#daddy’s girl fic
kooeater · 6 months
Hi babes!! can you do a short fic about older/dilf!jk x reader with daddy issues? smutty and cute pleaseee <3
guys who are older | JJK
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Jungkook x f.reader
smut | fluff | tiny bit of angst?
warnings: age gap, older!jk. daddy issues?, unproteced sex, counter sex, dom/sub dynamics, slight choking, afteracare, some cutesy stuff c:
(Is this short? I think so... I'm not sure omg I tried my best anon!! Hope you enjoy!)
Jeon Jungkook, 38-year-old divorced hot dad moved next door to you and fucking hell did he make you go insane. Let's just say, you gotten to know him very well.
Fucking Jungkook was the best part of your day, you two can't go a day without having sex. You made it very clear to him that he can talk to you about anything, it doesn't always have to be about sex! Although, the age gap was certainly something you always swore to him you can understand like an adult.
You're a 21-year-old college student, and he's 38, divorced, and has 2 kids, did you care? No, not at all. You were going to fuck him regardless.
"You're such a good girl for me." a beautiful moan coming from his mouth, his large member thrusting in and out of your tight hole, tattooed hands clamped around your throat.
All you did was knock on his door for some sugar, in the smallest skirt you know he loves.
Now, you're on his kitchen counter, legs spread opened, panties to the side like a whore for his cock to ram into your cunt. Whimpers coming from your mouth as his cock kept hitting the same spot in you over and over again. He knows how's to fuck way too well.
"Jungkook please, cum in me!" you let out a high-pitched moan as you felt his cock hit your g spot repeatedly. You then do a little yelp as his hand comes off your throat and up to your boobs, grasping them like stress balls.
"Fuck, you're going to be the death of me. I can be in this tight pussy all fucking day." his words send you over the edge, you can feel your orgasm coming close. a couple of rubs to your clit and you're releasing sweet cream all over his member just how he likes it.
Sex was great of course; the aftercare was just as good. He lets you know that he cares after fucking you into next week. He would make sure you had a nice spot to nap knowing you're such a sleepy head after sex, he made sure there was snacks for you to munch on.
His praise was everything to you. He knew you didn't have a father figure emotionally there for you while you were growing up, he caught onto your daddy issues really quick. Every time you brought up your grades, good or bad ones he'll always say how he's proud of you.
"Darling don't be sad, an 88% is fine. You studied hard and you did your work, you just need to understand it better. Look, your professor even left a note saying how lovely your handwriting is!" he pointed to the little sticky note, trying to cheer you up as you were letting out tears for not getting the perfect grade back.
"Well yeah I mean, I tried my best to make it look nice." sadness tinted in your voice as you leaned into his chest feeling nothing but warmth and comfort from him.
"I'm so proud of you baby, you're okay." his soft yet simple words are enough to make you break down. He picks up your body and sits down on his living room couch, your hands wrapped around his neck as his arms wrap around your waist.
Times like that were the best, knowing that you can have that comforting connecting with him, knowing that he wasn't just going to walk out on you. He was the older man you always needed in your life, and you're not going to let him go.
this was done pretty fastly lmao sorry if it's boring? Idk I'm not used to writing this way but I wanted to try it out! Like and follow if you feel like it, thanks for readinggggg ~~~ 🤍
- belle 🎀
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redz0nez9 · 1 month
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these photos..
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putadohs · 7 days
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birthday! — oneshot larry
“talvez ter mantido uma amizade com seu ex-marido tenha sido sim uma boa ideia, uma vez que harry revê seu ex padrasto, que a criou tão bem durante anos, fica toda mexida. louis só queria dar um presentinho para sua garotinha no seu aniversário, que mal tinha?”
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hcisgirl • daddy kink • inocência • manipulação • exibicionismo • binky (chupeta) kink • todos personagens maiores de idade • negação de orgasmo • dirty talk.
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— Louis! — a mulher de cabelos loiros escorridos celebrou sua chegada. — Que bom que você veio. Fico feliz que tenha aceitado o convite.
— Eu nunca perderia o aniversário dela — Louis cumprimentou sua ex mulher, entregando em suas mãos o presente que tinha comprado dias passados. — Como você está, Ruby? Parece muito bem.
— Estou ótima. E você… parece ótimo, né?
Ruby notou certa diferença no corpo de Louis. Mesmo que magro, seus músculos definidos eram notáveis, ainda com os braços repletos de tatuagens só realçando a visão privilegiada que era olhar e admirar as curvas dos bíceps. Ruby também não deixou de notar os fios brancos no cabelo de Louis.
— Eu precisava — disse em um tom divertido. — Mas eu ainda continuo comendo muita besteira, você sabe.
Algumas risadinhas só para Louis poder entrar na casa e ficar besta pela decoração. Tudo remetia a Harry.
As paredes brancas da sala enfeitadas com balões rosa choque e rosa pastel, fitinhas do teto pendurando vários lacinhos e a mesa posta só com tons de rosa e branco, nada mais que isso. O bolo estava no centro, em formato de coração com a escrita “Feliz aniversário, Princesa” cheio de pérolas do lado. E onde estava a decoração, podia ver alguns desenhos de bambi pulando pra e lá pra cá.
Louis sorriu bobo para tudo isso.
— Onde ela tá?
— Lá atrás com as amigas — Ruby informou. — Vai lá. Ela está morrendo de saudades do pai.
Ele gostava de ser lembrado como pai de Harry por ter simplesmente boa parte da vida da garota ao seu lado. E somente eles sabem o melhor lado disso.
Louis se dirigiu até os fundos da casa, um jardim consideravelmente grande com uma piscina fazendo a divisa da sala e da área de lazer. Não demorou muito para ele achar Harry.
Estava sentada em uma roda com mais cinco amigas, no chão com as pernas brincando no ar, a barriga deitada na grama enquanto as outras garotas se apoiavam nos cotovelos. Todas pareciam muito despojadas e confortáveis.
Louis elogiou Harry mentalmente, a chamando de princesa ao colocar os olhos no seu vestido azul e rosa, a saia sendo rosa e a parte de cima sendo justinha em um tom muito, muito claro de azul. quase branco. Uma gola gravata era o charme, o colar de pérolas em volta do pescoço era delicado. Percebeu que estava usando meias 3/4 de rendinha, ainda ser está calçando os sapatinhos.
— Princesa?
Harry reconheceu o tom rouco da voz, sabendo que era a pessoa que mais amava no mundo. Se levantou tão rápido que Louis mal teve tempo o suficiente para raciocinar o pulo em seu colo.
— Papai! — Harry entrelaçou suas pernas em volta de sua cintura, afundando seu rostinho no pescoço do homem. — Senti tanta sua falta.
— Eu também, amor — juntou suas mãos por baixo do bumbum de Harry, se virando de costas para as outras garotas para poder apertar de leve suas nádegas, subindo o toque para a cintura. — Estava morrendo de saudades.
— Por que não veio me ver mais? — Harry fez um beicinho choroso, se perdendo nos olhos azuis de seu papai, na barba ralinha meio ruiva e por fazer. — Eu chorava de saudades, você não sabia?
— Eu sabia. Mas o papai estava muito ocupado com o trabalho, viajando pra todo lado — Louis fez mais força para aguentar Harry em seus braços, a garota sorrindo sapeca ao que sentia as mãos espalmadas do homem em seu bumbum. — Por isso eu te trouxe muitos presentes.
— Presentes! — exclamou toda sorridente. — Onde estão?
— Todos na sala — Louis informou. — Mas um tem que pegar comigo depois.
Harry estreitou o olhar, mordendo o lábio inferior sem perceber o movimento desse ato.
Louis colocou sua garotinha no chão novamente, fazendo um carinho em seus cachos, soltos e definidos. Ergueu o rostinho lindo de Harry, o interior de seu peito queimando quando se deu o tempo o suficiente para admira-la.
— Gostou do meu vestido, papai? — Harry questionou, segurando as barrinhas do tecido e balançando seu corpo pra lá e pra cá.
— Eu amei, princesa — Louis fez questão de pegar em sua mão e dar um giro lentamente, descendo os olhos em cada parte daquele vestido. — Bem comportadinha… — disse mais para si do que para Harry. — Rosa e azul para sempre, lembra?
— É claro que lembro, né papai! Por que acha que escolhi esse?
— Boa garota —Louis segurou o rosto de Harry com as duas mãos, trazendo seu rosto até o seu para deixar um beijo carinhoso na testa.
E as amigas de Harry já se queixavam dela. Deu um abraço apertado na cintura de seu papai e foi correndo até as outras garotas, pulando como um bambi.
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Tudo estava indo perfeitamente bem. Harry estava recebendo todos seus convidados, a maioria amigos de colégio e alguns familiares. Até que…
— Cala sua boca, Agnes, para de falar!
— Você tem problema? Eu só estava brincando!
— Que brincadeira mais idiota! Igual a você!
As vozes altas e finas das duas estavam sendo ouvidas por todos da casa. Ruby foi correndo juntamente com Louis até a sala, que era onde estava acontecendo essa discussão.
— Parem com essa gritaria! — Ruby interviu, se colocando no meio das duas para prevenir um possível briga física. — Eu quero explicações agora, andem! Podem falar!
Harry estava chorando, era possível ver seu rímel escorrendo pelas bochechas. Foi direto para os braços de Louis, que teve que fazer um carinho nas suas costas para acalmar os soluços. Estava muito aborrecida.
— Harry, o que aconteceu? — Ruby perguntou.
Ela não soube falar, só enterrar seu rosto no peitoral de Louis molhando toda a camisa social dele.
— Você pode começar a se explicar? — sem chances com Harry, tentou com Agnes.
— Eu só disse que achava Louis bonito! — Agnes literalmente berrou, somente as duas e os pais de Harry ali, o resto todos olhando pela porta de correr dos fundos. — Ela começou a chorar e me xingar!
— Você não disse só isso, sua mentirosa de merda! — Harry rebateu a altura, abraçada em Louis mas ainda assim seu rosto maneava para frente jogando as palavras na cara de Agnes. — Eu nem te convidei pro meu aniversário, você é amiga da Cindy, não minha!
As outras garotas foram chegando ali e Ruby foi conversando com Agnes, enquanto isso, Louis fazia um carinho na sua cabeça com o coração amolecido por ver Harry chorando daquela forma.
— Bebê — Louis a chamou. — O que ela disse pra você ter ficado assim, uhn? — Harry ficou de cabeça baixa, chorando mais porém baixinho. — Não quer falar pro papai?
— Ela… — tinha um soluço entalado na sua garganta. Fungou forte antes de começar a falar devidamente. — Ela disse que te achava muito bonito. Queria ter você como papai dela. Ela quer você, Lou.
Louis sabia que nada do que falasse naquele momento acalmaria Harry. Sendo assim:
— Ruby, vou conversar com Harry lá em cima, okay? Ela está muito mal. Pode tranquilizar a situação aqui?
— Sim, sim — Ruby assentiu. — Voltem só quando for a hora do parabéns.
E assim, Louis abraçou Harry de lado e foram até as escadas, subindo duas até chegar no quarto da garota.
Ainda continuava o mesmo.
— Você ainda tem os bonequinhos Sylvanian Families que eu te dei? — tentaria distrair sua garotinha de qualquer jeito.
— Tenho, papai — disse baixinho, ainda abatida.
Quando seguiram para o banheiro, para limpar o rosto sujo de maquiagem borrada de Harry, ele viu uma fileira só com os bonequinhas Sylvanian que ela tinha guardado, todos bem cuidados e era a coleção inteira ali. Seu quarto com as paredes rosa pastel estavam revestidas por pequenos lacinhos, Harry amava lacinhos.
— Vem aqui — Louis a chamou para seus braços, pegando ela em seu colo para deixar em cima da bancada da pia. Louis ficou entre o meio de suas pernas. — Por que você chorou tanto por causa daquilo, bebê? Você não sabe que ninguém nunca vai me ter como você me tem?
— Eu não gosto que falem de você daquele jeito! — Harry exclamou, os olhos trêmulos cheios de lágrimas olhando para Louis, cruzando os braços à sua frente. — Ela ficou olhando pra você o tempo todo, eu queria pular no pescoço daquela piranha!
— Presta atenção em mim, tá? — Louis pegou o rosto abatido em suas mãos, apertando suas bochechas. — Eu sou o seu papai e você é minha garotinha. Minha princesa, meu bebê. Ninguém nunca vai me ter. Assim como ninguém nunca vai te ter, Harry. Você é minha.
— Jura? Por favor, papai, você jura? — disse tão desesperada que conseguiu tirar seu rosto do aperto, abraçando o pescoço de Louis.
— Eu não preciso jurar. Você sabe que é verdade, não sabe?
— Eu sei.
Harry abraçou Louis com toda sua força, sentia uma saudade imensa dele todos os dias, nunca parecia ser o suficiente estar com ele uma ou duas vezes por semana, tinha que ser todos os dias até morrer. Harry dependia de Louis.
— Você ainda usa chupeta, meu bebê?
— Uhum — Harry faz que sim com o rostinho no ombro de Louis.
— Vai gostar dessa.
Simplesmente, Louis tirou do seu bolso uma caixinha pequena com uma chupeta rosinha com um desenho de um bambi, e isso fez Harry brilhar os olhos.
— Ela é linda, papai! Eu gosto de usar por que me deixa calma.
— Sei disso — Louis fez um breve carinho nas suas bochechas. — Coloca ela pra mim ver?
Nem precisou pedir. Harry colocou sua língua para fora, uma mania sua, e abocanhou a chupeta, Louis vendo ela se remexer em sua boquinha rapidinho, vendo como sua garotinha precisava se acalmar. Precisava até demais.
— Você é linda — Louis elogiou, dando um beijo na chupeta fazendo ela se empurrar na boca de Harry. — Agora o papai vai cuidar de você, tá?
Harry fez que sim, balançando as perninhas aéreas na bancada vendo Louis pegar demaquilante e algodões.
Ele se fez novamente entre as pernas e Harry ficou sentada, reta e com o rosto para frente, para que Louis pudesse pegar em queixo e limpar sua testa, olhos e bochechas, nessa sequência, bem devagar para não machucar.
— Tem tirado notas boas no colégio?
Harry fez que sim, os olhinhos fechados sentindo Louis tirar sua sombra rosa gliterinada.
— Jura?
— S-sim, papai — disse um pouco atrapalhada por conta da chupetinha.
— E sem distrações, né? — Louis questionou, segurando seu rosto pelo queixo encontrando os verdes esmeraldas se abrirem. — Você sabe o que eu quero dizer.
Harry hesitou.
— Só existe uma resposta para essa pergunta e eu espero que seja a que estou pensando.
Ela tirou sua chupeta antes de poder falar, os olhos daquele jeitinho pidão.
— Eu só me distraio pensando em você, papai…
— Por que eu sinto que você está mentindo?
— Não estou! — Harry colocou sua chupeta na boca novamente, para não se equivocar novamente, deixando ela na beira dos lábios. — Eu fico pensando quando você brincava comigo… — seus olhos estavam olhando para seus pés enquanto falava, mas de repente, um pensamento surge em sua cabeça e decidiu colocar para fora: — Mas você não deve gostar mais de brincar comigo!
— Por que acha isso? — Louis estava sorrindo pela forma birrenta que Harry disse. Colocou os algodões e demaquilante de lado para tomar sua atenção a ela.
— Você não quis mais ficar comigo… — Harry resmungou pausadamente, a chupeta indo para o meio de sua boca. — Você me deixou, papai.
— Eu nunca vou te deixar — Louis puxou Harry pela cintura com certa violência, erguendo seu vestido para passar os dedos bem de leve por cima de sua bucetinha ainda revestida na calcinha. — Sempre vou querer brincar com a minha bebezinha. Lembra quando foi a nossa primeira vez? Você chorava tanto, amor, mas não queria deixar meu pau.
— Papai… por favor, me diz que você vai brincar comigo? — Harry implorou baixinho, abrindo mais as pernas para que Louis pudesse ter mais facilidade com os dedos. — M-mhn… você vai fazer com carinho?
— Muito, meu amor — Louis deixou um beijo na chupeta, tirando ela de Harry, vendo a garotinha formar um biquinho tão gordo que apenas sentiu seu lábio inferior entre os dela, da forma mais fofa. — Vou mostrar pra você que não precisa fazer birra com medo de perder o papai. Sempre vou estar aqui.
— O senhor… mhn… papai, o s-senhor? Mhn! — as palavras começaram uma cair sobre as outras quando Louis decidiu só arrastar pro lado sua calcinha, massageando devagar seu clítoris inchadinho, indo tão lento que era uma tortura. — Papai, dorme hoje aqui!
— Shhh… — Louis se aproximou de Harry, sentindo seu pescoço sendo abraçado pelos bracinhos da garota.
O que fez foi como dizer a Harry “fique calma, vive esse momento com seu papai, não pense demais.”
Louis tinha dado início nos carinhos por todo rosto de Harry, fazia questão de acariciar suas bochechas, enrolar os dedos nos cachos e fixar os olhos na chupeta que mexia pra lá e pra cá na boquinha de sua garotinha. Mesmo que estivesse gemendo baixinho contra a chupeta, Harry parecia pura demais, numa inocência genuína, do jeito que Louis se encantou por ela.
Seu pau já estava extremamente duro, precisava se aliviar de uma vez ou poderia gozar ali mesmo só com os gemidos manhosos de Harry e aquela bucetinha toda molhada, o toque escorregadio e macio em seus dedos. Louis conseguiu desabotoar sua calça somente com um mão, tirando seu cacete para fora da boxer e iniciou seus movimentos por todo comprimento rígido e pesado, se punhetando rapidamente ao que o pré-gozo jorrava da glande avermelhada.
Harry arregalou os olhos quando sentiu Louis parar com dedilhar em seu clítoris. Ficou confusa, mas logo depois reparou devidamente no que estava acontecendo.
Imediatamente a garota abriu os braços com os dedinhos chamando por Louis.
— Eu quero colinho! — Harry praticamente gemeu, naquele tom dengosa, e ao mesmo tempo, um tanto diabólica.
— Vou te dar colinho depois que deixar sua buceta escorrendo minha porra — Louis disse rangendo os dentes, sem muitas cerimônias, desceu mais o corpo de Harry na bancada da pia e começou a roçar somente sua cabecinha nos lábios gordinhos daquela xotinha. — Você merece tanto isso, amor, sei que vai deixar o papai orgulhoso, não vai?
— Uhum, uhum — Harry fez que sim freneticamente com a cabeça, ela mesmo se esfregando no pau que estava quase se introduzindo.
Louis só arrastou pro ladinho a calcinha branca de renda, e sem muita demora, enfiou todo seu pau na bucetinha de Harry, arrancando dela um ofego alto e doloroso, os olhinhos se fechando com força por se lembrar do quão grande e grosso seu papai era. O quão sem piedade Louis podia ser quando se tratava de cuidar de sua filhinha.
— De… devagar, papai, você me m-machuca assim… — Harry pediu aos choramingos, sua voz chorosa na chupeta era um tanto embargada. Ela amava ver o cacete de Louis saindo e entrando de sua bucetinha, não conseguia tirar os olhos disso.
— Vê se fica quietinha? — foi uma pergunta retórica, Louis indo mais rápido com seu quadril, sentindo uma certa dificuldade em voltar com seu pau dentro de Harry por ela ser simplesmente muito apertada, muito mesmo. — Não quer que ninguém veja o papai brincando com você, quer?
Harry negou com a cabeça, respirando fundo a cada estocada.
— Boa garota — Louis segurou a cintura de Harry com as duas mãos, deixando ela com um total de zero chances de sair dali.
Os gemidos de Harry eram baixinhos por conta da chupetinha em sua boca, ela chupava mais forte a medida que Louis empurrava seu pau na buceta toda encharcada, já estava se acostumando com o tamanho, trazendo em todo seu corpo aquele prazer mórbido que era sentir uma saliência em sua barriga devida a sua dilatação e o tamanho daquele cacete.
Louis não se aguentava e tinha que beijar sua boca contra a chupeta, sabia que isso deixava Harry louca e sem graça, as bochechas da mesma se queimando.
— Papai, eu quero colo… — Harry implorou novamente, queria muito, muito, mas muito sentar naquele pau e deixar Louis gozar dentro de si, bem gostoso. — Por favor, eu prometo… mhn! Papai!
Como se já não bastasse, Louis começou a estimular seu clítoris rapidamente, tão rapidinho que era doloroso a sensibilidade. Louis fazia de seu cacete ir o mais fundo possível, perto de seu ápice, querendo prolongar a sensação a cada estocada forte e rápida.
— Você promete? — deu continuidade, a respiração indo pra casa do caralho com aquela velocidade que seu quadril tomava.
— Eu! Mhn… papai, eu prometo ficar quietinha! — Louis queria devorar aqueles peitinhos balançando pra cima e pra baixo pelo solavanco de seu corpo. — Eu quero seu colo, papai, por favor!
Louis sorriu tão sujo que a ideia de serem pegos só o motivou ainda mais. O fato de que Harry era o seu segredinho mais sujo.
A cintura de Harry tinha marcas dos dedos de Louis, ele a apertava com mais força assim que voltava a enterrar aquele pau dentro da bucetinha apertada e toda melada.
— Eu vou gozar, Lou… — Harry contorcia os dedinhos de seus pés e tentava afastar Louis do seu corpo, por estar muito sensível.
— Nem pense — Louis disse rapidamente.
O som das estocadas estavam altas, Harry começando a dar indícios de um choro e Louis fazendo o favor de ir lento e fundo, gozando dentro daquela bucetinha a cada ida e volta para fora e para dentro, gemendo rouco juntamente com os gemidos chorosos de Harry, que estava mordendo a chupeta.
— Oh, bebê, se você soubesse o quanto eu amo comer sua bucetinha… — Louis disse meio aéreo, segurando seu pau pela base para não sair do ritmo, ainda estocando lentamente. — Você deixaria o papai orgulhoso todos os dias.
— Deixaria, papai! — Harry estava se derretendo por dentro, não havia sensação melhor do que fazer seu papai gozar tudo na sua bucetinha, sentindo cada centímetro alargando sua entrada. — Isso… mhn… é tão gostoso, papai, não para…
Louis enterrou seu pau em Harry para poder pegar ela em seu colo. Tirou a chupeta da sua boca, que estava toda babada mas isso não era problema, e selou seus lábios, andando até a cama para deitar ela com cuidado, ainda dentro daquele xotinha tão quente que seria um pecado deixá-la para trás.
— Eu vou descer… — Louis sussurrou contra o beijo, dando mais um selinho e logo indo para o pescoço de sua garotinha. — Você vai se arrumar de novo… — fez mais uma estocada, a última, deixando seu pau mais enterrado ainda em Harry, arrancando da mesma um choro. — E vai cantar seu parabéns. Seu presente de aniversário é ser minha garotinha, minha putinha, que eu sei que você ama tudo isso.
E quando finalmente saiu de Harry, viu aquela buceta expelir seu gozo para fora, pulsando repetidas vezes pela pressão que levou durante todo esse tempo. Era a visão mais linda que Louis já viu em toda sua vida.
— Depois você tem outra surpresa. Agora quero que se arrume e desça aquelas escadas direito, sem cambalear.
— Fica comigo um pouco mais, papai… — Harry estava chorando, tendo que colocar sua chupeta novamente na boca para não surtar ali. — Eu quero gozar, por favor, por favor!
— Você vai — Louis disse, firme. — Mas não agora. Para de birra.
Harry fez que sim tristemente.
— E desça sem calcinha. Quero meu gozo escorrendo pela sua buceta o dia inteiro hoje. Mais tarde, seu colinho vai chegar.
E Louis deixou um beijo na testa de Harry, se arrumando dentro das calças já indo para a sala novamente, dando a desculpa para Ruby que ela só estava terminado de se maquiar.
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O sol se pondo sempre refletia a luz laranja nos fundos da casa de Harry. Era lindo ver a grama verdinha sendo beijada pelas luzes cansadas e quentes, a água da piscina bem calma se movimentando de acordo com o caminho do vento.
Ela demorou um pouquinho para descer as escadas, e quando o fez, arrancou elogios de todos e um olhar orgulhoso de Louis, um olhar muito singular também.
— Quer ver o pôr do sol, querida?
— Não, mãe, acho que vou tirar alguns fotos antes do parabéns.
— Hum — Ruby passou as mãos pelos ombros de Harry. — Está bem. Acho que Louis está lá dentro. Chama ele?
— Sim, sim — sorriu gentilmente.
Harry encontrou Louis sentado no banco da mesa posta de seu aniversário, o bolo em formato de coração era simplesmente lindo, com a escrita delicada e o chantilly fazendo enfeites em volta. Ele estava distraído, até colocar os olhos na figura de Harry, ali parada sorrindo boba.
— Você fica linda desse jeito — fez referência a troca de vestido, um mais curto, mas nem tanto, e a pouca maquiagem. Cabelos soltos, apenas duas mechas presas em um laço atrás. — Vem aqui, amor.
Harry foi até o homem com pulinhos, fazendo o barulho de suas Mary-Jane no piso porcelanato.
— Posso sentar no seu colo? — Harry pediu com um beicinho proposital.
— Meu colo é seu, bebê — e Louis deu tapinhas em sua coxa, indicando que podia sentar ali quando quisesse.
Dito e feito. Harry fez questão de levantar seu vestido para sentar diretamente com a bunda no colo de Louis, o mesmo que correu suas mãos entre as pernas da garota só para sentir sua bucetinha ainda quente e toda melada, cheia de gozo do seu verdadeiro dono. Harry começou a rebolar nos dedos de Louis, gemendo para dentro e sem tirar os olhos dos convidados ali.
— Levanta um pouco — Louis mandou de repente, tirando seu pau para fora da boxer e se encaixando aos poucos na buceta de Harry. — Não queria colinho?
— Mhn… eu quero, papai… — Harry gemeu tão baixinho que sua cabeça caiu para frente ao sentir todo o cacete de Louis dentro de si, sua buceta pulsando com todo aquele tamanho enterrado, praticamente enterrado dentro de si.
— Rebola pro papai, amor — Louis teve que abraçar o corpo de Harry, encostando sua cabeça nas costas da garota só para apertar seus peitos e deixar leves beijos em seus ombros. — Isso, uhum, devagarinho…
Harry fazia movimentos muito calmos e leves, lentamente para frente e para trás, a bucetinha pulsando no pau de Louis trazia a sensação que alguém estivesse o beijando ali.
E todos os convidados voltaram.
— Não para.
— Papai, eles vão ver a gente!
— Não. Para. — Louis sibilou, apertando muito forte sua cintura, a obrigando a rebolar.
— P-papai, por favor!
— Você quer mesmo me deixar decepcionado? — Louis disse, tendo que fazer um carinho nem tão carinhoso para controlar suas pernas tremelicando de baixo da mesa, olhando o pessoal se aproximando cada vez mais. — Depois de tudo o que eu fiz para estar aqui hoje? Depois de você me implorar pra sentar no meu pau e agora fica nessa? É assim que você diz ser minha garotinha?
— Uh-uhn — Harry negou com a cabeça, gemendo por estar muito, muito, mas muito perto de gozar.
“Tudo está lindo!” “Que graça esses laços, Ruby, onde comprou?” “Harry está cada dia mais angelical, como pode?” “Tudo parece tão encantador” “Que decoração mais bonita!”
Eles iam ouvindo os mais tipos de comentários.
Chegou certo momento que Harry não conseguia mais rebolar, se fizesse, ia se tremer inteira e acabar gemendo um tanto alto. Sabendo disso, Louis deu início no seus movimentos rápidos no clítoris todo inchadinho da garota, não demorou muito para ver ela abafando a boca e fingindo sorrisos meigos para cada convidado, se custando a dizer algo quando alguém perguntava onde ficava o banheiro, só sinalizava com as mãos e Louis ainda tinha a pachorra de dar um sorriso calmo. Se abrisse a boca, um gemido escaparia.
— Pode gozar, meu bebê — Louis disse, num sussurro. — Bem devagar, tá?
Os dois estavam gozando juntos naquele momento. O cacete de Louis não parava de jorrar toda sua porra dentro daquela bucetinha, e todo o seu melzinho lambuzando os lábios gordinhos e ardidos, Harry queria tanto a chupeta que começou a chupar o próprio dedo, discretamente.
— Agora sabe o que você vai fazer? — Louis questionou, os últimos jatos de gozo lhe trazendo o alívio necessário. — Você vai cantar parabéns com a bucetinha marcada por mim. Você vai dar seu primeiro pedaço de bolo para Ruby e para mim. E depois, quero que mostre a Agnes o que seu papai faz com você.
— C-como assim? — podia jurar que o gaguejo foi um gemido.
— É isso mesmo — disse firme. — Enfia seus dois dedinhos na sua bucetinha e leva elas até a boquinha da sua amiga Agnes, mostra pra ela que ninguém vai me ter como você me tem, mostra pra ela quem é a garotinha do papai.
— Eu não posso fazer isso…
— Você deve. Se não, vou ter que mostrar a ela o gostinho do que seria me ter.
— O que quer dizer?! — Harry protestou em revolta, tendo que disfarçar a expressão brava para os convidados.
— É dois toques pra mim levar Agnes pro seu quarto e fuder ela na sua cama, bem do jeitinho que eu faço com você.
— Não! Você não faria isso!
— Faria. Se você não mostrar a ela o quão bom é ser minha, terei que provar isso diretamente com ela.
Harry olhou para Agnes com raiva. Muita raiva. Com certo custo, conseguiu se levantar e gemeu em protesto por estar longe do pau de Louis.
No passo que Harry ia dar para ir até a garota, voltou no mesmo.
— Eu não consigo…
— Consegue — Louis deu uma piscadinha. — Vai lá e me deixa orgulhoso.
E ela foi. A ideia de aborrecer Louis era a pior que podia passar por sua mente.
Harry pegou no pulso de Agnes a trouxe para um canto reservado e perto de onde já estavam, levou seus dois dedos maiores até sua bucetinha recolhendo todo o gozo de Louis e o próprio, Agnes olhava confusa e paralisada, mal se dando conta que aqueles dedos de Harry estavam pintando seus lábios e sua língua com tanto gozo.
Harry chegou perto do ouvido de Agnes, tão perto que sua boca encostava em seu ouvido, e então, disse em um sussurro manhoso:
— Esse é o gostinho do meu papai.
E assim, Agnes foi deixada de boca aberta e olhos arregalados naquele canto, vendo Harry se sentar ao lado de Louis toda sorridente, o mesmo homem que sorriu sujo ao ver a expressão pasma, vendo a garota levar seu gosto goela abaixo.
Harry teria aquele gostinho pelo final de semana inteiro, a tal surpresa de Louis não podia ser melhor, pois dentre a três, todas elas se conversavam.
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rafedaddy01 · 4 months
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A/N: This was dirty.. and I LOVED it! Number 3 for this
“Trust me baby. It’ll feel good” Rafe and you have only been dating for a few months and he respected the fact that you were a virgin and contained himself like a gentleman.
The two of you have experimented, sexually, but he never pushed you to actually have intercourse.
Right now you were in the shower and turned on from the steamy make out sesh. Rafe gave an idea of how to make you feel good but you were a bit skeptical.
He grabbed the shower head and adjusted the pressure before spraying it on your thigh.
“That feel okay?” He asked as he held you from behind and pressed kisses onto your neck.
“Yes” you said with a sigh as you relaxed into his arms.
He moved it high and high until it hit your clit and you bucked in response.
“Sh sh sh, your okay. Just relax pretty girl. Let me make you feel good, yeah?” Rafe comforted you as he pressed the shower head against your clit.
“Okay” you said a bit to loud as the feeling intensified.
“Feel good? Use your words, tell me what you like” he nipped at your neck as the shower head held at your clit.
“Um-“ you struggled to find your words, “feels good, I-I like it” you moaned as he changed the pressure to a stronger one.
“How about now?” His free hand toyed with your nipple and palmed your breast.
“Even better” you said on a gasp as the water shot out and onto your clit.
“Yeah? And now?” He asked at he changed it to a different setting.
“Fuck! Oh god, don’t stop. Please please please” you were a mess at this point as he continued his magic.
“Fuck I’m cumming” you moaned as you body jerked.
Rafe held you still and applied more pressure.
“There we go, pretty girl. Let yourself feel it”
Your nails dug into his arms as your high hit you and he removed the shower head.
He turned you around in his arms and grabbed the soap to clean you up.
“Was that okay?” He asked as he soaped up your back and chest.
“Perfect” you murmured as you were still on an orgasm high.
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing
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alexa-crowe · 7 months
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#Tav: *adds “make Gale a father” to their list of things to do when they get back to Waterdeep* - [5/∞]
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iamasaddie · 6 months
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Marcus ‘I can be your baby girl, and I can be your Daddy’ Pike
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liliesdiary · 5 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Step Dad Jackson Rippner & His Good Girl ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
inspired by: 🎀
💌 @slut4thebroken 💌
your fic made me so wet <3
(older Jackson Rippner)
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kooeater · 5 days
First place | JJK
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smut | angst | slight fluff
Jungkook x f.reader
warnings: unprotected sex, impregnation kink, degradation, daddy kink, very submissive reader, spanking, blowjob, toxic behavior, dirty talk, manipulation, missionary, second wife!reader, angst, jk has 2 wives 😭, mentions of cheating/homewrecking, age gap, older!jk, arguing, craziness. | note: i do NOT encourage this behavior irl.
“Please don’t stop.” your desperate whimpers come out when you feel your climax creeping up on you.
“Tightest fucking pussy ever, fuck.” Jungkooks hips snapped into yours, your leg over his shoulder as he fucks into you.
You needed to fuck. You needed to fuck someone, someone who could fuck you for hours. You go to your husband, who you share. You fell in love with Jungkook, so deeply in love.
Jungkook already had a wife, and when he told her he was having an affair she crumbled completely because she loves him deeply too. She loves him so much she agreed that you can stay in the picture, as a second wife, but she will always remain the first wife, the real one he loves.
“Going to cum in this pussy, going to fill it up.” manly groans escape his lips, the feeling of your gummy like walls clamping around his throbbing cock sending him into a state of euphoria.
“Cum in me please, please breed me daddy I need it so bad please please please.” You then reach your orgasm.
You cum on his cock, thighs slightly shaking. You feel his pace go a bit rougher, and quicker.
“Yeah cum on my cock just like that”
your sharp nails come out and scratches his back, digging into his flesh. Scratching him was not just because of the pleasure you were feeling and the need to grip onto him, but also as marking. Although you were a second wife, you wanted to imagine it was just you and him.
The thought of any other female around him has you marking him more than usual. Even though the other female is his own wife, his first wife, you needed to leave your mark on him.
“Take my cum, fuck feels so good.” he then lets out his warm white cum into you, making you clench around him.
“On all fours.”
You quickly obey, getting on all fours and presenting yourself to him. Your ass pressing against his still hard cock.
you then felt a spank to your ass, making it jiggle back. You whine at the feeling, the stinging pain sending sensation to your body and also making you even more wet for him.
“Should you give me this pussy again? Or should you open that mouth for me?” he brings his tip to your sensitive slit, moving it up and down.
“Want you in my mouth.” you let out. You still wanted him to fuck you but you been craving and dreaming about having him deep in your throat.
“Wanna suck my cock baby? Such a good girl.”
He quickly moves to your face, having you still on all fours. It’s like he wants to leave you in that position and just go around and observe you, thinking of what else he wants to do to you before he goes back to his boring first wife.
Before you know it, his cock is in your face. His hand pumping himself before letting the tip touch your tongue. Your mouth is opened, ready to take him.
“You look so pretty, such a good slut for me. Ready to take cock.” his dirty words made you more eager to have him inside your mouth, so you take his cock in your hand and shove it down your throat.
“Mm fuck.” he curses out, the feeling of your wet mouth and tongue moving up and down his length causing an overwhelming pleasure to him.
Just as you start getting messy with the blowjob you’re giving, the door opens.
“Jungkook we need to talk-“ it was her. It was his first wife.
Her eyes slightly widens as she sees you on all fours with her husbands cock down your throat. Salvia dripping from the corners of your mouth and his cum all on and inside your pussy. Her eyes travel from you to her husband, who’s fully naked. Tattoos and muscles on display, clearly deep in the moment.
“Yunah fuck, not now babe alright?” you then take his cock out of your throat, completely over this man.
“Clearly. I’ll be downstairs with lily and eunbi.”
She maintains her cool, closing the door and quickly leaving downstairs. The mentions of her 2 daughters with Jungkook making you feel a bit of shame. Especially since lily is only 6 and eunbi is 4. 
“Sorry about that baby, alright let’s get back to it. Missed your touch already.” His words are poison. You want to please him more. You want to be all over him so bad, but not like this.
It’s been 6 long months of being married to Jungkook after a year of fooling around. You think of how young you are, only 22. Is the rest of your life really going to be days filled with this man? This 36 year old, beautiful man you love so much. What if you reach 35 just like his wife, would he still love you?
“Baby?” his voice brings you out of your thoughts.
“I’m tired, I think we should get some sleep. Plus I’m sure they need you right now.” you quickly get up and put your nightgown on, not caring that his dick was still hard and waiting for you.
“Hey? Baby we been over this. I know this situation is hard but I love you so much. I love my kids, I love you, and I love our little one coming soon.” His tattooed hand caresses your tummy, you both have been having unprotected sex the past month, so you both are sure you’re pregnant. He’s cum inside of you way too many times for you not to be.
“What about her?” you chirp out sadly.
“Baby. You know it’s just for the kids. She’s still my wife, and I still care for her deeply but-“ you cut him off before he could speak more.
“But what? But you still give her kisses? But you still take her out in dates with the girls, having this picture perfect family life, but you still sleep by her side, but you still have sex with her.”
you let out what you wanted to let out for a while. You know you’re at fault for this too, but you can’t help it. You fell in love.
“I hardly even kiss her! I do when we’re around people who know we’re married maybe. I take her out with our kids because they deserve to have family memories. It doesn’t matter if I sleep by her side because you’re all I think about. And the few times I did have sex with her which only been twice these past 6 months I used condoms because I only want to feel you. She can’t even make me cum! You agreed to this, remember that.”
He was raising his voice a bit, already having his pajama pants on. You didn’t care with what he had to say, you didn’t care for his excuses you were just upset at everything. Upset at him, upset at his wife, upset at yourself, upset with the world.
“It doesn’t matter Jungkook if you use condoms or if it was a few times, It’s the way you have sex with her too! Soft slow romantic and all of that shit and what do I get? I get fucked like a whore. And yes I love it but I also want you to love me more. Be romantic with me too. Stop being romantic with her and start focusing on me. Please I can’t do this anymore.”
Tears starts to escape your eyes, you really couldn’t do it anymore. You were falling apart. Everything would be good if she was just out of the picture.
You didn’t hear Jungkook say anything, you just felt his large muscular arms wrapped around your small weeping frame.
“I love you. I love you so much and I’m sorrry.” you let him try to comfort you, because yet again you let the love you have for him take over you.
“Sorry isn’t enough Jungkook. I love you too, and I never want to stop loving you but I can’t be second place anymore. Please. Please I can’t do this.” you sob into his chest.
The night ended on a good note surprisingly. He reassured you and comforted you to the max. He told you everything was going to be okay, he told you it was all going to be over soon. That it would just but you two and the kids, including the one inside you. He slept by your side, holding you so close. Kissing you and coddling you, showing you so much love.
Your night ended amazing, while on the other hand.. Yunah’s morning was depressing but expected. Sadly. She woke up alone, with divorce papers on her nightstand. She walked around the huge house that will no longer be hers. She saw that her daughters were already at school, taken by their father. She catches you in the bathroom upstairs, with a pregnancy test in your hand. You didn’t notice her, too focused on the 2 lines on the test. She didn’t need to be close to see the 2 bold red lines.
You were too caught up in the moment, that you’re pregnant. You’re going to have a child of your own, with your husband who is now all yours. You do feel bad, but you’re now finally in first place.
Hi guys!! 💌 I have a fic for y’all finally omg this was so messy 😭 like the story is messy the characters are messy like it’s just a mess but it was honestly fun writing. I’m thinking of writing some major like.. crazy plot type fics, idk if I should focus more on plot of smut.. I try both but sometimes it gets hard :( but anyway another yapping from me, im going to listen to lana and kali uchis to inspire more fantasy idea to write about hehe 💋🎀
- belle 🩰
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lollipopliccer · 4 months
𝔘𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱m𝔞𝔰 𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢 ❦
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❦ warning lollipop chaos ahead proceed with caution...❦ soft dom nanami , set in a cabin , sex on the floor , praise , daddy kink , pet name usage , whiny reader , impact play . no matter your height or weight , nanami is taller and can bench you like a feather , idgaf .
word count ; 2.9k
black fem reader (still all can read)
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lollipopliccer’s love note ❦ ... hiiii this is the first fic i'm writing, AAAAEEEE i'm so excited, & ofc my first fic is gonna be with nanami... this is me coping the best i can, cus when i tell you... its on site with gege akutami, ooooo. (ಡ᎔ಡ) anywayyy this fic is for me to live in my delusions, because in my mind nanami is alive & thriving and gege can suck it blehhhh. also my use of lowcase letters in some instances, (like when i type 'i', or when i make reference to nanami's nickname (kennie)) this is purposeful. in addition this is gonna b prt 1 cus this was long as hell (i wanted my debut to be perfect eeeee) okay byee and enjoyyy ❦
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"No Kento the tree is all wrong, i want the tassels to sit that way and the bloody balls are wonky... no nanamiii, you can’t put all the pink balls next to each other" you whine at your man.
Nanami looks pointedly at you, so you check that tone, which he has reprimanded you on, more times than you can count, but you just love how nice it is to boss him around. Such a patient and caring man, he knew how tired his precious girl was from a full day of shopping for all the Christmas decorations (that naturally he paid for), and organising the Christmas celebration for the next week. so of course he made you sit down on the couch while he made you both hot cocoa and brought your fave choco chip cookies, and peppermint candy-cane treats. Even though you repeatedly protested, wanting everything to be perfect, he wasn't going to hear a word:
"Honey, you're going to sit on the couch. i will bring us both hot coca, then you're going to tell me exactly how you want this cabin decorated."
"Do you understand y/n?"
"Hmph yes Nanami"
"Thank you my sweet girl"
"Oh go away" you beam smiling.
You were stubborn by nature, but Nanami always knew how to take care of you and how to get you to relax for him, pliant to his demands. It was easy to let Nanami take control of the decorations while you sat so pretty for him and demanded, and whined, about the hanging of the stockings being too crooked, or how the phat tree that reached the ceiling of the living room, wasn't giving the right vibes in his elegant holiday cabin, that he asked you to celebrate Christmas with him in. Nanami was perfectly content to fix it all to your desires.
"Baby i think you've rested enough, would you like to help me decorate the tree?"
"AAAAA YES!" you squeal, as you jump up to go and help decorate the tree with your lover. But you can't help but notice how the tree seems to tower over you, as it seems that Nanami’s sheer height has created the illusion of it being normal-sized. You almost swoon.
"EEEEE that's perfect Kento, okay you have to make sure the pink star is placed at the very centre, or else i will legitimately die"
"Tch" Nanami rolls his eyes, but you still catch his smile peeking through, completely enamoured by you.
The cabin was breathtaking, even better than you could've imagined, with Nanami taking the time to ensure everything was as you wanted. Oh, how he made your heart swell.
"Do you like it, baby?" Kento asks you with genuine uncertainty as if you're not literally at a loss for words. He pulls you into a hug, holding you as you rest your head on his chest feeling completely content.
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"kennie..." you whisper, "you make me so fucking happy." You can feel him bring your bodies so close together, your proximity to him makes you grow restless- nuzzling your head into his neck. You're welcomed with a wave of his cologne, filling the air with its sensual, rich woody scent. Oh, how he intoxicates you.
"i'm glad to hear that my love." he replies, while you take the time to appreciate him by kissing down his neck, trying your best to mark him just a little bit. Even though Nanami tried to avoid visible hickey marks around his neck, he can’t help but respond with a hiss, sucking in his breath in anticipation of you. He can't blame you, he would never blame his princess, not when you just get so desperate for him; Making it so hard for him to keep his composure.
"Baby, i should feed you first, hmm? You haven't eaten all day and i know you're exhausted from shopping."
You hold Nanami tighter, almost clambering up him like a tree, getting needier and needier for him as he carries you with ease, whilst kissing his neck earning a little moan from your man "mmmno kennie i want you to play with me, hold me please" as you brushed your chest against his.
Holding and caressing your face, how could he deny you, "Sweetheart..." he utters with both your faces so close to each other. The peppermint engulfs him, making his mind run frenzied with filthy, tempting thoughts of all that he could do to you.
"Please daddy," you whine as you run your pretty acrylic nails (that he paid for ofc) through his golden, luscious hair "i promise i'm okay, kennie i swear, i just need you". Even though Nanami is usually the first to say what you need, you know just as well what makes him weak for you.
Kento already losing his resolve, completely melts you into a kiss. It starts off slow, and sensual, but it is intense- oh how it turns you to goo, butterflies fluttering all around.
The kiss grows in intensity as you both grow needy, feeling him through your matching shorts. You try frustratingly to rut against his dick which makes you gasp and whine, but Kento's having none of that whining, biting your lip in retaliation. His princess is going to be good and patient for him, just as he likes.
"I've got you baby, hold on to me okay", he brings you both down onto the carpet, next to the fireplace, right under the Christmas tree. At this angle, you're able to feel him consume you, and how his hard cock rubs your swollen, aching clit over your shorts, you can practically feel his tip already leaking with precum. It's so hard to control yourself when you're with him, he takes such good care of you, and it simply makes you want him inside of you constantly.
"Pleasee" you whine as Nanami grinds against you and kisses you like he's starving, you can hardly breathe. Trying to keep up, you can't help but grab and pull his hair, his top, his pj bottoms, fucking anything-
You whine, trying to get him as close to you as possible, but it's never close enough,
"Patience princess", he begins kissing down your neck, and this makes you melt, surrendering to his control. "That's it baby, mmm i've got you, just gotta be patient for me. Daddy' s going to take care of you, promise." Nanami soothes, though his words do anything but calm you, you moan demanding more.
All control leaves you, feeling a sudden heat as you whine and pant, craving more. Nanami, usually so put together, is losing his composure to the point his throbbing dick aches just at the thought of his tip feeling your warm, sloppy pussy. But he never rushes, no he is thorough, and meticulous in all that he does for you, he will work you till you're fucking broken. A fucking mess.
"What did i just tell you, mmm baby?, i want you to be patient for me, my pretty girl thinks she can be good for me?” *bite*
"Ahhh, yes daddy" you moan, wincing from the mild pain of Nanami's bite on your neck, tethering him to you.
You know how good he rewards you when he has his way with you, how he makes you fucking drool all over him, oh you want it so bad.
"That's my girl, pull your shorts down." As he does the same with you, you watch his body and how he's decorated with your hickeys, his beautifully built body, towering over you. And as he takes down his matching pj bottoms you can see the print of his throbbing bulge, leaving a wet spot from where his impatient tip is begging to be wrapped in your tight, warm pussy.
He knows his demand makes you think he's going to fuck you stupid on his cock, that is always a struggle to take, but he knows what's best, he knows he's going to work you rigorously, till you go dumb for him, his pathetic little slut- he'll scoop you right up and feed you full...
Nanami will have you at his pace. Will work you at his pace. That's when he cradles your head into such a deep kiss, stroking your tongue with his, having your saliva mix together - so messy. So dirty. He watches as a string of spit appears between the two of you as you pull apart; he can't help but push his two fingers past your soft lips.
Without hesitation, you take his fingers into your mouth, coating them with your saliva. You just want to show him how you'll take anything for him, how perfect you are for him, how happy he makes you.
"That's it baby" he praises as you start moaning on his fingers like a starved slut, while he squeezes and lightly strokes your thighs with his other hand. You start moving your hips trying to get him to touch you where you need, oh where you need him so badly, it fucking aches, "daddy, it aches please, please touch me", you mumbled. You look up at him, to watch how his eyes are hung low, yet so intense, and his soft lips, glistening with your last kiss, have you hypnotised. Completely enchanted by you, he won’t make you wait much longer, he never wants to make his baby suffer.
Nanami brought his fingers out of your mouth, while he gripped your plump thighs and he couldn't help but take a bite. Licking and marking you so close to where you needed him. He knew you couldn't take it, he knew how he drove you fucking crazy. It was punishment, punishment for making him so easily swayed as his lady, his soon-to-be wife. The way you mewled and whined made his fingers itch to stuff your pretty little mouth again, his fixation on them was maddening. But he's made you wait long enough, he won't toy with you, not when he has to touch you, feel you, or he might burst.
"So fucking greedy" he chastises, whilst gently bringing his wet fingers down to spread your soaked lips apart so that his middle finger lightly brushes against your clit. You gasp at his touch, igniting your whole body, while Nanami watches intently, taking you in completely; "m'not" you whine,
he leans over you while his fingers take the wetness, only slightly dipping inside, to tease your needy little hole for him to toy with your throbbing clit.
"No baby?" Both of you face-to-face, he circles around your sensitive clit - you gasp and moan, for Nananmi to be right there ready to have you, holding his mouth so close to yours while you struggle just to take his fingers on that tender clit. You move your hands into his hair once again feeling so soft beneath your fingers, making him tingle while he feels your pretty nails tug.
"No kennie, i only wanna please you". Nanami responds to you by sliding his fingers into your soaked pussy, having your wetness give off a little squelch in his motions. This forced a whimper out of you, so soft, so fucking whiny "that's right baby, you're my sweet. girl. aren't you? So. good. for me. isn't that right?" Punctuating each beat of his words with the stroke of his perfectly fitted, long digits that always reach where you need them most, places where you could never get, places that get you so needy and impatient for more, that you begin clutching his shoulders, digging those pretty nails down his back, just how he needs.
"Nghhahh ken-, fuck daddy aah"
"Answer me." he reprimands, smacking your sore, marked-up thigh, once again making you remember how he's trained you, his perfect princess.
"m'sorry, daddy" you're panting - trying so hard to stay focused, trying not to lose it so quickly, so pathetically, just from a few pumps of his fingers in your sloppy pussy, his pretty pussy. "Yes daddy, i'm only good for you, only you kennie" you mewl.
Nanami, gives into you completely, enveloping you in a passionate kiss, bringing your tongues together, stroking against each other. He mirrors the curve and dips of his tongue with his fingers, bringing his thumb to your clit disciplining you like his perfect slut, while he plays with your little bundle of nerves, just how he wants. While he curves his fingers to find the spot, oh that spot that makes you lose your fucking mind, that you can no longer kiss him how you want, so hard for you to keep up. You've given in to him, so pliant for him to play with. You sob, gripping and clutching even harder onto his back, making him hiss and moan in pain. You can both feel his bulge grow impossibly hard, oozing precum on your plush thighs that begin to shake.
"Sshhh baby, i've got you, daddy's got you mmm,"
"nngh ahh kennie i can't, please... ohhh ffuck" you sob rolling your head back and arching your back so pretty for him
"i know baby, i know, but you're gonna take it for me, won't you?" Nanami brings his other hand to pull and hold you down so you're laid out for him, putting some pressure on your pelvis so you feel what he's doing with you more intensely.
Your pants, your moans, whines, Nanami soaks them all up, going straight to his throbbing cock, aching in pain. Wanting nothing more than to stuff you so fucking full, and coat you all over, with his cum, make his cum fucking leak out of you. So you're a drooling mess on his dick.
Alas, he is a patient man.
"Please, i can-nghh can't" you whimper, trying to hold his hand, to get him to slow down, even just a little, just to take it a little easy on your aching pussy.
"Move your hand." he says it so sternly it makes you almost fucking orgasm squeezing your knees together and mewling like a fucking slut. Nanami immediately slaps you (softly whilst still stern), the sting making your eyes prick with tears immediately making you regret your actions,
"Daddy m'sorry" you sob, all while he doesn't let up from fucking your sore little pussy with his fingers. Make you take them without complaint because that's how good girls behave. He separates and holds your thighs apart warning you,
"If you try that shit again honey, i will hurt you, do you understand?"
"Yes sir" you whimper, averting your eyes from him and biting your lip to still try and muffle your moans
"Look at me y/n... there's my sweet girl" as he removes his hand holding your thighs to stroke your face, bringing his thumb to your mouth-
“-Suck baby", and of course, his thumb is in your mouth without a second thought. you suck and moan on his thumb so pretty, while his other hand toys with you. Unrelenting, firm and yet still soft, Nanami holds and fucks you like the most delicate slut, his only slut.
"Daddy- fuckkkmngh ahh" Nanami can feel your pretty pussy clench around his fingers, gripping him in so perfectly so that he finds that little spongey spot, that only he gets. At this point, you're already a blubbering mess, but once he starts to stroke up on your g-spot- so deep. so firm. you feel as though you're going to fucking combust. You grip his arm so firm you almost try and wiggle away, Nanami has gotten you so sensitive it's almost hard to take
"i know baby, fuck, i know..." he softly whispers in your ear, as your eyes roll to the back of your head, your mouth falling agape whilst his thumb is still on your lips, causing some drool to pool down your cheek. You look so beautifully fucked. Nanami is holding on by a thread to not flip you over and genuinely fuck your brains out, he wants to make you come over and over, one after the other, but he will never rush, he is a thorough man.
"... you'll take it for me though, i know you can baby" he softly groans, whilst rutting his pulsing dick on your thighs slightly, his tip so pretty turning red whilst it gently hits the flush of your thighs, angry and throbbing.
"Oh my god aaa fu-kennie! daddy aa-" Your legs start twitching, white borders building as you start tearing up from pleasure. You quickly bring your arms around Kento holding on to him, begging him not to stop, he couldn't possibly do such a thing, he wants you fucking cum drunk.
"I've got you baby, let go, come for me mmm," he says after kissing your forehead so softly, while your hips buck and your body twitches, you're barely coherent, blubbering and begging to cum.
"There's my good girl, you're going to cum on my fingers" keeping his fingers firm and steady, curving into your tight little fucking pussy, while circling your puffy clit so perfectly. You clutch and keen onto Nanami, leaving marks all over him that sting so badly. You look so wildly desperate to simply fuck yourself till all your thoughts are on him alone. But it's when Nanami begins biting and marking you down your neck- exacerbating your pleasure, making you tingle all over as your nipples perk up. Your head falls back to expose yourself to him, moaning and whining to his surrender "Daddy-" you whine "I'm gon- gonna cum" as you finally cum undone, spiralling- you sob wantonly, cumming with a loud whimpering cry.
Having all your pleasure gush onto Nanami, as he fucks your mess back into you slowly which makes you hiss from overstimulation.
"Sshh baby, you made a mess all over daddy, can't have it all go to waste mmm? i have to fuck it all back inside, gotta take care of you mm" he whispers down into a kiss holding you in place while you whimper... so fucking sensitive…❦
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darnell-la · 1 month
Stepdad - Eddie Munson
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pairing: stepdad!eddie munson x badgirl!reader
warning: step-family sex, age gap, stuffed animal holding (I swear, it's not what you think!), hair pulling, choking, spanking during sex, orgasms, creampie, gripping, begging, loud sex, rough sex, etc.
3rd person pov
Y/n and Eddie didn’t get off great when they first met. They always had arguments and said backhanded things about each other. Their mother couldn’t fix it, but the more it happened, the more y/n realized her mother didn’t care.
Her mother has never been nice to her. She took custody knowing y/n would get along better with her father than her mother, yet she doesn’t care about that either.
After y/n’s father died, the relationship died completely between her and her mother. Her mom knew that and went out to find someone she could finally care about.
Eddie Munson is the lucky man she found, and well, he feels like he isn’t so lucky. Yes, he loved y/n’s mom at first, but after he noticed the way she treated and talked about y/n, he fell out of it.
The only reason why he’s in the very house right now, sitting on the couch and watching a movie while his wife gets dressed, is because he felt like he couldn’t leave y/n.
Her first thought was that his feelings towards y/n were feelings he’d have if he had his own kids, but the older she got, the more he noticed.
The dating. Her clothes. Her phone contacts. Her friends. The parties. How she spoke. How she matured. Everything hit him at once it seemed.
“Hey, babe! I’m almost done getting ready. Are you sure you don’t want to come along!?” Y/n’s mom yelled downstairs from upstairs.
As she and Eddie yelled back and forth at each other, y/n got herself ready. Whenever her mom goes out, y/n sneaks out. I mean. She’s almost a full adult and the drinking age will be legal soon. She refuses to sit back and wait.
“Y/n, I’m leaving!” Her mom yelled outside the door then walked off to go downstairs. “Make sure she doesn’t annoy you all night,” Y/n’s mom told Eddie before giving him a peck.
“Oh, she won’t. She’s always in her room anyways,” Eddie said before talking about a few things with Y/n’s mother until she finally left.
“Aye, y/n!? You hungry!?” Eddie asked, standing in front of the stairs. “No!” Y/n yelled back, still touching up her makeup. She’s always overdramatic when she walks out of the house.
“Oh, well, okay,” Eddie slightly felt hurt by the way she always answered him. She doesn’t mean to, after years of living in this household, she feels like everyone’s against her.
Y/n quickly got finished before sneaking out of her second-story window. It’s always a hassle, but she got it and she knows she can sneak through the back window when she comes back because Eddie will be asleep by then as always.
“Hey, y/n! Why don’t you come down and watch a movie! I know it’s a bit late, but I think we should, I don’t know, hang out more!” Eddie suggested at the bottom of the stairs, hoping she’d say yes but she never answered.
“C’mon, y/n, we should really get along more! Your mom’s gone. Maybe I’ll let you have a sip of my beer or something,” Eddie suggested anything at this point, but she still didn’t answer.
Eddie slowly made his way upstairs with a sigh, talking to himself to rehearse what he what to say to her. She’s basically her daughter, and they never talk. He hates not seeing her.
“Sweetheart, c’mon. Don’t leave ya old man hanging,” Eddie said outside of her door. “Y/n, seriously,” Eddie knocked before placing his hand on the handle to open the door but it was locked.
“Hey, what did I and your mother discuss? No more locked doors,” Eddie said which he didn’t totally agree with, but she was not answering him, making him panicked.
Eddie wasted no time to push the door open with his strength and then grow a shocked look across his face. “Y/n!?” Eddie shouted out, hoping she was hiding in the room until he saw that her window was open.
“Son of a bitch,” Eddie cussed as he pulled his cheap phone out of his pocket. It took him a while, but he got to the tracking app he downloaded his phone and secretly hid on hers with her mother’s permission.
“Who the fuck-“ Eddie cut himself off, noticing she was in a familiar rich neighborhood. He hasn’t stepped foot in that neighborhood since Steve moved. He’s not welcomed there by certain people.
“And who are you?” An older voice said behind y/n, making her jump a bit. “Oh, hey. I’m, uh, my name's y/n,” she stuttered as she placed her 4th cup of the night down.
“Aren’t supposed to be drinkin’, hm?” The man asked, making her blush in slight fear and embarrassment. She hated it when people noticed her age. She only has a year to go.
“Aw, don’t worry. This is my party anyway. I’d go to jail if I called the cops to come get you,” he said. Yn sighed in relief before picking her back up and holding a small conversation with him.
He seemed nice, but she knows older people’s intentions when they hold conversations with kids they’ve never seen or talked to before.
“Where’s your boyfriend tonight?” Jason asked. He gave him her name a few minutes ago when he started bragging about his golden days in high school. “I don’t have one,” she awkwardly smiled.
“Well, isn’t that something,” he smirked down at her as he took a sip of his beer. “Why is that? Daddy won’t let ya?” He asked. “Stepdad, and no, that’s not why. I just- I don’t like immature boys,” she said, making Jason chuckle.
“Hm, really? Want someone older?” He asked. “Kinda, yeah,” she admitted. “That’s called daddy issues, princess,” Jason said as he leaned toward her. She didn’t notice because she was giggling to herself. After all, he knows he isn’t wrong.
“I can help you with that, you know?” He said, not inches from her face. “Oh,” she said, growing shy. She hasn’t been hit on a man this close before. This is different than the other times.
Y/n went to speak, but she focused on a man at the front door. It’s her stepdad. “H-Hey, I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Y/n said before quickly speeding off towards the stairs.
As soon as she took her eyes off of Eddie, it was like his eyes quickly connected to her figure walking upstairs. He knew she had seen him. She looked in a rush to get up.
As Eddie looked around, he heard a familiar voice call out y/n’s name. At first, he’d thought it was one of y/n’s friends maybe, but when he noticed who it was, his blood boiled.
Jason Carver was talking to his stepdaughter. What a creep. He’s always gotten what he wanted back then. He’s always gotten what Eddie wanted…
Eddie quickly stormed upstairs, wasting no time barging into every room there was until he saw y/n trying to climb out a window in this kid's room.
He knew this house was familiar. Jason had kids with Chrissy, but they’ve recently divorced, so their kids moved from one house to the other.
“Nah uh,” Eddie said as he got ahold of y/n and pulled her in. Y/n sighed in anger, angry that she’d finally been caught. “What the hell are you thinking!?” Eddie shouted.
“Was just having fun,” y/n rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. “Having fun? At a grown man’s house!?” Eddie yelled at her as she continued to give attitude-like looks.
“You’re not my real dad, so you have no say in my life,” Y/n said with full confidence. Eddie completely stopped talking, surprised at her words at first. He knew she always felt like that, but he wasn’t ready for it to come out of her mouth.
“You’re right. I'm not, but I’m still trying to protect you, and this is not safe. We’re leaving,” Eddie demanded as he went to grab y/n’s wrist, but she pulled back and slapped his hand away.
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me. I’m staying here whether you like it or not,” y/n said, staying her ground against her stepfather. “Oh, is that so?” He asked, making her nod her head.
“If you stay and drink more than you already have. I can spell the damn liquor. Then whatever happens to you, is not my fault. I warned you,” he said, hoping she’d get scared about a possible situation, but she’s not a kid anymore.
“Okay? Not like you cared anyways,” Y/n said. “What are you even talking about!? I’ve always cared for you but you make it so fucking hard to! You always bitch around and leave after a minor agreement that you started!” Eddie yelled in her face.
Y/n’s face instantly changed, as well as her attitude. Hearing that come from Eddie is making her feel bad because it’s true. She pushes away.
“Whatever,” y/n said as her eyes teared up a bit. “No, there’s no whatever! There’s never a whatever! I’m trying to fix us, and you’re just letting it die! Stop letting shit die with people who care for your y/n!” Eddie grew angry.
He’s been wanting to say things for years, but he felt that it was inappropriate because she’s not his daughter.
“Eddie, just leave me alone,” Y/n said as she turned her body to leave, but Eddie got in her face before backing her up to a bed in the room as he kept going.
“You’re always leaving. Always avoiding arguments. You’re stuck up and a fuckin’ brat. You’re an adult but a little fucking brat,” Eddie said as y/n leaned her upper body back as Eddie’s got closer.
“I just-“ y/n tried saying but Eddie shut her up by grabbing her face with a hand. “Shut the fuck up!” Eddie yelled loudly. So loud, it made her ears ring and the room echo.
“I’m done with your shit. Your mom never does anything about this fucking attitude,” Eddie spoke after a few seconds of silence. “Well, I am,” Eddie added before pushing Y/n’s body hard, making her fall on the bed behind her.
“Hey, what the fuck,” Y/n said as she tried leaning back up, angry that he put his hands in her. “What did I say!?” Eddie yelled again, making y/n look up at him. The view she saw, widened her eyes.
“Eddie,” Y/n said low as she watched him continue what he was doing. He quickly pulled his belt off of the straps and then threw them right next to y/n on the bed before messing around with his jeans.
“Eddie?” Y/n asked, hoping he’d answer and maybe calm down at her low and calm voice. “No speaking,” Eddie said as he pulled his pants and boxers down, just enough for his cock to fall out.
Usually when y/n has sex with a boy, their cocks jump and slap against their lower stomach. Eddie’s fell out from his big and heavy he is.
“Eddie, what the fuck are you doing? What- What are you thinking!?” Y/n panicked at the sudden feeling of being trapped in mixed emotions and in a room with her stepdad.
“Spread,” Eddie demanded as he looked down at his stepdaughter. “What!? Hell no,” y/n said as she got up but he pushed her right back down with a sigh and eye roll.
“Spears your fucking legs. Now!” He seemed more serious this time, but y/n couldn’t just give herself up to him. Her stepdad.
Y/n quickly turned around to crawl off the bed, but he quickly grabbed her ankles and pulled her back. She tried grabbing things to hold on to, but the big stuffed animal didn’t help her.
“Told you. Avoidance,” Eddie said under his breath as he forced y/n to her knees on the bed then pushed her back down, making sure her ass was nice and spread in the air as her face was smudged against the teddy bear.
“How come you don’t dress like this around me?” Eddie chuckled before ripping y/n’s fishnets right where her panties stuck out. Now he has a clear view of her cunt barely firing in her tight panties.
“Does your mom know about this? Because I don’t think she’ll take too lightly of her daughter being a little whore,” Eddie’s words should bruh y/n, but they didn’t. She was taking it all in.
“I bet you’ll start crying like you always do,” y/n could hear the smirk on Eddie’s mouth as his top rubbed up and down her clothes lips until he finally decided to rip them apart.
“Jessie Christ,” Eddie groaned under his breath as he reached out to wipe his fingers along her folds. “So wet,” he spoke before putting his fingers in his mouth and sucking. “And sweet,” he added.
“Eddie, I don’t think we should be-“ y/n tried speaking until a hard slap came down on her ass, making her cry out loud. “What the fuck did I say? Shut. The fuck. Up,” Eddie grabbed y/n’s hair to pull her back and whisper those words in her ear.
“Don’t make me hurt you,” he said then pushed her back down. Y/n whined low, knowing she couldn’t say anything right now, or he’d definitely hurt her, but she knew he would make sure she got some fun out of it.
“Let’s see if my cock fits in this pretty pussy,” Eddie spread y/n’s right cheek wide until her hole opened a little for him to see and scan how he should enter her.
Before she knew it, his top finally pushed at her entrance. “Mhm,” y/n moaned as she jerked at the feeling of being stretched so slowly. “P-Please,” y/n begged, not knowing if she’d be able to take him all.
“Y/n,” Eddie spoke her name to warn her, she she quickly got the sign before he forced his way all the way inside of her. “Fuuuck!” Eddie groaned loudly as he threw his head back.
“So tight,” Eddie grunted as he pulled back slowly, watching his stepdaughter's cunt wrap tightly around him, trying not to let him go. “Fuckin’ suckin’ me back in,” Eddie groaned before pushing back into her.
“Agh!” Y/n moaned loudly into the teddy bear. “Take it, baby,” Eddie said before thrusting his hips at a good paste, letting his little girl get used to him so he could finally ruin her.
“I knew this was what you wanted, baby. Always saw it in those slutty eyes,” Eddie spoke as he gripped y/n’s ass to pull her into him. The slapping and wet noises didn’t take long to fill the room.
“C-Can’t,” y/n whined as her legs began to shake. “What the fuck did I-“ Eddie cut himself if quickly, noticing he’s been giving her too many chances. He’s done with that.
Eddie quickly leaned to the side and grabbed the belt he had thrown to the side of her earlier. He wasted no time wrapping the leather and metal part around his hands before extending the belt and then bringing it down onto her ass.
“Ow!” Y/n cried out loud. She’s never been whooped before. “Shut it!” Eddie kept fucking into her as he slapped her ass with the cheap belt he’s always thought about using on her.
“You’ll never be too old to get spankin’,” Eddie said, bringing another slap down to her ass as she beg for him to stop. At first, she couldn’t handle it and wanted it all to stop, but after awhile few more spanks, she noticed how much the knot in her stomach got hard to hold.
“F-Fuck, Eddie, fuck!” She moaned loudly as she gripped the stuffed animal tightly and came all around his cock. “That’s it, baby, that’s it. Keep cumin’. Keep it comin’,” Eddie threw the belt away before gripping y/n’s waist to speed up his fuck.
Y/n’s stepdad threw his head back, breathing and huffing like an animal as his stepdaughter's ass clapped back onto his pelvis and lowers stomach, repeatedly.
“Oh god, Eddie,” y/n moaned as her cunt throbbed around his thick cock. “Call me daddy, y/n,” Eddie said, knowing it sounded wrong, but he had to. “Huh?” Y/n asked softly, still dizzy from the orgasm and also a bit shy to do such a thing to her actual stepdad.
“Call me daddy, sweetheart. Fuck, I need it. I fuckin’ need it, baby,” Eddie’s voice cracked and a few moans slipped from his mouth. He could feel himself right around the corner, and he needed to hear her before he came.
“D-Daddy,” y/n shyly moaned, making Eddie groan and grip her sides harder than before. “Fuck, y/n, more. I n-need more,” Eddie begged his own stepdaughter to call him daddy.
“Daddy, please,” y/n finally moaned loud enough for him to be satisfied. He was going to leave it at that before she kept going. “P-Please, Daddy, please,” she kept moaning. “Agh, fuck, y/n,” Eddie leaned over to grab the moaning girl's hair and arch her back enough for him to watch her ass clap back at him and see her facial expressions.
“Daddy, fuck!” Y/n shook again as her clit began throbbing out of control. “Fuck, y/n, fuck,” Eddie cussed before slamming deep into her throbbing pussy to fill her until there was nothing left.
“Ah, shit,” Eddie’s voice cracked as he fell slumped onto y/n’a back, slightly crushing her, but she had no problem with it. Feeling him still leak inside her as her pussy throbbed around his cock was one of the best things that’s happened to her tonight.
“Divorcing her, we move out, and we get together. I knew what kind of person she was years ago, but I couldn’t leave you. You’ve always been drown to me whether it was a little girl who needed help or a 20-year-old who needed a man to take care of her,” Eddie spoke before he lit y/n’s blunt that he rolled up for her in his car.
They decided to take a ride around the neighborhood until they came to a stop at this park to talk and smoke.
“I’m fine with that. I don’t like her anyways,” y/n admitted as Eddie chuckled and placed a hand on y/n’s lap. “You know, this is all daddy issues, right? There’s no way in hell I’d take you if it weren’t for that,” y/n joked, making Eddie laugh.
“Oh, yes you would have. You’d have no choice,” Eddie leaned into y/n with a smile before she leaned in herself to kiss him. The kiss felt like no other before to the both of them.
“You know how pretty you are?” Eddie asked in between their kiss. “How about you show me?” Y/n asked as she grabbed his joint and placed her and his down before quickly moving on top of him.
“Out here, princess? What if we get caught? I’m not gonna stop fuckin’ you,” Eddie warned. That already made her pussy throb. Again. “Then do it,” she challenged as she quickly pulled his heavy cock out and slid down onto him.
“Fuck,” she moaned low as Eddie threw his head back. “Gotta love or you’ll get stuck,” Eddie joked as he grabbed a hand full of y/n’s ass to pull her up and then push her back down.
“What if I wanna get stuck, Daddy?” She teased, as he shackled with a groan. “Don’t,” he said as he knee-bucked into her at the thought of her calling him that. He knows he shouldn’t like it, but he loves it so fucking much.
“Why not, Daddy?” She asked as she slowly leaned into his neck and began kissing and leaving bite marks. “Y-You’re mom, sweetheart,” Eddie made sure she knew the consequences.
“Fuck me in front of her. Who gives a shit,” y/n moved inches from Eddie’s lips with a smile as he smiled. “You’re such a bad girl,” Eddie pushed up into y/n, making her throw her head back with an eye roll.
“That’s what I need,” Eddie spoke as he grabbed one of the joints to take a few hits before passing it on to y/n. “I fuck a lot, so I need you to keep up,” y/n said, slightly triggering Eddie’s head.
“Oh, I will, but may I ask, who have you been fucking?” Eddie grabbed the joint from y/n’s hand so he could take his hits. He still doesn’t want his girl getting too high. She’s not at the legal age yet.
“Doesn’t matter now,” y/n said as Eddie kept the joint in his mouth and slowly snacked his hands up her body until he gripped her neck tightly. “You should have never told me,” Eddie said before using his free hand to lean his seat back.
Eddie moved y/n around and he got in a good position to fuck into y/n as she tried keeping her body up. “G-God,” y/n tried laughing it off, but the way his cock abused her inside made it hard.
“S-Slow down, fuck!” Y/n placed her hands on his chest but slipped and fell against him. Eddie gripped her and pulled her face to the side so he could keep the blunt in his mouth as he pounded up into her like he’d never done before.
“Think I can’t keep up now?” Eddie asked before laughing as y/n moaned in the crook of his neck. “Fuck, Daddy,” y/n tried teasing, but she’s in no position for that right now.
Eddie placed the joint down as he took a complete halt to his movements. Y/n’s stepdad roughly turned Y/n around and pushed her back onto the seat.
“Are you mad?” Y/n slightly giggled as Eddie came in between her legs and then slammed into her, causing her to scream loudly. He quickly covered his mouth because his car windows were down.
“Shut the fuck up,” he spoke, back in angry mode as he gripped y/n’s hair with his free hand and pulled her head back. “Agh!” Y/n moaned loudly as her eyes rolled back and her legs began to shake.
“Yeah,” y/n growled as he licked y/n’s cheek and down to her neck before sucking and leaving bite marks. Eddie groaned on her neck as y/n groaned into his palm and came around him again tonight.
The both of them couldn’t get enough of each other. Who knew something like this could happen to people who once couldn’t have a simple and normal conversation with each other.
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rosepresley68 · 29 days
They are together now, I'm sure of that.
"Do you think she's reunited with her father now?"
How beautifully poetic that sounds makes me very happy.
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slasherscream · 1 month
Jordan would call you: baby, babe, princess, mama
Things to call Jordan that make them melt: Jordie, tough girl/guy, lover boy/lover girl, tiger
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