gibz-n-things · 2 years
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happy halloween from bly manor 👻👻
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bvrtysbvtches · 8 months
i'd let kate siegel drown me in a lake
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wierdshenanigans · 8 months
Dani could have survived with a simple altercation of the plot-
Miles and Rebecca get tucked away in a dream and Peter Quint takes control of them. Flora gets tucked away when Rebecca takes control of her.
But Dani? She is still in control. Because Viola doesn't have any memories. She can't control Dani. So Viola goes dream-hopping. She remembers her heartbreaking past. She's tired, and lonely, and so her stubbornness fades away in place of sadness.
Viola's spirit finally leaves for whatever comes after death. And Dani and Jamie tell the ghost story at Flora's wedding together, still inlove and happy, but Dani's eyes are both blue and her head is clear without the spirit of Viola with her.
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
btw it's you, it's me, it's us. If you even care.
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multiverse-of-fandom · 5 months
Just a dark Damie + Viola meme:
Dani and Jamie: *Being happy for 13 years*
Viola during those 13 years:
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alllcirclespresuppose · 4 months
Feedback Fest 2024
These are in no particular order and they are all from a few different fandoms. Just 10 fics that I love.
Increments of Longing by QuickYoke: Though I've read fic off and on for a number of years, this is the first fic that I loved as much as I loved my favorite books. The story is built well, the tension is built just right, and everything really pays off in the end. I'd only read a smattering of Jaina/Sylvanas fics before this, but it made me search out a lot more. Warcraft & World of Warcraft fandom | Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner
of greater marvels yet to be by seabiscuit: I'm a sucker for religious questioning and queer desire. The build up is sooooo good, so many scenes felt so palpable. As a former Very Religious Kid(TM) who has a lot of complicated feelings about it, this did such a good job of holding the religious pieces gently in its hands while also not shying away from how complicated it makes everything and sometimes how uncomplicated it makes everything. Warrior Nun fandom | Ava Silva/Sister Beatrice
Equilibrium by caesurae: If someone had told me I'd ever read a Pacific Rim crossover I would have laughed. Especially if they told me that I would love it. The characters just really work here and I think it does a good job of showing how people can connect and love and understand each other even when it's not romantic. Overwatch fandom | Pharah/Mercy
the spectres vain by QuickYoke: this was the fic that got me into the Bly Manor fandom. I had really liked the show, but hadn't really explored much in the fandom. But I subscribe to QuickYoke and I got a notification about this fic and loved it. And then I loved many a Bly fic after. The Haunting of Bly Manor fandom | Dani Clayton/Jamie & Dani Clayton/Viola Lloyd/Jamie
i broke my bones playing games with you by mooosicaldreamz: I love Peggy Carter, and though Peggy/Angie isn't actually my favorite pairing, I think it's a great one. This is just a nice little modern day AU where Peggy is Captain America (written before we had our Captain Carter) and she meets Angie and they eventually fall in love. Agent Carter fandom | Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli
not quite enemies, not quite allies by afterism: Peggy/Dottie is my favorite Peggy Carter pairing, though it doesn't necessarily lend itself to very longform fics. It's just smut, but I think it's a good enemies to lovers that moves very quickly and ends really believably. And kind of makes me wish there was more fic to go with it. Agent Carter fandom | Peggy Carter/Dottie Underwood
there's a funeral in your eyes by nirav: I love this for everything that goes through Ava's mind as she is dealing with the person she loves being possessed and trying to kill her. I really love this scene being reimagined as if Beatrice had been possessed, and I especially love how this fic does it. Warrior Nun fandom | Ava Silva/Sister Beatrice
Three Nights by lecriteuse: In Dragon Age: Origins I've always had my warden romance Leliana. She's my favorite character, I like having her around as much as possible no matter what game I'm playing. But when I met Josephine and had her tell me a bit of her background, I restarted my game and made it so my warden had never romanced Leliana so I could let her and Josephine have a go at it before Inquisition. This fic does a great job of putting that into writing. Dragon Age: Inquisition fandom | Leliana/Josephine Montilyet
who needs comfortable love by the_ominous_owl: This was just a really fun take on the Warrior Nun mythology. And a really well thought out and written play on it. Considering we'll only have the two seasons, this slots in really nicely to the gaps of questions left behind. It's also really cute. Warrior Nun fandom | Ava Silva/Sister Beatrice
bring home a haunting by QuickYoke and youngbloodbuzz: If the spectres vain is what got me into the Bly Manor fandom, then this is what made me stay. I looked forward to this fic every week, often staying up very late as the chapters got longer. This is the fic I return to when I finish a rewatch because it does a really good job of conveying a lot of the same emotions and themes. Bly Manor's big theme of ghost stories and love stories being the same thing is really, really present here: what if the the ghosts of our past came back and our emotions continued to haunt us until we confronted them? The Haunting of Bly Manor fandom | Dani Clayton/Jamie
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ofaflower · 1 year
muse tags
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
...okay but also now I need Agatha and Agnes as an adept/cavalier pairing.
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moonflower-28 · 5 months
The fact that what started The Haunting Of Bly Manor was Viola Lloyd and all her anger and her spite and her selfishness and her possessiveness mistaken for manifestations of love.
Viola, who was unwilling to allow her disease to take away her life so stubbornly to the point that death stopped coming to her house. When she believed her death imminent in the near future, she made her husband vow, not to move on or to find happiness, but to store away her most valued possessions - and therefore herself -  and give them only to their daughter when she came of age. She remained trapped with those possessions within a trunk in the attic until the day it was opened, not by her daughter, but by her sister, who became her first victim. She was abandoned by her family for her sin, and from that point forward her rage and her belief in the unfairness of her circumstance trapped not only her but all those who died on the grounds of Bly.
The fact that Peter Quint died taken by the lady in the lake and dragged Rebecca down with him and that every aspect of their relationship was based on possession.
The fact that Dani faced the same choice but didn't even consider for one second putting Jamie's life at risk. The fact that Jamie wanted to go down with her, but Dani refused to do so. The fact that every aspect of their relationship was based on love.
And the fact that that is what broke the curse.
"People do, don't they? Mix up love and possession?" "Yeah." "I don't think that should be possible."
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novelconcepts · 1 month
A thought hit me out of nowhere…. Dani and Jamie should have tried roller coasters. Just fling the Lady of the Lake outta Dani as it goes through seven loops….
Hoping the mental image gave you a giggle.
This genuinely did make me laugh, as well as prompt two distinct images at the same time
One: the canon approach, in which the attendees of Cedar Point are gifted a shrieking, bewildered, Kate-Siegel-shaped woman plummeting straight out of the air into an ice cream cart (Dani and Jamie dismount from the coaster and immediately plan to get married at this very park)
Two: the Walking with the Lady approach, in which Dani has a nice time, Jamie has an AWFUL time, and the Lady in question demands they ride the Millenium Force 15 times in a row because it’s the most alive she’s felt in hundreds of years (Jamie insists on the car ride home they are never returning; Viola disagrees with the confident petulance of a fussy toddler; you’re welcome to guess who wins)
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wingsofhcpe · 5 months
people calling bly manor a "bury your gays" story much have watched a completely different show, there's no other realistic explanation for this level of misunderstanding.
"But in the end Dani dies!" Yes, after almost 15 happy years with the love of her life! Surprise, Karen, no human being lives forever, and this story showed you exactly what happens when two people try to stay together forever (they turn into vengeful ghosts who drag everyone else around them into purgatory! Yikes!). Someone eventually dying after many happy years of living with their significant other is literally the circle of life, and Jamie and Dani got so much time together that literally no other couple in the show did (Owen/Hanna, Henry/Charlotte, Rebecca/Peter no matter how toxic they were, even Viola/Arthur). Also, did you notice that the only couple that got to be happy and spend a big portion of their lives together was the sapphic one? How is that "burying the gays"?!
I truly feel like online pseudo-activism and fandom culture has absolutely ruined some people's ability to see a story for its entire meaning and not just "bwaaa ship happy/sad!", and also apparently nuance and literacy/critical thinking are dead, but what else is new.
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3 AM thoughts: A hannigram and Margot/Alana Bly manor AU
Will as Rebecca Jessel
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Hannibal as peter quint
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Margot as Dani Clayton
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Alana as Jamie Taylor
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Bella Crawford as Hanna Grose
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Jack Crawford as Owen Sharma
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Miriam as Viola Willoughby( aka lady of the lake )
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Abigail as Flora
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Fredrick Chilton as the Uncle Henry Wingrave
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wierdshenanigans · 8 months
Dani has full control of herself when she invites Viola into her body. Unlike Miles, Flora and Rebecca. Which implies Viola went dream-hopping instead of Dani and also that Dani is built different
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shipposttt · 7 months
The Ship of the Day: Damie
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Name: Dani x Jamie
Ship name: Damie
Original Content: The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)
Ship Info: The Haunting of Bly Manor is a show set in rural England where Dani (an American) goes to work as a nanny for two children – Flora and Miles. The children’s parents died and since then they have been in the custody of their uncle who works away from their home and leaves them in the care of the cook Owen, the housekeeper Hannah and the gardener Jamie. With their previous nanny Rebecca having been found dead, they needed a new nanny – enter Dani. 
Dani and Jamie meet at Bly Manor and start out a tentative relationship, with Dani still having trauma from the death of her ex-fiancé just moments after she called off their engagement. Dani sometimes sees his face and feels like he is haunting her and doesn’t want to taint her new relationship with this. Dani and Jamie have many cute moments together from Jamie calling Dani “Poppins” – after Mary Poppins – and calming her down from a panic attack to Jamie opening up about her childhood to Dani and shower her some of her favourite flowers.
Their relationship starts to blossom throughout the series and as soon as it starts to ger going seriously, as this is still is show about ghosts, it is interfered with by Dani nearly getting killed by a ghost and ultimately having to let the soul of the lady of the lake enter into her in order to save Flora’s life. Whilst in many shows that have sapphic characters this may have been the point in which Dani dies (typical bury the gays and lesbian’s trope), however Bly Manor does not do this. At least not right away. 
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Following the last traumatic events at Bly Manor everyone moves away. The children’s uncle decides to take a more active part in their lives, Owen opens up a restaurant and Dani and Jamie move to America and open a flower shop. The following years of Dani and Jamie’s life are spent together happily, they move in together and cook for each other, and Dani proposes to Jamie. Although at this point in time (Bly Manor was set in 80s-90s) it was not legal for two women to marry so they enter into a civil union. At some point during these 10 years after the events at Bly, the lady of the lake (Viola) starts to make her presences more known within Dani. This starts to scare Dani as she does not want to do anything to harm Jamie and so she makes the decision to go back to Bly and walks into the middle of the lake and dies. 
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We see Jamie wake up to Dani gone and realise that she has gone back to Bly. Jamie follows her but by the time she has gotten to the lake it is too late, Dani is already dead at the bottom of the lake. Jamie screams and tries to get to Dani but it is of no use, she’s already gone. The show ends with Dani having broken Viola’s curse, as now no one else at Bly Manor would ever be taken by the lady of the lake because she was different. “The lady in the lake was also Dani. And Dani wouldn’t. Dani would never.”. Even though Dani is dead, “dead doesn’t mean gone” and we see in the very last scene of the show - set many years later at Flora’s wedding – Dani’s arm on Jamie’s shoulder.
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Type of ship: Canon Queer
The way the creators of this show chose to handle this relationship was beautiful. Even though it was set in the 80s/90s we do not see them experience any homophobia, we simply just see them living a life together. We get a montage of them being happy and settling down. We get to see them getting engaged and even though they’re not allowed to legally get married we still get to see them in a civil union instead of being completely disheartened. There are many period typical things the creators could have chosen to include in the show, however they didn’t they simply just let Dani and Jamie be happy. 
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Although, the show does ultimately end with Dani dying and this could be seen as yet another addition to the bury the gays trope I think the way in one done here makes me think about it differently. I understand how it can be very disheartening as a sapphic character that we have become attached too has been killed off and this has been done so many times before that it has somewhat become expected but also there’s a sense of hoping that it wouldn’t happen this time. However, the fact that Dani and Jamie got more than 10 years with each other after the events I think is a great way to look at this because creators could’ve chosen to kill her straight away, but they didn’t. The death of Dani also makes sense artistically as the person who becomes the lady of the lake is destined to die – it happened with Rebecca and she for all intents and purposes was straight and in a heterosexual relationship. 
Therefore, I completely understand why people are still mad at the death of Dani as of course people are attached to this character and this relationship and it feels so unfair but I also feel that for some reasons her death also makes a certain amount of sense. 
Thanks for feeling the feels we me!
Admin 🦈
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multiverse-of-fandom · 4 months
Just occurred to me
Viola Lloyd and Edmund O'Mara are canonically the most hardcore ant-Damie.
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