautiful family whom I cherish, my Master and I will celebrate our first wedding anniversary in a week and my 62nd birthday the next day (15 years together on 4/20!), and I treasure each and every one of you. Thank you for reading my various barks and howls, for being a part of my Tumblr journey, and for your presence in my life.
Best woofs always, Animal aka pup bruzr
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rosie-kairi · 10 months
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"Xehanort… Do you see now?"
"There's them... and there's us."
Redraw of this piece from last year.
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Happy anniversary, VII
I cannot believe it's been a whole year since I posted VII. I wrote and posted it at a pretty dark time for me, and figured it'd be a weird little oneshot that some people might like but would ultimately just kind of. exist.
That is not what happened. I'm still overwhelmed by the response it got. To the folks who loved it and left such wonderful comments, you will never know how much that mattered to me -- and still matters to me. And to everyone who has shared their love for the sequel or helped build that world with me, thank you all so, so much. It's been so fun and such a thrill to see your reactions and your support for my codependent trauma buddies.
I was really hoping to have a new chapter of A long, hard road to post today, but the brain is just not braining right now. Fingers crossed for March 19 (the anniversary of ALHR)!
If you haven't read VII/ALHR, you can read them here: Your legs give way, you hit the ground
I cursed my readers with this snippet, so now Tumblr gets cursed too. (If you haven't read any of it yet, this is not indicative of the fic whatsoever):
Maybe-canon-but-probably-not omake: Because no one has any chill whatsoever “Okay, so you think it’s romantic that he would, like, literally sew you two together if he could. We’re going to ignore how weird that is for the moment.” “Ronald…” “But mate, he’s a giant, skeletal snake-man. You can’t honestly say you find him attractive.” Harry mutters something under his breath that sounds a little too much like, “Oh, can’t I?” for his friends’ tastes. “Is this some problematic holdover of your infatuation with the diary horcrux?” Hermione asks as Harry sputters and turns bright red. “No!” he shouts. And, after a suspicious delay, “And I wasn’t ‘infatuated’ with the diary!” Ron and Hermione both give him a look at that. Traitors. “Psychologists would fight to the death for the chance to sort through all your issues, Harry.” “Sy-ko-wha?” “Good to know if I ever decide to hold gladiatorial contests,” Harry says dryly. The topic of conversation dies out for a couple minutes before Ron turns back to Harry and looks him dead in the eye. “So, given the chance – you would bang the snake-man?” Hermione puts her head in her hands and regrets several life choices. Harry sighs. “Like a screen door in a hurricane.” Ron chokes on air.  “Harry!” “He asked!”
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aethon-recs · 1 year
30 Tomarrymort Recs for February 2023
I keep telling myself that I won't do month-by-month recs and that they're too much of a commitment, but then a month like February hits where there were so many knock-out Tomarrymort fics published that I couldn’t resist celebrating all the incredible works posted in the last month, including for two Tomarrymort-themed fests. Apologies that this is coming a bit late in the month — it took me quite some time to write up thoughts on each due to the huge influx of unforgettable fic in February!
Criteria for this list: one-shot, complete, published in February 2023, in alphabetical order by title. It’s quite an extensive list, but every single one of these is worth reading.
Tomarrymort Recs (February 2023)
A Lesson Learned Well by @ellionne (M, 2k)
A very creepy take on a captive Harry and how he slowly starts to lose his mind until Voldemort can get him to do anything. ‘Anything’ includes some pretty gruesome cannibalism and other horrors!
Amensalism by @cindle-writes (E, 6k)
Tentacle sex! Inspired by the Venom movie! Harry/Scarcrux based off Eddie/Venom! Need I say more?
Anchor the Moon by Xenjn (M, 8k)
A very cool spin on genderswapped Tom and Harry who attend Hogwarts together! No matter the setting or era, Harry is obsessed with stalking Tom and proving she’s up to no good.
Anniversary by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
The last place that Harry would want to have sex is back in his cupboard at 4 Privet Drive. Yet Voldemort still takes him there for their anniversary. The mind games in here are absolutely top-tier!
Because it is his by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (E, 2k)
An experiment in polyjuice leads Harry to discover that Tom is extremely attracted to… Tom. A truly hilarious take on Tom Riddle’s unhinged and unparalleled levels of narcissism!
Cynosure by @wolfantlersinspace (E, 3k)
When Voldemort steps out of the cauldron, he is the hottest man in existence. We've all seen that scene in the 4th movie! Harry can’t help but feel the same way, despite how much he tries to resist it...
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k)
A brooding, pensive glimpse into a day in the life of Harry who’s been raised by Voldemort. How Harry yearns for him, yet never quite gets the emotional fulfillment he so craves is heartbreaking! I gasped at the ending!
Frigid by @mrviran (E, 3k)
I don’t know if the world is ready yet for Puritanical Voldemort, but if you think you might be, this fic does it BEST. The way Voldemort fixes Harry is so… chilling (pun intended — it'll all be clear once you read the fic!)
Honeyguide by @cannibalinc (E, 7k)
Tom, an unmatched Omega, is determined to have Harry as his Alpha, no matter the costs. The rut scene is so intense, with Harry completely losing control in a very sexy (and dangerous!) way.
Identity by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Harry and Tom go on a road trip together to celebrate their anniversary. The reveals in this fic were SO GOOD, I didn’t see any of them coming — crowthing skillfully delivers intricately layered tangled plots-within-plots in just 5k words.
In the library by @chiocchi (G, Art)
Harry and Tom studying in the library — with an adorable depiction of Tom letting his guard down around Harry. Both the scene and the coloring are so very soft!
Insatiate by @vdoshu (E, 2k)
A very bleak and dark take on an AU where Voldemort wins and Harry lives a very empty life, only to be filled by Voldemort’s cocks and some magical immortality juice.
it's kind of tripping me up babe, i've got it bad for you by @limonium-anemos (E, 3k)
Harry and Voldemort get isekai'ed into a cursed romance-novel AU. I love how all the long-standing love and trust between Harry and Voldemort shines through in this fic, as they make the best of their time in this very wacky erotica setting by fucking each other's brains out.
Keepsake by IceLynx (M, 5k)
Harry suffering from amnesia wakes up with Voldemort telling him that they're in a relationship. But when the pieces don’t quite add up, Harry discovers the horrifying truth. A very creative twist at the end!
アンバランスなKissをして by vash (E, 2k)
A show-stopping alternate ending to the Final Battle, with Harry asking for a final kiss from Voldemort. 
Matriphagy by @being-luminous (M, 2k)
This fic takes the whole “Voldemort hunting Harry because of a prophecy” origin story, and adds a vampire twist to it. The floaty and detached vibe is a really nice contrast to the visceral horrors of what’s happening on-page — very skillfully done!
Phalanx by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
There’s a reason why Voldemort doesn’t wear shoes, which Harry, to his horror (and our delight), finds out firsthand. The foot worship in here is magnificently over-the-top in very satisfying detail.
Quiet as the Moon by @itsevanffs (M, 2k)
A Beauty and the Beast AU that’s a sequel to @duplicitywrites’ Certain as the Sun. I thought what was a really nice touch is how we see the state of their (unhappy) relationship through flashbacks interspersing the main action — in just a few sentences, itsevanffs manages to paint a picture of a very wretched existence for Harry, before he takes matters into his own hands. 
Research and Development by @cannibalinc (E, 6k)
Voldemort captures Harry and proceeds to experiment on him. And by ‘experiment’, I mean, carve Harry up and fuck him with his hemipenes in delightfully gratuitous, violent and unrestrained, and gushingly hot fashion.
Right in Front of My Salad? by IceLynx (T, 2k)
Draco Malfoy dies right in the middle of Harry and Tom’s kitchen (rude). A hilarious sequence of misunderstandings ensues, which leave you with no doubt that Harry and Tom are absolutely perfect for each other.
Run Boy Run by @youknowmevj (E, 6k)
The ultimate chase & capture fic. The anticipation builds with every one of Harry’s steps as he's trying to run away, and we’re left with some delicious emotional manipulation and a very hot wall sex scene at the end. 
silk of midnight and dawn by @ilya-zzz (E, 3k)
Such a cool concept! Harry and Tom decide to become animagi, and when Tom transforms into his animagus form, his animal instincts kick in... and Harry is right there unable to defend himself...
Tantrums by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Featuring the brattiest Tom I’ve ever come across, and an incredibly impulsive Harry who can’t resist Tom’s allures. You'd think this combination would automatically spell destruction and disaster, but they actually work out really well together in a surprisingly compatible way!
Tearing me apart (like a new emotion) by @rudehellion (E, 2k)
As this fic progresses, the horror of what’s happening to Harry in his forced marriage to Voldemort continues to build and build. Not only is Harry getting taken part physically, he’s also getting taken apart mentally ("Every night, there’s a little more trust to break.") I loved what the ending implies for Voldemort’s favorite hobby.
That's Your Boyfriend by @solavonn (G, Art)
This artwork is so cute!! Depicting Harry who's overwhelmed by how hot his Quidditch boyfriend Tom is. Harry's not the only one — Solavonn's Tom Riddle art is always so good-looking that we all feel the same way, Harry!
The Green Herring by @duplicitywrites (G, 1k)
A hilarious cracky take on what exactly Tom Riddle thinks of his boyfriend Harry’s very special, very extraordinary, very memorable eye colour. 
The sweet burn of venom by @loneamaryllis (E, 4k)
SMOKIN’ HOT ABO! Harrie goes through her first heat, and Voldemort provides relief, but is he really there, or is it a (very hot) dream?
thrice-bound, twice-filled by @cindle-writes (E, 4k)
Voldemort. Hemipenes. Double-stuffing Harry. A perfect setup for a very hot pwp!
We're (Not) Together by @vdoshu (E, 3k)
This fic is the EPITOME of gaslighting and manipulation. An extremely controlling Tom refuses to accept that he and Harry aren’t still together… or are they?
you alone of all creatures by @duplicitywrites (E, 3k)
I love the concept of Tom having an illicit affair with his very sexy and married Professor Potter. All the sneaking around is SO HOT as he seduces Harry and cracks open his defenses bit-by-bit.
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wonderlandwriting · 1 month
Muttering and pacing trying to piece together all the clues regarding Episode 7's unique SSRs so that I can hazard a guess about Scarabia's and here's what I've come up with so far:
Rook's new SSR most likely means that the story will be going through all the dorms in a backwards order, which in turn means that we've gone through Diasomnia and Ignihyde already.
Out of all the 6 characters who could have gotten SSRs, Ortho, Lilia and Sebek indeed did, while Malleus, Silver and Idia didn't.
Malleus and Idia are OB victims and OB!Idia having become a playable character in the latest update seems to suggest that we'll get OB SSRs in the future but not for now; regardless it already establishes that Jamil will not be getting a SSR when we go through Scarabia. It also explains why Mal and Idia remain cardless.
It does not explain why Silver remains cardless though, for which I have two possible theories: 1) in the ignisomnia group he's the only second year and that might be related to him not getting a card yet for thematic reasons yet to be disclosed, or 2) narratively he isn't quite there in terms of character development (he needs to fully accept and forgive himself first) and therefore will get a card later down the road, possibly in the final showdown against Malleus?
From a marketing perspective however, the first theory doesn't make sense, because that'd mean that we'd get no new SSRs during the Scarabia-focused update and that's just not what Twst has been doing so far. Even for Ignihyde's updates Ortho's SSR was released because gacha money go brrrr + shiny new SSR means shiny new marketing which means more gacha money going brrrr
So it makes sense that Scarabia, being the other two-persons dorm, would follow in Ignihyde's footsteps and not release Jamil's OB SSR just yet, but give us a Kalim SSR instead. The remaining question is, just what would this SSR be about?
Muttering and pacing intensifies. There's a theory going around that the Episode 7 SSRs reference Twst's 3rd anniversary new titles, and so far it seems to hold up:
Ortho's Guardian of the Underworld → literally KERBERUS gear. Mythical Guardian of the Underworld gear dasfgdhfjfgj
Lilia's Seeker of Cradles → deadass referencing post-war General Vanrouge's desperate quest for a way to hatch Malleus
Sebek's Knight of Lightning → dark fae knight with lightning-based UM and accompanying imagery, pretty straightforward
And of course Idia called himself the "King of the Underworld" and Mal is literally the future ruler of the "Abyss", foreshadowing and set up for their future OB SSRs is foreshadowing and set up. Just as Silver being Mal's knight and having a dream-related UM does too.
Just what does this mean for Kalim's Benevolent Sovereign of the Oasis title.
Scarabia does have its own Oasis Maker-made oasis and it wouldn't be hard to release a first-year Kalim SSR showcasing that his ideal world is one where he gets to relive the joy of going to NRC so that he can see Jamil after two months and they remain best friends forever over and over again, but also. From a design perspective that's just boring, as Scarabia's regular student uniform isn't that different from its dorm leader uniform.
Which is why my theory is that Kalim's SSR will depict him in Sultan-inspired, fancy attire that he wears back home as a wealthy heir. And I'm of two minds for the circumstances regarding it, and therefore the context behind Kalim's dreamworld: 1) it is indeed first-year Kalim and it just happens that he hasn't changed into NRC's uniform yet, or 2) Kalim's dream is about something else entirely, possibly about him inheriting the Asim state and ushering in a new era of prosperity in Silk City.
Glancing at the fireworks event and how it depicts Kalim sincerely wanting to follow in his dad's and grandfather's footsteps as someone who'll bring positive change to his home. Thinking about the Dance&Wishes event and how Kalim's wish was "I want everyone to be happy!"
I'm of a 50/50 mind on whether or not Kalim's dream will have Jamil by his side, but I think that the overall depiction of him as Silk City's de-facto ruler making sure that everyone is happy is a scenario that makes sense, and from a visual perspective would make for a gorgeous SSR.
Like. Concept art Sultan can get it, it's what I'm saying. (also let Kalim wear white Twst, he loves the colour dammit!)
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hbyrde36 · 1 year
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Updated 06/05/2024
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No Vacancy
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When Eddie Munson arrives at the Buckingham Beach Motel to spend the summer with his BFF Chrissy and her business partner Robin, the last person he expects to see waiting in the lobby is former king of Hawkins High and asshole extraordinaire, Steve fucking Harrington.
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Times Like These
Anniversary Post
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When Eddie finds himself back in his living room, staring down a very alive Chrissy Cunningham, after just having bled to death himself in the middle of a nightmare world, he was rightfully very, very fucking confused. -Or- What happens when the new guy, who only just got inducted into the fucked up world of monsters and mayhem, gets stuck in a time loop and finds himself responsible for saving everyone?
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I Don't Think We're In Hawkins Anymore, Big Boy
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After being run off the road in a freak accident during a terrible storm, Steve and Eddie find that not only have they committed vehicular manslaughter, but they’ve also somehow been whisked away to a strange land. The journey is rough and they are being hunted for revenge, but through it all Steve and Eddie grow closer than ever as they try and find their way home with the help of some new friends with familiar faces. -Or- Steddie Wizard of Oz
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Hellfire Ink
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Written for the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024
Not for the first time, Eddie was really regretting his decision to book a client on a Friday night, a new client at that. It wasn’t as if he had anything better to do, exactly. There were no dates on his calendar, and going out to random bars and clubs on the weekends to look for quick hook-ups had begun losing its appeal lately. But it’d been a long week, and he’d much rather be getting ready to plop down on the couch with Chrissy to split a bottle of red wine while they watched Drag Race, than preparing to do a cover up for some idiot who’d gotten their girlfriend’s name tattooed on his body, only to fall victim to—The Curse. Ask any tattoo artist and they’d be the first to tell you, there was no surer way to guarantee a breakup than to ink your significant other’s name on your body forever.
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Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
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For years Eddie has been playing D&D with his cousin Dustin and his friends. It’s a crazy home brew campaign of his own design that plays fast and loose with the lore, weaving in heavily embellished events from their real lives. They play themselves, filling out a full cast of NPC’s with the likenesses of friends, family, and strangers. It’s been a wild ride. The game is set in Hawkins, but not quite their Hawkins. This manifestation of their hometown is full of dark secrets, including a shady government agency, evil scientists, and another dimension full of dangerous creatures hiding on the other side of reality. They’ve just wrapped their most recent session before spring break 1986. It was a bittersweet end to an epic part of the story. A blast to play through, but they didn’t beat the bad guy, and the party has been left in ruins. Eddie’s character is dead, one of their favorite NPC’s is in a coma, and the world has literally split apart at the seams. Honestly, Eddie’s not sure how they come back from this. - In 1983 Steve Harrington joined the search for a missing boy and found something he never bargained for. In 1984 Steve Harrington disappeared.
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Honey, You're Familiar
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Written for the Stranger Things Writer's Guild Hozier Project, a collection of one-shots inspired by songs from Hozier's self titled album. The word count limit was 3,000 and I chose the song From Eden
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🖤The Crawl
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Inspired by the VERY little information we have about the Stranger Things writer's plans for season 5 Time travel stories love to play with the idea that one small act can have an incredible impact on the future. What if, in a crazy twist of fate, Will Byers was rescued from the Upside Down a day early and with just a little knowledge of what was to come. Would it be enough to change everything?
POV Will Byers, POV Eddie Munson, POV Steve Harrington, time shenanigans, fix-it of sorts, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, falling in love, confessions, first kiss, character death, HAPPY ENDING
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Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
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Steve Harrington is an animator. It’s a job that involves raising the dead; sometimes as a service for mourning relatives looking for closure, often as a tool for the courts to settle disputes. He is also a licensed vampire hunter. Two years ago, vampirism became legal in the United States, granting its undead population citizenship. With this new legal status comes a complication for Steve, as he finds himself tasked with helping the very creatures he is accustomed to killing. Speaking of complications, Steve struggles in more ways than one when he finds himself working closely with none other than Eddie Munson, an undeniably sexy several-hundred-years old master vampire. Or, The Anita Blake/Steddie mashup that nobody asked for but I’m having far too much fun with.
Modern AU, Vampire AU (Anita Blake AU/mashup),  aged up characters, enemies to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut, dream sex, vampires, wereanimals, zombies, other supernatural things eventually
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Shelter In Place
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Written for Lex’s Spicy Six Summer Challenge! My prompt was : Hurricane
When a major Hurricane is projected to hit Hawkins (technically it’s more like the remnants of a hurricane, but the residents of Hawkins don’t really know the difference or care), Dustin is worried about his new friend and DM, Eddie Munson, who lives in a trailer, a structure not known for its resilience against severe weather. He invites the older boy to ride the storm out with him and his mom at home, unaware that she has made arrangements for them to stay with family that live far away from the storm's trajectory. Dustin doesn’t want to leave his friend high and dry, enter everyone’s favorite babysitter: Steve Harrington.
🌊Caught in the Undertow
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Steve saved Eddie from certain death. Eddie doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to forgive him for it.
Post season 4, angst with happy ending, slow burn, “enemies” to friends to lovers, suicidal thoughts, POV alternating, the best uncle Wayne Munson
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lady-bess · 23 days
An Open Letter to Fanfiction
Today, on the 15th of May 2024, marks a special day for me. Specifically it is a special day for one particular work of mine over on A03.
A Rough Sketch.
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Now, I don't usually talk about this fic on my social media. In fact, with it being RPF, I have made a conscious decision not to. It exists on my profile for those who are interested to read on, and for those who would rather not read RPF, I don't actively promote it.
But today, I'd like to discuss it. Not so much to promote the work, but rather as a way to talk about how that worked fundamentally changed my life.
And how, had it not been for that work, I'd probably not be here today.
I was talking with some friends the other day about why we personally write fanfiction. Is it to share stories? Sure! Is it to find people with common ground? Yeah, of course! Fandoms are a wonderful place, and finding more people to talk about your interests with is always a delight.
But it got me thinking; why do I write? And so, on on the anniversary of A Rough Sketch, I decided now was a good a time as any to reflect. To look back on this last year, and what led me to be where I am today.
A Rough Sketch, for me, was the beginning of a journey. A journey which helped me process a grief I didn't even realise I was harbouring. What started as a silly little idea based on a trope I (shamefully) adore, the classic "meet the love of your life in a quaint coffee shop", became a story that has currently reached over 26,000 people.
The more I wrote, the greater the community I found online, and one by one those individuals found their way here onto my Tumblr, or onto my Twitter (@/this15theway, by the way!).
From these interactions I've forged friendships and loves that will last me a lifetime. I have grown closer to more people in this last year, and forged deeper connections with some, than with people I have known in my every day life for years. The power of the written word brought kindred spirits together, and created bonds that won't be broken.
That is why I write. Community. Friendship. Love. Belonging.
And writing, at the end of all this, has saved me.
I've had one hell of a year. I won't dive too much into it here, but I've taken some huge steps up in my career, while simultaneously experiencing my mental health hit absolute rock bottom. If you told me a year ago I'd be in therapy and on anti-depressants today, I wouldn't have believed you. Naively I thought that I would never need such things, that I was fine! Alas, I was not.
But what I also wouldn't have believed was that I kept writing. That A Rough Sketch, as well as so many other of my works, would reach far beyond my imagination. That I'd one day have my own online community over on Twitter full of people who love and enjoy the same things of me.
That, once again, I would have a sense of belonging in this world.
To everyone who I have met this last year, be that someone who I haven't heard much from recently, or those of you who are in my inbox daily - thank you. Words can never describe just how much you all changed my life. I wouldn't have much life left in me if I hadn't gone down this road, and truthfully now I cannot see my life without you all in it. You litter my life like stars speckle the dark night sky, brightening up an otherwise somber existence.
While this post, this "letter", is for me rather personal and stems from one particular work, I hope that there is something here which resonates across to many of you reading. Author, or reader, I hope that everyone experiences this same sense of community and belonging that I have this last year.
Happy Birthday A Rough Sketch. Thank you.
If you want to read the work referenced, the link can be found here. This will be my only promotion for the series, given the content.
Thank you, each and every one of you.
All my love,
LadyBess xox
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